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❖ Project statement
Problems faced agriculture sectors in Morogoro region in Tanzania.
❖ Perspective theory applied
Functionalism theory in social institutions by Emily Durkheim.
Agriculture refers to the growing crops and realing animals for food or commercial.In
Morogoro regions people’s practices both for the aims to get food and income but due to the different
factors that hinder the development of agriculture sectors in Morogoro due to the other sectors like
water and sanitations in which are the most supported by the government of Morogoro compare to the
agriculture sectors.
Agriculture in Morogoro practiced both small scale and large scale in which people’s
cultivates lands for food and cash crops productions due to that farmers and peasants faced with the
problems that led to the under development of agricultures sectors in Morogoro.

Figure no 1:show small scale agriculture in Morogoro

To identify the main factors that affect the productivity and profitability of farmers in Morogoro
region, such as climate change, soil degradation, lack of working capital, poor irrigation infrastructure, and
limited access to improved technologies and markets.
To assess the current and potential impacts of these challenges on food security, poverty
reduction, and rural development in Morogoro region and Tanzania as a whole.
To explore the existing and potential solutions and interventions that can help farmers overcome
these challenges and improve their livelihoods, such as farmer groups, sustainable farming practices,
innovation, and private sector involvement.
To evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of these solutions and interventions and provide
recommendations for policy makers, development partners, and other stakeholders on how to support and
scale up the best practices.
According to the functionalism theory of Emily Durkheim, social institutions serve specific functions and
contribute to the stability and cohesion of society. When applying this theory to the agriculture sector in
Morogoro, Tanzania, several problems can be identified, which hinder the effective functioning of this
social institution. These problems include:
Lack of infrastructure
The agriculture sector in Morogoro faces challenges related to inadequate infrastructure, such as poor road
networks, lack of storage facilities, and limited access to markets. These deficiencies hinder the efficient
production, transportation, and distribution of agricultural goods, thereby compromising the sector's
Limited technological advancements.
The adoption of modern agricultural technologies is essential for increasing productivity and efficiency in
the agriculture sector. However, due to limited access to advanced farming equipment, irrigation systems,
and other technological innovations, farmers in Morogoro struggle to optimize their output, leading to lower
productivity and income.
Insufficient agricultural education and training.
The agriculture sector in Morogoro lacks comprehensive education and training programs that equip
farmers with the necessary skills and knowledge to enhance their productivity and manage agricultural
resources sustainably. This limitation limits their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions and
agricultural practices.
Inadequate government support.
The agriculture sector in Morogoro often faces limited governmental support in terms of policy formulation,
resource allocation, and extension services. Insufficient funding for agriculture-related programs, lack of
market-oriented policies, and inadequate support for research and development inhibit the sector's growth
and stability.
Lack of access to credit and financial services.
Many farmers in Morogoro struggle to access affordable credit and financial services, which is crucial for
investing in agricultural inputs, farming equipment, and new technologies. Limited financial resources
make it challenging for farmers to modernize their practices and expand their operations, affecting the
overall performance of the agriculture sector.
Inconsistent weather patterns and climate change.
Morogoro is prone to erratic weather patterns, including erratic rainfall, drought, and flooding. These
climatic changes negatively affect agricultural productivity and increase the risks and uncertainties faced
by farmers. The agriculture sector requires adaptive strategies, such as drought-resistant crop varieties and
water management techniques, to mitigate the impact of climate change.
Addressing these problems requires a comprehensive approach that considers the
interdisciplinary nature of the agriculture sector, involving efforts from the government, international
organizations, educational institutions, and local communities. By addressing these challenges, the
agriculture sector in Morogoro can be better equipped to fulfill its functions, such as providing food
security, employment opportunities, and contributing to economic development.
In the context of the theory of functionalism by Émile Durkheim, the failure of social institutions like
family, education, religions, governments, media, and the economy can hinder the development in the
agriculture sector in Morogoro. Each institution plays a role in maintaining social order and stability. If any
of these institutions fail, it disrupts the equilibrium and can affect agriculture in various ways.
Family institutions.
The family, as a basic unit, provides socialization and values. If family structures break down, it may lead
to a lack of agricultural knowledge and skills being passed down through generations.
Educations institutions.
Education imparts specialized knowledge and skills. If the educational system fails, there could be a
shortage of qualified individuals in the agriculture sector, hindering technological advancements and
efficient farming practices.
Religion institution.
Religion often contribute to moral values and community cohesion. Failure in religious institutions might
lead to a decline in shared values, affecting cooperation and ethical practices in agriculture.
Governments institutions. Governments establish regulations, infrastructure, and policies. If governance
fails, it can result in inadequate support, infrastructure, and policies for the agricultural sector, impeding its
Media institutions.
Media influences public opinion and awareness. If the media fails, there might be a lack of information
dissemination about agricultural innovations, market trends, and best practices, hampering progress.
Economic institutions.
The economic system influences investment, resources, and market dynamics. Failure in the economic
system can result in insufficient funding, resources, and market instability for the agriculture sector.
The functionalist perspective suggests that each institution has a role in maintaining social
stability. When any of these institutions fail, it can create dysfunction, negatively impacting the agricultural
sector’s development in Morogoro.
As the one conducting the project on the hindrances to agricultural development in Morogoro,
there are several methods we use to gather relevant data and explanations. These methods include:
✓ Field visits and observations.

Figure no 2:show observation in maize field

By visiting agricultural areas in Morogoro and observing farming practices, you can gather first-hand data
on the existing agricultural from that observation done in several areas with group members we that in
several farming areas faced with poor equipment used to produce and also see that market not enough and
favor the farmers in morogoro.
✓ Interviews and focus group discussions.
Organize interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders such as farmers, agricultural
experts, government officials, and researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the problems faced in
agricultural development in Morogoro. These discussions help to provide the insight to know the causes of
some challenges most of them is government policies do not favor agriculture in Tanzania and technological
gap and education concerning the agriculture in Morogoro.
✓ Data analysis.
Analyze existing data sources such as government reports, research papers, and agricultural statistics to
identify trends, patterns, and challenges related to agriculture in Morogoro this due the Tanzania agriculture
research (TAR),23Dec2020 and the speech of Hon Fredrick T Sumaye a minister of agriculture.
By using a combination of these methods, help us to get the causes that faces the agriculture
sectors in Morogoro to failed develop these causes as the results of finding in our projects.
In our project on the challenges facing the agriculture sector in Morogoro, key findings indicate
several prevalent issues:
Limited access to resources.
Farmers face challenges accessing essential resources such as land, water, and quality seeds, hindering their
ability to optimize agricultural production.
Technological Gaps.
P farmers lack access to modern agricultural technologies and practices, impeding efficiency and reducing
overall yield
Financial problem.
Limited access to credit and financial resources prevents farmers from making necessary investments in
equipment, fertilizers, and other inputs.
Infrastructure Deficiencies.
Inadequate rural infrastructure, including roads and storage facilities, leads to post-harvest losses and
difficulty in transporting agricultural products to markets.
Climate Change vulnerability.
The agriculture sector in Morogoro is susceptible to climate change impacts, including unpredictable
weather patterns, droughts, and floods, affecting crop yields and livestock productivity.
Education Gaps.
Insufficient agricultural education and extension services hinder farmers’ awareness of modern practices,
sustainable methods, and market trends.
Market Access Challenges.
Limited market access and information about market demands contribute to difficulties in selling produce
at fair prices, discouraging farmers from investing in their farms
Policy issues.
Inconsistent or inadequately enforced policies related to land tenure, subsidies, and agricultural
development hinder the sector’s growth.
Addressing these findings requires a collaborative effort involving government interventions,
support from social institutions, and the adoption of sustainable practices to ensure the resilience and
prosperity of the agriculture sector in Morogoro.
Emily Durkheim’s functionalist perspective emphasizes the role of social institutions in
maintaining social order and stability. In the context of the agriculture sector in Morogoro, social
institutions can contribute to solving problems through their functions as follows
Education Institutions.
Implementing agricultural education programs can enhance farmers’ knowledge and skills, leading to
improved agricultural practices and increased productivity
Government Institutions.
Establishing supportive policies, subsidies, and infrastructure can address challenges like lack of resources
and outdated farming techniques, promoting a more efficient and sustainable agricultural sector.
Religious Institutions.
Mobilizing community members through religious networks for collective efforts in addressing agricultural
issues fosters a sense of solidarity and community support.
Economic Institutions.
Creating financial mechanisms and credit systems for farmers can alleviate economic challenges, enabling
them to invest in better equipment and technology.
Family Institutions.
Encouraging family support for agriculture, passing down traditional knowledge, and involving family
members in farming activities can contribute to the sector’s success.
By aligning these institutions with the functionalist perspective, Morogoro’s agricultural sector
can benefit from the stability and order promoted by these social structures.

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