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Estd: 2002


(Approved by AlCTE &Afilhated to Maulana Abul Kalam AzadUniversity
of Technology)
Campus: Bishnupur, Dist.: Bankura, (W.B)


University Roll No.: |5200|2|0t(

University Reg. No. 2|520) 00 ||0009

Departmet: CJE 3nd ea)
Subject Name:


Semester: 5Hh pem

htoub A
9 heuunie foume-tiom aloo ojmpyeallda heuhe
i a tunetiom-that amko altrmatfven imraeh
agoithmn at each bramehimg alep bared onoNalable
Adoaítmto deeíde uuhieh banehto folou.
Gbbalman r io +he beot pornibuototeímth
otate opaeLdiagiarm. thiain beeauuoe jatthioto ge,
the onjeetive Anetorm hanthe highest nalui.
4hametuth nalw. tnat io p

taloe wh eNn 4, iofal and viee Nerna.

2 tunítonned oearch inealled bind

tor t imthe wa at4hete gat tate end 4he

jimitilNoblam otte.
Cproub- B

hat oeae heo foa-he Qoteot pahhetenth

Imtíal md the inal tate. A o e d ím Vou DU
appreatiom, ouch an mabo.
tow it et 0nPa) traye a nqae gid uhieh
PotLe man obotaeleo, oeateed andomy.
The imitial andhe tin eolin povi ded fea
io to seaehtheiml eell nthe ohogteot Anrout

Eplama tíon) 9*agoithm hon Bpanarmeteo,

teont otroving 10mmtheimitalell tothe
eworent oll. Baojealy,it in the oumof all4h
cello thoat have ben viaited ojmeawimghe
iot eull
"h aloo Krownarthe heintevaue, itioth
entimated eont ot movimy 0mthe ewoemtedl
tote dim al el. the aetual eon t cammot be
celeulated entthe imalel io eaehed.
.4! jtiotoumotgand h. So
tan tho t9+h
iob tekng thet- thdgoithm
Vale imto
mapen to deebiom
4he aell , hin proRm Valluedaeeount.thealg0Nihv
e ad movento
Urtith alyeni4hmeache
Rrto theteothot
nm eto.Theoe
amAt model-baoed al
au agAI od
outputamriqed boned
A Cual Omortom Expl
ofinde iAy abil thaough to-4he onding poutitoac m
o itoelf usohen ting dn
uatr bured gol- .the ol
deojo mahe amthatprogam
e inteigAm
the and they
ted su- inbeíng rale yheteth tog otepimg ad b
iof moder goal and4 Tode
iad omit Apply ou*md
tollotumg the adyoi4hm
havet Subbone
ou otale Jo
ito mOven
to qou-|hon
You ojder
foouimg tnthe nle. A10eoalo
poephom tthe emioment ihot toeoll eted
via pmD0N and he prouale dye gajdahioto

nd a
"goa-borntd 9t agent
hin modt in the expeeted go

Qupuvintd deang.The modlptormnthe

aetiom while eepiog hgocal otate inm
toseaahagolentim otute iobane om
cchiny and
nd deve Jopnte m theAI 4yet earches
Ae eaníeot and mon t
to guach ayoad otarte. eomenent puhua
5) Modun pomena)
hetom ota moduo pomem
aongumre rnt in míxed hypo 4hetieal
tHhtuo poumoto an d a eomoluoomoflogiom

the trot pu mine

4het im plieo &, joae he 9eormditiomal elaim,maml
oertHom eond pe me io
eomd ítorn ol4hat P, t amte ee dent ethe an
elaim iotheeone
Form heree tuuo pemioto itcam beogi eal
om elu de á 4hat 8,the @
om eAnt Utthe
@omditiomod e l a m tbe the eare a well
Hm exemple at omagumet 4hat itotheten
mo dun pomm i) H4toda iotuendaj em Johm
tuill goto tuor.
2to da iotundo
ntoe Jonmtldlyotouonk.
-thio argument io velid, but 4hio han mobeauy
uhethn ayohe ntate memto ta9ument
ae eetoally ue, ton modun pomemoto bea
DOum d sngmnt the poumnen mot be tsue
to y tue
fmotomeen e the eomeluoom
Modwfolenas agcaim eue have

we Vrowthat the eom
(uhn eCan sa+het +e amteneqt
e ibtaloe
dent intloe
amteudentmunt aloo beftalge. Syne
om -agam
agam ue -nio mehod io Mo dusto l
mt be ee gretlto t.
mot y thet nq in tue
aloo. ue 2oou4ht
gunt bcaue theny jomo t blue
het l doeorot eam
io aimng, for i eould uot be a
Exp iet rouals dge) Expiet korowe dye inlzroule
dge eon NO im-topephet ae eao7 to ogotema
tiealy document omd haLot at oealei uhot
uhem ex¢liet Vnouledge io
eOm hpa eompan aee
welr araged, it
time amd ramtaj am better deeromo,aye
jmeeane irpunonmene0.
apoi q
bry tale ing eplit
krouledge and
toa ope eue nituatfom. t ex pliet
Lrouleie ina boo Komthe meaehmjeo et bght
Omd a dor out diagamn o4 n
|rplie (no l age n uhat anplame eoek pit
abb that tppenn luhn you
gl taeit
intorndtom ier d to 14hpla
imtormartiom knouuledye in mtomgislu
hat ean be di44eltto
otre'yhttn uord ¬xpluimxA
wg such an
cuithout thigthut
uth expouene over
toa opei4 oítuetan. timeond Unvally appuen
tomdi tnedthun
d auae ouny omnie e
tb and
dve npeuteto
omombee e
h top, ivem tue ae that eto ta
and tortutie utno Prouldge
w phop0n ndenoto
od alno Lam unjeh
elanatiweeonouldge) De

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