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5 Prosciutto is a kind ofltalian ham.

Two of the
Business best known kinds are San Daniele and Parma,


a Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the c Do or make? Put the phrases in the right column.
right form (present simple, past simple, or past
participle). business (with) /'brzn;:is/ a deal /di:!/ (= business agreement) a
decision /clr's13n/ a job /d3ob/ a loss (opposite profit) /los/
become /b11kAm/ close down /kl;:iuz daun/ drop /drop/ market research /1ma:k1t n's3:tf/ money /'mAni!
grows /grguz/ expand /Ik'sprend/ export /Jk'sp::i:t/ somebody redundant /n 'dAnd;:int/ (=sack somebody
import /Jm'p::i:t/ launch /b:ntJ/ manufacture /mrenju'frektj';:)/ because he I she isn't needed any more) well I badly
market /'ma:k1t/ merge /m3:d:y' produce /pr;:i'dju:s/ set up I et
Ap/ take over /tc1k 'guv;:i/ do make
1 Although GAP stands for Genuine business (with)
American Product, most of its
clothes are manufactu1'ed in
2 In 1989 Pepsi-Cola a new d 8 ))) Listen and check.
product called Pepsi A.M.,
which was
aimed at the 'breakfast cola drinker'. It
was an immediate flop. Organizations Match the words and definitions.
3 The Spanish airline Iberia ___ with British
a business /'b1zn;:is/ (or firm I company)
Airways in 2011. a branch /bro:ntji' a chain /tfem/ head Qffice /hed 'of1s/ a
4 Apple is considered one of the best companies in the multinational /mAlti'meJn,gl/
world for the way they their products.
1 a chain a group of shops, hotels, etc. owned by the same
~· person or company
2 an organization which produces or sells
~p I t"
I R:) which are in the Friuli and Emilia goods or provides a service
regions ofltaly, and are all over the 1501111 world.

6 The Royal Bank of Scotland _ _

NatWest Bank in 2000, even though it
was in fact a smaller rival.
7 The supermarket chain Tesco __ _
the market leader in 19 9 5, and is
still the UK's biggest-selling chain.
8 Zara shops were opened in Spain in
1975, but the company soon
internationally. t •'I 9 Nowadays it is quite a risk to a new 1r··1
I .•

.---2-- -~-/
their first year.
' business. In the UK, 203 of businesses fail in

" 10 The cost ofliving in Iceland is so high

because so many food products have to

11 During a boom period, the
economy quickly and
living standards improve.
12 During a recession, many companies
_ _ _ and living standards _ __
b 5 7))) Listen and check.

3 a company that has offices or factories in many countries
4 the main office of a company
5 an office or shop that is part of a larger organization, e.g. a bank
b People Match the words and definitions.
the CEQ /si: i: '';}{)/ (= chief executive officer)
a client /'kla1gnt/ a colleague /'koli:g/ a customer /'kAstgmg/ a manager /'mrenid3g/ the owner /''Jung/ the staff /sta:f/

1 the group of people who work for an organization

2 someone who buys goods or services, for example from a shop or restaurant
3 someone who receives a service from a professional person, for example from a lawyer 4 a person who works with you 5 the person with
the highest rank in a company
6 the person who owns a business 7 the person in charge of part of an organization, for example a shop or a branch
c 9 ))) Listen and check your answers to a and b. ~p 87

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