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PAGE 128 : 1, 2 ,3 AND 4

1).Read and listen to the text. Match the words to the photos.

Court: C Dribble: G Goal: D Kick: E Pass: B

Pitch: A Shoot: F Try: H

2).Read the text again. Why are these numbers important in the two sports?

5 : because are the points when players put the ball behind the opponents'goal line and
they score a try.

7 : because are the players in each team in Handball.

15 : because are the players in each team in Rugby.

40×20 : because are the measurements of the handball area.

144×70 : because are the measurements of the rugby area.

3).Which sport do the rules describe, rugby or handball? Write the name.

1.- You can't pass the ball to someone in front of you: Handball

2.- Most players can't go everywhere on the playing area: Handball

3.- You can use your feet : Handball

4.- The ball isn't round: Rugby

4).Listen and answer the questions about a different sports, Gaelic football.

1.-Which countries is the sport played in and what is it played on? Is played in Ireland and
places who America and Australia.

2.-How many people are in each team? There are 15 players in each team.

3.-What are players allowed to do? They can run with the ball in their hands and then they
have to pass it with their hands or their feet.

4.-How do players score points? If players keep the ball or heet it with their hands over the

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