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Mathieu Col
Phases Chapter Lessons
Chapter 1 Project definition
INITIATION Chapter 2 Project initiation
Chapter 3 Enterprise landscape and Strategic planning
Chapter 4 Project organization
Chapter 5 Project planning
Chapter 6 Resources management
Chapter 7 Procurement management
Chapter 8 Time & Cost management
Chapter 9 Stakeholder management
Chapter 10 Issue & Risk management
EXECUTION Chapter 11 Project monitoring and control
Chapter 12 Change management
Chapter 13 Communication & Motivation
Chapter 14 Negotiation
Chapter 15 Project closure
Chapter 16 Escalation
Chapter 17 Program & Projects Portfolio management
Chapter 18 PPM efficiency
Chapter 6

Resources management
Plan a project

Initiating Planning Executing Closing

• Build team
• Assign R&Rs
• Refine requirements
• Develop Work 1. Work Breakdown Structure
Break down 2. Network Diagram
structure 3. Estimate Time and Cost
• Clarify 4. Schedule (including critical path)
dependencies 5. Budget & Procurement Plan
• Consolidate plans 6. Quality Plan
(time, schedule, …) 7. Resource plan
8. Risk mgt Plan
9. Change Control Plan
10. Communication & Management Plan
11. Final Project Plan
12. Project Plan Approval
Restart from last session

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since last session?
Resource mgt

Est on plus savant

Resource mgt

Savez vous
comment fonctionne
une fermeture
Resource mgt

L’homme de cro magnon savait

seul reconnaitre les baies de la

il fabriquait ses outils tout seul,

il chassait, pechait, cuisiner,

fabriquer son habitat, tout seul

Il savait se soigner seul

Resource environment

Inputs to Resource Planning:

Work Breakdown Structure
Network Diagram
Historical Information
Scope Statement – justification & objectives
Resource Pool Description
Organizational Policies – staffing, procurement
Resource environment
Resource capacity planning
Resource capacity planning
Resource management

 Role and Responsibility Assignments – can vary over time,

closely linked to scope definition. Utilizes a Responsibility
Assignment Matrix (RAM) to define responsibility for each
item in the Work Breakdown Structure/task list
 Staffing Management Plan – when and how personnel are
included and removed from the project team
 Resource leveling, reduce transition periods, eliminate “dead
time” between assignments, sensitivity to morale
 Organizational Chart – display reporting relationships
 Supporting Detail
 Organizational impact
 Job descriptions
 Training needs
Resource management

 Staff Acquisition
 Ensure resources are available for project work
 Inputs to Staff Acquisition
 Staffing Management Plan
 Staffing Pool Description
 Previous experience
 Personal interests
 Personal characteristics
 Availability
 Recruitment Practices
Resource management

 Tools & Techniques for Staff Acquisition

 Negotiations with functional managers and other teams
 Staff utilization and corporate politics
 Pre-assignment – result of a competitive proposal, or an
internal initiative
 Procurement – outside services are needed (lacking internal
skills or availability can not be met)
 Outputs from Staff Acquisition
 Project staff assigned
 Project Team Directory – contact list
Monitoring Resource utilization
Monitoring Resource utilization
Resource management
Resource management tips
Resource levelling steps
Resource levelling techniques
Activity shifting
Activity splitting
Activity splitting
Resource time tracking
Resource self evaluation

Evaluation à 360° a l’aveugle ou non

évalue Hugo Jérémy Rémi ArnaudBryan Loic Lucas Alexia Rodolphe Julien moyenneécart type écart personnel Commentaire
Hugo 17 16 17 18 15 16 15 15 18 16 16,30 1,10 -0,70 Sur-estime
Jérémy 17 17 16 16 17 15 16 13 15 15 15,70 1,19 -1,30 Sur-estime
Rémi 17 17 17 18 18 15 15 13 18 17 16,50 1,57 -0,50 Sur-estime
Arnaud 17 17 17 16 17 16 16 15 16 16 16,30 0,64 0,30 Sous-estime
Bryan 17 15 15 17 17 14 13 12 17 16 15,30 1,73 -1,70 Sur-estime
Loic 17 17 17 17 17 17 14 14 17 17 16,40 1,20 -0,60 Sur-estime
Lucas 16 15 14 18 17 14 13 14 15 16 15,20 1,47 2,20 Sous-estime
Alexia 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15,00 0,00 0,00 OK
Rodolphe 17 17 18 18 17 17 16 16 18 17 17,10 0,70 -0,90 Sur-estime
Julien 18 17 17 18 19 14 15 13 16 16 16,30 1,79 0,30 Sous-estime

écart-type 0,75 0,90 1,19 1,04 1,14 1,10 1,08 1,18 1,20 0,70 0,64
moyenne 16,80 16,30 16,30 17,10 16,90 15,30 14,80 14,00 16,50 16,10 16,01 1,14 -0,29
Quick test

Project resources A Constraints

are B Assets
C Means
Is not part of Staff A Organisation chart
acquisition input B Past year rankings
C Pre-assignment
Output of staff A Roles in Project Charter
acquisition is not B Project distributions lists
C Data for annual performance reviews
End of session


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