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Module -1

-Chapter -·1
_Computer After studying this · chapter · the reader
. should be able to:
·1ntegr.aie·d • Identify the different types of
Manufacturing Systems . .
manufacturing • De.fine the fundame"f'(tal concepts of ·
:systems • Know the .concept~ of_ Manufacturing
support ~ystems.
• · Appreciate the basic definitions of C/M
and the benefits that can be achieved oy
• Learn the historical development of
. Computer lntegrat~d Mamifacturing.
• Unders(and the CjM implementation
strategies. , -.
• Use the . Mathematical Models of
production conc_epts.
Manufacturing in India is facing -a critical shorta_ge of engineers and technicians. A
whole generation is retiring and there ·are not en0ugh qualified young people to replace
them. T9day's manufacturing is complex whic~ requires problem solvers with good skills
in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The rapid changes in the market due
to globalization isforcirtg production sys!ems to change and adapt to the new environment
where quality along with _the quantity is •of major importance.
Manufacturing industries have adapted computers and improved the manufac;turing
practices. The us~ of computers not ~mly simplified many of the -tradition~) manufacturing
tasks but also made it almost impossible for__a manufacturing industry to survive in the
modem era without it.


"Ap(oduction system is the.collection of people, equipment and procedures organized
. to accomplish manufacturing operations of a company". Production ~ystem consists of
several components such as :
• Production Machines.
• Material Handling Systems.
i\i \'

• Comput~r Control Systems.

. .
Integrated Manufactur·lltg

II • Human Recourse.


jt !


I I;, ~ftoauct1dM
I ·I
I rt SYSTE'41
I t~

Fig 1.1 : Elements of Production System

1.2.1 Ty_p_es of Production Machines
Production Machines are classified into four types
(a) Manually operated Systems:
A Manm~.l -operated system consists of one or more number of workers performing
tasks with ouMhe aid of powered tools (Machines). In such systems material is transferred
from one place to another place using hand held trolleys. The human resourc~.(workers)
will perform the 9peration using hand held tools.
Example :.{iling and fitting operaiions in workshop.
Hand held tools t--


point ·
o_ W,

Process ®-- Finishing


Fig. 1.2 M . .ually operated system

Computer Integrated Manuftu:h;'ring Systems

(b) Work~r-Machiile system

Powered equipments such as
lathe, drilling, ~illing machihes etc will· be used for
processing. Human.workers, referred as operato~s wor~ with these power tools. Material
transfer takes place manually.
Example:- lathe, drilling machines, milling macpines in machine shop.

(Power tools)


Starting Finishing
- Process I----+-
point .
point ·

Fig. 1.3 Worker - Macltine system ,' · ,

(c) Semi-automated Machines .. ....
Such systems use machines controlled by computer and are referred as Computer
Numerical Control (CN C) machiries. A set of i'nstructions called as NC programs-are fed to
these machines for performing operati'ons.Human resource, referred as programmers are
used to feed the program. Material transfer usually _takes place manually and sometimes
by conveyors.
Example: CNC machine, where loading and unloading is performed by human w~rkers. ·

Semi ., Automated


,, ,'
.--+ Process __...Firiishing
pomt pomt

Fig. 1.4 Semi-automr.""i Macltines

-----....:...____ __
· 4 __,;_ __:__;___;__ _________-----..::
Computer Integrated Manu'actu .
'J' r111g

- -(d) Fully a._tomated Machines

· In such systems, most of the operations like material processing, material transfer
loading and unloading operations are carried out by automated ~ac~ines. Periodic hul):l~
assistance is required in operations like sw~tching on and sw1tchmg off the machines
Robots are employed to assist in operations. Material transfer takes place using Robots.
Automated Guided Vehicle Systems (AGVS) and Automated flow lines. '
Example: CNC Machine where a Robot is employed for Material handling

Periodic worker ,__ _

attention I



Starting Finishing

Fig.1.5 Fully automated Machines

Production machine Machine type Human • Material Transfer

· Resource Inventory to Loading-and
' Machine to
M.anual Operated Machine Unloading
Hand held tools (Ex Machine
System (Workshop) : Fitting, Filing) Workecs Trollt:ys (Manual) Manual
Worker Machine Manual
Machines (Power
System (Machine Shop) tools) Operators Trolleys (Manual) Manual Manual
Machine System (CNC) CNC Programmers Motored Vehicles, Manual,
Fully automated
. Trolleys

systems Machining centres Automated Conveyors.

Robots Guided Vehicle Robots Automated
Systems flow lines
· 1.2.2 Material Handling Systems
Some of the typical functions of a Material handling systems are : ·
• Loading and unlo_ading the Work units.
• Po.sitioning the work units at each station.
• Transporting the w~rk units between stations.
• Providing temporary storage.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing System~ 5

1.2.3 Computer Control Systems

Such systems involves in programming the activities performed during an operation.
Some of the typical functions of computer control systems are:
• Controlling Material handling systems
• Production Scheduling
• Failure Analysis
• Quality control
• Operations Management
•, Feedback control.

1.2.4 Human l'esources

Human resources are used either in the form 9f dir~ct labour and indirect labour.
Direct labour add value to the work by performing operations. Indirect .labour supports
the production system fn the activities like managing the operations, programming the
machines, scheduling the operations and so on.


Pr.oduction systems are classified based on the following parameters:
• Type of operations performed
• Number of operations and system layout
• Level of automation
• Product quantity and variety.
Based on the proauct quantities produced in a given industry; production system can
be classified into three ranges:
1. Low volume production / Job shop production
2. •Medium volume production / Batch production
3. High volume production/ Mass production

1.3.1 Job shop production

Job shop production is typically a system of manufacturing where specific or.custom
products are made in very small batches. Typically each job is different from previoµs. ·
A job shop usually consists of different machines which are capable to perform various .
operations. Ideally in a job shop production system, machines are grouped together based
on their function. Ex:- Drilling machines are grouped together, and machines performing
turning operations are grouped together. Job shop production is employed in small and .
medium scale industries.
6 Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Machine shops, machining centre, painting centre or similar kind of setup are general
examples of job shop production system. When th_e pro~~ct is large and heavy like ship
.J,mlls and aircraft body, workers and processing eqmpment 1s brought nearer to the product
rather than m~ving the product near to the processing equipment.
Advantages of job shop production
1. High flexibility of production
2. High exp~sion fl~xibility, machines can be easily substituted or added.
3. Complex parts can be manufactured
Dis~dvantages of job shop production:
1. Skilled man power is required, who can work on different kind of machines.
2. Production v_olumes is low.
Ii, 3. Scheduling the process i's difficult as production flow changes with every product.



Ii 1:f
Fig 1.6 A typical example of Job Shop Production Sy__stem
(: i 1111
1.3.2 Batch production
, II In batch production, the components are created st~ge by stage over a series of
lj i1 ,1 workstations and different batches of products are made. In this type of system, a batch
' of one product is made after which the facility is changed to produce a batch of the ·
next product. Batch production system use "make-to stock concept" where the parts are
11 ,J1 produced as the stock reduces. The main purpose of such system is to satisfy continuous
ii customer orders. · ·
Iq I
In batch production system, a standard production line is set up for a product. The
. '11
, I
production line can be changed, so that different products can be made. Often individ~al
. I . parts of the product are manufactured or purchased and are assembled on the product1°11
1· ,: line. The product quantity and the product v--;_ety will be medium.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing System! 7

Batch production can be observed in food processing industries, manufacture of sports

equipments, pharmaceutical companies. In this type of production system, as each task is
completed the part being manufactured is transferred down the production line to the next
worker, until it is complete. . . .
2. Initial Shaping
. and Cutting

6..Product assembly · 7. Product inspection· s:Prp_duct Packaging

Fig 1. 7 Example of Batch Production System

1.3.3 Mass producti.on

Mass production uses a standardized process of creating interchangeable parts in large
quantities at a low production cost. Mass production refers to the process of creating
large numbers of similar products efficiently. In other words, a standard process for
making products is repeated. Mass production reduces the amount of time spent on each
individual product. This can allow manufacturers to lower the cost per unit. Benefits of
mass production include:
• Lower cost per unit
• Reduced manufacturing lead time
• Increased output
8 Computer Integrated Manu'-

In mass production, product variety will be less and product quantity will be Ill
compared to other.production systems. Mass production takes place where there is a hiore
demand for the product. In general, there are two types of Mass production gh
(a) Quantity production, where mass production of parts o_n particular equipment tak
I I place. Ex : Stamping Machines, ·Punching Press, Manufacturing of screws, Printer es
(b) Flow line production, where .the product moves towards the processing equipm
' and once a particular job is carried out on the product, the product moves towards the Oent
processing equipment or workstation such that a small amount of total work is comple:~
I at each workstation. · . . e
, Iii

I '.!

I 1· 'i
\, \,I I

I ,, I
'i\ ' I

·~, ,11 i 1_

,1 1
I . Fig J.BA typical example 01 mass production system
]!! I I
There is ~nver~e correlation between product variety and production quantity in terms
. , 'I of factory _operations. When ~he pr?duct variety is high, production quantity tends to be
low and vice versa. The relationship between product variety and d t t'ty is as
I \1H: shown in the fig 1.9 · . pro uc quan i
1 · /I ;I I
. i!!I I' I •
I I' 11'
I 1
1:11; I
' I'
IIll:I I I I

/I i 1

/!/'.;I I
IO0 . L0,000 10,00,000
ljl Production Quantity
Fig. 1.9 Product variety and Produ. c1ion
• •
\_\I quantity
computei intetrated Manufacturirig Systems 9


Job-Shop Production System Batch Production System Mass Production System
Prodvct volume : Low Product volume : Medium Product vbh.ime : High
Product variety : High Product variety ! Medium Product variety : Low
Example Products with
less competition in market,
Examples Construction, Examples : T.V., Computers, products that are used
Aircraft and Ship building Mobiles, Automotive regularly and the products that
industries products, Food products cart be interchahgeab'ie
Ex:- Screws, bolts and nuts,
bearing etc.,
Products are customized Similar prodlacts are grouped
Prod~1ces , large number of
according to customer together and are m'ade . ·ih
similar' products
requirements. batches

Equl.pme'nts and mach1·nes are Once the production of l.:f t.he _pro d m;t c hanges t he
flexl'ble to accom· modate all one batcl;t IS carried, same a. equtpment
· . entire , . an d t he
equipment is useEI to produce
types of customizations. different products in batches m.achines ,i~eds to be changed.

Since the machines

Equipnierits and 'rhachirtes
and have limited ftexibifity. They iii ,·.
' •I ' .

. .
e~~ st ~ng equipment ts
equipments are flexible, · can produce · prbdllcts with
. . ,,.. t. . If th . d t not flexible to accommodate
they · can fabricate variety of s1m1 1ar•1..ea uFes. e pro uc ' h · · ·.
. . · +. • . h c anges.
products. c hanges, entire ,act 1tty · ··· .
be changed.
It uses product layout and •
It uses Fixed position layout lt·uses p.~99uc.t layou~.
process layout ,


Keeping in view the type of industry :0d volume of production, the types of layout are:
I . Fixed-position layout
2. Process layout
3. Product-flow layout

1.4.1 Fixed-position layout

In this type of layout the major component remain in a fixed location, other materials,
parts, tools, machinery, man power and oth<;r supporting e·q uipment's·are brought to this
location. In this type oflayout, the term "fixed-position" refers to the product. Th~ product ·
remain in a fixed position because it is too heavy ortoo big and as such it is economical
and convenient to bring the necessary tools and equipment's to along with the
man power. This type of layout is used in the manufacture of boilers, hydraulic and steam
t~rbines, ships etc. ·
10 Computer Integrated Manufa 1 ,
.· · curing

Adllantages Ojfered by Fixed Position Layout:

(i) Material movement is reduced
(ii) Capital investment is minimized:
(iii) The task is usually done by a group of operators, hence continuity of operations is
ensured ·
(iv) Production centers are independent of each other. Hence~ effective planning and
loading can be made. Thus total production cost will be -reduced.
(v) It.offers greater flexibility and allows change in product design, product variety
and production _volume.
Limitations of Fixed Position Layout:
(i) · Highly skilled man power is required:
(ii) Movement .of machines and equipment's to production centre may be time
constirilfog. · .
{iii) Complicated fi~tures are required for positioI?,ing of jobs·: This may increase the
cost of production. ·
1.4.2. Process Layout . .
The_.process layd'rit is: particularly useful wher~ low volume production is required.
If the products· are ~ot ~~i'arid~rdized, the process layout .is more desirable. In this t):pe
of layout, t4e machines are not arrange~ according .to the •sequence · of oper.a\ions but
are arranged according t,o the type of opex:atio11s. T.his layout is commonly suitable for
non repetitive jobs. Same type of operation facilities-ar~ uped together like all lathe
machines will be placed at one place, all drilliag machines are at another place and so on.

Adva1ttages of Process Layout:

(i) · There will be less duplication of machines. Thus, total investment in equipment
purchase will be reduced. ·-
(ii) · It offers better and mor:e efficient supervision through specialization at various
(iii) There is a, greater flexibility in equipment and man power thus load distribution
is easily controlled._
(iv) Better utilizatian of equipment.
(v) Better control of process.

Lim,itatio1ts of Process Lay<,1~~: , · ·. · .·

(i) There will be long material flow lines and hence the process ·is time consuming,
(ii) More flo~a is required. · ·
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems fl

(iii) Since work does not flow through definite lines, scheduling
is more tedious.
(iv) Specialization creates monotony and· there will be difficult for the workers to
· find job in other industries. •

1.4.3. Product layout

If all the prr cessing equipment-and machines are arranged according to the sequence.
of operations of the product, the layout is called product layout. fo this type of layout,
'only one type of products is produced in large quantities. ,

Advantages offered by Product Layout:

(i) Less material handling cost.
(ii) Better utilization of men and machines,
(iii) Less floor space.
(iv) Easy to control production.
(v) Total prnduction time is.minimized.
'.·. 1·
Limitations of Product layout:
(i) Very limited flex ibility in the process.
(ii) The manufacturing cost increases with a fall iri ·vohiITie 9f production. .
· (iii) If one or two lines are running light, there is a consid~ni~le macI:iine idleness.
(iv) A single machine break down may shut down the whole production line.
(v) Specialized and strict supervision is essential. ·

9 ifEquipment

rO-, r-0-i


9 Worker
Fig. I.JO Fixed position layout
CO,ft!P~ter .ff!f!?gr!lteff Afanu'C1ct" .
' , .,, ,r'J\ . . , ri11g


Fig. 1.11 Process-La:fOUt

Fig. 1.12 .Pro4uct layout
ljl Industrial automation is the use of contrq~_ sy~telJls, such ,as-c:omp4lers or robots, and
information tecµnologii::s for· handlip.& different proc~sse~ and machip.eries in an industry
to replace a hlliilap. bejqg. lt i_s the. secop.d step beyoqd mechanization, in th~ scope of

I I industrializ~tion, A.utom;itiop. h;is been ~ch~eved by various means includin,g mechfUlical,
hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electrqµic .devi~t;s ~Q.<;l,~omputers, usuall)'. in ~ombination.
Complicated systems, such as m_odern fijctories; a~~lanes and ships typically u~e all
these. combined techniques. The beqefit of alnomation include labor savings, savings in
electricicy costs, ~vings in material costs, ~d improvements to quality, accuracy and
' .
precision.. .
Automation is defined as "a technology concerned with the ·application of mechanical,
electronics, and COIJ!~µter-b~sed syste~s to operate and control production:"


Year Development -
1500-1600 Watei;- po'\1/er for metiilworking; rolling mills fqr cQin!lge strips. -
1600-1700 Hand lathe for wood; mec1la11ical calculator.
1700-1800 . Boring, turning, aftd screw cutting lathe, drill press .
Copying la~he, tuqet iathe, universal milling· machin.e; advanced. mechanical calculators_:_-

Sheet-metal cards wi~h punched holes for automatic control of weaving patterns in loom~
1863 Automatic pianp player (J;>jaqot11) I . '
Geared lathe; automatic screw machiqe; automatic bottle~making machine.
First use of the word robot.
Transfer inachines; mass production.
1940 •. First electronic 'coinputi11g machil)e.
1943 first digital eli:cirqnic comp~ter.
1945 first use ofthi: wqr4 ~utp~aiiqn.
1947 lpye11tio[l of t~e t1<1risi~tp,f. ,
1952 First prototype numerical control machine tool.
1954 Development of the symbolic language APT (Autoinatical!y PfQ~i\ITlIJle~ Tpol)( ad,aptive
1957 Commercia!ly available N~ TTlachine tools.
1959 Integrated circuits; first ~se of the t~rm group technology.
1960 Industrial robots.
1965 L.µ,-ge-scale integrated circuits.
1968 Programma~!e logic COfltrol!ers.
1970s First integrated manufact1.1ring system; spot welding cff autoIT)obile p.oqies wit~ robots;
microprocessors; minicompqter-contrnlli:d robot; ~~xjp.Je mi\n1.1fai;tt1fiqg systein; group
1980s Artificial intelligeni;e; intelligent robots; ~ffi¥j: sen~ors; uf.H~qded ma~ufacturjng \:ells.
1990-2000 Integrateqman1.1facturif!gsystems; intelligentc1ndsensor-basedmachines;telecommunications
and global manufacturing networks; fuzzy-logic device~; artificial neural·ne~qrks; Iqternet
tools; virtual environments; high-sp¢ed information systems.


.The use of automated manuf&cturing systeµis has been steadily incre&ses over tlie past
several years. Automation's ability to proces~, assemble, inspect, and handie ·physical
products in the manufacturing process can bepeµ.t pr6ductio'n facility :in a nurriber of
ways. The various reasons of automation, are:. .
1. Increased productivity
Automation of manufacturing operations increases productivity by reducing the
tirrte to perform repetitive tasks. Higher production rates -(autpµt-' per. hour) m-e
achieved with automation compared to marwal operation~-
2. High cost of faf,.(Jr
High cost oflabor is forcing business leaders to substitute machine~ for-·human labor.
As a result, higher investment in automated equipment has economically
justifiable to replace manual operations. Automation will replace m.:inual operations
and subsequently high cost of labour can be_reduceq by using automated machines
as they can have very high production rates.
3. /,(lhor slwrtqg~s
In many advanced nations there has been a gener&l short.:ige of l&bor. Automation
helps to overcome the effects oflabor shortage by repl&cing machines instead oflabor.
I '

11 14 Computer Integrated Manufact .

4. Safety-.
I' II 1I
I \iii .1
Automation jncrease workplace safety. Workers are moved to supervisory ro\
I , w h ere they no longer have
. to perfoJVI in hazardous environment.
. In additioQ
I ~mproved worker safety leads .to financial savings with fewer ,healthc~re an:
~sur~ce concerns for employers.
5: Higi, cost of raw materials
II The high cost of raw materials in manufacturing results i!l, _the need for greater
.I i':f \ efficiency in using these materials. Automatioh helps in reduction of scrap and thus
uses the materials effectively. ·
6. Improved-product quaiity
I I. I
Automation has the capacity to improve product qu;;tlity_. Applications are performed
I I\ with precision and high repeatability every time. Automation .ensures the product
is manufactured with the same specifications and process every time. This level of
I consistency can be hard to achieve any other way.
7. Reduced wumufacturing lead time
The time elapsed between the. customer order and product delivery is known as
manufacturing lead time (MLT). MLT is the total time required to manufacture a
product. Ai.lto~atior.4elps to reduce unproductive time like setup time, time required
for loading and unloading of parts, transfer of parts from one station to other. Thus
automation allows the manufacturer to reduce the time between customer order and
product delive'ry.
8. Reduction of in-process inventory
Work-in-process inventories repre~ent a significant cost to the manufacturer.
Automation tends to accomplish this goal by reducing the time a work part spends
in the factory. ·


1. Tec1inology limits
Current technology is unable to automate all the tasks. Some tasks cannot be
easily autom~ted, such as the production or assembly of products with inconsis_tent
component-sizes or tasks where manual dexterity is required. There are some things
that are'best left to human assembly and manipulation.
2. Economic limits ,
Certain tasks would cost more to automate than to perform manually. Automation
is typically best suited to processes that are repeatable, consistent and high volume,
j_ l1titial costs are relatively lii!fll .
· The automation . of a n~w plant reqmres
of a new product or t~e construction · · .·a huge
initial investment compared to the t'.· ,t r.ost ?f the product.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 15

4. Maintenance
A skille? maintenance department is often required to ~ervice and maintain the
autoinatton system in proper working order. Failure to maintain the auto~ation
system will ultimately result in lost production and/or ba:d parts being produced.
5. Increase in unemployment
B_y increasing the amount of automation, there are less employees required causing
• high
unemployment rates. .. '


Automation plays a major role in increasing productivity and reducing costs. In ~ecent
years, the manufacturing field has witnessed the development of major automation
alternatives. Some of them are
·· • Information (IT) ·
J ./1,

• ComputerAided Manufacturing (CAM)

• Numerically Controlled (NC) equip~ent
• Robots
• .Flexible. Manufacturing system~.(FMS)
. ...
• Computer Integr~ted Manufac~ring·(CIM)
Information te~/,nology (It) encompasses a broad spectn@,9f ~O).Tiputer technologies
usetl to create, store, and retrieve information. ;
Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM),refers to the use of comJ,1uters in lh<, different
functions of production, planning and cbritrol. CAM includes· _th<, use.:o f Numerically
controlled machines, robots and other automated systems for the mamifacture of products.
Computer Aide~ Manufacturing also includes Computer Aided Process Planning·(CAPP),
Group technology (GT), production scheduling and mi,tnufacturing flow analysis.
Computer Aided Process planning (CAPP) means the use of computers to generate
process plans for the manufacture of different products. . . ;i .
Group technology (GTj is a manufacturing philosophy that aims at gro1,1ping different
products and creating different Manufacturing cells for the manufactu!e of each ,grouF).
Numerically Controlled machilles (JVC) are programme<! versions of machine tools
that execute operations '. in sequence on parts or products. Individual machine.s mi1y have
their own computers for that purpose. Such tools are oftenly refered as computerized
Numerical Controlled (CNC) Machines. In other cases many machines may share· the
same computer, these are.called as Dir:ect Numerical Controlled (DNC) machines. ·
Robot is a type of automated equipment that may execute different tasks th~t are
normally handled by a human operator. In manufacturing, robots are used to handle a
wide range of tasks, including assembly, welding, .painting, loading and unloading of
heavy (or) hazardous materials, inspectior., _..,ting and finishing operations.

-1_6_ _ _- - : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Computer IntegratedManut,

- - - - - - - - - - - · acturing
.. . Flexible ManufciduriHg systems (FMS) are comprehensive systems that
include htlitierically cohtfolled rtiachihe tools, rdbots arid automated material hand~ay
systems irt the ttiatttifacttite of similar products ot components using different rour tng
fil!lOhg the hiadiihes. . · tngs
. f:ompute~ i~tegrated manufacturing (CIM) is the t>he in which many manufacf:urin
functu:ms ru:e httked through a integrated computer networks. These manufacturing (o~
manufacturing telated functions include production planrting and control, shop floo
control, quality control, cdmputer aided manufacturipg, computer aided design, purchasin:
marke~i~g and othe~ fu~cti~ms. The obje~tive of 'a computer integrate~ ~anufacturin~
system 1s to allow changes th product des1gh, to reduce costs and to opttm1ze production
requirements. ·


Automation has been ciassified into three types
1. Fixed (or) Rigid Autoination
2. Programmable Automation
3. Flexible Automation
1. Fixed Automation (OR) Rigid Automation
As the name suggests, in this automation the sequence of operations are fixed. and
e~ier tb perform. Fixed !utoination is used when the Nolume of production is high, and
product variety is low. This kind of automation is mostly suitable for Mass Production.
Here the equipment is specially. designed tci produce a .particular product. If the product
changes the same equipment canhot be used. Fixed automation has very high production
rates. Overall investment is less in case of fixed automation when compared to other types
of automation. Ex: Oil refineries, chemical processing, Assel'tlbly lines special purpose
machines · ,
2. Programmable Automation
In this type of Automation Sequences dfoperations can be interchanged. The sequence
of operatibrts are controlled by program of instructions. lf the product is changed 0 ~1~
program of instructions are ·changed but not the equipm'ent. Programmable a~tomati~ r
is used when produciion volume is low. This kind of automation is more suitable 0d
Batch production. The product variety will be high in this .a utomation compared to fixe
auton:iation If the product changes, the same equipment cari be used with minimal changes.
Ex: NC Machin_e s, Industrial Robots..
3. Flexible Automation . . is
It is an extension of programmable automation. A .flexible automat~on sy sternver
ca able of producing a latge variety of parts with virtually no time lost for chang~:b\e
p art style to the next. It covers the advantages of both fixed and program tel11
from one P . d" . . . tire sys
• The product10n rates are me mm m flexible automation. The en
automation. • . f d , . h. s
.is flex1b
. 1e to d ea l with vanety o pro · ucts .... ;.:- Automation
. on CNC Mac me

LI , I 1 S: ti , atilld
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems l7

· Automation
Product Quantity
Fig. 1.13 Types ofAutomati~n
US A principle . .
U S A principle is used to suggest the necessity of automati0n in an industry.
U S A principle sta~ds for ·
U : Understand the existing process
S : Simplify the process
A : Automate the process
Under the existing process .
To understand the existing process one needs to know
• The inputs of the process
• The output of the process·
• Type of process
• How each process adds value to product?
• Relation between the process
• Mathematical models between input and-output variables
Simplify the process
Before implementing automation, the existing process can be simplified by
understanding the purpose of the process and if possible eliminate or combine the process
without affecting the overall process, It is impo1tant to ensure that the process uses
appropriate technology.
Automate the process ,
After reducing the process to its simplest form, automation can be implemented by
following the ten strategies of automation.
f\1 Computer Integtated Manufactu_ring

I i, The strategies of Automation and production system is given by

1. Specialization of operations
• • · · t
It involves the use ofspec1ahzed equ1pmen w 1c h' h pe..conns each o·p
with greatest
'. · • •
11 possible efficiency. It reduces operation cycle time and mcr~ases productivity.
I1 1 1
I i 2. Combined operations
I Complex parts require more than one processing operation. The s~ategy involves in
. reducing the number of different processing machines (or) workstations through which
the part must be routed.
• It reduces number of workstations.
• Reduces work handling time.
Reduces non operational cycle time.
3. Simultaneous Operations
• It is th.e extension of combined -operations.
, 1
• This strategy involves in perfonning the operations simultaneously in a single
work station. .
,• In such strategy two or more operations are perfonned on the work part at the
same time.
• It reduces number of operations.
• It reduces setup time, operational and .non operational cycle time.
4. Integration of operations :
• This strategy involves linking several works~tions into single integrated
mechanism by using automated work handling devices. . .
• It reduces number of workstation,s, 'l\'Ork handling time and non_operational time.
5. Increased Flexibility :
• It involves in using the ~e equipment and machinery for variety of products.
• It increases machine utilization
•. It reduces setup time, manufacturing lead time.
6. Improved material handling and storage :
• It involves in the us_e of automated material handling systems which .transfer
workparts between different stations. ·
• It also involves in the usage of Automated storage and Retrieval systems (ASRS)
• Reduces non operational cycle time, setup time.
7. Online Inspection :
• Traditionally inspection_js carried out only after the entire process is complete~-
It means that poor quality pr rluct has already been produced by the time it 1s

inspected. ·
Comput~ lntegtated,Manufacturing Systems _19

• J3y incorporating online ii:ispection qual~ty of the,products can be increased.

• It involves in reducing scrap.
8. Process control and.optimization:
• In involves in the usage of different types of control mechanisms intended to ·
operate individual process and associated equipment.
• It reduces operational and n~m operational cycle time.
9. Plant operations control :
• This is concerned with the_control of all the operations at the plant level.
• All the dep~ents in the plant are .integrated by using high level of computer
networking in the factory.
• It reduces manufacturing lead time.
• It increases utilization.
10. Computer Integrated Manufachiring:
• It involves in the integration of factory operations _with engineering design and
several business functions.
• It requires extensive use of computer applications, computer ·database and
networking throughout the enterprise.
• It reduces ,Manufacturing lead time, Total cycle time.
• It increases quality and machine utilization.
. . . . l
Definition: "The term Com_puter Integrated manufacturing (Clfv1) denotes the use of .
computer systems to design the products, plan the production, control the operations and
to perform various business related functions needed in a manufacturing firm."
CIM is the use of computer techniques to integrate manufacturing activities. These
activities encompass all functions, necessary to translate customer needs product.
CIM starts with the development of a product concept and inciudes product design and
specification, and extends through production, delivery and after- sales activities.
Data may come directly from the originating source or through an intermediate
database. CIM systems have emerged as a res_ult of the developments in manufacturing
and computer technology. Corriputer plays an important role in integrating the following
functional areas of a CIM system:
20 Computer Integrated Manufactu.,
. . ''"g

• Part and Product design

• Tool and fixture design
• Process planning
• Programming ofNwnerically controlled machines
I 1:
• Control of Material handling systems
II • Material Requirement planning
• Machine loading and scheduling
IJ •

• Maintenance
• Quality Control
• Inspectiory
• Storage ancl retrieval.
• Geometric modeling
•, Engineering analysis
• Design review and evaluation
• Automated d afting


usmess . ystems
• Cost estimation
• Accounting
• Payroll
• NC pan programming
Customer billin
• Compuierized work stds.
• MRP capacity planning

• Process monitoring
• Shop O.oor control
· Com uter-aided ins ection

Fig.LI 4 Computerized elements of a CIM system

Computer Integrated Manufacturing System:: 21


The term Computer Integrated Manufacturing was introduced by Dr. Joseph Harrington
in his book bearing that name in 1974. Until the l 970's the most aggressive and successful
automation was seen ip production operations. Discrete parts manufacturing used highly
mechanized machines that were driven and controlled by cams and complex devices such as
automatic screw machines. Process manufactures made use of these cam driven controllers
and limit switches for operations such as heat treating, filling and canning, bottling and
weaving. The historical approach to automation focussed on individual activities that
result in.the incorporation oflarge amounts of computerized activities In l 980's managing
information became an important issue.


Following are various salient features .of CIM·
. '
i. Maa:keting: The need for· a product is identified by the marketing divi;i~n. The
specifications of the product, the projection ofmanufacturing quantities and the strategy
for marketing the product are also decided by the marketing department. Marketing is
used to estimate the manufacturing costs to assess th~ economic viability of the product.
ii. Product Design: The design department of the company establishes the initial database
for production of a proposed product In a CIM system this is accomplished through
activities _such as geometric modeling and computer aided design while considering the -
product requirements and concepts generated by. the creativity of the. design engineer.
Configµration management is an·important. activity in many designs. Complex designs
are usually carried out by several teams working simultap.eously, located often in different
parts of the world. The design process is constrained by the costs that will be incurred
in actual production and by the capabilities of the available. production equipment and
processes. The design process creates the database required to manufacture the part.
iii. Planning: The planning qepartment takes the database established by the design
department -and enriches it with production data · and information to produce a plan .
for the production of the prqduct. Planning involves .several subsystems dealing with
materials, facility, process, tools, manpower, capacity, scheduling, outsourcing, assembly,
inspection, logistics etc. In a CIM system, this planning process should be constrained by
the production costs and by the production equipment and process capability, in order to
generate an optimized plan. · · ·
iv. Purchase: The purchase departments is responsible for placing the purchase orders and
follow up, ensure quality in the production process of the vendor, receive the items, arrange
for inspection and supply the items to the stores or arrange timely delivery depending on the
production schedule for eventual supply to manufacture and assembl)'.. . ·
v. Manufacturing Engineering: Manufacturing Engineering is the activity of carrying
out the production of the product, involving further enrichment of the database with
ComputerJntegrated Manufacturing
performance data and information about the production equipment and processes. In
CIM, this requires activities like CNC programming, simulation and computer aided
sche<;luling of the production activity. This should include online dynamic scheduling
and control based on the real time performance of the equipment and p(ocesses to assure
continuous p~oduction activity. Often, the need to meet fluctuating market demand
requires the manufacturing system flexible and agile.
vi. Factory Automation Hardware: Factory automation equipment further enriches the
database with equipment and process data, resident either in the operator or the equipment
I. -to carry out the -production process. In CIM system this consists of computer controlled
· process machinery such a_s CNC machine tools, flexible manufacturing systems (FMS),
Computer controlled robots, material hanclliilg- systems, .computer controlled assembly
systems, flexibly automated inspection syst~lllS ap.d so on.
vii. Warehousing: Warehousing is the function involving storage an.d retrieval of raw
materials, components, :(inished goods as ~ell as shipment of items. In today's complex
outsourcing scenario and the neeg for Just-in-time S!:lpply of components and subsystems,
logistics and supply chain management assume great importance. · ·
viii. Finance: . Finance deals with the resources pertaining to money. Planning of
investment, wo~king capital, and cash flow control, realization of receipts, accounting
and allocation of funds are the major tasks_of the finance departments.


According to the National Research council, CIM improves productivity by 40 to 70
percent as well as enhance engineering productivity and quality. CIM can also decrease
design costs by 15 to 30 percent, reduce overall lead time by .20 o 60 percent and cut work
- in process inventory by 30 to 60 percent. Managers who use CIM believe that there is a
direct relationship between the efficiency_of information management and the efficiency
of the overall effectiveness of the manufacturing enterprise. Many CIM programs focus
/,, attention on the efficiency of information management and the problems that come with
I 11,, it instead of developing a new and more sophisticated manufacturing machines, material
transformation processes, manufacturing management processes and production facilities.
11 ,,1 .
Computer integrated manufacturing can be applied to non manufacturing organizations
.ill I
by changing the manufacturing focus towards a service orientation. .

Benefits of CJM
I. CIM provides a means for standardization of design and manufacturing process
I ',., 2. CIM improves the flexibility of manufacturing process.
,1, 1 I 3. CIM results in lower manufacturing lead time.
JIII' 4. By incorporating SIM, t~e time take11 during design, planning, schedulfog can be
. '·111 1 reduced there by mcreasmg the productivity.
1/1111 !

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems

5; Cost and time taken for prototype testing be minimized.

6. Accuracy "in design process and all the process that support manufacturing can
be increased. · ·
7. Existing tools and equipn:ient can be used with very. few modifications if the
product changes.
8. CIM improves the quality of the product,
9. Overall cost of manufacturing can be ~educed.
10. Cost of inventory can be reduced.
11. CIM increases machine utilization by eliminating (or) reducing machine setup.
12. CIM reduces (or) eliminates defects.




Fig. 1.15 Tlie Scope of CAD/CAM and CIM

Computer Integrated manufacturing includes all of the ~esign fll!lCtions of CAD / CAM,
but it also improves the firm's business.functions that are related to manufacturing. CIM
technology can by applied to all of the operational functions and information processing
functions in manufacturing from order receipt, through design and prodµction, to product
shipment. The scope of CIM compared with.the more limited scope of CAD/CAM is as
shown in fig.
24 Computer Integrated Manu'-
· . (DEC 2012, JUNE 201 2, DEc l1
. wh'1ch can be calculated 11!
· . 1e.,
· Most of the production concepts are quantitative
measured. These concepts need quantitative approach to:measure them. Some of th:nd
concepts are. · if Se

1. Cycle time
2. Production time and production rate
3. Plant capacity
4. Utilization and availability
5. Manufacturing lead time
6. Work-in-progress·
I {,I II
7. WIPofTIPRatio.
N otations used:
T0 = Cycle time (min)
T0 = Processing/operational time (min)
Th = Work part handling time (min) .
\I T = Tool handling time (min)°
• I
TP = Production time (min/Pc) _
Tpb = Batch production time (min/Pc) .
TPl. = Job shop production time (min/Pc)
Tpbn = Mass production time (min/Pc)
Rp = Production
rate (min/Pc)
Rpb = Batch production rate (Pc/min)
RPl. = Job shop production rate (Pc/min)
Rpm = Mass production rate (Pc/min)
P = Plant capacity (Pc/day) .
C I'
S = Number of shifts per day (shifts/day)
H = Number of ~ours per shift (Hrs/shift)
n = Number of work stations (no units)
n0 · =Number of operations on each unit (no units)
U =Utilization(%)
A =Availability(%)
MLT= Manufacturing lead time (min or Hours)
T =Nonoperational time (min) ·
no ·
T = Stepup time (min)

Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems 25

(1) Cycle time:-

Cycle time refers to the time spent by a product on the machine.
It is denoted by Tc Units : min/part
The time spent by the product i.e., cycle time will be productive as well as _non .
productive. Productive time ineludes machining or operational time (T0 )
Non productive time includes works handling time (T11) and tool handling time (T1h) .
:. Cycle time, Tc= To+ Th+ Ith
(2) Production Time (f P) and Production_rate (RP)
Production time refers to the total time spent by the part in the shop floor.
Production rate refers to the number of parts produ,ced during,a per_iod of time.
Usually pr?duction rate is expressed in ho~s and is denoted by RP.
Production rate is inverse of production time.
R =_!_
P Tp
Production ti_me depends on the type of production systems:
(a) For batc_h processing system
For 'Q' Parts
Tpb =QT +T C SU

For each component, ·

T = QTc +T,. =T + T.. .
pb Q C Q

Production rate:
Rp = _l_ = Q , for each part, parts/min
b . Tpb QTC +TSU

(b) For job shopprod11ction sysiem, (Q = 1)

Production time:
TpJ. = Tc + TSU . (min/part)
Production rate:
. 1
Rp - . (parts/min)

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