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General Certificate of Education Advanced Level



1. Uses 1 B1
Л – (-л)

Considers ∫1/ 2s dt M1

Obtains x + л A1

{0, x ≤ -л
States f(x) = {z+x/ 2, -л < x <л A1
{1, x > л

2. (i) States X – Bin (8; - 0.05) B1

Attempts P(3) for binomial probability M1
Obtains answers 0.0054 A1

(ii) Attempts P(x = 0 or 1 or 2) = P(X ≤ 2) M1

For binomial probability M1
Obtains answer 0.9942 A1

3. (i) Attempts to integrate f (x) dx with correct limits M1

Shows that the integral = 1 A1

(ii) Obtains answer 5/ 16 for P(X < ½) A1

(iii) States X – Bin (3; 5/16) B1

Attempts P(2) for binomial probability M1

Obtains answers 0.2014 A1

4. (a) (i) Obtains answer 0.64 B1

(ii) Considers 0.8 M1


Obtains answer 20 A1

(b) States mean 6.5417 B1

Uses appropriate method to obtain standard deviation M1
Obtain answers 1.4 A1

5. (a) states probability ( 1/3) soi B1

Attempts to find sum of 3 probabilities M1

Obtains answer 16/35 A1

(b) States correct numerator 1/3 (30/ 70) B1

Considers /3 (30/ 70) M1
1 80
/ 3( / 100) + 1/3(30/70) + 1/3(10/ 70)

Obtains answer 5/ 16 A1

6. (i) States X – Bin (60; 1/ 5) B1

Attempts correct standardization P(Z > 24.5 – 20 M1

√60( 1/3)(2/3)

Obtains answer 0.1089 A1

(ii) States n = 42, X – Bin (42, X 1/ 3) B1

Considers P(9.5 < 15.5) B1
Correct standardization to obtain P(-1.4729 < z < 0.4909 M1
Correct use of tables obtains answers 0.6179 A1

7. Correct d.f (3) B1

Correct x (3) = 7.815 B1
Correct method of finding expected frequencies 36.79, 36.79,
18.39,6.13 and 1.90. M1
Any two correct A1
All correct A1
Correct method for x M1
Obtains Y 2 = 18.0 A1
Correct comparison of x with 7.815 M1
Correct conclusion A1
Interruptions per day to not follow a Poisson distribution.

8. (i) Uses correct method and correct substitution in finding the

moment correlation coefficient M1
Obtains answer 0.5619 A1
The results indicates a moderate positive relationship B1

(ii) States correctly x = 95/ 9 and y = 121/ 9 B1

Uses correct method to find the gradient M1

Obtains gradient as 67/ 131 or equivalent A1

Uses correct method to find the regression line M1

Obtains the line as y = 0.511n + 8.05 A1
States: The value indicates greater divergence after
point of intersection or equivalent diagram B1

9. (a) States a one-tailed test is not appropriate because the

expressions “have changed” indicates that it is either an
increase or a decrease B1

(b) States correct H0: µ # 5870 and H1; µ # 5870 B1

Considers distribution of X – N (5870.62500) B1
( 35 )
Attempts to standardize correctly M1
Obtains Zcal as ± 1.893
States critical value Za as ± 1.96 B1
Correct comparison of Zcal and 1 1.96 M1
Correct conclusion: reject H0, sample evidence does not
Support the credit manager’s belief. A1

(c) States correct table value for Za AS 2.576 B1

Correct method to find confidence interval M1
Obtains confidence internal as (5981.15; 5898.86) A1
10. (a) (i) States E(x + y + 20) = 100 B1
Calculates Var(X I Y + 20) = 5.4 2 + 2.52 M1
Obtains answer 35.41 A1

Uses correct method of standardization and

Attempts P(Z < -2.0165) M1
Obtains 0.0219 A1

(ii) Considers correct standardization

P(94 – 100 < Z 102 – 100) M1
(√35.41 35.41 )
Attempts Φ (0.336) –Φ (-1008) M1
Obtains 0.4747 A1

(b) (i) States λ = 0.4 x 10 =4 B1

Uses P(0) + P(1) + P(2) for Poisson probabilities M1
Obtains answer 0.238 A1

(ii) States (X + Y) – P0 M1
Obtains X + Y – P0 (10) A1
Attempts 1 – [P(0) + P(1) + P(2)] for Poisson
probabilities M1
obtains answer 0.997 A1

11. (a) (i) States Normal distribution B1

(ii) Obtains X – (38, ¼) B1

Correct standardization P(Z > 39.1 – 38) M1

( /√4 )

Considers 1 – Φ (2,2) M1

Obtains answer 0.01390 M1

Biased B1
Since p(X > µ) < 0.5 B1
(b) States X – N (µ - /100) B2

(i) States X = 52.7 B1

Considers o √1 (2540 – 2702) or equivalent M1

99( 100 )

Obtains answer δ = 4.2766 A1

(ii) States 95% CI = 52.7 ± 1.96 √18.29 B1M1


Obtains answers (51.9; 53.5)

States expectation is 18 B1

12. (i) States A (4/3; 0) or equivalent B1

(ii) Finds displacement = -2m B1

(iii) Obtains average velocity = 2/7 ms-1 B1

13. States equations (i) R2 = 81 + 16 – 72 cos(180 – θ) B1

(ii) R2 = 81 + 64 – 144 cos(180 – θ)B1

or their equivalence

Correct method of solving the equations simultaneously M1

Obtains cosθ = - 2/ 3 A1

States R = 7 A1

14. Considers – 1.81 = 8tanθ – 9.81 x 82 (1 + tan2θ) or equivalent M1


Simplifies the equation to 4.905 tan or equivalent A1

Correct method of solving for tanθ A1

Obtains θ = 45º or 32º A1

States the lesser θ (i.e. 32º) B1

15. Draws a correct diagram B1

(ii) States µ R = 6/4 mgCos3o B1

Considers 6mgs in 30o- T – ¼ mgcos30o = 6ma or

equivalent M1A1
States T – 2mg = 2ma B1
Correct method for solving for a M1

Obtains acceleration as a = 1/ 8(g - 3√3/ 4 g) or equivalent M1

(ii) States T = 2m(g + 1/8g - √3/64g)

Obtains T = mg/16 (36 - 3√3) or equivalent A1

(iii) States force on p = 2Tcos30o M1

Obtains answer 3.33 mg A1

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