1st Quarter - Community Engagement

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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region


SY 2019 - 2020

Name: _____________________________________ Strand:_____________ Score:______ Rating:____ %

Test I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following statements carefully and choose the best answer for
each number.

1. Which of the following statement is true of a community.

A. A community is a functionally related aggregate of people who live in a particular geographical
locality at a particular time, show a common culture, are arranged in a social structure, exhibit an
awareness of their uniqueness and separate identity as a group.
B. A community refers to the total organization of social life within a limited area and people sharing
different culture and beliefs
C. A community is a social group with some degree of we” feeling and living in a given area
D. A community is a group of people coming from the same cultural background and sharing one goal
and aspiration
2. A community usually promotes and supports _______________.
a. common needs and goals c. collective action
b. a sense of the common good d. all of the above
3. A community can also be defined by describing the social and political networks that link individuals,
community organizations, and leaders.
A. Systems Perspective B. Virtual Perspective C. Social Perspective D. Individual Perspective
4. Some communities map onto geographically defined areas, but today, individuals rely more and more on
computer-mediated communications to access information, meet people, and make decisions that affect their
lives. This is called _________
A. Systems Perspective B. Virtual Perspective C. Social Perspective D. Individual Perspective
5. Schools focus on education, the transportation sector focuses on moving people and products, economic
entities focus on enterprise and employment, faith organizations focus on the spiritual and physical well-being
of people, and health care agencies focus on the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries.
A. Systems Perspective B. Virtual Perspective C. Social Perspective D. Individual Perspective
6. A healthy community has well-connected, interdependent sectors that share responsibility for recognizing
and resolving problems and enhancing its well-being.
A. Individual Perspective B. Social Perspective C. Virtual Perspective D. Systems Perspective
7. Social groups or groups with a common interest that interact in an organized fashion on the Internet are
considered ____________
A. Rural communities B. Virtual communities C. Urban communities D. None of the above
8. It is the process of change and development within communities which strive to bring about positive social
change through community-based programming.
a. Community Action c. Community Engagement
b. Community Dynamics d. Community Empowerment
9. The most essential characteristics of a community.
A. Locality B. Population C. Common values and beliefs D. Mutuality
10. What perspective is present when people act and interact between each other and at the same time react
and expect each other to act and interact as well? It also includes such institutions as marriage or friendship,
roles such as mother or police officer, status or class, and other patterns of human behavior.
A. Institutional Perspective B. Social Perspective C. Virtual Perspective D. Systems Perspective
11. It is a manifestation of a collective grasp and ownership of a situation that generally has an affect on
A. Common context B. economic structure C. community action D. collective action
12. What structure and systems may facilitate or hinder the success of an action?
A. identify and get to know the relevant community structures and systems
B. empowerment and advocacy
C. four general phases of community organization process
D. organization development
13. The process of finding the power of combined voices and determination, mobilizing people, acting for their
mutual for their mutual benefit or championing the interest of those who cannot stand up for themselves.
A. Common context B. economic structure C. community action D. collective action
Republic of the Philippines
National Capital Region

14. The "bolt-in" phase where all the resources, material or nonmaterial process or product, soft or hard
technology, and physical and spiritual are mapped out and consolidated.
A. Organization B. Human Rights C. Participation D. Social Justice
15. It is defined as a process wherein community members come together to take collective action and
generate solutions to moon problems and pursue community well-being.
A. Common experience B. citizen participation C. social development D. community development
16. Shapes the basic patterns of a production, distribution, exchange and consumption in a society.
A. Economic structure B. political structure C. cultural structure D. none of the above
17. Faces massive challenges in terms of access to basic social services despite the gains in
health, education and nutritional status.
A. Social issues B. cultural structure C. political structure D. ecological issues
18. When we look into the structure of our society; we can ascertain the key working structure in a given
situation and move outside personal considerations.
A. Common analysis B. Social analysis C. Systematic change D. Social Justice
19. Which of the following statement is true?
A. Social development is a key process in social change.
B. When there is a common understanding of an issue, people have more or less a similar view of the
issue at hand; it elevates the community relationship from "feeling" level to a "thinking" level.
C. A citizen refers to a member of a democratic community who enjoys full civil and political rights and
is accorded protection inside and outside the territory of the state.
D. All of the above
20. Emphasizes self-help, mutual support, capacity development, neighborhood integrations and promotion of
collective action.
a. Organization development c. Strengthens the community
b. Know the community issue d. social teachings

For numbers 21 - 24, Choose from the words in the box to fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

A. Living organism B. Systems C. Group of people D. Mapping

21. A community can be viewed as a ____________________ or well-oiled machine.

22. One useful way to describe the community and its sectors is through a technique known as ____________.
23. Communities may be viewed as ______________ composed of individual members and sectors that have
a variety of distinct characteristics and interrelationships.
24. From a sociological perspective, the notion of community refers to a ___________ united by at least one
common characteristic.

DIRECTION: Complete the definition by choosing the correct words from the box.

A. Geographic B. Interest C. Collaboratively D. Well-being

Community engagement is the process of working 25. ________________ with and through groups of people
affiliated by 26. _________________ proximity, special 27.______________, or similar situations to address
issues affecting the 28._______________ of those people.

For numbers 29 - 32, Choose from the words in the box to fill in the blanks with the correct answer.

A. Environmental B. Social Science C. Partnerships D. Empowerment

29. It is a powerful vehicle for bringing about ________________ and behavioral changes that will improve the
health of the community and its members.
30. It often involves__________________ and coalitions that help mobilize resources and influence systems,
change relationships among partners, and serve as catalysts for changing policies, programs, and practices.
31. Community engagement is a blend of __________________ and art.
32. A critical element of community engagement relates to __________________.
Republic of the Philippines
National Capital Region

For numbers 33 – 38. Use the box below to choose the correct answer.

A. Community Development B. Community Empowerment C. Collective Action D. Engagement

33. It is a process where people come together to take action on what's important to them.
34. It supports communities, of place and identity, to use their own assets to improve the quality of
community life.
35. People should be able to control and use their own assets and means to influence.
36. Coming together in groups or organizations strengthens peoples’ voices.
37. Helps communities and public agencies to work together to improve services and the way in which
decisions are made.
38. Helps to build community capacity in order to address issues and take advantage of opportunities, find
common ground and balance competing interests.

For numbers 39 – 43. Use the box below to choose the correct answer.

A. The first and second sentence is TRUE C. The first sentence is TRUE ,the second sentence is FALSE
B. The first and second sentence is FALSE D. The first sentence is FALSE ,the second sentence is TRUE

39. A community exists when a set of households is relatively concentrated in delimited geographical area.
Their residents exhibit a substantial degree of integrated social interaction.
40. The essence of community is a sense of common bond, the sharing of an identity, membership in a group,
holding some things physical or spiritual, in common esteem. It is coupled with the acknowledgement of rights
and obligations with reference to all others so identified.
41. Communities may be large as much as a vast nation or they may be very small like a primitive tribe, a
horde, a nomadic group, or neighborhood. A village, a town or a metropolis are other examples of a
42. Community exists within greater communities. The town within a state, the state within a nation and the
nation within the virtual community.
43. Community is used to refer to a local social system or set of relationships that center upon a given locality.
From sociological point of view, it is the concentration of relationships, rather than the geographical factor that

44. Which of the following describes an URBAN community?

a. low population c. places are far apart
b. quiet d .very tall buildings and places are very close together
45. Which of the following describes a RURAL community?
A. low population B. loud, crowded C. places are very close together D. tall buildings
46. What would you find in a rural community?
A. water park B. Farms C. tall buildings D. a subway

For numbers 47-50. Use the box below to choose the correct answer.

A. Urban B. Suburban C. Rural D. Metropolitan

47. Sarah owns a dairy farm. She has three dozens cows that she has to feed and care for. Every day she
milks the cows and sells milk to the supermarkets all over her state. Sarah works in a ________ community.
48. When Greg goes to work, he cleans the window on tall skyscrapers. His job is not meant for people who
are afraid of high places! Greg works in a _______ community.
49. Jesse is a police officer. She patrols a small town with small shops and one-story houses. She helps keep
everyone in town safe and sound. Jesse works in a _________ community.
50. Every morning, Derrick wakes up and goes to work at a farm. He uses a tractor, machine for watering
crops, feeds the animals and harvests the crops. Derrick works at a _________ community.

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