Radiologic Management of Pelvic Ring Fractures

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Radiologic Management

of Pelvic Ring Fractures

Systematic Radiograph'c Diagnosis

Jeremy W. R. Young, M.A., B.M., B.Ch., P.R. C.R

Chief, Orthopedic Radiology
Department of Diagnostic Radiology
University of Maryland Medical Systems, Baltimore

Andrew R. Burgess, M.D.

Chief, Orthopedic Trauma Surgery
The Shock Trauma Center of the Maryland Institute of Emergency Medical
Services Systems, Baltimore

Urban & Schwarzenberg . Baltimore - Munich· 1987

William B. Young
A fine radiologist, father, and friend
As a statewide referral center for adult multi trauma physician knowledgeable in anatomy, radiography, and
victims and as a specialty center for spinal cord and head accident etiology, competently diagnostic.
injuries, the Shock Trauma Center of the Maryland The efficacy of the plain radiograpli, in an age when
Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems expensive CT equipment has become almost a require-
admits more than 2,500 severely ill or injured patients ment in higher echelon care centers and when all medi-
each year. The relatively small staff of this institution, cal facilities are reviewing expenses with regard to
augmented by resources (such as the Radiology Depart- insurance reimbursements and diagnosis related groups,
ment) shared with the University of Maryland Medical is good news for those facilities that do not have access
Systems Hospital, is thus exposed to very high concen- to such equipment. It can also represent a significant
trations of critical injuries that require immediate and cost saving for those facilities that do - without lessen-
multiple lifesaving interventions. The distillate of this ing the fl-uality of care.
exposure provides unique insights into the value of State-of-the-art care, especially for life-threatening
different diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. injuries, without additional risk to the patient or undue
One such insight is the value of the plain radiograph. expense is a worthwhile goal for any medical facility.
Experience at the Shock Trauma Center indicates that Utilization of the plain radiograph at the Shock Trauma
a plain radiograph can supply not only an adequate Center helps this institution attain that goal.
representation of certain injuries but also, in some cases,
information unobtainable with the computed tomogra- R. Adams Cowley, M.D.
phy (CT) scan. Plain radiographs have other advantages Professor and Director
as well. They are readily available, easily and quickly Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical
Services Systems
handled, relatively inexpensive, and, when read by a
Foreword. . . . . . . . . . VII
Acknowledgements ... . VIII

Chapter 1: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 2: Anatomy and Stability of the Pelvis . 9
Chapter 3: Injury Force Patterns . . . . . . 15
Chapter 4: Lateral Compression Fractures. . . . 17
Chapter 5: Anteroposterior Fractures . . . . . . 41
Chapter 6: Vertical Shear and Complex Fracture Patterns . 55
Chapter 7: Fractures of the Pubic Rami 67
Chapter 8: Complications. . . . . . . . 77
Chapter 9: Assessment and Utilization . 91
Chapter 1

phy (CT), which provides additional information about
the soft tissues of the pelvis and, thereby, can indicate
:::ractures and fracture dislocations of the pelvic ring organ damage or hematoma formation. CT, however, is
generally result from severe trauma. Management of also more time-consuming than plain film radiography
::hese injuries must include treatment not only of the and necessitates additional patient movement and trans-
- -eletal trauma, but also of the associated shock and fer, which can exacerbate existing injuries. In addition,
,:omplications. Rapid and appropriate treatment of the despite the fact that CT may indicate the presence of
~umatized pelvis is of vital importance to overall hematoma, it cannot provide a detailed analysis of the
_ tient management because pelvic injury is often a vascular system, so angiography may still be required.
:::lajor contributor to the fatal outcome in many trauma Plain radiographs, on the other hand, are readily
_atients. Faulty or delayed assessment can lead to in- available, ir;expensive, and easy to obtain. Our experi-
.:orrect treatment, possibly causing further soft tissue ence with patients presenting to the Shock Trauma
::.nd vascular damage, creating rather than arresting Center with pelvic ring trauma indicates that, although
~ditional blood loss, and putting the patient at greater CT may occasionally provide additional information
.--k. On the other hand, prompt recognition of the and is therefore still used for some cases, the vast
:racture pattern and early pelvic stabilization with majority of pelvic injuries can be interpreted correctly
:-ealignment of the bony structures can often reduce by careful analysis of plain films, combined with a full
:lood loss, lead to homeostasis, and increase the pa- understanding of the anatomy of the pelvis and its
:::ent's chances for survival. supporting structures. Indeed, accurate plain film analy-
Classically, pelvic fracture management has con- sis has considerably reduced our reliance on CT,
--ted of pelvic slings, postural reduction, skeletal trac- facilitating undelayed implementation of the treatment
"':on, or internal fixation; more recently, management plan and avoiding the additional destabilizing maneu-
:....hniques have expanded to include external fixation. vers involved in transport to and from the CT location.
:::x:ternalfixators have become increasingly important to In addition to the immediate problems of pelvic
::i:le orthopedic surgeon's armamentarium because they injury, the morbidity of patients with severe pelvic ring
~ble the surgeon to apply stabilizing devices rapidly disruption is not inconsiderable, involving predomi-
2:ld to exert on the pelvis virtually any type of force nantly sacroiliac or anterior pubic arch pain. Often this is
~ompressive, distracting, or rotational) necessary to so severe that it prevents return to normal occupations.
:-edress in part the effects of the injuring mechanism. Therefore, correct management of the pelvic fracture
To determine the correct counterforce to apply, how- is imperative, not only for its immediate lifesaving
='o-er,the surgeon must first understand the direction of potential, but also for long term success.
::ie injuring force. Given the fact that the patient is a One of the main problems in implementing this
=mltitrauma victim, the surgeon will have already management concept has been the lack of clear fracture
=yaluated the injury as a high-velocity insult, most likely classifications based on the force causing the injury. The
.=. m a blunt trauma incident such as vehicular accident. literature, for example, supplies confusing delineations
~e surgeon can obtain such information from two which, with the exception of the recent work by Pennal
= urces: 1) the accident history, either from the prehos- and Tile, do not incorporate mechanisms of injury or
:; providers or from the police report; and 2) the direction of the causative force but, rather, consist of
_Wiographic evaluation. histQrical documentation of observations about indi-
Ylodern technologic advances have provided vidual fracture patterns.
_ umatologists with a variety of radiographic techniques The concept of classification of pelvic fractures
:: ~ evaluating the injured pelvis, and each method according to force patterns was originally described by
.::zs its advantages and disadvantages. In the past, plain Pennal. More recently other authors have adopted this
::::::J1l radiography formed the mainsray of evaluation, but idea, but the concept has been slow to gain acceptance.
-LXiaysome traumatologists prefer computed tomogra- In the past this may have been due to a general lack of
trauma centers, with an insufficient volume of pelvic and ancillary personnel who are burdened by no other
injury to arouse adequate interest. However, in the medical tasks except the resuscitation and treatment of
modem high speed world, with increasing incidence of the trauma patient.
severe trauma, and with a concurrent upsurge of interest
in trauma, treatment of trauma, and preventive plan-
ning, an understanding of mechanisms of injury is
becoming increasingly important.
The goal of this book is to define the whole pelvic ring Most trauma (85%) in the sta~ is managed at local
and to identify specific fracture patterns with their hospitals; 10% is referred to area Level I trauma centers;
causative force vectors so that the orthopedic surgeon and only 5% is serious enough to warrant transport and
can select the appropriate fixation device and, thus, can admission to the statewide specialty referral centers. In
apply the appropriate corrective counter forces. To that its function as an adult trauma unit, the Shock Trauma
end, we have herein expanded the emergent causative Center treats approximately 2000 severely injured pa-
classification system by relating the radiographic tients per year. This concentrated population enables the
appearances of the various pelvic fractures to the disrup- Shock Trauma Center staff to amass quantities of infor-
tive forces producing the injuries. Each pelvic fracture mation and experience in diagnosing and treating
reported in this book (deliberately excluding "pure" sp cific injuries such as pelvic fractures, in addition to •
acetabular fractures on the basis that they may occur as amassing data about the overall needs of the trauma
isolated injuries or may be at least outside the integral patient. This experience has produced a correlation
portion of the pelvic ring) was analyzed by fracture between radiographic patterns of injury and impact
pattern, nature of injury, and relation to the injury force dynamics, systemic sequelae, and eventual clinical
vector. We have found that this approach of analyzing course and has resulted in the integration of this correla-
plain films in the light of complete pelvic anatomy yields tion into the Shock Trauma Center's clinical format.
an accurate assessment not only of the nature of the
injury, but also of the type of injurious force, vital
information for the implementation of appropriate surgi-
cal management of the traumatically injured pelvis.
Every patient presenting to the Shock Trauma Center
receives a single anteroposterior (AP) view of the pel vis.
This view provides reasonable general assessment, and
anatomical detail of the pel vis (Fig. 1-1). However,
occasional subtle fractures can be missed. Therefore, in
each patient in whom pelvic injury is either clinically
suspected or previously diagnosed, amongst other films
The Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Serv- for concurrent multiple trauma, two additional views of
ices Systems (MIEMSS) is a coordinated statewide the pelvis are obtained. These are a pelvic "inlet" view,
emergency medical network incorporating communica- with the patient supine and the x-ray tube angled 45
tions, prehospital care and triage, transportation, treat- degrees caudad and the beam centered on the umbilicus
ment, education, and certification. Referral centers are (Fig. 1-2), and an "outlet" view, with the tube angled 45
both geographically- and specialty-oriented so that each degrees cephalad, and the beam centered on the symphy-
one of the state's five regions has at least one Level I sis (Fig. 1-3). Of course, in all views it is important to
trauma center, and there are statewide referral centers include the entire pelvis on the radiograph, from the iliac
for pediatric trauma, replantation surgery, eye injuries, crests through the inferior pubic rami. As in all radiolo-
thermal injuries, perinatal emergencies, and the most gical investigations, additional views may be indicated.
complex adult trauma. The Shock Trauma Center is the For example, in cases of acetabular fracture or when
statewide specialty referral unit for the most serious acetabular fracture is associated with fractures of the
adult trauma, as well as for head and spinal cord injuries. pelvis, oblique views (Judet views) may also be taken.
The Shock Trauma Center is a state-funded facility But these are always complemented by computed to-
with a dedicated admitting area and operating rooms. It mography (CT) , which is the method of choice for
is staffed 24 hours a day by full time trauma surgeons, evaluation of acetabular fractures with respect to defini-
anesthesiologists, intensive care specialists, neurosur- tive surgical correction. This is beyond the scope of the
geons, plastic surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, nurses, current text.
Figure 1-2 Inlet View: The tube is angled 45° caudad and
centered on the umbilicus. This gives an excellent view of the
"ring" of the pelvis.

=igure 1-1 AP View: This view must include the whole pelvis,
;.. m iliac crests to inferior pubic rami.

From our experience with more than 350 cases of

ute pelvic ring trauma, we have determined that the
;:orrect diagnosis can be made using the AP view alone
in 90% of cases (Fig. 1-4). However, the inlet view
~rovides an overall assessment of the pelvic ring, and is
. eful for determining the amount of distortion and the
extent of displacement of fracture fragments (Fig. 1-5).
In addition, the inlet view may be instrumental in
detecting the "horizontal" nature of fractures of the
ubic ramus in cases of lateral compression, where the
_-\1' view is inconclusive (see Chapter 4), and we also
ave found that the inlet view may clarify crush fractures
of the sacrum, and associated defects in the sacral
cuate lines (Fig. 1-6A+B). As will be seen below,
Ibis is of some importance in the differentation of lateral
~ompression fractures from AP compression injuries,
'bich require totally different corrective forces. Figure 1-3 Outlet View: The tube is angled 45° cephalad.
The outlet view provides information as to superior or This view demonstrates the vertical orientation of the hemipel-
inferior displacements of the fracture fragments, and is vic components relative to the sacrum.
articularly useful in cases of vertical shear injuries
Fig. 1-7). plete posterior displacement of the left hemipelvis. By
The importance of taking multiple views can be use of these three films, therefore, a complete analysis
recognized as demonstrated in Fig. 1-8 A + B. The fron- of the integrity of the pelvic ring can be obtained.
:at view demonstrates what appears to be a normal Orientation of each integrated component is easily seen,
pelvis. The inlet view, however, demonstrates the com- and discrepancies and displacements are readily visible.
Figure 1-4 Good overview of the pelvis, from iliac wings to the pubic rami. In this case fractures of the left iliac
wing and right acetabulum are seen (arrowheads), with diastasis of the left SIJ (arrow).

Figure 1-5 Inlet View: This gives an

overall view of the pelvic ring. In this
case, obvious "flattening" of the right
hemipelvis is seen. This view also de-
monstrates the horizontal/coronal na-
ture of the pubic rami fractures, with
clear overlap of the fragments. The
sacral crush fracture (open arrow) is
also seen. These findings confirm la-
teral compression.
Figure 1-6A On the AP view, the left sacral
crush fractu re is difficult to see because of overly-
ing bowel gas (open arrow). The right superior
pubic ramus fracture could be misinterpreted as
a vertical fracture.

Figure 1-68 The inlet view clearly demon-

strates the coronal/horizontal nature of this frac-
ture and the left sacral fracture (large arrow-
Figure 1-8 No obvious abnormality is seen on a frontal view (A). The inlet projection, however (8), taken with the pelvis in the
identical position, shows posterior displacement of the right hemipelvis.

Connolly W. B., Medberg E. A.: Observations on fractures of the Peltier L. F.: Complications associated with fractures of the pelvis.
pelvis. J Trauma 9: 104-111, 1969. J Bone Joint Surg 47A: 1060-1064, 1965.
Dunn A. W., Morris M. D.: Fractures and dislocations of the pelvis. Pennal G. F., Tile M., Waddell J. P., Garside H.: Pelvis disruption:
J Bone Joint Surg 50A: 1634-1648, 1968. assessment and classification. Clin Orthop Rel Res 151: 12-21,
Harris J. M., Harris W. M.: The Radiology of Emergency Medicine, 1980.
ed2.Williams&Wilkins. Baltimore, London,pp. 533-554, 1981. Rogers L. F.: Radiology of Skeletal Trauma. Churchill-Livingstone.
Holdsworth F. W.: Dislocation and fracture dislocation of the pelvis. New York, p. 634-649, 1982.
J Bone Joint Surg 30B: 461-466, 1948. Thaggard A., Marle T. S., Carlson V.: Fractures and dislocations of
Looser K. G., Crombie M. D.: Pelvic fractures: an anatomic guide to the bony pelvis and hip. Semin Roentgen 13(2): 117 -134, 1978.
severity of injury. Am J Surg 132: 638, 1976. Tile M.: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Williams &
YIonahan P. R. W., Taylor R. G.: Dislocation and fracture disloca- Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1984.
tion of the pelvis. Injury 6: 325-333, 1975. Young J. W. R., Burgess A. R., Brumback R. J., Poka A.: Pelvic
fractures: value of plain radiography in the early assessment and
management. Radiology 160(2): 445-451, 1986.
Chapter 2

Anatomy and Stability of the Pelvis

One of the most valuable skills in analyzing fractures of
the pelvic ring is a thorough understanding of the
anatomy of the pelvis. Initially this requires a know- The pelvis is basically a ring comprised of three bony
ledge not only of the bony structures, but also of the components: the sacrum and two lateral components
important supporting ligaments. In addition, one must formed by the ilium, ischium, and pubis. These units
bear in mind the soft tissues, particularly the vascular together have no inherent stability and rely totally on
and nervous structures and organs, which are in close ligamentous support for their integrity. The stability of
proximity to the bones, and which are potentially at risk this ring depends upon the stabilizing structures of the
in any disruption of the pelvic ring. An integration of sacroiliac joints (SIJs), with the symphysis acting more
this information with the radiographic appearance of the as a supporting "strut." Absence of this "strut" does not
fracture will give an accurate impression of the soft lead to insta.bility, as can be seen after trauma"or in cases
tissue injuries which may occur. of congenital malformation, provided that the posterior
The main anatomical features which are of import- ligamentous structures are intact (Fig. 2-1).
ance in an understanding of the pelvic structure and
stability are outlined below.

Figure 2-1 Congenital extrophy of the bladder with absence of the anterior pelvis. These patients, despite
incomplete pelvic rings, show no signs of pelvic instability, because of the presence of normal posterior
supporting ligaments.
The SIJs are divided into two parts: the lower, articular
portion, and the upper tuberosities. The articular portion
is covered by a thin layer of cartilage. Due to the very
strong supporting ligaments of the sacroiliac joint, only
very limited movement is possible.
The ligaments fall into two main groups: 1) those
bridging the SIJ itself, and 2) those which support the
floor of the pelvis and anchor the sacrum to the iliac and
Figure 2-2 Diagrammatic View of the Pelvis: The posterior
ischial spines.
sacroiliac ligaments are shown traversing the posterior aspect
of the SIJ (P). The anterior sacroiliac ligaments (A) cross the
anterior portion of the joint. The sacrotuberous and sacrospin-
ous ligaments are also shown (T).

These are short ligaments that unite the tuberosities of

the ilium and sacrum. They are the strongest in the body,
and act to stabilize the sacroiliac complex.

As their name suggests, these ligaments stabilize the

posterior aspect of the sacroiliac joint. They comprise
two groups: the first and shorter fibers arise from the
posterior superior and inferior spine of the ilium and run
obliquely to the ridge of the sacrum; the second, longer
fibers run to the lateral portion of the inferior sacrum,
intermingling with the sacrotuberous ligament. Figure 2-3 Posterior view of the pelvis: PSI = posterior sac-
roiliac ligaments. ST = sacrotuberous ligaments.

These ligaments overlie and stabilize the anterior aspect

of the sacroiliac joint. The fibers pass from the anterior
surface of the sacrum to the adjacent anterior ilium.
In addition to these sacroiliac joint ligaments, two
groups of inferior connecting ligaments further stabilize
the posterior pelvis.

These extremely strong ligaments extend from the lat-

eral border of the sacrum, intermingling with fibers of
the posterior sacroiliac ligaments from the posterior iliac Figure 2-4 Anterior view of the pelvis: ASI = anterior sac-
spines to the ischial tuberosity. They run alongside, and roiliac ligaments. SS = sacrospinous ligaments. ST = sac-
in places become contiguous with, the sacrospinous rotuberous ligaments.
ligaments. The medial border forms a portion of the are fractured-particularly when displacement of fracture
pelvic outlet. fragments is seen. Separation of the sacroiliac joints, or
of posterior fractures of the iliac wings extending to the
iliac notch, raise the possibility of trauma to the internal
iliac and superior gluteal arteries. In practice, it is
generally the superior gluteal artery that is damaged, as
These ligaments als'o derive from the lateral border of its path leaves it open to shearing injuries of the sac-
the sacrum, deep to the sacrotuberous ligaments, and roiliac joints, because it "hooks" under the sciatic notch
pass directly to the ischial spine. in close proximity to this joint. •
Conversely, anterior injuries with disruption of the
symphysis and fractures of the pubic rami are likely to
cause damage to the anterior vessels, in particular the
pudendal and vesical branches.
Finally, stability of the pelvis to the spine is provided by
the iliolumbar and lateral lumbosacral ligaments (which
run between the 5th lumbar transverse process and
superior border of the ilium) and the sacrum.
In the symphysis pubis, the opposing bone is covered
with hyaline cartilage, support~d by fibrocartilage and
fibrous tissue. Inferiorly, the inferior pubic ligament
adds support. These ligaments add some support but, as
mentioned above, the anterior pelvis and symphysis are
not vital to pelvic support or stability.

Although this text is concerned primarily with the

radiographic analysis of the bones of the pelvic ring, it is
impossible to divorce pelvic ring injury from injury to
the soft tissues of the pelvis, which may be clinically far
more serious than the bony injury. A brief description of
Figure 2-5 Lateral Section of the Pelvis: The major blood
the major anatomical features of commonly involved vessels are demonstrated; their proximity to the bony pelvis
soft tissues follows. can be appreciated. ii: = internal iliac; sg = superior gluteal;
ig = inferior gluteal; 0 = obturator; p = pudendal.

The major vascular structures of the pelvis are the iliac

arteries, both internal and external, and the branches of
the internal iliac arteries. Those which lie in close
proximity to bone are most likely to be injured. These The ureters, bladder and urethra are positioned in close
include the superior gluteal artery, particularly as it proximity to the bones of the pelvis, and also are prone
passes through the sciatic notch; the pudendal and vesi- to damage in pelvic trauma. The bladder and urethra are
cal branches, as they pass along the anterior and lateral particularly prone to damage from trauma involving the
walls of the pelvis; and the median sacral, lateral sacral, symphysis pubis or pubic rami (Fig. 2-6). The ureters
and iliolumbar vessels as they run in close proximity to potentially are at risk from disruptive fractures of the
the sacrum (Fig. 2-5). Understanding the paths ofthese posterior pelvis, with either diastasis of the sacroiliac
vessels allows consideration of possible injury when the joints or separation of fractures ofthe sacrum. However,
bones of the pelvic ring (which lie in close relationship) in our experience, injury to the ureters is extremely rare.
Figure 2-6 There is mild diastasis of the symphysis pubis and fracture of the right pubis. Contrast extravasation from the urethra
is seen. Also of note is a fracture of the left femur and fractures of the right pubic rami. A sacral fracture is only poorly seen on this

from the L4 through S3 nerve roots, exits the pelvis

between the lower border of the piriformis muscle and
the ischial border of the greater sciatic notch. This nerve
may therefore be damaged in pelvic injury, particularly
The most important nerves of the posterior pelvis - and if there is disruption of the posterior pelvis or even pos-
the most susceptible to damage - are those of the terior dislocation of the hip.
lumbosacral plexus. This is composed of a branch ofthe The pudendal, superior gluteal, inferior gluteal, and
L4 root, together with the roots of L5 to S4. other collateral nerves (such as the nerve to obturator
Fractures of the sacrum, particularly because they intemus, and posterior femoral cutaneous nerve) also
frequently involve the neural foramina, are a potential exit the pelvis in close proximity to the sciatic nerve in
source of injury to the nerve roots. In addition, the the greater sciatic notch, and are also at risk in posterior
branch of the L4 root is at risk as it crosses the lateral pelvic injuries. In addition, the perforation of the
process of L5. The L5 root crosses the superior sacrum cutaneous nerve, which supplies the skin of the lower
and unites with the L6 branch just medial to the sac- buttock, pierces the sacrotuberous ligament and may be
roiliac joint. The sciatic nerve, which receives fibers injured in ruptures of this ligament.
tissue injury, although unstable lesions are more likely
to be assoc"iated with greater soft tissue injury. Severe
Much has been written on the subject of pelvic stability, bleeding, usually from the internal iliac artery or its
and many of the classifications of pelvic fractures are branches, is associated more commonly with posterior
based on this feature. Although our classification system injury, with or without instability. This is not surprising;
is not based upon stability, it is appropriate to under- most of these injuries are due to blunt trauma, and large
stand points that contribute to a stable or unstable pelvis, forces are required to damage the posterior pelvis,
as this has a bearing on whether pelvic immobilization particularly in young patients. It is therefore clear that
will be necessary. We classify pelvic fractures accord- accompanying injuries, both at adjacent and remote
ing to the direction of the injurious force; but, at the sites, are to be expected.
same time, the radiographic picture will provide the Also, significant injury to anterior branches of the
indication of stability or lack of it. internal iliac arteries, or to the bladder and urethra, are
Stability of the pelvis depends upon the integrity of not infrequent accompaniments of pelvic fractures, par-
the supporting ligaments. Tile has demonstrated that ticularly the anterior injuries. These structures lie in
division of the symphysis ligaments, with intact post- close proximity to the anterior bony pelvis, and may be
erior ligaments, allows the anterior pelvis to "open" damaged either by shearing forces or by direct puncture
approximately 2.5 cm, the posterior structures prevent- from bone fragments.
ing further movement. Additional division of the an- Finany, as will be seen later, it is not always possible
terior sacroiliac, sacrospinous, and sacrotuberous liga- to judge stability by the criteria developed in traditional
ments will allow further "opening" until the iliac spines radiographic classification methods. This means that, in
abut the sacrum. Furthermore, division of the posterior some instances, manual manipulation would be needed
sacroiliac ligaments gives rise to complete pelvic insta- to determine this important feature. However, because
bility, as the iliac wings may now be separated freely this has the significant risk of exacerbating pelvic bleed-
from the sacrum. It is important to remember this when ing from damaged vessels (either by dislodging clot or
presented with pelvic ring fractures with obvious dias- disrupting a naturally formed tamponade), such pro-
tasis of the symphysis, as it will give some indication as cedures should be discouraged unless absolutely
to likely damage to the posterior pelvis and posterior necessary. We feel that the correct diagnosi§ made by
ligamentous structures. examination of radiographs alone should be the goal of
As mentioned above, most traditional classifications the radiologist and clinician, and hopefully should ne-
of pelvic fractures stress whether the fracture is stable or gate the need for potentially harmful manipulations in
unstable. However, because this takes no account of the most cases. To this end, we hope that the classification
direction of disruptive vectors, it is of only limited value of pelvic ring fractures that we present will give an
in corrective management of the injury. Stability does accurate picture of stability or instability of the pelvic
not in itself guarantee immunity from significant soft ring in the majority of cases.

Berquist T. H. (ed.): Diagnostic Imaging of the Acutely Injured Huittinen V. M., Slatis P.: Nerve injury in double vertical pelvic
Patient. Urban & Schwarzenberg. Baltimore, Munich, 1985. fractures. Acta Chir Scand 138: 571-575, 1972.
Gray H.: Anatomy of the Human Body, Charles Mayo Gross (ed.), Peltier L. F.: Complications associated with fractures of the pelvis.
ed. 28, Lea & Febiger. Philadelphia, pp. 318-320, 1966. . :J Bone Joint Surg 47A: 1060-1064, 1965.
Hall-Craggs E. L. B.: Anatomy as a Basis for Clinical Medicine. Pennal G. F., Tile M., Waddell J. P., Garside H.: Pelvic disruption:
Urban & Schwarzenberg, Baltimore, Munich, 1985. assessment and classification. Clin Orthop Rel Res 151: 12-21,
Harris J. M., Harris W. M.: The Radiology of Emergency Medicine, 1980.
ed. 2. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore, London, pp. 533-554, Rogers L. F.: Radiology of Skeletal Trauma. Churchill-Livingston,
1981. New York, pp. 634-649, 1982.
Holdsworth F. W.: Dislocation and fracture dislocation of the pelvis. Tile M.: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Williams &
J Bone Joint Surg 30B: 461-466, 1948. Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1984.
Chapter 3

Injury Force Patterns

There are three main types of force that may produce

pelvic fractures. These are lateral compression, AP
compression, and vertical shear. In practice, it is not
uncommon to find a combination of forces acting on the
pelvis at the time of injury. In general, where there is
more than one force vector, there is one dominant vector
which is responsible for the major injury - although on
occasion it might not be possible to define a single
dominant vector pattern. We term these fractures "com-
plex patterns."
The major force vectors a:t:eoutlined below.

Figure 3-2 Direct lateral force delivered by impaction

This is the injury to the pelvic ring that we have against an oncoming vehicle, This type of incident also
encountered most often. It comprised 49% of the pelvic accounts for a large number of anterior compression injuries if
fractures seen in the Shock Trauma Center over a two the pedestrian is hit "front-on",
year period. The majority of these were stable injuries
with little significant associated soft tissue injury (see
Chapter 4). As the name suggests, the force is delivered
from the side. This most commonly occurs in motor
vehicle accidents with a direct blow on the side, as when This accounted for 21 % of the pelvic ring fractures seen
a car is "broadsided" or when a pedestrian is struck from over the same two year period. These injuries tended to
the side by an oncoming vehicle (Figs. 3-1,3-2). It may be associated with greater internal injury. The force is in
also occur with a secondary impact with the ground. either an AP or, less commonly, a posteroanterior direc-
tion. This generally occurs in traffic accidents where the
pedestrian strikes head-on against the oncoming vehicle
(Fig. 3-2), oris crushed against the dashboard of his own
vehicle-often in the hip flexed position. The force,
therefore, may be applied either indirectly through the
femur and acetabulum, or directly onto the pelvis.

These are the least common injuries seen at our institu-

tion, accounting for only 6% of pelvic ring fractures.
The injurious force is vertically oriented, usually arising
as the result of a fall or a jump from a height, where the
force is delivered over the inferior aspect of the pelvis
via the extended femurs (Fig. 3-3). Conversely, these
Figure 3-1 Driver struck from the side experiences a lateral fractures may occur when a downward force is delivered
force vector, imparted to the pelvis, over the upper body, driving the spine and sacrum
16 Radiologic Management of Pelvic Ring Fractures

downwards against a fixed pelvis. Such an injury may

" occur, for example, when a tree or a heavier object falls
onto the back or shoulders, and is more commonly seen
in lumbering and mining areas.

DOC This is mixed force vector, usually predominantly of the
lateral compression type, with either an element of AP
compression or vertical shear. These injuries clearly
occur when the force vector is directed at an angle to

DOC either the AP or the lateral direction. In general, there is
usually a dominant vector, but we have encountered
injuries in which classical patterns of both AP and lateral
ompression injuries are seen.

Figure 3-3 Falling from a height onto an extended leg will
cause vertical shear injuries.

Pennal G. F., Tile M., Waddell J. P., Garside H.: Pelvic disruption: Young J. W. R., Burgess A. R., Brumback R. J.: Lateral compres-
assessment and classification. Clin Orthop Rei Res 151: 12-21, sion fractures ofthe pelvis: The importance of plain radiographs in
1980. the diagnosis and surgical management. Skelet Radiol 15:
Tile M: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Williams & 102-109, 1986.
Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1984. • Young J. W. R., Burgess A. R., Brumback R. J., Poka A.: Pelvic
fractures: Value of plain radiography in the early assessment and
management. Radiology 160(2): 445-451, 1986.
Chapter 4

Lateral Compression Fractures

Lateral compression fractures accounted for 49% of our

ases, and were associated with fractures of the pubic
rami (100% in our series), sacrum (88%), and iliac wing
19%). Central hip dislocations (medial acetabular frac-
rures) may also occur (19%) The characteristic associ- In this type of injury, the force is delivered laterally over
red fractures are shown in Table 4-1. The fracture the posterior aspect of the pelvis and minimal distortion
pattern depends to a large extent upon the position along of the pelvic ring is seen (Figs. 4-1,4-2,4-3, 4-4A + B,
Ibe lateral aspect of the pelvis at which the force is 4-4A + B). Fractures of the pubic rami (either unilateral
pplied (Figs. 4-1, 4-6 A + B, 4-11A + B). Three distinct or bilateral were evident in 100% of the cases in our
"atterns of lateral compression injury are apparent, series. Crush or buckle fractures of the sacrum may be
epending upon the bony and ligamentous injury sus- seen, but no significant pelvic instability is to be ex-
Iained by the pelvis. As the forces are predominantly pected because of the ligamentous "checkreins" remain-
-ompressive, ligamentous injury may be minimal due to ing intact. This type of fracture is of a pure crushing
:he fact that, in general, the ring of the pelvis is being nature and is the least serious of the lateral compression
crushed or closed (Fig. 4-2). However, due to the injuries.
cnatomy of the sacroiliac joint, rupture of the posterior
sacroiliac ligaments may occur if the compressive force
'. delivered anteriorly, causing leverage on the posterior
sacroiliac ligament complex (Figs. 4-2, 4-11A+B,

~ sociated Bony Injury

::::Llbicramus fractures 100
Sacral fracture 88
ac wing fracture 19
~entral hip dislocation 19
(fracture of quadrilateral Figure 4·1 Type I - Lateral Compression Fracture: The lat-
late) eral force is applied posteriorly (arrow). This causes a crush
::::sterior acetabular pillar effect on the SIJ: this may be visible radiographically as a
sacral fracture (A). The characteristic fracture pattern of the
pubic rami will be seen (B) No ligamentous injury is seen.
18 Radiologic Management of Pelvic Ring Fractures

Figure 4-2 Type I - Lateral Compression Fracture: Inlet view. These are fractures of the left superior and inferior pubic rami
and right pubis. The left superior ramus fracture (arrow) is clearly "horizontal", indicating lateral compression. No sacral
fracture is seen and there is no displacement of the fractures or pelvic ring.
Figure 4-3 Type I - Lateral Compression Fracture: There is a crush fracture of the left sacrum (small open arrowhead), and a
typical "overlap" fracture of the left superior pubic ramus, oriented in the horizontal plane (closed arrowhead). No gross
ligamentous disruption has occurred. A fracture of the proximal femur has also occurred (large open arrowhead).
Figure 4-4A Type 1- Lateral
Compression Fracture: This
is a crush fracture of the left
sacrum, demonstrated by the
interrupted arcuate lines
(arrow). In this case, bilateral
fractures of the pubic rami
have occurred, which on the
right demonstrate the typical
horizontal orientation of the
fracture lines with a degree of
overlap. The pelvis has been
slightly deformed by internal
displacement of the left side.

Figure 4-4B CT scan of the

same patient. This slice
through the sacrum and iliac
wings demonstrates the
crush fracture of the sacrum
and internal rotation of the left
iliac wing. The SIJ, however,
is intact; there is no posterior
diastasis, indicating intact
posterior ligaments of the
Type I fracture pattern.
Figure 4-5 Type 1- Lateral Compression Fracture: This crush fracture of the left sacrum (open arrow) is notable. In this case, the
initial diagnosis was anterior compression injury because the horizontal nature of the right superior pubic ramus fracture was not
appreciated. Further examination, however, revealed the sacral fracture. The inlet view demonstrates the true horizontal
orientation of the pubic ramus fracture.
ligaments, as demonstrated by diastasis of the posterior
SIJ (Figs. 4-6A, 4-7A+B). Conversely, in Type IIB
The lateral force is applied more anteriorly, tending to injuries, the same internal rotation of the anterior
cause medial displacement of the ipsilateral anterior hemipelvis occurs, but the posterior force "exits"
hemipelvis, and thus, potentially, external rotation of through an iliac wing fracture, extending from either the
the posterior hemipelvis, with the anterior part of the sciatic notch or from some point along the sacroiliac
sacroiliac joint acting as a pivot (Fig. 4-6, 4-7A+B, joint (Figs. 4-6B, 4-8, 4-9). In either case, the effect
4-8, 4-9). As well as the typical pubic rami fractures is the same; that is, significant internal rotation and
which occur in all cases of lateral compression injuries, displacement of the anterior hemipelvis; with loss of
crush fractures of the sacrum ipsilateral to the injury site integrity of the anterior hemipelvis from the posterior
may be seen. pelvis, manifested either by posterior SIJ disruption
These injuries show two distinct fracture patterns. In (IIA) or iliac wing fracture (II B). These fractures are
Type IIA injuries, the rotational force of the hemipelvis therefore unstable.
causes rupture of the ipsilateral posterior sacroiliac

Figure 4-6A Type II - Lateral Compression Fracture: The Figure 4-68 Alternatively a fracture of the iliac wing may
force is applied anteriorly (arrow), causing the typical anterior occur, which dissipates the rotational forces and thus leaves
pubic rami fractures (B). In this case, however, rotation of the the posterior ligaments intact.
pelvis around the anterior sacral margin may occur, causing
rupture of the posterior sacroiliac ligaments (R). A crush
fracture of the sacrum may also be seen (A).
Figure 4-7A Type II A - Lateral Compression Fracture: The force was delivered over the
anterior pelvis, causing a central dislocation of the left femoral head, with a fracture extending
through the quadrilateral plate. There is also a crush fracture of the left sacrum (large closed
arrowheads) and a "horizontal" fracture of the left symphysis (small arrowheads). Diastasis of
the left SIJ is suspected (open arrow), suggesting posterior sacroiliac ligament injury.

Figure 4-78 CT scan of the same case demonstrates the crush fracture of the left sacrum
and diastasis of the posterior SIJ line, indicating rupture of the posterior ligamentous complex.
Figure 4-8 Type II B - Lateral Compression Fracture: "Horizontal" and overlap fractures of the right pubic rami are seen with
internal displacement of the right hemipelvis. There is a comminuted fracture of the right iliac wing, extending laterally from the
SIJ. This allowed the rotational force to exit through the iliac wing, sparing the posterior SIJ. Nevertheless, there is still instability,
due to disruption of the posterior ring at the fracture site.
Figure 4-9 CT scan of a Type II B lateral compression fracture demonstrates a crush fracture of the left anterior sacrum, and
fractures throught the left iliac wing. The left SIJ has been spared posteriorly because the rotation of the pelvis occurred at the
site of the iliac wing fracture, resulting in compression at the site and causing internal displacement of the anterior hemipelvis.
Figure 4-10 Type II - Lateral Compression Fracture: These are typically horizontal, and overlap fractures of the pubic rami
(small arrows). In addition, there is a crush fracture of the anterior margin of the right sacrum (large closed arrow), with diastasis
of the (posterior) right SIJ (large open arrow), due to internal rotation of the right pelvis, around the anterior margin of the sacrum.
have seen this. in patients crushed and rolled under a
horse during a riding accident (Fig. 4-16) and in pedes-
This is the most severe form of lateral compression trians rolled over by a vehicle (Fig. 4-17 A + B).
injury, with bilateral disruption of the pelvic ring and The result of this type of injury is a pelvic fracture
instability posteriorly. Two possible mechanisms may pattern which may at first appear confusing. On the side
cause this injury. In the first case, the lateral force of ipsilateral to the injury force, there is a severe lateral
injury on one side of the pelvis causes severe internal compression pattern of injury, with posterior sacroiliac
displacement of the ipsilateral hemipelvis. This dis- instability and consequent medial displac)ment and in-
placement gives rise to externally directed pressure on ternal rotation of the anterior hemipelvis. On the con-
the contralateral hemipelvis, causing disruption of the tralateral side, however, there is external rotation of the
contralateral anterior sacroiliac, sacrotuberous, and sac- hernipelvis, with anterior sacroiliac ligament rupture-
rospinous ligaments (Figs. 4-11A + B, 4-12, 4-13, 4-14). more typical of an AP compression injury. We have
Alternatively, this type of injury is seen in patients termed this injury pattern the "windswept pelvis".
who are "rolled over" by a heavy object (Fig. 4-15). We

Figure 4-11 A Type III - Lateral Compression Fracture: The Figure 4-11 B Alternatively, as in Type II B fractures, there
'orce is applied anteriorly (arrow), causing internal rotation of may be an iliac wing fracture, sparing the posterior SIJ on the
l1e anterior hemipelvis. Continuing through to the contralateral ipsilateral side.
nemipelvis (arrow), the force causes it to rotate externally. The
result is a pattern of lateral compression on the ipsilateral side,
.vith apparent AP compression on the contralateral side. This
results in rupture of the posterior sacroiliac ligaments on the
'psilateral side (R) and sacrospinous/sacrotuberous complex
(T) and anterior ligaments (A) on the contralateral side. Typical
pubic rami fractures (B) are to be expected.
Figure 4-12 Type III - Lateral Compression Fracture, "Windswept Pelvis": The crush fracture of the right sacrum (closed
arrow), fracture of the right quadrilateral plate (large arrowhead), and buckle fracture of the left superior pubic ramus (small
arrowhead), indicate a lateral compression injury. Diastasis of the left SIJ (open arrow) and shift of the whole anterior pelvis to
the left indicate a Type III injury. This lateral shift can be appreciated easily by dropping a perpendicular from the sacral
midpoint (dotted line). This indicates displacement of the anterior pelvis to the left, giving the "windswept" appearance.
Figure 4-13 There is a "windswept" appearance of the pelvis with an obvious horizontal fracture of the right superior pubic
ramus and diastasis of the left SIJ. The right hemipelvis is internally rotated, and the symphysis is displaced to the left of the
vertical midline (dotted line). This indicates external rotation of the left hemipelvis and left anterior sacroiliac ligament
Figure 4-14 Type 111-Lateral Compression Fracture: A pattern similar to that in Figure 4-12 is seen, There is displacement of
the anterior pelvis to the left with coronal/horizontal and overlap fractures of the pubic rami, a severe crush fracture of the right
sacrum (closed arrows), and diastasis of the left anterior SIJ (open arrow),

Figure 4-15 A patient rolled over by a wheel or other heavy object may sustain a Type III lateral compression fracture if the
original force vector is lateral.
Figure 4-16 Severe Type III - Lateral Compression Fracture: The typical "windswept" pattern is seen. The right anterior
hemipelvis is internally rotated, but the posterior SIJ is spared by the fracture through the right iliac wing. Marked external
rotation and displacement of the left hemipelvis is seen, with diastasis of the anterior SIJ.
Figure 4-17A Type 111-Lateral Compression Fracture: The "windswept" nature of this injury
is readily apparent. The sacral fracture (closed arrowheads) and right anterior SIJ diastasis
(open arrow) are seen. Fractures of the pubic rami are of the "buckle" and overlap types.

Figures 4-178 CT scan of the same patient (after application of the external Hoffmann
device), indicates the opening of the right anterior SIJ, and crush fracture of the left sacrum.
rami fractures. In practice, sagittally orientated vertical
rami fractures are not associated with lateral compres-
The importance of recognizing these fracture patterns is sion injury. However, inexperience may lead to misdia-
in differentiating them from fractures caused by other gnosis. Crush fractures of the sacrum (which occurred in
force vectors. Fractures of the pubic rami in lateral 88% of our cases of lateral compression injury) are
compression must be differentiated from AP compres- manifested by disruption or subtle breaks of the arcuate
sion injuries, so that the appropriate corrective forces are lines (Figs. 4-6,4-7,4-8,4-9,4-12,4-17,4-19- 4-22).
applied. This sign, together with the pubic rami fra~ture, is
Of importance in making this differentiation is the diagnostic of lateral compression injury.
definitive radiologic appearance of the fractures of the Fractures of the medial aspect of the acetabulum, the
pubic rami, and particularly of the superior pubic ramus. quadrilateral plate, with or without central dislocation of
The various radiographic views indicate a distinctive the femoral head, are also a feature of lateral compres-
appearance of the pubic rami fractures, no matter what sion fractures. Indeed, when this type of injury is seen,
associated bony injuries are present. These distinctive the diagnosis of a lateral compression force vector can
fractures are not vertical or irregularly vertical, but be made. This should immediately lead to a search for
either run obliquely through the bone in a horizontal other fractures or disruptions of the lateral compression
direction because the fracture is in a coronal plane (Fig. fracture comple . In particular, evidence of ipsilateral
4-18) or present as a type of "buckle" fracture, with posterior sacroiliac joint disruption of Type II B lateral
coronal elements seen in the additional views. This compression fractures and contralateral anterior sac-
pattern, which was seen in 80% of AP radiographs, in roiliac joint disruption of Type III lateral compression
86% of inlet views, and 100% of the time using both fractures must be excluded.
views, was not seen in any pure AP compression or It must be remembered that, as mentioned above,
vertical shear fractures and is therefore specific to lateral sacroiliac diastasis ipsilateral to the force vector may be
compression force vectors. seen in lateral compression injuries. This is due to
Although the fracture pattern is marginally better- rupture of the posterior ligaments by internal rotation of
depicted on the inlet view, it may be determined from the hemipelvis around the anterior sacral line. When
the frontal view by awareness of this type of injury-par- there is SIJ diastasis seen on a radiograph, it is important
ticulary in cases where, for technical reasons, the inlet to determine the presence or absence of the additional
view is unsatisfactory. This is because the fractures of features shown below:
the rami, which can be seen on the side ipsilateral to the
injury, as well as on the contralateral or both sides, 1. Is there an associated pubic ramus fracture, and if so,
presented with one of three appearances: is it horizontal or vertical?
2. Is there a sacral crush fracture?
Fracture Pattern A (80% of cases): The horizontal line is 3. Is there a fracture of the quadrilateral plate of the
visible on the AP view (Figs. 4-7A, 4-19, 4-20). acetabulum, or central hip dislocation?
Fracture Pattern B (16% of cases): The fracture appears
vertical or irregular on the AP view and horizontal on the If the SIJ diastasis is associated with a crush fracture of
inlet view (Fig. 4-8 B). This is in fact due to overlap the sacrum, or central hip dislocation, or if there is a
fragments of the oblique fractures and may be identified horizontal pubic ramus fracture, the injury is lateral
by a typical overlap pattern of the fracture fragment compression.
(Figs. 4-20, 4-21). If, however, the SIJ diastasis is clearly anterior, or if
Fracture Pattern C (14% of cases): The fracture appears vertical pubic rami fractures are present and no medial
"buckled" on the AP view. A "horizontal" or coronal acetabular fracture is seen, then the injury is AP com-
chip fracture fragment may again be seen at the fracture pression (see page 41).
site on the inlet view (Figs. 4-19, 4-22B). If the significance of these injury patterns is missed,
the injury may be misdiagnosed as an AP compression
Of considerable importance is the common association injury and incorrect compressive forces may be applied.
of lateral compression injuries with crush fractures of This would lead not only to increased morbidity, due to
the sacrum. We make it a habit to examine the sacral incorrect healing (Fig. 4-23), but may well exacerbate
arcuate lines carefully whenever we encounter pubic pelvic bleeding, by disrupting hematoma.
Figure 4-18 CT scan through the level of the inferior pubic rami in a case of lateral compression fracture. The coronal plane of
the fractures is well demonstrated.
Figure 4-19 Type 1- Lateral Compression Fracture: The typical pattern is identified, with central dislocation of the left femoral
head, crush fracture of the left sacrum, horizontal fracture of the left superior pubic ramus (closed arrow), and buckle fracture of
the right ischium (open arrow).
Figure 4-21 Lateral Compression Fracture: Typical overlap horizontally oriented fracture of the left superior ramus. The fracture
of the inferior pUbic ramus is also of the overlap type, but is more difficult to appreciate.
Figure 4-22A Type III - La-
teral Compression Fracture:
Typical buckle or crush frac-
ture of the left superior pubic
ramus, Right sacral crush
fracture (closed arrow) ans
left SIJ diastasis (open arrow)
also visible,

Figure 4-228 This is better

appreciated on the inlet view
where horizontal/coronal com-
ponents of the fracture can be
identified, A right sacral crush
fracture is again seen (arrow).
Figure 4-23 The significance of the injury pattern was missed in this patient. The initial film was read as an AP compression
fracture because of some diastasis of the right SIJ and a pubic ramus fracture. In fact, this was a Type II lateral compression
injury. Even on this posthealing film, the horizontal nature of the right symphysis fracture can be seen. The diastasis of the right
SIJ was due to internal rotation of the right hemipelvis, causing separation of the posterior sacroiliac ligaments. The result has
been internal displacement of the right anterior hemipelvis.

Pennal G. F., Tile M., Waddell J. P., Garside H.: Pelvic disruption: Young J. W. R., Burgess A. R., Brumback R. J.: Lateral compres-
assessment and classification. Clin Orthop Rel Res 151: 12-21, sion fractures of the pelvis: the importance of plain radiographs in
1980. the diagnosis and surgical management. Skelet Radial 15:
Tile M.: Fractures oj the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Williams & 103-109, 1986.
Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1984.
Chapter 5

Anterior/Posterior (AP) Compression Fractures

AP compression fractures (21 % of our cases) are due to or coronal plane (see page 33). Additional associated
direct anteroposterior or posteroanterior force (Figs. 5-1, fractures are identified in Table 5-1.
5-5, 5-9). This type of force frequently gives rise to Opening of the symphysis indicates rupture of the
fractures of the pubic rami and may cause ligamentous ligaments of the symphysis. However, as noted pre-
injury involving the ligaments of the symphysis, the viously (page 13), it has been shown that the symphysis
anterior sacroiliac ligaments, sacrospinous and sac- can be opened up to 2.5 cm without rupture of the
rotuberous ligaments, and posterior sacroiliac complex posterior ligaments of the pelvis. Therefore, with sym-
or all four groups. AP compression injuries are also physis separation ofless than 2.5 cm, the radiologist may
responsible for the clinical "open book" or "sprung not be able to determine the integrity of the posterior
pelvis" type of injury, which occur with or without ligamentS on plain films unless obvious sacroiliac joint
fractures of the pubic rami. In our series, when pubic diastasis is present. CT is more sensitive in this instance,
rami fractures were present, they were vertically and can show subtle sacroiliac j oint diastasis. However, it
oriented in every case of AP compression. This is an may be that CT is too sensitive; even in minor anterior
important differentiating feature from lateral compres- opening of the symphysis (which can occur without
sion injuries, where the fracture line is in the horizontal posterior ligamentous rupture) mild opening of the an-
terior sacroiliac joint is to be expected. On occasion, we
are forced to rely on gentle manual examination in such
Table 5.1 . AP Compression Injury
cases to determine whether the pelvis is stable or un-
Associated Bony Injury stable. We also use CT when patient stabilitY..allows a
Pubic ramus fracture more leisurely approach to definitive treatment. Bucholz
Sacral fracture has designated three groups of AP fractures depending
Iliac wing fracture upon the extent of posterior injury. We have applied this
Central hip dislocation concept to the radiographic appearances and have de-
Posterior acetabular pillar fracture vised a three stage classification of AP compression
Anterior pillar fracture lllJunes.
The injury causes anterior pelvic injuries, consisting of
minor diastasis of the symphysis pubis, and/or vertical
fractures of one or more pubic rami (Figs. 5-2,5-3,5-4).
These fractures do not indicate posterior injury or insta-

Figure 5-1 Type 1- AP Compression Fracture: The force is

delivered in an AP direction (large arrow), tending to "open"
the pelvis. This gives rise to mild splaying of the symphysis,
due to rupture of the anterior sacroiliac ligaments.

Figure 5-2 Type I - AP Compression Fracture: Mild diastasis of the symphysis pubis is seen. The pelvis was stable due to
intact posterior ligaments. There is a fracture through the left acetabular posterior pillar.
Figure 5-3 Type I - AP
Compression Fracture: 2 cm
diastasis of the symphysis,
and vertical fractures of the
left pubic rami. Very mild
posterior SIJ diastasis is sug-
gested, but the hemipelvis is
stable, indicating that the
sacrotuberous and sacroiliac
ligaments are intact. There is
a fracture of the posterior pil-
lar of the left acetabulum.

Figure 5-4 Type I - AP

Compression Fracture: The
symphysis is opened 2.5 cm.
The SIJs are normal, and
were possibly "spared" by
the fracture of the left
acetabulum, and hip disloca-
These fractures are more severe and are indicated by a
separation of the symphysis of 2.5 cm or more, with
some posterior instability. The involvement of the an-
terior sacroiliac and probably the sacrospinous and sac-
rotuberous ligaments allows "opening" of the pelvis
(Figs. 5-6A + B, 5-7, 5-8A + B). Diastasis of the sac-
roiliac joint may be difficult to determine. However, we
have noticed that, in a normal pelvis, there is continuity
of a line drawn around the second sacral arcuate line to
the internal margin of the iliac bone. If this is interrupted
(Figs. 5-6A + B, 5-7), there is a strong suspicion of
sacroiliac disruption involving at least the anterior liga-
Figure 5-5 Type 11- AP Compression Fracture: The AP force
vector (large arrow) has caused further "opening" of the
a1'iferior pelvis, with additional rupture of the anterior sac-
roiliac, sacrotuberous, and sacrospinous ligaments (arrow-
Figure 5-6A Type II - AP
Compression Fracture: There
is only 2.5 cm diastasis of the
symphysis pubis. However,
diastasis of the (anterior)
right SIJ is seen, indicating
anterior ligamentous rupture.
This is appreciated by the in-
terruption of the dotted line
on the right, drawn from the
second sacral arcuate line. A
vertical fracture of the left in-
ferior pubic ramus is seen.

Figure 5-68 CT scan of the

same patient (A) demon-
strates the widening of the
anterior right SIJ, indicating
anterior ligamentous rupture.
Figure 5-7 Type 11- AP Compression Fracture: There is diastasis of the symphysis and left anterior SIJ (dotted line). A fracture
of the posterior pillar of the left acetabulum is also seen (arrow).
Figure 5-8A Type II - AP
Compression Fracture: Only
1.6 cm diastasis of the sym-
physis is seen (large arrow).
However, there is diastasis of
the right SIJ (small arrow).
The anterior sacroiliac liga-
ments are ruptured. Probably
the sacrospinous and sacro-
tuberous ligaments on the
right are ruptured also.

Figure 5-88 CT scan of the

same patient demonstrated
the "opening" of the right an-
terior SIJ.
further pelvic movement would be expected to exacer-
bate the injury and possibly cause further blood loss,
These injuries occur when there is an associated total either by dislodgement of blood clot or reduction of
disruption of the sacroiliac joint, involving both the tamponade.
anterior and posterior ligamentous complexes (Figs.
5-lOA+B, 5-11, 5-12A+B). There is often wide dias-
tasis of the symphysis, but we have seen severe SIJ
diastasis with apparent minimal symphysis injury (Figs.
5-11, 5-12A+B). We suggest that this is due to one of
three alternatives: the force may be directed in the
posteroanterior direction; causing the "pelvis opening"
to hinge at the symphysis rather than the more usual
patterns where the force is AP (hinging the pelvis at
the sacrum) (Fig. 5-13); the symphysis may have re-
coiled to a more natural position, following initial
wide separation and rupture of the ligaments; or all the
force may have been delivered predominantly over -
one side of the pelvis, causing a true posterior dis-
placement of the ipsilateral hemipelvis. Because these
are potentially serious injuries if the film shows gross
Figure 5-9 Type III-AP Compression Fracture: There is total
disruption, we do not feel that there is justification in disruption of the SIJ due to wide "opening" of the pelvis. All
manual manipulation to prove the point. Where there supporting ligament groups, including the posterior sacroiliac
is already severe posterior instability and damage, ligaments, may be disrupted.
Figure 5-1 OA Type 111- AP Compression Fracture: Wide diastasis of the symphysis and left
SIJ is seen.

Figure 5-108 CT scan of the same patient (A) reveals total disruption of the left SIJ, both
anterior and posterior, with some posterior displacement of the iliac bone.
Figure 5-11 Type III - AP Compression Fracture: Minimal diastasis of the symphysis is seen. However, there is marked
diastasis of the left SIJ, involving both anterior and posterior parts (open arrow). This indicates total ligamentous disruption.
There is a fracture through the posterior pillar of the right acetabulum (arrowhead).
Anteroposterior Compression Fractures 51

Figure 5-12A Type 111- AP Compression Fracture: Almost identical case to that of Figure 5-
11. Total disruption of the left SIJ is seen (large arrow). There is also a fracture of the anterior
pillar of the right acetabulum (arrowhead), as well as a fracture of the superior rim of the left
iliac wing.
Figure 5-13 CT scan: posteroanterior (PA) compression fracture demonstrates total disrup-
tion of the right SIJ. There is anterior displacement of the iliac wing, however, due to a PA force

This three stage classification correlates well with both physis separation was less than 2.5 cm, but sacroiliac
Bucholz's work and our own observations. In Type I disruption was suspected or proven on the radiographs.
injuries, opening ofthe symphysis ofless than 2.5 cm is Forty percent of the cases demonstrated total sacroiliac
to be expected because no posterior ligamentous injury disruption and were therefore Type III injuries.
is present. In Type II injuries the symphysis may be Of interest is the finding of posterior pillar acetabular
"opened" more than 2.5 cm; the anterior sacroiliac joint fractures in 52% and anterior pillar fractures in 8% of
will also be "opened" because of anterior sacroiliac AP compression injuries (Figs. 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-7,
ligament disruption and, probably, sacroiliac and sac- 5-lOA + B, 5-11, 5-12A + B). This is most likely due to
rospinous rupture. In Type III injuries there will be anterior compression on a flexed femur at the time of
disruption of the whole sacroiliac joint involving an- injury, causing the femoral head to be driven backwards
terior and posterior groups. into the posterior column of the acetabulum, or to direct
Even in the absence of widening of the symphysis, trauma onto the ischiopubic junction, causing anterior
AP compression can be diagnosed radiographically by pillar fractures. This injury pattern, with the femur being
the vertical appearance of the pubic rami fractures, if driven backwards and into the posterior column of the
there is no evidence of vertical displacement of fracture acetabulum, was not seen in lateral compression in-
fragments (Figs. 5-3, 5-4, 5-6). In our series, 20% of AP juries, where acetabular fractures are of the central
compression injuries were of Type I, with less than dislocation type or involve the medial aspect of the
2.5 cm splaying of the symphysis and no demonstrable acetabulum (see page 17).
posterior instability. Eighty percent of the AP compres- Of interest also was the finding of avulsion of the
sion injuries, however, haq posterior instability demon- lateral aspect of the sacrum in a small number of Type III
strated. Half of these were Type II; in 90% of these injuries (Fig. 5-14A+B). This is due to avulsion of the
cases, opening of the symphysis of 2.5 cm or more was insertion of the sacrospinous/sacrotuberous complex,
demonstrated radiographically. In the other 10%, sym- and again is associated with total hemipelvic instability.
Figure 5-14 A, B Type III -
AP Compression Fracture:
There is wide diastasis of the
symphysis and left SIJ (A)
with avulsion of the left sa-
crum (B).
Bucholz R. W.: The pathological anatomy of malgaigne fracture Tile M.: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Williams &
dislocations of the pelvis. J Bone Joint Surg 63A: 400-404,1981. Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1984.
Pennal G. F., Tile M., Waddell J. P., Garside H.: Pelvic disruption: Young J. W. R., Burgess A. R., Brumback R. J.: Lateral compres-
assessment and classification. Clin Orthop Rei Res 151: 12-21, sion fractures of the pelvis: the importance of plain radiographs in
1980. the diagnosis and surgical management. Skelet Radial 15:
103-109, 1986.
Chapter 6

Vertical Shear and Complex Fracture Patterns

This is the least common type of injury, accounting for

only 6% of our cases. As its name suggests, this injury is
caused by a severe vertical disruptive force delivered
over one or both sides of the pelvis lateral to the midline
(Fig. 6-1). It is associated with severe disruption of the
posterior elements, manifesting itself either as a fracture
of the sacrum or medial iliac wing, or by a total disrup-
tion of the SIJ. This will therefore give rise to gross
pelvic instability.
If the force is on one side, the injury will demonstrate
ipsilateral instability, manifested either as ipsilateral
disruptions of the symphysis pubis and sacroiliac joints,
Figure 6-1 Vertical Shear Vector: The injury force vector is
or fractures of the pubic rami, sacrum, posterior iliac delivered in a vertical plane (large arrow), causing disruption
wing, or possibly a combination of these three (Figs. along this line. Fractures of the pubic rami are usually seen
6-2, 6-3A+B). If the for<:e is more evenly deployed, a anteriorly, while fractures of the sacrum, SIJ, or iliac wing are
similar fracture dislocation pattern may be seen bilater- usually seen posteriorly. The fractures are vertical and are
associated with vertical displacement of fragments. Ligament-
ally (Figs. 6-4,6-5). The vertically orientated fractures
ous injury to the posterior (R) and anterior (A) sacroiliac
of the posterior elements and pubic rami are due to the ligaments may be seen, as well to sacrospinous/sacrotuber-
inferior-superior direction of the force vector. Vertical ous (T), and (possibly) symphysis ligaments.
displacement of the fracture fragment can usually be
appreciated on the AP view, but is best visualized by the
outlet view, which indicates the severity of the superior
displacement (Fig. 6-6A + B).
Figure 6-2 Vertical Shear: Vertical fractures of the left SIJ and right pubic rami are seen with superior displacement of the left
hernipelvis. There is also a vertical fracture of the left acetabulum.
Figure 6-3A Vertical Shear Fracture: Ver-
tical fractures through the left sacrum and
right pubis are seen with mild diastasis of
the symphysis and a small degree of verti-
cal displacement of the left hemipelvis.

Figure 6-38 CT scan de-

monstrates the sagittally
oriented fracture of the left
sacrum, with no evidence of
lateral or medial displace-
Figure 6-4 Vertical Shear Fracture: There are vertical fractures of the left iliac wing (adjacent to, and partly including the SIJ)
(small open arrows), left pubic rami (small closed arrowheads), and a right SIJ (large open arrow). Obvious superior
displacement of the right hemipelvis is seen.
Figure 6-5 Vertical Shear: Vertical fractures of all four pubic rami. There is also a vertical fracture through the left sacrum and
superior displacement of the major left pelvic fragment. The right SIJ is disrupted.
Figure 6-6A Mixed pattern-
Lateral Compression and
Vertical Shear: The horizontal
left superior pubic ramus
fracture and left iliac wing
fracture suggest a Type Illat-
eral compression injury.

Figure 6-68 The outlet view

displays superior displace-
ment of the anterior left pelvic
fragment, indicating a com-
ponent of vertical shear.
Vertical Shear and Complex Fracture Patterns 61

pure lateral compression because of the horizontal na-

ture of the pubic rami fracture, inappropriate reduction
In 14% of our cases, we encountered a complex pattern will take place without regard to the pronounced
of injury, where at least two different force vectors were superior displacement of the left pelvic fragment.
applied. In the majority of these cases, the force vector It is important to realize that, because of the anatomi-
was predominantly of the lateral compression type, with cal structure, shape, and directional orientation of the
AP or (rarely) vertical shear as the additional force sacroiliac joint, it is possible to obtain a shearing force
vector (Figs. 6-6A + B, 6-7). along the line of the joint from force vectors, which are
In such cases, the surgeon must be made aware of the anterolateral (Fig. 6-9A+B). In the illustrations, the
complex nature of the injury because correcting forces force is from the anterolateral aspect. The direction of
must reflect opposition to the original force vector. In the force is therefore delivered along the axis of the
cases of mixed anterior and lateral compression, there ipsilateral sacroiliac joint, giving rise to a shearing force
must be an element of posteroanterior stability applied along the sacroiliac joint. This disruption of the sac-
by the stabilizing device, as well as pure lateral reduc- roiliac joint may lead to the erroneous diagnosis of Type
tion (Fig. 6-8A + B). Similarly, where an element of III AP compression injury. The difference from the true
vertical shear is identified by the outlet view, some Type III AP compression injury, however, is in the fact
inferior corrective force must be supplied. that the sacrospinous and sacrotuberous ligaments will
Here again, the importance of the three views can be be intact (Figs. 6-10,6-11). This is because the disrup-
seen. In these cases of a mixed pattern of injury, there is tion is along the plane of the joint, and no "opening" of
great potential for error in application of the fixators. If, the pelvis which would result in sacrospinous and sac-
based on an AP view, Figure 6-7 is misinterpreted as rotuberous ligament injury occurs.
Figure 6-7 Mixed pattern - Lateral Compression and Vertical Shear: The horizontal pubic ramus fractures suggest lateral
compression. However, examination of the film reveals elevation of the left iliac wing in relation to the sacrum (dotted lines).
Elevation of the anterior left pelvis is also appreciated.
Figure 6-8A Fracture dislo-
cation of the right sacrum
(arrowheads), misinterpreted
as total SIJ disruption to-
gether with pubic rami frac-
tures, and left SIJ disruption
(open arrow) was misdiag-
·nosed as a Type III AP com-
pression injury. The horizon-
tal symphysis fracture on the
right, however, argues for la-
teral compression Type III.
The right hemipelvis is
slightly elevated, as can be
seen at the lower closed
arrow. This indicates a mild
vertical shear component of
the injury

Figure 6-88 Incorrect treat-

ment led to pelvic deformity.
Figure 6-10 A left sacral crush fracture and horizontal left pubic rami fractures indicate lateral compression. However, there is
a vertical fracture of the left superior pubic ramus, and total left SIJ diastasis. This indicates a component of AP compression,
with rupture of the anterior and posterior sacroiliac ligaments from a shearing force. The sacrotuberous/sacrospinous complex
will be intact.
Pennal G. F., Tile M., Waddell J. P., Garside H.: Pelvic disruption: Young J. W. R., Burgess A. R., Brumback R. J.: Lateral compres-
assessment and classification. Clin Orthop Rei Res 151: 12-21, sion fractures of the pelvis: the importance of plain radiographs in
1980. the diagnosis and surgical management. Skelet Radial 15:
Tile M.: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Williams & 103-109, 1986.
Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1984.
Chapter 7

Fractures of the Pubic Rami

Once again, in dealing with these fractures, It IS
highly important to recognize the fracture type. The
Many of the classical classifications of pelvic fractures pictorial image of these fractures is so characteristic that
mention pubic rami fractures as separate entities that the nature of the injurious force and, hence, likely
usually occur with no significant additional injuries. associated injury (either to the pelvic ring elsewhere or
Although we concede that an isolated fracture of one of to soft tissues) can be anticipated. Lateral compression
the pubic rami may occur from minor force applied injuries will be indicated by the horizontal orientation of
directly to the site of fracture, fractures of both pubic the pubic rami fractures; anterior compression and verti-
rami on one side should always lead to further investiga- cal shear . Juries will be associated with vertically
tion and careful radiological examination. Gertzbein orientated fractures, as previously seen.
and Chenoweth have elegantly .demonstrated that an-
terior fractures of the pelvic ring are always associated
with posterior injury which may be either ligamentous or
% Occurrence
an undiagnosed fracture. Furthermore, we have only
Unilateral Bilateral
encountered double pubic rami fractures in significant
pelvic trauma (Figs. 7-1, 7-2, 7-3). The concept that Lateral compression injuries
unilateral pubic rami fractures are of minor significance Type I 61 39
should be abandoned. Type II 28 73
In our experience, unilateral pubic rami fractures
Type III 56 46
were seen in 49% of our c~ses, being subdivided accord- AP compression injuries
ing to lateral compression, AP compression, vertical Type I 36 18
shear or complex injuries as shown in Table 7-1. It is, Type II 42 23
therefore, clear that unilateral fractures of the pubic rami Type III 21 5
are not infrequently associated with serious and even Vertical shear injuries 43 48
devastating posterior injury.
Mixed pattern 54 8
Figure 7-1 Type I - Lateral Compression Fracture: There is a crush fracture of the sacrum (small open arrow), and a typical
"overlap" fracture of the left superior pubic ramus, oriented in the horizontal plane (closed arrow). No gross ligamentous
disruption has occurred. A fracture of the proximal femur has also occurred (large open arrow). There is a probable fracture of
the left inferior pubic ramus.
Figure 7-2 Type II B - Lateral Compression Fracture: "Horizontal" and overlap fractures of the pubic rami are seen with
internal displacement of the right hemipelvis. There is a comminuted fracture of the right iliac wing, extending laterally from the
SIJ. This allowed the rotational force to exit through the iliac wing, sparing the posterior SIJ. Nevertheless there is still instability,
due to disruption of the posterior ring at the fracture site.
Type III injury should be sought in addition to evidence
of pubic rami fractures.
In fractures due to lateral compression, not only will
the pubic rami fractures demonstrate the classical hori-
zontal/coronal orientation, but compressive injury to the
SI joint or sacrum may be seen (Figs. 7-5, 7-6).
In our experience, the so-called isolated "straddle" frac- In cases of vertical shear injury, the pubic rami
ture of all four pubic rami does not occur per se, but may fractures will be vertical, and there will be evidence of
occur in lateral compression, anterior compression, ver- vertical displacement of fracture fragments (Fig. 7-7).
tical shear, or mixed pattern fractures. In other words, pubic rami fractures by themselves
In cases of anterior compression injury (indicated by are not indicative of the severity of injury. They are an
the vertical orientation of the pubic rami fractures with- invaluable clue to the force vector and type of injury, but
out vertical displacement of the pelvis, see Fig. 7-4), other evidence must be sought if an accurate overall
signs of diastasis of the SI joint indicative of a Type II or assessment of the pelvic ring injury is to be obtained.
Figure 7-4 Bilateral Double Vertjcal Pubic Rami Fractures: There is no superior displacement of any portion of the pelvis. This
is an AP compression fracture.
Figure 7-5 Bilateral Double Horizontal Fractures of the Pubic Rami: There are "horizontal" fractures of the superior pubic rami,
and an overlap fracture of the left inferior ramus. This indicates a lateral compression fracture, confirmed by the right sacral
crush fracture (arrows).
Figure 7-6 This is another example of multiple pubic rami fractures with lateral compression The fractures are horizontal and
interruption of the left sacral associate lines indicates a sacral crush fracture.
Figure 7-7 Multiple Vertical Pubic Rami Fractures: There is also diastasis of the left SIJ, and elevation of the left hemipelvis,
seen both anteriorly and at the sacroiliac junction. This is a vertical shear fracture.
Gertzbein S. D., Chenoweth D. R.: Occult injuries of the pelvic ring. Tile M.: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Williams &
Clin Orthap Rei Res 128: 201-207, 1977. Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1984.
Pennal G. E, Tile M., Waddell J. P., Garside H.: Pelvic disruption: Young J. W. R., Burgess A. R., Brumback R. J.: Lateral compres-
assessment and classification. Clin Orthap Rei Res 151: 12-21, sion fractures of the pelvis: the importance of plain pdiographs in
1980. the diagnosis and surgical management. Skelet Radial 15:
103-109, 1986.
Chapter 8


It is beyond the scope of this book to provide a detailed addition, in our institution, rapid pelvic i~obilization
analysis of the complications associated with pelvic has led to a low incidence of severe pelvic hemorrhage.
fractures. This has been well covered in the literature. The incidence of significant and life-threatening hemor-
However, a short resume of our own experience is rhage and local complications associated with the vari-
appropriate. ous types of fractures is indicated in Table 8-1.
Complications of pelvic ring injury can be subdivided
into two main categories: local and distant. Local in-
Table 8-1 Local Associated Injuries
juries include hemorrhage, urologic injury, neurologi-
cal injury, and fractures of the acetabulum. Distant % Occurrence
complications include fractures of limbs, abdominal and Severe Bladder Urethra
thoracic injury, head injury, and spinal injury. As would Hemorrhage Rupture
be expect~d, the number of associated complications Lateral compression
increases with the severity of the pelvic injury. We will fractures
briefly discuss the local complications only, because of Type I 0.5 4.0 2.0
their relevance to the concepts of this book. Type II 36.0 7.0 0.0
It has been shown that, in multiple trauma cases Type III 60.0 20.0 20.0
including pelvic fractures, it is generally the pelvic AP compression
injury and its immediate complications that lead to a fractures
fatal outcome. Hemorrhage has been singled out as the Type I 1.0 8.0 12~0
predominant cause of death. Indeed, the quoted inci- Type II 28.0 11.0 23.0
dence of deaths from hemorrhage in pelvic trauma cases Type III 53.0 14.0 36.0
is as high as 30%. The need for transfusion has been Vertical shear
quoted at from 40 to 71 % of cases of pelvic trauma. The fractures 75.0 15.0 25.0
advent of transcatheter embolization, however, has sig-
Mixed patterns 58.0 16.0 21.0
nificantly decreased the severity of hemorrhage. In
78 Radiologic Management of Pelvic Ring Fractures
In .lateral and AP compression, Type III injuries,
vertical shear injuries, and combination mixed injuries,
In our evaluation, hemorrhage was described as moder- there is a high association with significant hemorrhage
ate when more than 10 units of blood were required at (Figs. 8-4A+B, 8-5A+B, 8-6), as would be expected
transfusion, and severe when more than 20 units of by the gross disruption. Even so, we found some cases
blood were needed. of apparently catastrophic injury where only minor
It will be noted from Table 8-1 that only rarely did hemorrhage occurred, possibly due to tamponade.
severe blood loss occur in Type I lateral compression or The radiologic picture and ,typing of pelvic ring
AP compression injuries (Figs. 8-1, 8-2). Urological fractures can thus give an indication of the likelihood of
damage is also uncommon, but can be seen with associ- significant vascular injury; although angiography is
ated pubic rami fractures or mild symphysis diastasis clearly the only means of obtaining a detailed assess-
(Fig. 8-3, also see below). ment. However, unless catastrophic hemorrhage is
Type II injuries of both the lateral compression and occurring, with an immediate life-threatening potential,
AP compression variety, both of the anterior and post- we advocate initial pelvic stabilization with an external
erior pelvis, demonstrate a significant complication Hoffmann frame. We have found that in a significant
rate. number of cases this has led to cessation of hemorrhage,
As would be expected, the AP compression is the t~eby nullifying the need for interventional angiogra-
more damaging injury. Not only is there rupture of the phy. The importance of accurate pl~lin film radiologic
anterior pelvis, with the bladder in close proximity, but assessment is thus emphasized, as it is vital to apply the
also the injury to the posterior pelvis is of the "opening" correct countering forces to the Hoffmann frame; in-
variety, causing a shearing force on the soft tissue correct forces brought about by misinterpretation of the
structures adjacent to the sacroiliac joint (notably the radiographs will not only provide deterioration in align-
superior gluteal artery and other branches of the internal ment of the bony pelvis, but may exacerbate an already
iliac artery). On the other hand, the pure lateral com- serious hemorrhage. Radiologic diagnosis is therefore
pression injury imparts a crushing force with little, if paramount in the acute management of the injuries, as
any, shearing effect on these structures. well as in the long term realignment of the pelvis.
Figure 8-1 Type 1- Lateral Compression Fracture: Despite minimal apparent injury, there is hemorrhage occurring at the left
pubic ramus with damage to pudendal branches. Overlap fractures of the right pubic rami and a right femoral fracture are
Figure 8-2 Despite minimal apparent symphysis injury with diastasis of only 8 mm, massive hemorrhage occurred. This
patient lost over 50 units of blood before angiography revealed a small anterior "bleeder" (arrow). Following successful
embolization, blood loss dropped to less than 10 units over the next 24 hours.
Figure 8-4A, B The films
show vertical shear fracture
with diastasis of the right SIJ
joint and symphysis, frac-
tures of the right pubic rami
and left acetabulum, and
superior displacement of the
left iliac wing. There is
traumatic occlusion of the
superior gluteal artery bilater-
ally (arrows).
Figure 8-5 Mixed Lateral Compression
Vertical Shear Fracture: A: Despite external
stabilization, there is brisk hemorrhage from
the pudendal vessels on the left, most likely
due to direct damage from the sharp bone
fragment (arrow). This caused the large
hematoma displacing the bladder to the
right and superiorly seen on an earlier cys-
togram (8). Apparent superior displace-
ment of the bladder neck also suggests
rupture of the urethra at the base of the
Figure 8-6 Type 111- AP Compression Fracture: There is wide diastasis of the right SIJ, with severe trauma to the internal iliac
artery and its branches, particularly the superior gluteal artery.
little anterior disorganization (as in Type I lateral com-
pression injuries) have a low but definite incidence of
Urologic injury closely parallels damage to the anterior urogenital injury (Fig. 8-8), with the incidence increas-
pelvis, although it is not always possible to decide from ing to a maximum in vertical shear fractures (where
the plain films whether bladder injury, urethral injury, anterior disruption is generally severe) (Fig. 8-9A + B).
or both, are likely. When significant anterior injury is The damage to the urologic tract may be from several
seen, with either displaced fractures of the pubic rami or causes. A direct heavy blow or crushing force on a filled
disruption of the symphysis pubis, further radiologic bladder is likely to cause rupture (Figs. 8-3, 8-8).
investigation is warranted. Various rates of incidence of Penetration of the bladder may occur in any type of
urogenital injury in association with pelvic trauma are fracture in which sharp fragments of bone are displaced
quoted in the literature, ranging from 4 to 17% for all internally. This may occur in any type of fracture in
pelvic fractures, to 20% with "purely" anterior arch which "splintering" of the pubic rami occurs.
fractures. As would be expected, the anterior compres- Shearing injuries may cause rupture to the base of the
sion injuries, with the likely associated anterior pelvic bladder, or to the proximal urethra. This occurs most
disruption, are, in practice, more damaging to the uro- commonly in vertical shear and anterior compression
genital system (Figs. 8-3, 8-7) than lateral compression fractures, but can be seen in any fracture where there is
fractures. However, as is apparent from the earlier text, disruption of the symphysis. It can, therefore, be seen in
lateral compression injuries may also be associated with lateral compression injuries, particularly the Type III
significant damage to pubis and pubic rami. Table 8-1 variety where such shearing may focus on the base of the
demonstrates our incidence of trauma to the urogenital bladder, and in cases of anterolateral compression where
system. Our figures concur with the various reported a shearing of the symphysis may be seen (Fig. 8-10).
incidences and again demonstrate that the fractures with
86 Radiologic Management of Pelvic Ring Fractures

Figure 8-7 Mixed AP CompressionNertical Shear Fracture: Mixed pattern injury with fractures of the pubic rami on the right.
There is gross extravasation from a ruptured urethra, with venous filling.
Figure 8-8 This film shows rupture of the bladder with contrast extravasation. This was a mixed AP and lateral compression
Figure 8-9A Vertical shear
injury with superior displace-
ment of the right hemipelvis.

Figure 8-98 Gross urethral

extravasation indicates a sig-
nificant urethral rupture.
Figure 8-10 Mixed Pattern - Anterolateral Compression: A large hematoma is displacing the bladder to the left. There is also
extravasation of contrast on the left. A rupture of the bladder neck was found.

Ayella R. J.: Radiologic Management of the Massively Traumatized Matalon T. S. A., Athanasoulis C. S., Margolies M. W. et al.:
Patient. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1978. Hemorrhage with pelvic fractures. Efficacy of transcatheter em-
Berquist T. H. (ed.): Diagnostic Imaging of the Acutely Injured bolization. AJR 133: 859, 1974.
Patient. Urban & Schwarzenberg, Baltimore, Munich, 1985. Morehouse M. M., MacKinnon K. J.: Urological injuries associated
Flaherty J. J., Kelley R., Burnett B. et al.: Relationship of pelvic with pelvic fractures. J Trauma 9: 479, 1969.
bone fracture patterns to injuries of the urethra and bladder. J Rogers L. F: Radiology of Skeletal Trauma. Churchill-Livingstone,
Trauma 9: 297, 1968. New York, pp. 634-649, 1982.
Harris J. M., Harris W. M.: The Radiology of Emergency Medicine, Rothenberger D. A., Fischer R. P., Strate R. G., Velasco R., Perry
ed 2. Williams & Wilkins. Baltimore, London, pp. 533-554, J. F: The mortality associated with pelvic fractures. Surgery 84:
1981. 356-361, 1978.
Hawkins L., Pomerantz M., Erseman B.: Laparotomy at the time of Tile M.: Fractures of the Pelvis and Acetabulum. Williams &
pelvic fractures. J Trauma 10: 619, 1970. Wilkins. Baltimore, London, 1984.
Holdsworth F W.: Injury to the genitourinary tract associated with
fractures of the pelvis. Proc R Soc Med 56: 1044, 1963.
Chapter 9

Assessment and Utilization

Plain films are of considerable importance in cases of

Sacroiliac diastasis may occur in any form of pelvic
severe pelvic trauma. Many patients are too unstable for injury. Confirmation of the type can be obtained by
computed tomographic assessment, and CT may not be evaluation of the additional fracture patterns, and by a
available. Appreciation of the types of pelvic fracture, careful evaluation as to whether it is the anterior, pos-
direction of force producing them, and likely ligamen- terior, or both components of the sacroiliac joint that are
tous injury, can be achieved rapidly and inexpensively involved.
from plain films. This will indicate to the surgeon the Distinguishing features of the various types of pel vic
type of disruptive force, thus allowing appropriate ring fracture are shown in Table 9-1.
corrective procedure planning. Rapid ~sessment of the fracture pattern will allow a
timely application of external stabilizers, should the
fracture require stabilization. In this way, pelvic bleed-
ing may also be controlled, in many cases, without the
Fractures of the pubic rami warrant immediate assess- need for angiography.
ment of the posterior structures. The configuration by
itself may indicate the type of force vector producing the
fracture. Horizontal pubic rami fractures indicate lateral
compression and should lead to careful inspection of the
sacrum for additional evidence of sacral compression, To utilize plain films most effectively in the manage-
and to determine the extent of posterior injury. Verti- ment of the multiply injured patient or the patient with
cally oriented pubic rami fractures indicate AP compres- the risk of isolated pelvic injury, the following scheme is
sion or vertical shear and should lead to examination of suggested:
the posterior pillars of the acetabuli, as well as of the 1. All "poly trauma" patients or victims of high energy
sacrum and sacroiliac joint, for further evidence of AP blunt trauma should have a screening AP film of the
compression or vertical shear. pelvis.

Table 9-1 Distinguishing Features of Pelvic Ring Fractures

Injury Lateral Compression AP Compression Vertical Shear

Pubic ramus fracture Always present Sometimes present Sometimes present
Horizontal Vertical Vertical

Usually present Rare Sometimes present

Buckle/crush Vertical or avulsion Vertical
Sometimes present Often present Sometimes present
(posterior) Anterior or anterior and Anterior and posterior.
Type II and III posterior Type II and III

Symphysis pubis Sometimes present Often present Sometimes present

diastasis Type III Type II and III

Iliac wing fractures Sometimes present Sometimes present

Type II and III Associated with posterior
acetabular fractures

Sometimes central Often posterior pillar

dislocation (posterior dislocation)
2. Evidence of any pathology in the pelvic ring (an- peripheral nervous structures, genitourinary tissues,
teriorly in the pubis or posteriorly in the ilium, SIJ, or and other viscera.
sacrum) should automatically require inlet and outlet Incorporation of this systematic use of plain pelvic films
views. Thoughtful interpretation of the plain films, will promote rapid treatment of potentially lethal pelvic
based on knowledge of pelvic anatomy and of the injuries by early and aggressive skeletal immobilization.
traumatic incident, can enable the surgeon to define We believe that this rapid analysis and implementa-
the amount of pelvic skeletal disruption and identify tion of therapy is in part responsible for the fact that in
the vector of the injurious force. more than 350 cases of severe pelvic trauma presenting
3. Assessment of the disruption, with regard to fracture •
to the Shock Trauma Center over the past three years,
pattern and force vector, permits a reasonably accu- there has not been a single fatality due to the pelvic
rate estimate of the concurrent soft tissue damage, injury itself within the first 24 hours after admission.
with reference to the risk to intrapelvic vasculature,
Fracture: See Specific type. straddle fracture, 70
femoral head central dislocation, 33 Type 1,17-21,35,68,79
Acetabulum fracture, 2, 3, 77
quadrilateral plate, 33 Type II, 22, 26, 39 •
anterior pillar, 51, 52
Type II A, 23
distinguishing features, 91
Type II B, 24, 25, 69
posterior pillar, 17,41,42,50,52
Type III, 27-32, 38
Angiography, 1
Genitourinary system, 11, 12 Lateral compression injury
Anterior compression fracture, Type I,
Gluteal artery, superior, 11, 82, 84 blood loss, 78
Gluteal nerve pubic ramus fracture, 67
Anterior compression injury, 85
inferior, 12 Lumbosacral ligament, lateral, 11
straddle fracture, 70
superior, 12 Lumbosacral plexus, 12
Anterior/posterior compression, Type II,
Anterior/posterior compression fracture,
associated injuries, 77 Hematoma, 83, 89 Maryland Institute for Emergency Medi-
Type III, 48-53,63, 84 Hemipelvis cal Services Systems, 2-3
Anterior/posterior compression injury displacement, 39, 56, 88 Mixed force vector, 16
blood loss, 78 posterior displacement, 7
pubic ramus fracture, 67 superior displacement, 6
Anterolateral compression, 89 Hemorrhage, 77, 78, 79, 80
Anteroposterior view, 2, 3, 5 Hip dislocation, central, 17,41
Artery: See Specific type.

Iliac artery Oblique view, 2

Bladder, 11, 13, 83, 89 external, 11 Obturator, 11
Bladder neck, 89 internal, 13, 84 Obturator internus nerve, 12
Bladder rupture, 87 pudendal branch, 11 Outlet view, 2, 3, 6, 92
Buckle fracture, 17, 33, 38 vesical branch, 11
Iliac wing fracture, 4, 17, 22, 24, 25, 27,
distinguishing features, 91
Pelvic ring fracture
Classification, pelvic stability, 13 Iliolumbar ligament, 11
classification, 1-2
Complex (mixed) pattern, 16,60-64 Iliolumbar vessel, 11
diagnosis, 1-2
associated injuries, 77 Ilium, 9
etiology, 1-2
blood loss, 78 Injury force pattern, 15-16
Pelvic sling, 1
pubic ramus fracture, 67 anteroposterior compression, 15
Complications, 77-89 complex (mixed) pattern, 16
anatomy, 9-11
Computed tomography, drawbacks, 1 lateral compression, 15
neuroanatomy, 12
Crush fracture, 17, 19,20,25,26,28, vertical shear, 15-16
normal, 3, 7
30, 33, 35, 38, 64, 68 Inlet view, 2, 3, 4, 5, 33, 92
stability, 13
Internal fixation, 1
classification, 13
Ischium, 9
windswept, 28, 29, 31, 32
buckle fracture, 35
Pillar fracture, anterior, 41
Plain radiograph
advantages, I
assessment, 91
utilization, 91-92
Femoral cutaneous nerve, posterior, 12 Postural reduction, 1
Femoral head dislocation, 23 Pubic ramus fracture, 17-19,21,22,24,
central, 33, 35 26,27,28-30,35-39,41-43,56,
Femur fracture, 68 Lateral compression fracture, 3, 4, 58,59,60,62-64,67-74,86
Force pattern, 1-2 17-39,34,72,73,83,85,91 anterior/posterior compression injury,
Force vector, 92 associated injuries, 77 67
bilateral, 70-75 Sacroiliac joint disruption, 48 Symphysis, 9, 23
complex (mixed) pattern, 67 Sacroiliac ligament, 48, 64 Symphysis diastasis, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
differentiation, 33-39 anterior, 10, 13, 27, 44 53
distinguishing features, 91 interosseous, 10 Symphysis fracture, 39, 63
horizontal, 91 posterior, 10, 13, 17 Symphysis ligament, 13
lateral compression injury, 67 sacrotuberous ligament, 10-11, 13 Symphysis pubis diastasis, 42, 45
unilateral, 67 Sacrospinous ligament, 10, 11, 13, 27, distinguishing features, 91
vertical, 52, 91 44,61
vertical shear, 67 Sacrotuberous ligament, 27, 44, 61
Pubis, 9 Sacrum
Pubis fracture, 18,36,57 crush fracture, 3, 5
Pudendal nerve, 12 lateral avulsion, 52 Ureter, 11
Sacrum fracture, 9,17,19,20,23,25, Urethra, 11, 13,83
26,28,30,33,35,38,41,57,59,62, ruptured, 81, 86, 88
63,64, 68 Urologic injury, 77, 85-89
distinguishing features, 91
Sciatic nerve, 12
Sciatic notch, II, 22
greater, 12
Shock Trauma Cent~ 2-3 Vascular injury, 78 ,
Sacral vessel patient population, 2 Vertical shear, 6, 55-60, 74, 83, 85, 86,
lateral, 11 radiographic technique, 2-3 91
median, 11 statewide coordination, 2 associated injuries, 77
Sacroiliac joint, 10,20,22,23-32, 39, Skeletal traction, I blood loss, 78
43,45-47,48-53,55,56,58,59, Straddle fracture pubic ramus fracture, 67
63,64,69,70,74,82,84,91 anterior compression injury, 70 straddle fracture, 70
diastasis, 41, 50 lateral compression, 70
distinguishing features, 91 vertical shear, 70
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