BF 02196496

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T . I* K o g a n ,UDC 517.948

To solve a.~llne~r hmctioc=zlr

P.(x) t o , ~ (~)
where P(x) is =Continuous thrlc~=dR~ferentiable ~.srzto~ (i~ the sense o f . . ~ ) - ~ o m a space of type
B i~to a normed space, we Consider the iterationprocess
=.,==,- ~(=.). [ (z)
H e r e Un == p,(x n - s/= ra p {xn ) ), rn = ip, (xn)l'S (n == o, t . . . . ) . Conditions of convergence of the
p r ~ s s and su~icie~t c0ndltions ~ r the existence 0~ a solution are established by t~e foiio~':~ theorem:
~HEORE~! 1.. Let the folb:~wing co~dltions belsaSsHed:.-
1). For an initial~pp~'oxtmatiOn x~ there exists an operator r ~ = [l~,(x~)l'saml a l~own estimate

I = - =,1 ~;~..5s,,;,; (3)

The~ Eq~(1) has in the dbmain (3) a solution:x*, to wl~ch ~ sequence {xa}~ converges, and

l~...oof. We sbv, ~vb~ pa~sia~ f~cm x 0 to x; t~e C.c~dRions })-5) are preseryed, In the s a m e
~zay as:ln tho l~roof of-the c0nvergex, oe o~ Newton,s p r v c e s s (see {1|). w.e get that

+ 9

L e . I ) t s s ~ t t s f l e d t'~r X~. Al~ptymg the analog of ~aylor~s formula for P ( x O :


~-=~+e(z,-..). o<e~;t. ~.==--u.-,P(~.

=~d uz~ug


z=~-'Vre, F~(z,L o~o,.~t. ~=--%.r~(z,).

O~i~'L-~alarticle submRted February 28. 1966.

we g e t tlmt~
9IP (~) l ~ [K:Bd (2 - - g ) + Ll4 § ~/./3(2 - - ~,)t]. B , ~ ' l (2 " g ) .

- Fi~om t h i s by e ~ d i t i e m a 4) mad 5) of the t h e o r e m we b a r e

L e . 2 ) is satisfied..
= ,er~,~ = [ (2 ~-/,..) / ( 2 . 3 ~ p,eo~-2.5..~. ~+l (2 - - .~.: +.,~== 2.s. (2 -/,,,) / (2 - - 3~) ~.,~*

f~om which i t f~llowa that for x: c o n d i ~ m s 4) and 5) ~ e pre~-zwed. Condition 3) is a l s o s a t i s f i e d , s i n c e

The f__~'. Lkat. conditions 1) -5) a r e s a t i s f i e d p e r m i t s us t o coctinue the determLe.atiba o f the o : e m m t ~

x~ mad :he following n u m b e r s c o ~ e c L e d with them

.m, - - (2 - .~,;..,)/ (2 - ~ , ~ . ~ ) -e.,..,; (5)

: (2- ~.~)l(Z- s,~.,)t . * _ ~ : (6)

R e p e a t e d l y app!yin~ (e) aud (7). we get that

k., ,,~ 12~(2 -- , ~ ) / ( 2 - - ~ . ) " p " - , ' ~ , / " == ~ ' ~ , , ' . (9)
9 - 9 "11 ,,,

P r o m (10), using coediLions (9) and (4), we get tt~.~t

where rhea== 2.$(2~ h~)h~/(2- 3~)t-'/I.$:(2- h~)/(Z~-~) ~- I.

Applying (8), w e h a v e

!=,~-,*~l ~ I = ~ , - - :~+~,1 + - - - + I=.~--~,1

9 ~+z-a
,e,,,,-m ~ , . - d ( t -- ~.,,.,-d2) § , e , , d ( t -,. ~,.,,/2) ~ t ~ ,',~ e,,~.

e~c~tivety ~##t: ,,s) ~ t a x t ~ 4) into aocotmt, we set that

9e,, ~ t ( 2 - ,t,..)l (2 -.-, 3,r,.,)],.e,, .= $-B..

From (1.!) ~ '.he last ~ a l ~ l t ' , s it ronows that

e~,,i, < ..v,e.(,-h,,)c,'~-,~

from which

u=,,,,., ~.,,,e ~ ~ , ~ . ~ r • tel.)--" o~) ''§ + .,-+ ih,


From t h ~ itfoLlows that, the sequence x n is fUndamental,(C~uchT. ), znd-t,his means that there exists
I limit:

For p -, h-ore. (1.2) follo~'s (4).

F o r n : ' 0 f r c m (4) we have I x , - - x ~ ~ 2.5 Bowo, i.e., x* belongs to t ~ domain (3).

w~eget that P ( x * ) z 0 . i.e.,x* is ~ solv,ti,.~ of Eq.(1)~ The theorem is proven.

The a~r~tage of this itera~0n process Over the processes of'~ngent parabolas and hyperbolas
h a v ~ a speed 0f coavergence of the shine c~rdercow,sis in not having to calculatethe secondderivatives.
. , . . .

The process (2)i~ convenient to em.~!Gy instec~_dof Ne~onts method when calculatingP(x) is con-
sklerably m o r e complicated than calculating P'(z]-.

I. L . V . IC_a~torovi~h~ Fuac.tional A:nalys:is and Applied Mathematics. Usp. Matem. Nauk. No.6,
89-186 (1945).


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