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JSGS Case Competition Rules Handout

University of Regina Campus

3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2 Canada

Rules & Regulations

1. Teams are encouraged to use the tools available to them such as internet research.
2. Once teams are in deliberation, outside contact is not allowed, with the exception of JSGS
designated staff contact and/or volunteers. Do not call, text or otherwise contact other
individuals unless in an emergency.
3. Each team member will need access to a laptop/PC and working internet connection as this
year’s event is being held virtually, via Zoom.
4. It is advised that teams not prepare their presentations on Mac computers as there may be
compatibility issues.
5. Teams have 2 hours to review/discuss the case and prepare a presentation. Prioritize, divide
the workload, and use your time wisely.

General Information

Teams will be placed in their designated team Zoom breakout rooms 10 minutes prior to the start
of their assigned deliberation time. Team Coaches will provide assistance in presentation
deliberations for 10 minutes at approximately 40 minutes into deliberation. Coaches will also be
silently observing each team in the last 30 minutes of their deliberation block.

Teams are made up of four to five students each, a mix from the U of R and U of S campuses, and
will be given 2 hours to analyze the case study. Team deliberation and presentation times will be
announced at the start of the competition. Please sign into the Zoom session by the 8:30 a.m. start
time. Teams will be announced after opening remarks, around 9:00 a.m.

Format: Teams will be asked to review and provide recommendations on a policy-related case study.
The teams will be asked to present after their 2 hours of deliberation. Each group has 10 minutes to
present followed by 10 minutes of Question and Answers. The presentation and Question and
Answer period will be used to determine the winning team of the JSGS Case Competition.

*Please note that the individual students who are selected to become part of the CAPPA national
case competition team will be contacted directly in the days following the internal case

Competition Task: The case study will be revealed to each team at their designated start time only.
This approach ensures equity in the time allotted for each team to analyze the case and prepare a

JSGS Case Competition Rules Handout

University of Regina Campus

3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2 Canada

Presentations will be made using PowerPoint Presentation, and using the template supplied via
email from the SEO. At the beginning of each team’s deliberation period, teams should decide which
team member will be sharing their screen so that all viewers and judges can see the team’s PPT.
The PPT will be shared via Zoom screen sharing by the designated team member during the team’s

The presentation brief should include:

• An issue statement and brief background on the issue;

• Identification of at least 2 options;
• Analysis of these options;
• The team’s recommendations.

Team Presentation: Each team, playing the role of public servants, will present a summary of their
analysis and recommendation to a panel of four judges and respond to questions. The judges will
play the role of ministerial cabinet members and will ask challenging questions related to the case
study and the team’s recommendations. It is advisable that team members try to anticipate
potential questions in order to respond effectively.

Presentation (10 minute presentation, 10 minute Q & A) should include:

 Introductions: The first person to speak from each team should introduce themselves and the
other members at the beginning of the presentation.
 Equal Participation: All students must play an active role in the presentation and Q & A portions
of the competition; you will want to address your presentation and Q & A strategy at the
beginning of your deliberation period so that each team member has an equal amount of
participation in both components of the presentation block.
 Presentations: A brief overview of the issue statement, identified options, and recommended
option with analysis/rationale. Presentations will be timed, and students will be cut-off at the
end of the allotted time whether they have finished their presentation or not.
 Questions/Answers: Question period will last for ten minutes, and team members will respond
to the judges’ questions. Either the SEO or JSGS staff member will indicate (via the Zoom chat
function) how much time remains during the presentation and the judges Q&A period at 5
minutes and 1 minute to help teams manage their time. For this reason, it may be a good idea
to designate one team member to pay particular attention to the zoom chat function throughout
the presentation block. Teams that go beyond the allotted time will be cut off.

JSGS Case Competition Rules Handout

University of Regina Campus

3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK S4S 0A2 Canada
Judging Criteria: Teams will be assessed based on the specific criteria. It is required that all team
members are given an opportunity to participate, by presenting and/or responding to the judges’
questions to earn full participation marks.


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