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Akancha Against

Sahil Sakpal
What I Key features of
understand of the #AAH
#AAH. portal.

Social Media
The genius of
the 10
core points.

My contribution
towards the goal.

Akancha Against Harassment #AAH 2

What I understand of
Upon exploring the initiative dedicated to cyber
awareness, I am truly impressed by its commitment to
serving as India's largest social impact initiative against
cyber harassment. The tagline itself resonates with a noble
cause, underlining the importance of raising awareness
and actively combating the various forms of cyber threats
in our increasingly digital society. The initiative's
comprehensive content and informative nature stand out,
providing a wealth of knowledge that not only educates
visitors about the intricacies of cyber harassment but also
inspires a sense of responsibility and a call to action.
Constructed with genuine dedication to making a positive
impact, the moment emphasizes social awareness,
suggesting a collective effort to create a safer online space
for everyone.

Akancha Against Harassment #AAH 3


For victims of cyber harassment who navigate to this moment, it likely serves as a beacon of hope and
relief. The initiative's empathetic approach and informative resources may empower victims with
knowledge, helping them understand their situation and providing practical guidance on how to
navigate through the challenges posed by cyber threats. By offering a sense of community and
support, the moment instills a renewed sense of optimism in victims, assuring them that there are
organizations and initiatives actively working towards a better and safer digital future. In doing so, the
initiative not only raises awareness but also contributes significantly to the resilience and recovery of
those affected by cyber harassment, fostering a positive outlook amidst the often daunting landscape
of online threats.

Akancha Against Harassment #AAH 4

The 10 Core Points of #AAH
Keeping the above points in mind is essential, as these represent a comprehensive framework addressing
various facets of contemporary cyber threats. Each component highlights a distinct manifestation of cyber
misconduct, collectively forming a robust strategy for understanding, preventing, and combating cyber threats
in the modern world. By comprehensively addressing these points, the conceptual framework not only
acknowledges the diversity of cyber threats but also recognizes the potential for both individual and societal
harm. Implementing strategies to counteract these threats is crucial for safeguarding the well-being of
individuals, protecting privacy, and upholding the integrity of digital spaces in our interconnected world. It
necessitates a collaborative effort involving individuals, communities, businesses, and governments to create a
safer and more secure online environment.

Akancha Against Harassment 5

“They are scared of being
called out.”
Akancha Shrivastava

Akancha Against Harassment #AAH 6

Social Media
I deeply appreciate the initiative's proactive approach
in monitoring social media platforms to swiftly address
and rectify inappropriate acts. The commitment to
vigilant oversight, coupled with prompt actions such as
whistleblowing, exemplifies a dedication to maintaining
a secure online environment. By promptly intervening
and holding individuals accountable for their actions,
the initiative not only serves as a safeguard against
cyber threats but also sends a clear message that
inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated. This
dynamic and responsive engagement on social media
platforms not only reflects the initiative's commitment
to immediate action but also underscores its role as a
powerful advocate for digital safety, fostering a virtual
space where users can feel protected and empowered.

Akancha Against Harassment #AAH 7

Extensive research indicates an alarming exponential
growth in the realm of cybercrime, encompassing a
spectrum of illicit activities such as cyber blackmailing,
cyber pornography, cyber stalking, defamation, and the
creation of fake profiles. The prevalence of these cyber
threats underscores the evolving landscape of digital
misconduct, posing significant challenges to
individuals, businesses, and the overall integrity of
online spaces. As per estimations, this trend is poised
to intensify in the coming years, reflecting the
continuous adaptation and sophistication of
cybercriminal tactics.
Factors such as increased internet connectivity, rapid technological advancements, and the expanding digital
footprint of individuals contribute to the escalating threat landscape, making it imperative for cybersecurity measures
to evolve in tandem. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach that combines robust legislation,
advanced technological solutions, and comprehensive awareness initiatives to mitigate the risks associated with the
projected growth in cybercrime.
Akancha Against Harassment #AAH
My contribution towards the goal.
If given the opportunity as a cybersecurity intern at Akancha Shrivastava Foundation, I am confident in my ability to
contribute on multiple levels. First and foremost, I would engage as a dedicated researcher, diligently exploring
emerging cyber threats and actively seeking effective countermeasures. This proactive approach aligns with the
foundation's commitment to staying ahead of evolving digital risks.

Secondly, my diverse and robust skillset in utilizing various security tools positions me well to conduct thorough
assessments of applications. This skill is essential for identifying and rectifying potential misconduct, ensuring the
security and integrity of digital platforms associated with the foundation's initiatives.

Furthermore, I am prepared to take on the role of an incident responder or whistleblower. In the event of a
cybersecurity incident, I am equipped to respond swiftly, investigate thoroughly, and collaborate with relevant
parties to address and mitigate the impact. This commitment to incident response aligns with the foundation's
mission of creating a safer digital space.

In essence, my multifaceted approach as a researcher, application tester, and incident responder demonstrates my
dedication to contributing effectively to the cybersecurity initiatives of the Akancha Shrivastava Foundation.

Akancha Against Harassment #AAH 9

Thank you

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