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African Development That Works

Peter G. Veit
Adolfo Mascarenhas
Okyeame Ampadu-Agyei


October 1995
Kathleen Courrier
Publications Director

Brooks Belford
Marketing Manager

Hyacinth Billings
Production Manager

Ray Witlin for World Bank

Cover Photo

Each World Resources Institute Report represents a timely, scholarly treatment of a subject of public concern. WRI
takes responsibility for choosing the study topics and guaranteeing its authors and researchers freedom of inquiry. It
also solicits and responds to the guidance of advisory panels and expert reviewers. Unless otherwise stated, how-
ever, all the interpretation and findings set forth in WRI publications are those of the authors.

Copyright O 1995 World Resources Institute. All rights reserved.

ISBN 1-56973-038-5
Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 95-061917
Printed on recycled paper

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v Independent Inputs into Government

Decision-Making . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .vn.. Support for Community-Based Resource
Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
V. A Call for More Action ................ .37
I. Introduction ........................... 1
VI. Case Studies From the Ground Up . . . . . . .39
11. Elements of Effective Community-Based Case Study 1-Nangodi (Ghana)
Resource Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Case Study 2-Kpayee (Liberia)
Risks to Livelihood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Case Study 3-Goviefe-Agodome (Ghana)
Opportunities for Economic Growth . . . . . . 9 Case Study 4Mofindor (Sierra Leone)
Cultural Incentives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Case Study 5-Malshegu (Ghana)
Security in Land and Resources . . . . . . . . . .12 Case Study 6-Panta/Kpaai District (Liberia)
Organizational and Management Case Study 7-Njoguini, Gitero, and Kabati
Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 (Kenya)
Technology and Resources for Case Study 8-Lyamungo (Tanzania)
Environmental Management . . . . . . . . . .17 Case Study 9-Katheka (Kenya)
Political Support and Legitimacy . . . . . . . . .20 Case Study 10-Butana Region (Sudan)
Case Study 11-Msanzi (Tanzania)
111. The Policy Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Case Study 12-Mbale (Uganda)
An Historical Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Case Study 13-Nyarurembo (Uganda)
Winds of Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Case Study 14-Zvishavane (Zimbabwe)
A Call for Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
IV. Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Appendix A: Case Study Sites . . . . . . . . . . .57
Policies in Support of Sustainable Appendix B: Published Case Studies
Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 "From the Ground Up" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Market Incentives for Natural Resource Appendix C: Unpublished Case Studies
Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 "From the Ground Up" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
Security in Land and Productive Natural
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
Decentralization for Sustainable
Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67

his report is the outcome of collaboration assistance are Walt Reid, Tom Fox, and Kirk
among many people and institutions. It is Talbott. Others-members of the WRI internal re-
impossible to acknowledge all of those who view committee-are Walter Arensberg, Paul
contributed to this eight-year effort in 10 African Faeth, Owen Lynch, Kenton Miller, Ann Thrupp,
nations. However, the authors are particularly William Visser, and Aaron Zazueta. The external
thankful for the cooperation and collaboration of reviewers included Richard Ford, Calestous
the country case study researchers, field assis- Juma, Mike McGauhey, Liberty Mhlanga, and
tants, and authors, including Cherno M. Baldeh David Richards. Other important support was
and the National Museum's Research and Docu- provided by Robert Winterbotton, Fred Mallya,
mentation Division (Gambia); Clement Dorm- Abu Tall, and the more than 30 participants in the
Adzobu (Ghana); Geoffrey Clarfield, Richard Washington D.C. meeting held to review the first
Ford, Charity Kabutha, David Lowe, Barbara draft of this book.
Thomas-Slayter, and John Thompson (Kenya);
George Botchie, Luoseae Kargou, and Eugene Editorial assistance and production help was
Shannon (Liberia);David U.U. Okali and D.O. provided by Kathleen Courrier, Mike Berdan,
Amubode (Nigeria);E.K. Allieu, Osman M. Bah, Jonathan Adams, Deborah Fort, Hyacinth
A.C. Lahai, D.M.A. Sheriff, and A.B.S. Sillah Billings, Robbie Nichols, Samantha Fields, Kara
(Sierra Leone); Yagoub Abdalla Mohamed and Page, Lauren Morris, Elizabeth Schandelmeier,
Mohamed El Hadi Abu Sin (Sudan);Ophelia and Cynthia Chamberlain. The published case
Mascarenhas and Anderson Lema (Tanzania); studies were produced and printed by the
Eliezer M. Kateyo, Eldad Tukahirwa, and Levand African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS), a
Turyomurugyendo (Uganda); and Davidson policy research non-governmental organization
Gumbo (Zimbabwe). based in Nairobi, Kenya. Assistance in develop-
ing an outreach strategy for this book was pro-
Special appreciation and sincere gratitude are vided by WRI's Policy Affairs group, including
extended to the many members of the case-study Donna Wise, Shirley Geer, Ralph Wright, Philip
communities for their cooperation and interest in Lanks, Michelle Corrigan, Elaine Young, and
the research during the field work stage. Without Annette Jurkonie.
them, completing this work would have been
impossible. P.G.V.
Among colleagues at the World Resources In- 0.A-A.
stitute who provided valuable insights and other

ow that the Cold War is over, political ex- natural resource degradation hits especially hard
pedience no longer drives wealthy indus- in Sub-Saharan Africa because economies there
trial nations to back enormous develop- depend more directly on natural resources than
ment projects aimed at keeping "friendly" do economies elsewhere. Most people in the re-
developing-country leaders in power. In some gion are subsistence farmers, and agricultural
ways, this change is welcome. In the past, foreign products, minerals, timber, and nature tourism
aid has all too often rested on the tacit under- figure large in national economies.
standing that governments would siphon off
much of the capital while doing little for the im- The authors analyzed 23 case studies of ecolog-
poverished masses whom mega-development ically sound rural development successes in ten
projects were intended to benefit. African countries to tease out the common factors
that make for success. Among these was the
But recent geopolitical shifts have unwelcome recognition by local people that natural resource
aspects too. In the West, public support for for- degradation threatened their livelihoods-and
eign aid waned once containing the Soviets was that they could improve their lot by reversing
no longer an issue. The recession that hit Europe degradation. Also common to the most successful
and North America in the early 1990s com- efforts were cultural incentives compatible with
pounded isolationist thinking as wealthy nations sustainable development, secure land-tenure
turned inward to deal with domestic problems. regimes, sufficient organizational and manage-
Simply put, humanitarian concerns at home ment capacity, access to technical and financial
began pre-empting those abroad. The challenge resources for environmental management, and an
that developing countries face now is how to do enabling political climate.
more with less with foreign development assis-
tance-and nowhere is this more urgent than in However, even the best community-based
Sub-Saharan Africa. resource-management practices are being stifled by
contradictory policies, laws, and institutional
Pointing the way is Lessons from the Ground Up: arrangements. Throughout Sub-SaharanAfrica,
African Development that Works b y Peter G. Veit, governments marginalize small farmers, underrnin-
Regional Director for Africa in WRI's Center for ing their efforts to manage resources, improve pro-
International Development and Environment; duction, and advance themselves--even though
Adolfo Mascarenhas, Research Professor at the they form the backbone of most rural economies
Institute of Resource Assessment, University of and produce 80 percent of the food supply.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; and Okyeame Ampadu-
Agyei, Deputy Director of Ghana's Environmen- The authors argue that Africa's rural people-
tal Protection Agency. As the authors point out, the continent's principal users and caretakers of

natural resources-need secure control of their governments should recognize the value of
lands, more authority to make decisions about re- Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs)
source use, and a greater voice in government de- as legitimate partners in development, and
cisions about policy and laws. Central govern- donor nations should offer financial support
ments must recognize the contributions of to build NGOs' confidence and capacities.
communities, grassroots organizations, and civil
society and willingly cede them more authority. 6. To help small farmers increase their produc- I

In turn, these local players must prepare them- tivity, nations should research ways to im-
selves to take full advantage of such partnership prove traditional agricultural practices and
opportunities. expand agricultural extension services to
make technical assistance, skills, and infor-
Lessonsfrom the Ground Up calls for six broad mation more widely available.
policy reforms that will boost the prospects of
replicating the "success stories" the authors The analyses presented in Lessons From the
studied: Ground Up extend those found in such WRI stud-
ies as Farmer Innovation in Natural Resource Man-
1. To make national socioeconomic develop- agement: Water Management in Msanzi, Tanzania;
ment sustainable, nations should adopt Public Policy and Legislation in Environmental Man-
policy and legislative frameworks that agement: Terracing in Nyarurembo, Uganda;Religious
clearly articulate the importance of sound Beliefs and Environmental Protection: The Malshegu
resource management for long-term eco- Sacred Grove in Northern Ghana; and Combining
nomic growth. Local Knowledge and Expert Assistance in Natural Re-
source Management: Small-scale Irrigation in Kenya.
2. To make sustainable development pay, These number among the publications produced
nations should create resource-based eco- by "From the Group Up," a research and capacity-
nomic opportunities in rural areas and re- building program now in its eighth year.
align market incentives and fiscal subsidies
that promote unsustainable practices. We thank the United States Agency for Inter-
national Development and The Pew Charitable
3. To encourage local people to invest in nat- Trusts for their generous multi-year support of
ural resource management, nations should "From the Ground Up." We also thank The Inter-
reform tenurial laws to protect farmers' national Foundation, the Atkinson Foundation,
access to land and resources. the Canadian International Development Agency,
the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Albert
4. To ensure the sound planning, implementa- Kunstadter Family Foundation, the Netherlands
tion, and monitoring that make for success- Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ford Foundation,
ful community-based development, national USA for Africa, and the World Bank for their im-
governments must decentralize, thereby portant support of the program. For their fore-
empowering local governments to accom- sight and support, we are deeply grateful.
plish these tasks.
Jonathan Lash
5. To build on democratization efforts and en- President
sure a counterweight to business interests, World Resources Institute


y the mid 1980s, many governments and successes, and develop policy options that would
donor agencies had come to realize that help establish similar conditions in other villages."
though traditional approaches to develop- By documenting these working examples of suc-
ment in Sub-Saharan Africa had frequently cessful community-level self-help initiatives, FGU
failed, many community-based initiatives were would provide governments and development as-
succeeding. But while many African communities sistance agencies with models of effective natural
are already involved in effective self-development, resource management to emulate.
the resources, skills, and experiences of the rural
majority remain chronically underutilized. Some Between 1988 and 1991, "From the Ground
government and development assistance agencies Up" carried out 23 case studies in ten African na-
are prepared to help, but a major constraint is that tions. (See Appendixes A, B, and C.) For each study,
the factors and conditions upon which effective a multidisciplinary research team comprised pri-
community-based development and resource marily of African social and natural scientists
management depend have been poorly docu- conducted fieldwork, collected data, analyzed the
mented. Traditional bureaucratic evaluations of results, and prepared draft reports. Various par-
failed projects only identified what went wrong ticipatory research methodologies, including Par-
and hypothesized about what might have worked. ticipatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), participant ob-
servation, and household surveys, were used
To help African governments help themselves (National Environment Secretariat et al., 1991;
and their citizens, the Center for International Molnar, 1989; Ethiopian Red Cross Society and
Development and Environment of the World Re- International Institute for Environment and De-
sources Institute (WRI),collaborated with African velopment, 1989).
development institutions and Clark University's
International Development and Social Change Although the technologies of effective commu-
Program to initiate an ambitious program known nity-based resource management are generally
as "From the Ground Up" (FGU) in 1987. Its
overall goal was to increase local, national, and
"Traditional evaluation procedures consider a development
international institutions' capacity to promote the project successful when it meets predetermined, quantifiable
community-based management of natural goals (eg., a number of trees have been planted or contoured
resources. bench terraces constructed). Though such measurements can
suggest how well the project has been implemented, they can-
The methodology was simple: find communi- not reveal the extent of the community's involvement or the
people's perspectives on the outcomes and hence, the chances
ties already pursuing ecologically sound self- for its sustainability (Skinner, 1989).As the principal resource
development on specific plots of land or in pock- users and primary beneficiaries of any resource-management
ets of resources, identify the factors behind those activity, local people must be the ultimate judges of success.
well known, the less tangible social, economic, analyses. It identifies seven key factors associated
and political factors are not. To fill this gap, each with effective resource management and spells out
case study team solicited local opinion on the cul- six policy options to encourage and facilitate com-
tural, socioeconomic, and political factors and in- munity-based sustainable development. It is de-
centives underlying their successful management signed to provide governments and development-
practices. assistance agencies with tangible guidance on how
best to bring about similar results.
"From the Ground Up" then analyzed the 23
case studies to identify the most important ele- To spread these findings to a wide and influen-
ments of effective community-based resource tial audience, WRI is sharing the case studies and
management and to develop general national pol- their policy implications with governments and
icy recommendations. Predictably, quantifying the development assistance community through
these results proved difficult. Effective commu- publications, workshops, conferences, and the
nity-based resource management is a complex popular media-radio, newspapers, and televi-
process whose specifics usually vary with chang- sion. WRT has already published six case studies
ing circumstances on the ground. Besides formal and will disseminate this summary report in the
workshops convened in Tanzania and Washing- same way. We hope and intend that Lessons will
ton, D.C., at numerous informal sessions, the field help promote policies and legislation in support
researchers, together with community-based de- of community-based resource management, in-
velopment experts, reviewed the case-study re- crease the allocation of development resources to
sults in light of relevant academic theory and pro- the grassroots, and foster greater self-reliance and
fessional literature. sustainability throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.

Lessons Fvom the Ground Up is based on the com- P.G.V.

prehensive, community-oriented understanding A.M.
gleaned from the 23 case studies and the collective 0.A-A.
I. Introduction

ub-Saharan Africa1 (hereafter "Africa") is percent of Africa's approximately 4,500 cubic
generously endowed with human and nat- kilometers of annual internal renewable water re-
ural resources, most of which are signifi- sources are currently being utilized for agricul-
cantly underutilized. Most of its more than 614 ture. Africa's forests, including almost a third of
million citizens (WRI, 1994) are resourceful and the world's tropical forest cover, could sustain-
resilient. They constitute its greatest asset. About ably yield significantly more timber and other
70 percent of the inhabitants reside in rural re- products. Only a fraction of Africa's rangeland is
gions where they engage in small-scale subsis- being managed as improved pasture, and its fish-
tence farming, animal husbandry, fishing, hunt- eries, which already provide protein for millions
ing, and gathering. Small-scale agriculture of Africans, could yield significantly more.2(See
contributes significantly to local and national Figures 1 and 2.)
economies and to meeting national development
needs. For example, in Tanzania, such production The rich biodiversity of Africa's ecosystems is
contributes an estimated 50 percent of total farm crucial from the perspective of realized and po-
output-including nearly all fruits, vegetables, tential goods, services, and economic opportuni-
grains, cattle, and small livestock, and 80 percent ties (medicines, new food crops, and so forth). For
of export crops. (Government of Tanzania, 1994). example, of the 241 areas richest in plant diver-
sity, 32 are in Africa, with the Cape Coast of
Compared to other regions of the world, a high South Africa boasting one of the largest number
percentage of African national and household of endemic plant species of any region in the
economies directly depends on the resource base. world. Ethiopia is one of the Earth's eight major
Agriculture, the mainstay of most national econ- centers of crop diversity and may prove impor-
omies, accounts for 31 percent of the Gross Do- tant for future food supplies (Myers, 1992).
mestic Product (GDP) and more than 55 percent
in the value of total exports (excluding the African Africa's mineral wealth is proven. West Africa
oil-producing nations) (Cleaver and Schreiber, is rich in gold, tin, and iron ore; central and
1994).Minerals, timber, and tourism among nat- southern Africa is a mother lode of industrial and
ural resources account for much of the rest. precious diamonds, copper, and gold. Many min-
erals of strategic importance abound in Africa: 54
Fortunately, Africa is generously endowed with percent of the world's cobalt, 32 percent of its
natural resources which could not only be used to bauxite, 52 percent of its manganese, and 81 per-
meet its own needs but some of those of the rest of cent of its chromium stocks (WRI, 1994).South
the world (Veit et al., 1995).Less than half of the Africa alone accounts for 84 percent of the
available cropland is currently cultivated, and only world's total reserve base of platinum minerals
2.8 percent of that land is irrigated. A mere 1 (U.S. Department of the Interior, 1993).
Figure 1.Distribution of Natural Resources by Region, 1994

Internal Permanent Forest and Crop Land Landmass

Freshwater Pasture Woodland

Source: World Resources 1994-95: Guide to the Global Enviro~zment.Washington, D.C.: WRI, pp. 285-89.

Natural energy resources are plentiful in three decades following their independence, most
Africa, but the continent currently consumes only African nations struggled. Modest social and eco-
a fraction of them. Proven reserves of petroleum nomic growth during the 1960s gave way to stag-
were estimated to be 20.5 billion barrels in 1989, nation in the 1970s and outright reversal during
though some experts now speculate that offshore the so-called "lost decade" of the 1980s (World
deposits are even larger. Known reserves of nat- Bank, 1989). (See Figure 3.) Among the better doc-
ural gas are equal to the equivalent of 250 giga- umented causes of this retreat are poor agricul-
watts of electricity-20 times current installed hy- tural production, a decline in industrial output,
dropower capacity. And currently, Africans are poor export performance, increasing levels of im-
harnessing less than 4 percent of the continent's ports, a drop in capital investments combined
vast hydroelectric potential (an estimated 300 with poor rates of return, and increased borrow-
gigawatts) and an even smaller portion of its geo- ing. (See Figure 4.) Between 1985 and 1992, the
thermal, solar, wind, or biogas potential (World average growth rate per capita declined by 0.8
Bank, 1989). percent per annum (World Bank, 1995a).In 1992,
the average income level was US$530 per capita.
These great human and natural resources Today, all but nine of the world's 30 poorest
notwithstanding, Africa is in crisis. In the first countries are in Africa (World Bank, 1994b).
Figure 2. Exploitation of Potential Natural Resources in Africa, 1994

Installed Hydropower I

Rain-fed Crop Land

Irrigated Crop Land

Total Crop Land

Domesticatable Land

Forest Resources

Internal Renewable Water Resources

Offshore Explored Oil Supply

Offshore Explored Gas Supply

Explored Crude Oil Supply

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Source: World Resources 1994-95: Guide to the Global Environment. Washington, D.C.: WRI, p. 283.

Complicating Africa's economic development in urban or peri-urban areas (principally along

has been its high and increasing population coasts)-is moving into cities at the world's
growth rate: between 1961 and 1973, the average fastest rate. In 1990,27 percent of the population
annual growth rate was 2.6 percent; between 1973 lived in urban areas; by the year 2005, almost 50
and 1980, it was 2.8 percent; and between 1980 percent probably will (World Bank, 1995a; 1994b;
and 1990, it was 3.1 percent (Cleaver and 1989).
Schreiber, 1994).3For the past 25 years, the fertil-
ity rate has remained constant at about 6.5 chil- Nowhere is resource degradation more appar-
dren per woman, while the mortality rate has ent than in the diminished quality of African soil.
steadily declined. Almost half of Africa's popula- More than 44 percent of Africa's land is dam-
tion-which is projected to double by the year aged-22.1 percent is fully degraded; 14.4 per-
2025-is not yet 16 years of age. cent, moderate to severely; and 7.8 percent,
lightly. About 49 percent is caused by overgraz-
Although poverty and high population ing, 24 percent by inappropriate agriculture, and
growth have had some adverse impacts on the 14 percent by deforestation (WN, 1992).Soil
resource base, they remain mostly local as a re- degradation diminishes the land's ecological in-
sult of uneven population distribution and, given tegrity in many ways: by altering crucial soil/
available technology, the unsuitability of large water relationships, reducing hydrological capac-
areas for farming4 Africa's population--concen- ity, changing local climatic conditions, reducing
trated on fertile highlands, along waterways, and biodiversity, and contributing to desertification.
Figure 3. Gross National Income Per Capita in Sub-Saharan Africa and other Developing Countries,

1980 dollars
800 I
700 -
Developing ,I I
countries /
600 - /
I Sub-Saharan

500 -
400 I
Africa excluding Nigeria

'\ 7
. 1

300 - +Low-income
developing countries
----' \/

- - - I
200 -\/

100 I I
1967 1970 1975 1980 1985 198
+ GNP per capita $650 and below
Source: Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth, A Long-Term Perspective Study. 1989.
Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

In Africa, agricultural production rose by only mained low and, in many cases, declined. Cereal
about 2 percent annually over the past 25 years production in Africa is 1.2 metric tons per
(and only 1.7 percent from 1980-1992)-not hectare, less than half the global average of 2.6
enough to keep pace with population increases metric tons (Cleaver and Schreiber, 1994).
(Cleaver and Schreiber, 1994).Eighty percent of
this increase has come through extending farm As more and more people are forced to eke out
lands under cultivation, rather than intensifying an existence on increasingly depleted lands, the
production on existing ones (Kates et al., 1993). costs-not only to the land but also to current and
Much of the expansion has been onto marginal, future well-being-rise. Africa is the only conti-
low-potential lands, including steep slopes, nent where the number of people in poverty is in-
where inappropriate land-use practices have creasing. Even though billions of development
resulted in land degradation through clearing dollars have been spent, average Africans are as
and soil loss through wind and water erosion. poor today (allowing for inflation) as they were at
Not surprisingly, production per land unit has re- the time of independence (World Bank, 1989).By
- - - - - - -

Figure 4. Annual Growth Rates of Selected Economic Indicators in Africa, 1961-1987


GNP Per Capita

GDP Per Capita

Rate of Return
on Investment





Sources: Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth, A Long-Term Perspective Study. 1989.
Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

the year 2000, the ranks of Africa's poor are ex- intervention. Popular participation in public deci-
pected to swell to 265 million (World Bank, 1994b). sion-making, decentralization, private enterprise,
self-help, and local initiatives have rarely been en-
Most of Africa's problems trace back to poor couraged or facilitated. Frequently, activists have
decisions, misguided policies, and inappropriate been strategically undermined by those in power.
actions promulgated by highly centralized gov-
ernments (Wunsch and Olowu, 1990).Due in part It is being shown with increasing frequency
to the legacy of colonialism and the national focus and cumulative persuasion that community-
of international development assistance, gover- based approaches5are better suited to effective
nance in Africa has been characterized by top- management of most natural resources and eco-
down economic and social policy-making, blue- systems than centralized, top-down management
print development planning, and intensive state (Marshall, 1993; Chambers, 1988; Uphoff, 1986;
Korten and Klauss, 1984). Not only do local peo- new circumstances and modify their socioeco-
ple have the best incentive to effectively manage nomic practices to meet both immediate needs and
resources-their basic survival and socioeco- long-term aspirations in environmentally sound
nomic development depend directly on a produc- ways. Their efforts show that government inaction,
tive natural resource base-they also generally state-sponsored interference, changing circurn-
have access to the information and materials criti- stances, and modem pressures do not always stop
cal to effective management. And they can re- communities intent on managmg their resources
spond more quickly to changing conditions. productively. If anythng, the documented failure
of most state-run systems to advance the lives of
Effective community-based management, their citizens materially has meant that those who
while not always democratic in decision-making, actually depend upon the soils, water, forests, and
usually involves more local people in planning biodiversity for their livelihood have been com-
and implementation than does central govern- pelled to devise their own systems of sustainable
ment management. This broader participation resource management.
has at least three advantages. First, it taps into the
collective knowledge, expertise, labor, and re- Africa's recuperation from recent declines will
sources of the resource users. Second, it encour- depend in part on how well it can capitalize on
ages rural people to assert ownership of plans proven successes in community-based resource
and actions-a critical component of effective im- management. To date, the resources, skills, and
plementation. And, third, it promotes the more experiences of the rural majority have not been
equitable distribution of costs and benefits. fully mobilized for development. But some gov-
ernments are finally beginning to catch on. In the
Although most national governments have past five years in particular, many African nations
been slow to appreciate community-based have made tremendous strides toward political,
management, it also better serves their develop- economic, social, and environmental reforms.
ment interests. Besides ensuring more efficient New frameworks for socioeconomic growth and
management of valuable resources, it helps hus- sustainable development have enhanced the per-
band scarce government personnel and limited formance of community-based management prac-
public funds which can then be spent on other tices already under way and sparked additional
government services or on community-based activities. In turn, these gains are fostering further
de~elopment.~ efforts by the respective national governments
and encouraging other nations to follow suit.
Yet, despite restrictive public policies and grim
national trends, many individuals and communi- Although much has been written about popu-
ties throughout Africa have taken charge of their lar participation and the relationship between
own development and succeeded. Disappointing community-based development and sound nat-
continent-wide statistics mask gains in thousands ural resource management (Scoones and Thomp-
of villages where millions of rural Africans are son, 1994; Chambers et al., 1989; Paul, 1987;
taking part in sustainable development7activities Cernea, 1985), few success stories have been well
(Hudson and Cheatle, 1993; Erdmann, 1992; Con- documented or publicized-even within the na-
roy and Litvinoff, 1988; Shaikh et al., 1988; Harri- tions where they are taking place. Also missing is
son, 1987). critical analysis of the key factors behind these
successful stories and an assessment of their im-
Africa's millions of farmers are its principal re- plications for government and development as-
source users and managers. Given the opportu- sistance agencies interested in nurturing cornmu-
nity, authority, and capacity, they have proven nity-based development. The following chapters
time and time again that they can and will adapt to attempt to address these gaps.
11. Elements of Effective Communitv-Based
Resource Management

wenty-three case studies of effective com- viable village institutions, or outside facilitators.
munity-based natural resource manage- But while charismatic local leaders are not always
ment were prepared as part of the "From present and cannot be created according to plan,
the Ground Up" program. (See Preface, Chapter VI ensuring that the management contributions are
and Appendixes A, B, and C.) In each case, success made is feasible.
came from an interdependent mix of incentives,
catalysts, capacities, and opportunities governed Second, people make decisions, including re-
by local circumstances. source management choices, based upon percep-
tions about their circumstances. Their beliefs
During the collective analyses, the participat- generally reflect a personal mixture of direct ob-
ing field researchers grouped these factors into servations, past experiences, and credible third-
seven broad categories: person accounts. In rural areas, those perceptions
often rest on extremely limited information or
Risks to livelihood; even suspect evidence. For example, individuals
Opportunities for economic growth; might fear risks to livelihood where none really
Cultural incentives; exist or may not recognize ones that are actually
Security in land and resources; there. In the discussions of core elements that fol-
Organizational and management capacity; low, what determines local resource users' actions
Technology and resources for environmental are their perceptions about the seven factors, which
management; and does not necessarily match their actuality.
Political support and legitimacy.
Third, this analysis does not assess the relative
Throughout these discussions, case studies importance of the seven core elements of effective
that highlight critical issues are cross-referenced community-based resource management. Nor
where appropriate in the text. (Summaries of 14 does it test and verify causal links. Although all
case studies appear i n Chapter VI.) elements were present in most of the cases stud-
ied, it does not follow that effective community-
The discussion that follows proceeds from based development will automatically occur.
three assumptions. First, the core elements them-
selves are grouped by function and not form and
focus on the contribution made to effective re- Risks to Livelihood
source management. The identification of "man-
agement" for example, as a key factor does not For most rural people, resource management is
minimize the other contributions to community a means of boosting agricultural productivity to
development made by charismatic local leaders, meet important social and economic needs. For
this reason, community-based resource manage- ters, civil unrest, mass immigration, policy and
ment is usually based on sustainable use, not con- legislative reform, or wholesale political changes.
servation. When basic subsistence or socioeco-
nomic development are inexorably tied to a Diversifying household economies by improv-
productive natural resource base and no practical ing agricultural techniques (for example, growing
alternatives exist, people husband those resources multiple crops in varied plots) and participating
to the best of their ability.8In Nangodi, Ghana, in off-farm activities (trading, mining, hired
for example, where much of the village land is labor), is a common way to reduce the pressure
unusable because of the black flies that cause on critical resources, counterbalance declining
river blindness, the farmers build stone-line ter- productivity, and reduce risks to livelihood. The
races so that they can continuously cultivate Nkebotok people who live in the lush forest
available land. (See Case Study 1.) along the Turkana River in northern Kenya not
only farm nine species of sorghum but also herd,
hunt, gather, and pan for gold, for instance. The
result: decreased pressure on individual re-
Community-based resource management sources, less exploitation, increased agricultural
production, and more secure livelihood^.^^
is usually based on sustainable use, not
conservation. Ecologically rich and diverse environments gen-
erally provide multiple economic opportunities. In
Lyamungo on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in
Tanzania, the favorable climate, fertile soils, and
good water supply--coupled with access to farm-
The more people value a resource, the more land in the dry plains below-allow the villagers
they will safeguard it. Most often, the resource's to earn money in several ways, including growing
worth derives from local perceptions of how it vegetables, coffee, fruit, maize, and producing
boosts welfare and de~elopment.~ If local people milk. As a result, the farmers depend less on any
depend on resource-based household economies one natural resource, economic activity, and
or fear losses in productivity, the more they are source of livelihood. (See Case Study 8.)
likely to invest in effective resource management
techniques. In Kpayee, Liberia, diamond miners In general, local resource users in Africa are
from neighboring Guinea and Mali-armed with well informed about the impact of sound manage-
government permits-have degraded many of ment on resources, the conditions essential for ef-
the wetlands used for paddies. Because the vil- fective implementation of alternative practices,
lagers are powerless to change licensing proce- and the consequences of inappropriate action.
dures or improve mining practices, their farming They also understand the often-complex relation-
continues threatened. Rice, however, is both a ships between resource-management practices
principal subsistence and a major cash crop. With and productivity, even though they may be un-
few alternative means of livelihood, people have aware of the underlying scientific explanations or
organized to reclaim some of their land. (See Case the range of ecological consequences-especially
Study 2.) those outside the community-that can stem from
good resource management. Local knowledge
Dangers to rural livelihoods when the produc- springs from a wealth of personal and collective
tivity of a resource base is threatened can origi- experiences, both historical and contemporary.
nate from various sources within the community
and outside it. Whether natural or man-made, Farmers can easily identify marginal or de-
threats may materialize, gradually, as in the case graded land. They know such lands are suscepti-
of population increases or long-term climate ble to resource degradation, and they understand
change, or suddenly, as a result of natural disas- that they risk concomitant loss of productivity
without careful management. The more scarce or is short-term crisis management. What is needed
fragile the resource, the more farmers will invest is long-term strategic planning.
to maintain or restore its productivity. For exam-
ple, the farmers in Nyarurembo Subparish, The level of risk that triggers investment in im-
Uganda, know that steep hillsides are highly sus- proved resource management varies among indi-
ceptible to wind and water erosion; that barren, viduals and communities. The costs and benefits
unprotected hillsides can quickly lose significant of the practice, the productivity of the associated
amounts of soil; that inappropriate farming prac- economic activity, and the value of its outputs all
tices can make productivity plummet; and that, vary with time and circumstance. When local
once lost, fertility can be restored only through people understand risks and can cover the costs
long-term natural processes of soil development, of alternative responses, they are more likely to
costly chemical inputs, or labor-intensive applica- address root causes rather than fall victim to a
tions of inorganic fertilizers. As a result, they costly crisis.
practice soil management in various ways, such
as terracing. (See Case Study 13.) When a large investment proves necessary,
however, it often takes a crisis that disrupts pro-
Given the generally poor socioeconomic condi- duction and significantly lowers welfare to cat-
tions prevalent throughout rural Africa, local re- alyze action. In Msanzi, Tanzania, the villagers
source users rarely have the time or capital to in- did not take on the high labor costs of construct-
vest in land and resources that do not provide ing an irrigation system until droughts and floods
significant returns. Resources considered immate- brought crop losses and famine, and once the
rial or marginal to their livelihood are thus often new system was in place they failed to invest in
neglected, even by individuals or communities the fundamental improvements called for by in-
that manage other resources-or even the same creased use until the main canal collapsed, threat-
one-effectively in other areas. In some cases, ening basic subsistence. (See Case Study 11.)
land and certain resources, such as wildlife, may
actually be degraded purposely to protect other
resources considered more valuable. (Western Opportunities for Economic
and Wright, 1994; Kiss, 1990). Growth
Similarly, when local people perceive that re- Profit powerfully influences behavior and de-
source productivity is satisfactory, they often cisions. Local economic opportunities and market
channel their time and money into more pressing incentives that make environmental conservation
priorities. Although production systems are fre- profitable promote effective community-based re-
quently improved-often in ways that are envi- source management. Environmentally sound eco-
ronmentally sound such as green manuring and nomic activities that yield higher benefits (e.g.,
multiple cropping-with limited resources and less costly, less risky, more efficient, quicker to
competing demands, rural Africans must often pay off) than degradation will replace it.
defer response to environmental threats until
they become reality, production declines, and Given the importance of small-scale agricul-
welfare suffers. For example, shifting cultivators ture in Africa, economic opportunities and mar-
often respond to increasing pressure on land by ket incentives for environmentally sound farming
reducing the fallow period or extending cropping and animal husbandry practices are particularly
cycles; herders, by keeping their cattle on sea- important. In some cases, local attempts to capi-
sonal pasture longer; and irrigators, by construct- talize on economic opportunity are consistent
ing additional furrows from the main canal. with natural resource management. For example,
Eventually, however, such intensified use de- meeting subsistence needs or capitalizing on mar-
grades the land, and these incremental liabilities ket opportunities for nuts, fruit, fodder, poles, or
can lead to collapse of the system. In essence, this fuelwood usually involves protecting natural
forests, establishing tree plantations or orchards, in many cases accounts for more than ~alfof the
or engaging in agro-forestry. If properly man- family's income-a principal motivat , )n for the
aged, trees and forests with perennial vegetative farmers to sustainably cultivate the M tlands.
cover will "manage" soil and water better than Since dambos are also important for fc d crops,ll
will annual cropping, which leaves soil exposed potable water, dry season pasture, a other pur-
for several weeks or months each year. In poses, the average farmer with dumb s better off
Goviefe-Agodome, Ghana, farmers organized than the farmer without them. (See ( ? Study 14.)
themselves into a mobilization squad to take ad-
vantage of cash-cropping opportunities through Conversely, economic opportuni-,-=coupled
agro-forestry on unutilized marginal land. When with fiscal incentives that work against commu-
they mature, the annual crops are sold at local nity-based resource management generally lead
markets, while the trees become future fuelwood, to environmental degradation. For example,
fodder, building poles, and power-line poles. Sig- maize production increased in Rukwa Region,
nificant profits were realized the first year. Most Tanzania, when the government made available
were divided equally among the members, thus such subsidized agricultural inputs as chemical
encouraging continued, and inviting new, partici- fertilizers and pesticides; set a single price (thus
pation. (See Case Study 3.) ignoring differentials in transportation costs and
basically subsidizing Rukwa maize); and insti-
People take part in long-term, environmentally tuted national food security policies obligating of-
sound economic activities, including resource ficial marketing organizations to purchase all
management that ensures continued productiv- available maize. Responding to these incentives,
ity, only if they believe that market incentives the Rukwa farmers increased their maize produc-
and critical resources are likely to remain avail- tion so much that a community irrigation system
able long enough to realize a profit. For example, collapsed from overuse. Only after these subsi-
people will plant trees for future timber sales dies resulted in environmental degradation did
only if they believe the demand won't slacken be- villagers take measures to safeguard the resource
fore the trees mature and only if they have other base. (See Case Study 11.)
ways to support themselves in the interim. If peo-
ple perceive only fleeting market opportunities, Evidence shows that organic farming can be as
or foresee their own participation as short-term, productive as high-input agriculture (Faeth, 1993).
then long-term investments of capital, resources, When changes in the resource base are included
and labor are likely to seem unwarranted. As a in calculating farm income, resource-conserving
result, they will invest only enough to maximize production practices can compete economically
short-term productivity. Often, this approach re- and financially with conventional ones. But when
sults in resource degradation. policies subsidize practices that degrade re-
sources, "modem" agriculture tends to be more
Market forces, economic policies, and a range profitable-even after factoring in the cost of
of fiscal instruments, such as tax breaks and subsi- these inputs, as well as the long-term economic
dies, are particularly influential in creating eco- costs of resource degradation. In short, subsidies
nomic opportunities and in providing incentives and other policies that encourage inappropriate
for people to adopt sound natural resource man- use of natural resources can lead to significant
agement practices. At present, local sales matter economic and fiscal losses, as well as environ-
more to most household economies than interna- mental ones.
tional markets do. For example, farmers in Mazvi-
hwa and Vungowa Communal Lands, Zimbabwe, Economic analysis that fails to measure
sustainably cultivate small wetlands, commonly changes in the productivity of natural resources
referred to as dambos, whose cash crops include often makes farming practices that degrade the
rice, maize, groundnuts, sunflowers, and vegeta- resource base look more productive than those
bles. Produce from dambos (which is sold locally) that conserve it. But the same economic opportu-
nities in the absence of inappropriate subsidies- to govern resource use. For example, in Um
or where inputs don't get delivered-often re- Sarha, Sudan, the village sheikh has laid down
sults in cash cropping based on the use of organic local rules and regulations governing the use of
inputs, integrated pest management, multiple communal pasture. He seeks and receives the
cropping, and other quite environmentally sound support of the local religious leader, the khalifa,
soil- and water-management practices. In and related institutions. In neighboring El Sadda,
Mofindor, Sierra Leone, for example, farmers cul- where a similar rangeland-management system is
tivate coffee and cocoa under a natural forest operating, the khalifa also serves as the head of the
canopy that establishes an ideal micro-climate. village. (See Case Study 10.)
Farmers prefer managing the natural forest to
planting introduced tree species for a number of Although many community-based resource
reasons: the trees are already mature; the natural management practices have their roots in the pre-
forest yields a range of products (e.g., game, vailing culture, some originate outside the com-
herbs and medicinal plants, fibers, etc.), and the munity. For example, bench terracing was made
management costs are significantly lower. In ad- mandatory by the colonial British administrators
dition, the government cannot provide the pack- in Kenya and was abandoned after indepen-
age of subsidized inputs-including exotic shade dence, in part, to repudiate colonialism. More
trees and chemical inputs-needed for "modern" than a decade later, when soil erosion jeopar-
coffee and cocoa production. (See Case Study 4.) dized local livelihoods, the people returned to the
practices because the villagers knew they
worked. By 1991, villagers in Katheka had con-
Cultural Incentives structed more than 20 kilometers of terraces and
100 check dams to protect soil and harvest rain-
Resource management is most likely and more water for agriculture. (See Case Study 9.)
likely to be sustainable when a culture-a shared
system of values, beliefs, and attitudes, grounded While some aspects of culture encourage
and governed by traditional norms-encourages sound natural resource management, others re-
environmentally sound management practices. strict the adoption of environmentally friendly
Throughout rural Africa, the lands and resources practices, discourage ecological management, or
protected for sociocultural purposes derive their even invite resource degradation. For example, in
value from religious fulfillment, social prestige, some societies, important religious ceremonies or
or other intangible benefits. In Malshegu, Ghana, other social events occur between growing sea-
for example, the villagers have, for more than sons when the demand for agricultural labor is
three centuries, restricted land and resource use low. During such times, sufficient labor to man-
in a sacred forest grove-as well as a surrounding age resources may not be available.
buffer zone-that they believe is the home of an
important traditional god. Protecting the sacred In general, religious beliefs, ingrained divi-
grove fulfills a religious and an ecological need. sions of labor, and traditional authority strongly
(See Case Study 5.) influence resource management.

Although economic opportunities and mone- Traditional Religion. In many parts of Africa,
tary gains often drive human behavior, cultural where religion sigruficantly shapes daily life and
values sometimes take precedence. When they behavior, religious leaders wield considerable so-
do, meeting cultural obligations can sacrifice cer- cial power. Along with the government, Chris-
tain economic opportunities but can promote tianity, and Islam, indigenous African religious
sound resource management.12 beliefs are still strong. In many societies, for ex-
ample, it is either forbidden to kill certain animals
In many cases, local leaders have solicited the or they may be hunted only in certain restricted
support of religious and cultural leaders in efforts and regulated ways. In the villages of Gwainyea,
Bellemu, and Foequelleh, Liberia, the Gbeleya tive means of accommodating long-st ding
River is regarded as the home of the gods of fertil- preferences.
ity and rain, and all fishing is prohibited. In addi-
tion, fish are considered sacred, and villagers often
make sacrifices to them for protection and good Security in Land and Re? m e s
fortune. In other local streams and rivers, fishing is
allowed only along certain stretches during the The relationship between land tenure and re-
dry season. Such measures ensure that these rivers source management is complex. Yet, real or per-
will not be fished out. (See Case Study 6.) ceived security about access to and control of
land and other productive resources increases the
Traditional Divisions of Labor. Cultural divi- likelihood that local resource users will make
sions of labor sometimes restrict the work of a long-term investments essential to sustainability
particular sex or age group. Resource-manage- (Lynch and Talbott, 1995).Evidence shows that
ment practices that require or would benefit from the level of investments people make increases in
the input of traditionally excluded individuals direct proportion to their sense of security. Even
are thus hard to start. For example, in most limited measures, such as a shift from short to
African societies, land management is primarily a long-term leases, encourages more sustainable
female responsibility. But women, already over- management practices (Bruce and Migot-Adholla,
burdened with household and child-rearing re- 1993; Bromley, 1992; Migot-Adholla et al., 1991;
sponsibilities, rarely have the time, even during Lawry, 1990a; Magrath, 1989).For example, farm-
the agricultural off-season, to undertake such ers in the adjacent villages of Njoguini, Gitero,
labor-intensive resource management practices as and Kabati in Kenya organized themselves into a
the construction and maintenance of bench ter- cooperative in the mid-1970s to purchase land. By
races. In some cases, work groups have been or- the mid-1980s, families had completed registra-
ganized, labor-saving technologies obtained, or tion and obtained title deeds which gave them
work schedules adjusted to undertake necessary the security needed to make large labor and capi-
(usually agricultural) activities and help over- tal investments in a joint irrigation scheme. (See
come this culturally imposed bottleneck. Case Study 7.)

Traditional Authority. Traditional cultural In most cases, African governments seem

practices empower certain individuals or aware of the relationship between tenurial secu-
groups-usually male elders who control house- rity and effective natural resource management.
hold earnings. For example, in most societies, If a decrease in that security is likely to have ad-
customary tenure systems restrict women as indi- verse repercussions on national coffers, govern-
viduals from owning land, even though they are ments usually avoid taking actions that might di-
its primary managers and thus know best how to minish it. For example, the Kilimanjaro region,
use it. Without control over productive resources including Lyamungo Parish, has long been Tan-
or access to capital and other vital inputs, women zania's major coffee-producing area. So as not to
are severely handicapped. disrupt production, the region was exempted
from colonial and post-independence tenurial in-
The aspects of these three powerful cultural in- terventions, including the practice of mandatory
stitutions-religious beliefs, divisions of labor, resettlement of residents into villages ("villagiza-
and authoritative hierarchies-that encourage tion"). Today, most land in the region is still held
natural resource management deserve support. according to customary tenure and coffee contin-
Cultural values, attitudes, and beliefs that work ues to be the region's and Tanzania's principal
against effective resource management can often export crop. (See Case Study 8.)
be modified by altering the behaviors associated
with them. But reshaping ingrained culture-based Despite expansive state claims of ownership
behavior requires sufficient incentives or alterna- and various government interventions, most land
in Africa continues to be held in customary tomary tenure made the farmers feel secure
tenure (Riddell and Dickerson, 1986).These enough to plant teak seedlings (that will eventu-
arrangements-which emanate from the cornmu- ally be sold as utility poles), even though harvest-
nity, are legitimated by it, and primarily con- ing won't take place for 25 to 40 years. (See Case
trolled from within-share a number of general Study 3.)
characteristics (Hoben et al., 1992).
Unlike most static state-managed systems, cus-
Community authorities, be they village tomary usage rights and management responsi-
chiefs, lineage heads, or elders, are responsi- bilities adapt fairly quickly to changing political,
ble for overseeing the allocation of land ac- socioeconomic, and ecological circumstances. For
cording to customary tenure rules, arbitrat- example, as land becomes scarce and pressure in-
ing disputes among community members,13 creases, many traditional tenure systems have
and protecting the property rights of the evolved from landholdings for extended families
group and its individuals; into systems based on household or individual
tenure. In Nyarurembo, Uganda, where fathers
Subject to community oversight, customary traditionally divided their land equally among all
tenure systems provide owners with rights their sons, many now give their entire holdings to
of access to and control of land use, as well the eldest son to ensure that he at least has
as the right to inherit, lend, rent, sell, or give enough land to support a family. Today, more
the land or its resources away; women are also obtaining land rights, often
through purchases, and they are often exercising
The property rights of individuals and com- these newly acquired privileges to protest
munities are usually contingent upon an affil- against, for example, the sale of land by hus-
iation with the group that controls the land; bands. (See Case Study 13.)

Individual property rights are usually cre- Over time, however, traditional customary
ated by the investment of capital or labor tenure has given way to legal state ownership.
(e.g., clearing land, planting trees, construct- The process started during the colonial era. To se-
ing an irrigation system). Uncleared land is cure their access to productive lands and valuable
rarely subject to exclusive individual prop- natural resources, Europeans took advantage of
erty rights; and the undocumented nature of traditional rights to
declare most land and natural resources to be the
Land and other resources that require little property of colonial nations.14Although the legal
or no labor, or which by nature are easily abolition of indigenous rights did not curtail cus-
shared (i.e., pasture, woodland, forest, irri- tomary tenure throughout most of isolated rural
gated plots) are controlled and managed by Africa, its extent and effectiveness were reduced.
the concerned individuals and communities.
Usually, only members have access and user The African elites who rose to power in the
rights. first wave of independence tended to maintain
the colonial tenure system, largely so they could
Throughout Africa, bundles of customary assume the same powers as colonial rulers once
tenure rights and responsibilities provide people had. In fact, many strengthened their control on
with security in their land and resources and suf- land and valuable resources to consolidate their
ficient incentives for investing their time, effort, power within the central government. Today,
and material. For example, in Goviefe-Agodome, those governments legally own most land and
Ghana, the local self-help group-the Mobiliza- valuable resources in Africa.15
tion Squad-got permission from the Queen
Mother (the village leader of local women) to use In most countries, leaseholds (individuals and
of 100 acres of abandoned communal land. Cus- groups, including communities and corporations)
are the only legally sanctioned form of land rights Magrath, 1989).Thus, even in conservation pro-
available (Bruce and Migot Adholla, 1993; Migot- jects, many communities lose both control of the
Adholla et al., 1991; Riddell and Dickerson, 1986). land and the incentives to manage it well.
Most place conditions on lessees regarding land
and resource use, and many allow customary Expanded market opportunities for non-tradi-
tenure practices to continue, but afford custom- tional agricultural exports in Ghana have resulted
ary rights holders no real legal protection. In in some small producers losing their land to local
most countries, customary rights can no longer be elites and large-scale farmers (Ampadu-Agyei,
passed on from one person to another, either by 1995; Thrupp et al., 1993).In Tanzania, govern-
succession or sale, and new customary tenure can ment wheat farms alienated Barbaig herders from
be acquired only with the government's consent. their traditional dry-season pasture (Lane, 1993;
1990; Lane and Pretty, 1990). Local people work
hard to maintain access to their land, but often
lack the political power to hang on to it. In some
countries, they have little viable, legal recourse-
an open invitation to turmoil and civil strife.
As arable land grows scarcer and the
competition for i t intensifies, the The variation among countries makes it diffi-
tenurial security of rural people is cult to generalize about the impacts of tenure re-
form. However, where land reforms have been
increasingly undermined. effectively implemented, they have generally
produced unanticipated and often problematic
results, including resource degradation. For ex-
ample, a major aim of Tanzania's ujamaa, and
As arable land grows scarcer and the competi- "villagization," programs were to bolster agricul-
tion for it intensifies, the tenurial security of rural tural productivity by concentrating people in
people is increasingly undermined. Indeed, even planned settlements and forcing them to estab-
though customary tenurial rights are usually held lish communal farms. The land and resources
in perpetuity, many governments appropriate were redistributed by administrative order, not
such land (and even terminate leases) without codified law, and local people thus had no legal
even notifying the occupants. In such cases, the recourse (Hoben et al., 1992; World Bank, 1992b).
evicted party is usually entitled to be resettled Most people resettled in Msanzi lost their tradi-
and compensated, but only for standing crops, tional land, and the village's original residents
erected structures, and other so-called "develop- had to divide their plots with the newcomers.
ments." Labor-intensive improvements, such as The resulting intensified pressure on land imme-
bench terraces and irrigation systems, are rarely diately surrounding the new planned villages
considered compensable developments. triggered significant degradation, reduced pro-
ductivity, and made life harder for villagers. (See
Throughout Africa, more and more land is Case Study 11.)
being appropriated by government for state pur-
poses or by powerful elites. For example, in most In many African countries, the attempt to cre-
of Africa, the network of protected areas is in- ate a uniform, centrally administered tenurial
creasing and their level of protection is being up- system has created gaps between policy, law, and
graded (Western and Wright, 1994; Wells and practice. Generally speaking, tenurial policies
Brandon, 1992; Hannah, 1992). Though common throughout Africa have been poorly imple-
property-pasture, forests, wetland-may appear mented, and supporting legislation has been
to be "vacant," "idle," or "unclaimed," such land poorly enforced. The government mandate to
is often productive, well managed, and critical to manage and control land far outstrips institu-
local welfare (Bromley, 1992; Lawry, 1990b; tional and logistical capacity.
Furthermore, government-sponsored cadastral Some Africans-individuals and groups-
surveys and other titling procedures are pro- work within the system and seek to gain lease-
gressing slowly. In some countries, such as Tan- holds, while others are trying to change the
zania, leases cannot be granted until a land-use tenure laws to increase everyone's security. For
management plan has been prepared and ap- example, in Tanzania, two rural residents took
proved (Hoben et al., 1992).Even when they have the government to court in 1993 and successfully
been completed, government-imposed "develop- overrode a 1992 law that outlawed customary
ment" conditions on lessees are often inappropri- tenure on village land (Land Tenure Study
ately specific, poorly enforced, and ineffective. Group, 1995; Shivji, 1995).However important
Often, they fly in the face of sound resource man- and necessary, these actions add to the uncer-
agement. Commonly, for example, inhabitants tainty most people feel as a result of difficulty in
must clear the land to gain t i t l e a surefire path obtaining leaseholds due to high procedural
to deforestation, loss of vegetative cover, and soil costs, logistical obstacles, and entrenched govern-
erosion. Yet, evidence suggests, imposing condi- ment bureaucracies. Perceived security is eroding
tions is inappropriate or ineffective in shaping as a result, and many people now invest less in
small-scale farmers' behavior (Bruce and Migot- preserving a resource base they might soon lose.
Adholla, 1993; Migot-Adholla et al., 1991; Lawry,
1990a; 1990b).Yet, many governments advocate
adding environmental conditions to leaseholds in Organizational and Management
the hopes of improving resource management Capacity
(Kamugasha, 1987).
Effective resource management, whether on
The unrealistic nature of national tenurial pol- individual/household or communal land, often
icy and legislation means that, despite their lack depends on the coordinated actions of a group of
of legal status, customary tenurial systems con- resource users. Good organizational and manage-
tinue to characterize land allocation and day-to- ment skills underpin success in the development
day resource management in rural Africa. Pro- (planning and evaluation, construction, opera-
scribed adjudication processes and institutions tion, and maintenance), management (resource ac-
notwithstanding, local land disputes are still re- quisition, allocation, and distribution), and orga-
solved primarily in traditional arbitration. And nization (decision-making, resource mobilization,
despite their statutory vulnerability to state communication, negotiation, and conflict resolu-
usurpation, most rural farmers in Africa have not tion) of resource-management activities.
been personally threatened with eviction. Conse-
quently, most rural households have confidence At the household level, decision-making and
in their customary tenure and perceive that their actions related to land use and resource manage-
land and other holdings are secure. ment are often culture based. Such processes usu-
ally distinguish rights according to gender and
Increasingly, however, governments and local age, and, as such, tend to be very inequitable. In
elites are taking land from indigenous people so most rural African societies, elder men dominate
more rural farmers are becoming familiar with local decision-makingeven though women per-
the details and implications of official tenure pol- form most of the work. Although household deci-
icy and laws. Govemment/farmer, local elite/ sion-making is not necessarily participatory, es-
farmer, and farmer/farmer disputes over land tablished processes can result in timely decisions
and resources now clog local courts and adminis- about how to mobilize local land, labor, capital,
trative agencies. Although most local people rec- and knowledge quickly and effectively. For ex-
ognize that their national government lacks the ample, in Mbale District, Uganda, where several
political will and the capacity to effectively en- families are involved in fish farming, the ponds
force its land laws; these suits make all farmers are maintained and fish populations managed
increasingly concerned about their security. mainly by families. (Outside labor is usually
needed to help construct ponds and water chan- of local leaders and other formal and informal vil-
nels.) Pond owners-all men-make the critical lage-based organizations.
decisions and control the profits. But even though
women have little say, the ponds are well man- Small-scale irrigation systems number among
aged and the wetlands used sustainably. (See Case the most intricate of common property regimes.
Study 12.) Most effective community-based schemes are
managed by well-organized users' groups. For ex-
The organization of common property man- ample, the Kenyan communities of Njoguini,
agement at the community or village-cluster level Gitero, and Kabati each established a local users'
is generally more complex than at the household group to develop and manage a proposed irriga-
level. More resource users have wider ranging in- tion system. When it became clear that a single
terests and capabilities, and larger ecological do- scheme was the best option, the three communities
mains are both more diverse and more interde- established a nine-member executive committee to
pendent (Bromley, 1992; Lawry, 1990b; Ostrom, oversee its construction and management. The
1990; Magrath, 1989). three village-level institutions remain active in
managing related local affairs. (See Case Study 7.)
When group cohesion maintains common prop-
erty management, it is often the result of extended Most local leaders and institutions rely on vil-
kinship ties, a common ethnic identity, similar so- lage rules, regulations, and guidelines as well as
cioeconomic conditions, interdependent social and customary users' rights to govern land, regulate
economic activities, shared interests, and mutual resource use, and manage associated systems.
perceptions of problems, priorities, opportunities, These rules may stem from community initiatives
and responsibilities. These commonalities keep addressing perceived needs or from local inter-
competition, disputes, and envy within bounds pretations of public policy and legislation. Many
and increase the prospects for cooperation, and, are grounded in traditional culture-often reli-
hence, effective resource management. gious beliefs-which helps ensure community-
wide support, local vigilance, and better imple-
In Katheka, Kenya, traditional mwethya groups mentation and enforcement. The authority,
have been revitalized to construct and maintain legitimacy, and influence of the leaders and insti-
bench terracing, check dams, and cut-off drains. tutions over their constituencies (as well as over
Historically, men and women in these groups interested resource users and exploiters from out-
were organized along clan or family ties, but side the local group or community) are instru-
today they are mostly made up of women with mental in establishing and enforcing such rules.
similar interests and goals from the same farm
neighborhood or household cluster. The change Many of Africa's most viable, cornrnunity-
in composition and the cultural divisions of labor based resource management institutions are tradi-
focusses the group's activities-land husbandry tional (e.g., village chiefdom, mwethya groups).
and resource management are traditionally Some are formed specifically to manage the criti-
women's responsibility. (See Case Study 9.) cal resource and to control economic activity,
while others, preexisting, have broader roles and
Many common property management systems responsibilities. As government and local chapters
are developed and organized by local-level insti- of other external institutions (e.g., village develop-
tutions (Murphree, 1994; 1993; Chambers, 1988; ment committees in Gambia, mobilization squads
Uphoff, 1986; Korten and Klauss, 1984; Leonard in Ghana, resistance councils in Uganda, village
and Marshall, 1982). The best of these offer effec- councils in Tanzania) become increasingly estab-
tive leadership, promote member participation, lished and influential at the village level (and tra-
ensure sound financial management, maintain ditional authority, undermined by the external
direct links between planners and implementors, groups, wanes), traditional village groups often
boast a broad constituency, and enjoy the support become marginalized and ineffective in environ-
mental management. Proliferating village-based nizing and coordinating the terracing work under
institutions, be they traditional or external, are way in several neighboring communities. The of-
squabbling over loyalty and responsibilities as ficer hails from the area (though not from a par-
their reach and work overlap with each other. ticipating village) and enjoys an outstanding rela-
tionship with the local farmers. (See Case Study
Local leaders, including institutional leaders, 13.) In such cases, the appropriate management
can play important roles in organizing and oper- skills must be passed on to the members of the
ating resource-management systems. They can communities if the practices are to survive the de-
help promote and legitimize the system, advise parture of the external facilitator.
and guide local actions, encourage communal ef-
forts, facilitate organizational meetings, mobilize
labor and other resources, and establish links Technology and Resources for
with external development-assistanceagencies. Environmenta1 Management
Villagers usually characterize effective leadership
as honest, committed, imaginative, and account- All environmental management practices
able. In traditional societies, it is also often hierar- make some demands on technology, material,
chical-or soon becomes so if the group earns and resources. Most effective community-based
some legitimacy and success.16 management practices make use of local land,
natural resources, labor, indigenous knowledge,
Although most leaders are not directly paid for and capital. However, they also benefit from ex-
their services, they do reap the rewards of office, ternal inputs, which as the case studies illustrate,
including power, prestige, respect, and ultimate can make or break implementation.
decision-making authority. In Um Sarha and
neighboring El Sadda, Sudan, the village leader Not only are different natural resources best
(the sheikh and khalifa, respectively) also heads up managed by different techniques, but also the
the village institution that oversees rangeland- same resource may need various management
management practices. He takes the lead in orga- approaches, depending on its use and local cir-
nizing the grazing areas, establishing pasture-use cumstances. For example, fish-pond management
schedules, enforcing tribal customs and codes of practices differ with species of fish. In Mbale Dis-
behavior related to pasture use, protecting com- trict, Uganda, common carp, Nile talapia, and
munal water sources, and running the local local catfish are the most common species culti-
courts. (See Case Study 10.) vated. The fish farmers know that the three
species have different requirements for breeding
Most leaders of effective community-based re- and fast growth, including water temperature,
source-management systems are longstanding food, and pond vegetation, and they work at get-
local residents, but outsiders can also effectively ting conditions just right for the species or combi-
facilitate local resource management. For exam- nation of species they are cultivating. (See Case
ple, traditional regional leaders, public adminis- Study 12.)
trators, extension officers, and development-
assistance officials (i.e., NGOs and donor Environmental management practices also vary
agencies) often provide the organizational and with the type, quality, quantity, and timing of
management skills that enable community mem- needed resources. Bench terracing and stone-lined
bers to plan, undertake, and maintain sound terracing are labor-intensive, while managing nat-
practices. ural forest or rangeland by restricting local use
through village rules and regulations requires lit-
Outside facilitators are particularly important tle labor. Environmental management practices
in initiating regional resource management activi- that make minimum demands on resources and
ties. In Nyarurembo, Uganda, the local agricul- that rely mainly on those that are locally available
tural extension officer is the principal figure orga- appeal more to poor rural households than those
that require costly external inputs and, especially, example, why establish an orchard or woodlot if
those entailing high up-front costs. Managing nat- one does not have access to seedlings or the time
ural ecosystems is often less labor intensive than and resources needed to ensure that the plants
installing external systems and landscapes. For ex- will survive to maturity? If a farmer clears land
ample, villagers in Gwainyea, Bellemu, and Foe- for the orchard and then fails to get the seedlings,
quelleh, Liberia manage the fish populations in the soil will be needlessly eroded by wind and
local rivers and streams through various commu- water.
nity rules and regulations based in traditional reli-
gious beliefs. When violations occur, the perpetra- With limited economic options and few sav-
tors are severely punished. (See Case Study 6.) ings, degradation of critical resources makes the
poor-those most reliant on a productive re-
Households and communities vary greatly in source base-particularly susceptible to crises
the amount and quality of resources at their dis- (i.e., drought, price fluctuations, civil strife).
posal. Large families generally can provide more And poverty makes recovering from such events
labor than smaller ones. Established families tend difficult, perpetuating the downward spiral of
to have more land, more influence in community social malaise and ecological degradation. For
decisions, and a better fix on local constraints, po- example, poor people are often the most ex-
tentials, and options than recent immigrants. posed to environmental risks-as hired laborers
Such differences can help stratify societies espe- working with health hazards and as those least
cially because those with more resources are able to afford a clean environment (e.g., to pur-
more likely to succeed at resource management. chase clean water or the technology to make
In general, households with access to more capi- local water safe).
tal and resources have greater flexibility in using
both. They can take greater risks and capitalize The principal resources available to rural
better on socioeconomic opportunities than households for environmental management are
poorer households. capital, land/natural resources, labor, and indige-
nous knowledge.

Capital. Capital, which could be used to pur-

chase all or most inputs for resource manage-
Poverty and environmental degradation ment, is in short supply in most of rural Africa.
feed on each other in myriad ways, Most households and communities are hard-
particularly in resource-based household pressed to generate even the small amounts
needed to purchase basic materials or hire labor.
economies. What little money they do have generally goes for
basic necessities. Yet, many effective cornrnunity-
based resource-management practices require
some local capital and often rural Africans man-
Poverty and environmental degradation feed age to produce it. Such investments underscore
on each other in myriad ways, particularly in re- the importance of environmental management
source-based household economies. Most signifi- and the confidence people have in those specific
cantly, poverty keeps small-scale farmers from practices.
gaining access to critical inputs, thus limiting
their management options and constraining sus- Land and Natural Resources. Relatively few
tainable development. rural African families are completely landless.
Still, available land and critical natural resources
Without the resources to participate and invest are often locally scarce. Uneven population distri-
effectively, local people are often better off not bution (i.e., concentrations in urban and peri-
even trying new management practices. For urban areas and fertile regions), finite arable land
and vast stretches of low-potential land, the ex- and as local population rises and unemployment
tensive production systems that continue to dom- increases, driving down labor costs.
inate traditional livelihood practices, and, in-
creasingly, land alienation and speculation by Increased labor often compensates for limited
government and powerful elites all contribute to capital, technology, and material. Improving agri-
this scarcity. cultural productivity in Africa thus usually in-
volves investing more in labor. As a result, family
Farm productivity is often constrained when labor is becoming an increasingly scarce resource
natural resources are scarce or when cultivated in most rural households, one that can signifi-
land is otherwise unproductive-when, for in- cantly limit land use and constrain environmental
stance, water or critical soil nutrients are limited. management.17Seasonal labor peaks, in particu-
In many cases, small amounts of inputs can im- lar, can set limits on environmental management
prove productivity, but only significant sums can and make intensifying or expanding agricultural
make the land highly productive, so opportuni- production difficult.18
ties for resource management and sustainable de-
velopment are sometimes missed. Not so in Nan- Indigenous Knowledge. Indigenous knowledge
godi, Ghana, where two-fifths of the community consists of dynamic insights, information, prac-
land is uninhabitable because of the presence of tices, and experiences, as well as beliefs, ideas,
river blindness. Much of the unaffected land was and perceptions. Such knowledge grows out of
covered with stones, boulders, mining pits, and many years of personal experience and is gener-
bunkers from an abandoned gold mine. With few ally handed down from generation to generation
options, the farmers first collected the stones to (Richards, 1992; Thrupp, 1991; 1989; McCorkle,
reclaim lost farmland, then used them to con- 1989).Most rural Africans have an acute under-
struct stone-lined terraces to improve soil and standing of the potentials and constraints of their
water management. Despite the semi-arid condi- traditional land and natural resources-especially
tions, the land is today continuously cropped women who are the principal resource managers.
without any apparent loss of productivity. (See For example, in Msanzi, Tanzania, the develop-
Case Study I.) ment and adoption of irrigated agriculture came
about when local innovators drew on culture-
Labor. Human labor is both the principal en- based knowledge first to design a basic water-
ergy source for most agricultural activities in management system and then to adapt it
Africa and rural people's primary agricultural in- continually to changing socioeconomic and envi-
vestment. Most rural farmers rely primarily on ronmental conditions. Such knowledge must be
their immediate family members for labor-and, incorporated if economic activities are to be both
hence, tend to have large families. The use of environmentally sound and economically pro-
household labor, which is limited by family size ductive. (See Case Study 11).
and composition, is governed by many factors,
including cultural divisions based on gender and As socioeconomic and ecological circum-
age. stances change, new insights grow out of infor-
mal experimentation and adjustments, and local
Households also rely on labor from members knowledge is modified and adapted to meet new
of their extended family, traditional work groups, challenges and opportunities. Evidence indicates
and hired hands. Rural households commonly that in times of crises, experimentation by local
join small, temporary working groups based on farmers increases (Richards, 1992; 1985).
reciprocity, especially during peak labor seasons.
Most group members are family or neighbors Increasingly, local conditions and practices are
sharing common goals, though hired labor is be- shaped by state agencies, development policies,
coming more popular and possible in rural Africa global market forces and other broad political
as households gain increasing access to money and economic influences. In many cases, state
interventions have undermined local capacity to enticed or coerced into planting an exotic forest
experiment and adapt. More generally, when cover, the local natural resource base would dete-
changes are significant or rapid-as they are in- riorate and with it-in all likelihood-human
creasingly becoming-adaptation based on trial- welfare. Many of the tree species that make up
and-error may be too slow to keep pace. For ex- the natural canopy have economic value. (See
ample, resettled farmers, migrants, and other Case Study 4.)
newcomers are usually unfamiliar with the ca-
pacities and constraints of their new land. Al-
though many experiment with various farming Political Support and Legitimacy
systems, they tend to rely, at least initially, on the
practices they know best-those they employed Government support of community-based re-
on their traditional land. If these practices are ill- source management legitimizes such efforts and
suited to their new land, degradation ensues, pro- makes them easier for others to adopt. Such sup-
ductivity falls, and social well-being declines. port can come in the form of political statements
and declarations, presidential decrees, govern-
The case study sites exemplify effective, local ment policy, national or local legislation, and pro-
self-help initiatives. Yet, most of these communi- ject assistance. In any of these forms, it lends
ties received critically important support from ex- credibility to those who practice environmental
ternal agencies at some point. Some practices and management and sanctions government and
related production, such as irrigation for cash donor support to such efforts. It also encourages
cropping, were even dependent (at the time of the local people to practice effective environmental
research) on a regular flow of external goods and management, village institutions to address re-
services, market information, and transportation. source management, and government officials to
In many cases, the external support came after support community efforts.
the community negotiated an agreement with the
external agency. In a few study sites, the new Government support usually makes the most
technology was forced on the local people, difference when it is translated into project assis-
though in none is this still the case. tance that reaches communities and supports local
initiatives. But supportive public policy and legis-
Given the scarcity of arable land, productive lation without project assistance can still encourage
natural resources, and household labor, as well communities to address resource-management is-
as the limitations of indigenous knowledge, ex- sues and enable the national staff charged with
ternal assistance is becoming more and more implementing policy (such as local government
necessary for effective community-based re- extension- and law-enforcement officers) to nur-
source management. Indeed, external assistance ture local action. For example, Ghana's govern-
is becoming an important supplemental source ment has come to understand the importance of
of the ideas, knowledge, information, technolo- traditional religion in natural resource manage-
gies, skills, capital, and material needed to meet ment and-it follows-in the development of pol-
modern challenges. icy, legislation, and appropriate actions to facili-
tate local efforts. National forestry policy
That said, most rural farmers don't get external recognizes the cultural importance of sacred forest
assistance when they need it. And when it does groves and those within forest reserves remain ac-
reach the community, it often does more harm cessible to the local people. Further, a proposed
than good. For example, in Mofindor, Sierra draft bill would empower traditional authorities
Leone, households manage a canopy of natural to proclaim forests and other areas sacred and to
forest to shade their coffee and cocoa trees in part set the conditions for their protection. These and
because the government has not been able to pro- other government efforts have encouraged and
vide the package of exotic shade tree species rec- eased Malshegu's efforts to safeguard its sacred
ommended. If it did, and the farmers were grove. (See Case Study 5.)
Legitimacy can be established even where
farmers may not know the specific terms or im-
plications of supportive policies and legislation.
In many cases, the mere perception of government Central government and the development
interest in community development and resource assistance community often
management has been enough to stimulate local overestimate the need for translating
actions. For example, in Nyarurembo Subparish,
Uganda, a district soil-conservation bylaw has public statements into formal policy, or
been a driving force behind effective terracing for supporting formal policy with
practices. The bylaw promotes soil conservation legislation and project assistance.
and empowers local authorities to implement and
enforce management practices. But, as it also calls
for inappropriate local actions (e.g., it requires the
construction of bunds), it has gone unenforced.
Instead, the agricultural extension officer has en- and community practices. The resources and time
dorsed and the farmers have adopted alternative needed to reform institutions or establish new
terracing activities developed in partnership with ones, to repeal old laws, and to promulgate sup-
the villagers. This is possible, in part, because the porting legislation, could often be better spent sup-
villagers do not know the specific mandates and porting ongoing local resource management.
implications of the bylaw and they perceive the
authorities' power and actions as legitimate. (See Still, however, political statements, as well as
Case Study 13.) policy, legislation, and programs that contradict
or undermine community-based resource man-
Political statements can also be effective, espe- agement can disrupt local decision-making, dis-
cially when they come from high officials. For ex- courage local actions, or encourage people to try
ample, in Katheka, Kenya, where revitalized things that degrade the resource base--even if
mwethya groups are now constructing bench ter- these words and actions are not effectively imple-
races, check dams, and cut-off drains to better mented or enforced. Such postures can also limit
manage scarce soil and water resources, Kenya's local actions in response to government-endorsed
broad political environment was supportive from environmental problems. In Kpayee, Liberia, dia-
the start. In the early 1970s, government interest mond miners-mainly migrants from neighbor-
in rural development and soil- and water-conser- ing Guinea and Mali-have permits from the
vation through self-help initiatives was revived. Liberian government that allow them to mine di-
The president gave encouraging speeches and amonds on all state land. (In Liberia, all land is
special rural development programs supported state-owned.) The miners have no legal obligation
by international donors were launched. Although to restrict their operations to non-agricultural
the highly visible national efforts did not reach land or to restore the land after they abandon
Katheka, they did legitimize the work of the com- their pits. The central government does not con-
munity's mwethya groups. (See Case Study 9.) sult local villagers when it grants permits, and
they have been unable to influence government
Central government and the development assis- licensing policies and procedures or to control
tance community often overestimate the need for mining practices. With government backing the
translating public statements into formal policy, or miners, the only option left to the villagers is to
for supporting formal policy with legislation and restore their degraded land once the miners
project assistance. Furthermore, laws and other leave. (See Case Study 2.)
legal instruments need not be litigated or inter-
preted by the court to be effective. While many Recognizing the fact that repealing and re-
policies and laws are neither well implemented forming policy and legislation that contradicts ef-
nor enforced, they still often affect rural behavior fective community-based resource management
may take some time, some governments have country, wetland cultivation was curtailed. But in
made clear policy statements and taken definitive the wetlands in Mazvihwa and Vungowa Com-
actions to make local people aware of the change munal Lands, the central and local governments
in position. For example, in the 1940s, the govern- recognized that farmers had long cultivated thesc
ment of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) believed that wetlands sustainably and that little alternative
wetlands were fragile ecosystems that were best land is available in any case, so it turned a blind
left undisturbed and passed several laws to re- eye and allowed local farmers to continue their
strict or prohibit their use. In most parts of the practices. (See Case Study 14.)
111. The Policy Context

An Historical Perspective agement, and the welfare of local people. Many

governments rely on command-and-control

o justify centralized control, colonial pow- mechanisms, sanctions, and other punitive ac-
ers and, more recently, independent tions or threats for implementation. Such policies
African governments have argued that interrupt traditional resource use, threaten local
small-scale production cannot drive economic livelihoods, and engender conflicts and rnis-
growth and that local people cannot manage Effective implementation of regulations
land and resources well. These arguments, that contradict community needs usually requires
based on a deep mistrust of local peoples' costly enforcement measures that few African
knowledge and capacity to manage their own re- governments can afford. As a result, official pol-
sources, as well as on self-serving desires to con- icy and local action typically diverge.
trol have led most African governments to re-
strict and regulate local land and resource use. Not only have most central governments
Thus, most African governments, imitating their proven themselves both incapable of and ineffec-
colonial predecessors, have assumed legal own- tive at managing the natural resource base, but
ership over the land and control over the alloca- also their policies generally work against the
tion and utilization of most national resources- principal resource users and hinder the commu-
ostensibly to "safeguard" those resources "in the nity-level productivity upon which true national
public interest." Then, in the "national interest," development and poverty alleviation depend. As
central governments have declared much land a result, communities become isolated and their
and many resources off-limits to local people.19 production and resource-management practices
In the remaining "public" lands, local use of re- are undermined. In this management vacuum,
sources is controlled through conditions on "open access" conditions lead to increasing over-
leaseholds, highly regulatory policies, and other exploitation of resources and environmental
mechanisms. degradation (Bromley, 1992; Ostrom, 1990;
Lawry, 1990b).Open access also allows "land
Sectoral policies and legislation govern the use grabbing" by government and elite speculators
of specific natural resources (soil, water, wildlife), (even though land speculation is proscribed in
ecosystems (forests, wetlands, rangelands) and most nations). Equally detrimental, many com-
land-use practices (agriculture, logging, tourism). munities have lost the organizational capacity
Most such laws emphasize conservation and full and infrastructure for local initiatives and self-
protection or maximize short-term economic help and now regard local economic develop-
gains for the government, usually at the expense ment and resource management as a government
of long-term sustainability, sound resource man- responsibility.
Winds of Change ment decision-making. NGOs, private companies,
and other independent groups, such as tradi-
As their state-run economies and resource tional grassroots organizations, are not only
bases deteriorate, many African governments working to help communities, but are also press-
have become painfully aware of the shortcomings ing for greater political reforms and helping to
of large, centralized bureaucracies and narrow, ensure that governments remain "transparent,"
short-sighted development. With the help of participatory, and accountable. Indeed, for many
donor agencies, some have launched far-reaching local farmers, the right to associate freely, partici-
political, economic, and, in some cases, environ- pate in independent organizations that defend
mental reforms over the past decade.21 members' interests, and elect their own represen-
tatives to local governmental institutions have
Political been the greatest accomplishments of democrati-
zation and pluralism (Kalambry, 1994).In some
In the immediate aftermath of the indepen- countries-among them, Uganda and Ghana-
dence movement of the early 1960s, undemocratic local governments were democratized before cen-
single-party, authoritarian regimes dominated tral government was. This kind of devolution of
the continent. With the end of the Cold War, most authority means far more to the rural people than
African governments have-often because of in- the creation of a centralized, multiparty democ-
ternational pressure-through constitutional re- racy that allows few opportunities for true grass-
form and other legislation relaxed their control roots participation.
over their citizens, legalized political opposition,
allowed more freedom of expression and of the Economic
press, and increased protection of persons and
property against arbitrary state action. Positive transformations have not been limited
to politics. Between 1980 and 1991, some 34
More than 30 African countries have held popu- African countries launched economic adjustment
lar elections in the past five years, including South programs principally supported by the World
Africa where internal and world pressure finally Bank and the International Monetary Fund (van
ended apartheid. Five of the eight new democracies de Walle, 1994).These reforms are based on the
created worldwide in 1993and 1994 were estab- recognition among many policy-makers and
lished in Africa, (Smith, 1994; Karatnycky, 1994). donor agencies that the private sector is the true
Reluctant rulers continue to be challenged, and engine of growth and development and that gov-
though occasional reverses in the movement for ernments should take a more hands-off approach
democracy are to be expected, "the age of the dicta- to economic and social affairs. Government's role,
tor and 'president-for-life,' while not yet over, is they reason, should be to expedite the work of the
waning" (Harsch, 1994, pp. 2-3). For example, in private sector, including businesses, farmers,
Zaire, Kenya, Uganda, and elsewhere, pressure NGOs, and other informal sector operatives.
from local opposition parties is mounting while in
Tanzania, Mali, Zambia, and Mozambique, reforms Recent economic programs call for devaluing
aimed at creating an independent judiciary are currency, removing price controls and subsidies
afoot. Even if all African countries do not switch (particularly in agriculture), augmenting domes-
fully and permanently to multiparty democracies tic savings, encouraging investments or making
in the next few years, the new democracies that them more efficient, privatizing state operations,
have emerged point to a trend toward greater polit- diversifying the economy, increasing merchan-
ical freedom that will be hard to reverse. dise exports, and reducing defense spending and
other government outlays. Most African coun-
Political liberalization has created opportuni- tries have also tried to "right-size" government
ties for Africans to organize themselves, to mobi- bureaucracies by streamlining ministries and de-
lize local resources, and to participate in govern- partments and reforming public policy and legis-
lation. For example, in Tanzania, Uganda, Zam- NEAPs are the most comprehensive environ-
bia, Ghana, and Nigeria, even the parastatals re- mental planning efforts currently under way in
sponsible for agricultural marketing and input Africa. They seek to link environmental manage-
supply have been replaced by private merchants. ment with social and economic development by
In Ghana, where performance-linked pay in the defining a set of policy actions, institutional re-
customs bureau was introduced as part of public forms, and related investments to make national
sector reform, revenue doubled in just three years and local development strategies more environ-
(World Bank, 1994a; 1989). mentally sustainable (World Bank, 1995b; Mar-
gulis, 1995; Falloux and Talbott, 1993).22Of the 21
Thanks partly to these macroeconomic re- countries that have prepared and endorsed
forms, 21 sub-Saharan African countries posted NEAPs, almost half of them did so in 1994. (The
positive per capita growth rates between 1988 World Bank-supported NEAPs are required for
and 1993. Tanzania, Ghana, and Uganda reversed IDA replenishment). Madagascar, Mauritius, the
decade-long declines in economic performance, Seychelles, Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, and the
while Botswana, Mauritius, and Guinea-Bissau Gambia are already implementing their NEAPs
sustained their previous high levels of growth (World Bank, 1995b; Lampietti and Subramanian,
even though commodity prices fell drastically 1994).Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Swazi-
when the industrialized world slipped into a pro- land, and Zimbabwe are either preparing or im-
longed recession. plementing a NEAP-like environmental strategy.

The statistics speak for themselves. In 1994, the The NEAP exercises show that long-overdue
economies of 12 African countries grew by more structural reform is needed to improve natural
than 5 percent. Average growth in 21 countries in resource management. From the perspective of
East and Southern Africa jumped from 1.5 per- governments and donors, the most essential envi-
cent to 3.7 percent between 1993 and 1994. Seven ronmental reforms involve issues of central
countries in southern Africa, including South government, such as developing environmental
Africa, fared even better, moving from 1.2 to 3.8 policy and legislation, reforming national institu-
percent. There was even a turnaround in 10 Cen- tions, developing environmental impact-assess-
tral African countries where negative growth ment (EIA) guidelines, and establishing environ-
slowed from -4.8 to -0.4 percent. Growth declined mental standards. In a growing number of
in only 11African countries in 1994, down from countries, line ministries are also beginning to re-
17 in 1993 (United Nations, 1994). form sectoral policies, to repeal laws that contra-
dict sustainable development, and to develop
Environment policies that facilitate effective natural resource
The interactive relationship between develop-
ment agendas and political liberalization presents
new challenges and opportunities for natural re- A Call for Action
source management. As African policy-makers in-
creasingly connect a productive resource base, eco- Governments can encourage and facilitate
nomic growth, and social development, and as community-based natural resource management
international pressure for environmental conserva- by changing national policy, legislation, and insti-
tion mounts, governments are paying more atten- tutions and taking other such steps. Although
tion to sound environmental management. Most many of the national political, economic, and en-
African countries have undertaken national-level vironmental reforms under way are steps in the
environmental planning efforts, such as Tropical right direction, nowhere are they sufficient.
Forestry Action Plans, National Conservation
Strategies, National Biodiversity Strategies, and Most of the reforms enacted in the past ten
National Environmental Action Plans (NEAP). years have been in support of national objectives.
The initial focus on such macro-level reforms was
justified by the need to create framework policy,
legislation, and institutions as bases for activities,
including community-based resource manage- Three decades of ingrained centralized
ment. But this shallow focus on national objec- thinking have made many governments
tives has prevented governments from involving strategically uninformed, operationally
the majority of their citizens or taking action to
support them. While macroeconomic indicators inexperienced, organizationally ill-
are improving in many countries-suggesting equipped, and philosophically
both financial growth and social development- indisposed to empowering communities,
few benefits have trickled down to the grassroots.
Even in countries such as Ghana, which have strengthening local development
made significant economic strides in the past few capacity, and supporting grassroots
years, 40 percent of the population (1993 figures) initiatives.
still lives below the poverty level--down from 43
percent in 1988 (Sarria and Shams, 1991; Temel
and Roe, 1994). More often, national improve-
ments have come at the neglect of local people,
and in many cases, at their expense. Most governments remain reluctant to hand
responsibilities and authority over to local gov-
Sound national political, economic, and envi- ernments or to strengthen civil society. Despite
ronmental policy is a necessary but insufficient the contributions of local people to social and
condition for community-based resource manage- economic development, many governments still
ment. The national political changes under way view their rural citizens as passive, poor, and
do help create the political space that larger seg- helpless. Such governments see their role as sup-
ments of society need to take part in government plying the lacking technical expertise, manage-
decision-making processes. And macroeconomic ment skills, and resources. And, despite the com-
reforms can help create the right mix of capaci- parative advantage of local administrations to
ties, incentives, and opportunities for local people support community-based development, most
to make better use of Africa's natural endow- central governments still view local officials as
ments and, in doing so, improve their own wel- uninterested in (and often even hostile to) na-
fare. But these reforms alone cannot spark and tional interests and also incapable of effective
nurture community-based development and re- administration.
source management. Only broadening the devel-
opmental agenda can do that. Some exceptions exist. For example, in Uganda
and Ghana, central government is democratizing
To date, too little attention has been directed to and strengthening local governments so that they
national reforms and actions that support com- can increasingly take charge of resource manage-
munity-based sustainable development. Even ment decisions and facilitate community-based
where political will exists, it has rarely been development. Donor agencies, NGOs, the private
translated into supportive policies and targeted sector, and the international development assis-
actions. Three decades of ingrained centralized tance community have been supporting these
thinking have made many governments strategi- government efforts to design policies and actions
cally uninformed, operationally inexperienced, that help local authorities take on new responsi-
organizationally ill-equipped, and philosophi- bilities and that support rural people.
cally indisposed to empowering communities,
strengthening local development capacity, and
supporting grassroots initiatives.
IV. Recommendations

ased on the analysis of the core elements, the country's social and economic policies with
the "From the Ground Up" researchers, long-term resource management and by ensuring
with support from outside experts, came up that resource policies recognize opportunities for
with six broad policy recommendations for pro- sustainable use. Such a framework reduces con-
moting effective community-based resource man- flicts and contradictions across public policy, en-
agement. Each recommendation reflects an initia- courages coordination and collaboration among
tive or action currently under way in one or more ministries and the various levels of local adminis-
African nations that appears to be improving tration, and, as the case studies illustrate, helps
community-based resource management. All rec- legitimize environmental management and en-
ommendations are in line with the government's courage effective community-based resource
new role of supporting regulation, coordination, management.
and extension services to encourage and facilitate
community-based resource management. The as- This policy is not, however, a blueprint for
sumption behind all is that African governments specific actions at any level. Precise mandates are
will continue to democratize and to move for- inappropriate here since line ministries and local
ward with needed macroeconomic reforms. governments must have the flexibility to develop
appropriate sectoral and sub-national policy,
local laws, and compliance strategies. Policy
Policies in Support of Sustainable statements should be flexible enough that local
Development people can develop land use and resource-man-
agement practices that meet both national and
The case studies in Chapter VI reveal that most district' priorities, while addressing local needs
African nations need national framework policies and circumstances.
and legislation to link socioeconomic develop-
ment with environmental management and to ar- Until recently, no sub-Saharan African country
ticulate the importance of sound resource man- has had a national sustainable development pol-
agement for long-term economic growth and icy supported by legislation. Not surprisingly,
social development. Such policies and legislation many national policies and laws violate long-term
should clearly enunciate the country's sustainable natural resource-management criteria, including
development goals and its specific objectives. the need for community-based management, and
some resource-specific policies contradict sectoral
A sound sustainable development policy pro- economic growth and development policies.
vides an overarching national goal. In turn, this
common goal guides all national and local gov- Certain economic policies invite the overex-
ernment policy and legislationz3by coordinating ploitation of resources, while some environmental
policies proscribe any local use. Rarely is the That environmental matters are now routinely
middle ground-sustainable use-the corner- discussed in some cabinets and parliaments is en-
stone of national socioeconomic development couraging-a sign of increasing political will.
policy. For example, while the links between the These and other environmental reforms are an ex-
Structural Adjustment Program policies and nat- cellent start toward effective resource manage-
ural resource management are complex, some ment in general and community-based manage-
economic/fiscal policies, especially those that are ment in particular. Such efforts should be
pro-growth, have had adverse environmental applauded, encouraged, and further supported.
impacts (Repetto and Cruz, 1992; Sarria and
Shams, 1991). In many countries, the pressure for
economic growth is such a priority that the nat- Market Incentives for Natural
ural resource base has been allowed to suffer. For Resource Management
instance, gold mining, deemed critical to Ghana's
economic development, has taken a largely over- Rural Africans need economic opportunities
looked toll on human welfare and local re- and fiscal arrangements that properly value nat-
sources. (Temel and Roe, 1994). Likewise, the de- ural resources and provide economic incentives
valuation of the local currency and other reforms for them to manage their resource base effec-
have so stimulated export production, including tively. The case studies illustrate that resource
that of timber and non-traditional agricultural management, while often shaped by cultural
products, that the environment has been dam- norms, is essentially an economic issue-natural
aged and associated health problems have en- resources are well managed when they are pro-
sued (Ampadu-Agyei, unpublished; Thrupp et ductive, critical to economic activities, and vital
al., 1993).24 to improving human welfare. In other words,
local people practice effective resource manage-
Recently, several countries-including The ment more often when it yields greater socio-
Gambia and Uganda-have prepared national economic returns for their labor and investments
environmental or sustainable development poli- than other forms of land use do.
cies and passed supporting legislation. In addi-
tion, several governments are reforming sectoral The use of market forces to shape human be-
policies and legislation, while local governments havior and ensure effective resource management
review their own laws. The development assis- has several advantages over cornrnand-and-con-
tance community's recent shift from project as- trol regulations (Faeth, 1993; Repetto et al., 1992).25
sistance to supporting policy reform has pro- Correct pricing in Africa's increasingly competi-
vided much-needed financial and technical tive and active private sector and market incen-
assistance (Rock and O'Keefe, 1994; Brinkerhoff tives appeal to most people's aspirations for self-
et al., 1992). improvement. When entrepreneurs and aspiring
communities try to take advantage of opportuni-
Some institutional reform has also been under- ties for environmentally sustainable economic
taken, often under the NEAP umbrella, perhaps growth and social development, self-motivated
most obviously through the creation of several and facilitated implementation will save govern-
new "apex" institutions. For example, the Envi- ment the high costs of traditionally enforcing regu-
ronmental Protection Agency (Ghana), the Na- lations. Environmentally sensitive tax systems, for
tional Environmental Authority (The Gambia), example, can generate much-needed public rev-
and the National Environment Management Au- enue (for both central and local governments) by
thority (Uganda), are all mandated to coordinate making those who degrade the environment pay
environmental and natural resource policy, legis- more than those who manage resources better.
lation, information, environmental impact assess-
ments, and environmental standards (Greve, To date, however, relatively little attention has
1995; Dorm-Adzobu, 1995). focussed on identifying those fiscal arrangements
that generate revenue, encourage resource man- practices. Subsidies and other fiscal instruments
agement, and discourage resource degradation. that devalue the former or make the latter more
Such considerations are particularly timely now profitable remain widespread in Africa. In addi-
that many governments are launching sweeping tion, economic analysis usually fails to measure
financial policy reforms as budget constraints declines in productivity of overexploited natural
tighten and the private sector expands. resources, frequently making farming practices
that degrade look more productive than those
A three-pronged approach can make sustain- that conserve. When such subsidies disappear
able development profitable. First, governments and the environmental costs of unsustainable
should help create resource-based economic op- production are accurately counted (or when de-
portunities for Africa's rural p ~ p u l a t i o nIn
.~~ clines in the resource base are included in calcu-
many cases, significant progress on this front is lating farm income), resource-conserving produc-
occurring. For example, the governments of tion practices can often compete economically
Ghana, Uganda, and Kenya are encouraging the with environmentally unsound practices.
production and export of non-traditional goods Through various economic and fiscal instru-
(especially agricultural ones), by promoting local ments, such as higher taxes and fees, market in-
goods abroad, identifying international market centives can add value to resource-management
opportunities, providing credit, devaluing the activities, make sustainable production competi-
local currency, offering foreign exchange reten- tive or more profitable, and discourage environ-
tion schemes, facilitating local production, and mental degradation.
easing import/export regulations (Ampadu-
Agyei, 1995; Thrupp et al., 1993). Several non- Third, government must help ensure that now
governmental groups are also experimenting valuable resource-dependent economic activities
with the marketing of non-timber forest products, remain in the hands of local people, including
such as nuts, medicinal plants, and herbs. So far, women and the poor. So far, governments in
mostly unprocessed natural resources have been Africa have failed at this task. Evidence shows
exported, but resource-dependent activities can that, as resource-based production and economic
become even more financially attractive through activities become more valuable, the government
value-added processing or exporting wood prod- creates new institutions and policies that enable
ucts or canned fruit. the privileged few-government bureaucrats and
powerful elites-to increase their control over
productive resources, economic activities, and
profits (Dove, 1993).To reverse this longstanding
pattern requires a deliberate political decision to
Sustainable practices must yield higher develop rather than retard the progress of rural
net benefits than unsustainable ones. people-and the will to carry it out. This will is
partly manifest in government programs that
provide resource security, that restrict monopo-
lies, and that help small-scale producers realize
economic and market advantages by establishing
Second, sustainable practices must yield trade unions or manufacturers' associations.
higher net benefits than unsustainable ones. To
date, few governments have established the right
Securit in Land and Productive
mix of market incentives and command-and-con-
trol mechanisms to make sustainable production
profitable. The reasons for this failure are often
Natura Resources
specious. Too often, governments erroneously Resource tenure policy, legislation, and prac-
conclude that sustainable production is less pro- tices should facilitate the evolution of tenurial
ductive and less profitable than unsustainable laws that provide and protect farmers' access to
land and resources, that encourage sound land Private property ownership brings into play a
use and management, and that contribute to range of rights with regard to the use and disposal
socioeconomic development. The case studies of land and resources at various ownership lev-
demonstrate that security in land and resources els-individual, household, extended family,
encourages local investment in natural resource community, village-cluster, and others. Having a
management. variety of freeholds is critical because private indi-
vidual or household ownership does not always
While many rural Africans believe that cus- accommodate the important relationship among
tomary tenure practices afford them effective communal possession, resource management, eco-
land security, few have real claims since the state nomic development, and rural livelihoods. Re-
usually owns and controls most of the land and sources such as forest, pasture, wetlands, fish-
resources. As the need for arable land rises, so eries, and wildlife are often best managed by
does its value and the competition for it. Power- communities or village clusters (Bromley, 1992;
ful outsiders' requests for government leases on Ostrom, 1990; Lawry, 1990a; 1990b).
rural land occupied by customary tenants have
increased. As a result, rural Africans are being in- National tenure policy and legislation must in-
creasingly evicted or otherwise alienated from clude and build on the efective and equitable as-
their traditional lands. Local courts are now inun- pects of customary tenure rights, minimize poten-
dated with land disputes and litigations, and the tial disruptions, support the evolution of tenure
adverse way in which many are being resolved is systems, and offer real security in land and in-
a source of growing civil unrest (Shivji, 1994; vestments. A few countries have established pro-
Bruce and Migot-Adholla, 1993; Hoben et al., cedures for incorporating aspects of customary
1992). tenure into legal tenure (Bruce and Migot-
Adholla, 1993; Riddell and Dickerson, 1986).In
As they experience first-hand the loss of land Senegal and Botswana, local land administration
and become more knowledgeable about legal institutions handle customary land allocations for
matters, many rural citizens realize that they subsistence farming and rural homes, and leases
have been entirely ignorant of the tenuous nature for residential plots in town and for commercial
of their hold over local land and resources. Until agriculture, ranching, and other for-profit uses.
this issue is resolved, investment in sustainable Their appeals and supervision systems address
management practices will fall and resource land disputes and ensure compliance with public
degradation rise. legislation, thus tying local institutions to na-
tional ministries. These procedures recognize the
Land-use policies that do not provide individ- variability of customary tenure systems particular
uals and communities with enough security over to each region and the damage possible from im-
resources should be repealed. In their place, new posing a single property rights system on the en-
policies and laws that explicitly define the rights tire nation. As local circumstances change, tenure
and responsibilities of property ownership policy and legislation must be flexible enough to
should be installed.27Although de jure ownership allow property rights and responsibilities to
is not necessary to ensure security, de facto owner- change as well.
ship should certainly provide better protection
than a lease does. Among the pervasive problems Individuals and groups of people marginal-
with leases is the fact that their interpretation and ized by customary tenure systems should be care-
(re)negotiationare often left to the discretion of fully protected by official tenure systems. For ex-
government officials who might have a vested in- ample, many traditional systems deny ownership
terest in revocation. In addition, otherwise con- and inheritance or significantly restrict women's
ducive leases can be substantially compromised access to land and resources (Land Tenure Study
by the granting to nonresidents of supervening Group, 1995; Sigot et al., 1995; Shivji, 1994).28Be-
rights. cause women, with fewer rights and less say in
the use of that land than the owners, are Africa's that the resource base will be protected by local
principal resource managers, management prac- stewardship. If governments and communities
tices would be significantly improved were they fulfill their responsibilities, such an agreement
given more ownership rights and greater deci- can provide a cost-saving alternative to formal
sion-making authority. Without jeopardizing ex- deeds or state management.
isting effective management practices, govern-
ment tenure policy should strategically address
these and other weaknesses of customary tenure Decentralization for Sustainable
systems. Development
The delegation of proprietorship over land and Effective, community-based sustainable devel-
resources to individuals and communities re- opment and environmental management requires
quires the state to relinquish considerable respon- sound planning, implementation, and monitor-
sibilities and authority. But governments retain ing, all of which work better with good informa-
eminent domain over all land and should have tion, financing, and legislation. Most central gov-
the power to exercise some authority over it. For ernments in Africa cannot provide all of these.
the good of the nation and all its citizens, govern- The case studies suggest that responsibilities
ments can and should also continue to directly should be delegated to the public administration
manage some land and resources. best suited to the task at hand or to support com-
munities in doing so.
Statutory regulations, such as national and
sub-national zoning restrictions on private prop- In general, local officials are better positioned
erty are well-established means of controlling un- than the central government to work directly
sound land development, speculation, monopo- with communities and local farmers to help iden-
lies, and landlessness. Such regulations have long tify real needs, provide training, and offer the
controlled land use in urban areas. In Ghana, for technical assistance, financial support, and other
example, cutting down a tree in any urban area resources necessary to facilitate community ef-
without a government permit and a specific re- forts in sustainable development (ARD, 1992;
placement plan is prohibited. Although they McKay and Gow, 1990; World Bank and Istituto
should refrain from too strict control of private Italo-Africano, 1989; Hage and Finsterbush, 1987;
property, African governments should make bet- Leonard and Marshall, 1982).For example, sus-
ter use of such regulatory opportunities. tainable development planning responsibilities
should be close enough to the grassroots to maxi-
Effective implementation of these new tenure mize genuine local participation.
policies should follow their promulgation. In
some cases, land and resources may need to be As central governments relinquish some of
surveyed and property titles/deeds delivered.29 their roles to local organizations, NGOs, the pri-
But property rights are not-nor should they vate sector, communities and local governments
necessarily be-contingent on state grants or for- will take on correspondingly more, including re-
mal documentation: community-based property sponsibilitiesin development and resource man-
rights by definition, of course, emanate from agement. This situation is welcome: local govern-
communities. If local communities practice sus- ments have several advantages over central
tainable management, or at least aspire to do so, governments in working with rural farmers. As
and want government to recognize their com- the distance between government and people
munity-based property rights, the basic compo- (i.e., between the taxpayer and public action)
nents of successful state-community manage- shrinks, accountability and openness usually in-
ment initiatives are largely in place. If a crease. The case studies show that local govern-
mutually beneficial and supportive agreement ments are more likely to be constructively influ-
or contract can be reached, the odds increase enced by community participation and in turn to
have a greater impact on farmer decision-making administrative levels or structures should stand
and behavior than are national governments. out, making realignment to levels appropriate to
ecological, political, and ethnic realities easier.
Many countries in Africa have decentralization
policies, legislation, and programs, but only a few Once roles and functions have devolved, the
have spurred real community-based resource various levels of local government must have the
management. On much of the continent, local authority to perform their new responsibilities
government structures are poorly developed, and properly. For example, effective implementation
traditional authority structures have eroded. The of development plans often requires the power to
result is often the management vacuum that is a establish local laws and the jurisdiction to gener-
root cause of much failure in local development. ate government revenue for local development
In some cases, responsibilities have been relo- purposes. Few local governments in Africa have
cated to inappropriate administrative levels; in such authority; as a result, most can't fulfill their
others, authority and capability have not accom- responsibilities (Murphree, 1994; 1993).
panied the new responsibilities. In still others,
central government appointees who are often po- The case studies show that activities to
litical party functionaries or sycophants continue strengthen local governments may involve train-
to control local government. ing in participatory policy-making, drafting legis-
lation, development planning (rural and peri-
In many cases, decentralization turns out to urban), information collecting and analysis, tax
mean simply the addition of another layer to the collecting, financial management, and other ad-
already obstructive bureaucratic hierarchy (Mur- ministrative duties. Empowering local govern-
phree, 1994; 1993; Chambers, 1988). Historically ments may also call for developing new proce-
speaking, when a new government comes to dures and guidelines in accordance with
power, it creates new local-level administrative sustainable development responsibilities and pro-
structures, frequently without dismantling old viding such basics as vehicles and fuel for trans-
systems or without concern about existing tradi- port or pencils and paper for record-keeping.
tional community-level organizations. The ad-
ministrative responsibilities of these proliferating Decentralization does not mean that central
public institutions overlap, especially in the cru- government should relinquish all its responsibili-
cial environmental management activities of pol- ties or support for community-based develop-
icy-making, tax collection, information manage- ment and resource management. Indeed, central
ment, arbitration, and enforcement. In the end, government has its own comparative advantages
bureaucrats are often as confused about their and should retain certain related responsibilities
mission and reach as are the individuals and and authority. For example, it should establish
groups they are supposed to serve and the exter- national goals and objectives, articulate them in
nal agencies (including donors) that seek to sup- national policy and legislation, develop Environ-
port them. mental Impact Assessment guidelines, prepare
minimum environmental standards, coordinate
Fortunately, change is afoot. In Uganda, for ex- environmental information, facilitate regional
ample, the central government is effectively elim- and international actions, and ensure effective
inating the subparish as an administrative level centralllocal government collaboration (Kakuru
(Veit, 1994; 1993). In Uganda and Ghana, district et al., 1995).
boundaries have been redefined to improve local
administration and accountability (Dorm-Adzobu Central governments must also work to make
and Veit, 1991). In both countries, local govern- decentralization effective. On the one hand, they
ment officials, now elected directly by the people, must help ensure that local governments operate
have increased authority. As government decen- fairly. On the other, they must make sure that line
tralizes to the most appropriate level, superfluous ministries-whose authority and direct influence
by decentralization are reduced-do not under- independent-at least in the eyes of their donors
mine local governments by, for example, estab- who often support them precisely because of
lishing overly restrictive or otherwise inappropri- their independence (NATURAMA, 1995, Swart-
ate sectoral policies and legislation. Such policies zendruber and Njovas, 1993a; 199313; Burman,
could deprive local governments of the flexibility 1995). Correcting this imbalance requires both en-
to craft strategies and actions unique to their couraging reform in the policy of some NGOs
districts-one of the principal advantages of and sensitizing government personnel to the
decentralization. value of independent information.

NGOsr capacity should be strengthened so

Independent Inputs into they can better provide information, autonomous
Government Decision-Making ideas, recommendations, and expertise of practi-
cal use to government decision-makers shaping
The case studies show that the more national public policy and legislation. NGOs should also
governments recognize local needs, resources, become versed in environmental law-so they
and constraints, the better they can support com- can understand and help further ensure environ-
munity-based resource management. Grassroots mental rights and related government responsi-
organizations, NGOs, and other not-for-profit bilities. At present, strategic participation often
groups can help ensure that government policies appears to depend on personal connections with
promoting socioeconomic development are envi- senior government officials. Only rarely do effec-
ronmentally sound, socially acceptable, and equi- tive NGO activities on the ground capture the at-
table (NATURAMA, 1995; Sibanda, 1994; Put- tention of policy-makers, and even when NGOs
nam, 1993; Swartzendruber and Njovas, 1993a; provide relevant information, it rarely reaches
1993b; Bratton, 1990; Diong, 1995; Burman, 1995). governments-local or central-in the right form
By helping to mobilize citizens and the private or at the right time.
sector to participate in policy dialogue and leg-
islative reform, governments can build on the NGOs must establish their legitimacy in the
tide of democratization. eyes of government. They should develop skills
in the most influential policy participation tools,
Recent central and local governments' efforts such as policy research, litigation, advocacy and
at "right-sizing" and empowering the private sec- lobbying, successful demonstration projects, pub-
tor have generally focussed on supporting the lic demonstrations, or working with the popular
business community, which is commonly viewed media. And NGOs should come to better under-
as the engine of economic growth. But institu- stand the policy-making process and the win-
tions driven by profit motives do not always dows of opportunity for independent input. In
make decisions in the best interest of the majority this regard, the role of independent intermediary
or advance the common good. Crucial, but less institutions-groups dedicated to influencing
quantifiable concerns-such as sustainable devel- policy-makers and legislation in support of their
opment and social equity-are frequently constituencies (such as, for example, NGO con-
neglected when balance sheets guide develop- sortium~,networks, public interest groups,
mental policy. women's associations, and farmers' coopera-
tives)-provide potentially vital links between
Although private citizens, NGOs, and other in- the local people and the government.
dependent groups have become increasingly in-
volved in project design and implementation, in- Groups concerned with land and natural re-
dependent input into public policy-making is still source management are particularly important in
scant. Some NGOs do not even see it as their role this regard (Veit et al., 1995; Swartzendruber and
to participate in policy-making, partly because Njovas, 1993a).All economies that depend on
they fear that such activities will make them less natural resources are vulnerable to degradations
in the resource base. NGO leaders concerned for NGO participation by working more closely
with community-based development and the en- with the popular media, organizing regional con-
vironment have been increasingly forced into sultations (for example, including NGO represen-
more political activity to make their work, which tatives on government policy-making commit-
depends in great part on sound government, plu- tees), and sharing draft policies more widely.
ralism, and equitable policies, legislation, and
solid institutions, effective. According to Wangari Governments should recognize that many
Maathai, the outspoken force behind Kenya's NGOs are legitimate partners in development, that
Green Belt Movement, "only an informed and in- their ideas and opinions are valid, and that they
volved community can stand up for the environ- can contribute to better policy-making. In Burkina
ment and demand development that is sustain- Faso, the second Chamber of Congress now has
able and that is friendly to the environment" several NGO representatives (NATURAMA, 1995)
(Maathai, 1994, p. 30). while in the Kasese District of Uganda, NGO offi-
cials are ex-officio members of local government
On the other hand, government must learn to committees (Veit, 1994).The more government
value information and ideas from NGOs and sees NGOs as legitimate, the more their input and
other independent groups. Even with political involvement will be requested. For example,
liberalization, pluralism, democratization, and health ministries often request the assistance of
civil society's growing desire to participate in professional doctors-both private practitioners
government decision-making, in most countries and those affiliated with NGOewhen preparing
policy-making is still generally considered gov- a new policy or program. Similarly, independent
ernment's domain. Despite efforts toward democ- economists and attorneys often help develop new
racy, many legal obstacles and bureaucratic hur- fiscal policy and legislation.
dles to NGO participation in policy reform
persist. Governments need to learn to welcome To date, few African governments, donor agen-
independent information relevant to public deci- cies, and even private foundations support the pol-
sion-making. To date, policies have evolved prin- icy reform work of local NGOs, often considering
cipally in response to crises, primarily behind such support both politically and financially risky
closed doors, rather than through formal, struc- (Swartzendruber and Njovas, 1993a).If govern-
tured processes. Crisis-motivated policy-making ments and donors value NGO activities, they can
often takes place in an information vacuum, so, and should build confidence and further encour-
even those NGOs with the capacity to participate age NGO activities through financial support.
in policy reform have had trouble preparing
themselves for it.
Support for Community-Based
Increasing government openess and public Resource Management
participation in it will occur when policy-making
and legislative reform processes become formal Governments, particularly local administra-
enough that NGOs can understand them and pre- tions, should increase direct support (i.e., techni-
pare for involvement in them. NGOs have to cal assistance, training, financial and resource
know when and how their information can have flows) to community-based development and re-
its greatest impact. Governments may have to es- source management. Despite the enormous con-
tablish policy research capacities within min- tribution of rural farmers to national economies,
istries and departments, guarantee access to pub- small-scale producers receive little public techni-
lic information and facilitate opportunities for cal support and a disproportionately small share
public input into pending policy and legislation of government revenues. Thus, the local popula-
decisions. Citizens should be given legal rights to tion generally pays for more than its share of cen-
appeal government decisions and legislation. tral government services, most of which go to
And governments need to create opportunities urban populations. This trend should change.
The case studies illustrate that self-help development assistance programs and failure
resource-management efforts that rely primarily rates continue to be inordinately high.
on local labor and indigenous knowledge have
built-in limits. Most community-based develop- The case studies reveal that technical assistance
ment works only if critical inputs come from out- and shared skills and information often do more
side. Properly targeted external assistance, even for local development than material goods or di-
in small amounts, can significantly improve local rect capital. Basic training in managerial skills is
environmental management. Communities that paramount to effective community-based resource
seek out such assistance are more likely to management, partly because colonialism, bureau-
achieve sound environmental management than cratization, and economic transformation have cu-
those that merely wait for help to find them. mulatively undermined traditional community
organization. Similarly, environmental education
Well-targeted investments in resource-man- on the links between resource management and
agement practices can significantly boost the production, as well as on the range of ecological
yields of many traditional crops. In some cases, benefits of environmental management (both on
however, only improved technologies or new and off the farm), can provide additional incen-
crops or varieties can achieve improved yields tives for community-based resource management.
per unit of land or labor. Because labor is particu-
larly scarce in many rural households, small-scale Government resources and donor support tar-
labor-saving technologies could speed the adop- geted for the grassroots are often best channeled
tion of other, more effective, resource-manage- through local governments (ARD, 1992; World
ment practices. Bank and Istituto Italo-Africano, 1989; Leonard
and Marshall, 1982; Veit, 1994; 1993). Historically,
The case studies also show that ideas and skills donor financial and technical assistance have
that build on familiar practices and parent tech- gone primarily to the central government, even
nologies are more likely to be accepted by rural when assistance is locally targeted. Resources
resource users than externally developed or unfa- often never reach their intended destination. In-
miliar practices. Resource-management practices creasingly, however, donors are bypassing cen-
compatible with prevailing culture are more tral governments and working directly with local
likely to be adopted than new ones. At present, governments and independent groups that have
however, research on methods for improving tra- comparative advantages and don't have central
ditional local practices and techniques is limited, government's shortcomings. Donors of all sorts
and agricultural research institutions rarely work are following various strategies to provide more
closely with local farmers and innovators to im- direct local support. One common approach is to
prove existing production practices (Scoones and establish a fund to award small grants for com-
Thompson, 1994; Richards, 1992; 1985; Thrupp, munity and NGO a c t i ~ i t i e sSmall-scale,
.~~ input-
1991; McCorkle, 1989). As a result of these short- oriented programs that provide assistance di-
falls, imported technologies continue to dominate rectly to the grassroots certainly deserve support.
V. A Call for More Action

hroughout sub-Saharan Africa, political The 23 "From the Ground Up" case studies tes-
turmoil, economic hardships, population tify to the wealth of unheralded local knowledge
increases, and natural disasters have put and capability in rural Africa and the interest and
tremendous pressures and demands on pro- desire of millions of rural resource users to man-
duction systems and environmental manage- age their own resources. Community-based de-
ment practices. As a result, the effective use of velopment will grow as more responsibility, au-
natural resources has never been more crucial, thority, and capacity end up in the hands of the
particularly for the rural poor whose survival resource users. Viable participation means giving
depends on the local resource base. communities proprietorship over critical re-
sources. It means entitling them to determine the
Much has been written about the benefits of mode and extent of management and use, giving
popular participation in development and the them rights of access and inclusion, and allowing
success of bottom-up approaches. Participatory them to benefit fully from management. It also
approaches promote learning and adaptation, means strengthening local leadership and institu-
effective communications and access to informa- tions so they can effectively exercise these rights,
tion, and actions that both recognize socioeco- responsibilities, and resources.
nomic and ecological diversity and respond to
local demands. By emphasizing the needs and While community-based resource manage-
skills of rural people, participatory programs ment is certainly not the only approach than can
have begun to harness Africa's human assets- reverse socioeconomic decline and environmen-
especially local peoples' knowledge, experience, tal degradation in Africa, ample evidence-
expertise, and energies. including the 23 case studies-suggests that it
should be a major component of reform. Until
While participatory approaches to project recently, however, wide-scale, effective commu-
design and implementation are becoming increas- nity-based development has been rare. The po-
ingly common in development initiatives led litical liberalization, economic reform, and
both by governments, and donors, many such environmental planning under way in some
programs divorce involvement and responsibility countries are certainly steps in the right direc-
from authority and capacity. All too often, local tion, but these efforts could easily collapse with-
elites can co-opt the leadership of participatory out further encouragement and support. To
programs or collaborative arrangements (Mur- date, most have focussed too narrowly on. meet-
phree, 1994; 1993).When they do, the end result ing national goals and objectives in ways that
is unlikely to be sustainable local development or are neither environmentally sustainable nor
community empowerment for self-development. socially equitable.
Governments and the international develop- ment comparable to the sweeping political and
ment assistance community should empower economic reforms currently afoot in many
local people to be the agents of their own devel- African nations. These changes will not occur
opment. New policies, legislation, and institu- quickly. But the reforms already in place in sev-
tional capacities that promote community-based eral countries indicate that some governments are
sustainable development, broaden participation, seriously rethinking their ideas about the interde-
and enhance flexibility in decision-making are ur- pendent dynamics of governance, development,
gently needed. Coupled with targeted on-the- and the environment. Given the clear benefits of
ground support, such actions will help spread the community-based resource management, policy
community-based development already in lim- and programming changes in support of local de-
ited effect in most African countries. Indicators of velopment should become increasingly common
conditions for effective community-based devel- in the years ahead.
opment should also be developed, and local im-
pacts of national policy reforms should be moni- For Africans-especially for the millions of im-
tored to evaluate community needs to better poverished rural resource users-the sooner
target assistance. At the grassroots level, local these changes occur, the better. As the case stud-
governments, NGOs, and business have particu- ies indicate, human potential is there. What is
larly important roles to play and responsibility to necessary is the political will and capability to af-
bear. fect those changes on nationwide scales. The costs
in resource degradation, poverty, and human suf-
Collectively, these recommended reforms con- fering of continuing the status quo make this ef-
stitute a revolution in environmental manage- fort essential.
VI. Case Studies From the Ground Up

Case Study 1-Ghana: Risks to the inhabitants retreated from the breeding sites
Livelihood and Stone-Lined of the carrier blackfly. Two-fifths of Nangodi's
Terracing in Nangodi land became uninhabitable, and the village, by
then a booming mining town, had to accommo-

angodi village lies in the Upper East Re- date most of the displaced population. In the
gion of northern Ghana, near the border 1920s, Nangodi's population was only about 100
with Burkina Faso. The land is character- people; by the 1940s, it had risen to 3,600.
ized by rolling hills and Sudan-Guinea savannah
woodland. The soils are shallow, embedded with With the collapse of the gold boom in 1940, the
stones and boulders, prone to erosion, and gener- demand for agricultural land increased. Since in-
ally infertile. The average annual rainfall is 1,040 digenous farmers already occupied all cultivable
millimeters with one wet season. The area experi- land in the lowlands, recent immigrants were
ences high temperatures and the annual harmat- forced to eke out a living as best they could from
tan (dry seasonal wind from the Sahara). Only a the rocky hillsides. An estimated 85 percent of the
few crop species are cultivable, and there is only land around the village had been covered with
one planting per year. stones, boulders, mining pits, and abandoned
bunkers-all remnants of the mining activities.
Nangodi was established about 1900when a Shortened bush-fallow cycles, farming on slopes,
small group of Nabdam people left their homeland and other inappropriate practices brought on se-
to flee drought and famine. Over time, they were rious soil erosion and chronic food shortages.
joined by other Nabdam. These original inhabitants
used various shifting cultivation practices. Shortly thereafter, famine struck. The elders of
Nangodi met with the tendana-the village leader
In the late 1920s and 1930s, two events signifi- responsible for land and traditional religious mat-
cantly changed village life. Toward the end of the ters-to figure out why the harvest was so poor.
1920s, gold deposits were found on Nangodi land; After consulting with his fetish, the tendana in-
in 1933, a commercially exploitable reef was dis- formed the elders that the god of the land was
covered; and the following year, a mill was annoyed by all the stones scattered about. The
opened. The gold boom, however, was short-lived: tendana decreed that all the stones should be gath-
production ceased when World War I1 began. ered together into heaps. As a result, some farm-
land was reclaimed and productivity increased.
i The same period saw an unprecedented in- Many farmers then decided to reduce the stone
crease in river blindness (onchocerciasis)along heaps to get even more land by using them to
I the banks of the nearby Red Volta River. Many mark the boundary lines between plots and be-
riverside settlements disappeared altogether as tween different crops on the same plot.
The farmers soon realized that the stone The area was settled by members of the Gio
boundaries trap and collect soil washed down ethnic group during the 1800s. The village of
by the rain and wind. These farmers then laid Kyapee was established when people moved
the stones along the contours of their land to es- across the nearby Kponye river. At that time, land
tablish permanent terraces. Over time, these ter- was plentiful, and shifting cultivation was the
races were improved. Although the farmers still main agricultural practice. The principal crop was
do not use any instruments to lay the contours, upland rice. As the population increased and
the terraces are now constructed more precisely. cash cropping opportunities emerged, farmers
The base of the terrace walls are built with larger switched to paddy. They then constructed ridges
stones while the smaller ones are used to fill and channels to improve water management,
gaps. The remaining spaces are sealed with mud turned the swamp soil to kill or stunt weeds, and
and soil. Before and during planting, the farmers nursed and transplanted rice seedlings. During
break the ground above the terrace to loosen the the dry season, groundnuts, beans, or potatoes
soil and facilitate terrace development. Al- were cultivated in the paddy fields. Once cultiva-
though the height, width, and spacing of the ter- tion in the swamps was intensified, cash crops-
races vary with the steepness of the slope, most principally coffee, cocoa, and kola nuts-came to
terraces are about half a meter high and one dominate the upland farms.
meter wide.
In the late 1950s, diamond mining began. To
Today, most farmers intensively cultivate the find the diamonds, the miners-mainly migrant
small terraced plots around their compound. The Mandigoes from neighboring Mali and Guinea,
most common crops are millet, guinea corn, and who at the time of the field research (1990) ac-
groundnuts. Soil fertility is maintained through counted for roughly 50 percent of the local popu-
manuring, rotating crops, and mulching, but lation--dig a series of shallow pits, especially in
yields depend heavily on rainfall. More often the more easily accessible swamplands. The cen-
than not, the farms provide sufficient food, but tral government grants them permits to mine on
rarely do they produce much surplus for sale. all state land (in Liberia, all land is state-owned).
Still, terracing enables the farmers of Nangodi to The villagers are not consulted during the grant-
continuously cultivate the same plot. As a result, ing process and have little control over the min-
Nangodi can sustain a much larger population ing practices. In addition, the miners have no
than it otherwise would. legal obligation to restrict their operations to non-
agricultural land or to restore the land when they
abandon their pits.
Case Study 2-Liberia:
Risks to Livelihood and Land As a result, many swamps previously culti-
Reclamation in Kpayee vated are now dotted with abandoned diamond
pits. Swamps with such pits cannot be cultivated,
Kpayee village is located in Nimba County, and mining activities have jeopardized local agri-
northern Liberia, a low-lying region with some culture and livelihoods. By 1990, they had be-
minor uplands. The settlement itself is almost come the single most important threat to land
completely surrounded by wetlands. Secondary management and agricultural production, not
forests with remnant pockets of high-canopy pri- only in Kpayee, but in many Liberian communi-
mary rainforest characterize the uplands while ties. Government took no actions to protect the
swamp vegetation predominates in the lowlands. land and ensure local well-being.
Scattered throughout are diamondiferous sedi- I
ments. The average annual rainfall totals about Kpayee's land-reclamation effort was initiated i
2,000 mm, with a single long wet season; average by a farmer whose swampland had been degraded
monthly temperatures range between 18.4 and by diamond mining. His indigenous composting
33.7 degrees Centigrade. method involved four steps. First, the vegetation
around each abandoned pit is cut and allowed to or streams flow near the village, and the soils
begin to decay. Second, a layer of this decaying or- have low to medium agricultural potential.
ganic matter is put into the pit and covered by a
layer of soil from the overburden dug by the rnin- Shifting cultivation is the most common
ers. Third, after it settles, a second layer of organic agricultural practice, and maize and cassava are
matter is added and the pit is completely filled the principal subsistence crops. Population in-
with the remainder of the overburden. Fourth, the creases are putting pressure on the available land.
organic matter and soil are then mixed and com- Since the early 1960s, farm holdings have been
pacted by individuals stamping their feet on the fragmented, fallow periods have been shortened
surface of the filled diamond pit. and cropping periods extended, soil erosion and
water runoff have increased, and crop yields
This farmer's success encouraged other vil- have declined. Most farmland is privately owned
lagers to adapt the same techniques. Inspired by with customary titles held by individuals, house-
these results, the Town Chief acquired an exten- holds, or extended families. Communal ("stool")
sive tract of degraded swampland from an indi- land is held in trust by the village chieftaincy,
vidual land owner (customary tenure) on behalf of which includes the village chief, the queen
the community and helped organize the village to mother, their supporting regents, and a council
reclaim the land for communal rice cultivation. To of elders.
undertake the reclamation work, follow-on culti-
vation, and community-development efforts, the In 1983, six villagers responded to government
Town Chief and his council of elders organized encouragement and organized a local mobiliza-
two main working groups of roughly 300 mem- tion squad (mobisquad), a community-levelvol-
bers, each headed by a chairman and a secretary. unteer development group, to improve their own
and the community's socioeconomic well-being.
At the time of this study, over 10 hectares of de- In part because they had the government's politi-
graded wetland had been reclaimed for the com- cal support, they were able to secure that of the
munal farm. The land had been subdivided into 32 village leadership and residents too. The queen
paddy plots separated by ridges to hold water and mother gave them the use of 40 hectares of aban-
nutrients and connected by narrow water chan- doned communal land.
nels. In 1988, the community sold 50 bags of rice at
L$20.00 per bag to licensed buying agents of the In 1986, the mobisquad (then 41 members) es-
Liberian Produce Marketing Corporation. The sale tablished a 4.8-hectare communal farm of cassava,
of rice from the communal paddy was the major maize, and cocoyams. About 1,000 teak and 2,000
source of development funds for the village. From leucaena seedlings were planted alongside the food
the proceeds, Kyapee has constructed a school and crops. The latter improve soil fertility and provide
access road and established an interest-free loan fodder and fuelwood (for sale and local use) while
service for community members. teak is a cash crop. (Untreatedpower line poles
fetch about $135 each.) The sale of the crops and
Case Study 3-Ghana: Economic the fuelwood and charcoal that resulted from
clearing the farm earned the mobisquad about U.S.
Opportunities for Resource $2,500 that year. The group divided most of the
Management in Goviefe-Agodome profits equally among its members, but spent
some of the money to launch two community pro-
The community of Goviefe-Agodome is situ- jects, an improved latrine and a clinic.
I ated in Volta Region on the main road linking
Accra with the major food-producing area to the The next year, the mobisquad (then 52 mem-
north. With a mean annual rainfall of 1,500 mm, bers) planted 9.6 hectares of cassava, maize, pep-
i which falls during two wet seasons, the region is per, and cowpeas, and it added a two-hectare,
periodically swept by drought. No surface rivers monocropped cotton farm. A tree nursery of
about 5,000 teak and leucaena trees was also es- In 1990, the mobisquad had 71 members, with
tablished. These efforts netted the mobisquad at least one individual from every household/ex-
about U.S. $4,000. The group used some of the tended family. The group had grown primarily
money to leverage World Vision (a U.S. private because the people recognized the significant per-
volunteer organization) support to complete the sonal and household benefits of membership.
improved latrine, and spent an equal portion on Equally important in attracting new members
external technical assistance to train members in was the fact that some profits were realized after
project management and youth mobilization. the first agricultural season. Although the level of
The remaining $1,700 was divided equally contributions to community efforts have in-
among themselves. The group also opened a creased over the years, a significant percentage of
bank account and began offering its members the annual profits continue to be shared equally
small loans. among the mobisquad members. Individual
members' profits remain high, and without ques-
That same year, the group also established an tion they are a primary incentive for joining the
executive committee that organized weekly dur- mobisquad, though other benefits, such as access
bars (traditional community meetings) to identify to low-interest loans, are also important. (Signifi-
needs and establish work schedules, manage cant profits also await the group when the teak
funds, and establish links with external agencies. matures.) In addition, as the group grows, the
Members worked a half day each week on mo- workload and other costs per member decline.
bisquad activities for most of the year, and two
to three days each week during planting and
Case Study 4-Sierra Leone:
Cash Crops and Forest
In 1988, the mobisquad (then 62 members) Management in Mofindor
planted 12 hectares of cotton, 12 hectares of food
crops, and another 5,000 teak and leucaena The village of Mofindor is located in Sierra
seedlings. That year they earned over U.S. $4,000, Leone's Kailahun District, within 20 kilometers of
half of which was used as share capital to become both the Liberian and Guinean borders. The vil-
a registered cooperative. In 1989, the group lage lies within the Moa Basin (500-1,000 meters
planted 5.2 hectares of cotton, 8 hectares of cas- above sea level), which is drained by the Moa
sava, 3.2 hectares of pepper and cowpeas, and an- River and its tributaries. Alluvial depositions
other 4,000 tree seedlings. At the time of the make its soils very fertile. Rainfall is moderate-
study, the full profits of these crops had not been 2,560-2,800 mm per year-with one long wet sea-
realized, but some early returns had been used to son, and the mean monthly temperature is 27.5
construct a shelter for the equipment needed to degrees Centigrade. In December, the harmattan
process gari, a local staple made from shredded winds blow from the Sahara, raising evapotran-
and fermented cassava. spiration rates dramatically. Secondary forest and
some thicket bush dominate the region.
In its first four years, the group turned more
than 55 hectares of wasteland into productive The population density in the area is relatively
farmland. For their efforts, the government high-100 to 150 people per square kilometer.
awarded the mobisquad a Certificate of Achieve- Small-scale agriculture forms the backbone of the
ment in 1989 for being the most visibly successful local economy. The staple food crop, rice, is culti-
group in the Volta Region. A year later, Goviefe- vated primarily in the floodplains. Most house-
Agodome was the site of the UNEP World Envi- holds also grow various tree crops, including cof- ,
ronment Day celebration in Ghana, at which time fee and cocoa, which are the region's principal \
the mobisquad was presented with gari-process- cash crops. At the time of the study, most farmers
ing equipment worth over U.S. $5,000 by the were expanding cash cropping due to favorable 1

Ghanaian government. growing conditions, guaranteed prices from the

government, and good market opportunities in trees from climatic changes. But rather than plant
nearby Guinea and Liberia. the government-recommended species of shade
trees, the farmers leave standing or plant a mix of
In the late 1800s, the government began pro- indigenous trees of local value as fuelwood, tim-
moting coffee and cocoa production by conduct- ber, or a source of food or medicine. Farmers also
ing research on various local and introduced know the soil and water needs of these crops (e.g.,
species, establishing village nurseries in areas coffee prefers gravel; cocoa, loam).
considered most suitable for their growth (includ-
ing Kailahun), and providing training on produc- In Mofindor, most coffee and cocoa plantations
tion and marketing techniques. These efforts are situated on farmland near water sources,
markedly increased coffee and cocoa production which has been lying fallow for 6 to 10 years.
and export earnings, especially in the 1930s. With Rarely are primary or advanced secondary forests
the onset of World War 11, however, international cut to establish new plantations. Instead, paths
markets closed, prices dropped, and export pro- are cleared through the bush and high densities
duction went into steep decline. of seedlings six months to two years old are
transplanted. Some farmers apply mulch-usu-
In 1947, the Sierra Leone Produce Marketing ally grass cuttings-to the young trees and cut
Board was commissioned to oversee the pur- some non-valuable trees in the fallow. In addi-
chase, marketing, and export of produce, includ- tion, some economically important tree species,
ing coffee and cocoa. The Board introduced and such as bananas, kola, mangoes, and oranges, are
established new varieties, conducted research on planted. As the plantation and canopy become es-
improved methods, negotiated guaranteed prices tablished, the underbrush is gradually cleared or
with the United Kingdom, and appointed buying clears naturally because of the shade. The planta-
agents throughout the country. Following the re- tion is also thinned to a more appropriate density,
turn rise in prices in the 1950s, production in- and the remaining coffee and cocoa trees are
creased. Beginning in the 1970s, government trimmed. As the economically valuable trees that
began providing extension services, credit facili- make up the canopy or provide the shade are cut,
ties, and other inputs to further improve coffee they are replaced by others (established planta-
and cocoa production. The focus was on hybrid tions generally require less shade).
varieties, chemical inputs, and the planting of
exotic cover crops and shade trees. But limited Mofindor farmers are encouraged to manage
resources made it impossible to implement these their land and resources because the economic re-
projects effectively, so many farmers did not turns from coffee and cocoa production and the
manage their farms according to government canopy trees are high. Farmer-devised canopies
recommendations. continue to dominate the coffee/cocoa plantations
in part because government can't effectively im-
Much research has been undertaken on im- plement its policies and programs. The general ab-
proved coffee and cocoa production especially on sence of alternative economic activities also en-
the use of shade trees to shelter these understory courages farmers to manage their plantations
crops and on species density. But most of the effectively. When world prices decline, however,
findings are unknown to local farmers. Yet, in coffee and cocoa plantations are abandoned, al-
Mofindor and elsewhere, where farmers have local lowed to degenerate, or, in land-scarce regions, cut
experience, understanding of how to improve cof- down and replaced by more lucrative land uses. In
fee and cocoa production is good. Farmers recog- Mofindor, the price of rice is increasing, partly be-
nize, for example, that the forest canopy estab- cause rising coffee and cocoa prices prompt many
lishes a suitable microclimate by regulating light farmers to establish new plantations on former rice
I intensity, protecting the trees and fruit from direct fields. In turn, however, some farmers are cutting
1 exposure to the sun, increasing humidity and tem- down older, less productive plantations to grow
perature, blocking the wind, and buffering the rice and get immediate payback.
Tree crops have important soil- and water- Religious beliefs have always profoundly in-
management advantages over annual crops. For fluenced the lives of the Dagbani people. When
instance, the tree canopy needed to grow coffee the community was established, the families were
and cocoa brings added ecological benefits. And led by a fetish priest (Kpalna).They believed that
the farmers' indigenous canopy-management a fetish god, Kpalevorgu in the form of a boulder
practices best those recommended by govern- under a large baobab tree helped protect them
ment since they rely on diverse, native species from evil spirits, Arab invaders, and other ene-
that together grow into a canopy composed more mies. At that time, 0.8 hectares of open-canopy
like that in the natural forest. For this reason, the forest overlooking the village and surrounding
farmers' canopy is home to a large variety of the boulder was demarcated by the Kpalna as
birds, reptiles, and mammals, and thus serves a Kpalevorgu's sanctuary and dwelling place. In the
number of food, biodiversity, and other purposes. 1950s, concern about development and deforesta-
tion in the area caused his successor to demarcate
an additional 0.2 hectares of land around the sa-
Case Study 5-Ghana: cred grove as fetish buffer lands.
Religious Beliefs and Forest
Management in Malshegu The sacred grove and fetish god are part of a
complex traditional hierarchy of gods. A supreme
The community of Malshegu (2,000 people) is god is believed to be the creator of all things while
located six kilometers north of Tamale, the capital the land, considered female, is the second most
of Ghana's Northern Region. The area is not powerful god. The Kpalevorgu is Malshegu's com-
densely populated. The land, classified as Guinea munity god and is thought to ensure local prosper-
Savannah, is dominated by grasses and inter- ity-adequate rainfall and harvests, fertility, lin-
spersed with fire-resistant trees. The highly erodi- eage stability, and so on. Local tradition also holds
ble soils have low agricultural potential. The that numerous spirits and supernatural powers,
mean annual temperature is 27.9 degrees Centi- both good and evil, dwell in the community.
grade. The average annual rainfall of 1,070 mm
falls in one wet season. No surface streams flow The tindana, a female custodian of the land, is
in this drought-prone area. the community's most powerful religious leader.
The Kpalna, the second most powerful religious
The people of Malshegu-the Dagbani-origi- leader, can supersede the tindana's authority only
nally lived in separate compounds on scattered in the sacred grove and on matters regarding its
farms. The settlement was formed in the early protection. The Kpalna leads the community in
18th century, when several families moved nearer honoring the Kpalevorgu god and advises the vil-
to each other to defend themselves and their lagers on compound, family, and individual spir-
property from slave and livestock raids by Arabs itual matters. Since many physical and mental ail-
from the north. ments are attributed the machinations of evil
spirits, the priest is also the community's primary
Today, mixed agriculture and animal hus- traditional healer. Many of the traditional medi-
bandry are the dominant economic activities. Vil- cines he provides come from the sacred grove.
lagers cultivate both compound and "outpost"
farms. The compound farms are continuously Unwritten regulations were put in place by the
cultivated with guinea corn (a staple food) and a Kpalna to control land use in and around the
variety of vegetables while on the outpost farms, grove. Today, all forms of farming and grazing in
bush-fallow farming systems are used to cultivate the grove and buffer lands are prohibited. En-
cash crops, principally groundnuts, maize, and trance is permitted only during biannual rituals
upland rice. Virtually every household has some or on other special occasions and with the ad-
cattle (four to five), goats, chicken, and guinea vance consent of the priest. During these occa-
fowl. sions, some use of forest resources is allowed.
Only the Kpalna and his aides, however, have reg- ment, in developing policy and legislation, and
ular access to the grove, which they visit to pray in facilitating local efforts. The forestry policy
and to collect medicinal plants. On the one-quar- recognizes the cultural importance of sacred
ter kilometer wide band of buffer lands around groves; local people continue to practice their
the grove only grazing is permitted. traditional religion while the government pro-
vides additional protection. And at the time of
Twice each year, the Kpalna organizes a festi- this study, a draft bill under discussion recog-
val and leads the community in prayer and vari- nized the environmental, cultural, and scientific
ous rituals in honor of the Kpalevorgu. These role of groves and other sacred sites. If approved,
thanksgiving festivals mark the beginning and it will empower traditional authorities to pro-
end of the agricultural season. During these festi- claim areas sacred and set the conditions for
vals, supervised hunting of various rodents and their protection.
birds is allowed, and the branches of certain
hardwood trees are cut for hoe and axe handles.
At the conclusion of the ceremonies marking the
Case Study 6-Liberia: Local
end of the farming season, the young men of the Regulations in Fish Management
village clear a three-meter wide firebelt around in Pantampaai District
the sacred grove and buffer lands.
The villages of Gwainyea, Bellemu, and
The Malshegu people believe that failure to Foequelleh are located in Panta/Kpaai District,
comply with the rules protecting the grove or to northern Liberia, near the Guinean border. The
participate in the festivals will offend and dis- major drainage feature is the Foe River-a tribu-
honor the god and may bring misfortune to the tary of the St. John, which eventually empties into
offender, his or her family, and perhaps even the the Atlantic Ocean. The basin through which the
whole community. As a result, community vigi- river meanders is a relatively broad floodplain
lance is well entrenched and effective. In the past, comprised mainly of secondary forest, though the
offenders were lynched; today, they are fined banks of the Foe and its tributaries remain pri-
several cows or goats that are sacrificed by the mary evergreen rainforest. Annual rainfall aver-
Kpalna to appease the fetish god. The support of ages 1,910 mm, and flooding is common during
the village leaders ensures that the priest has the the wet season (May-October). Mean tempera-
power to enforce the restrictive rules on access. tures range between 18.3 and 31.7 Centigrade.

Today, the sacred grove consists of tall trees Founded at the beginning of the century,
that form a more or less complete canopy with Gwainyea at the time of this research had a popu-
dense undergrowth in the gaps. This closed- lation of about 500 people (1989).Located two
canopy forest developed from the original kilometers northwest of Gwainyea, Bellemu was
open-canopy forest-typical in the savannah founded about 50 years earlier and had an esti-
zone-which has been protected from human mated population of 2,000 while Foequelleh-the
and natural disturbances for almost 300 years. As administrative headquarters of the Panta Chief-
a result, the grove constitutes a critical habitat for dom to which all three belong-is located about
the area's fauna and flora, which provides im- 1.5 kilometers south of Gwainyea and had an es-
portant forest products and renders critical eco- timated population of 3,000. In all three villages,
logical functions to the people of Malshegu. agricultural and fishing are important economic
activities. Fishing is undertaken principally for
Ghana's government has encouraged and fa- subsistence while cocoa, coffee, and sugar cane
cilitated Malshegu's efforts by providing impor- are the major sources of income. Catfish is the
tant political and other support. It has made principal fish caught in the Foe River, tilapia in
progress in understanding the importance of tra- the Saya Creek, and tilapia and eel in the Viakpa
ditional religion in natural resource manage- Creek.
Fish management was initiated by the village women, who use hook and line, basket traps, and
founders, who consider fish and certain bodies of nets. Each woman is expected to contribute a por-
water sacred. To protect fish populations in these tion of her catch to the village elder, who then
sacred sites, clearing vegetation from banks was distributes it according to need.
prohibited and strictly enforced rules were en-
acted to limit fishing. Traditional prayers and sac- These rules and procedures have helped safe-
rifices are made to invoke the spirits for good for- guard the fish population and, as a result, the
tune and protection, and fishing is still banned in communities have enjoyed an abundant supply
the Gbeleya. of fish for more than a century.

Regulated and monitored fishing is permitted

in the Viakpa and Say Creeks (in Gwainyea and Case Study 7-Kenya: Security in
Bellemu) and in the Foe River (in Bellemu and Land and Small-Scale Irrigation
Foequelleh). Fishing is prohibited during the in NGK
rainy season, when the water temperature is ideal
for spawning, so fish fry have enough time to The communities of Njoguini, Gitero, and Ka-
spawn, hatch, and mature. The clearing of forest bati (NGK) are located in Nyeri District, at an alti-
vegetation along the edges of the waterways is tude ranging from 2,060 to 2,240 meters. The an-
also prohibited. nual precipitation of 800 to 1,600 milimeters is
divided between two rainy seasons. Numerous
Practices vary among the three communities, rivers and streams, fed by sources in the nearby
but in general, dry-season fishing is restricted to Mt. Kenya Forest Reserve, flow through the re-
clearly demarcated spots on the river-usually in gion. The mean annual temperature is about 15
the large pools and deep channels of meanders or degrees Centigrade. The soils are deep, well-
where the water is otherwise impounded. These weathered, moderately high in organic matter,
shelter holes for the fish also provide ideal habitat relatively well-drained, and generally fertile.
and rich biota to stimulate the growth and nat-
ural productivity of plants and fish. The NGK communitieswere established in the
mid-1960s by landless peasant farmers, most of
The fish management is headed by the town whom were ethnic Kikuyu. Migrating into the area
chief and assisted by the quarter chiefs and vil- because of land fragmentation and population
lage youth organizations. The chiefs police the pressure in neighboring areas, these people settled
water bodies during fishing bans, and encroach- on land that had recently been large colonial estates
ment upon the river banks is rare. Violators are or Government Trust Lands. Some people first set-
immediately punished according to the village tled within the boundaries of the forest reserve, but
laws. The town chief adjudicates and imposes were forced by the government to relocate.
fines of rice, palm, oil, salt, cane juice, and in
some cases, a goat. After Kenya became independent, these high-
land areas fell under the aegis of the Million Acre
The youth organizations are responsible for or- Resettlement scheme launched to redistribute
ganizing the fishing. Before the fishing season British colonials' land to local farmers. When
commences, special sacrifices are offered to the public and donor funds dried up, private land-
ancestors to invoke their protection. For example, buying companies were formed; savings were
in Bellemu, white chicken are sacrificed in the Foe pooled to purchase large farms that were then
River. Afterward, a swimmer dives into the fish- subdivided among the new owners. The three
ing pools to perform additional sacrifices. In so NGK communities organized a cooperative in the I
doing, he disturbs the fish and drives them to the mid- to late-1970s to purchase their land. By the
surface for easy cropping. Although many people mid-1980s, registration was completed in all three ,
participate, fishing is a major responsibility of villages: 250 families had obtained title deeds and
settled on about 800 hectares. The land was di- untary labor), and managed project funds. Most
vided into 350 plots of one-third to one hectare labor and building materials and some funds
and distributed. By 1989, virtually every plot was (about $30 per household) were provided by the
owned by a separate household; the average local people. The Ministry of Water Development
landholding was two hectares. seconded two district water officers to help with
masonry and pipe fitting and to secure the neces-
Before irrigated agriculture was established, sary permits-complicated since the intake was
the NGK farmers eked out a living through a to be located within the Mt. Kenya Forest Re-
mixture of rainfed agriculture (maize, beans, ar- serve, and a storage tank and the main trunkline
rowroot, sweet potatoes, potatoes) and livestock would encroach upon several private farms.
production. Crop yields were highly variable and Later, the NGK Executive Committee hired the
often insufficient. Cash crops were few and most U.S. Peace Corps water technician and a local
households depended on urban wage labor to counterpart as project managers for one year.
supplement incomes.
The system currently irrigates approximately
To improve the communities' livelihood, local 80 hectares; each household owns about one half
leaders in Njoguini conceived a gravity-fed water hectare of irrigated land and a hectare of non-irri-
supply project in 1981. (Some had experience gated land. In addition, a standpost is now situ-
with water projects in other regions and saw the ated in almost every compound, improving water
irrigation potential of their land.) Several efforts quality, increasing water availability, and saving
were made in all three NGK communities to es- women and children the trouble of walking long
tablish irrigation projects, but not until the debili- distances to collect water. NGK farmers now cul-
tating drought of 1984-85 ended did each village tivate a much larger variety of food and cash
devise a village-level irrigation plan, formally crops on their plots, while in and around the
register its water users' association with the gov- compound, kitchen gardens, zero-grazing prac-
ernment, and seek technical assistance from the tices, tree plantations, and even fish ponds have
district water officer. been established. Diet and hygiene have im-
proved significantly, food shortages are now rare,
After examining the irrigation plans of the household incomes have increased, and more
three communities, the district water officers children now attend school.
concluded that the development of three sepa-
rate water systems was technically and finan- At the time of the construction of the joint irri-
cially prohibitive, but that a single integrated gation scheme, most families held title deeds to
scheme could work. NGK leaders approved the their land and had access to a reliable and ade-
joint effort and established a nine-member Exec- quate water supply. This control over productive
utive Committee to oversee project design, de- resources, as well as the water management deci-
velopment, and management, though the three sion-making process, were identified by the NGK
local water users' associations remained active. farmers as critical to their long-term investments
Village leaders, farmers, and the water officer in the irrigation scheme.
then together designed a system that would sat-
isfy their collective needs. A proposal was pre-
pared with help from a U.S. Peace Corps water Case Study 8-Tanzania:
technician and submitted to the African Develop- Land Tenure and Resource
ment Foundation (a U.S. government develop- Management in Lyamungo
ment agency). An initial grant of U.S.$149,030
was awarded in 1985. Lyamungo Parish is located in Kilimanjaro
Region on the southern slopes of Mt. Kiliman-
The NGK Executive Committee procured ma- jar0 at an altitude of 1,220 to 1,370 meters. The
terials and equipment, coordinated havambee (vol- parish comprises three villages, the government
Lyamungo Agricultural Research Institute, the The Lyamungo mountain farm or "home gar-
Lyamungo Secondary School, and several coffee den," is a complex land-use system that makes
estates. It is bordered by the Weruweru River to effective use of the natural resource base. These
the west, the Sere River to the east, Narumu gardens generally have four vegetative layers. The
Parish to the south, and the Mt. Kilimanjaro For- top story consists of tall, mostly indigenous, and
est Reserve to the north. The volcanic soils are economically important (fuel, fodder, timber, and
generally fertile, and the average annual rainfall medicines) trees that form a protective canopy
of 1,600 mm falls in two seasons-ideal for cof- against the sun, rain, and wind, and thus keep
fee production. moisture and temperature regimes for the crops
relatively constant. The next layer usually consists
The Chagga people have lived on Mt. Kili- of a banana canopy with some fruit and fodder
manjaro's lower slopes since the early 17th cen- trees. Bananas are the local staple, and surplus
tury. As their population increased, they moved fruit is sold for cash. Below this layer is a bush-
further up the mountain. Lyamungo was first oc- level growth of cash crops, such as coffee, maize,
cupied in the early 1900s. By the 1920s and 1930s, and a few young valuable trees and shrubs. The
population increases and the establishment of lowest layer consists of ground-covering and
large coffee estates resulted in land scarcities. In climbing species, along with in-ground roots and
addition to their mountain farms, the Chagga tubers such as beans, taro, herbs, and fodder
began to cultivate land in the plains. Today, Lya- grasses. Intercropping helps ensure the effective
mungo's three villages include 6,574 people and use of soil nutrients, moisture, and sunlight.
cover 9.85 square kilometers. The average house-
hold landholding of about 1.2 hectares is often Most crops in home gardens are watered di-
divided into three or four plots-two-thirds of a rectly via the furrows of the gravity-fed irrigation
hectare on the mountain and the same amount in systems. In some cases, intakes are several miles
the plains. While every Lyamungo farmer owns from the farms; in others, a nearby dam stores
land on the mountain, about one quarter of them water for the dry season. Clans manage the fur-
own no land in the plain (though some of these rows and irrigation systems and regulate water
people borrow or lease land). use. Irrigation allows for year-round production
and multiple harvests of some vegetables and fod-
Coffee and several varieties of bananas are der species. Soil fertility is maintained by applying
the dominant crops on the mountain plots, cow manure. In addition, many crops are legurni-
though maize, beans, peas, yams, taro and other nous, and tree leaves add nutrients to the soil.
vegetables and fruits are also grown. Because
coffee prices are falling, coffee is gradually being The average Chagga household owns two
replaced by vegetables that can be sold at local cows, three goats, and two sheep. Cattle-mostly
markets. Maize, intercropped with beans, is cul- high-yielding dairy cattle-are kept primarily to
tivated on the lowland farms. meet domestic milk needs, while goats and sheep
are raised for meat and, occasionally, for sale. All
Since there is no more land in Lyamungo to cattle are kept in livestock stables on the mountain
bring under cultivation, farmers have adopted farms, where they are permanently stall-fed with
various resource-management techniques that banana pseudo-stems and leaves, grass grown on
allow them to continuously cultivate the moun- farm boundaries or on the farm itself, crop
tain farms-a network of furrows for irrigation residues, and fodder from trees and shrubs. Farm-
and domestic water, terracing on steep slopes, ers grow grasses for fodder around the home-
agroforestry and other intercropping practices, stead, along paths, and along furrow channels.
and zero grazing. Several local laws now enforce
certain aspects of resource management. For ex- Village land in Lyamungo is held, according to \
ample, one prohibits people from cultivating customary tenure, by individuals or households. I
steep slopes in the Weruweru River valley. This arrangement in Lyamungo traces back as far
as anyone can remember. Indeed, probably area was sparsely populated by the pastoral
nowhere else in Tanzania is land so strongly held Akamba people. Over the past 35 years, however,
as individual property. A basic tenet of the local land use has become predominantly agricultural.
customary regime is that a man who develops Maize is the principal crop and staple food. Farm-
bush land by planting trees-initially bananas, ing is risky, however, because the soils are gener-
but later coffee and other trees as well-thereby ally infertile and rainfall is both low (600-800 mm
establishes a permanent interest in it. per year) and unpredictable (drought every three
to four years). Despite its proximity to Nairobi,
Traditionally, fathers passed their land on to Katheka is isolated and receives little government
their oldest and youngest sons. Today, land is support. Most residents are poor and have few
given to the youngest son only. (The local popu- material possessions.
lation growth rate is low since most maturing
children migrate.) All farmers who own land on By the early 1970s, Katheka faced a severe cri-
the mountain inherited it from their fathers, sis. The population was rising; resource degrada-
though a few obtained additional land by pur- tion, particularly soil erosion, water shortages,
chasing some and a very few by clearing new and tree cutting, was rampant; and agricultural
land many years ago. In contrast, only half of the production per capita was falling. No active self-
farmers obtained their plain farmland through in- help institutions existed, and no projects were
heritance, while 12 percent purchased it. under way to improve the community's well-
being. In 1973, the new assistant chief joined
Because the Kilimanjaro region has long been forces with village leaders to strengthen commu-
of great agricultural importance to Tanzania, pro- nity institutions, recruit local voluntary labor,
ducing significant food and export crops, espe- and develop projects-using mainly local re-
cially coffee (the region grows about 30 percent of sources. First, a cattle dip was constructed; later,
the nation's mild arabica coffee), the government three schools and four churches were built.
does not interfere in local land issues. As a result,
the Kilimanjaro region continues to adhere to cus- The most active of the local institutions were
tomary land ownership even though the govern- indigenous, voluntary, self-help groups organized
ment introduced legislation that made all land along clan or family lines known as mwetkya
state-owned. Even the "villagization" or collec- groups (traditionallyincluding men and women).
tivization policy of 1967-75 did not disrupt land- For many generations, the Akamba people had
use and settlement patterns. Except when the used mwetkya groups for emergency assistance
German colonial administration appropriated and to meet special needs, such as building
some land for settlers at the turn of the century houses or clearing new fields. But mwetkya groups
(and even then the alienated land was not being were replaced during the colonial era with a more
cultivated), the Chagga have no experience with formal system of conscripted labor units.
losing the rights to their land. This security in
their land provides them with the incentive Contemporary mwethya groups are still based
needed to invest in long-term and expensive on traditional lines of authority, but they are no
resource-management activities. longer strictly organized along clan lines. Groups
have 25 to 35 members, mostly women, from a
certain farm neighborhood or household cluster.
Case Study 9-Kenya: Traditional In most cases, members share a common interest
Village Institutions and Soil or need as well as group responsibilities, particu-
Erosion Control in Katheka larly cooperative labor. A few groups require a
I small entrance fee.
Katheka Sublocation in the Machakos District
i lies 75 kilometers east of Nairobi in a semiarid While resource management practices were
and marginally productive area. Originally, the common during the colonial era, to improve their
efforts, Katheka leaders in the mid-1970s norni- tion has been one of the community's greatest
nated four mwethya group leaders to attend a accomplishments. Practices are undertaken
short soil-conservation workshop sponsored by through local initiative, housed in traditional in-
the church in a nearby town. The women learned stitutions, and function in acceptable social con-
how to lay out terraces and set levels, reinforce texts. Bench terracing work fits well in the sea-
new terraces with grass plantings, and plan for sonal calendar of activities, does not disrupt
drainage. social continuity, and leads to a relatively even
distribution of benefits. It has also slowed soil
The initial success of the first mwethya group's erosion, increased water retention, and stabilized
terraces and cutoff drains encouraged local agricultural production.
women to establish other groups and try similar
approaches. By the late 1970s, five groups were
operational; in 1987,12 groups were working. A
Case Study 10-Sudan:
decade later, 15 mwethya groups had been revital- Traditional Leadership and
ized. Among other activities, these groups had Range Management in Butana
constructed over 20 kilometers of bench terraces Region
and almost 100 check dams and cut-off drains. In
addition, Katheka also has a council of mwethya The communities of El Sadda and Um Sarha
groups, known as the Katheka Women's Group, are located in the Central Butana region of east-
that coordinates community-development work. ern Sudan, an area of flat grazing land with a few
small hills. The soils are of light to heavy clay
Each mwethya group is headed by an elected with poor water permeability. Central Butana ex-
leader and has a secretary and treasurer. It sets periences annual rainfall of 200 to 300 mm a year
specific rotation schedules and enforces individual with 25 to 35 percent variability. No permanent
members' participation. The groups work two surface water exists, and the area contains little
mornings a week throughout the year. A member groundwater. Only about 25 percent of the land
who misses two or three work sessions may be has plant cover. Various grasses are the dominant
fined, or the group may skip her farm during the natural vegetation; acacia trees and bushes are
rotation. Each member has the benefit of the group confined to seasonal water courses. Water comes
labor force three to four times a year. The groups from seasonal wetlands (depressions), man-made
work primarily on the household farms of mem- ponds called hafivs (which hold water up to eight
bers, performing routine activities such as hoeing, months a year), and wells dug in the few spots
sowing, weeding, and harvesting, but they also where groundwater is high.
build check dams in @es that run between
member farms. For the most part, the woman of The spatial distribution of groundwater has
the household picks the tasks to be performed. resulted in dispersed settlements and pasture
use. Um Sarha is on the northern boundary of
Their success has emboldened Katheka's central Butana. The people migrated to the site
mwethya groups to tackle other problems, includ- recently and settled around the community hafir.
ing putting a hand pump in a well that now pro- El Sadda, on the eastern side of Central Butana,
vides year-round water for about 100 households. was a nomadic camp; a village emerged after a
They help members find ways to earn income, in- hafir was established and several shallow wells
cluding marketing handmade baskets and selling hand dug.
kerosene, and they often join in on such public
works as repairing roads, developing water sys- The Shukriya tribe inhabits the two communi-
tems, and building schools and churches. ties. In 1992, there were more than 2,000 perma-
nent residents and some part-time residents who
Mwethya groups are the mainstay of Katheka's continued to live semi-nomadic lives. Tradition-
resource-management activities; their revitaliza- ally, Shukriya clans occupy specific territories
and live in one camp when they migrate. Range- permanent water sources, more animals could be
land and large watering places are communally kept around the settlement for longer periods, so
owned and managed while agricultural land and rangeland was degraded.
hand-dug wells tend to be privately owned by
extended families. In response, the tribal leaders worked with the
local councils to revive rangeland-management
All economic activities revolve around live- practices. Today, the traditional leaders manage
stock husbandry; agriculture (quick-maturing the rangelands with the support of the local coun-
sorghum varieties and some vegetables) is the cils, which have the legal authority to enforce
second main activity. In the past, the nomads local laws and regulations. This support is critical
concentrated on a single species of animal, either in influencing foreign herders, who consider all
camels, cattle, sheep, or goats. Today, resource land as government land with rights of use ex-
scarcity makes extensive mobility and such spe- tended to everyone and often break the tradi-
cialization impossible. In 1992, there were an esti- tional tribal rules.
mated 3,500 sheep, 2,300 goats, 1,800 cattle, and
1,600 camels in the two villages. In Um Sarha, the Sheikh is also the chairman
of the local council. The rangeland-management
Shukriya herders are required to take livestock practices are well organized and the village
to remote areas during the rainy season. This pre- grazing zone is well defined. In El Sadda, the
serves grazing areas around the two settlements people are led by the Khalifa. As the most influ-
for dry-season pasture as well as year-round pas- ential person in the village, he organizes the
ture for small ruminants and lactating animals, community to protect local rangelands and man-
which are always kept in the village. Because al- age pasture. In El Sadda, there is no clear
most all water during the dry season comes from boundary for the village grazing zone yet, but
wells, most livestock are kept near the settlement the Khalifa is working with the community to de-
then. The principal concern is protecting the land marcate one. In both communities, the local
from other herders during the rainy season. council supports the tribal leaders by reporting
offenses to the police.
Historically, the rangeland-management system
was well managed by tribal leaders who orga-
nized grazing areas and the use of wells and dams,
Case Study 11-Tanzania:
established nomad routes and grazing times, en- Indigenous Knowledge and Water
forced tribal customs and codes of behavior, pro- Management in Msanzi
tected hafirs, and ran native courts to settle dis-
putes and decide on penalties for violations. Msanzi village is located in Rukwa Region,
southwest Tanzania. The village land is divided
The Native Administration law passed by the into two distinct land systems-the Kira-Longo
colonial powers legitimized traditional tribal Hills, which range between 1,600 and 2,150 meters,
leadership and authority. But in the early 1970s, and the Sintali Plain. Both the Msanzi and Sukwa
the new national government repealed the Native Rivers originate in the forested hills, joining in the
Administration and created local councils. Local settlement to form the Nsingewi River. The soils in
Sheikhs (clan elders) and Kkalifas (religious lead- the river valleys are deep, moist, rich in organic
ers) lost their authority and the rangeland man- matter, and fertile-in contrast to the loamy sands
agement systems were undermined. The local and gravel on the Sintali Plain, which are generally
councils have the power but neither the informa- infertile. The region receives 800 to 1,000 rnm of
/ tion nor the means to exercise their authority. rainfall annually in one wet season.
Most of Butana became an open grazing area for
local and foreign herders, resulting in pasture Until the 1970s, small-scale agriculture pro-
I degradation. With the establishment of more vided farmers in Msanzi with enough subsistence
food (primarily maize) and with small surpluses of 500 to 600 people became the nucleus of a gov-
that were exchanged for essential goods. Most of ernment "villagization" program. Its population
the food was produced on farms and in dry-season increased to over 2,000 within a few months. In
gardens in the Kira-Longo Hills and river valleys. 1975, Rukwa became Tanzania's twentieth adrnin-
In 1933, heavy rains caused the Msanzi River to istrative region, ending its historic isolation. And
flood the main farms. One farmer, Chumia Mulela, in 1978, the government designated Rukwa as one
organized a traditional labor force to dig a single of four major maize-producing areas and offered
irrigation canal from the Sukwa River to the outly- the farmers powerful economic incentives.
ing Sintali Plain. The delivered water was used to
establish a small coffee plantation. For over 30 The dramatic increases in population, new in-
years, his was the only irrigated land in Msanzi. frastructure, and commercialization of maize led
to significant changes in land use and farming
In 1966, a severe drought brought crop failure practices. New farms were established, pastures
and widespread hunger. Mulela's son, Sebastian were converted to farmland, and cultivated fields
Chumia, then a district counsellor, recognized the were expanded and intensified. By the early 1980s,
potential of his father's canal for improving agri- about 110 hectares of land were being irrigated in
cultural productivity and reducing farming risks. Msanzi. Irrigated farms were double-cropped, and
Together with his father and local leaders, he de- all fields emphasized maize production, some-
signed an irrigation system that tapped water times at the expense of subsistence crops.
from the Sukwa River and irrigated land in both
the river valleys and on the Sintali Plain. With no local irrigation or water-users' group,
however, the system was not managed effec-
Chumia eventually induced the skeptical farm- tively. The expansion increased soil erosion, re-
ers to invest their time and labor in constructing duced fertility and productivity, and increased
the irrigation system. The canal they dug was an the threat of flooding. The use of chemical fertiliz-
unlined trench with a stick-and-stone weir. In the ers increased, posing health and other risks. Fi-
valleys, lateral furrows ran from the main canal nally, in 1983/84, severe soil erosion caused the
to fields that were further subdivided by ditches. main canal to collapse and sink just before it
In the Sintali Plain, the canal branched into multi- reached the Sintali Plain, bringing virtually all
ple furrows that terminated in individual farms. plain irrigation to a standstill. Incapable of repair-
Only local resources and labor were utilized. ing the canal themselves, and with few alterna-
When completed, each household was allocated tives, the farmers further expanded valley irriga-
'/lo to $5 hectare of irrigated valley land and an- tion. In 1987, severe flooding destroyed most
other % to % hectare in the Sintali Plain-for a valley crops.
total of 30 hectares of irrigated land (10 hectares
in the valleys). In 1988, Msanzi, with support from Rukwa Re-
gion officials and the Norwegian bilateral foreign
In the valleys, agricultural productivity in- assistance program (NORAD),rehabilitated its ir-
creased dramatically, providing many farmers rigation system. The villagers established a local
with significant surplus crops and increased in- water users' association, helped redesign the
comes. In their effort to develop ever more effec- scheme to use elements of the traditional irriga-
tive irrigation practices and to adapt them continu- tion system, and provided all labor and most sup-
ally to changing political, socioeconomic, and plies and resources. The local government and
environmental conditions, most farmers routinely the Norwegian program conducted feasibility
experimented with promising new techniques, studies, shared building techniques, provided
many based on local ideas and knowledge. management training, and constructed the intake \
dams and culverts. The training and experience L
In the 1970s, three events significantly changed not only helped the villagers build and manage
the nature of village life. In 1973, the small hamlet the rehabilitated system, but also enabled them I
to construct a new system that will establish irri- ment are mainly a family affair. Commonly, a
gation elsewhere on their land. gravity-fed channel is dug from a permanent
river or spring to a pond or a set of ponds in se-
ries. Often, wire mesh is placed across the water
Case Study 12-Uganda: inlet to protect the pond from intruder fish that
Transferable Technologies for compete with the farmed fish for space and food.
Fish Farming in Mbale In some low-lying areas, ponds are fed with
ground water and rainfall.
Mbale District is located on the western slopes
of Mt. Elgon on the Kenyan border. The northern Animal manures--cow dung, duck and rabbit
three-quarters of the district, primarily highland, droppings-are commonly used to fertilize the
is located at an altitude of more than 2,000 meters ponds. The manure provides essential nutrients for
above sea level. The district is endowed with the growth of phytoplankton, the base of the food
fertile soils and good rainfall. The forested Mt. chain. Food supplements are sometimes added to
Elgon National Park is the source of numerous obtain higher yields, including yellow bananas or
rivers, streams, and springs. Wetlands and their peels, cooked cassava, maize meal, and leaves
marshes dot the river valleys. of certain herbs. Weeds are extracted from the
ponds to give preferred plants an edge, to eliminate
With 223 persons per square kilometer, mostly the habitat of fish predators (e.g., snakes), and to
of the Bagisu group, Mbale District has the high- reduce shade in the ponds, which restricts photo-
est population density in Uganda. A significant synthesis and oxygen production.
shortage of land has resulted in land fragmenta-
tion, encroachment into the national park, defor- Farmers produce fish to eat themselves and to
estation, the draining of wetlands, and soil ero- sell, primarily to immediate neighbors. In some
sion. The agricultural economy is dominated by years, farmers produce enough to supply more
the cultivation of coffee, bananas, maize, cassava, distant markets. Because fish are in short supply,
passion fruit, cabbage, and potatoes. Almost all of the farmers have no problem selling their fish at a
Uganda's arabica coffee is grown in Mbale, which good price, and fish stealing has become a real
is also the main banana-growing area for the problem for Mbale's fish farmers.
Eastern Region. Most families also have one or
two milk cows and a few pigs, all of which are The principal fish species farmed in Mbale are
zero grazed. the common carp and Nile tilapia, both intro-
duced, as well as the local catfish. The omnivo-
Fish farming was introduced in Uganda in the rous and disease-resistant carp, which thrives in
mid-1950s. The Kajansi Fry Centre in Mbale was cooler climates, predominates because it can grow
one of four regional centers established to breed at the rate of 2 kilograms per year and a fertilized
and supply fish fry. Before it collapsed in 1978, pond of carp can yield 0.5 to 2 tons per hectare.
the Centre had succeeded in introducing aquacul- Also, the carp is not a prolific breeder, so its num-
ture. Today 200 farmers, mostly in northern bers-and growth-can be controlled. At the time
Mbale, practice aquaculture. Both the number of of this study, however, only farmers in the Bulago
farmers and ponds is increasing-fish is the tradi- area in m a l e had devised methods of breeding
tional food of the Bagisu, and aquaculture is more carp, and they supplied fry to other farmers.
reliable than fishing in local streams. Equally im-
portant, fish management skills are straight- Tilapia, the second most common species, is
forward, inexpensive, and relatively easy to learn sometimes cultured together with carp in the
i from other farmers. highlands. It is the dominant species in the
warmer lowland areas. Tilapia feeds mostly on
Although ponds are often constructed with higher plants, but also consumes a range of foods.
hired labor, pond maintenance and fish manage- Yields of up to 1.7 tons per hectare are not un-
usual. But tilapia are prolific breeders, and large well. By 1945, virtually all the communities in the
population densities result in small, stunted fish district were complying, and by 1949, the area
that are not marketable. had reached a soil-conservation standard perhaps
unsurpassed elsewhere in Africa. During political
Catfish are naturally found in the local water- turmoil and civil unrest between 1971 and 1986,
ways. They commonly invade fish ponds and, farmers in the district continued to practice bund-
once there, are cared for by the farmers. ing, but in ways that violated the strict terms of
the 1939 mandates.
Case Study 13-Uganda: Public The average household landholding in Nyaru-
Policy, Local Laws, and Soil rembo is 1-1.5 hectares, usually fragmented into
Conservation in Nyarurembo five to ten parcels, including both valley and hill-
side plots. Sorghum, beans, and potatoes are the
The one and a third square kilometer Nyaru- common crops grown in the valleys while sweet
rembo Subparish of Kisoro District is located in potatoes and cowpeas are the principal crops on
the mountainous corner of southwestern Uganda the hills. Many families also own goats, sheep,
at an altitude of 2,000 meters. Nyarurembo is and chicken. Farmers get most of their income
dominated by three hills. The volcanic soils are from the sale of surplus crops.
generally fertile, but shallow and highly erodible;
in the lowlands, they are mature, deep, well- For 50 years, Nyarurembo farmers have prac-
drained, and very fertile. The average annual ticed effective soil and water management. Most
rainfall of more than 1,000 mm falls in two wet visible are the terraces on the three hills, which
seasons. Despite its proximity to the Mgahinga have earned them fame and numerous govern-
National Park (rainforest),no permanent streams ment awards. At least three forms of terracing are
or springs flow through the area. practiced. Bench terraces consist of permanent
level steps cut into the hills along contours, the
More than 200 years ago, the economy was size depending on the available labor, slope, and
largely pastoral. In the last 150 years, waves of soil depth. The land is continuously double-
immigrants from neighboring Rwanda height- cropped. Band terraces are contoured bands of
ened pressure on the land. Animal husbandry land-in this case, eight meters wide-that encir-
gave way to farming, and farmers were increas- cle the hill and are alternately cropped and left
ingly forced to cultivate the hillsides. By the mid- fallow (six or twelve month rotation cycles). Strip
1920s, soil erosion was reducing agricultural per- terraces are contoured bands eight meters wide
formance. The British colonialists established that are continuously double-cropped. Between
district farm institutes, and in 1935 they orga- the bands, the farmers plant napier grass to trap
nized training courses for extension officers and eroding soil. The terraces are knocked down
some chiefs. An agricultural officer from Kisoro every eight to nine years, when the accumulated
who was among the first to receive the training soil threatens to ruin the terrace and the area im-
later schooled a cadre of local officers. mediately below the grass strip becomes devoid
of soil. With the help of the agricultural extension
In 1939, another large wave of immigrants ar- officer, the soil is redistributed and the grass
rived in Kisoro when famine struck Rwanda. The strips replanted four meters above and below
same year, the local district authorities passed a their previous locations.
soil-conservation law detailing how farmers
should protect their lands. The law stipulated The district soil-conservation laws have been a
that farmers construct bunds-soil mounds no driving force behind effective terracing in Nyaru- \
less than one meter wide-across cultivated rembo. Although the laws have been updated,
slopes at intervals of less than five meters. Agri- the specific conservation provisions are virtually
cultural officers and local chiefs enforced the laws unchanged. From the villagers' perspective, the I
laws have legitimized soil conservation and em- soil type. Dambos that hold water throughout the
powered local authorities to implement and en- year are used mainly as a source of potable water.
force conservation practices (even though they Crops, and in some cases, paddy production are
don't know the specifics of the law). The practices often cultivated on the edges.
enforced, however, are not those stipulated by
the law, but rather those that the villagers and The most common and preferred dambo type
agricultural extension officer have agreed are holds water for up to eight months a year. Such
best-suited to local circumstances. Fortunately, dambos are cultivated at least three times a year
the agricultural extension officer is genuinely in- (August, December, May). The August/Septem-
terested in the people's welfare and has excellent ber planting is possible because a moisture flush
relationships with them. The result, however, is enables the farmers to grow an early season crop,
that the (inappropriately specific) district laws often maize and groundnuts-much of which is
have not been strictly implemented or enforced. harvested and sold in late December. In dambos
Technically, the extension officer, chiefs, and with sandy loam or non-calcic soils, farmers grow
other officials could be reprimanded for not per- such crops as bulrush millet, groundnuts, maize,
forming their duties and the farmers subject to and sunflower. On heavier clay and calcic soils,
the various fines and penalties stipulated. farmers grow rice and maize. Both soil types are
well suited for vegetables.
Case Study 14-Zimbabwe: Local Many rainfed dambos have shallow soils, retain
Political Support for Wetland water poorly and are prone to waterlogging. They
Cultivation in Zvishavane are of little agricultural use, though vegetables are
often cultivated on the edges early in the wet sea-
The 518 square kilometers of Mazvihwa and son before waterlogging sets in. Such dambos,
Vungowa Communal Lands are situated in however, are important seasonal water sources.
Zvishavane District in southern Zimbabwe. The
hilly region has limited resources and low pro- In many cases, rice, maize, groundnuts, sun-
ductivity. The soil, derived from granite, is gener- flowers, and vegetables have been continuously
ally sandy, low in fertility, and susceptible to ero- cultivated in dambos for more than 100 years with-
sion and waterlogging. The area gets only 450 to out any significant drop in productivity. Most of
650 mrn of rainfall per year and suffers periodic the produce from the dambos is sold locally, ac-
drought. The dominant natural vegetation is sa- counting in many cases for more than half of the
vannah grasses and miombo woodland. Small, family's income. Dambo yields fluctuate from sea-
shallow wetlands, (or dambos), dot the landscape, son to season, depending principally on the
especially at the base of hills. amount of rainfall. More important, however, dam-
bos almost always provide some produce, so they
The average household landholding is 5.8 hec- are the main source of food security in Zvisha-
tares. The cultivation of drought-resistant crops- vane. On balance, the average dambos farmer is
bulrush, millet, sorghum, cotton, sunflowers, better off than the average non-dambo farmer.
maize-predominates. Most households have
access to one or more dambos at the base of hills. Since they have high water tables, dambos are
About half of the households own draft cattle also the site of many hand-dug wells. Although
(average 2 head). Stocking rates are high--4.6 most dambo grasses have low forage value at best,
hectare/livestock stocking unit, compared to the cattle are often grazed there during the dry sea-
ideal of 10. Dambos in the plains are reserved for son. Dambos grasses are an especially important
I grazing. source of forage during drought years. The
grasses are also used for roof thatch and brooms
How dambos are used and cultivated depends and trees on the edges of dambos provide fruit
on their water-holding capacity and predominant and fuelwood.
Most dambos are well managed to keep the re- the colonial period, but also various attempts by
source base productive. To reduce soil erosion government to prohibit or restrict their use. The
and improve water retention, most dambos are Natural Resources Act and the Water Act of the
contoured and terraced. Land preparation in- 1940s were passed because lawmakers believed
volves plowing between contours. Early planting that dambos were fragile ecosystems best left
helps ensure adequate crop cover before the main undisturbed. Fortunately, the hill dambos in the
rains and guards against splash erosion. While study area have survived the ban for several rea-
most dambos are inherently fertile, many farmers sons. The area is generally inaccessible to the law-
apply cattle manure to further ensure fertility and enforcement agencies, as local people know.
maintain proper soil structure and texture. Some More important, the government has long recog-
farmers also apply termitaria soils to sandy loam nized that there is a general lack of alternative
soils to increase their clay content. To protect soils land in the area and that Zvishavane farmers cul-
and crops from cattle, most farmers have fenced tivate dambos sustainably, so it does not strictly
their dambos. enforce the restrictive legislation in the District.
Local farmers understand the government posi-
Dambo farming in this part of Zimbabwe has tion on dambos cultivation, and they are free to
not only survived the dislocation of people from practice sustainable dambo cultivation.
their homelands to the communal areas during

Peter G . Veit is Senior Associate and the Regional Director for Africa of WRI's Center for International
Development and Environment. I

Dr. Adolfo Mascarenhas is Research Professor in the Institute of Resource Assessment of the University
of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Okyeame Ampadu-Agyei is Deputy Director of the Environmental Protection Agency in Ghana.
Appendix A: Case Study Sites


Appendix B: Published Case Studies "From the Ground Up"

Thomas-Slayter, Barbara, Charity Kabutha, and -. Religious Beliefs and Environmental Protection:
Richard Ford. Traditional Village Institutions in The Malshegu Sacred Grove in Northern Ghana.
Environmental Management: Erosion Control in FGU Case Study Series, No. 4. African Centre
Katheka, Kenya. FGU Case Study Series, No. 1. for Technology Studies (ACTS), Nairobi, 1991.
African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS),
Nairobi, 1991. Tukahirwa, Eldad and Peter G. Veit. Public Policy
and Legislation in Environmental Management:
Thompson, John. Combining Local Knowledge and Terracing in Nyarurembo, Uganda. FGU Case
Expert Assistance in Natural Resource Manage- Study Series, No. 5. African Centre for Tech-
ment: Small-Scale Irrigation in Kenya. FGU Case nology Studies (ACTS), Nairobi, 1992.
Study Series, No. 2. African Centre for Tech-
nology Studies (ACTS),Nairobi, 1991. Mascarenhas, Ophelia and Peter G. Veit. Indige-
nous Knowledge in Resource Management: Irriga-
Dorm-Adzobu, Clement, Okyeame Ampadu- tion in Msanzi, Tanzania. FGU Case Study
Agyei, and Peter G. Veit. Commmunity Institu- Series, No. 6. African Centre for Technology
tions in Resource Management: Agr~~forestry
by Studies (ACTS), Nairobi, 1994.
Mobisquads in Ghana. FGU Case Study Series,
No. 3. African Centre for Technology Studies
(ACTS), Nairobi, 1991.
Appendix C: Unpublished Case Studies "From the Ground Up"

Allieu, E.K., Bah, Osman M., A.C. Lahai, D.M.A. Levand, Turyomurugyendo and Eldad M.
Sheriff, and A.B.S. Sillah. Shade Tree Manage- Tukahirwa. Potential - Commercial Exploitation of
ment in Cocoa/Coffee Plantations in Sierra Leone: Passion Fruits in Kyaka County, Kabarole District,
A Case Study of Mofindor, Luawa Chiefdom, East- Western Uganda. WRI, Washington, D.C. 1992.
ern Province of Sierra Leone. WRI, Washington,
D.C. 1992. Mascarenhas, Ophelia. Village Resource Manage-
ment Plan, Ulinji Village, Tanzania. WRI, Wash-
Botchie, George and Eugene Shannon. Commu- ington, D.C. 1990.
nity-Based Fresh Water Fish Management in
Gwainyea, Bellemu and Foequelleh, Panta/Kpaai Mohamed, Yagoub Abdalla. Local Initiatives in Re-
District, Bong County, Liberia. WRI, Washing- source Management: Case Study of Wadaa Village,
ton, D.C. 1990. North Darfir, Sudan. WRI, Washington, D.C.
Botchie, George, Eugene Shannon, and Luoseae
Kargou. Community-Based Sustainable Develop- Mohamed, Yagoub Abdalla and Mohamed El
ment Efforts: A Case Study of Kpayee Land Recla- Hadi Abu Sin. Hema as a Range Management
mation Project, Nimba County, Liberia. WRI, Approach in the Sudan: Case Study of Three Vil-
Washington, D.C. 1989. lages in the Butana Region. WRI, Washington,
D.C. 1992.
Clarfield, Geoffrey and David Lowe. Guardians of
the Forest: The Nkebotok of Southern Turkana. Okali, David U.U. and D.O. Amubode. Flora and
WRI, Washington, D.C. 1991. Fauna Resources: Conservation in Oboto Commu-
nity, Ondo State, Nigeria. WRI, Washington,
Dorm-Adzobu, Clement and Okyeame Ampadu- D.C. 1991.
Agyei. Community Efforts in Sustainable Develop-
ment: A Case Study of Soil Erosion Control Prac- Research and Documentation Division (National
tices at Adeiso, Eastern Region of Ghana. WRI, Museum) and The Gambia Rural Development
Washington, D.C. 1990. Agency. Njawara Participatoy Rural Appraisal in
Natural Resources Management. WRI, Washing-
-. Stone-Lined Terrace and Land Reclamation in ton, D.C. 1991.
Nangodi, Upper East Region of Ghana. WRI,
Washington, D.C. 1991. Tukahirwa, Eldad M. and Peter Veit. Sustainable
Use of Wetlands: Fish Farming in Northern Mbale
Environment and Development in the Third Uganda. WRI, Washington, D.C. 1991.
World. Traditional Management Approaches to
Dambo Cultivation in the Mazvihwa and Vun- Tukahirwa, Eldad M., Eliezer M. Kateyo, and
gowa Communal Lands: Zvishavane District, Zim- Peter Veit. Water Management by Pastoral Com-
babwe. WRI, Washington, D.C. 1989. munities of Nyabushozi County, Mbarara District.
WRI, Washington, D.C. 1991.
Lema, Anderson J. Exemplar Land Use and Natural
Resource Management Practices of the Chagga -. Increasing Productivity on a Rangeland Ecosys-
Farmers on the Slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, N.E. tem: The Case of Kashaka Parish. WRI, Washing-
Tanzania. WRI, Washington, D.C. 1992. ton, D.C. 1991.

Sub-Saharan Africa-23.6 million square kilo- ther homogenous or undifferentiated, but

meters-encompasses all of Africa including that they include multiple actors and institu-
Madagascar and the oceanic island nations, tions often with different roles, responsibili-
except the North African countries of Algeria, ties, resources, and relationships (Murphree,
Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, and Western 1994; 1993; Uphoff, 1986).
6. Recent declines in the level of foreign assis-
Three of the world's nine major ocean up- tance further underscore the need for com-
wellings are off the coast of Sub-Saharan munities and local governments to take
Africa--Ghana to Nigeria, South Africa, and greater responsibility for their own develop-
Somalia. ment.

The population growth rate appears to be de- For the purposes of this report, sustainable
clining in a few African nations-most no- development is defined as "development that
tably Kenya, Botswana, and Zimbabwe-sug- meets the needs of the present without com-
gesting a long-term demographic transition. premising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs" (World Commission
4. The relationship between population and envi- on Environment and Development, 1987).It
ronmental management is complex. High includes social, economic, and environmental
population density often increases pressure sustainability.
on the resource base. In some cases, this re-
sulted in overexploitation and resource 8. On the other hand, limited livelihood options
degradation (Cleaver and Schreiber, 1994). In can force people to overexploit resources to
other cases, it encourages effective manage- meet basic subsistence needs.
ment, especially when resource-dependent
production and livelihoods are threatened 9. That increased production and economic
(Tiffen et al., 1994). growth improves social well-being and wel-
fare is a primary motivation and incentive for
5. In this report, the term "community-based" local resource management. In reality, how-
includes the individual, household, commu- ever, that relationship is not always straight-
nity and, in some cases, the village cluster. It forward. For example, involvement in the
can also refer to any institution or organiza- cash economy may actually diminish the
tion-public or private, formal or informal- quality of life by lengthening work hours and
within these social groupings. It is recognized disrupting family life, both of which may re-
that community-based organizations are nei- sult in reduced nutrition and health.
10. Guardians of the Forest: The Nkebotok of South- 16. Because of their influence and power, local
ern Turkana by Geoffrey Clarfield and David leaders with interests and agendas that con-
Lowe is one of the 23 "From the Ground Up" tradict effective environmental conservation
case studies, although a more detailed box is can also significantly disrupt on-going or in-
not included in Chapter VI. hibit proposed natural resource management
activities in their community.
11. Food from dambos is especially precious dur-
ing the "hungry season," just before harvest, 17. That the cultivated land per capita in Africa is
when household food supplies are exhausted, low by world standards-only 0.3 hectares in
local food stores are low, and disease inci- 1987-is a reflection of generally low levels of
dence is high. agricultural technology, most of which are
various forms of labor-intensive shifting cul-
The origin and evolution of cultural practices tivation. Equally important, the rate of return
and the relationship between culture and be- of agricultural production, declining for
havior, including resource management, are many of Africa's major crops, suggests the
complex. While some researchers argue that need for technological and other investments.
environmentally friendly cultural attributes
evolve to ensure sustainable socioeconomic 18. Peak work loads often coincide with the
well-being, others believe that culture "hungry seasonv-when nutrition is poor
evolves more independently of any practical and the prevalence of disease high-further
function, including resource management jeopardizing available labor.
(Wilson, 1985; Rappaport, 1979; 1968; Harris,
19. In Tanzania, for example, 26 percent of all
1974; Ashley Montagu, 1968). Either way, it
land is protected either in the form of na-
is clear that culture shapes the way people
tional parks, game sanctuaries, or forest re-
perceive many phenomena and subsequently
serves (Shivji, 1994; Hoben et al., 1992).In
behave. Kasese District, Uganda, more than half of
the land has been set aside by the central gov-
13. Institutionalized conflict-managementmech- ernment for national purposes-national
anisms have often evolved from underlying parks, forest reserves, state farms, and other
social and cultural norms. operations, such as prisons, airports, and fuel
depots-for national purposes (Veit, 1994).
14. The extent of land appropriation varied by
colonial power and African country. For ex- 20. In many African nations, actions that are not
ample, the British took control of much of the specifically authorized in legislation are
most productive land in Kenya, but relatively deemed illegal.
little of it in Sierra Leone.
In a few nations, including Liberia, Sudan,
15. The few exceptions are noteworthy. Kenya is Somalia, Rwanda, and Angola, reform has
the only African nation that systematically in- failed or halted amid internal strife and the
dividualizes tenure; its government con- breakdown of order. In others such as Sierra
ducted a comprehensive demarcation and Leone, the Gambia, Cameroon, Togo, Zaire,
survey of all holdings several years ago, and and Nigeria, political and economic reforms
these are still being converted to individual have not even been initiated. While Africa
ownership and registered today. In Botswana has never been homogenous, its variety has
and Senegal, the governments have created never been more striking than it is today.
local land administration institutions that ad-
minister land under indigenous tenure rules 22. Principally because of political turmoil and
subject to statutory provisions. civil strife, NEAP preparation has not started
or has stalled in a handful of countries, in- 27. The tenurial security required for effective
cluding Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, community-based management does not nec-
Somalia, Sudan, and Zaire. essarily require state-sanctioned and docu-
mented statutory rights. More important is
23. Bylaws are local legislation to implement par- governments' fulfillment of their responsibil-
ent (often national) legislation. Local laws ad- ity to help communities defend and benefit
dress issues that are not regulated or are in- from sustainably managed natural resources,
adequately regulated at the national level. whether public or private.
Local laws must be constitutional and not in
conflict with any other existing legislation 28. Alternatively, common property is customar-
(Rukuba-Ngaiza and Hitchcock, 1995). ily "owned" by the entire community, includ-
ing women. When such land is formally
24. Some policy reforms under way are more titled, however, the deed more often includes
compatible with aims for sound environmen- only the village's men.
tal management. For example, evidence sug-
gests that fiscal reform and economic devel- 29. To minimize costs and speed the titling
opment promoted in the private sector also process, governments should consider sur-
encourage pluralism, which often leads to in- veying land initially at the village level and
creasing attention to social, environmental, subsequently for individuals and households.
and other public interest issues (van de Titling schemes should seek to minimize the
Walle, 1994; World Bank, 1989). amount of open-access land. For example,
communal land and common property
25. Environmental regulations are critical to effec- regimes should be included in village bound-
tive natural resource management. Market in- aries and such land should be placed under
centives should complement and support them the jurisdiction of an appropriate user group
to encourage sound resource management. (Hoben et al., 1992; World Bank, 1992b).

26. Creating resource-dependent economic op- 30. For example, the United Nations Develop-
portunities does not mean that governments ment Programme's Africa 2000 Network, the
should stop promoting other economic activi- Global Environment Facility's Small Grants
ties independent of local natural resource program, and the United States Agency for
capital. Indeed, such activities should com- International Development (USA1D)'s PVO-
plement resource-dependent economic activi- NGO/Natural Resource Management Sup-
ties and will become increasingly important port program, as well as in-country USAID
as populations continue to grow and eco- grants management units.
nomic expansion improves local purchasing

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World Resources Institute
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