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10th biology worksheet

Chapters 2-6

Question 1

Study the diagram and answer the followings

(i) Identify the stage of karyokinesis

(ii) Label part A -D
(iii) How B is formed
(iv) Write the role of part D

Question 2

(i) Identify the process shown in diagram

(ii) What happened if this cell will place in hypotonic solution
(iii) How the above said process is useful for plants

Question 3

(i) Name the reaction market as A and B and write the site of these reactions
(ii) Write the name I, II, III, IV and V mentioned in the figure
(iii) What is the importance of this process in for living organisms
Question 4.
Differentiate between active transport and diffusion.
5. Why leaves of the plants wilt when the plant is uprooted.
6. Name the basic unit of inheritance
7. Why Mandel choose pea palnt for his study.
8. What is monohybrid and dihybrid ratio.
9. Differentiate between mitosis and meiosis
10. Name the various forces responsible for tanspiration pull.
11. Heena took variegated leaves from a plant. She boiled these leaves in alcohol for some
time. After this, she stained these leaves. Understand the statements and answer the
(i) what process is seemed to be studies in this.
(II) Name any plant with variegated leaves
(III) what is the purpose of boiling of leaves in alcohol
(IV) leaves turn into which colour (a) after boiling (b) after staining

13. Fill in the blanks

Some ions like (a)……cannot pass through cell membrane of the root. Because the root cell
have (b)….. concentration of cell sap. It is maintained in order to develop (c)…… for
absorbing water. So simple osmosis cannot be takes place. Ions moves forcefully into the
root through process of (d)……with the expanditure of ……..

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