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1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate particle:

a. She promised to go to the party but had to cry off at the last moment.
b. It seems it has set in for rain.

2. In each sentence there is an error. Correct it:

a. At half time, you can earn double the sum.
b. Never shall I trust a person like him.

3. Choose the sentence closest in meaning to the sentence given:

― Perhaps these are the keys.
a. These might be the keys.

― I know. Why don’t we go out to eat instead.

b. I know. We could go out to eat instead.

4. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase:

a. It’s time you did something about this problem.
b. I don’t like this restaurant. Would you mind going somewhere else?

5. Explain the difference in meaning between the sentences below:

a. John is rude. (This is a general statement about John's personality.)
b. John is being rude. (This suggests John is currently displaying rude behavior,
but it may not be his usual demeanor.)
6. Fill in the blanks with the or a(n) only where it is necessary:
It is an interesting fact of modern life that perhaps for the first time in history,
governments are taking the problems of the environment seriously.


La scurt timp după aceea, domnul Otis a fost trezit de un zgomot ciudat în coridor, în afara camerei sale.
Suna ca un zăngănit de metal și părea să se apropie în fiecare clipă. S-a ridicat imediat, a aprins o brichetă
și a privit ceasul. Era fix ora unu. Era destul de liniștit și și-a simțit pulsul, care nu era deloc febril. Zgomotul
ciudat continua în continuare, iar împreună cu el auzea distinct sunetul pașilor. A încălțat papucii, a luat o
sticlă mică oblongă din geanta sa de toaletă și a deschis ușa. Chiar în fața lui, în lumina palidă a lunii, a
văzut un bătrân cu un aspect terifiant. Ochii lui erau ca niște cărbuni arzători roșii; părul său lung și gri
cădea pe umerii săi în bucle încâlcite; hainele lui, de tăietură antică, erau murdare și zdrențuite, iar de la
încheieturile și gleznele sale atârnau lanțuri grele și cătușe ruginoase.

[Oscar Wilde: Fantoma Canterville]


If I had been more attentive, I would have been afraid of him long ago, ever since he lived daily as he
had lived. Was it my fundamental mistake to assume that he had only led a temporary and humiliated
life? Don't think that I say all these things impressed by this journey on a country road. It seems that
neither you, sir, nor the lady sitting next to you, are interested in this journey... But, forgive me, I haven't
met you. I was looking at you earlier, wondering what you would say if you realized that we had actually
met before. Because, deep down in my heart, I wished to have seen you again, to have spoken to you
again... I hoped you felt the same way.

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