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9X- Thursday 25th May 2023

9Y- Thursday 25th May 2023

9Z- Monday 22nd May 2023

The list below is an indication of what will come in the test, it is by no means a full list.
Please revise all content with a focus on the questions asked below:

Unit 1 – Development

- What is HDI?
- What 3 factors make up the HDI
- Difference between HDI and GDP
- Graph skills, map skills etc

Unit 2 – Earthquakes and volcanoes

- Problems caused by earthquakes

- How can buildings be protected in an earthquake (the way they are built etc.)
- Key terms – earthquakes and volcanoes (focus, epicentre etc)
- Features of a volcano
- Plate margins and what happens at them- destructive, constructive, conservative
- What are the effects of different earthquake intensities?

Unit 3- Earths Resources

- What subsistence farming is, organic farming is, agribusiness etc.

- Know the difference between renewable and non-renewable energy

Unit 4 - Middle East

- Climate in the Middle east

- Middles East key definitions (exclave, biome, region, population density etc)
- The biomes found in the Middle East
- Religions and ethnicities found in the Middle East
- What are the reasons for conflict in the ME?

All Powerpoints are available at the following Google Drive link

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