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Boosted Rotating Dyonic Strings in Salam-Sezgin Model

Liang Ma 1 , Yi Pang 1 and H. Lü 1,2

1 Center for Joint Quantum Studies and Department of Physics,

School of Science, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China

2 Joint
arXiv:2401.00042v1 [hep-th] 29 Dec 2023

School of National University of Singapore and Tianjin University,

International Campus of Tianjin University, Binhai New City, Fuzhou 350207, China


We show that the bosonic sector of the N = (1, 0), 6D Salam-Sezgin gauged supergravity
model possesses a T -duality symmetry upon a circle reduction to D = 5. We then construct
a simple magnetic rotating string solution with two equal angular momenta. Applying the
T -duality transformation to this solution, we obtain the general boosted rotating dyonic black
string solutions whose global structures and thermodynamic quantities are also analyzed. We
show that the BPS limit of this general solution preserves one quarter of supersymmetry by
directly solving the corresponding Killing spinor equations.


1 Introduction 3

2 T-duality symmetry of Salam-Sezgin model 4

2.1 Kaluza-Klein reduction to D = 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Global symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.3 String frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3 Rotating dyonic string solution 9

3.1 Magnetic seed solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
3.2 Generating the electric string charges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3 Black Hole thermodynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.4 A globally different solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4 Non-BPS and BPS extremal limits 15

5 Conclusions 17

1 Introduction

Six-dimensional supergravities admit many different gaugings and diverse vaccuum solutions.
For instance, the gauged N = (2, 2) supergravity model was achieved in [1]. Unlike maximum
supergravities in four, five and seven dimensions, the six-dimensional gauged N = (2, 2) super-
gravity model does not admit a maximally supersymmetric anti-de Sitter (AdS) vacuum. On
the other hand, the gauged N = (1, 1) supergravity constructed by Romans [2] does possess
supersymmetric AdS6 vacuum solutions, thus enjoying interesting applications in holography.
The 6D Romans’ theory can be obtained from massive type IIA supergravity from consistent
Pauli sphere reduction [3] and the corresponding AdS6 vacuum can be interpreted as a D4/D8-
brane configuration [4]. Gauged N = (1, 1) supergravity with general matter couplings was
obtained in [5].
In this paper, we study the simplest 6D gauged supergravity model with (1,0) supersym-
metry, namely the Salam-Sezgin model [6]. From ungauged supergravity point of view, the
minimum model contains a tensor and an abelian vector multiplet, in addition to the minimum
supergravity multiplet. Extensions of this model by coupling to more matter multiplets in a
way that is free of local anomalies were proposed in [7, 8]. (See also [9, 10].) One intriguing
feature of the Salam-Sezgin model is that it admits a half-supersymmetric Minkowski4 × S 2
vacuum, where the S 2 is supported by the magnetic dipole charge carried by the U (1) vector
field, together with the dilaton potential. It was later found that such a vacuum can also
emerge in some variant N = (1, 1) gauged supergravities [11, 12]. Subsequently, a large class
of gauged supergravities with Minkowski×sphere vacua were classified in [13].
Another intriguing feature of the Salam-Sezgin model is that for a vacuum to preserve
supersymmetry, the supertransformation of the gaugino leads to
1 1
(e 4 ϕ Fµν Γµν − 8ige− 4 ϕ )ǫ = 0 , (1)

which implies that preserving any amount of supersymmetry requires non-trivial U (1) flux Fµν .
By contrast, in ungauged theory with g = 0, it is preferable to set Fµν = 0 for the construction
of BPS solutions. Indeed, 41 -BPS dyonic string solution in Salam-Sezgin model [14] involves a
magnetic dipole charge of Fµν . Its non-extremal generalization was recently constructed in [15]
where the string charge lattice was also analyzed.
In this paper, we shall add angular momentum to the dyonic string and study their BPS
limit, generalizing the results of [14,15]. In six dimensions, a string solution has 4-dimensional
transverse space so that the rotation group is SO(4) with two independent orthogonal rotations.
However, owing to the necessity of involving the magnetic dipole charge, the construction of the
rotating solutions becomes more subtle. For the static solutions, the magnetic dipole charge has

the effect of squashing U (1) fibre over the S 2 base of the 3-sphere in the transverse direction.
We therefore consider only “two equal” angular momenta Ja = Jb so that the rotation occurs
only in the U (1) fibre direction, while the S 2 base space is preserved. This greatly simplify
the construction, but it can be still rather complicated if the target solution carries both the
electric and magnetic string charges associated with the 3-form field strength, magnetic dipole
charge of the 2-form field strength as well as both angular and boosted linear momenta.
Our breakthrough comes from the observation that the scalar potential of Salam-Sezgin
model takes exact the same form as the conformal anomaly term in non-critical strings [16].
It has the consequence that the T-duality symmetry at the level of supergravity Lagrangian is
still preserved in the Salam-Sezgin model. We find that the five-dimensional theory from S 1 re-
duction of the Salam-Sezgin model has a nonlinearly realized SO(2, 1)/SO(2) coset symmetry,
under which the three abelian vector fields, namely the Kaluza-Klein vector, winding vector
from Bµν and the vector descending directly from the 6D U (1) gauge field, form a triplet. We
give explicit global symmetry transformations of the SO(2, 1) acting on various fields. With
this T -duality symmetry, we are able to construct the boosted rotating dyonic string solu-
tions. The involvement of the magnetic dipole charges make the construction of a simpler
seed solution more complicated, since the usual Myers-Perry metric is no longer a solution.
Nevertheless, we overcome this problem and obtain the seed solution by direct construction.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we analyse the T-duality symmetry of
Salam-Sezgin model reduced on S 1 . We obtain the symmetry transformation rule and mani-
festly SO(2, 1)-invariant form in both Einstein and string frames. In section 3, we construct
magnetic rotating string solution as a seed solution and obtain the general boosted rotating
dyonic solutions. We find two globally different non-extremal solutions with different set of
thermodynamic rules. However, in section 4, we show that they give the same BPS limits and
we obtain the Killing spinors. We conclude our paper in section 5.

2 T-duality symmetry of Salam-Sezgin model

The Salam-Sezgin model in six dimensions is the minimum N = (1, 0) gauged supergravity.
The bosonic sector consists of the metric and matter fields (B(2) , A(1) , ϕ). The Lagrangian
is [6]

1 1 1 1 2 1
L6 = R − (∂ϕ)2 − eϕ H(3)2
− e 2 ϕ F(2) − 8g 2 e− 2 ϕ ,
4 12 4
F(2) = dA(1) , H(3) = dB(2) + F(2) ∧ A(1) . (2)


For convenience we omit the universal factor −g throughout the paper. Note that the
subscript (n) denotes the associated quantity is an n-form. This bosonic sector resembles
the noncritical bosonic string theory with the conformal anomalous term that admits pseudo-
supersymmetry [17].
In fact, the bosonic Lagrangian (2), on its own, can also be obtained from the seven-
dimensional noncritical string theory via the S 1 Kaluza-Klein reduction, after setting the
Kaluza-Klein and winding vectors equal to A(1) , which allows one to truncate out consistently
one combination of the two dilatonic scalars. Since the conformal anomaly in string theory
preserves the T-duality, the seven-dimensional noncritical string theory reduced on two torus
will have SO(2, 2) T-duality global symmetry. Setting one pair of Kaluza-Klein and winding
modes equal reduces the global symmetry to the diagonal SO(2, 1) ∼ SL(2, R). Thus the global
symmetry of the Salam-Sezgin model reduced on S 1 should have SO(2, 1) global symmetry.
We next derive the full set of symmetry transformation rules that is useful for our construction
of the rotating dyonic solution.

2.1 Kaluza-Klein reduction to D = 5

The standard Kaluza-Klein reduction ansatz of the Salam-Sezgin model (2) on S 1 associated
with x coordinate is

1 3
ds26 = e 2 ds̃25 + e− φ
(dx + Ã(1) )2 ,

3 2

′ ′
B(2) = B̃(2) + B̃(1) ∧ dx, A(1) = Ã′(1) + ψdx . (3)

For later purpose, it is advantageous to redefine the scalar field

1 2 1 2
ϕ − √ φ = √ φ1 , √ ϕ + φ = √ φ2 , (4)
3 3 3 3
and the form fields
Ã′(1) = Ã(1) + ψ Ã(1) , ′
B̃(1) = B̃(1) + ψ Ã(1) ,
′ 1 1
B̃(2) = B̃(2) + B̃(1) ∧ Ã(1) + ψ Ã(1) ∧ Ã(1) . (5)
2 2
The reduced five-dimensional theory in the Einstein frame becomes
1 1 1 √1 φ  0,2 2

5 = R̃5 − (∇φ1 )2 − (∇φ2 )2 − e 3 1 e−φ2 F̃(2) 2
+ eφ2 H̃(2) + F̃(3)
4 4 4
1 √23 φ1 2 1 φ2 − √1 φ
− e H̃ (3) − e (∇ψ) − 8g2 e 3 1 .
12 2
Here we define some shorthand notations

0 0 0 0 1
F̃(2) = F̃(2) + ψ F̃(2) , H̃(2) = H̃(2) + ψ F̃(2) + ψ 2 F̃(2)

0 1 0 1 0 1 0
H̃ (3) = H̃(3) − H̃(2) ∧ Ã(1) − B̃(1) ∧ F̃(2) + F̃(2) ∧ Ã(1) . (7)
2 2 2
Quantities with a superscript “0” denote close field strengths without Kaluza-Klein modifica-
tions, i.e.

0 0 0 0
F̃(2) = dÃ(1) , F̃(2) = dÃ(1) , H̃(2) = dB̃(1) , H̃(3) = dB̃(2) . (8)

2.2 Global symmetry

At the first sight, the two scalars (φ2 , ψ) form a complex scalar describing the coset of
0 , H̃0 ) form a doublet under the SL(2, R) global symmetry, but this
SL(2, R)/SO(2) and (F̃(2) (2)

does not fit the Kaluza-Klein modifications of the field strengths. Instead, we should treat
the scalar pair as the coset structure of the isomorphic SO(2, 1)/SO(2), with the three vector
fields forming a triplet under the SO(2, 1). To make this idea concrete, we introduce the 3×3
Cartan generator H, and the upper and lower triangular root generators E±
     
10 0 10 0 000
     
H = 0 1 0  ,
 E+ = 0 1 0  ,
 E− = 1 0 0 .
 (9)
0 0 −1 0 0 −1 010

They satisfy the algebra

[H, E± ] = ±E− , [E+ , E− ] = H . (10)

We can now parameterise the coset V

1 1
1 2 12 φ2
 
e 2 φ2 ψe 2 φ2 2ψ e
V = e 2 φ2 H eψE+ = 
 
, (11)
 0 1 ψ 
− 12 φ2
0 0 e

and define M = V T V. The kinetic term of (φ2 , ψ) can be expressed in a standard way by M,
1 1 1
Tr[(∂M−1 )(∂M)] = − (∇φ2 )2 − eφ2 (∇ψ)2 . (12)
8 4 2
We define a 1-form vector field triplet and its field strength
   
B̃µ 0
   
Bµ =  0
õ  , Hµν =  . (13)
 F̃µν

õ 0

The corresponding kinetic terms from an invariant bilinear construction are

0,2 2
HTµν MHµν = e−φ2 F̃(2) + eφ2 H̃(2) + F̃(2)
. (14)

The 2-form potential and its 3-form field strength are singlets under the SO(2, 1) global sym-
metry. In order to see that its Kaluza-Klein modification is indeed a singlet, we define a matrix
η = η −1
 
0 0 −1
V T ηV = η .
 
 0 1 0 ,
 (15)
−1 0 0
We can now express the three-form field strength manifestly as a singlet:
H̃ (3) = dB̃(2) + HT(2) ∧ ηB(1) .

With these, we can write the five-dimensional reduced theory (6) in a manifestly invariant
form, i.e.,
1 1
LE 5 = R̃5 − (∇φ1 )2 + Tr[(∂M−1 )(∂M)]
4 8
1 √1 φ 1 √2 φ 2 − √1 φ
− e 3 1 HTµν MHµν − e 3 1 H̃ (3) − 8g2 e 3 1 ,
4 12
1 T 
H̃ (3) = dB̃(2) + H(2) ∧ ηB(1) . (17)
It can be easily seen that the theory is invariant under the general SO(2, 1) global transfor-
mation S
M → M′ = S T MS , B(1) → B′(1) = S −1 B(1) , S T ηS = η . (18)

We can parameterize S by

S = S1 S2 S3 , S1 = et1 H , S2 = et2 E+ , S3 = et3 E− . (19)

Specifically, we have In finite version, the transformation matrix S is given by

     
et1 0 0 1 t2 t22 1 0 0
     
 0 1 0  , S2 = 0 1 t2  , S3 =  t3 1 0 .
S1 =       (20)
0 0 e−t1 0 0 1 2 t3 1

We can now give the explicit transformation rules of scalar fields {φ, ψ} and form fields
{B̃µ , õ , õ } from

M′ (φ′ , ψ ′ ) = S T M(φ, ψ)S, B′(1) (B̃µ′ , Ã′µ , Ã′µ ) = S −1 B(1) (B̃µ , õ , õ ). (21)

They are

• S1 :

φ → φ′ = φ + 2t1 , ψ → ψ ′ = e−t1 ψ ,
B̃µ → B̃µ′ = e−t1 B̃µ , õ → Ã′µ = õ , õ → Ã′µ = et1 õ . (22)

• S2 :

φ → φ′ = φ, ψ → ψ ′ = ψ + t2 ,
B̃µ → B̃µ′ = B̃µ − t2 õ + 2 õ , õ → Ã′µ = õ − t2 õ , õ → Ã′µ = õ . (23)

• S3 :
2 !
t23 2t3 ψ 2 eφ + 2 + 4ψeφ
t3 ψ

φ → φ = −φ + 2 log + eφ +1 , ψ→ψ = ′
2 2 eφ (t3 ψ + 2) 2 + 2t23
B̃µ → B̃µ′ = B̃µ , õ → Ã′µ = õ − t3 B̃µ , õ → Ã′µ = õ − t3 õ + 3 B̃µ . (24)

Note that the dilaton φ1 generates a constant shift R symmetry, so that the total global
symmetry is SO(2, 1)×R ∼ GL(2, R). Note that if we set the Kaluza-Klein and winding vectors
equal, we can consistently truncate out the SO(2, 1)/SO(2) scalar coset. This is analogous
the D = 7 to D = 6 reduction, where a vector multiplet can be consistently truncated out,
commented above section 2.1.

2.3 String frame

It is also instructive to discuss the global symmetry in the string frame. Under the conformal
gµν = e 2 ϕ gµν
, (25)

the Salam-Sezgin model (2) becomes

S ϕ 1 1 2
L6 = e R6 ⋆6 1l − ⋆6 H(3) ∧ H(3) − ⋆6 F(2) ∧ F(2) + ⋆6 dϕ ∧ dϕ − 8g ⋆6 1l . (26)
2 2

We can now see clearly that the g2 indeed appears as if it is the conformal anomaly term in a
noncritical string. We consider the circle reduction

ds26 = ds̃25 + e−φ (dx + Ã(1) )2 ,

′ ′
B(2) = B̃(2) + B̃(1) ∧ dx , A(1) = Ã′(1) + ψdx , (27)

and set ϕ = 21 φ − 2Φ. We obtain the five-dimensional theory in the string frame, namely
S −2Φ 2 1 −1 1 2 1 T µν 2
L5 = e R̃5 + 4(∇Φ) + Tr[(∂M )(∂M)] − H̃ (3) − Hµν MH − 8g ,
8 12 4
1 T 
H̃ (3) = dB̃(2) + H(2) ∧ ηB(1) . (28)

It is manifestly invariant under SO(2, 1).

3 Rotating dyonic string solution

A direct construction of rotating solutions can be a formidable task in the Salam-Sezgin model,
when all the fields will be necessarily turned on. In supergravities, one typically adopts the
solution generating technique that utilizes the global symmetry in the Kaluza-Klein reduced
theory. Notable examples of such construction include the Sen [18] and Cvetič-Youm solu-
tions [19]. Such global symmetries are typically broken in gauged supergravities, making the
construction much more subtle, e.g. [20, 21]
Fortunately, as we have seen in the previous section, the T-duality survives in Salam-Sezgin
model despite of the gauging. However, there is still an extra subtlety arising from the gauging.
For the ungauged theory, we can start with a neutral rotating black string, which is a direct
product a line and five-dimensional Myers-Perry black hole, as the seed solution and generate
the charged ones by the solution-generating technique. In the gauged theory, there is no Ricci-
flat vacuum. The only known solutions in literature are the static dyonic strings and their
BPS limit [14, 15]. Furthermore, the “harmonic function” associated with the magnetic string
charge takes the form HP ∼ P/ρ2 . The BPS constraint requires that magnetic dipole charge k
and the P are constrained by some algebraic relation. This implies that the minimum solution
necessarily contains both (P, k) parameters. We therefore construct first the seed solution of
rotating strings carrying both (P, k) parameters.

3.1 Magnetic seed solution

The 14 -BPS static dyonic string with magnetic dipole charge was constructed in [14]. Its non-
extremal generalization was obtained in [15]. Turning off the electric charge, the two form
fields are given by

µs1 c1
A(1) = −k cos θdϕ , B(2) = − (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ . (29)

Here we parameterize the magnetic string charge P as P = 12 s1 c1 . In this paper, we denote

(si , ci ) as
si = sinh δi , ci = cosh δi . (30)

The metric takes the form

1  p  dρ2 1 2 2 
ds26,E = √ −h1 dt2 + dx2 + H1 ξ2 + ρ σ3 + ξ1 dΩ22 , (31)
H1 ∆ρ 4

with σ3 = dψ + cos θdϕ and dΩ22 = dθ 2 + sin2 θdϕ2 [14, 15]. Note that the level surfaces in the
four-dimensional transverse is not the round 3-sphere, but the squashed one, described as a

squashed U (1) bundle over S 2 . The rotation thus occurs in the fibre direction. We find that
the full magnetic rotating string is

1  p  dρ2 1 2 2 
ds26,E = √ −h1 dt2 + dx2 − h2 dtσ3 + H1 ξ2 + ρ σ3 + ξ1 dΩ22 , (32)
H1 ∆ρ 4

µs1 c1 µa s1 c1
A(1) = −k cos θdϕ, B(2) = − (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ − dt ∧ σ3 , e−ϕ = H1 ,
2 ρ2

where the functions (h1 , h2 , ∆ρ , H1 ) and the two constants (ξ1 , ξ2 ) are

2µ 2µa s1 c1 2µ 2µa2 2µs1 c1
h1 = 1 − 2 , h2 = 2
, ∆ ρ = 1 − 2
+ 4 , H1 = ,
ρ ρ ρ ρ ρ2
k2 + µs1 c1 −1
ξ1 = , ξ2 = ξ1−1 − 4µs1 c1 g2 . (33)
µs1 c1

3.2 Generating the electric string charges

In the effective theory of strings, there is a usual process of generating the electric string
charge. One can perform a Lorenz boost along the string direction and then perform Kaluza-
Klein circle reduction and obtain the electrically-charged black hole in one lower dimensions.
One can then use the T-duality to map the Kaluza-Klein charge to winding charge and lift the
solution black to the original dimensions. We can follow the same procedure on the magnetic
seed solution (32), since we have established that the T-duality is preserved in five dimensions
even for the gauged theory.
We start by performing a Lorentz boost

t → c2 t + s2 x , x → c2 x + s2 t . (34)

The solution (32) can be expressed in terms of the form that is ready for Kaluza-Klein reduction

1  σ3 2
ds26,E = √ −(h1 c22 − s22 )dt2 − h2 c2 dtσ3 − 2 2 2 c2 (1 − h1 )dt − h2
H1 c2 − h1 s2 2
2 2 2
c − h1 s2

s2  σ3 
+ 2√ dx + 2 2 c2 (1 − h1 )dt − h2
H1 c2 − h1 s2 2
p  dρ2 1 
+ ρ2 σ32 + ξ1 dΩ22 ,

+ H 1 ξ2
∆ρ 4 √ √
µs1 c1 µa s1 c1 c2 µa s1 c1 s2
B(2) = − (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ − dt ∧ σ3 − dx ∧ σ3 ,
2 ρ2 ρ2
A(1) = −k cos θdϕ , e = H1 . (35)

The reduced five-dimensional solution is therefore given by

s2  σ3  √
− 23 φ c22 − h1 s22
Ã(1) = c2 (1 − h1 )dt − h 2 , e = √ ,
c22 − h1 s22 2 H1
 2 1 (
2 c2 − h1 s22 3 1 h
ds̃5 = √ √ − (h1 c22 − s22 )dt2 − h2 c2 dtσ3
H1 H1

s22  σ3 2 i p  dρ2 1 2 2 2

− 2 c2 (1 − h1 )dt − h2 + H 1 ξ2 + ρ σ3 + ξ1 dΩ2 ,
c2 − h1 s22 2 ∆ρ 4
√ √
µa s1 c1 s2 µs1 c1 µa s1 c1 c2
B̃(1) = σ3 , B̃(2) = − (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ − dt ∧ σ3 ,
ρ2 2 ρ2
Ã(1) = −k cos θdϕ, ψ = 0, e−ϕ = H1 . (36)

The scalar φ1,2 combinations are

1 c2 − h1 s2
φ1 = √ log 2 2 2 , φ2 = − log (c22 − h1 s22 ) . (37)
3 H1

It is clear that for the reduced solution, we have

F̃(2) ∧ Ã(1) = 0 , ψ = 0. (38)

Consequently, the field strengths defined in (7) are

H̃ (3) ∼ dB̃(2) − dB̃(1) ∧ Ã(1) , H̃(2) ∼ dB̃(1) , F̃(2) ∼ dÃ(1) . (39)

For this reduced set of fields, the five-dimensional theory (6) is invariant under the transfor-
mation rule

Ã(1) → Ã′(1) = B̃(1) , ′

B̃(1) → B̃(1) = Ã(1) ,

B̃(2) → B̃(2) = B̃(2) + Ã(1) ∧ B̃(1) , φ2 → φ′2 = −φ2 . (40)

Under this transformation rule, we obtain a new solution in five dimensions where the electric
charge is carried by the winding vector B̃1′ instead. We then lift the solution back to D = 6,
and we obtain the dyonic string solution
2 − h s2 √1
q h
6 = c2 1 2 − (h1 c22 − s22 )dt2 − h2 c2 dtσ3
s22  σ3 2 i p  dρ2 1 2 2 2

− 2 c2 (1 − h1 )dt − h2 + H 1 ξ2 + ρ σ3 + ξ1 dΩ2
c2 − h1 s22 2 ∆ρ 4
√ 2
µa s1 c1 s2

+√ p 2 dx + σ3 ,
H1 c2 − h1 s2 2 r2

′ µs1 c1 µa s1 c1 c2
B(2) =− (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ − 2 2 dt ∧ σ3
2 ρ (c2 − h1 s22 )
s2  σ3
+ 2 2 c2 (1 − h1 )dt − h2 ∧ dx,
c2 − h1 s2 2
c2 − h1 s22
A′(1) = −k cos θdϕ, ϕ′ = log 2 . (41)

We can now remove the prime in (41) and perform a further boost

t → c3 t + s3 x , x → c3 x + s3 t . (42)

We finally arrive at the rotating and boosted dyonic string in Salam-Sezgin model:
ds26 = p 2 2 2 2 2
c2 − h1 s 2 −c 2 c 3 h2 dtσ 3 + c 3 s 2 − c 2 h1 dt
H1 (c22 − h1 s22 )
2  √ 2 2
µa s c s K

h2 1 1 2
−s22 c2 c3 (1 − h1 ) dt − σ3 + s3 dt +
σ3 − 2
2 ρ2 c3 − h1 s23
dρ2 1 2 2 c23 − h1 s23
2 2 2

+ H1 (c2 − h1 s2 ) ξ2 + ρ σ3 + ξ1 dΩ2 + p dx + 2 ,
∆ρ 4 H 1 (c 2 − h s2 )
1 c3 − h1 s23
√ 2 2
2µac3 s1 c1 s2 σ3
K(1) = s3 c3 (1 − h1 )dt − s3 c2 h2 − ,
ρ2 2
µs1 c1 s2 c2 (1 − h1 )
B(2) = − (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ + 2 dt ∧ dx
2 √ c2 − h1 s22 √
2µa s1 c1 c2 s3 2µa s1 c1 c2 c3
1 s2 c3 h2 1 s2 s3 h2
+ − 2 2 dx ∧ σ3 + − 2 2 dt ∧ σ3 ,
2 c22 − h1 s22 ρ (c2 − h1 s22 ) 2 c22 − h1 s22 ρ (c2 − h1 s22 )
c2 − h1 s22
A(1) = −k cos θdϕ , ϕ = log 2 , (43)
where (h1 , h2 , ∆ρ , H1 , ξ1 , ξ2 ) are given by (33).

3.3 Black Hole thermodynamics

The boosted rotating dyonic string we constructed above is non-extremal, with a horizon lo-
cated at the largest root ρh of ∆ρ = 0, where we can derive the temperature and entropy
straightforwardly. The solution contains independent parameters (µ, a, δ1 , δ2 , δ3 , k), giving
rise to five independent conserved “charge” quantities: the mass M , the angular momen-
tum Ja = Jb , electric Qe and magnetic Qm string charges associated with the 3-form field
strength, the dipole charge QD associated with the 2-form Maxwell field strength, and finally
the boosted linear momentum Px along the string direction x. We find that the complete set
thermodynamic variables are
(ρ 2 − 2a2 ) ρ2 − a2
Ω3 µξ1 2 h h
M = √ (s + c22 + s23 + c23 ) , T = √ √ ,
8πG6 ξ2 2 2π ξ2 s1 c1 ρ2h (ρ2h − a2 )c23 + a2 s23

(ρ2 − a2 )c2 s3 + a2 s2 c3 2a(ρ2h − a2 )

Vx = − h2 , Ω a = Ω b = √ ,
(ρh − a2 )c23 + a2 s23 s1 c1 ρ2h (ρ2h − a2 )c23 + a2 s23

Ω3 µξ1 Ω3 µaξ1 √
Px = − √ s3 c3 , Ja = Jb = √ s1 c1 (c23 − s23 ) ,
4πG6 ξ2 8πG6 ξ2
Ω3 ξ1 ρ4h √  2 2 2

S = s 1 c1 (ρ h − a )c 23 + a s 23 ,
4(ρ2h − a2 )3/2 G6
Ω3 µξ1 Ω3 Ω3
Qe = √ s2 c2 , Qm = µs1 c1 , QD = k,
4πG6 ξ2 4πG6 √ 2πG 6
(ρ2h − a2 )s2 c3 + a2 c2 s3 ξ2 (ρ2h − 2a2 )
Φe = 2 , Φ D = − k, Ω3 = 2π 2 . (44)
(ρh − a2 )c23 + a2 s23 2ξ1 ρ2h s1 c1
All the thermodynamic quantities, except for (M, ΦD ) are obtained in the standard way, with
no particular subtlety. Since the metric is not asymptotic to flat spacetime, we do not have

an independent way of computing the mass. We derive the formula of mass by requiring that
the first law exists. Another subtlety is that, as explained earlier, the magnetic string charge
Qm should be treated as a thermodynamic constant, i.e., δQm = 0. We further require that
δQD = 0, influenced by the BPS condition studied later. This allows to show, quite nontrivially,
that the first law works with the mass derived. We then relax the condition δQD = 0 and
determine its potential ΦD . It is important to note that ΦD does not depend on (δ2 , δ3 ). It is
now straightforward to verify that the first law and the Smarr relation are

δM = T δS + Φe δQe + ΦD δQD + Vx δPx + Ωa δJa + Ωb δJb ,

M − T S − Φe Qe − Vx Px − Ωa Ja − Ωb Jb = 0 , (45)

with the understanding that δQm = 0. Note that the thermodynamic pair (QD , ΦD ) does not
appear in the Smarr relation, consistent with the fact that QD is dimensionless.

3.4 A globally different solution

The equations of motion of Salam-Sezgin model is invariant under the trombone-like global
gµν → λgµν , ϕ → ϕ + 2 log λ , (46)

since it has a consequence of uniformly scaling the whole Lagrangian. We can thus make the
Lagrangian invariant by scaling the Newton’s constant appropriately. Specifically, we consider
c1 c1 1 s1 1
gµν → gµν , ϕ → ϕ + log , → ,
r s1 r s1 G6 c1 G6
s1 s1
t→ t, x→ x, (47)
c1 c1
with the rest of fields and coordinates fixed. Use this symmetry, we can rewrite the seed
solution (32) in a new way:
1  p  dρ2 1 2 2 
ds26,E = √ −h1 dt2 + dx2 − h2 dtσ3 + H1 ξ2 + ρ σ3 + ξ1 dΩ22 ,
H1 ∆ρ 4
µs1 c1 µas1
A(1) = −k cos θdϕ, B(2) = − (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ − 2 dt ∧ σ3 ,
2 ρ
−ϕ s21 2µc21 2µac1
e = 2 H1 , H1 = 2 , h2 = . (48)
c1 ρ ρ2
The remainder of the functions (h1 , ∆ρ , H1 , ξ1 , ξ2 ) are given by (33). After the same solution-
generating process, we have a new boosted rotating dyonic string
c23 s21 2 2
K(1) σ3 2
2 1 2
 2 2 c2 c3
ds6 = p c2 − h1 s2 dt − 2 2 − s1 dt + h2 s2
H1 (c22 − h1 s22 )c1 s31 s22 c1 c3 − h1 s21 s23 s2 2
2 # s
H1 (c22 − h1 s22 )s1 dρ2 1 2 2
µas1 s2
+c21 s3 dt + + ρ σ3 + ξ1 dΩ22

σ 3 + ξ 2
ρ c1 ∆ρ 4

c21 c23 − h1 s21 s23

+p dx + 2 2 ,
H1 (c22 − h1 s22 )c1 s31  c1 c3 − h1 s21 s23
2µac21 c3 s2 σ3

K(1) = s3 c3 (c21 − h1 s21 )dt − s1 c2 s1 s3 h2 − ,
ρ2 2
µs1 c1 s2 c2 (1 − h1 )
B(2) =− (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ + 2 dt ∧ dx
2 c2− h1 s22  
1 s2 c3 h2 2µas1 c2 s3 1 s2 s3 h2 2µas1 c2 c3
+ − dx ∧ σ3 + − dt ∧ σ3 ,
2 c22 − h1 s22 ρ2 (c22 − h1 s22 ) 2 c22 − h1 s22 ρ2 (c22 − h1 s22 )
c2 − h1 s22 c1

A(1) = −k cos θdϕ , ϕ = log 2 , h2 = . (49)
H1 s1 ρ2

Following the same strategy, we obtain the thermodynamical variables:

Ω3 µξ1 2 (ρ2h − 2a2 ) ρ2h − a2
M = √ (s1 + c21 + s22 + c22 + s23 + c23 ) , T = √ 2  2 ,
8πG6 ξ2 2π ξ2 ρh (ρh − a2 )c123 + a2 s123
(ρ2 − a2 )c1 c2 s3 + a2 s1 s2 c3 2a(ρ2h − a2 )
Vx = − h 2 , Ω a = Ω b = ,
(ρh − a2 )c123 + a2 s123 ρ2h (ρ2h − a2 )c123 + a2 s123

Ω3 µξ1 Ω3 µaξ1
Px = − √ s3 c3 , Ja = Jb = √ (c123 − s123 ),
4πG6 ξ2 8πG6 ξ2
Ω3 ξ1 ρ4h  2 2 2
 Ω3 µξ1
S = 2 2 3/2
(ρ h − a )c123 + a s 123 , Qe = √ s2 c2 ,
4(ρh − a ) G6 4πG 6 ξ2
Ω3 Ω3 (ρ2h − a2 )c1 s2 c3 + a2 s1 c2 s3
Qm = µs1 c1 , QD = k, Φe = ,

2πG6 (ρ2h − a2 )c123 + a2 s123

g2 ξ2 ρ4h 2 2 ξ2 k  2 2 2 2

ΦD = − 2 (c + s )k + 4a + ρ (c + s − 2) . (50)
ρh − a2 1 1
4ξ1 ρ2h s1 c1 h 1 1

The first law (with δQm = 0) and the Smarr relation are

δM = T δS + Φe δQe + ΦD δQD + Vx δPx + Ωa δJa + Ωb δJb ,

(s2 + c2 )ξ1
M = T S + Φe Qe + Vx Px + Ωa Ja + Ωb Jb + 1 √1 Qm . (51)
2s1 c1 ξ2

We can see that in this new solution, the parameters (δ1 , δ2 , δ3 ) enter the thermodynamic
variables in a more symmetric manner, while in the old solution, the parameter δ1 stands out
from (δ2 , δ3 ) parameters.
It should be pointed out that the symmetry (46) at the level equation of motion exists in
ungauged supergravity; however, we do not apply this transformation on the asymptotically-
flat string solutions since it can alter the asymptotic structure. In the gauged theory, the
solutions are not asymptotically flat, and we do not have a fiducial spacetime. However, not
all the scaling choices lead to a sensible description of black hole thermodynamics. We only find
one such alternate globally-different dyonic string that satisfies the first law of thermodynamics.

4 Non-BPS and BPS extremal limits

We have constructed two globally-different non-extremal boosted dyonic string solutions. We

shall call (43) as solution A, and (49) as solution B. The horizon of both solution are determined
as the largest root of the same function ∆ρ . The extremal limit corresponds to taking the

temperature to zero. There are two ways of achieving this. One is simply set ρh = 2a. In
this case, µ = 2a2 and ∆ρ has double roots. This is a rather standard and straightforward
extremal limit, and we shall not discuss this further.
The other is the BPS limit where the parameters δi are sent to infinity while (µ, a) are sent
to zeros such that that charges and angular momentum remains finite and nonzero. We shall
discuss this BPS extremal limit in more detail. Specifically, the limit is achieved by taking
1 1 1 1
µ ∼ ε, eδ1 ∼ ε− 2 , eδ2 ∼ ε 2 , eδ3 ∼ ε− 2 , a ∼ ε2 (52)

and then sending ǫ to zero while keeping the following parameters finite

√ j
Solution A : 2µs2i = qi , µa s1 c1 (c23 − s23 ) = − ,
Solution B : 2µs2i = qi , µa(c123 − s123 ) = − . (53)

In this limit, we find that both non-extremal dyonic solutions become the same and it is given
h i
ds26 = (HP HQ )− 2 − HV−1 (dt + HJ σ3 )2 + HV (dx − HV−1 dt − HV−1 HJ σ3 )2
h ρ2 i
+(HP HQ ) 2 ξ2 dρ2 + (σ3 + ξ1 dΩ22 ) ,
−1 HJ q1
B(2) = (HQ − 1)dt ∧ dx − dx ∧ σ3 − (1 + cos θ)dϕ ∧ dψ ,
HQ 4
ϕ HQ j q2 q1
A(1) = −k cos θdϕ , e = , HJ = − 2 , HQ = 1 + 2 , HP = 2 ,
HP 2ρ ρ ρ
ξ1 = 1 + , ξ2−1 = ξ1−1 − 2g2 q1 , (54)


q3 q3 q3
Solution A : HV = 1 + ; Solution B : HV = 1 + + 2. (55)
ρ2 q1 ρ

It is clear that HV is associated with the PP-wave component of the solution, arriving from
the BPS limit of the Lorentz boost. Although the two HV ’s appear to be different, but the
difference is trivial; a coordinate transformation t → t + q3 /(2q1 ) renders them the same. In
terms of the new variables, the charges become

Ω3 Ω 3 ξ1 Ω3
Qm = q1 , Qe = − √ q2 , QD = k,
8πG6 8πG6 ξ2 2πG6

Ω 3 ξ1 Ω3 ξ
Px = − √ q3 , Ja = Jb = − √1 j . (56)
8πG6 ξ2 16πG6 ξ2

Note that the horizon of the extremal solution is located at ρ = 0, giving rise to the near-
horizon geometry as a direct product of the boosted AdS3 (or BTZ) metric and squashed S 3 .
From the volume of the squashed S 3 , we obtain the entropy in the extremal limit:

Ω3 p
S= ξ1 q 1 q 2 q 3 − j 2 . (57)

This entropy formula is analogous to that of the extremal rotating black hole in five-dimensional
ungauged STU model [19, 22]. The extra contribution from the magnetic dipole charge enters
to the entropy formula as an overall factor via ξ1 .
The BPS limit on (44) and (50) leads to the following same thermodynamic potentials:

Φe = −1 , Vx = −1 , Ωa = Ωb = 0 . (58)

The mass and ΦD obtained from (44) and (50) are somewhat different. The BPS limit of (44)
M = −Qe − Px , ΦD = 0 . (59)

The limit of (50) gives

ξ1 k ξ2
M = √ Qm − Qe − Px , ΦD = (1 − 4g2 q1 ξ1 ) . (60)
ξ2 2ξ1

However, the first law at this zero temperature, with δQm = 0 is satisfied for both set of
thermodynamic quantities, namely

δM = Φe δQe + Vx δPx + Ωa δJa + Ωb δJb + ΦD δQD . (61)

The linear relation between the mass and charge suggests that the limits are BPS. In
order to verify this, we need to construct Killing spinors, which satisfy three Killing spinor
equations [6]

1 12 ϕ +
(∇µ − igAµ + 48 e Hαβγ Γαβγ Γµ )ǫ = 0,
1 12 ϕ − 1 1
(Γµ ∂µ ϕ − 6e Hµνρ Γµνρ )ǫ = 0 , (e 4 ϕ Fµν Γµν − 8ige− 4 ϕ )ǫ = 0 . (62)

We write the dyonic string metric in the following vielbein basis

ds2 = −a21 (dt + b1 σ3 )2 + a22 (dx + b2 dt + b3 σ3 )2 + a23 (σ12 + σ22 ) + a24 σ32 + a25 dρ2 , (63)

where σ3 was given earlier and σ1 and σ2 are

σ1 = cos ψdθ + sin ψ sin θdϕ , σ2 = − sin ψdθ − cos ψ sin θdϕ . (64)

Note that the round S 2 metric is dΩ22 = σ12 + σ22 . The vielbein are chosen to be

e0 = −a1 (dt + b1 σ3 ) , e1 = a2 (dx + b2 dt + b3 σ3 ) , e2 = a1 σ2 ,

e3 = a3 σ2 , e4 = −a4 σ3 , e5 = a5 dρ . (65)

We have chosen the chiral condition on the spinors to be

(Γ7 + 1)ǫ = 0 . (66)

We further find that the existence of Killing spinors requires the condition that relates the
magnetic string and dipole charges, namely
ξ12 = ξ2 , ⇒ g= . (67)
2k2 + q1
In other words, the existence of Killing spinors require that the Qm and QD charges are
algebraically related, thereby reproducing the relation first given in [14]. This particularly
implies that QD should not be treated as a thermodynamic variable in the BPS limit also,
since we always imposed δQm = 0.
The Killing spinor is then given by
(q3 + ρ2 ) 4
ǫ= 1 ǫ0 , (68)
(q2 + ρ2 ) 8
where ǫ0 is a constant spinor, satifying the projection condition

(γ 23 − i)ǫ = 0 , (γ 2345 − 1)ǫ = 0 . (69)

Note that the first projection arises from the magnetic dipole charge and the second projection
arises from the magnetic string charge. Adding an electric string charge of appropriate sign does
not affect the Killing spinor. The PP-wave component would add a projection of (γ 01 +1)ǫ = 0,
which is automatically satisfied under the chiral projection. Thus the whole BPS solution
preserves 1/4 of supersymmetry and the rotation has no effect on the Killing spinors.

5 Conclusions

In this paper, we showed that despite the U (1)R symmetry gauging, the Salam-Sezgin model
still has a global T -duality symmetry upon a circle reduction. The symmetry acts nonlinearly
on the SO(2, 1)/SO(2) scalar coset, but linearly on the three abelian vectors which form an
SO(2, 1) triplet. The antisymmetric tensor is the singlet of SO(2, 1).
In our construction of string solutions, we first constructed a simpler rotating magnetic
string as a seed solution, and derived the general boosted rotating dyonic strings by applying

the T -duality symmetry. The general solution is characterized by the mass M , electric and
magnetic string charges (Qe , Qm ), a magnetic dipole charge QD and two equal angular mo-
menta Ja = Jb , together with a linear momentum Px along the string direction. We analyzed
the global structure and established the first law of thermodynamics. Owing to the fact that
the solution are not asymptotically flat, we do not have a fiducial Minkowski spacetime. This
allows us to use trombone symmetry to obtain a globally different dyonic string solution that
satisfy a different version of the first law. Under the BPS limit we found that both non-extremal
solutions reduces to the same solution. The existence of Killing spinor enforces an algebraic
constraint on the magnetic string and the dipole charges, obtained in [14], but for the general
non-BPS solutions, all charges are completely independent. It is worth pointing out that the
seed solution carrying magnetic string and dipole charges preserves only 1/4 in the BPS limit,
i.e. the minimum amount of supersymmetry. The proper inclusion of the electric string charge,
the PP-wave momentum, or the angular momentum does not break the supersymmetry any
The reason we consider the two equal angular momentum case, i.e. Ja = Jb is that in the
static case, the 3-sphere in the transverse space is already squashed to be a U (1) bundle over
S 2 . It is not clear whether squashed 3-sphere allows to have a more general Ja 6= Jb rotations,
but it certainly deserves further investigation. The Salam-Sezgin model by itself suffers from
local anomalies. Its anomaly-free extensions [7, 8] based on the Green-Schwarz mechanism
necessarily introduce higher derivative terms in the effective action [9], analogous to the well-
studied heterotic supergravity in ten dimensions [23–28]. It is thus interesting to see how these
higher order interactions will modify the thermodynamic quantities of the solutions. This is
more challenging than the case of heterotic supergravity compactified on K3, where the higher
derivative corrections to the onshell action of black string [29] can be obtained using the trick
of [30] without actually solving the field equations. With the U (1)R symmetry gauging, the
solution is no longer asymptotic to Minkowski space nor to AdS, and therefore it is unclear
whether the trick, or its AdS improved versions [31, 32], still applies.


This work is supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
grants No. 11935009 and No. 12375052 and No. 12175164. Y.P. is also supported by the
National Key Research and Development Program under grant No. 2022YFE0134300.


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