Isolated Concrete Calculation Notes

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Column Dimensions Large side of post b= 0.65 m
Small side of the post a= 0.65 m
Stress of the steel used Fe = 355 MPa
Concrete constraint at 28 days Fc28 = 30 MPa
Service effort = G + Q Nser = 2 MN
Ultimate force = 1.35 G + 1.35 Q Nu = 2.7MN
Permissible stress of the soil Depends on the type of soil q.soil = 0.42 MPa
Calculation type (1) Homothetic edges, (2) Constant edge Type: 2
Cracking conditions (1) FP, (2) FTP Type: 1

Area approaching the airfoil ( Nu / q.sol ) S1 = 4.76 m²
Calculation of approximate dimensions Homothetic Edge =>
A1 = ( S1 x ( a / b )) ^1/2
B1 = ( S2 x ( b / a )) ^1/2 Edge A = 0.77 m
Constant Edge => Edge B = 0.77 m
Leading = [(( 4 x S1 ) + a² - 2ab + b² )^1/2 ) - a - b ] / 4 A1 = 2.18 m
A1 = a+( 2 x overflow ), B1 = b+( 2 x overflow ) B1 = 2.18 m
Choice of dimensions A>A1 A= 1.20 m
B>B1 B= 1.25 m
Minimum sole height If overflow > 15 cm => (( B - b ) / 4 ) + 5 cm
If overflow < 15 cm => ( 2 x overflow ) + 5 cm Min Ht = 0.20 m
Choice of the height of the sole Round Ht = 0.30 m
Calculation of useful height ( Ht - 5 cm ) d= 0.25 m

Control of permissible soil stress

Airfoil area (AxB) S= 1.50 m²
Self-weight of sole ( A x B x Ht x 0.025 ) Pp = 0.0113 MIN
Total load on the ground ( Nu + Pp ) N= 2.0113 MIN
Working stress on the ground (N/S) q' = 1.341 MPa
Control ( q' >q ) verified

Determination of tensioned steels

Tensile stress of concrete 0.6 + ( 0.06 x Fc28 ) Ft28 = 2.40 MPa
Tensile stress of steel FP = mini ( 2/3 Fe; max ( 1/2 Fe; 110 x (( h x Ftj )^1/2 )))
FTP = 0.80 x sst (FP ) sst = 215.56 MPa
Bottom sheet ( Nser / 8 ) x (( B - b ) / ( d x sst )) Ax // b = 27.84 cm²
Upper sheet ( Nser / 8 ) x (( A - a ) / ( d x sst )) Ay // a = 25.52 cm²
Choice of shopping areas Read in the steel table Ax =>
Ay =>
Based on the calculation note with yield strength of 355 Mpa, it has been found that the required quantity of rebar
is higher than the quantity specified by Petrofac. This implies that if the rebar with a lower yield strength is used, it
could lead to compromised structural integrity of the concrete structure. Therefore, it is not advisable to use rebar
with a yield strength of 355 Mpa, as it can potentially damage the concrete structure. It is imperative to use rebar that
matches the structural requirements and is in accordance with industry standards and regulations to ensure the safety.
And regulations to ensure the safety and durability of the concrete structure.

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