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Republic of the Philippines

National Capital Region

FIRST QUARTER EXAMINATION IN Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences
SY 2019-2020
I. Choose the letter of the best answer.
______1. The following are disciplines under applied social sciences, except
A. Counseling B. Political Science C. Social Work D. Communication
______2. In communication studies, a practitioner must be equipped with the following discipline except
A. History B. Linguistics C. Counseling D. Political Science
______3. Joyce is an applied science practitioner, one of the career path that she can pursue is _____
A. Information Technology B. Journalism C. Accountancy D. Engineering
______4. It is the branch of science that is concerned with systematic study of social phenomena.
A. Natural Science B. Social Science C. Applied Social Science D. Political Science
______5. The purpose of studying Social Science is ___________
A. It gives understanding why and how people interact with each other and how they function in a
B. It provides diverse understanding and explanation of different facets of human society
C. It enhances skills and ability so they can use their own resources and of the community to resolve
social problems
D. None of the above
______6. Psychology is defined as the study of human behavior and mental processes. The following are true
about psychology except
A. Understands why and how people interact with each other and their function in a group
B. Understands human nature and differences among people
C. Understands why people change and behave as they go through life process
D. Understand the effects of surroundings on someone’s attitude and behavior
______7. The main function of a counselor is to _______
A. give advice to people C. offer clinical intervention
B. provide help and guidance D. promote social change
______8. Which among the following values explains that counselors should know how to understand and share
other’s feelings?
A. Empathy B. Sincerity C. Integrity D. Resilience
______9. The primary goal of counseling is to
A. help their clients by providing solutions to their problems
B. give them advices on how they can survive and cope with their new environment
C. help clients utilize their innate social and problem solving skills
D. help clients in dealing with clinical cases such as mental illnesses
______10. In marriage and family counseling, the focus of the counselor is to
A. assess if the couple needs to be separated
B. give legal advice on family matters
C. discover options for effective family living
D. help children acquire coping skills
______11. Which among the following is an example of a client having personal autonomy?
A. A counselor told her client that engineering is the best career for him
B. A counselor decided that the couple should get an annulment
C. A counselor diagnosed her client of having anxiety and depression
D. A counselor gave options to her client on how she can improve her social skills
______12. The counselor established rapport to her client on the first day of their session. She assured her client that
she is willing to listen and that all conversations will be treated with full confidentiality. Because of this,
the client found her reliable and dependable. This is an example of
A. Autonomy of Individuals C. Principle of Justice
B. Principle of non-maleficence D. Principle of Fidelity
______13. How can a counselor best help a client?
A. by making the client understand and clarify their views
B. by giving advice to people who is dealing with confusions in life
C. by diagnosing mental disorders in clients through the use of psychological tests
D. All of the above
Republic of the Philippines
National Capital Region

______14. Marco is a school counselor. He attends annual seminars to improve his counseling skills. This is to
improve his _____
A. Wisdom B. Fairness C. Competence D. Humility
______15. After several sessions, Joseph a school counselor informed the guardian of his student that they need to
see a child psychologist since the child has manifestations of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. It is the
counselor’s duty to do ________
A. Individual Counseling B. Individual Assessment C. Referral D. Evaluation
______16. Is it important for a counselor to have mastery of techniques?
A. Yes, because they need to have knowledge in assessment and carrying out interventions
B. Yes, because degree matters and that is very important in dealing with clients
C. No, because a counselor needs a helping heart to share with his/her clients
D. No, because you are just going to give advices, no need to study about different techniques
______17. As a school guidance counselor, Jean counsels Charlene, a student with tardiness concerns to improve her
academic performance. In this situation, the goal in counseling is known as ______
A. Development Goal B. Preventive Goal C. Enhancement Goal D. Remedial Goal
______18. What is the importance of career counseling?
A. To lead individuals in making appropriate choices in the workplace
B. To guide clients in choosing the most high-paying jobs
C. To help clients in dealing with stress while working
D. To assist clients in planning concerning their career path
______19. Which of the following statements tells the right of a client during counseling sessions?
A. Respect differences in the cultural background of the clients
B. Disclosure of information acquired during the sessions
C. Fees are confidential and may subject for change without prior notice
D. Counselors are allowed to have personal relationship with their client
______20. Should a counselor be allowed intimacy with his/her client or to have a romantic relationship?
A. No, it is always unethical
B. No, sessions should be terminated and never be allowed to have a relationship with a client
C. Yes, they are humans and free to love anyone that they want
D. Yes, after the session has been terminated within a minimum of 2 years
______21. A counselor who is focused on community setting may offer the following help except
A. Employment B. Mental health C. Marriage and family practice D. Student affairs
______22. The following are ways on how a counselor may help people with different concerns except
A. Tell smokers to stop smoking because it’s bad for their health
B. Cases of people with AIDS should be treated with sensitivity
C. Creation of intervention program for people with alcoholism concern
D. All of the above
______23. What is the common concern of women who seek help from counselors?
A. Reassurance of values and abilities C. Improvement of their own perception
B. Development of their full potential D. All of the above
______24. As a counselor, Sheila always asked her clients about their birth order. This technique is under
A. Analytic Psychology C. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
B. Individual Psychology D. Cognitive therapy
______25. According to Transactional Analysis Technique identified by Eric Berne, the script “Never talk to
strangers!” may be described in what ego state?
A. Parent B. Child C. Adult D. None of the Above
______26. This approach applies dreams and other procedures to determine the unconscious processes to utilize the
result to boost the functioning of personality and to enhance mental health and wellness.
A. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory C. Jung’s Analytic Psychology
B. Adler’s Individual Psychology D. Roger’s Person-Centered Counseling
______27. Which of the following is true about Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory?
A. Its objective is to restructure the personality by resolution of intrapsychic conflict
B. The goal is awareness on the environment, of responsibility of choices, of self and self-acceptance
C. The main goal is to reform the self-defeating cognition of the client and assist him to obtain
reasonable viewpoint
D. The goal is to assist clients to reach the stage of being autonomous, self-aware, spontaneous and have
the capacity for intimacy
Republic of the Philippines
National Capital Region

______28. If Cognitive-Behavioral Theories highlight the task of cognition in psychological functioning Experiential
Theories is concerned with ______
A. Personal adjustment through reorganization of internal forces
B. Mental processes and their effects on mental health
C. Generating impact on emotions of clients to effect change
D. All of the above
______29. A counselor must show respect and acceptance to his/her client. This does not mean that he/she tolerates
the client but considering him/her as a person. This is known as Unconditional Positive Regard by ____
A. Carl Rogers B. Fritz Perls C. Albert Ellis D. Carl Jung
______30. Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung are three of the proponents of what counseling theories?
A. Classical B. Experiential C. Cognitive-Behavioral D. Biomedical
______31. Vanessa is on the most crucial stage of counseling process. She is gathering data and utilizes them for the
formulation of the counseling goal. This stage is known as
A. Relationship building C. Formulation of Counseling Goals
B. Assessment and Diagnosis D. Intervention and Problem-Solving
______32. Cognitive therapy is appropriate for people suffering from depressions and anxieties this is because
A. You will let the client investigate “beliefs functionality’
B. You let the client argue with his/her illogical thinking
C. You will let your client to have their own awareness
D. You will let the client have his own self-actualization
______33. The counselor may identify that client is ready to move forward to self-actualization if
A. The client has openness for experience C. The client has struggles with his past life
B. The client is stagnant in his/her life D. The client has pessimistic ideation
______34. Annie was abused by her father. She asked the help of their social worker and she was attended right
away. This is because her case is part of
A. Protective services B. Foster care C. Family life education D. Support services
______35. The Goal on Curing of a social worker refers to
A. Well-being or the welfare and comfort of the individual and community
B. Treating people within social functioning
C. Active participation for social reforms
D. None of the above
______36. Which of the following is true about a social worker?
A. Concerned with enabling or facilitating change
B. A person that helps people interact with their social environment
C. They are focused on one person but on social relationships
D. All of the above
______37. One of the characteristics of a social worker is her ability to understand the meaning and causes of the
client’s behavior. This is because a social worker must follow the principle of
A. Self-determination B. Individualization C. Acceptance D. Confidentiality
______38. One of the functions of a social worker is Developmental Functions. This will help the client to
A. Early detection, control, and eradication of a possible damaging situation
B. Make use of all his full potentials and capacities to enhance effectiveness
C. Determine and settle or reduce the problem that came out
D. Put back his normal functioning
______39. An opportunity to be satisfied physically, psychologically, economically, aesthetically and spiritually is a
value of social work under
A. Responsibility to common good C. Right to satisfy basic needs
B. Responsibility of the society D. Self-realization and contribution to society
______40. According to National Association of Social Workers, the social work profession is rooted in a set of core
values. These are service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human
relationships, integrity, and competence. These values are important because
A. Social workers are dedicated for the welfare and self-realization of human beings
B. Social workers must follow strict compliance with the law of NASW
C. Social workers are expected to be good at all times
D. All of the above
______41. This may occur if there is a mismatch between requisites of the role and individual’s ability to function
and if the environment fails to provide the necessary resources for the performance.
A. Social Functioning B. Social Dysfunction C. Social-Realization D. Social Complications
Republic of the Philippines
National Capital Region

______42. A case under the jurisdiction of a social worker should be kept confidential at all times. The statement is
A. Correct because the client must be assured that all information must be kept in confidence
B. Correct but within the limits of the law. If the client may cause any harm confidentiality may be
C. Correct because it is the right of the client to keep all the information confidential
D. Incorrect because the social worker may share her cases with his/her colleagues for brainstorming
______43. A community social worker is specialized in
A. Planning, coordinating, and organizing efforts related to infrastructure, volunteering, and fundraising
B. Hospital setting and helps navigate the emotional, financial, and physical struggles of an individual
C. Helping soldiers and their families with post-traumatic stress, role adjustment, and implications and
stressors of returning home
D. Provides therapy and assess the psychiatric health of their patients
______44. Under child welfare, foster care is temporary parental care provided to a child by a licensed foster family.
This is to
A. Reunify the child with his/her birth family C. Prepare the child to be independent someday
B. Prepare a child for adoption D. All of the above
______45. Street children were brought to DSWD by the barangay. These children are
A. Voluntary Clients B. Involuntary Clients C. Referred Clients D. None of the above
______46. The social work profession is in demand because
A. Social dysfunctions will continue to evolve C. The salary of social worker is very high
B. There a lot people who needs help D. The academic requirement is not that high
______47. Jeffrey, a male social worker was talking to Melissa, a rape victim. During their session, she burst into
tears. To make her calm, he tapped her back but that made Melissa uncomfortable. What could have been
the mistake of Jeffrey?
A. He harassed Melissa by abusing her vulnerability
B. He should have not talk to Melissa because he doesn’t know what she has gone through
C. He should have avoided physical contact with Melissa
D. He used derogative words to Melissa
______48. Sandra, a female social worker found out that her neighbor’s child was abused by her father. When she
went home, she immediately told her mother about it. What ethical responsibility was broken by Sandra?
A. Commitment to clients C. Conflict of Interest
B. Informed Consent D. Privacy and confidentiality
______49. A report summarizing the obtained information about the client and his/her environment is called ____.
A. Intake forms B. Survey Reports C. Case study D. Closing summary
______50. Mercy loves children and decided to become a social worker, she is best fit in
A. Mental Health and Abused Social Work C. Community Social Work
B. Medical and Health Social Work D. School Social Work

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