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Name: Cielo D.

Year & Section: BEED1A
Class schedule: MonWed 4:00-5:30pm
Instructor: Michael Dominic D. Alarkon


Life is a beautiful journey filled with questions, emotions, and a quest for meaning. In this
conversation, we will delve into some thought-provoking topics such as the significance of life,
personal fears, spiritual exploration, belief in God, and the desires we would have if God were to
appear before us. Let's embark on this introspective journey together.

When it comes to what matters most in life, the answer can vary from person to person.
However, some common themes often emerge. For many, meaningful relationships, personal
growth, health, and purpose are key factors. Ultimately, it's about finding what brings joy,
fulfillment, and a sense of purpose to your life.Fear is a natural human emotion that can
manifest in various ways. It's different for everyone, as we all have unique experiences and
perspectives. Take a moment to reflect on what makes you feel afraid. Is it the fear of failure,
rejection, uncertainty, or something else entirely? Acknowledging and understanding our fears
can help us overcome them and live more authenticallyThe search for spirituality and a
connection with a higher power is a deeply personal journey. It can involve exploring different
belief systems, practices, and philosophies. Some find solace in organized religions, while
others seek spirituality through meditation, nature, or personal reflection. The key is to follow
your heart and find what resonates with your soul.Belief in God's existence is a matter of
personal faith. Some people have unwavering faith, while others may have doubts or question
the concept of a higher power. It's important to respect and explore different perspectives while
remaining open to the possibilities that exist. Ultimately, belief is a deeply personal choice.

Life is a journey of self-discovery, filled with questions about what matters most, our fears,
spirituality, and belief in a higher power. It's a deeply personal and introspective process that
allows us to explore our values, find meaning, and shape our worldview. Remember, there are
no right or wrong answers in these matters. Embrace your own unique journey, and may it lead
you to a place of peace, fulfillment, and understanding.

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