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Language Grammar Analysis

Name of structure / function and marker sentence(s)

How will you present this language to the students? How will they first meet the language?

Meaning Checking meaning Form Pronunciation

(what it means in student-friendly (e.g. concept checking (how to build the structure or (phonemic script, stress,
language) questions, timelines) key components of the function) contractions, weak forms etc.)

Anticipated problems Possible solutions

Meaning Meaning

Form Form

Pron contractions Pron drill+ phonemic chart

Language Lexis Analysis

How will you present this language to the students? How will they first meet the language?

Lexical item Meaning Checking Meaning

(e.g., concept checking questions, visuals)
Form (part of speech, spelling) (what it means in student-friendly
Pronunciation (phonemic script, language)

J. Scrivener, Teaching English Grammar, Macmillan Publishers, 2010

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