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Cell Tissue Res (1988) 252:367-375 coen

a n d 3"tssue
9 Springer-Verlag 1988

Basement-membrane components associated

with the extracellular matrix of the lymph node
Randall H. Kramer 1' 2, Steven D. Rosen ~, and Kevin A. McDonald 2
Departments of 1 Anatomy and 2 Stomatology, Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, University of California, San Francisco, USA

Summary. Lymph nodes contain an extensive array of ex- (Becker et al. 1976; D'Ardenne et al. 1983; Junqueira et al.
tracellular matrix fibers frequently referred to as "reticular 1978; Linder et al. 1978; von der Mark 1981; Unsworth
fibers" because of their reticular pattern and positive reac- et al. 1984; Macarak et al. 1986) demonstrated that type
tion with silver stains. These fibers are known to contain III collagen is a principal constituent of the reticular fibers,
primarily type-III collagen. In the present study, frozen and but that smaller amounts of type I collagen are present
plastic-embedded sections of mouse and human lymph as well. In addition, Linder et al. (1978), Stenman and Va-
nodes were subjected to immunostaining with a panel of heri (1978), and D'Ardenne et al. (1983) established that
monospecific antibodies directed against type-IV collagen, fibronectin is also associated with reticular fibers in lymph
type-III collagen, laminin, entactin, and heparan sulfate nodes. D'Ardenne et al. (1983) also demonstrated the co-
proteoglycan. Immunofluorescent staining revealed that, in distribution of type III collagen and fibronectin in struc-
addition to being uniformly stained with antibodies to type- tures resembling reticular fibers.
III collagen, these fibers also stained positively with anti- The identity of the component(s) responsible for the
bodies to type-IV collagen and to other basement-mem- argyrophilia of reticular fibers following staining with the
brane-specific components. Furthermore, the basement- silver impregnation method remains unknown (Unsworth
membrane-specific antibodies stained the outer surface of et al. 1984). One complication in resolving this point is that
individual fibers. These same type-III collagen-rich fibers these fibers may vary in their macromolecular composition
were distinct from blood vascular basement membranes from tissue to tissue, as recently suggested by the work
since they did not react with antibodies to factor VIII-re- of Macarak et al. (1986). For example, in contrast to the
lated antigen, an endothelial-cell-specific marker. The role lymph node, the human placental interstitium is composed
of these basement-membrane-specific components asso- of large-diameter (30-35 nm), cross-banded fibers contain-
ciated with the reticular fibers of lymphoid tissue is un- ing type I collagen, together with small-diameter (10-
known. However, it is possible that the ligands promote 15 nm) fibers containing type III collagen that often sur-
attachment of reticular fibroblasts as well as macrophages round the type I collagen fibers (Amenta et al. 1986). How-
and lymphocytes to the extracellular matrix fibers. ever, it is generally believed the argyrophilia in fibers of
lymph nodes is not caused by a specific biochemical entity,
Key words: Lymph node - Extracellular matrix - Reticular
but rather represents a diverse set of glycoproteins that
fibers - Basement membrane - Mouse - Human
form silver deposit following histochemical staining. The
silver precipitate is believed to be formed by the reaction
of silver diamine ion with aldehydes following the oxidation
of vicinal hydroxyl groups in glycoproteins (Stern 1979).
Traditionally, the extracellular matrix of the lymph node Some evidence suggests that carbohydrate groups asso-
has been defined as consisting of a fibrous capsule and ciated with the fibers, perhaps heparan sulfate proteogly-
associated trabeculae and a network of "reticular fibers" cans (Montes et al. 1980), are involved in the affinity for
that permeate the tissue and provide a continuous tridimen- the silver stain. It is noteworthy that basal lamina also pro-
sional network that intimately supports the lymphoid cells duces a positive reaction with these stains, presumably due
as well as the blood vessels. Special histochemical tech- to the presence of heavily glycosylated type IV collagen,
niques are required for visualizing these fibers, and the fibronectin, laminin, and heparan sulfate proteoglycans
silver impregnation method remains the usual means for (Burgeson 1982).
their staining. The reticular cells surrounding these fibers Ultrastructural studies of the reticular fibers of the
are believed to be responsible for forming and maintaining lymph node and spleen indicate that at their core are bun-
this connective tissue framework of the lymph node. dles of collagen fibrils, frequently surrounded by an in-
Early work (Clark 1962) as well as more recent studies distinct and discontinuous layer of amorphous ground sub-
stance. This amorphous material is believed to correspond
Send offprint requests to: R.H. Kramer, Box 0512, HSW-604, De- to the silver staining seen at the level of the light microscope
partments of Anatomy and Stomatology, University of California, (Clark 1962; Fresen and Wellensiek 1959; Sorenson 1960).
San Francisco, CA 94143, USA Several authors have suggested that in some respects, this

amorphous material resembles a basal lamina that is local- Antibodies

ized at the interface between the reticular cell and the core
The various antisera and antibodies were individually tested
of collagen fiber (Clark 1962; Forkert et al. 1977; Lennert
for the optimal dilution. Affinity-purified secondary anti-
1978; Nopajaroonsri et al. 1971; Sorenson 1960).
bodies specific to mouse or rabbit IgG (purchased from
These ultrastructural observations were the first indica-
Boehringer-Mannheim Biochemicals) were conjugated with
tion that basement-membrane-like material may be asso-
horseradish peroxidase, fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)
ciated with reticular fibers. Of course, the most distinct
or rhodamine isothiocyanate (RITC).
characteristic of the basement-membrane is its sheet-like
For studies of mouse and rat lymph nodes, affinity-
ultrastructure with uniformity of thickness. Since the base-
purified rabbit antibodies against mouse laminin and type
ment-membrane-like material observed by electron micros-
IV collagen isolated from the EHS tumor matrix were gifts
copy in association with lymph node reticular fibers con-
of Dr. Hynda Kleinman and Dr. George Martin (NIH).
sisted of short segments or patches of basal-lamina-like ma-
In addition, rabbit antisera prepared against mouse laminin
terial (Sorenson 1960; Clark 1962; Nopajaroonsri etal.
(Sakashita et al. 1980) and type IV collagen (Bachinger
1971; Forkert et al. 1977; Lennert 1978), these structures
et al. 1982) purified from the PF HR9 endodermal mouse
do not rigidly satisfy the original definition that character-
cell line were obtained from Drs. Eva Engvall and Erkki
izes authentic basement-membranes.
Ruoslahti (La Jolla Cancer Foundation) and Dr. Hans-
However, basement-membranes are also distinguished
Peter Bachinger (University of South Carolina), respective-
by their unique biochemical composition (Heathcote and
ly, and produced results similar to those obtained with the
Grant 1981 ; Kleinman et al. 1981, 1982; Laurie et al. 1982;
antibodies prepared against the EHS-derived antigens. Af-
Abrahamson 1986). All basement-membranes contain the
finity-purified rabbit antibodies against the heparan sulfate
following major macromolecules, which represent a diverse
proteoglycan isolated from the EHS tumor were obtained
group of basement-membrane-specific components: type IV
from Dr. J.R. Hassel (NIH) and have been shown to react
collagen, laminin, heparan sulfate proteoglycan, and entac-
specifically with the protein core of the proteoglycan (Has-
tin. In the present study we have reported evidence that
sel et al. 1980). Finally, antiserum against mouse entactin
reticular fibers in lymph node are positive for all of these
was a gift of Dr. A. Chung (University of Pittsburgh).
components. These components are seen in addition to the
For studies of human lymph nodes, affinity-purified
well-known interstitial proteins, type III collagen and fibro-
rabbit antibodies to human type IV collagen were obtained
nectin. Furthermore, our results indicate that this base-
from Dr. Heinz Furthmayr (Yale University). Mouse
ment-membrane-like material is located on the outer sur-
monoclonal antibody against human type IV collagen was
face of the reticular fibers. The presence of this additional
obtained from Miles Laboratories. Mouse monoclonal anti-
extracellular matrix material on the reticular fibers raises
body against human type III collagen (clone no. III-53),
some interesting questions about the origin and function
originally obtained from Dr. Kazushi Iwata (Fuji Chemical
of the fibers.
Co, Japan), was a gift from Dr. R. Bhatnager (University
of California, San Francisco). Rabbit antisera to human
factor VIII-related antigen was from Calbiochem. Finally,
Materials and methods
rabbit antisera to dinitrophenyl-bovine serum albumin
(BSA), fl-galactosidase, and human fibrinogen was from
Preparation o f tissue sections
Cooper Biomedical.
Healthy adult mice (C57B1/6 and Balb/c) and rats (Sprague-
Dawley) were anesthetized and sacrificed by cervical dislo-
cation or decapitation. The peripheral and mesenteric
lymph nodes were removed. Normal para-aortic human We used standard frozen-section immunohistochemical
lymph nodes were obtained from kidneys donated for trans- procedures. The sections were fixed by an exposure to cold
plant surgery. For frozen sections, nodes were immediately acetone for 10 min, and nonspecific background staining
snap-frozen in 2-methyl-butane cooled in liquid nitrogen. was then blocked by incubation for 30 min with 30% nor-
Sections (4-16 lam thick) were cut using an IEC cryostat mal goat serum. Subsequently the sections were incubated
at - 2 0 ~ and placed on acid-cleaned glass slides. If not for 1 h with the primary antiserum or antibodies (diluted
used immediately, the slides were stored at - 7 0 ~ C for up in 1% normal serum in PBS), washed 5 times, then incu-
to one month. For immunostaining, the slides were im- bated for 1 h with the appropriate secondary antiserum
mersed in acetone ( - 2 0 ~ C) for 10 min and rehydrated in coupled to FITC, RITC or horseradish peroxidase (also
Dulbecco's phosphate-buffered saline (PBS).' diluted in 1% normal serum in PBS). After washing, the
For plastic embedding, fresh lymph nodes were fixed sections were overlaid with a glycerol-PBS medium (for im-
and infiltrated with G M A plastic resin by a modification munofluorescence) or Permount (for peroxidase). For dou-
of the method of Beckstead et al. (1985). Briefly, the tissue ble immunofluorescence with human lymph node tissue,
was fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate sections were first incubated with mouse monoclonal anti-
buffer, pH 7.4, for 2-6 h at 4 ~ C. After washing in a solu- body against human type III collagen, then with rabbit
tion of 3% sucrose in 0.1 M phosphate buffer overnight, anti-human type IV collagen (or with rabbit anti-human
the tissue was dehydrated in cold acetone and infiltrated factor VIII-related antigen). FITC-conjugated goat anti-
with the G M A plastic resin at 4 ~ C. Sections 1-4 ktm thick mouse and RITC-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibodies
were cut with glass knives on a Sorvall microtome. were then used to stain the respective primary antibody.
Slides were examined with a Zeiss photomicroscope
1 Abbreviations used in this paper: FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate; equipped with epiluminescence and appropriate filter com-
PBS phosphate-buffered saline; RITC tetraethyl rhodamine iso- binations that permitted selective viewing of either fluores-
thiocyanate cein- or rhodamine-labeled antibodies.

Fig. l A-F. Localization of

components in reticular fibers of
mouse lymph nodes. Lymph
nodes were embedded in plastic
(A and B) or frozen (C-F) and
sections were prepared. Silver-
stained reticular fibers (arrows)
are present throughout paracortex
(A). Adjacent section (B) stained
for laminin yields strong reaction
of basement-membrane
surrounding a high endothelial
venule (*) and moderate reaction
of reticular fibers (arrowheads).
Laminin (C), heparan sulfate
proteoglycan (D), and type IV
collagen (E and F) were localized
by immunofluorescent staining in
neighboring sections of lymph
node. All 3 antigens were present
in blood vessels as well as in
fibers randomly distributed in
paracortex. Usually walls of blood
vessels (*) stained more intensely
than neighboring fibers. Note
tube-like staining patterns that
frequently outline network of
fibers in (C) (arrowheads). Low-
magnification view of paracortex
stained with affinity-purified
antibodies to mouse type IV
collagen demonstrates extensive
interconnection of fiber network
(E). Preincubation of antibodies
to type IV collagen with excess
purified mouse type IV collagen
completely abolishes staining (F).
Bars: A, B 100 ~tm; C, D 20 Ixm;
E, F 40 lam

The plastic-embedded tissue sections were stained using ments, the appropriate dilution of antibodies (anti-mouse
the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex system according to laminin or anti-mouse type IV collagen) that yielded a
the method described by Beckstead et al. (1985). Briefly, strong but specific immunofluorescence for the reticular
the sections were digested with 0.25% trypsin in PBS for fibers and the basement-membrane of blood vessels was
45-60 min at 37 ~ C, then washed. Background staining was preincubated with 10 to 100 pg of the respective purified
blocked with 3% normal goat serum. The sections were antigen for 1 h at 37~ C. The solution was then subjected
then incubated with the primary antibody for 1-12 h and to microcentrifugation (9000 g) for 10 min, and the super-
washed again. Next, the sections were exposed to biotiny- natant was applied to the tissue section for immunofluores-
lated secondary antibody (usually goat anti-rabbit IgG) for cent staining. Other control experiments used normal (non-
1-2 h, then washed a third time. Finally, sections were cov- immune) or hyperimmune sera to irrelevant antigens (rabbit
ered with the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex and incu- anti-dinitrophenyl-BSA, anti-fl-galactosidase, and anti-hu-
bated for 1-2 h. Staining was developed using 3,3-'diamino- man fibrinogen [Cooper Biomedical]).
benzidine as chromogen substrate and hydrogen peroxide
as described (Beckstead et al. 1985).
Some plastic-embedded sections were stained by the
silver impregnation technique according to the modification Reticular fibers present in lymph nodes have traditionally
of Gridley (1951). To permit comparison of the silver- been detected by silver impregnation methods, which reveal
stained structures with those that reacted positively with an interlacing network of fibrous material that extends
antibodies to basement-membrane components, serial plas- throughout the tissue. We examined the staining pattern
tic-embedded sections were cut and adjacent sections at- of these fibers in plastic-embedded sections of mouse lymph
tached to glass slides and stained for anti-laminin or for nodes treated by the silver impregnation method (Fig. 1 A).
reticular fibers by the silver impregnation technique. As expected, argyrophilic fibers of various diameters were
To confirm the specificity of the antiserum, control present throughout the entire parenchyma of the node, but
blocking experiments were performed on mouse lymph were sparser in the germinal centers, which are associated
node sections with mouse laminin and type IV collagen. with B-cell proliferation. Adjacent plastic-embedded sec-
These antigens were isolated from the EHS tumor according tions were incubated with antibodies to laminin, a base-
to the procedures of Kleinman et al. (1982). In these experi- ment-membrane-specific glycoprotein (Kleinman et al.

1981, 1982), and stained by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase

method. A network of fibers similar in distribution to the
reticular fibers demonstrated a positive reaction, although
the intensity of the reaction product was generally less than
that observed for basement-membrane of adjacent blood
vessels (Fig. 1 B). Similar staining of the fibers in adjacent
plastic-embedded sections was detected with antibodies to
type IV collagen (not shown).
In further studies we employed cryostat sections of
mouse lymph nodes. Sections were stained with a panel
of antibodies to several known constituents of basement-
membranes. As expected, intense staining was observed in
the basement-membrane region of blood vessels. This pat-
tern was noted for all antibodies to the basement-mem-
brane-specific components tested: anti-laminin (Fig. 1 C),
anti-heparan sulfate proteoglycan (Fig. 1 D), and anti-type
IV collagen (Fig. 1 E). In addition, however, thin but dis-
tinct streaks of moderately stained material were present
throughout the tissue that closely resembled the pattern
of reticular fibers seen with silver staining.
The co-distribution of collagen types III and IV in and
around the reticular fibers was clearly established by dou-
ble-immunofluorescent staining of human lymph node tis-
sue sections. In these experiments, sections were stained
sequentially with mouse monoclonal antibodies to human
type III collagen (FITC) and affinity-purified rabbit poly-
clonal antibodies to human type IV collagen (RITC). As
expected from previous studies, the reticular fibers were
intensely and uniformly stained with the anti-type III anti-
bodies (Fig. 2 A and B). The staining with anti-type IV col-
lagen antibodies co-distributed with that of anti-type III
collagen (Fig. 2A'), except that the former pattern was fre-
quently more granular and in some cases was discontinuous
(Fig. 2 A ' and B'). Careful comparisons indicated that
nearly all fibers that stained with anti-type III collagen also
stained with anti-type IV collagen. Fig. 2 A-B. Distribution of type III collagen and type IV collagen
In some o f the larger fibers, identified by staining with in extracellular matrix fibers of para-aortic human lymph node.
anti-type III collagen, a remarkable pattern for type IV For double immunofluorescence, cryostat sections of lymph node
collagen was observed. Whereas the fibers were uniformly were incubated with mouse monoclonal antibody to human type
stained with antibodies to type III collagen (Fig. 2 B), stain- Ill collagen (A and B) followed by rabbit polyclonal antiserum
ing with anti-type IV collagen antibodies revealed only a to human type IV collagen (A' and B'). Lastly sections were stained
discontinuous outline of the fibers (Fig. 2 B'). Fine, but dis- with mixture of FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG and RITC-
crete, bands of staining sometimes formed a lattice-like pat- conjugated goat antirabbit IgG. At low magnification, antibody
tern over the surface of the fiber, and at other times a to type III collagen stains network of fibers in paracortical region
of lymph node (A). Antibodies to type IV collagen outline same
periodic ribbed pattern was detected (Fig. 2 B'). On occa- structures, although in many areas stain is irregular or discontin-
sions when the fiber was cut in cross-section, distinct stain- uous (A'). In high-magnification view of adjacent area, larger fibers
ing of the outer perimeter of the fiber was observed are strongly and uniformly stained throughout their cores with
(Fig. 2B'). A similar immunofluorescent staining pattern antibody to type III collagen (B). In contrast, antibodies to type
was observed when sections were reacted with antibodies IV collagen localize primarily to outer portion of fibers (B'). Where
to laminin (Fig. 3). A schematic diagram summarizing the fibers are apparently cut in cross-section (*), staining for this base-
proposed organization of these fibers is shown in Fig. 4. ment-membrane-specific component is clearly restricted to surface
The use of antiserum to factor VIII-associated antigen of structure. Unusual staining patterns resembling "ringlets" are
(a vascular endothelial cell-specific marker) in double-im- present (arrowheads). Bar: 100 lam
munofluorescence-stained sections clearly identified the
positively stained vascular endothelial cells (Fig. 5). Blood
vessels that were identified with antibodies to Factor VIII ules in the lymph node (Clark 1962). Consistent with our
(Fig. 5 B) were also diffusely stained with anti-type III colla- findings, Becker et al. (1976) showed that antibodies to type
gen (Fig. 5A). However, the population of type III-positive III collagen stain both reticular fibers and blood vessels
fibers that were negative for factor VIII, and thus were in the spleen. The relative staining intensities for reticular
not associated with blood vessels, was by far in the majority. fibers and blood vessels in lymph node are summarized
The weak, but positive, staining of blood vessels for type in Table 1. Various controls were performed in these experi-
III collagen may be attributable to the almost continuous ments. Normal control serum or antibody always yielded
layer of reticular cells and associated reticular fibers known negligible staining. Hyperimmune sera to irrelevant anti-
to surround arterioles, capillaries, and high endothelial ven- gens (dinitrophenyl-BSA, fl-galactosidase, or fibrinogen)

Fig. 3. Low-magnification view of

immunofluorescent staining for
laminin on surface of extracellular
matrix fibers of lymph node.
Same area of lymph node is
shown in Fig. 2B, but is here
stained with antibodies to
laminin. Note "ringlet-like"
structures and interconnecting
lattice of laminin-positive material
on surface of fibers (arrows).
Cores of fibers, as in Fig. 2B,
stain for type III collagen (not
shown). Bar: 100 tam

also gave negative results. In another set o f control experi-

ments with cryostat sections o f mouse l y m p h nodes, anti-
bodies to mouse EHS type IV collagen were incubated (neu-
tralized) with an excess o f purified antigen before reacting
with tissue sections. Staining was completely abolished,
demonstrating the specificity of the antisera (Fig. 1 F). In
parallel experiments, purified mouse laminin was also effec-
tive in neutralizing the activity o f rabbit anti-laminin anti-
bodies (not shown).

The identification of basement-membrane-specific c o m p o -
nents in association with fibers in lymph nodes was unex-
pected. However, a n u m b e r o f early ultrastructural studies type III collagen fibrils
(Clark 1962; F o r k e r t et al. 1977; Sorenson 1960)described
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of proposed model for organization of
reticular fibers in which centrally located collagen fibers
extracellular matrix macromolecules associated with reticular fibers
were frequently encased in an outer lamina of a m o r p h o u s of lymph node. Based on present immunofluorescence observations
matrix that interfaced with reticular cells. The ultrastructure it is proposed that reticular fibers are composed of a core of type
o f these short segments or patches o f laminae was suggested III collagen-rich fibrils surrounded by a discontinuous, but inter-
to be similar to that of b a s e m e n t - m e m b r a n e (Clark 1962; connecting, lattice of extracellular matrix containing basement
F o r k e r t e t a l . 1977; Lennert 1978; N o p a j a r o o n s r i e t a l . membrane-specific components
1971 ; Sorenson 1960). Until now, the a n a t o m i c distribution
o f basement-membranes was thought to be limited to those
tissues where the b a s e m e n t - m e m b r a n e formed the interface While the ultrastructure observed in ultrathin sections
between p a r e n c h y m a l cells and the connective tissue. In with a p p r o p r i a t e stains is still an i m p o r t a n t criterion in
most cases, a sheet of parenchymal cells, such as epithelium the identification o f basement-membranes, the overall
or endothelium, produces a subjacent layer o f basement- three-dimensional arrangement o f the extracellular matrix
membrane. Alternatively, the individual cell is enclosed is also critical. Typically, the reticular lamina forms the
within a sheath o f b a s e m e n t - m e m b r a n e (fat cells, muscle connecting interface between the basal lamina and the adja-
fibers) that separates it from the interstitium. By definition, cent connective tissue. High-resolution electron microscopy
authentic b a s e m e n t - m e m b r a n e s are a composite o f 2 contin- of the basal lamina permits detection o f 2 distinct layers,
uous sheets o f uniform thickness, the basal lamina and the the lamina densa and lamina rara. The lamina rara is less
reticular lamina which together form an inseparable unit electron-dense than the lamina densa, while the lamina
(Laurie and L e b l o n d 1983; Timpl et al. 1984; T o d d and densa can be resolved into a c o m p a c t network o f fibrillar
B o w m a n 1857; Vracko 1975). arrays embedded in a granular material. While all base-

Fig. 5. Localization of extracellular matrix fibers and factor VIII-related antigen in para-aortic human lymph nodes. Cryostat sections
of lymph node were subjected to double immunofluorescence staining by first incubating sections with mouse monoclonal antibody
to human type III collagen, followed by rabbit polyclonal antibody to human factor VIII-related antigen. Next, sections were incubated
with a mixture of FITC-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG and R1TC-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG. Fibers are stained (arrowheads)
with anti-type III collagen (A) as are walls of neighboring blood vessels (,). However, anti-factor VIII antiserum, while clearly staining
endothelial cells of blood vessels, fails to stain fibers (B). Bar: 10 gm

ment-membranes have a similar ultrastructure, there is con- Whether the basement-membrane-specific components de-
siderable heterogeneity a m o n g various tissues. For example, tected in the present study correspond to these previously
some basement-membranes are extremely thick and repre- identified amorphous zones in reticular fibers awaits confir-
sent the fusion o f basal lamina derived from two cell types mation by immunoelectron microscopy.
as in the glomerulus and lung (Farquhar 1978). Silver staining, the method classically employed to dem-
In recent years, it has become apparent that basement- onstrate the reticular fibers of lymph nodes, is relatively
membranes can also be identified according to their bio- nonspecific. In fact, it labels carbohydrates commonly
chemical composition, which is highly specific for these found in glycoproteins. Many extracellular matrix proteins,
structures (Timpl et al. 1984). In the red pulp of the spleen, including fibronectin, collagen types III, IV, and V, and
the endothelial cells that line the sinusoids are encircled laminin, are heavily glycosylated. Thus, the positive reac-
by ring fibers, which consist of basement-membrane enclos- tion of these lymph node fibers with this staining technique
ing a sparse core of collagen fibers (Chen and Weiss 1972). is presumed to be due to the presence of these glycoproteins
This finding, in early ultrastructural studies, has recently and possibly other as yet unidentified components. Al-
been supported by immunohistochemical work demonstrat- though the fibers identified in the present study were inten-
ing that these ring fibers appear to have a core of types sely stained with type III collagen, it is difficult to prove
I and III collagen and a peripheral deposit of laminin by light-microscopic methods that the argyrophilic fibers
(Drenckhahn and Wagner 1986). It would thus appear that detected with silver stain are one and the same.
reticular fibers of the lymph node and the ring fibers of The association of basement-membrane-specific macro-
the spleen may both have a similar structure, consisting molecules with matrix fibers was not due to the proximity
of a core of interstitial collagens with an outer layer of of these fibers to blood vessels. This was established by
material containing basement-membrane-specific macro- a number of observations. First, the reticular fibers exhib-
molecules. In this regard, it is interesting to note that Ka- ited a characteristic morphology easily distinguished from
limo et al. (1985) have reported that reticular fibers sur- that of vascular basement-membranes. Second, while vascu-
rounding a primary lymphoma of the brain react with silver lar basement-membranes always produced intense and con-
stains and are also positive for collagen type III as well tinuous immunofluorescent staining with basement-mem-
as type IV collagen and laminin by immunostaining. brane-specific antisera (i.e. anti-laminin, anti-type IV colla-

Table 1. Summary of distribution of antigens specific for basement embedded in plastic. Under these conditions tissue proteins
membrane and interstitial connective tissue in the human lymph would exhibit poor solubility, because they are first immo-
node* bilized by aldehyde fixation and then dehydrated and infil-
trated with a nonpolar medium. Furthermore, it is well-
Antisera Reticular fibers Blood vessels established that basement-membrane-specific proteins, in-
cluding laminin and type IV collagen, are extremely insolu-
Laminin + ++ ++ ++
ble because they are stabilized by noncovalent and covalent
Type IV collagen + + ++ +
HS proteoglycan + ++ intramolecular interactions, including extensive cross-link-
Entactin + + ++ ++ ing by disulfide- and aldehyde-derived bonds (Heathcote
Fibronectin + ++ ++ ++ and Grant 1981).
Type I collagen + + + Our finding that the specific staining of basement-mem-
Type III collagen + +++ ++ + brane components is usually weaker in the reticular fibers
Factor VIII-Ag - ++ ++ than in the neighboring blood vessels probably explains
Fibrinogen - +__ why basement-membrane staining of reticular fibers has not
been previously reported. This weak staining pattern in
* Data summarized from observations of frozen sections of para-
fibers could result from a lower antigen density or poor
aortic human lymph node incubated with monospecific antibodies
followed by staining with fluorescein-labeled secondary antibodies. access of the antibody probe to the respective matrix mole-
Staining intensity of reticular fibers and blood vessels in paracorti- cule. Alternatively, the staining could have been overlooked
cal region of lymph nodes was scored as follows: intense because of the relatively small diameters of reticular fibers
(+ + + +), strong ( + + +), moderate (+ + ), weak (+), equivocal (0.5-2.0 gm) and their tortuous arrangement in the tissue,
(+), and negative (-). All blood vessels examined, including arter- as compared with the relatively large cylinders of blood
ioles, capillaries, and high endothelial venules, demonstrated a sim- vessel basement-membranes (10-50 gin).
ilar staining pattern The function of the identified extracellular matrix fibers
coated with basement-membrane-specific components is
gen), the corresponding staining of reticular fibers was less unknown. The predominant cell type associated with stro-
intense and discontinuous. Finally, double immunostaining real fibers of the lymph node is the reticular fibroblast.
with antibodies to factor VIII-related antigen and with anti- These cells are characterized by their extensive array of
serum to either type III or IV collagen indicated that all branching cell processes that closely follow the pattern of
blood vessels down to the smallest capillaries were clearly reticular fiber network. Studies with monoclonal antibodies
distinct from positive reticular fibers. Factor VIII-related specific to these cells indicate that they are found through-
antigen is associated with yon Willebrand factor, a large out the parenchyma of the node, including the paracortex,
glycoprotein known to be synthesized by vascular endothe- medullary cords, sinuses and follicles (Van-Vliet etal.
lium and megakaryocytes, that is important in the coagu- 1986). Other studies based on enzyme histochemical reac-
lation pathway (Hoyer 1981). Immunohistochemical stain- tions indicate that the reticular fibroblast is distinct from
ing of cells for this antigen is a definitive marker for vascu- the capsule/trabecular fibroblast and the dendritic reticu-
lar endothelium (Jaffe et al. 1973; Kramer etal. 1987a). lure cell (Beckstead 1983). Since the reticular fibroblast is
Weibel-Palade bodies in the cytoplasm of vascular endothe- always found in close association with the reticular fibers,
lial cells have been shown to be a storage reservoir for it is believed that these cells synthesize and maintain the
von Willebrand protein (Ewenstein et al. 1987). These re- fibers. Electron microscopy has demonstrated the intimate
sults argue strongly that the basement-membrane-positive relationship between the cell processes and the surface of
fibers are not simply collapsed blood vessels. the reticular fiber (Clark 1962; Nopajaroonsri et al. 1971),
It is also unlikely that the basement-membrane compo- thus suggesting that the reticular cell forms adhesions with
nents were exclusively associated with the lymphatic en- these fibers. The results of the present study suggest that
dothelium that lines the lymphatic sinuses of the lymph basement-membrane-specific material is located at the sur-
node. The ubiquitous distribution of the basement-mem- face of the fiber and could be important in these adhesions.
brane-specific material on the fibers was too extensive to Of course, fibronectin and type III collagen may also be
represent associations with lymphatic endothelium. In vir- important in the reticular fibroblast/extracellular matrix in-
tually every fiber that stained positively with anti-type III teraction. Most extracellular matrix macromolecules, in-
collagen antibodies, basement-membrane-specific compo- cluding laminin, fibronectin, and types I, III, and IV colla-
nents were also detected. Positive fibers were found in every gens, promote cell adhesion; numerous cell-surface recep-
compartment of the node except for germinal centers, where tors for these ligands have been identified (Reviewed in
reticular fibers are known to be sparse. In contrast, lym- Hynes 1987; Rouslahti et al. 1986).
phatic endothelium is restricted to the linings of nodal sin- Alternatively, other cell types in the lymph node may
uses (Fossum 1980). More important, recent work by Liotta interact with reticular fibers and associated basement-mem-
and collaborators (Barsky et al. 1983) indicates that lym- brane-specific macromolecules and potentially could con-
phatic endothelium does not deposit detectable amounts tribute to the synthesis and deposition of these components.
of basement-membrane materials such as laminin or type Several cell types have been observed in direct contact with
IV collagen. reticular fibers, including sinus lymphatic endothelial cells
The possibility that basement-membrane macromole- (Luk et al. 1973; Bairati et al. 1964; Forkert et al. 1977),
cules present in the structures associated with blood vessels macrophages (Forkert et al. 1977; Fossum 1980), lympho-
could solubilize and then associate with the reticular fibers, cytes (Bairati et al. 1964), and plasma cells (Bairati et al.
thereby generating a positive staining reaction, also seems 1964; Rodin 1974). Conceivably all of these cell types could
unlikely since identical results were obtained when tissues use the laminin- and type IV collagen-rich surface of reticu-
were fixed in formaldehyde, dehydrated in acetone, and lar fibers as a scaffolding or a pathway for their migration

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