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for K-12 Teachers

Unlock the 3 Steps to Creative Freedom
in Your Curriculum
Hey, I’m Susan.
Founder of the Institute
for Arts Integration and
STEAM, published
author, and 20-year
veteran educator.

As an arts integration specialist and founder of The Institute for Arts

Integration and STEAM, I’m thrilled you’ve found your way to this brand-
new free masterclass.

This workbook is designed to help you stay focused in the 30-minute

class, take notes, and most importantly - take action! Learning is great,
but action is better.

Inside this workbook, you’ll find areas to write, doodle, fill in the blank,
and reference as you use this framework well beyond our time together.

Be sure to print it out and have it ready when we go live!

I can’t wait to get started,

What is Arts Integration?
Arts Integration is an _______________________ to teaching
and learning, not a curriculum on its own.

Successful arts integration includes _____________ and


Arts Integration exists on a _____________________________.

The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

Enhancement is when you’re using one area to support or service another in a
lesson. This is where many people start out and that’s okay. It’s just not arts

Theme-based instruction is a lesson based upon a theme that is common in

two areas. There may be some discussion surrounding the theme alignment
between the content and fine arts teachers about the lesson. This is really a
stepping stone towards looking at a common thread.

Inquiry-driven instruction is a lesson where a concept is addressed between a

content and arts area and both center around an essential question. There is
discussion and planning surrounding the essential questions between the
content and fine arts teachers about the lesson and maybe even some lesson
collaboration. This can take on a lot of different looks based on the scheduling
and flexibility available in a school.

Next up is a co-taught lesson. This is when a lesson is co-taught by teachers in

two or more areas. The planning occurs between the content and fine arts
teachers about the lesson. Again, this can take on a lot of different
possibilities. It may look like a project where one part is taught in the ELA
classroom and the arts component is taught in the arts classroom. Or, it could
be that the ELA and arts teacher teach the lesson together in the same room.

Finally, we get to arts integration. This is when the lesson is co-planned by

two content teachers and is grounded in equitably teaching and assessing
standards in both areas. The planning occurs between the content and fine
arts teachers about the lesson. The lesson can either be co-taught or
individually taught within a single classroom. This happens after each standard
being addressed has already been explicitly taught on its own and an arts
integration lesson is being used as a way to apply their learning in an
expanded context to provide a meaningful learning experience.

Take some time to consider where you are on this continuum and where your
school or colleagues are. Keep in mind - it may change depending on the lesson,
the class or even the day. Wherever you are, just acknowledge it and look at the
steps you need to get to arts integration.

The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

The Implementation Wheel
C.P.R. stands for:


_______________________ ________________________,

and ______________________.

The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

Curriculum Action Step!
Consider and write down:

What are 2-3 areas in my curriculum where students

STRUGGLE each year?

Which reteaching lesson can I REPLACE with an

arts integrated lesson?

The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

Professional Development Action Step!
Consider and write down:

What kind of PD do you WANT to engage in this


Options to consider:

Group of people



Deep Dive

Bite-sized ideas


Personal or Hobby-related

The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM



Uses one area to Lesson is based Lesson in both Lesson is co- Lesson is co-
support or service upon a theme areas centers taught by content planned by two
another in a common in two around an teachers in two or content teachers
lesson. areas. essential question. more areas. and is grounded in
equitably teaching
and assessing
standards in both

Little to no Some discussion Discussion and Planning occurs Planning occurs

discussion surrounding the planning between content between content
between content theme alignment surrounding the and fine arts area and fine arts area
and fine arts area between content essential teachers about the teachers about the
teachers about the and arts area questions lesson. Portions of lesson. The lesson
lesson. teachers about the between the the lesson may be may be co-taught
lesson. content and arts taught in each or individually
area teachers content area taught within a
about the lesson. separately. single classroom
Possible lesson

Resources Action Step!

Look at each level in the continuum above. Then consider and write:

Which level am I using now:


Which level do I want to use for my next lesson:

What do I need to feel confident at that level:

The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

Consider…Implementing Arts

Which elements of Curriculum, Professional Development,

and Resources do you already have in place?

Which elements of C.P.R. are missing that you would like to


The Institute for Arts Integration and STEAM

1 Finding Standards Alignments 2 Creating Assessments 3 Designing Lesson Plans

๏ Looking at model lessons & ๏ Using pre-created assessments ๏ Using arts integrated strategies
๏ Reviewing assessments for both areas ๏ Using pre-created lessons
๏ Noticing standards connections ๏ Creating your own assessments for AI ๏ Designing your own arts integrated
๏ Connecting standards for your own lessons lessons

4 Learning Best Practices 5 Take a Course to Go Deeper 6 Evolving PD & Support

๏ Taking a strategy workshop ๏ Take a foundational AI course ๏ Occasional PD day in AI strategies


๏ Attending AI conferences ๏ Get certified in arts integration ๏ Monthly workshops in AI methods

๏ Collaborating with teaching artists ๏ Creating a course or PD day for ๏ Designing personalized, regular PD
and observing peers using AI others in AI/STEAM practices based on needs of staff in AI/STEAM

7 Curate a Resource Library 8 Align Resources to Lessons 9 Extend Resources for PD


๏ Scrolling & collecting AI resources ๏ Resources have little/no connection ๏ Review handouts from previous AI PD
to AI lessons
๏ Curate a library for all AI resources ๏ Seek out resources to support
๏ Create AI/STEAM resources for your ๏ Connecting resources to AI lessons planning/assessment efforts
school & add to library ๏ Creating resources aligned to lessons ๏ Create resources for upcoming PD
How to use the Arts Integration & STEAM
Implementation Scorecard

1. For each of the 9 sections in the outer circles on the Venn diagram, look at the
corresponding boxes below.

2. Read each of the characteristics in the box. Red = basic level. Yellow = intermediate level.
Green = Advanced level.

3. For each color/level, consider which statement is happening for you on a consistent basis
(more than 85% of the time).

4. Select your level (red, yellow, or green) and then place that color in the blank box in the
corresponding section in the Venn diagram.

5. Do this for each section around the Venn diagram.

6. Use your reds and yellows to identify where your immediate needs are for arts integration
and STEAM implementation. Greens show you areas where you are excelling and should
continue to support.

Our certified arts integration specialist team can help you guide these efforts and create a
personalized plan for moving from reds and yellows to greens. We do this within our highly-
rated Accelerator platform.

If you’re ready to start seeing a 20% increase in student achievement in one year or less, check
out the Accelerator. We look forward to supporting you!

The Institute for Arts Integration & STEAM

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