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DR.Alradhi Ib.


Osteology:The scientific study of bones.

Function of bone ;
a. Support, Protection & Movement:
1. Gives shape to the body.
2. Supports body weight.
3. Protects sensitive parts of the body.
b. Blood Cell Formation:
The red bone marrow found in the
Connective tissue of certain bones is the site of blood cell
c. In-organic Salt Storage:
Functions as a storage depot for many of
the bodyneeds. For example: (Calcium, Potassium,
Sodium ,etc)
Bone exists in two forms
Compact: appears as a solid mass.
Cancellous: consist of branches of trabeculae.
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

Classification of bone according to their general shape.

Long bones (e.g. the humerous, femur, metacarpals,
metatarsals and phalanges)

-Their length is greater than their breadth.

-They have a tubular shaft, the diaphysis, and usually an
epiphysis at the end.
-During the growing phase, the diaphysis is separated
from the epiphysis.
-The end of long bone is composed of cancellous bone
surrounded by a thin layer of compact bone.

Short bones: are found in the hand (The scaphoid, lunate

,Triquetrum, Pisiform, trapezium , Trapezoid, Capitate, H
amate )
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

& foot (Calcanous, Talus, Navicular, Cuboid, Cuneiforms)

-Composed of cancellous bone surround by thin layer of

compact bone.
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

Flat bones
Found in vault of the skull (e.g. The frontal and parital
bones,scapula, Ribs, sternum)
Composed by thin inner and outer layer of compact bone
, separated by a layer of cancellous bone.
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

Irregular Bones:(e.g. Bone of the skull, vertebrae, & the

pelvic bone )

Composed of thin shell of compact bone with interior

made up of cancellous bone.

Sesamoid bone: small nodules of bone that are found in

certain tendons where rub over bony surface.
(e.g. The largest sesamoid bone is the patella.
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

Pneumatic Bones:
Pneumatic bones can also be categorized under the irreg
ular bones.The characteristic difference is the presence
of large air spaces in these bones which make them light
in weight and thus they form the major portion of skull
Examples: Sphenoid, Ethmoid, Maxila etc.
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

Classification of bone according to their basis of develop

1. Membranous bones:
These bones ossify in membrane from mesenchymal con
densations for examples: Bones of the vault of skull and F
acial bones.

2. Cartilaginous Bones:
They ossify in cartilage and thus derived from performed
cartilaginous models for examples: Thoracic cage etc
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

3. Membrano-cartilaginous Bones: They ossify partly in

membrane and partly in cartilage.
Examples: Clavicle, Mandible, Temporal

Classification of bone according to their basis of Region

It is divided into two types, they are:

1. Axial Skeleton.

These bones forms the axial skeleton

Examples: Bones of skull, Thoracic cage &Vertebral
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

2.Bones Of Appendicular Skeleton:

These bones forms the Appendicular skeleton of the h
uman Body.
Examples: bones of the limbs and girdles of limbs.
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

The skull bone

 Paired bones of the cranium:
 parietal.
 temporal.
 Unpaired bones:
 Ethmoid
 Frontal
 Occipital
 sphenoid
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

Bone of the Face

Paired bones:
Inferior concha
Unpaired bones:

Bone of the vertera colum

Formed by 24 separate vertebrae and
Sacrum (which composed of 5 fused vertebrae)
Coccyx (which composed of 2-4 fused vertebra
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf
DR.Alradhi Ib. Sharaf

Surface Markings of Bones

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