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[Syllabus Template/Guidelines]

[Course title]
[Course number including department designation]
[Term and year, e.g., Fall 2023]
[Course meeting time and room, or format]
[Number of student credits]
[Instructor name]
[Office hours and office location, telephone number and email]
[suggested language] Office/student hours are weekly scheduled times when the
instructor is available to help students with the course on a drop-in basis (an advance
appointment is not required although it is helpful to notify the instructor that you plan to
attend). The instructor’s office/student hours this semester are:
[Indicate days and hours]

Course materials and/or materials fees

[books, films, videos, periodicals, newspapers, workbooks, handouts, etc.--list with appropriate
citations and/or indicate where the items can be purchased or accessed; indicate if required or
recommended; if textbook publisher provides supplementary materials, indicate if these are

Course description and purpose

[Course description as it appears in the Adelphi Bulletin
as well as any desired additional description of the overall purpose and/or content of the course]

General Education learning goals and/or distribution requirements

[satisfied by the course–must have been approved by the General Education Committee]

Course learning goals

[specific learning goals and expected student learning outcomes of the course in the form of
expected outcomes, i.e., “By the end of the course, students will be able to…”]

Course prerequisites/corequisites
[List all prerequisites and corequisites required in order to enroll in the course. Also indicate any
special requirements regarding computer or technical knowledge, or if the course is blended or
online, what technical capabilities, including hardware and software, is required.]

[Add a description of what features will be used and what types of materials will be posted.
Faculty may also wish to include the following statement]

If the University is closed for more than two days due to an emergency, log onto this course site
under the “Moodle” tab in eCampus each day for instructions and assignments. Help for
students in the use of Moodle can be found at

Mission of the school or college

[if desired]

[for classes taught synchronously online]

Student Participation in Synchronous Remote/Online Courses and Recording/Sharing of
Video Course Content
Students enrolled in synchronous remote, online or hybrid courses are expected to actively
participate in those courses. Synchronous classes may be recorded at the discretion of the
faculty to provide students with access to recordings outside of class (asynchronously).
Students are presumed to consent to being part of recorded class sessions. Students may also
be recorded while taking remote exams.

While learning in a synchronous remote or online format, students are encouraged to remain on
camera to facilitate interactions with instructors and classmates. All students are encouraged to
speak with their instructors at the beginning of the semester about any challenges or potential
limitations to their on-camera participation in a synchronous remote, live-streamed or online

Additionally, in order to protect the privacy of other students enrolled in the course, students
will refrain from allowing family members or others to participate, listen in, or otherwise impinge
upon the shared virtual space of synchronous remote or online learning classrooms. Students
are prohibited from recording or sharing in any way video content from online classes with

[for classes taught asynchronously online]

Student Participation in Asynchronous Remote/Online Courses and Recording/Sharing
of Video Course Content
Students enrolled in asynchronous remote, online or hybrid courses are expected to actively
participate in those courses. Students may be recorded while taking remote exams.

Additionally, in order to protect the privacy of other students enrolled in the course, students will
refrain from allowing family members or others to read, view, or otherwise impinge upon the
shared virtual space of asynchronous remote or online learning classrooms. Students are
prohibited from recording or sharing in any way video content from online classes with others.

[work to be required of students, including exams, papers, projects, presentations, etc. Include
any special requirements in terms of form or format of assignments. Indicate penalties for late
work, if any.]

Attendance policy
[Details of attendance policy including penalties, if any, for missed classes and/or late arrival to
classes. Faculty may use the general Adelphi attendance policy that follows with additional
specific comments tailored to each class]

Only students who are registered for courses, and whose name appears on the Official Class
Roster may attend courses at the University. Adelphi students make a commitment to be active
participants in their educational program; class attendance is an integral part of this
commitment. Students are expected to be present promptly at the beginning of each class
period, unless prevented by illness or by other compelling cause. In the event of such absence,
students may request that faculty members be notified by the Office of Academic Services and
Retention. Students are responsible for learning course content and completing course work
missed through absences.

[describe grading scheme, either by points or percentages; be specific about what equates to
“A” work, “B” work etc. Indicate the scale you will use to convert numeric grades to letter grades,
if applicable, e.g., 93-100 A, 90-92 A-, etc. This section should be as clear and complete as
possible to avoid misunderstanding by students. Rubrics may be included here if used in the

Non-classroom instruction (extended instruction) [this section should be included only for
courses in which part of the required instructional time is met outside of scheduled class
meeting time]

Federal and New York State regulations require 15 hours (of 50 minutes each) of instructional
time per credit. [as an example, specific numbers for credits and hours are used in the next
sentence] In this 3 credit course, the required 45 instructional hours (37.5 clock hours) consist of
36 instructional hours (30 clock hours) of in-class instruction and 9 instructional hours (7.5 clock
hours) of non-classroom instruction as follows:
[Include a description of each instructional activity and the time each requires. Please note that
supplementary assignments do not count as instruction. Non-classroom instruction should have
student-instructor interaction or be instructor-supervised.]

[Additional sections]
[Add any additional sections as appropriate to the class–special requirements, lab information,
list of supplementary readings and resources, etc. ]

Course Schedule [or, Course Topics Outline]
[Provide an outline of topics to be covered by class day or week, including assignment due
dates, exam dates etc. Where listing of specific topics by date is not feasible, provide a
chronological overview of material to be covered in the course, with as much information as
necessary to help students prepare. The template shown provides for a 15 week semester but
can be adjusted as appropriate for courses of shorter duration].









[Note on final exams: Final exams are always scheduled during the last week
of the semester. If a final examination is given it must be at the time assigned (which might be
different than the time the class meets). If there is no final examination then the class must meet
for instruction during the time the final exam is scheduled.]

University Policies and Resources

Student Access Office and Disability Accommodation

If you have a disability that may significantly impact your ability to carry out assigned
coursework, please contact the Student Access Office (SAO) at 516-877-3806 or send an email
to The staff will review your concerns and determine, with you, appropriate
and necessary accommodations.

Please note that reasonable accommodations are also available for courses conducted through
an online learning format. Due to the nature of online courses, some accommodations approved
for in-person classes may not apply. Please allow for a reasonable time frame for requesting
ASL Interpreters or Transcription Services.

Student Counseling Center (SCC)

The Student Counseling Center (SCC) provides confidential and professional virtual mental
health counseling services, resources, and referrals to support the academic and personal
success, health, and well-being of Adelphi students without additional charge. Especially with
the additional stress resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic, students are encouraged to seek
support from the SCC when needed. Counselors are available to help students cope with a
variety of stressors and personal issues that may interfere with their academic and personal
experiences. The Center also supports students who may be feeling suicidal or in crisis. To
schedule an appointment, please call (516) 877-3646, email . If you need
immediate assistance, walk-in services are available during the fall and spring semesters
Monday-Friday 9am-5:00pm. Additional information can also be found by visiting

Need support when the SCC is not available? For 24/7 emergency counseling, referral, or
assistance, please contact:

Long Island Crisis Center (516) 679-1111

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text PAWS to 741741
Adelphi Office of Public Safety:
Off campus: (516) 877-3511
On campus: Extension 5 on any campus phone
911 (for immediate health-related emergency)

The Center for Academic Support and Enrichment (CASE; formerly The Learning and
Writing Centers)
CASE programs and services--like individual tutoring in writing and subjects across the
curriculum, small group study sessions, academic coaching, and targeted workshops--help
students explore, deepen, and extend their classroom learning. Support programming focuses
on establishing foundational skills and techniques of studentship, like time management and
note-taking. Enrichment services develop higher-order critical thinking skills and problem solving
skills inherent in both abstractions and applications of curricular study.

Contact us as (or, at ext. 3200, or via
our eCampus tab, to review our full slate of real-time (in person and remote) and asynchronous
services. These are included in your tuition so you've already bought them! Don't miss out on
the opportunity to supercharge your college experience! Many services require reservations,
especially late in the semester. Reserve a spot on our scheduling portal, and/or join the self-
directed virtual CASE LAB. Get on the CASE, and take your Adelphi experience to the next

The Adelphi Honor Code

The University is an academic community devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. Fundamental to
this pursuit is academic integrity. In joining the Adelphi community I accept the University’s
Statement of Academic Integrity and pledge to uphold the principles of honesty and civility
embodied in it. I will conduct myself in accordance with ideals of truth and honesty and I will
forthrightly oppose actions which would violate these ideals.

Code of Academic Honesty

The Code of Academic Honesty prohibits behavior that can broadly be described as lying,
cheating, or stealing. Violations of the Code of Academic Honesty will include, but not be limited
to, the following:

1. Fabricating data or citations

2. Collaborating in areas not approved by the professor
3. Unauthorized multiple submission of one’s own work
4. Sabotage of others’ work, including library vandalism or manipulation
5. Plagiarism
6. The creation of unfair advantage
7. The facilitation of dishonesty
8. Tampering with or falsifying records
9. Cheating
10. Other forms of academic dishonesty

Copying and pasting from any source into your assignments or exams without quotation
marks, citations and references, constitutes plagiarism. Students are expected to
produce and submit original work and to cite all sources appropriately. Unauthorized
collaboration on any work, or the presentation of someone else’s work as your own, is
plagiarism. Content generated by an Artificial Intelligence third-party service or site (AI-
generated content, e.g. ChatGPT) without attribution or authorization is also a form of
plagiarism. Unless explicitly stated, artificial intelligence-based technologies, such as
ChatGPT or word mixing software, cannot be used to generate responses (partial or
otherwise) for student assignments or exams.

If you are unsure about what plagiarism or another form of academic dishonesty are,
please reach out to me to discuss it as soon as possible. An allegation of an academic
integrity violation of this section may be referred for further review and could result in
disciplinary action.

Turnitin [Faculty members using Turnitin may wish to use one of the following statements’]
Adelphi University has a license agreement with, a service that helps prevent
plagiarism from internet resources. All written assignments in this course will be submitted
through and reviewed by Please see Adelphi’s tips for students on preventing
plagiarism and Student instructions for for more information.
Adelphi University has a license agreement with, a service that helps prevent
plagiarism from internet resources. I reserve the right to request an electronic copy of any
written assignment submitted in this course for review through Please see
Adelphi’s tips for students on preventing plagiarism and Student instructions for for
more information.

Student Course Evaluations

During the last two weeks of the class, you will receive notification, via email and eCampus, that
the course evaluation is available for your input electronically. Your feedback is valuable and
students are strongly encouraged to respond. Please be assured that your responses are
anonymous and the results will not be available to the instructor until after course grades have
been submitted after the semester ends.

Religious observance policy

Adelphi University welcomes diversity in its community, and respects various religious
observances. Students who anticipate being absent, due to their religious observance, are
required by Adelphi University to notify their professors at the start of the semester. This will
allow the faculty to take these observances into consideration in light of their course exam and
assignment schedules. Students absent from class, clinical experiences, practice, labs, etc. on
those days, after prior notice to the professor, will not be penalized for any exam or assignment
deadline missed because of those absences. Students must contact the instructor to work out
suitable arrangements for make-ups or other satisfaction of academic requirements.

Diversity statement
[No University-wide diversity statement has been adopted. Two example statements from
different units of Adelphi are given here, which individual faculty may modify as appropriate and
include in their syllabi if they choose. The College of Education and Health Sciences (CEHS)
has the description below of its core value of diversity and inclusion. The College of Nursing and
Public Health (CNPH) has adopted a diversity statement to be included in all CNPH course

College of Education and Health Sciences

Statement about core value of diversity and inclusion
We value human dignity and diversity in all forms, embrace our differences, and honor all
voices. We understand the collective power inherent in fully inclusive communities where each
may meet their full potential to contribute.

College of Nursing and Public Health
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council
Diversity Statement for Syllabi

College of Nursing and Public Health

The College of Nursing and Public Health (CNPH) supports an inclusive learning environment
where all students feel understood, respected, and appreciated. CNPH ensures that an
environment of civility and respect is established to promote an inclusive, comfortable learning
environment that facilitates the sharing of experiences and nurtures the critical examination of
assumptions. Recognizing that cultural diversity is a strength, we engage in cultural humility and
compassion in learning from others’ perspectives. With equitable support, we believe all
students have the potential to succeed in their chosen academic program. We courageously
recognize that diversity, equity, and inclusion is essential to achieving success. At CNPH we
show respect to all students, faculty, and staff and have zero tolerance for hate or

CNPH creates a culture of learning that motivates students to thrive by participating actively in
learning experiences with curiosity, while encouraging the expression of diverse opinions
without fear of incivility. Students are encouraged to practice self-reflection, empathy,
compassion/humanity, and cultural humility. Within this supportive educational environment,
students assume accountability for meeting learning outcomes, while focusing on the
professional discipline, ethical principles, and socialization within their chosen profession.

Faculty are committed to cultural humility in the creation of equitable, active learning
environments that engage all students. Faculty have an ongoing commitment to self-reflection,
to foster self-awareness of implicit bias, and to create authentic learning environments. Faculty
engage in ongoing professional development to facilitate the use of inclusive course resources,
pedagogy, and assessments. Curriculum should be inclusive of diverse student backgrounds,
cultures, and abilities. Faculty are committed to student success through the inclusion of
equitable pedagogical strategies in all learning environments.


Should you become ill with COVID-19 or be required to undertake a quarantine or isolation
period, please take the following steps:

● Contact the Health Services Center at at 516.877.6003 or by email at for further guidance.
● Contact me to discuss arrangements for completing coursework while absent from class.

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