Clyne Ea Sba

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Candidate Name: Joshua Clyne

Candidate Numbers:
Centre Name: Presentation Brothers College
Centre Number:
Year of examination: 2024
Territory: Grenada
Teacher: Ms. Thomas
Group members: Jelani Barnes, Joshua Clyne, Dwight Gibbs and Micheal Julien
Group theme

Table of Contents
Plan of investigation:.......................................................................................................................3

Reflection 1......................................................................................................................................4

Reflection 2......................................................................................................................................5

Refection 3.......................................................................................................................................6

Plan of oral presentation..................................................................................................................7

Group written report........................................................................................................................8



Artifact 1....................................................................................................................................10

Artifact 2....................................................................................................................................11

Artifact 3....................................................................................................................................12

Plan of investigation:

In my School-Based Assessment (SBA), the overall theme is 'Warfare,' with my specific focus

on exploring the 'Causes of War.' My personal goal for this project is to raise awareness about

the devastating consequences of war, to shed light on the impracticality and futility of conflicts

that result in suffering and pain. As an English student at Presentation Brothers’ College, I aim to

gain a comprehensive understanding of the topic 'War' to effectively convey the message. I will

utilize my literary skills for research, summary writing, and persuasive writing, and I will

employ an expanded vocabulary. My ultimate objective is to use this SBA as a platform to share

my ideologies and advocate for positive change, encouraging a world where peace prevails. To

accomplish this, I plan to collect materials from articles, videos, historical texts, speeches, and

interviews, with sources including websites, documentary platforms, newspapers, and books.

Reading writing, listening and other comprehensive skills will be used in the reflection group

report and oral presentation.

Reflection 1

Before engaging with the materials, my initial thoughts were rooted in a simplistic understanding
of the causes of war, attributing conflicts solely to political problems between two governments.
The notion lacked depth and overlooked the underlying complexities that contribute to the
outbreak of wars, the video, "Cause of War - Immediate vs. Underlying," from the YouTube
channel Kulczyk's class, dated October 17, 2021, falls under the genre of prose. It provides
valuable insights into the persistent factors that contribute to a war-prone environment, offering
concrete examples and historical dates while the article titled "The 8 Main Causes of War,"
authored by Paul Goodman on October 14, 2022, is a nonfiction piece that delves into the eight
primary causes of war, enriching my understanding of warfare. Furthermore, the picture titled "A
Threatening Situation," shared on the Reddit community r/HistoryMemes by the user
u/TheKrikkianEmpire three years ago, is a satirical piece that humorously personifies five
countries—France, Russia, Germany, Austria, and Serbia—illustrating the domino effect of
conflict initiation. Prior to my exploration of this theme, my perspective on the origins of war
was limited and one-sided, but since immersing myself in this topic, my viewpoint has evolved.

This reflection must be written as one paragraph. One paragraph per material/artefact.The
reflection is incomplete. Please add the following parts for each material
1. use quotations from the material to show how the material helped shape your thinking on
the topic. Use this link it will help with writing

reflection one.

Reflection 2
The article "Cause of War - Immediate vs. Underlying" adeptly employs informal language,
falling under the genre of prose and adopting a colloquial style. The use of informal language is
evident in phrases like "helping viewers understand" and "clear and easily comprehensible,"
which contribute to a conversational tone. This choice of language makes the content more
accessible to a broad audience, aligning with the article's primary goal of providing clear
information on the factors leading to war. The informal style creates a connection with viewers,
fostering engagement and enhancing the article's effectiveness in delivering its informative and
descriptive content.
In contrast, the article titled "The 8 Main Causes of War," authored by Paul Goodman, adopts a
formal tone in its descriptive approach. The formal language is reflected in phrases like
"descriptive piece" and "focused on the 8 main causes of war," contributing to a more academic
and structured presentation. This formality aligns with the nature of the content, where a
systematic exploration of the main causes of war is undertaken. The technique of juxtaposition is
mentioned, suggesting a comparative analysis within the article. An example illustrating this
technique would provide a clearer understanding of how comparisons are utilized to convey
information effectively.
The picture titled "A Threatening Situation," shared on Reddit by u/TheKrikkianEmpire,
employs satire as a language technique to convey its point humorously. Satire is evident in the
humorous personification of countries and the depiction of a domino effect in conflict initiation.
An example that highlights the use of imagery in the picture would be beneficial to emphasize
how visual elements contribute to the satirical tone. The choice of informal language in the
reflection, such as "shared on Reddit" and "user u/TheKrikkianEmpire," reflects the informal
nature of the image and its origin on a social media platform.

This reflection is missing certain parts.Use this link for guidance on reflection 2
1. Discuss effects of language techniques
2. You must add examples from the materials to show the effectiveness of the techniques

Refection 3
The completion of this School-Based Assessment (SBA) has been a rewarding journey, offering
me profound insights into the far-reaching consequences of warfare on the lives of a nation's
citizens. This experience has not only deepened my understanding of this complex issue but has
also contributed significantly to my personal growth. I as a student have acquired profound
insights into the ramifications of warfare on the citizens of the afflicted and enhanced my
communication skills, vocabulary, and overall command of the English language. It has
broadened my knowledge and equipped me with skills extending beyond academics.
Moreover, this SBA has improved my teamwork, cooperation, active listening skills and overall
skills as an English student proving essential not only in academics but also in daily life. It has
taught me effective time management as I balanced multiple SBAs within tight deadlines, a skill
I can apply to future responsibilities.

Please add more to this reflection

Use this link for guidance on reflection 3

Use this guide to write reflection 3

1. each new idea is a different paragraph

3. Share your thoughts

4. state what you have learned

5. discuss how the knowledge affects you

Plan of oral presentation

In the oral presentation on the causes of warfare, I utilized standard English to inform fellow
students on the multifaceted factors that contribute to the onset of wars. The main objective is to
provide a comprehensive understanding of the underlying reasons behind conflicts. The speech
will commence with a brief introduction, setting the stage for the importance of exploring the
causes of warfare in contemporary society. Moving forward, I will delve into historical
perspectives, emphasizing how political, economic, and social factors have historically
intertwined to give rise to conflicts. The speech will then transition to the present day, discussing
contemporary issues and global dynamics that fuel tensions and potential conflicts. Utilizing
clear and concise language, I will highlight the interconnected nature of these causes,
emphasizing that wars often result from a complex interplay of various factors. To support key
points, I will incorporate relevant examples, drawing on historical events and current geopolitical
scenarios. The conclusion will summarize the main ideas, underscoring the significance of
understanding the root causes of warfare for informed citizenship. Throughout the presentation,
maintaining a professional and engaging tone will be crucial, ensuring that the audience remains
attentive and gains valuable insights into this critical aspect of human history and society.

Group written report.

The group’s selected theme for this SBA was ‘War’. In the process of completing this SBA the group
divided the main topic into several subtopics such as effects of war on society, evolution of war, types of
warfare. During the research process each group member was required to collect materials which they
would use as the backbone of their SBA process. In total 12 materials were gathered collectively. The
first artefact selected is titled “Types of Wars | Civil War | Cold War | Proxy War |Urdu/Hindi|
informative videos|” made by Mr. Informative and published on July 4 2022. The second artifact selected
is an article titled “Western sanctions didn’t stop the war. Were they worth it?” composed by Politico Pro
and published on February 23rd 2023. The final artifact is titled “The Evolution of War” made by Russ
Banham, published on July 19 2017.

In the process of selecting the appropriate materials various steps need to be taken. Firstly, your sub
heading needs to be chosen and then approved by your group members along with your teacher. Next,
you’ll use resources you have access to gather information in artefacts like articles, photos and videos.
However, when gathering information on certain topics one issue that occurred is the lack of necessary
resources on the topic hence to solve this you would have to be patient and thorough in your research
endeavors. Despite having our individual subtopics, we all aided each other in finding our respective
resources and artifacts. Another issue was lack of agreement among the respective group members. To
settle this dispute, we all came up with valid evidence for our claims and voted among ourselves.

Our group dived into the theme of "Warfare," breaking it down into subtopics such as the effects
of war on society, the evolution of war, and types of warfare and causes of war. Initially, we had
access to a total of 12 materials before narrowing down our selection. The three chosen pieces
are: "Types of Wars | Civil War | Cold War | Proxy War |Urdu/Hindi| informative videos" by Mr.
Informative (published on July 4, 2022), the article "Western sanctions didn’t stop the war. Were
they worth it?" by Politico Pro (published on February 23, 2023), and "The Evolution of War" by
Russ Banham (published on July 19, 2017).

Selecting the materials involved a collaborative effort within the group. Initially, we proposed
subheadings for approval, and once finalized, each member contributed by researching and
presenting potential materials. Challenges arose due to a lack of resources on certain topics,
requiring patience and thorough research. Disagreements among group members were resolved
through evidence-backed discussions and voting.

The first selected material, "Types of Wars | Civil War | Cold War | Proxy War," is an
informative video that provides a comprehensive overview of various types of wars, offering
insights in Urdu/Hindi. The second material, "Western sanctions didn’t stop the war. Were they
worth it?" from Politico Pro, critically analyzes the effectiveness of Western sanctions in halting
wars. The third material, "The Evolution of War" by Russ Banham, explores the historical
development and changes in the nature of war.

From our selected materials, we concluded that wars are multifaceted, encompassing different
types and evolving over time. The impact of sanctions on war outcomes is a complex and
debated issue. Additionally, the evolution of war reflects shifts in strategies, technologies, and
geopolitical dynamics.

Throughout the SBA, each member played a specific role. Responsibilities included researching
subtopics, selecting materials, and presenting findings. Despite challenges in finding resources
for certain topics, collaboration and mutual support within the group facilitated successful

The SBA enhanced our language skills, requiring effective communication, presentation, and
articulation of ideas. We honed our abilities to research, comprehend, and analyze materials,
contributing to a more profound understanding of the language in the context of our chosen
In conclusion, our exploration of war-related materials was a collaborative journey that not only
deepened our understanding of the theme but also strengthened our language skills. Despite
challenges, the group successfully navigated the selection process, drew meaningful conclusions,
and honed valuable language competencies.


Write the bibliography using MLA format. Please cite the sources for all your materials.

Artifact 1

Screenshot and link of first artifact:

Causes of war- immediate vs. underlying

Artifact 2

Screenshot of second artifact

The 8 main causes of war
Type: article

You must copy and paste the entire article.

Artifact 3

Screenshot of Article 3
A threatening situation
Type: image


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