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_______________ __________________ Summative Evaluation nr.

1 in the VIIIth _______form

date surname, last name
organized in the 1st semester, the school year 2023-2024
_________ _________ written by Josan R., teacher of English, Ist did. degree
score mark
Unit I

I. Reading

1. Read the text and choose the best answer. ___/ 7p

My Green School Dream

I grew up in a very small village in Canada, and I’m an undiagnosed dyslexic / dislexic. I had a really
hard time in school. When I got married / divorced, my wife and I decided to do something unusual. We
decided to give back locally. And here it is: it’s called the Green School / College. I know it doesn’t look like
a school, but it is extremely, extremely green. The classrooms have no walls. The teacher is writing on a
bamboo blackboard. The desks are not square. At Green School, the children are laughing / smiling - an
unusual thing for school, especially for me. The classrooms have natural light / electricity. They’re beautiful.
And when the natural breeze isn’t enough, the kids deploy bubbles, but not the kind of bubbles you know.
These bubbles are made from natural cotton and rubber from the rubber tree. These kids did a little graffiti on
their desks. The first one was called sanding and the second one was called re-waxing. But since that
happened, they own those tables / desks. They know they can control their world.
Green School is a place of pioneers, local and global. The kids / people are from 25 countries. When I
see them together, I know that they’re working out how to live in the future. It’s a school where you don't
learn only reading and writing, but you also learn other things.

2. Find in the text words or word combinations that are defined below. ___/ 5p

1._________________ - a soft white fibrous substance

2._________________ - a thin sphere of liquid enclosing air or another gas.
3._________________ - not habitually or commonly occurring or done.
4._________________ - determine the behaviour or supervise the running of.
5._________________ - writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall

3. Ask the narrator 5 different questions upon the text. ___/5p

1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________________________________
4. __________________________________________________________________________________
5. __________________________________________________________________________________

4. Fill in the following expressions in the blank spaces: in doubt, play hooky, hit the books, ___/6p
drop out, out of place, draw a blank,

a. He said we’d met before, but I just ____________________________

b.I can't go out tonight. I need to _______________________________
c. We would often ___________________________ and go surfing instead.
d. At her first time on the stage, Ann felt _______________________
e. He _______________________ of school when he was 16.
f. The future of the stadium is ____________________ because of a lack of money.
II. Grammar

1. Use after, before, why, as, as soon as, until, in case or while to complete the sentences. ___/ 6p

a. I will master English _______________ I complete every exercise in my textbook.

b. Nora will stay with her parents ______________ she finds a good job.
c. ____________ she is living with her parents, she will save a lot of money
d. Rosie will move abroad ________________ she has finished university.
e. _________________you haven't figured it out, let me explain
f. They lived rough for four days __________________ they were arrested

III.Written production. Write a 100-120-word essay about an event your school celebrates or ____/12p
you would like to celebrate in your school. Describe the tradition and explain its benefits for
the students.

 Structure (paragraphs: introduction, body, conclusion) – 1p

 The development of the given topic – 2p
 Capacity to present clearly own opinions – 2p Volume – 1p
 Fluency, logical organization of thoughts and ideas – 2p Vocabulary connected with the topic – 2p
 Grammatical accuracy & Spelling – 2p



10 9 8 7 6 5 4
39-41 36-38 31-35 25-30 18-24 12-17 8-11

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