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Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice System

I. Multiple Choice.

1. It is known as the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006.

A. R.A. 9344
B. P.D. 603
C. R.A. 9262
D. R.A. 9775

2. It means the least detrimental available alternative for safeguarding the growth and
development of the child.
A. Deprivation of liberty
B. Best interest of the child
C. Neglected child
D. Child abuse

3. The following are the circumstances that makes a child at risk:

A. Coming from a dysfunctional or broken family or without a parent or guardian
B. Being out of school youth
C. Being a street child
D. all the above

4. The child in conflict with the law has the right not to be imposed a sentence of capital
punishment or life imprisonment.
A. The statement is correct
B. The statement is not correct
C. Yes, maybe
D. Maybe it is not true

5. If the children in conflict with the law has the imposable penalty for the crime committed
of not more than six years imprisonment, he shall undergo diversion proceedings.
A. The statement is correct
B. The statement is not correct
C. Maybe it is correct
D. Maybe it is not true

6. The diversion proceedings of the children in conflict with the law shall be completed within
how many days?
A. 60 days
B. 45 days
C. 30 days
D. 15 days

7. It refers to a system of dealing with CAR and CICL, which provides child-appropriate
proceedings, including programs and services for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation,
reintegration and after-care to ensure the child's normal growth and development.
A. Restorative Justice
B. Civic Welfare System
C. Juvenile Restorative Justice System
D. Juvenile Justice and Welfare System
8. These are certain acts or omissions which may not be punishable socially or legally if
committed by adults but become anti-social or illegal because the offender is a minor.
A. Criminal offense
B. Juvenile delinquency
C. Minor offense
D. Status offenses

9. It refers to a principle which requires a process of resolving conflicts with the maximum
involvement of the victim, the offender, and the community.
A. Juvenile Justice and Welfare System
B. Civic Welfare System
C. Restorative Justice
D. Intervention

10. Pedro, 16 years old, was convicted of serious physical injury, the imposed penalty is up to
2 years and 4 months imprisonment. Does Pedro have the right to probation as an alternative
to imprisonment, if qualified under the probation law?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Maybe
D. It depends on the court

11. It refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses
because of personal, family and social circumstances.
A. Child in conflict with the law.
B. Child at risk
C. Neglected child
D. Dependent child

12. In conducting preliminary investigation, the information against the child in conflict with
the law shall be filed before the Family Court within how many days from the start of
preliminary investigation?
A. 60 days
B. 45 days
C. 30 days
D. 15 days

13. The following are example of status offense, except-

A. Truancy
B. Drinking alcoholic beverages
C. Mendicancy
D. Obedience to school officials

14. It refers to a child who is alleged of, accused of, or adjudged as, having committed an
offense under Philippine laws.
A. Child at risk
B. Child in conflict with law
C. Juvenile delinquent
D. Youthful offender
15. A child fifteen (15) years of age or under at the time of the commission of the offense shall
be exempt from criminal liability. However, the child shall be subjected to ___________
A. diversion
B. reformation
C. intervention
D. counseling

16. It refers to the apprehension or taking into custody of a CICL by law enforcement officers
or private citizens.
A. Child apprehension
B. Arrest
C. Intervention
D. Initial contact with the child

17. If the court finds out that the objective of the disposition measures imposed upon CICL
has not been fulfilled, or if the child has willfully failed to comply with the conditions of his/her
rehabilitation program, the child shall be-
A. discharge from the sentence imposed by the court.
B. returned to court for the execution of judgment.
C. returned to prosecution for secondary investigation.
D. retake the disposition measures.

18. The automatic suspension of sentence may be extended until the CICL reaches the
maximum age of-
A. 18 years old
B. 21 years old
C. 24 years old
D. 22 years old

19. A child that has no proper parental care or guardianship or when the child's parents or
guardians have deserted the child for a period of at least six continuous months.
A. Neglected child
B. Child abused
C. Dependent child
D. Abandoned child

20. It refers to the security given for the release of the person in custody of the law, furnished
by a bondsman or a bonding company, to guarantee the appearance of the person before
any Court.
A. Initial contact with the child
B. Recognizance
C. Diversion
D. Bail

21. It refers to a child is without a parent, guardian or custodian; or one whose parents,
guardian or other custodian for good cause desires to be relieved of the child's care and
custody, and is dependent upon the public for support.
A. Abandoned child
B. Dependent child
C. Neglected child
D. Child abused

22. It refers to the capacity to understand the difference between right and wrong, and its
A. Judgement
B. Discernment
C. Decision making
D. Moral capacity

23. It refers to an alternative, child-appropriate process of determining the responsibility and

treatment of a child in conflict with the law, on the basis of the child's social, cultural,
economic, psychological or educational background, without resorting to formal court
A. Diversion program
B. Diversion
C. Intervention
D. Community-based treatment

24. It refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is required to undergo after
being found responsible for an offense, without resorting to formal court proceedings.
A. Diversion
B. Intervention program
C. Diversion program
D. Rehabilitation program

25. It generally refers to programmatic approaches or systematic social protection programs

for children that are designed and intended to promote the physical and social well-being
of the children; avert or prevent juvenile delinquency from occurring, and stop or prevent
children from re-offending.
A. Diversion
B. Diversion program
C. Intervention
D. Intervention program

26. It refers to deliberately not or inadequately providing child's basic needs.

A. Neglected child
B. Dependent child
C. Abandoned child
D. Child abused

27. It refers to a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction and sentence, is
released, subject to the conditions imposed by the Court and the person is placed under the
supervision of a probation officer.
A. Probation
B. Diversion
C. Intervention
D. Community-based correction

28. It refers to an undertaking, in lieu of a bail bond, assumed by a parent or custodian, who
shall be responsible for ensuring the appearance in Court of the child in conflict with the law,
whenever required.
A. Recognizance
B. Property bond
C. Cash bond
D. Corporate surety

29. Juvenile Justice and Welfare System provides child-appropriate proceedings, including
programs and services such as the following, except-
A. Diversion
B. Prevention
C. Rehabilitation
D. None of the above

30. The Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council is attached to what department under
executive branch of the government?

31. A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of age shall likewise be
exempt from criminal liability if he/she acted-
A. with discernment
B. without discernment
C. with judgment
D. without refinement

32. What is the minimum age for children to be committed to a youth care facility or Bahay
A. 15 years old
B. 9 years old
C. 12 years old
D. 18 years old

33. For those who are 15 years old and below and those above 15 years old but below 18
who acted without discernment shall undergo-
A. diversion
B. intervention
C. rehabilitation in jail
D. court proceedings

34. The influence of the family and environment on the growth of the child is one of the factors
in determining diversion program for CICL.
A. True
B. False

35. What Act created Juvenile justice and Welfare Council under the Department of Social
Welfare and Development?
A. R.A. 9344
B. R.A. 7610
C. R.A. 9262
D. R.A. 10630

36. It refers to offenses where there is no private offended party.

A. Crime typology
B. Victimless crimes
C. Impossible crimes
D. Juvenile offenses

37. It refers to a 24-hour child-caring institution established, funded and managed by local
government units (LGUs) and licensed and/or accredited nongovernment organizations
(NGOs) providing short-term residential care for children in conflict with the law who are
above fifteen (15) but below eighteen (18) years of age who are awaiting court disposition
of their cases or transfer to other agencies or jurisdiction.
A. Youth Detention Home
B. Youth Rehabilitation Center
C. Bahay Pagasa
D. Juvenile Care Center

38. Under the Juvenile Justice Welfare Act, Children under the following age are exempted
from criminal responsibility.
A. 9 yrs. and below as well as over 9 yrs. but below 15
B. 12 yrs. and below as well as over 12 yrs. but below 15
C. 15 yrs. and below as well as over 15 yrs. but below 21
D. 15 yrs. and below as well as over 15 yrs. but below 18

39. If the crime charged against a child in conflict with the law is more than 12 years of
imprisonment, which will determine whether diversion is necessary?
A. Police
B. Barangay Chairman
C. Prosecution
D. Court

40. The chairman of JJWC shall be chaired by an-

A. Undersecretary of DOJ
B. Undersecretary of DSWD
C. Undersecretary of DILG
D. Undersecretary of DOH

41. Police enforcers who have taken into custody a child in conflict with the law, under
juvenile justice act is mandated to turn over said child to the custody of the DSWD or any
accredited NGO immediately but not later than _____ hours after apprehension.
A. 8
B. 12
C. 24
D. 36

42. The exemption from criminal liability of a child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen
(18) years of age who acted without discernment:
A. does not include exemption from civil liability.
B. does include exemption from civil liability.
C. does not include exemption from administrative liability.
D. does include exemption from administrative liability.

43. The taking of the statement of the child shall be conducted in the presence of the
A. child’s counsel of choice or in the absence thereof, a lawyer from the Public Attorney’s
B. The child’s parents, guardian, or nearest relative, as the case may be.
C. The local social welfare and development officer.
D. All the above

44. At the level of Punong Barangay where diversion may be resorted to, the following
diversion programs may be agreed upon except for one-
A. Written or oral apology
B. Institutional care or custody
C. Care, guidance and supervision orders
D. Counseling for the child in conflict with the law and the child’s family.

45. At the level of the appropriate court where diversion may be resorted to, the following
diversion programs may be agreed upon-
A. Fine
B. Payment of the cost of the proceedings
C. Institutional care or custody
D. All of the above

46. The child who is under eighteen (18) years of age at the time of the commission of the
offense is found guilty of the offense charged, the court instead of pronouncing the judgment
of conviction shall be place the child in conflict with the law under?
A. Suspended sentence.
B. Committed to BJMP.
C. Exempted sentence
D. Committed to care of Bureau of Corrections

47. The following are the offenses not applicable to children, except one-
A. Sniffing of rugby
B. Rape
C. Vagrancy
D. Prostitution

48. Within what period should the child’s custody be turn over with the Social Welfare and
Development Office or other accredited NGO’s?
A. Immediately but not late than eight (8) hours after apprehension.
B. Not late than five (5) hours after apprehension
C. Within twenty-four (24) hours
D. Not later than seventy-two (72) hours after initial contact

49. All records and proceedings involving children in conflict with the law from initial contact
until final disposition of the case shall be considered:
A. Public record
B. Privileged and confidential
C. High profile
D. Final and important

50. If the offender is a child in conflict with the law, what are the instances when the
prosecutor should conduct a preliminary investigation?
A. When the child in conflict the law does not qualify for diversion
B. When the child, his/her parents or guardian does not agree to diversion
C. When considering the assessment and the recommendation of the social worker, the
prosecutor determines that diversion is not appropriate fort he child in conflict with the law.
D. All of the above

51. In determining whether diversion is appropriate and desirable, the following factors shall
be taken into consideration, except for one-
A. The nature and circumstances of the offense charged.
B. The frequency and the severity of the act.
C. The financial capacity of the child.
D. The circumstances of the child.

52. A person of such age is automatically exempted from criminal liability but should be taken
to the custody and care of his parents, DSWD representative or any institution engage in child
a. 15 years and below
b. under 18 years of age
c. under 15 years of age
d. under 21 years of age

53. This common procedure applied when arresting an offender shall NOT be employed
when the person who is the subject of apprehension is a child.
a. informing the suspect is a child
b. stating the reason for the arrest
c. employing reasonable force
d. use of handcuffs

54. In case of a child in conflict with the law his age shall be determine in the absence of
proof what principle shall be observed?
a. He is presumed to be minor
b. He should prove his age
c. The Birth certificate should be produced pending such issuance he should be hold.
d. The testimony of the child should be enough to prove his age.
55. Child in conflict with the law may undergo diversion program without necessity of court
intervention on the following:
a. Where the imposable penalty for the crime committee is not more than six (6) years
b. Where the imposable penalty for the crime committed exceeds six (6) years imprisonment;
c. Where the imposable penalty for the crime committed exceeds six (6) years but not more
than 12 years imprisonment;
d. Where the imposable penalty for the crime committed does not exceeds 12 years

56. Once the court, after trial finds that a child in conflict with the law is guilty of the crime
charged, the court shall:
a. Pronounce its judgment;
b. Wait for the application for suspension of sentence of the child and order his turn over to
c. Automatically place the child in conflict with law under suspension of sentence.
d. Determine the civil lability and order the final discharge of the child in conflict with the law.

57. Once the child in conflict with the law reached the age of 18 while under suspended
sentence the court may:
a. Order the execution of sentence;
b. Order the discharge of the child in conflict with the law;
c. Extend the suspended sentence at certain period or to its maximum age of 21
d. Any of these.

58. Being an orphan, Pedro Basurero, roams the street 24 hours a day with no place to go,
surviving on foods given by kind-hearted people with no one to supervise him at his young
age of six (6). How do you categorize Pedro as a child?
a. neglected child
b. independent child
c. Abandoned child
d. dependent child

59. The law enforcement officer must ensure that all statements signed by the child during
investigation are witnessed and signed by the following
a. his parents, lawyer, and social worker
b. his parents or guardian
c. legal counsel
d. social worker

60. It is the best evidence to prove the age of the child in conflict with the law:
a. testimony of the parents of the child
b. testimony of the child
c. certificate of birth
d. school records
61. The penalty for the crime committed by the CICL is imprisonment of more than six years,
diversion will be within the jurisdiction of the ______:
a. barangay
b. police
d. court

62. Discernment is the determining factor if the CICL is over fifteen years old. The decision as
to whether the child acted with or without discernment is made initially by the ______:
a. social worker
c. law enforcer
d. judge

63. The duty of determining the age of the child in conflict with the law lies with the _______:
a. social worker
c. law enforcer
d. judge

64. It pertains to the document that must be signed by the parents of the child in conflict with
the law as part of the conditions of diversion:
a. contract of diversion proceedings
b. certification of conciliation
c. memorandum of agreement
d. contract of diversion

65. A child in conflict with the law who is under fifteen years of age shall be turned over to
the ________ by the police for the determination of appropriate program:
a. nearest police station
b. local DSWSD
c. family
d. court

1. The Executive Order No. 209 which was enacted on July 6, 1987 and became effective on
august 3, 1988 is also known as?
a. PNP code of conduct c. Family Code of the Philippines
b. The Family Code d. Civil Code of the Philippines
2. It is legally defined as the external manifestation of either judicial capacity or the
capacity to act?
a. Civil Personality c. Civil Liability
b. Criminal Liability d. Civil Code
3. Patria Potestas is defined as a mass of rights and obligation which parents have in
relation to the person and property of their minor children. It is also known as?
a. Best interest of the child c. Right to be Born
b. Parental Authority d. Parental Concern
4. Parental authority is jointly exercised by both father and mother, but, the stipulates
that in case of disagreement. Which decision will prevail?
a. The Mother c. The Father
b. DSWD d. Guardian
5. In case of the father and the mother of a child is not married, who has the sole parental
a. The Mother c. The Father
b. DSWD d. Guardian
6. Choose which is not belong to the group? Parental authority is terminated on the
following cases:
a. Upon adoption c. Upon appointment of a guardian
b. Upon declaration of abandonment of a child d. none of them
7. This means a judicial act which create between two persona relationship similar to
that which result for legitimate paternity and filiations?
a. Abortion c. Adoption
b. Adopter d. None of These
8. The law that gives the DSWD the sole authority to issue the certification declaring a
child legally available for adoption.
a. RA.9523 c. RA.5923
b. RA.8552 d. RA.9262
9. This refers to the consolation of the decree of adoption issued by the court with the
effect of nullifying the legal relation established as a result of legal adoption
a. Filiations c. recession of adoption
b. Denied for adoption d. none of these
10. Created by virtue of RA.8043 to act as the central authority in matters relating to inter-
country adoption.
a. Dangerous drug board c. adoption board
b. Inter-country adoption board d. DSWD
11. A well doing and well being, in any respect; the enjoyment of health and common
blessing of life; exemption from an evil or calamity is referred to as?
a. Security c. safety of child
b. Welfare d. worth of living
12. It is known as special protection of children against child abuse, exploitation and
discrimination act. Commonly referred as anti child abuse law.
a. RA.9208 c. PD.603
b. RA.9344 d. RA.7610
13. This refers to the maltreatment of children, weather habitual or not.
a. Child exploitation c. sexual abuse
b. Child abuse d. Cruelty
14. Under section 3 of RA.9231, a child below fifteen (15) years of age may be allowed to
work not more than how many hours a week?
a. 20 hours c. 40 hours
b. 25 hours d. 30 hours
15. Under sec. 3 of RA.9231 a child fifteen (15) years of age but below eighteen (18) shall
not be allowed to work more than? Hours a day, and in no case beyond forty (40) hours a
a. 4 hours c. 8 hours
b. 5 hours d. 12 hours
16. Section 5 of RA 9231 states that no child shall be employed as model of any
advertisement directly or indirectly promoting the following items? Choose which is not
a. Alcoholic beverage c. intoxicating drinks
b. Bottled milk d. tobacco and cigarettes
17. The following can be criminally liable for violation of RA,9262 anti violence against
women and their children except.
a. The husband c. Ex husband
b. Live-in partner d. Son
18. Any representation, weather visual, audio or written, combination thereof, by
electronic, mechanical, digital, optical, magnetic or any other means, of child engaged or
involved in real or simulated explicit sexual activities.
a. Pornography c. Sexual abuse,
b. Child pornography d. none of these
19. Under sec. 6 of RA.9344 the minimum age of criminal responsibility is?
a. 18 years old c. 21 years old
b. 9 years old d. over 15 years old
20. The mental capacity of the child to understand the difference between right from
wrong and its consequences.
a. Personal knowledge c. discernment
b. CICL d. the youth offender
21. The program that the CICL is required to undergo if he/she responsible for the offense
without resorting to formal court proceeding.
a. Diversion program c. Youth rehabilitation center
b. Intervention d. youth detention home
22. A 24 hours child-caring institution manages by accredited local government units.
a. Diversion program c. Youth rehabilitation center
b. Intervention d. youth detention home
23. A 24 hour residential care facility manage by DSWD, LGU’s, licensed or accredited
c. Diversion program c. rehabilitation center
a. Intervention d. youth detention home
24. Refers to a series of activity which are designed to address the issues that caused the
child to commit an offense.
a. Diversion program c. Rehabilitation program
b. Intervention d. youth detention home

25. The diversion proceeding shall b completed with how many days?
a. 15 days c. 45 days
b. 10 working days d. none of these
26. Act or omission which may not be punishable if committed by an adult, but becomes
unlawful when they are committed by a child or a person of tender years or one who is in
need of supervision or assistance.
a. Crime c. status offense
b. Delinquency d. felony
27. The power of the state to give any form of charity of public nature. It is the philosophy
behind the view that youthful offender/ child in conflict with the law is the victim of improper
care and that the state is duty bound to protection.
a. Positivism c. Loco Parentis
b. Patria Potestas d. Parents Patriae
28. Still considered to be the vital force in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.
a. The School c. The home
b. The Law enforcement agency d. The Church
29. Under the Law, they are the one responsible form becoming the child addicted to
intoxicating drinks, narcotic drugs, smoking, gambling or any harmful practices.
a. DSWD c. Parents
b. State d. Police
30. The civil personality of the child is deemed to have been commenced:
a. Birth of the child
b. When the child celebrates his first birthday
c. From the time of his conception
d. Upon reaching the age of majority
31. PD. 603was signed by the late president Marcos when?
a. December 10, 1974 c. June 10, 1975
b. June 10, 1974 d. July 6, 1987
32. Truancy means absence in school without cause for more than ______ days not
necessarily consecutive.
a. 30 days c. 5 days
b. 20 days d. 15 days
33. Refers to a person appointed by the court to act as a legal guardian of the child even
though the parents of the child are still alive when the best interest of the said child is so
a. Adopter c. Guardian Ad Litem
b. Loco Parentis d. Temporary Guardian
34. Under the RA. 9344 a child over 15 but under 18 years of age is exempted from criminal
liability unless:
a. He is committed a heinous crimes c. he is principal accused
b. He acted without discernment d. he acted with discernment
35. Considered as the inviolable social institution. Being the foundation of the basic social
autonomous institution.
a. Home c. Marriage
b. Family d. adoption
36. A child left by himself without provision for his needs/or without proper supervision falls
under what special category of child?
a. Abandoned child c. Abused child
b. Neglected child d. dependent child
37. In the absence of death of both parents of the child who shall continue to exercise
authority over the child?
I.Surviving grand parents
II.Elder brother and sister over 21 years of age
III.Surviving parents child
IV.Actual custodian of child over 21 years of age
a. I, II and III only c. I and II only
b. I, II and III only d. all of the above
38. The court can suspend parental authority if it finds that the parent is:
I.Treats the child with excessive harshness and cruelty
II.Give the child corrupting order, counsel or example
III.Compel the child to beg
IV.Imposed to child disciplinary action
a. I and II only c. I and III only
b. I, II, III, and IV d. I, II and III only
39. Which of the following is considered to be the major cause of juvenile delinquency?
a. Family Disruption c. Poverty
b. Family Background d. Environment
40. Is the mass obligation which the parents have in relation to the persons and property
of their unemancipated child.
a. Parental Authority c. Parens’ Patriae
b. Patria Potestas d. Parental Responsibility
41. Which of the following best describe the philosophy behind adoption.
a. For the childless home to be filled-in
b. To establish paternity and filiations
c. To raise a child from illegitimacy to legitimacy
d. To promote the welfare of the child
42. A person of such age is automatically exempted from criminal liability but should be
taken to the custody and care of his parents, DSWD representative or any institution engaged
in child caring.
a. 15 years and below c. under 15 years of age
b. Under 18 years of age d. under 21 years of age
43. It is the expulsion of the fetus from the mother’s womb:
a. Intentional abortion c. therapeutic abortion
b. Unintentional abortion d. abortion
44. He is a child who has no proper parental care or guardianship, or whose parents or
guardian have disserted him for a period of six continues months.
a. Neglected c. Dependent
b. Abandoned d. Orphaned
45. A juridical act which creates a relationship between two persons similar to that
resulting from legitimate paternity and filiations.
a. Marriage c. Adoption
b. Legitimation d. Annulment
46. Parental Authority is deemed terminated upon:
A. Death of the parents
B. Emancipation of the child
C. death of the child
D. all of the above
47. primary duty of the law enforcer is apprehending a youthful offender is:
a. subject him to psychological test
b. interview/interrogate him
c. take him to the nearest health center for the necessary medical, physical and mental
d. Take him to the DSWD
48. The act engaging in the trading, dealing with children like buying and selling of a child
or minor for a money or consideration.
a. Child abuse c. Child Trafficking
b. Exploitation d. Abduction
49. Any person who shall engaged in trading and dealing with children, such as buying
or selling of a child for money shall suffer the penalty of:
a. Reclusion temporal
b. Prison correctional
c. Reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetual
d. Prison mayor to reclusion temporal
50. Refers to the person who is subject for adoption:
a. Adopter c. Adoptive
b. Adoptee d. Adaptor
51. Refers to any mal-treatment either habitual or not be it psychological, physical, or
emotional maltreatment.
a. Child trafficking c. Exploitation
b. Child abuse d. Child Prostitution
52. RA. 6809 is an act which amends for such purpose the provision of EO. 209 lowering
the age of majority from:
a. 20 to 17 years old c. 17 to 20 years old
b. 18 to 21 years old d. 21 to 18 years old
53. Is a process in which a child is given a same status and rights as legitimate child both
in relation to the parents and to the relatives of the latter.
a. Adoption c. legitimation
b. Marriage d. Emancipation
54. A family type homes which provides temporary shelter from 10 to 20 days for children
who shall during this period be under this observation and study for eventually placement by
the department of social welfare.
a. Shelter care c. detention home
b. Receiving homes d. child caring institution
55. It is always the duty of a teacher to report to the parents the child ‘s absence if this
a. 6 days c. 5 days
b. 10 days d. 20 days
56. When during suspension of the sentence the youthful offender is found incorrigible or
his wilfully failed to comply with the condition of his rehabilitation program he shall be:
a. Returned to the committing court for the pronouncement of judgement
b. Placed him under solitary confinement
c. Be subjected to religious counselling
57. It is an institution or place established for the purpose of curing or correcting youthful
offender or other disturbed children.
a. Detention home c. rehabilitation
b. Reception and study center d. child caring institution

58. Is a law which provides for the protection of youth from any form of abuses or
a. RA.6909 c. RA.7610
b. PD.603 d. RA 7658
59. An act of engaging children whether male or female, in sexual intercourse or lascivious
conduct for money, profit or other consideration:
a. Child exploitation c. child labor
b. Child prostitution d. child abuse
60. It is juvenile justice and welfare act of 2006:
a. RA.9262 c. RA.9344
b. RA.9346 d. PD.603
61. This refers to the apprehension or taking into custody of a child who committed an
offense by the law enforcement officer:
a. Initial contact with the child c. initial investigation
b. Preliminary investigation d. inquest proceeding
62. The government office is created pursuant to RA.9344 and it shall be and attached
agency to the department of justice:
a. Local Council for the protection of children
b. Juvenile and justice welfare council
c. Sanguniaang kabataan
d. Samahan
63. A child in conflict with the law who is under 15 years of age shall be turned over to the
______ by the police for the determination of appropriate program.
a. Nearest police station c. Family
b. Local DSWD d. court
64. A ________ is one who has committed a crime and is undergoing either intervention or
diversion program under the juvenile justice and welfare act of 2006:
a. Child in conflict with the law c. child at risk
b. Child offender d. child
65. It is the anti violence against women and their children act of 2006.
a. RA.9346 c. RA.9262
b. RA.9344 d. RA.9263
66. If the court finds that the child in conflict with the law is guilty of the crime he is accused
of doing, the _____ of the sentence shall automatically suspended:
a. Imposition c. Determination
b. Execution d. Discharge
67. The child in conflict with the law whose sentence has been suspended shall be
brought back to the court when he reaches the age of _____ for final disposition of his case.
a. 21 c. 18
b. 19 d. 20
68. It refers to the totality of the circumstances and condition which are most congenial
to the survival, protection and feeling of security of the child and most encouraging the
child’s physical, psychological, and emotional development. It also means the least
detrimental available alternative for safe guarding the growth and development of the child.
a. Child at risk c. Full development
b. Best interest of the child d. child welfare program
69. It refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal offenses
because of personal, family and social circumstances?
a. Juvenile c. child in conflict with the law
b. Child at risk d. youthful offender
70. It refers to a series of activities which are designed to address issues that cause the
child to commit an offense. It may take the form of an individualized treatment program
which may include counselling, skills training, education and other activities that will enhance
his/her psychological, emotional and psychosocial well being.
a. Intervention c. Diversion
b. Diversion program d. Rehabilitation
71. It refers to the program that the child in conflict with the law is required to undergo
after he/she is found responsible for an offense without resorting to formal court proceeding
a. Intervention c. Diversion
b. Diversion program d. Rehabilitation
72. This pertains to the theory of crime causation which states that people are rationale
enough to decide what to do?
a. Neo classical c. positivist
b. Classical d. choice theory
73. What factor of juvenile delinquency in which Television, radio, and the press are
sources of education, as great as or even greater than the more traditional institutions of the
a. Education c. environment
b. Mass media d. socialization
74. The developmental period, lasting from about ages twelve (12) to
eighteen (18), during which many biological, cognitive, social, emotional and personality
traits changes from child like to adult-like.
a. Adulthood c. adolescence
b. Child ego state d. maturity
75. Also known as science of heredity.
a. Sociology c. genetics
b. DNA analysis d. none of them
76. Refers to the maltreatment, whether habitual or not, of the child?
a. Child abuse c. maltreatment of child
b. Child labor d. child molesting
77. Being in a community where there is armed conflict or being affected by armed
conflict-related activities is a factor that threaten the survival and normal development of a
a. The statement is true c. the statement is false
b. The statement is partly true d. the statement is partly false
78. The date where Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and
Discrimination Act was approved?
a. June 17, 1992 c. June 18, 1990
b. June 17, 1994 d. June 18, 1992
79. Refers to a crime against humanity. It involves an act of recruiting, transporting,
transferring, harboring, or receiving through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the
purpose of exploiting them.
a. Human smuggling c. human trade
b. Human selling d. human trafficking
80. PD.603 is also known as?
a. The juvenile justice and welfare act of 2006
b. Anti trafficking in persons act
c. The child welfare code
d. Child and youth welfare code
81. The following are the three core elements of trafficking except
a. Action c. means
b. Purpose d. none of them

82. He is the person responsible for the study of ADA JUKES family.
a. Calvin Godard c. Henry Godard
b. Emile Durkheim d. Richard Dugdale
83. States that people have to be integrated into their society in various ways or they will
engage in delinquency.
a. Social Phenomenon Theory c. Social Disorganization Theory
b. Socialization theory of Delinquency d. social Control Theory
84. Where does an employer of a child secure the permit of a child to work?
a. Department of Interior and Local Government
b. Department of Social Welfare and Development
c. Department of labor code
d. Department of Labor and Employment
85. In cases of armed conflict children are declared as?
a. Zones of silence c. Zones of Peace
b. Zones of freedom d. Zones of Love
86. It is otherwise known as the juvenile justice welfare act?
a. RA. 8551 c. RA. 9344
b. RA. 9343 d. RA. 8552
87. The following are considered as child except.
a. Persons below 18 years of age
b. Persons who are unemancipated
c. Persons who are 18 years of age and below
d. Persons who cannot fully take care of themselves
88. Supposing that X is a person below the age of majority who found to have committed
a crime his case will immediately be?
a. Dismissed c. suspended
b. Convicted d. turn over to the Regional trial court
89. It is an interacting factor of development whereby it pertains to the NATURE of
a. Environment c. Heredity
b. Pre-natal period d. all of them
90. Shall include the prostitution or sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, slavery or
practices similar to slavery, servitude or removal of organs.
a. Abuse c. Exploitation
b. Pornography d. cruelty
91. Pledging by the debtor of his/her personal service or labor or those of a person under
his/her control as a security or payment to a debt.
a. Debt Bondage c. mail order bride
b. Prostitution d. Philandering
92. Human trafficking is always transnational.
a. Statement is false c. statement is correct
b. Statement is partly false d. statement is somehow correct
93. A crime in which the offender uses or threatens to use violent force upon the victim.
a. Violent crimes c. Heinous crimes
b. Evil crimes d. all of them
94. Presence of both the father and the mother in a family ideally refers to?
a. Structural completeness c. moral conformity
b. Completeness of family d. Ideal Family
95. A child born inside a marriage where either party is suffering from an impediments.
a. Illegitimate child c. legitimate child
b. Legitimated child d. emancipation

96. All of statements, EXCEPT ONE are correct:

a. The family becomes cause of juvenile delinquency when parents find it hard to
balance their job to their parental responsibilities
b. Peer group is a factor of juvenile delinquency
c. Parental rejection causes juvenile delinquency
d. It Is only with the family that a child must learn his life values
97. Law on the use of father’s surname.
a. RA.9265 c. RA. 9551
b. RA.9254 d. RA.9255
98. It refers to the power which shall be exercise by both father and mother.
a. Parental Authority c. Joint Parental Responsibility
b. Parental duties d. Joint Parental Authority
99. is the sum total of the rights of the parents over their an unemancipated child.
a. Parental Authority c. Joint Parental Responsibility
b. Parental duties d. Joint Parental Authority
100. Which of the following is not a duties of a parents
a. to give him affection, companionship, and understanding
b. to extend and join their child’s doing
c. to extend to him the benefits of moral guidance, self-disciplined and religious
d. to inculcate in him the value of industriousness, thrift and self-reliance

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