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Writing your comments on the traditional roles of women in

Philippine society. Write also your comments on the traditional role of man "as
providers of the family". How hace these gender-assigned roles changed in
Philippine society today? Cite examples of anecdotes about the changing roles
of women in society. Give your reflection.

In the Filipino culture, women have traditionally been charged with domestic
responsibilities such as running household tasks and taking care of their
families. These roles were largely dictated by societal norms that perceived
women mainly as caregivers at home. On a different spectrum, men's
traditional role was typically seen as serving as the main breadwinner for their
family – responsible for earning the income needed to maintain all household
needs. This "provider" position came along with financial responsibility
expectations. In recent decades though, there has been notable evolution within
these gender-specific assigns among Philippine society members. Women are
now increasingly stepping out from homes-based exclusivity towards career
engagement fields - academia or prominent leadership positions amongst them
which reshapes the conventional motherhood caregiver single-role concept. A
quick anecdotal survey upturns changing times' significant examples about
evolving Philippine woman social status: More Filipinas are gaining
employment in sectors previously monopolized by males like engineering realm
segments- government politics-business top-tier ranks further proving efficacy
across diverse professional environments even more groundbreaking ways
ensuring valuable contribution made into national workforce matrix scope
Promotion efforts pushing egalitarian ideals empowerment is empowering
females who assert rights demanding equivalent opportunity acquisitions
education-workplace-decision making statures Filipina Government
Representation: Increasing female presence observed public duties platforms
reflecting broader acceptance abilities heading governmental units actively
deciding policymaking protocols enhancing collective governance dynamics
outcomes thereby boosting populace development prospects Emphasis on
educating girls resulted increased literacy numbers enhanced access higher
scholastic realms propelling once unreachable vocational narratives skyward
projections onward forging ahead literary human capital expansion applied
Looking back reflection; changed state of Philippines feminine demographic
reflects encouraging move forwards greater sex equality empowering
experiences where achievements desire celebration applauding variable
contributions everywhere transcending conventional anticipated designations
daily life existential patterns formulating group success collaborative victory
effects multifold beneficial benefits nationally intimately connected intertwined
networked evolutionary developmental processional progressive stages
enterprise spirit is ably prosperously populated across sociopolitical sphere
intense fervor passion actively dynamically widespread energetically vibrantly
movement physically present form new cultural behavioral trends enticing
patterns sumptuously inclusively huge big gigantic manner holistic surround
sound activity progressive engineering effect compliment transformation wave
which steadily becoming more prominent conversational talking point easily
noticeable everywhere discernable palpably tactile phenomenon commonplace
occurrence natural event reciprocal dual flow nature Yet journey isn't wholly
perfect paved smooth silk velvet, hiccups hurdles gender-biased prejudices
unfettered equal opportunity challenges along with continual influence familial
societal expectations norms underlying subtext lingering inhibiting complete
active female participation certain critical arenas leadership points. A
momentum forward progression towards genuine true equality involves
persistent endeavors necessity implementing suitable reflective policies
promoting balanced opportunities - ridding stereotypes detrimental unbalanced
scaled balance stock perspectives wider spectrum revisionist view concerning
inspiring nurturing people all genders comprehend appreciate diversified roles
value-added contributions belonging males females society realizing full
potentials transactionally interactive open-ended dynamic base fountain
wellspring source experience wisdom transformative overwrite rewrite erase
forget old overcome hurdle cross bridge reach out achieve goal desired mutual
collaborative victory

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