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DSP2 Anatomy

Superficial and deep neck

Dr S Ranjitkar [BDS, BScDent(Hons), PhD]
Senior Lecturer

Adelaide Dental School

University of Adelaide

Artery = solid red
vein = solid sky blue
nerve: sensory = solid yellow and motor = dotted yellow
muscle = solid green
other structures (including glands and fascia) = solid purple or brown
Learning outcomes

Apply the knowledge of the broad overview of the neck to the two scenarios provided in Chapter 3 of “Learning
Anatomy applied to dentistry”.

Demonstrate the knowledge of various groups of structures including various layers of cervical fascia and fascial spaces
(For fascial spaces for the current ILA, refer to Fig 12.9, 12.28 & 12.29 from “Baker EW. Anatomy for
Dental Medicine, 2015, 2nd edition, Thieme: New York, pp p320, 334)

Demonstrate a broad (relatively brief) understanding of these structures:

- the boundaries and contents of the anterior and posterior triangles in the neck
- cervical plexus and its branches
- major arteries and veins that travel through the neck and ultimately supply the cranium (face and cranial cavity)
- the muscles relating to vigorous chewing and bruxism (including sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles),
suprahyoid muscles (e.g. digastric muscles) and infrahyoid muscles
- a brief description of laryngeal apparatus, including the cricothyroid membrane that will be relevant for providing
emergency airway
- Salivary gland – submandibular gland; only a brief understanding of endocrine gland – can you name which one?

NB: Only a brief understanding of the neck structures is expected, except digastric muscles and submandibular gland
which will be covered in more detail in future class meetings. A brief understanding of muscles would include a general
description, location and function.
Revise this from semester 1


Spinal nerves T1-L2 S2-S4

Solid lines = preganglionic fibres

Broken lines = post-ganglionic fibres

Snell R. Clinical anatomy. Philadelphia:

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, p33.
Neck – side view

Baker (2015), p296

Neck – front view

Baker (2015), p323

Dotted box = (1) superficial fascia
Solid boxes = (2) deep fascia
(2.1) superficial layer of deep cervical fascia and (2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) other deep fascial layers

1. Superficial fascia (under the

skin and contains platysma)
Sternocleidomastoid m.

Ventral 2.2 Visceral fascia (wraps

(Anterior) around pharynx, larynx and
2.1 Superficial layer of oesophagus)
the deep cervical
fascia – investing fascia 2.3 Carotid sheath (common
carotid/ internal carotid
artery; internal jugular vein
and Vagus (CN X)
(Posterior) 2.4 Vertebral fascia

Trapezius m.
Cross-section of the neck
Ventral root Sympathetic trunk

Spinal cord

Ventral APR (Anterior primary ramus)

(Anterior) PPR (Posterior primary ramus)

Dorsal root ganglion

Dorsal root Spinal nerve
Only need a brief understanding –
PPR please do not get lost into the details
Cervical plexus


*Yellow background:
Phrenic nerve C5 For reference only

LOGATCSC = LOG A Tooth Coloured Sound Composite

To diaphragm
Levator Sternocleidomastoid
Transverse cervical (TC)/
Hyoid bone
Ascending cutaneous AC) Trapezius
Greater auricular (GA) Scalenus medius
Clavicle (bone)
Lesser occipital (LO)

Accessory (CN XI – spinal part)

Sensory supply
External jugular vein
GA = APR C2, C3 Supraclavicular (SC)
Anterior jugular vein
AC = APR C2, C3
SC = APR C3, C4 Cervical plexus
Venous system
Motor supply – CN XI
Only need a brief understanding
Anterior triangle of yellow highlights
Boundaries: 1. Submandibular 
Sternocleidomastoid muscle 2. Carotid 
Lower border of mandible 1. Occipital 
3. Muscular 
Anterior midline (of the neck)
4. Submental 
2. Subclavian 
Posterior triangle Omohyoid
Boundaries: Omo = shoulder; Mylo = molar
Sternocleidomastoid muscle Mylohyoid ridge line
Trapezius muscle Raphe
Clavicle bone Anterior belly of digastric
Submandibular gland
Hyoid bone Posterior belly of digastric
Thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage Sternothyroid
Trachea Sternohyoid
Sternum Omohyoid
Vagus nerve (X)
Phrenic nerve

Thyrocervial trunk
Thyroid gland
Vertebral artery
Axillary artery
Common carotid artery
Scalenus anterior
Subclavian artery
Brachiocephalic artery

Arch of aorta
Cavernous sinus

Pterygoid venous plexus

Lingual vein
External jugular vein
Superior thyroid vein
Internal jugular vein
Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Masseter muscle
Posterior belly of digastric muscle
Anterior belly of digastric muscle
Facial artery
Lingual artery
Internal carotid artery
Superior thyroid artery
External carotid artery

Common carotid artery Images only for reference; Baker (2020)

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