Hunt Final Curriculum Edci 54800

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Final Curriculum:

Social Justice Unit on Health

Diana Carpio, Brooklyn K. Hunt, and Crystal Waldo

Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Purdue University

EDCI 54800: Teaching Math to Diverse Learners

Dr. Laura Bofferding, Ph.D.

October 16, 2022


Obesity, cancer, the common cold, the flu. The list of maladies goes on while our

knowledge on spread, prevention, and cost is limited. This unit focuses on providing instruction

and exploration to students in Algebra I & Algebra II while having students consider other

people they know. The first lesson compares three situations leading students to compare being

proactive and reactive in seeking health care. The second lesson has students graphing

data/information around the cost of insurance. The final lesson in the unit has pupils exploring

the spread of an ailment. Lessons in the unit do not require experience or knowledge from the

prior lesson, so lessons can be implemented separately.

The lessons we created are inspired by research that each of us performed within our own

school communities. A local physician, two school nurses and their assistants were interviewed

about health care and cost. Two sets of students were surveyed about their experiences with

seeking treatment and knowledge of healthy habits. Through this data we were able to identify

gaps in our students’ understanding of health care. We targeted these gaps by focusing our

lessons on preventive care, insurance cost, and spread of disease.

Through the interviews of the doctor, two school nurses and their assistants, we learned

about health care in our community from the viewpoint of experts. The doctor, who works in a

free clinic and a pay clinic within the area of one of our schools, emphasized the importance of

teaching the community the benefits of preventive care over only seeking care in response to an

emergency. Preventive care such as wellness visits from a primary care physician could give

patients the necessary education and encouragement on proper eating and exercise habits that

could prevent common ailments such as, type two diabetes and high blood pressure. The

interview with one of the school nurses highlighted a similar opinion on preventive care through

educating our students on the importance and proper procedure of hand washing. Such measures

could help prevent the spread of germs and illness. The second interview with a school nurse

assistant enlightened us on the affordability of health care even when one does have insurance. In

her experience, paying for periodic doctor’s visits out-of-pocket was less expensive than paying

for visits with insurance and their premiums. In emergency situations, health care could still be

affordable due to their access to a county hospital that provided affordable health care.

The two surveys of students showed that this ample amount of knowledge shared by our

experts was not making its way to the students and families that lived in these same

communities. In one survey the students were asked, “when was the last time you or someone in

your family saw a doctor?” Thirty of the one hundred thirty-one students surveyed had

themselves or a family member visited a doctor or emergency room in the last 5 months. Not one

had seen a doctor in the last month. When asked why this was the case, most students shared that

their parents either did not have time or they did not have the money. In their responses students

also acknowledged that there had been instances where a doctor should have been seen for

treatment, but they hadn't had the opportunity to do so. In the second survey the students were

asked, “how long are you supposed to wash your hands?” Only twenty-five percent of the

students surveyed were able to give the correct answer. Many students shared that they only

washed their hands because adults told them to. The results of these surveys highlighted the lack

of knowledge students, and their families have on the affordability of both preventive and

curative health care within their community and the vital role that washing their hands have in

preventing the spread of germs.

Our interviews of experts and surveys of our students showed us that there is a missing

link between the health care professionals and the students and families in our communities. This

realization led us to develop lessons that “engage [our students] in mathematical investigations in

the classroom of specific aspects of their social and physical world” (Gutstein, 2007, p. 109) to

help them learn the vital information surrounding their health and health care opportunities in

their communities. This vital information includes the cost effectiveness of preventive vs.

curative care without insurance, the cost of health care with vs. without insurance, and the

exponential spread of disease.

The collected data exhibits the importance of building knowledge of the cost-

effectiveness of preventive health care, even for households with no insurance. In low-income

communities, many are not aware that the illnesses that affect them the most are largely

preventable. I created my lesson to help students discover that preventive health care is not only

cost-effective, but it can also be beneficial to a person's health in the long run, especially when

considering type two diabetes, which runs rampid in low-income communities (Kivimäki et al.,


The starting activity for the first lesson is a Nearpod slideshow which includes open-

ended questions, multiple-choice poll questions, and information slides. The open-ended

questions ask students to share their background knowledge on preventive and curative care. By

having students share what they know on the subject upfront, students will be shown that their

thinking is respected (Weissglass, 2011). The information slides are used to introduce students to

the critical knowledge of preventive and curative health care and to be a jumping off point for

what these types of health care look like (Gustein, 2011). The multiple-choice poll questions will

ask students to share how often they have experienced these types of health care and give them

the opportunity to connect this critical knowledge to their daily realities and community

experiences (Neito, 2013). The Nearpod is a starting point for the students to learn about this

potentially new aspect of health care and to connect it to their lives before investigating it

through mathematics.

The meat of the first lesson surrounds a jigsaw activity where students are able to work

collaboratively to mathematically model the cost of preventive and curative health care within

three specific treatment situations involving type two diabetes (see Jigsaw A, B, and C in

Appendix A). Students are initially placed into “home groups'' of three where students are

assigned to then move into three separate “expert groups''. Within their expert group, students

will take on investigating one of the preventive or curative care situations by modeling it with a

linear equation, table, and graph. While in their expert groups students are expected “to accept

the responsibility for their own learning and progress” and “to solve problems in a variety of

different ways and accept solutions in many different forms'' as recommended by the California

State Department of Education (1982, as cited in Wiessglass, 2011, p. 275). Once they use their

mathematics to model the situations, students will move back to their home groups to compare

their discoveries about preventive and curative health care by completing a group discussion

worksheet. During the discussion portion in their home groups students engage in collaborative

learning which is “enhanced by assigning group roles to make sure all students have the

opportunity to engage meaningfully with the task at hand” (Seda & Brown, 2021, p. 99).

Two tasks in the first lesson follow the multimodal principle as defined by Driscoll

(2016). Within the expert groups students can model their mathematics algebraically through

creating a linear function and visually through filling out a table and a graph. The multimodal

principle also applies to the home group discussion where students are prompted to engage in

verbal and written explanations of what they learned from their expert groups. In summary, the

jigsaw activity allows students collaborate with their peers to “apply the mathematics they know

to solve problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace” (National Governors

Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers, 2010, as cited

by Seda & Brown, 2021, p. 104).

The last two activities of the first lesson are meant to help students to synthesize and

apply to their lives what they learn about preventive and curative health care through the

mathematical modeling in the jigsaw activity. In the whole-class discussion students are given

the opportunity share-out what they learned and the ideas they had as they completed the

previous activities. This moment in the lesson was meant to help students to know that their

ideas are respected which in turn motivates them “to participate in their society and to keep

learning” (Frankenstein, 2012, p. 51). Following the discussion, students are given a moment to

reflect on and write about what they learned about the mathematics of preventive and curative

health care. The purpose of the exit ticket activity is to help students to see that the mathematics

they learned could be used in their day-to-day life “to help them improve the conditions of their

lives” (Martin, 2003, p. 9).

Through this first lesson students are able to learn about the types of preventive and

curative health care treatments and their cost in relation to type two diabetes, a relevant problem

in the lives of many people in low-income situations. The jigsaw activity engages students in

collaborative and multimodal learning where they can make sense of the social justice issue

through mathematical modeling and come to some conclusion of what form of health care might

be the most cost-effective. Students are able to think about how the math they learned can apply

to their approach to health care in their own lives, including their choice in having health

insurance or not.

When surveying students and adults, one common theme kept popping up, health

insurance is a topic that is not discussed frequently in a household. Most adults that were

interviewed did not have knowledge about the cost of health insurance and the ways it works

until they were offered enrollment with full-time employment. Individuals knew their parents, or

guardians, had health insurance when there were trips to a doctor, but had no knowledge of how

health insurance functions. The use of health insurance is not considered until one has steady

employment or a dire need for the coverage.

Unexpected diagnoses like cancer, and diabetes, can become costly very quickly. Health

insurance can minimize the costs incurred, as costs can easily total to thousands of dollars. Still,

some adults shed light on alternatives that make having no insurance less expensive. Seitz (2022)

reports that “Roughly 26 million people remain without health insurance in the U.S.” (para 7).

To respond to previously higher numbers of uninsured people, some county hospitals, like

University Health Systems in San Antonio, developed a program (Carelink), and other assistance

programs, that makes health care affordable.

The second lesson, which focused on health insurance, has some accommodations in the

form of sentence stems for special population students; English Learners, or EL’s, and Special

Education Students. Nieto (2013, p35) states that “demonstrating an interest in their families and

their communities” is a way to care about where the students are coming from. A KWL chart is

used to engage, and gain insight to, all students. Students will record prior knowledge or

experience on a KWL chart, followed by an exchange of ideas and prior knowledge with peers in

pairs, and whole class discussions. The entire lesson will “provide time for them to explore and

express their thinking” (Weisglass, 2011, p 271).


The application involves a fictional individual, Alejandro, who is weighing the options of

getting insurance or not. To facilitate understanding, and connection making, multiple

representations of the same information are used. Students not only write equations and create

tables for the scenarios, but are aided by DESMOS in creating graphical representations of the

costs. As multiple representations are made of information, important points are highlighted

through questions in parts c,d, f, and g. Parts g and h ask students to interpret the meaning of the

point of intersection.

To close the second lesson, students form conclusions and conjectures about Alejandro’s

options. The pro’s and con’s of each option are weighed. Asking students for their

recommendations taps into their inclination to give advice and exhibits the instructor’s respect

and value of their thoughts (Weisglass 2011). How well students heed advice is further explored

as the spread of germs is looked at more closely in the application of exponential growth.

Covid-19 is one of the fastest spreading viruses seen in modern times. Looking at polled

data from the students it is easy to determine that proper hand washing techniques are not being

used in most adolescents. This directly variates the rate in which viruses spread. With only 25%

of students answering correctly in the poll the first step was to actually show the proper

technique. Utilizing the school resources, the nurse assisted in putting together a demonstration

showing this technique. She came to the classroom and spent the day demonstrating and

informing the students on the importance of personal hygiene and germ idequet. Viruses spread

from infected person to person while treatments are being developed. We need to do our part in

slowing the spread of germs.


The third lesson has students learning how to compare data while applying exponential

growth properties. Students were introduced to exponential function characteristics and data

related to the spread of germs. Then, students write an equation to represent the spread of an

illness after “x” number of weeks. Students use the formula to see the spread after 10, 20 weeks

etc. Students used the information to determine how long it takes for the whole population of the

nation to become infected. This lesson on the exponential growth of germs helps provide

students with data analysis and apply these applications to a real-world issue. Gutstein (2007)

says, students need “to engage in mathematical investigations in the classroom of specific

aspects of their social and physical world.” (p109)

Students need opportunities to apply mathematics so they benefit and find value in the

objectives taught in the classroom. The Health Unit we put together gives purpose to

mathematics that can benefit their future. These real world situations give students an

opportunity to see math working in a positive light. Martin (2003) says, “If these students are not

able to use mathematics knowledge in liberatory ways to change and improve the conditions of

their lives outside of school, they will continue to be marginalized…”(p13-14). These lessons

show students the importance of this. There is more than mathematics in the lessons; students are

reflecting on prevention and the costs of neglecting to care for themselves and the effects it has

not just on them but others when their symptoms go untreated and are spread. We are proving

that math can and will be used in every aspect of their lives including their own and others



In this group, each member was responsible for writing the summary for their own lesson

in the unit. Brooklyn was responsible for the first lesson, Diana for the second, and Crystal for

the third. Diana wrote the introduction for the final curriculum, Brooklyn wrote the summary of

the data collection process and results, and Diana worked with Crystal to write the conclusion.

Each group member reviewed and revised the compiled work to make sure the sections

transitioned well. Each group member was responsible for properly citing the works they

reference in their own portion and including their final lesson plan in the appendices.


Driscoll, M., Nikula, J., & DePiper, J. N. (2016). Mathematical thinking and communication:

Access for English learners. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Frankenstein, M. (2012). Beyond math content and process: Proposals for underlying aspects of

social justice education. In A. A. Wager & D. W. Stinson (Eds.), Teaching mathematics

for social justice: Conversations with educators (pp. 49-62). Reston, VA: NCTM.

Gustein, E. (2007). Connecting community, critical, and classical knowledge in teaching

mathematics for social justice. The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, Monograph 1,


Kivimäki, M., Virtanen, M., Kawachi, I., Nyberg, S. T., Alfredsson, L., Batty, G. D., Bjorner, J.

B., Borritz, M., Brunner, E. J., Burr, H., Dragano, N., Ferrie, J. E., Fransson, E. I., Hamer,

M., Heikkilä, K., Knutsson, A., Koskenvuo, M., Madsen, I. E., Nielsen, M. L., … Jokela,

M. (2015). Long working hours, socioeconomic status, and the risk of incident type 2

diabetes: A meta-analysis of published and unpublished data from 222 120 individuals. The

Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 3(1), 27–34.


Martin, D. B. (2003). Hidden assumptions and unaddressed questions in mathematics for all

rhetoric. The Mathematics Educator, 13(2), 7-21.

Nieto, S. (2013). From dispositions to actions: Becoming culturally responsive teachers. In

Finding Joy in Teaching Students of Diverse Backgrounds (pp. 137-144). Portsmouth, NH:


Seda, P., & Brown, K. (2021). Choosing to see: A framework for equity in the math classroom.

Dave Burgess Consulting, Inc.

Seitz, A. (2022, August 2). Number of uninsured Americans drops to an all-time low. PBS.

Retrieved October 15, 2022, from




Weissglass, J. (2011). How many sides does a box have? The struggle to respect young people’s

thinking. In B. Atweh, M. Graven, W. Secada, & P. Valero (Eds.), Mapping Equity and

Quality in Mathematics Education (pp. 269-283). New York: Springer.


Appendix A

Brooklyn Hunt Lesson Plan

Course: Integrated Math 1

Content Area: Algebra

Unit: Health - Writing & Modeling Functions

Standard: A.CED.2 Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships

between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales.

Essential Question: Is preventive health care or curative health care more cost effective?

Content Objective: Students will be able to write an equation, create a table, and draw a graph

to represent a relationship between time and health care costs.

Language Objective: Students will discuss how to represent health care experiences with

mathematical models within a small group. They will write down answers to discussion

questions as a group.

Instructional Strategies: Guided Instruction (Nearpod), Collaborative Learning (Jigsaw & Class

Discussion), Independent Reflection (Exit Ticket)

Lesson Phases

Starter: Nearpod where students will share their knowledge and experience with preventive and

curative health care. Students will receive some direct instruction about what these terms mean

and what kind of treatment falls into each category.

Jigsaw: Students will form home groups of three in the classroom. Each student in each group

will be assigned with an A, B, or C. Students will then go into their expert groups based on their

letter to learn about and mathematically represent different experiences with preventative and

curative health care. Each student within each expert group will have a copy of the health care

experience as well as the table and graph (see Jigsaw A, Jigsaw B, and Jigsaw C worksheets).

Students will return to their home groups to share and discuss what they learned and created

within their expert groups. They will answer questions on a discussion sheet by putting together

their work from their expert groups.

Class Discussion: After students have finished their discussion question worksheet with their

jigsaw home groups, the students will discuss what they learned and discussed in both their

expert groups and home groups with the entire class. The questions that will help me guide the

discussion are as follows:

Was preventive health care or curative health care more cost effective in these situations?

Do you think this will always be the case?

Can someone seek preventive health care and still need curative health care?

Exit Ticket: Students will have time to reflect and write about their experience in class. They will

answer the following questions in their math notebooks as an exit ticket activity:

Write a summary statement about what you have learned about preventive and curative health


Has what you learned today about health care changed your ideas about health care?

Would you, if you don’t have one already, consider talking to your parents about getting a

primary physician to do wellness checks?


Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ________

Jigsaw A
Daniella has a primary care physician that she sees once a year for a wellness check and
occasionally for other illnesses. In August last year she met with her doctor, Dr. Mantoya, for a
wellness check and paid $100 for this appointment because she doesn’t have insurance. During
this visit Dr. Mantoya told Daniella that she was showing signs of being pre-diabetic. She gave
Daniella a list of foods to eat and avoid as well as an exercise program to improve her health
and prevent her from developing Type 2 diabetes. In September, Daniella decides to follow the
new diet and also buys a gym membership for $15 per month to help her improve her health.

Create a table and graph to represent how much Daniella has spent since September for her
preventative care (wellness check and gym membership). Write a function c(t) describing the
total cost of Daniella’s preventative care over time in months. Assume August is t=0.

Table: Graph:
t (time in months) C(t) (cost in dollars)






Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ________

Jigsaw B
Mario has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. He chooses not to meet with his doctor for
check ups because he doesn’t want to have to pay for these visits because he doesn’t have
insurance. However, he had to go to the emergency room twice in the last year, once in
February 2021 and August 2022 because his diabetes was uncontrolled. Each emergency room
visit cost about $6,500.

Create a table and graph to represent how much Mario has spent since August 2021 for his
curative care (emergency room visits). Write a function c(t) describing the total cost of Mario’s
preventative care over time in months. Assume August is t=0.

Table: Graph:

t (time in months) C(t) (cost in dollars)




Name: _______________________________________________ Period: ________

Jigsaw C
After being hospitalized in August 2021, Anna was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. The cost of
the care in the hospital was $7,000. In order to get her diabetes under control she started
seeing a primary care physician, Dr. Pina, once every 3 months. She doesn’t have insurance so
she pays $100 for each check-up. Since she started seeing Dr. Pina in November 2021, she
hasn’t needed to go to the emergency room since she started seeing Dr. Pina.

Create a table and graph to represent how much Anna has spent since August for her curative
and preventative care (hospitalization and check-ups). Write a function c(t) describing the total
cost of Anna’s health care over time in months. Assume August is t=0.

Table: Graph:
t (time in months) C(t) (cost in dollars)




Jigsaw Home Group Discussion


Home Group Member Names:

A: ____________________________________________

B: ____________________________________________

C: ____________________________________________

Your group will write down the answer to these questions once you have come back to your
home group after your expert group explorations. Person A will be the Recorder. Person B will

be the Facilitator. Person C will be the Mediator. Each of you are an expert for your own
exploration, make sure you contribute to the whole group discussion.

1. Who paid the least for their health care by December 2021? Who paid the most?

2. Who paid the least for their health care by March 2022? Who paid the most?

3. Who paid the least for their health care by the end of the year? Who paid the most?

Even though Mario didn’t have insurance, do you think it would have been more cost effective

for him to have regular check ups? Explain your reasoning using what you learned from your

expert groups.

Appendix B

Diana Carpio Lesson Plan

Course: Algebra I or Algebra II

Content Standards:
A.3(F) graph systems of two linear equations in two variables on the coordinate plane and determine the
solutions if they exist;

A.3(G) estimate graphically the solutions to systems of two linear equations with two variables in real-world
problems; and

A.5(C) solve systems of two linear equations with two variables for mathematical and real-world problems.

English Learner Standards:

(1) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/listening. The ELL listens to a variety of

speakers including teachers, peers, and electronic media to gain an increasing level of
comprehension of newly acquired language in all content areas. ELLs may be at the beginning,
intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of English language acquisition in listening. In
order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the foundation and
enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated
(communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student’s level of English
language proficiency

(2) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking. The ELL speaks in a variety of

modes for a variety of purposes with an awareness of different language registers
(formal/informal) using vocabulary with increasing fluency and accuracy in language arts and all
content areas. ELLs may be at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of
English language acquisition in speaking. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning
expectations across the foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in
English must be linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded)
commensurate with the student’s level of English language proficiency.

(3) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/reading. The ELL reads a variety of texts for a
variety of purposes with an increasing level of comprehension in all content areas. ELLs may be
at the beginning, intermediate, advanced, or advanced high stage of English language acquisition
in reading. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the foundation
and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically
accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student’s
level of English language proficiency

Special Education & English Learners: Extra Time & Sentence Stems

Advanced & GT: Compare graphs after point of intersection.

Component Description

Objective I can interpret graphs showing costs of health visits involving

the use of insurance and no insurance.

Vocabulary Copay System of Equations

PCP (Primary Care Physician) Point of Intersection
Out of Pocket Cost

Essential Questions • How can you determine if your solution is

● Would you recommend health insurance to a family
member? Why or why not?
● What does the solution of the system mean about having
insurance and not having insurance?

Materials Pencil, Chromebook, DESMOS graphing calculator, Health

Insurance Exploration Sheet, Warm-Up Sheet

Warm-Up/Activity Insurance KWL

(2 min to brainstorm, 5 min
whole class)

*Students should create and

record KWL in their
*Modified version, with
sentence stems available.

Procedures Have students complete the “Insurance KWL” to gather prior

(1.5 days) knowledge. Students should work alone, brainstorming alone
for about a minute, followed by a pairing up (Stand Up, Pair
Up) to share what was written. Students should also note what
they would like to share with the class during discussion.
Teacher should monitor recording and guide students with
probing questions, e.g. “does a family member talk about
having health insurance? If so, what do they say?” After
students share, initiate a class discussion about what they

Students will work in pairs, to complete Health Insurance



After completing the exploration, students complete Health

Exit Ticket. Have students individually record and explain a
situation in which having insurance is best.

Closure Would you recommend health insurance to a family member?

*Whole class discussion Why or why not?

What do you think will happen when you have prescription

medication to pay for?

Assessment/Exit Ticket Health Exit Ticket


Insurance KWL

I know that insurance is What I’m curious about is

I know that insurance _______________________.

What I’m curious about is

I know that insurance

Something I want to share with the class:

Insurance KWL

I know that insurance is What I’m curious about is


I know that insurance
What I’m curious about is

I know that insurance
___________________. _______________________.

Something I want to share with the class:


Date ______________
Class Period________
Health Insurance Exploration

Alejandro works full time and is debating whether to get health insurance or not. The table below
shows the two options.

Health Insurance Costs $768 for one year with a charge of $30 per doctor’s visit

No Insurance $167 per doctor’s visit

a. Write an equation for each scenario.

Health Insurance: No Insurance:

b. .Create tables for each scenario. Alejandro will visit the doctor once a month.

c. What is the cost for 3 doctors visits with insurance?

d. What is the cost for 3 doctors visits without insurance?


e. Use DESMOS to graph the tables together. Record your graphs below. Be sure to include
increments and labels.

f. Which situation is more expensive in the beginning? For how many doctor visits?

a. Graph the equation on DESMOS to determine how many visits result in the same cost?

The cost will be the same when the doctor is visited ______ times.

b. What does the point of intersection mean?

c. Which situation is more expensive after the point of intersection?


Date ______________
Class Period________
Health Insurance Exit Ticket

1. Why might Alejandro choose to get insurance? What are the benefits of having insurance?

2. Why might Alejandro choose to not get insurance? What are the benefits of not having

3. Would you recommend health insurance to a family member? Why or why not?

Appendix C

Crystal Waldo Lesson Plan

Exponential Germ Growth

Teacher: C.Waldo Unit: Exponential Growth

Lesson Topic: Exponential Growth of Content Area: Algebra II


Objective (s) Students will be able to: Learning Target (s) Students will gain
Interpret key features of exponential knowledge personal hygiene and its
functions represented by graphs, impact on the spread of germs
tables, and equations.
Graph transformations of exponential
functions showing intercepts and end
Model quantities that increase or
decrease by a fixed percent each time
period using exponential functions.

A2.15 Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way
(algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal descriptions). Extend to
polynomial, trigonometric (sine and cosine), logarithmic, radical, and general piecewise
A2.18 Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative
relationship it describes. Extend to polynomial, trigonometric (sine and cosine), logarithmic,
reciprocal, radical, and general piecewise functions.

Essential Question (s) Key Vocabulary

How do you find a growth factor and a Exponential Growth
decay factor? Exponential Decay
How does the characteristic of Virus
exponential functions affect a graph?

Instructional Delivery

Explicit Instruction Collaborative Learning

Take notes on the factors of how Sift through data and see if we can
germs spread and exponential growth determine the facts about germ spread
and decay formulas.

Guided Instruction Independent Practice

Students will learn how to write a Students will complete a worksheet on
formula to represent the spread of an the spread of germs while applying
illness after t number of weeks. exponential function practices.
Students will then use the formula to
see how fast germs spread after 5, 10,
15, and 20 weeks.
Students will then determine how long
it will take for the entire population of
the nation to become infected.

Teacher Observation, Graded Work, Journal Activity, Quiz, Test, HOT Task, or Exit Slip

Differentiation and Accommodations: EL/Special Education/504 Adaptations for Unique

Student Needs (ELL, Special Education, Gifted, Struggling)

Whole Group: All students will be able to access documents via handouts and digital through

Specific Language Needs (e.g., ELLs): Students with specific language needs will have
access to all assignments in additional languages and extra time to complete assignments with
ELL teacher

Individual Education Plans/504 Goals: All accommodations will be followed for all students
with IEPs and 504 plans. Majority of these students are asked to be allotted extra time, along
with access to the resource teacher to complete assignments, if needing assistance.

Advanced Learners: Advanced learners will have the opportunity to help their peers in our
peer assistance time or breakout sessions. Advanced learners will also be given additional
assignments to get a head start on the next day’s lesson.

Assessment/Evaluation (Formative/Summative)

Teachers will observe and aid students in the process of understanding the growth of germs.

Student Work

Use the given data to write an exponential function.


How quickly a virus spreads from person to person can vary. Without proper
precautions each infected person might infect 2-3 others. Let’s do a few projections
based on hypothetical infection rates.

3) Exponential Regression: The chart below shows actual worldwide cases of a virus spread
over an extended period of time.

Week Cases of Infected


0 580

1 7813

4 75,184

6 93,016

8 198,238

(a) Use exponential regression on your graphing utility to find an exponential equation to
model the data.

(b) What is the rate of increase of cases of infection per week?

(c) If we continue this projectile, how many people will be infected in week 30?

(d) What percentage of the total population is this?

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