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No Knead Brioche Loaf

Easiest brioche recipe from the Artisan Bread in 5 cookbook that gives
you perfectly fluffy soft brioche with barely any effort!
Course Breakfast
Cuisine European
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Resting Time 2 hours
Servings 12 people
Calories 223kcal
Author Farah Abumaizar
1.5 cup water, lukewarm 170g
1 tbsp instant yeast
1 tbsp salt
0.5 cup honey 85g
8 eggs, lightly beaten room temperature
1.5 cup unsalted butter, melted 170g
8 cups all purpose flour 530g
Egg wash:
2 egg yolk beaten with 1 tablespoon of water
1. Combine lukewarm water, yeast, salt and honey in a large bowl and stir until combined.
2. Add the eggs and melted butter, and mix until combined.
3. Gradually mix in the flour with a wooden spoon, spatula or dough hook until just
combined. You'll want to mix until no flour streaks remain but you don't need to be too
vigorous. It'll be a sticky dough.
4. Cover bowl loosely with plastic wrap or a kitchen towel and leave to rest at room
temperature for 3 hours. After this rest, store in the fridge for at least 3 hours before using,
and up to 5 days.
5. When ready to bake, lightly grease a loaf pan. Flour an area of your kitchen counter
generously. Scoop out a 1.5 lb piece of dough (680g) or about 2/3 of the total dough you
made onto the floured surface (Save the extra dough in the fridge, and see post info above
for ideas on what to do with it.) Form the 1.5lb piece of dough into a ball by scooping the
surface of the dough around and under.
6. Divide this dough ball into three balls and roll each out into a 12 inch rope. Stick the three
ropes together at one end and braid. Pinch edge of braid together to seal.
7. Place braided bread into prepared pan, and rest for 90 minutes. When rest is nearly over,
preheat oven to 350F (180C).
8. After rest, brush the loaf with the egg wash. Bake for 40-45 minutes until deep golden
brown, but if browning too fast, tent loosely with foil.
Recipe adapted from the wonderful cookbook, Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day
Calories: 223kcal

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