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Focusing on
your strengths is wholly owned by About The Script Collection
Uncommon Knowledge Ltd

Uncommon Knowledge Limited was set up in 1998 and The Script Collection is a resource for professional and
is a well-established hypnotherapy centre. We specialise trainee hypnotherapists. Scripts are useful as a source of
in the provision of hypnosis resources online and ideas and approaches which can be adapted to suit the
offline in accordance with the education, training and needs of individual clients.
experience that we have.
We do not recommend that scripts are read verbatim.
The Script Collection
© 2005 Uncommon Knowledge Ltd The design of The Script Collection has been specially
devised to enhance the benefits of this resource. Ample
All rights reserved worldwide space is provided where you may write your own notes,
comments and adaptations.
No part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval
system, transmitted or reproduced in any way, including A number of special conventions have been adopted to
but not limited to digital copying and printing, without make the scripts easy to use and study.
the prior agreement and written permission of the
authors. The first part of each script, in which the therapist is
preparing the ground for the trance work to follow,
You must not use any hypnosis downloads or hypnosis is formatted as standard prose, and is intended to be
scripts for any commercial purpose, unless you are a delivered with normal tone and pace.
practising professional hypnotherapist in which case you
may use the hypnosis downloads and hypnosis scripts for The trance script that follows is formatted so that line
the purposes of your own professional development, by breaks mark suggested phrasing and pacing.
which we mean that:
Silences play an important part in trance work, and
• you may use any hypnosis downloads and hypnosis pause markers indicate different lengths of pause as
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nPause [approx 10 seconds]

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Studying the content and structure of these highlighted

phrases will be particularly helpful to the therapist who
wishes to develop their own skill in devising helpful
2 • Focusing on your strengths

During this session I really want you to think carefully about any of your
qualities and attributes which count as strengths that you have as a person;
anything at all.

In a moment, I’m going ask you some questions.

And I just want you to answer them in your mind. Over time, as you think about
these questions at different times, you’ll begin to notice some of your answers
change. A wonderful mark of improvement.

Just answer these questions in your mind, with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Now close your eyes, and listen.

[Note: Pause after each question – about 5 seconds]

The first question is:

• Have you ever done anything at all well?

• Have you ever said anything complimentary to anybody?
• Have you ever successfully learned anything? Driving, the English language, a
musical instrument, to walk… anything at all?
• Have you ever had the feeling that someone liked you?
• Have you ever sincerely wanted to contribute to the world or other people in
some way?
• Do other people ever say you are good at something?
• Are you ever able to give others good advice or encouragement in some way?
• Do you have any leadership qualities?
• Do you ever finish things?
• Do you have a sense of justice?
• Do you want things to get better for yourself and for those around you? Scripts Personal Power 2 – Focusing on Your Strengths n

now you can just forget about those questions
for the time being
as your mind
and body
begin to relax very deeply and comfortably
that’s it

Now with each passing second
you can relax a little deeper
that’s it
and my voice can travel with you
into the deepest levels of comfort and calm
because you can just focus on your right big toe
and notice those sensations as it rests deeper and more fully
that’s it
and now focus your attention in your left big toe
that’s it
and then each and every toe in turn resting deeper
as you relax more fully
that’s it
and just notice the insteps of both your feet
just becoming more fully relaxed
almost as if you could see a colour
inside your feet
just relaxing them more

That’s it
and notice both calf muscles
just resting deeper and deeper
like every particle of them can
relax so deeply and fully
that’s it
and the backs of your knees can just Scripts Personal Power 2 – Focusing on Your Strengths n

and your thighs
can tingle with deep calm and rest

That’s it
and just notice that deepening sense of comfort
soothing your pelvis
and up into the muscles of the stomach

and up resting and relaxing your chest
sweeping and soothing
waves of utter calm comfort spreading and drifting
all around you
that’s it
and the muscles of the neck can really begin to rest so deeply now

And your chin and jaw can have so much of this relaxation
just soothing and resting all around them
that’s it

And each and every muscle of your face

can relax so finely and deeply
your cheekbones and muscles
the tiny muscles around your eyes
and ears can all just
relax so deeply

And all of your head
and now the back of your neck can feel as if a heavenly massage
the most relaxing ever
were just soothing and resting it right now

nPause Scripts Personal Power 2 – Focusing on Your Strengths n

That’s good
and all over the top of your back and right down the sides of your back
a sweeping super gentle rest and comfort

And along every vertebrae

each one resting so deeply and serenely
that’s good
right down the middle of your back
as you relax deeper and deeper

And I can ask you to
relax so deeply
as you begin just to visualise the following things
and with each visualisation you are going to find
that you relax deeper and deeper
just for a split second
notice a blue circle
that’s it
what a blue circle might look like

And now what a yellow triangle might look like in your mind

That’s it
and now what a green square looks like
just getting a brief sense of that in your mind
as you relax deeper
that’s it

if you answered any of those questions with a ‘no’
I just want you now to imagine
going forward in time to a situation where you discover
that you were quite wrong about that Scripts Personal Power 2 – Focusing on Your Strengths n

and the answer begins to change to a ‘yes’
this can be a wonderful and inspiring experience
notice this now as you rest deeper

That’s good
just get the sense of wandering down a beautiful hallway
noticing the wonderful colours and the light and the furniture
because you are going to go to such an attractive part of this house
to an incredibly attractive room
with the most comfortable cushions and sofas
and the most beautiful pictures hanging on the walls
just get a sense of wandering along and into this beautiful room
right now
and settling some place so comfortable within it

That’s good
and you may not have noticed yet but
there are two other people in this room who haven’t yet realised
you are there
and are deep in their own conversation
they may be friends you already know
or perhaps they represent the kinds of people you might know
in the future
because they are talking about you
you from around nine months’ ahead in the future
and if you listen carefully
notice how impressed they are with how far you’ve come
and the changes and improvements you’ve made within yourself
the way you’ve learned so much and achieved so much
maybe even the way your posture and body language are different

nnnnPause Scripts Personal Power 2 – Focusing on Your Strengths n

That’s good
and they can just fade back into the future because
in a few seconds
your subconscious mind is going to present
some of your real strengths
maybe in the form of words
or just imagining the words being said
or just getting a sense of these qualities
and some of these strengths presented to you
from your own unconscious mind
can surprise you
you may even find they are things you used to think of as weaknesses
or really not your strengths at all

now the more you relax deeply and learn to appreciate your strengths
the greater the benefits you are going to notice
and the more clearly you will be aware
of your capacities and potential
for now though you can just
get the sense of walking back along the hallway
that’s it
because you can bring a great deal of relaxation
back to your waking consciousness
that’s it

And you can just begin to re-orientate your mind and body
to normal every day awareness
that’s right
and just begin to come back to the room
feeling wide awake and fully refreshed!
Excellent. Scripts Personal Power 2 – Focusing on Your Strengths n


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