Case Study Justification

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Case Study (GET Project) - Topic & Justification

Brandy, Mingus L

Upper Iowa University

Case Study (GET Project) - Topic & Justification
I chose the topic of earthquakes, specifically focusing on the 1964 Alaska Earthquake,

because seismic events are significant natural phenomena that have profound impacts on the

environment, infrastructure, and human lives. The 1964 Alaska Earthquake, also known as the

Great Alaska Earthquake, remains one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded in North

American history, with a magnitude of 9.2. Studying this case allows for an exploration of the

geological processes behind earthquakes, their effects on communities and ecosystems, as well

as the technological advancements in seismology and disaster preparedness that have evolved

since this event. Analyzing such a significant seismic event provides valuable insights into the

dynamics of earthquake occurrence, the associated risks, and the strategies for mitigating their

impact, which are crucial for enhancing our understanding and resilience in the face of natural


The 1964 Alaska Earthquake serves as a compelling case study due to its immense

magnitude and the comprehensive documentation of its impacts, making it a pivotal event in

seismology and disaster studies. Understanding the complexities of this earthquake, including its

causes, effects, and aftermath, offers valuable insights into the geological and societal factors

influencing seismic events and disaster management strategies. Moreover, the Alaska earthquake

provides a historical perspective on how scientific research, engineering practices, and

emergency response protocols have evolved over time to enhance resilience and reduce

vulnerability to seismic hazards. By examining this case study, we can gain a deeper appreciation

for the interdisciplinary nature of earthquake studies and the importance of integrating scientific

knowledge with socio-economic considerations to mitigate the impacts of future seismic events.

Case Study (GET Project) - Topic & Justification
"1964 Alaska Earthquake." Ready Alaska,


"Alaska Earthquake, March 27, 1964." U.S. Geological Survey,

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