Ballet Folk Modern Dance

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ballet, folk

& modern
Ballet is an art form created by the movement of the human body.
It is theatrical – performed on a stage to an audience utilizing costumes, scenic design and lighting. It can
tell a story or express a thought, concept or emotion. Ballet dance can be magical, exciting, provoking or

Ballet originated in the Italian renaissance courts and was brought to France by Catherin de Medici in the
16th Century.
Types of

Story ballets tell a story. They Plotless ballets have no

contain narrative action, storyline. Instead they use the

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characters, a beginning and an movement of the body and
end. The Nutcracker and The theatrical elements to interpret
Sleeping Beauty are famous story music, create an image or
ballets from the 19th century; express or provoke emotion.
classic stories and novels such
as The Great Gatsby and The
Three Musketeers also have
been transformed into ballets.
Styles of Ballet
Classical ballet is what people generally think of
first when it comes to “ballet.” Classical ballet
reached its height in 19th- century Russia
through the work of choreographers like Marius
Petipa and Lev Ivanov. The following elements
characterize this style:
graceful, flowing movements
classical form: turn-out of the legs and
pointe work
balance and symmetry
ethereal quality
emphasis on story ballets and narrative
elaborate sets and costumes
Neo-classical ballet was
introduced in the 20th century by
choreographers like George
Balanchine. It generally includes:
increased speed, energy and
manipulation of the classical
asymmetry, an off-balance
non-narrative, often one-act
pared-down aesthetic with
simple sets and costumes
Contemporary ballet is influenced by modern dance. In contemporary ballet, you may see:
floor work
turn-in of the legs
greater range of movement and body line
pointe shoes but also bare feet
Romantic ballet was a performing arts movement in the
nineteenth century emphasizing supernaturally inflected
storytelling and innovations in ballet dancing and dress.

In contrast to classical ballet and its emphasis on form, the

Romantic ballet period highlighted mood and emotion in its
choreography. It borrowed from the other art forms of the
Romantic era, such as novels, poetry, and music, to create
its overall sense of ethereal beauty and charm.
folk dance
Folk dance celebrates the cultural roots of a particular group of people. Folk dance is typically
performed as a form of ritualistic entertainment at social gatherings. Some kinds of folk dance tell a
culture’s foundational stories, while others may simply emphasize cultural pride.
4 Common Attributes
of Folk Dance

Performed by nonprofessionals: Performed to traditional music:

Traditionally, most folk dances Most folk dances are performed

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are performed by people without to the traditional folk music of the
professional dance training or respective people. Many of these
experience. The dances songs contain lyrical verses that
themselves are passed down tell a story, but some are strictly
through generations, learned instrumental.
through observation and
mirroring rather than being
formally taught.

4 Common Attributes
of Folk Dance

Performed in traditional dress: Performed during holidays or

Folk dancers may wear their other celebrations: Folk dances

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culture’s traditional garb or attire are often performed at festivals,
for a performance. These clothes cultural gatherings, or agricultural
underscore the dancer’s cultural events.
identity while providing a sense
of uniformity with the rest of the
folk dance group.

types of folk

The Tinikling: This national dance of the
Philippines originated during the Spanish
Colonial era, and is inspired by the movements
of the tinikling bird. To perform the Tinikling,
dancers pick up, rearrange, and maneuver
between bamboo poles, much like this native
bird does to obstacles in the wild.

Dragon dance (China)
Dragon dance is a form of traditional dance and
performance in Chinese culture. Like the lion
dance, it is most often seen during festive
celebrations. The dance is performed by a team
of experienced dancers who manipulate a long
flexible giant puppet of a dragon using poles
positioned at regular intervals along the length
of the dragon. The dance team simulates the
imagined movements of this river spirit in a
sinuous, undulating manner.
Hula (Hawaii)
Hula is a Hawaiian dance form accompanied by
chant or song. It was developed in the Hawaiian
Islands by the Native Hawaiians who originally
settled there. The hula dramatizes or portrays
the words of the oli or mele in a visual dance
Tango (Argentina)
Tango is a partner dance and social dance that
originated in the 1880s along the Río de la Plata,
the natural border between Argentina and
Weapon dances: Sometimes referred to as
sword dances, this genre of folk dance contains
the use of a sword or weapon in the routine.
Weapon dances often reenact battles or express
particular cultural themes, and are a part of
many folk dances around the world, in places
including China, Vietnam, Scotland, and India.
modern dance
Modern dance is a broad genre of western concert or theatrical dance which included dance styles
such as ballet, folk, ethnic, religious, and social dancing; and primarily arose out of Europe and the
United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

It is often referred to as contemporary or lyrical.

Modern dances strive to connect the mind and body through fluid dance movements while
focusing on spontaneity and self-expression.
History of Modern
It has began to develop in the United States and Europe
Modern dancers still rely on many ballet steps as part of their
choreographed modern dance routines. Modern dance is deeply
embedded in ballet syllabus. Historically, modern dance began as :
free form style lyrical ballet among a community professional ballet
dancers who refused to stop dancing.
Popular styles of
Modern Dance

jazz dance. is a social dance

style that emerged at the turn of
Ballet dance. an artistic dance

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the 20th century when African
form performed to music, using
American dancers began
precise and highly formalized set
blending traditional African steps
steps and gestures.
with European styles of

Popular styles of
Modern Dance

hip hop dance. Hip hop dance is

a range of street dance styles
tap dance. is a form of dance

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primarily performed to hip hop
characterized by using the
music or that have evolved as
sounds of tap shoes striking the
part of hip hop culture. It is
floor as a form of percussion.
influenced by a wide range of
styles that were created in the
1970s and made popular by
dance crews in the United States.


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