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Assignment #1: Understanding Self and Why PM

Aman Virmani (Student ID: 101365223)

An overview of why you chose PM as a program choice, provide some reflection of program
goals. Do you plan on working as PM or is this program a building block for something else?
Provide details

I specialize in supply chain management. It is nowadays linked with project management to

coordinate resources and activities in order to deliver a defined goal within a set timeframe,
budget and scope.

I firmly believe that a graduate certificate in project management at this point in time will provide
a versatile range of skills for managing change and achieving a project’s goals during the course of

Project Managers are essential in almost every organization. They are not restricted to any
industry. Upon successful completion of my program, I would like to work with a few of the
renowned multinational companies. Alongside, I also intend to support my mother in our family
business. She is an Ayurvedic doctor, and we have our own manufacturing plant. I aspire to
diversify the venture with modern-day advancements based on the extensive knowledge gained
during the coursework. Project management will allow me to work effectively and efficiently to
handle all the facets of this new division that I plan to incorporate in the business. The idea is to
take the business online as the world is shifting to digital forms. Since my mother is not business-
oriented, she expects me to handle the operations side of the business. For this new venture, I
intend to combine the knowledge acquired from this program with the expertise of my supply
chain experience.

Share about yourself – personal, professional, aspirations. If pertinent, who inspired you, where
you are from, what is most important to you in life (note: please do NOT submit your resume)


I come from a very close knitted family of four members. I live in New Delhi, India. I am travelling
on the 4th of October to Toronto. My mother is an Ayurvedic doctor and, she runs her own
wellness center. I have a younger sister who is pursuing her graduation in medical studies from
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore and my grand-mother is a retired central
government employee. I lost my father due to a massive cardiac arrest last year.

Educational Qualifications:

Qualification Institute Major Minor

Post Graduation Indian Maritime International Transportation &

(MBA) University Logistics Management
Graduation Manipal University Logistics & SCM
High School St. Columbas School Physics, Chemistry, Math
Professional Experience:

Company Designation Department

Volvo Car India Pvt. Ltd. Project Coordinator India Delivery Centre
Mehta Transport Corporation of India Pvt. Ltd. Operations Manager Fleet, SGTN

Apart from this, I got the opportunity to intern at 4 companies as well. I have a total experience of
nearly 3+ years.


I can still recall the time when I chose to pursue a career in supply chain management. I had gone
to a library for a high school event. It was there that I say a participant reading a book on
logistics. As intrigued as I was to see someone read about a field I had never even heard of, I
became quite inquisitive about it going forward. I visited numerous career counselors with my
parents for guidance. I felt fascinated by the “art of moving goods, services & related
information”, that I enrolled myself in a business school.

There are times when I doubt my choice based on the operational challenges in the industry. I
take a moment to recall as to why I had chosen this domain. This acts as a self realization therapy

Aspirations: What would you like to accomplish in your career? In your life?

I would like to continue to grow professionally in a steady manner. I am certain that this
international certificate in project management will not only assist me to have a successful
managerial career but also ensure that I have a cutting edge over the rest of the competition. I
share a passion for cars and aim to work with automobile OEMs just like I did in the past.

Apart from this, I would like to maintain a healthy work life balance as well. I am a family oriented
person and would love to spend time away with my close ones.

What do you know about Organizational Behaviour, what do you hope to learn in this course?

I would like to point that I have studied a fundamental course in Organizational Behaviour as a
part of my graduation’s curriculum. This is supplemented by the rich corporate experience from
working with the industry pioneers. Therefore, I do possess intermediate knowledge of the

To my mind, I believe that my biggest learning experience is being a cultural fit in the various
multinationals. Modern day businesses require communication with stakeholders from all over
the world. It was due to the course understanding that I was able to adapt it successfully. I wish to
advance such skills in your delightful sessions. I look forward to an immense learning experience.
Is there anything else you would like to share with me?

What do you believe are your biggest strengths and weaknesses?

Considering the nature of the subject, I would like to share certain self awareness details about
myself with you. I have done a SWOT analysis to demonstrate the same.
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How is one thing you want to start, stop or continuing doing?

I feel that I have this OCD of keeping things in an organized manner. The same behaviour is
reflected at work as well. Though it is a good trait to have, it creates difference of opinions at
times. I would like to mitigate this aspect to some extent.

How could this awareness positively impact your career as a PM?

Project management’s crucial role is to tie the relationships with the various stakeholders of a
business. The above mentioned awareness can effectively aid to promote efficiency at the

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