RT-7600 Warranty

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Facility Name:
Item Name: Hematology Analyzer 3 Part Model: RT-7600
Serial No.: ( )

Our Obligations:
1) Installation and operation.
2) Training qualified Doctors.
3) Two years Free Warranty. Included Spare Parts
4) Providing of spare parts by Cost after the free warranty period for 10 years
5) Free Periodic Maintenance.
6) Continuous Supply of Reagents by Cost.

Facility Obligations:
1) Supply of Stable Source of Power.
2) Provide grounding for used socket.
3) Providing specialized and qualified Doctors to operate the Machine.

DATE: 01/ 06 / 2023

Abu Noor Al-Deen Medical Corp.

)23356( ‫ب‬.‫) ص‬298092( ‫ فاكس‬-)278344 ( ‫ شارع سيف بن ذي يزن – تليفون‬-‫ صنعاء‬- ‫المركز الرئيسي‬
Email- sales2@abunooraldeen.com - gm@abunooraldeen.com - www.abunooraldeen.com

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