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I’ll choose a duck for the spy

Squeaky the squirrel was hungry one winter afternoon. She was excited to unearth the yummy
walnuts she had collected during the warmer days. She ran up to the tree near the lake, dug up the
soil but was shocked to see her walnuts missing. Never mind, she always hid her food in different
places, so she ran up to the rock near the lake. She dug up the soil, but once again, she realized her
food was missing! She sobbed in hunger while a paddling of ducks passed by. Dopy the duck noticed
the squirrel sob and stayed back to speak to her. Squeaky wept her heart away as she told Dopy
about the missing food and how hungry she was. Dopy offered to lead Squeaky towards her coop
filled with cereals and nuts and they became good friends. Together they decided to nab the thief
who had stolen Squeaky’s food. “Don’t’s you worry Squeaky. I’ll keep a watch day and night and
inform you on who is stealing your food” said Dopy. But Squeaky was not convinced. “How is that
possible? You cant possibly be awake always! And what if the thief comes from one direction when
you are looking in the other?”. Dopy smiled and said “Squeaky, my 2 eyes can see in 2 different
directions at the same time! And do you know that I can keep one eye closed while my other eye
continues to keep a watch? Trust me, we’ll catch the thief soon”. Squeaky was doubtful, but agreed
to take help from Dopy the duck. As per their plan, Squeaky hid some cereal near the tree by the
lake and left for the day. Dopy paddled around with her siblings near the tree for few hours, but
found no sign of any thief stealing the food. As the sun was setting, she was tired and closed one eye
while deliberately kept the other open. Soon, very stealthily, she saw a mouse come by to dig in the
same place that Squeaky had hidden her food. Soon she fluttered her wings and called out to her
siblings. “Look at that mouse! It looks like we can hunt him down and enjoy a hearty feast.” They
hunted down the mouse and devoured him in no time”.

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