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1. According to the kinetic molecular model of

matter, what is the main characteristic of
- A) They remain stationary
- B) They have fixed shapes
- C) They attract each other
- D) They are invisible

2. Which state of matter has molecules with the

least distance between them?
- A) Solid
- B) Liquid
- C) Gas
- D) Plasma
3. What is the defining feature of plasma, the
fourth state of matter?
- A) Molecules are stationary
- B) Molecules have fixed shapes
- C) Molecules are positively charged
- D) Molecules exist in their ionic state

4. How is density defined?

- A) The ratio of volume to mass
- B) The ratio of mass to volume
- C) The ratio of weight to volume
- D) The ratio of volume to weight

5. Which instrument is used to measure

atmospheric pressure?
- A) Thermometer
- B) Hygrometer
- C) Barometer
- D) Manometer

6. What principle explains the transmission of

pressure in a liquid equally in all directions?
- A) Pascal's law
- B) Archimedes principle
- C) Hooke's law
- D) Boyle's law

7. What is the condition for an object to float

according to the principle of floatation?
- A) Its weight is greater than the upthrust
- B) Its weight is less than the upthrust
- C) Its weight is equal to the upthrust
- D) Its weight is irrelevant to floatation
8. What property of a body allows it to return to
its original size and shape after the deforming
force is removed?
- A) Elasticity
- B) Density
- C) Brittleness
- D) Ductility

9. According to Hooke's law, what is the

relationship between stress and strain?
- A) Stress is inversely proportional to strain
- B) Stress is directly proportional to strain
- C) Stress is unrelated to strain
- D) Stress is the same as strain

10. What is the unit of Young's modulus?

- A) Newton per meter (N/m)
- B) Newton per square meter (N/m²)
- C) Pascal (Pa)
- D) Joule (J)
**Short Questions:**

1. What are the key features of the kinetic

molecular model of matter?
2. Explain the behavior of molecules in solids
according to the kinetic molecular model.
3. How do the distances between molecules
differ in liquids compared to solids?
4. Describe the behavior of gas molecules
according to the kinetic molecular model.
5. What defines plasma as the fourth state of
6. Define density and provide its SI unit.
7. What is atmospheric pressure and how is it
8. Explain Pascal’s law and provide an example
of its application.
9. Define Archimedes’ principle and its
application in determining density.
10. What is Hooke’s law and what does it
describe about the behavior of materials?

**Long Questions:**

1. Discuss the three states of matter (solid,

liquid, gas) based on the kinetic molecular
model. Include explanations of the behavior
of molecules and the characteristics of each
2. Explain the principle of floatation and its
application in designing ships and
submarines. Provide examples and discuss
how the principle is related to Archimedes’

**Numerical Problems:**

1. Calculate the pressure exerted by a force of

75 N on an area of 1.5 cm².
2. Determine the volume of a glass cube with a
side length of 5 cm and a mass of 306 g, given
the density of glass as 2.55 g/cm³.
3. Find the density of an object that weighs 18 N
in air and 11.4 N when immersed in water.
Identify the material of the object.
4. Calculate the force required to lift a car
weighing 20,000 N on a hydraulic press piston
with a diameter of 30 cm, if the diameter of the
pump’s piston is 3 cm.

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