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Zombie Survival Alliance


Zombie Combat tacticians Survival Manual


1 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 Preparations: Basic Survival (BS) Bag Survival Arms & Ammo (SAA) Bag Large Necessities (LN) Bag Expanded First Aid Kit (EFAK) Expanded Zombie Combat Kit (EZCK)

1-6 Initial Anti-panic Reaction Training (IART) 1-7 1-8 1-9 Evacuation & Fortification Plans (EFPs) Escape & Survival Vehicle (ESVs) Group Access Points (GAPs)

1-10 Zombie Combat Tactician Squad Organization 1-11 Gathering Info & Communications 1-12 Basic Survival Training 1-13 Zombie Virus Infection Detection 1-14 Squad-Member Specific Training (SMST) 1-15 Distinguishing the Infected from the Non-Infected

2 2-1 2-2

Zombie Combat & Survival Tactics Street & Wilderness Patterns Patterns and Safety for Forced or Regular Entry

2-3 Entering large buildings, Factories, and Warehouses 2-4 Long-Term and Temporary Bases 2-5 Basic Urban Tactics and Formations 2-6 Rescue missions and decisions using Cost-Effect Ratio 2-7 Means of attracting zombies 2-8 Know your surroundings and those in it

Zombie Combat Tactics Offensive & Defensive

3-1 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5

Zombie Hunting and Zombie Combat Assessing the Cost-Effect Ratio Securing an escape route Recruiting new Squad Members from Rescued Groups Setting up Temporary Bases Zombie Hunting Tactics

3-6 Terrain & Vehicle types 3-7 3-8 3-9 Disposal and Handling of Infected Bodies Communication types and uses Reconnaissance and short-distance search-partys

3-10 The ZOMCON (ZOMbie CONtingency)System 3-11 Complete Loss of Civilization (CLoC) or ZOMCON 5 3-12 Rebuilding or Mop-up Phase (aka ZOMCON 6)

4 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8

Training others for Zombie Outbreaks Materials and Equipment needed Training prerequisites Training the General Public Practical suggestions for Activities within Training Leadership Certifications of Students Group Training situations In Conclusion

1 1-1


Basic Survival (BS) Bag

The Basic Survival or BS bag is preferably a self-made kit stored in a backpack of relatively good quality especially bought for the purpose. Within it should be certain survival essentials that are necessities. The general rule of thumb here is that a) if you cant use it you dont need it and b) if you dont need it, it doesnt have a place in your survival kit. There are two main types of BS bags in a survival-type situation of any kind: A B.O.B. or Bug-Out Bag and also the B.I.B. or Bug-In Bag which are usually the most important for the Zombie Apocalypse because of the fact that it will be the one you carry and use the longest. From your home to your BOL (or Bug Out Location) and probably indefinitely. this should include items like those listed below that are reasonably priced (make sure to look at least five or more online shops and maybe one chain store or preferably a small local shop or two before making the final decision and purchase) weighing price with durability, lightness, applied size preference, etc. these items are categorized into a few categories such as: Shelter, Survival, Safety, and Sustaining. Shelter: These things are those which keep you warm and dry and shelter you from the weather and the elements. Tent: A two (for couples or those just using a buddy system) to four person (for those with children) tent should be the max accommodation per group of two plus two to three small children. Tarps: At least two either in case on gets torn or to make a tent if your tent becomes unrepairable Sleeping bag: Winter/wet-weather clothing: Coat or parka, at least two rain ponchos, gloves (warm and durable), water-proofing elements for boots, etc. Underclothing: Three pairs of underpants and socks, and two pairs each of long underwear. Basic survival clothing: Now these can be loose fitting jeans and a long sleeve shirt or BDU pants and jacket footwear: Good hiking or military boots are great, but remember you usually get what you pay for.

Safety: Such as protective clothing, weapons, and such.

Guns: These are good to have especially when dealing with zombies. You should have three good and working firearms: a hunting rifle (like a bolt action rifle) or a clip-fed long barreled rifle , a short to medium range semi-auto gun (either a LEGAL AK-74,AK-47 or M-16) for surprise encounters with hostile humans or zombies, and finally a clip-fed Glock or other last-ditch pistol (I'd say carry two if you can in case you can't reload fast enough for some reason). Ammo for each: Keep at least 4-6 clips of the last two (two or three of each on your person and the rest in your bag, separated, of course) and 3-4 of the first one. Also you should also have a way to make new bullets and the necessities for each type of weapon. However DO NOT STORE THESE IN YOUR BAG; this is for two main reasons: 1) they are heavy, and 2) they're explosive and flammable (the gunpowder, that is). Rather than that store it (when bugging out) in your vehicle or preferably in a preset Bug-Out-Location. Gas Mask: Knee and Elbow Pads: Flak-jacket or bullet-proof-armor vest: Helmet (Kevlar or Steel pot):

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