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Business Law terminology :

Corruption: there is no universal definition; transparency

international defines it as the abuse of entrusted power for private
gain. Corruption characterizes a wide range of dishonest behaviors

It include bribery, kickbacks, extortion, fraud, collusion and money

laundering and other dishonest behaviors

No country is immune to corruption. Corrupt officials and illegal

behavior can be found throughout the world, including the most
developed countries

Bribery : bribery is perhaps the most well-known form of corruption

it is also the core target of most anti-corruption legislation bribery in
business is illegal , just it is in government and public organization a
business bribe typically occurs when a company or representative
gives money or financial considerations to another person to gain
favor or to manipulate business decisions of partners suppliers or
buyers bribery also can involve many different parties to a
transactions . The person who pays the bribe (the supply side) and
the person who receives it (the demand side). Both raise serious
ethical and legal issues. Bribe may take the form of any financial
inducement a gift or some other favour such as an offer of
employment to relatives illegally

Kickbacks: a payment made to someone who has facilitated a

transaction or appointment especially illicitly

Extortion: the practice of obtaining something especially money

through force or threats

Fraud : the action of deceiving someone in order to obtaining

property fraud is most common in the buying or selling of property
Collusion : secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in
order to cheat or deceive others

Money laundering : the concealment of the origins of illegally

obtained money typically by means of transfers involving foreign
banks or legitimate businesses the main stage in the process is
placement and this stage involves the physical movement of
currency or other funds derived from illegal activities to a place or
into a form that is less suspicious to law enforcement authorities

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