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Universidad del Istmo

Facultad de Ingeniería y Tecnologías de la Información

Licenciatura en Ingeniería en Ciberseguridad

Inglés 1

Actividad #3

“Let’s travel!”


John Jonsson, 4-811-1666


Miguel Sánchez

Febrero 2024
Let’s Travel!

Sara: Hey, John! I've been thinking about planning the perfect vacation, and I would love
for you to join me on a trip to Japan.

John: Japan sounds amazing, Sara! I've always wanted to visit. What do we need to do
before the trip?

Sara: Well, first we'll need to research and plan our itinerary. We should also check if we
need visas, book our flights, and find accommodation.

John: Sounds like a plan! Why Japan, though?

Sara: Japan has a rich culture, beautiful landscapes, and delicious food. I'd love to visit
Tokyo for the bustling city life, Kyoto for its traditional temples, and experience the natural
beauty in Hokkaido.

John: That sounds fantastic! What should we pack for the trip?

Sara: We should pack comfortable walking shoes, weather-appropriate clothing, a

universal adapter, and a portable Wi-Fi device to stay connected.

John: Good idea. Any advice for traveling in Japan?

Sara: Let's learn some basic Japanese phrases, be mindful of local customs, and always
have our passports and important documents with us.

John: Great tips! Where will we stay in Japan?

Sara: We can book a hotel in each city we plan to visit. From the airport, we can take the
train or a taxi to get to our accommodations.

John: I can't wait, Sara! This trip is going to be amazing.

Sara: It will be! I'm looking forward to exploring Japan with you.

Sara: By the way, we should also make a list of must-try foods and experiences in each
city. I've heard there are amazing sushi and ramen places in Tokyo!
John: That sounds delicious! I'll make sure to pack an extra camera to capture all these
wonderful memories.

Sara: Good idea! And don't forget to notify your bank about our travel plans so our cards
work without any issues.

John: Absolutely, I'll take care of that. I'm so excited to explore the beautiful temples in
Kyoto and take part in a traditional tea ceremony.

Sara: Me too! Let's also download some helpful travel apps for navigation and language

John: Sounds like a plan. I'll get started on these preparations right away. Thanks for
inviting me on this incredible trip, Sara!

Sara: Of course, John! I can't wait for our unforgettable vacation in Japan.

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