Evaluare Sumativă NR 4 La Limba Engleză, CL VI-a

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_____________ ___________________ Summative Evaluation 4 in the VIth ________ form

date surname, last name

organized in the school year 2023-2024
_________ _________ written by Josan R., teacher of English, Ist did. degree
score mark
Unit IV
I. Reading Comprehension

1. Read the text and choose the correct variant from the highlighted words from the text. ___/7p

The Park Clean-up

There is a beautiful park/ parking in Andrew’s native town Edineț. People of different age go / run
there for walks, for bike rides or for some other activities. They feel good / bad there, but very often there is
much / many litter in the park. Last week, the pupils from Andrew s school decided to organize a Local Park
Clean-up on the following Saturday.
On the clean-up day, they met at 8:30. They brought trash bags and gloves and started washing/
cleaning. There was much work to do. The elder pupils / people cut the dry branches while the younger ones
collected the waste and put it in the trash bags. Some parents came to collect the trash bags that the pupils filled.
They all worked till 12:00 o’clock. When they finished, the pupils could see the results of their work and they
felt happy and proud / selfish. The park looked much cleaner and more beautiful.

2.Answer the questions based on the text. ____5p

1.Why do people of different age like the park in Edineț?

2.Why did Andrew’s school organize a Local Park Clean-Up?
3.What did they bring to clean the park?
4.How did the parents help?
5.How did the pupils feel after cleaning up the park?

II. Vocabulary

1.Write 3 words for each group ____/ 8p

Nature phenomena - __________________________________________________________

Trees (non-fruit) _____________________________________________________________
Buildings where people work ___________________________________________________
Adjectives describing country life _______________________________________________
Adjectives describing city life __________________________________________________
III. Grammar

1. Find mistakes and write the correct variant __/5p

1.If we will have a lot of snow, we will go skiing. ________________________________________

2.They don’t ride their bikes if it is foggy tomorrow. ______________________________________
3.I will not go to the forest, if it will rain on Saturday. _____________________________________
4.If it was cold, Philip and his friends will play at home. ___________________________________
5.If it will be wet and windy, I will go for a walk. ________________________________________

2. Write the correct tag question for the following sentences. ___/ 5p

1.There are foxes and wolves in the forests, ___________________?

2. Moldova doesn’t have mountains, _________________________?
3. The air is not very fresh in the city, ________________________?
4. People should protect the environment, _____________________?
5. We save birds in winter by making birdfeeders, _______________?

IV. Writing.

Write about city life versus country life in 70 – 80 words. Describe the activities, nature, ___/ 13p
where life is better and why.

Identifică și descrie subiectul conform temei - 2p. Structurează clar și consecutiv ideile exprimate într-un text
coherent (introducere, cuprins, încheiere) - 3p. Utilizarea unui vocabular specific temei 3p. Corectitudine
ortografică și gramaticală -3p. Volum - 2p.



10 9 8 7 6 5 4
41-43 38-40 33-37 26-32 19-25 13-18 6-12

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