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UID No:-___________ Paper ID: _____________ N given by f(x, y) = x + y and g(x, y) = xy are onto but not one-

(ii)If R= {(a,b), (c,d), (b,b)}
Course:BE-CSE & IT Semester: 4th
S= {(d,b), (b,e), (c,a), (a,c)} Find the composition R0S and
Sub. Code: CST-253 / S0R
Sub. : Discrete Mathematics
ITT-253 Q. 4
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 60 Prove that for all natural numbers , is
natural number
Note: 1. Attempt six questions only. All questions carry 10 marks.
2. Question no. 1 is compulsory with 5 short questions. Section – C(10 Marks Each)
(Answer to each part should be between 50-60 words) Q. 5 1. Consider an algebraic system (G,*), where G is the set of all non-
3. Attempt five questions from Sections- B, C & D, but not more than zero real numbers and * is a binary operation defined by a * b
=a+b+2ab. Show that (G,*) is an abelian group?
two questions from each sections.
(Each Answer should be between 250-300 words) Q. 6 Show that G = {1,-1,i,-i} where i = is an abelian group
Section – A (Compulsory) (5X2=10)
with respect to multiplication as a binary operation.
Q. 1 (a) Let R⊂N×N defined by R= Q. 7 Prove that every field is an integral domain .But the converse is
. Find domain, range of not true.
R and verify that if R is an equivalence relation? Section – D(10 Marks Each)
(b) Define Group Isomorphism.
Q. 8 Define Trees and show that properties of trees are equivalent to
(c) Define Generating function with an example. each other.
Q. 9 Determine the minimum spanning tree of the weighted graph by
(d) Level order transversal of a rooted tree can be done by starting using Kruskal’s algorithm
fron the root and performing .which of the follows:
A:preorder transversal
B:inorder transversal
C:depth first search
D:breadth first search
(e) How many undirected graphs (not necessarily connected)can be
constructed out of given set V={v1,v2,….vn} of n vertices.
Section – B(10 Marks Each)
Q. 101. (i) There are three places P, Q and R such that 3 roads connect P
Q. 2 A survey of 550 T.V Watchers produced the following and Q and 4 roads connects Q and R. In how many ways can one
information.285 watch football game,195 watch hockey game,115 travel from P to R?
watch cricket,45 watch football and cricket, 70 watch football and (ii) Find out the number of ways in which 6 rings of different
hockey,50 watch hockey and cricket. 100 do not watch any of types can be worn in 3 fingers?
three games. 2. (iii) Give an example of a graph that has neither an Euler’s
(a) How many people watch exactly one of the three games? circuit nor Hamiltonian circuit?
(b) How many people watch all three games?
Q. 3 (i)Show that the function f and g both of which are from N ´ N to

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