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In Module 12 & 13, we will focus on the topic “Occupational Health & Safety".

Our next class is

scheduled for November 29, 2023. In this class, we will be looking at:
 Health & Safety in the Workplace
 Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)
 Scope of Legislations on Health & Safety in the Workplace
Please be guided by the following tasks for Module 12 & 13:
1. Create debate teams of 4 persons and submit to for
approval no later than Sunday, November 19 @ 5:00pm. After this deadline, students
who are not assigned to a debate team will be randomly assigned to one by the
2. Please review the readings for Module 12 and 13.
3. Review the following tutorial videos on: Debating Skills, Debating Style, Debate Writing
Technique, and Rebuttal Guide. Please ensure to apply the A.R.E.I Technique as outlined
in the video to construct your arguments for the debate.
4. Review the case study entitled "Influenza Pandemic Planning at London Health Services
Centre (LHSC) "which will serve as the evidence for your arguments presented in the
Background: The Influenza Pandemic was expected to place severe strain on LHSC’s employees
and the organization’s ability to provide health care to the public. Compliance to the Ontario
Health & Safety Act raised ethical concerns.
Details: Each team must prepare a speech as per the guidelines below to BOTH support and
oppose the moot above. These speeches must be written as two separate independent
speeches. For example, Speaker 1 below for each team must have a 2 minutes speech on
supporting the moot and another separate 2 minutes speech on opposing the moot (these two
speeches for Speaker 1 could be divided among different members of the team for
Please note the speech requirements and allotted time for each speaker on your team below.
Please note that this is NOT a PPT presentation, but a written speech on paper or mobile device
for oral presentation.
 Speaker 1 (2 minutes): Main Arguments - Rationale/Justification of position, potential
consequences, benefits, ethical considerations, legal implications, quotes from case
study, use of external examples as well as the case study.
 Speaker 2 (2 minutes): Main Arguments - Rationale/Justification of position, potential
consequences, benefits, ethical considerations, legal implications, quotes from case
study, use of external examples as well as the case study.
 Speaker 3 (2 minutes): Summarize and reinforce understanding of the main points
shared by Speaker 1 and 2.
 Speaker 4 (1 minute): Rebuttal & Conclusion - this is an opportunity to summarize your
opposing perspectives to the main arguments of the next team. This involves convincing
the audience as to why your team's arguments is valid and why the opposing team's
arguments are invalid.
After each speech by each speaker, except for Speaker 4, teams will engage in a 1 minute "point
of information" session. This session provides an opportunity for the opposing team to ask
questions to each speaker and solicit feedback. No rebuttals are expected at this stage as it is
more of a Q&A session, however, whatever rebuttals that comes to mind at this stage must be
quickly summarized and documented in Speaker 4's presentation. Also, the "point of
information" session is a great opportunity to expose the flaws in your opponents' arguments
with your questioning and to reinforce and defend your perspectives supported by credible
evidence in the rebuttal by Speaker 4.

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