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Workers and oppressed peoples of the world unite!   Vol. 66, No.

1   January 4, 2024   $1

South Africa charges

Israel with genocide
By Monica Moorehead oppressed and/or sovereign governments, commence investigations against the Popular Front for the Liberation of
or to censor genuine complaints such as criminal “Israeli” entity for committing Palestine Central Media Department: The
The South African government filed a the one South Africa just filed. Even though the genocide against our Palestinian peo- PFLP calls for everyone to follow this step
historic case against apartheid Israel at the ICJ has not formally responded to the ple in the Gaza Strip. in prosecuting the leaders of the occupa-
the International Court of Justice (ICJ), complaint to date, Israel felt compelled to South Africa’s move is an important tion and all those who colluded with them.
accusing the settler-colonial regime of respond right away, falsely labeling it as step towards holding the leaders of the The PFLP welcomed South Africa’s sub-
crimes of genocide against Palestinians in being “antisemitic.” entity, the criminals of our age, account- mission of a request to the International
Gaza after nearly three months of indis- Statements from two Palestinian resis- able for the most heinous massacres Court of Justice to bring a lawsuit against
criminate Israeli bombardment, which tance groups—Hamas (Islamic Resistance known to humanity in our contemporary the “Israeli” entity for committing acts of
has massacred more than 21,000 civil- Movement) and the Popular Front for the history. We call on all nations to submit genocide against the Palestinian people in
ians, including at least 10,000 children. the Gaza Strip.
The hearing is scheduled for Jan. 11. The Front again praised the advanced
This racist aggression has caused wide- positions of South Africa, which it has
spread destruction in what is considered taken since the beginning of the aggres-
the largest open-air prison in the world sion, whether in its political and diplo-
and one of the most densely populated matic steps or its widespread popular
areas. Close to 2 million Palestinians have movement, stressing the need for these
been displaced, resulting in widespread positions to be emulated by all countries
hunger and diseases. of the world that stand by our people and
In an 84-page application to the ICJ on condemn the Zionist war of genocide and
Dec. 29, South Africa described Israel’s adopt stances different from some of the
actions in Gaza as “genocidal in character countries that are complicit and partner-
because they are intended to bring about ing with the entity in these crimes.
the destruction of a substantial part of the The Front concluded on the importance
Palestinian national, racial and ethnical of South Africa’s step to put an end to the
group.” ( Zionist crimes of genocide against civil-
The South African government feels a ians, health facilities, services, and infra-
particularly close political affinity with March in Cape Town, South Africa, Oct. 22, 2023. structure, and to prosecute the leaders of
the plight of the Palestinian people, hav- the Zionist occupation as war criminals
ing fought a decades-long heroic national Liberation of Palestine—praising the South similar files and requests to the compe- in international courts for the unprece-
liberation struggle of their own against a African complaint on Dec. 30 were pub- tent criminal courts, both national and dented crimes and massacres they com-
white supremacist, apartheid state that lished on the Resistance News Network. international, against this Nazi entity, as mitted, emphasizing the need for this trial
ended in a legal overthrow of that fascis- Their lightly edited short statements are it poses a threat to international peace to include all the leaders of countries who
tic regime back in the early 1990s. below: and security, and to ensure that it does provided protection, cover, financial and
The ICJ has had a sordid history of either Hamas: We highly appreciate South not escape punishment for the brutal arms support, and political backing to the
ruling on behalf of imperialist governments Africa’s initiative to file a request in crimes committed against children and “Israeli” entity. ☐
and their puppets such as Israel against the International Court of Justice to unarmed civilians in the Gaza Strip.

Rape charges
WW commentary

weaponized to justify genocide Ralph Poynter ¡presente!

By Martha Grevatt stereotypes in the U.S., Electronic Intifada states, “There’s a

similar and equally sinister dynamic to Israeli propaganda
The KKK and other white supremacist terrorist groups have now targeting Palestinians. Its purpose is to demonize them
long invoked the racist stereotype of Black men as rapists to and soften up public opinion to tolerate or support Israel’s
justify lynchings. This includes 14-year-old Emmett Till in ongoing genocide in Gaza.”
1955, whose so-called crime was to whistle at a white woman The rape allegations were already widely promoted by the
in Money, Mississippi. The capitalist state has done the same. U.S. and Israeli media, including CNN and Haaretz, before
The Scottsboro defendants, nine African American teenagers the bogus Times investigation. None of the sources had any
in Alabama falsely accused of raping a white woman in 1931, firsthand testimony from survivors of alleged mass rape and
languished in prison for years until a worldwide movement there was zero forensic evidence.
freed them. Only a few individuals claim to have observed sexual
The weaponizing of racist stereotypes is not just a thing of assault after the Israeli Occupation Forces supposedly col- Longtime fighter for Black rights, political
the past. On multiple occasions, including during his presi- lected over 1,000 testimonies and 60,000 video clips. This prisoners and human rights in general, Ralph
dential campaign in 2015 and more recently in 2021, former calls into question the charge that mass rape was somehow Poynter peacefully passed away Dec. 25.
President Donald Trump slandered undocumented Mexican an official policy of the resistance. More at
immigrants as “murderers and rapists.”
Now we are seeing the same tactic employed against the The so-called expert
Palestinian resistance, more specifically Hamas, Islamic CNN and Haaretz, and now the Times, have promoted
Resistance Movement. This time the “liberal” New York Times Dr. Cochav Elkayam-Levy, who the Israeli daily newspaper Boston Palestine Coalition
has put the allegations, first published Dec. 28, on the front page describes as a feminist scholar and international human rights
of its Dec. 31 Sunday edition. The Times claims to have “inves- expert heading an “independent commission” investigating
crashes City’s First Night 2
tigated” claims that were made earlier this year — claims that the alleged mass rapes of Oct. 7. She is featured in a Dec. 1 Texas governor’s
Electronic Intifada debunked in a video posted Dec. 4. article with a headline claiming she has collected “testimony
Drawing a parallel with the historical use of racist
war on immigrants  3
Continued on page 3
Page 2    January 4, 2024

Boston Coalition for Palestine tells ‘First Night’

‘No celebration during genocide!’ this week

By Steve Gillis ◆ In the U.S.
Boston BCFP: ‘No celebration during genocide!’ . . . . . . . . . 2
Texas governor turns cops loose on migrants . . . . . 3
Thousands of people answered the call of the Boston
Coalition for Palestine (BCFP) on New Year’s Eve, 2023. ◆ Around the World
They crashed the City’s Amazon-underwritten “First Night” South Africa charges Israel with genocide . . . . . . . . 1
party downtown and fulfilled their own demand that there
Rape charges weaponized to justify genocide . . . . . 1
be “No celebration while a genocide is happening!”
Despite a massive police presence — whipped up by
breathless on-scene TV newscasters reporting the Anti-
Online articles
Defamation League’s warnings of “extremist and terrorist”  WW PHOTO: MAIREAD SKEHAN GILLIS ◆ In the U.S.
threats — BCFP security details formed up at police bar- Workers World Party-Boston’s banner in solidarity with the WWP condemns murder of Hamas leader . . . . LINK
ricades in front of the John F. Kennedy Federal Building Palestinian resistance, Boston Common, Dec. 31, 2023.
‘While you’re shopping, bombs are dropping’ . LINK
adjacent to City Hall Plaza. Palestinian resistance songs
soon reverberated off the plaza’s buildings, with gathering alike by the Israeli Occupation Forces. All elevated BCFP’s Zaid Almadi, youth leader of BCFP . . . . . . . . . . LINK
protesters moving to its rhythms, competing with the spon- central demand to “End all U.S aid to Israel,” the finan- Legal services workers’ Palestine resolutions . LINK
sors’ staged red, white and blue-themed program. cial and political source of the Zionist regime’s settler-co-
NYC: Monday global strikes for Palestine . . . . LINK
Rally emcees and lead chanters Yafa Suleiman of BCFP, lonial land theft and weapons of mass destruction.
Layan Alnajjar of Connecticut’s We Will Return Palestine When protesters took the streets at the corporate spon- Bronx protest: ‘Same struggle, same fight!’ . . LINK
and Zaid Almadi of Braintree for a Free Palestine fired up sors’ well-publicized “invitation to the public to walk in Flood Philly for Palestine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LINK
the crowd. Ahmad Kawash of the Palestinian House of New the parade” behind the bands and performers, they were
◆ Around the World
England opened the rally with a song for Gaza’s martyrs. immediately blocked by an armed bike patrol and sur-
Speakers representing Indigenous nations; Jewish rounded by local, state and national repressive forces, Yemen denounces deadly U.S. attacks . . . . . . . LINK
and Muslim clergy; union, student, antiwar and socialist with drones in the sky and snipers on the roof. Las causas de la invasión a Panamá (1989) . . . LINK
constituent organizations in one voice decried the ruling The chanting, with fists raised, by the mass number of Statements from PFLP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LINK
class’s “party-as-usual” denial of 2023’s televised mass courageous people from Greater Boston’s multinational
Statements from Hamas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LINK
slaughter of Palestinian civilians and resistance fighters communities, overcame the state’s initial response. The
BCFP “Free Palestine” banner and women of a dance col- Who was behind the October 7 attack? . . . . . . LINK
lective, dressed in red and holding child-sized shrouds, Alex Saab is free and home in Venezuela! . . . . LINK
led the militant marchers undaunted into the parade
◆ Tear Down the Walls
route, with thousands of spectators cheering and raising
fists in solidarity. Many who had come as a family outing Rest in power, Ralph Poynter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LINK
joined what became indisputably the annual First Night’s Migrants’ hunger strike at detention center . . LINK
largest marching contingent ever.
◆ Mundo Obrero
It was chilling and terrifyingly relevant when, at 7 p.m.,
the star-spangled “rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in El Congreso apunta a las universidades . . . . . . LINK
air” fireworks momentarily drowned out a coalition speaker Asamblea contra el Imperialismo . . . . . . . . . . . LINK
at the closing rally on Boston Common. But the spirited
crowd quickly fired up all available megaphones and over- Ongoing coverage of Palestine:
came the warlike interruption with an ever-louder chant of
“There is only one solution, the Intifada Revolution!”
See BCFP’s Dec. 29 press release for further informa-
‘Free Palestine in 2024’ at First Night on Boston Common,
tion and full listing of the coalition’s over 35 constituent
organizations at ☐ Workers World
Dec. 31, 2023.
121 W. 27th St., Suite 404
New York, NY 10001
Phone: 212.627.2994

Join us in the fight for socialism! E-mail:

Vol. 66, No. 1 • January 4, 2024
Workers World Party is a revolutionary Marxist- worldwide. If you’re interested in Marxism, socialism
Closing date: January 3, 2024
Leninist party inside the belly of the imperialist and fighting for a socialist future, please contact a WWP
beast. We are a multinational, multigenerational and branch near you. ☐ Editors: John Catalinotto, Martha Grevatt, Deirdre
multigendered organization that not only aims to abolish Griswold, Monica Moorehead, Betsey Piette
capitalism, but to build a socialist society because it’s the Web Editors: ABear, Harvey Markowitz, Janet Mayes
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Tear Down the Walls! Editors: Mirinda Crissman,
Capitalism and imperialism threaten the peoples of the Workers World Party contact: Ted Kelly
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National Office Durham, N.C. Production & Design Editors: Gery Armsby, Sasha
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121 W. 27th St., Suite 404 919.322.9970 Mazumder
Capitalism means war and austerity, racism and
New York, NY 10001
repression, attacks on im/migrants, misogyny, 212.627.2994 Copyediting and Proofreading: Paddy Colligan, Steve
LGBTQ2S+ oppression and mistreatment of people with Houston Gillis and K. James
disabilities. It means joblessness, increasing homeless- P.O. Box 3454
Atlanta Houston, TX 77253-3454 Contributing Editors: G. Dunkel, K. Durkin, Sara
ness and impoverishment and lack of hope for the future.
PO Box 18123 713.503.2633 Flounders, Otis Grotewohl, Gloria Rubac
No social problems can be solved under capitalism.
Atlanta, GA 30316 Mundo Obrero: Deborah Rodriguez, Carlos Vargas
The U.S. is the richest country in the world, yet no one
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Texas governor turns cops loose on migrants

By Gloria Rubac profiling easier. “Why do people organizing and widespread opposition
Houston who look like me now have to carry from diverse constituents, including law
our passports around with us?” enforcement.”
One week before Christmas, asked Texas state Rep. Armando She stressed: “Immigrants and our
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott outdid Walee. allies will not stand for being terrorized
himself by signing into law a Activists and legal organizations by Abbott and this cruel bill. SB4 is hate-
bill that authorizes police of any were prepared before Abbott even ful, ideology-driven, race-based policy.
agency, anywhere in the state, to signed SB4. They filed a federal civil Texas voters will not forget who turned
arrest any person they think looks rights lawsuit the very next day. The their backs on their neighbors, family and
“illegal.” Senate Bill 4 goes into American Civil Liberties Union and friends to enact this shameful law.”
effect March 5, the day of Texas’ the Texas Civil Rights Project filed “Under the new law, 79 different law
presidential primary, along with on behalf of El Paso County and two enforcement agencies, from constables
Senate Bill 3, which allocates immigrant rights organizations. to school resource officers in the Houston
about $1.5 billion to support One, Las Americas Immigrant area alone, would have the power to arrest
Texas’ ongoing efforts to build a Demonstrators respond to Abbott’s reactionary law. Advocacy Center, is a nonprofit undocumented immigrants,” said Cesar
wall at the Mexican border. legal service organization serving Espinosa, executive director of Familias
Texas’ SB4 was signed into law with funded by the state, cutting money from the legal needs of low-income nonciti- Inmigrantes y Estudiantes en Lucha
outlandish drama right on the Texas/ already underfunded public schools. zens and asylum seekers in West Texas, (FIEL) [Immigrant Families and Students
Mexico border in Brownsville, Texas. As All this is on top of Abbott’s Operation Southern New Mexico and Ciudad Juárez, in Struggle], an active civil rights organi-
he signed the bill, Abbott was seated with Lonestar, a multibillion-dollar state cam- Mexico. The other, American Gateways, is zation in Houston.
other racist politicians, behind a table paign to strengthen the border to brutally a nonprofit organization founded in 1987 FIEL has begun holding town hall
with a sign, all in caps, reading 'TEXAS’ stop migrants with razor wire, floating and incorporated in Texas with offices meetings about SB4 with its 16,000 mem-
HISTORIC BORDER SECURITY.’ Above buoys and National Guard troops. in Austin, San Antonio and Waco. They bers, many of whom are undocumented
and behind the crowd was a giant Texas Abbott has consistently pushed the provide a broad range of low and no-cost immigrants. Espinosa said, “These people
flag held up high by a large construc- boundaries of law regarding migrants, legal services to noncitizens throughout make up a significant portion of the Texas
tion crane. Ironically, the U.S. flag was even ordering the bussing of migrants the region, including asylum seekers and labor force and contribute to the state’s
missing. to cities with Democratic mayors across victims of family violence, sexual assault economic success.”
In recent legislative sessions, Texas had the country. So, what does this newest and human trafficking. Tsion Gurmu, legal director at the Black
enacted attacks on women, trans peo- reactionary law mean for Latinx people Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI),
ple and youth. The lawmakers outlawed in Texas? Racial profiling by police will Opposition swift in response to SB4 said: “Black and Brown people, regardless
diversity, equity and inclusion offices in increase even more. The chair of the Mexican American of citizenship, are already racially profiled
state universities. Its abortion laws are Millions of U.S. residents, including cit- Legislative Caucus, Texas State Rep. and over-policed, and SB4 empowers
among the most restrictive in the U.S. izens, can be arrested and deported with- Victoria Neave Criado, said the new laws local law enforcement to continue tram-
Rather than face criminal charges, par- out due process. will potentially harm all Latinos. pling on our rights.”
ents of trans youth are leaving the state to Marielena Hincapié, executive direc- Gurmu emphasized: “Every second of
access the proper health care their chil- SB4 encourages racial profiling tor of the National Immigration Law the day, Black and Brown communities
dren need. Women are leaving as well Latinx people are now the largest eth- Center, issued the following statement: are criminalized, whether that be by ICE,
after being denied life-saving reproduc- nic group in Texas, numbering over 40%. “SB4 is Governor Abbott’s shameful state and local law enforcement, school
tive health care, which has been declared According to the U.S. Census numbers and malicious attempt to carry out the security or vigilantes. Historically, crim-
illegal. from June 2023, they outnumber whites Trump agenda of mass deportation. But inalization of Black people in the U.S. has
Abbott has called four special sessions for the first time since 1850, as reported immigrants are and have always been been used as a tool to maintain a system
of the legislature to attempt to put into by The Texas Tribune. ( essential to the fabric of Texas, which is of white supremacy!” ☐
law that private and religious schools be yuhe73x9) This legislation makes racial why we have seen powerful community

Rape charges weaponized to justify genocide

Continued from page 1 as an “investigation.” The prominently majority of cases closed without charges.
placed article is nothing but one-sided The percentage of women alleging rape in
after testimony” of such atrocities. Yet not propaganda intended to justify the U.S./ Gaza, on the other hand, is extremely low.
one actual survivor testimony is cited in Israeli genocide.
Haaretz. Rape culture and war propaganda
In Haaretz Elkayam-Levy cites coerced Israel condones sexual violence Sexual violence is a terrible crime.
testimony from two captured resistance against Palestinians Millions, perhaps billions, of women and
fighters as proof — provided by the Israeli In contrast to Israel’s fabrications is gender-oppressed people have directly
police force Shin Bet, which routinely its practice — going back to its creation experienced it. Rape culture — the cul-
employs torture, including rape, to extract — of allowing the rape of Palestinians. ture of normalizing or trivializing sexual
confessions. Elkayam-Levy even offered Palestinian women were raped and mur- assault or abuse — demeans every human Women march for Palestine, Jakarta,
as photographic “evidence” a photo that dered during multiple massacres, and the being oppressed by patriarchal relations. Indonesia, Oct. 15, 2023.
was actually taken in May 2023 of a fear of being raped was one tactic used Most rape survivors do not have eye-
Kurdish girl outside of Palestine. to displace 750,000 Palestinians in 1948. witnesses to their suffering, but the vast diate conflict but also influencing global
Elkayam-Levy is not who CNN, Rape and other forms of sexual vio- majority of accusers are telling the truth. attitudes and perceptions about women.
Haaretz and The Times claim she is. As lence and torture are carried out in Israeli Yet all too often it is the woman who is This approach undermines the credibility
Mondoweiss pointed out after the CNN prisons, sometimes with the goal of forc- put on trial in a rape case. “Believing of legitimate cases of sexual violence.
report, she “is indeed an expert, but not ing a confession. An estimated 8,000 survivors” is important in challenging “It may lead to skepticism and disbelief
of human rights law. In her former posi- Palestinian prisoners are behind bars, the narrative that rape victims are lying, when survivors share their experiences,
tions, including a post for the Israeli gov- the majority of them not charged with imagining things, have no proof or some- perpetuating a culture of silence and
ernment’s Attorney General’s Office in any crime. Men captured by the IOF since how provoked the assailant. impunity. Additionally, it could provoke a
the International Law Department, she Oct. 7 have been forced to strip naked Nevertheless, it is necessary to recog- global backlash against efforts to address
provided the legal justification for Israeli and be photographed, an act of extreme nize that there are real situations where gender-based violence and advocate for
officials committing human rights viola- humiliation and degradation. racists and war propagandists fabricate women’s rights, and it diminishes the cred-
tions against Palestinians. In 2002, Rabbi Eyal Karim made the allegations. They do this to appeal to ibility of international initiatives aimed at
“She had previously published a ‘guid- outrageous statement that it was permis- the instinctive sympathy with anyone preventing and responding to sexual vio-
ance for policy making, government sible for soldiers to “satisfy the evil incli- who has experienced the horrible crime lence in conflict.” (
officials and legal advisors in the man- nation by lying with attractive Gentile [i.e, of rape. Undocumented claims of “rape Rape culture prevails under the cap-
agement of hunger strikes.’ There, she Palestinian] women against their will, out camps” were made during the U.S./NATO italist system of exploitation. Its stron-
provided a detailed legal manual to ‘stan- of consideration for the difficulties faced wars against Yugoslavia and Libya. gest impact in the stage of imperialism
dardization through legislation and regu- by the soldiers and for overall success.” When rich and middle-class women’s is experienced by nationally oppressed
lation’ for forced feeding – a brutal act of (, Aug. 8, 2022) organizations buy into this propaganda people, both inside the imperialist coun-
torture used to break political prisoners.” In 2016, he was appointed Rabbi they are essentially accomplices to geno- tries and in the colonies. White suprem-
In addition, Elkayam-Levy is a former Colonel of the Israeli Military Rabbinate, cide and actually harm the cause of rape acy, settler colonialism and rape culture
member of the Israel Occupation Forces or head rabbi of the IOF, a position he still survivors. go hand in hand.
Spokespersons Unit. (, holds today. Similar views were expressed The group Speak Up, “A feminist ini- The fight against all oppressions is a
Dec. 1, 2023) by prominent Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu and tiative to support victims of violence in fight against imperialism. Right now, the
There is nothing substantially new in prominent professor Mordechai Kedar of all its forms,” states: “Exploiting women’s most important task of anti-imperialists
the latest, 3,500 word New York Times Bar-Ilan University in 2002. bodies and rape allegations as war pro- is to magnify solidarity with Palestine and
piece. The previously reported lies are The rate of reported rape inside Israel paganda carries profound and extensive its resistance across the globe. ☐
basically regurgitated and presented has risen 30% since 2015, with the vast implications, affecting not only the imme-

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