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Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty



HOOK Interesting My mother is the most wonderful person in

Fact the world because she is a fundamental
pillar of my life.

BACKGROUND Why the She is kind, gentle, and, above all, very
INFORMATION topic is human. She is also charismatic, tall, and
important slim. I have a great relationship with her,
and it revolves around three aspects:
appearance, personality, and our

This relation makes us share three
aspects: appearance, personality and


TOPIC SENTENCE First, let us talk about the appearance of my mom,


SECONDARY 1. Principal characteristic of my mom

SENTENCES (IDEAS) 2. Personal characteristics
3. Humans characteristics

CONCLUDING My mother´s appearance is very pretty because curly

SENTENCE hair looks perfect on her.


TOPIC SENTENCE Moving on to the second aspect, my mom's personality.


SECONDARY 1. My mother is out going, kind affectionate

SENTENCES (IDEAS) 2. She is gentle and bit grumpy
3. She is intelligent, charismatic, persistent, fun,
optimist and clueless.

SENTENCE She enjoys being friendly, staying active, and working
hard, although there are moments when bitterness
shows through.


TOPIC SENTENCE Finally, our relationship is built on trust, friendliness,

and humor.
Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty

SECONDARY 1. The strictness of our relationship

SENTENCES (IDEAS) 2. Her best interest for me
3. Her expectation on me

CONCLUDING I am her treasure among all her children. Nevertheless,

SENTENCE our relationship is comfortable.


SENTENCE 1 In conclusion, this is my mom, who has always been

good to me.

SENTENCE 2 She is a fundamental pillar of my life.

SENTENCE 3 Without her, I'd be nobody.

SENTENCE 4 I believe that all mothers are great in their own way

Thus, they deserve our love and appreciation.

My mom Angela

She is Angela, my mother, the most wonderful person in the world, because she is a
fundamental pillar of my life. She is kind, gentle, and, above all, very human. She is
also charismatic, tall, and slim. I have a great relationship with her, and it revolves
around three aspects: appearance, personality, and our relationship. This relation
makes us share three aspects: appearance, personality and relationship.

First, let us talk about the appearance of my mom, Angela. The principal characteristic
of my mom is her gentle and charismatic personality. She has a pretty appearance with
tall, slim figure, a round head, curly hair, a perfect nose, long arms, black hair, and long
legs. Her human characteristics, including empathy, make her even more attractive. My
mother´s appearance is very pretty because curly hair looks perfect on her.

Moving on to the second aspect, my mom's personality. She is outgoing, kind, and
affectionate. While she is generally gentle, she can be a little grumpy at times. She is
also intelligent, charismatic, persistent, fun, optimistic, and sometimes a bit clueless.
Her charisma and sense of humor are truly delightful. She enjoys being friendly,
staying active, and working hard, although there are moments when bitterness shows

Finally, our relationship is built on trust, friendliness, and humor. It is sometimes strict,
especially when it comes to studies, but the most important aspect is the deep love we
share. She scolds me occasionally, always with her best interests at heart. My mother's
Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty

expectations of me are high. I am her treasure among all her children. Nevertheless,
our relationship is comfortable.

In conclusion, this is my mom, who has always been good to me. She is a fundamental
pillar of my life. Without her, I would be nobody. I believe that all mothers are great in
their own way. Thus, they deserve our love and appreciation.

Description of an animal


HOOK A wise My mother is the most wonderful person

quote in the world because she is a
fundamental pillar of my life.

BACKGROUND History She is kind, gentle, and, above all, very

INFORMATION background human. She is also charismatic, tall, and
slim. I have a great relationship with her,
and it revolves around three aspects:
appearance, personality, and our

THESIS STATEMENT Three important aspects to describe

Diana, her appearance, her personality,
and her relationships

TOPIC SENTENCE The physical appearance of my dog Diana


SECONDARY 1. Breed´s principal characteristics

She's Samoyed, similar like wolfs, white, has an
elongated snout, fluffy tail, big amount of fluffy hair
2. Female´s characteristics
Shorter than the male Samoyeds, less weight than
the males, more protective and aggressive than the
3. Personal characteristics
Owns special characteristics like: two different eyes
colors, eyes that look like the milky way, really long
and fluffy tail, short hair straight and cream, soft

CONCLUDING Talking about the Samoyed breed, the female´s

SENTENCE characteristics and the special characteristics of Diana,
the last ones are the most important physical aspects to
Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty

consider for describe her.


TOPIC SENTENCE Diana´s personality


SECONDARY 1. The amazing ability to learn tricks, she is a

2. The outgoing aspect: she likes running, playing
games with her mom, search thing, find her
mom, catch the ball, and bury things, she´s
3. The negative aspect: she´s completely jealous.
She is aggressive with other dogs, does not like
to share her things, and it seems that she loves
CONCLUDING In conclusion, she has too much positive aspects taking
SENTENCE about her personality, that makes her who she is, but
she also has negative aspects that the jealous one.


TOPIC SENTENCE Diana´s relationships in her home


SECONDARY 1. She´s attached to her mom

SENTENCES (IDEAS) 2. She´s really protective with her mom and all the
3. Because of her jealousy, she doesn’t have a
close and good relationship with her children

CONCLUDING In fact, relationships of Diana are not easy, but those

SENTENCE things make her special for me, her mom.


SENTENCE 1 In conclusion, Diana is a really extraordinary dog with a

lot of good characteristics and some bad one too, which
make her who is she.

SENTENCE 2 She has a really special way of viewing the world and
has a couple of eyes that look like the milky way.

SENTENCE 3 She is the most brave and playful dog that I have ever
met and she is really protective and outgoing.

SENTENCE 4 She is jealous and sometimes aggressive, but all of

those things make part of her.

SENTENCE 5 These aspects are the reasons that make me love her
with all of my heart.

My dog Diana
Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty

Having a dog can provide numerous advantages in your life, as recent scientific studies
have shown. These benefits can include an improved way of life, better health, and
increased peace and happiness. This happened to me when I adopted my little dog,
Diana. She is a Samoyed who came into my life when my family wanted a female dog
to accompany my brother's dog. However, when I first met her, I decided to become
her caregiver and provide her with love and care throughout her life. It was at that
moment that I truly understood why they say that a dog is a human's best friend. Diana
is now a three-year-old Samoyed, and she has experienced and developed many
unique characteristics that make her who she is today. There are three important
aspects that best describe Diana: her appearance, her personality, and her

First, let us talking about the physical appearance of Diana because there are three
key aspects that give you a clear image of how Diana looks this includes her breed, her
gender, and her own characteristics. Firstly, Samoyeds are medium-sized dogs,
similar to wolves, who are used to live in open spaces due to their love for running.
They are typically white or cream-colored with an elongated snout, a fluffy tail, and
abundant fur. Female Samoyeds, like Diana, have distinguishing features such as
shorter legs, less weight than males, and a more protective and sometimes aggressive
temperament, especially towards their offspring. In Diana's case, she possesses
unique characteristics, such as two different eyes colors, which gives her eyes a
striking appearance resembling the Milky Way. She also has a long, fluffy tail, short
and straight cream-colored hair, and incredibly soft paws. In summary, Diana's
representation of the Samoyed breed, her female characteristics, and her specific
physical traits all contribute to her unique appearance.

Turning to Diana's personality, she has both positive and negative aspects. The
positive ones are her ability to learn tricks and her intelligence. She is outgoing and
loves playing games with her mom and grandma, this includes activities like catching a
ball, playing fetch, and searching for things. Diana is very brave and does not hesitate
to showcase this quality whenever she could. However, on the negative side, she can
be incredibly jealous, sometimes to the point of becoming aggressive with other dogs.
She dislikes sharing her things and seems to love fighting. In conclusion, she has many
positive aspects in her personality, they make her who she is, but she also has
negative aspects like her jealousy.

And, what about her relationships at home? Well, Diana is attached to her mom, she
loves to sleep in my room in her special bed (my chair) or on my feet, I guess because
Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty

of our proximity. Also, she´s really protective with her mom and all the family. When we
go out to the house for run or just walk, she is really careful and walks like a completely
lady, looking at both sides, like a bodyguard, so everybody loves her for that reason.
However, because her jealousy, she does not have a close and good relationship with
her children, and use to beat them when they got near me, and for that reason they
respect her and fear her. In fact, relationships with Diana are not easy, but those things
make her special for me, her mom.

In conclusion, Diana is a really extraordinary dog with a lot of good characteristics and
some bad one too, which make her who is she. She has a really special way of viewing
the world. She has a couple of eyes that look like the milky way. She is the most brave
and playful dog that I have ever met. She is really protective and outgoing. She is
jealous and sometimes aggressive, but all of those things make part of her. These
aspects are the reasons that make me love her with all of my heart.

Description of an Event


HOOK Interesting How would you feel if you got lost in an

question unknown place?

BACKGROUND History When I was 14 years old, I got lost in a

INFORMATION mountain, and it was a frightening and
worrying experience. I was just a child
back then, and I didn't have the knowledge
or resources to survive in such a situation.
I had some really negative thoughts about
what could happen to us in that remote

Thus, being lost in the mountains became
an event that I would always recall in my


TOPIC SENTENCE This incident took place during a camping trip with my
classmates and other high school students from my

SECONDARY 1. The camp was meant to last for four days, and
SENTENCES (IDEAS) there were many fun activities planned for us to
2. One of the optional activities was hiking to the
Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty

mountain peak.
3. I eagerly signed up for it, excited about the

SENTENCE However, if I knew what was going to happen I would
have signed up for another activity.


TOPIC SENTENCE The ascent to the mountain peak was tiring, but going
back was pretty easy and fun.

SECONDARY 1. Therefore, during the descent, a friend and I

SENTENCES (IDEAS) decided to have a race, which led us to stray far
from the group and lose our way back to the
2. We soon found ourselves anxious and tired,
trying to find our way back to the camp.
3. Eventually, we encountered another individual
with a backpack who was also lost like us.
4. He tried to reassure us, saying that we would
find our way back, but it was difficult to stay
calm in the middle of nowhere without any idea
of where to go.

SENTENCE At one point, I even had thoughts about having to live in
the forest until someone rescued us.


TOPIC SENTENCE Therefore, being rescued was the light in a dark room
for me.

SECONDARY 1. Luckily, after some time, the camp organizers

SENTENCES (IDEAS) realized that we were missing and sent people
to search for us.
2. I am not sure how they managed to locate us,
but when they did, I felt immense relief.
3. Although I did not actually kiss their feet, I was
incredibly thankful and joyful when we were
finally rescued.

SENTENCE Returning to the camp and seeing familiar faces was a
heartwarming and memorable moment for me.

CONCLUSION TYPE Recommendation

SENTENCE 1 In conclusion, my mountain adventure is a memory that

will stay with me for a long time.

SENTENCE 2 It was a scary experience that made me acutely aware

Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty

of the potential dangers of being in the wilderness.

SENTENCE 3 At that age, I wasn't entirely sure how to handle such

situations or what to do if something dangerous

SENTENCE 4 This experience taught me to be more cautious and

aware of my surroundings when venturing into the wild
and outside the comfort of my home.

It made me realize how vulnerable we are and how
dangerous the world could be.


How would you feel if you got lost in an unknown place? When I was 14 years
old, I got lost in a mountain, and it was a frightening and worrying experience. I was
just a child back then, and I did not have the knowledge or resources to survive in such
a situation. I had some negative thoughts about what could happen to us in that remote
location. Thus, being lost in the mountains became an event that I would always recall
in my memory.

This incident took place during a camping trip with my classmates and other
high school students from my school. The camp was meant to last for four days, and
there were many fun activities planned for us to enjoy. One of the optional activities
was hiking to the mountain peak. I eagerly signed up for it, excited about the
adventure. However, if I knew what was going to happen I would have signed up for
another activity.

The ascent to the mountain peak was tiring, but going back was pretty easy and
fun. Therefore, during the descent, a friend and I decided to have a race, which led us
to stray far from the group and lose our way back to the camp. We soon found
ourselves anxious and tired, trying to find our way back to the camp. Eventually, we
encountered another individual with a backpack who was also lost like us. He tried to
reassure us, saying that we would find our way back, but it was difficult to stay calm in
the middle of nowhere without any idea of where to go. We spent hours searching; all
the while feeling stressed and worried. At one point, I even had thoughts about having
to live in the forest until someone rescued us.

Therefore, being rescued was the light in a dark room for me. Luckily, after
some time, the camp organizers realized that we were missing and sent people to
Analiz Pizarroso, Dennys Ramirez Ayma and Sharlin Victoria Veizaga Vincentty

search for us. I am not sure how they managed to locate us, but when they did, I felt
immense relief. Although I did not actually kiss their feet, I was incredibly thankful and
joyful when we were finally rescued. Returning to the camp and seeing familiar faces
was a heartwarming and memorable moment for me.

In conclusion, my mountain adventure is a memory that will stay with me for a

long time. It was a scary experience that made me more aware of the potential dangers
of being in the wilderness. At that age, I was not entirely sure how to handle such
situations or what to do if something dangerous happened. This experience taught me
to be more cautious and aware of my surroundings when venturing into the wild and
outside the comfort of my home. It made me realize how vulnerable we are and how
dangerous the world could be.

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