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Compendium of Plant Genomes

Series Editor: Chittaranjan Kole

Rudi Appels
Kellye Eversole
Catherine Feuillet
Dusti Gallagher Editors

The Wheat
Compendium of Plant Genomes

Series Editor
Chittaranjan Kole, President, International Climate Resilient Crop Genomics
Consortium (ICRCGC), President, International Phytomedomics and
Nutriomics Consortium (IPNC) and President, Genome India International
(GII), Kolkata, India
Whole-genome sequencing is at the cutting edge of life sciences in the new
millennium. Since the first genome sequencing of the model plant Arabidopsis
thaliana in 2000, whole genomes of about 100 plant species have been
sequenced and genome sequences of several other plants are in the pipeline.
Research publications on these genome initiatives are scattered on dedicated
web sites and in journals with all too brief descriptions. The individual
volumes elucidate the background history of the national and international
genome initiatives; public and private partners involved; strategies and
genomic resources and tools utilized; enumeration on the sequences and their
assembly; repetitive sequences; gene annotation and genome duplication. In
addition, synteny with other sequences, comparison of gene families and most
importantly potential of the genome sequence information for gene pool
characterization and genetic improvement of crop plants are described.
Rudi Appels · Kellye Eversole ·
Catherine Feuillet · Dusti Gallagher

The Wheat Genome

Rudi Appels Kellye Eversole
University of Melbourne and AgriBio International Wheat Genome
La Trobe University Sequencing Consortium
Melbourne, VIC, Australia Eau Claire, WI, USA

Catherine Feuillet Dusti Gallagher

Inari Agriculture (United States) Fritz Consulting
Cambridge, MD, USA Wamego, KS, USA

ISSN 2199-4781 ISSN 2199-479X (electronic)

Compendium of Plant Genomes
ISBN 978-3-031-38292-5 ISBN 978-3-031-38294-9 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2024. This book is an open access publication.

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This book series is dedicated to my wife Phullara and our
children Sourav and Devleena
Chittaranjan Kole
Preface to the Series

Genome sequencing has emerged as the leading discipline in the plant sci-
ences coinciding with the start of the new century. For much of the twen-
tieth century, plant geneticists were only successful in delineating putative
chromosomal location, function, and changes in genes indirectly through
the use of a number of “markers” physically linked to them. These included
visible or morphological, cytological, protein, and molecular or DNA mark-
ers. Among them, the first DNA marker, the RFLPs, introduced a revolu-
tionary change in plant genetics and breeding in the mid-1980s, mainly
because of their infinite number and thus potential to cover maximum chro-
mosomal regions, phenotypic neutrality, absence of epistasis, and codomi-
nant nature. An array of other hybridization-based markers, PCR-based
markers, and markers based on both facilitated construction of genetic
linkage maps, mapping of genes controlling simply inherited traits, and
even gene clusters (QTLs) controlling polygenic traits in a large number
of model and crop plants. During this period, a number of new mapping
populations beyond F2 were utilized and a number of computer programs
were developed for map construction, mapping of genes, and for mapping
of polygenic clusters or QTLs. Molecular markers were also used in the
studies of evolution and phylogenetic relationship, genetic diversity, DNA
fingerprinting, and map-based cloning. Markers tightly linked to the genes
were used in crop improvement employing the so-called marker-assisted
selection. These strategies of molecular genetic mapping and molecular
breeding made a spectacular impact during the last one and a half decades
of the twentieth century. But still they remained “indirect” approaches for
elucidation and utilization of plant genomes since much of the chromo-
somes remained unknown and the complete chemical depiction of them was
yet to be unraveled.
Physical mapping of genomes was the obvious consequence that facili-
tated the development of the “genomic resources” including BAC and YAC
libraries to develop physical maps in some plant genomes. Subsequently,
integrated genetic–physical maps were also developed in many plants. This
led to the concept of structural genomics. Later on, emphasis was laid on
EST and transcriptome analysis to decipher the function of the active gene
sequences leading to another concept defined as functional genomics. The
advent of techniques of bacteriophage gene and DNA sequencing in the

viii Preface to the Series

1970s was extended to facilitate sequencing of these genomic resources in

the last decade of the twentieth century.
As expected, sequencing of chromosomal regions would have led to too
much data to store, characterize, and utilize with the-then available com-
puter software. But the development of information technology made the
life of biologists easier by leading to a swift and sweet marriage of biology
and informatics, and a new subject was born—bioinformatics.
Thus, the evolution of the concepts, strategies, and tools of sequencing
and bioinformatics reinforced the subject of genomics—structural and func-
tional. Today, genome sequencing has traveled much beyond biology and
involves biophysics, biochemistry, and bioinformatics!
Thanks to the efforts of both public and private agencies, genome
sequencing strategies are evolving very fast, leading to cheaper, quicker, and
automated techniques right from clone-by-clone and whole-genome shotgun
approaches to a succession of second-generation sequencing methods. The
development of software of different generations facilitated this genome
sequencing. At the same time, newer concepts and strategies were emerging
to handle sequencing of the complex genomes, particularly the polyploids.
It became a reality to chemically—and so directly—define plant
genomes, popularly called whole-genome sequencing or simply genome
The history of plant genome sequencing will always cite the sequencing
of the genome of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana in 2000 that was fol-
lowed by sequencing the genome of the crop and model plant rice in 2002.
Since then, the number of sequenced genomes of higher plants has been
increasing exponentially, mainly due to the development of cheaper and
quicker genomic techniques and, most importantly, the development of col-
laborative platforms such as national and international consortia involving
partners from public and/or private agencies.
As I write this preface for the first volume of the new series
“Compendium of Plant Genomes,” a net search tells me that complete or
nearly complete whole-genome sequencing of 45 crop plants, eight crop
and model plants, eight model plants, 15 crop progenitors and relatives, and
three basal plants is accomplished, the majority of which are in the public
domain. This means that we nowadays know many of our model and crop
plants chemically, i.e., directly, and we may depict them and utilize them
precisely better than ever. Genome sequencing has covered all groups of
crop plants. Hence, information on the precise depiction of plant genomes
and the scope of their utilization are growing rapidly every day. However,
the information is scattered in research articles and review papers in jour-
nals and dedicated Web pages of the consortia and databases. There is no
compilation of plant genomes and the opportunity of using the information
in sequence-assisted breeding or further genomic studies. This is the under-
lying rationale for starting this book series, with each volume dedicated to a
particular plant.
Preface to the Series ix

Plant genome science has emerged as an important subject in academia,

and the present compendium of plant genomes will be highly useful to
both students and teaching faculties. Most importantly, research scientists
involved in genomics research will have access to systematic deliberations
on the plant genomes of their interest. Elucidation of plant genomes is of
interest not only for the geneticists and breeders, but also for practitioners of
an array of plant science disciplines, such as taxonomy, evolution, cytology,
physiology, pathology, entomology, nematology, crop production, biochem-
istry, and obviously bioinformatics. It must be mentioned that information
regarding each plant genome is ever-growing. The contents of the volumes
of this compendium are, therefore, focusing on the basic aspects of the
genomes and their utility. They include information on the academic and/
or economic importance of the plants, description of their genomes from a
molecular genetic and cytogenetic point of view, and the genomic resources
developed. Detailed deliberations focus on the background history of the
national and international genome initiatives, public and private partners
involved, strategies and genomic resources and tools utilized, enumeration
on the sequences and their assembly, repetitive sequences, gene annotation,
and genome duplication. In addition, synteny with other sequences, com-
parison of gene families, and, most importantly, the potential of the genome
sequence information for gene pool characterization through genotyping
by sequencing (GBS) and genetic improvement of crop plants have been
described. As expected, there is a lot of variation of these topics in the vol-
umes based on the information available on the crop, model, or reference
I must confess that as the series editor, it has been a daunting task for
me to work on such a huge and broad knowledge base that spans so many
diverse plant species. However, pioneering scientists with lifetime expe-
rience and expertise on the particular crops did excellent jobs editing the
respective volumes. I myself have been a small science worker on plant
genomes since the mid-1980s and that provided me the opportunity to per-
sonally know several stalwarts of plant genomics from all over the globe.
Most, if not all, of the volume editors are my longtime friends and col-
leagues. It has been highly comfortable and enriching for me to work with
them on this book series. To be honest, while working on this series I have
been and will remain a student first, a science worker second, and a series
editor last. And, I must express my gratitude to the volume editors and the
chapter authors for providing me the opportunity to work with them on this
I also wish to mention here my thanks and gratitude to Springer staff,
particularly Dr. Christina Eckey and Dr. Jutta Lindenborn, for the earlier set
of volumes and presently Ing. Zuzana Bernhart for all their timely help and
I always had to set aside additional hours to edit books beside my profes-
sional and personal commitments—hours I could and should have given to
my wife, Phullara, and our kids, Sourav and Devleena. I must mention that
x Preface to the Series

they not only allowed me the freedom to take away those hours from them
but also offered their support in the editing job itself. I am really not sure
whether my dedication of this compendium to them will suffice to do justice
to their sacrifices for the interest of science and the science community.

New Delhi, India Chittaranjan Kole


In 2005, we embarked on the journey to develop a high-quality, refer-

ence sequence for the bread wheat genome. The vision was to produce a
sequence comparable in quality to the rice genome. Many told us that
it would be impossible, and the best strategy would be a low coverage
sequence. Yet, we persisted. We persisted because we listened to the breed-
ers and future users of the genome sequence. They asked for a high-qual-
ity sequence of the hexaploid bread wheat because it contributes more to
the human diet than any other crop species and is the most widely grown
crop in the world. With the publication of the IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 and its
accompanying annotation in 2018, we marked the attainment of this vision.
This journey was accomplished with contributions from scientists all over
the globe and would not have been possible without the public–private part-
nerships that ensued and the determination of many who never lost sight of
the vision.
IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 and its annotation created a paradigm shift that
ushered in a new world for wheat breeders and scientists, and the advance-
ments have been rapid and simply amazing. Thanks to technological
advancements, genome sequencing of large polyploid genomes with highly
repetitive content like wheat has now become routine and platinum qual-
ity sequences of wheat can be delivered in weeks at a reasonable cost. New
resources for the molecular genetic study of wheat and its application for
wheat improvement are arriving at a record pace.
The production of the Wheat Genome book is essential and highlights
the groundbreaking research ongoing for this critical crop. This volume
includes papers describing the development of the reference sequence,
new assemblies of commercial varieties, genome-wide studies, and the
accelerated cloning of agronomically important genes and provides valu-
able resources and literature for fundamental and applied research, crop
improvement and teaching. It illustrates the value and impact of having
high-quality reference genomes for overall crop improvements that address
the dual challenges of producing a reliable, safe, and sustainable supply of
wheat while facing a rapidly changing climate.

xii Preface

We are indebted to our colleagues from the global wheat community who
contributed to this book and for their continuous commitment to provide
resources and knowledge to scientists and breeders around the world.
Due to the significance of this material and the desire to ensure accessi-
bility to everyone, a group joined together to cover the costs associated with
publishing an open access book. We are grateful to the following entities
and individuals who contributed to the costs:

• Rudi Appels, Kellye Eversole, and Catherine Feuillet

• The National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment
• The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)
• Syngenta

Melbourne, Australia Rudi Appels

Eau Claire, USA Kellye Eversole
Cambridge, USA Catherine Feuillet
Wamego, USA, Dusti Gallagher
February 2023

1 The Bread Wheat Reference Genome Sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Jane Rogers

2 Wheat Data Integration and FAIRification: IWGSC,

GrainGenes, Ensembl and Other Data Repositories. . . . . . . . . 13
Michael Alaux, Sarah Dyer and Taner Z. Sen

3 Wheat Chromosomal Resources and Their Role

in Wheat Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Hana Šimková, Petr Cápal and Jaroslav Doležel

4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat

Genome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Frédéric Choulet, Xi Wang, Manuel Spannagl, David
Swarbreck, Hélène Rimbert, Philippe Leroy,
Pauline Lasserre-Zuber and Nathan Papon

5 The Wheat Transcriptome and Discovery of Functional

Gene Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Tayyaba Andleeb, James Milson and Philippa Borrill

6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic

Diversity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Xueyong Zhang and Rudi Appels

7 Ancient Wheat Genomes Illuminate Domestication,

Dispersal, and Diversity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Alice Iob, Michael F. Scott and Laura Botigué

8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat

for Breeding Innovation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Elisabetta Mazzucotelli, Anna Maria Mastrangelo, Francesca
Desiderio, Delfina Barabaschi, Marco Maccaferri, Roberto
Tuberosa and Luigi Cattivelli

xiv Contents

9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework

of Functional Genes in Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Awais Rasheed, Humaira Qayyum and Rudi Appels

10 Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat. . . . . . . . 187

Katherine L.D. Running and Justin D. Faris

11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive

Wheat Genes that Brought Us to Modern Wheat . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Deepmala Sehgal, Laura Dixon, Diego Pequeno,
Jessica Hyles, Indi Lacey, Jose Crossa,
Alison Bentley and Susanne Dreisigacker

12 Genome Sequences from Diploids and Wild Relatives

of Wheat for Comparative Genomics and Alien
Introgressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Adam Schoen, Gautam Saripalli, Seyedali Hosseinirad,
Parva Kumar Sharma, Anmol Kajla, Inderjit Singh Yadav
and Vijay Tiwari

13 Haplotype Mapping Coupled Speed Breeding

in Globally Diverse Wheat Germplasm
for Genomics-Assisted Breeding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Rajib Roychowdhury, Naimat Ullah,
Z.Neslihan Ozturk-Gokce and Hikmet Budak

14 Wheat Sequencing: The Pan-Genome and Opportunities

for Accelerating Breeding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Amidou N’Diaye, Sean Walkowiak and Curtis Pozniak

15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery

and Gene Functional Analysis in Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
James Cockram
The Bread Wheat Reference
Genome Sequence 1
Jane Rogers

Abstract 1.1 Introduction

In 2018, the International Wheat Genome
Sequencing Consortium published a ref- In 2018, the International Wheat Genome
erence genome sequence for bread wheat Sequencing Consortium published a reference
(Triticum aestivum L.). The landmark genome sequence for bread wheat (Triticum
achievement was the culmination of a aestivum L.). The landmark achievement was
thirteen-year international effort focused the culmination of a thirteen-year international
on the production of a genome sequence effort focused on the production of a genome
linked to genotypic and phenotypic maps to sequence linked to genotypic/phenotypic maps
advance understanding of traits and acceler- to advance understanding of traits and accelerate
ate improvements in wheat breeding. In this improvements in wheat breeding. In this mono-
chapter, we describe the challenges of the graph, we bring together contributions from col-
project, the strategies employed, how the pro- leagues to highlight the advances and document
ject adapted over time to incorporate techno- the resources now available for wheat research
logical improvements in genome sequencing and its relatives.
and the project outcomes. This first chapter describes the challenges of
developing the bread wheat reference genome
sequence project, the strategies employed,
Keywords how the project adapted over time to incorpo-
rate technological improvements in genome
IWGSC · Bread wheat · Genome sequence · sequencing and the project outcomes. The fol-
Trait improvement lowing chapters include Chap. 2 for a com-
prehensive documentation of available data
repositories; Chap. 3 using chromosomes as a
focus underpinning the establishment of a high-
quality assembly; Chap. 4 on the challenge of
the structural and functional annotation of the
International Wheat Genome Sequencing genome; Chap. 5 the wheat transcriptome and
ConsortiumJ. Rogers (*)  · International Wheat functional gene networks; Chap. 6 covering the
Genome Sequencing Consortium
genome-level diversity within cultivated wheats;
International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium,
Eau Claire, WI, USA Chap. 7 highlights the advances in sequenc-
e-mail: ing ancient wheat DNA; Chap. 8 examines the

© The Author(s) 2024 1

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
2 J. Rogers

impact of the durum wheat genome in identify- published in 2001 (Lander et al. 2001; Venter
ing new germplasm for breeding; Chap. 9 dem- et al. 2001) and 2004 (International Human
onstrates the use of the genome sequence to Genome Consortium 2004), respectively. The
identify genes underpinning agronomic traits; sequence rapidly yielded new information
Chap. 10 examines new and faster approaches about the structure, organisation, genes, genetic
to cloning disease resistance; Chap. 11 docu- traits and genome variation to make an imme-
ments the genome views of the CIMMYT breed- diate impact on human biology and medicine.
ing programme; Chap. 12 reviews the gene The Arabidopsis thaliana genome sequence
pools contributing to wheat genetic variation; (ca.100 Mb) published in 2000 (The Arabidopsis
Chap. 13 provides an overview of approaches Genome Initiative 2000) was similarly impact-
to integrating genomics into breeding strategies; ing understanding of genes and genetic traits in
Chap. 14 explores pan-genomes for capturing plants, and genome sequencing projects for rice
new functionalities and refining wheat genom- (450 Mb) (Eckhardt 2000; International Rice
ics; Chap. 15 provides insights into the exten- Genome Sequencing Project and Sasaki 2005)
sive germplasm resources established within the and maize (ca 1 Gb) (Chandler and Brender
wheat community. 2002) were underway.
In November 2003, a USDA-NSF work-
shop was convened to consider the feasibility
1.2 Origins of the Wheat Genome and requirements of a wheat genome sequence
Project Gill et al. 2004). The development of genomic
resources for wheat lagged behind the other
Since the early 1990s, there has been a growing major crops due to the genome posing three
realization across the world that to feed a rap- major challenges. First, the wheat genome is
idly growing human population grain production very large. The genome size estimated from
needs to increase by an annual rate of 2% on DNA-Feulgen studies of root tip nuclei was ca.
an area of land equivalent to that already under 17 Gb, over five times the size of the human
cultivation. Wheat was one of the first domes- genome. Second, early cytogenetic stud-
ticated food crops and continues to be the most ies established that several Triticeae species,
important food grain source for humans today. including bread wheat, are polyploid and origi-
Wheat is grown on a greater area than any other nated from spontaneous hybridisation of diploid
crop (approx. 255 m ha, Bonjean et al. 2016; genomes (Kihara 1944; McFadden and Sears and is best 1946). The genome of bread wheat is allohexa-
adapted to temperate regions of the world. ploid, comprising 21 pairs of homologous chro-
By 2003, demand for wheat already regularly mosomes originating from three homeologous
outstripped annual global production, and, faced sets of seven chromosomes, referred to as the
with an estimated 25% annual loss due to biotic A, B and D sub-genomes. The hexaploid wheat
(pests) and abiotic stresses (heat, frost, drought genome arose from two hybridisation events,
and salinity), it was clear that a paradigm shift estimated to have taken place between 0.8
was needed in wheat breeding and understand- and 0.5 million years ago and 8–10,000 years
ing of wheat biology to attain a sustainable food ago, respectively. The first hybridisation event
supply. At the time, other areas of biology were occurred between a species related to Triticum
benefitting from access to genome data gener- urartu (2n = 2x = 14; AuAu) and one or more
ated through high throughput DNA sequencing species from the Sitopsis section related most
projects. The largest genome sequence avail- closely to Aegilops speltoides (2n = 2x = 14;
able was the human genome sequence (3 Gb), SS), believed to be the closest living rela-
for which draft and finished versions were tive to the B genome progenitor. The resulting
1 The Bread Wheat Reference Genome Sequence 3

fertile tetraploid (2n = 4x = 28; AABB)) was wheat improvement by providing access to a
domesticated over 10,000 years ago and devel- complete gene catalogue, an unlimited number
oped into emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum). of molecular markers to enable genome-based
The hybridisation of emmer wheat in a region selection of new varieties and a framework for
south of the Caspian Sea some 8–10,000 years the efficient exploitation of natural and induced
ago with Aegilops tauschii (2n = 2x = 14), a genetic diversity. It would also provide insights
wild diploid with a D genome, led to the fer- into the functioning of a polyploid genome. It
tile hexaploid with an AABBDD genome, the was agreed that a wheat genome project should
ancestral bread wheat (Zohary et al. 2012). focus on the hexaploid wheat variety CHINESE
This has subsequently undergone a number SPRING, for which resources that had been
of structural and functional rearrangements, developed previously included large genetic
including slight reductions (2–10%) in the stocks of aneuploid lines (Sears 1954, 1966)
size of the homoeologous genomes compared and sets of tag sequences, used to evaluate the
to the diploid ancestors, to produce the stable gene content. In recognition of the complexity
genome of bread wheat of today (Feldman and of the genome, several pilot projects were pro-
Levy 2009). Because these events have taken posed to inform the development of a sequenc-
place over a short evolutionary timescale, the ing strategy. These included (i) construction of
three sub-genomes exhibit high levels homol- an accurate, sequence-ready physical map based
ogy, with similar gene contents and high levels on ordered BAC contigs; (ii) assessment of the
of synteny with other grass species and diploid feasibility of a chromosome-based approach
wheat relatives. These high levels of similarity for mapping and sequencing; and (iii) explora-
have hampered genome sequence assembly and tion of different strategies for gene enrichment.
the assignment of genes or other tag sequences The outcomes of these projects were evaluated
to specific sub-genomes to distinguish between under the umbrella of the International Wheat
specific variants that may have phenotypic Genome Consortium (IWGSC) which was
importance. established in 2005. The aims of the Consortium
The additional challenge for sequencing focus on advancing agricultural research for
the wheat genome is its very high repetitive wheat production and utilisation by developing
sequence content. Early studies suggested that DNA-based tools and resources resulting from
approximately 83% of the genome comprises the complete sequence of the hexaploid wheat
transposable elements (TE) that arose from genome.
massive amplifications of inserted elements
in the ancestral Triticeae genome. These have
subsequently evolved independently in indi- 1.3 Wheat Genome Strategy
vidual sub-genomes to give rise to characteris- Development
tic quantitative and qualitative variations in the
A, B and D genomes of modern bread wheat. The size and complexity of the bread wheat
Repeat elements have proved challenging for all genome initially caused many to believe that
sequence assembly algorithms, and the extent to determining a genome sequence would be
which qualitative and quantitative differences impossible within a reasonable time frame and
in types of repeats and their distribution across budget. Several projects were initiated that
the homoeologous chromosomes of hexaploid aimed to reduce the complexity by focusing on
wheat could be or needed to be resolved to diploid relatives of wheat A and D genomes (T.
understand genomic function was an important urartu, Ling et al. 2013; Ling et al. 2018; A.
consideration (see also Chap. 4). tauschii, Jia et al. 2013) or by focusing only on
The USDA-NSF workshop participants rec- the assembly of genic regions from the hexa-
ognised that a high-quality reference genome ploid wheat genome (see Chap. 4). Bread wheat
sequence for wheat would underpin future
4 J. Rogers

breeders and researchers, however, realised that It has subsequently been used in the produc-
to provide the tools and resources for bread tion of reference sequences for the legume
wheat research would ultimately require the Medicago truncatula (Young et al. 2011) and
genome of the hexaploid (Feuillet et al. 2016). to manage the complexity of the highly repeti-
The determination of the DNA sequence of tive 3.5 Gb maize genome (Schnable et al.
whole genomes is achieved by piecing together 2009). By requiring prior generation of a physi-
shorter lengths of DNA sequence in the order cal map, the hierarchical approach to genome
and orientation in which they occur in the organ- sequencing increased the timespan and cost of
ism from which the DNA was extracted. By genome projects. Some of the advantages, how-
2005, two main approaches to genome sequenc- ever, were that it enabled targeted sequencing
ing had been established and were being applied of regions and targeted resolution of problems,
to different genomes. and it facilitated project and cost sharing by ena-
bling distribution of mapping and sequencing
among multiple groups. It also generated clone
1.3.1 The Hierarchical Shotgun resources that have been used to sequence spe-
Strategy cific genes or regions of interest ahead of the
genome sequence becoming available. Until the
This strategy is based on a two-step approach very recent introduction of improved algorithms
entailing initial construction of a physical map for short read sequence assembly (Clavijo et al.
of the target genome followed by sequencing 2017; Avni et al. 2017), accurate sequencing
and assembly of short DNA fragments (typically reads in excess of 15–20 kb (De Coster et al.
500 bp–1 kb) generated from sets of overlap- 2021) and the development of alternatives to
ping clones that represent a minimal tiling path physical maps for long-range structural organi-
(MTP) across the genomic DNA. Sequences sation, such as optical maps (Keeble-Gagnère
representing typically at least tenfold cover- et al. 2018) and chromosome conformation
age of each clone in paired sequence reads are capture sequencing (Hi-C, Burton et al. 2013),
assembled into longer pieces (contigs) using the hierarchical shotgun approach produced the
an assembly algorithm that identifies and joins most complete and accurate reference genome
matching sequences. The number of contigs sequences, supporting detailed annotation and
into which each clone is assembled depends on downstream applications in functional genomics.
a variety of factors, including clone represen-
tation in sequence fragments, sequence depth
and quality and the repeat content of the DNA. 1.3.2 Whole Genome Sequencing
Once an initial assembly has been made fur- (WGS) Strategy
ther, directed sequencing can be undertaken to
improve the sequence quality, close gaps and The WGS strategy is based on the random frag-
resolve ambiguities. Finally, sequence over- mentation (shotgun fragmentation) of whole
laps between clones are identified after removal genome DNA, sequencing the ends of the
of cloning and sequencing vector sequences, fragments and assembly of the overlapping
and the clone sequences are linked to produce sequences to build up longer lengths of DNA.
a pseudomolecule representing chromosomal Typically, fragments of different sizes are used
DNA. The hierarchical shotgun approach was and pairs of sequences from the ends of sized
used to produce the first reference sequence for fragments representing at least 30-fold cov-
the human genome (Lander et al. 2001) and to erage of the genome are assembled. In 1977,
produce the first reference genome sequences Sanger et al. (1977) reported the use of whole
for plants, A. thaliana (The Arabidopsis Genome genome shotgun sequencing to assemble the
Initiative 2000) and rice (International Rice genome of the bacteriophage φX174 (5386 bp).
Genome sequencing Project and Sasaki 2005). Subsequently, the approach has been used to
1 The Bread Wheat Reference Genome Sequence 5

sequence genomes of increasing complex- 1.4 IWGSC Strategic Roadmap

ity, including a wide variety of plants. It was
championed in the late 1990s by C. Venter to The IWGSC published its first roadmap for the
sequence the genomes of Haemophilus influen- bread wheat genome in 2006. The strategy pro-
zae (Fleischmann et al. 1995), Drosophila mel- posed was based on reducing the complexity of
anogaster (Adams et al. 2000) and the human the genome by generating physical maps and
genome (Venter et al. 2001). As sequencing sequences for individual chromosome arms.
costs have fallen with the introduction of sec- This had the advantage of reducing the size of
ond-generation sequencing technologies, whole the assembly challenge to between 200 and
genome shotgun approaches were considered 800 Mb, comparable to the sizes of other plant
a more tractable way to access large genomes, genomes (Doležel et al. 2007). It also largely
particularly those of plants (Feuillet et al. 2011; eliminated problems of mis-assembling similar
Jackson et al. 2011). regions or sequences originating from homoe-
Factors affecting the quality of the assembly ologous chromosomes. This chromosome-based
that can be achieved with this approach include approach was dependent upon the technologi-
the completeness and depth of coverage of the cal advances in flow cytometric chromosome
genome in sequence fragments, the level of bias sorting developed by the group of J. Doležel
in the fragmentation, cloning and sequencing (Institute of Experimental Botany, Czech
processes caused by specific sequence motifs or Republic) (see Chap. 3.). Between 2004 and
repetitive elements, the sequence depth (num- 2013, the group flow sorted and produced BAC
ber of times each individual piece of DNA is libraries representing 37 bread wheat chromo-
sequenced) and the power of the assembly algo- some/chromosome arms. These comprised a
rithm. Highly repetitive genomes are particularly single library for chromosome 3B (Šafář et al.
challenging where sequence read lengths are 2004), a composite library for chromosomes 1D,
shorter than the length of repeats and reads can- 4D and 6D (Janda et al. 2004) and individual
not be positioned uniquely. As a result, they are libraries for each arm of the remaining 17 chro-
often not assembled in the genome, leaving gaps. mosomes. The complete set of BAC libraries
Although the hierarchical and whole genome contains 2,713,728 clones (Šafář et al. 2010). In
sequencing strategies have often been regarded 2008, Paux et al. (2008) reported the construc-
as strategic competitors, they can be used to tion of the first physical map of a wheat chro-
complement each other to achieve a more com- mosome, 3B. The map covered approximately
plete result. Methods to integrate whole genome 82% of the estimated size of the chromosome
sequence data into a BAC-based genome and and provided a minimal tile path of physically
integration of BAC sequences into a whole mapped clones for sequencing. It also provided
genome shotgun have been developed result- a ‘proof of principle’ for the hierarchical chro-
ing in many of the higher-quality genome mosome-based strategy to map and sequence the
sequences being hybrid assemblies (e.g. mouse hexaploid wheat genome. Following the genera-
(Mouse Genome Sequencing Consortium tion of the first physical maps, the IWGSC con-
2002), zebrafish (Howe, et al. 2013), Drosophila tinued its focus on the production of physical
(Celniker and Rubin 2003), Medicago (Young maps for the whole genome, recruiting groups
et al. 2011), maize (Schnable et al. 2009), rice throughout the world to join the enterprise. In
(International Rice Genome Sequencing Project total, 17 groups from 14 countries contributed
and Sasaki 2005) and tomato (The Tomato and the physical maps for all chromosomes were
Genome Sequencing Consortium 2012)). Such complete by January 2014.
assemblies achieve more complete coverage Throughout the course of the wheat genome
of the genome, enabling more accurate annota- project, the strategy and roadmap evolved to
tion, whilst still delivering resources for targeted take account of technological advances. In
improvement, gene cloning, etc. 2010, the roadmap was updated to incorporate
6 J. Rogers

Fig. 1.1  Overview of the global community contrib- reference genome assembly (IWGSC RefSeq v1.0)
uting to the sequencing of the wheat genome. National including involvement in the flow sorting, chromosome
flags indicate the country-of-origin of the research shotgun, generation of additional resources and annota-
groups contributing to the establishment of the high- tion. The times for the data set releases are indicated in
quality Triticum aestivum cv. CHINESE SPRING blue

the generation of chromosome-based short read sequence for hexaploid bread wheat was pro-
sequence data into the strategy. The data pro- duced (Fig. 1.1).
vided the first genome-wide information about
the distribution of genic sequences across the
21 chromosomes and provided an intermediate 1.5 Impact of Sequencing
gene catalogue for wheat research (International Technology Improvement
Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium 2014). on IWGSC Strategy
Two further strategic modifications were made
in 2014 and 2016, respectively. The first ena- At the time of the USDA-NSF workshop, high
bled the integration of the physical maps with throughput DNA sequencing was in a state of
genome-wide sequence data by generating transition. Previously, the predominant sequenc-
short sequence tag data from minimal tile paths ing platforms had been based on fluorescent
of BACs for chromosomes mapped using the dideoxy nucleotide sequencing (so-called
SNaPShot approach (see International Wheat Sanger sequencing) which delivered of the order
Genome Sequencing Consortium 2018). The of 350–1000 bases per sequence using auto-
final update to the IWGSC wheat genome road- mated gel-based or capillary separation systems.
map reflected the breakthrough in sequence Driven by the human genome project and other
assembly software developed by NRGene large genome projects, between 1994 and 2004
( and others (Clavijo et al. the sequence accuracy and output rose to around
2017) which made it possible to assemble a 1 million bases per day per instrument, but the
whole genome sequence of bread wheat. By cost of sequencing remained relatively high at
integrating a whole genome shotgun assem- ca. 0.3 USD per sequence read (500 USD per
bly with data derived from chromosomal maps raw Mb). The high cost and relatively slow pace
and genetic maps, the first reference genome of sequencing meant that even medium-sized
1 The Bread Wheat Reference Genome Sequence 7

genomes (500 Mb–1 Gb) required large, multi- per day with high levels of sequence accuracy
year projects to produce even draft versions of (Schatz 2015) and reduced the costs compared
genomes with wildly differing quality, depend- to Sanger sequencing by 4–5 orders of mag-
ing on the size and composition of repeat nitude. By assembling overlapping sequences
sequences. from paired reads derived from small fragments
Around 2004, the first second-generation (300–400 bp), longer sequences can be built
sequencing instruments began to emerge. The up that help to overcome some of the problems
first was the 454 Life Sciences pyrosequencer encountered in using Illumina technology to
(later acquired by Roche Diagnostics) that sequence large or repetitive genomes. There has
measured sequential DNA polymerase cata- also been significant investment in developing
lysed sequencing reactions in picotiter plate data management and sequence assembly pipe-
arrays (Ronaghi et al. 1998; Margulies, et al. lines in both the public and private domains to
2005). Early instruments generated around meet the challenges of documenting and assem-
100 million bases per day from ca. 0.5 million bling very large volumes of short read sequence
sequences of up to 100 nucleotides. The output data (see Chap. 2). These benefits have resulted
improved with further development to approxi- in the Illumina technology becoming the most
mately 400 million bases from sequences up to widely used second-generation technology with
400 nucleotides long in a 10-h run at a cost of a broad range of applications including de novo
around 15 USD per raw Mb by 2009. Whilst genome sequencing, comparative genomics,
the 454 brought speed and cost benefits to high gene expression, transcriptomics, DNA–protein
throughput sequencing, the accuracy was lower interactions and methylation profiling.
than ‘Sanger sequencing’, largely due to prob- The earliest wheat genome-wide sequenc-
lems with accurate determination of bases in ing projects focused on genic sequences with
homopolymers (Metzker 2010; Mardis 2011). the sequencing of expressed sequence tags
This could be accommodated and corrected to (ESTs) and cDNAs. A set of 1,073,845 EST
some extent by sequence analysis and assembly sequences derived from polyA-tailed tran-
software, but it still caused some problems for scripts were released by the Triticeae EST
some genome sequences. Cooperative in 1998 and used to produce a set
The emergence of the highly parallelised of 40,000 Unigenes (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.
pyrosequencing instrumentation of 454 Life gov/dbEST/dbESTsummary.html). In 2008,
Sciences led the way for more ‘second-gen- a Japanese initiative released 15,871 anno-
eration’ platforms offering massively parallel tated cDNA sequences (http://trifldb.psc.riken.
sequencing. The most successful of these was jp). Subsequently, relatively small studies of
developed by Solexa and subsequently com- sequences from plasmids, from the 3B BAC
mercialised by Illumina™. The platform uses library and from a gene-enriched methyl fil-
‘sequencing by synthesis’ to measure the incor- tration library, were used to develop estimates
poration of fluorescent nucleotides into mil- of the gene and repeat contents of the genome
lions of growing chains of DNA anchored to a based on ‘Sanger’ sequencing. Low sample
glass surface which are scanned using a confo- sizes and sampling bias, however, produced
cal microscope (Bennett et al. 2005). Initially, widely ranging estimates of between 36,000 and
sequence read lengths were limited to around 30 300,000 for gene number and a repeat content
bases, but as the technology matured improve- ranging from 68 to 86%.
ments in chemistry, imaging technology and The introduction of higher throughput new
software have reduced the sequence ascertain- sequencing technologies facilitated the pro-
ment bias and enabled routine collection of duction of more extensive genome-wide data
paired sequence reads up to 300 bases long from sets. In 2012, Brenchley et al. published the
sized DNA fragments. As a result, rates of data results of analysis of 85 Gb of sequence gener-
collection rose from 300 Mb to over 100 Gb ated on the Roche 454 GS FLX Titanium and
8 J. Rogers

GS FLX + platforms. Around 5 million scaf- were used to construct a pseudomolecule repre-
folds were assembled from 20 million sequence senting the 3B chromosome. Annotation of the
reads representing approximately fivefold cover- chromosome with the automated Triannot pipe-
age of the CHINESE SPRING wheat genome. line (Leroy et al. 2012) identified and positioned
Although the data were highly fragmented, they 5326 functional genes and 1938 pseudogenes. It
provided 132,000 SNPs for use in genotyp- was also possible for the first time to annotate
ing studies and estimates of the gene numbers transposable elements and obtain a view of their
at between 94,000 and 96,000 per sub-genome, distribution along the chromosome (Choulet
with a repeat content of 79%. et al. 2014).
In 2014, the IWGSC published the results Having established the principle of chro-
of IlluminaTM short read survey sequencing mosomal MTP BAC sequencing for wheat,
of chromosome 3B and the chromosome arms the sequencing of 3B was swiftly followed by
of the other 20 chromosomes of the wheat projects for other chromosomes. By January
genome (IWGSC 2014). Based on between 2015, MTP sequencing of 1A, 1B, 2B, 3A, 3D,
30-fold and 240-fold depth of sequence reads, 4A, 5B, 6B, 7A, 7B and 7D was underway in
sequences with contig L50s ranging from 1.8 11 countries, using predominantly Illumina™
to 8.9 kb were assembled after removal of sequencing to take advantage of higher through-
repetitive sequences that could not be assem- put and lower costs relative to other sequencing
bled uniquely to give an estimated coverage of platforms. A variety of strategies were employed
between 0.5 and 0.8 of each chromosome. From to increase the contiguity of BAC sequences,
the sequence analysis, 124,000 gene models which assembled into between 1 and 200 con-
were allocated across the chromosome arms and tigs per BAC, depending on the nature of the
ca. 75,000 were ordered using SNP genotyp- sequence, the quality and depth of the sequence
ing and/or synteny with other grass genomes. data and the assembly software employed (see
Whilst most of the genes were incomplete and Chap. 3). Additional targeted efforts included
the data provided little or no information about combining sequence data from different frag-
gene duplications and pseudogenisation, nor ment sizes (e.g. data from 500 bp to 1 kb frag-
the structural relationships between genes and ments with paired-end sequences (mate pairs)
repeat sequences, these analyses still provided from fragments between 1 and 10 kb), incorpo-
the first genome-wide view of the distribution ration of long read sequence data generated on
of wheat genes across homoeologous chromo- new platforms and comparison with BioNano
somes. They also provided sets of chromosome- Optical maps generated for individual BACs
specific markers for gene selection and future from flow-sorted chromosomes (see Chap. 3).
genome-wide analyses. Many of these efforts were ultimately super-
In addition to genome surveys, the new ceded by the whole genome assembly, but much
sequencing technologies were used for high- of the data has contributed to the refinement of
quality sequencing. 454 sequencing technology the whole genome sequence to produce the first
was used to produce the first reference quality high-quality reference genome sequence for
sequence of a wheat chromosome, 3B (Choulet bread wheat.
et al. 2014). Sequences generated from 8452
MTP BAC clones in pools of ten BACs using
8 kb paired-end barcoded libraries were incorpo- 1.6 Building the Reference
rated into an assembly of 833 Mb with a N50 for Genome Sequence of Bread
the sequence scaffolds of 892 kb (i.e. half of the Wheat
chromosome sequence is represented by scaf-
folds greater than 892 kb). Using 2594 anchored One of the greatest challenges for genome
SNP markers, 1358 sequence scaffolds compris- sequencing is being confident that the sequence
ing 774.4 Mb with a scaffold N50 of 949 kb accurately represents the genome in coverage
1 The Bread Wheat Reference Genome Sequence 9

and in organisation along the chromosomes. sequence data produced from four independ-
Chromosome 3B was the first wheat chromo- ent Hi-C libraries. The assembly was released
some to achieve reference sequence quality and as IWGSC WGAv0.4. It represented over 90%
set a high standard for the rest of the genome. of the genome and contains over 97% of known
Representing more than 90% of the chromo- genes. Additional work was undertaken to inte-
some, the BAC sequence contigs and scaffolds grate IWGSCv0.4 with chromosome-based
were organised along the chromosome using physical maps, Whole Genome Profiling Tags
additional information derived from integrating generated from chromosomal BAC MTPs (van
chromosomal Illumina shotgun data, BAC end Oeveren et al. 2011), sequenced BACs and opti-
sequences and information from the physical cal maps (available at the time for the Group 7
map and high density genetic maps. chromosomes). This resulted in the IWGSC
As the second-generation short read sequenc- Reference Sequence v1.0 released in January
ing technologies became established, the 2017 together with gene annotation based on
throughput and data quality improved and the extensive RNASeq data, annotations of trans-
overall cost of data generation declined. In other posable elements, duplicated regions and inte-
spheres, population genetics studies were begin- gration of molecular markers (IWGSC 2018).
ning to be based on whole genome comparisons, The goal of the IWGSC wheat genome pro-
prompting the development of new methods for ject was to produce an annotated reference
the rapid assembly and comparative analysis of genome sequence for wheat and make it avail-
increasingly large and complex genomes. Whole able in the public domain to underpin wheat
genome assemblies of hexaploid bread wheat research and improvement. The release of
based on defined sets of paired sequences gen- IWGSC RefSeq v1 and the first analyses pub-
erated from the ends of sized DNA fragments lished in 2018 marked the culmination of the
were generated by Chapman et al. (2015) and project and the beginning of the next chapter
Clavijo et al. (2017). These assemblies were of wheat research. Throughout the genome pro-
greatly improved over previous assemblies cov- ject, verified sequence data sets were released
ering 8.2 Gb and 13.4 Gb, with reported N50 through the IWGSC repository hosted at INRA,
contig sizes of 24.8 kb and 88.8 kb, respectively. France, GrainGenes and the major public
The organisation of the assembled sequence sequence data repositories hosted at EBI, NCBI
contigs and scaffolds relied, as in the case of and DDBJ (see Chap. 2). New insights have
chromosome 3B on alignment to orthogonal emerged about the structure of the genome and
genetic linkage maps. These were generated the distribution of features, including genes,
for wheat using the POPSEQ method enabled repeat sequences and regulatory factors, together
by high throughput sequencing and demon- with information about temporal and spatial tis-
strated initially in barley (Mascher et al. 2013; sue-specific gene expression and regulation. The
Chapman et al. 2015). genome sequence has prompted the development
In 2016, the IWGSC released a of new tools for population studies to identify
whole genome assembly of Illumina genomic features associated with specific traits.
short read sequence data assembled with For example, genome-wide SNP assays and
DeNovoMAGIC2™, software developed by computational platforms for analysis are being
NRGene that assembles Illumina™ short reads developed together with tools for the assembly
into highly accurate long, phase sequences, and comparative analyses of multiple genome
even when the data are derived from highly sequences (Chap. 6; Walkowiak et al. 2020). The
repetitive genomes. The assembled sequences high quality of the sequence is also enabling tar-
totalled 14.5 Gb and were assigned to chromo- geted genetic manipulation work (see Chap. 10).
somal locations using POPSEQ data (Chapman Whilst IWGSC RefSeq1 represented a
et al. 2015) and a chromosome conformation highly contiguous genome sequence covering
capture (Hi-C) map constructed from Illumina approximately 94% of the genome with contig,
10 J. Rogers

scaffold and super-scaffold N50s of 52 kb, 7 Mb S, Dufau I, Bellec A, Grimbichler D, Papon N, Paux
and 22.8 Mb, respectively, gaps remained. As E, Ranoux M, Alberti A, Wincker P, Choulet F (2021)
Long-read and chromosome-scale assembly of the
new data becomes available, the sequence will hexaploidy wheat genome achieves higher resolution
be updated and improved. The first updated for research and breeding. bioRxiv preprint. https://
sequence, IWGSC Reference sequence v2.1
(Zhu et al. 2021) was based on alignments to Avni R, Nave M, Barad O, Baruch K, Twardziok SO,
Gundlach H, Hale I, Mascher M, Spannagl M, Wiebe
optical maps, refined the reference genome to K, Jordan KW, Golan G, Deek J, Ben-Zvi B, Ben-
correct the orientation of some scaffolds as well Zvi G, Himmelbach A, MacLachlan RP, Sharpe AG,
as filling gaps in the genome sequence. With the Fritz A, Ben-David R, Budak H, Fahima T, Korol
improvement in so-called third-generation long A, Faris JD, Hernandez A, Mikel MA, Levy AA,
Steffenson B, Maccaferri M, Tuberosa R, Cattivelli L,
read sequencing technologies, further updates to Faccioli P, Ceriotti A, Kashkush K, Pourkheirandish
the reference genome sequence can be expected. M, Komatsuda T, Eilam T, Sela H, Sharon A, Ohad
In 2020, Alonge et al. used data from IWGSC N, Chamovitz DA, Mayer KFX, Stein N, Ronen G,
RefSeq v1 to improve and annotate a sequence Peleg Z, Pozniak CJ, Akhunov ED, Distelfeld A
(2017) Wild emmer genome architecture and diver-
assembly generated from PacBio long read sity elucidate wheat evolution and domestication.
sequence data (Alonge et al. 2020). PacBio long Science 357(6346):93–97.
read sequence data were also used to assemble science.aan0032. PMID: 28684525
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breeding, vol 3. Lavoisier, Paris, pp 1–90
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Wheat Data Integration
and FAIRification: IWGSC, 2
GrainGenes, Ensembl and Other
Data Repositories

Michael Alaux, Sarah Dyer and Taner Z. Sen

Abstract Web-based seminars and (ii) the Wheat

Information System (WheatIS) of the Wheat
Wheat data integration and FAIRification Initiative (, which
are key to tackling the challenge of wheat improves the interoperability and findability
improvement. The data repositories presented of the wheat data across the repositories.
in this chapter play a central role in generat-
ing knowledge and allow data exchange and
reuse. These repositories rely on international Keywords
initiatives such as (i) the International Wheat
Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC), Wheat data · Data repositories · IWGSC ·
which delivers common genomics resources GrainGenes · Ensembl · FAIR
such as reference sequences, communal

2.1 Introduction
M. Alaux (*)
Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, URGI, 78026 According to the Food and Agriculture
Versailles, France Organisation (FAO), wheat is the most widely
e-mail: cultivated crop on Earth, contributing about a fifth
Université Paris-Saclay, INRAE, BioinfOmics, Plant of the total calories consumed by humans (https://
Bioinformatics Facility, 78026 Versailles, France To meet the chal-
S. Dyer lenge of delivering safe, high-quality and health-
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European promoting food and feed in an environmentally
Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome
sensitive, economical and sustainable manner, it
Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10
1SD, UK is generally considered that wheat improvement
e-mail: needs molecular breeding to complement more
T. Z. Sen standard approaches. Furthermore, the efforts of
Western Regional Research Center, Crop breeding happen in a context of climate change
Improvement and Genetics Research Unit, United but are still limited by insufficient knowledge
States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural
and understanding of the molecular basis of cen-
Research Service, Albany, CA, USA
e-mail: tral agronomic traits. In order to address the sci-
entific questions related to this challenge, the
University of California, Department of Bioengineering,
Berkeley, CA, USA wheat research community generates large and

© The Author(s) 2024 13

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
14 M. Alaux et al.

heterogeneous datasets. The greatest value of The draft survey sequence assembly (IWGSC
these data lies in their integration to generate new Chromosome Survey Sequence (CSS) v1,
knowledge as a result of effective sharing to allow IWGSC 2014) and the chromosome 3B refer-
transparency and openness. ence sequence (the first reference quality chro-
The wheat data landscape relies on reposi- mosome sequence obtained by the consortium,
tories centred on (i) one or multiple data types Choulet et al. 2014) were released in 2014, fol-
(such as genomics, genetics or phenomics) that lowed by two improved versions of the CSS
are highly curated and integrated with a com- (v2 and v3). The virtual gene order map gener-
mon reference genome (e.g. the accession ated for the CSS, the POPSEQ data were used
CHINESE SPRING developed by the IWGSC, to order sequence contigs on chromosomes
2018), (ii) projects or community of users with (Mascher et al. 2013), and mapped marker sets
dedicated tools to mine the data. To improve the were associated with these assemblies.
FAIRness (Findable, Interoperable, Accessible, The reference sequence of the bread wheat
and Reusable, Wilkinson et al. 2016a) of the genome released in 2018 (IWGSC RefSeq v1.0,
wheat datasets and databases, the WheatIS 2018) included the whole genome, pseudomole-
expert working group of the Wheat Initiative cules of individual chromosomes or chromosome
recommended standards and developed a data arms, scaffolds with the structural and functional
discovery tool dedicated to improve the find- annotation of genes, transposable elements (TEs)
ability of wheat data across repositories (Dzale and non-coding RNAs. In addition, mapped
Yeumo et al. 2017; Sen et al. 2020). markers as well as annotations supported with
In this chapter, we describe major wheat data alignments of nucleic acid and protein evi-
repositories and tools, and how they integrate dence were made available. Manual annotations
different types of wheat data following the FAIR for specific gene families or regions of specific
principles. chromosomes (ca. 3685 genes) were included in
the IWGSC RefSeq v1.1 annotations. This v1.1
annotation set was updated to v1.2 by integrat-
2.2 IWGSC Data Repository ing a set of 117 novel genes and 81 microRNAs
manually curated by the wheat community fol-
The International Wheat Genome Sequencing lowing guidelines provided by IWGSC.
Consortium (IWGSC) has developed a variety The improved version IWGSC RefSeq v2.1
of resources for bread wheat (Triticum aestivum assembly was released in 2021 (Zhu et al. 2021),
L.) through its long-term efforts to achieve a which relied on whole-genome optical maps and
high quality and functionally annotated reference contigs assembled from whole-genome-shotgun
wheat genome sequence (accession CHINESE Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) reads (Zimin et al.
SPRING). These data are available in a dedicated 2017). Optical maps were used to detect and
IWGSC data repository (https://wheat-urgi.ver- resolve chimeric scaffolds, anchor unassigned, Alaux et al. 2018) scaffolds, correct ambiguities in positions and
categorised by data type as shown in Fig. 2.1. orientations of scaffolds, create super-scaffolds
and estimate gap sizes more accurately. PacBio
contigs were used for gap closing, and pseu-
2.2.1 Sequence Assemblies domolecules of the 21 CHINESE SPRING
and Annotations chromosomes were re-constructed to develop
this new reference sequence. The correspond-
IWGSC wheat genome sequence assemblies are ing IWGSC v2.1 annotation accompanying the
available for download, BLAST (Altschul et al. IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 assembly was also com-
1990), and display in genome browsers. The pleted. The transposable elements (TEs) in the
assembly dataset includes the draft and the refer- resulting assembly IWGSC RefSeq v2.1 were
ence sequences, along with their annotations.
2 Wheat Data Integration and FAIRification: IWGSC, GrainGenes … 15

Fig. 2.1  Homepage of the IWGSC data repository hosted by the Wheat@URGI portal [Retrieved in August 2023]

reannotated, and gene annotations were updated durum cv. CAPPELLI, Triticum durum cv.
by transferring the known gene models from pre- STRONGFIELD, Triticum durum cv. SVEVO,
vious annotations using a fine-tuned, dedicated Triticum monococcum, Triticum urartu, Aegilops
strategy implemented in the Marker-Assisted speltoides and Aegilops sharonensis (IWGSC
Gene Annotation Transfer for Triticeae pipe- 2014). Download and BLAST services are avail-
line ( able for these datasets at https://wheat-urgi.ver-
The released IWGSC Annotation v2.1 contains
266,753 genes comprising 106,913 high-confi- More broadly, the IWGSC is responsible for
dence genes and 159,840 low-confidence genes organising workshops and seminars and making
(Zhu et al. 2021). genomics tools available to the community (https://
In addition to the bread wheat reference as shown in Fig. 2.2.
sequence, the IWGSC also sequenced the For example, the Apollo portal from national
genome of the Turkish bread wheat elite culti- Australian Research Data Commons (https://
var SONMEZ (Nelson et al. 2005) along with has been set up to
seven diploid and tetraploid species: Triticum allow the curation of the IWGSC v2.1 annotation.
16 M. Alaux et al.

Fig. 2.2  Summary of IWGSC activities

2.2.2 Physical Maps and BAC Libraries 2.2.3 Expression Data

Physical maps of the 21 bread wheat chromo- RNA-Seq expression data are available as
somes, based on high information content fluo- read counts and transcripts per kilobase mil-
rescence fingerprinting (Nelson et al. 2005) or lion mapped reads for the IWGSC RefSeq v1.1
whole-genome profiling (Philippe et al. 2012) annotation. A transcriptome atlas developed
of flow-sorted chromosome or chromosome- from 850 RNA-Seq datasets representing 32 tis-
arm specific BAC libraries, are stored and dis- sues at different growth stages and stresses were
played in a dedicated browser. The BAC clone mapped to the IWGSC RefSeq annotations v1.0
assemblies were produced by IWGSC mem- and v1.1 (Ramírez-González et al. 2018).
bers using fingerprinted contigs (Soderlund
et al. 2000) or LTC (Frenkel et al. 2010) soft-
ware. The positions of individual BAC clones, 2.2.4 Variation Data
markers and deletion bins were mapped onto
physical contigs. The wheat physical map These datasets consist of the 1000 wheat exome
browser also provides a link to request the project (He et al. 2019), whole exome capture
BAC clones from the French plant genomic and genotyping-by-sequencing approaches
resource centre. of 62 diverse wheat lines (Jordan et al. 2015)
2 Wheat Data Integration and FAIRification: IWGSC, GrainGenes … 17

and varietal and intervarietal SNPs (Rimbert sources such as European genebanks. Detailed
et al. 2018). VCF data files are downloadable, descriptions of these datasets are available in
and the variant calls can be displayed in the Alaux et al. (2018) and Pommier et al. (2019),
browser ( and Table 2.1 presents a data summary.
Seq-Repository/Variations). The genetic and phenomic data have been
produced from large collaborative projects such
as BreedWheat (Paux et al. 2022) and Whealbi
2.2.5 Chromatin Accessibility (Pont et al. 2019).
These different types of data are linked
Using a differential nuclease sensitivity assay, within the GnpIS information system. This
the chromatin states were investigated in the integration is organised around key data, also
coding and TE-rich repetitive regions of the called “pivot data” as they are pivotal objects
allopolyploid wheat genome. Micrococcal which allow integration between data types.
nuclease (MNase) scores in BigWig format for The key objects used to link genomic resources
IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 assembly are available to to genetic data are markers and traits. Markers
download (Jordan et al. 2020). are mapped to the genome sequences and pro-
vide information on neighbour genes and their
function. They also have links to GnpIS-coreDB
2.3 Wheat@URGI genetic maps, QTLs, genotyping and GWAS
data. Traits link the genetic data to the phenomic
The Wheat@URGI portal, developed by data in GnpIS-coreDB and to synteny data dis-
INRAE (French National Research Institute for played by the PlantSyntenyViewer tool (Flores
Agriculture, Food and Environment) URGI unit, et al. 2023; Pont et al. 2013).
hosts the IWGSC data repository and GnpIS, The FAIRness of these data (including meta-
a dedicated information system following the data) can be summarised as follows:
Findable Accessible Interoperable Reusable
(FAIR) principles: https://wheat-urgi.versailles. • Findability: (i) the data are searchable using (Alaux et al. 2018; Pommier et al. 2019). our data discovery tools (WheatIS data dis-
GnpIS encompasses a set of integrated data- covery and FAIDARE, see below), Web
bases to manage genomic data using well-known interfaces (genome browsers), analysis tool
tools such as BLAST, JBrowse, GBrowse and (BLAST), data mining tool (WheatMine); (ii)
InterMine. An in-house database called GnpIS- digital object identifiers (DOIs) were gener-
coreDB developed by URGI to manage genetic ated for each accession.
and phenomic plant data, especially wheat, has • Accessibility: phenotyping data are accessi-
been produced from French, European and ble through Breeding API (BrAPI) Web ser-
international projects since 2000. A significant vices (Selby et al. 2019) and file downloads.
amount of this data is available as open access, • Interoperability: the data are in stand-
and some project-restricted data can be obtained ard formats (gff3, VCF, MCPD, MIAPPE,
through a material transfer agreement. Papoutsoglou et al. 2020), and phenotyping
Data managed by GnpIS-coreDB include: data follow an ontology developed within
genetic information (markers, quantitative trait the BreedWheat project and merged with the
loci (QTLs), germplasm, genome-wide asso- international wheat crop ontology (CO_321,
ciation studies (GWAS), genomic information Shrestha et al. 2012).
(SNP discovery experiments, genotyping and • Reusability: (i) all the GnpIS tools have gen-
synteny) and phenomic data. The phenomic data eral terms of use and licence. Open access
are available as whole trials including pheno- data including code are in CC BY 4.0; (ii) the
typic and environmental observations on well- data are sufficiently described to allow their
identified plant material provided by reference reuse in new analysis.
18 M. Alaux et al.

Table 2.1  Genetic and phenomic wheat data summary hosted in the GnpIS-coreDB database of the Wheat@URGI
portal in August 2023
Data type Total number of data Open access Restricted
points access
Germplasm Taxon 56 56 0
Accession 15,031 10,448 4583
Genetic map Map 30 29 1
Marker 716,745 314,390 402,355
QTL 749 465 284
Genotyping Experiment 23 1 22
Sample 9556 42 9543
Marker 680,463 0 680,463
SNP discovery 724,132 280,321 443,811
Phenotyping Trial 895 833 62
Seed lot 8461 5037 3653
Variable 405 107 301
Observation 1,488,199 602,553 885,646
GWAS Analysis 2013 43 1970
Sample 3096 2361 735
Variable 313 37 279
Marker 160,774 4109 156,665
Association 1,014,694 48,596 966,098

2.4 GrainGenes as a result of increasingly accessible sequencing

platforms, advanced assembly algorithms and
The GrainGenes repository (https://wheat. annotation pipelines (, Yao et al. 2022, Fig. 2.3) is a digi- GG3/genome_browser). GrainGenes, in addi-
tal platform and a community service provider tion to IWGSC’s CHINESE SPRING v1 and v2
that has been continuously supported by U.S. assemblies, houses assemblies and annotations
congressional funds since 1992 through the U.S. for Aegilops longissima, A. speltoides, A. shar-
Department of Agriculture. Its stakeholders are onensis, five Aegilops tauschii accessions, wild
primarily global small grain research commu- emmer (ZAVITAN) and durum wheat SVEVO,
nities who work on wheat, barley, rye and oat as well as Triticum aestivum genomes from
(Blake et al. 2022). Unlike many other small the 10+ Wheat Genome project and the hexa-
grain repositories, GrainGenes has decades-worth ploid wheat pangenome. The genome brows-
of genetic data: GrainGenes contains rich, peer- ers at GrainGenes are shared with the Triticeae
reviewed, curated data content (Odell et al. 2017), Toolbox (T3) database for the benefit of small
ranging from genetic to genomic, phenotypic to grain researchers.
traits, and people to publications, with a myriad In its IWGSC CHINESE SPRING v1 genome
of search and visualisation tools to enhance data browser, GrainGenes has many tracks overlapped
findability and information discovery. GrainGenes with the IWGSC’s data depository at Wheat@
also provides services, such as the GrainGenes URGI and Ensembl Plants. In addition to those
email list and a Twitter feed, for small grain com- tracks, T3 created several tracks for variants,
munities through communicating community genome-wide association studies (GWAS),
announcements, open positions, upcoming con- primers and quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The
ference information and grant opportunities. GrainGenes team created the guanine-quadruplex
The range of genome browsers at GrainGenes (G4) track, for this newly emergent transcription
for wheat-related species attest the data growth regulation element class (Cagirici and Sen 2020).
2 Wheat Data Integration and FAIRification: IWGSC, GrainGenes … 19

Fig. 2.3  Homepage of GrainGenes ( [Retrieved in July 2022]

Some of GrainGenes’ genome browsers over- other pages at GrainGenes can benefit from the
lap with the genome browsers at other reposito- several YouTube tutorial videos that were cre-
ries such as Wheat@URGI or Ensembl Plants. ated by the GrainGenes team. This is especially
This duplication of displays is not in excess, useful for those who would like to learn how to
but ultimately serve the interest of small grains jump from genomic to reach genetic data, and
researchers, because having the same datasets vice versa in GrainGenes. The videos are linked
at multiple repositories allows users to harness at
different tools built on top of these datasets,
for example, BLAST services at GrainGenes
( or the Ensembl 2.5 Ensembl Plants
Variant Effect Predictor at Ensembl Plants.
One of the added values of using genome The Ensembl Plants platform (https://plants.
browsers at GrainGenes is their integration provides a Web browser, data-
with the BLAST service at GrainGenes. When bases, tools and programmatic access to inte-
users run their nucleotide/protein sequences at grated public genomic data for a breadth of
GrainGenes, the results are linked to hit regions plant species (Cunningham et al. 2022, Fig. 2.4).
in the browsers, which allow users to go to those Ensembl Plants imports genomes and commu-
regions with a single mouse click. GrainGenes nity gene annotations into the platform, anno-
also uniquely allows rubber banding selection tates genomic repeat regions, imports variation
of a genome region on its JBrowse-based brows- data and identifies homologues via Ensembl’s
ers for automatic copy pasting of underlying comparative genomics analysis pipeline. Users
sequence data for subsequent BLASTing. can access bioinformatics tools such as BLAST
Those who are not familiar with genome (Altschul et al. 1990) for sequence similar-
browser operations and their relationship to ity searching or the Ensembl Variant Effect
20 M. Alaux et al.

Predictor (VEP, McLaren et al. 2016) to predict et al. 2016b) and also EMS mutations mapped
the functional consequences of variants. from the EMS TILLing populations (Krasileva
The first version of the IWGSC Chromosome et al. 2017) maintained by JIC’s SeedStor
Survey Sequence (CSS) and gene annotation for ( for CADENZA
the cultivar CHINESE SPRING was made avail- (hexaploid bread wheat) and KRONOS (tetra-
able in Ensembl Plants in 2014. At that time ploid durum wheat). This allows users to visu-
there were three other triticeae genomes also alise where variants are located with respect
included: A. tauschii, Hordeum vulgare and T. to the IWGSC genome, and where those vari-
urartu. The TGACv1 whole-genome assembly ants occur in the proximity of gene models the
(Clavijo et al. 2017) which used the CSS reads Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor will provide
to assign scaffolds to chromosome arms became estimates of the likely impact of those variants
available via Ensembl Plants in 2015 and was on predicted gene and protein sequences. This
subsequently replaced by the release of IWGSC helps users to identify those variants most likely
RefSeq v1.0 in 2018, although all assemblies can to cause disruption to genes, and Ensembl Plants
still be accessed via Ensembl’s archive sites. As also provides a route to connect to SeedStor
of April 2023, Ensembl Plants contains an addi- to order materials from the EMS populations
tional 17 bread wheat cultivar genomes from the which have those variants.
10+ project (Walkowiak et al. 2020, https://www. Ensembl’s comparative genomics pipelines, (Cunningham et al. 2019) provide gene/protein
making 26 triticeae genomes in total. Each of trees based on sequence homology and whole-
the bread wheat cultivars displays the annota- genome alignments (WGA) between the major-
tion from IWGSC RefSeq v1.1 projected onto ity of species within the platform. The IWGSC
the cultivar assembly. In addition, de novo genes v1.0 assembly has gene trees and WGA avail-
predicted by the Plant Genome and Systems able which allow users to explore gene family
Biology Group (PGSB) at Helmholtz, Munich loss and expansions, identifying orthologues
and the Earlham Institute (EI) for the nine chro- and paralogues and regions of synteny between
mosome-level assemblies are also displayed. genomes in Ensembl Plants. The 10+ wheat cul-
In addition to genome annotations, Ensembl tivars have wheat-specific gene trees available
Plants also displays variation data, primarily which provide a mechanism for users to explore
from the 35 K and 820 K Axiom SNP breed- gene conservation within the current bread
ers array, as provided by CerealsDB (Wilkinson wheat pan-genome (Fig. 2.5).

Fig. 2.4  Homepage of Ensembl Plants ( [Retrieved in August 2023]

2 Wheat Data Integration and FAIRification: IWGSC, GrainGenes … 21

Fig. 2.5  Cultivar comparative gene tree for gene TraesCS3D02G273600, a heat shock protein located on chromo-
some 3D in IWGSC CHINESE SPRING v1.0, shown in red [Retrieved in September 2022]

Ensembl (Cunningham et al. 2022) provides The Triticeae Toolbox (T3) (https://wheat.
user access via Web-based searches through, Blake et al. 2016). T3’s
the Ensembl browser or BioMart (which allows mission is to create tools for researchers that
structured user querying to select subsets of work on genotypic–phenotypic relationships.
data), FTP download access to complete sets of As such, T3 played a centralised role in past
sequence data, annotations, gene trees and data- projects with a strong breeding focus, such
bases and programmatic access via Ensembl’s as Triticeae Coordinated Agricultural Project
APIs. All Ensembl data and tools are open (TCAP) in the past, and, currently, in the Wheat
access and freely available, and extensive docu- Coordinated Agricultural Project (WheatCAP),
mentation, training materials (https://training. both funded by the U.S. Department of and a helpdesk are available to Agriculture, National Institute of Food and
support user access. Ensembl Plants can also be Agriculture.
accessed through the Gramene resource (https:// T3 houses many Web-based tools for breed-, Tello-Ruiz et al. 2022). ers. It has capabilities that allow users to (1)
upload their raw genome-wide association
(GWAS) and genotype-by-sequencing data-
2.6 Some Other Repositories sets onto the Website, (2) perform computa-
tions such as principal component analyses and
It is beyond the purview of this chapter to pro- (3) visualise histograms for phenotypic obser-
vide all available wheat repositories worldwide, vations, screen-plots of principal component
but the following are extremely valuable sites eigenvalues, Q–Q plots displaying observed
that we will mention briefly. Reading the pub- and expected -log10 p-values and Manhattan
lications for these repositories will be useful to plots. In addition, T3 provides Web-based
learn more about their data content and features. tools to generate selection indexes for multiple
22 M. Alaux et al.

traits simultaneously, which is a useful method 2.7 WheatIS Data Discovery

for breeding programs to select and advance
germplasms. As mentioned in the previous sec- An expert working group of the international
tion, T3 has a very close collaboration with Wheat Initiative has built an international wheat
GrainGenes. Both databases maintain and share information system, called WheatIS, with the
the same genome browsers, which enable users aim of providing Web-based one-stop access to
to go back and forth between two databases all available wheat data resources, bioinformat-
seamlessly. ics tools and recommended standards (http://
Gramene (, Tello-, Dzale Yeumo et al. 2017; Sen et al.
Ruiz et al. 2021). Gramene offers a rich data 2020). The data repositories described in this
content and a wide range of tools for com- chapter are major data providers of the WheatIS
parative functional genomics for 118 refer- federation that facilitate the availability of
ence genomes and 124,010 gene family trees genomic, genetic and phenomic data to the com-
(Release #65, May 2022). These genomes munity using a data discovery tool. This tool
encompass a wide range of species, including developed by INRAE-URGI is a search engine
various accessions of wheat (similar to other that indexes the metadata of each database of the
databases discussed in this chapter). Gramene federation and provides links back to the source
is also the home of the Plant Reactome portal repositories. Long-term sustainability has been
(Gupta et al. 2022), which contains pathways achieved through a close collaboration with
information and gene expression displays for the ELIXIR European infrastructure for Life
106 species. Gramene has a close partnership Science to develop a common data discovery
with Ensembl Plants and displays genomes, tool usable both for WheatIS and for ELIXIR
gene models, variations and annotations collabo- (FAIDARE, FAIR Data-finder for Agricultural
ratively. In addition to multiple visualisation and REsearch,
analysis tools, such as Ensembl genome brows- extended to all plants data.
ers, BLAST and FTP download, it also houses Figure 2.6 and Table 2.2 present the wheat
the Ensembl-Compara-based GeneTrees visual- resources queried by the WheatIS data discovery
iser tool for sequence-based protein family clas- tool in August 2023: https://urgi.versailles.inrae.
sification (Vilella et al. 2009). fr/wheatis/.

Fig. 2.6  Wheat resources queried by the WheatIS data discovery tool

2 Wheat Data Integration and FAIRification: IWGSC, GrainGenes … 23

Table 2.2  Number of data per wheat resource indexed by the WheatIS data discovery
Resource Institution Number of indexed
TERRA-REF U.S. Department of Energy 284
Wheat@URGI INRAE-URGI 19,844,409
(including IWGSC data repository and GnpIS)
GrainGenes USDA-ARS 23,309
(including Wheat Gene Catalogue at Komugi)
Ensembl Plants (including EVA) EMBL-EBI 3,071,899
The Triticeae Toolbox Triticeae CAP 223,013
(including UniProt)
Gramene CSH, OSU 229,851
AgroLD SouthGreen 137,060
CIMMYT publications and datasets CIMMYT 1,788
CR-EST, GBIS and MetaCrop IPK 250,877
CrowsNest PGSB 13,324
KnetMiner Rothamsted Research 108,474
PlantPhenoDB IPG PAS 6
Wheat pangenome UWA 167,167
ARS Agricultural Research Service; EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory; EBI European Bioinformatics
Institute; INRAE French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment; URGI Research Unit
in Genomics and Bioinformatics; USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture, Triticeae CAP Triticeae Coordinated
Agricultural Product; CSH Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; OSU Ohio State University; CIMMYT International
Maize and Wheat Improvement Center; IPK Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research; PGSB
Plant Genome and Systems Biology; IPG PAS Institute of Plant Genetics of the Polish Academy of Sciences; UWA
University of Western Australia

2.8 Conclusion Raphaël Flores, Nicolas Francillonne, Erik Kimmel; the

GrainGenes team members.
Thanks to the International Wheat Genome
In a context of increasingly dispersed and Sequencing Consortium and its sponsors, the Wheat
numerous wheat data production, the data inte- Initiative and especially the WheatIS expert working
gration and FAIRification are fundamental. The group, the Plant Bioinformatics Facility (
/10.15454/1.5572414581735654E12), the following
resources detailed in this chapter contribute to projects: BreedWheat (ANR-10-BTBR-03, France
facilitating data discovery by helping research- Agrimer, FSOV), Whealbi (EU FP7–613556), AGENT
ers and breeders to use genetic and genomic (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
information to improve wheat varieties. The programme under Grant Agreement No. 862613), Wheat
Genomics for Sustainable Agriculture (BB/J00328X/1),
involvement of the wheat bioinformatics com- Designing Future Wheat (BB/P016855/1), Elixir: the
munity in global initiatives, such as AgBioData, research infrastructure for life-science data and the
ELIXIR or Research Data Alliance for an open European Molecular Biology Laboratory.
science through standardisation, requires a
long-term commitment in order to continue
to contribute to research and plant breeding References
Alaux M et al (2018) Linking the International Wheat
Acknowledgements The authors would like to Genome Sequencing Consortium bread wheat refer-
thank the following people from Ensembl Plants: Guy ence genome sequence to wheat genetic and phe-
Naamati, Shradha Saraf and former members Bruno nomic data. Genome Biol 19:111
Contreras-Moreira, Dan Bolser, Arnaud Kerhornou Altschul SF, Gish W, Miller W, Myers EW, Lipman DJ
and Paul Kersey; from INRAE-URGI: Anne-Françoise (1990) Basic local alignment search tool. J Mol Biol
Adam-Blondon, Cyril Pommier, Célia Michotey, 215:403–410
24 M. Alaux et al.

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Wheat Chromosomal Resources
and Their Role in Wheat Research 3
Hana Šimková, Petr Cápal and Jaroslav Doležel

Abstract analyses. Since the approach overcomes dif-

ficulties due to sequence redundancy and the
Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is grown presence of homoeologous subgenomes, the
on more area of land than any other crop, chromosomal genomics was adopted by the
and its global significance is challenged only International Wheat Genome Sequencing
by rice. Despite the socioeconomic impor- Consortium (IWGSC) as the major strat-
tance, the wheat genome research was lag- egy to sequence bread wheat genome. The
ging behind other crops for a long time. It dissection of the wheat genome into single
was mainly a high complexity of the genome, chromosomes enabled the generation of chro-
polyploidy and a high content of repeti- mosome survey sequences and stimulated
tive elements that were laying obstacles to international collaboration on producing a
a thorough genome analysis, gene cloning reference-quality assembly by the clone-by-
and genome sequencing. Solution to these clone approach. In parallel, the chromosomal
problems came in the beginning of the new resources were used for marker develop-
millennium with the emergence of chromo- ment, targeted mapping and gene cloning.
some genomics—a new approach to study- The most comprehensive approaches to gene
ing complex genomes after dissecting them cloning, such as MutChromSeq and assembly
into smaller parts—single chromosomes or via long-range linkage, found their use even
their arms. This lossless complexity reduc- in the post-sequencing era. The chapter pro-
tion, enabled by flow-cytometric chromo- vides a two-decade retrospective of chromo-
some sorting, reduced the time and cost of some genomics applied in bread wheat and
the experiment and simplified downstream its relatives and reports on the chromosomal
resources generated and their applications.

H. Šimková (*) · P. Cápal · J. Doležel

Centre of Plant Structural and Functional Genomics, Keywords
Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech
Academy of Sciences, Olomouc, Czech Republic Wheat chromosomes · Wheat genomics
P. Cápal
J. Doležel

© The Author(s) 2024 27

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
28 H. Šimková et al.

Abbreviations This was a daunting task at that time given its

genome size exceeding 15 Gb (IWGSC 2018),
presence of three homoeologous genomes and
BAC Bacterial artificial chromosome
high repeat content.
CSS Chromosome survey sequence
Despite the difficulties foreseen, participants
CS cv. Chinese Spring
of the workshop on wheat genome sequenc-
FISH Fluorescence in situ hybridization
ing held in Washington DC in 2003 agreed on
FISHIS Fluorescence in situ hybridiza-
a need for a bread wheat genome sequence
tion in suspension
(Gill et al. 2004). Among available strategies, it
HICF High information content
was decided to explore the use of DNA librar-
ies prepared from individual chromosomes and
HMW DNA High molecular weight DNA
chromosome arms for the assembly of a global
IWGSC International Wheat Genome
physical map and chromosome sequencing.
Sequencing Consortium
As individual chromosomes and chromosome
MDA Multiple-displacement
arms represent only about 4–6% and 1–3%
of the bread wheat genome, respectively, dis-
MTP Minimal tiling path
secting the genome to chromosomes or even
MutChromSeq Mutant Chromosome Sequencing
chromosome arms offered a dramatic and
OM Optical map
lossless reduction in DNA sample complex-
TE Transposable element
ity to facilitate targeted development of DNA
TACCA TArgeted Chromosome-based
markers, gene mapping and cloning as well as
Cloning via long-range Assembly
genome sequencing. The chromosome-based
WGP Whole genome profiling
approach avoided problems due to the presence
of homoeologous DNA sequences and enabled a
division of labor so that different groups could
3.1 Development of Wheat work on physical mapping and sequencing dif-
Chromosome Genomics ferent chromosomes simultaneously (Gill et al.
2004). A principal condition for the application
The development of DNA sequencing technique of this approach was the ability to purify par-
by Sanger et al. (1977) marked the beginning of ticular chromosomes and chromosome arms in
genomics with a prospect of obtaining complete sufficient numbers (~103–106) so that enough
genome sequences and studying entire genomes. DNA may be obtained. Until today, the only
The progress in DNA sequencing and genome method suitable for this task is flow-cytometric
assembly technologies, which followed the pio- sorting.
neering projects on small bacterial genomes
(Fleischmann et al. 1995; Fraser et al. 1995),
made it possible to deliver the first genome of 3.1.1 Flow Cytogenetics
a plant—Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis
Genome Initiative 2000), followed by Oryza Unlike microscopy, flow cytometry analyzes
sativa (International Rice Genome Sequencing condensed mitotic metaphase chromosomes
Project 2005). Together with the progress in during their movement, one after another, in
human genome sequencing (Lander et al. 2001) a narrow liquid stream. To distinguish this
these achievements stimulated the interest to approach from microscopic analysis, the term
produce genome sequence of hexaploid bread flow cytogenetics has been coined. Prior to flow
wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n = 6x = 42), one cytometry, chromosomes are stained by a DNA
of the three most important crops worldwide. fluorochrome so that they can be classified
3 Wheat Chromosomal Resources and Their Role in Wheat Research 29

according to relative DNA content. The analysis by the presence of a rigid cell wall. A success-
can be performed at rates of ~103 s so that large ful approach has been to artificially induce cell
numbers of chromosomes can be interrogated to cycle synchrony in root tips of hydroponically
obtain statistically accurate data and potentially grown seedlings, accumulate dividing cells at
discriminate individual chromosomes. A histo- mitotic metaphase and release intact chromo-
gram of DNA content thus obtained is termed somes from formaldehyde-fixed root tips by
flow karyotype, and ideally, each chromosome mechanical homogenization. This high-yielding
is represented by a well-discriminated peak. In procedure was developed for faba bean (Doležel
fact, the extent to which the chromosome peak is et al. 1992), and by optimizing it for wheat,
discriminated from peaks of other chromosomes Vrána et al. (2000) set a foundation for using
determined the purity in the sorted fraction, or flow-sorted chromosomes in wheat genomics
the frequency of contaminating chromosomes (Figs. 3.1 and 3.2).
in flow-sorted fraction. Not all flow cytometers
are equipped by a sorting module, and only
some are designed to physically separate (sort) 3.1.2 Chromosome Sorting in Wheat
microscopical particles with particular optical
parameters. Gray et al. (1975a, b), Stubblefield The study of Vrána and co-workers (Vrána et al.
et al. (1975) and Carrano et al. (1976) were the 2000) revealed that out of the 21 chromosomes
first to confirm that flow cytometry can be used of bread wheat, only chromosome 3B could be
not only to classify mammalian chromosomes discriminated from other chromosomes and
according to DNA content, but also to sort them. sorted at high purity (Fig. 3.3a). The remaining
These experiments paved the way to the use chromosomes formed three composite peaks
of flow-sorted chromosomes during the initial on a flow karyotype, each of them represent-
phases of human genome sequencing (Van Dilla ing three to ten chromosomes, which could be
and Deaven 1990). only sorted as groups. In order to determine
The samples for flow cytometry must have chromosome content in the flow-sorted frac-
a form of a concentrated suspension of intact tions, samples of ~103 chromosomes were sorted
chromosomes. In contrast to animals and onto a microscopic slide and microscopically
human, their preparation in plants is hampered identified after fluorescence in situ hybridiza-
by low frequency of dividing mitotic cells and tion with probes giving chromosome-specific



RI +0:'1$ %$&EDVHG

Fig. 3.1  Major developments in wheat chromosomal genomics

30 H. Šimková et al.

Fig. 3.2  Applications of wheat chromosomal resources. Assembly (TACCA), high molecular weight (HMW)
Depending on downstream application, flow-sorted chro- DNA is prepared by purifying chromosomes embedded
mosomes can be processed by two distinct approaches. in agarose plugs. Low molecular weight (LMW) DNA,
For applications with high demand on DNA amount to be used for short-read sequencing or DArT marker
and contiguity, i.e., BAC libraries, optical mapping and development (DNA microarrays), is obtained after treat-
TArgeted Chromosome-based Cloning via long-range ing chromosomal DNA in solution

labeling patterns (Fig. 3.3e; Kubaláková et al. -chromosome. In 13 double-ditelosomic lines,

2002). The study of Vrána et al. (2000) indi- both chromosome arms could be discriminated
cated the suitability of chromosomal stocks and sorted simultaneously (Fig. 3.3b), saving
with altered chromosome sizes for purification time to collect DNA from both arms (Doležel
of other chromosomes than 3B. In two culti- et al. 2012).
vars of wheat, the authors identified and sorted While this advance made chromosome flow
translocation chromosome 5BL.7BL, which is sorting technology ready to support various
larger than chromosome 3B (Fig. 3.3c). A sub- genomics analyses in bread wheat (Fig. 3.2),
sequent study of Kubaláková et al. (2002) con- including genome sequencing, its dependence
firmed the potential of cytogenetic stocks. The on cytogenetic stocks limited its potential for
most important observation concerned the abil- marker development and gene cloning in other
ity to sort any single chromosome arm, either in wheat genotypes. To overcome this obstacle,
the form of a telosome or isochromosome. As Giorgi et al. (2013) developed a protocol for
almost all telosomic lines were developed in the fluorescent labeling repetitive DNA of chromo-
background of cv. CHINESE SPRING (Sears somes using fluorescence in situ hybridization
and Sears 1978), their use offered a possibility in suspension (FISHIS). Chromosome classifi-
to analyze the wheat genome chromosome-by cation based on two fluorescence parameters:
3 Wheat Chromosomal Resources and Their Role in Wheat Research 31

Fig. 3.3  Flow karyotyping of bread wheat. Histograms be sorted with a high purity. d Standard monoparametric
of relative DAPI fluorescence intensities representing flow karyotype of cultivar CERTO, where three chro-
chromosomes of varying sizes are termed flow karyo- mosomes from composite peak III—2A, 2B and 6B—
types. a Flow karyotype of cv. CHINESE SPRING con- form a defined but still unresolvable sub-population. e
sists of three composite peaks, harboring 3, 7 and 10 Bivariate flow karyotype of the same cultivar, where the
chromosomes, respectively, and a standalone peak repre- difference in relative abundance of GAA repeat motif
senting the largest wheat chromosome 3B. b Flow karyo- allows further discrimination of these chromosomes and
type of 7D double ditelosomic line, where both the long results in well-defined populations containing a single
and the short arm of chromosome 7D are discriminated chromosome type each. The chromosome 2B, shown in
and can be sorted simultaneously. c The translocated the inset, can be sorted with purity exceeding 85%. For
chromosome 5BL.7BL, present in cv. ARINA and some the purity check, FISH was done with probes for GAA
other cultivars, is the largest one in the karyotype and can (green) and Afa repeats (red)

DNA (after staining by a DNA fluorochrome) If the FISHIS procedure of Giorgi et al.
and fluorescence of regions containing DNA (2013) is not compatible with a downstream
repeats (typically GAA microsatellites) labeled application of sorted chromosomes and, at the
by FITC enabled discrimination of chromo- same time, appropriate cytogenetic stocks are
somes with the same or very similar DNA not available, the option is to partition compos-
content from each other. Depending on geno- ite peaks as observed on monovariate flow kary-
type, bivariate flow karyotyping after FISHIS otypes (Fig. 3.3a) (Vrána et al. 2015). Although
typically allows discrimination of ~13 out of 21 this approach does not allow discrimination and
wheat chromosomes (Fig. 3.3d, e) and provides sorting of single chromosomes, it is suitable
to date the most powerful approach to dissect for obtaining sub-genomic fractions compris-
the wheat genome to single chromosomes. ing only a few chromosomes, with one of them
32 H. Šimková et al.

being more abundant. Vrána et al. (2015) cal- of wheat, fluorescent labeling of chromosomes
culated a so-called enrichment factor defined as by FISHIS prior to flow cytometry increased the
the relative proportion of chromosomal DNA in number of chromosomes that could be discrimi-
the wheat genome to the proportion of chromo- nated and sorted. Availability of separated chro-
somal DNA in a sorted fraction and found that mosomes of the relatives enabled comparative
a fivefold enrichment was obtained for 17 out studies with the bread wheat genome (Molnár
of 21 wheat chromosomes. Importantly, sub- et al. 2014, 2016) and have been applied to sup-
genomic fractions for 15 out of the 21 chromo- port cloning of genes from the tertiary gene pool
somes were not contaminated by homoeologs. (see Sect. 3.5.1).

3.1.3 Sorting Chromosomes of Wild 3.2 Toward Bread Wheat

Wheat Relatives Reference Genome

The method for flow-cytometric chromosome Need for a quality bread wheat genome that
analysis and sorting, originally developed for would provide access to the complete gene
hexaploid bread wheat and subsequently modi- catalogue, an unlimited amount of molecu-
fied for tetraploid durum wheat Triticum turgi- lar markers to support genome-based selec-
dum Desf. var. durum, 2n = 4x = 28 (Kubaláková tion of new varieties and a framework for the
et al. 2005) was also found to be suitable to efficient exploitation of natural and induced
sort chromosomes from their wild relatives. In genetic diversity (Choulet et al. 2014a) stimu-
fact, two options were explored. One involved lated the establishment of the International
sorting chromosomes from alien chromosome Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium, a col-
introgression lines of wheat. The samples are laborative platform launched in 2005 (https://
prepared from synchronized wheat root tips and, By that time, a proven
if the alien chromosome can be discriminated strategy to obtaining high-quality reference
on a flow karyotype, it may be sorted (Molnár sequences of large genomes was the clone-
et al. 2011, 2015; Zwyrtková et al. 2022). In a by-clone approach, i.e., sequencing clones
similar manner, wheat chromosomes carrying from large-insert DNA libraries ordered in
introgressions from wild relatives can be puri- physical maps. These constituted a technol-
fied (Tiwari et al. 2014; Janáková et al. 2019; ogy-neutral resource for accessing complex
Bansal et al. 2020). Second and straightforward genomes, enabling possible resequencing of
option is to sort chromosomes directly from the ordered clones by more advanced technolo-
wild relatives. Thus, the protocol of Vrána et al. gies. Considering the ability to dissect the wheat
(2000) for wheat has been optimized for a vari- genome to individual chromosomes or chro-
ety of species from Aegilops, Agropyron and mosome arms (Vrána et al. 2000; Kubaláková
Haynaldia (Dasypyrum) genera (summarized et al. 2002), and after confirming the feasibil-
in Doležel et al. 2021). While in some of them ity of constructing large-insert DNA libraries
(like Aegilops comosa), all chromosomes may from the flow-sorted chromosomes (Šafář et al.
be discriminated and sorted (Said et al. 2021), in 2004; Janda et al. 2004), the Consortium set-
majority of species (including Aegilops genicu- tled on coupling the chromosome purification
lata, Aegilops biuncialis, Aegilops cylindrica, with the clone-by-clone strategy and producing
Haynaldia villosa, Agropyron cristatum and oth- clone-based physical maps of individual wheat
ers) their chromosomes can only be sorted in chromosomes that would allow the engagement
groups of two to five (Molnár et al. 2011, 2015; of multiple teams in the challenging sequencing
Grosso et al. 2012; Said et al. 2019). As in case effort.
3 Wheat Chromosomal Resources and Their Role in Wheat Research 33

3.2.1 Generation of Chromosomal several customized chromosomal libraries from

BAC Resources other cultivars were created for the purpose of
gene cloning projects, including 3B-specific
The prerequisite of the proposed strategy was library from cv. HOPE (Mago et al. 2014) and a
the ability to separate by flow sorting each BAC library from 4AL arm of cv. TÄHTI, bear-
of bread wheat chromosomes or chromo- ing an introgressed segment of Triticum mili-
some arms. This was only possible in cultivar tinae (Janáková et al. 2019) (Table 3.1).
CHINESE SPRING (CS), for which a com- Upon their construction, the CS libraries
plete set of telosomic lines, essential to sort the were distributed among national teams engaged
chromosome arms, was available (Sears and in the IWGSC effort who embarked on con-
Sears 1978), predestining the cultivar to become structing physical maps. In a proof-of-concept
the reference genome of bread wheat. The pri- experiment, Paux and co-workers (2008) gen-
mary resource needed to construct a clone- erated the first chromosomal physical map
based physical map is a large-insert genomic from chromosome 3B, employing SNaPShot-
DNA library, commonly cloned in the bacterial based High Information Content Fingerprinting
artificial chromosome (BAC) vector, typically (HICF) technology (Luo et al. 2003) to gener-
bearing inserts of 100–200 kb. To generate a ate fingerprints and FingerPrinted Contig (FPC)
library of these parameters, several micrograms software to assemble the physical map and
of high molecular weight (HMW) DNA are select minimal tiling path (MTP) for sequenc-
needed. Achieving this from the flow-sorted ing. This achievement validated the feasibility
material involved the elaboration of a custom- of constructing sequence-ready physical maps
ized protocol (Šimková et al. 2003) including of hexaploid wheat by the chromosome-by-
DNA preparation in agarose plugs (Fig. 3.2), chromosome approach and the strategy was
which enabled cumulating samples from mul- subsequently followed for other chromosome
tiple sorting days. Based on this advance, Šafář arms (Table 3.1; IWGSC 2018). As alternative
et al. (2004) constructed the first-ever chro- procedures, Whole Genome Profiling (WGP,
mosome-specific BAC library in a eukaryotic van Oeveren et al. 2011) was applied for BAC
organism. The library, prepared from two mil- fingerprinting in several projects and Linear
lion 3B chromosomes flow-sorted over 18 work- Topological Contig (LTC, Frenkel et al. 2010)
ing days, comprised 67,968 clones with 103 kb software was developed and utilized for map
average insert size, representing 6.2 equivalents assembly and validation. Procedures applied for
of the chromosome 3B, whose molecular size individual chromosomes/arms are summarized
is close to one gigabase. Further improvements in IWGSC 2018. The resulting chromosomal
in the procedure permitted the construction of physical maps are available at https://urgi.ver-
BAC libraries with chromosome coverage up to
18 × and average insert size exceeding 120 Kb and displayable at https://urgi.versailles.inra.
( fr/gb2/gbrowse/wheat_phys_pub/. In addition
dna-libraries (Šafář et al. 2010; Table 3.1 and to the construction of physical maps for several
references therein). The effort toward prepar- chromosomes, the WGP technology was utilized
ing the full set of CS libraries for the chromo- to profile MTP clones identified from chromo-
somal physical maps lasted over ten years and some physical maps constructed previously
was completed in the end of 2013 (Fig. 3.1). by the HICF procedure. Thus generated WGP
Individual clones and BAC libraries used to tags of all 21 wheat chromosomes were used
construct chromosome-specific physical maps to support the assembly of the IWGSC RefSeq
are publicly available and can be obtained at v1.0 genome and are available for download from IWGSC-BayerCropScience WGP™ tags
Besides the ‘CHINESE SPRING’ BAC librar-
ies generated for the reference genome project, IWGSC_BayerCropScience_WGPTM_tags.
Table 3.1  Wheat chromosomal BAC resources
Library name Cultivar Chromosome/arm Number of Insert size Coverage BAC assembly
clones (kb) References*
TaaCsp146eA CHINESE SPRING 1D, 4D, 6D 26,112 110 1.3×
TaaCsp146hA CHINESE SPRING 1D, 4D, 6D 87,168 85 3.4× Janda et al. (2004)1
TaaCsp146hB CHINESE SPRING 1D, 4D, 6D 148,224 102 6.9×
TaaCsp146hC CHINESE SPRING 1D, 4D, 6D 138,240 116 7.4×
TaaCsp1ALhA CHINESE SPRING 1AL 49,536 103 8.0× Lucas et al. (2013)1,2
TaaCsp1ALhB CHINESE SPRING 1AL 43,008 109 7.7×
TaaCsp1AShA CHINESE SPRING 1AS 31,104 111 11.8× Breen et al. (2013)1,2
TaaCsp1BLhA CHINESE SPRING 1BL 92,160 114 15.4× Yes Philippe et al. (2013)1,2
TaaCsp1BShA CHINESE SPRING 1BS 55,296 113 15.7× Yes Raats et al. (2013)1,2
TaaCsp2ALhA CHINESE SPRING 2AL 76,800 120 15.8×
TaaCsp2AShA CHINESE SPRING 2AS 56,832 123 15.4×
TaaCsp2BLhA CHINESE SPRING 2BL 70,656 120 15.1×
TaaCsp2BShA CHINESE SPRING 2BS 67,968 116 15.6×
TaaCsp2DLhA CHINESE SPRING 2DL 58,368 124 15.3×
TaaCsp2DShA CHINESE SPRING 2DS 43,008 132 15.6×
TaaCsp3ALhA CHINESE SPRING 3AL 55,296 106 10.2×
TaaCsp3ALhB CHINESE SPRING 3AL 24,576 114 5.2×
TaaCsp3AShA CHINESE SPRING 3AS 55,296 80 10.9× Luo et al. (2010)1
TaaCsp3AShB CHINESE SPRING 3AS 55,296 115 15.9×
TaaCsp3BFeA CHINESE SPRING 3B 21,120 107 1.9×
TaaCsp3BFhA CHINESE SPRING 3B 67,968 103 6.2× Yes Šafář et al. (2004)1, Paux et al. (2008)2,
TaaCsp3BFhB CHINESE SPRING 3B 82,176 126 9.1× Choulet et al. (2014b)3
TaaCsp3DLhA CHINESE SPRING 3DL 64,512 105 12.2× Yes
TaaCsp3DShA CHINESE SPRING 3DS 36,864 110 11.0× Yes Luo et al. (2010)1, Holušová et al. (2017)2
TaaCsp4ALhA CHINESE SPRING 4AL 92,160 126 17.3× Yes Shorinola et al. (2017)2
TaaCsp4AShA CHINESE SPRING 4AS 49,152 131 16.6×
TaaCsp4BLhA CHINESE SPRING 4BL 63,744 118 15.0×
TaaCsp4BShA CHINESE SPRING 4BS 58,368 123 15.4×
TaaCsp5ALhA CHINESE SPRING 5AL 90,240 123 18.3× Barabaschi et al. (2015)1,2
TaaCsp5AShA CHINESE SPRING 5AS 46,080 120 16.5×
H. Šimková et al.
Table 3.1  (continued)
Library name Cultivar Chromosome/arm Number of Insert size Coverage BAC assembly
clones (kb) References*
TaaCsp5BLhA CHINESE SPRING 5BL 76,800 126 15.7×
TaaCsp5BShA CHINESE SPRING 5BS 43,776 122 15.8× Yes Salina et al. (2018)1,2
TaaCsp5DLhA CHINESE SPRING 5DL 72,960 128 16.0×
TaaCsp5DShA CHINESE SPRING 5DS 36,864 137 17.0× Akpinar et al. (2015b)1,2
TaaCsp6ALhA CHINESE SPRING 6AL 55,296 123 15.7× Poursarebani et al. (2014)1,2
TaaCsp6AShA CHINESE SPRING 6AS 49,152 125 16.0×
TaaCsp6BLhA CHINESE SPRING 6BL 76,032 130 18.0× Yes Kobayashi et al. (2015)1,2
TaaCsp6BShA CHINESE SPRING 6BS 57,600 132 15.3× Yes
TaaCsp7ALhA CHINESE SPRING 7AL 61,056 124 15.3× Yes Keeble-Gagnère et al. (2018)2,3
TaaCsp7AShA CHINESE SPRING 7AS 58,368 134 15.4× Yes
TaaCsp7BLhA CHINESE SPRING 7BL 72,960 136 15.1× Yes
TaaCsp7BShA CHINESE SPRING 7BS 27,648 182 12.5× Yes
TaaCsp7BShB CHINESE SPRING 7BS 21,504 112 5.8× Yes
TaaCsp7DLhA CHINESE SPRING 7DL 50,304 115 14.8× Yes Šimková et al. (2011)1, Feng et al. (2020)2,3
TaaCsp7DShA CHINESE SPRING 7DS 49,152 114 12.2× Yes Šimková et al. (2011)1, Tulpová et al.
TaaHop3BFhA HOPE 3B 92,160 78 6.0× Mago et al. (2014)1
TaaHop3BFhB HOPE 3B 43,776 160 6.3×
Wheat Chromosomal Resources and Their Role in Wheat Research

TaaPav1BShA PAVON 1BS 65,280 82 14.5× Janda et al. (2006)1

TaaPav1BLhA PAVON 1BL 41,088 130 8×
TaaPmt4ALhA TÄHTI—T. mili- 4AL 43,008 113 6.8× Janáková et al. (2019)1
Additional information about the libraries is provided at in Šafář et al. (2010)
*All CHINESE SPRING libraries and related physical maps are summarised in IWGSC (2018). The provided references specifically refer to a particular BAC library1, related
physical map2, and BAC assembly3
36 H. Šimková et al.

3.2.2 BAC Clone Sequencing et al. 2010; Mago et al. 2014; Janáková et al.
2019; Tulpová et al. 2019b).
Availability of BAC clones ordered in chro- Although these studies markedly advanced
mosomal physical maps opened avenue to sys- the knowledge on bread wheat genome, the
tematic analyses of bread wheat genome and major breakthrough came only with the genera-
its selected parts. The early studies, based on tion of chromosome-scale sequence assemblies.
sequencing ends of BAC clones by Sanger tech- Choulet and co-workers (2014b) produced a
nology, provided first insights into gene and BAC-based reference sequence of the largest
repeat content of particular chromosomes, ena- bread wheat chromosome—3B. After sequenc-
bled comparative analyses of homoeologous ing 8452 BAC clones, representing the 3B MTP,
chromosomes and delivered information for the authors assembled a sequence of 833 Mb
targeted marker development (Paux et al. 2006; split in 2808 scaffolds, 1358 of which, con-
Sehgal et al. 2012; Lucas et al. 2012). taining 774 Mb sequence, had known position
Later studies, employing next-generation on the chromosome. The assembly comprised
sequencing of whole BAC contigs, provided 5326 protein-coding genes, 1938 pseudogenes
more comprehensive information about organi- and 85% of transposable elements. Most inter-
zation of genes and transposable elements estingly, the distribution of structural and func-
(TEs). Choulet et al. (2010) sequenced and tional features along the chromosome revealed
annotated 13 BAC contigs, totaling 18 Mb partitioning correlated with meiotic recom-
sequence, selected from different regions of the bination. Comparative analyses with other
3B chromosome and revealed that genes were grass genomes indicated high wheat-specific
present along the entire chromosome and clus- inter- and intrachromosomal gene duplication
tered mainly into numerous small islands of activities that were postulated to be sources of
3–4 genes separated by large blocks of repeti- variability for adaption. As a contribution to
tive elements. They observed that wheat genome the IWGSC sequencing effort, sequence assem-
expansion had occurred homogeneously along blies of BAC clones representing complete or
the chromosome through specific bursts of partial MTPs of seven chromosomes and two
TEs. Bartoš et al. (2012), after sequencing chromosome arms were produced (Table 3.1
a megabase-sized region from wheat arm 3DS and references therein; IWGSC 2018) and are
and comparing it with the homoeologous region publicly available at https://urgi.versailles.inrae.
on wheat chromosome 3B, revealed similar rates fr/download/iwgsc/BAC_Assemblies/. These
of non-collinear gene insertion in wheat B and assemblies, complemented by information from
D subgenomes with a majority of gene duplica- chromosomal physical maps, and—for group 7
tions occurring before their divergence. Li et al. chromosomes—also chromosomal optical maps,
(2013) provided valuable information about were applied to support the assembly of the
the structure of wheat centromeres. Analyzing bread wheat reference genome, IWGSC RefSeq
1.1-Mb region from the centromere of chromo- v1.0 (IWGSC 2018), as described in Chap. 2.
some 3B, they revealed that 96% of the DNA It is clear nowadays that the whole-genome-
consisted of TEs. The youngest elements, CRW shotgun became the predominant approach to
and Quinta, were targeted by the centromere- sequencing, even for large polyploid genomes.
specific histone H3 variant CENH3—the marker Still, the generated wheat chromosomal physical
of the functional centromere. In contrast to the maps and BAC clones integrated therein remain
TEs, long arrays of satellite repeats found in a valuable genomic resource for bread wheat,
the region were not associated with CENH3. enabling a fast access to and a detailed analysis
Several other studies employing sequencing of a region of interest. The availability of BAC
of BAC contigs focused on analysis of narrow clones with a known genomic position facili-
regions comprising their genes of interest (Breen tated a focused and affordable resequencing of
3 Wheat Chromosomal Resources and Their Role in Wheat Research 37

a region of interest with long-read technologies, The first experiments with the CSS in bread
revealing discrepancies and missing segments in wheat were done to compare chromosome arms
the previously generated bread wheat assemblies of homoeologous group 1 (Wicker et al. 2011),
(Kapustová et al. 2019; Tulpová et al. 2019b). and it methodologically followed the barley
model, employing the low-pass 454 sequenc-
ing. The study revealed that all three wheat
3.3 Chromosome Survey subgenomes had similar sets of genes that were
Sequencing syntenic with the model grass genomes but the
number of genic sequences in non-syntenic posi-
While the generation of the full set of chromo- tions outnumbered that of the syntenic ones.
somal libraries, physical maps and BAC clone Further analysis indicated that a large propor-
sequences proved to be a long-distance run, tion of the genes that were found in only one
the requirement for homoeolog-resolved wheat of the three homoeologous wheat chromosomes
genome information was increasing over time. were most probably pseudogenes resulting from
Apparently, this demand could be met by low- transposon activity and double-strand break
pass chromosome sequencing, which would pro- repair. These findings were supported by a study
vide approximate information about the genic of Akhunov et al. (2013) who, working with
component of individual chromosomes. The CSSs of both arms of chromosome 3A, found
separation of each bread wheat chromosome that ~35% of genes had experienced structural
or chromosome arm was, in principle, feasible rearrangements leading to a variety of mis-sense
but the yield of flow-sorted chromosomes, typi- and non-sense mutations—a finding concord-
cally 1–2 × 105 per sorting day, did not meet the ant with other studies indicating ongoing pseu-
demands of the early sequencing technologies dogenization of the bread wheat genome.
on the DNA input, which was in the microgram Another focus of the CSS studies was the evo-
range. Coupling of chromosome flow sort- lutionary rearrangement of wheat chromosomes.
ing with multiple-displacement amplification Hernandez et al. (2012) analyzed bread wheat
(MDA) of the chromosomal DNA, originally chromosome 4A, which has undergone a major
developed for physical mapping on DNA micro- series of evolutionary rearrangements. Using
arrays (Šimková et al. 2008), opened the door the genome zipper approach, the authors pro-
to shotgun sequencing of cereal chromosomes duced an ordered gene map of chromosome 4A,
one-by-one. Wheat genome researchers adopted embracing ~85% of its total gene content, which
the strategy of chromosome survey sequenc- enabled precise localization of the various trans-
ing (CSS) developed for barley (Mayer et al. location and inversion breakpoints on chromo-
2009, 2011). In barley, low-coverage (1–3×) some 4A that differentiate it from its progenitor
chromosomal data, obtained by 454 sequenc- chromosome in the A-subgenome diploid donor.
ing, were compared with reference genomes of In contrast to the above studies, Berkman and
rice, sorghum and Brachypodium, and EST or co-workers, aiming to shotgun sequence wheat
full-length-cDNA datasets, which led to the esti- 7DS arm, favored the use of the more cost-
mation of gene content for each of the barley efficient Illumina technology and compensated
chromosomes. Moreover, an integration of the its short reads (75–100 bp) by higher sequenc-
shotgun sequence information with the collinear ing coverage (34×), which allowed a partial
gene order of orthologous rice, sorghum and assembly of the reads and capture of ~40% of
Brachypodium genes allowed proposing virtual the sequence content of the chromosome arm
gene order maps of individual chromosomes. (Berkman et al. 2011). Using the same tech-
The syntenic integration, known as genome zip- nology, the team proceeded with sequencing
per, resolved gene order in regions with limited the 7BS arm (Berkman et al. 2012) and sup-
genetic resolution, such as genetic centromeres, plemented the 4A study by delimiting the 7BS
which were intractable to genetic mapping. segment that was involved in the reciprocal
38 H. Šimková et al.

translocation that gave rise to the modern 4A The technique of chromosome survey
chromosome. After extending the sequenc- sequencing soon expanded beyond the cultivated
ing effort to all group7 homoeologs (Berkman crop and was successfully applied to explore
et al. 2013), the team compared the sequences individual chromosomes or whole genomes of
and concluded that there had been more gene close wheat relatives, such as Aegilops tauschii
loss in 7A and 7B than in 7D chromosome. (Akpinar et al. 2015a) and Triticum dicoccoides
Chromosome survey sequences of additional (Akpinar et al. 2015c; 2018), and even spe-
chromosomes/arms followed and were mostly cies from the tertiary gene pool, including Ae.
utilized in estimating gene and repeat con- geniculata (Tiwari et al. 2015), H. villosa (Xiao
tent of particular chromosomes (Vitulo et al. et al. 2017), Ae. comosa, Aegilops umbellulata
2011; Tanaka et al. 2014; Sergeeva et al. 2014; (Said et al. 2021) and A. cristatum (Zwyrtková
Helguera et al. 2015; Garbus et al. 2015; Kaur et al. 2022). These studies informed about the
et al. 2019), synteny-based ordering of arising chromosome gene content and organization,
clone-based physical maps (Lucas et al. 2013), enabling comparative studies important for gene
identifying miRNA-coding sequences (Vitulo transfer from the wild species to the crop as well
et al. 2011; Kantar et al. 2012; Deng et al. as identifying the sequences enabling marker
2014; Tanaka et al. 2014) and delimiting lin- development for tracing introgressions in wheat.
age-specific translocations (Lucas et al. 2014). Specific examples are provided in Sect. 3.5.1
Utilization of the chromosome sequencing for and Table 3.2.
gene mapping and cloning is described further
in Sect. 3.5.1.
The chromosome survey sequencing in 3.4 Optical Mapping
bread wheat has been crowned by a joint effort
coordinated by the IWGSC, which exploited Extensive experience with preparing quality
the existing Illumina-based CSSs and comple- HMW DNA from flow-sorted chromosomes
mented them by newly produced Illumina data paved the way to establish a new branch of
for the remaining chromosomes. The sequences wheat chromosomal genomics—chromosome
were applied to generate draft assemblies and optical mapping (OM). The OM technology,
genome zippers for all wheat chromosomes commercialized by Bionano Genomics and
(IWGSC 2014). As a result, a total of 124,201 therefore also known as Bionano genome map-
gene loci were annotated and more than 75,000 ping, is a physical mapping technique based on
genes were positioned along chromosomes. The labeling and imaging short sequence motives
IWGSC team anchored more than 3.6 million along 150 kb to 1 Mb long DNA molecules
marker loci to chromosome sequences, uncov- (Lam et al. 2012). Resulting restriction maps,
ered the molecular organization of the three assembled from high-coverage single-molecule
subgenomes and described patterns in gene data, are composed of contigs up to > 100 Mb in
expression across the subgenomes. The study size, which are instrumental in finishing steps
also provided new insights into the phylogeny of of genome assemblies by enabling contig scaf-
hexaploid bread wheat, which was elaborated in folding, gap sizing and assembly validation. The
detail in an accompanying study of Marcussen optical maps also provided a high-resolution and
et al. (2014). Moreover, this new wheat genome cost-effective tool for comparative structural
information was used as a reference to analyze genomics.
the cell type-specific expression of homoe- Staňková et al. (2016) demonstrated the fea-
ologous genes in the developing wheat grain sibility of generating optical maps from DNA
(Pfeifer et al. 2014). of flow-sorted chromosomes and constructed
3 Wheat Chromosomal Resources and Their Role in Wheat Research 39

Table 3.2  Leveraging wheat chromosomal resources in gene mapping and cloning

Phenotype Locus Sorted chrom./arm Applied approach References
Stem rust resistance Sr2 3B BAC McNeil et al. (2008)
Mago et al. (2014)
SuSr-D1 7D MutChromSeq Hiebert et al. (2020)
Green bug resistance Gb3 7DL BAC Šimková et al. (2011)
Powdery mildew QPm-tut-4A 4AL SynSNP Jakobson et al. (2012)
resistance CSS, ChromSeq, RICh Abrouk et al. (2017)
BAC, CSS Janáková et al. (2019)
Pm2 5D MutChromSeq Sánchez-Martín et al.
Pm21 6V TACCA Xing et al. (2018)
Pm4 2A MutChromSeq Sánchez-Martín et al.
Pm1a 7A ChromSeq Hewitt et al. (2021)
Species cytoplasm scs 1D SynSNP Michalak de Jimenez et al.
specific (2013)
Leaf rust resistance Lr14a 7BL SynSNP Terracciano et al. (2013)
Lr57 5Mg ChromSeq Tiwari et al. (2014)
Lr22 2D TACCA Thind et al. (2017)
Lr49 4B ChromSeq Nsabiyera et al. (2020)
Lr76 5D/5U ChromSeq Bansal et al. (2020)
Lr14a 7BL.5BL MutChromSeq Kolodziej et al. (2021)
Glume blotch resistance 3B ChromSeq Shatalina et al. (2013,
Stripe rust resistance Yr40 5Mg ChromSeq Tiwari et al. (2014)
YrAW1 4AL ChromSeq Randhawa et al. (2014)
Yr70 5D/5U ChromSeq Bansal et al. (2020)
Russian wheat aphid Dn2401 7DS CSS, SynSNP Staňková et al. (2015)
resistance BAC, OM Tulpová et al. (2019b)
Pre-harvest sprouting Phs-A1 4AL BAC Shorinola et al. (2017)
Semi-dwarfism Rht18 6A MutChromSeq Ford et al. (2018)
Yellow Early Senescence YES-1 3A ChromSeq Harrington et al. (2019)
Fusarium head blight Fhb 7EL ChromSeq Konkin et al. (2022)

BAC BAC-based physical map/BAC sequencing

CSS Chromosome survey sequence
ChromSeq chromosome sequencing
MutChromSeq Mutant chromosome sequencing
OM Optical map
RICh Rearrangement identification and characterization
SynSNP Synteny-based SNP marker development
TACCA TArgeted chromosome-based cloning via long-range assembly
40 H. Šimková et al.

the first-ever optical map for the bread wheat assemble a highly contiguous sequence for the
genome. Using 1.6 million flow-sorted 7DS chromosome of interest.
chromosome arms and the first-generation plat-
form of Bionano Genomics, the authors pre-
pared a map consisting of 371 contigs with N50 3.5.1 Marker Development and Map-
of 1.3 Mb, which supported a physical-map and Based Gene Cloning
a BAC-based sequence assembly of the chro-
mosome arm (Tulpová et al. 2019a). Applied The first effort toward massive marker devel-
in a gene cloning project, the OM posed a tar- opment from a selected chromosome or chro-
geted tool for sequence validation and analysis mosome arm was bound with the microarray
of structural variability in a region of interest platform of Diversity Array Technologies,
(Tulpová et al. 2019b). Similar maps have been able to identify and utilize polymorphic DNA
constructed for other group-7 chromosome arms markers without knowledge of the underly-
and were used in the process of assembling the ing sequence (Jaccoud et al. 2001). Wenzl
wheat reference genome (IWGSC 2018), as well et al. (2010) demonstrated that a chromosome-
as a complementary BAC-based assembly of enriched DArT array could be developed from
chromosome 7A (Keeble-Gagnère et al. 2018). only a few nanograms of chromosomal DNA.
Another set of chromosomal optical maps Of 711 polymorphic markers derived from non-
was prepared from chromosome arms 1AS, amplified DNA of bread wheat chromosome
1BS, 6BS and 5DS, the last being generated 3B, 553 (78%) mapped to the chromosome, and
on the second-generation platform of Bionano even higher efficiency (87%) was observed for
Genomics, with the aim to position and char- the short arm of bread wheat chromosome 1B
acterize 45S rDNA loci located on those arms. (1BS).
The chromosome-based approach applied in Before the availability of wheat chromo-
the rDNA project enabled analyzing the loci somal survey sequences, researchers aiming to
one-by-one and provided more comprehensive develop new markers for their locus of interest
information about individual loci than achieved mined data from sequenced genomes of model
in long-read bread wheat assemblies (Tulpová grasses, mainly rice, Brachypodium and sor-
et al. 2022). ghum. Efficiency of this synteny-based approach
was compromised by limitations in designing
gene-derived primers with sufficient specificity
3.5 Gene Mapping and Cloning to distinguish homoeologous genes in polyploid
wheat. Amplified DNA from individual wheat
In parallel with the chromosome sequencing chromosome arms used as a template for locus-
efforts, the wheat community started exploiting specific PCR and subsequent amplicon sequenc-
flow-sorted chromosomes for targeted marker ing, significantly increased the efficiency of the
development, aiming to generate a high-density procedure and the facilitated targeted generation
map in a region of interest and, possibly, clone of gene-associated SNP markers in a time- and
a gene by a map-based approach. This conven- cost-effective manner (Jakobson et al. 2012;
tional strategy was later complemented by new Michalak de Jimenez et al. 2013; Terracciano
methods of ‘rapid gene cloning’ (reviewed in et al. 2013; Staňková et al. 2015). Additionally,
Bettgenhaeuser and Krattinger, 2019). Some of particular chromosomal arms used as a PCR
these still capitalize on the complexity reduction template were applied to validate specificity
by chromosome flow sorting but they avoid the of the newly designed markers (Staňková et al.
lengthy step of marker development and map 2015; Janáková et al. 2019).
saturation while employing mutation genetics Advancement in marker development came
and comprehensive sequencing techniques to along with the release of ‘CHINESE SPRING’
3 Wheat Chromosomal Resources and Their Role in Wheat Research 41

CSSs and genome zippers that informed about transferred from T. militinae to the long arm of
putative gene content and order in the region of chromosome 4A of bread wheat cv. TÄHTI,
interest in the reference genome. Nevertheless, the authors generated a virtual gene order of
studies comparing shotgun sequences of CS ‘TÄHTI’ chromosome 4A. Comparison of
chromosomes with those of other wheat acces- homoeologous gene density between 4AL arm
sions revealed extensive intra- and interchro- of CS and the arm with the introgression, which
mosomal rearrangements in CS (Ma et al. 2014, harbored powdery mildew resistance locus
2015; Liu et al. 2016), implying limitations in QPm.tut-4A, identified alien chromatin with
the transferability of data from the wheat refer- 169 putative genes originating from T. mili-
ence to other genomes. Moreover, it became tinae. A similar approach was used by Bansal
obvious that agronomically important traits et al. (2020) to fine-map leaf rust and stripe rust
were frequently controlled by rare, genotype- resistance genes Lr76 and Yr70 introduced from
specific alleles or had even been introgressed to Ae. umbellulata. The authors sequenced flow-
wheat from its relatives. Under such scenario, sorted chromosomes 5U from Ae. umbellulata,
genetic maps had to be created from a map- 5D from a bread wheat-Ae. umbellulata intro-
ping population derived from a donor of the gression line and 5D from the recurrent parent.
trait and sequence information from the donor Sequencing reads were explored with the aim
was essential for marker development. As a to identify introgression-specific SNP markers
proof-of-concept experiment, Shatalina et al. whose projection on the IWGSC RefSeq v1.0
(2013) generated tenfold coverage of Illumina sequence (IWGSC 2018) delimited the intro-
data from chromosome 3B isolated from wheat gression to a 9.47 Mb region, in which candi-
cultivars ARINA and FORNO—the parents of dates for Lr76 and Yr70 genes were identified.
their mapping population. Relying on a synteny Konkin et al. (2022), streaming to identify genes
with the Brachypodium genome, they identi- for resistances to several fungal pathogenes,
fied sequences close to coding regions and used including fusarium head blight, sequenced 7EL
them to develop 70 SNP markers, which were telosome, originated from Thinopyrum elonga-
found dispersed over the entire 3B chromo- tum and existing as addition in CS wheat. They
some and contributed to fourfold increase in the thus built a reference for comparative transcrip-
number of available markers. The new mark- tome analysis between CS and CS-7EL addition
ers were utilized for mapping a QTL confer- line, which resulted in a list of candidate genes
ring resistance to Stagonospora nodorum glume for the resistance.
blotch located on 3BS (Shatalina et al. 2014). Alongside the wheat chromosomal survey
Chromosome sequencing was then applied sequences, emerging BAC assemblies from indi-
by other groups to fine-map Yellow Early vidual chromosomes of ‘CHINESE SPRING,’
Senescence 1 (Harrington et al. 2019), leaf rust just as customized chromosomal BAC librar-
resistance gene Lr49 (Nsabiyera et al. 2020) and ies from other cultivars showed instrumental
powdery mildew resistance gene Pm1 (Hewitt in gene cloning projects. Šimková et al. (2011)
et al. 2021). demonstrated that BAC libraries constructed
The procedure was also adopted to develop from chromosome arms 7DS and 7DL, con-
markers in species from wheat tertiary gene sisting of tens of thousands BAC clones, were
pool, such as Ae. geniculata (Tiwari et al. highly representative and easy to screen, which
2014) and H. villosa (Wang et al. 2017; Zhang facilitated fast chromosome walking in a region
et al. 2021), with the aim to trace the alien of green bug resistance gene Gb3 in 7DL. The
chromatin in the wheat background. For this 7DS BAC library was screened for markers
purpose, the method was refined by Abrouk tightly linked to a Russian wheat aphid resist-
et al. (2017) who developed an in silico pipe- ance locus Dn2401 (Staňková et al. 2015) and
line termed Rearrangement Identification and a BAC contig spanning the locus was identified
Characterization (RICh). To delimit a segment in a 7DS physical map (Tulpová et al. 2019a).
42 H. Šimková et al.

BAC clones from 0.83 cM interval, delimited by et al. 2016) and TArgeted Chromosome-based
Dn2401-flanking markers, were sequenced by Cloning via long-range Assembly (TACCA;
combination of short Illumina and long nano- Thind et al. 2017) have been used most widely.
pore reads and the resulting sequence assem- As indicated by the acronym, the former method
bly, validated by optical mapping of the 7DS couples chromosome flow sorting and sequenc-
arm (Staňková et al. 2016), revealed six high- ing with reference-free forward genetics. A
confidence genes. Comparison of 7DS-specific chromosome bearing the gene of interest is
optical maps prepared from susceptible cv. Illumina-sequenced from both wild type and sev-
CHINESE SPRING and resistant line CI2401 eral independent ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS)
revealed structural variation in proximity of mutants and the sequences are compared. A can-
Epoxide hydrolase 2, which gave support to didate gene is identified based on overlapping
the gene as the most likely Dn2401 candidate mutations in a genic region. The feasibility and
(Tulpová et al. 2019b). Similarly, a BAC library efficiency of the method were first demonstrated
and physical map of CS 4A chromosome were by re-cloning barley Eceriferum-q gene and by
used to approach and analyse pre-harvest sprout- de novo cloning wheat powdery mildew resist-
ing resistance locus Phs-A1, which revealed a ance gene Pm2 (Sánchez-Martín et al. 2016).
causal role of TaMKK3-A for the trait (Shorinola This speedy, cost-efficient approach to gene
et al. 2017). Customized BAC libraries con- cloning generated a lot of interest in both wheat
structed from 3B chromosome of cv. HOPE and barley community (reviewed in Steuernagel
and 4AL telosome bearing introgressed seg- et al. 2017). It was successfully applied to iden-
ment of T. militinae were utilized to clone stem tify the semi-dwarfism locus Rht18 in T. durum
rust resistance gene Sr2 (Mago et al. 2014) and (Ford et al. 2018) and the SuSr-D1 gene that sup-
to approach powdery mildew resistance locus presses resistance to stem rust in bread wheat
Qpm.tut-4A (Janáková et al. 2019), respectively. (Hiebert et al. 2020). Moreover, it contributed to
cloning the race-specific leaf rust resistance gene
Lr14a (Kolodziej et al. 2021) and the powdery
3.5.2 Contemporary Approaches mildew resistance gene Pm4 (Sánchez-Martín
et al. 2021) from hexaploid wheat.
The completion and release of the ‘CHINESE MutChromSeq is a method of choice for
SPRING’ reference genome (IWGSC 2018) in traits with a strong phenotype, for which the
hand with rapid technological advancements, production of independent mutants is feasi-
allowing resequencing and large-scale pan- ble. As an alternative, suitable for any pheno-
genome projects even in a crop with a complex type, Thind et al. (2017) proposed a procedure
polyploid genome, revolutionized strategies of based on producing a high-quality de novo
gene cloning in bread wheat. Whole-genome assembly of the gene-bearing chromosome and
long-read sequencing, resulting in high-qual- named it TACCA. The procedure utilized the
ity sequence with resolved gene duplications, so-called Chicago mapping technique (Putnam
became realistic for wheat but challenges of et al. 2016) developed by Dovetail Genomics.
producing, handling and analyzing the big data To clone leaf rust resistance gene Lr22a, the
still appear too high for the majority of wheat authors flow-sorted and Illumina-sequenced
gene cloning projects. Apart from the WGS wheat chromosome 2D from resistant line CH
and pan-genome efforts, several approaches CAMPALA Lr22a. The resulting sequences
to rapid gene cloning have been developed were scaffolded with Chicago long-range link-
(Bettgenhaeuser and Krattinger 2019, and Chap. age. The assembly comprised 10,344 scaffolds
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Structural and Functional
Annotation of the Wheat 4

Frédéric Choulet, Xi Wang, Manuel Spannagl,

David Swarbreck, Hélène Rimbert, Philippe Leroy,
Pauline Lasserre-Zuber and Nathan Papon

Abstract assemblies of a dozen of bread wheat varieties

and wild relatives. While access to an assem-
Wheat genome sequencing has passed through bled genome sequence is crucial for research,
major steps in a decade, starting from the the resource that is mainly used by the com-
sequencing of large contiguous sequences munity is not the sequence itself, but rather the
obtained from chromosome-specific BAC annotated features, i.e., genes and transposable
libraries, to reach high-quality genome elements. In this chapter, we describe the work
performed to predict the repertoire of 107 k
high-confidence genes and 4 million TE cop-
F. Choulet (*) · H. Rimbert · P. Leroy · ies in the hexaploid wheat genome (cultivar
P. Lasserre-Zuber · N. Papon
UCA, INRAE, GDEC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
e-mail: procedures established to transfer the annotation
H. Rimbert
through the different releases of genome assem-
e-mail: bly. Limitations and implications for building a
P. Leroy
wheat pangenome are discussed, as well as the
e-mail: possibilities for future improvements of struc-
P. Lasserre-Zuber
tural annotation, and opportunities offered by
e-mail: novel approaches for functional annotation.
N. Papon
X. Wang
BASF Belgium Coordination Center CommV, Trait Wheat genome · Annotation · Gene function ·
Research, Gent Zwijnaarde, Belgium
e-mail: Transposable elements
M. Spannagl
PGSB Plant Genome and Systems Biology,
Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research 4.1 Introduction
Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg,
Germany The International Wheat Genome Sequencing
Consortium (IWGSC; http://www.wheat-
D. Swarbreck was launched in 2005 with the aim
Earlham Institute, Norwich Research Park, Norwich,
Norfolk, UK
of accelerating research in wheat by delivering
e-mail: molecular markers and genomic resources with

© The Author(s) 2024 51

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
52 F. Choulet et al.

the long-term goal of getting a high-quality of the resources available and used for down-
reference genome sequence for the hexaploid stream analyses, and thus, a critical view of the
wheat (Feuillet and Eversole 2007). It represents quality of the data. The chapter also includes
more than a decade of coordinated efforts from the plans for future versions not only for the
the completion of the first chromosome-specific structural annotation, but also for functional
BAC library construction (Paux et al. 2008) to annotation.
the assembly of the 21 chromosome sequences
of cultivar CHINESE SPRING (IWGSC 2018).
Since the first release in 2018, the IWGSC inte- 4.2 Methods, Strategies, Resources
grated additional information coming from opti- for Structural Annotation
cal mapping and long reads in order to improve of Genomes and Their
the quality of the assembly by correcting mis- Implications in Wheat
ordered scaffolds and filling gaps. This led to Pangenomics
release RefSeq v2.0 and v2.1 in 2021 (Zhu et al.
2021). 4.2.1 General Aspects
Besides the methodological challenge of of Structural Annotation
assembling this genome, the work performed
to deliver an annotation is not well known and Depending on the sequence features targeted for
often poorly considered. Annotation consists of study, and depending on the organism, genome
the identification of sequence features providing annotation can be either trivial or complicated.
biological information, and it represents one of This is why there may be a confusion for non-
the most difficult tasks in genome sequencing experts who may believe annotation is routine
projects. It is far from being obvious. However, in genome sequencing projects. This is not the
annotation is the data mostly accessed by users, case for many species, and especially, this was
contrary to the genome sequence. Achieving not the case for wheat. For instance, in compact
a robust structural and functional genome bacterial genomes, coding genes are intron-
sequence annotation is, thus, essential to pro- less and represent the very wide majority of
vide the foundation for further relevant biologi- the genome so that predicting the presence of
cal studies (Yandell and Ence 2012). Annotation coding open reading frames is obvious and
of the RefSeq v1.0 required the coordinated does not even require human curation. For spe-
effort of the IWGSC Annotation Group, bring- cies already widely studied, like in human for
ing together researchers from three different instance, with several genomes already assem-
Institutes: GDEC (France), PGSB (Germany), bled and annotated, annotation may be routine
and Earlham Institute (UK). In addition, after since it is based purely on similarity with avail-
the first release of the annotation, additional able highly conserved genomes. The difficulty
work has been performed in order to incorpo- of annotation increases with the size of the
rate manual curation, and especially to update genome, the repeat content and active transpos-
the annotation following changes to the genome able element (TE) expression, the ploidy, the
assembly. This was achieved by developing fine- fragmentation of coding genes into small exons,
tuned bioinformatics approaches. and with the phylogenetic distance to an already
In this chapter, we present an overview of well-characterized genome. The difficulty also
the processes that were established in order increases with the level of conservation of the
to release the first version of the annotation of predicted features. A protein-coding gene highly
RefSeq v1.0 and the updates since the first ver- conserved among distant species will be easily
sion. Besides the description of the work per- predicted with high confidence, while predicting
formed, this chapter is also a current opinion to poorly conserved features with a high level of
consider the degree of approximation, the limits accuracy is more complicated.
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 53

Annotation relies on the combination of snRNAs are easily identified by a simple simi-
approaches: (i) the homology-based method larity-search approach; however, they tend not
using alignment/mapping algorithms search- to be annotated. The reason for that is prob-
ing for sequence similarity either with proteins, ably that they are of interest only for research
showing that a sequence is conserved across groups working specifically on them and that
evolution, and/or transcriptomic data, showing are able to identify them with specific tools. In
that a sequence is expressed; (ii) the ab initio contrast, annotation is much more complicated
methods, i.e., predictions using statistical mod- for the species-specific ncRNAs. It requires the
els such as hidden Markov models (HMMs); availability of small RNASeq reads that could
(iii) structural feature-based method through the be mapped to identify transcribed regions as
identification of intrinsic information like motifs a first clue before concluding to the presence
at the borders of transposons. It thus relies on of an ncRNA gene. Second, genes are repeats.
a combination of software, algorithms, and In bread wheat, the majority of the “genes”
adapted reference libraries. Annotation needs to are repeated with only 17% (30,948/181,036)
be automated, i.e., performed through a pipeline of single-copy genes (IWGSC 2018) so refer-
that combines all different programs and mini- ence to genes versus repeats brings confusion
mizes the subsequent long and laborious step of particularly when some repeats carry genes.
manual curation. “Repeats” is a general term encompassing sim-
ple repeats as satellite DNA, telomeric repeated
motifs, but also transposable elements (TEs),
4.2.2 Sequence Features Usually and their mobilizable or inactive derivatives.
Annotated and Common Usually in plant genome annotation, the term TE
Ambiguities is used to describe all elements whatever their
status, autonomous, non-autonomous, transpos-
In the plant genomics area, publications usu- able, mobilizable, or inactive. TEs can carry
ally report on genes and repeats. Both terms genes and/or pseudogenes that encode proteins
are, however, confusing and the shortcut widely involved in transposition. In species like wheat,
accepted by the community to distinguish where the genome is massively comprised of
genes and repeats is ambiguous. First, for con- TEs, it is essential to identify them to avoid call-
venience, the term “gene” is used as a short- ing genes that are in fact derived from TEs and,
cut for protein-coding gene. It will be the case thus, are/were involved in transposition rather
in this chapter too. When a “number of genes” than a function related to a phenotype and under
is given, it nearly always refers to a number of selection pressure.
protein-coding genes. However, genomes also The problems described above limit our abil-
carry non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes which ity to determine if a sequence is a functional
are biologically important. In the annotation protein-coding gene, a pseudogene, or part of
area, we distinguish two types of non-coding a TE, with high confidence. In addition, the
RNA genes: (i) highly conserved ncRNAs lack of evidence sometimes limits our ability
involved in essential cellular processes (splic- to precisely determine the structure of a gene.
ing, translation) which are ribosomal RNAs, Positions of the start codon and borders between
transfer RNAs, small nuclear and nucleolar coding exons and introns can remain doubtful in
RNAs, and (ii) less evolutionary conserved many cases. Transcriptomic data like RNASeq
ncRNAs like micro-RNAs, long-non-coding are extremely useful to determine exon/intron
RNAs, and others involved in specific regula- borders, the existence of alternative transcripts,
tion processes. Annotating conserved and non- and the extent of untranslated regions (UTRs of
conserved ncRNAs follows two completely the mRNA upstream the start and downstream
different approaches. rRNA, tRNAs, snoRNAs, the stop codons). Fixing the start codon position,
54 F. Choulet et al.

however, often requires protein sequence homol- knowledge on the structure of genes and on
ogy. Usually in whole-genome annotation pro- homology information. When the decision is
jects, for each gene, the most important is to obvious, typically for genes widely conserved,
predict the coordinates of the CDS features (i.e., homology with known proteins and mapped
the coding exons). With RNASeq, it became a transcripts, if consistent, human curation is not
routine to also annotate the positions of UTRs needed. When homology is weak or partial, with
and all alternatively spliced mRNAs, while a lack of transcription evidence, manual cura-
defining one representative mRNA/CDS per tion does not allow to achieve high confidence
gene (usually the longest or the most conserved neither on the existence of a gene nor on its
with other species, numbered “1” by conven- structure. Curation has a positive impact only in
tion). For low or non-expressed genes, UTR particular cases: missing genes (with evidence
and mRNA coordinates may not be predicted slightly under default thresholds), chimeric tan-
because of a lack of information. In that case, dem duplicated genes, start codon mis-assign-
the gene coordinates are limited to the CDS, ment, and correction of gene models that are
which remains the basic essential annotation for in fact pseudogenes because truncated or with
a protein-coding gene. For wheat, our main goal frameshift mutations. These are all particular
was to predict CDS first and, if possible, to add cases where the situation deviates from standard
the layer of UTRs and transcripts, these later and is too complex for algorithms.
ones being highly dependent on the RNASeq For TEs, especially in large genomes, manual
samples available and methods used. curation has a much stronger impact than it has
Wheat gene models have been assigned a for genes. Automated TE modeling is extremely
confidence category, namely high versus low complicated in genomes like wheat where TEs
confidence (HC, LC). This could be misleading cover 85% of the genome. The history of nested
since confidence may rely either on the exist- insertions of young elements into old ones has
ence of a gene or rather on its exon/intron struc- shaped a mosaic of TEs highly fragmented. For
ture. For instance, one can be highly confident instance, manual curation led to identify blocks
that a sequence encodes a gene while weakly of nested TEs in which the two extremities of
confident on its exact exon coordinates. Both the older element are separated by > 200 kb
are related. Doubt of the existence of a gene at a (Choulet et al. 2010). Such reconstruction is a
given locus is associated with lack of homology computational challenge, and manual curation
evidence. In RefSeq v1, the HC/LC categories still has a major impact on the quality of the TE
classified genes based on their level of similar- annotation. However, with around 4 million TEs
ity (complete or partial) with proteins from other in the wheat genome, manual curation was lim-
plants. The consequence is that HC genes are ited to small regions for the moment.
likely functional and conserved among Poaceae
even if some might be predicted with a doubtful
structure. LC genes share partial similarity with 4.2.3 TEs Versus Genes: The Crucial
known proteins and can be well-defined func- Point of Having a Manually
tional genes but the qualitative judgment is of Curated TE Library
low confidence.
Refinement of automated annotation pipe- Providing the complete (protein-coding) gene
lines to deal with the LC “challenge” is expected catalog of a sequenced genome is the prior-
to engage manual curation by experts. Manual ity of annotation. The impact of our knowl-
curation is required to improve the overall edge about TEs on our ability to determine if
quality of the automated annotation. However, an ORF is part of a functional gene, or if it is
manual curation may be mistakenly consid- a TE-related ORF, is illustrated in rice, where
ered as a validation. Both computer and human the first releases in 2002 over-predicted around
algorithms take a decision based on a priori 50,000 genes (Goff et al. 2002; Yu et al. 2002;
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 55

Bennetzen et al. 2004) because of unknown TEs. extremely partial, similarity-searches against
In the wheat context, in the first release (RefSeq TREP already identified 75% of the sequence as
v1.1), the predicted CDSs represented 143 Mb TEs. This early work demonstrated that manual
[i.e., 107,891 HC genes; (IWGSC 2018)] which annotation of a small fraction of the genome
is not even 1% of the genome versus 85% for allowed the identification of all the abundant TE
TEs. Considering the possibility that if even families, highly repeated, that comprised most
only 5% of the TEs are not correctly identified, of the genome. It also revealed that CACTAs
the amount of “TE-related ORFs” considered were underrepresented in the library, contrary
as potential functional genes would exceed the to LTR-Retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) Gypsy/
total number of predicted genes. Consistent with Copia. The main reason being that the level of
such a high degree of uncertainty was the initial variability/diversity of LTR-RTs is low com-
number of 908,149 candidate loci (after filter- pared to CACTAs. This impacts TE annota-
ing out TE-matching loci) that matched either tion/masking because similarity-search (at low
transcripts and/or homologous proteins in the stringency) allows cross-matching between
wheat draft genome annotated in 2014 (IWGSC LTR-RT families, meaning that it is not neces-
2014). RNASeq analysis highlighted 976,962 sary to have identified all families to mask the
potentially expressed loci in this study (gener- unknown ones. In contrast, for CACTA fami-
ating polyA-tailed transcripts), a number con- lies, similarity between families is often lim-
sidered to be well in excess compared to what ited to the extremities of the element while the
was expected based on studies in model grasses. internal part is much more variable. This is why
Releasing an annotation that is a good repre- a special effort was made, in 2010, to manually
sentation of the biological reality is therefore a curate 3222 elements, especially 330 CACTAs,
challenge, and the availability of a curated TE in order to enrich the wheat TE library (Choulet
library is of major importance since it could fil- et al. 2010). This led to the proportion of pre-
ter out thousands of mis-called genes. dicted TEs increasing from 75 to 85% of the
In the development of a representative wheat genome. In 2014, these ca. 3200 new elements
genome sequence, the long-standing effort to were combined to TREP and classified de novo
build a high-quality curated TE library has and a more exhaustive library called ClariTeRep
provided a sound foundation. From the begin- was established (Daron et al. 2014). ClariTeRep
ning of BAC sequencing in wheat, barley, and is mostly enriched in CACTAs compared to the
related Triticeae, which all share common TE original TREP library and has a clear impact on
families, several groups around the world have TE annotation of Triticeae genomes. Several
contributed to manually annotate TEs while Triticeae sequencing projects concluded that
defining their exact borders (by searching for CACTAs represent 5–6% of the genome (Jia
terminal repeated motifs). These TEs were et al. 2013; Ling et al. 2013), while their propor-
organized, classified, and distributed through the tion is around 15% based on ClariTeRep.
Triticeae Repeat (TREP) library maintained by
Thomas Wicker at Zurich University, a resource
extremely useful for masking TEs, a common 4.2.4 Ab Initio, Homology-Based
task in genome annotation meaning that nucleo- Predictions, and the RNASeq
tides assigned to TEs are converted to Ns (or to Revolution for Gene Calling
lowercases). In 2010, the first large contiguous in Complex Genomes
wheat sequences (obtained from BAC-contigs)
were published, representing 18 Mb (Choulet Pipelines for automated structural annotation
et al. 2010). Although it accounted only 0.1% usually require to combine information from
of the genome, it doubled the amount of wheat ab initio predictors and evidence of similarity
sequences available at that time. Even though with known proteins in other species or tran-
our knowledge of the wheat genome was still scriptome sequences (ESTs, full-length cDNAs,
56 F. Choulet et al.

RNASeq [short reads], IsoSeq [long reads] showed transcription evidence in an RNASeq
data). For large genomes like in wheat, the atlas covering five plant organs at three devel-
problem of ab initio predictors is the very high opmental stages each. In addition, 3692 tran-
number of false positives. Indeed, since TEs are scribed regions were detected in the unannotated
estimated to cover at least 85% of the genome, sequences showing that 42% of the loci likely
while genes would cover 1–2%, the remain- expressed did not correspond to predicted pro-
ing 13–14% of unannotated DNA account for tein-coding genes. This indicated a high level
approximately 2 Gb where gene finders pre- of uncertainty in describing biological real-
dict gene models because of the presence of ity when annotating the wheat genome. In this
ORFs that look likely coding. The reason is chapter, we propose a critical view of auto-
that the unannotated part is shaped by low-copy mated gene annotation pipelines, namely that
TE-derived sequences, old TE relics, not identi- bioinformatics can predict but not demonstrate
fied with default TE identification approaches, that a sequence is a gene and that a gene is not
that carry ORFs that are/were coding (e.g., frag- a pseudogene. Although RNASeq became a pri-
ment of transposase) and thus are mistakenly mary resource for structural annotation, the cor-
recognized by gene predictors. respondence between RNASeq-read mapping
Because of the TE-derived ambiguity, bio- loci and the final filtered gene set was far from
logical evidence of homology with related spe- perfect, with 29% of chr3B gene models show-
cies has always been the criteria of choice to ing no transcription evidence and 42% of tran-
accurately predict genes in wheat. The bad scribed regions not looking like protein-coding
point for wheat was that the number of related genes. Homology with related species remains
species with a sequenced genome was limited, an important benchmark.
among the Poaceae, to Oryza sativa, Zea mays,
Sorghum bicolor, and Brachypodium distach-
yon. Outside the Poaceae (common ancestor 4.2.5 Single-Gene Duplications Raise
60 MYA), sequence similarity is too weak to More Problems Than Polyploidy
ensure accurate homology-based predictions. for Structural Annotation
This raised a serious problem: wheat genes con-
served among the Poaceae were well-predicted Given the weight of similarity-search with tran-
but our ability to predict less conserved genes scripts and proteins in structural annotation,
was very limited at the early stages of annota- intrinsic features of the genome significantly
tion before 2010, especially for species-specific impact the difficulty to identify the correct gene
genes. structure since sequence alignments underpin
Transcriptome sequencing considerably all the studies. A first important intrinsic fea-
enhanced our ability to determine which regions ture to impact annotation is the fragmentation
of the genome carry genes because it showed level, i.e., the number of exons per gene. As a
evidence of transcription. Transcriptome CDS is fragmented into several exons, the dif-
sequencing started with a massive effort to ficulty to predict the correct intron/exon struc-
sequence millions of ESTs and full-length ture increases. In wheat, considering RefSeq
cDNAs (Ogihara et al. 2004; Zhang et al. Annotation v2.1, the average number of exons
2004) and was followed by the emergence of per CDS is only 4. Sixty percent of the CDSs
RNASeq technical capacity which provided are split into a maximum of 3 exons. Actually,
unprecedented power to drive structural anno- only 10% of the gene set corresponds to CDSs
tation. First use of an RNASeq expression atlas split into ten exons or more. Thus, the fragmen-
for wheat gene annotation at the chromosome tation problem is limited in wheat.
scale was published in 2014 (Choulet et al. Other important criteria are the lengths of
2014; Pingault et al. 2015). In brief, 7264 gene exons and introns. Small exons might be missed
models were predicted but only 5185 (71%) by sequence alignments because under the
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 57

default thresholds of automated pipelines. Large complicated task. Single-gene duplications are
introns also raise problems for spliced-align- much more problematic than whole-genome
ments. In the current wheat annotation release, duplication (i.e., polyploidy). This is true for
the average exon length is 498 bps and the aver- every genome to be annotated mainly via the
age intron length is 280 bps (considering only homology-based approach. However, for wheat,
one representative transcript per gene). Thus, this problem has strong implications because
exons are, on average, large enough for high- we demonstrated that single-gene duplications
scoring alignments, and introns are small enough intensively affected the gene repertoire dur-
for the efficiency of spliced-alignments. So, ing its recent evolution (Glover et al. 2015). In
although it is commented that the wheat genome the IWGSC RefSeq v1.1, we found that 27%
is complex, some intrinsic features are rather less of genes were present as tandem duplicates
complex than in many other eukaryotes. (IWGSC 2018). Multiple mapping of homolo-
Does polyploidy impact our ability to call gous proteins and transcripts on tandem dupli-
genes? The main problem with alignment-based cates may lead to artificially link exons from the
methods for gene calling is obviously multiple two copies and, thus, to predict chimeric genes.
mapping, i.e., the fact that a transcript/protein This is especially the case for highly identi-
matches at multiple loci along the genome. But cal copies that are separated by a small inter-
it does not mean at all that single-copy genes genic region, compatible with a classical intron
are easier to predict than duplicated genes. In length. Some highly repeated gene families
contrast, the fact that a gene is repeated on, e.g., such as the kinase genes and disease resistance
chromosomes 1A, 1B, and 1D, because of poly- genes are well known to fall into this category.
ploidy is rather in favor of accurate structural Unfortunately, these genes are often the favorite
annotation. Since each copy is carried by a dif- candidates to control phenotypes of interest, and
ferent chromosome, it is annotated independently in that case, manual curation is a required step to
and this does not generate problems due to mul- improve significantly the accuracy of automated
tiple mapping. The three subgenomes A-B-D annotation.
could be annotated as if they were three genomes
of three different species. If a gene copy is
silenced and thus does not generate an RNASeq 4.3 RefSeq V1.0 Structural
signal, reads coming from the copies that are Annotation
transcribed can be used to predict the structure of
all copies. So, again, to our opinion polyploidy 4.3.1 The Impact of Annotation
is an advantage here for structural annotation. Procedure on Gene
To go further, we can even consider that we did Predictions Is Very Strong
not fully exploit the advantage provided by this
intrinsic redundancy of the genome for structural Sequencing the wheat genome has a long story.
annotation of the IWGSC RefSeq. We will pre- Different initiatives have been launched fol-
sent this in more detail in the paragraph below lowing the advances of sequencing technolo-
describing future plans for improvements. gies to tackle the hexaploid genome and also
Large chromosomes such as found in wheat the genome of the diploid and tetraploid rela-
are usually fragmented into “chunks” that are tive species. For CHINESE SPRING itself,
annotated independently in parallel. The prob- before completing RefSeq v1, a draft genome
lems with multiple mapping arise when repeated assembly (named CSSs for chromosome survey
copies of a gene are carried by the same chunk. sequences) was released in 2014 (IWGSC 2014)
This is typically the case for tandemly dupli- together with a chromosome-scale assembly of
cated genes. This is why automated structural the entire chromosome 3B using a BAC-by-BAC
annotation of tandem duplicates is the most approach, hereafter named “3B-BAC-2014”
58 F. Choulet et al.

(Choulet et al. 2014). In addition, another ver- (LC) genes, representing partially supported
sion of the CHINESE SPRING genome was pro- gene models, gene fragments, and orphans. On
duced and annotated in 2017 named TGACv1 ChrUn (unplaced scaffolds), 2691 HC and 675
(Clavijo et al. 2017). Hence, when the anno- LC gene models were identified. Evidence for
tation of RefSeq v1 started, chromosome 3B transcription was found for 85% (94,114) of the
has already been annotated three times inde- HC genes versus 49% of the LC genes. In addi-
pendently: 3B-BAC-2014 with the TriAnnot tion, 303,818 pseudogenes were also annotated.
pipeline at GDEC Institute (Clermont-Ferrand, The quality of RefSeq Annotation v1.1 was
France), CSS-3B-v2.2 at PGSB Institute estimated with BUSCO v3 (24). It revealed that
(Munich, Germany), and TGACv1 at Earlham 99% (1436/1440) of the BUSCO v3 genes were
Institute (EI, Norwich, UK) with homemade present in at least one complete copy and 90%
pipelines. Here, we compared these three gene (1292/1440) in three complete copies.
catalogs to have a flavor of the impact of the
methods on the results released: among the 7264 Gene Modeling Using TriAnnot
CDSs predicted on 3B-BAC-2014, only 26% The TriAnnot pipeline was developed and
(1884) and 12% (867) were strictly identical in updated over a period of more than 10 years to
TGACv1 and CSSv2.2 (sharing strictly identi- enable automated robust structural and func-
cal protein sequences). These percentages appear tional annotation of protein-coding genes, trans-
extremely low if one considers these are three posable elements, and conserved non-coding
independent initiatives to sequence/annotate the RNA genes in Triticeae genomes (Leroy et al.
same genotype. It demonstrates the impact of 2012). It was dedicated to large-scale annotation
the annotation procedure on the released gene projects and is executable through the command
catalog as well as the possible impact of the line on high-performance computing infrastruc-
sequencing strategy and assembly quality. tures for parallelization with task dependencies.
TriAnnot was initially used for the annotation
of BACs (Choulet et al. 2010) and then for the
4.3.2 Gene Annotation Through entire chromosome 3B (Choulet et al. 2014).
a Federated Approach Thus, it was intensively trained and custom-
ized specifically for wheat before we assembled
Given the strong differences observed when RefSeq v1.
comparing results obtained by different groups, The specificities of the annotation strategy
the IWGSC established an Annotation Working implemented in TriAnnot included: (i) mask TEs
Group in order to coordinate the efforts and first in order to restrict the gene modeling to the
establish an integrated approach to annotate non-TE space; (ii) use both evidence-based and
RefSeq v1. Genes were predicted indepen- ab initio approaches before selecting the best
dently by two groups using two different pipe- gene model at each locus. It was launched indi-
lines and two different strategies: GDEC and vidually on each scaffold (or chunks for large
PGSB. Both were then integrated at EI to end up ones) of RefSeq v1.0 in parallel while positions
with a single annotation. This led to v1.0 which of features were subsequently calculated on
was quickly updated into v1.1 after integrat- pseudomolecules. The different steps and tools
ing ~ 4000 manually curated genes (see below launched by the pipeline are described below:
for details on curation).
In v1.1, 107,891 high-confidence (HC) pro- • Step 1: TE annotation and sequence mask-
tein-coding loci were identified, with a rela- ing. TEs were identified by similarity-search
tively equal distribution across the A, B, and using CLARITE and ClariTeRep (Daron
D subgenomes (35,345, 35,643, and 34,212, et al. 2014). CLARITE used RepeatMasker
respectively). In addition, 161,537 other protein- with cross_match as search engine for opti-
coding genes were classified as low-confidence mized accuracy (Smit et al. 1996–2004).
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 59

Nucleotides assigned to TEs were then for wheat to address problems generated by
masked so that the following steps, i.e., tandem repeated genes. SIMsearch identi-
ab initio predictions and similarity-searches, fied the loci that are transcribed by spliced-
were all performed on the masked genome alignment using est2genome (Mott 1997)
sequence. of a series of wheat transcript libraries. The
• Step 2: Gene modeling. Ab initio gene mod- CDS coordinates were predicted afterward
els were predicted using two gene finders through similarity with Poaceae proteomes.
previously trained with a wheat gene data- SIMsearch was launched twice using two
set: FGeneSH ( databanks of wheat transcripts: (1) predicted
berry.phtml) and AUGUSTUS (Stanke et al. transcripts derived from a large RNASeq
2006). Evidence-driven gene predictions experiment that targeted five plant organs at
were also computed following three differ- three development stages each in two repli-
ent strategies giving different weights to cates (Pingault et al. 2015); (2) all available
protein and transcript similarities. The first wheat full-length cDNAs available at EBI-
approach was based on homology with pro- ENA and from Ogihara et al. (2004). Thus,
teomes of related species. Similarity-search TriAnnot did not use RNASeq reads directly
was performed using BLAST (Zhang et al. as an input. Read mapping and transcript
2000) and significant hits, filtered with fine- calling were computed prior to gene annota-
tuned thresholds, were then used for spliced- tion, and the predicted transcripts were pro-
alignment using EXONERATE (Slater and vided as FASTA input for spliced-alignment
Birney 2005). The query proteins were during the process of gene modeling.
those predicted in main Poaceae species • Step 3: Selection of the best gene model
for which a genome sequence was avail- at every locus. In summary, TriAnnot pre-
able: O. sativa (International Rice Genome dicts gene models through five approaches:
Sequencing Project 2005), B. distachyon two ab initio and three evidence-based (one
(The International Brachypodium Initiative derived from spliced-alignment of homolo-
2010), S. bicolor (Paterson et al. 2009), Z. gous proteins + two derived from transcript
mays (Schnable et al. 2009), and Hordeum evidence). One gene may obviously be pre-
vulgare (International Barley Genome dicted through different ways. Thus, the final
Sequencing Consortium et al. 2012). This step is the selection of the best gene model at
approach is well suited to precisely deter- each locus. Indeed, at that step, there was no
mine the obvious structure of a large frac- combination of different overlapping models
tion of the protein-coding genes by taking to create a new one.
advantage of their evolutionary conserved
nature. However, the main limit here was A scoring process was applied in order to vali-
the lack of similarity at the protein extremi- date the existence of a gene and to retain its
ties which may lead to incomplete alignment most probable structure. For scoring, TriAnnot
that prevents from finding the start and/or used BLASTP to search for similarity of each
stop codons. Thus, TriAnnot utilized an itera- model with proteomes of related Poaceae,
tive extension in order to identify in-frame including Aegilops tauschii and Triticum urartu,
start and stop codons for gene modeling. and calculate a score while considering metrics
Models with partial structure were flagged of the best hit alignment (percentage of identity
pseudogenes. and coverage, presence of canonical splicing
The second evidence-driven approach sites, presence of start and stop codons).
(SIMsearch module) was based on transcripts Gene models not supported by homology
first, rather than proteins. SIMsearch module with Poaceae proteins or by transcription evi-
is a gene modeling program based on FPGP dence were simply discarded (i.e., ab initio
(Amano et al. 2010) and adapted specifically only). Models sharing similarity with known
60 F. Choulet et al.

proteins and for which splicing sites were sup- complete proteins from Triticeae in UniProt
ported by transcript evidence were classified as (UniProt Consortium 2018) were aligned
high confidence. Low-confidence genes also with GenomeThreader independently on
share similarity with known proteins and tran- each chromosome. flcDNAs from wheat and
scripts but lack support for some splicing sites barley (Mochida et al. 2009), together with
and/or position of start/stop codons. Finally, wheat IsoSeq reads (Clavijo et al. 2017) were
genes sharing similarity with known proteins mapped with Gmap (Wu and Watanabe 2005)
but over less than 70% of the length of its best and included in the prediction pipeline.
BLAST hit were classified as pseudogenes. • Step 2: Prediction and selection of open-
Thus, TriAnnot predicted 107,226 gene mod- reading frames. Predictions originat-
els: 65,884 HC and 41,342 LC genes, plus an ing from protein alignments, full-length
additional 73,044 pseudogenes on the IWGSC transcript alignments, and RNASeq
RefSeq v1. were combined while removing redun-
dancy (using Cuffcompare and StringTie). PGSB Gene Prediction Pipeline Then, TransDecoder (
The procedure implemented in the PGSB anno- TransDecoder/TransDecoder/) was used to
tation pipeline differs in many aspects from that predict the coding frame for each transcript
of TriAnnot. It is based on mapping all available while considering the most upstream start
evidence on unmasked genome sequence and codon by default. These predictions were
filtering out TE-related predictions afterward. It then aligned against a set of reference pro-
was all evidence-driven, not using any ab initio teins from angiosperms in UniProt, and pro-
gene finder. tein domains were also searched for. These
data were given to TransDecoder for select-
• Step 1: Mapping. The PGSB annotation ing the most probable CDS for each model.
pipeline combined spliced-alignments of
reference proteins, IsoSeq reads and full- Since TEs were not masked prior to map-
length cDNAs (flcDNAs), and RNASeq ping evidence, PGSB predictions were filtered
transcript predictions. In addition to the out afterward based on similarity-search with
RNASeq atlas from Pingault et al. (2015) TE-related proteins from the PTREP library
also used in TriAnnot, additional samples (
were added here. There were Illumina reads
produced on grain-specific samples (Pfeifer Integration of TriAnnot and PGSB
et al. 2014), whole transcriptome PacBio Gene Models with Mikado
sequenced samples (PRJEB15048), and dis- Selection of the best representative model at
ease resistance gene enriched transcriptome each locus was applied through a rule-based
samples (PRJEB23081). The latter were all approach that combined supporting evidence
from CHINESE SPRING but there were also and intrinsic gene features. PacBio transcripts,
transcriptomic data generated from other RNASeq reads, and homologous protein align-
accessions cultivated under drought and heat ments over the genome were used to measure
stresses (SRP045409) and under infection the accuracy of predictions and a set of high-
by Fusarium graminearum (E-MTAB-1729). confidence splicing sites was established from
Mapping outputs were all combined, and RNASeq mapped reads. Mikado (Venturini et al.
mapped reads were assembled into transcripts 2018) was used to cluster genes from the two
with StringTie (Pertea et al. 2015). pipelines into loci, to calculate an overall score
Protein sequences from the five species to each gene model, and to select the highest-
Arabidopsis thaliana, B. distachyon, O. scoring gene model. The score reflected the
sativa, S. bicolor, and Setaria italica, and congruence between a model and its supporting
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 61

evidence, calculated with an average F1-score (Magnoliophyta) proteins retrieved from Swiss-
(reflecting precision and recall) and metrics Prot and TrEMBL. LC genes were, either com-
of gene feature, e.g., a penalty was applied to plete but without significant homology with
introns larger than 10 kb. After selecting the rep- plant proteins or, incomplete with or without
resentative model, Mikado was used to identify significant homology. The 269,428 gene models
additional high-quality alternatively spliced tran- were split into 107,891 HC (40%) and 161,537
scripts, only those that met a series of stringent LC (60%) protein-coding genes. The number of
requirements. The most important were: a CDS HC genes was much closer to the expected value
overlapping at least 60% of the representative for plants (~ 35,000 genes per haploid genome),
CDS, without any retained intron, and with only and this became the reference dataset used by
verified exon/intron junctions. Eventually, to the community.
enrich the annotation, coordinates of UTRs were However, within all the limits explained here,
added based on comparing models and aligned we encourage users to always keep in mind the
transcripts with PASA (Haas et al. 2008). level of uncertainty behind the annotation space.
To the question “how many protein-coding Gene Confidence Assignment: HC genes are there in wheat?” we should answer:
Versus LC We do not know because the proportion of
Despite the sophisticated combination of both doubtful predictions is just too high.
TriAnnot and PGSB predictions, the final num-
ber of models was very high: 269,428, repre- What Should Be Known About
senting approximately 90,000 protein-coding the LC Genes and Pseudogenes
genes per (haploid) subgenome. As previously The consequence of confidence assignment is
observed in wheat, regions showing traces that the LC category gathered genes that were
of expression or homology with known pro- non-conserved, i.e., might be species-specific,
teins are much more abundant than expected, for which we did not have enough evidence to
given that the number of protein-coding genes conclude it is functional, together with (highly)
is a quite stable parameter in plant genomes conserved genes that are either pseudogenes or
with ~ 30,000 genes per haploid genome. It sug- just partially assembled or mis-predicted. One
gested that many gene models were in fact pseu- must consider that a part of the LC genes is con-
dogenes or doubtful non-coding transcribed served but exhibits a structure likely incomplete.
regions for instance. However, both included This has strong implications for researchers
filtering steps to discard models matching wheat interested in a particular gene family or a par-
transposons, before gene modeling for TriAnnot, ticular locus.
after for PGSB. Thus, a confidence category was In addition, a specific search for pseudo-
assigned to each gene model: high confidence genes was launched at the whole-genome level,
versus low confidence. The idea was to provide based on finding DNA fragments sharing simi-
a single filtered dataset of HC genes to people larity with HC genes but only partially or with
only interested in large-scale whole-genome frameshifts and/or internal stop codons. In total,
analyses while keeping information of LC genes 288,939 pseudogenes were discovered with
to people interested in the characterization of a 10,440 corresponded to LC genes. Thus, the
particular region. coding landscape is even more complicated than
First classification parameter was the com- often believed, with 108 k HC, 162 k LC, and
pleteness of the model, i.e., the presence of 279 k gene fragments and so if a gene is consid-
both a start and a stop codon. HC genes were ered to be absent based on HC genes only, it is
complete with significant homology with plant important to consider the pool of LC genes.
62 F. Choulet et al.

4.3.3 Comparing Genes Between A, B, homeologous groups. Regarding gene duplica-

and D Subgenomes tions, they also occurred in the same proportions
in A, B, and D. This analysis suggested that the
three lineages leading to A-B-D genomes have Finding Homeologous
independently accumulated differences (gene
Groups Based on HC Genes
loss and gene duplications) at similar rates.
Only Can Lead to False
Conclusions and Highlights No Evidence of Any Biased Gene
the Requirement
Fractionation and Importance
of Considering LC Genes
of Gene Duplications
Regarding gene presence/absence, no evidence
Considering the conclusion of the latter para-
for biased partitioning was observed (IWGSC
graph, it implies that comparing the A-B-D
2018). In contrast, comparisons support gradual
gene repertoires was strongly impacted by the
loss/duplications that have occurred after A-B-D
input gene dataset. Homeologous groups were
divergence in the diploid, tetraploid ances-
inferred from gene trees. Initially, trees were
tors, and after hexaploidization event in mod-
built with the complete set of HC and LC genes
ern bread wheat. Before gene loss, a gene may
which revealed that considering HC genes only
lose function because of silencing or change in
led to considerably overestimate the level of
expression, so that the first evidence of diploidi-
variability between A-B-D subgenomes, because
zation might be observed at the expression level.
many LC genes were, in fact, orthologous to
Hence, RNASeq data analyses showed that there
HC genes (i.e., homeologous in the hexaploid)
was an equal contribution of the three homeolo-
even though functional annotation revealed
gous genomes to the overall gene expression,
that some LC genes represented mis-predicted
demonstrating the absence of global subgenome
TE-genes (e.g., transposase-like genes). The
dominance (IWGSC 2014).
solution adopted was to work on a filtered gene
dataset: 181,036 genes (103,757 HC and 77,279
LC genes; instead of 269 k initially) that do not
4.3.4 TE Modeling
correspond to either TE-related functions or
to pseudogenes. This led to determine a total
Given the amount of TEs shaping the wheat
of 39,238 homeologous groups (i.e., clades of
genome, predicting the presence of TE copies
A-B-D orthologous deduced from gene trees)
along assembled sequences has always been a
and 33% of them include LC genes. In total,
prerequisite to avoid false predictions of cod-
28,829 LC genes have homeologous partners
ing genes that are in fact coding parts of TEs.
and were thus valid for biological analyses.
Efforts to manually annotate TEs with their pre-
The main conclusion of the A-B-D compari-
cise borders were made since the beginning of
son was that the gene repertoire of the three sub-
wheat BAC sequencing and a high-quality refer-
genomes is much more different than previously
ence databank of wheat TE sequences was ini-
thought. The default hypothesis is often that a
tiated in 2002 with TREP (Wicker et al. 2002)
gene is present in three pairs of homeologous
and completed in 2014 with the ClariTeRep
copies in bread wheat because it is a hexaploid.
library (Daron et al. 2014) (which includes
The reality is that only 55% of the homeologous
TREP). ClariTeRep originated from manual
groups are triads, i.e., single-gene copy per sub-
curation of ~ 3200 TEs along the first large
genome (configuration 1:1:1). Thus, 45% of the
(Mb-sized) contiguous sequences produced on
groups represent cases where gene loss and/or
chromosome 3B (Choulet et al. 2010). This
duplications occurred after A-B-D divergence.
implies that the wheat TE library used for sim-
Gene loss after A-B-D divergence represents the
ilarity-search might be biased toward elements
same proportion for A, B, and D: ~ 10% of the
from the B-subgenome, and depleted for A and
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 63

D subgenomes. However, it was shown that TE 4.4 RefSeq V1.0 Functional

families that shaped the three subgenomes are Annotation
the same, although subfamilies (variants) have
differentially invaded the A-B-D genomes in the Gene ontology terms, PFAM, and InterPro
diploid ancestors (Wicker et al. 2018). domains were assigned to gene models. A func-
Thus, TE modeling in RefSeq v1.0 was per- tion was assigned to 82% (90,919) of HC genes
formed only via a similarity-search approach in RefSeq Annotation v1.0. RNASeq-based tran-
against ClariTeRep. There was no de novo scription evidence was found for 85% and 49%
repeat-based discovery of new TEs. This led to of HC and LC genes, respectively. In addition,
the prediction of 3,968,974 copies, classified naming of gene function for each gene was per-
among 505 TE families, and representing 86%, formed by using the AHRD tool (Automated
85%, and 83% of the A, B, and D genomes, Assignment of Human Readable Descriptions,
respectively. Such proportions imply that TEs, ver-
shape large clusters with recently inserted TEs sion 3.3.3). This program generates informative
into older ones, a mosaic of nested insertions functional annotations from BLAST outputs
which is a computational challenge to recon- while avoiding retrieving too many “unknown”
struct. This step was dealt with CLARITE or “uncharacterized” functions. BLAST outputs
(Daron et al. 2014) for RefSeq v1.0. CLARITE against the following databases were parsed by
uses RepeatMasker (Smit et al. 1996–2004) AHRD: Swiss-Prot, Arabidopsis Araprot 11,
with the cross-match engine for the first step and a subset of TrEMBL for Viridiplantae. A
of similarity-search between the genome of filter was then applied in order to discard genes
the TE library. The main problems with using with functions related to TEs. Genes were thus
RepeatMasker in TE-rich genomes are as fol- tagged as G (canonical gene), TE (obvious
lows (i) the over-fragmentation: one copy is transposon), TE? (potential transposon), or U for
often not predicted into a single feature but unknown. Based on this, 3294 HC genes with a
rather split into adjacent fragments; (ii) the over- TE tag were moved subsequently to the LC cat-
lap of predictions, i.e., a locus could match with egory in RefSeq annotation v1.1.
several reference; and (iii) scattered pieces of
a TE that has been fragmented by subsequent
TE insertions (nested pattern) are not joint. The 4.5 RefSeq Annotation V1.1:
CLARITE pipeline has been developed specifi- Integration of Manually
cally for wheat, based on ClariTeRep, in order Curated Genes
to overcome these three limitations. It uses clas-
sification information: all TEs in ClariTeRep Once Annotation v1.0 was released to the com-
were classified into families and subfamilies munity, researchers who are experts of some
by sequence clustering. It also uses positions specific gene families brought corrections to the
of LTRs in LTR-retrotransposons, which corre- automated predictions: Sometimes gene copies
spond to long terminal repeats (ca. hundreds of were missing, sometimes the predicted exon/
bps) that are largely involved in the fragmen- intron structure needed to be curated. Feedback
tation observed after RepeatMasker because was made from the experts to the IWGSC
both 5′ and 3′ LTRs cross-match since they are Annotation Group in order to release an updated
almost identical subsequences. Family clas- version 1.1. This concerns gene families CBFs,
sification and LTR positions are the two main NLRs, PPRs, Prolamins, WAKs, and amino-
points implemented in CLARITE. They allowed acid transporters. A semiautomated process was
accurate defragmentation, while preventing chi- developed in order to integrate manually curated
meric merging of adjacent features, and accurate gene models. It relies on a Python script using
reconstruction of nested TEs. common tools like GenomeTools (Gremme et al.
64 F. Choulet et al.

2013), GFFCompare (Pertea and Pertea 2020), was made to try to transfer as many models as
pyBEDTools (Dale et al. 2011). GffCompare possible while trying to optimize the trace-
was used to check that the curated genes did not ability and to minimize the differences between
overlap each other (different teams may have Annotations v1 and v2.
curated the same gene) and also to identify the However, finding the new position of a gene
RefSeq Annotation v1.0 models that required required sequence alignment, which raised
to be updated. Five types of correction were many problems in hexaploid wheat. For exam-
considered: (i) addition of a new gene model ple, we used GMAP to map 298,775 HC and
that was absent from v1.0; (ii) merging of two LC genes onto Assembly v2 and observed that
gene models; (iii) splitting of a gene model into 32,152 (11%) could not be transferred accu-
two genes; (iv) correction of exon positions of rately because of spurious alignments. Such
a gene model; (v) complex cases which com- high error rate was not acceptable and it was
bined splitting and merging. RefSeq Annotation decided to develop a transfer-strategy dedicated
v1.1 includes updates of 3685 manually curated to this task for wheat. It was implemented in the
genes, of which 528 were not predicted by the MAGATT pipeline (
automated annotation process and 354 corre- gdec/magatt). The strategy relies on reducing
sponded to LC gene models. The final v1.1 HC the alignment space to the shortest region pre-
gene set contained 107,891 genes. dicted to carry the gene to be mapped. In wheat,
genes are always flanked by TEs. Although TEs
are repeats, each copy is inserted into a different
4.6 RefSeq Annotation V2: The site. Thus, the junction between a TE extrem-
Challenge of Transferring ity and its insertion site is unique at the genome
Gene Annotation Through level. We derived all such tags from the TE
the Different Versions annotation. They represent one tag every 3 kb
of Genome Assembly (compared to one gene every 130 kb on average)
that can be uniquely mapped from one assem-
In 2021, an update of the CHINESE SPRING bly version to the other. We used these TE tags
IWGSC RefSeq Assembly was published (Zhu as anchors to define the smallest target interval
et al. 2021). Corrections were brought to the before mapping a gene. The average size of an
initial release by using new resources: Bionano interval was 9.6 kb, which reduced the align-
and PacBio contigs. Inconsistencies between ment space and avoided most problems due to
pseudomolecules and Bionano maps were rec- multiple mapping of repeated genes. Even for
onciled, and 279 unplaced scaffolds were posi- clusters of tandemly repeated genes in which
tioned into pseudomolecules. PacBio contigs copies could share 100% identity, this strategy
publicly available (Zimin et al. 2017) were used enabled the assignment of the correct interval
to fill gaps. Contrary to scaffold reordering, the for each copy and lead to the transfer of anno-
gap-filling step led to complete changes in the tation of all copies without any cross-matching.
positions of gene models predicted along pseu- MAGGAT succeeded to transfer 90% of HC/LC
domolecules, so that it was not possible to cal- genes without any difference between v1 and
culate new gene position from v1 to v2 with a v2 assemblies either in the introns or the exons,
simple conversion of coordinates. This raised and 8% with mismatches due to nucleotide dif-
two possibilities: compute de novo gene predic- ferences incorporated at the gap-filling step (in
tion or transferring the knowledge of the previ- gap-flanking sequences). Indels were observed
ous annotation release. Since annotation v1.1 for 1% of the genes, and the remaining 1% cor-
was the outcome of an extensive effort to com- responded to genes for which the sequence
bine different annotation pipelines, the choice was discarded when assembling v2 (Zhu et al.
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 65

2021). This step gave rise to the IWGSC RefSeq 4.7 Plans for Future Improvements
Annotation v2.1.
Defining the target interval prior to map- 4.7.1 Improving Gene Structural
ping has a major consequence: It avoided Annotation
the computation of a spliced-alignment of
a query transcript/CDS. Indeed, by default The repertoire of 107,891 genes delivered in
MAGATT starts by mapping the entire gene 2018 for CHINESE SPRING is definitely a ref-
feature (exons + introns + UTRs) with BLAT erence widely used by the community. However,
(Kent 2002) against the short, kb-sized, target the methodological limits mentioned above
sequence. In the majority of the cases (90%), it make us consider there are improvement levers.
identified a full perfect match which enabled the First of all, we must remind here that what we
repositioning of all sub-features (i.e., exons and call genes here, by default, correspond to pro-
UTRs of all alternative spliced mRNAs) from tein-coding genes. Non-coding RNA genes
a previous to a new assembly that shared strict remains largely unexplored in this complex
identity. This was of major importance because genome although we have no doubt their predic-
spliced-alignments could have led to errors, tion along the genome sequence represents one
especially when exons are very small. When of the most challenging tasks but also one of the
only mismatches (no Indels) were observed most impacting novel information to increase
between the two assemblies for a given gene our understanding of the functional sequences.
(3% of genes), automated repositioning was also Regarding protein-coding genes, when we
possible. Spliced-alignments of mRNAs were discuss the improvement of structural annota-
computed only when BLAT returned Indels and/ tion, we distinguish two different things: (i)
or partial match between a query gene and its existence of the gene and (ii) structure of the
target. gene. In other words, improvements concern,
MAGATT was developed with the objec- on one side, genes that are missing in the anno-
tive of transferring a gene annotation to a new tation and gene models that do actually not
assembly release for a given genotype. However, correspond to real genes. On the other side,
the strategy applies very well to the problem of improvements concern the exact structure of a
annotating genes in the genome assemblies of gene and its transcripts.
other genotypes and is, thus, significant in the A key question that impacts on both aspects
context of post-reference genome sequencing is the presence of pseudogenes. Pseudogenes
and pangenomics. Pangenomics aims at identi- are sequences derived from functional genes but
fying conserved versus non-conserved genes in that have accumulated mutations (frameshift, in-
a series of assembled genomes. The main limit frame stop codon, truncation) which switched
in this area is the quality of the gene predictions. its function off. Pseudogenes are hard to model
It is therefore possible that presence–absence of automatically because gene modeling usually
a gene may simply be the consequence of anno- uses structural features (coding frame, start
tation artifacts. Thus, MAGATT needs to be and stop codons) to call a gene while in case
considered for delivering an annotation of gene of pseudogenes, these features are disturbed.
models in new assemblies that mimics as much Manual curation of genes remains the best
as possible the reference gene calls and avoid way to classify a sequence as a pseudogene.
“polluting” the apparent dispensable gene set Although community annotation (jamboree)
with differences in gene predictions. event was not organized in the framework of the
66 F. Choulet et al.

IWGSC, the IWGSC did establish a procedure transcriptase, integrase, etc.). The consequence
in order to integrate curation made by differ- is that the unannotated part of the genome, rep-
ent expert groups at the international level. This resenting ca. 10–15% (1.5–2.0 Gb), i.e., 10
led to several updates: annotation releases v1.1, times more than the gene space, often corre-
v1.2, and v2.1. Manual curation by experts rep- sponds to unidentified degenerated TEs. This
resents 2–3% of the gene content in v2.1. means that ORFs derived from degenerated TEs
The current status with respect to wheat gene are an extremely abundant source of false posi-
models is: 108 k HC genes, 162 k LC genes tive predictions for gene finders.
plus an additional 279 k gene fragments found Detecting sequence homology with related
by scanning for fragments of coding DNA in genomes appears to us an underestimated lever
the unannotated part of the genome. It is clear of improvement. This evidence relies the evolu-
that, with such a complicated landscape, manual tionary definition of a gene: an entity submitted
curation is an endless task. However, lots could to selection pressure. If a sequence is conserved
be done through bioinformatic approaches com- across millions of years of evolution, we can be
bined with manual curation in order to increase confident it is a gene. Predicted proteomes of
annotation quality. But even curators need infor- Poaceae have been used in wheat gene mode-
mation for taking decision on the most probable ling. However, improvements seem here obvious
gene structure to consider and an open question since there were not that many genomes avail-
is “which information/resources are lacking able. Among the Poaceae, knowledge from the
and which strategies could be useful for help- sequenced and annotated genomes of O. sativa,
ing with increasing the quality of gene model Z. mays, S. bicolor, B. distachyon, and S. italica
predictions?”. were used for wheat gene modeling. They share
a common ancestor with wheat between 30 and Transcription Evidence, 60 MYA. Outside the Poaceae, fewer genes are
Gene Finders, and Homology conserved and sequence identity, even at the pro-
with Related Species: Comparing tein level, is low (around 55% with Arabidopsis
A-B-D is the Most Highly Valuable for instance) which would not be of great inter-
Option to Improve the Quality est to improve the annotation. Indeed, widely
of Structural Annotation conserved genes are the easiest to annotate. In
Finding a gene is based on three pieces of evi- contrast, the challenge of annotation relies on
dence: (i) a sequence is transcribed (RNASeq); finding genes that are specific to the Triticeae
(ii) a sequence shares similarity with proteins tribe, the Triticum/Aegilops genera, or even to
already predicted in divergent genomes; (iii) a the T. aestivum species. So, the most helpful
sequence has a high probability to be protein- resource to ensure efficient gene modeling in
coding (based on hidden Markov models). wheat is the Triticeae species, where genomes
Do we miss transcript data? As early as in diverged 3–13 MYA, and which share high level
2014, up to one million loci matching RNASeq of synteny and high level of gene sequence con-
data (short reads) were highlighted but even servation. For instance, 88% of the predicted
then, there were still 15% of the HC genes for wheat genes (IWGSC v2.1) share on aver-
which no transcription evidence was found age 84% protein identity with barley predicted
(IWGSC 2018). proteins (based on first BLAST hit alignment
What about gene finders? The wheat with thresholds 50% query overlap, 35% iden-
genome is made of ca. 12 Gb of transposon- tity) (Mascher et al. 2017). But even TEs share
derived sequences while gene models represent sequence similarity between Triticeae genomes,
0.13–0.23 Gb (depending on whether or not meaning that conservation is not synonymous
LC genes are considered). The wheat genome of selection pressure when aligning barley and
is full of coding-like DNA but the very wide wheat genomes. However, we could take advan-
majority is related to TEs (transposase, reverse tage of the near-complete TE turnover (Wicker
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 67

Fig. 4.1  Sequence alignments visualized with ACT while TEs are not conserved between homeologous
(Carver et al. 2005) of three wheat homeologous regions loci. Yellow blocks indicate the presence of a highly
of chromosomes 3A, 3B, and 3D. CDSs are represented conserved unannotated sequence (neither gene nor TE)
in light blue, genes in white, and TEs in blue, across between A-B-D which strongly suggests the presence of
the six coding frames. Red blocks represent sequence a functional sequence subject to selection pressure that
conservation (> 85% identity) between A-B-D regions may correspond to a yet uncharacterized gene
carrying homeologous genes and surrounding regions

et al. 2018) that led to erase ancestral TEs so of a high level of gene conservation with
that there are (almost) no syntenic/orthologous the (almost) absence of orthologous TEs.
TEs between A, B, D (Triticum and Aegilops), Sequencing more T. aestivum genomes will
H (barley; Hordeum), and R (rye; Secale) not be useful in that regard. Indeed, divergence
genomes. All these genomes diverged between is too low so that sequence conversation is not
3 and 13 MYA, a timeframe consistent with (1) evidence for selection pressure. Most TEs are
a complete TE turnover (2) within a conserved conserved (orthologous) even between diver-
gene backbone. This is the ideal situation to gent accessions from the Asian and European
identify new genes based on aligning syntenic pools, as highlighted by the Renan versus
regions. Each segment of conserved sequence Chinese Spring comparison (Aury et al. 2022).
between A-B-D-H-R genomes (and others) at a However, sequencing more wheat genomes will
micro-syntenic location is evidence for selection be exploited for building the wheat pangenome.
pressure and, thus, for the presence of a gene
(protein-coding or not) or a sequence involved in
regulation processes called conserved non-cod- 4.7.2 De Novo Annotation Versus
ing sequence (CNS) as shown in Fig. 4.1. Annotation Transfer To What Extent Sequencing More With the advances made in sequencing tech-
Wheat Genomes Help Improving nologies, assembling reference-quality wheat
the Reference Wheat Gene genome sequences is not a limit anymore (Guo
Catalog? et al. 2020; Walkowiak et al. 2020; Sato et al.
As explained above, the divergence window 2021; Athiyannan et al. 2022; Aury et al. 2022).
3–13 MYA of Triticum, Aegilops, Hordeum, Building a wheat pangenome is thus a crucial
Secale, and others combines the advantages objective in order to distinguish core versus
68 F. Choulet et al.

dispensable genes, especially since dispensa- chromosome pseudomolecule assemblies of 15

ble genes are the best candidates for adaptation wheat accessions with the objective of building
to the environment, like response to specific a wheat pangenome (Walkowiak et al. 2020).
pathogens. In contrast, core genes are enriched Besides the methodological challenge, issues
in essential genes, somehow not the privileged of multiple identifiers (IDs) for a gene will
targets to search for genetic diversity controlling become more and more problematic, as exem-
contrasted phenotypes. plified in the review of Adamski et al. (2020).
Presence/absence (and copy number) varia- Authors have highlighted the fact that one gene
tions of genes between two genotypes are lim- is already represented by many IDs, some-
ited to a few percent (De Oliveira et al. 2020). times following different nomenclatures, due
Using resequencing data of chromosome 3B to the existence of multiple assemblies of the
from 20 T. aestivum accessions, it was shown CHINESE SPRING genome sequence itself plus
that variable genes represent between 2 and the release of gene models from wild wheat rela-
6% of pairwise comparisons with CHINESE tives and other cultivated genotypes. There is,
SPRING. This weak percentage implies that thus, a strong need for integrating these data.
approximations due to incomplete genome
assembly and differences in gene predictions
will strongly impact our capabilities to deter- 4.7.3 Functional Annotation:
mine if a gene a really absent. Thus, an under- Opportunities
estimated limit that prevents from accurate
pangenome construction is the annotation step. Automated functional annotation workflow
Automated gene modeling is strongly depend- based on sequence similarity and domain search
ent on the methods, tools, thresholds, used so has been established by IWGSC to assign gene
that two annotations of the same genome are ontology (GO) and function descriptions to
systematically different. Additionally, these dif- the wheat reference gene set (IWGSC 2018).
ferences are not only background noise. For Although approaches based on local alignment
instance, when the IWGSC RefSeq Annotation search such as BLAST are straightforward and
v1.0 was produced by combining independent work well for certain species and gene families,
predictions from two pipelines (TriAnnot and the drawbacks are clear. It suffers from low sen-
PGSB), 20% of each gene set did not overlap sitivity or specificity, depending on threshold
any prediction from the other one. Moreover, choice and evolutionary distance of query gene
only 67 and 48% of TriAnnot and PGSB gene set to species in the annotation source (Sasson
models were predicted with highly similar struc- et al. 2006). In addition, error or lack of robust
tures. These differences exceed largely the real annotation evidence in the source databases hin-
presence/absence variations. The consequence der or bias the large-scale functional annotation
is that pangenomic analyses are dependent on analysis, especially in non-model crop species.
accurate mapping of a reference gene annota- To overcome these limitations, integrating
tion to another assembly. This is why we believe various omics datasets from high-throughput
annotation transfer tools like MAGATT (see experiments in combination with novel com-
paragraph RefSeq Annotation v2) are highly putational approaches has been considered for
valuable in the pangenomic area as well as for complementation to local sequence alignment
maintaining improvements performed through methods, facilitating annotation of unknown
manual curation. Eventually, in future wheat genes or transferring functional knowledge from
genome assemblies, genes will be transferred/ one gene to another. For example, generation
projected from a reference pangenome and de and analysis of large-scale biomolecule interac-
novo annotation should be restricted to specific tion networks is a useful approach that utilizes
(non-conserved) regions. Indeed, gene projec- omics data beyond gene/protein sequences.
tion was already applied for the annotation of The basic idea is “guilt by association,” where
4 Structural and Functional Annotation of the Wheat Genome 69

a gene can be assigned a particular function if genes possessing same feature types. Several
it is co-expressed with one or several genes of tools have been developed to learn relationship
same known function, as the chance that they between GO and heterogeneous data (text and
are co-regulated and needed for the same pro- sequence information, protein structure) and
cess or pathway is high (Tohge and Fernie 2012; propose a predictor for annotating unknown
Aoki et al. 2016). In addition to co-expression, genes (Törönen et al. 2018; You et al. 2018,
gene–gene relationships such as protein-DNA 2019).
binding and protein–protein interactions can be Although highly advantageous compared
used to assign and transfer function from one to classical approaches, conventional machine
gene to the other (Cho et al. 2016). Such interac- learning is achieved using handcrafted features.
tome data can now be generated with advanced Deep learning using neural networks, on the
high-throughput experimental techniques such other hand, can extract abstracted and high-level
as single/bulk RNAseq, Yeast 2-Hybrid, and features from raw data directly and build a pre-
DNA affinity purification sequencing (DAPseq). dictor, without human inference. The availabil-
Each type of interactome networks can be ana- ity of omics data and computational resources
lyzed separately or in a combined manner to allows to develop sophisticated deep learning
build multi-omics integrated network, followed algorithms for large-scale functional annota-
by computational interpretation, from naive tion. Various deep learning architectures have
method of evidence aggregation to probabilistic been built using, e.g., deep, convolutional and
modeling (Yu et al. 2015). The ranking or scor- recurrent neural network, which have specific
ing reflecting proximity or connectivity of genes strength in learning different features (Cao
in the network is then used to link and transfer et al. 2017; Sureyya Rifaioglu et al. 2019; Du
function from one gene to the other. Beyond et al. 2020). Tools built on these architectures
the classic “single-gene” approach, integrated predict GO terms either by learning protein
network-based approaches provide a more sequence (Kulmanov and Hoehndorf 2020; Cao
holistic view of gene function and gene–gene and Shen 2021), protein structure (Tavanaei
relationships, enabling functional annotation of et al. 2016; Jumper et al. 2021) or heterogenous
unknown genes that are not related on sequence data and networks (Cai et al. 2020; Peng et al.
level but functionally interacted with studied 2021). Several factors limit the application of
genes (see also Chap. 11). deep machine learning approach for functional
Choice of cutoff for sequence similarity- annotation in large-scale and unbiased manner.
search and network mining is crucial but highly Firstly, although various omics and structure
arbitrary, which can create bias or error in data are useful, only primary sequence is avail-
functional annotation process. In addition, link able for majority of unknown genes. Secondly,
between various protein features (structure, text imbalance and incompleteness of GO database
description, and interaction) and annotation with respect to species and function categories
label that can be utilized for functional anno- can bias the learning step, and GO prediction
tation are sometimes beyond human knowl- task itself is a complex multi-label problem.
edge and difficult to be revealed. In contrast, Lastly, the quality of transferring gene model
machine learning tools are suitable to identify information between species that are evolu-
these hidden features and assess their contri- tionarily distant needs to be assessed carefully.
bution to functions by analyzing a training Nevertheless, despite these challenges, deep
set where a group of genes with these features machine learning-based functional annotation
are functionally characterized (Mahood et al. and GO assignment have been successfully
2020). Quantitative contribution of different applied and will continue in many studies, with
features learnt by computer is then exploited to the support of the continuing expansion of high-
predict the most possible function of unknown quality omics and experimental datasets.
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The Wheat Transcriptome
and Discovery of Functional 5
Gene Networks

Tayyaba Andleeb, James Milson and Philippa Borrill

Abstract have enabled the prediction of gene func-

tions in wheat but only for a handful of traits.
Gene expression patterns have been a widely Combining advanced analysis methods with
applied source of information to start under- better sequencing technology will increase
standing gene function in multiple plant our capacity to place gene expression in
species. In wheat, the advent of increas- wheat in the context of functions of genes
ingly accurate and complete gene annota- that influence agronomically important traits.
tions now enables transcriptomic studies to
be carried out on a routine basis and studies
by groups around the world have compared Keywords
gene expression changes under an array of
environmental and developmental stages. Wheat transcriptome · Gene networks ·
However, associating data from differentially Response to environment · Development
expressed genes to understanding the biologi-
cal role of these genes and their applications
5.1 Gene Function Through Gene
for breeding is a major challenge. Recently,
the first steps to apply network-based
approaches to characterise gene expression
In order to understand gene function, one of
have been taken in wheat and these networks
the first things researchers would like to do is
measure gene expression—when, where and
Tayyaba Andleeb and James Milson have contributed how much of a gene’s transcript is present?
equally to this work.
Measuring the expression level of a single gene
T. Andleeb
through quantitative PCR can reveal insight
Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Biological into a specific gene and its potential biological
Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, role. However, to explore the integrated nature
Pakistan of gene expression and how entire biological
T. Andleeb · J. Milson processes work at the transcriptional level, it
School of Biological Sciences, University of is desirable to measure the expression level of
Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
multiple genes simultaneously using transcrip-
J. Milson · P. Borrill (*) tomics. In model species, transcriptomics has
Department of Crop Genetics, John Innes Centre,
Norwich Research, Norwich NR4 7UH, UK
shed insight into the regulation of developmen-
e-mail: tal processes, responses to the environment and

© The Author(s) 2024 75

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
76 T. Andleeb et al.

genotype-specific responses, all of which would design of homoeolog-specific primers for each
be highly advantageous to understand for wheat gene of interest. The use of transcriptomics
improvement. Therefore, transcriptomics has allows quicker and easier homoeolog-specific
been widely applied in wheat biology. gene expression measurements. Several differ-
Initially, transcriptomics largely relied upon ent ways to quantify homoeolog-specific gene
microarray approaches. These were useful expression in allopolyploids have been imple-
in determining gene expression patterns, but mented including alignment to the individual
microarrays in wheat were limited because of subgenomes and read classification according
the incomplete gene model annotations avail- to mismatches or inter-homoeolog SNPs (Kuo
able when microarrays were designed, therefore et al. 2020), alignment to the whole genome
many genes were missing from the arrays. The sequence using a standard aligner and select-
advent of RNA-seq to measure gene expres- ing only uniquely mapping reads (e.g. He et al.
sion enabled more accurate measurement of the 2022) or pseudoalignment to the transcrip-
wheat transcriptome. Transcriptomics could be tome using kallisto which has been demon-
applied even before high-quality genome assem- strated to assign reads to appropriate homoeolog
blies were available because de novo transcrip- using nullitetrasomic lines (Borrill et al. 2016;
tome assemblies could be generated to answer Ramírez-González et al. 2018). Homoeolog-
specific biological questions using individual specific gene analysis has been used to study
datasets. However, to get the highest quality and multiple biological questions and has for exam-
most comprehensive results in a transcriptomic ple revealed homoeolog-specific gene expression
experiment, having a reference transcriptome responses to stress conditions (e.g. Clavijo et al.
is valuable and also removes the requirement 2017) and developmental stage and tissue-spe-
to carry out a de novo assembly for each new cific homoeolog expression (Ramírez-González
project. Furthermore, the availability of a refer- et al. 2018). In order to maximise information
ence transcriptome facilitates the identification gained from applying transcriptomic approaches,
of homoeolog-specific transcripts and therefore it is necessary to define which genes are pre-
allows gene expression to be quantified in a sent within the genome and have accurate gene
homoeolog-specific manner. annotations to capture the complexities of gene
expression in this polyploid species.

5.2 Measuring Homoeolog-Specific

Gene Expression 5.3 Building Transcriptome
Annotations in Wheat
As consequence of the polyploid nature of
wheat, > 50% of genes in the wheat genome 5.3.1 Expressed Sequence Tags
are present as triads of related homoeologous and Full-Length cDNAs
genes on the A, B and D subgenomes (IWGSC
et al. 2018). Studies on a gene-by-gene basis The large size of the wheat genome made
have revealed that each homoeolog in wheat can sequencing the entire wheat genome and the
have different expression levels. For example, genes within it a difficult prospect in the 1990s
the calcium-dependent protein kinase TaCPK2 and 2000s due to the high cost and sequenc-
has differential responses to stress between ing technology limitations (see also Chap. 1).
homeologs with the A homeolog upregulated However, the importance and usefulness of
in response to powdery mildew infection and having gene sequence information was clear.
the D homoeolog upregulated in response to An alternative way to obtain gene sequence
cold stress (Geng et al. 2013). However, to focussed on expressed sequence tags (ESTs),
analyse homoeolog-specific expression using which provided a quicker way to determine
qPCR is labour-intensive and requires the
5 The Wheat Transcriptome and Discovery of Functional Gene Networks 77

Fig. 5.1  Improvements in transcriptome assemblies SPRING Survey (CSS) and The Genome Analysis
in the last 20 years. Transcriptome sequences have pro- Centre (TGAC) assembly, to highly complete transcrip-
gressed from expressed sequence tags (EST) which had tome assemblies on contiguous chromosome-scale scaf-
unknown chromosomal positions and were often par- folds (RefSeqv1.1). Sequencing and assembly of tran-
tial sequences, through full-length cDNAs (flcDNAs) scriptomes for multiple wheat cultivars will reveal the
to the initial genome assemblies (454 assembly) which pan-transcriptome and variation therein including copy
often lacked annotation, through to fragmented assem- number variation (CNV)
blies with gene model predictions such as the CHINESE

gene sequences and expression information entire coding sequences, although the numbers
(Fig. 5.1). ESTs were generated by extracting were significantly lower than the number of
RNA from a tissue or tissues of interest and ESTs. For example, the 1 million EST generated
building a cDNA library in E. coli. Plasmids by Manickavelu et al. (2012) were classified
from the E. coli library were extracted and into 37,138 contigs of which ~ 7000 were full
sequenced through Sanger sequencing before length. Significant efforts were made to obtain
bioinformatic analysis to group sequences into a good representation of full-length cDNAs, and
contigs containing related sequences. ESTs were the resulting sequences (~ 20,000 full-length
generated from multiple wheat tissues (Ogihara cDNAs) were gathered into databases (Kawaura
et al. 2003; Manickavelu et al. 2012) and sam- et al. 2009; Mochida et al. 2009).
ples grown under stress conditions (Chao et al.
2006; Mochida et al. 2006) resulting in the
identification of over 1 million EST sequences 5.3.2 Integrating Gene Annotation
grouped into tens of thousands of contigs. By into Genome Assemblies
filtering these contigs for sequences contain-
ing both start and stop codons, it was possi- In parallel with the development of flcDNA
ble to identify full-length cDNA representing libraries, many groups embarked upon
78 T. Andleeb et al.

projects to sequence the wheat genome. The first algorithm produced a new CHINESE SPRING
sequence of a wheat genome with associated assembly (Clavijo et al. 2017) with a longer
gene annotations was published in 2012 using contig size with over 80% of the assembly hav-
the cultivar CHINESE SPRING (Brenchley ing contigs larger than 32 kb. In total 104,091
et al. 2012). The low sequencing coverage (5x) gene models were annotated, which is ~ 20,000
using 454 technology meant that the assembly genes fewer than in the CSS assembly (IWGSC
was highly fragmented (over 5 million scaf- et al. 2014), but these new gene models were
folds), yet it was extremely useful to research- generally more complete because the higher
ers offering the first extensive set of genomic assembly contiguity meant it was much less
sequences. Approximately 95,000 genes were likely that a gene model was truncated at
annotated using orthologs to flcDNAs from the end of a contig (Fig. 5.1). An additional
rice, sorghum, Brachypodium and barley. Two- CHINESE SPRING assembly (Triticum3.1)
thirds of these genes were assigned to the A, B achieved much-increased contiguity by combin-
or D subgenome but it was not possible to assign ing Illumina short reads with PacBio long reads,
genes to individual chromosomes. This data pro- with over 50% of the assembly having contigs
vided larger number of gene annotations than larger than 232 kb (Zimin et al. 2017), but this
were available from flcDNAs, although not all assembly lacked gene annotations.
flcDNAs were represented and many of the gene The next step change came with the publi-
models were fragmented (Fig. 5.1). Nonetheless, cation of the RefSeqv1.0 CHINESE SPRING
this assembly illustrated that whole genome genome assembly (IWGSC et al. 2018). This
sequencing of wheat was possible and could pseudomolecule-level 14.5 Gb assembly used
make major contributions to generating a com- a de novo assembly approach, an improved
plete set of gene models. assembly method and additional layers of
The next major improvement in gene models genetic, physical and sequencing data to gener-
was achieved by applying flow-sorting technol- ate a long-range ordered assembly with accu-
ogy to separate individual chromosome arms rate assignment of homoeologs. In total 107,891
prior to sequencing (see Chap. 3). This allowed high-confidence genes were annotated by com-
gene models to be assigned to individual chro- bining the outputs of two prediction pipelines.
mosome arms, identifying homoeologous genes These gene models represented a higher propor-
with confidence, and positional information was tion of conserved BUSCO single-copy genes
added through the use of synteny and genetic than previous assemblies with 90% of BUSCO
mapping approaches. In total 124,201 genes genes present as three complete copies in the
were annotated and assigned to individual chro- RefSeq assembly, compared to 70% in the
mosomes, and 75,183 had positional informa- TGAC assembly and 25% in the CSS assembly.
tion. These genes were located across a total Approximately, 2,000 gene models were manu-
10.2 Gb assembly of CHINESE SPRING (the ally refined, resulting in the RefSeqv1.1 gene
CHINESE SPRING Survey; CSS; Fig. 5.1; model set (Fig. 5.1).
IWGSC et al. 2014). However, the fragmented Although highly complete, further improve-
nature of this assembly with only 70% of the ments have been made to these gene models.
assembly in contigs longer than 1 kb, meant that By combining the long-read-based Triticum_
although the number of genes identified was aestivum_3.1 genome assembly with informa-
high, many genes were not full length for exam- tion from the RefSeqv1.0 assembly to improve
ple due to a gene model being truncated at the scaffolding and annotation, a more complete
end of a contig (Brinton et al. 2018). (15.1 GB) annotated CHINESE SPRING
Improvements to assembling complete gene assembly was obtained: Triticum_aestivum_4.0
models came largely through improved conti- (Alonge et al. 2020). The use of long reads
guity in genome assemblies. The use of varying enabled many repeat regions to be expanded
sized mate-pair libraries and a new assembly in this assembly, including regions containing
5 The Wheat Transcriptome and Discovery of Functional Gene Networks 79

thousands of additional gene copies. This gave between all cultivars and an additional 60,000
a total of 108,639 genes localised to individual genes detected in at least one cultivar. The large
chromosomes. In parallel, further refinements average number of genes detected in each culti-
were made to the RefSeqv1.0 by incorporating var in this study (128,656) may be an artefact of
optical maps and PacBio long reads to generate basing gene model discovery on the fragmented
RefSeqv2.1 (Zhu et al. 2021). Although the total CSS assembly; nonetheless, the variation in
assembly size did not change much (14.6 GB gene models is likely to have significant conse-
in RefSeqv2.1 vs. 14.5 GB in RefSeqv1.0), quences to understanding wheat biology (see
positions and orientations of scaffolds were Chap. 4). More recently whole genome sequenc-
corrected for 10% of the genome and gaps ing of 15 cultivars in additional to CHINESE
were filled. In total 106,913 high-confidence SPRING revealed extensive structural and
genes were annotated by aligning gene anno- haplotype divergence between wheat cultivars
tations from the RefSeqv1.1 and community (Fig. 5.1; Walkowiak et al. 2020). Significant
annotations. differences were found in gene content between
cultivars with ~ 12% of genes showing pres-
ence–absence variation, although this was based
5.3.3 Remaining Challenges on projecting gene annotations from CHINESE
to Improve the Accuracy SPRING, rather than de novo genome annota-
and Completeness of the Gene tion tailored to each cultivar. Individual genome
Model Set annotations for each of these high-quality
genome sequences will be a valuable resource
Discrepancies remain between the Triticum_aes- for biologists and breeders alike and is likely to
tivum_4.0 and RefSeqv2.1 assemblies in some identify genes absent from CHINESE SPRING.
regions, and integration of new data types will Beyond increasing the number of cultivars,
be required to resolve localised gaps or errors, it will also be important to increase the accu-
and to assign all scaffolds to accurate posi- racy of gene models beyond the coding region,
tions. Gene annotations may also be inaccurate which is so far the most accurate portion of
in a minority of regions due to remaining gaps wheat gene models. The 5′ and 3′ untranslated
or inaccuracies. Both these assemblies rely on regions are annotated in many genes, but their
the transfer of gene models from RefSeqv1.1, accuracy is not known and specialised next-gen-
so there may be value in re-annotating these eration sequencing approaches could be used,
genomes from de novo predictions and RNA- such as CAGE-seq to identify transcription start
seq data to take advantage of these more accu- sites and PolyA-seq to identify transcription
rate sequences. A final consequence of relying end sites, as has been done in cotton to gener-
largely on the RefSeqv1.1 gene models is that ate accurate untranslated region annotations
alternative spliced isoforms may not be fully (Wang et al. 2019). The use of PacBio Iso-seq
represented with only 15.7% of high-confidence long reads in conjunction with Illumina short
genes having alternative isoforms (IWGSC et al. reads and stringent filtering can also increase
2018), due to conservative parameters used dur- the accuracy of transcript start and end sites,
ing the transcriptome assembly. as well as providing information about splice
Although technical challenges remain to junctions. This has been achieved in wheat’s
perfect the CHINESE SPRING gene models, a close relative barley (Coulter et al. 2021). This
more pressing challenge will be to identify vari- approach identified that 73% of multi-exonic
ation between gene models in different wheat barley genes had two or more transcript iso-
cultivars. Work by Montenegro et al. (2017) forms, suggesting that the current wheat anno-
showed that gene content was variable between tations may be missing transcript isoforms in
18 wheat cultivars, with ~ 81,000 genes shared many multi-exonic genes.
80 T. Andleeb et al.

5.4 Methods of Measuring Gene changes induced by manipulating a gene reg-

Expression at the ulating development, for example through
Genome-Wide Level mutants or overexpression. Here we will dis-
cuss typical approaches which use RNA-seq to
The availability of high-quality gene models understand developmental processes in wheat.
now facilitates the accurate measurements of
gene expression using RNA-seq. The most com-
mon type of RNA-seq is the enrichment and 5.6.1 Studying Gene Expression
subsequent sequencing of polyadenylated RNA During Time Courses
to study mRNA levels. Reduced representation
sequencing can also be applied to reduce costs. Grain development is an important process
For example, 3′ end sequencing can be used for which influences final yield and quality in all
investigating the expression profile of genes at a cereal crops and has therefore been examined
lower cost due to reduced sequencing require- at the transcriptomic level by several groups.
ments and targeted RNA-seq can be used to For example, using the CHINESE SPRING
sequence-specific targets, primarily those with Survey (CSS) sequence annotation, Pfeifer
low expression profiles. More recently, low et al. (2014) identified cell-type and homoe-
input RNA-seq methods from small tissues to olog-specific gene expression during grain
single-cell approaches have been developed. development at three timepoints. Building upon
These enable the measurement of gene expres- this work Chi et al. (2019) studied gene expres-
sion in different cell types and determine co- sion across four timepoints in grain develop-
expression and gene regulation in single cells, ment, although they did not dissect grains into
although their application in wheat remains individual cell types. Differentially expressed
limited. genes were clustered into groups based on
developmental stages and assigned putative
functions based on gene ontology (GO) and
5.5 Diverse Biological Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes
Questions Can Be Answered (KEGG) enrichment analyses. Many more dif-
with Transcriptomics ferentially expressed genes were identified than
was possible using previous microarray-based
Transcriptomics approaches have been applied approaches and the more accurate and complete
in many different types of studies in wheat. gene models facilitated the analysis (Yu et al.
These include observing changes in the tran- 2016). A similar approach was used to investi-
scriptome over a developmental time course, gate wheat spike development at four different
studying gene expression responses to differ- stages (Feng et al. 2017). Clustering analysis
ent stresses or investigating the effect of a spe- of genes differentially expressed over the time
cific gene on downstream molecular pathways course identified dynamically expressed tran-
(Fig. 5.2). scription factors which the authors hypothesise
may regulate spikelet initiation and floral organ
patterning, inferred from their times of expres-
5.6 Elucidating Genetic Control sion and orthologs in model plants. The puta-
of Developmental Processes tive functions of the differentially expressed
genes found in this study were assigned using
Transcriptomic approaches can help build GO enrichment analysis, giving an insight into
understanding of developmental processes by the functions of individual genes as well as
studying gene expression throughout a time temporal dynamics of expression (Feng et al.
course or by focussing on the transcriptional 2017).
5 The Wheat Transcriptome and Discovery of Functional Gene Networks 81

Fig. 5.2  RNA-seq is frequently used to assess the pathway or gene ontology (GO) analysis, or by cluster-
effects of altering a single gene or environmental/devel- ing gene expression profiles. Specific exploring of dif-
opmental change on gene expression. The data collected ferentially expressed genes, pathway and clustering
is used to identify differentially expressed genes (DEGs) information can uncover the biological pathways and
which can then be analysed through methods including mechanisms through which a gene or environmental/
Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) developmental response operates
82 T. Andleeb et al.

5.6.2 Understanding the Influence have been built for wheat including the expVIP
of Individual Genetic gene expression atlas which contains RNA-seq
Components on a data from > 1,000 RNA-seq samples, includ-
Developmental Process ing diverse tissue types, developmental stages,
cultivars and environmental conditions (Borrill
Understanding general expression changes dur- et al. 2016; Ramírez-González et al. 2018).
ing development is important, but many geneti- A pictorial representation of gene expression
cists aim to characterise the precise effects of across 70 different tissue-developmental stages
individual genes and RNA-seq can contribute is also available through the wheat eFP browser
to this goal. Flowering time is one of the best- which provides a powerful tool for intuitive
characterised processes in wheat with many gene expression exploration (Winter et al. 2007;
important genes identified. Transcriptomic Ramírez-González et al. 2018).
approaches have deepened our understand-
ing of flowering time pathways by comparing
the expression profiles of wild type and plants 5.7 Response to Environmental
mutated in or overexpressing key floral regula- Stress
tors (see also Chap. 11). For example, Pearce
et al. (2016) studied the phytochrome light Transcriptome analyses are also a powerful tool
receptors using RNA-seq-based methods to bet- to understand how wheat responds to different
ter understand how they regulate the develop- environmental stresses, including both abiotic
mental transitions controlled by changes in light and biotic stresses. Genome-wide scale changes
levels. Under long-day conditions, PHYB was in the transcriptome can be investigated by
found to regulate approximately six times more examining the transcriptome changes after the
genes than PHYC and only a small number of application of the stress or differences between
genes were under transcriptional control of both plants with susceptible or resistant genotypes.
phytochrome genes. Similarly, under short-day The effect of single genes on the response can
conditions PHYB influenced the transcription of be investigated by comparing lines with precise
approximately five times more genes than PHYC genetic differences such as near-isogenic lines,
(Kippes et al. 2020). Surprisingly in phyB and overexpression or mutant lines.
phyC mutants flowering was accelerated under
short-day conditions, which is unexpected in
a long-day plant like wheat. Transcriptomic 5.7.1 Genome-Wide Transcriptional
analysis revealed this may be mediated through Responses to Stress Conditions
flowering promoting genes VRN-A1 and PPD-
B1. This work shows that these RNA-seq tran- RNA-seq has been used to characterise gene
scriptome methods can uncover the functions expression changes in response to a wide range
of genes in a developmental process as well as of environmental stresses from pathogen infec-
identify downstream targets of these genes. tion (e.g. Zhang et al. 2014; Dobon et al. 2016)
through to abiotic stresses including drought,
heat, salinity and cold (e.g. Liu et al. 2015; Xiong
5.6.3 Atlases of Gene Expression et al. 2017; Li et al. 2018; Gálvez et al. 2019).
The effects of yellow rust infection on gene
Beyond individual studies of gene expres- expression is one of the best studied pathogen
sion, collating gene expression data for future infections in wheat, at the transcriptional level.
analysis via gene expression atlases allows Here we will explore insights that have been
researchers to address a range of biological gained using RNA-seq to study rust infection,
questions without the need to carry out more which may be widely applicable to other patho-
RNA-sequencing. Several different atlases systems and to other environmental interactions.
5 The Wheat Transcriptome and Discovery of Functional Gene Networks 83

Early studies using RNA-seq examined for branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) biosyn-
temporal changes in gene expression in wheat thetic genes. Comparison with publicly avail-
(Zhang et al. 2014), or in both wheat and the able data highlighted the gene branched-chain
fungal pathogen itself revealing temporal inter- aminotransferase 1 (TaBCAT1) as a candidate
actions between host and pathogen (Dobon gene, which was ultimately validated as a sus-
et al. 2016). Comparisons between suscepti- ceptibility gene using mutant lines. This study
ble and resistant lines have also proved fruitful. highlights a new way of identifying genes with
Infection with a mixture of powdery mildew roles in infection response and shows the poten-
and leaf rust revealed that a specific set of tial genetic variation we can find beyond the
genes were downregulated only in the suscep- pairwise comparisons of lines with different sus-
tible line. These genes had functions related to ceptibilities, which is the more routine approach.
programmed cell death and response to cel-
lular damage, indicating that the two fungal
pathogens evade the wheat defense system by 5.7.2 Elucidating Biological
inducing transcriptional level changes (Poretti Mechanisms of Stress-
et al. 2021). This agrees with earlier results Associated Genes Using
which examined a time course of RNA-seq in Transcriptomics
wheat plants infected with yellow rust. Immune
response regulators were rapidly upregulated It is becoming increasingly routine to character-
after yellow rust infection, but this upregula- ise lines with phenotypic alternations in stress
tion was suppressed in subsequent timepoints. responses using RNA-seq. This can provide
Only in resistant interactions was this suppres- insight into the molecular pathways through
sion alleviated, while in susceptible reactions which a gene involved in stress responses oper-
the immune response regulators continued to be ates and identify future breeding targets down-
suppressed (Dobon et al. 2016). This parallels stream in the process.
the findings of Poretti et al. (2021) that specific Taking drought stress as an example, several
suppression is required in susceptible wheat studies have recently associated NAC transcrip-
lines for successful infection. tion factors with drought tolerance and stud-
Transcriptomics studies are also now lead- ied the pathways through which they act. The
ing to the identification and functional char- first NAC gene (TaSNAC8-6A) improved seed-
acterisation of genes involved in pathogen ling stage drought tolerance (Mao et al. 2020).
resistance and susceptibility. Corredor-Moreno RNA-seq analysis in roots showed that even
et al. (2021) used data from 68 pathogen- under well-watered conditions, genes with GO
infected wheat varieties to investigate genes terms associated with drought, auxin and ABA
which influence wheat rust susceptibility. Since responses were upregulated in lines overexpress-
samples were collected from different varieties, ing this gene. Under drought conditions, more
growth conditions and developmental stages, genes associated with drought, auxin and ABA
the authors clustered gene expression profiles response were upregulated, in the overexpres-
to identify genes linked to yellow rust suscepti- sion line than in well-watered conditions. The
bility. This reduced the amount of background authors hypothesise that these changes enhance
differentially expressed genes which are not root development and increase water use effi-
involved in the infection response, but instead ciency, leading to increased drought tolerance.
are linked to variety, growth condition or devel- The second NAC (TaNAC071-A) increased
opmental stage. By focussing on clusters which yield under drought conditions by increasing
showed strong expression differences between water use efficiency (Mao et al. 2022). RNA-
the most and least susceptible cultivars, suscep- seq in leaves revealed that stress-responsive
tibility-associated genes were identified. These pathways such as response to abscisic acid and
susceptibility-associated genes were enriched response to osmotic stress were upregulated in
84 T. Andleeb et al.

lines overexpressing this NAC. Furthermore, between the basal and apical sections, rather
orthologs of well-established drought-inducible than between different consecutive timepoints
genes were upregulated in the overexpression of development. The discovery that position
lines including genes involved in stomatal clo- has a stronger effect than the developmental
sure, suggesting that TaNAC071-A may increase time point could not have been made by doing
drought tolerance by more quickly closing the bulk-RNA-seq of the whole spike, as has been
stomata and reducing the transpiration rate. done by previous studies (e.g. Feng et al. 2017),
Interestingly, a separate study revealed through uncovering the unique and powerful information
RNA-seq that increasing stomatal closure under available using this low input approach.
drought is a common mechanism controlled by While the ability to sequence small samples
NAC transcription factors in wheat Ma et al. is a major step forwards, resolution at the single-
(2022). cell level is now being applied in other plant
species such as Arabidopsis (Thibivilliers et al.
2020). However, single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-
5.8 Limitations of Current seq) still has limitations including the complex-
Transcriptomic Studies ity of the method itself, mainly the capture of
single cells (Chen et al. 2019) and the risk of
A common limitation in many species is that overamplification based on the small amount of
RNA-seq has generally been carried out on RNA provided from a single or small number
pooled tissue which results in the loss of a large of cells (Hrdlickova et al. 2017). However, the
amount of potential information from single main issue for scRNA-seq in plant transcrip-
cells or individual tissue types. For example, tomics is the need to degrade the cell wall, with
by sampling a whole leaf and grinding it up the different compositions and types meaning
prior to RNA extraction, the generated expres- different protocols are required (Thibivilliers
sion profiles are an average across many cell et al. 2020). The application of scRNA-seq will
types. Therefore, any spatial differences expres- present new opportunities for wheat research,
sion within a tissue cannot be observed. Until and success in applying this method to mono-
recently, large quantities of RNA were needed cots such as rice and maize (e.g. Xu et al. 2021;
for RNA-seq; therefore in order to study spe- Zhang et al. 2021) lay the groundwork for future
cific cell/tissue types, labour-intensive meth- studies.
ods had to be used to gather large quantities of A second key limitation of many studies to
material such as aleurone and endosperm from date has been the use of glasshouse and con-
developing grain (Pfeifer et al. 2014) and devel- trolled environment conditions, to minimise var-
oping meiocytes (Martín et al. 2018). However, iations in transcriptome changes due to factors
the development of low input RNA-seq meth- other than what is being experimentally manipu-
ods now allows gene expression studies with lated. However, this is not necessarily indica-
much reduced sample collection requirements tive of gene expression during development or
and enables studies on very small tissue sam- responses to stress in the field environment. It is
ples which were not feasible before. Low input becoming increasingly important to understand
methods were used by Backhaus et al. (2022) gene expression in real-world fluctuating envi-
to investigate the gene expression patterns in ronments, and field-based studies are becom-
different regions of the developing spike. The ing more common (e.g. Quijano et al. 2015; Li
developing spike was dissected at double ridge et al. 2018; Corredor-Moreno et al. 2021). Field-
and glume primordia stage into three sections based studies can develop increased insight
(apical, central, basal) for sequencing, with- into biological pathways and provide important
out any pooling of different samples required. information for breeding. For example, a field-
Surprisingly Backhaus et al. (2022) found that based experiment revealed that multiple inter-
the largest differences in the transcriptome were active pathways that influence cold tolerance to
5 The Wheat Transcriptome and Discovery of Functional Gene Networks 85

prepare for over-winter stress, and these com- An important application of gene co-expres-
plex interactions may have been missed in con- sion networks is the functional annotation
trolled environment conditions where changes of uncharacterised genes (Serin et al. 2016).
are often abrupt (Li et al. 2018). However, varia- The development of a high-quality reference
bility in gene expression caused by environmen- sequence for wheat enabled the generation of
tal influence can be strong and make analysing detailed co-expression networks focussing on
changes due to a single gene difficult, as was specific wheat tissues (leaf, grain, root and
found for the powdery mildew resistance allele spike) and stress conditions (abiotic and biotic)
Pm3b (Quijano et al. 2015). Therefore, research- (Ramírez-González et al. 2018). A comparison
ers will need to assess the relative benefits of the of the four tissue-specific networks revealed
realistic nature of gene expression under field modules of genes which were uniquely co-
conditions against the potential pitfalls for each expressed in the root including several genes
experiment. whose orthologs regulate root development in
Arabidopsis. The other genes present in these
root-specific modules represent novel genes
5.9 Constructing Gene Networks that according to “guilt-by-association” may
for Hypothesis Generation play roles in root development. Additional stud-
and Candidate Gene ies have used co-expression networks to iden-
Identification tify candidate genes involved in meiosis, grain
development and flowering time pathways
Although comparisons of gene expression (IWGSC et al. 2018; Alabdullah et al. 2019; Chi
between samples at different timepoints or et al. 2019).
in different environmental conditions can be While these studies showed the potential of
informative, applying network approaches to co-expression networks to identify candidate
understand gene interactions and pathway-level genes associated with a biological process of
responses to environmental and developmen- interest, functional validation of newly identi-
tal changes is a complementary and powerful fied genes was lacking. The value of these pre-
approach. Networks can integrate a wide range dictions has been illustrated in wheat using the
of information from gene expression and co- disease-related network generated by Ramírez-
expression through to protein-level interac- González et al. (2018). Polturak et al. (2022)
tions and scientific literature links (Hassani-Pak revealed that the top pathogen-induced mod-
et al. 2016), but here we will focus on gene ules contained multiple clusters of physically
networks built mainly from gene expression adjacent genes that correspond to six pathogen-
measurements. induced biosynthetic pathways. Heterologous
expression of these co-expressed genes in
Nicotiana benthamiana produced flavonoids and
5.9.1 Co-expression Networks terpenes that may play a role in defence signal-
ling or as phytoalexins. This study shows the
Co-expression networks can be built from power of co-expression to assign functions to
thousands of genes using the similarity in their previously uncharacterised genes.
expression patterns across multiple conditions to Several online tools have been developed
determine which genes are grouped (Fig. 5.3a). which allow wheat researchers to identify genes
Based on “guilt-by-association” genes that that are co-expressed. WheatOmics allows users
belong to the same co-expression group are to search for genes co-expressed with a gene of
often considered to be co-regulated, for example interest in either grain or multi-tissue co-expres-
by shared transcription factors, and to be part of sion networks (Ma et al. 2021) and KnetMiner
the same biological process. integrates information about co-expression
86 T. Andleeb et al.

Fig. 5.3  Graphical representation of gene networks. here, a transcription factor (TF; yellow pentagon) is
a Gene co-expression networks group genes with simi- expressed earlier in time and binds to the promoter sites
lar expression patterns across multiple conditions. of two downstream genes (blue); the regulatory network
Interactions between genes (circles) can be direct or indi- on the right shows the directionality of these interactions
rect. b Gene regulatory networks represent direct interac- (arrowheads)
tions between genes with directionality. In the example

from a network built using 850 wheat RNA-seq 5.9.2 Gene Regulatory Networks
samples with a meiosis-specific co-expression,
network (IWGSC et al. 2018; Alabdullah et al. In contrast to co-expression networks, the links
2019; Hassani‐Pak et al. 2021). Online tools within gene regulatory networks (GRNs) rep-
are also available to construct co-expression resent direct gene interactions rather than the
networks using custom datasets, such as unpub- association of expression patterns (Fig. 5.3b).
lished RNA-seq data including CoExpNetViz GRNs can be built using transcriptome data
(Tzfadia et al. 2016) and Gene Network alone, or they can incorporate additional data
Construction Tool Kit (GeNeCK) (Zhang et al. types for transcription factor-DNA interactions
2019). which inform the network structure (reviewed in
5 The Wheat Transcriptome and Discovery of Functional Gene Networks 87

Ko and Brandizzi 2020). GRNs typically have a genes, indicating that this approach identified
scale-free network architecture with a few hub biologically relevant genes. Functional valida-
genes with multiple connections to other genes tion of NAM-A2, another top-ranked gene and an
and many poorly connected nodes (Barabasi uncharacterised paralog of NAM-A1, showed the
and Oltvai 2004). The hub genes act as master power of this approach to identify genes regulat-
regulators of a GRN and play important roles in ing senescence.
biological systems and therefore identifying and
manipulating hub genes may enable the manipu-
lation of a biological process of interest. 5.9.3 Limitations of Gene Networks
GRNs in wheat have been used to generate
hypotheses about gene function and to iden- The first attempts to use gene networks in
tify hub genes which have a strong influence wheat have focussed on hypothesis genera-
on a biological process. A large GRN was built tion and identifying candidate genes involved
using 850 RNA-seq samples to predict transcrip- in a biological process of interest. While use-
tion factor-target interactions using the machine ful insights have been gained, there is still more
learning-based GENIE3 algorithm (Huynh-Thu work to be done to fully leverage the power of
et al. 2010). To test the validity of the tran- gene networks. To date, most gene networks in
scription factor targets identified by GENIE3, wheat have been built using gene expression
Harrington et al. (2020) compared the target data, although some other types of information
genes of the senescence-regulating transcription are incorporated into tools such as Knetminer
factor NAM-A1 to genes differentially expressed and inetbio (Lee et al. 2017; Hassani‐Pak et al.
in nam-a1 mutant lines compared to wild type. 2021). In other species, the accuracy of net-
The NAM-A1 target genes predicted by GENIE3 works has been improved by incorporating addi-
overlapped considerably with the differentially tional data sources such as transcription factor
expressed genes in lines with reduced NAM-A1 binding sites, open chromatin regions and pro-
expression, indicating that GENIE3 can provide tein–protein interactions (reviewed in Haque
biologically relevant predictions. Furthermore, et al. 2019; Ko and Brandizzi 2020). In wheat,
additional senescence-associated transcription these types of data are becoming available, for
factors were identified by combining GENIE3 example with the publication of accessible chro-
target information with independent senescence- matin regions identified by ATAC-seq (Concia
related expression data. Similarly, combining et al. 2020) and this information could be incor-
the GENIE3 network with co-expression net- porated into future networks to improve the pre-
works enabled the identification of candidate dictive ability.
genes involved in root development and stress A second challenge is the validation of gene
responses (Ramírez-González et al. 2018). networks in wheat. In model systems com-
While the GENIE3 approach relies upon parison to “gold standard” networks allows
diverse RNA-seq samples from different tissues the accuracy of different network construction
and conditions, GRNs have also proved valu- methods to be determined (Marbach et al. 2012).
able to understand developmental timeseries in However, in wheat, we know little about the true
wheat. A ten-timepoint time course of flag leaf topology of gene networks so validation using
senescence was sampled and the resulting RNA- this approach is not possible. Instead, network
seq data was used to construct a GRN using the predictions can be validated on an individual
time-aware causal structure inference algorithm gene basis by examining mutant or gene-edited
(Penfold and Wild 2011; Borrill et al. 2019). lines for predicted phenotypic effects (Borrill
Filtering the GRN for highly connected and et al. 2019). Alternatively, gene interactions
central hub genes identified known senescence in the network could be tested using molecu-
regulator NAM-A1 amongst the 36 top-ranked lar biology approaches. Another promising
88 T. Andleeb et al.

approach is to integrate several different net- References

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Genome Sequence-Based
Features of Wheat Genetic 6

Xueyong Zhang and Rudi Appels

Bread wheat · Diversity · Geographic
Common wheat is a hexaploid species crop
differentiation · Introgression · Human
that is widely recognized as an important
selection · Haplotype blocks
staple food crop. The establishment of a
gold standard reference genome sequences
of the well-studied CHINESE SPRING,
6.1 Wheat Origin and Spread
and its progenitors (including Triticum tur-
in the World
gidum ssp. dicoccoides accession Zavitan,
Triticum durum accession Svevo, Triticum
Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) provides
urartu, Aegilops tauschii), in the last 5 years
approximately 20% of the total calories for
has dramatically promoted our understand-
human intake globally. The origins of the com-
ing of wheat genome diversity and evolu-
mon hexaploid wheat species were through nat-
tion through the resequencing of collections
ural crosses between cultivated emmer (Triticum
of wheat and its progenitors. In this chap-
turgidum, AABB) and Aegilops tauschii (DD)
ter, we review progress in the analysis and
and is considered to be the first domesticated
interpretation of genome‑based studies of
crop in the “hilly flanks of the Fertile Crescent”
wheat focusing on geographic genome dif-
in southwestern Asia between 10,000 and 7000
ferentiation, interspecies gene flow, haplo-
BC (Feldman and Levy 2012). Key advances for
type blocks, and gene diversity in breeding.
the domestication process included the absence
We also consider approaches for efficiently
of head brittleness and free-threshing grains.
discovering and integrating the genes and
The dispersal of wheat selections prior to the
genome variations, hidden in Genebank col-
5th millennium BC was extensive as several
lections, into wheat breeding programs.
Triticum taxa spread from the Fertile Crescent
westwards across central Europe and along
X. Zhang (*)
Center for Crop Genomics and Molecular Design, the northern coastal line of the Mediterranean
Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy (Fig. 6.1). To the East, wheat is documented
of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China in archaeological records to be present in
Turkmenistan and Pakistan before 5000 BC. It
R. Appels was introduced into west China in 2000 BC and
University of Melbourne, Food and Nutrition, Parkville,
into central and east China in approximately
and AgriBio (Latrobe University), Bundoora, Melbourne,

© The Author(s) 2024 93

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
94 X. Zhang and R. Appels

Fig. 6.1   Map showing hypothesized dispersals of between 2500 and 1500 BC; solid line: parsimonious
domesticated Triticum and Hordeum taxa (i.e. wheat and inference from botanical evidence from dated archaeo-
barley) originated in southwestern Asia across the Old logical context (the density of which varies greatly across
World dating between 5000 and 1500 cal BC. Black cir- Eurasia). Map is originally presented in Liu et al. (2019a,
cles: sites older than 5000 BC; gray circles: sites dated b), modified with permission
between 5000 and 2500 BC; white circles: sites dated

1500 BC (Liu et al. 2016, 2019a, b), based on 285, 660 K SNPs have provided the means for
archaeological discoveries. the wide use to elucidate genome diversity.
Colonization of wheat in the very new and Germplasm exchange and the development of
distinct environments eventually replaced genomics now provide a new opportunity to re-
native crops as the staple crop and resulted in evaluate and reconsider the evolution and dis-
field-level selections of traits with very strong persal process of wheat from this new point of
geographic characters to meet the local cultiva- view. These works also pave the way for asso-
tion and consumption of variant human popu- ciating the allelic variation with phenotypes for
lations. These genetic changes were basically physical mapping of variation in the genome
retained in the genome variation between cul- (Varshney et al. 2021).
tivars, especially the landraces. Establishment
of the so-called gold standard wheat genome
sequence, taken together with the assemblies 6.2 Global Distribution
of the reference genomes of its progenitor spe- of Wheat Genome Diversity
cies as well as other hexaploid varieties (Avni and the Leading Role of 3B
et al. 2017; Luo et al. 2017; Zhao et al. 2017; in Geographic Differentiation
Ling et al. 2018; IWGSC 2018; Zhu and Luo
2021), has provided the basis for high-density The genotyping of 632 world wheat landraces
SNP-chips and resequencing analyses. Advances using the 285 K SNP array-markers on chro-
such as the production of SNP-chips with 90, mosome 3B, allowed Paux et al. (2008) to
6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic Diversity 95

Fig. 6.2  Haplotypes in landraces on 3B and their global haplotypes (see Paux et al. 2008) and the clustering of
distribution (provided by Dr. Etienne Paux, INRAE). the different colored haplotypes across the landscape
The red, pink, blue, and green dots refer to different from Europe to China is evident

define the very strong geographic differentia- agronomic trait was grain size (TKW), i.e., the
tion (Fig. 6.2). In a follow-up diversity analysis T. aestivum-L2 accessions usually had smaller
of Chinese wheat landraces using a 660 K SNP grain size than the T. aestivum-L1 accessions,
array, we found they could be basically classi- which was achieved by reduction in grain length
fied into two sub-groups, the north-China sub- (Wang et al. 2021).
group and middle-south China sub-group (Wang Haplotype analysis in genotyped collections
et al. 2021). Among the 21 chromosomes, 3B including wild emmer, domesticated emmer,
and 7A were particularly prominent in being common wheat landraces, and Chinese modern
associated with the stratified domestication in cultivars based on the 660 K SNP genotyped
China, based on the standard Fst values for SNP data clearly revealed wild emmer (WE) was the
allele frequencies that differentiate populations donor for the hap-block in L1 (see Haps 1, 2, 4,
in two groups, namely Triticum aestivum-L1 and and 12 in Fig. 6.4). This is consistent with the
T. aestivum-L2 (Fig. 6.3). suggested intercross and genome introgression
When the differentiation of populations T. between common wheat and wild emmer (He
aestivum-L1 and T. aestivum-L2 were narrowed et al. 2019; Cheng et al. 2019).
down to the analysis of the crucial regions of GWAS based on the multi-year agronomic
280–375 Mb on 3B and 211.7–272.9 Mb on 7A trait phenotypes revealed strong association of the
in the CS reference 1.0 (IWGSC 2018), the Fst crucial region on 3B (280–375 Mb) with spike
reached 0.84 and 0.66, respectively (Fig. 6.3a; length (− log10 (p) ≥ 5.0). In Chinese landraces,
quantified in Fig. 6.3b), and were associated the northwest haplotype-group (L1) usually has
with grain size and length in multi-environ- longer spike and larger grains than the southeast
ment BLUP phenotype data (Wang et al. 2021). haplotype-group (L2). Breeding selection in the
Accessions in T. aestivum-L1 were mainly dis- seven decades from 1950 to 2020 favored the
tributed in northwestern China, whereas those L1-haplotypes from the wild emmer (Fig. 6.4;
in T. aestivum-L2 were mainly from central Hao et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2021). Therefore,
to eastern China (Fig. 6.4). The most distinct we estimate that this genomic region might also
96 X. Zhang and R. Appels

Fig. 6.3  Very strong geographic and genetic differen- arrows indicate FST values between L1 (blue) and L2
tiation happened in Chinese wheat landraces, forming (red), L1 and modern cultivars (M, green), and L2 and M
two subsets, L1 (blue) and L2 (red). The 3B and 7A lead on 3B and 7A. The red lettering along the arrows focuses
the differentiation among the 21 chromosomes. a Quite on the crucial genomic regions (3B: 280–375 Mb) and
distinct distribution of collections in L1 and L2. b The (7A: 211.7–272.9 Mb). The data along the dashed circles
FST value between L1and L2 along the 21 chromosomes, were FST values between subsets in whole genome of
which was estimated based on the 660 K SNP mark- wheat (adapted from Wang et al. 2021)
ers using CS R 1.0 as reference. c and d. The triangles/
6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic Diversity 97

Fig. 6.4  Haplotype network based on SNPs on 3B emmer (WE). Circle size is proportional to the number of
in cultivated emmer (CE), domesticated emmer (DE), accessions for a given haplotype. The short lines between
Northeast landrace group 1 (L1), Southeast landrace two nodes indicate the number of mutations
group 2 (L2), modern Chinese cultivar (MC), and wild

relate to NUE or WUE of cultivars. The great from hybridization of wild emmer with T. turgi-
increase of L1-haplotypes (including Haps 1, 2, dum cultivars. They are indicative of gene flow
4, and 12) in the modern Chinese cultivars (MC) between wild and domesticated populations
at this genome location also correlated with the (Matsuoka 2011). Dvorak et al. (2006) pro-
cooking style from full grain in history to wheat vided initial molecular evidence for existence
flour products today, because small grain was of introgressions from wild emmer (Triticum
favored in full grain cooking, but larger grain was dicoccoides) into common wheat, which was
favored in flour-product consumption because of indirectly supported by the fact that wild emmer
higher yield (Liu et al. 2014, 2016). Based on the usually existed as an accompanying weed of
analysis in the 10 + pangenome, we found large durum and common wheat in wheat origin/
structure variation (SV) existing in this region domestication regions. Hexaploid and tetra-
across the 3B centromere (Fig. 6.5). ploid wheats were also cultivated as a mixture
in the field in these regions (Matsuoka 2011).
The overall consequence was that the mixed
6.3 Frequent Gene Flow Between cropping provided opportunities for gene flow
Species and Its Effects between species through natural hybridization.
on Diversity The identity score (IS) is widely used to
reveal the parent’s genetic contribution to their
In Israel, wild emmer wheat with intermediate derived cultivars in breeding. The IS is defined
phenotypes grew at the boundaries of cultivated with reference to similar nucleotide sequences
areas. These wild plants may have originated present in two, or more than two, individuals
98 X. Zhang and R. Appels

Fig. 6.5  GWAS based on 660 K SNP array with multi- on 3B chromosome as indicated by the scores for Fst
year phenotyping data of landraces (NP) and biparental exceeding the significance cutoff, across the 280–375 Mb
population (BPP) indicated that high genome differen- region
tiation at 280–375 Mb was associated with spike length

through replication of the same ancestral copy of recombination has retained the intact of the
of respective sequences. Our IS graph file anal- introgression fragments, which retain regions
ysis based on resequencing analysis in com- rich SNPs in their comparison with CS reference
mon wheat (landraces and modern cultivars), genome (Fig. 6.7). We found that the evenness
wild emmer, domesticated emmer and durum of recombination rate along the D sub-genome
wheat, revealed frequent genomic introgres- chromosomes is much better than either A- or
sions between common wheat and wild emmer, B- sub-genome chromosomes. This might be
as well as cultivated emmer, where CS 1.0 was caused by the introgressions from wild emmer,
used as reference (light blue, IWGSC 2018). Of which mainly existed within the A- and B-sub-
course, more frequent introgressions between genomes of common wheat (Fig. 6.8). Sufficient
the tetraploid species were detected as expected, genome differentiation should happen between
because they shared the common genome the hexaploid and tetraploid AB genome, which
AABB (Fig. 6.6a). Independent research by prevents occurrence of recombination between
two other groups also revealed the wild exist- the “introgressions” and original homology frag-
ence of introgressions from wild emmer into ments. The great difference on recombination
common wheat (Fig. 6.6b) (Cheng et al. 2019; rate across the centromeres between 7A and
He et al. 2019). In addition, global wheat diver- 7B in Chinese modern cultivars directly sup-
sity research was also strongly promoted by ported our hypothesis of introgression suppres-
the establishment golden standard reference sion to recombination, because there is a large
genomes of common wheat and T. dicoccoides introgression detected on 7A across centromeric
and Triticum durum (IWGSC 2018; Avni et al. region (Fig. 6.8, ca 230–430 Mb, Cheng et al.
2017; Maccaferri et al. 2019; Pont et al. 2019; 2019; Hao et al. 2020).
Sansaloni et al. 2020), all of which were sequen-
tially perfected with the integration of more
assembles based on 3rd generation sequence 6.4 LD and Haplotype Blocks
reads (Zhu et al. 2021). in Wheat Evolution
Alien introgression usually reduces the and Breeding
recombination frequency and leading to strong
LD in natural or breeding population, which Linkage disequilibrium (LD) is a common phe-
results in decline of diversity in the respec- nomenon in the population genetics analysis
tive genome regions. However, the SNP den- of crops. For a long time, it was believed that
sity was usually increased because suppression strong positive selection for a gene usually led
6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic Diversity 99

CL: Chinese landrace, IMC: introduced modern cultivars. MCC: Modern Chinese Cultivars

NL: Northern Levant), SL: Southern Levant, Mix: other regions.

Fig. 6.6  Frequent genome introgressions between spe- also revealed reverse introgression from common wheat
cies in Triticum genus revealed by 1-IBD within the to domesticated emmer and wild emmer. b Genomic
A sub-genome chromosomes, where CS 1.0 was used introgressions detected in global common wheat on the
as reference and expressed in light blue. a Graph based 14 chromosomes of A and B sub-genomes from four
on (1-IBD) indicated frequent introgressions from wild wild emmer populations into common wheat (adapted
emmer to domesticated emmer and common wheat. It from Cheng et al. 2019)
100 X. Zhang and R. Appels

Fig. 6.7  A wild emmer introgression (~ 172–448 Mb) neighbor region without introgression (468–530 Mb) on
and their effects on SNP density, recombination ratio chromosome 4A. CL: Chinese landrace, IMC: introduced
(ρ), and genome diversity (π) in comparison with the modern cultivars

Fig. 6.8  Recombination ratio (ρ) along the three chromosomes of homologous group 7 in Chinese wheat landraces
(blue) and modern cultivars (red). There is more recombination disequilibrium on 7A and 7B than on 7D chromosome
6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic Diversity 101

to strong LD around the loci because of hitch- for chromosome 2B) haplotype blocks at regions
hiking effect. LD was usually affected by popu- across the centromeres, and smaller haplotype
lation diversity, selection pressure at the crucial blocks at the R1 and R2 regions (Fig. 6.9). The
loci, as well as recombination rate. We found identification of the R1–R3 blocks of chromo-
that chromosomes in A and B sub-genomes have some regions in the wheat chromosomes is
larger and stronger LD blocks in wheat (Hao based on the recombination rate characteristics,
et al. 2020). This might be caused by two fac- gene density, and tissue-specific vs household
tors (1) more QTLs controlling agronomic traits expression variation across each of the 21 wheat
on the A and B sub-genomes (Peng et al. 2003, chromosomes. The R1 and R3 designate the
2011). (2) Partial suppression of recombina- distal ends of the short and long chromosomal
tion along A and B sub-genome chromosomes arms, respectively; R2a and R2b designate the
caused by the introgressions from wild T. turgi- interstitial regions of the short and long arms
dum species (Figs. 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8). and the C region and identify the pericentro-
meric regions (IWGSC 2018).
The box plots in Fig. 6.9 provide a statisti-
6.4.1 Haplotype Block Size Along cal assessment of the R1, R2a, R2b, and R3
a Chromosome in Wheat designations across the wheat genome based on
recombination frequency and indicated that the
On each of the 21 chromosomes, five chromo- difference between C and the terminal blocks
somal regions were defined by the IWGSC, was significant. Consistent with this significant
based on the overall recombination pattern difference in recombination frequency, Jordan
observed in wheat (IWGSC 2018). There are et al. (2020) found that DNS scores assessing
fewer but very large (> 10 kb, Fig. 6.9a example DNA accessibility to Micrococcal Nuclease

Fig. 6.9  Size difference of haplotypic blocks along different chromosome regions in the upper panel derive
wheat chromosomes using 2B as an example (adapted from the overall recombination patterns observed in
from Balfourier et al. 2019). The designations for the wheat (IWGSC 2018)
102 X. Zhang and R. Appels

(MNase), and thus the more open or compacted mapped on the A sub-genome than either on B
state of the chromatin, were significantly higher or D sub-genomes, leading to stronger selection
(= more open chromatin) for the genome space on the A sub-genomes (Peng et al. 2011; Jordan
in the R1 and R3 regions. et al. 2015).
Haplotype-based breeding (HBB) can now
be proposed following the genome resequencing
6.5 Large Haplotype Blocks of larger number of cultivars, because it repre-
and Their Role in Breeding sents a promising breeding approach for deal-
ing with and identifying, superior haplotypes
Identification of haplotype blocks and big PAVs and their deployment in breeding programs
and tracking their variants in evolution and (Varshney et al. 2021). We propose that for self-
breeding are notable aspects in self-pollination pollinated crops with a long breeding history, it
crops in the current genomics era. The inves- will be possible to take advantage of hap-block
tigation of gene-network contributions to the identification to select ideal parent materials to
well-studied thousand grain weight (TGW) phe- achieve new high-performing cultivars via HBB
notype that contributes to yield in wheat, for (Figs. 6.9 and 6.10).
example, provided an unexpected influence of We dissected diversity features along chro-
structural variation for the presence/absence of mosomes 6A (Fig. 6.10a) and 1A (Fig. 6.10b)
the 5AS chromosome arm (Taagen et al. 2021). in cultivar subsets released pre- and post-devel-
A combination of transcriptome data and high- opment of the two hallmark Chinese cultivars
resolution marker maps for the TGW QTL ini- AIMENGNIU (AMN) and XIAOYAN 6 (XY6)
tially thought to be on 5AL, in fact indicated based on their pedigrees. Fixation of big hap-
that the QTL resulted from linkage to the pres- lotype blocks from 224 to 442 Mb, on 6A in
ence/absence of the 5AS arm. On a larger scale, post-XY6 cultivars were detected but relatively
the resequencing of 145 land marker cultivars higher diversity was retained in AMN-post cul-
in China, it was found that there were more tivars. From 100 to 300 Mb, the haplotype block
long-range haplotypes on A and B sub-genomes was fixed in post-AMN cultivars but not in post-
rather than on D sub-genome in common wheat XY6 on chromosome 1A. This indicated the
(Jordan et al. 2015; Hao et al. 2020). The first haplotype block carried by XY6 on 6A and that
reason was that the gene flow occurred from the carried by AMN on 1A provided sufficiently
wild tetraploid T. dicoccoides during early co- high-quality attributes for breeders to then retain
cultivation of tetraploid and hexaploid wheat, them. An interesting but less pronounced trend
where wild emmer was also present as a weed was also found from 178 to 472 Mb on chromo-
in wheat fields. This was therefore expected to some 2A, but with both XY6- and AMN-derived
result in a substantial increase in polymorphism new cultivars, this genomic region maintained a
on the A and B sub-genomes relative to the D higher diversity. This indicates haplotypes car-
sub-genome in modern bread wheat. This also ried by either XY6 or AMN are not sufficiently
partially, negatively, affected the homologous high-quality enough for breeders to retain them.
recombination occurrence within A and B sub- The very large sizes of the haplotype blocks also
genomes at crucial genomic regions because of highlight the feasibility of HBB in wheat.
differentiation on the intergenic repeats among
wild emmer, cultivated emmer, and common
wheat, leading to a very uneven distribution of 6.6 Human Selection and Gene
recombination ratio and SNPs along chromo- Diversity
somes (Fig. 6.8). The second reason is asym-
metric distribution of agronomic traits among Cloning the gene responsible of a trait or QTL
the three sub-genomes. There are more QTLs or and analyzing its natural variation to find valu-
genes controlling domestication and yield traits able new alleles is one major task for scientists
6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic Diversity 103

Fig. 6.10  Diversity features at key haplotype blocks cultivars (MCC). SNP similarity between AMN and
considering cultivars subsets released pre- and post- XY6, population diversity for each sub-set (pre-AMN
development of the two hallmark Chinese cultivars vs. post-AMN, pre-XY6 vs. post-XY6, MCC vs. CL) on
AIMENGNIU (AMN) and XIAOYAN 6 (XY6) as well chromosomes 6A (a), 1A (b). Adapted from Hao et al.
as within Chinese landraces (CL) and modern Chinese (2020)

working in crop genetic resources. Fine map- to GWAS-fine mapping in natural population.
ping of QTL through advanced backcross Through anchoring the flanking markers on
QTL analysis was regarded as the best reliable the RefSec v1.0, the candidate gene of Rht24
method for a long time (Tanksley and Nelson was narrowed down to 50 Mb region between
1996). However, QTL mapping-based clon- 400 and 450 Mb on 6A chromosome, which
ing of genes in wheat is very time-consuming was actively selected in breeding since 1990s
because of the complexity of genome and (Würschum et al. 2017).
polyploid nature. The gold reference genome It is very hard to precisely map genes at peri-
sequence promotes gene cloning via GWAS centromeric region through recombination in
under the assistance of gene editing and trans- biparental populations. But through GWAS, we
formation in wheat. The successful mapping of can use long historic recombinations to carry
Rht24 through GWAS in large collections using out mapping and dissection of the crucial region.
the CHINESE SPRING genome as reference For example, we found a grain thickness-associ-
for 6A is a landmark indicator for gene map- ated locus on the long arm of the chromosome
ping strategy that complements the QTL fine 5A marked by the peak SNP chr5A_430246395
mapping in biparental recombination population (− log10(p) = 4.17) because the region was
104 X. Zhang and R. Appels

Fig. 6.11  GWAS make it possible to precisely map and in KELONG 199. c Seed size difference between the
verify genes in the low recombination region using CS triplet mutant (DEP1-MUT) and wild type (WT). d
golden reference and historic recombinations under the Statistics difference between the DEP1-MUT and WT
assistance of genome re-sequence and gene editing. A on flowering time, grain length (GL), grain wide (GW),
grain thickness locus on chromosome 5A carrying the and grain thickness (GT). e and f phenotype difference
rice DENSE AND ERECT PANICLE ortholog TaDEP1. on plant morphology and spike. Adapted from Li et al.
a GWAS signals at 430.24 Mb on 5A. b Three homolo- (2022)
gous of DEP1 and their mutated sites by CRISPR-Cas9

overlapping with selection sweeps and con- We then used CRISPR/Cas9 editing to introduce
tained the wheat homolog of the rice DEP1 gene deletion mutations into all three TaDEP1 homoe-
(Fig. 6.11) that has been shown in rice to enhance ologs in cv. KENONG199. The edited plants dis-
grain yield by promoting nitrogen utilization effi- played significant (P < 0.01) reductions in grain
ciency (Huang et al. 2009; Xu et al. 2019). The size, the edited mutants also showed short stem,
LD block was ~ 1.3 Mb and contained 15 genes. more tillers, and compact spike (Fig. 6.11), con-
A total of 33 SNPs were present in the region. firming that TaDEP1 is a gene with pleiotropic
Haplotype analysis of these SNPs showed that effects and functionally essential for wheat grain
the grain thickness of accessions with haplotype size development (Li et al. 2022).
1 (Hap1) was significantly thicker (P < 0.001) There are more PAV and other SV in com-
than that of other accessions (Fig. 6.11), and mon wheat than other crops. Therefore, if the
these two sets of accessions also had signifi- agronomic target is located in the SV region,
cant increases in average thousand grain weight, there are likely to be difficulties to map QTL
but reduced plant height. The locus in fact precisely using biparent population, even in the
shows pleiotropic effects on multiple agronomic natural population by GWAS using a single ref-
traits and RNA-seq data showed that TaDEP1 erence genome. A graph of the pangenome for
expressed significantly different (P < 0.001) functional genomics and HBB in wheat would
between accessions of thin-grain and thick-grain. be a major advance.
6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic Diversity 105

6.7 Yield Genes and Their Diversity freezing winter conditions. Wheat cultivars
grown in different environments need diverse
For yield genes, because of their conserved vernalization characteristics to ensure flower-
characters among cereals, much work was car- ing and reproductive development at appropri-
ried out based on the synteny and collinear- ate time to meet the need for higher yield and
ity among cereal genomes, especially the good mature on time.
collinearity between wheat and rice. Three In wheat, flowering time is controlled by
very interesting points were found. The first is both vernalization system and photoperiod reac-
dominance of the three homologous genes in tion system together. For the vernalization,
the hexaploid species. The second is that most there are four genes, TaVrn1, TaVrn2, TaVrn3,
of the natural variations occurred within the and TaVrn4, that have been positionally cloned;
promotor regions of the crucial genes among TaVrn4 was identified as a duplication of TaVrn1
cultivars. The third is strong correlation of hap- (Yan et al. 2003, 2004, 2006; Kippes et al. 2015).
lotypes with the water and fertility of the soil as The expression level of TaVrn3 (FT) is the key
well as sunlight and temperature resources in element determining flowering or not flower-
growing season. For example, the GS5 was rec- ing. However, expression of TaVrn3 is strongly,
ognized as one gene strongly influencing grain positively, regulated by TaVrn1 and TaVrn4 and
size in cereals (Li et al. 2011), and in wheat, it PPD1, but negatively regulated by TaVrn2. Any
is preferentially expressing in young spikes and function mutants in TaVrn1, TaVrn2, TaVrn4,
developing grains, and positively regulating and PPD1 influence expression of TaVrn3, and
grain size. Among the three homoelogous genes, subsequently the flowering time. This provides
GS5-3D has the dominant expression, GS5-3B wheat with an extensive range of variation to
is almost silenced with very low expression adapt particular combinations of variants to grow
level, while the GS5-3A is seen to have medium environments through combining different alleles
expression levels (Fig. 6.12a). Only one SNP at the four loci. Mutations at promoter region
(T/G) was identified at 2334 bp downstream of VRN3 that result in a loss of binding site for
of the ATG start codon at the TaGS5-3A. Two VRN2 lead to complete loss of suppression of
alleles were detected on GS5-3A in world mod- VRN3 by VRN2 and result in a full spring type
ern cultivars, with average 6–7 g difference on wheat (Yan et al. 2003, 2004, 2006; Kippes et al.
thousand grain weight. The global distribution 2015). Furthermore, it was found TaVrn1 had
of frequency of larger grain size allele TaGS5- significant epistatic effects on flowering time
3A-T exhibited very good correlation with (Xie et al. 2021). Copy number variation (CNV)
water resources during wheat growing season was also detected at VRN1 loci, which nega-
(Fig. 6.12b). No diversity was detected at either tively influences expression level of itself (Diaz
3B or 3D loci (Ma et al. 2016). et al. 2012). In addition, TFs binding with cis
at promoter regions of VRN1, VRN2, and VRN3
often affecting wheat heading and flowering time
6.8 Adaptation of Cultivars (Liu et al., JIBP 2019a). Furthermore, genes in
to Environments the pathway of auxin were also involved in the
regulation of leaf senescence and re-mobility of
Based on the whether or not a cold temperature nutrients from leave and stems to grains in wheat
vernalization is required to promote flowering, (Li et al. 2023). A detailed summary of the ver-
wheat cultivars are classified into winter and nalization system and photoperiod reaction net-
spring types. This vernalization requirement works in wheat is provided by Sehgal et al. (see
prevents temperate plants from flowering under Chap. 11 in this volume).
106 X. Zhang and R. Appels

Fig. 6.12  Dominance among the three GS5 homeol- including 1 DPA, 3 DPA, 5 DPA, 10 DPA, 15 DPA,
ogy genes in wheat (a) and global distribution of alleles 20 DPA, and 25 DPA. The expression of TaGS5-3A
in modern cultivars (b). a Temporal and spatial expres- in the spike at heading stage was assumed to be 1. b
sion of TaGS5 homoeologues. SL, seedling leaf; SR, Distributions of TaGS5-3A-T and TaGS5-3A-G alleles in
seedling root; HR, root at the heading stage; HS, stem at wheat cultivars from different ecological regions. North
the heading stage; FL, flag leaf; 1 YS, 3 YS, 5 YS, and 7 America (I), CIMMYT (II), Europe (III); former USSR
YS, young spikes of 1, 3, 5, and 7 cm in length; SP, spike (IV); China (V); and Australia (VI)
at heading stage; various stages of grain development,
6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic Diversity 107

6.9 Disease-Resistant Genes wild species were also good resources to trans-
and Their Diversity fer resistance genes to wheat, such as the Pm21
from Haynaldia villosa, conferring durable
In one life cycle, wheat is threatened by many and broad-spectrum resistance to wheat pow-
diseases and pests. Some pathogens’ races, such dery mildew (Xing et al. 2018). The Fhb7 from
as rusts, powdery mildew change very quickly Thinopyrum elongatum has good resistance for
from year to year. Therefore, wheat disease fusarium head blight spreading in wheat (Wang
resistance breeding is a constant evolutionary et al. 2020).
arms race with their pathogens. Therefore, there
must be enough diversity in R genes for this
race. Fortunately, disease-resistant genes usually 6.10 Prospects
mapped at the high recombination regions (R1
and R3, Fig. 6.9) on chromosomes. Frequent The value of germplasm resources is in the
recombinations often create new variation and genes hidden within them. The value of a gene
PAV and CNV, which bring great opportunity to is determined by its activity per se as well as
create new genes for resistance. Therefore, clon- the genetic background in which it is recov-
ing R genes has been a high priority in wheat ered. Only by transferring them from un-adapted
molecular biology in the past 10 years and is germplasm into a good genetic background,
expected to continue to be a high priority. assaying their value, and integrating them into
Until now, there are three major types of breeding, we can truly activate them and realize
disease resistance genes cloned in wheat (see their value for human life.
also Chap. 10). Resistance genes with typi- Genome segment introgression is a major
cal CC-NBS-LRR domains, such as pow- source of genetic variation in wheat. Genomic
dery mildew resistance genes Pm1, Pm2, and regions of introgression have provided the hot
Pm3, leaf rust resistance genes Lr1 and Lr13, spots for structural variation that contains many
stem rust resistance genes Sr33 and Sr35. 2) dispensable genes such as tolerant genes to bio-
R genes containing Kinase-MCTP structure, stress and abio-stress. Wheat pangenomes will
such as the Yr36, has a START-Kinase struc- enable genome-wide high-resolution admix-
ture. The Pm4 has a Kinase-MCTP structure. ture mapping across species and help figure out
The Yr15 (WTK1), Sr60 (WTK2), and Pm24 causal genetic mutations underlying specific
(WTK3) have a tandem kinase structure. (3) traits (Lei et al. 2021). Furthermore, the pange-
Disease-resistant genes cording proteins with nome-based research of hallmark cultivars will
transmembrane transport functions, such as break through the limitation of having a single
durable resistance genes Lr34/Yr18/Sr57/Pm38 reference genome, for revealing the important
and Lr67/Yr46/Sr55/Pm46. There are rare natu- contributions of chromosomal structural vari-
ral mutants in landraces carrying good-resistant ations (translocation, inversion, duplication/
genes, such as the famous Fhb1, Pm5e which deletion, PAV) in the formation of variety traits.
encode an amino acid mutation in the NLR Therefore, a pangenome within and across
protein; the deletion of two amino acids in the Triticum species will be of interest for wheat
powdery mildew resistance gene Pm24 (WTK3) genomics in the next 5–10 years for interpreting
confers broad-scope resistance to powdery mil- and utilizing variation at the genome level for
dew. Besides common wheat collections, the breeding and evolution (Khan et al. 2020).
ancestral species of wheat usually contain abun- Crucial founder genotypes should be
dant disease resistance genes, such as Pm60 sequenced by the third-generation technology
from T. urartu, the Yr15 (WTK1), Yr36, and and carefully annotated. Using the founder gen-
Pm41 from the T dicoccoides, the Lr21 and the otype genome sequences as reference, a set of
powdery mildew resistance gene WTK4 derived genetics relative cultivars can be sequenced by
from A. tauschii. In addition, distantly related cheaper second-generation sequence technology
108 X. Zhang and R. Appels

to reveal the haplotype blocks contributed by the Balfourier F, Bouchet S, Robert S, De Oliveira R,
founder genotypes in their genomes. The track- Rimbert H, Kitt J, Choulet F, International Wheat
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type-based breeding. Using the newest breeding wheat genetic diversity. Sci Adv 5:eaav0536. https://
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crosses with core collections selectively back- Cheng H, Liu J, Wen J, Nie X, Xu L, Chen N, Li Z,
Wang Q, Zheng Z, Li M, Cui L, Liu Z, Bian J, Wang
crossing the hybrid for 2–3 generations can then Z, Xu S, Yang Q, Appels R, Han D, Song W, Sun
establish AB-NAM populations. It is envisaged Q, Jiang Y (2019) Frequent intra- and inter-species
that through intercrossing between good lines introgression shapes the landscape of genetic varia-
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for create super-lines for breeding (Tanksley and Vernalization-A1 genes is associated with altered
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ONE 7:e33234.
et al. 2021). In addition, tetraploid wheats (see pone.0033234
Chap. 8) would be an important and good gene Dvorak J, Akhunov ED, Akhunov AR, Deal KR, Luo
resource for the improvement of common wheat. MC (2006) Molecular characterization of a diagnos-
In view of the fact that the chromosome seg- tic DNA marker for domesticated tetraploid wheat
provides evidence for gene flow from wild tetraploid
ments from wild tetraploid wheat have suppres- wheat to hexaploid wheat. Mol Biol Evol 23:1386–
sion effect on recombination, it is recommended 1396.
that in the construction process of AB-NAM Feldman M, Levy AA (2012) Genome evolution due to
population, priority should be given to founder allopolyploidization in wheat. Genetics 192:763–774.
genotypes containing more introgressions from Hao C, Jiao C, Hou J, Li T, Liu H, Wang Y, Zheng J,
wild emmer to increase the recombination Liu H, Bi Z, Xu F, Zhao J, Ma L, Wang Y, Majeed
ratio, to create more variation, and efficiently to U, Liu X, Appels R, Maccaferri M, Tuberosa R, Lu
exclude the genetic drag from the wild species. H, Zhang X (2020) Resequencing of 145 landmark
cultivars reveals asymmetric sub-genome selection
and strong founder genotype effects on wheat breed-
Acknowledgements We appreciate Dr. Xinyi Liu, ing in China. Mol Plant 13:1733–1751. https://doi.
Washington University, St Louis, for his valuable help org/10.1016/j.molp.2020.09.001
on the archaeological and transmission and permission He F, Pasam R, Shi F, Kant S, Keeble-Gagnere G,
for use Fig. 6.1. We also appreciate Dr. Zhiyong Liu, Kay P, Forrest K, Fritz A, Hucl P, Wiebe K, Knox
Institute of Genetics and Development Biology, CAS R, Cuthbert R, Pozniak C, Akhunova A, Morrell
for his help on the disease-resistant gene diversity. PL, Davies JP, Webb SR, Spangenberg G, Hayes
Thanks should be given to Drs Paux, E and Balfourier, B, Daetwyler H, Tibbits J, Hayden M, Akhunov E
F, GDEC-INREA for providing Figs. 6.2 and 6.9 and (2019) Exome sequencing highlights the role of wild-
fruitful discussion under umbrella of CAAS-INREA relative introgression in shaping the adaptive land-
joint LAB. We also appreciate Mr Jiao CZ, Drs. Hao CY, scape of the wheat genome. Nat Genet 51:896–904.
Li T in Zhang group, ICS-CAAS, for their professional
work in preparing most of the genome diversity figures. Huang X, Qian Q, Liu Z, Sun H, He S, Luo D, Xia G,
Zhang X was supported by the Key Research and Chu C, Li J, Fu X (2009) Natural variation at the
Development Program of China (2016YFD01003) and DEP1 locus enhances grain yield in rice. Nat Genet
CAAS Innovation Program. Appels R was supported by 41:494–497.
the University of Melbourne as an Honorary Professor. IWGSC (2018) Shifting the limits in wheat research and
breeding using a fully annotated reference genome.
Science 361:eaar7191.
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6 Genome Sequence-Based Features of Wheat Genetic Diversity 111

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Ancient Wheat Genomes
Illuminate Domestication, 7
Dispersal, and Diversity

Alice Iob, Michael F. Scott and Laura Botigué

Abstract Despite these challenges, wheat archaeog-

enomics holds great potential for answering
Ancient DNA (aDNA) promises to revolu- open questions regarding the evolution of this
tionise our understanding of crop evolution. crop, namely its domestication, the different
Wheat has been a major crop for millennia dispersal routes of the early domestic forms
and has a particularly interesting history of and the diversity of ancient agricultural prac-
domestication, dispersal, and hybridisation, tices. Not only will this research enhance our
summarised briefly here. We review how the understanding of human history, but it will
fledgling field of wheat archaeogenomics also contribute valuable knowledge about
has already contributed to our understand- ancient selective pressures and agriculture,
ing of this complex history, revealing the thus aiding in addressing present and future
diversity of wheat in ancient sites, both in agricultural challenges.
terms of species and genetic composition.
Congruently, ancient genomics has identified
introgression events from wild relatives dur- Keywords
ing wheat domestication and dispersal. We
discuss the analysis of degraded aDNA in the Archaeogenomics · Domestication · Genetic
context of large, polyploid wheat genomes diversity
and how environmental effects on preserva-
tion may limit aDNA availability in wheat.
7.1 Shining a Light on the Past:
The Promise of Ancient DNA

A. Iob · L. Botigué (*)

Ancient DNA (aDNA) has fostered a revolu-
Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics tion in evolutionary genomics, as it allows direct
(CRAG), CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Campus UAB, observation of historical molecular diversity
Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain (Der Sarkissian et al. 2014). Previously, hypoth-
eses were based solely on the observation of
A. Iob modern genetic diversity, which is the end effect
of thousands of years of evolution, with the
M. F. Scott main caveat that the same pattern of genetic var-
School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia,
Norwich Research Park, Norwich, UK
iation is often consistent with different historical
e-mail: scenarios (Lawson et al. 2018). The analysis of

© The Author(s) 2024 113

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
114 A. Iob et al.

aDNA allows the genomic characterization of several important crops has been analysed,
populations at different points in time, adding a including maize (Ramos-Madrigal et al. 2016),
fundamentally new dimension to evolutionary barley (Mascher et al. 2016; Palmer et al. 2009),
studies (Gutaker and Burbano 2017; Orlando cotton (Palmer et al. 2012), bean (Trucchi et al.
et al. 2021). 2021), sunflower (Wales et al. 2018), sorghum
The very first aDNA analysis was conducted (Smith et al. 2019), watermelon (Renner et al.
on a mitochondrial sequence of a museum- 2019), and emmer wheat (Scott et al. 2019).
preserved quagga (Higuchi et al. 1984). Since In this chapter, we first give a very brief over-
then, the field of archaeogenomics has rapidly view of the history of wheat cultivation and the
flourished (Morozova et al. 2016), allowing for key genetic changes involved. The aDNA tech-
a better understanding of human, animal, and nology promises unique insights in this area.
plant evolutionary history. Recent advances in We review the wheat aDNA studies carried out
this field include sedimentary, epigenetic, patho- so far and their contribution to understanding
gens, and microbiome aDNA analysis (Key et al. phenomena that have shaped wheat genomes.
2020; Parducci et al. 2017; Pedersen et al. 2014; To conclude, we discuss the key open questions
Spyrou et al. 2019; Warinner et al. 2014). in this field and discuss the limitations posed by
aDNA has already had a remarkable impact wheat’s large polyploid genome and idiosyn-
on our understanding of human history, shed- cratic preservation. Our goal is to give an over-
ding light on important patterns of migration view of the important answered and unanswered
(Lacan et al. 2011), admixture (Yang et al. questions in the history of wheat cultivation and
2020), adaptation (Marciniak and Perry 2017), the promise of aDNA for resolving them.
population dispersal, expansion, and decline
(Nielsen et al. 2017). Notably, aDNA gave fun-
damental contribution to our knowledge about 7.2 A Brief History of Wheat
the genetic relationships between modern Cultivation
humans and their extinct relatives Neanderthals
(Weyrich et al. 2015) and Denisovans (Krause Human societies have relied on wheat for thou-
et al. 2010; Reich et al. 2010), the latter of sands of years. Thus, the history of wheat
which have only been identified through aDNA domestication, geographic expansion, and cul-
analysis. Similar insights have been gained in tivation has cross-disciplinary significance
other animals, such as dogs (Botigue et al. 2017; (Fig. 7.1). Understanding how wheat genetic
Leathlobhair et al. 2018), cattle (Daly et al. diversity has been shaped also has contemporary
2018; Verdugo et al. 2019), pigs (Frantz et al. relevance due to its continued nutritional and
2019), and horses (Gaunitz et al. 2018). These economic importance. Archaeogenomic studies
studies have led to a reassessment of previous aim to give new information about at least three
evidence and an overturning of the existing nar- key aspects of this process: domestication, dis-
rative (Librado et al. 2021). persal, and gene flow between different wheat
Now, aDNA promises a similar revolution species. To contextualize contributions from
in our understanding of how crops have been archaeogenomics, we briefly overview these
domesticated and spread around the globe, basic tenets of wheat cultivation history.
and the ways that these processes have shaped
genetic diversity. By revealing how crops have
adapted to new environments and what genetic 7.2.1 Domestication
diversity has been lost, aDNA can also set a
basis for future breeding strategies (di Donato Wild tetraploid emmer wheat was one of the first
et al. 2018; Pont et al. 2019b). Crop archaeog- species to be domesticated (Haas et al. 2018),
enomics is still in its infancy, but aDNA from during the so-called Neolithic Transition, in
7 Ancient Wheat Genomes Illuminate Domestication, Dispersal, and Diversity 115

Fig. 7.1  Wheat has been culturally important for mil- in 1922 CE, original ca. 1295–1213 BCE, public
lennia, and DNA extracted from ancient specimens can domain image from the Metropolitan Museum of Art).
reveal how humans have shaped crop genetic diversity. Right: Archaeological specimens of desiccated emmer
Left: Facsimile of a vignette on the tomb of Sennedjem wheat chaff from Egypt. Photo from Dorian Q. Fuller,
and Iineferti showing grain harvest in the abundant University College London, Institute of Archaeology
fields of the next life (painted by Charles K Wilkinson

parallel with humans’ shift from hunting and 1992). The exact location of the emergence of
gathering to agriculture and animal husbandry domestic emmer has been a long-standing con-
(Diamond 2002). The quintessential trait for troversy. In the 2000s, early genetic studies
cereal domestication is the loss of rachis brittle- started addressing this issue, with the so-called
ness: in wild cereals, the spikelets disarticulate cradle of agriculture theory (Lev-Yadun et al.
spontaneously from the rachis upon maturity, 2000). Further genetic studies had pointed to
ensuring seed dispersal and germination. In the Northern Fertile Crescent and specifically to
domestic cereals, the rachis is non-brittle; spike- the Karaca Dağ Mountain region as the centre of
lets remain attached, allowing easier harvesting domestication of emmer wheat (Luo et al. 2007;
but requiring subsequent sowing in the follow- Ozkan et al. 2002, 2005), mostly based on the
ing season in order to germinate. Because plants higher similarities between the genomes of the
with a non-brittle rachis depend on human modern domestic landraces and the wild emmer
action for dispersal, this phenotype has been from the Northern Levant, compared to that of
used to define domestication in cereals (Abbo the Southern Levant (Avni et al. 2017).
et al. 2014; Snir et al. 2015). Loss-of-function However, this monophyletic origin has been
mutations in the TtBtr1-A and TtBtr1-B genes on challenged with increasing evidence that differ-
chromosomes 3A and 3B are the main determi- ent wild populations have contributed to domes-
nants of such phenotype (Avni et al. 2017; Nave tic wheats. Several authors argue that domestic
et al. 2019). Therefore, alleles at these two loci emmer wheat arose from an admixed wild popu-
essentially distinguish wild from domesticated lation and that mutations for domestication traits
emmer wheat. Other traits that are favourable appeared in different chromosomes at differ-
in the human-mediated environment and most ent times and possibly in different places (Civáň
likely deleterious in a wild environment (Kantar et al. 2013; Jorgensen et al. 2017; Oliveira et al.
et al. 2017; Purugganan and Fuller 2009) give 2020). This is in line with the observation that
a more broad definition of the “domestication the domestic phenotype, which requires at least
syndrome” (Larson et al. 2014), like the loss of two independent recessive mutations, took mil-
seed dormancy and larger seed sizes (Haas et al. lennia to be established (Avni et al. 2017; Fuller
2018; Zohary 2013). et al. 2014). As testified by the archaeological
Wild emmer wheat has a very restricted dis- record, wild emmer wheat was first exploited
tribution, growing only in the Fertile Crescent in the Southern Levant, where increasing, even
region of Southwest (SW) Asia (Vavilov et al. though small, proportions of phenotypically
116 A. Iob et al.

domestic emmer wheat are found at different 2018; Pont et al. 2019a). The tetraploid that
archaeological sites as early as during Early Pre- contributed the B and A subgenomes to bread
Pottery Neolithic B (8700–8200 BCE) (Arranz- wheat has been a matter of debate (Sharma et al.
Otaegui et al. 2018). However, domesticated 2019), but considering the need for multiple
emmer is found in very high proportions in mutations to determine the free-threshing phe-
the Northern Levant starting from the Middle/ notype, the most supported (and most parsimo-
Late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (8200–6300 BCE) nious) models indicate that hybridization with
(Arranz-Otaegui et al. 2016). This indicates that A. tauschii occurred with a free-threshing tetra-
wild emmer was managed (a phenomenon often ploid (Zhou et al. 2020).
regarded as “pre-domestication cultivation”) The emergence of modern wheat is therefore
(Fuller et al. 2010) long before the domestic the result of three processes: (I) domestication
forms emerged, and that probably wild popula- of wild emmer wheat, associated with the loss
tions from across the Fertile Crescent contrib- of rachis brittleness; (II) crop evolution (often
uted to the domestic pool (Feldman and Kislev also referred to as crop improvement under
2007). The role of introgression from wild to cultivation), which includes the emergence of
domestic wheat has been demonstrated by sev- the free-threshing phenotype and adaptation to
eral studies, e.g. (Cheng et al. 2019; Pont et al. new ecological niches; (III) allopolyploidiza-
2019b; Przewieslik-Allen et al. 2021), even tion between a free-threshing tetraploid with A.
though the context in which these introgression tauschii, giving rise to bread wheat. We summa-
events took place remains unknown. rize these changes in Fig. 7.2.
Overall, archaeology and genetics point to a Perhaps surprisingly, hulled wheats con-
slow and geographically widespread domestica- tinued to be used for thousands of years after
tion process in which both the Northern Levant the appearance of free-threshing durum wheat
and the Southern Levant played an important and bread wheat. The slow and regionally spe-
role. cific shifts in wheat usage probably reflect cul-
tural practices and preferences (Nesbitt and
Samuel 1996). Also, increasing archaeologi-
7.2.2 Evolution cal evidence shows that early farmers relied
on a wide range of other domestic wheats for
Domestic emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum their subsistence, including einkorn, spelt, and
subsp. dicoccon) gave rise to today’s most eco- Triticum timopheevii alongside emmer and free-
nomically important wheats: tetraploid durum threshing wheats (Özbaşaran et al. 2018). This
wheat (T. turgidum subsp. durum) and hexa- is in accordance with the evidence for intra and
ploid bread wheat (T. turgidum subsp. aestivum). interspecific introgression that has been detected
These descendants differ from their ancestor in in modern wheat (Cheng et al. 2019; Zhou et al.
one character of great agricultural importance: 2020).
the free-threshing phenotype. Emmer is a hulled,
non-free-threshing wheat, and the extraction of
seeds from husks requires substantial mechani- 7.3 Archaeogenomics of Wheat
cal processing. On the other hand, durum and
bread wheat are naked and free-threshing: as Wheat archaeogenomics is a powerful tool to
the spikelets disarticulate from the rachis they investigate how wild wheat evolved into domes-
fall apart, releasing the seeds without further tic forms and how these domestic wheat varie-
processing. While durum wheat is tetraploid ties adapted to different ecological niches and
(BBAA), bread wheat is hexaploid (BBAADD) cultural preferences through history.
and evolved from the hybridization of tetraploid However, the limitations and the character-
wheat with the diploid wild goatgrass (Aegilops istics of ancient genomes have to some extent
tauschii), donor of the D subgenome (Haas et al. impacted the approach taken in this research
7 Ancient Wheat Genomes Illuminate Domestication, Dispersal, and Diversity 117

Fig. 7.2  Schematic representation of the domestication *For simplicity, we use the common name “durum
and evolution of the most economically important wheats wheat” for all free-threshing tetraploids, but other com-
today, showing important phenotypes and the mutations mon names are used for free-threshing tetraploids, and
that determine them. Basic information about the appear- it is not known which was involved in this allopolyploid
ance of the different wheats in the archaeological record event. This scheme is an adaptation of the model pro-
is given on the right. The small white hand represents the posed by Sharma et al. (2019)
investment of human labour in processing the harvest.

field. Before high-quality reference genomes We first overview wheat aDNA studies that
were available, most studies avoided whole- use amplification and then describe the first two
genome analysis and used a target and ampli- whole-genome analyses. Even though wheat
fication strategy. This mitigates the challenges archaeogenomics is in a germinal stage, the
of a large genome but gives much less rich results have shifted our understanding of wheat
genomic information. Furthermore, the primers genetics in important ways.
used for amplification mask the characteristic
patterns of degradation that are useful for ruling
out contamination by confirming the antiquity of 7.3.1 Target Gene Amplification
the DNA. Unlike these amplification methods,
whole-genome libraries can also be re-analysed The most common use of target gene amplifi-
to get more data without further destructive sam- cation has been to interrogate key genes or to
pling of rare material. For these reasons, ampli- identify wheat remains at the species level. The
fication approaches are no longer recommended x and y copies of the Glu1 loci were often the
for ancient samples (Gutaker and Burbano 2017; focus of early studies. These genes, present in
Prüfer and Meyer 2015). all wheat subgenomes, are located in the long
118 A. Iob et al.

arms of chromosome 1 and encode for the high Spacer regions (ITS1 and ITS2) and the Inter-
molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW- Genic Spacer region (IGS) from the nuclear
GSs), storage proteins present in the starchy ribosomal DNA for species level identification
endosperm cells of wheat. Allelic varieties in (Li et al. 2011). They also found early evidence
these genes impact the properties of dough for for hexaploid wheat in Northwest China around
bread making. Because of its effect over bread 1760–1540 BCE.
quality, the evolution of the HMW genes can These results highlight the high diversity of
provide insights into the nature of human selec- wheats consumed by humans during early agri-
tive pressures during wheat evolution (Allaby cultural expansion. Free-threshing naked wheats
et al. 1999). In this manuscript, authors surveyed first appear in the archaeological record between
these loci in a collection of modern and ancient 7000 and 5500 BCE (Feldman and Kislev
wheats, constructed a phylogenetic tree, and 2007). Early naked wheats co-existed with
obtained time estimates by using a substitution domestic and wild emmer populations (Bilgic
rate to calibrate the observed variation. By com- et al. 2016), giving opportunities for genetic
paring the genetic variability for x and y copies exchange. Along with the protracted period of
in each genome, they were able to determine emmer domestication, this probably explains the
that the genetic variability in these loci for the higher genetic diversity on A and B subgenomes
cultivated species predates domestication, point- of modern bread wheat compared to the D sub-
ing to either incomplete lineage sorting, multi- genome (Cheng et al. 2019). This demonstrates
ple domestication events, or introgression after how the details of agricultural history directly
domestication. Another study used a similar impact modern wheat diversity and breeding.
approach with the same loci to inquire about the Moreover, other wild Triticum species gave rise
origins of spelt (Blatter et al. 2002). They sur- to domestic forms during the Neolithic. These
veyed a collection of modern and ancient bread include the diploid einkorn wheat, Triticum
wheat and spelt specimens and determined that monococcum subsp. monococcum, that emerged
the high genetic variability of spelt compared from wild einkorn, T. monococcum subsp.
to that of bread wheat in the A and B genomes Aegilopoides (Nesbitt and Samuel 1996), spelt
are compatible with the origin of spelt being a (Triticum spelta), an hulled hexaploid, and
hybridization event between bread wheat and tetraploid T. timopheevii (domesticated from T.
hulled tetraploid emmer. timopheevii araraticum) (Wagenaar 1966), only
HMW genes have also been used to iden- recently classified thanks to aDNA analysis.
tify wheat remains at the subspecies level and The position of T. timopheevii within the
inform about its dispersal. Without associ- domestication process of wheat in SW Asia
ated chaff, it is difficult to distinguish between exemplifies the value of aDNA to gain insights
free-threshing wheats (e.g. bread wheat or on certain domestication processes. Briefly, due
durum wheat). Bilgic et al. (2016) targeted the to the technical difficulties in the identification
HMW promoter region in 8400-year-old speci- of T. timopheevii, for a long time its existence
mens from a notorious Neolithic site in cen- was questioned, and it was often unclassified,
tral Turkey, Çatalhöyük, to determine whether or ascribed to other wheat species, such as
the genetic variability characteristic of the D “New Glume Wheat”. Recently, archaeological
genome could be recovered, as a proof of that remains described as “New Glume Wheat” have
wheat being hexaploid. The finding of HMW been designated as domestic T. timopheevii
subunits from the A, B, and D genomes is quite based on aDNA evidence (Czajkowska et al.
remarkable, since it evidences the presence of 2020). The authors used the Ppd1 locus to iden-
hexaploid wheat at a very early point in time tify G genome alleles in “New Glume Wheat”
and highlights the importance of this settlement remains. This study has sparked the interest
in the expansion of hexaploid wheat cultivation. of the archaeobotanical community. Decades
Another study used the Internal Transcribed have passed since the first classification of
7 Ancient Wheat Genomes Illuminate Domestication, Dispersal, and Diversity 119

an archaeological specimen to “New Glume (Fernández et al. 2013). In this study, 126 grains
Wheat”. It was not until numerous remains of naked wheat in different preservation con-
of this type of wheat were found in several ditions (charred, partially charred, and water-
Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeological sites in logged) were analysed (Fig. 7.3 shows different
northern Greece and compared with other loca- preservation conditions of ancient wheat sam-
tions (Jones et al. 2000) that archaeologists were ples). Results showed that DNA extraction from
able to describe the distinctive features of this totally charred remains is virtually impossible,
wheat (Ulaş and Fiorentino 2021). Nevertheless, while DNA amplification of modern contami-
identification based on grain morphology is still nants is pervasive. Unfortunately, almost all of
problematic. The identification of New Glume the most ancient archaeological wheat speci-
Wheat as domestic T. timopheevii thanks to mens are charred, which is a severe limitation
ancient DNA analysis has had important ramifi- for future aDNA studies.
cations on our understanding of the complexity As mentioned above, one important limi-
of the domestication process in SW Asia and the tation of amplification-based studies is the
confirmation that multiple species evolved into confidence with which one can rule out con-
domestic forms, moving away from the “founder tamination. Commonly used indicators such as
crops” theory. T. timopheevii was actually cul- the fragment length distribution or deamination
tivated for a very long period of time in certain patterns are difficult to assess in target-specific
regions. New efforts are now being undertaken PCR amplification studies. In addition, Allaby
to revisit archaeobotanical assemblages and et al. (1999) reported PCR jumping, probably
reassess the relative abundance of plant species, related with the shortness of some fragments.
with the expectation that many grains classi- Their results showed patterns of linked diversity
fied as emmer wheat will now be classified as T. that did not exist in the modern pool and had to
timopheevii. manually rearrange the observed diversity so it
The HMW loci were also used, together with would match known modern haplotypes with the
the ribulose 1,5 biphosphate carboxylase (rbcL) subsequent potential biases.
and the chloroplast microsatellite WCT12 in Different strategies have been used to
the chloroplast genome to study the viability increase confidence in the antiquity of the data.
of DNA extraction on ancient plant specimens Allaby et al. replicated the results in situ with

Fig. 7.3  
Examples of different preservation condi- Filipovic (2014). Right: Waterlogged chaff remains of
tions of archaeobotanical wheat. Left: charred emmer Triticum cf. durum/turgidum from the end of the 5th mil-
wheat seeds from the Vinča culture in Serbia (middle/ lennium BC at the site of Les Bagnoles. Photo by Raül
late Neolithic; c. 5400–4600/4500 BC), published in Soteras, AgriChange Project, reproduced with permission
120 A. Iob et al.

the same specimen and produced blanks with 7.3.2 Whole-Genome Analyses
each extraction run. Czajkowska et al. (2020)
performed the extractions in laboratory facili- As with modern wheat samples, the genomic
ties where no wheat had been processed before, scale of archaeological wheat genetics has
hoping to preclude contamination. Bilgic et al. been expanded since the publication of refer-
(2016) processed all samples in two different ence genomes (Table 7.1). Nevertheless, only
facilities, so that replication of the results acts two studies have so far reported whole-genome
as a proof of authenticity. In spite of this, even sequence from archaeological wheat speci-
if contamination can be ruled out, it is not pos- mens. One has been the analysis of several bread
sible to distinguish deamination patterns from wheat remains from China to infer dispersal into
true polymorphisms. Therefore, phylogenetic the region (Wu et al. 2019). The earliest bread
analyses and interpretation of the accumulation wheat remains found in China date to approxi-
of variation through time should be taken with mately 4500 years ago in the north-western part
caution unless transitions (C/T or G/A SNPs) of the country, but the most interesting aspect of
are excluded. its dispersal is that upon its arrival, wheat had to

Table 7.1  Genomic information available for wheats and relatives mentioned in the text
Species name Genome(s) Genome size Common name Key phenotypes Reference
Aegilops tauschii D 4 Gb Tausch’s goatgrass Luo et al.
Triticum urartu A 4.5 Gb Wild red einkorn Brittle rachis, Ling et al.
hulled (2018)
Triticum monococcum Am 5.7 Gb Wild einkorn Brittle rachis, NA
Einkorn Non-brittle NA
rachis, hulled
Triticum turgidum BA 12 Gb Wild emmer Brittle rachis, Avni et al.
hulled (2017), Zhu
et al. (2019)
Emmer Non-brittle NA
rachis, hulled
Durum Non-brittle Maccaferri
rachis, et al. (2019)
Triticum timopheevii GA 5.7 Gb Wild Timopheev’s wheat Brittle rachis, NA
Timopheev’s wheat Non-brittle NA
rachis, hulled
Triticum aestivum BAD 17 Gb Spelt Non-brittle Walkowiak
rachis, hulled et al. (2020)
Bread/Common Non-brittle Appels et al.
rachis, (2018),
free-threshing Alonge
et al. (2020),
et al. (2020)
This is not a comprehensive list of wheat species/subspecies
7 Ancient Wheat Genomes Illuminate Domestication, Dispersal, and Diversity 121

be adapted to a wide variety of climatic condi- introgression from wild populations. The ancient
tions. Ancient wheat from two archaeological samples were used to genotype exonic SNPs
sites within the Xinjiang winter-spring wheat that segregate in modern accessions, at which
zone was analysed. Even though coverage was coverage was 0.48 X after quality control, yield-
extremely low (0.25–0.01x), the authors were ing approximately 100,000 high confidence
able to call more than 7000 SNP sites, com- genotypes. The authors used a haplotype-based
pare them with modern data from neighbouring approach to overcome as much as possible the
regions, and provide new evidence on wheat dis- limitations of aDNA analysis of polyploid spe-
persal in China, a still controversial topic. Their cies. Nearby sites that are not broken apart by
results were consistent with one of the routes recombination form co-inherited blocks called
that had been previously suggested: an early dis- haplotypes. A “haplotype reference panel”
persal into the Qinjianh Tibetan plateau, based combines information from multiple modern
on the highest genetic similarities between the genomes to characterise the haplotypic varia-
ancient samples and the modern ones from that tion at each genomic location (McCarthy et al.
region. Conversely, another ancient route that 2016). In the analysis of ancient data, when a
advocated for an introduction towards the east- sufficient number of genotypes can be iden-
ern region was not supported. However, more tified within a region, it is possible to assign a
data is needed to determine whether different known haplotype (or no known haplotype, as
gene pools were introduced to China and to may be the case when ancient diversity has
confirm that modern landraces correspond with been lost in existing populations) to the ancient
ancient ones from the same area. sample. At this point, non-sequenced geno-
Another whole-genome analysis of archae- types within the region can be deduced based
obotanical specimens looked at two desic- on haplotype assignment, a method called
cated samples of 3000-year-old emmer wheat imputation. Haplotypes are relatively long in
chaff (Fig. 7.4) from Egypt (Scott et al. wheat (Walkowiak et al. 2020) because self-
2019) to investigate early wheat dispersal and ing tends not to break apart haplotypes as much

Fig. 7.4  Desiccated emmer wheat chaff from Hememiah North Spur (Egypt) 14C dated 1300–1000 BC, analysed by
Scott et al. 2019. Photo by Chris J. Stevens, reproduced with permission
122 A. Iob et al.

as outcrossing. As a consequence, low cover- West (Mediterranean), to the Balkans (Eastern

age data is more likely to yield enough sites to Europe), to Transcaucasia (Caucasus) and
assign an individual to a haplotype. This method towards India and the Arabian peninsula (Indian
allowed Scott et al. (2019) to identify genomic Ocean) (Avni et al. 2017). The authors found
tracts tens of megabases long containing hun- that the ancient sample from Egypt resembles
dreds of genotypes that matched a modern modern cultivars from the Indian Ocean sub-
sample in the haplotype reference panel. These group, indicating a connection between early
included regions where important domestication emmer dispersal to the East (across the Iranian
QTLs had been identified, such that the domesti- Plateau and into the Indus valley) and to the
cation allele can be imputed and the phenotype South-West (Nile Valley). This is particularly
inferred. In contrast, other genomic regions did interesting in light of the fact that Ethiopia cur-
not match anything in the haplotype reference rently represents a region of genetic isolation
panel. and differentiation for tetraploid wheat. This
The data essentially confirmed that genetic ancient Egyptian sample also has signatures of
changes associated with domestication were gene flow with wild populations in the Southern
completed by 3000 years ago, prior to emmer Levant, which could have occurred during dis-
wheat dispersal to Egypt. Nevertheless, the persal towards Egypt or during Egyptian con-
ancient Egyptian sample carried more “unique” quests in the Ramesside era. We expect further
haplotypes than any other domesticated sample aDNA studies to connect historical events with
in the dataset, indicating regions where genetic changes to wheat genetics. Answering these
diversity has been lost. It is not yet possible to questions will not only bring a deeper under-
state whether this lost variation is associated standing of wheat evolution, but also human his-
with adaptation to local environmental condi- tory, which has been intimately linked to wheat
tions or confers other useful traits. Nevertheless, cultivation for millennia.
these results highlight geographic and genomic Overall, the field of wheat archaeogenomics
regions that may harbour genetic diversity that has yet to reach its full potential. However, the
has been used in the past and therefore might field is primed for new advances with the avail-
be useful in the present and future. Moreover, ability of reference genomes and a wealth of
while the highly repetitive nature of the wheat resequenced modern landraces for comparison.
genome increases the chances of misalignment While the prospects for studying DNA from
issues and subsequent inflated heterozygosity, charred remains are poor, many desiccated or
Scott et al. (2019) found that the estimated het- waterlogged samples have great potential for
erozygosity of the ancient sample fell within the further study. Archaeological research on water-
range of the modern samples. This suggests that logged sites is increasing, which promises new
reliable genotypes can be obtained from ancient material to complement the specimens currently
wheat, providing appropriate quality filters are in museums and collections.
used to restrict attention to sites that do not suf-
fer from alignment problems.
Important results from this study concern 7.4 Analysing Degraded DNA
early emmer wheat dispersal. Ancient routes from Ancient Polyploid Wheat
of dispersal generally define modern popula-
tion structure and overall genetic similarity Degradation and contamination are key compli-
but, with the changing usage of different wheat cations for the reliable analysis of ancient DNA.
species and the adoption of modern elite varie- To mitigate these problems, specific methods
ties, we have little grasp of historical popula- have been developed for sample preparation
tion dispersal and replacement. Contemporary and downstream analysis (reviewed in Orlando
emmer wheat subpopulations (landraces) et al. 2021). Even with appropriate methodol-
reflect the dispersal outside of SW Asia to the ogy, DNA from ancient and historical samples
7 Ancient Wheat Genomes Illuminate Domestication, Dispersal, and Diversity 123

cannot be used for all the applications that Ramos-Madrigal et al. 2016; Renner et al.
modern sequence data allows. We briefly over- 2019). Overall, excellent DNA preservation has
view these general principles of ancient DNA been reported from plant remains in desiccated
analysis, before discussing the specific issues and waterlogged conditions (Kistler et al. 2020).
posed by wheat, as all these factors should be Besides fragmentation, the DNA sequence
considered during study design and analysis. We itself undergoes modifications. Notably, a pro-
expect future methodological improvements to portion of cytosine residues lose an amine
address these challenges, raising the possibility group, becoming uracil residues, which code
of resolving further important questions in the as thymine during sequencing (Briggs et al.
history of wheat domestication and evolution. 2007). This hydrolytic deamination occurs more
commonly on the single stranded overhangs of
the fragmented DNA molecules. As a result,
7.4.1 aDNA Damage when aligned to a reference genome, sequenced
ancient DNA has a higher proportion of C-to-T
A prominent difference between ancient and misincorporations at the 5′ end of each frag-
modern DNA is that ancient DNA is much more ment. Double-stranded DNA libraries will also
fragmented prior to extraction (Fig. 7.5a). Most show a higher proportion of the complementary
DNA fragmentation occurs rapidly after death misincorporation, G-to-A, at the 3′ end of each
(Kistler et al. 2017), as the DNA “backbone” fragment after alignment.
breaks down through a process called “hydro- These characteristic patterns of degradation
lytic depurination”, which is biochemically found in ancient samples can be useful to the
predicted to occur more rapidly with exposure analysis, as they are proof of the sample antiq-
to water and high temperatures (Lindahl 1993). uity. Therefore, the most common approach
Thus, local preservation and environmental is to carry out a protocol developed for partial
conditions are key in determining DNA yield UDG treatment (Rohland et al. 2015). With
and quality in different samples. Nevertheless, this method, uracil-DNA-glycosylase (UDG)
fruitful DNA sequencing has been conducted is used to remove uracils (Briggs et al. 2010)
from plant tissue that is thousands of years in the inner region of the fragments, but not at
old and from tropical and warm environments their ends. In this way, some amount of damage
(Fornaciari et al. 2018; Mascher et al. 2016; is maintained, but it is confined to the fragment

a 20 b 3 prime end 5 prime end

count (millions)


15 C to T
frequency of

0.02 G to A

5 0.01

0 0.00
40 80 120 160 5 10 15 20 −20 −15 −10 −5
fragment length (bp) bp position relative to fragment end

Fig. 7.5  Characteristic patterns of DNA degradation sequenced library was partially UDG treated such that
in sequence from a 3000-year-old emmer wheat sample the misincorporations caused by post-mortem damage
(Scott et al. 2019). a Shows the raw distribution of frag- are confined to a few base pairs at the fragment ends,
ments sizes and b shows misincorporations relative to which are removed for further analysis
the reference genome after alignment. In this case, the
124 A. Iob et al.

ends (Fig. 7.5b). Similarly, the distribution of The data from controls is analysed alongside
fragment lengths is used to confirm that the the main sample to quantify the contamination
sequenced DNA is ancient, where large frag- and spurious signals likely to have been intro-
ments may indicate contamination. Finally, duced during DNA extraction. Contamination
paired-end sequencing of short fragments can also come from microbial decomposers that
will often result in the same base pair being invade tissues after death. A simple estimate for
sequenced twice, which can be used to improve overall contamination is the percentage of reads
confidence in the sequence (Jonsson et al. 2014). that can be aligned to the reference genome of
Standard bioinformatic protocols have been the targeted species, although other methods are
established for processing fragmented and dam- available (Peyrégne and Prüfer 2020). So far,
aged DNA. In general, standard approaches have the percentage of endogenous DNA (the DNA
been established for mapping short-read data to of interest) reported in whole-genome studies of
reference genomes and automated tools/pipe- ancient plants has been high, compared to ani-
lines are available for ancient genotypes calling mal studies. For example, reported endogenous
for downstream analyses (Peltzer et al. 2016; fractions have been 33–66% in emmer wheat
Schubert et al. 2014). Common methods involve (Scott et al. 2019), 5–90% in bread wheat (Wu
trimming off all the base pairs at the end of frag- et al. 2019), 7–54% (mean 44%) in common
ments that are potentially affected by damage bean (Trucchi et al. 2021), and 70% in maize
(Jonsson et al. 2014) and verifying that analyses (Ramos-Madrigal et al. 2016).
are unaffected when transitions (SNPs where Degradation and contamination limit the
the two alleles are either C/T or G/A and that applications of ancient DNA, relative to mod-
can include post-mortem damage) are excluded ern DNA. Firstly, the fraction of endogenous
(Korneliussen et al. 2014). We further note that DNA in well-preserved ancient DNA librar-
“reference bias” (preferential alignment of reads ies is far below that of modern DNA (which
carrying the same allele as the reference) is usually is > 99%). Because endogenous frag-
stronger in ancient data due to the shorter frag- ments are short, the sequencer will often read
ment size, so correction methods should be used through the DNA fragment and continue onto
(Günther and Nettelblad 2019). the adapter sequences used for library prepara-
For all these reasons, whole-genome tion. Sequenced adapter fragments must thus be
sequencing has become the standard in ancient discarded. Furthermore, if the sequencing has
DNA studies, while PCR-based approaches are been performed for paired-ends, the forward
no longer considered unless for very specific and reverse reads will overlap (and are then
goals such as genome identification, since they collapsed into a consensus sequence). Given
do not allow to verify the presence of these the low endogenous content and the short frag-
important patterns of post-mortem damage and ments, more sequence data is needed to reach
to exclude contamination. reasonable coverage. Nevertheless, when small
Contamination is a significant concern in amounts of DNA are present in the sample,
ancient DNA studies. Because the amount of it may not be possible to keep sequencing to
DNA preserved in ancient samples tends to be increase the coverage, since the library gradu-
low, relatively small amounts of contamination ally yields diminishing returns as more duplicate
from contemporary material can overwhelm the reads are sequenced (Link et al. 2017). For all
target DNA in the library (Renaud et al. 2019). these reasons, coverage tends to be significantly
Extraction and manipulation of ancient DNA lower in aDNA studies, when compared to the
therefore requires specialized facilities with expectations for modern data.
protocols that minimize contamination by mod- Overall, due to low coverage and short frag-
ern DNA (Fulton 2012). Standard practice is ments in ancient DNA, a typical approach is to
to create a control sequencing library without identify variable sites (e.g. SNPs) using modern
using the sample tissue (an “extraction blank”). samples only, then use ancient DNA alignments
7 Ancient Wheat Genomes Illuminate Domestication, Dispersal, and Diversity 125

to genotype the ancient samples. Fortunately, Ploidy and the high identity between sub-
this approach often yields sufficient high-quality genomes, estimated to be as high as 97–98%,
genotypes to perform analyses of interest, such supposes another challenge for ancient DNA
as estimating genome-wide relatedness, intro- studies. Even with modern samples, wheat
gression, and population genetic parameters. resequencing studies can only reliably observe
genomic regions that can be unambiguously
aligned using the read lengths available. The
7.4.2 Large Polyploid Wheat Genomes shorter fragment length of ancient DNA places a
practical limit on the portion of the genome that
The large genome of wheat (17 gigabases can be directly observed by mapping to refer-
for bread wheat) implies that whole-genome ence genomes.
sequencing of each wheat sample requires Heterozygosity is commonly used as an indi-
more resources compared to other organisms cator of misalignment problems. Because wheat
with smaller genomes. This cost is exacerbated is predominantly selfing (Golenberg 1988), most
in ancient DNA studies by the lower fraction sites should be homozygous in most individuals.
of endogenous DNA, which requires further However, various structural variants can cause
sequencing effort to obtain the same genomic reads from different genomic regions in the
coverage. In wheat, pre-designed probes are sample to be aligned to the same position in the
available for exons and promoters (Gardiner et al. reference genome (Fig. 7.6) with high mapping-
2019; Jordan et al. 2015), which reduce sequenc- quality scores, thus passing quality filters. As
ing costs by enriching for sequences that are a consequence, sample heterozygosity will be
captured by the probes used. In ancient DNA, inflated after calling genotypes. A common solu-
capture can enrich endogenous DNA (Hofreiter tion is to remove variants that are heterozygous
et al. 2015) but increase clonality and introduce in multiple samples, e.g. (Gardiner et al. 2019;
biases towards the sequence on the probes (Ávila- He et al. 2019). Recent data indicates that unde-
Arcos et al. 2011). Exome-wide capture has not tected gene duplicates are common within wheat
been reported for an ancient wheat. However, tar- subgenomes on reference assemblies (Alonge
geted capture might be useful to avoid repetitive et al. 2020). In general, polyploid wheat rese-
regions since short aDNA fragments give little quencing data will suffer from additional mis-
information about this class of DNA. alignments due to homeologous sequences on





Fig. 7.6  False heterozygosity introduced by mis-map- difference between the reference genome and sequenced
pings to the reference. Here, we consider two genomic genome (indicated in grey). The sample reads from the
regions (blue and yellow), which are homeologues or blue genomic region in b are best aligned to the yellow
duplicated regions that are relatively similar to one region of the reference. This results in a heterozygous
another. A site in each region is genotyped (coloured pur- genotype call, while all the true genotypes are homozy-
ple and green). In a, the sample is similar to the refer- gous. Thus, inaccurate reference genome assemblies,
ence so that reads can be aligned to the correct region, deletions, insertions, or duplications can all result in spu-
and the genotype calls are all homozygous, as expected rious heterozygous genotypes
for most sites in a largely selfing species. In b, there is a
126 A. Iob et al.

different subgenomes, but reliable genotypes of such changing perspectives. Because now
can be obtained from both modern and ancient we know that domestic forms took thousands
wheat provided appropriate quality filters are of years to dominate archaeological assem-
used to restrict attention to sites that do not suf- blages and that different wild populations seem
fer from alignment problems. Nevertheless, we to contribute to modern diversity, it is likely that
emphasize that care should be taken when meas- wheat domestication was not as severe, abrupt,
uring heterozygosity in polyploid wheats, espe- or geographically restricted as expected under
cially from ancient genomes. The limitations the assumption of a “domestication bottleneck”
in estimating heterozygosity are unfortunate (see Sect. 7.2). The presence of peculiar haplo-
because it is heterozygosity that is a common types in an ancient emmer wheat sample from
indicator of outcrossing and genetic variation Egypt showed that possibly genetic diversity
in the population, changes to which are key has been lost after emmer wheat domestication
questions in the history of cultivation practices and dispersal to Egypt (Scott et al. 2019), in line
(Smith et al. 2019; Trucchi et al. 2021). with what has been found for other species, e.g.
(Trucchi et al. 2021). In the case of wheat, more
ancient samples are needed to determine the
7.5 The Future of the Past: Open association (or lack of thereof) between domes-
Questions and Prospects tication and losses of genetic diversity.
for Wheat aDNA Second, it is unclear whether there is a mono-
phyletic “centre of domestication” for emmer
Crop archaeogenomics has already proved to be wheat in the Northern Levant. The contribution
a powerful tool to investigate phenomena such of the Southern Levant gene pool to domestic
as domestication, crop dispersal, and subsequent emmer has been detected in several studies, but
adaptation (Kistler et al. 2020; Orlando et al. its origin remains unsolved. Whether emmer was
2021). Studies on bean (Trucchi et al. 2021), sun- domesticated from a proto-domestic admixed
flower (Wales et al. 2019), and sorghum (Smith population, or if early domestic populations ben-
et al. 2019) showed that the “domestication bot- efited from extensive gene flow from the wild
tleneck” (i.e. the initial loss of genetic diversity is still to be revealed. It has been proposed that
associated with domestication) may not be as the high genetic similarity of modern domestic
intense as previously assumed. Ancient DNA to Turkish wild emmer could be explained by a
analysis has been used to trace the origin of some feralization of the very first proto-domestic pop-
important winemaking grape cultivars (Ramos- ulation (Civáň et al. 2013; Oliveira et al. 2020).
Madrigal et al. 2019) and brought insights on The analysis of wild and domestic samples from
the genetic basis of potato adaptation to the this region dating back to Pre-Pottery Neolithic
European climate (Gutaker et al. 2019). In maize, and Neolithic could help determine the origin
adaptation to climatic constraints (selected from of the domestic pool, and its relationships with
ancient standing variation within the domestic ancient and extant wild populations.
forms) has been identified as the main driver of The recent genetic identification of domes-
modern differentiation between populations (Da ticated T. timopheevii has triggered a re-eval-
Fonseca et al. 2015; Swarts et al. 2017). uation of its importance and abundance in the
archaeological record. This effort will be greatly
aided by a genetic survey of the modern wild
7.5.1 Open Questions specimens, together with ancient seeds. In gen-
in Domestication eral, it will be interesting to use ancient and
modern genetic data to compare the origins in
In recent years, some paradigms of domestica- space and time of parallel domestication events
tion have been challenged by new scientific dis- in wheat (emmer wheat, einkorn wheat, and T.
coveries, and wheat represents a good example timopheevii).
7 Ancient Wheat Genomes Illuminate Domestication, Dispersal, and Diversity 127

Prospects for the analysis of DNA from fully wild relatives) co-existed in the same area
charred remains are poor, which limits the direct for millennia, we can ask how much genetic
genetic analysis to unveil some of the earliest exchange was ongoing in Neolithic settle-
and most crucial events in wheat domestica- ments. While the vast majority of wheat culti-
tion. Nevertheless, we expect that improvements vated today is bread wheat, other free-threshing
in the modelling of genomic evolution and the hexaploids such as the Indian dwarf wheat or
increasing availability of waterlogged remains the Yunan wheat could have arisen from differ-
will allow to test alternative scenarios on top of ent hybridization events, since the phylogeny of
addressing questions concerning adaptation and the A and B genomes differs from that of the D
spread of wheat. genome (Zhou et al. 2020). Furthermore, forms
such as T. compactum (Club Wheat) have been
described (e.g. Kaplan et al. 1992), even though
7.5.2 Open Questions in Dispersal it is unclear whether these morphotypes are the
and Adaptation product of different hybridizations events or the
consequence of differential selective pressures.
The dispersal of wheat was accompanied by A comparison of the D subgenome in ancient
adaptation to different environments, leading hexaploids with modern Aegilops specimens
to the evolutionary success of this species. An could tackle this question and narrow down the
interesting example is adaptation to altitude geographic origin where these hybridizations
along certain dispersal routes. Wild emmer occurred.
wheat from the Northern Levant, the closest to Even more intriguingly, we can speculate
all domestic landraces, is always found at high whether introgressed genetic variation between
altitude. Its dispersal towards Egypt entailed different wheats was important for crop evolu-
cultivation at sea level, but emmer wheat grown tion and adaptation to different environments
on the Ethiopian plateau is cultivated at high such as adaptation to northern latitudes or to
altitudes again. There are two possible routes of heat stress. Einkorn wheat and spelt were impor-
dispersal leading to Ethiopia, one through Africa tant crops in central and northern Europe. On
and another through the Iranian plateau and the the other hand, hexaploid free-threshing wheats
Arabian Peninsula. The first one would entail a such as Indian dwarf wheat and T. compactum
second adaptation event to high altitudes. The are more commonly found in warm environ-
other would have always been cultivated at high ments. Studying changes in allele frequencies
altitudes, but there would require a longer dis- with the spread of these crops into new envi-
persal route. How did emmer wheat arrive to ronments would identify candidate adaptive
Ethiopia? The analysis of desiccated specimens regions, whose phenotypic effects and useful-
from the Arabian Peninsula, Sudan, and ideally ness could be analysed through crossing and
Iran could help to answer this question, as well genetic mapping. Learning from the phyloge-
as potentially unveiling genetic mechanisms for netic relationship between ancient wheat speci-
adaptation to high altitude. mens would greatly increase the power to detect
the genomic regions conferring adaptation to
those traits.
7.5.3 Open Questions in Hybridization Furthermore, besides the impact that archae-
and Speciation genomics has on our understanding of the past,
it has also the potential to set the basis for
Archaeological data increasingly suggests that future food security (Pont et al. 2019b), con-
different wheat species were used in a complex servation and breeding strategies, in the cur-
geographical mosaic that shifted through time. rent context of climate change (di Donato et al.
Given that several wheat species, i.e. emmer, 2018). During the dispersal of domestic plants,
einkorn, naked wheats, and T. timopheevi (and crops adapted to a multitude of environments,
128 A. Iob et al.

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Gene Flow Between Tetraploid
and Hexaploid Wheat 8
for Breeding Innovation

Elisabetta Mazzucotelli, Anna Maria Mastrangelo,

Francesca Desiderio, Delfina Barabaschi,
Marco Maccaferri, Roberto Tuberosa
and Luigi Cattivelli

Abstract an asset for the genetic improvement of bread

wheat. Tetraploid wheat, with a very large
Durum and bread wheat are two related spe- availability of wild and domesticated acces-
cies with different ploidy levels but a high sions, durum landraces, and cultivars, offers
similarity between the common A and B a large gene reservoir to increase the genetic
genomes. This feature, which allows a con- diversity of A and B genomes in bread wheat.
tinuous gene flow between the two species, Moreover, thanks to the possibility of crossing
can be exploited in breeding programs to durum wheat with Aegilops tauschii, synthetic
improve key traits in both crops. Therefore, hexaploid lines are generated which show
durum wheat, despite covering only 5% of a much larger genetic diversity also in the D
cultivated wheat worldwide, also represents genome compared to common wheat. The
genome sequences of wild emmer, durum,
E. Mazzucotelli · F. Desiderio · D. Barabaschi ·
and bread wheat provide power tools for gene
L. Cattivelli (*) cloning and comparative genomics that will
CREA, Research Centre for Genomics and also facilitate the shuttling of genes between
Bioinformatics, Via San Protaso, 302, 29017 tetraploid and hexaploid wheats.
Fiorenzuola d’Arda, Italy
E. Mazzucotelli
F. Desiderio Tetraploid · Synthetic wheat · Gene flow ·
e-mail: Selection signatures · Wild germplasm
D. Barabaschi
A. M. Mastrangelo 8.1 Introduction
CREA, Research Centre for Cereal and Industrial,
SS 673, 71122 Foggia, Italy Durum wheat (tetraploid) and bread wheat
(hexaploid) are two closely related species with
M. Maccaferri · R. Tuberosa potentially different adaptation capacities and
Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences,
University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy only a few distinct technological properties that
e-mail: make durum semolina and wheat flour more
R. Tuberosa suitable for pasta or bread and bakery products,
e-mail: respectively (Mastrangelo and Cattivelli 2021).

© The Author(s) 2024 135

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
136 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

The history of wheat began with the domes- cultivated form of tetraploid wheat during the
tication of wild emmer wheat (WEW, Triticum last 3000 years. Nowadays, élite durum wheat
turgidum ssp. dicoccoides) in the mountains cultivars (DWCs) and durum wheat landraces
of the Fertile Crescent around 12–10 thousand (DWLs) grow in different environments around
years ago, which gave rise to the first domesti- the Mediterranean Basin and are of major impor-
cated form (domesticated emmer wheat, DEW, tance for grain production and for staple food,
T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum) and a first domes- respectively (Fig. 8.2).
tication sweep related to Brittle rachis (Btr) The expansion of emmer cultivation toward
trait. Then, human selection of natural muta- the Transcaucasian corridor promoted an addi-
tions at a few loci associated with the domesti- tional natural hybridization of tetraploid forms
cation syndrome (i.e., Tg tenacious glume and with Aegilops tauschii (genome DD) and the
Q compact spike) allowed for the selection of emergence of the hexaploid bread wheat (T.
wheat forms with square-shaped spikes, soft aestivum L. ssp. aestivum, genome AABBDD)
glumes, and non-hulled grains improving with (Dubcoksky and Dvorak 2007). As a result,
an improved threshing efficiency, grain size and durum and bread wheat share the A and B
uniformity, productivity, and suitable for a more genomes and a long evolutionary history.
widespread cultivation. This phenotypic evolu-
tion together with hybridization between different
forms (Matsuoka 2011) led to free-threshing sub- 8.2 Tetraploid Genetic Resources
species (T. turgidum ssp. turgidum, ssp. turani-
cum, ssp. polonicum, ssp. carthlicum, and ssp. Most of wheat genetic diversity is contributed
durum, Fig. 8.1), all inter-fertile and sharing the by tetraploid wheat genetic resources, particu-
same AABB genomic configuration. Hulled and larly primitive tetraploids and wild and domes-
free-threshing forms played a crucial role in the ticated emmer. Indeed, the bottleneck effect,
development of Mediterranean civilizations. They caused by the evolutionary recent hybridization
were at the base of early agricultural movements events from which hexaploid wheat has evolved,
leading to agriculture systems based on tetraploid has strongly limited its genetic diversity com-
wheat. Among the different subspecies, durum pared to tetraploid and diploid wheats (Cox
wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum) became the major 1997). Therefore, tetraploid wheat germplasm


Fig. 8.1  Examples of spikes of some subspecies belonging to the species Triticum turgidum
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 137

Đǀ͘&ůĂŬŝƚ Đǀ͘hĚĞ Đǀ͘dƌŝŶĂŬƌŝĂ Đǀ͘DĞƌŝĚŝĂŶŽ Đǀ͘sĂůŶŽǀĂ

Fig. 8.2  Morphological and color variability for spikes of T. turgidum ssp durum cultivars

represents a strategic reservoir of alleles for both modern DWCs, and (iii) breeding programs.
durum and bread wheat improvement (Marone They have been characterized for population
et al. 2021). The International Maize and Wheat structure, genome-wide molecular diversity, and
Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and the linkage disequilibrium (LD)-decay rate as esti-
International Center for Agricultural Research in mated with either multi-allelic (SSRs) and/or
the Dry Areas (ICARDA) have the largest col- bi-allelic (DArT™, AFLPs) markers in earlier
lections of tetraploid wheat, with approximately studies (Maccaferri et al. 2005; Mantovani et al.
27,500 and 22,500 accessions, respectively, 2008; Laidò et al. 2013; Roncallo et al. 2019)
including 22,000 and 20,000 durum wheat or more recently with the Illumina iSelect 90K
accessions. The ICARDA gene bank stores more SNP array (Maccaferri et al. 2016; Saccomanno
than 15,700 accessions of DWL and traditional et al. 2018; N’Diaye et al. 2018) and the Axiom
cultivars, while CIMMYT retains a larger col- 35K array (Kabbaj et al. 2017). All these stud-
lection of domesticated emmer wheat (around ies have generated an in-depth description of
3000 accessions). A wide tetraploid wheat diver- genetic diversity and differentiation within/
sity is conserved by the National Small Grains among subspecies and subgroups with a focus
Germplasm Research Facility at USDA-ARS on both temporal and spatial trends, particularly
where approximately 12,500 accessions are con- targeting the cultivated and DWL germplasm.
served, with a large representation of primitive Following the publication of the first high-
tetraploid subspecies (T. turgidum ssp. poloni- density SNP-based consensus map of tetra-
cum, ssp. carthlicum, ssp. turanicum, and ssp. ploid wheat (Maccaferri et al. 2015) and the
turgidum) and more than 900 WEW accessions. first release of the durum wheat reference
Many national gene banks also retain important genome of cultivar SVEVO, many SSRs and
local germplasm resources which include his- iSelect 90K wheat SNPs have been anchored
torical materials and the predominant remaining on the durum genome sequence, thus providing
landraces (Robbana et al. 2019). opportunities for genetic insights on relevant
Many studies have reported on the assem- genomic regions (Maccaferri et al. 2019). Two
bly and characterization of panels of tetraploid recent collaborative studies provided germplasm
genotypes, from tens of genotypes to many panels and advanced in-depth analysis sup-
hundreds of entries of wider origin. These porting a detailed knowledge at the molecular
germplasm collections are representative of level of the historical loss of diversity events.
(i) subspecies, (ii) specific geographic regions The identification of favorable allelic combina-
including local DWLs, historical cultivars, and tions progressively accumulated over repeated
138 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

breeding cycles is instrumental for a more effec- the development of the Global Durum Panel
tive management of breeding. In the first study, (GDP), a collection targeting mainly the cultivated
the International Durum Wheat Sequencing durum germplasm, and fully genotyped with the
Consortium supported a comprehensive analysis Illumina iSelect 90K wheat SNP array. The GDP
of genetic diversity in tetraploids which entailed genetic diversity is described in Mazzucotelli et al.
the organization of the single seed descent (2020). The two collections have been assem-
Tetraploid Germplasm Collection (TGC) and bled, seed increased and made freely available
its genetic diversity analysis using the Illumina for research with the aim to facilitate the inven-
iSelect 90K SNP array, projected onto the Svevo tory, molecular and phenotypic characterization,
genome (Maccaferri et al. 2019; Fig. 8.3). and use of tetraploid genetic resources for durum
At the same time, the Wheat Initiative through and bread wheat improvement. The collections
the durum wheat-expert working group supported are maintained at ICARDA (Morocco), University

Fig. 8.3  Population structure of the Tetraploid wheat taxa/populations based on Nei’s genetic distances,
Germplasm Collection (TGC) composed of 1856 acces- PCA and Admixture are indicated by color code (modi-
sions of tetraploid wheat. a Neighbor joining tree from fied from Maccaferri et al. 2019). The analyses of popu-
Nei’s genetic distances on the TGC. b Principal com- lation structure concord to highlight five major subpopu-
ponent analysis plot of the TGC calculated based on lations: wild emmer wheat, domesticated emmer wheat,
genome-wide linkage disequilibrium-pruned SNPs. durum wheat landraces from Ethiopian, durum wheat
c Admixture analyses of the TGC with k (number of landraces from Asian and Mediterranean regions, and
populations assumed for the analysis) from 2 to 20. durum wheat cultivars
Correspondence between branches and main tetraploid
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 139

of Bologna (Italy), and CREA-Research Centre south-eastern Turkish subpopulations are more
for Genomics and Bioinformatics (Italy). Related closely related to DEWs than any other wild
information and genotypic data are accessible at emmer populations, but the monophyletic ori-
the GrainGenes database ( gin of DEW is still debated. Whole genome
gov/GG3/global_durum_genomic_resources). analysis based on multi-locus assays pointed
out that the wild emmer populations from the
Karacadağ region west of Diyarbakir and from
8.2.1 Wild Emmer Shows the Widest the Sulaimanyia region along the Iraq/Iran bor-
Range of Adaptation der appeared the most closely related to DEW
to Environment and Retains (Ozkan et al. 2011) with a further molecular
the Highest Level of Genetic indication in favor of the Diyarbakir WEW (Luo
Diversity Genome-Wide et al. 2007). Later analyses supported the reticu-
lated origin including sharing phylogenetic sig-
WEW is an annual, predominantly self-polli- nals with wild populations from all parts of the
nating allotetraploid species with large, elon- wild range (Civan et al. 2013). Recently, a study
gated grains and brittle ears disarticulating at from Nave et al. (2021) focused on the Brittle
maturity into spikelets. Molecular data indi- Rachis gene (BTR1), a fundamental gene for
cate that WEW is about 500,000 years old, wheat domestication present in the two home-
resulting from a hybridization event between ologous copies BTR1-A and BTR1-B. Haplotype
two wild diploid grasses that took place in the sequences showed that for the BTR1-A locus,
Fertile Crescent, probably in the vicinity of Mt. the domestic BTR1-A-hap11 is highly related
Hermon and the catchment area of the Jordan to the WEW founder haplotype BTR1-A-hap10
River where a center of WEW diversity has been which is ubiquitous in both northern and south-
reported (Dvorak and Akhunov 2005; Feldman ern Fertile Crescent, while for the BTR1-B
and Kislev 2007). WEW is naturally distrib- copy, the domesticated haplotype BTR1-B-hap8
uted in the Near East Fertile Crescent with two was derived from the wild haplotype BTR1-B-
major races which are geographically, morpho- hap7 found only in the southern Levant. This
logically, and genetically distinct: (1) the north- indicated that at least part of the domestication
eastern part of the Fertile Crescent, with main process of WEW occurred outside of the “core
populations found in north- and central-eastern area” of the northern part of the Fertile Crescent
Turkey, western Iran, and northern Iraq; (2) (Nave et al. 2021).
the western race found in the southern Levant, Each WEW race is genetically further sub-
including Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel. divided in subpopulations with a pattern that
Apart from dense and frequent natural popu- mirrors the geographic origin (Luo et al.
lations found in the upper Jordan valley catch- 2007; Ozkan et al. 2011; Badaeva et al. 2015;
ment area in Israel, and massive stands on the Maccaferri et al. 2019). Up to 12 well-distinct
basalt slopes of the Karacadağ (Şanlıurfa and populations and subpopulations were identified
Diyarbakır provinces) in Turkey, WEW cur- by Admixture analysis in the TGC (Maccaferri
rently displays a patchy distribution in the et al. 2019; Fig. 8.4a). Moreover, it was shown
region, with populations being semi-isolated that populations belonging to the eastern race
or isolated. Its habitats range in altitude from were less diverse than those collected in the
100 m below sea level up to 1800 m above sea Levant. Notably, the genetic structure of the
level, with very different climatic regions from western population also correlates with differ-
cool and humid Karacadağ Mountains to hot and ences in morphologic features. Indeed, most of
dry valleys in Israel (Nevo et al. 2002). the western populations belong to the horanum
The domestication dynamics of WEW are botanical variety and include accessions with a
still unclear, though several pieces of the puz- slender habit, while northern Israel is specifi-
zle have been identified. In present days, the cally inhabited by the subpopulation judaicum
140 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

Fig. 8.4  Admixture analysis of wild emmer, emmer, and wheat accessions with K from 2 to 12; b domesticated
landraces included in the TGC, represented as bar plots emmer wheat accessions with K from 2 to 20; c durum
of Q membership coefficients (modified from Maccaferri wheat landrace accessions with K from 2 to 12
et al. 2019). More in detail results of: a wild emmer

which includes tall accessions with upright confirmed that Yr15 gene is present only in
habitus, wide spikes with large grains, and more northern Israeli populations and distributed
fertile than the rest of WEWs in the western along a narrow mountain ridge of about 100 km
area (Poyarkova et al. 1991). Ecological vari- from Mt. Carmel to Mt. Hermon regions, mainly
ables also play an important role in shaping the at an elevation higher than 500 m above sea
genetic structure of WEW. Indeed, loci under level (Klymiuk et al. 2019a; He et al. 2020).
positive selection significantly correlated with Thus, it seems that selection pressure exerted by
eco-geographical factors (e.g., geographic loca- the pathogen is affecting the host-parasite inter-
tion, temperature, water availability, singly or actions and co-evolution and shapes the distri-
in combination) for allele frequency suggesting bution of resistance genes among wild emmer
that natural selection could have created regional populations.
divergence in WEW (Ren et al. 2013). An exam-
ple of natural selection shaping WEW genetic
diversity is provided by Yr15, a broad spectrum 8.2.2 Emmer Wheat, the First
disease resistance gene cloned in WEW belong- Domesticated Wheat
ing to the family of tandem kinase-pseudoki-
nase proteins (Klymiuk et al. 2018). Northern DEW was a widely cultivated staple crop in the
regions of Israel show climatic conditions more Near East, ancient Mesopotamia, and Egypt for
favorable for stripe rust pathogen development over 7000 years during the Neolithic period.
with respect to the southern regions. A large The decline started in Turkey during the Bronze
screening of wild emmer natural populations Age about 5000 years ago when it was replaced
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 141

by naked wheats (T. durum and/or T. aestivum), of cultivated spring emmer wheat. Three major
while in Europe its cultivation continued until groups were recognized: an “African subpopu-
about 2000 years ago with a long and slow lation” with mostly accessions from Ethiopia,
decline. Today, DEW can be found only in mar- Kenya, and Morocco, the “European subpopula-
ginal areas and some isolated traditional farming tion” with accessions from southern and western
communities in the Balkans and Mediterranean Europe, and an “Asian subpopulation” grouping
countries, Iran, Armenia, Ethiopia, Yemen, accessions from eastern and western Asia. About
Oman, and India. Recently, it has been re-dis- DEW, the TGC collection included up to 335
covered by the organic food industry for bread unique, non-admixed DEWs comprehensively
and cookie production. sampled from gene banks worldwide. Their
Geographical expansion of DEW was inti- analysis clearly evidenced the presence of at
mately associated with historical human migra- least six well-distinct main populations evolved
tions and spread from the Fertile Crescent with based on the human-driven dispersal along
a typical star-like dispersal mode. Indeed, four the main already described migration routes
major diffusion routes out of the Fertile Crescent (Maccaferri et al. 2019; Fig. 8.4b). The diversity
have been postulated (Badaeva et al. 2015). The analysis evidenced the already described high
expansion of DEW was a long and complex pro- stratification level consisting of six main popula-
cess in which emmer genotypes became adapted tions and up to 18 subpopulations corresponding
to new habitats and climates. The genetic struc- to: (1–2) two distinct and ancestral populations
ture of DEW populations was affected, among from the southern Levant, (3) a population close
other factors, by exchange of seed stock dur- relative of the southern Levant populations but
ing migration and by gene flow between wild distinct and evolved in southern Europe, (4) a
and domesticated wheats or between different population evolved along the dispersal route
locally adapted DEW populations. Turkey-to-Balkans, (5) a distinct population
Few studies have focused on the genetic evolved along the Turkey-to-Transcaucasia/Iran,
structure of the DEW germplasm. A clus- and (6) an early-separated population evolved
ter analysis, based on karyotypic information and spread from Oman-to-India/Ethiopia.
on a comprehensive collection of 446 DEW All these data pointed out the presence of a
lines from 47 countries, identified four groups considerable level of diversity naturally evolved
(Balkan, Asian, European, and Ethiopian) that post-domestication in adaptation to environ-
allowed the authors to postulate four major ments and well differentiated from the native
diffusion routes of the crop out of the Fertile Fertile Crescent (southern Levant and Turkey).
Crescent (Badaeva et al. 2015). Notably, The unique application of genome-wide associa-
although specifically evolved in certain geo- tion studies (GWASs) reported so far on DEW
graphic regions, populations of DEW usually also indicated high genetic diversity. Indeed, the
included representatives of more than one kary- same collection showed to be a rich source of
otypic group at different frequencies. This mix- stripe rust resistance loci very useful for wheat
ture of karyotypic groups probably originated improvement (Liu et al. 2017a, 2017b). Among
from multiple crop introductions/exchanges by the 51 loci for resistance including genes effec-
successive waves of colonizing civilizations, tive in multiple field environments or against
which swept across Europe, the Mediterranean, multiple races, a large proportion mapped dis-
and Asia. This clustering partially agrees with tantly from previously reported stripe rust resist-
the population structure highlighted by Liu et al. ance genes or QTLs and provide novel resistance
(2017a, 2017b) on a collection of 176 spring loci. Notably, African germplasm showed a
accessions representing a large portion of the higher frequency of resistant genotypes to stripe
worldwide genetic diversity in the gene pool rust than the other two subpopulations.
142 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

8.2.3 Variable Human traditional DWLs are usually tall plants and are
and Environmental Pressures often cultivated for both grain and straw, where
Have Affected Divergence in case yield is too low or even fail due to high
of Durum Wheat Landraces temperature and drought the straw can still be
harvested. Thus, crop diversity managed by
Similar to DEW, the southern Levant is the smallholder farmers in traditional agro-systems
center of origin of T. turgidum ssp. durum is the outcome of historical and current processes
(Vavilov 1951; Feldman 2001). The first evi- interacting at various spatial scales and influ-
dence of durum wheat dates ~7500–6500 years enced by local factors such as farming practices
ago (Faris 2014). Then, it spread throughout and environmental constraints. Due to their evo-
the same migration routes already described for lutionary dynamics, landraces strongly represent
DEW through substantially independent path- the diversity of semiarid and marginal conditions.
ways with limited evidence of gene flow and/or Indeed, evidence supports the hypothesis that
admixture between DEW and DWL (Maccaferri DWLs harbor the largest source of biodiversity
et al. 2019). within the cultivated durum germplasm, includ-
The dispersal routes moved durum wheat ing documented resilience to abiotic stresses and
west throughout the Mediterranean Basin up resistance to pests and diseases which could be
to the Iberian Peninsula, probably via trading used to enrich the modern wheat genetic reper-
by Phoenician merchants and along the cara- toire for the improvement of commercially valu-
van’ routes along the Sahara desert or the North able traits (Lopes et al. 2015).
African coasts (Bozzini 1988), and east through Many studies have focused on panels of lan-
the Silk Road to Asia (Waugh 2010). Following drace accessions from a restricted country/area,
another early dispersal route to Ethiopia, an as those from southern Italy (Marzario et al.
independent origin of durum wheat by a sepa- 2018; Mangini et al. 2018), Iran (Seyedimoradi
rate domestication of naked emmer has been et al. 2016), Spain (Giraldo et al. 2016; Ruiz
suggested to have occurred in Ethiopia and have et al. 2012), Tunisia (Robbana et al. 2019; Slim
originated T. durum ssp. abyssinicum which is et al. 2019; Ouaja et al. 2021), Turkey and Syria
morphologically different from other durum (Baloch et al. 2017), Palestine, Jordan and Israel
wheat accessions, with uncompact spikes and (Abu-Zaitoun et al. 2018), Morocco (Kehel et al.
small purple seeds (Mengistu et al. 2015, 2016). 2013; Sahri et al. 2014), and Ethiopia (Mengistu
In addition, natural and anthropogenic selec- et al. 2016; Alemu et al. 2020).
tion in DEW during human migration resulted Different drivers of population restructuring
in the establishment of local DWLs specifically have emerged from the analysis of these collec-
adapted to a diversity of agro-ecological zones tions. A collection of 91 DWLs originating from
(Nazco et al. 2012). a wide range of ecological conditions of soil,
Local landraces were progressively aban- temperature, and water availability in Turkey
doned starting from the early 1970s due to their and Syria showed a grouping pattern not associ-
replacement with the improved, more productive, ated with the geographical distribution of durum
and genetically uniform semi-dwarf cultivars wheat, suggesting a high mixing of Turkish
derived from the Green Revolution. This not- and Syrian landraces due to large exchange of
withstanding, empiric breeding aimed to exploit genetic material among farmers, as an alterna-
the phenotypic variability of DWLs resulted in tive to the lack of commercial varieties (Baloch
traditional varieties still preferred by smallholder et al. 2017). Higher admixture among landraces
farmers in traditional farming systems of rural/ was also observed in Ethiopia although it is a
marginal areas where modern intensive ones can- country characterized by a wide range of agro-
not be adopted and/or where this germplasm pro- ecological conditions coupled with diverse farm-
vides the required higher stress tolerance. These ers’ culture. Indeed, both the clustering of 167
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 143

DWLs by Alemu et al. (2020) and 287 Ethiopian explain these results, ranging from unconscious
DWLs by Mengistu et al. (2016) collected from mixing by farmers in threshing areas, to unreli-
major wheat-growing areas of the country did ability of seed exchange networks (e.g., seed lots
not reflect their geographical origin, suggest- that do not correspond to the declared names) as
ing admixture arose from the existence of his- well as limited farmers’ interest for durum wheat
torical seed exchanges involving regional and cultivation and seed production. These mixtures
countrywide farming communities in Ethiopia. create strong opportunities to generate diversity
Moreover, Seyedimoradi et al. (2016) reported through cross-fertilization and recombination but
low correlation between genetic distances and also would homogenize the pool of traditional
geographical origin in a small panel of DWLs varieties in the absence of human or environ-
from different zones of Iran. Notably, the genetic mental divergent pressures that maintain some
analysis showed that the country of origin did differentiation between them.
not have any genetic footprint within the core In the TGC collection (Maccaferri et al.
collection of DWLs from Jordan, Palestine, and 2019), up to 947 accessions of durum and
Israel, despite historical sociopolitical barri- durum-related unique and relatively low in
ers present in this area during the last decades admixture were analyzed for population struc-
(Abu-Zaitoun et al. 2018). However, in the latter ture (Fig. 8.4c). The results showed six main
case adaptations to similar semiarid conditions populations corresponding to: (1) a local
might reflect no separation between neighbor- Turkey-to-Levant (in particular Syria) popula-
ing countries. Conversely, the fingerprinting of a tion, (2) the main Southern Levant-to-North
collection of the National Gene Bank of Tunisia Africa and Southern Europe (Italy, Spain, and
(NGBT) for traditional varieties from differ- Portugal) migration route, (3) a highly differen-
ent Tunisian agro-ecological zones has found tiated Ethiopian population subdivided into two
a strong genetic stratification from north to subpopulations, (4) a Turkey-to-Transcaucasia/
south in Tunisia (Slim et al. 2019). Indeed, five Russia route, (5) a well-distinct T. turgidum ssp.
subpopulations were identified, two of which turanicum population developed in Iran/Iraq up
appeared more strongly represented in germ- to Afghanistan, and (6) a localized Greece-to-
plasm collected in central and southern Tunisia, Balkans population including representatives of
where environmental conditions at critical devel- the T. turgidum ssp. turgidum.
opment phases of the plant are harsher. Notably, Other comprehensive studies considering
these subpopulations were underrepresented in both molecular and phenotypic data considered
modern varieties which were instead prevalent wide panels of landrace accessions from a larger
in the north, suggesting that traits for breed- geographic area as the collection of 172 DWLs
ing more resilient varieties might be present in from 21 Mediterranean countries characterized
central and southern Tunisian traditional varie- by Royo et al. (2014) and Soriano et al. (2016,
ties. In Morocco, a stratification of the genetic 2018). Germplasm from the Mediterranean
diversity according to agro-ecological condi- area is of interest for traits relevant for adapta-
tions (geography, but also water and temperature tion to the climate changes since in this region
regimes) was recorded, related to the two distant wheat is mainly grown under rain-fed conditions
regions Pre-Rif and Atlas Mountains which dis- and yield is often constrained by water and heat
play very different environmental, cultural, and stress that are common during the grain-filling
agronomic conditions (Kehel et al. 2013; Sahri period due to the low and unpredictable sea-
et al. 2014). However, within each region, only a sonal rainfall. Thus, the above collection high-
few patterns emerged from the genetic and mor- lighted an evident relationship between the
phologic characterization, as if distance does not genetic stratification and the eco-geographic pat-
represent a consistent barrier to genetic exchange terning, which was suggested to be the result of
(Sahri et al. 2014). Different hypotheses can different physiological and genetic strategies
144 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

to sustain yield according to prevalent climate 2005), which in 1915 led to the release of the
conditions. Indeed, the 172 DWLs showed a cultivar CAPPELLI, a pioneer cultivar which
genetic structure related to an eastern–west- had a major global impact in the following years
ern geographical pattern formed by four clearly and to which many modern varieties can be
defined groups: eastern Mediterranean, east- traced back to. A second major impact was pro-
ern Balkans and Turkey, western Balkans and vided by the deployment of lines carrying dwarf-
Egypt, and western Mediterranean, in agreement ing genes to increase harvest index. This was
with the dispersal pattern of wheat from east to first carried out by Nazareno Strampelli in Italy
west in the Mediterranean Basin (Soriano et al. using Rht8 from the variety AKAKOMUGI,
2016). Interestingly, this study also showed a from Japan, and several years later by Norman
reliable relationship between genetic and pheno- Borlaug in Mexico using Rht-B1b also from a
typic population structures, the latter being based Japanese variety called NORIN10. The dwarfing
on yield, yield components, and crop phenol- gene Rht-B1b was successfully transferred to the
ogy-related traits. A high number of spikes and durum wheat CANDO in the 1960s and widely
harvest index were recorded in DWLs from the used in durum wheat breeding (Quick et al.
eastern Mediterranean Basin, in agreement with 1976). The last decades have been characterized
the findings of previous studies (Moragues et al. by several hybridizations occurring between dif-
2006; Royo et al. 2014) which demonstrated that ferent breeding programs or with relatives aim-
durum wheat yield under warm and dry environ- ing at increasing productivity while ensuring
ments is determined mostly by the number of genetic diversity and mega-cultivars that have
spikes per unit area, whereas kernel weight pre- crossed the boundaries of their country of ori-
dominantly influences grain production in colder gin (Ren et al. 2013). Thus, although Autrique
and wetter environments. Interestingly, using a et al. (1996) observed that a limited number of
subset of this collection, Soriano et al. (2018) ancestral lines have contributed largely to the
identified 23 marker alleles with a differential development of the modern durum wheat mate-
frequency in DWLs from east and west regions rials and that the molecular fingerprints of a few
of the Mediterranean Basin, which affected the ancestors accounted for most of the molecular
mentioned agronomic traits. Eastern DWLs diversity detected in the cultivated gene pool, a
had higher frequencies than the western ones of more complex network has emerged from stud-
alleles for increasing the number of spikes (chr. ies on the genetic diversity pattern of the most
1B), grains per m2 (chr. 7B), grain-filling duration recent durum wheat germplasm.
(several marker-trait associations), reduced cycle Numerous studies reported on charac-
length, and lighter grains (chr. 4A, 5B, and 6B). terization of diverse panels made of DWCs
(Maccaferri et al. 2005, 2006, 2011; Reimer
et al. 2008; Condorelli et al. 2018) or related
8.2.4 Main Breeding Gene Pools to a breeding program (N’Diaye et al. 2018).
Within the DWC Germplasm These works have identified a few main gene
pools reflecting the genetic basis and breed-
Durum wheat genetic makeup became more ing strategies involved in their development.
complex at the beginning of the twentieth cen- Maccaferri et al. (2005) subdivided the DWCs
tury when conscious breeding started by apply- into six major gene pools: (1) Italian group
ing artificial hybridization and selection pressure which includes varieties selected and released in
for commercial purposes (Autrique et al. 1996; Italy, (2) CIMMYT-ICARDA group with hall-
Pecetti and Annicchiarico 1998; De Vita et al. mark accessions derived from the CIMMYT-
2007). The first durum wheat breeding program, ICARDA breeding program and released
setup in southern Italy by Nazareno Strampelli, in Mexico, Spain, Italy, and in several West
was initially based on the selection of pure Asia and North Africa countries, (3) French
lines from local landraces (Scarascia Mugnozza group encompassing lines released by French
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 145

Fig. 8.5  Neighbor joining tree of the Global Durum Panel (GDP) collection (modified from Mazzucotelli et al. 2020)

breeders and well adapted to a range of envi- origin. Indeed, it was shown that most diversity
ronments throughout central and south Europe, remained among individuals within clusters, and
(4) Austrian–Australian group derived from only 13% of the total genetic variance could be
Austrian or Australian breeding programs, (5) captured by groups (Mazzucotelli et al. 2020).
North American group with accessions selected These insights also indicated that a good level
in the Great Plains of the USA and Canada, and of genetic diversity remains available within
(6) southwestern US group constituted by rep- the breeding groups for direct exploitation, and
resentative of the germplasm cultivated in the there is even greater potential when considering
southwestern region of the US under irrigation exchanges between breeding groups. The 473
and commonly referred to as desert durum. modern cultivars/breeding lines of the GDP were
More recently, the analysis of wider collec- grouped into nine distinct groups organized as
tions, as reported by Kabbaj et al. (2017) and by follows: old Italian elite, ICARDA, CIMMYT,
Mazzucotelli et al. (2020), provided the basis for Spanish/Argentinian elite germplasm, US desert
separating the two CGIAR breeding programs durum, Australian elite, and at the opposite of
(CIMMYT and ICARDA), as well as defining diversity, the North American, Canadian, and
a subgroup of highly admixed varieties derived French germplasm, the latter including the
by exchange of materials among different breed- Evolutive Population (EPO, David et al. 2014)
ing pools. This high exchange of materials (Fig. 8.5). Founders of these modern cultivars
was confirmed by the analysis of genetic diver- were identified in western Asian durum lan-
sity on the Global Durum Panel (GDP) clusters draces, North African Mediterranean landraces
based on geography and breeding program of and central Asian, Turkey to Transcaucasia/
146 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

Russian landraces, indicating that some landraces Through GWAS on mentioned germplasm
and durum primitive groups did not contribute to collections, specific phenotypic traits and/or
the genetic makeup of modern cultivars. the frequency of alleles at known loci for criti-
Interestingly, the level of LD decay rate, an cal adaptation traits (vernalization requirement,
important feature to be assessed when imple- response to photoperiod, heading date, plant
menting GWAS, is quite differentiated com- height), for disease resistance, and for root mor-
paring modern durum cultivars to landraces phology have been interestingly related to the
(Fig. 8.6). On average, LD decays to r2 = 0.3 population structure. For instance, Maccaferri
(a generally accepted reference threshold in et al. (2011) identified different patterns of allele
GWAS) in a range of physical distances of frequency at the three major genes for wheat phe-
4.21 Mb in modern durum, while the range nology and plant architecture (Vrn-A1, Ppd-A1,
decreases to 0.94 Mb in landraces. Thus, the and Rht-B1) across the five subgroups present
landrace germplasm potentially offers higher in a collection of elite durum mostly composed
genetic resolution in QTL mapping than mod- of Mediterranean germplasm. Most of the
ern varieties. However, these metrics are highly accessions were vernalization-insensitive and
differentiated when referring to pericentromeric semi-dwarf, as expected for élite durum wheat
versus distal chromosome regions, with the materials. The vernalization-sensitive allele vrn-
physical-to-genetic ratio showing differences of A1 was present in only six accessions, all but
102–103 magnitude (Maccaferri et al. 2019). one (CLAUDIO) from ICARDA germplasm.


ƌϮ сϬ͘Ϭϰ

ƌϮ сϬ͘ϯ
ƌϮ сϬ͘ϱ

ƌϮ сϬ͘Ϭϵ

Fig. 8.6   Genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) are provided to three different r2 threshold values (0.5,
decay in respect to physical distance in the GDP collec- 0.3, and 0.09 as for unliked markers) (Figure from
tion for the two main groups of: a modern durum wheat Mazzucotelli et al. 2020)
germplasm and b durum landraces; critical distances
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 147

Interestingly, in a subgroup made of cultivars interesting example has been provided by the
bred for the semiarid areas, most genotypes car- breeding for resistance to Hessian fly (Bassi et al.
ried the wild-type Rht-B1a allele and an almost 2019). A major locus was identified on chromo-
fixed Ppd-A1 wild-type allele. In addition to con- some 6B in a group of Moroccan DWCs related
ferring a tall phenotype, the wild Rht allele also to the cultivar NASSIRA. Pedigree analysis dem-
increases the coleoptile length hence allowing onstrated kinship of these lines and traced back
for deeper sowing and better exploitation of soil the origin of the locus to a resistant T. araraticum
moisture, thus making genotypes better suited accession which had been used to introgress the
for drought prone areas (Rebetzke et al. 2007). resistance in locally adapted elite lines.
As to the Ppd locus, the wild allele confers late-
ness through photoperiod sensitivity in the
Mediterranean environments, while the photo- 8.2.5 Selection Signatures
period-insensitive alleles dominate in most of the
modern germplasm accessions. The same collec- An exhaustive genome-wide analysis of changes
tion was evaluated for root system architecture, in genetic diversity imposed by thousands
with a focus on root growth angle which is con- of years of empirical selection and breeding
sidered a fundamental trait to enhance the genetic was enabled by the Global Tetraploid Wheat
capacity of the plant to acquire soil resources Collection consisting of 1856 accessions rep-
(Sanguineti et al. 2007; Maccaferri et al. 2016). resenting the four main germplasm groups
Indeed, a narrow and deep root in contrast to a involved in tetraploid wheat domestication his-
shallow ideotype can contribute to drought resist- tory and breeding (T. dicoccoides, T. dicoccum,
ance and was found correlated with grain yield DWLs, and DWCs) (Maccaferri et al. 2019). For
under harsh rain-fed conditions. Alleles contrib- each germplasm group, the pattern of diversity
uting a narrow root growth angle were found to was assessed through a SNP-based gene diver-
be present at relatively high frequencies in the sity index (Fig. 8.7), then different metrics were
modern high-yielding germplasm including the used to detect selection signatures between evo-
most recent cultivars from CIMMYT/ICARDA lutionary transitions, including both diversity
programs, the Italian, and the desert durum reduction, and divergence/differentiation of allele
cultivars. The major root growth angle QTL frequency. WEWs showed the highest average
detected on chromosome 6AL (Maccaferri et al. diversity with only two pericentromeric regions
2016) was also reported in a study on Ethiopian (chr. 2A and 4A) with a lower-than-average
germplasm (Alemu et al. 2021).    diversity, thus the authors referred to WEW as
Resistance to diseases is a relevant trait for the reference for assessing the reduction of diver-
durum varieties. Notably, the analysis of panels sity associated with domestication and breeding
made of cultivars has frequently identified the leaf in tetraploid wheat. In total, 104 pericentromeric
rust-resistant gene Lr14, a locus originally trans- (average size 107.7 Mb) and 350 non-pericentro-
ferred from DEW YAROSLAV to common wheat meric (average size 11.4 Mb) genomic regions
(McFadden 1930), then identified in the Chilean reported co-occurrence of signals of selections in
DWC LLARETA-INIA and in diverse loosely one or more evolutionary transitions.
related genetic materials, such as the CIMMYT Compared to WEW, each of the subse-
line Somateria (Herrera-Foessel et al. 2008a), quently domesticated/improved germplasm
the Italian cultivars COLOSSEO (Maccaferri group showed several strong diversity deple-
et al. 2008), and CRESO (Marone et al. 2009). tions that arose independently and were pro-
The resistant haplotype at the Lr14 locus was gressively consolidated through domestication
found in many cultivars from Italian, CIMMYT and breeding. Consequently, the genome of
and ICARDA breeding programs suggesting it DWCs revealed numerous regions showing
was the most important source of resistance to near fixation of allelic diversity. Exceptions
leaf rust exploited by durum breeders. Another were observed for chromosomes 2A and 3A in
148 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

Fig. 8.7  SNP-based diversity index (DI) for the main bottom 2.5% DI quantile distributions are highlighted
germplasm groups identified in the TGC (WEW, DEW, as red- and blue-filled dots, respectively (modified from
DWL, and DWC). DI is reported as a centered 25 SNP- Maccaferri et al. 2019)
based average sliding window (single SNP step). Top and

the pericentromeric region where the DWCs chromosome 1A, which was reported to be
showed an increased diversity as compared to nearly fixed in modern germplasm for null
DWL and DEW groups. The pericentromeric allele, was associated to a local strong signal of
regions showed extensive signals of divergence/ diversity reduction. Analogously, other extreme
selection in the WEW-DEW and WEW-DWL reductions in diversity were found colocated
transitions which highlights that most of the loss with grain yellow pigment content loci, includ-
of diversity and divergence signatures occurred ing Psy-B1. Interestingly, among a set of 41
during domestication. The combination of this previously cloned loci, that have been most
analysis with availability of the durum wheat probably the target of selection, many colocated
reference genome allowed higher resolution with regions marked by strong selection metrics.
analysis for the non-pericentromeric regions Intriguing examples were detected at critical loci
based on a comparative alignment between for grain weight, a trait that has been strongly
selection signals and wheat genes and QTLs modified across the domestication and selec-
relevant for domestication/improvement. For tion history for its relationship with grain yield
instance, the transition from DEW to durum (Fig. 8.8, Desiderio et al. 2019). Co-location
wheat showed different depletion of diver- was found for TaGW2 on chromosome 6A in
sity related to technological quality improve- the WEW-to-DEW transition and TaGW2 on
ments. Indeed, the locus Glu-A1, coding for 2B for both WEW-to-DEW and DEW-to-DWL
glutenin subunits and located at 500.8 Mb on transitions. Additionally, TaSus2-A1, TaSdr-A1,
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 149

d͘ĚŝĐŽĐĐƵŵ d͘ƚƵƌĂŶŝĐƵŵ

d͘ĚƵƌƵŵ ůĂŶĚƌĂĐĞ d͘ĚƵƌƵŵ ĐƵůƚŝǀĂƌ

Fig. 8.8  Variation for kernel size and shape in tetraploid wheat (modified from Desiderio et al. 2019)

and TaCWI-A1 on chromosome 2A and their A comparison of the two assemblies revealed
homeologs on 2B were associated to multiple strong overall synteny with high similarity in
extended signals in WEW-to-DEW and in DEW- total gene number (66,559 high confidence genes
to-DWL transitions, while the durum germplasm in SVEVO vs. 65,012 in ZAVITAN) and repeti-
showed extended regions of low diversity. tive element content (82.2% of the total assem-
bly) and composition (Maccaferri et al. 2019).
Nevertheless, a comparison of the orthologous
8.3 Tetraploid Wheat Genomes gene pairs has highlighted several examples of
presence–absence variations and of copy num-
The reference genome of the DWC (SVEVO ber variations as expected in a context of pange-
v.1, Maccaferri et al. 2019) and of the WEW nome analysis where deletions and gene family
accession ZAVITAN (WEWseq v.1.0, Avni et al. expansions are frequently found (Walkowiak
2017; assembly reviewed in Zhu et al. 2019 et al. 2020). For many years, genomic studies in
based on optical mapping) have been sequenced tetraploid wheats were carried out based on the
in recent years, hence allowing for a better genomic resources developed in bread wheat
exploitation of the genetic diversity of the tetra- thanks to the extensive sequence similarity and
ploid gene pool. The SVEVO genome sequence gene collinearity between the A and B genomes
was assembled in 10.46 Gb including 0.5 Gb of of the two species. As an example, the SNPs
unassigned scaffolds. Very similar numbers were carried on the wheat 90K iSelect Infinium SNP
produced for the genome sequence of ZAVITAN assay (Wang et al. 2014), most of which origi-
with an assembly size of 10.5 Gb including nated from bread wheat, have been extensively
0.4 Gb of unassigned scaffolds. The alignment used in genetic diversity and mapping studies in
of the durum wheat genome with high-density tetraploid wheat.
SNP genetic maps showed the typical pattern The availability of genome sequences for
of recombination with highly recombinogenic wild emmer and durum wheat is expected to
distal chromosome regions and large pericentro- facilitate genomic studies in tetraploid wheats.
meric regions nearly devoid of recombination. The projection of the 90K iSelect Infinium SNPs
150 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

to the SVEVO and ZAVITAN genomes allowed tetraploid wheat. With the fully assembled
to map genes and QTLs with higher precision ZAVITAN genome, the causal mutations in
and resolution. Moreover, once identified, the Brittle Rachis 1 (TtBtr1) genes controlling shat-
QTL confidence interval can now be used to tering, a key domestication trait, were identified
search for candidate genes directly in the tetra- (Avni et al. 2017). More recently, TdHMA3-B1,
ploid genome. Such approaches have been used a gene encoding a metal transporter with a
in mapping studies based on biparental segregat- non-functional variant causing high accumula-
ing populations, as in the case of the identifica- tion of cadmium in grain, was rapidly cloned
tion of the SrKN gene for stem rust resistance in SVEVO. Moreover, a wild functional allele,
from the tetraploid DWC KRONOS (Li et al. characterized by a very low frequency among
2021); GWAS for different traits (Saccomanno DWCs, was rescued with great advantage for
et al. 2018; Aoun et al. 2021), and ultimately to durum wheat breeding for cadmium accumula-
better refine QTL regions through meta-QTL tion in grain (Maccaferri et al. 2019). The utility
analysis for quality, abiotic and biotic stresses of tetraploid wheat genome has also been shown
in durum wheat (Soriano et al. 2021). The for improvement of resistance to fungal diseases.
molecular characterization of gene families can The WEW derived Yr15, a gene for broad-spec-
greatly help in the search of candidate genes for trum resistance to stripe rust, was identified and
a particular trait, in studies on gene mapping, cloned in a large mapping population developed
functional analysis, and comparative genom- by crossing the susceptible durum wheat line
ics, as in the case of the analysis of Hsp70 and “D447” with introgression lines carrying Yr15
glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) genes in dif- in the genetic background of “D447” (Klymiuk
ferent Triticum subspecies, with implications on et al. 2018). Both ZAVITAN and SVEVO
evolution of these gene families and molecular genomes were used to clone and functionally
mechanisms of their involvement in response characterize Pm41, a powdery mildew resist-
to stress (Lai et al. 2021; Hao et al. 2021). The ance gene derived from WEW, which encodes a
approach can also be focused on the characteri- coiled-coil, nucleotide-binding site, and leucine-
zation of a chromosomal locus, as seen for Gli- rich repeat protein (CNL) (Li et al. 2020).
2 locus regions containing α-gliadin genes on Interestingly, all available wheat genomes are
A and B genomes of WEW (Huo et al. 2019). important in comparative genomic approaches
The availability of genome sequences is also of to precisely characterize a chromosomal region
particular interest in transcriptomic studies such and its gene content in gene cloning studies.
as those based on RNA-seq, in which project- This way, tetraploid genomes are instrumental
ing the reads onto a high-quality genome can for fine mapping and cloning of genes not only
greatly improve the accuracy and completeness in emmer or durum wheat, but also in bread
of the analysis (Arenas et al. 2022). In a recent wheat as in the case of Ne2, a typical CNL gene
study, both the analysis of the translatome, the responsible for hybrid necrosis in wheat (Si
collection of all open reading frames that are et al. 2021).
actively translated, and in vivo RNA structure All these data indicate that wheat genomes
profiling were carried out to investigate the com- for bread (IWGSC 2018), durum (Maccaferri
plex wheat RNA structure landscape in durum et al. 2019), and wild emmer (Avni et al. 2017)
wheat. The translatome revealed subgenome wheat once merged in a unique wheat pange-
asymmetry at the translational level, due to the nome will provide an excellent asset for genetic
strong impact of mRNA structure on translation, studies in both tetraploid and hexaploid wheat.
independent of GC content (Yang et al. 2021). At the same time, the tetraploid and hexa-
Matching mapping results with informa- ploid wheat germplasms could be considered a
tion regarding the gene content and annotation unique gene pool from which to recruit genes
of genomic regions provides a huge advantage and alleles useful for breeding in both species
for fine mapping and gene/QTL cloning in (Mastrangelo and Cattivelli 2021).
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 151

8.4 Tetraploid Germplasm the wild relative and the bread wheat to facilitate
for Bread Wheat Improvements the introgression of WEW traits in modern bread
(and Vice Versa) wheat lines (Maccaferri et al. 2015; Klymiuk
et al. 2019b).
The increasing demand for food and more sus-
tainable crops and the increasingly evident
climatic changes require the selection of new 8.4.1 Transfer of Disease Resistance
wheat DWCs with improved grain yield, pro- Genes
tein content, and resistance to biotic and abi-
otic stresses (Foley et al. 2011; Soares et al. A number of important genes for biotic stress
2019). Achievement of this goal is hindered by resistance have been transferred into common
the limited genetic variability present in wheat wheat from the primary gene pool of tetraploid
modern cultivars resulting from multiple domes- wheats (T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides, ssp. dico-
tication bottlenecks and breeding involving a few ccum, and ssp. durum), such as those related
selected progenitors. This situation prompted to the most dreadful and economically impor-
the attention toward the use of DWLs, non- tant diseases of wheat: rust, namely yellow rust
cultivated wheat subspecies, and wild relatives (Yr—Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici); leaf
to contribute genes conferring traits of inter- rust (Lr—Puccinia triticina Eriks); stem rust
est and, more in general, to increase the genetic (Sr—P. graminis f. sp. tritici), powdery mil-
diversity of the cultivated gene pool (Reif et al. dew (Pm—Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici), and
2005). Nowadays, the identification and charac- Fusarium head blight (FHB; Fusarium gramine-
terization of these genes and/or related regions arum). The list of rust resistance genes identi-
(QTLs) are assisted and accelerated by the recent fied and transferred from durum to hexaploid
technological advances in wheat genomics wheat includes: the yellow rust resistance genes
(Tuberosa and Pozniak 2014; Vendramin et al. Yr53 (chr. 2BL, Xu et al. 2013), Yr64, and Yr65
2019; Rasheed and Xia 2019), and their intro- (chr. 1BS, Cheng et al. 2014); the leaf rust resist-
gression into elite cultivars can be performed ance genes Lr23 (chr. 2BS, McIntosh et al. 1995;
both with marker-assisted selection (MAS) and/ Sibikeev et al. 2020), Lr61 (chr. 6BS, Herrera-
or with transgenic strategies (Cobb et al. 2019; Foessel et al. 2008b), and Lr79 (chr. 3BL,
Gadaleta et al. 2008; Mores et al. 2021). Qureshi et al. 2018), and the stem rust resistance
The close phylogenetic proximity between genes Sr12 (chr. 3BL, Sheen and Snyder 1964),
tetraploid and hexaploid wheat allows for the Sr13 (chr. 6AL, Simons et al. 2011; Zhang
transfer of specific genes between the two spe- et al. 2017), Sr8155B1 (chr. 6AS, Nirmala et al.
cies, as already occurred during wheat evolu- 2017), and SrKN (chr. 2BL, Li et al. 2021).
tion (Dubcoksky and Dvorak 2007). Crosses Other stem rust-resistant genes (Sr2, Sr13, and
between the two species are feasible, overcom- Sr14) have been transferred into common wheat
ing the problems due to necrosis and low fertil- from cultivated emmer. Sr2 (3BS, McIntosh et al.
ity of hybrids (Klymiuk et al. 2019b; Othmeni 1995), a recessive and race non-specific adult
et al. 2019). Although the superior adaptability plant resistance gene, was transferred from the
of the hexaploid genome has made bread wheat emmer variety YAROSLAV into common wheat
the most cultivated wheat worldwide, tetraploid Hope and represents a major success in resist-
wheat exhibits greater genetic diversity, a highly ant wheat breeding which has been deployed in
desirable feature for present and future wheat many cultivars in the last 80 years and still con-
breeding programs (Mastrangelo and Cattivelli fers an effective rust resistance. Sr14 (chr. 1BL)
2021). WEW is probably the most relevant res- was identified in the cultivated emmer Khapli and
ervoirs of genetic diversity for durum and bread introgressed into hexploid cultivar Steinwedel.
wheat with durum acting as a bridge between Both Sr2 and Sr14 are currently important
152 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

sources of resistance to Ug99 lineage races of an identification/mapping after a crossing with

stem rust (Singh et al. 2011). Sr13 (chr. 6AL), durum wheat or a validation/mapping in durum
present in both in durum and cultivated emmer, background, followed by transfer into hexaploid
was transferred to the common wheat variety wheat, was undertaken (Klymiuk et al. 2019b).
KHAPSTEIN from the DEW KHAPLI. Sr13 Even if several FHB resistance regions were
confers resistance to all races in the Ug99 group identified in Triticum turgidum ssp., none pro-
(Jin et al. 2007), but the resistant responses are vides a level of resistance comparable to that of
influenced by temperature and genetic back- Fhb1 (3BS) in bread wheat. Until now, only two
ground (McIntosh et al. 1995; Roelfs and Mcvey hard red spring wheat cultivars resistant to FHB,
1979). Lr53 and Lr64 mapped on chromosome STEELE, and REEDER, were developed from
6BS and 6AL, respectively, were transferred crosses in which two cultivated emmer acces-
from WEW to common wheat (Kolmer 2008; sions resistant to FHB were involved (Mergoum
Dadkhodaie et al. 2011; Huang et al. 2016). et al. 2005; Stack et al. 2003). Hessian fly
Several stripe rust resistance genes derived from [Hf—Mayetiola destructor (Say) (Diptera:
WEW (Yr15 on chr. 1BS, Yr35-6BS, Yr36-6BS, Cecidomyiidae)] is an important pest of durum
YrH52-1BS, and YrSM139-1BS) were mapped and bread wheat (Stuart et al. 2012). To date, 37
using T. durum × T. dicoccoides segregating pop- Hf resistance genes have been identified (Bassi
ulations and transferred into bread wheat using et al. 2019; Li et al. 2013; Zhao et al. 2020).
durum wheat as a “bridge” (Peng et al. 2000; Among them, 15 (H6, H9-H11, H14-H19, H28,
Dadkhodaie et al. 2011; Hale et al. 2012; Yaniv and H29 (all on chr. 1AS), H31 on chr. 5BS
et al. 2015; Zhang et al. 2016). and H33 on chr. 3A) were identified in durum
Durum wheat has been used as source of wheat, and one, Hdic (1AS), was derived from
powdery mildew resistance genes (Mld, Pm3h an accession of cultivated emmer wheat. Most
and PmDR147) for bread wheat improvement of them, as for example H9-H11 and Hdic, have
(Miedaner et al. 2019). Mld (chr. 4B, recessive) been introgressed into common wheat (Patterson
was employed in wheat breeding in combination et al. 1994; Carlson et al. 1978; Stebbins et al.
with other Pm resistance genes, such as Pm2 1982; Liu et al. 2005), but only few have been
(chr. 5DS, Bennett 1984) and Pm3h (chr. 1AS, deployed in commercial cultivars.
dominant, Yahiaoui et al. 2006), and prob- While all the genes described above were
ably originated from an Ethiopian durum wheat identified in tetraploid wheat and then intro-
accession (Srichumpa et al. 2005). PmDR147 gressed into bread wheat, several disease-
(chr. 2AL, dominant) was transferred into bread resistant genes moved in the opposite direction.
wheat cv. LAIZHOU 953 from the durum wheat Noteworthy is the case of the introgression
accession DR147 (Zhu et al. 2004). Two pow- and validation of the bread wheat locus Fhb1
dery mildew resistance genes, formally named in three European durum wheat genotypes for
Pm5a and Pm4a, identified in cultivated emmer, resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB) (Prat
were used for bread wheat improvement. Pm5a et al. 2017). Indeed, durum wheat is particu-
(chr. 7BL, recessive) (McIntosh et al. 1967) larly susceptible to FHB, and limited genetic
appeared in the varieties Hope and H-44 along variation has been found so far within durum
with Sr2, while the dominant gene Pm4a (2AL, modern germplasm. On the contrary, Fhb1 is
dominant; The et al. 1979) was transferred to a major determinant of FHB resistance found
bread wheat variety chancellor from the Indian in the hexaploid wheat SUMAI-3 (Anderson
emmer landrace Khapli (Briggle 1966). WEW is et al. 2001). Another successful example is pro-
a main source of Pm resistance genes—twenty- vided by the common wheat broad resistance
one—for hexaploid wheat (Huang et al. 2016). gene Lr34/Yr18/Sr57/Pm38/Ltn1 that was trans-
A direct transfer from WEW into bread wheat ferred into a Canadian cultivar by transgenesis
was done for 13 of these, while for the others (Rinaldo et al. 2017).
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 153

8.4.2 Transfer of Quality-Related Loci constitutive citrate efflux from root tips (Tovkach
et al. 2013), showed a positive effect also on grain
Gpc-B1 (chr. 6BS, also known as NAM-B1), yield, probably due to an increased root growth
a gene responsible for high grain protein and and proliferation. Indeed, the transgenic durum line
mineral content, was first identified in WEW JANDAROI–TaMATE1B compared to JANDAROI
and cloned by a map-based approach (Uauy per se showed a significantly higher total root bio-
et al. 2006), then successfully introgressed into mass and produced from 25.3 to 49.0% higher
many durum and bread wheat cultivars (Tabbita grain yield under both well-watered and terminal
et al. 2017). While many of the genes described drought conditions (Pooniya et al. 2020).
above were identified in tetraploid wheat and The other way round, examples of gene trans-
then introgressed into bread wheat, several genes fer between durum and bread wheat for abiotic
moved in the opposite direction. For instance, stress tolerance are more limited due to the
some glutenin loci responsible for gluten elastic- complex genetic bases of this trait. The great
ity and extensibility were introgressed into durum genetic diversity present in collections of tetra-
to improve the quality of bread made with semo- ploid wheat accessions, from WEWs to DWCs,
lina. Two approaches have been undertaken to represents an asset for future efforts aimed at the
introgress bread wheat loci into durum wheat. The identification of loci explaining a good fraction
Glu-D1 (chr. 1DL) alleles associated with good of the phenotypic variation for resistance abiotic
baking quality were introgressed in durum wheat stresses, to be introgressed into hexaploid wheat.
either using lines carrying a mutation in Pairing
homolog-1 (ph1b) gene, thus promoting homoe-
ologous recombination (Gennaro et al. 2012) or 8.5 Synthetic Wheats
by standard crosses with triticale as intermediate
(Lukaszewsky 2003). Similarly, the introgres- Hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), sub-
sion of Glu-D1-1d and Glu-D1-2b from bread genomes AABBDD, is a natural amphiploid
to durum wheat resulted in dough with stronger derived from interspecific cross between the
mixing features (Gadaleta et al. 2008). Ph1b- tetraploid wheat species T. turgidum L. (AABB)
mediated chromosomal translocations (5DS–5BS) and the diploid grass Aegilops tauschii Coss.
were also employed to produce a tetraploid wheat (DD). The origin of common wheat is non-
with soft grains by transferring the Hardness monophyletic, indeed, at the time of wheat's
locus controlling kernel texture from bread wheat origin 10,000 years ago, the formation of more
chromosome 5D (Boehm et al. 2017). than one interspecific amphiploid contributed to
the creation of common wheat (Caldwell et al.
2004). The resulting bottleneck effect has lim-
8.4.3 Transfer of Abiotic Stress- ited its genetic diversity compared with tetra-
Related Loci ploid and diploid wheats (Cox 1997). For this
reason, breeders are looking at tools to increase
The introgression of specific alleles at the genetic diversity to be exploited in main-
Vernalization loci from winter bread wheat has stream breeding on a worldwide scale. Based
led to durum wheat more adapted to cold envi- on those efforts, two distinct approaches were
ronments (Longin et al. 2013). The tolerance to deployed: production of amphiploids, known as
Al3+ in acidic soils of durum wheats was also synthetic hexaploids, between T. turgidum and
improved by the transfer of TaMATE1B and Ae. tauschii, and direct hybridization between
TaALMT1 (chr. 4B and 4D, respectively) which T. aestivum and Ae. tauschii. Both approaches
confer a large tolerance in Al3+ tolerance among involve backcrossing to T. aestivum (Cox et al.
bread wheats (Delhaize et al. 2012; Han et al. 2017). The direct hybridization approach aims
2016). The TaMATE1B gene, responsible for at increasing the genetic diversity for the D
154 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

genome, and this is an important issue in wheat 173 SHWs for leaf, stem and yellow rusts, yel-
breeding, as very low diversity values character- low leaf spot, Septoria nodorum, and crown rot
ize this genome compared to A and B genomes (Jighly et al. 2016).
(Poland et al. 2012; Maccaferri et al. 2015). SHW lines have been also used as parents
Studies reporting the improvement of bread of segregating populations to identify QTLs for
wheat for traits related to both agronomic per- specific traits. In these studies, the SHW parent
formance (grain yield and quality) and resist- usually incorporates a variable number of loci
ance to fungal diseases and pests have been from the Ae. tauschii parent, but some impor-
carried out via direct hybridization (Cox et al. tant QTLs are also contributed by the tetraploid
2017). Nevertheless, the reduced genetic diver- parent of the SHW line. Some examples are
sity following the bottleneck at the origin of available for root traits under drought stress con-
bread wheat also involves A and B genomes. ditions. Liu et al. (2020) analyzed a RIL popu-
Accordingly, the development of synthetic lation of 111 individuals derived from a bread
hexaploid wheats (SHWs) allows for enhancing wheat cultivar crossed to a SHW line, which
the diversity for all the three wheat genomes and incorporated mainly QTLs on the D genome, but
for the direct transfer of loci for traits of interest also some QTLs, as those on chromosome 2B,
from tetraploid to hexaploid wheat. The analy- which were probably derived from the tetraploid
sis of the population structure of a panel of 121 parent. A RIL mapping population derived from
SHW lines genotypically characterized with a cross between W7984 (synthetic) and OPATA
35,939 high-quality SNPs derived from geno- 85 was evaluated for root length and root dry
typing-by-sequencing revealed that the percent- weight under water stress and control condi-
age of SNPs on the D genome was nearly the tions. QTLs common to both water conditions
same as the other two genomes (nearly 30%), and stress specific were identified on A, B, and
demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach D genomes (Ayalew et al. 2017). The same pop-
to enhance genetic diversity of the D genome ulation together with a doubled haploid popu-
(Bhatta et al. 2018a). When SHW and bread lation derived from the same parents (W7984
wheat groups were compared at level of the and OPATA) were used to identify QTLs for
entire genome, the gene diversity of SHWs was number of crossover (Gutierrez-Gonzalez et al.
from 33.2 to 50% higher compared with a sam- 2019). Similar results, in terms of genetic con-
ple of elite bread wheat cultivars in two distinct tribution from A and B genomes, were found for
SHW panels (Bhatta et al. 2018a, 2019a). When traits related to resistance to stem rust (Dunckel
these panels were used in GWAS, QTLs for et al. 2015; Sharma et al. 2021) and root rot
yield and quality-related traits, as well as dis- (Mahoney et al. 2017).
ease resistance, were identified on all the three Pshenichnikova et al. (2020) developed a
genomes, underlying the importance of both SHW line from a cross between accessions of T.
durum wheat and Aegilops parents in increasing dicoccoides and Ae. tauschii. The resulting line
genetic diversity and providing alleles of interest (SYN6) was crossed with CHINESE SPRING
for breeding of bread wheat (Bhatta et al. 2018b, to obtain a set of 21 substitution lines, each
c, 2019b). A relevant contribution of the durum containing 20 chromosomes from CHINESE
parents has been revealed also for traits usu- SPRING and one from SYN6. The 1A substi-
ally associated to the D genome. As an exam- tution resulted in a substantial reduction of root
ple, although tolerance to Al3+ toxicity has been length and weight, while a chromosome 5D
mainly linked to the TaALMT1 gene carried by substitution led to a significant increase com-
the D genome (Han et al. 2016), a GWAS with pared to the recipient and the donor lines under
300 SHW lines besides the effect of TaALMT1 two contrasting irrigation regimes. Developing
has identified many other QTLs, mostly located synthetic lines through interspecific crosses can
on A and B genomes (Emebiri et al. 2020). have consequences on the genomic asset of the
Similar results were found in a GWAS with resulting lines. Sequence elimination can happen
8 Gene Flow Between Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat … 155

after allopolyploidization, increasing the diver- of the Central Anatolian Plateau, provided supe-
gence among homoeologous chromosomes. rior lines characterized by resistance to leaf,
This phenomenon has practical consequences stripe and stem rust, common bunt, and soil-
on bread wheat breeding, as it can cause the loss borne pathogens, with the contribution of both
of important genes. A recent study in which the durum and Aegilops parents (Morgounov et al.
differences between synthetic and natural hexa- 2018).
ploid wheat lines were investigated by utilizing The breeding programs involving SHWs
a large germplasm set of primary synthetics and are also deploying genomic selection. Ninety-
synthetic derivatives revealed that reproduc- seven populations were developed using first
ible segment elimination occurrence was highly back-cross, biparental, and three-way crosses
dependent on the choice of diploid and tetra- between 33 primary SHW genotypes and 20
ploid parental lines and, that the almost com- spring bread wheat cultivars at CIMMYT.
plete short arm of chromosome 1B carrying loci Genomic estimated breeding values (GEBVs)
important for grain quality, was eliminated in of parents and synthetic derived lines were esti-
one line (Jighly et al. 2019). In a different study mated using a genomic best linear unbiased
in which 1862 mapped loci were compared prediction (GBLUP) model, and higher GEBVs
between synthetic wheat SHW-L1 and its paren- of progenies were related to introgression and
tal lines Ae. tauschii AS60 (DD) and T. turgidum retention of positive alleles from SHW par-
AS2255 (AABB), the D genome of SHW-L1 ents (Jafarzadeh et al. 2016). Different results
showed a higher number of eliminated loci fol- were shown by Dunckel et al. (2017), who ana-
lowing the allopolyploidization compared to the lyzed selected lines from double haploid and
A and B genomes (Yu et al. 2017). At a pheno- RIL populations between six different primary
typic level, hybrid chlorosis can be observed synthetics and the elite cultivar OPATA M85
in SHW lines, and genetic loci involved in this chosen for grain yield and other important agro-
phenomenon have been identified on D genome nomic traits. Overall, the prediction models
(Nakano et al. 2015; Nishijima et al. 2018). had only moderate predictive ability, slightly
Despite the possibility of losing some loci lower than expected based on traits’ heritabil-
of interest, SHW lines have been extensively ity. Nevertheless, a more recent study, based on
used in bread wheat breeding. An example is SHW populations and SHW derivatives coming
given by the importance of SHW lines in breed- from crosses between the primary SHWs and
ing programs at CIMMYT, where more than bread wheat cultivars, suggested that models
1500 SHWs have been developed since 1980s with heterogeneous additive genetic variances
and thousands of crosses have been gener- may be suitable to predict breeding values in
ated with bread wheat to obtain synthetic lines. wheat crosses with variable ploidy levels (Puhl
With this approach, advanced lines with excel- et al. 2021).
lent performance for yield and other traits have In conclusion, the loss of genetic diversity in
been obtained, and more than 80 have also bread wheat due to bottlenecks from polyploidy,
been released as cultivars and are widely grown domestication, and modern plant breeding can
(Rosyara et al. 2019). Some very promising be compensated by introducing diversity in all
lines were obtained with adaptation to specific the three wheat genomes from Ae. tauschii and
environments. As an example, a large breeding durum wheat. The increasing use of SHWs and
program was aimed at developing and evalu- SHW derivatives worldwide and at CIMMYT
ating SHW lines derived from winter durum indicates the success of these approaches in
wheat germplasm from Ukraine and Romania improving bread wheat for many traits of
crossed with Ae. tauschii accessions from the interest, from yield and yield-related traits
Caspian Sea region at CIMMYT. These popu- to resistance to biotic and/or abiotic stresses.
lations, subjected to rigorous pedigree selection Considering the studies based on SHWs, a major
under dry, cold, disease-affected environments limiting factor could be the low number of
156 E. Mazzucotelli et al.

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Genome-Informed Discovery
of Genes and Framework 9
of Functional Genes in Wheat

Awais Rasheed, Humaira Qayyum and Rudi Appels

Abstract repositories are available in wheat which are

frequently used by wheat genetics researchers
The complete reference genome of wheat and breeding communities for reference. The
was released in 2018 (IWGSC in Science current wheat genome annotation is currently
361:eaar7191, 2018), and since then many lagging in pinpointing the already discovered
wheats genomic resources have been devel- genes and QTL, and annotation of such infor-
oped in a short period of time. These mation on the wheat genome sequence can
resources include resequencing of several significantly improve its value as a reference
hundred wheat varieties, exome capture from document to be used in wheat breeding. We
thousands of wheat germplasm lines, large- aligned the currently discovered genes to the
scale RNAseq studies, and complete genome reference genome, provide their position and
sequences with de novo assemblies of 17 TraesIDs, and present a framework to anno-
important cultivars. These genomic resources tate such genes in future.
provide impetus for accelerated gene discov-
ery and manipulation of genes for genetic
improvement in wheat. The groundwork for Keywords
this prospect includes the discovery of more
than 200 genes using classical gene map- Wheat genomics · Single nucleotide
ping techniques and comparative genomics polymorphisms (SNPs) · KASP markers ·
approaches to explain moderate to major phe- Gene discovery · Functional markers · Gene
notypic variations in wheat. Similarly, QTL networks

9.1 Introduction
A. Rasheed (*) · H. Qayyum
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 45320, Pakistan Wheat holds a central position among major
e-mail: food crops by providing 20% of the total caloric
A. Rasheed requirements for the humans around the world.
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an
and CIMMYT-China Office, Beijing, China
allohexaploid (2n = 6x = 42; AABBDD) crop
R. Appels successfully cultivated all over the world cov-
University of Melbourne, Food and Nutrition, Parkville,
ering an area of approximately 220 million ha.
and AgriBio (Latrobe University), Bundoora, Melbourne,
Australia Genetic improvement in wheat productivity,

© The Author(s) 2024 165

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
166 A. Rasheed et al.

resilience to climate extremes, and quality are The next-generation sequencing (NGS) has
challenges to be met in continuing to feed the revolutionized plant genomics and resulted in
global population, mitigate the effects of climate development of techniques and resources ame-
change, and fulfill the end user quality prefer- nable to plant breeding (Bevan et al. 2017). The
ences. Since the expansion of wheat production ever-growing plant genomic resources have pro-
area will not be possible due to the continu- vided plethora of SNP information distributed
ous shrinking of arable land, the increase in the throughout the plant genomes, which have made
grain yield by improved agronomic practices them markers of choice for a variety of research
and breeding are feasible approaches. It has applications, especially in breeding and genet-
been recognized that conventional crop breed- ics research. Until now, the reference genome
ing approaches are not able to deliver the tar- sequences are available for most of the crop
get of 70% increase in crop productivity by the species, including wheat, while pan-genome
end of 2050 (Tester and Langridge 2010). The sequences are increasing with the rapid pace
innovation required in all breeding components (see Chap. 14). Characterization of the pan-
includes selection accuracy, selection intensity, genome can rapidly identify variations within
deploying new genetic variations, and shorten- the candidate genes, which have a direct appli-
ing of the breeding cycles in developing culti- cation in breeding. In this chapter, we discuss
vars (Li et al. 2018). different genome-informed scenarios being pur-
Conventional plant breeding heavily has sued to discover genes underpinning important
relied on the selection of key phenotypes related phenotypes (Blake et al. 2016). We also provide
to yield-related traits such as harvest index in a framework of functional genes of wheat in the
wheat (Lopes et al. 2012), and it seems impos- context of the recent reference genome sequence
sible to further improve harvest index using assembly and discuss database resources neces-
conventional breeding. Secondly, the pheno- sary to reduce redundancy in research.
typic-based selections are labor intensive and
time consuming, and off-spring can only be
selected at the certain homozygous generation at 9.2 Wheat Reference Genome
the later growth stages. The concept of genom- Sequence and Other Genomic
ics-assisted breeding (GAB) was proposed as an Resources
alternate to overcome the selection challenges
associated with conventional breeding (Varshney 9.2.1 The Reference Genome
et al. 2005). The marker-assisted selection com- Sequence of cv. CHINESE
ponent dominated in the breeding programs SPRING
where the diagnostic markers for the genes
with major phenotypic effects were developed Wheat has a history in being used a model plant
and successfully used for selection (Liu et al. for understanding cytogenetics, physical map-
2012). However, many complex traits such as ping of genes, and to facilitate pre-breeding to
yield and adaptability to stressed environments introduce inter-specific and intergenic diver-
are controlled by many genes with minor effects sity. For example, the array of wheat aneuploid
or quantitative trait loci (QTL), further interact- stocks, unequaled in any other crop, was devel-
ing with environment (Gao et al. 2015). Their oped by Sears (1954). All these genetic stocks
individual effects are too small to be efficiently were developed using wheat cv. CHINESE
captured by one or few markers (Bernardo and SPRING (Sears and Sears 1978). Such ane-
Yu 2007). Therefore, a transition from marker uploids include all the possible chromosome
to genome-based breeding is indispensable to addition or deletion lines in the form of nulli-
achieve the productivity targets (Rasheed and somics, trisomics, monosomics, and tetrasom-
Xia 2019). ics. These cytogenetic stocks greatly facilitated
9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework … 167

the genetic studies which were not possible in for use in trait discovery and functional genetic
many of the higher organisms at that time. These validation of D-genome introgressions in bread
stocks were used to identify major genes con- wheat (Gaurav et al. 2022). The shared util-
trolling important traits and physically map their ity of all such resources is underpinning the
positions along chromosomes, including the assignment of functional attributes to genes
genes related to waxiness, maturity, endosperm through association genetics or by selective
proteins, and vernalization (Driscoll and Jensen sweeps. For example, 120 Chinese wheat cul-
1964; Shepherd 1968; Halloran and Boydell tivars and landraces were resequenced, and it
1967; Law 1966). Later, these efforts provided was identified that the D-subgenome of mod-
the basis for starting a ‘Catalogue of Gene ern cultivars is mostly derived from landraces,
Symbols for Wheat’ to catalogue wheat genes while A- and B-subgenomes were mainly
(McIntosh 1973). Since a wide array of genetic derived from European landraces (Chen et al.
stocks were available in the CHINESE SPRING 2019). Strong signals of selective sweeps were
wheat background, this cultivar was selected restricted to 48 high-confidence (HC) genes
to develop the first reference genome sequence selected during modern wheat breeding. The
in wheat. The International Wheat Genome strongest signals were for genes TaNPF6.1-6B,
Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) was estab- TaNAC24, and TaRVE3, which are associated
lished in 2005, and after 13 years of its estab- with nitrogen use efficiency, drought and heat
lishment, the high-quality reference sequence stress tolerance, and flowering time, respectively
was released in 2018 (IWGSC 2018). (Chen et al. 2019).
The exome capture of more than 500 global
wheat accessions was conducted to identify
9.2.2 Other Genomic Resources the genes underpinning selection of adapta-
in Wheat tion of modern-day bread wheat during last
10,000 years (Pont et al. 2019). The authors
All genome sequence resources available in concluded that dispersion of wheat and human
wheat to date are provided in Table 9.1 and migration patterns were consistent with an ori-
include population-level whole-genome rese- gin out of the Fertile Crescent and Egypt to
quencing, exome sequencing, and to lesser Maghreb (Northern Africa) with a coastal route.
extent some SNP genotyping resources. The The major driving forces in wheat adaptation
analysis of the CHINESE SPRING reference were the vernalization requirement, histori-
genome is now complemented by de novo cal groupings, and geographic origins (Europe,
sequences of ten important wheat cultivars Asia, Africa, and America) and thus resulted in
from global breeding programs and has allowed the partitioning of the genetic diversity in wheat.
the documentation of breeding histories, wild Furthermore, a total of 168 Mb of genome
introgressions in the cultivated wheat, and chro- regions on different chromosomes contained
mosomal structural rearrangements that facili- selective sweeps which were identical between
tated wheat breeding (Walkowiak et al. 2020); the Asian and European germplasm, even
Jayakodi et al. 2021). Apart from the sequenc- though European wheats had more frequent
ing efforts in cultivated wheat, the genome introgressions compared to wheats from Eastern
sequences of diploid and tetraploid progenitors Asia (He et al. 2019; Zhou et al. 2020), based on
of bread wheat including Ae. Tauschii (Zhao the resequencing of 890 bread and durum wheat
et al. 2017), T. monococcum (Ling et al. 2018), accessions and the identification of introgres-
Ae. Speltoides (Avni et al. 2022), and T. dicoc- sions from wild species favoring global wheat
coides (Avni et al. 2017) are available. Recently, adaptation. Another globally important genomic
a population-level genome sequence resource resource is the DArTseq database of 44,624
of global Ae. Tauschii accessions was provided wheat accessions from the International Maize
168 A. Rasheed et al.

Table 9.1  Wheat genomic resources post-reference genome sequence

Resource Number of Sequencing strategy Objective
accessions Reference
Pan-genome 10 WGS Build a pan- Walkowiak et al.
genome of wheat (2020)
Chinese accessions 120 WGR Identify the selec- Chen et al. (2019)
tion regions during
wheat breeding
Global landraces and 4506 280 K SNP array Wheat phylogeog- Balfourier et al. (2019)
cultivated wheats raphy and genetic
Global wheat accessions 500 Exome sequencing Years of hybridi- Pont et al. (2019)
zation, selection,
adaptation, and
plant breeding has
shaped the genetic
makeup of modern
bread wheats
Hexaploid/tetraploid 890 Exome sequencing Identify the wild- He et al. (2019)
accessions relative introgres-
sions favoring
global wheat
Chinese wheat 770 DArTseq/660 K Dispersion history, Zhou et al. (2018)
accessions adaptive evolution,
and selection of
wheat in China
CIMMYT germplasm 44,624 DArTseq Genomic predict- Juliana et al. (2019)
abilities of 35 key
traits and demon-
strate the potential
of genomic
selection for wheat
end-use quality
Ae. tauschii global 242 WGR D-genome Gaurav et al. 2022
collection diversity for gene
Chinese minicore 287 Exome sequencing Identify genetic Li et al. (2022a)
collection regions associ-
ated yield and
Elite cultivars of China 145 WGR Seventy years of Hao et al. (2020)
25 wild wheat 414 WGR Introgression from Zhou et al. (2020)
populations wild populations
Aegilops tauschii 278 WGR Novel hap- Zhou et al. (2021)
lotypes with
potential applica-
tions in wheat
WGS: Whole-genome sequencing; WGR: Whole-genome resequencing
9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework … 169

and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and amylose contents in mature seeds. The
GenBank (Juliana et al. 2019). The DArTseq exome sequence of 287 wheat accessions identi-
data was used to conduct genome-wide asso- fied the causal variations in TaARF12 encoding
ciation studies (GWAS) for 50 different traits of an auxin response factor and TaDEP1 encoding
breeding interest and identified important loci the G-protein γ-subunit, pleiotropically regulat-
for end-use quality, biotic, and abiotic stress ing both plant height and grain weight in wheat
resistances. These studies provide a deep insight (Li et al. 2022a, b).
into genetic diversity and genetic regions in In recent years, several loci were identi-
wheat under artificial and natural selection and fied simultaneously by GWAS and biparental
will keep proving important resources for use of mapping strategies. Liu et al. (2017) identified
such information in breeding. marker-trait association for black point resist-
ance. Loci underpinning flour color (Zhai et al.
2016), kernel number per spike (Shi et al. 2017),
9.3 Wheat Functional Genes and thousand grain weight (Sehgal et al. 2020;
Discovery: Strategies Wang et al. 2021) were also identified fol-
and Inventory lowing a similar strategy. A functional gene,
TaRPP13L1 associated with flour color, was
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping and identified by GWAS in wheat cultivars from
GWAS have dominated wheat genomics China and two KRONOS wheat mutants carry-
research to date. These studies identify the ing premature stop codons of the TaRPP13L1
favorable alleles and their diagnostic mark- gene and was thus validated as a gene influenc-
ers which can be then used in wheat breeding ing flour color (Chen et al. 2019).
to introgress important QTL or genes (Rasheed Another gene discovery approach which
and Xia 2019). In Table 9.2, we provide a near- is now widely used is bulk segregation analy-
to-complete framework of the functional genes sis (BSA), where DNA from individuals of a
discovered so far by such approaches. However, population showing contrasting, extreme, and
such genetic dissection especially in case of phenotypes is pooled and then RNAseq, exome
GWAS can be ambiguous due to the confound- sequencing, or whole-genome resequencing is
ing effects of population structure or low-accu- applied (Zou et al. 2016). This is a rapid method
racy genotype calls at some loci (Browning and to identify consistent polymorphic regions
Yu 2009), or due to the small population size between contrasting pools of wheat lines. In
(Finno et al. 2014). It is, therefore, necessary to addition to the discovery of SNPs between con-
further validate the phenotypic effects of such trasting pools, differentially expressed genes
loci in biparental mapping populations or other can also be identified in the case of RNAseq
genetic backgrounds, as well as by other bio- analysis of tissues. Using this approach, a QTL
logical means such as genetic transformation, interval with four candidate genes has been
gene silencing or gene knockout, and gene edit- discovered on chr4A underpinning resistance
ing. The population-level whole-genome rese- against orange wheat blossom midge (OWBM)
quencing or exome capture data facilitated the affecting wheat production in many countries
discovery of several genes for economically (Hao et al. 2019). Likewise, resistance to yellow
important traits. From the resequencing data of rust in wheat cultivar ZHOUMAI 22 was delim-
145 Chinese wheat accessions, Hao et al. (2020) ited to a physical interval of 4 Mb using BSA
identified that TaFRK2-7A gene contained three and RNAseq approach (Wang et al. 2017a).
non-synonymous mutations compared to CS Other studies where this approach has been
allele and was strongly associated with starch effective in discovering candidate genes include
170 A. Rasheed et al.

Table 9.2  Framework of functional genes characterized in wheat with positions in wheat genome and associated
Gene Chr Phenotype Crop ontology Position Traes ID
TaNAAT1-A 1A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr1A:487330367.0.487333932 TraesCS1A02G291100
TaNAAT2-A 1A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr1A:487463045.0.487466385 TraesCS1A02G291200
Glu-A1 1A Gluten/end-use quality CO_321:0000152 chr1A:508723999.0.508726319 TraesCS1A02G317311
Glu-A3 1A Gluten/end-use quality CO_321:0000155 chr1A:4202215.0.4203588 TraesCS1A02G008000
TaPYL1-1B 1B Drought tolerance CO_321:0000131 chr1B:373628259.0.373629490 TraesCS1B02G206600
TOE-B1 1B Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr1B:59192897.0.59197677 TraesCS1B02G076300
ELF3-B1 1B Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr1B:685645287.0.685649392 TraesCS1B02G477400
TaFT3-B1 1B Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr1B:581413558.0.581414952 TraesCS1B02G351100
TaNAAT1-B 1B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr1B:520925847.0.520929216 TraesCS1B02G300500
TaNAAT2-B 1B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr1B:520998902.0.521002315 TraesCS1B02G300600
Glu-B1-717 1B Gluten/End-use quality CO_321:0000153 chr1B:555765127.0.555766152 TraesCS1B02G329711
Glu-B3 1B Gluten/End-use quality CO_321:0000156 chr1B:5686611.0.5687693 TraesCS1B02G011700
AGP-L-1B 1B Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr1B:668129122.0.668132472 TraesCS1B02G449700
Elf3-D1 1D Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr1D:493484553.0.493488588 TraesCS1D02G451200
Mot-D1 1D Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr1D:492606158.0.492620025 TraesCS1D02G450200
TaNAAT1-D 1D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr1D:387796590.0.387800918 TraesCS1D02G289700
TaNAAT2-D 1D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr1D:387894784.0.387898194 TraesCS1D02G289800
Glu-D1 1D Gluten/end-use quality CO_321:0000154 chr1D:412160786.0.412163311 TraesCS1D02G317211
ZDS-A1 2A Flour color CO_321:0000214 chr2A:321150418.0.321156866 TraesCS2A02G238400
Ppd-A1 2A Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr2A:36933684.0.36938202 TraesCS2A02G081900
TaVIT1-2A 2A GFe CO_321:0000222 chr2A:570192811.0.570195203 TraesCS2A02G336600
TaNAS1-A 2A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2A:14976663.0.14978691 TraesCS2A02G033500
TaNAS3-A 2A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2A:19162944.0.19164224 TraesCS2A02G049900
TaNAS9-A 2A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2A:49221108.0.49222130 TraesCS2A02G095700
Sus2-2A 2A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr2A:121141338.0.121145857 TraesCS2A02G168200
TaCwi-A1 2A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr2A:508030243.0.508033950 TraesCS2A02G295400
TaCYP78A5 2A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr2A:134273284.0.134275604 TraesCS2A02G175700
WFZP-A1 2A Grain number CO_321:0000391 chr2A:66848645.0.66849948 TraesCS2A02G116900
TaGS2-A1 2A NUE CO_321:0001671 chr2A:729293649.0.729297303 TraesCS2A02G500400
TaARF12 2A Plant height CO_321:0000020 chr2A:755768802.0.755776624 TraesCS2A02G547800
PPO-A1 2A PPO activity CO_321:0000214 chr2A:712187112.0.712189567 TraesCS2A02G468200
Ppo2-A1 2A PPO activity CO_321:0000214 chr2A:712344578.0.712346518 TraesCS2A02G468500
RMD-A1 2A Root growth angle chr2A:142707925.0.142709726 TraesCS2A02G182900
TaRSL4 2A Root length chr2A:162291365.0.162292945 TraesCS2A02G194200
Sdr-A1 2A Seed dormancy/PHS CO_321:0000081 chr2A:158452418.0.158453410 TraesCS2A02G191400
Ppd-B1 2B Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chrUn:293689186.0.293692375 TraesCSU02G196100
TaVIT1-2B 2B GFe CO_321:0000222 chr2B:492146188.0.492148400 TraesCS2B02G345300
TaNAS1-B 2B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2B:23548049.0.23551608 TraesCS2B02G047100
TaNAS3-B 2B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2B:29118956.0.29120236 TraesCS2B02G060800
TaNAS9-B 2B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2B:72895029.0.72896639 TraesCS2B02G111100
TaSus2-2B 2B Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr2B:171030429.0.171034964 TraesCS2B02G194200
Tabas1 2B Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr2B:448904796.0.448907800 TraesCS2B02G313700
GNI 2B Grain number CO_321:0000391 chr2B:573974813.0.573975706 TraesCS2B02G405700
TaDA1-B 2B Grain size CO_321:0000040 chr2B:4646554.0.4654607 TraesCS2B02G007700
TaGS2-B1 2B NUE CO_321:0001671 chr2B:722629776.0.722634436 TraesCS2B02G528300
PPO-B1 2B PPO activity CO_321:0000214 chr2B:688478142.0.688480649 TraesCS2B02G491000
Ppo2-B1 2B PPO activity CO_321:0000214 chr2B:689764554.0.689766587 TraesCS2B02G491400
TaVSR-B1 2B Root depth chr2B:89554121.0.89558883 TraesCS2B02G122400
RMD-B1 2B Root growth angle chr2B:191742224.0.191744048 TraesCS2B02G209500
TaRSL4 2B Root length chr2B:197210852.0.197212507 TraesCS2B02G212700
Sdr-B1 2B Seed dormancy/PHS CO_321:0000081 chr2B:200572827.0.200573807 TraesCS2B02G215300
ZDS-D1 2D Flour color CO_321:0000214 chr2D:234144711.0.234150925 TraesCS2D02G236500
Ppd-D1 2D Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr2D:33952224.0.33955766 TraesCS2D02G079600
9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework … 171

Table 9.2  (continued)
Gene Chr Phenotype Crop ontology Position Traes ID
TaVIT1-2D 2D GFe CO_321:0000222 chr2D:419781553.0.419783725 TraesCS2D02G326300
TaNAS1-D 2D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2D:12870350.0.12873858 TraesCS2D02G033000
TaNAS3-D 2D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2D:18168587.0.18170017 TraesCS2D02G049200
TaNAS9-D 2D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr2D:45799198.0.45800220 TraesCS2D02G094200
TaCYP78A5 2D Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr2B:181118653.0.181120839 TraesCS2B02G201900
WFZP-D1 2D Grain number CO_321:0000391 chr2D:67496011.0.67496898 TraesCS2D02G118200
TaDA1-D 2D Grain size CO_321:0000040 chr2D:8281359.0.8289277 TraesCS2D02G016900
TaGS2-D1 2D NUE CO_321:0001671 chr2D:595161545.0.595165983 TraesCS2D02G500600
Rht8 2D Plant height CO_321:0000020 chrUn:24893964.0.24897255 TraesCSU02G024900
PPO-D1 2D PPO activity CO_321:0000214 chr2D:572952347.0.572954307 TraesCS2D02G468200
Ppo2-D1 2D PPO activity CO_321:0000214 chr2D:573903210.0.573905141 TraesCS2D02G468600
RMD-D1 2D Root growth angle chr2D:134790880.0.134792691 TraesCS2D02G190700
TaRSL4 2D Root length chr2D:138754346.0.138756038 TraesCS2D02G193700
Lyce-A1 3A End-use quality CO_321:0000214 chr3A:370233784.0.370237786 TraesCS3A02G208800
TaGS5-A1 3A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr3A:176555776.0.176559839 TraesCS3A02G212900LC
Pod-A1 3A POD activity/quality CO_321:0000214 chr3A:730397626.0.730398805 TraesCS3A02G510600
Tamyb10-A1 3A Seed color/PHS CO_321:0000037 chr3A:703905707.0.703905910 TraesCS3A02G631500LC
Phs1 3A Seed dormancy/PHS CO_321:0000081 chr3A:7294435.0.7297613 TraesCS3A02G006600
Lyce-B1 3B End-use quality CO_321:0000214 chr3B:377418979.0.377422751 TraesCS3B02G239100
Fhb1_His 3B FHB resistance CO_321:0000651 chr3B:8526628.0.8529572 TraesCS3B02G019900
TaNAS5-B 3B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr3B:40773361.0.40778748 TraesCS3B02G068500
Tamyb10-B1 3B Seed color/PHS CO_321:0000037 chr3B:757918298.0.757920082 TraesCS3B02G515900
Vp1B1 3B Seed dormancy/PHS CO_321:0000081 chr3B:693338001.0.693342761 TraesCS3B02G452200
COMT-3B 3B WSC/drought CO_321:0000131 chr3B:829391763.0.829392973 TraesCS3B02G612000
CKX-D1 3D Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr3D:106736525.0.106740667 TraesCS3D02G143500
Myb10-D1 3D Seed color/PHS CO_321:0000037 chr3D:570801243.0.570803210 TraesCS3D02G468400
ALPb-4A 4A End-use quality CO_321:0000070 chr4A:718033180.0.718034037 TraesCS4A02G453800
PRR73-A1 4A Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr4A:119083489.0.119087436 TraesCS4A02G105300
TaDMAS1-A 4A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr4A:74150821.0.74153009 TraesCS4A02G074800
TaNAS6-A 4A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 Chr4A:148780629.0.148781781 TraesCS4A02G127900LC
TaCYP78A5 4A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr2D:127258537.0.127260686 TraesCS2D02G183000
TaGS1-A1 4A NUE CO_321:0001671 chr4A:60668121.0.60671232 TraesCS4A02G063800
MOR1-A1 4A Root length chr4A:685380302.0.685381598 TraesCS4A02G415400
Lox-B1 4B Flour color CO_321:0000214 chr4B:27248262.0.27252524 TraesCS4B02G037700
PRR73-B1 4B Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr4B:427491684.0.427496233 TraesCS4B02G198700
TaDMAS1-B 4B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 Chr4B:481847465.0.481849531 TraesCS4B02G400500LC
TaNAS6-B 4B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 Chr4B:402432887.0.402433879 TraesCS4B02G183900
TaGS1-B1 4B NUE CO_321:0001671 chr4B:499898695.0.499901767 TraesCS4B02G240900
Pds-B1 4B PDS activity/quality CO_321:0000214 chr4B:586575839.0.586580177 TraesCS4B02G300100
Rht-B1 4B Plant height CO_321:0000020 chr4B:30861382.0.30863247 TraesCS4B02G043100
TaERF73-D1 4B Root depth chr4D:467792044.0.467801204 TraesCS4D02G406100LC
MOR1-B1 4B Root length chr4B:605691920.0.605693239 TraesCS4B02G316200
TaDMAS1-D 4D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr4D:392726584.0.392728858 TraesCS4D02G232200
TaNAS6-D 4D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr4D:323095782.0.323098145 TraesCS4D02G184900
TaD14-4D 4D Grain yield CO_321:0000013 chr4D:428116830.0.428119151 TraesCS4D02G258000
TaGS1-D1 4D NUE CO_321:0001671 chr4D:403145655.0.403148815 TraesCS4D02G240700
Rht-D1 4D Plant height CO_321:0000020 chr4D:18781062.0.18782933 TraesCS4D02G040400
TaERF73-A1 4D Root depth chr4A:3351141.0.3352418 TraesCS4A02G003300LC
MOR1-D1 4D Root length chr4D:478997945.0.478999338 TraesCS4D02G312800
Lr67 4D Rust resistance chr4D:405770870.0.405775112 TraesCS4D02G243100
Dro1-A1 5A Drought tolerance CO_321:0000131 chr5A:428994186.0.428997632 TraesCS5A02G213300
Vrn-A1a 5A Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr5A:587411824.0.587423240 TraesCS5A02G391700
TaNAS4-A 5A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr5A:705402044.0.705403372 TraesCS5A02G552400
TaDep1-A1 5A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr5A:430486331.0.430493530 TraesCS5A02G215100
172 A. Rasheed et al.

Table 9.2  (continued)
Gene Chr Phenotype Crop ontology Position Traes ID
TaGL3.3-5A 5A Grain morphology CO_321:0000979 chr5A:26440090.0.26449927 TraesCS5A02G030300
Egt2-A1 5A Root growth angle chr5A:151732800.0.151736140 TraesCS5A02G102000
Dro1-B1 5B Drought tolerance CO_321:0000131 chr5B:381041995.0.381044714 TraesCS5B02G210500
Vrn-B1b 5B Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr5B:573803238.0.573815903 TraesCS5B02G396600
TaDep1-B1 5B Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr5B:378517204.0.378520796 TraesCS5B02G208700
TaGL3.3-5B 5B Grain morphology CO_321:0000979 chr5B:27830119.0.27840027 TraesCS5B02G029100
Egt2-B1 5B Root growth angle chr5B:304265954.0.304269177 TraesCS5B02G164200
Dro1-D1 5D Drought tolerance CO_321:0000131 chr5D:327631371.0.327634216 TraesCS5D02G218700
Vrn-D1 5D Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr5D:467176608.0.467184463 TraesCS5D02G401500
TaDep1-D1 5D Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr5D:326126003.0.326129557 TraesCS5D02G216900
TaGL3.3-5D 5D Grain morphology CO_321:0000979 chr5D:37321983.0.37331860 TraesCS5D02G038500
Pina-D1 5D Grain texture CO_321:0000072 chr5D:3591495.0.3592002 TraesCS5D02G004100
Pinb-D1 5D Grain texture CO_321:0000072 chr5D:3609640.0.3610146 TraesCS5D02G004300
Egt2-D1 5D Root growth angle chr5D:131504758.0.131508027 TraesCS5D02G113600
TaNAS2-A 6A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr6A:158316641.0.158317931 TraesCS6A02G163100
TaNAS7-A2 6A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr6A:603249197.0.603250189 TraesCS6A02G386200
TaNAS7-A1 6A GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr6A:60971892.0.60973259 TraesCS6A02G093000
TaGW2-6A 6A Grain morphology CO_321:0000980 chr6A:237734835.0.237759808 TraesCS6A02G189300
TaT6P 6A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr6A:461145380.0.461147406 TraesCS6A02G248400
SPL21-6A 6A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr6A:136541506.0.136544204 TraesCS6A02G152000
NAM-A1 6A Grain protein CO_321:0000073 chr6A:77098570.0.77100127 TraesCS6A02G108300
Kat-2A 6A Grain weight CO_321:0000025 chr6A:606969628.0.606973059 TraesCS6A02G392400
Rht-24 6A Plant height CO_321:0000020 chr6A:413732327.0.413735532 TraesCS6A02G221900
Rht24 6A Plant height CO_321:0000020 chr6A:432253559.0.432257969 TraesCS6A02G229500
TaNAS2-B 6B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr6B:212158654.0.212159706 TraesCS6B02G186000
TaNAS7-B 6B GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr6B:694258986.0.694259978 TraesCS6B02G425200
SPL21-6B 6B Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr6B:200509075.0.200512019 TraesCS6B02G180300
GW2-6B 6B Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr6B:291761397.0.291778503 TraesCS6B02G215300
NAM-B1 6B Grain protein CO_321:0000073 chr6B:134662733.0.134665065 TraesCS6B02G207500LC
KAT-2B 6B Grain weight CO_321:0000025 chr6B:701871007.0.701874630 TraesCS6B01G432600
1fehw3 6B WSC/Drought CO_321:0000131 chr6B:57283367.0.57288151 TraesCS6B02G080700
TaNAS2-D2 6D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr6D:121579210.0.121580540 TraesCS6D02G148600
TaNAS2-D1 6D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr6D:121225536.0.121228339 TraesCS6D02G148200
TaNAS7-D 6D GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chr6D:456540490.0.456541773 TraesCS6D02G370800
SPL21-6D 6D Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr6D:111567638.0.111570051 TraesCS6D02G142100
TaGS1a 6D Nitrogen use efficiency CO_321:0001671 chr6D:386290812.0.386294394 TraesCS6D02G383600LC
Moc-A1 7A Agronomic traits/drought CO_321:0000131 chr7A:557553815.0.557555303 TraesCS7A02G382800
ALPa-7A 7A End-use quality CO_321:0000070 chr7A:15697493.0.15698020 TraesCS7A02G035500
ALPb-7A 7A End-use quality CO_321:0000070 chr7A:15639003.0.15639854 TraesCS7A02G035200
PSY-A1 7A Flour color CO_321:0000214 chr7A:729397558.0.729401208 TraesCS7A02G557300
TEF-7A 7A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr7A:66228020.0.66229066 TraesCS7A02G108900
Sus1-7A1 7A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr7A:115204109.0.115208145 TraesCS7A02G158900
TaGW7 7A Grain morphology CO_321:0000980 chr7A:205459137.0.205465028 TraesCS7A02G233600
SPL20-7A 7A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr7A:685212680.0.685214713 TraesCS7A02G495000
AGP-S-7A 7A Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr7A:342609326.0.34261711 TraesCS7A02G287400
WAPO-A1 7A Grain number CO_321:0000391 chr7A:674081462.0.674082918 TraesCS7A02G481600
VRT-A2 7A Grain number CO_321:0000391 chr7A:128826237.0.128833021 TraesCS7A02G175200
FRK2-7A 7A Starch synthesis/grain CO_321:0001674 chr7A:459209231.0.459211266 TraesCS7A02G319000
PSY-B1 7B Flour color CO_321:0000214 chr7B:739442503.0.739445446 TraesCS7B02G482000
TaSus1-7B 7B Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr7B:68344330.0.68348404 TraesCS7B02G063400
WAPO-B1 7B Grain number CO_321:0000391 chr7B:649950255.0.649951851 TraesCS7B02G384000
PIN-B2 7B Grain texture CO_321:0000072 chr7B:699388914.0.699389366 TraesCS7B02G431200
TaCOL-B5 7B Grain yield CO_321:0000013 chr7B:667070044.0.667071768 TraesCS7B02G400600
9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework … 173

Table 9.2  (continued)
Gene Chr Phenotype Crop ontology Position Traes ID
PSY-D1 7D Flour color CO_321:0000214 chr7D:636766504.0.636770671 TraesCS7D02G553300
Vrn-D3 7D Flowering time CO_321:0000007 chr7D:68416507.0.68417532 TraesCS7D02G111600
GS3-D1 7D Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr7D:6483394.0.6485745 TraesCS7D02G015000
SPL20-7D 7D Grain morphology CO_321:0000040 chr7D:592816295.0.592819560 TraesCS7D02G482400
Lr34 7D Rust resistance chr7D:47412273.0.47424077 TraesCS7D02G080300
TaNAS4-D UNK GFe/GZn CO_321:0000224 chrUn:108595828.0.108597155 TraesCSU02G125200
TaDA1-A UNK Grain size CO_321:0000040 chrUn:11740231.0.11748045 TraesCSU02G007800
TaERF73-B1 Root depth chr4B:585962983.0.585964402 TraesCS4B02G299500

nitrogen-dependent lesion mimic gene Ndhrl1 9.3.1 Functional Genomics and Map-
(Li et al. 2016), powdery mildew resistance gene based Cloning in Wheat
Pm4b (Wu et al. 2018), leaf senescence gene
els1 (Li et al. 2018), stripe rust resistance gene The continuous development of new genomic
Yr26 (Wu et al. 2018), YrMM58, YrHY1 (Wang resources in wheat including new reference
et al. 2018a, b), dwarfing gene Rht12 (Sun genomes, transcriptome resources, wheat
et al. 2019), and Pm61 (Hu et al. 2019). It is TILLING mutants with exome sequencing
likely that this approach will get more attention data, and high-density SNP database are con-
because it replaces the genotyping of complete duits for carrying out map-based cloning to
populations (Zou et al. 2016). discover new genes in wheat. A QTL for head
Very few genes in wheat have been discov- length and spikelet number was identified and
ered using the traditional map-based cloning then fine mapped to an interval of 0.2 cM (Yao
approach, and most of the genes have been iden- et al. 2019). The map-based cloning identi-
tified by comparative genomics between wheat fied that Head Length 2 (HL2) is the designated
and related grass species due to the high col- gene controlling head length and spikelet num-
linearity and genetic organization among grass ber. Zhang et al. (2018) fine mapped a head-
genomes (Rasheed and Xia 2019; Chen et al. ing time gene, TaHdm605, in an EMS mutant
2020). According to the recent literature search, line. Spike architecture is an important yield-
almost 33 genes related to grain morphology related attribute, and three genes TaTFL1-2D,
have been isolated by homology-based cloning TaHOX2-2B, and TaAGLG1-5A, controlling
and functional markers have been developed spike architecture were discovered analyzing
for use in breeding (Table 9.1). Likewise, genes a large-scale transcriptome data of 90 wheat
related to other morphological and phenologi- lines (Wang et al. 2017b). The effects of these
cal traits have been isolated including TaPRR73 genes were validated by the transgenic assays.
(Zhang et al. 2016) and TaZIM-A1 (Liu et al. Another approach used for discovery of gene
2018) underpinning flowering time; TaPPH-7A was the screening of a yeast cDNA library con-
(Wang et al. 2018a; b) underpinning morpho- structed from a heat- and drought-tolerant wheat
logical traits; TaARF4 (Wang et al. 2019b) cv. HANXUAN 10. Using this approach, TaPR-
controlling root growth and plant height; and 1-1, for tolerance to abiotic stress tolerance,
TaSnRK2.9-5A (Ur Rehman et al. 2019) control- was identified which encodes the pathogenesis-
ling drought tolerance. related (PR) protein family (Wang et al. 2019a).
174 A. Rasheed et al.

The development of male sterile lines is an 9.3.2 Functional Genes and Their
important component of hybrid wheat breeding Diagnostic Markers
program. Two studies simultaneously cloned
Male Sterile 2 (Ms2) gene underpinning male All the above examples show the discovery
sterility in wheat (Ni et al. 2017; Xia et al. of genes following different strategies and
2016). The causal mutation was identified to be include various validation approaches. Once
a terminal-repeat retrotransposon in miniature a gene is discovered and its phenotypic effect
(TRIM) element in the promoter of Ms2. The is validated, it becomes important to identify
TRIM element was involved in the gene activa- and select the favorable alleles of those genes
tion and causes male sterility. Liu et al. (2019) in breeding using functional markers (FMs).
cloned TaSPL8 gene controlling leaf angle and FMs are referred to the PCR-based diagnostic
is an important component of auxin and brassi- markers designed to identify causal polymor-
nosteroid pathways and associated with cell phism underpinning phenotypic differences.
elongation. The knockout mutants of TaSPL8 FMs are routinely used in crop breeding pro-
had erect leaves due to the loss of the lamina grams to identify and select the desirable allelic
joint, compact architecture, and increased spike variations of specific functional genes (Liu et al.
number. Pm21 is a durable disease resistance 2012; Rasheed et al. 2017; Rasheed and Xia
gene derived from Haynaldia villosa confers 2019; Rouse et al. 2019). As mentioned earlier,
resistance against powdery mildew, and cur- FMs due to their high diagnostic value are ideal
rently wheat cultivars with Pm21 are cultivated markers for use in breeding to identify and pyra-
on 4 m ha in China (Cao et al. 2011). Two com- mid different genes in marker-assisted recurrent
plementary studies cloned Pm21 and identified selection. FMs are also used in genomic selec-
that it encodes a typical CC-NBS-LRR protein tion to improve selection accuracy. Rasheed
involved in broad spectrum resistance to pow- et al. (2016) converted a collection of 72 FMs
dery mildew (He et al. 2019). to kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) for-
Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the mats for their use in high-throughput platforms.
most important yield and quality limiting factors This effort currently now includes 157 KASP
in wheat globally. There are very few resources markers to diagnose alleles of traits of breed-
providing durable resistance to FHB in wheat ing interest. These KASP markers have been
including some landraces from China like used by various breeding programs, and a recent
SUMAI 3, which is known to carry Fhb1 gene. estimate from citation indicated that currently
Rawat et al. (2016) used multiple approaches more than 35 wheat breeding and genetic pro-
including positional cloning, development of grams all over the world used these markers.
overexpression lines, and gene silencing to report For example, CIMMYT elite lines were tagged
that a pore-forming toxin-like (PFT) gene was with TaGS3-D1, TaTGW6, and TaSus1 genes
the candidate for Fhb1. However, it was later using these KASP markers (Sehgal et al. 2019).
found that several FHB susceptible cultivars also Zhao et al. (2019) screened 1152 diverse global
carry PFT and its candidacy was doubted. Two wheat germplasm lines with KASP markers
new studies further established that a histidine- of 47 functional genes underpinning a number
rich calcium-binding (TaHRC or His) gene adja- of important traits of breeding interest (Zhao
cent to PFT is the actual Fhb1 and was identified et al. 2019). Favorable alleles of more than 39
as a susceptibility factor (Su et al. 2019). In con- genes of breeding importance were also identi-
trast, Li et al. (2019) concluded that Fhb1 is a fied in East African wheat germplasm using the
gain-of-function gene and that the newly gener- aforementioned KASP markers (Wamalwa et al.
ated protein acts as a regulator of host immunity. 2020).
9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework … 175

Several commercial alternatives to the KASP 9.4.1 Gene–gene Synteny Using

master mix are now available which have made PRETZEL
SNP genotyping more cost effective. Apart
from these commercial alternates to the KASP In defining a genetic framework at the genome
technology, some open-source SNP genotyp- level, the reliance on similarity searches with
ing methods are also available. Two examples transcripts and proteins is of primary impor-
are the development of semi-thermal asymmet- tance, and in this context, features of genome
ric reverse PCR (STARP) (Long et al. 2017) structure such as sequence/gene repetition
and Amplifluor (Jatayev et al. 2017) methods impact on the capacity to identify the correct
which can be used with wide range of commer- gene for detailed analysis. Sequence alignments
cial master mix. Several SNP markers were con- underpin all the studies. The capacity to visual-
verted to STARP format to further reducing the ize genome features such as uneven repetition
cost of genotyping (Wu et al. 2020). between loci aligned between several genomes
(Fig. 9.1) can anticipate complications when
gene alignments are carried out without this
9.4 Mining Gene Networks Using prior knowledge.
Database Resources PRETZEL (;
Keeble-Gagnere et al. 2019) is an online, inter-
We have outlined many genome sequencing pro- active, and real-time visualization tool for ana-
jects carried out to generate genome variation data lyzing and integrating genetic and genomic
in wheat populations (Table 9.1). The amount datasets. In Fig. 9.1, the alignments of the fruc-
of genome sequencing data being generated in tosyltransferase genes at the fructan synthe-
wheat can often hinder scientists from translating sis locus on 7AS for the wheat cv. LANCER,
complex and sometimes contradictory informa- cv. CHINESE SPRING, and cv. MACE are
tion into biological understanding and discover- shown as a complex example where the IWGSC
ies. Apart from using the data to investigate the 7A-LANCE 7A alignment of the array of GH32
genetic diversity, population-level genomic varia- genes is fully syntenic between gene models
tion data provides a valuable resources and great within the LACER and CS loci. In contrast, the
opportunities for identifying trait-related genes, IWGSC 7A-MACE 7A alignment is evidently
designing markers, constructing gene trees, ambiguous as a result of small genome rear-
exploring the evolutionary history, and assist- rangements possibly due to assembly errors.
ing the design of molecular breeding. Mining the The software PRETZEL enables any locus of
relevant information from the extensive genome interest to be analyzed and potential issues to be
variation datasets is a time-consuming and error- identified.
prone process if the proper tools are not used to The variations in fructosyltransferases on
explore the genes in questions. New tools are chromosomes 7A, 4A, 7D, 6A, 6B, and 6D are
indispensable to develop for explaining how candidate genes in QTL that characterize fructan
genes and gene networks might be implicated in a content in wheat grain and thus relate to quality/
complex trait or disease. Another limitation is that nutritional attributes of the grain (Zhang et al
tapping large and complex genome variation data- 2008; Huynh et al 2012; Langridge and Fleury
sets requires computational skills exceeding the 2012). The component fructosyltransferases
abilities of the most crop breeders. In nutshell, the genes in the 4A and 7D loci showed good align-
reuse of genomic variation data plays an impor- ment across LANCE, CS, and MACE except for
tant role in driving current plant science research. an inversion relative the CS in the MACE locus
We have provided an overview of the various similar to that shown for the 7A locus (Fig. 9.1).
genome variation tools and resources for quick The 6B and 6D loci carried the component fruc-
analysis of gene and gene networks (Table 9.3). tosyltransferases genes, referred to as fructan
176 A. Rasheed et al.

Table 9.3  Genomics database in wheat for genome-informed characterization of wheat genes

Name URL Description Referece
GrainGene A comprehensive resource for Odell et al.
molecular and phenotypic infor- (2017)
mation for Triticeae and Avena
MASWheat Marker-assisted selection data- NA
base for wheat
expVIP Wheat transcriptome resources Borrill et al.
for expression analysis (2016)
WheatExp Homoeologue-specific database Pearce et al.
of gene expression profiles for (2015)
polyploid wheat
Cerealsdb Database for SNPs, genotyping NA
nomics/CerealsDB/indexNEW.php arrays and sequences
WheatIS Wheat information system NA
for wheat data, resources and
bioinformatics tools
OpenWildWheat Sequencing resources of Ae. Gaurav et al.
tauschii accessions (2022)
IWGSC Official website of IWGSC NA
10+ Wheat genomes Wheat pan-genome resources NA
Polymarker SNP assay development tool Ramirez-
Gonzalez et al.
Triticeae tool box Repository of wheat data from Blake et al.
wheat CAP (2016)
Wheat Transcription factors Database of wheat transcription NA
TILLING Sequencing resource of Krasileva et al.
CADENZA (6x) and KRONOS (2017)
(4x) wheat TILLING population
WGIN Wheat genetic improvement NA
URGI INRA-based resources for NA
wheat sequence resources
Gramene Open-source, integrated data Sun et al.
resource for comparative func- (2022)
tional genomics in crops and
model plant species
KnetMiner Open-source software tools for Hassani-Pak
Triticum_aestivum/ integrating and visualizing large and Rawlings
biological datasets (2017)
Wheat SnpHub Portal A web interface to call variation Wang et al.
Wheat_SnpHub_Portal/ data and map allele frequencies (2020)
in global wheat populations
based on exome capture and
resequencing data
Wheat Gmap Bulk segregation analysis based Zhang et al.
on RNA or DNA sequencing (2021)
WheatOmics Several wheat omics tools Ma et al. (2021)
including blast, ID converter,
sequence retriever, SNP marker
WheatGene A Drupal-based interactive Garcia et al.
genome search database of (2021)
wheat genomes and RNAseq
9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework … 177

Table 9.3  (continued)
Name URL Description Referece
ggCOMP A wheat resequencing database Yang et al.
WheatCompDB/ to enable unsupervised identi- (2022)
fication of pairwise germplasm
resource-based identity by
descent (gIBD) blocks
ccnWHEAT A platform for searching and Li et al. (2022b)
ccnWheat comparing specific functional
co-expression networks, as
well as identifying the related
functions of the genes clustered
TGT A homology database, by inte- Chen et al.
grating 12 Triticeae genomes (2020)
and three outgroup model
genomes and implemented ver-
satile analysis and visualization
Pretzel An interactive, web-based Keeble-Gagnere
environment for navigat- et al. (2019)
ing multi-dimensional wheat
datasets, including genetic maps
and chromosome-scale physical
wheatQTL A QTL database of wheat Singh et al.

1-exohydrolase (1-FEH) in Zhang et al (2008), The genome viewer in Fig. 9.2b is from
and showed good alignment across LANCE, CS, DAWN (Watson-Haigh et al. 2018) and shows
and MACE. The 6A locus showed an inversion variation in SNP (colored drops) positions rela-
in MACE relative to CS and an absence of the tive to the CHINESE SPRING refseq 2.1 as a
locus in LANCER, consistent with the presence/ reference and uses cv. LANCER and cv. MACE
absence polymorphism among wheat varieties from the wheat 10Xgenome sequence dataset,
for the 6A locus reported by Zhang et al. (2008). and cv. XIAOYAN 54 and WESTONIA from
In contrast to the locus carrying the fructo- Whole-Genome Shotgun (WGS) resequencing
syltransferases, the wheat-APO1 (WAPO-A1) data (Watson-Haigh et al. 2018). In field trails,
locus on the long arm of 7A shows unam- under rain-fed conditions, the SNP-based hap-
biguous alignments across the varieties exam- lotype h2 was found to be significantly associ-
ined (Fig. 9.2a, left-hand panel for entire ated with increased grain yield compared to h1,
chromosomes and right panel for the WAPO1 conferring a 24% yield advantage relative to
locus region), and thus, the variation at the all other haplotypes, especially h1 which was
structural level that needs to be considered when the other prominent haplotype in the field trial
gene functions are examined is not a significant (Voss-Fels et al. 2019).
factor. Interestingly, the h1 and h2 haplotypes PRETZEL aims to solve alignment problems
at this locus (Fig. 9.2b) identified by Voss-Fels and structural changes in cultivar sequences
et al. (2018) using SNP variation in the genome by providing an interactive, online environ-
sequence indicate striking sequence-level diver- ment for data visualization and analysis which,
gence in this WAPO1 gene region that is not when loaded with appropriately curated data,
reflected at the gene–gene syntenic level shown can enable researchers with no bioinformatics
in Fig. 9.2a. training to exploit the latest genomic resources
178 A. Rasheed et al.

Fig. 9.1  Comparative analysis of 7AS fructan locus. aberrations in colinearity (based on sequence similar-
In a, the arrows indicate the location of the locus within ity of 70% over 70% of the length of the sequence) as
the entire chromosome, and b and c are the images discussed in the text in terms of relating the boundaries
resulting from ZOOMing into the locus. The marker of inverted regions to the boundaries of scaffolds in the
genes TraesCS7A02G009100, TraesCS7A02G009200 assembly. In the region illustrated for MACE (b, c), the
through TraesCS7A02G010200 indicate the array of chance of the inverted region being an assembly error is
GH32 fructosyltransferases located at the locus in a reduced because the inversion is well within the respec-
ca 750 kb region (c). Scaffold columns to the right tive scaffold
side of the PRETZEL maps are important for checking
9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework … 179

Fig. 9.2  a PRETZEL view of chr7A region (right DAWN (Watson-Haigh et al. 2018), and shows variation
panel) showing several genes including WAPO-A1 (Voss- relative to the CHINESE SPRING refseq 2.1 as a ref-
Fels et al. 2019; Kuzay et al. 2019, 2022) and struc- erence and uses cv. LANCER and cv. MACE from the
tural changes in the WAPO-A1 gene across three cvs. wheat 10Xgenome sequence dataset, and cv. XIAOYAN
LANCER, CS, and MACE can be visualized with high- 54 and WESTONIA from Whole-Genome Shotgun
resolution (right panel). b is the genome viewer from (WGS) resequencing data

(Keeble-Gagnère et al. 2019). Apart from the example, Rht24 is a new gene discovered asso-
visualization, PRETZEL can be used to retrieve ciated with semi-dwarf phenotype in wheat
the genome information (features including and is present on chr6A. The Knetminer iden-
markers, genes, annotations, etc.) as dataset files tified the gene network of Rht24, partially
of any selected chromosomal region for further shown as Fig. 9.3 for clarity. The Traes IDs of
downstream analysis. both of the chr6B and chr6D homeologue are
shown as interacting genes, and another gene,
TraesCS5B02G265400, strongly interacts with
9.4.2 Knowledge Graphs Rht24. It can also be visualized that the gene
interacts with bHLH27 transcription factor and
Knowledge graphs (KG) are now extensively physiologically influences the Gibberellin 20
used to make search and information dis- pathway. Another feature is the identification
covery more efficient. Knetminer is a data of any stop/gain mutations in the CADENZA
integration platform to visualize biological TILLING population, and mutant names and
knowledge networks in an interactive web SNP positions can also be visualized.
application (Hassani-Pak and Rawlings 2017). The causal mutation of Rht24 on chr6A was
The data integration approach to build KGs has identified in the exome capture data of the global
the ability to capture complex biological rela- hexaploid wheat collection (He et al. 2019).
tionships between genes, traits, diseases, and The target SNP was plotted for the frequency of
many more information types derived from wild-type and alternate SNP among global wheat
curated or predicted information sources. For accessions using SnpHub portal (Fig. 9.4).
180 A. Rasheed et al.

Fig. 9.3  
KnetMiner network depicts connec- and the mutations in the wheat TILLING population
tions with Rht-24 on chr6A in wheat. This wheat (e.g., two mutations in CADENZA TILLING popula-
reduced height gene, Rht-24, its homeologs on B- and tion) can be visualized. Not all connections present in
D-genome along with other genes in cross-talk like the KnetMiner network are depicted in the figure; only a
TraesCS5B02G265400, associated transcription factors, subset is shown for clarity

Fig. 9.4  SnpHub-based global haplotype map of non- while the blue proportion represents the frequency of
synonymous mutation in Rht-24 is plotted based on the non-synonymous mutation associated with reduced
global exome sequencing data. In pie chart, the red pro- height
portion represents the frequency of wild-type mutation,
9 Genome-Informed Discovery of Genes and Framework … 181

9.4.3 SnpHub Portal for Global Chap. 4) it was emphasized that an important
Overview of Functional Gene intrinsic feature of eukaryote gene structure
Frequencies that impacts on annotation is the fragmentation
level at the level of the number of exons per
SnpHub portal is a convenient way to identify gene. Choulet et al., (Chap. 4) noted that as a
mutations in the wheat genomes and then plot- CDS is fragmented into several exons, the dif-
ting the frequency of the SNPs country-wise in ficulty in predicting the correct intron/exon
global what population (Wang et al. 2020). It is structure increases, although in wheat, (RefSeq
a Shing/R-based platform for mining and visu- Annotation v2.1) the average number of exons
alizing large genome variation data in wheat. per CDS is only 4, and some genes (up to 10%)
Genome variation data in terms of .vcf files and can have up to 17 exons. In this chapter, we
genome annotation files can be accessed by a have assigned genes and QTL to the reference
chromosomal interval of specific gene (Traes genome and utilized available annotations to
ID) to visualize genomic variation in heatmap, significantly improve the value of the outputs
phylogenetic trees, haplotype networks, and as reference documentation to be used in wheat
haplotype geographic maps. breeding. The alignment of traits to annotated
Apart from these platforms, several other genes in the reference genome provides their
platforms can be interactively used to mine position and TraesIDs to define a framework
useful genome variation and gene expression for establishing more informative markers for
analysis (Table 9.3). The exVIP is an excel- selecting lines to be deployed in crosses as well
lent resource for gene expression studies across as for tracking targeted traits in segregating
various tissues and various experiments where progeny from crosses.
the expression of certain genes can be visu- Integration of a range of datasets has been
alized as heatmaps or as datafiles for further emphasized in this chapter in order to deal with
analysis. Similarly, WheatOmics (Ma et al. the complexity of the wheat genome and gen-
2021) provides several features for analysis of erating robust associations between genome
genes including JBrowse with distinct track of haplotypes and agronomic traits for select-
several SNP genotyping and exome sequenc- ing parents for crossing and accurately track-
ing resources, TraesID converter, and sequence ing progeny from crosses. Since only 17% of
retriever. Last but not least, a wheat QTL data- genes are single copies, most key agronomic
base has been released recently which is an traits are likely to be the product of gene net-
important resource to align QTL information work interactions involving genes/gene families
with the IWGSC reference sequence (Singh distributed across the chromosomes of the A-,
et al. 2021). B-, and D-subgenomes and genome signatures
The sequencing data generated from culti-
9.5 Conclusion and Prospects vated and wild wheats, natural and breeding
populations, and mutants is enabling the dis-
The complete annotation of functional genes covery of genes underpinning important traits
in wheat is a challenge at multiple levels. For of breeding interest. This information is use-
example, a first important intrinsic feature to ful to further develop and deploy the diagnostic
impact annotation is the fragmentation level at markers for use in wheat breeding. The wheat
the level of the number of exons per gene. As a genome variation is very complex for down-
CDS is fragmented into several exons, the diffi- stream analysis; therefore, the data analytics
culty to predict the correct intron/exon structure platforms have been developed to visualize
increases. In a detailed analysis of the wheat genome variations and expression in heatmaps,
genome space by Choulet et al., (this volume, haplotype and geographic maps, and gene
182 A. Rasheed et al.

networks. We have provided an elucidated of Chen H, Jiao C, Wang Y, Wang Y, Tian C, Yu H, Wang
gene frameworks discovered so far in wheat, and J, Wang X, Lu F, Fu X, Xue Y, Jiang W, Ling H, Lu
H, Jiao Y (2019) Comparative population genomics
these need to be integrated with the thousands of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) reveals its culti-
of QTL that have been discovered in wheat in vation and breeding history in China. bioRxiv:519587
different mapping populations and with many Chen Y, Song W, Xie X, Wang Z, Guan P, Peng H, Jiao
different marker platforms. The integration of Y, Ni Z, Sun Q, Guo W (2020) A collinearity-incor-
porating homology inference strategy for connect-
wheat QTL information with genome visualiza- ing emerging assemblies in the Triticeae tribe as a
tion platforms for better understanding of gene pilot practice in the plant pangenomic era. Mol Plant
networks and trait discovery is a key challenge. 13:1694–1708
Driscoll CJ, Jensen N (1964) Chromosomes associated
with waxlessness, awnedness and time of maturity of
Acknowledgements The authors are grateful for the common wheat. Can J Genet Cytol 6:324–333
perceptive comments provided by Dr Yuri Shavrukov Finno CJ, Aleman M, Higgins RJ, Madigan JE,
(Flinders University, SthAustralia). Bannascha DL (2014) Risk of false positive genetic
associations in complex traits with underlying popu-
lation structure: a case study. Vet J 202:543–549
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Rapid Cloning of Disease
Resistance Genes in Wheat 10
Katherine L. D. Running and Justin D. Faris

Abstract and repetitive nature of the wheat genome.

However, recent advances in gene cloning
Wheat is challenged by rapidly evolving methods that exploit reduced representa-
pathogen populations, resulting in yield tion sequencing methods to reduce genome
losses. Plants use innate immune systems complexity have greatly expedited R/S gene
involving the recognition of pathogen effec- cloning in wheat. Such rapid cloning meth-
tors and subsequent activation of defense ods referred to as MutRenSeq, AgRenSeq,
responses to respond to pathogen infections. k-mer GWAS, and MutChromSeq allow the
Understanding the genes, genetic networks, identification of candidate genes without the
and mechanisms governing plant-pathogen development and screening of high-resolu-
interactions is key to the development of vari- tion mapping populations, which is a highly
eties with robust resistance whether through laborious step often required in traditional
conventional breeding techniques coupled positional cloning methods. These new clon-
with marker selection, gene editing, or other ing methods can now be coupled with a wide
novel strategies. With regards to plant-path- range of wheat genome assemblies, addi-
ogen interactions, the most useful targets tional genomic resources such as TILLING
for crop improvement are the plant genes populations, and advances in bioinformatics
responsible for pathogen effector recognition, and data analysis, to revolutionize the gene
referred to as resistance (R) or susceptibility cloning landscape for wheat. Today, 58 R/S
(S) genes, because they govern the plant’s genes have been identified with 42 of them
defense response. Historically, the molecu- having been identified in the past six years
lar identification of R/S genes in wheat has alone. Thus, wheat researchers now have
been extremely difficult due to the large the means to enhance global food security
through the discovery of R/S genes, paving
the way for rapid R gene deployment or S
K. L. D. Running gene elimination, manipulation through gene
Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State
University, Fargo, ND, USA
editing, and understanding wheat-pathogen
e-mail: interactions at the molecular level to guard
J. D. Faris (*)
against crop losses due to pathogens.
USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Cereal Crops
Research Unit, Edward T. Schafer Agricultural Research
Center, Fargo, ND, USA

© The Author(s) 2024 187

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
188 K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

Keywords genes are shared, and as such R and/or S genes

will be referred to as “R/S genes” in this chapter.
Wheat diseases · Resistance genes · Rapid Although over 460 R/S genes in wheat have
cloning been described (Hafeez et al. 2021), only 58
have been cloned (Table 10.1). The genome of
hexaploid bread wheat is large and repetitive
10.1 Introduction due, in part, to its evolutionary history, mak-
ing it challenging to clone R/S genes. The basic
Pathogens and pests pose a significant threat to seven-chromosome Triticeae progenitor split into
global food security, affecting not just primary the Triticum and Aegilops branches about 3 mil-
yields, but also the stability and distribution lion years ago (MYA) (reviewed by Faris 2014).
of production and the quality of food (Savary Modern-day bread wheat (Triticum aestivum
et al. 2017). An estimated 21.47% of global ssp. aestivum L., 2n = 6x = 42, AABBDD) is
wheat yields are lost annually due to pathogens an allohexaploid that evolved as a result of two
and pests (Savary et al. 2019), equating to ~210 amphiploidization events involving the hybridi-
million metric tons of grain per year, enough zation of two different species followed by spon-
to bake 290 billion loaves of bread (Wulff and taneous chromosome doubling through meiotic
Krattinger 2022). Combining agronomic prac- restitution division, several mutations, and inter-
tices that reduce the initial disease inoculum specific gene flow. Around 0.5 MYA the wild
and infection rate with selection of genetically diploid species T. urartu Tumanian ex Gandylian
resistant varieties is an effective crop disease (2n = 2x = 14, AA) hybridized with a species sim-
management strategy, and to develop geneti- ilar to Aegilops speltoides Tausch (2n = 2x = 14,
cally resistant wheat, resistance (R) genes need SS) to form tetraploid wheat Triticum turgidum
to be identified, characterized, and deployed. In ssp. dicoccoides Thell (2n = 4x = 28, AABB),
some diseases, for example tan spot or septoria also known as wild emmer. T. turgidum ssp.
nodorum blotch, susceptibility is conferred by durum (2n = 4x = 28, AABB), durum wheat, is
dominant genes. In these cases, the priority is to a free-threshing derivative of T. turgidum ssp.
remove or disrupt susceptibility (S) genes rather dicoccoides, and it is today widely cultivated and
than deploy novel R genes. Gene cloning is cru- used to make pasta and other semolina-based
cial to the efficient deployment of R genes and products. The second amphiploidization event
removal of S genes, requiring the identification occurred around 8000 years ago. A T. turgidum
of the nucleotide sequence of a target gene and ssp. and the diploid wild goat grass Aegilops
validating its function. Diversity and functional tauschii Coss. (2n = 2x = 14, DD) hybridized
studies can assess the effects of genetic vari- to form hexaploid (common or bread) wheat T.
ation within an R or S gene on their respective aestivum (2n = 6x = 42, AABBDD). Due to the
resistance/susceptibility, allowing researchers to differential presence of Ae. tauschii lineage spe-
develop molecular markers targeting the vari- cific sequences in modern cultivars, it is possible
ants, which can then be used to select breeding that more than one hybridization even occurred
lines with the most beneficial alleles. Cloned R between T. turgidum spp. and Ae. tauschii
genes can also be introduced into modern culti- (Gaurav et al. 2022). Together, bread and durum
vars via gene complementation or cross-hybrid- wheat provide about 18% of the caloric intake
ization, and S genes can be removed through of humans worldwide, but in some regions of
marker-assisted elimination or gene editing. The the world, wheat accounts for over a third of the
methods and resources used to clone R and S caloric and protein intake (Erenstein et al. 2022).
Table 10.1  Cloned resistance and susceptibility genes effective in wheat
Genea Gene function Classb Cloning method Validation method Origin Yearc Reference
TaMlo-B1 Powdery mildew Transmembrane Homology-based Gene complementation (Elliott T. aestivum/T. 2002 Elliott et al.
susceptibility domains et al. 2002) virus-induced gene turgidum (2002)
silencing (Várallyay et al.
2012), TALEN-mediated gene
knockout (Wang et al. 2014),
TILLING (Acevedo-Garcia
et al. 2017; Ingvardsen et al.
Lr10 Leaf rust resistance NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. aestivum 2003 Feuillet et al.
complementation (2003)
Lr21 Leaf rust resistance NLR Mapping Gene complementation T. aestivum 2003 Huang et al.
Pm3a, Pm3b, Powdery mildew NLR Mapping Transient expression, mutagen- T. aestivum 2005/04 Srichumpa
Pm3d, Pm3f resistance esis (γ-irradiation) et al. (2005)/
Yahiaoui et al.
Lr1 Leaf rust resistance NLR Mapping Virus-induced gene silencing, T. aestivum 2007 Cloutier et al.
Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat

gene complementation (2007)

Lr34/Yr18/Sr57/ Leaf rust, stripe rust, Abscisic acid Mapping Mutagenesis (γ-irradiation, T. aestivum 2009 Krattinger
Pm38/Ltn1 stem rust, powdery mil- transporter sodium azide) et al. (2009)
dew, and leaf tip necrosis
Yr36 (WKS1) Stripe rust resistance START Kinase Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. turgidum ssp. 2009 Fu et al.
complementation dicoccoides (2009)
Tsn1 Septoria nodorum blotch S/TPK-NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), CRISPR- T. turgidum ssp. 2010 Faris et al.
and tan spot resistance Cas9-mediated gene knock- durum (2010)
out (Poddar et al. 2023)
TaMlo-A1 Powdery mildew Transmembrane Homology-based Virus-induced gene silencing T. aestivum/T. 2012 Várallyay
susceptibility domains (Várallyay et al. 2012), TALEN- turgidum et al. (2012)
mediated gene knockout
(Wang et al. 2014), CRISPR-
Cas9-mediated gene knockout
(Wang et al. 2014), TILLING
(Acevedo-Garcia et al. 2017;
Ingvardsen et al. 2019)
Table 10.1  (continued)

Genea Gene function Classb Cloning method Validation method Origin Yearc Reference
TaMlo-D1 Powdery mildew Transmembrane Homology-based Virus-induced gene silencing T. aestivum 2012 Várallyay
susceptibility domains (Várallyay et al. 2012), TALEN- et al. (2012)
mediated gene knockout
(Wang et al. 2014), TILLING
(Acevedo-Garcia et al. 2017)
Sr33 Stem rust resistance NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene Ae. tauschii 2013 Periyannan
complementation et al. (2013)
Sr35 Stem rust resistance NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. monoccocum 2013 Saintenac
complementation et al. (2013)
Pm8 Powdery mildew NLR Homology-based Transient expression, gene Secale cereale 2013 Hurni et al.
resistance complementation (2013)
Yr10 (Yr10cg)d Stripe rust resistance NLR Mapping Gene complementation T. aestivum 2014 Liu et al.
Lr67/Yr46/Sr55/ Leaf rust, stripe rust, Hexose transporter Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. aestivum 2015 Moore et al.
Pm46/Ltn3 stem rust, powdery mil- complementation (2015)
dew resistance, and leaf
tip necrosis resistance
Sr50 Stem rust resistance NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene Secale cereale 2015 Mago et al.
complementation (2015)
Fhb1e Fusarium head blight Pore-forming toxin- Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), RNAi- T. aestivum 2016 Rawat et al.
resistance like gene induced gene silencing, gene (2016)
Snn1 Septoria nodorum blotch WAK Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. aestivum 2016 Shi et al.
complementation (2016)
Pm2a Powdery mildew NLR MutChromSeq Mutagenesis (EMS) T. aestivum 2016 Sánchez-
resistance Martín et al.
Sr22a, Sr22b Stem rust resistance NLR MutRenSeq Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. boeoticum T. 2016 Steuernagel
complementation monococcum et al. (2016)
Sr45 Stem rust resistance NLR MutRenSeq Mutagenesis (EMS) Ae. tauschii 2016 Steuernagel
(Steuernagel et al. 2016), gene et al. (2016)
complementation (Arora et al.
Sr13 Stem rust resistance NLR Mapping TILLING, gene T. durum 2017 Zhang et al.
complementation (2017)
K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

Table 10.1  (continued)

Genea Gene function Classb Cloning method Validation method Origin Yearc Reference
Lr22a Leaf rust resistance NLR Mapping and Mutagenesis (EMS) Ae. tauschii 2017 Thind et al.
TACCA (2017)
Pm21f Powdery mildew NLR Mapping, EMS, gene complementation Dasypyrum villosum 2017/18 He et al.
resistance MutRenSeq (2017)/Xing
et al. (2018)
Pm60, MlWE18 Powdery mildew NLR Mapping Virus-induced gene silencing, T. urartu 2018 Zou et al.
resistance gene complementation, transient (2018)
Stb6 Septoria tritici blotch WAK-like protein Mapping Gene complementation, T. aestivum 2018 Saintenac
resistance virus-induced gene silencing, et al. (2018)
Sr21 Stem rust resistance NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. monoccocum 2018 Chen et al.
complementation (2018)
Yr15 Stripe rust resistance Tandem Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. dicoccoides 2018 Klymiuk et al.
kinase-pseudokinase complementation (2018)
Yr5a (Yr5), Yr5b Stripe rust resistance BED-NLR MutRenSeq Mutagenesis (EMS) T. aestivum 2018 Marchal et al.
Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat

(YrSP) (2018)
Yr7 Stripe rust resistance BED-NLR MutRenSeq Mutagenesis (EMS) T. aestivum 2018 Marchal et al.
Pm17 Powdery mildew NLR Homology-based Transient expression, gene Secale cereale 2018 Singh et al.
resistance complementation (2018)
Sr46 Stem rust resistance NLR AgRenSeq Mutagenesis (EMS), gene Ae. tauschii 2019 Arora et al.
complementation (2019)
YrAS2388R Stripe rust resistance NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene Ae. tauschii 2019 Zhang et al.
complementation (2019)
Sr60 (WKS2) Stem rust resistance Tandem kinase Mapping Gene complementation T. monoccocum 2020 Chen et al.
Pm5e Powdery mildew NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. aestivum 2020 Xie et al.
resistance complementation (2020)
Pm24 Powdery mildew Tandem kinase Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. aestivum 2020 Lu et al.
resistance complementation (2020)
Pm41 Powdery mildew NLR Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. turgidum ssp. 2020 Li et al. (2020)
resistance complementation dicoccoides
YrU1 Stripe rust resistance ANK-NLR-WRKY Mapping Gene complementation T. urartu 2020 Wang et al.

Table 10.1  (continued)

Genea Gene function Classb Cloning method Validation method Origin Yearc Reference
Sm1 Orange wheat blossom NLR-kinase-MSP Mapping and hap- Mutagenesis (EMS) T. aestivum 2020 Walkowiak
midge resistance domains lotype analysis et al. (2020)
Fhb7 Fusarium head blight Glutathione Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), virus- Thinopyrum 2020 Wang et al.
resistance S-transferase induced gene silencing, gene elongatum (2020a)
Pm1a Powdery mildew NLR Mapping, Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. aestivum 2021 Hewitt et al.
resistance MutChromSeq complementation (2021a)
Sr26 Stem rust resistance NLR MutRenSeq Mutagenesis (EMS), gene Thinopyrum 2021 Zhang et al.
complementation ponticum (2021a)
Sr61 Stem rust resistance NLR MutRenSeq Mutagenesis (EMS), gene Thinopyrum 2021 Zhang et al.
complementation ponticum (2021a)
Lr14a Leaf rust resistance Ankyrin transmem- MutChromSeq Mutagenesis (EMS), virus- T. aestivum 2021 Kolodziej
brane domain protein induced gene silencing et al. (2021)
Snn3-D1 Septoria nodorum blotch PK-MSP Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS) Ae. tauschii 2021 Zhang et al.
Stb16q Septoria tritici blotch CRK Mapping EMS, gene complementation Ae. tauschii 2021 Saintenac
resistance et al. (2021)
Pm4a, Pm4b Powdery mildew MCTP-kinase MutChromSeq Mutagenesis (EMS), gene T. aestivum 2021 Sánchez-
(Pm4c), Pm4d resistance complementation, virus-induced Martín et al.
(Pm4e), Pm4f, gene silencing (2021)
Pm4g, Pm4hg
Sr27 Stem rust resistance NLR MutRenSeq Mutagenesis (EMS), transient Triticale (Secale 2021 Upadhyaya
expression, cereale genome) et al. (2021)
Lr13, Yr27h Leaf rust resistance, NLR MutRenSeq/ Mutagenesis (EMS), virus- T. aestivum 2021/22 Hewitt et al.
stripe rust resistance Mapping induced gene silencing, gene (2021b); Yan
complementation et al. (2021);
et al. (2022)
SrTA1662 Stem rust resistance NLR k-mer GWAS Gene complementation Ae. tauschii 2022 Gaurav et al.
Sr62 Stem rust resistance Tandem kinase Mapping Mutagenesis (EMS), gene Ae. sharonensis 2022 Yu et al.
complementation (2022)
TaPDIL5-1-4A Wheat yellow mosaic Protein disulfide Homology CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene T. aestivum 2022 Kan et al.
virus susceptibility isomerase like knockout (2022)
TaPDIL5-1-4B Wheat yellow mosaic Protein disulfide Homology CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene T. aestivum 2022 Kan et al.
K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

virus susceptibility isomerase like knockout (2022)

Table 10.1  (continued)

Genea Gene function Classb Cloning method Validation method Origin Yearc Reference
TaPDIL5-1-4D Wheat yellow mosaic Protein disulfide Homology CRISPR-Cas9-mediated gene T. aestivum 2022 Kan et al.
virus susceptibility isomerase like knockout (2022)
Lr42 Leaf rust resistance NLR BSR-Seqi Mutagenesis (EMS), gene Ae. tauschii 2022 Lin et al.
complementation, virus-induced (2022)
gene silencing
TaYRG1 Stripe rust resistance NLR Transcriptomics Virus-induced gene silencing, T. aestivum 2022 Zhang et al.
gene complementation (2022a)
TaSTP3 Stripe rust susceptibility Sugar transporter Transcriptomics Virus-induced gene silencing, T. aestivum 2022 Huai et al.
RNAi-induced gene silencing, (2022)
gene complementation
TaRPP13L1-3D Powdery mildew NB-ARC Transcriptomics Gene complementation, virus- T. aestivum 2022 Zhang et al.
resistance induced gene silencing (2022b)
a Alternate gene designations for resistance/susceptibility to the same pathogen are listed in parenthesis. Characterized alleles of a gene are separated by commas. Alternate

gene designations for resistance/susceptibility to different pathogens are separated with a forward slash
b Class designations are abbreviated as follows: nucleotide-binding domain leucine-rich repeat containing (NLR), serine/threonine protein kinase (S/TPK), wall-associated

receptor kinase (WAK), ankyrin-repeat (ANK), protein kinase (PK), major sperm protein (MSP), cysteine-rich receptor-like kinase (CRK), multiple C2 domain and transmem-
Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat

brane region proteins (MCTP), nucleotide binding (NB)

c Year cloned refers to the first reported functional validation of the gene
d Yr10 provides race-specific resistance to yellow rust. A later analysis determined that Yr10 does not provide race-specific resistance in the manner expected and therefore

may not be Yr10. Instead, the authors refer to the cloned Yr10 as Yr10 candidate gene or Yr10cg (Yuan et al. 2018)
e Two later studies identified Fhb1 as a histidine-rich calcium-binding protein (Li et al. 2019; Su et al. 2019)
f Pm21 was initially reported as a Sr/Thr kinase (Cao et al. 2011)
g Pm4f and Pm4g appear to be susceptible alleles of Pm4
h Yr27 and Lr13 are distinct alleles of hybrid necrosis gene Ne2
i Bulked-segregant analysis and RenSeq
194 K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

Despite their polyploid nature, bread and Aegilops species, and an additional eight R/S
durum wheat behave like diploid plants geneti- genes have been cloned from related species
cally, with homologous chromosomes pairing and shown to be functional in wheat (Table
and segregating during meiosis. The pairing of 10.1, current as of 8/1/2022). In just the last two
homoeologous chromosomes is prevented by years, more R/S genes were cloned than were
genes Ph1 and Ph2 (Riley and Chapman 1958; cloned in the first decade of R/S gene cloning.
Sears and Okamoto 1958; Mello-Sampayo and Here, we review the surge of genomic resources
Lorente 1968) with the resulting diploid-like and gene cloning methods that have contributed
pairing of wheat chromosomes in meiosis sim- to the acceleration of R/S gene cloning in wheat.
plifying segregation studies and genetic map-
ping of traits. Due to their formation through
amphiploidization, hexaploid and tetraploid 10.2 Advances in Wheat Genome
wheats often have three or two copies of each Sequencing
gene, respectively, called homoeologous genes.
Homoeologous genes are often highly con- High-quality genomic sequences and assem-
served, with ~97% identity across their coding blies act as the basis for gene cloning efforts in
regions (Schreiber et al. 2012), and this high wheat, and the recognition of this requirement
sequence conservation among homoeologous led to the formation of the International Wheat
genes hinders the development of homoeolog- Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) in
specific molecular markers. Additionally, 2005. Several hexaploid, tetraploid, and dip-
approximately 85% of the wheat genome is loid Triticum full genome assemblies have been
comprised repetitive elements (Wicker et al. released in the last five years (Table 10.2). The
2018), making it difficult to design molecular bread wheat variety CHINESE SPRING was
markers that only target one locus for use in selected for sequencing due to the extensive
molecular mapping or marker-assisted selection. genetic and molecular resources developed
Bread and durum wheat genomes are rela- using this variety (Gill et al. 2004), includ-
tively large at 12 and 17 Gb, respectively ing aneuploid stocks developed by Ernie Sears
(Bennett and Smith 1976). The sequencing that could be used to physically map genes and
and assembly of such large genomes are com- markers to specific chromosomes (Sears 1954,
putationally challenging and further compli- 1966; Sears and Sears 1978). Segmental dele-
cated by the highly repetitive nature of wheat tion lines (Endo and Gill 1996) further specified
genomes and interchromosomal gene duplica- physical regions within chromosomal arms and
tions (IWGSC et al. 2014). The complexity of were used to map 16,000 expressed sequence
the wheat genome has hampered the generation tag (EST) loci (Qi et al. 2004).
of genomic data and bioinformatic analysis. Hexaploid wheat was estimated to be 17 Gb
Despite the challenges, multiple high-quality and included families of DNA sequences that
genome assemblies have been constructed were highly repetitive (Bennett and Smith 1976).
(Table 10.2). Genome assemblies are used to A reduced-representation sequencing approach
design molecular markers and bait libraries, was used to reduce the genome complexity
assess candidate genes, and evaluate structural and size (IWGSC et al. 2014), making use of
variation as well as acting as a foundation for CHINESE SPRING ditelosomic stocks devel-
developing genomic resources and tools that aid oped by Sears and Sears (1978) to isolate each
in the cloning of R/S genes. chromosome arm by flow cytometry, and BAC
The first cloned S and R genes in wheat, libraries were subsequently constructed from the
TaMlo-B1 and Lr10, were published in 2002 DNA of individual arms. The bin-mapped ESTs
(Elliott et al. 2002) and 2003 (Feuillet et al. were used to assess the purity of the sorted chro-
2003), respectively. Since then, 48 more R/S mosome fractions (Qi et al. 2004). Short read
genes have been cloned from Triticum or paired-end sequences of each BAC library were
10 Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat 195

Table 10.2  Triticum and Aegilops assemblies

Species Genotype Year Genomes Type Reference Doi or link
Ae. tauschii AL8/78 2013 D Scaffold Jia et al.
(2013) nature12028
T. urartu G1812/PI428198 2013 A Scaffold Ling et al.
(2013) nature11997
T. turgidum ssp. CAPPELLI 2014 AB Scaffold IWGSC et
durum al. (2014) science.1251788
T. aestivum CHINESE SPRING 2014 B Pseudomolecule Choulet
et al. (2014) science.1249721
T. aestivum CHINESE SPRING 2014 ABD Scaffold IWGSC et
al. (2014) science.1251788
Ae. speltoides ERX391140 2014 SS Scaffold IWGSC et
al. (2014) science.1251788
T. turgidum ssp. STRONGFIELD 2014 AB Scaffold IWGSC et
durum al. (2014) science.1251788
Synthetic W7984 2015 ABD Scaffold Chapman
hexaploid et al. (2015) s13059-015-0582-8
T. aestivum CHINESE SPRING 2017 ABD Scaffold Zimin et al.
doubled haploid (2017a) gigascience/gix097
Ae. tauschii AL8/78 2017 D Pseudomolecule Luo et al.
(2017) nature24486
Ae. tauschii AL8/78 2017 D Pseudomolecule Zhao et al.
(2017) s41477-017-0067-8
Ae. tauschii AL8.78 2017 D Scaffold Zimin et al.
(2017b) gr.213405.116
T. aestivum CHINESE SPRING 2017 ABD Scaffold Clavijo et al.
(2017) gr.217117.116
T. turgidum ssp. KRONOS 2017 AB Scaffold N/A http://opendata.
T. aestivum ssp. ZAVITAN 2017 AB Pseudomolecule Avni et al.
dicoccoides (2017) science.aan0032
T. aestivum CHINESE SPRING 2018 ABD Pseudomolecule IWGSC
et al. (2018) science.aar7191
T. urartu G1812/PI428198 2018 A Pseudomolecule Ling et al.,
(2018) s41586-018-0108-0
T. turgidum ssp. SVEVO 2019 AB Pseudomolecule Maccaferri
durum et al. (2019) s41588-019-0381-3
T. aestivum ssp. ZAVITAN 2019 AB Pseudomolecule Zhu et al.
dicoccoides (2019) g3.118.200902
T. aestivum 2670/PI 190962 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum ARINA-LRFOR 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum CADENZA 2020 ABD Scaffold Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum CDC LANDMARK 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum CDC STANLEY 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum CLAIRE 2020 ABD Scaffold Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x

196 K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

Table 10.2  (continued)
Species Genotype Year Genomes Type Reference Doi or link
T. aestivum JAGGER 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum JULIUS 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum LONGREACH- 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
LANCER et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum MACE 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum NORIN 61 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum PARAGON 2020 ABD Scaffold Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum ROBIGUS 2020 ABD Scaffold Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum SY MATTIS 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum WEEBILL 1 2020 ABD Scaffold Walkowiak
et al. (2020) s41586-020-2961-x
T. aestivum ssp. ZANG1817 2020 ABD Pseudomolecule Guo et al.
tibetanum Shao (2020) s41467-020-18738-5
Ae. tauschii AL8/78 2021 D Pseudomolecule Wang et al.
(2021) g3journal/jkab325
Ae. tauschii AY17 2021 D Pseudomolecule Zhou et al.
(AY17) (2021) s41477-021-00934-w
Ae. tauschii AY61 2021 D Pseudomolecule Zhou et al.
(AY61) (2021) s41477-021-00934-w
T. aestivum CHINESE SPRING 2021 ABD Pseudomolecule Zhu et al.
(RefSeq v2.1) (2021) tpj.15289
T. aestivum FIELDER 2021 ABD Pseudomolecule Sato et al.
(2021) dnares/dsab008
T. aestivum RENAN 2021 ABD Pseudomolecule Aury et al.
(2022) gigascience/giac034
Ae. tauschii T093 2021 D Pseudomolecule Zhou et al.
(T093) (2021) s41477-021-00934-w
Ae. tauschii XJ02 2021 D Pseudomolecule Zhou et al.
(XJ02) (2021) s41477-021-00934-w
Ae. longissima AEG-6782-2 2022 Sl Pseudomolecule Avni et al.
(2022) tpj.15664
Ae. speltoides AEG-9674-1 2022 S Pseudomolecule Avni et al.
(2022) tpj.15664
Ae. sharonensis AS_1644 2022 Ssh Pseudomolecule Yu et al.
(2022) s41467-022-29132-8
T. aestivum KARIEGA 2022 ABD Pseudomolecule Athiyannan
et al. 2022) s41588-022-01022-1
T. aestivum SONMEZ 2022 ABD Pseudomolecule Akpinar https://doi.
et al. (2022) org/10.21203/
T. aestivum ATTRAKTION 2022 ABD Pseudomolecule Kale et al.
(2022) pbi.13843
Ae. bicornis TB01 2022 Sb Pseudomolecule Li et al. https://doi.
(2022) org/10.1016/j.

10 Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat 197

Table 10.2  (continued)
Species Genotype Year Genomes Type Reference Doi or link
Ae. searsii TE01 2022 Ss Pseudomolecule Li et al. https://doi.
(2022) org/10.1016/j.
Ae. sharonensis TH02 2022 Ssh Pseudomolecule Li et al. https://doi.
(2022) org/10.1016/j.
Ae. longissima TL05 2022 Sl Pseudomolecule Li et al. https://doi.
(2022) org/10.1016/j.
Ae. speltoides TS01 2022 S Pseudomolecule Li et al. https://doi.
(2022) org/10.1016/j.

assembled resulting in a 10.2 Gb draft assem- method and lack of chromosome isolation via
bly referred to as the Chinese Spring Survey flow sorting, the assembly was 9.1 Gb, just
Sequences (CSS) and represented 61% of the 1.1 Gb smaller than the CSS assembly.
genome sequence (IWGSC et al. 2014). With the growth of sequencing and assembly
A pseudomolecule level assembly of chro- methods, more wheat scaffold and pseudomol-
mosome 3B was produced separately using a ecule level assemblies became available (Figs.
minimum tiling path of 8,452 BACs sequenced 10.1 and 10.2). As of August 2022, 46 unique
with Roche/454 paired-end reads (Choulet et al. accessions have scaffold and/or pseudomol-
2014). After scaffold assembly, Illumina reads ecule level assemblies (Table 10.2). In 2020,
from flow sorted chromosome 3B were used there was a significant increase in the number
to fill gaps. A detailed SNP-based genetic map of hexaploid accessions with pseudomolecule
from the CHINESE SPRING × RENAN popu- or scaffold level assemblies. Through a large
lation was used to orient and order scaffolds. international collaborative effort, Walkowiak
Ultimately, the pseudomolecule level assembly et al. (2020) published the 10+ Wheat Genomes’
represented 93% of chromosome 3B. A total of paper, which included pseudomolecule assem-
124,201 high-confidence gene loci were anno- blies of nine bread wheat lines and one T. aes-
tated in the CSS and chromosome 3B assembly tivum ssp. spelta accession plus the scaffold
(IWGSC et al. 2014). level assemblies of five additional bread wheat
Whole genome shotgun (WGS) assemblies
of the Triticum turgidum ssp. durum cultivars
CAPPELLI and STRONGFIELD were released
in 2014 alongside an assembly of Ae. spel-
toides accession ERX391140 (SS) (IWGSC
et al. 2014). Although these assemblies con-
sisted of numerous small contigs with unknown
order, orientation, and space between contigs,
partly due to the piling of repetitive elements,
they offer a draft assembly of low-copy DNA
and therefore can be used to identify alleles,
design gene-specific markers, or compare genes
and gene families among assemblies. Chapman
et al. (2015) integrated WGS and genetic map- Fig. 10.1  Cumulative accessions with pseudomolecule
ping to assemble and order contigs of the syn- level assemblies. Color corresponds to the subgenome of
thetic hexaploid W7984. Despite the WGS the accession
198 K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

• GrainGenes (Yao et al. 2022)—https://wheat.
• Ensembl Plants—
• Grassroots Infrastructure—https://grassroots.

Fig. 10.2  Cumulative accessions with scaffold level 10.3 Map-based Cloning

assemblies. Color corresponds to the subgenome of the
accession Map-based cloning was used to clone the first
wheat R gene, Lr10 (Feuillet et al. 2003). Since
then, map-based cloning has been the most fre-
lines. Prior to this, CHINESE SPRING and the quently used method to clone R/S genes in
synthetic hexaploid W7984 were the only hexa- wheat (around 50%, Table 10.1). Map-based
ploids with either a pseudomolecule or scaffold cloning uses the genetic relationship between a
level assembly. Principal component analy- gene and molecular markers to place a gene on
sis of exome sequence capture alleles in ~1200 a genetic map. Originally, an iterative approach
hexaploid accessions revealed that CHINESE termed chromosome walking was used to
SPRING was genetically distant from other define the candidate gene region. The two clos-
hexaploid wheats (Walkowiak et al. 2020). The est molecular markers were then used to screen
accessions included in the Walkowiak et al. large-insert libraries of cloned fragments of
(2020) paper were selected to more accurately DNA (yeast artificial chromosomes or bacte-
represent the full diversity of hexaploid wheat rial artificial chromosomes, YACs or BACs) to
allowing analysis of intergenome variability. identify flanking clones, and new markers devel-
The genome of the Tibetan semi-wild wheat oped from the ends of the clones were used to
(T. aestivum ssp. tibetanum Shao) accession rescreen the library and “walk” closer to the
ZANG1817 was also published the same year gene of interest until a clone containing the gene
(Guo et al. 2020). was identified. Sequencing of the clone(s) span-
Most of the Triticum and Aegilops assemblies ning markers defined by flanking genetic recom-
and genome browsers are hosted on websites. binants would reveal the nucleotide sequence of
Not all assemblies are hosted on a single web- the R/S gene. While we still use the term “clon-
site and different assembly and annotation ver- ing,” the development and screening of large-
sions are available on different websites, so care insert genomic clones are seldom still necessary
should be taken when comparing assemblies to clone a gene. The development of molecular
or annotations from different sources. Many of markers and subsequent high-density, or satura-
these websites host additional resources that tion, mapping of target R/S genes in segregating
may be useful in the gene cloning and charac- populations is a critical step in the map-based
terization process, such as molecular mark- cloning process. Historically, high-density
ers, exome capture data, varietal SNPs, and mapping was conducted on a low-throughput
TILLING mutants. basis using markers such as restriction frag-
The following are useful websites for access- ment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), amplified
ing the genome assemblies: fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs), or
10 Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat 199

simple-sequence repeats (SSRs, or microsatel- an introgressed segment from a wild relative or

lites). Recent advances in high-throughput gen- near a centromere, alternate gene cloning meth-
otyping technologies such as Diversity Arrays ods may be more appropriate. Map-based clon-
Technology (DArT), DNA SNP arrays, custom ing can be slow, dependent on the generation of
Kompetitive allele-specific PCR (KASP) arrays, the mapping population, and requires screening
or genotyping by sequencing offer high-density of 1000’s of recombinant gametes.
genotyping at affordable costs. These genotyp-
ing technologies can also be used in combina-
tion with a bulked segregant analysis (BSA) 10.4 Reduced-Representation
approach to quickly find markers associated Sequencing Methods
with a phenotype without having to genotype a
large mapping population (see also Chap. 9). Reduced-representation sequencing (RRS) is a
The size of the candidate gene region, as key step in the rapid cloning methods that are
defined by the genetic region between the clos- used in wheat (described below), and it can be
est markers flanking the R/S gene, is dependent combined with traditional map-based cloning
on both the marker density and the recombina- methods to quickly identify candidate genes.
tion rate. In a population of fixed size, such as RRS reduces genome complexity and therefore
a recombinant inbred or doubled haploid popu- the cost and time of sequencing and analysis.
lation, there is a finite number of recombina- The three main methods of RRS are transcrip-
tion events. Sometimes, there are not enough tome or RNA sequencing, exome capture, and
recombination events in a population to reduce chromosome flow sorting (Fig. 10.3). These
the candidate gene region to a reasonable size. methods allow preferential sequencing of more
If the marker density is too low, recombination relevant spaces, either genic regions or pro-
events can go undetected, resulting in a larger moters, or the specific chromosome containing
candidate gene region. Additional molecular an R/S gene. In some cases, RRS methods are
markers in a region cosegregating with the gene incorporated into rapid cloning methods.
will not increase resolution. Even in cases where
marker density and recombination rate are high,
a candidate gene region may be gene-rich, mak- 10.4.1 Exome Capture
ing it difficult to identify the trait-associated
gene. Map-based cloning also requires access In exome capture, the baits, or capture probes,
to the DNA sequence between the flanking hybridize to the targets and then are bound
markers. This need is often met by the multiple by streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. The
sequenced wheat genomes. It is important to magnetic beads are “captured” by a magnet,
remember that even if the sequenced wheat gen- unbound DNA is washed away, and the remain-
otypes do not carry a functional allele of a target ing target-enriched library is amplified and
R/S gene, they may carry a nonfunctional allele. sequenced. Capture probes’ assays can target
As such, it may be useful to identify candidate genes, promoters, and even specific types of
genes even in genotypes that do not display the genes like nucleotide-binding domain leucine-
desired resistant or susceptible phenotype. If the rich repeat containing genes (NLRs). Exome
phenotypes of the sequenced wheat genomes capture assays targeting the genic regions of
are known, candidate genes may be eliminated wheat have been designed from the sequenced
based on a comparison of gene content between wheat genomes, each using an increasing
lines with and without the trait of interest design space size as additional wheat genome
(Running and Faris, unpublished). sequences became available.
If the sequenced wheat genotypes do not Jordan et al. (2015) designed an exome cap-
carry an allele of the R/S gene, or when the R/S ture probe assay called the “wheat exome cap-
gene is in an area of low recombination, such as ture” (WEC) using a design space of 110 Mb
200 K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

Fig. 10.3   Reduced sequencing methods. a target-enriched sequencing library. Exome sequencing
Transcriptome sequencing. RNA is isolated from tissue can target the whole exome or a particular gene fam-
and reverse transcribed into cDNA, which is sequenced ily such as NLRs as is done in the RenSeq method. c
and mapped to a reference assembly. b Exome sequenc- Chromosome flow sorting. Liquid suspensions of mitotic
ing. DNA is isolated from tissue and a DNA sequencing chromosomes collected from dividing root cells are
library is prepared. Short biotinylated baits complemen- fluorescently labeled and separated using flow cytom-
tary to the targets hybridize to the DNA, bind to mag- etry based on the fluorochrome signal and relative DNA
netic beads, and are captured by a magnet, yielding a content

from a 3.8 Gb low-copy number genome assem- of barley in wheat. The exome capture probes
bly of CHINESE SPRING (Brenchley et al. targeted 85 Mb. Following the publication of
2012). To identify genic regions, they aligned high-quality reference wheat genome assemblies
reported wheat cDNA and EST sequences and annotations in 2017 and 2018, Gardiner
and conducted a BLASTn search using et al. (2019) discovered that the existing exome
Brachypodium exon sequences. Krasileva et al. capture assay only targeted 32.6% of the high-
(2017) designed T. turgidum and T. aestivum confidence gene set of wheat. Using the high-
exome capture probes to target gene annotations confidence annotated genes in the CHINESE
from the CSS assembly, transcripts from tran- SPRING-TGACv1 and RefSeq.v1 genome
scriptome studies, and unannotated homologs assemblies, Ae. tauschii assembly Aet v4.0, and
10 Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat 201

the T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides WEWSeq v1.0 and annotated genome assemblies. RenSeq also
assembly, they designed exome capture probe relies on the assumption that the target R/S gene
sets targeting genes and putative promoters. is a member of the NLR class. If it is suspected
Probes of ~75 bp were designed approximately that the target gene might belong to a different
every 120 bp across 786 Mb of design space, of class, then other methods should probably be
which 509 Mb was gene space, and 277 Mb was considered.
putative promoter sequences. The exome capture
and promoter capture probe sets designed by
Jordan et al. (2015), Krasileva et al. (2017), and 10.4.2 Transcriptome Sequencing
Gardiner et al. (2019) were available through
NimbleGen (Roche) but have since been discon- Transcriptome sequencing, or RNA-Seq, is a
tinued. The most recent exome capture assay, less biased RRS method as it is not limited to
the myBaits® Expert Wheat Exome capture, previously annotated genes and/or a gene family.
designed using the CHINESE SPRING-RefSeq RNA-Seq combined with BSA (BSR-Seq) was
v1.0 assembly, captures over 250 Mb of coding applied to two Ae. tauschii populations to map
sequence (Daicel Arbor Biosciences). leaf rust resistance gene Lr42, yielding just three
To further reduce genome complexity, cap- candidate genes (Lin et al. 2022). RNA-Seq is
ture probes assays can be developed to target a limited to detecting genes that are expressed at
particular gene class such as NLRs. NLRs are the time of RNA collection in sufficient levels,
the most common class of cloned R/S gene in and assembly of transcripts can be challenged
wheat (Table 10.1), and the wheat pangenome by the co-expression of homoeologs. Lin et al.
is estimated to contain 6–8 thousand NLR (2022) avoided the latter challenge by conduct-
genes (Walkowiak et al. 2020). Exome capture ing RNA-Seq on a diploid.
of NLR genes and subsequent sequencing is
termed Resistance gene enrichment Sequencing
(RenSeq). The first R genes cloned using 10.4.3 Chromosome Flow Sorting
RenSeq were Rpi-ber2 and Rpi-rzc1, which con-
fer resistance against Phytophthora infestans Chromosome flow sorting separates an individ-
infections in potato (Jupe et al. 2013). Since ual chromosome via flow cytometry based on
then, RenSeq has been incorporated into rapid the chromosome size and base-pair composition
cloning methods AgRenSeq and MutChromSeq (Doležel et al. 2011). Following separation, the
(discussed below). RenSeq was also recently individual chromosome can be sequenced and
combined with BSA in a method termed BSR- assembled as was done to complete the CSS
Seq (Lin et al. 2022). RenSeq was applied to assembly (IWGSC et al. 2014). Chromosome
DNA pools of resistant and susceptible plants flow sorting is a highly specialized skill requir-
allowing the identification of SNPs in NLRs ing unique equipment available in few labs.
linked to resistance. RenSeq is a key method Also, not all chromosomes are able to be sorted
in multiple rapid cloning strategies, efficiently from all others at sufficient efficiency to obtain
enriching NLR genes. Kale et al. (2022) found a sample with adequate purity, and the time
the Triticeae RenSeq Baits V3 probe set (Zhang and labor needed to develop cytogenetic stocks
et al. 2021a) resulted in target enrichment of such as the ditelosomics developed by Sears and
220-fold of 18 Mb of NLR genes annotated in Sears (1978) in CHINESE SPRING preclude
CHINESE SPRING-RefSeq v1.0. However, that from being a viable option. Therefore, it
because probes were designed to target previ- is important to first determine whether a target
ously annotated NLR genes, RenSeq captures chromosome can be efficiently sorted using flow
are biased and may not capture unannotated cytometry before embarking on a project that
NLRs, i.e., NLRs not present in the sequences relies on it to be successful.
202 K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

10.5 Rapid Cloning Methods higher ploidy levels tend to tolerate higher
EMS levels. The lower tolerance of mutagen
10.5.1 MutRenSeq dose results in lower mutation density, increas-
ing the number of mutants that must be gener-
RenSeq is coupled with mutational genom- ated and phenotypically evaluated to identify
ics in the MutRenSeq rapid cloning strategy independent lines with mutant alleles. In some
(Steuernagel et al. 2016). In the MutRenSeq cases, mutagenesis of diploids can result in ster-
method, a mutant population is screened to iden- ile plants making the MutRenSeq method a less
tify the expected mutant phenotype and then attractive option.
RenSeq is conducted on confirmed mutants
(Fig. 10.4). Independent mutation events within
a single NLR associated with the mutant phe- 10.5.2 AgRenSeq
notype reveal the candidate gene(s). Sr22 and
Sr45 were the first wheat R/S genes cloned in To address the limitations of MutRenSeq,
wheat using MutRenSeq. Sr22, which provides Association Genetics RenSeq (AgRenSeq)
stem rust resistance, resides in introgressions was developed (Arora et al. 2019) by combin-
from T. boeoticum and T. monococcum that had ing association genetics and RenSeq. A diver-
poor agronomic performance due to linkage sity panel is phenotyped for disease reactions
drag (Olson et al. 2010). Additionally, mapping and RenSeq is conducted on the panel. K-mers
efforts were hampered by reduced recombina- within the sequenced NLR are identified and
tion in the Sr22 region (Steuernagel et al. 2016). mapped to a reference assembly. Associations
To clone stem rust resistance genes Sr22 and between k-mers and phenotypes are then cal-
Sr45, Steuernagel et al. (2016) developed EMS- culated and plotted, similar to a Manhattan
mutant populations for each R gene and applied plot. Significant k-mers map to contigs that
RenSeq to six mutants/population and the wild represent candidate genes. To test AgRenSeq,
type. In each mutant population, comparative a panel of 174 Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata
sequence analysis of the NLRs in the mutants accessions was genotyped and evaluated for
and wild type revealed one gene with muta- reaction to six races of wheat stem rust patho-
tions in all six mutants. MutRenSeq effectively gen Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (PGT). Two
eliminated the need for high-resolution map- previously cloned genes, Sr33 and Sr45, served
ping, which is particularly difficult when the as positive controls (Periyannan et al. 2013;
R/S gene of interest resides in a low recombina- Steuernagel et al. 2016). K-mers associated
tion region. MutRenSeq has since been used to with resistance to PGT race RKQQC, which
clone stem rust resistance genes Sr26, Sr27, and is avirulent to Sr33, resided on the contig con-
Sr61, stripe rust resistance genes Yr5 and Yr7, taining the previously cloned Sr33. Sr45, which
leaf rust resistance gene Lr13/Ne2, and powdery was previously identified using MutRenSeq
mildew resistance gene Pm21 (Xing et al. 2018; (Steuernagel et al. 2016), was also identified
Marchal et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2021a; Hewitt via AgRenSeq. Candidate genes for Sr46 and
et al. 2021a, b; Yan et al. 2021; Upadhyaya et al. SrTA1662 were also identified in this study,
2021). and the Sr46 candidate was functionally vali-
MutRenSeq is a powerful tool to quickly dated by mutagenesis and gene complementa-
clone NLR resistance genes and is particularly tion. Thus, Arora et al. (2019) demonstrated the
advantageous when trying to clone a gene in an ability of AgRenSeq to directly identify can-
area of low recombination. However, it is lim- didate genes. However, as with other RenSeq-
ited to genotypes that can be easily mutagen- based cloning methods, AgRenSeq is limited to
ized and R genes in the NLR family. In general, cloning NLR genes.
10 Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat 203

Fig. 10.4  Overview of R/S gene rapid cloning meth- captured genes, or diversity panel is/are sequenced.
ods in wheat. The paths of MutChromSeq (orange), Depending on the target, personal preferences, and
MutRenSeq (red), AgRenSeq (teal), and k-mer GWAS resources available, different sequencing methods may
(seafoam) are shown with stops at particular methods be used. d R/S gene identification. The final step involves
numbered and connected with solid lines. a Source of identifying candidate genes. Left, candidate genes are
phenotypic variation. Rapid cloning methods use one of identified through comparison of mutant (light teal) and
two forms of phenotypic variation, induced phenotypic wild-type sequences to identify regions with mutation
variation through mutagenesis (left) or natural variation overlap. Right, associations between particular NLRs or
in a diversity panel (right). b Genome complexity reduc- k-mers are identified with the highest associations being
tion. After phenotyping, the next step is genome com- candidate genes or near candidate genes. Association
plexity reduction through either chromosome flow sort- genetics yields candidate genes that require func-
ing or R gene enrichment through gene family capture. tional validation while methods using induced variation
Note, the k-mer GWAS path moves directly to sequenc- through mutagenesis already include a functional valida-
ing. c Sequencing. Next, the flow sorted chromosome, tion step
204 K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

10.5.3 K-mer GWAS variants not in a reference assembly via refer-

ence-free k-mer GWAS is appealing.
K-mer-based association mapping, or k-mer Both AgRenSeq and k-mer-GWAS require
GWAS, is an extension of AgRenSeq, but it shot gun sequencing of an entire diversity panel,
excludes the RenSeq step and is therefore not which can initially be expensive and labori-
limited to the detection of only NLRs. Instead, ous. However, once this has been completed,
k-mers are identified from whole-genome shot- the same panel can be used to clone multiple
gun sequencing reads and projected onto a ref- R/S genes. Additionally, AgRenSeq and k-mer
erence assembly. The analysis is similar to GWAS can be limited by the population struc-
AgRenSeq, but because k-mers can be anywhere ture of the diversity panel (Yu et al. 2006) and
and not just within candidate genes, one must choice of the reference sequence can influence
analyze the genes near the k-mers that were in which associations are detected (Voichek and
linkage disequilibrium with the phenotype. Weigel 2020; Kale et al. 2022).
Gaurav et al. (2022) conducted whole-genome
shotgun sequencing on 242 Ae. tauschii acces-
sions and used k-mer GWAS to identify a 50-kb 10.5.4 MutChromSeq
linkage disequilibrium block containing two
candidate genes for the stem rust resistance gene In 2016, Sánchez-Martín et al. published the
SrTA1662. Subsequent functional validation via rapid cloning method MutChromSeq and used
gene complementation confirmed that SrTA1662 it to clone the powdery mildew resistance gene
is an NLR. The panel sequenced in Gaurav et al. Pm2a, which had previously mapped to chro-
(2022) is publicly available and can be used mosome 6A (Huang and Röder 2004). Using
to rapidly clone R/S genes from Ae. tauschii the MutChromSeq method, which applied the
accessions. RRS method chromosome flow sorting, chromo-
In 2020, Voichek and Wiegel published a some 6A was sorted from six confirmed EMS-
reference-free k-mer GWAS method. In this derived powdery mildew susceptible mutants
method, the associations between k-mers and the and wild-type genotypes. The separated chromo-
phenotype were calculated prior to mapping the somes were sequenced and assembled followed
k-mers to a reference, allowing the identifica- by sequence analysis to identify mutation over-
tion of k-mers significantly associated with the lap. Contigs with mutations in all or most of the
trait, including those absent in a reference. In mutant lines are most likely to contain the candi-
a case study in Arabidopsis, the authors identi- date gene. Two contigs were identified, although
fied k-mers significantly associated with two one was later discarded due to an abnormal SNV
traits—growth in the presence of a flg22 variant frequency, leaving just one contig with a NLR
and germination in darkness under low nutrient gene. MutChromSeq is similar to MutRenSeq,
supply—neither of which mapped to their refer- but it is not limited to NLR genes. MutChromSeq
ence genome. Assembly and subsequent analysis was also used to clone leaf rust resistance gene
of the short reads used to identify the signifi- Lr14a with ankyrin transmembrane protein
cant k-mers revealed alternate structural variants domains and Pm4b, which contains kinase, C2,
of genes associated with the two traits. Although and transmembrane domains (Kolodziej et al.
reference-free k-mer GWAS has not yet been 2021; Sánchez-Martín et al. 2021).
used to clone R/S genes in wheat, it has been
applied to map resistance to yellow rust and
leaf rust (Kale et al. 2022). R/S genes display 10.6 Validating Candidate Genes
abundant presence/absence and copy number
variation (Van de Weyer et al. 2019; Walkowiak Validating candidate genes is a critical step
et al. 2020), so the potential to detect structural in proving a gene confers a particular pheno-
type. Forward and reverse genetics approaches
10 Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat 205

Fig. 10.5  Commonly used forward and reverse genetics phenotype, while reverse genetics starts with a known
methods to identify and/or validate R/S genes in wheat. gene sequence and identifies the phenotypic effects of
Arrows indicate the direction of the genetic approaches genic or transcriptomic alternations. Common methods
with forward genetics approaches starting with a known used to identify and/or validate R/S genes in wheat are
phenotype and identifying the gene underlying the listed under their approach type

can be used to identify and validate candidate reverse genetics manner. Krasileva et al. (2017)
genes. Forward genetics approaches start from sequenced the exomes of 1200 CADENZA
a phenotype and identify the gene that confers and 1535 KRONOS EMS mutants and char-
the phenotype (Fig. 10.5). Many of the rapid acterized and cataloged the mutations rela-
cloning methods are considered forward genet- tive to the CSS assembly. When the CHINESE
ics approaches as they start with variation in a SPRING-RefSeqv1.0 assembly was published,
phenotype, either natural or induced through the TILLING raw reads were realigned to the
mutagenesis. However, not all forward genetics new assembly. The TILLING resources expedite
approaches serve as functional validation meth- functional validation of genes as researchers do
ods. For example, map-based cloning and asso- not need to create the genetic or transcriptomic
ciation genetics approaches often yield multiple alteration. Instead, mutant lines with known
candidate genes and must be followed up with alterations in candidate genes can be selected
functional validation to determine which candi- on Ensembl Plants and ordered from SeedStor
date gene is the gene of interest. Because rapid ( However, the
cloning methods MutRenSeq and MutChromSeq TILLING resource is limited to function-
use mutagenized populations, these methods ally validating genes present in CADENZA
both identify and validate candidate genes. or KRONOS and annotated in the CHINESE
Reverse genetics approaches start with the SPRING-RefSeqv1.1 gene models.
gene sequence and identify the phenotypic Often both forward and reverse genetics
effects of particular gene states (Fig. 10.5). approaches are applied to functionally validate
Functional validation methods that use a R/S genes. The two most commonly used func-
reverse genetics approach include methods tional validation methods are mutagenesis and
like RNA interference, gene complementa- gene complementation, both of which have been
tion, or CRISPR/CAS9 gene editing, which used to validate around two-thirds of the cloned
alter the genetic or transcriptomic makeup of R/S genes. About 43% of the cloned R/S genes
an individual to identify the phenotypic effect have been validated using both mutagenesis and
of the alteration. The Targeting Induced Local gene complementation. Gene silencing, tran-
Lesions in Genomes (TILLING) resource can sient expression, gene editing, and the TILLING
also be used to functionally validate genes in a populations are less frequently used methods of
206 K. L. D. Running and J. D. Faris

functional validation, with each being used to in all the wheat genomes currently available.
validate 15 or fewer R/S genes. We have not yet reached a true wheat pange-
Clustered regularly interspaced short palin- nome, but costs for sequencing and assembly of
dromic repeats (CRISPR) and its associated pro- entire wheat genomes continue to decline, and
tein (Cas) can be used to produce site-specific the data can be obtained in a matter of months.
double-stranded breaks, often resulting in gene Therefore, it is now becoming more feasible to
knockout. Wang et al. (2014) used CRISPR- sequence and assemble the entire genome of a
Cas9 and transcription activator-like effector wheat line with the primary goal of cloning a sin-
nuclease (TALEN) technologies to knock out gle R/S gene, a feat that was nearly unthinkable
three homoeoalleles of the powdery mildew sus- when wheat genomics researchers met in 2003 to
ceptibility gene Mlo in the cultivar Bobwhite, carve a path forward to sequence the first wheat
resulting in reduced susceptibility to Blumeria genome (Gill et al. 2004).
graminis f. sp. tritici. While CRISPR-Cas medi- Wheat’s wild relatives offer a greater pool of
ated gene knockout is a highly specific and R genes, as they have not undergone the genetic
targeted functional validation method, unlike bottleneck characteristic of domestication.
random mutagenesis, it is somewhat limited to Association genetics methods, like k-mer GWAS
functionally validating genes present in easily and AgRenSeq, address some of the limitations
transformable cultivars such as FIELDER or of traditional map-based cloning, exploiting
BOBWHITE. However, advancements in gene greater genetic diversity and ancestral recombi-
editing and transformation methods are expand- nation to identify unique disease resistance loci.
ing the definition of “transformable cultivars.” Additionally, these diversity panels often allow
the isolation of more than one R gene as they
segregate for resistance to multiple isolates and/
10.7 Conclusions and Future or races of multiple pathogens, whereas bipa-
Outlook rental mapping populations are often designed
to segregate for only one R/S locus for ease of
The expansion of wheat genomic resources, genetic mapping. The advances in sequencing
genomic complexity reduction methods coupled technologies, cloning methods, and gene edit-
with advanced sequencing technologies, and ing technologies will likely soon reshape the
rapid cloning methods has enabled the acceler- way R genes from wild relatives are deployed in
ated cloning of R/S genes in wheat. In 2020 and adapted germplasm. Historically, chromosome
2021, sixteen cloned R/S genes were published, engineering strategies involving cytogenetic
a feat that in the earlier years of R/S gene clon- methods to achieve chromosome substitutions,
ing took thirteen years to accomplish; it was translocations, and ultimately introgressions
not unheard of for cloning an R/S gene to take of smaller segments containing target genes,
10 years. Now, cloning an R/S gene is possible were extremely laborious and time-consuming,
in less than a year. Undoubtedly, R/S gene clon- and the end product usually suffered from del-
ing will continue to accelerate as more refer- eterious linkage drag. The modern sequenc-
ence genomes are published, sequencing costs ing and cloning technologies discussed in this
decrease, and cloning methods advance. The chapter may make it more feasible to clone the
multiple sequenced wheat genomes that are cur- target gene in the wild relative accession itself.
rently available are a tremendous resource and Although genetic transformation (GMO wheat)
make it relatively easy to assess gene content in a is currently not accepted, the acceptance of gene
given R/S gene candidate gene region. However, editing appears more promising. Thus, once
given the common presence/absence and copy a target R gene is cloned from a wild relative,
number variation displayed by R/S genes (Van it is conceivable that a homologous gene could
de Weyer et al. 2019; Walkowiak et al. 2020), it be identified in wheat and edited to acquire the
is still possible for a gene of interest to be absent desired function.
10 Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat 207

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Genomic Insights on Global
Journeys of Adaptive Wheat 11
Genes that Brought Us
to Modern Wheat

Deepmala Sehgal, Laura Dixon, Diego Pequeno,

Jessica Hyles, Indi Lacey, Jose Crossa, Alison Bentley
and Susanne Dreisigacker

Abstract as vernalization and photoperiod response

genes, has played a crucial role in optimiz-
Since its first cultivation, hexaploid wheat has ing wheat production, being instrumental
evolved, allowing for its widespread cultiva- in fine-tuning flowering and reproductive
tion and contributing to global food security. cycles in response to changing climates and
The identification of adaptive genes, such evolving agricultural practices. While these
adaptive genes have expanded the range
Supplementary Information The online version of variation suitable for adaptation, further
contains supplementary material available at https:// research is needed to understand their mech-
anisms, dissect the pathways involved, and
D. Sehgal · D. Pequeno · J. Crossa · A. Bentley · expedite their implementation in breeding
S. Dreisigacker (*) programs. By analyzing data across differ-
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center ent environments and over time, Meta-QTL
(CIMMYT), Texcoco, Mexico analysis can help identify novel genomic
regions and facilitate the discovery of new
D. Sehgal candidate genes. This chapter reports on two
previously unknown Meta-QTL regions,
D. Pequeno highlighting the potential for further explora-
tion in this field. Moving forward, it will be
J. Crossa increasingly important to expand our under-
standing of how genetic regions influence
A. Bentley not only flowering time but also other devel-
opmental traits and their responses to envi-
L. Dixon ronmental factors. Advances in gene-based
School of Biology, University of Leeds, West
Yorkshire, UK modeling hold promise for describing growth
e-mail: and development processes using QTL and
J. Hyles other genomic loci analysis. Integrating these
The Plant Breeding Institute, University of Sydney, findings into process-based crop models can
Cobbitty, NSW, Australia provide valuable insights for future research.
e-mail: Overall, the study of adaptive genes and their
J. Hyles · I. Lacey
CSIRO Agriculture and Food, Canberra, ACT, Australia

© The Author(s) 2024 213

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
214 D. Sehgal et al.

impact on wheat production represents a vital environments, wheat breeding (hybridization

area of research that continues to contribute and selection to achieve adaptation) began.
to global food security.

11.1.1 Early Breeding and Selection

Keywords for Seasonal Adaptation
Hexaploid wheat · Adaptive genes · Novel
In France in 1743, the seed merchant Jeanne
genomic regions · QTL · Gene-based
Claude Geoffroy and botanist Pierre d’Andrieux
modeling · Process-based modeling · Global
founded a seed company which began the
food security
Vilmorin family dynasty of wheat breeding
that lasted more than 200 years. There is evi-
11.1 Historical Perspective dence that pedigree-based breeding was used at
the Vilmorin company from 1840, with selec-
Archaeological evidence suggests that hexaploid tion of seeds based on evaluation of progeny
wheat was first cultivated in the Fertile Crescent performance (Gayon and Zallen 1998). Henry
of the Middle East around 7000 BC and that de Vilmorin described the importance of wheat
farming spread to Europe (former Yugoslavia, adaptation in Les meillieurs bles (“The best
Bulgaria, Greece) approximately one thousand wheat”) which illustrated the morphology, ori-
years later (Hillman 1972; Renfrew 1973). By gin, adaptation, and best agronomic practice for
approximately 4000 BC, wheat production had different varieties. His astute preface included,
reached China, with archeological isotope anal- “one of the best ways to increase harvests with-
ysis suggesting diets shifted from a dominance out increasing expenditure is to cultivate the
of C4 crop millet, to C3 cereals including wheat breeds of wheat which are best suited to the cir-
(Li et al. 2007; Cheung et al. 2019). The coinci- cumstances in which the land is cultivated” and to
dence of changing climate, whereby conditions “choose knowingly the most advantageous wheat
became colder and drier, is proposed to have led in each locality” (Vilmorin 1880). Vilmorin had
to the adoption of wheat due to its greater flex- begun hybridization experiments in 1873, includ-
ibility in sowing time to achieve yield (Cheung ing the use of wheat which had been selected by
et al. 2019). The ancient Greek poet Hesiod Scottish agriculturalist Patrick Shirreff (Vilmorin
described an awareness of the importance of the 1880). Vilmorin’s first variety DATTEL released
seasonal timing of wheat development as early 10 years later was the result of crossing an early
as 800 BC in Greece (Aitken 1974), and approx- maturing, short stature type from France with
imately two thousand years later, French scien- late maturing English wheat. DATTEL became
tist Réaumur constructed a thermometer and widely adopted, as resistance to lodging and
showed that crop maturity was influenced by earliness created a uniform crop with high yield
temperature (Réaumur 1735). In 1751 Carl von potential. A string of successful cultivars followed
Linné published a floral calendar in Philosophia including VILMORIN 23, VILMORIN 27, and
Botanica, observing that plant responses to the VILMORIN 29 and many others which feature in
environment varied in different climates (Linné the ancestry of modern wheat (Lupton 1987).
and Freer 2007), and since this time, multiple At approximately the same time another
evidence of variation in flowering time due to European breeder, Wilhelm Rimpau was also
temperature, daylength, and latitude has been crossing native types to English Squarehead
reported (Aitken 1974). From the eighteenth wheat for improved yield, using North American
century, bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties as donors of quality and winter hardi-
has grown on all continents except Antarctica, ness. His most successful cultivar RIMPAU’S
and to ensure successful cultivation in different FRÜHER BASTARD was the most widely
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 215

grown in Germany for over 50 years after consequence if few adapted cultivars are widely
being released in 1889 (Porsche and Taylor used, that is, a decline of genetic diversity in the
2001). That same year, pioneer breeder William breeding pool over time (Fu and Dong 2015).
Farrer made his first wheat crosses in Australia.
Farrer also focused on introgression of wheat
to improve quality and adaptation. He crossed 11.1.2 Expanding Knowledge
European Purple Straw with Canadian Fife and of Seasonal Patterns
Indian wheat, and the resulting early maturing
cultivars were successful in Australia because Fluctuating patterns of seasonal flowering time
the short life cycle avoided water-limiting con- have been well documented across plant species
ditions in summer and escaped rust infection. (Andrés and Coupland 2012). Early work by
Farrer cultivars went on to dominate Australian Garner and Allard (1920) described the relation-
wheat production in the early 1900s, on the ship between daily light duration, plant growth,
basis that “He recognized that the characteris- and reproduction across several plant species.
tics of a variety limited its successful growth to Their work demonstrated that daily light dura-
certain localities, and therefore set himself the tion impacted both the rate and extent of growth
task of breeding varieties adapted to the differ- as well as the time to reach and complete flower-
ent conditions” (Guthrie 1922). ing and reproduction (Garner and Allard 1920).
The Canadian “hard” wheat FIFE used In wheat, Chinoy (1950) demonstrated that
for crossing by Farrer created cultivars with long days induced earlier onset of the reproduc-
increased dough strength relative to the soft white tive phase with both cold (vernalization) and
wheats traditionally used for baking. Initially, light (photoperiod) having measurable impact
Farrer wheat was met with resistance from mill- on development and growth. It was proposed
ers. From the Rust in Wheat Conference in that the first wheat (which were domesticated
Melbourne, 1896, “A prominent obstacle this in the Fertile Crescent) shared both vernaliza-
Conference has met with has arisen from the tion requirements and photoperiod responses
objection of millers. The opinion this Conference with their progenitors, but that selection for
has long held is that the opposition of millers to alternative adaptation facilitated the spread of
such wheats has no legitimate foundation but wheat throughout Europe, and then worldwide
arises from either misconception or from conserv- (reviewed by Cockram et al. 2007).
atism” (Guthrie 1922). Australian millers realized The detection of major genes controlling
the superior quality of Farrer wheat only when vernalization (positive vernalization response
American wheat of the same type was imported from wheat variety INSIGNIA 49 (Pugsley
to Australia to meet local demand (Guthrie 1922). 1963)) and photoperiod (from Canadian variety
Other breeders were also crossing Canadian SELKIRK (Pugsley 1965)) was demonstrated in
FIFE and INDIAN wheat. In Canada, Percy segregating populations and provided evidence
Saunders crossed RED FIFE and HARD for simple inheritance. This offered the opportu-
RED CALCUTTA, and the resulting culti- nity to apply selection for daylength specificity
var MARQUIS was selected and released by (Pugsley 1965), although additional genetic con-
Charles Saunders in 1908. With excellent qual- trollers were hypothesized. Genes for daylength
ity and adaptation through early maturity, duration, Photoperiod-1 (PPD1), were mapped
MARQUIS dominated Canadian production to the homoeologous group 2 chromosomes
and became the gold standard for quality classi- (Law et al. 1978) and studies by Martinic (1975)
fication (Lupton 1987; McCallum and DePauw and Hunt (1979) demonstrated the prevalence of
2008). The overwhelming popularity of photoperiod-sensitive winter wheat in northern
MARQUIS (and two later releases, THATCHER latitudes and photoperiod insensitivity in south-
and NEEPAWA) highlights a negative ern Europe.
216 D. Sehgal et al.

Creation of near-isogenic wheat lines captur- In 1945, Australian breeder Walter Lawry
ing PPD1 variation by Worland and Law (1986) Waterhouse introgressed hexaploid wheat and
and Worland et al. (1998) confirmed genetic an early maturing durum wheat, GAZA, pro-
effects and allowed the understanding of their ducing an important cultivar, GABO. This
environmental performance throughout Europe. daylength insensitive wheat was the leading cul-
This demonstrated a yield disadvantage from tivar in Australia for many years and sister line
earlier flowering in the UK, a moderate advan- TIMSTEIN was also successfully cultivated
tage in Germany, and a significant advantage in in USA. This germplasm was utilized by the
southern Europe (based on testing in the former International Maize and Wheat Improvement
Yugoslavia). These effects have been further Center (CIMMYT) in the breeding of culti-
elaborated with Börner et al. (1993) confirming vars such as CAJEME, MAYO, and NAINARI
that middle European varieties benefit from day- (Watson and Frankel 1972).
length sensitivity (conferred by PPD1), whereas Other donors of photoperiod insensitiv-
insensitivity offers productivity-related increases ity have been traced to Japanese landrace
where wheat experiences hot and dry summer AKAGOMUGHI (which also carried dwarf-
conditions. Hoogendoorn (1985) assessed phe- ing gene, RHT8) and Chinese landraces
notypic response to photoperiod and vernaliza- MAZHAMAI and YOUZIMAI (Yang et al.
tion in a collection of 33 wheat varieties from a 2009). Yang et al. (2009) showed that the dis-
range of geographies. This confirmed a preva- tribution of alleles for daylength sensitivity
lence of photoperiod sensitivity in varieties from depended upon the climate (temperature and
Europe and North America and insensitivity in latitude) where the wheat was cultivated. The
varieties originating from Mexico, India, and adoption of photoperiod insensitive wheat by
Australia. CIMMYT was key to the success of the shut-
Since the development of understanding the tle-breeding program, whereby material could
major controllers of photoperiod response and undergo selection in multiple environments due
vernalization requirements in wheat, variation to broad adaptation (Trethowan et al. 2007). It
for the PPD1 and Vernalization-1 (VRN1) genes is the subsequent sharing of germplasm during
has aided wheat’s adaptation to a wide range the “Green Revolution” which likely facilitated
of global production environments (Sheehan the spread of alleles for daylength insensitivity
and Bentley 2020). In many geographies, there around the globe.
is a documented progression of wheat cultiva- As the climate changes over time and new
tion across climatic features and areas includ- crop management practices are developed, it
ing in North America (Olmstead and Rhode is probable that new genetic variation will be
2011), Asia, the Mediterranean, North Africa required for enhancing adaptation (Hunt et al.
(Ortiz Ferrara et al. 1998), and China (Yang et al 2019). For instance, studies have highlighted a
2009). shift to early sowing which has meant that ver-
nalization responsive, long season wheat are
beneficial in some areas of southern Australia
11.1.3 Further Adaptive Progress where spring types are traditionally cultivated
Through Time (Hunt 2017; Cann et al. 2020). To expedite
development of future adapted wheat cultivars,
Farrer was first to target early maturity to breed it is important to understand the genetic archi-
adapted wheat for Australia, although the intro- tecture of phenology and develop breeding tools
duction of additional genetic diversity for phe- such as molecular markers and simulation mod-
nology had been identified (Eagles et al. 2009). els for prediction.
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 217

11.2 Understanding the Genetic a C-terminal domain (C). The proteins bind as
Control of the Synchrony dimers to DNA sequences named “CArG” boxes
of Flowering and organize in tetrameric complexes (Li et al.
2019). The multimeric nature of these com-
11.2.1 The Three Known Gene plexes generates many combinatorial possibili-
Systems ties with different targets and functions (Li et al.
2019; Honma and Goto 2001; Theißen et al.
As outlined above, within less than 2016).
10,000 years, wheat cultivation has expanded Mutations in the promoter and deletions in
from its primary area of evolution within the the large first intron of VRN1 are associated with
Fertile Crescent to a broad spectrum of agro- increased expression of the genes in the absence
ecology around the globe, adapting rapidly to a of cold, accelerated flowering without vernaliza-
wide range of climatic conditions (Curtis 2002; tion and thus spring growth habit (Kippes et al.
Salamini et al. 2002). The essential path to 2018). Additionally, single nucleotide polymor-
achieve adaptation is the synchrony of flowering phisms (SNPs) in exons 4 and 7 have been iden-
which in wheat is controlled by three major gene tified in VRN-A1 (Eagles et al. 2011; Muterko
systems: (1) the VRN genes (exposure to cold and Salina 2018). The exon 4 SNP results in
temperature), (2) the PPD response genes (sen- an amino acid change (Leu117 → Phe117) in
sitivity to daylength), and (3) the autonomous the conserved k-domain (Eagles et al. 2011;
earliness per se (EPS) genes (Kato and Yanagata Chen et al. 2009; Díaz et al. 2012). This poly-
1988). The adaptation of a wheat genotype to a morphism was associated with a change in the
particular environment depends to a large extent number of days to stem elongation, vernaliza-
on the interaction of these three systems. tion requirement duration, frost tolerance, and
flowering time in winter wheat (Chen et al.
2009; Muterko et al. 2016; Dixon et al. 2019).
11.2.2 Vernalization (VRN) Genes Another VRN-A1 SNP that causes an amino acid
substitution (Ala180 → Val180) in exon 7 in the
Vernalization is the acquisition of a plant’s C-terminal domain also regulates vernalization
ability to flower by exposure to cold (Chouard duration, via its regulation of a protein interac-
1960). According to the vernalization require- tion with TaHOX1 (Li et al. 2013).
ment of a genotype, wheat is classified as hav- Beyond regulation by alterations in nucleo-
ing a winter or spring growth habit. Winter tide sequence (INDELS and SNPs), there is
wheat has a considerable vernalization require- increasing evidence that vernalization in wheat
ment, but spring wheat may be insensitive or is also regulated at the epigenetic level. The
only partly sensitive to vernalization (Trevaskis VRN-A1 gene can be present as two or more
et al. 2003). The key element of the vernaliza- copies with the assumption that the number of
tion gene system is VRN1 with its three ortholo- copies positively correlates with the vernaliza-
gous genes (VRN-A1, VRN-B1, and VRN-D1) tion requirement duration and flowering time
located on the long arms of chromosomes 5A, of wheat (Díaz et al. 2012). The different nature
5B, and 5D, respectively (Figs. 11.1 and 11.2a). of the diverse mutations (promoter insertions,
VRN1 is a member of the MADS-box tran- intron deletions of different size, SNPs) in the
scription factor family, which has been shown three VRN1 orthologs and gene duplication in
to play a critical role in flowering gene models the A genome are the most plausible explana-
across crops (Zhao et al. 2006). The MIKC-type tion for varying gene actions observed (Li et al.
MADS-box proteins have a highly conserved 2013). Dominant alleles at VRN-A1 have been
MADS DNA-binding domain, an interven- shown to confer the largest effects leading to
ing (I) domain, a keratin-like (K) domain, and a lack of vernalization requirement relative to
218 D. Sehgal et al.

Fig. 11.1  Major flowering genes involved in photo- number. A duplication and translocation of VRN1, in the
period and vernalization response. The major genes form of VRN-D4, also promote spring habit. The locus
involved with photoperiod and vernalization responses VRN2 (ZCCT1 and ZCCT2) is a photoperiod-dependent
in wheat are highlighted in different colors. For each repressor of VRN1, competing with CONSTANS and the
gene, known allelic variation is included and the effect nuclear transcription factor Y (NF-Y) proteins to activate
of this variation on the level of expression or the flow- FT1 (also called VRN3) and potentially FT2. The FT
ering response is shown. The structure of each gene, genes interact with FD-like genes (FDL2 or FDL12) to
along with the annotated domains, is represented on a form a floral activating complex. Copy number variants,
gray background bar. Where interactions with uncharac- most notably of VRN1 and PPD1, can determine heading
terized QTL regions are known, these are also included date. PPD1 determines flowering time through photoper-
on the network diagram. Deletions are indicated by a red iod sensitivity with variations in promoter deletions and
oval with a line through it. Different VRN1 alleles can copy number influencing expression levels. Short-day
determine the extent to which vernalization is required promotion of flowering is mediated through FT3 (also
to increase expression, due to CArG box, VRT2 inter- called PPD-2)
actions, and exon variants, including changes in copy

VRN-B1 and VRN-D1, which reduced vernaliza- TRANSITION 2 (VRT2) gene belongs to the
tion requirement and defined semi-spring or fac- group of MADS-genes as SHORT VEGETATIVE
ultative types (Trevaskis et al. 2003). PHASE in Arabidopsis and interacts with VRN1.
Other MADS-box genes also play a role in The VRT2 protein has been shown to bind to the
the regulation of wheat flowering. VRN-D4 is a CArG box in the VRN1 promoter region, sug-
MADS-box transcription factor derived from gesting that VRT2 represses the transcription of
the duplication and translocation of the VRN-A1 VRN1 (Dubcovsky et al. 2008; Kane et al. 2007).
gene to the short arm of chromosome 5D (Kippes More recently, Xie et al. (2021) corroborated
et al. 2015). Being an extra gene copy, VRN-D4 an epistatic interaction between the two genes
is associated with increased VRN-A1 expres- (including the ability of VRT2 to bind to the pro-
sion and thus reduced vernalization require- moter region of VRN1), but reported a shared
ment. The VEGETATIVE TO REPRODUCTIVE upregulation of VRN1 and VRT2.
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 219

Fig. 11.2  Impact of major flowering genes responses separated into a low temperatures and b high tempera-
to different temperatures, in the context of vernaliza- ture (post or non-requiring vernalization), although it
tion. This figure represents the role of temperature in the must be emphasized that each aspect does not act inde-
regulation of vegetative to reproductive meristem transi- pendently. The same gene structure and nomenclature are
tion, and how this relates to the vernalization pathway. used as for Fig. 11.1. Additionally, the weighting of each
To indicate the different aspects of the flowering pathway gene signal is indicated in a seesaw schematic (see also
and how responses which occur are more influenced by Fig. 11.4)
specific environmental conditions the pathway has been

In addition to VRN1, the VRN2 and VRN3 and ZCCT2 alleles for spring growth habit (Yan
genes are located on the long arm of chromo- et al. 2004; Dubcovsky et al. 2005; Distelfeld
some 5A and the short arm of chromosome et al. 2009). The CCT domains in ZCCT1,
7B, respectively (Figs. 11.1 and 11.2). The ZCCT2, and CO proteins further interact with
VRN2 locus consists of two closely related proteins of the NUCLEAR FACTOR-Y (NF-
genes (ZCCT1 and ZCCT2) that encode pro- Y) transcription factor family. Mutations in the
teins carrying a putative zinc finger and a CCT CCT domain of ZCCT proteins also reduce the
domain (Yan et al. 2004). The CCT domain is a strength of ZCCT-NF-Y interactions and the
43-amino acid region, first described in protein ability of ZCCT1 to compete with CO to acti-
sequences of CONSTANS (CO), CONSTANS- vate VRN3 (Figs. 11.1 and 11.2b).
like (COL), and TIMING OF CAB1 (TOC1) The VRN3 gene encodes a RAF kinase
(Putterill et al. 1995; Strayer et al. 2000; Robson inhibitor-like protein and has been mapped to
et al. 2001) that is present in multiple regula- the FLOWERING LOCUS T-like gene, often
tory proteins associated with light signaling, referred to as FT1 in wheat. VRN3/FT1 is
circadian rhythms, and photoperiodic flowering expressed in long days in vernalized plants or
(Wenkel et al. 2006). VRN2 is the major flower- spring types and thus triggers long-day-induced
ing repressor identified in wheat. Dominant gene flowering. The VRN3/FT1 protein has been
action in combination with recessive VRN1 and shown to travel through the phloem carrying
VRN3 allele combinations confers winter wheat the photoperiodic signal from the leaves to the
growth habit. Deletions or mutations involv- shoot apex where it forms a protein complex
ing positively charged amino acids at the CCT binding to the promoter of VRN1, promoting
domain are associated with recessive ZCCT1 its further expression. Dubcovsky et al. (2008)
220 D. Sehgal et al.

Fig. 11.3  Impact of major flowering genes responses to pathway has been separated into a long-day, b short-
different daylengths. The role of daylength is represented day, although it must be emphasized that each aspect
in the regulation of vegetative to reproductive meristem does not act independently. The same gene structure and
transition. To indicate the different aspects of the flow- nomenclature are used as for Fig. 11.1. Additionally, the
ering pathway and how responses which occur are more weighting of each gene signal is indicated in a seesaw
influenced by specific environmental conditions, the schematic (see also Fig. 11.4)

demonstrated interaction of Vrn3/FT1 with the to maturity in long- or short-day environments.

FT2, FDL2, and FDL13 proteins. Transgenic Photoperiod response is mainly controlled by
plants showed that increased transcript lev- the semi-dominant homoeologous PPD1 genes
els of FT2 (a FT paralogue) provide transcrip- on the short arm of chromosome group 2 (Law
tional activation of VRN1. VRN3/FT1 therefore et al. 1978; Welsh et al. 1973). PPD1 belongs
integrates the vernalization and photoperiod to a pseudo-response regulator (PRR) gene fam-
response gene systems. High levels of VRN3/ ily, which is characterized by a pseudo-receiver
FT1 expression can overcome the vernaliza- domain near the amino-terminus and a 43 amino
tion requirement and are associated with spring acid CCT domain near the carboxy-terminus
growth habit (Figs. 11.1 and 11.2b) (Yan et al. of the protein (Mizuno and Nakamichi 2005).
2006). Wild-type alleles of PPD1 (PPD-1b) have a
rhythmic diurnal pattern of rather low gene
expression and are associated with daylength
11.2.3 Photoperiod (PPD) Response sensitivity (Figs. 11.1 and 11.3). Non-wild-type
Genes alleles of PPD1 (PPD-1a) alter the expression
of the gene, leading to elevated transcription
Photoperiod genes promote the floral transition throughout the day, and accelerated flower-
in response to long days (Searle and Coupland ing through elevated FT1 expression (Kitagawa
2004). Photoperiod-sensitive wheat has a et al. 2012). This can substitute for long days
long-day phenotype. They flower earlier when and reduce daylength sensitivity.
the days are longer than a critical threshold. Several non-wild-type, photoperiod-insen-
Photoperiod-insensitive wheat flowers largely sitive alleles are known for PPD1. At the PPD-
independently of daylength and can be grown D1 locus, a 2 kb deletion upstream of the coding
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 221

region of the gene confers photoperiod insen- the wild-type allele, a complete deletion of the
sitivity of semi-dominant type (Beales et al. gene, a SNP in the exon 3 causing an amino acid
2007). This mutation has been recognized as change (Gly → Ser), and copy-number vari-
the major source of earliness in wheat varieties ants. Both the deleted and mutated alleles confer
worldwide. Tanio and Kato (2007) described delayed flowering under short-day photoperiod
a PPD-B1a mutation from the Japanese culti- (Figs. 11.1 and 11.3). At the FT3-D1 locus,
var FUKUWASEKOMUGI and Nishida et al. a SNP in exon 4 was identified. The candidate
(2013) characterized a Ppd-B1a allele (a 308 bp gene for PPD3, TOE-B1 is still speculative.
insertion in the 5'-upstream region) derived SNPs in exons 1 and 9 of the TOE1-B1 gene
from the Japanese landrace “SHIROBOR21”. were shown to separate earlier flowering from
No genetic locus for PPD-A1 has been defined later flowering cultivars suggesting the gene to
in hexaploid wheat. However, Wilhelm et al. be a putative flowering time repressor, while the
(2009) described two photoperiod-insensitive mutant allele is expected to attribute earliness
alleles from tetraploid wheat: “GS-100” PPD- (Zikhali et al. 2017). A summary of the role of
A1a and “GS-105” PPD-A1a. These alleles have each gene on the different environmental signals
deletions of 1027 bp (“GS-100”) and 1117 bp on floral meristem development is again summa-
(“GS-105”) in a similar region of the upstream rized in Fig. 11.4.
promoter to PPD-D1a.
Nishida et al. (2013) described a PPD-A1a
mutation (1085 bp deletion in the 5'-upstream 11.2.4 Earliness Per Se (EPS) Genes
region) in the Japanese hexaploid wheat cultivar
CHIHOKUKOMOGI which is in a similar loca- The photoperiod and vernalization gene sys-
tion to the deletions described by Wilhelm et al. tems allow the coarse tuning of adaptation.
(2009) but appears to be unique to Japanese However, there are still relatively minor vari-
wheat. In addition to photoperiod-insensitive ations in flowering time once requirements of
mutations, Beales et al. (2007) identified can- vernalization and photoperiod are totally satis-
didate null alleles for PPD-A1 and PPD-D1 in fied. These differences are regulated by earli-
photoperiod-sensitive cultivars. The loss of func- ness per se (EPS) genes, usually of small effect
tion alleles delays flowering time associated but critical for fine-tuning developmental phases
with reduced expression of FT1, similar to the in the crop cycle (Zikhali and Griffiths 2015;
wild-type alleles (Shaw et al. 2013). Griffiths et al. 2009). The genetics of EPS is
Similar to VRN1, there is also variation still not well understood, and underlying genes
among the potencies of the three PPD-1a loci, with causal polymorphisms have only recently
where plants with PPD-A1a and PPD-D1a are been identified in hexaploid wheat (Zikhali et al.
earlier in flowering than plants with PPD-B1a. 2017). In wild species Triticum monococcum
Díaz et al. (2012) and Würschum et al. (2015) L., a cereal ortholog of Arabidopsis thaliana
showed that alleles of PPD-B1 were associated circadian clock regulator LUX ARRHYTHMO/
with increased copy number resulting in earlier PHYTOCLOCK 1 (LUX/PCL1) was proposed
flowering. These results, along with multiple as a promising candidate gene for the earliness
copies of VRN1, confirm that copy-number vari- per se 3 (Eps-3Am) locus and the ortholog cir-
ation is important for the adaptation of wheat. cadian clock regulator EARLY FLOWERING 3
More recently, three candidate genes for (ELF3) was identified as a candidate gene for
PPD2 and PPD3 (also designated as FT3-B1, the earliness per se Eps-Am1 locus (Gawroński
FT3-D1, and TOE-B1) controlling short-day et al. 2014; Alvarez et al. 2016). ELF3 was sug-
flowering pathway were identified on the long gested to be the best candidate gene within the
arm of chromosome group 1 in wheat (Zikhali EPS-D1 locus in hexaploid wheat as a deletion
et al. 2014, 2017; Halliwell et al. 2016). Four containing ELF3 is associated with advanced
variations were observed for FT3-B1 including flowering (Zikhali et al. 2016). Recently, two
222 D. Sehgal et al.

11.3 Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL)

for Flowering Time

The selection of spring and photoperiod-insen-

sitive type cultivars during the evolutionary and
breeding history of wheat preceded any methods
for gene identification. However, the identifica-
tion of the causal genes in the last two decades
was important to enable targeted selection and
therefore the potential for the directed develop-
ment of new cultivars. One of the major meth-
ods utilized in the process of genetic mapping
and gene identification is quantitative trait loci
(QTL) analysis. QTL analysis is a powerful
statistical tool used to calculate the probability
of any marker within a genetic map contribut-
ing to the observed phenotype. The resolution
and reliability of this method is increased via
larger mapping populations, as these support
higher levels of recombination. The resolution
is also increased through an even distribution
of markers in the genetic map; however, this is
Fig. 11.4  Summary of the roles of different envi- dependent on polymorphisms between the par-
ronmental signals on floral meristem development. ent genotypes and can be severely limited when
Different environmental signals are used by plants to diversity is low. This is regularly observed for
regulate the timing and rate of floral meristem develop-
the D-genome of wheat or when mapping pop-
ment. The relative proportions of the expressed genes are
shown in the seesaw summary figures, and the impact ulations are generated between cultivars with a
of these expression patterns on the floral developmental recent shared pedigree. Individual QTL analy-
stage is indicated by the tipping of the seesaw balance. sis to identify flowering time genes has been
Environmental conditions which are considered are a
conducted for a vast number of mapping popu-
low temperatures, b high temperatures (post or non-
requiring vernalization), c long day, and d short day lations under a large and diverse set of environ-
mental conditions (for details refer to the next
section). These have identified certain genetic
additional EPS QTL in hexaploid wheat located hot spots for flowering time regulation, includ-
on chromosomes 2B and 7D with the designated ing the regions of major genes previously men-
names EPS-B2 and EPS-D7 were identified tioned, e.g., on chromosomes 5A (VRN-A1)
(Basavaraddi et al. 2021a), and for the first time, along with 7B (VRN-B3) and 2D (PPD-D1).
interaction between both genes could be shown. Within these hot spot regions, it is apparent that
EPS genes owe their name to the assump- multiple genes which regulate flowering time
tion that they act independent of environment. are closely genetically associated. The indica-
Despite this, Eps × temperature interaction was tion of these genetic hubs, combined with the
recently proven in some instances (Ochagavía dominance of the PPD1 and VRN1 genes in
et al. 2019; Prieto et al. 2020; Basavaraddi et al. flowering regulation, suggests that there could
2021b). In barley, the EPS gene ELF3 has been be value in assessing the identified QTL for
shown to play a role in the response of circadian flowering through a meta-QTL (MQTL) analy-
clock genes to temperature (Ford et al. 2016). sis. This analysis would identify the number and
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 223

Fig. 11.5  QTL for flowering time-related traits and known major genes projected on the IWGSC RefSeq v1.0. The
QTL are shown from short arm (top) to long arm (bottom). Centromeres are presented by blue ovals

genetic range of QTL beyond PPD1 and VRN1 (29.4%) for A, B, and D genomes, respectively.
and in combination with location information The number of QTL per chromosome ranged
infer some climate-based associations for these from 3 QTL on chromosome 1A to 50 QTL on
additional QTL. chromosome 5A.
A window size of 30 Mb was used to infer
MQTL. Seven MQTL for flowering time were
11.3.1 Meta-QTL (MQTL) Analysis detected that ranged from 10.5 Mb to 28.7 Mb
across chromosomes (Table 11.1). On chromo-
The results of a total of 18 QTL analyses and some 1D, a MQTL1 was identified between
genome-wide association studies (GWAS) con- 477.9 and 495.1 Mb (MQTL1) and has a size of
ducted on flowering time in bread wheat were 17.2 Mb. MQTL2 was located on chromosome
utilized and aligned to the IWGSC-CHINESE 2A between the physical positions of 28.2–
SPRING reference sequence (IWGSC RefSeq 43.2 Mb and with a size of 15.0 Mb. On chro-
v1.0) to identify genetic hot spots or MQTL. mosome 2B, MQTL3 was located between 33.9
The studies consisted of 17 mapping popula- and 62.6 Mb and has the largest size of 28.7 Mb.
tions and five GWAS panels. The traits included MQTL4 was located between physical positions
were days to heading, days to anthesis, days to of 30.8–49.0 Mb on chromosome 3B. MQTL5
maturity, and earliness per se (Supplementary and MQTL6 were detected on chromosomes
Table S11.1). In addition, 24 flowering genes 5A and 5B with sizes of 13.8 and 15.1 Mb,
with known physical locations were integrated respectively. MQTL5 had the maximum num-
(Supplementary Table S11.2). We projected ber of QTL (36) followed by MQTL6 (14).
201 flowering time QTL with 120, 27, 25, The MQTL7 was located on chromosome 6A
and 29 QTL related to days to heading, anthe- between the physical positions of 67.0–77.5 Mb
sis, maturity, and earliness per se, respectively and had a size of 10.5 Mb.
(Fig. 11.5). QTL were projected on all chro- The MQTL provides the advantage of read-
mosomes. The number of projected QTL per ily separating QTL which are environmentally
genome was 95 (47.3%), 71 (35.3%), and 59 more stable, so might have relevance in many
224 D. Sehgal et al.

Table 11.1  Summary of flowering time meta-QTL positioned on wheat reference genome IWGSC RefSeq v1.0
MQTL Chromosome Range of refer- Size (Mb) Number of
ence genome V QTL
1.0 (Mb) Candidate gene
MQTL1 1D 477.9–495.1 17.2 7 TaELF3-1D
MQTL2 2A 28.2–43.2 15.0 3 Ppd1-2A
MQTL3 2B 33.9–62.6 28.7 3 Ppd1-2B
MQTL4 3B 30.8–49.0 18.2 4
MQTL5 5A 581.1–594.9 13.8 36 TaPHYC-5A,
MQTL6 5B 571.1–586.3 15.1 14 TaPHYC-5B,
MQTL7 6A 67.0–77.5 10.5 4

different locations globally from those which 11.4 The Effect of Major
infrequently occur in QTL analyses. Using this Genes on the Response
distinction, marker and candidate gene identifi- to Vernalization
cation can be targeted for specific environmental and Photoperiod
conditions and so enable the development of a to Developmental Phases
deeper understanding and application of flower- and Traits
ing time regulation.
The most frequently identified QTL identi- As an essential trait, the mistiming of flowering can
fied in the MQTL analysis were located on chro- ultimately lead to partial or complete crop failure.
mosome 5 (A and B genomes) and associated However, the focus on time to flowering has meant
with the VRN1 region, along with the closely that additional pleiotropic effects are also selected
associated PHYC gene. A third very robust QTL for, some of which are beneficial. The dominant
region was identified on chromosome 1D, over- regulator of vernalization, VRN1, is an important
lapping with the EARLY FLOWERING 3 (ELF3) gene for the control of the vernalization response
gene, and containing 7 QTL. Additionally, two and also for the formation of the flower itself, high-
regions were identified on chromosomes 3B lighted by its homology to the Arabidopsis AP1
and 6A where QTL were detected in multiple gene (Yan et al. 2003). VRN1, in combination with
analyses and do not yet have a gene associated its homologues FUL2 and FUL3, contribute to the
with them. Both chromosome regions on 3B regulation of spikelet formation, plant height, and
and 6A are interesting targets for further inves- tiller progression (Li et al. 2019). Furthermore, the
tigation. Several QTL were further identified in, regulatory roles of VRN1 are not limited to floral
potentially, homoeologous regions. These may regulation. The growth of spring vs. winter near-
indicate that the same gene on homoeologous isogenic lines for VRN1 in barley identified that
chromosomes contributes to the regulation on other traits including root density at specific soil
flowering time and, therefore, may represent a depths were affected (Voss-Fels et al. 2018). In
stable locus but with dosage effect, commonly spring barley near-isogenic lines (NILs), root den-
seen in wheat. Examples for these QTL are in sity during grain filling was increased at soil depths
the proximal region of chromosome 5 and the between 20 and 60 cm, compared to winter NILs
distal region on chromosomes 5, 6, and 7. (Voss-Fels et al. 2018).
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 225

Like VRN1, the regulator of photoperiod in non-vernalized plants (Mulki et al. 2018). In
response, PPD1, is also linked to a number of contrast to this, FT4 has been identified to func-
additional phenotypes. Some of these are closely tion as a repressor of spikelet initiation in bar-
related to flowering time, for example, the rate ley, with over-expression of HvFT4 leading to
of spikelet initiation is accelerated in PPD1- a reduction in spikelet primordia and ultimately
insensitive NILs, leading to a reduction in the grains per spike (Pieper et al. 2021).
number of spikelets per spike (Ochagavía et al.
2018). Likewise, the formation of additional or
paired spikelets is also altered depending on the 11.5 Extending Genetics
PPD1 allele, a mechanism which is believed to to Prediction
be regulated through the strength of the FT1 sig-
nal (Boden et al. 2015). Beyond the spike archi- Flowering time is a critical consideration in the
tecture, PPD1 influences grain filling and dry adaptation of wheat to scenarios of changing
mass production. In durum wheat (Triticum tur- environments. Future adaptation of any crop in
gidum L. var durum), cultivars carrying PPD1 their major producing countries must be fore-
alleles which conferred photoperiod insensitivity cast because of the substantial time lag in the
allowed earlier flowering and more robust grain planning, breeding, and release of new cultivars
filling, leading to enhanced yields. This correla- which can take between 6 and 10 years (Tanaka
tion of effects may not be due to a direct effect et al. 2015; Hammer et al. 2020). The deliv-
of PPD1 regulating these processes, but might ery of climate-smart solutions for cultivars to
be due to PPD1 enabling optimal timing of be released in a time-reduced and cost-effective
flowering for the particular environment (Royo manner is a daunting challenge for current agri-
et al. 2016, 2018; Arjona et al. 2020). cultural research (Ramirez-Villegas et al. 2020).
Both the photoperiod and vernalization path- Based on diverse climate change models, wheat
ways are integrated through the cereal FT1-like yields will suffer climate change-related declines
gene. As such, allelic variation of FT1 unsur- below current production rates in most regions,
prisingly shows variation in spikelet number, with the most negative impact projected to affect
potentially linked with spikelet initiation rate. developing countries in warmer regions (Pequeno
The link with spikelet initiation is supported et al. 2021). For example, in a modeling study by
as transgenic lines over-expressing TaFT1 rap- Asseng et al. (2015), a decrease in wheat yield
idly flower, while still on the callose regenera- gain, namely a fall of 6% yield for each 1 ºC
tion media and produce a spike with only a few, rise in temperature was predicted, with resultant
infertile spikelets (Lv et al. 2014). In addition to uncertainty in production over space and time.
FT1, cereals contain a vastly expanded family of More recently, Demirhan (2020) estimated a 90.4
FT-like genes, which are becoming a focus for million ton drop in global wheat production with
characterization (Bennett and Dixon 2021). FT2 a 1 ºC warming of surface temperature, but a 32.2
has been linked with spikelet initiation (Gauley million ton increase in production associated with
and Boden 2021), while HvFT3 has also been 1 ppm increase in CO2 emissions. This empha-
associated with spikelet initiation in spring lines, sizes the complexity of climate change and its
independent of a photoperiod signal (Mulki et al. relationship with vital processes in nature.
2018). Interestingly, while FT3 showed a role To mitigate future uncertainties and to reduce
in photoperiod-independent spikelet initiation, the negative environmental impacts, explora-
plants were unable to complete floral develop- tory simulation models or so-called “adapta-
ment under short-day conditions, indicating tion pathways” can be developed (Tanaka et al.
that FT3 alone cannot promote floral develop- 2015). Optimum flowering periods, defined by
ment (Mulki et al. 2018). Yet, in winter barley, maximum grain yield potential, are explored by
over-expression of FT3 could trigger the expres- simulating interactions of genotype × environ-
sion of HvVRN1 and enable floral development ment × management (G × E × M) under current
226 D. Sehgal et al.

and future climates for major crops including characterized by variable rainfall in late autumn
wheat (Pequeno et al. 2021; Zheng et al. 2012; and early winter. The authors suggested a
Flohr et al. 2017; Chen et al. 2020). Thus, sta- spring cultivar with slowed development from
tistical and mechanistic models that enable pre- early sowing, followed by rapid development
diction of the performance of plants cultivated with increasing temperature and daylength,
in various environmental conditions will play a was an optimal type. The authors defined
crucial role in breeding for environmental adapt- the allele combination (1) PPD-B1 (3-copy
ability and optimization of crop management. variant) + PPD-D1a + VRN-A1w (WICHITA
allele) + VRN-B1 + VRN-D1a or (2) PPD-
B1 (3-copy variant) + PPD-D1b + VRN-A1w
11.5.1 Finding Conceptional Ideotypes (WICHITA allele) + VRN-B1 + VRN-D1a as
for Given Environments most suitable. Overall, the variability present in
modern Australian spring wheat cultivars was
Diagnostic molecular markers associated with high and diverse combinations of alleles had
the important regulatory genes and QTL related been successful in the past and were widely
to wheat adaptation (as summarized above) pro- grown (Eagles et al. 2009). Recently, Christy
vide a method for identifying existing allelic et al. (2020) developed a photoperiod-corrected
variation and estimating the effects of each of thermal model that solely utilized the combina-
the alleles in a diverse target production environ- tion of PPD and VRN alleles to predict wheat
ment. The estimated allele effects can be used to phenology to identify the phenological suitabil-
conceptualize ideotypes or genotypes that fit to a ity of germplasm across the cropping region in
specific flowering time range or can predict out- southern Australia. Similar to Cane et al. (2013),
comes of specific crosses in breeding. the authors used their model to identify the opti-
Allelic variation in vernalization genes does mum allelic combinations required to target
not contribute to large differences in flower- optimum flowering period for different locations
ing time in environments where vernalization when sown on different dates. By comparing a
saturation occurs. A large worldwide panel of series of NILs with different major allele com-
varieties was evaluated by Würschum et al. and binations and diverse phenology in the field,
revealed that a three-component system facili- Bloomfield et al. (2019) however revealed that
tated the adoption of heading date in winter a model parameterized solely using multi-locus
wheat (Würschum et al. 2018). The PPD-D1 genotypes is not accurate enough to predict the
locus was found to account for almost half of adoption to flowering time under field condi-
the genetic variance (the photoperiod-insensitive tions. For more accurate predictions, the authors
allele PPD-D1a mainly present in eastern and suggested quantifying minor genetic drivers and
southern Europeans as well as in Eurasian cul- including genotype × environment (G × E) inter-
tivars), followed by copy-number variation at action into models based on genetically derived
PPD-B1. Further fine-tuning to local climatic parameter estimates.
conditions was attributed to small-effect QTL. In breeding programs, the major VRN and
Sheehan and Bentley (2020) recently docu- PPD loci are usually quickly fixed when tar-
mented a dialog with UK wheat agronomists, geted at a specific selection environment. In
outlining the requirement of greater flexibility of widely adapted CIMMYT spring bread wheat,
varietal flowering time (preferably earlier flower- bred mainly in Mexico but globally distributed
ing genotypes) in UK winter wheat to find ideo- through international nurseries and yield trials,
types for expected changing seasonal conditions, the two spring alleles VRN-B1a, VRN-D1a and
and increasing seasonal weather fluctuations. the PPD-D1a-insensitive allele are the most
In spring wheat, Cane et al. (2013) attempted frequent (Van Beem et al. 2005; Dreisigacker
to define a conceptual genotype or ideo- et al. 2021a, b). Also apparent is a strong selec-
type for environments in southern Australia tion pressure against the spring allele, VRN-A1a,
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 227

which results in a strong negative effect on Multi-environment trials (METs) for assess-
the accumulation of biomass and yield at the ing the G × E interaction are therefore com-
CIMMYT main selection site at CENEB, in mon practice in plant breeding for selecting
North Mexico, suggesting that genotypes with high-performing, well-adapted lines across
some vernalization sensitivity are better adapted. environments. Models have been developed
Greater allelic variation was found at the PPD- that evaluate G × E interaction in genomic pre-
A1, PPD-B1 (including copy number variants), diction. Burgueño et al. (2012) were the first to
and VRN-D3 loci. Further, alleles at the two use marker and pedigree genomic best linear
more recently identified photoperiod genes, unbiased prediction (GBLUP) models to assess
TaTOE-B1 and TaFT-B3, positively promoted G × E. Jarquín et al. (2014) proposed a reac-
harvest index and yield (Dreisigacker et al. tion norm model where the main and interaction
2021a, b). effects of markers and environmental covariates
are introduced using highly dimensional random
variance–covariance structures of markers and
11.5.2 Genomic Prediction environmental covariables. A marker × environ-
ment (M × E) interaction model was proposed
With the swift development of next-generation by Lopez-Cruz et al. (2015) and decomposed
sequencing technologies, whole-genome marker the marker effects into components that are
information is generated for all types of germ- common across environments (stability) and
plasm sets. Instead of using only several major environment-specific deviations (interaction).
loci, genomic prediction/selection aims to uti- Genomic prediction models that incorpo-
lize whole-genome marker information to pre- rate G × E or M × E interaction have shown
dict plant phenotypes (Meuwissen et al. 2001) to increase prediction accuracies by 10–40%
and thus also includes minor genetic drivers of a with respect to within-environment analyses
trait. While the approach was initially proposed (Dreisigacker et al. 2021a, b; Crossa et al. 2017;
in animal breeding, studies on genomic predic- Pérez-Rodríguez et al. 2017).
tion have been growing in crops including wheat Another way to improve the prediction accu-
and have become a practical tool in breeding racy of G × E is to introduce secondary traits
(de Los Campos et al. 2009; Crossa et al. 2010, measured in each environment on both the train-
2014; Dreisigacker et al. 2021a, b). Flowering ing and target populations in multi-trait genomic
time as an important agronomic trait has been prediction models. Recently, Guo et al. (2020)
predicted with genome-wide markers in wheat used days to heading as a fixed effect in a multi-
using different training and target populations. trait model with additional yield components in a
Within-environment and within single popula- panel of USA soft facultative wheat. The multi-
tions’ genomic prediction accuracies for flow- trait predictions demonstrated higher predic-
ering time or heading date, measured as the tive accuracy than the single-trait models under
correlation between genomic estimated breeding a multiple-environmental analysis showing its
values and the observed traits, are in the range capacity to predict the performance of a geno-
of 0.4 and 0.7 in the published literature guided type for different target environments. Similarly,
by heritability (Charmet et al. 2014; Zhao et al. Gill et al. (2021) used multi-trait, multi-environ-
2014; Liu et al. 2020; Haile et al. 2021; Crossa ment genomic prediction which performed best
et al. 2016). for all agronomic traits in their study including
Predicting the performance of plant phe- days to heading. Other studies introduce environ-
notypes across diverse environments is more mental covariates in genomic prediction models
difficult compared to within-environments to predict the performance of lines in new envi-
because phenotypes of more complex traits ronments (Jarquín et al. 2014; Heslot et al. 2014;
are often influenced by G × E interaction. Malosetti et al. 2016; Ly et al. 2018).
228 D. Sehgal et al.

11.5.3 Integrating Crop Modeling

with Genome-Based Prediction, 0 ºC, optimal temperature (maximum
Phenomics, and Environments development rate) of approximately 26 ºC,
and a maximum temperature (above which
Modular crop model development approaches no development occurs) of approximately
(Jones et al. 2001) and the rapid advance of 34 ºC (Hu et al. 2021; Boote et al. 2021).
QTL analyses conducted for a vast number of These air temperature thresholds and cal-
populations under diverse environments have culations could vary depending on the crop
opened up opportunities to integrate these model used, as some research articles have
two methods (see Box 11.1). This integration shown that base and optimal temperature
allowed the addition, modification, and main- could change during the wheat life cycle,
tenance of new components, including more besides soil mean crown temperature being
recently gene-based functions into process- adjusted by snow depth (Hoogenboom
based crop models (Hoogenboom et al. 2004; et al. 2004; Boote et al. 2021).
White 2009; Zheng et al. 2013; Chenu et al. The day length effect on crop develop-
2018; Hammer et al. 2019; Robert et al. 2020; ment is accounted for by a photoperiod
Tardieu et al. 2021; Oliveira et al. 2011; Hu sensitivity factor which results in a daily
et al. 2021; Boote et al. 2021; Cooper et al. percent reduction of development rate,
2021; Potgieter et al. 2021; Cowling et al. 2020; below the threshold of 20 hours of day-
Wallach et al. 2018; Hwang et al. 2017; Yin length. The vernalization effect is computed
et al. 2018). The first simple gene-based model as a function of a vernalization sensitivity
was developed by White and Hoogenboom factor, or maximum development rate to
(1996) linking gene information with genotype- reach the threshold number of accumulated
specific parameters (GSPs) for a drybean model vernalization days required for a specific
called BEANGRO (Hoogenboom et al. 2019), cultivar. Vernalization is also lost when
where seven genes were used to estimate 19 daily maximum temperature is above 30
oC. Vernalization and photoperiod factors
parameters simulating data for 32 cultivars.
are used to modify accumulation of ther-
mal time from emergence to floral initiation
Box 11.1 Crop models simulating flowering (Hoogenboom et al. 2004; Hu et al. 2021;
time Boote et al. 2021; Cooper et al. 2021).
Most crop models use similar approaches The process-based modelling approaches
to simulate the crop life cycle, integrat- mentioned above have been used to predict
ing development rate over time, usually development of wheat and many crops with
assuming a potential development rate good accuracy across many years, having
driven by temperature and modified by as input other genotype-specific parameters
several other factors such as photoperiod, (GSPs) besides weather, soil, and crop man-
vernalization, and other abiotic stresses agement variables (Potgieter et al. 2021).
that may accelerate or delay crop devel- However, only recently have these models
opment (Oliveira et al. 2011). The rate of started to incorporate true genetic informa-
development used in many crop models tion to capture differences among cultivars
is a function of a triangular or trapezoi- instead of empirical GSPs created and cali-
dal shape driven by time (TT), or grow- brated based on processes and observations
ing degree days (GDD), that are calculated from field and laboratory studies (Boote
based on maximum and minimum air tem- et al. 2021; Cowling et al. 2020) even though
perature. The temperature response for the idea and first studies started in the late
wheat has a base temperaure (below which 1990s (Wallach et al. 2018; Hwang et al.
no development occurs) of approximately 2017; Yin et al. 2018).
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 229

Fig. 11.6  Schematic representation of the integrated the pentagon (pointed arrows show promotion and flat
model. The crop must pass through each of the phases arrows show repression) and subsequent amount of
along the x-axis to reach anthesis. Temperature per se [Vrn1], [Vrn2], [Vrn3], and [Vrn4] protein expressed as
controls the progression through each phase in combi- demonstrated by the lines on the graph. The amount of
nation with the factors presented. Temperature and pho- these proteins controls the timing of vernalization and
toperiod control the expression of VRN1, VRN2, VRN3, terminal spikelet (adapted from Brown et al. 2013)
and VRN4 genes as demonstrated by the scheme within

Since then, there has been a rapid increase in concluded that this type of model can identify
the number of research studies including gene- the best combination of sowing dates and time
based modeling applications, but most of them to flowering to minimize frost and heat risk and
are still limited to crop phenology and other less achieve higher yields. Among the gene-based
complex traits. Brown et al. (2013) integrated modeling applications, those that can be inte-
molecular and physiological models to simulate grated with several other breeding tools have the
time to anthesis using lines of spring and win- greatest potential. Wang et al. (2019) reviewed
ter wheat under different temperature and pho- necessary improvements for process-based crop
toperiod conditions. They linked the duration of models to simulate G × E × M interactions and
phases to expressions of VRN genes to account stated that the verification of temporal gene
for the effects of temperature during each devel- expression profiles, their environmental depend-
opmental stage to develop a model (Fig. 11.6). encies, and their expression levels are further
This analysis framework was compared with required to trigger key phenological stages.
CERES, ARCWHEAT1, and SIRIUS model A growing body of research focuses on the
approaches, suggesting the possibility of linking benefits and challenges resulting from the inte-
phenological parameters and anthesis time to the gration of several modern technologies into
alleles or copy number of genes that control the breeding programs. This includes genomics
expression of protein signals, relating anthesis using dense molecular markers, detailed trait
genotype to phenotype. analysis using advances in phenomics, image
Hu et al. (2021) used the APSIM wheat-G analyses, and the intense used of environmen-
gene-based phenology model to identify the tal covariables (environomics) and multi-trait
optimal flowering period of spring wheat and analysis in order to accelerate genetic gains and
230 D. Sehgal et al.

increase agricultural production (Crossa et al. For example, Heslot et al. (2014) employed
2019). Incorporating these newly available tech- crop models to derive stress covariates from
nologies, e.g., computer simulation for genomic- daily weather data for predicted crop develop-
assisted rapid cycle population improvement, ment stages, by means of the factorial regres-
combining rapid genomic cycling with speed sion model to genomic selection modeling of
breeding, high-throughput phenotyping, and QTL × environment interaction on a genome-
using historical climate and soil data, has poten- wide scale. The method was tested using a win-
tial to improve conventional breeding schemes. ter wheat dataset, and accuracy in predicting
Integrating the machinery of crop modeling genotype performance in unobserved environ-
with that of genomic information and phenom- ments for which weather data were available
ics data together with environomics platforms increased by 11.1% on average. Furthermore,
can further increase the breeding efficiency. This Cooper et al. (2016) used crop models with
in turn offers great promise to develop varieties genomic-enabled prediction applied to an empir-
rapidly since the selection of candidate individu- ical maize drought data set. These authors found
als can be performed with higher accuracy. positive prediction accuracy for hybrid grain
There is evidence that crop models are useful yield in two drought environments.
for phenotypic prediction of relevant quantita- In general, crop models have been used
tive traits by simulating the behavior and growth for crop management decision support. The
of crops using solar radiation, water, nitrogen, presence of G × E × M interactions for yield
etc., as input. Still, there is little empirical evi- presents challenges for the development of pre-
dence that integration of this type of model with diction technologies for product development
whole-genome prediction increases the predic- by breeding and product placement for different
tion accuracy of unobserved cultivars. Two sim- agricultural production systems. Messina et al.
ulation studies (Technow et al. 2015; Messina (2018) combined simulation and empirical stud-
et al. 2018) showed that integration to a com- ies to show how to use CGM with genome-ena-
bined model improved prediction accuracy rela- bled methodology for the application to maize
tive to the genomic model alone. breeding and product placement recommenda-
Grain yield is the ultimate measure of crop tion in the US corn-belt.
adaptation due to phenology. Crop models can In plant breeding, genetic and environmen-
also be used for prediction of complex traits tal factors can interact in complex ways giving
such as grain yield for different cultivars and rise to substantial G × E interactions that can
location-year combinations within certain eco- be used to select genotypes adapted to specific
geographical regions. It is necessary to incor- environments. Nevertheless, accurate predic-
porate the genetic variance of the traits and tions of future performances in environments
how these will change under different environ- are challenging and it requires consideration
mental conditions into the models. With the of the possible weather conditions that may
rapidly increasing availability of data on DNA occur within a region and how individual geno-
sequences of individual cultivars or breed- types are expected to react to those conditions.
ing lines, the use of crop models to improve Usually, METs occurring over many years and
crop model development and applications has across multiple locations are utilized to facilitate
been significantly fast. Similarly, advances in such predictions. The major challenge is that
the understanding of the control of plant pro- MET is organized over few years and locations
cesses at the molecular level offer opportunities such that genotypes are often advanced without
to strengthen how certain plant physiological being tested under weather conditions that may
mechanisms are incorporated into crop models. critically affect their performance. To overcome
It has been shown that crop models can be this limited scope of the MET, de los Campos
integrated with genomic prediction to enhance et al. (2020) proposed data-driven computer
prediction accuracy using simulation data. simulations that integrate field trial data, DNA
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 231

sequences, and historical weather records for crop and genomics models, which include ran-
predicting genotype performances and stability dom effects for G × E interaction terms, would
using limited years of field testing per genotype. be useful. New deep learning models that have
The data-driven simulation proposed by de been developed for dealing with big data sets
los Campos et al. (2020) links modern genomic should also be considered for incorporation with
models that integrate DNA sequences (e.g., crop models for multi-trait, multi-environment
single nucleotide polymorphisms—SNPs) and predictions (Montesinos-Lopez et al. 2018,
environmental covariates (EC; Jarquín et al. 2019).
2014; Crossa et al. 2019) by means of Monte
Carlo methods that integrate uncertainty about
future weather conditions as well as model 11.6 Future Opportunities
parameters (characterized using the their pos-
terior distribution). The importance of this Since its first cultivation in 7000 BC, hexaploid
approach is to study ECs as a mechanism to wheat has evolved and adapted, enabling expan-
characterize the environmental conditions pre- sion underpinning global food security. Adaptive
vailing during crop growing seasons on the cur- genes (and their complex interactions) have
rent MET location-year but also in the past field played an important role in optimizing wheat
trial data with historical (or simulated) weather production and will continue to play a significant
records that describe environmental conditions role in fine-tuning flowering and reproductive
that are likely to occur in a location or region. cycles suited to changing climates and evolving
The results of de los Campos et al. (2020) agricultural production systems. As documented
results show that (1) it is possible to predict the in this chapter, many QTL have been detected
performance of cultivar at environments where with robust effects within and across environ-
these cultivars have few (or none) testing data ments which have expanded the breadth of adap-
and (2) predictions that incorporate historical tive variation to be explored in future. However,
weather records are more robust with respect additional work is required to identify underly-
to year-to-year variation in environmental con- ing genes and dissect pathways to understand
ditions than the ones that can be derived using their mode of action and accelerate their vali-
only few field trials. dation and deployment in breeding. Likewise,
Further research is needed to add evidence MQTL can help to identify relevant genomic
that crop modeling together with genomic-ena- regions over space and time and facilitate the
bled predictions can be of benefit in plant breed- identification of new candidate genes. In the
ing together with phenomics and environomics. QTL comparison conducted here, we detected
Three proposed directions for future research seven MQTL regions on chromosomes 1D, 2A,
are: (a) to use historical data to complement 2B, 3B, 5A, 5B, and 6A. While five MQTL were
the advantages of crop modeling with those of co-located with known flowering genes regions,
genomics and phenomics; (b) to conduct more candidate genes for two MQTL are not yet
simulation studies with different type of crop known. The identification of genes underpinning
models, genomics, and phenomics models and the two robust MQTL regions on chromosomes
(c) to conduct real experiments where the sci- 3B and 6A and those identified to be in homoe-
entist can control the input of the crop model ologous regions (proximal on 5 and distal on
and measure as accurate as possible the out- chromosomes 5, 6, and 7) will offer new poten-
put. Simulation studies should be conducted to tial targets for exploitation. These genetic dissec-
benchmark the prediction performance of com- tion efforts will be greatly aided by current and
bined models (crop model + genomics) com- future developments in wheat genome sequenc-
pared to stand-alone genomic prediction models. ing and characterization of haplotypes across the
Comparing combinations of different types of wheat and progenitor pangenomes.
232 D. Sehgal et al.

Moving beyond the identification of flower- comes from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
ing time loci, it will also become increasingly FCDO, USAID, and the Foundation for Food and
Agriculture Research (FFAR). HeDWIC is supported
important to understand how genetic regions by FFAR, CRP-WHEAT, the Sustainable Modernization
influence other developmental traits and their of Traditional Agriculture (MasAgro) initiative from
responses to environmental factors. This depth the Secretariat of Agriculture and Rural Development
of understanding will allow a more targeted (SADER, Government of Mexico), AGG, FCDO, and
“design” of adaptive ideotypes to suit current
and future climates and is likely to influence the
use of novel breeding methods. For example, the
timing of flowering and regulation of distinct
flowering stages may influence the efficiency
Aitken Y (1974) Flowering time, climate and genotype.
of hybrid wheat seed production, supporting the Melbourne University Press. ISBN 052284071X,
development of mainstream hybrids. Similarly, 9780522840711
genomic selection network approaches that Alvarez MA, Tranquilli G, Lewis S, Kippes N,
can include multiple traits along with flower- Dubcovsky J (2016) Genetic and physical mapping
of the earliness per se locus Eps-A m 1 in Triticum
ing time are likely to be useful in identifying monococcum identifies EARLY FLOWERING 3
high-performing, optimally adapted lines for (ELF3) as a candidate gene. Funct Integr Genomics
breeding, selection, and release. Finally, much 16:365–382
future potential exists in applying recently Andrés F, Coupland G (2012) The genetic basis of flow-
ering responses to seasonal cues. Nat Rev Genet
developed integrated genomics and crop mod- 13:627–639
eling approaches. The advances with gene-based Arjona JM, Royo C, Dreisigacker S, Ammar K, Subirà
modeling in the future, if successful, should J, Villegas D (2020) Effect of allele combinations at
make it possible to describe growth and devel- Ppd-1 loci on durum wheat grain filling at contrasting
latitudes. J Agron Crop Sci.
opment processes with QTL and other genomic jac.12363
loci analysis, integrated in process-based crop Asseng S, Evert F, Martre P, Roetter RP, Lobell
models in a modular approach. This would DB, Cammarano D (2015) Rising temperatures
potentially reduce the need for crop modeling reduce global wheat production. Nat Clim Change
calibration using phenotypic data after new Basavaraddi PA, Savin R, Bencivenga S, Griffiths S,
cultivars are released to assess their response Slafer GA (2021a) Wheat developmental traits as
to genotype, environment, and management affected by the interaction between eps-7d and tem-
(G × E × M) conditions. This can both lever- perature under contrasting photoperiods with insensi-
tive ppd-d1 background. Plants 10:1–16
age extensive historical data (available in many Basavaraddi PA, Savin R, Wingen LU, Bencivenga
breeding programs) to identify previously hid- S, Przewieslik-Allen AM, Griffiths S, Slafer GA
den environmental “clues” as well as providing (2021b) Interactions between two QTLs for time to
novel targets for the design and deployment of anthesis on spike development and fertility in wheat.
Sci Rep 11:1–16
further climate change adaptation strategies. Beales J, Turner A, Griffiths S, Snape JW, Laurie DA
(2007) A pseudo-response regulator is misexpressed
Acknowledgements This work was supported by the in the photoperiod insensitive Ppd-D1a mutant of
CGIAR Research Program WHEAT (CRP-WHEAT), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor Appl Genet
Accelerating Genetics Gains in Maize and Wheat (AGG) 115:721–733
and HeDWIC to CIMMYT, the Farrer Memorial Trust Bennett T, Dixon LE (2021) Asymmetric expansions of
to Jessica Hyles, and the UKRI FLF MR/S031677/1 FT and TFL1 lineages characterize differential evolu-
and the Rank Prize Funds New Lecturer Award to Laura tion of the EuPEBP family in the major angiosperm
Dixon. Funding for WHEAT comes from CGIAR and lineages. BMC Biol 19:1–17
national governments, foundations, development banks,
and other public and private agencies, in particular
the Australian Centre for International Agricultural
Research (ACIAR), the UK Foreign Commonwealth
& Development Office (FCDO), and the USA Agency 1 Identifies references cited in Supplementary Table
for International Development (USAID). AGG funding
11 Genomic Insights on Global Journeys of Adaptive Wheat Genes … 233

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Genome Sequences
from Diploids and Wild Relatives 12
of Wheat for Comparative
Genomics and Alien

Adam Schoen, Gautam Saripalli,

Seyedali Hosseinirad, Parva Kumar Sharma,
Anmol Kajla, Inderjit Singh Yadav and Vijay Tiwari

Abstract and end-use traits. Since wheat cultivars and

landraces have been explored extensively to
Bread wheat is an important food source identify novel genes and alleles, one way to
worldwide, contributing ~20% of the caloric overcome these pitfalls is by looking into the
intake per person worldwide. Due to a proverbial treasure trove of genomic diver-
domestication bottleneck and highly selective sity that is present in wheat’s wild relatives.
breeding for key traits, modern wheat culti- These wild relatives hold reservoirs of genes
vars have a narrow genetic base. Wheat pro- that can confer broad-spectrum resistance to
duction faces several challenges due to both pathogens, increase yield, provide additional
abiotic and biotic stresses as well as chang- nutrition, and improve dough quality. Genetic
ing climatic conditions and genetic improve- approaches and techniques have existed to
ment of wheat is generally considered to be introgress wild chromatin to bread wheat,
the most sustainable approach to develop cli- as well as trace introgressions present in
mate resilient cultivars with improved yield the germplasm for over 7 decades. However
with the availability of NGS technologies, it
A. Schoen · G. Saripalli · S. Hosseinirad · is now easier to detect and efficiently inte-
P. K. Sharma · A. Kajla · I. S. Yadav · V. Tiwari (*) grate the genetic diversity that lies within
Department of Plant Science and Landscape wheat’s gene pools into breeding programs
Architecture, University of Maryland, College Park, and research. This chapter provides a con-
e-mail: cise explanation of current technologies that
have allowed for the progression of genomic
A. Schoen
e-mail: research into wheat’s primary, secondary, and
tertiary gene pools, as well as past technolo-
G. Saripalli
e-mail: gies that are still in use today. Furthermore,
we explore resources that are publicly avail-
S. Hosseinirad
e-mail: able that allow for insight into genes and
genomes of wheat and its wild relatives, and
P. K. Sharma
e-mail: the application and execution of these genes
in research and breeding. This chapter will
A. Kajla
e-mail: give an up-to-date summary of information
I. S. Yadav related with genomic resources and reference

© The Author(s) 2024 241

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
242 A. Schoen et al.

assemblies available for wheat’s wild rela- have proven to be highly useful. These resources
tives and their applications in wheat breeding have also been exploited for identification of
and genetics. useful wild introgressions in wheat followed
by marker development for biotic and abiotic
stress tolerance traits. The current pan-genome
Keywords resource consists of ten genomes with pseu-
domolecules level assembly and five genomes
Wheat · Gene pool · Wild wheat relatives ·
with assemblies of hexaploid wheat.
Reference assemblies · Resistance genes ·
One of the major objectives of any breed-
Exome · Yieldrelated traits · NGS ·
ing program has been to develop resilient wheat
Comparative genomics · Alien introgressions
varieties against environmental conditions as
well as biotic stresses and significant progress
12.1 Introduction has been made in the genetic improvement of
wheat, mainly after the green revolution either
Bread wheat is one of the most important sta- using conventional or molecular breeding
ple crops and provides over 1/5th of the calories approaches through marker assisted selection.
consumed by the world’s population (FAOSTAT The introduction of dwarfing genes during the
2020). Global wheat production needs to be green revolution revolutionized wheat variety
increased in light of the growing human popula- development and led to dramatic increase in
tion and changing climatic conditions (Hickey wheat yield across the globe (Ali et al. 1973;
et al. 2019; Ray et al. 2012, 2013; Tilman et al. Hedden 2003; Pingali 2012). Similarly, impor-
2011). To cope with the numerous challenges tant genetic markers have also been identified
that wheat faces, such as heat, drought, and dis- for the QTL/genes providing resistance against
eases, it is important to find useful sources of different biotic and abiotic stresses (Saini et al.
genes and alleles for its improvement, and at 2022; Singh et al. 2021). This has certainly led
the same time, develop approaches for efficient to the enhancement in the breeding populations
transfer of this useful genetic variability to cul- of wheat; however, at the same time it has also
tivated wheat. Efforts have already been made narrowed down the genetic base thus resulting
in this direction, with the major and success- in reduced species variability. This ultimately
ful efforts that have been made after the wheat necessitates the need to explore the wild and
genome reference assembly using T. aestivum cv. related species of wheat which are an important
CHINESE SPRING became available as a model reservoir of useful genetic diversity as well as
in the 2018 (Appels et al. 2018). Since then, genes for biotic and abiotic stresses.
more and more resources have been added up to Based on the evolutionary distance between
speed up breeding activities and the development the species and the success rate of interspecies
of markers for important traits. For instance, in hybridization, Harlan and de Wet (1971) intro-
the years 2019 and 2020 a wheat pan-genome duced the idea of wheat gene pools that included
resource containing an assembly of 10+ wheat primary, secondary, and tertiary gene pool
genomes including elite cultivars from across the (Fig. 12.1) (Jiang et al. 1993; Mujeeb-Kazi et al.
globe and a 1 K exome capture data were gener- 2013). While, the genomes of primary and sec-
ated (He et al. 2019; Walkowiak et al. 2020). In ondary gene pool share some homology with the
fact, although high-quality reference assembly wheat genome, the species in the tertiary gene
is available for CHINESE SPRING, it does not pool do not share any homology with the wheat
capture the complete species-specific variation genome and, therefore, are sexually incompat-
that can be exploited for variety development. ible through homologous recombination. It is
Therefore, the above genomic resources includ- also difficult to cross the species of secondary
ing the pan-genome and exome capture data and tertiary gene pool with hexaploid wheat
12 Genome Sequences from Diploids and Wild Relatives … 243

Fig. 12.1  Overview of bread wheat’s gene pools with examples in each category

when compared to the species of primary gene (Benlioğlu and Adak 2019; Jiang et al. 1993;
pool (Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 2013). Mujeeb-Kazi et al. 2013).
The species in the primary gene pool include As mentioned above, the availability of
modern wheat cultivars and other T. aesti- genomic resources in hexaploid bread wheat has
vum landraces, Triticum spelta (AABBDD), driven the development of useful markers lead-
tetraploid durum wheat T. turgidum (AABB), ing to stress resilient wheat cultivars. However,
diploid wheat species T. urartu (AA), and looking at the complexity of the wheat genome
Aegilops tauschii (DD). Examples of spe- owing to its large genome size and polyploid
cies in the secondary gene pool are tetraploid nature, it became necessary to develop genomic
species T. timopheevii (AAGG), and diploid resources for the above wild relatives of wheat.
species T. monococcum (AmAm) and Ae. spel- Considerable progress has already been in this
toides (SS). Species in the tertiary gene pool direction. For example, diploid relatives Ae.
include cultivated species such as rye (RR) and longissima, Ae. speltoides, and Ae. sharonensis,
barley (HH) as well as wild relatives of wheat. as well as several accessions of Ae. tauschii all
Importantly, wild relatives of wheat contain a have recently released reference quality assem-
treasure trove of variability that can overcome blies available for BLAST and genome brows-
the genetic bottlenecks found in bread wheat ing (Avni et al. 2022; Gaurav et al. 2022; Zhou
(Tiwari et al. 2015). Examples of these are wild et al. 2021). Further, wild tetraploid species
grasses such as diploid Thinopyrum elongantum T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides v. “ZAVITAN”
(EE), tetraploid Ae. geniculata (UUMM), and have also recently had a high-quality assembly
octoploid Leymus arenarius (XXXXNNNN) released with the use of optical maps for more
(Pour-Aboughadareh et al. 2021; Anamthawat- accurate scaffolding.
Jónsson 2001). Due to the absence of pairing at The present chapter is mainly focused on pro-
meiosis between the tertiary pool chromosomes viding an overview of the available reference
and those of wheat, techniques such as radia- assemblies, and genomic resources in wheat’s
tion induced chromosomal breaks or gene edit- wild relatives, which have been explored to
ing must be used to create introgression lines identify useful introgressions in wheat. Some
244 A. Schoen et al.

examples include (i) Fhb7 (from T. elongatum) survey sequencing of individual chromosomes.
providing resistance against Fusarium head Though this is considered a significant break-
blight in wheat (Guo et al. 2015); (ii) the well- through in the world of wheat genomics, this
known 1BL/1RS translocations from rye which initial draft sequence only accounted for ~61%
has useful genes for improved grain yield of the entire wheat genome (Lukaszewski et al.
and biomass especially under abiotic stress 2014). Four years later, with the use of addi-
(Lukaszewski 1993), Lr57 and Yr40 from Ae. tional genetic data, including radiation hybrids,
geniculata providing resistance against rust dis- and sequence data, with the advancement of
ease (Kuraparthy et al. 2007a, b). Recent devel- next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies,
opments in the next generation sequencing the fully annotated CHINESE SPRING refer-
technologies have led to the development of low- ence genome was released with pseudomolecule
cost sequencing reactions such as skim sequenc- assemblies for all 21 chromosomes (Appels
ing which provides a useful resource for the et al. 2018). This reference genome has been
identification of alien introgressions with even continuously updated with the use of new tech-
a low coverage of less than 0.1x (Adhikari et al. nologies, both with the intent of more accurate
2022b). A comparative overview of synthetic contig establishment and scaffolding as well
relationships between wheat and wild relatives is as annotation of genes not initially reported
also discussed. Overall, the present chapter will in the V.1.0. (Alonge et al. 2020; Zhu et al.
serve as a useful resource for the students and 2021). Extensive comparative data shows that
researchers working in alien wheat genomics CHINESE SPRING is a genetic outlier when
and exploring useful alien wheat introgressions compared to domesticated species of Triticum
in development of wheat cultivars. sp. (Walkowiak et al. 2020).
The development of the pan-genome of wheat
has allowed for more precise research and insight
12.2 State of Reference Assemblies into the primary gene pool of wheat, includ-
in Wheat and Its Wild Relatives ing T. spelta. As of December 2022, 13 culti-
vars of wheat and one cultivar of T. spelta are
Wild and related species in wheat are a reser- available for BLAST as well as genome brows-
voir of important genes for different abiotic and ing. Interestingly, with the information gained
biotic stress tolerances. Therefore, the avail- by the 10+ genome project, alien introgressions
ability of genomic resources for these wild rela- were able to be traced using reads derived from
tives will prove to be an asset for identification T. timopheevii and T. ponticum (JJJJJJsJsJsJsJs)
of genes/QTLs and their linked markers which in T. aestivum cv. LANCER, and Ae. ventricosa
may be helpful in simplifying wheat genomics (NvNvDvDv) in T. aestivum cv. JAGGER in order
leading to development of elite wheat cultivars to get more exact coordinates of these loci.
which is otherwise difficult due to complex and Tetraploid species of both cultivated (T.
large wheat genome. Reference genome assem- durum) and wild emmer (T. dicoccoides) wheat
blies are now available for some of the impor- are also a part of the primary gene pool, due to
tant wild species belonging to all the three wheat the ability for homologous recombination to
gene pools. Reference assemblies for the impor- occur within the shared sub-genomes (A and B).
tant wheat relatives are explained in brief below. When compared to hexaploid wheat, only 5% of
wheat grown for human consumption is durum,
and 95% is hexaploid. This may be attributed to
12.2.1 Primary Gene Pool Reference the genome plasticity of hexaploid wheat which
Genomes allowed for a broader potential for adaptation
compared to tetraploid wheat (Mastrangelo and
The first draft of the reference genome of bread Cattivelli 2021). Also, compared to hexaploid
wheat first became public in 2014, utilizing wheat, the elite gene pool of durum wheat has
12 Genome Sequences from Diploids and Wild Relatives … 245

little genetic diversity, and most elite durum the hexaploid bread wheat (Kerby and Kuspira
wheat cultivars are moderately to highly suscep- 1987). Therefore, in recent years, reference
tible to disease resistance breeding (Clarke et al. genomes for all the three wheat genome donors
2010; Miedaner and Longin 2014). This is also (A genome; T. urartu, B genome: Ae. speltoides;
not surprising due to the widely known fact that D genome: Ae. tauschii) have been produced in
hexaploid bread wheat actually evolved from an order to help with wheat improvement. While
inter-specific hybridization between T. dicoc- the donors for A and D genome are included
coides and diploid species Ae. tauschii (Dvorak in the primary gene pool, the donors for the B
et al. 2012; Lukaszewski et al. 2014; Mcfadden genome are included in secondary gene pool.
and Sears 1946). However, it is evident from the Therefore, the reference assemblies for the
published reports that wild emmer introgres- donors of A and D genome are discussed in
sions were responsible for significant gains in more detail below, and the reference assemblies
genetic diversity among the hexaploid lines as for the B genome donor (Ae. speltoides) are dis-
shown recently using the 1000 Wheat Exome cussed in separate sub-heading in the next sec-
Project (He et al. 2019). Similarly, the pheno- tion involving secondary gene pool.
typic variance contributed by several impor-
tant traits including harvest weight, drought
response, and plant height is largely attributed 12.2.2 A Genome
to these wild emmer introgressions (Nigro et al.
2022; Zhu et al. 2019). The T. urartu reference genome was first pub-
Looking into the importance of wild emmer lished in 2018 (Ling et al. 2018), four months
introgressions in hexaploid bread wheat, before the release of the CHINESE SPRING
improved reference genomes of both wild v.1.0 reference genome. In their analysis, done
emmer and cultivated durum wheat were pub- using the 2014 draft wheat genome v. 0.4, strong
lished in 2019. The improved reference genome structural variations were observed between
of wild emmer wheat cv. ZAVITAN (WEW) the T. urartu A genome and the bread wheat
utilized optical maps as well as advancements A genome, proposing evolutionary rearrange-
in alignment technologies in order to increase ments. Within the diverse population of T. urartu
the effective size of the reference genome accessions used for this study, and using the
by ~67 Mb, as well as adding over 2,000 reference genome, three distinct groups were
high confidence genes. Additionally, between identified in the Fertile Crescent. The above
WEW_v1.0 and WEW_v.2.0, gaps of unknown diverse accessions were screened for powdery
size dropped from 2,767 to only 471 (Avni mildew resistance, and excitingly, after inocu-
et al. 2017; Zhu et al. 2019). Later in 2019, a lation with powdery mildew (PM), one group
high-quality reference genome of T. durum cv. (group 2) showed significant resistance against
SVEVO was published, and by utilizing the the pathogen. Further, analysis using the SNP
WEW data, it was shown that the short-term data revealed a single putative candidate gene
evolutionary changes showed little change to that was involved in providing resistance against
synteny between WEW and durum. There were, powdery mildew. This resistance was perhaps
however, lower copy numbers of important gene due to the natural selection for powdery mildew
families such as NLRs in SVEVO in compari- resistance as well adaptation to grow at high
son with Zavitan, which implies a reduction of altitudes.
canonical R-genes (Maccaferri et al. 2019).
Diploid progenitor species of bread wheat
genomes A (T. urartu) and D (Ae. tauschii), 12.2.3 D Genome
as well as close B genome relative Ae. spel-
toides (SS) all serve as a less complex sys- The D genome progenitor Ae. tauschii is a
tem to work with for genomics research than well of genetic variability in wheat, due to the
246 A. Schoen et al.

low level of variation seen within D genome information pertaining to the diversity prevailing
of wheat (Dubcovsky and Dvorak 2007; Voss- in the genome sequences of diverse Ae. tauschii
Fels et al. 2015). This lack of variation is par- accessions (
tially due to the small proportion of diversity
that was obtained during polyploidization when
hybridization between ancient, domesticated T. 12.2.4 Secondary Gene Pool Reference
turgidum (AABB), and the small population of Genomes
Ae. tauschii near the Caspian Sea (Dubcovsky
and Dvorak 2007; Gaurav et al. 2022; Luo In comparison with the primary gene pool of
et al. 2017; Voss-Fels et al. 2015). However, wheat, genomic resources for members of the
due to the ability to develop synthetic wheat by secondary gene pool are limited. Therefore,
hybridizing tetraploid species with Ae. tauschii, efforts are being made in this direction. For
diversity in the D genome can be integrated instance, (i) the development of reference
into the breeding germplasm (Li et al. 2018). assemblies for wild and cultivated T. mono-
The first Ae. tauschii reference genome was coccum accessions are available for public
released in 2017 in the background of accession use (Ahmed et al. 2023).
AL8/78; the current version (Aet v.5.0) has been Diploid wheat T. monococcum which is a
improved using optical maps as well as Pac-Bio close relative of T. urartu (A genome donor)
long-read sequencing (Luo et al. 2017; Wang is the only species with both domesticated
et al. 2021). (T. monococcum ssp. monococcum) and wild
Since the initial release, several strides type (T. monococcum ssp. aegilopoides) acces-
have been made in Ae. tauschii genomics. For sions. Therefore, the reference assemblies for
instance, Zhou et al. (2021) developed reference these species once available will certainly help
quality genomes of four additional accessions in simplifying wheat genomics and may be an
representing four sub-lineages of Ae. tauschii improvement over the reference assembly avail-
with the intent to trace wild introgressions bet- able for T. urartu. (ii) Transcriptome data for T.
ter in the germplasm. In the same year, the Open monococcum is also available from an earlier
Wild Wheat Consortium (OWWC) generated study (Fox et al. 2014). (iii) A core set of wild
whole genome sequencing (WGS) data for 242 einkorn as well as domestic einkorn was also
non-redundant accessions of Ae. tauschii, to recently categorized by Adhikari et al. (2022a).
probe the evolution of bread wheat, determine Using GBS data, 145 domesticated einkorn
the variation within the population, and per- accessions and 584 wild einkorn accessions were
form genome-wide association studies (GWAS) divided into α, ß, γ, and monococcum. A set of T.
for important traits using the AL8/78 reference urartu accessions were also a part of this study,
genome (Gaurav et al. 2022). This study was and as expected, they clustered together distally
able to show the two major lineages that make from T. monococcum accessions.
up the D genome in wheat, and using the wheat When compared to A and D genome, B
pan-genome, show the physical regions that genome of wheat has been difficult to study in
come from these lineages. Additionally, a third a diploid species due the proposed extinction of
lineage not associated with the evolution of the direct progenitor (Riley et al. 1958; Sarkar
bread wheat was also characterized. and Stebbins 1956). Researchers, however, have
Further, using k-mer-based GWAS, candidate found a workaround this issue by working with
genes for flowering time, stem rust (Sr) resist- species in the Sitopsis section of Aegilops (S*S*)
ance, trichome number, spikelet number, PM due to their close relatedness with the B genome
resistance, and wheat curl mite resistance were (Kerby and Kuspira 1987). In the last decade,
also reported. Efforts are currently underway by reference quality genomes for five Sitopsis
the OWWC to develop a pan-genome resource species were released to help with additional
for Ae. tauschii which will provide further resources for not only the elucidation of the B
12 Genome Sequences from Diploids and Wild Relatives … 247

genome of wheat, but also as a further resource wheat happened more recently at 4.44 Mya.
in researching the D genome of wheat (Li et al. With these available genomes, more precise
2022; Sandve et al. 2015; Yamane and Kawahara genomic research can now be performed in the
2005; Yu et al. 2022). Recently, Avni et al. B genome of wheat, as well as diving deeper
(2022) also communicated the release of three into the evolution of the D genome and its
reference quality genomes in the same section progenitors.
(Sitopsis) which included two new assemblies
for Ae. sharonensis (SlSl), and Ae. speltoides and
one assembly for Ae. sharonensis which was in 12.2.5 Tertiary Gene Pool Reference
fact first communicated by Yu et al. (2022). Genomes
Alignments of the above assemblies with the
different sub-genomes of wheat revealed a strong The tertiary gene pool of wheat is underrep-
linear alignment of Ae. sharonensis and Ae. lon- resented in terms of resource availability and
gissima with the D genome of bread wheat, and research, due to the difficulty in defining these
that of Ae. speltoides with the B genome which species, as well as limited genomic information
is obvious due to their strong relationship with (Qi et al. 2007; Schneider et al. 2008; Tiwari
the respective sub-genomes (Fig. 12.2). This was et al. 2015). Discussions in the literature have
also further supplemented with the clustering of considered the Sitopsis section species as mem-
high confidence gene annotations of Ae. sharon- bers of the tertiary gene pool, not including Ae.
ensis and Ae. longissima with bread wheat’s D speltoides, but since the recent advancements
genome as well as Ae. tauschii, and that of Ae. in their genomic resources, it is more fitting to
speltoides with WEW, durum wheat, and bread place them in the secondary genepool. Although
wheat’s B genome. some species, such as T. elongantum (EE), have
In March 2022, reference assemblies of two had assemblies and annotations competed for
additional “S” genomes (Ae. bicornis (SbSb) and attention with regards gene cloning, no reference
Ae. searsii (SbSb)) were communicated, finally genomes for wild grasses in the tertiary gene
completing the Sitopsis section of the Triticeae. pool are currently available (Wang et al. 2020).
Both the above S genome assemblies also clus- Two cultivated species, on the other hand,
tered with the D genome and D genome pro- belonging to the tertiary gene pool, barley
genitors of wheat, in comparative alignments (Hordeum vulgare; 2n = 2x = 14; HH) and rye
showing their closer association within the (Secale cereale; 2n = 2x = 14; RR), have had
ancestry of wheat’s evolution. Interestingly, with reference genomes published in the last ten
this complete information, it was found that the years. The original barley genome was the first
divergence of the D-related Sitopsis clade from species in the Triticeae tribe to have a reference
the D progenitors was predicted to have hap- genome (Melonek and Small 2022; Mochida
pened around 5.23 Mya, whereas Ae. speltoides and Shinozaki 2013; Purugganan and Jackson
and the B genomes of both durum and bread 2021). Originally sequenced and annotated in

Fig. 12.2  Synteny between diploid wheat chromosomes 1A, 1S, 1D and hexaploid bread wheat’s genome
248 A. Schoen et al.

2012, one of the biggest achievements in this further support for the strong collinearity
assembly was overcoming the size and com- between the tertiary gene pool genomes. In their
plexity of cereal genomes, due to the highly study, utilizing 2,517 single-copy orthologous
repetitive elements (Mayer et al. 2012). Since genes, Li et al. (2021) developed a phylogenetic
the release, updates have been made to prop- tree depicting 12 grasses and their evolutionary
erly order the chromosomes and create a better divergence. Although it is not necessarily new
physical map, as well as reduce the unanchored information, with the rye genome sequenced,
sequences from ~250 to 83 Mb (Beier et al. the authors were able to compare rye with the
2017; Mascher et al. 2017; Monat et al. 2019). other 11 sequenced genomes to deduce that rye
In a similar fashion to the achievements in had diverged from wheat ~5 Mya after barley
wheat, a pan-genome project was also developed and wheat’s divergence, giving further evidence
in barley, which included the sequencing and of rye’s closer relationship with bread wheat
assembly of 19 additional barley lines includ- and its progenitors. For a summary of the state
ing two highly transformable lines (GOLDEN of reference genomes in Triticeae from the past
PROMISE and IGRI) as well as a wild barley five years (see Fig. 12.3).
genotype (Jayakodi et al. 2020). This resource
was, and is, an important milestone in the
advancement of cereal crop genomics due to its 12.3 Alien Introgressions
early elucidation. Rye is an important member and Comparative Genomics
of the tertiary gene pool as a contributor of high
tolerance for both biotic and abiotic stresses. As described above, wild wheat relatives play
Additionally, rye has been an important player an important role in the production of high per-
in wheat breeding due to the importance of the forming wheat cultivars. Modern breeding tech-
1BL/1RS and 1AL/1RS which confer resistance niques have reduced the genetic diversity in the
to multiple biotic diseases (Zeller and Sears breeding germplasm to select for higher yield
1973; Jung and Seo 2014). Moreover, synthetic (Keilwagen et al. 2022; Sansaloni et al. 2020;
hybrids of rye and wheat, named Triticale, have Schneider et al. 2008). Utilizing DNA seg-
gained popularity due to their nutritional value ments from wild relatives that have been inte-
as forage (Zhu 2018). grated into bread wheat’s genome is a method
To better understand the underlying genet- to overcome this reduction in genetic diversity
ics behind the important aspects of rye, two (Fig. 12.4); however, methods for detecting
reference quality genomes of wheat were these introgressions are a must to properly trace
released simultaneously in 2021. In the article these segments in breeding programs (Hao et al.
by Rabanus-Wallace et al. (2021), a chromo- 2020; Molnár-Láng et al. 2015). In this section,
some scale assembly was developed in the back- we will describe the methods, both old and new,
ground of cv LO7, showing similar genomic that researchers utilize to detect and trace these
makeup as other members of in Triticeae, and introgressions, describe the important genes that
strong collinearity with the barley genome. come from these introgressions, as well as show
Using this assembly, the researchers were able the usefulness of modern technologies for com-
to determine a translocated region conferring parative genomic analysis.
frost tolerance in a 5A/5RL translocation line,
first denoted using chromosome labeling and
confirmed using read depth analysis on bread 12.3.1 Methods for Detecting Alien
wheat’s 5A chromosome and rye’s 5R chromo- Introgressions
some. In another article by Li et al. (2021), an
additional genotype of rye, cv. WEINING, had Different methods for detecting the alien
a reference assembly created, which provided introgressions can be broadly classified into
12 Genome Sequences from Diploids and Wild Relatives … 249

Fig. 12.3  Timeline of reference genomes in Triticeae from 2017 to 2022

cytological/cytogenetic, PCR-based markers in wheat is the use of fluorescence in situ

and Recent Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)- hybridization or FISH, which utilizes fluores-
based methods including skim sequencing. cent-labeled DNA probes to detect important
regions of chromosomes, such as introgres-
sions (Campos-Galindo 2020; Jiang and Gill
12.3.2 Cytological Methods 2006). This method is still much in use today
to provide further evidence of translocations in
Cytological methods for detecting chromo- wheat, including the previously mentioned frost
somal morphological differences have been tolerance associated region in rye introgressed
used for almost 100 years (Gill and Friebe into wheat background (Rabanus-Wallace et al.
1996). A popular method for observing differ- 2021). This method has also been used to dis-
ent sizes and compositions of chromosomes sect introgressions coming from T. elongantum,
was achieved by using centromeric heterochro- Ae. columnaris (UcUcXcXc), Ae. caudata (CC),
matin staining, or C-banding, which allows for T. timopheevii, as well as many more not noted
visualization of chromosomes and/or karyotypes here (Badaeva et al. 2017; Devi et al. 2019;
of different species on a conserved scale (Endo Grewal et al. 2020; Guo et al. 2022). Another
and Gill 1996; Gill et al. 1991). This method use of this method was described in 2021,
was used for detecting rye/wheat hybrid pair- where FISH and GISH markers were utilized
ing as far back as 1977 as well as determining T. to visualize the recombination patterns of sus-
timopheevii introgressions in T. timopheevii × T. ceptible vs resistant genotypes of Ae. geniculata
aestivum hybrids (Badaeva et al. 1991; Dhaliwal (UgUgMgMg) introgression lines in F3 families
et al. 1977). The C-banding method used along- (Steadham et al. 2021).
side genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) also
allowed for the detection of introgressions from
Ae. umbullata (UU), Ae. speltoides, Ae. comosa 12.3.3 PCR-Based Markers
(MM), Ae. longissima, and T. timopheevii as
well as several others as far back as the early 90s Another method to detect alien introgressions
(Friebe et al. 1996). is by using PCR-based markers that are poly-
More recently, regions of Leymus racemo- morphic between bread wheat and the wild
sus DNA containing important Fusarium Head species. The use of PCR-based markers for iden-
Blight (FHB) resistance gene Fhb3 introgressed tifying alien introgressions in bread wheat dates
into bread wheat were traced using GISH back to early 90s when Rogowsky et al. (1993)
and C-banding (Qi et al. 2008). Another, still designed PCR and RFLP markers to detect
popular, method of visualizing introgressions famous 1AS.1RL, 1BS.1RL, and 1DS.1RL rye
250 A. Schoen et al.


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Fig. 12.4  Methods for developing introgression lines from wild relatives coming from a the primary gene pool and b
the secondary and tertiary gene pools

introgressions in wheat background. Since then, of the PCR markers, which now can be utilized
PCR-based markers are continuously being in marker assisted breeding (MAS) to incorpo-
implemented for identifying introgressions. rate these genes into the breeding germplasm.
More recently Li et al. (2019) designed markers Further, polymorphic SSR markers were also
to detect Thinopyrum intermedium ssp. tricho- developed recently to detect introgressions
phorum (JJJsJsStSt) introgressions in wheat that from synthetic amphidiploid species T. kiharae
provide significant stripe rust resistance. To illus- (AtAtGGDD) which holds a reservoir of genes
trate the importance of old and new technolo- that have the potential to improve resistance to
gies, these researchers utilized GISH, FISH, and many diseases as well as increase the quality of
C-banding in order to validate the effectiveness flour production (Orlovskaya et al. 2020).
12 Genome Sequences from Diploids and Wild Relatives … 251

12.3.4 NGS Technology of using resequencing data from multiple wild

relatives to detect introgressions, utilizing the
With the advent of cost-effective NGS meth- 10+ genomes described above. Keilwagen et al.
ods, researchers now have the ability to obtain (2022) used wild relative WGS data from both
sequence data coming from the transcriptome, public repositories as well data generated from
exome, as well as the whole genome. This data their own experiments to determine the regions
can be generated from any species that the of wild introgressions in 10 genotypes, gathered
researchers are interested in, including the wild from the 10+ wheat genome project. In doing so,
relatives of wheat. Examples of this have been 9 introgressions coming from wild relatives Ae.
mentioned in Sect. 12.2 of this chapter, in regard ventricosa, Ae. markgrafii (CC), Ae. speltoides,
to whole genome assembly; however, data for T. timopheevii, Ae. umbullata, Ae. uniaristata
wild relatives is constantly being generated for (NN), and T. ponticum were found to be present
purposes of gene mapping and cloning, as well as on chromosomes 2A, 2B, 2D, 3D, and 4A. The
diving deeper into wild relatives. One such exam- researchers determined that within introgressions
ple comes from Tiwari et al. (2015), where the found on 2AS (from either Ae. ventricosa or Ae.
5 Mg chromosome of Ae. geniculata was sorted, markgrafii), 2B (from T. timopheevii) and 2DL
sequenced, and assembled to gain insight into (from Ae. markgrafii or, Ae. umbullata) con-
this important species. This information helped tained genes that shared >90% amino acid simi-
with the fine mapping of Lr57 and Yr40 in trans- larity with genes coding for leaf rust and stripe
location wheat lines (Steadham et al. 2021). rust genes, respectively. Fascinatingly, when
In the past 5 years, NGS data has been uti- checking the two introgressions that were pre-
lized to detect introgressions in Triticeae spe- sent in all 10 genotypes, on 2A and 4AL coming
cies without the additional step of SNP calling, from Ae. speltoides, in relatives of bread wheat,
which can create artifacts as well as require more these introgressions were found in T. urartu, T.
computational resources (Li and Wren 2014). boeoticum, and T. monococcum, but not in T.
Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) data provides dicoccoides or T. spelta. The studies also deter-
short and low coverage genomic data, usually mined that these introgressions were able to be
for the purpose of creating VCF files in order to detected using only 1% of the total data.
genotype a population with relatively low com- To further save on computational cost,
putational and storage requirements (Perea et al. researchers have shown that skim sequencing
2016). This data has now been shown to be able of genomes can be used at a coverage as low as
to discern introgressions in both wheat and bar- 0.025x, to determine introgressions, as described
ley. In a study by Keilwagen et al. (2019), they by Adhikari et al. (2022a, b). These authors used
were able to detect putative introgressions from this method to determine barley introgressions
wild relatives in wheat, including the 1BL/1RS on chromosomes 7A, 7B, and 7D in a popula-
translocation. Interestingly, in the panel of 209 tion of 384 wheat–barley introgression lines.
elite European winter wheat varieties in which Additionally, they screened T. intermedium-
GBS data was generated, many of the regions durum wheat amphiploid lines to find not only
where introgressions were detected, these over- lines where there were possible introgressions,
lapped with important genes used in breed- but also certain lines containing whole wheat
ing programs such as Yr17 from Ae. ventricosa chromosomes. Due to the efficacy and precision
(NvNvDvDv) and Lr19 from T. ponticum as well of this method of detecting introgressions, this
as genes not yet known to be from wild rela- method is more than likely to define what the
tive introgressions such as Glu-D1 and Ppo-D1. future of alien introgression mapping procedures
Due to the decrease in the cost of WGS data looks like for researchers not only in wheat, but
generation, one group set out to see the benefit in all important crops.
252 A. Schoen et al.

12.3.5 Agronomically Important Lr57 was shown to provide further evidence

Genes Coming from Alien of its broad-spectrum resistance, confirm-
Introgressions ing the results of an earlier study (Kuraparthy
et al. 2007a, b). Moreover, this study showed
One of the most important alien introgres- that recombination is achievable in alien intro-
sions in wheat is the 1BL/1RS translocation, in gressions by crossing introgression lines with
which the short arm of chromosome 1R in rye disomic lines containing homologous chromo-
has replaced the short arm of 1B of wheat. This somes of the alien species.
introgression has been used in wheat breed- Sources of biotic disease resistance coming
ing not only for the disease resistance that is from wild relatives are unequivocally important
associated with this introgression, which has for the sustenance and improvement of wheat;
since become obsolete, but also because of however, due to the associated linkage drag,
the increased root biomass that has a positive their utilization in modern cultivars by durum
effect on yield (Zeller and Hsam 1983; Sharma and bread wheat breeders is limited for integrat-
et al. 2011; Villareal et al. 1998). Despite the ing “exotic” resistance genes from wild or cul-
negative effects of this translocation on bread tivated relatives into their elite material (Hafeez
making quality, ~30% of modern cultivars con- et al. 2021; Steiner et al. 2019). But with the
tain the 1BL/1RS segment (Wang et al. 2017; ever-increasing knowledge of wild wheat rela-
Zeller et al. 1982). For a list of varieties con- tives, new genes that confer resistance are being
taining 1R translocations visit http://www. integrated into the germplasm without a yield penalty. Powdery mildew and stripe rust resist-
(see also Ru et al. 2020). In recent years new ance genes, Pm5V and Yr5V respectively, trans-
1BL/1RS lines have been developed to over- ferred from the annual diploid wheat relative
come some of the shortcomings of older intro- D. villosum (VV) via amphiploid generation
gressed lines, in which resistance against stripe (T. turgidum × D. villosum, AABBVV) (Zhang
rust, as well as drought tolerance was observed et al. 2022). In order to integrate these genes
(Ren et al. 2022; Sharma et al. 2022; Gabay into the germplasm, subsequent crossing with
et al. 2020). elite D. villosum introgression lines was per-
Ae. geniculata is also a genetic goldmine due formed and yielded lines with comparable yield
to the strong disease resistance genes that are to that of elite bread wheat lines. However, due
present in some accessions. The line TA10437, to grain softness that is also associated with the
in which the 5 Mg chromosome was sequenced 5 V chromosome, chemical mutagenesis was
in 2015, contains important resistance genes performed to knockout this undesirable trait,
against nefarious pathogens such as stripe rust resulting in comparable yielding, hard grained
and leaf rust (Tiwari et al. 2015). Recently, leaf genotypes for utilization in wheat breeding. A
and stripe rust resistance genes, Lr57 and Yr40 summary of disease resistance genes coming
respectively, have been fine mapped in Ae. from wild relatives is described in Table 12.1.
geniculata translocation lines utilizing mapping Outside of resistance, genes control-
populations derived from a cross between resist- ling yield-related and end-use traits coming
ant TA10437 derived introgression lines and from wild relatives have also been utilized by
susceptible disomic 5 Mg addition lines in the researchers to further address the benefits of
background of CHINESE SPRING (Steadham these species. Wild tetraploid wheat Agropyron
et al. 2021). In this study, Lr57 and Yr40 were cristatum (PPPP) has been used as a donor for
not only fine mapped to a 1.5 Mb region of the abiotic and biotic disease resistance, as well as
introgressed Ae. geniculata 5 Mg segment, but for yield-related traits for over 30 years (Chen
through phenotyping of the mapping popula- et al. 1992; Zhang et al. 2015). In a study by
tion and the donor parent of the 5 Mg segment, Zhang et al. (2018), researchers found that
12 Genome Sequences from Diploids and Wild Relatives … 253

Pubing260, a T3BL.3BS/6PL translocation line Additionally, in 2022, a high molecular weight

containing a small terminal introgression from glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) gene coming from
Ag. cristatum had increased grains per spike, Ae. tauschii was directly introduced into bread
spikelets per spike, thousand kernel weight, wheat, and although the dough quality was
and flag leaf width in comparison with elite reduced slightly, the quality of Chinese steamed
bread wheat genotypes without this segment. bread increased (Bo et al. 2022).

Table 12.1  Disease resistance genes coming from wild relatives

Trait Wild relative Gene Chromosome Reference
Powdery mildew Triticum monococcum Pm1b, Pm25 7AL, 1AS Hsam et al.
resistance (1998), Shi et al.
(1998), Murphy
et al. (1999)
Triticum urartu Pm60 Zhang et al.
Triticum turgidum var. Pm16, Pm26, Pm30, Reader and Miller
dicoccoides Pm31 (1991), Rong et al.
(2000), Liu et al.
(2002), Xie et al.
Aegilops speltoides Pm53 5BL Petersen et al.
Dasypyrum villosum Pm55, Pm5V and Yr5V 5AL, 5DL Zhang et al.
(2015), Zhang
et al. (2022)
Aegilops tauschii Pm35 5DL Miranda et al.
Leaf rust/strip rust Triticum ventricosum Yr17, Lr37 and Sr38 Delibes et al.
resistance (1993), Jahier
et al. (1996)
Agropyron elongatum Lr19/Sr25 Sharma and Knott
Aegilops geniculata Lr57 and Yr40 5DS Kuraparthy et al.
(2007a, b)
Aegilops peregrina LrAp 6BL Narang et al.
Aegilops caudata LrAC 5DS Riar et al. (2012)
Aegilops markgrafii LrM 2AS Rani et al. (2020)
Aegilops umbellulata Lr9 6BL Sears (1956)
Aegilops triuncialis Lr58 Kuraparthy et al.
(2007a, b)
Aegilops tauschii Lr21, Lr32, Lr41, Rowland and
Lr42, Lr22a Kerber (1974),
Kerber (1987),
Cox et al. (1994)
Thinopyrum ponticum Sr26 and Sr61 6AL Zhang et al.
(2021a, b)
Stem rust resistance Thinopyrum Sr44 7DL Liu et al. (2013)
Secale cereale Sr50 Mago et al. (2015)
Fusarium head blight Leymus racemosus Fhb3 7AS Qi et al. (2008)
resistance Thinopyrum elongantum Fhb7 7DL Wang et al. (2020)
254 A. Schoen et al.

12.4 Available Resources due to the abundance of avenues in which data

for Sequence Data and Plant is deposited into their databases, curated naviga-
Material tion for specific species may be overwhelming.
Specifically, when BLASTing against their data-
Availability and accessibility of resources is par- base, many of the hits received may be outdated,
amount for the development of higher yielding, or repeats of similar information.
disease resistant cultivars of wheat. Fortunately, Ensembl overcomes some of the pitfalls
there exists web-based databases for the extrac- of NCBI by allowing users to select specific
tion of genomic and transcriptomic information organisms to browse (Cunningham et al. 2022).
regarding wheat and its relatives. Furthermore, Moreover, Ensembl plant removes species com-
there are avenues available for requesting seed ing from Animalia, Fungi, and prokaryotes are
material for many of the species mentioned removed to deconvolute searches for specific
above. In this section, we will provide an over- species. Although their database is not as robust
view of the publicly available sites that can be as NCBI, the navigation of certain aspects is
utilized to not only browse and obtain genomic made much easier. Their biomart and down-
data from bread wheat and wheat’s wild rela- loads tabs allow for easy access to nucleotide
tives but also where to request seeds from repos- and protein data for the species hosted by the
itories across the world. website, which can be downloaded from a sin-
gle web page. Ensembl plant stays up to date
with current versions of reference genomes,
12.4.1 Web-Based Databases including the newest versions of T. aestivum,
for Sequence Data Ae. tauschii, and H. vulgare, although old ver-
sions are still available. Another significant fea-
The National Center for Biotechnology ture of Ensembl is their variation track that is
Information is a resource for genetic research available for some species. This feature allows
for almost any species that has had any type of for users to find variants of specific genomic
sequence information generated (Sayers et al. regions, either found naturally or induced via
2022). Their user-friendly website allows for chemical mutagenesis. By clicking on this fea-
easy search for any topic, giving results for ture, users are able to browse either the effects
all 35 of their databases. A simple search for of these variations, or in some cases such as in
the term “Triticum” on December 12, 2022, T. aestivum, find accession numbers for mutant
yielded results in 26 of the 35 available data- genotypes. This is very important for research-
bases. Over 4 million hits from this search go ers who are looking for variants of candidate
to their nucleotide database, whereas ~3 million genes in gene cloning projects, making it easy
hits come from the protein database. Moreover, to find knockouts and/or missense mutations in
NCBI’s sequence read archive (SRA) is a sig- candidate regions. Unfortunately, very few rela-
nificant repository of sequencing data coming tives of wheat are available for BLAST, genome
from NGS reads from researchers across the browsing, or data acquisition. Currently, diploid
globe. These SRAs are mostly publicly avail- species T. urartu, Ae. tauschii, rye, and barley
able and include genome and transcriptome data are the only diploid relatives of wheat that are
that is BLASTable. A search for T. intermedium accessible using this website.
in the SRA database yields over 4 thousand For researchers who work specifically in
results, 184 of which are from reads coming small grains, GrainGenes is a curated database
from genome sequencing. Suffice to say, NCBI’s that has many features that are useful (Yao et al.
website is a significant source of information, 2022). Genome browsers are easy to find and
especially for those who may not have access available for several wild relatives of wheat,
to funding their own NGS studies. However, including the five accessions of Ae. tauschii,
12 Genome Sequences from Diploids and Wild Relatives … 255

and three of the genomes in the Sitopsis sec- germplasms and seed distributors such as
tion mentioned above. Additionally, BLASTing CIMMYT and the USDA.
is robust, being able to select from many wild CIMMYT (The International Maize and
relatives, including all members of the Sitopsis Wheat Improvement Center) and the USDA
section. Additionally, GrainGenes has an easy- utilize the Germplasm Resource Information
to-use search for markers and probes found in Network (GRIN) or GRIN-global to give inter-
literature. There also are some useful tools that national institutions access to germplasms of
are found in GrainGenes, including genome spe- several different species of plants, including
cific primer (GSP) design. The website, how- wheat and some of its wild relatives. Although
ever, has become more cumbersome over the this resource is not specifically catered to wheat
years as more and more data is being added to researchers, wild species belonging to Aegilops
the site, though currently a more user-friendly and Triticum are available. Similarly, Genesys is
interface is being developed. a resource for multiple different crop systems,
A wheat specific database also exists in the but their user-friendly interface allows for easy
form of URGI (Alaux et al. 2018; see also Chap. search for species in Triticum. This site con-
2). This site allows for wheat-curated research tains over 12 thousand accessions coming from
in the form of BLASTs that can be performed Aegilops alone, and they are designated by sub-
on specific chromosomes for all available ver- sets, including Aegilops core sets.
sions. This is important because many of the The OWWC, mentioned in Sect. 12.2.1, has
times, in the literature, different versions of ref- their panel available through the Germplasm
erence genomes are used for research. This site, Resource Unit (GRU) hosted by the John Innes
although not as user friendly as the previously Centre. This resource has similar resources as
mentioned databases, contains a significant the aforementioned sites; however, they have
amount of sequence data for wheat. a core collection of Titiceae wild relatives
that include Dasypyrum, Aegilops, Triticum,
and Eremopyron. This site also contains seed
12.4.2 Germplasm Acquisition resources for mutant, DH, and other map-
Resources ping populations in wheat, as well as historical
Researchers across the globe are willing to
share material with one another for the greater
good of assuring food security. Specifically in 12.5 Concluding Remarks
wheat research, seed requests can be performed
from multiple sources. One such example is The ever-increasing breadth of knowledge
the Wheat Genetics Resource Center, hosted by coming from wheat and its relatives have large
Kansas State University. This site gives direct implications for improving the overall quality
access to alien species coming from the afore- of cultivars in the coming years. This chapter
mentioned Sitopsis section, as well as multiple gives an up-to-date overview of recent advances
other species coming from Aegilops, such as in genomic resources within wheat, highlight-
Ae. geniculata. Along with this, there is access ing the importance of wild relatives, and alien
to Triticum species including diploid monococ- introgressions within the germplasm. The avail-
cum and urartu. WGRC also contains 95 unique ability of the wheat pan-genome has allowed
accessions of Dasypyrum villosum coming from for researchers to trace introgressions that are
several different countries. Alien transloca- present within cultivars across the world, some
tion lines with transfers coming from Aegilops, of these alien introgressions were found within
Dasypyrum, Triticum, Secale, and Agropyron the entire pan-genome, giving further evidence
species are directly accessible from this resource of the importance of the genetic diversities
as well. This site links to other important (Keilwagen et al. 2022). As more of these wild
256 A. Schoen et al.

genomes get reference quality assemblies asso- researchers, students, and curious minds alike
ciated with them, the more we can learn about to find information pertaining to wheat and the
the important genes that lie within these spe- many species that make up its gene pools.
cies. On the OWWC website, a pan-genome
of Ae. tauschii is currently underway, allowing
researchers to get a more in depth understand- References
ing of the diversities that are present in these
progenitor species. High-quality reference Adhikari L, Raupp J, Wu S, Wilson D, Evers B, Koo DH,
genomes are still required for some important Singh N, Friebe B, Poland J (2022a) Genetic charac-
terization and curation of diploid A-genome wheat
species, such as T. elongatum, D. villosum, and species. Plant Physiol 188(4):2101–2114. https://doi.
Agrypyron species. Researchers would also ben- org/10.1093/plphys/kiac006
efit from pan-genomes representing other impor- Adhikari L, Shrestha S, Wu S, Crain J, Gao L, Evers
tant wild relatives that have been mentioned B, Wilson D, Ju Y, Koo DH, Hucl P, Pozniak C,
Walkowiak S, Wang X, Wu J, Glaubitz JC, DeHaan
in this chapter, such as that of wild diploid L, Friebe B, Poland J (2022b) A high-throughput
Triticum species, tetraploid Aegilops species. skim-sequencing approach for genotyping, dosage
Extensive resources for obtaining both estimation and identifying translocations. Sci Rep
genomic data as well as seed material for these 12(1).
Ahmed HI, Heuberger M, Schoen A, Koo DH, Quiroz-
species are available for public use, making fur- Chavez J, Adhikari L, Raupp J, Cauet S, Rodde N,
ther novel research possible across the globe. It Cravero C, Callot C (2023) Einkorn genomics sheds
is an exciting time to work in the field of wheat light on history of the oldest domesticated wheat.
research with the ability to obtain diverse popu- Nature.
Alaux M, Rogers J, Letellier T, Flores R, Alfama
lations of not only bread wheat and its primary F, Pommier C, Mohellibi N, Durand S, Kimmel
gene pool, but also members of secondary and E, Michotey C, Guerche C, Loaec M, Lainé M,
tertiary gene pools from collaborators in dif- Steinbach D, Choulet F, Rimbert H, Leroy P, Guilhot
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Haplotype Mapping Coupled
Speed Breeding in Globally 13
Diverse Wheat Germplasm
for Genomics-Assisted Breeding

Rajib Roychowdhury, Naimat Ullah,

Z. Neslihan Ozturk-Gokce and Hikmet Budak

Abstract technological outcomes into “knowledge”.

It is highly unlikely that we could maintain
This century is facing huge challenges such or meet the demands in year 2050 unless we
as climate change, water shortage, malnu- use scientific and technological resources
trition, and food safety and security across effectively and efficiently. Multidisciplinary
the world. These challenges can only be and interdisciplinary approaches combined
addressed by (i) the deliberate application with all available tools are integral for aca-
and utilization of cutting-edge technologies demic and industry programs. This chapter
and (ii) combining/using interdisciplinary, summarizes wheat breeding and genetics
multidisciplinary, and even transdisciplinary coupled with genomics and speed breeding
tools and methods. For scientists to respond tools to assist with crop development and
to these challenges in a timely manner, it improvement.
is required the adoption of new tools and
technologies and then transforming the

Genomics-aided breeding · Haplotype

R. Roychowdhury mapping · Speed breeding · Wheat genetic
Department of Plant Pathology and Weed Research, resources
Institute of Plant Protection, Agricultural Research
Organization (ARO)—Volcani Center, Rishon
Lezion, Israel
13.1 Sustainable Increase in Global
N. Ullah Wheat Production
Institute of Biological Sciences (IBS), Gomal
University, D. I. Khan, Pakistan
e-mail: Wheat (Triticum spp.) is a major source of car-
Z. N. Ozturk-Gokce
bohydrates and is used as a staple food for
Ayhan Sahenk Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and global inhabitants. Genetically, diverse wheat
Technologies, Department of Agricultural Genetic resources show variable ploidy level (diploid,
Engineering, Nigde Omer Halisdemir University, tetraploid, and hexaploid) as a result of pro-
Nigde, Turkey
e-mail: longed evolution and the wheat domestication
process (Jordan et al. 2015). As an allopolyploid
H. Budak (*)
Montana BioAgriculture Inc., Missoula, MT, USA crop, wheat breeding and genetics investigations
e-mail: are generally considered challenging and has

© The Author(s) 2024 265

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
266 R. Roychowdhury et al.

provided for conventional breeding approaches 13.2 Application of Genomic

to be complemented by genome-assisted breed- Breeding (GB) to the
ing including the genomics toolbox with the Development of Future Crops
available reference genomes to deal with the
highly repetitive wheat genome and to decipher Several GB methods, including marker-assisted
genotype–phenotype associations (Varshney selection (MAS), marker-assisted recurrent
et al. 2021a). More specifically, the increased selection (MARS), haplotype-based breeding
sophistication of sequencing technologies/inter- (HBB), marker-assisted backcrossing (MABC),
pretation has led to extensive re-sequencing of promotion/removal of allele through genome
low-copy genomic regions (Nyine et al. 2019) editing (PAGE/RAGE), and genomic selec-
in diverse wheat haplotype mapping popula- tion (GS), can be used in concurrently with
tions that are managed with reduced crop-cycle speed breeding to design new varieties of crops
through speed breeding, or fast-forward breed- (Varshney et al. 2021a).
ing, toward the wheat improvement (Varshney
et al. 2021b; Jordan et al. 2022). A key require-
ment is to understand diverse wheat genetic 13.2.1 Haplotype-Based Breeding
resources for trait improvement, environmental (HBB) in Wheat
adaptations, and disease resistance under ongo-
ing climate changing scenario. Recent developments in crop genomics have
Genomics-assisted breeding (GAB) has sparked the development of novel technologies
contributed to the enhancement of germplasm that aim for diversifying the procedures of plant
and the crop/cultivar development process to propagative strategies by combining desired
characterize allelic variation for important phenotypes (Fig. 13.1) with the method of hap-
agronomic traits associated with crop produc- lotype construction developed using informa-
tion and quality attributes as well as tolerance tion from sequencing genotypes (Varshney et al.
to abiotic and biotic stresses (Varshney et al. 2005, 2021a). Aiming for haplotype construc-
2005). With the advent of genome sequencing tion, various crop species have made use of large
and the inclusion of genetic-based markers in SNP data sets obtained from genomic sequence-
sequencing repositories, a variety of genomic based technologies on multiple genotypes
tools and approaches have become accessible (Varshney et al. 2005) in order to define haplo-
for use in plant breeding. These methods and type-linked biomarkers. Haplotype construc-
techniques include GAB which is capable of tion was initially challenging for the short-read
assisting growers in selecting appropriate paren- sequences obtained through the second-genera-
tal lines for various crossing programs in the tion sequencing because of the lower probability
breeding platform, which will ultimately result of the presence of allelic variations in the form
in the creation of genetic variation for pyramid- of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) or
ing into breeding lines (Varshney et al. 2005). A insertion-deletions (InDel). In contrast, the defi-
significant variety of molecular genetic markers, nition of haplotypes using long-read sequences
such as simple sequence repeat (SSR), diversity has become simpler, and in many specific crop
array technology (DArT), single feature poly- species, the information is readily available from
morphism (SFP), and single nucleotide poly- a large number of different individuals, includ-
morphisms (SNP), are now available, as well ing using single-cell approaches, and Pacific
as inter-specific and intra-specific mapping Biosciences (PacBio) and/or Oxford Nanopore
populations (Kover et al. 2009) for chromosome Technology (ONT) based high-quality long-
sequence-aided molecular markers-based selec- read sequencing technologies that show consid-
tion strategies (Akpinar et al. 2017; Maccaferri erably greater genomic diversity (Torkamaneh
et al. 2022). and Belzile 2022). The method for constructing
13 Haplotype Mapping Coupled Speed Breeding in Globally Diverse … 267

Fig. 13.1  Overview of breeding strategies for crop improvement through GAB. The image was created using
BioRender (

haplotypes using the breeding line sequencing pool of haplotype-linked genetic markers pro-
data proceeds with the discovery and evaluation vides wheat breeders with a greater chance of
of the changes in the haplotype fingerprint using developing high-performing, linkage-drag-free
whole genome sequencing (WGS) data (Bevan hybrids (Varshney et al. 2021b). The transmis-
et al. 2017; Bhat et al. 2021). Constructing hap- sion of haplotypes within genetic populations
lotypes between adjacent SNPs on a chromo- must be monitored in order to pinpoint the best
some is an alternate method that may be used possible parents to cross and produce offspring
to increase the genome-wide association study with the beneficial adaptive and desired traits
(GWAS) potential. Haplotypes, in this way, are that are crucial for trying to create novel genetic
particular collections of alleles that are detected compositions. Based on this premise, useful
on a single chromosome. They are passing haplotypes have been identified by incorporat-
throughout the generation of the population col- ing the combined results of extensive, entire,
lectively, and there is a low possibility that they genome sequencing, and haplo-phenotyping
may recombine in the future. database analysis (Bhat et al. 2021).
Research on Triticum spp. has evinced that The construction of haplotype blocks typi-
GWAS investigation based on haplotypes can cally makes use of the following three methods
be preferable to analysis based on a single in order: (1) user-defined length, (2) sliding
marker in assessing the impacts of allelic vari- window, and (3) linkage disequilibrium (LD).
ation (Sehgal et al. 2020) and allows HBB to The user-defined set length of haplotype blocks
produce a customized crop varieties by combin- (2–15 bp) is the simplest way; however, the
ing better haplotypes into a single plant, particu- created haplotypes do not represent genomic
larly novel combinational haplogroups. A wider factors such as crossover or LD (Sehgal et al.
268 R. Roychowdhury et al.

2020), nor do they represent a common evolu- as numerous haplotype blocks were designed
tionary process (Templeton et al. 2004). The to span through >14 Mb of wheat genome.
second one is by far the most popular choice Haplotype-based GWAS revealed stable asso-
among GWAS researchers when it comes to the ciations under drought stress environments with
construction of haplotypes (Sehgal et al. 2020). chromosomal hotspots. These studies support
This method is simple and straightforward to the need for developing genetic markers, and
use; but, when neighboring SNPs are strongly their deployment in agricultural crop develop-
linked to each other, it produces information that ment that are reliant on haplotypes rather than
is redundant; hence, it is no-more helpful than just single SNPs. Because full-genome sequenc-
using SNPs alone (Sehgal et al. 2020). It is chal- ing data for the breeding lines collection in a
lenging to determine the optimal window size variety of crops is expanding, it can be antici-
for a genome-wide scan when LD frequencies pated that the HBB method will continue to
differ throughout large genetic variants (Sehgal be used in the years to come (Varshney et al.
et al. 2020). This is similar to the previous point. 2021a).
In terms of finding instances of past integra- Figure 13.1 provides a description of the
tion in the population of interest, the LD-aided integrative techniques that can be used to either
approach stands out as being the most effective add beneficial allelic variants to wheat genetic
(Qian et al. 2017; Sehgal et al. 2020). resources or remove harmful allelic vari-
According to an investigation by Brinton ants from them in order to prepare future crop
et al. (2020) on haplotype blocks in wheat, breeding techniques. The collections of germ-
seven haplotypes (namely H1, H2,….,H7) were plasm that are stored in gene banks include both
identified that included the gene TaGW2-A in advantageous and detrimental impact alleles.
the highly conserved genetic regions of chro- Combining high-throughput sequencing with
mosome 6A responsible for increased yield multi-omics assays and field phenotyping offers
characteristics. As the two SNP markers based a valuable tool for connecting genomic vari-
on the promoter regions of this gene could not ants with key phenotypes. The acquisition of
discriminate the haplo-blocks, the haplotype knowledge about the genes that are responsi-
block provided more gene-associated markers ble for important plant characteristics lays the
for complete reliability (Varshney et al. 2021b). path for haplotype-based genetic breeding or de
Studies by Luján Basile et al. (2019) character- novo domestication (Qian et al. 2017; Bhat et al.
ized haplotype blocks and GWAS in Argentinian 2021; Varshney et al. 2021b). In this regard,
bread wheats using genetic molecular mark- speed breeding (SB) or fast-forward breeding
ers and SNP profiling and revealed that several approach will contribute to the acceleration of
haplotype blocks span throughout the genome the advances made in crop breeding pipelines.
and including conserved genetic regions, e.g., The HBB strategy requires monitoring haplo-
1BL/1RS wheat/rye translocation site on chro- type transfer via breeding lineages as a crucial
mosome 1BS (e.g., in Chinese wheats; see Ru step in creating novel genomic variants because
et al. 2020). Moreover, most of the haplotypes it helps select the appropriate parents for breed-
identified had significant effects on the yield ing to create offspring with the desired traits.
attributes through multi-locational breeding Incorporating genomic information into defining
trials. For spring wheat genetic resources, an recombinants formed by mating distinct sets of
approach of haplotype-based GWAS was tar- parents can help simplify desired traits of inter-
geted for epistatic interactions of multi-loca- est, in particular for complex traits such as adap-
tional breeding trials in CIMMYT (Mexico) tation to harsh environments (Jensen et al. 2020)
led by Sehgal et al. (2020). This study aimed where it is necessary to distinguish between
to explore the stable genomic regions of the a correlation between different traits that are
haplotypes for improved yield components and attributable to genuine linkage among the genes,
haplotype interactions and used LD approaches or due to the pleiotropic actions of a given set
13 Haplotype Mapping Coupled Speed Breeding in Globally Diverse … 269

of genes (Bhat et al. 2021; Dixon et al. 2020). the synchronizing flowering time (anthesis) and
In the case of crops whose genomes include introgressed into marker-assisted molecular
extensive linkage disequilibrium (LD) blocks, an breeding program coupled with abiotic stress
HBB method becomes more pertinent since the tolerance (Song et al. 2022; Gahlaut et al. 2023).
LD blocks can be regions of conserved genetic Under SB conditions, it could be possible to
variation. meet the flowering time of both wheat parents
involved in the crossing experiments and propa-
gation of future generations in very short time
13.2.2 Involvement of Speed Breeding and space manner. Moreover, such accelerated
in Haplotype Mapping generation times of this polyploid crop enable
for Wheat Genetic Resources phenotypic screening of transformants for fur-
ther selection and marker-aided investigation to
In plant breeding, generation time of a crop is improve grain yield, nutritional quality, improv-
a major factor to stabilize homozygote lines ing beneficial traits, flowering time as well as
with enhanced genetic gain through hybridiza- adaptations to both environmental instabili-
tion and conventional breeding schemes. Some ties and disease pressures (Watson et al. 2018).
approaches such as double haploid, shuttle Along with the screening of the wheat lines for
breeding, and tissue culture of embryo can help abiotic and biotic stress response, SB protocols
to minimize the generation time (Bhat et al. and techniques can be manipulated for rapid
2021). But to some extent, major key crops screening of the population even in the off sea-
are intractable in double haploid techniques. son with the screening being done early in the
Moreover, genetic linkages, recombination, and life cycle of the plant generations (Alahmad
the lacuna of dedicated plant organ and tissue et al. 2018; Ghosh et al. 2018). This is advan-
cultural infrastructure promote additional breed- tageous for breeding procedures especially
ing avenues to fixing the genes. The develop- for pyramiding beneficial/resistance genes for
ment of a new and more sophisticated breeding the production of climate-smart wheat. Speed
method known as speed (fast) breeding (SB) breeding acts as a bridge to utilizing superior
has made it feasible to hasten agricultural inno- haplotype with exotic and adaptive alleles for
vation by shortening plant phenological cycle haplotype-based breeding (HBB), genomic
and gear up the progression of generational selection (GS), and genome editing. Using the
advancement (Ghosh et al. 2018; Watson et al. SB approaches, accelerated generation can
2018). Speed or fast-forward breeding program deliver the improved variety after going through
deployed in several ways, such as by expanding high-throughput phenotyping, marker-assisted
light exposure time to the given crop species, selection (MAS), genotyping, and sequencing
instantaneously after it becomes available for (Fig. 13.2). In polyploid crops, haplotype phas-
grain harvesting, for fast propagation reduces ing and scaffolding are becoming more advan-
the amount of time it takes for certain day- tageous as a result of increased chromosomal
neutral and/or long-day plants to produce new configuration monitoring (Zhang et al. 2019),
generations (Ghosh et al. 2018; Watson et al. sequencing, and Bionano Genomics (BNG)
2018). The basic fact in wheat SB is utilizing optical mapping-based genomic assemblies.
the early flowering period by manipulating the SB coupled with single seed descent (SSD)
photoperiod (day length) and temperature (ver- for generation advancement of haplotypes and
nalization or cold requirement) under controlled other bi- and/or multi-parental breeding popula-
condition (Ghosh et al. 2018). In this way, hap- tions enhances molecular marker-aided breed-
lotypes and improved new varieties belonging ing (MAB) and precise genome editing for the
to the same species can be developed through desired trait(s).
270 R. Roychowdhury et al.

Fig. 13.2  Involvement of speed breeding in haplotype mapping to generate improved variety. This figure was pre-
pared using BioRender application (

13.3 Conclusion and Future has however a very large gene pool of Triticeae
Perspective species with characteristics that provide for
growth under challenging environmental con-
Breeding, especially breeding of main crops ditions as well as to coping with multiple
such as wheat, is as old as human history, and biotic factors. As detailed in Chap. 12, it is
the focus on selection for mainly yield and high clear that these valuable abilities can be recov-
quality has tended to restrict the genetic diver- ered in domesticated wheat varieties through
sity of modern wheat. The region in which alien introgression. For the present chapter, we
domesticated wheat originated, namely in have argued that molecular technologies can
Mesopotamia in the Harran region of Turkey, be captured in the form of haplotype mapping
13 Haplotype Mapping Coupled Speed Breeding in Globally Diverse … 271

combining selection based on haplotype signa- AG, Sidebottom CH et al (2015) A haplotype map
tures with speed breeding approaches as a pri- of allohexaploid wheat reveals distinct patterns of
selection on homoeologous genomes. Genome Biol
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Wheat Sequencing: The
Pan-Genome and Opportunities 14
for Accelerating Breeding

Amidou N’Diaye, Sean Walkowiak

and Curtis Pozniak

Abstract underscores their significance for crop breed-

ing. We summarize the different approaches
Wheat is a crucial crop globally, with wide- and techniques used for sequencing the large
spread cultivation and significant economic and intricate wheat genome, while highlight-
importance. To ensure food security amidst ing the challenge of generating high-quality
the increasing human population and new reference assemblies. We discuss the compu-
production challenges, such as climate tational methods for building the pan-genome
change, it is imperative to develop novel and research efforts that are aimed at utiliz-
wheat varieties that exhibit better qual- ing the wheat pan-genome in wheat breeding
ity, higher yield, and enhanced resistance to programs.
biotic and abiotic stress. To achieve this, lev-
eraging comprehensive genomic resources
from global breeding programs can aid in Keywords
identifying within-species allelic diversity
and selecting optimal allele combinations Wheat breeding · Sequencing · Pan-genome ·
for superior cultivars. While previous single- Accelerated breeding
reference genome assemblies have facili-
tated gene discovery and whole-genome level
14.1 Introduction
genotype–phenotype relationship modeling,
recent research on variations within the pan-
In the early 2000s, technological advances in
genome of all individuals in a plant species
DNA sequencing allowed the sequencing and
the comparison of the genomes from several
individuals of the same species (Medini et al.
A. N’Diaye · C. Pozniak (*) 2005). This helped fuel the notion that an indi-
University of Saskatchewan, Crop Development vidual genome is insufficient to serve as an
Centre, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada appropriate genomic reference, since it does
not capture the diversity that represents the spe-
A. N’Diaye cies. The idea emerged of a “pan-genome” that
encompasses the genomic information of sev-
S. Walkowiak eral representative individuals. Pan-genomics
Canadian Grain Commission, Grain Research
Laboratory, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
was initially applied to many smaller and sim-
e-mail: ple genomes of microbial species, particularly

© The Author(s) 2024 273

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
274 A. N’Diaye et al.

to understand presence/absence variation (PAV) 9). Marker-assisted selection has been success-
in genes (Medini et al. 2005). The idea of the fully applied to certain traits, particularly dis-
pan-genome has since been applied to diverse ease resistance (Miedaner and Korzun 2012).
species across all taxonomic kingdoms and has Unfortunately, many key traits, including yield,
evolved to consider all possible variation present have a complex and polygenic determinism.
between genomes, including non-genic, PAV, Selection of quantitative traits that are more
copy number, and structural variation (Jayakodi complex and are influenced by non-genic fea-
et al. 2021). Pan-genomics has also been applied tures, several genes, or gene interactions, require
more broadly to groups of related species or more advanced tools for making DNA-based
genera, for “super pan-genomes.” While still in selections. With the recent availability of high-
its infancy, pan-genomics of crop species can quality genome assembly and gene annotations
be particularly valuable for harnessing genomic for wheat, it has been possible to apply high-
variants and increasing rates of crop improve- throughput genotyping arrays or genotype-by-
ment. The application of pan-genomes in crop sequencing methods to gather genome-wide
breeding is gaining increased interest due to variation information and select for these com-
the importance of food security and the need plex traits at the whole-genome level, through
for more efficient and effective breeding meth- genomic selection (GS) (Haile et al. 2021).
ods. To date, pan-genomes have been applied Nevertheless, identifying key major effect genes
to the improvement of various crops, including as well as the mechanisms underpinning more
barley, maize, rice, tomato, and soybean (Gao complex traits requires a deeper understand-
et al. 2019; Gui et al. 2022; Jayakodi et al. 2020; ing of the diversity of wheat and the impact of
Liu et al. 2020; Shang et al. 2022; Zhao et al. genomic variation on phenotypic traits. It is crit-
2018). Applications of pan-genomics for wheat ical to understand the diversity within wheat that
improvement have also become possible since is available to breeders in order to make breed-
the completion and the public release of multi- ing more efficient, identify suitable parents to
ple high-quality reference genomes (Walkowiak use in targeted crosses, and select for the best
et al. 2020). possible combination of genes for rapid trait
Wheat is a crucial crop globally, with wide- enhancement.
spread cultivation and significant economic Despite its importance for food security, the
importance, supplying a fifth of global calo- application of genomics and pan-genomics for
ries and protein (Dixon 2007; Shiferaw et al. wheat improvement has been challenged by the
2013). To maintain food security in the context large size and the complexity of its genome.
of exponential growth of the human popula- The genome is composed of three separated dip-
tion while facing new challenges (e.g., global loid subgenomes, resulting in allohexaploidy
warming and climate change) in production, it (genome AABBDD), where the ‘A’ subgenome
is essential to create new wheat varieties with was derived from T. urartu, the ‘B’ subgenome
increased yield, better quality, and resistance or from a species related to T. speltoides, and the
tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress (Abberton ‘D’ genome from Ae. tauchii. The genome
et al. 2016; Batley and Edwards 2016). Early of modern bread wheat is estimated to be 17
wheat improvement relied on traditional breed- gigabase-pairs (Gb) in length and is composed
ing methods, where wheat lines were phenotypi- of ~ 90% repetitive elements. Recent achieve-
cally selected in field trials, which is both costly ments in genome sequencing and assembly
and labor intensive. As our understanding of technologies have enabled the release of mul-
wheat genetics improved, it became possible to tiple wheat genomes and tools to create a pan-
identify major effect genes underlying qualita- genome, which is inspiring a new age of wheat
tive traits and to select for these genes through breeding. In this review, we explore the concept
marker-assisted selection (MAS, see also Chap. of pan-genomes and a pan-genome of wheat, the
14 Wheat Sequencing: The Pan-Genome and Opportunities … 275

history and evolution of the wheat genome and identifying candidate genes for in-demand traits.
pan-genome, and the future outlook of wheat These assemblies serve as a basis for pinpoint-
pan-genomics for research and applied breeding. ing single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),
copy number variations (CNVs), and inser-
tion–deletions (InDels) within an individual’s
14.2 Motivations for Studying DNA sequence. The markers were used as the
Pan-Genomes in Crop Breeding basis for conducting genome-wide association
studies (GWAS) and genomic selection (GS),
During the last decade, there have been signifi- which involve comparing diversity panels with
cant advancements in next-generation sequenc- reference genomes to identify statistical asso-
ing (NGS) technologies, which offer a direct ciations between markers and traits (Crossa
view into DNA variation. These advancements et al. 2017; Hayes and Goddard 2010; Varshney
have created numerous possibilities to investi- et al. 2009). Despite providing a greater insight
gate the connection between genotype and phe- into the diversity of plant species, particularly at
notype with greater precision than ever before. the SNP level (Gore et al. 2009; McNally et al.
NGS has been used for various projects, includ- 2009), reference genomes cover only a limited
ing gene expression analysis, polymorphism portion of the overall genomic space of a species
detection, and the development of molecular and are inadequate in capturing variation across
markers (Barabaschi et al. 2012; Delseny et al. every individual within a given crop species
2010). With the advent of affordable genome (Bayer et al. 2020). A paradigm shift is occur-
sequencing, breeders have started using NGS to ring due to new advancements in genomics,
sequence extensive groups of plants, which has which now take into account the significance
enhanced the precision of identifying quantita- and amount of structural variations present in
tive trait loci (QTL) and simplified the process the pan-genome of crop species. This includes
of discovering genes. This has, in turn, formed capturing all types of SVs such as PAVs, CNVs,
the foundation for creating models to compre- and repetitive elements or TEs, present through-
hend complex genotype–phenotype relation- out the entire genome of all individuals belong-
ships at the whole-genome level. Over the past ing to a plant species (Danilevicz et al. 2020;
two decades, advancements in sequencing tech- Golicz et al. 2016; Tao et al. 2019). By cata-
nologies, assembly techniques, and computa- loging this variation and linking it to pheno-
tional algorithms have enabled the release of typic/trait information, it is then possible select
genome sequences for over 700 plant species parents and candidate wheat lines in breeding
(Sun et al. 2022). programs with more advanced knowledge and
In parallel, advancements in using DNA- decision support tools, allowing for more effi-
based tools for plant breeding, such as MAS and cient and targeted crop improvement.
GS, have progressed significantly. Genomics
approaches identified genomic markers asso-
ciated with traits and were termed as QTL 14.3 Historical Challenges
(Geldermann 1975). A single QTL can harbor and Progress in Wheat Genome
many genes within the same locus (Beckmann Sequencing and Assembly
and Soller 1983; Westman et al. 1997). MAS has
been in use since the early 1990s and involves Prior to the availability of NGS, whole-genome
identifying genomic markers in silico, which sequencing was performed using the Sanger
are within causal genes for traits or are closely sequencing technology. Due to a combination
linked, which are then used to select individuals of several factors, including the cost and low
(Tanksley and Nelson 1996). throughput of Sanger sequencing, and the size
The development of reference genome and complexity of some large genomes, many
assemblies has expedited the process of genomes were first cloned into bacterial artificial
276 A. N’Diaye et al.

chromosomes (BACs) that included a few hun- technologies such as SNaPshot BAC finger-
dred thousand base-pairs per clone. This allowed printing and Illumina Infinium SNP array were
for each BAC to be sequenced and assembled in utilized. It took a decade to produce the first
parallel and then stitched together to assemble version of the Ae. tauschii physical map, which
larger more complex genomes. After the release involved fingerprinting 461,706 BAC clones and
of the first human genome sequencing in 2000, assembling them into 2263 contigs. Afterward,
which was achieved through the use of bacte- 7185 molecular markers were utilized to anchor
rial artificial chromosome (BAC) (Lander 2001; these contigs onto a genetic map (Luo et al.
Venter et al. 2001), the Arabidopsis genome was 2013). Despite some success with Ae. tauschii,
the first plant genome to be sequenced using the BAC approach had limited achievement in
this approach. This was followed by the com- hexaploid wheat and the approach was slowly
pletion of multiple versions of the rice genome abandoned for wheat once more advanced DNA
two years later (Goff et al. 2002; Yu et al. 2002). sequencing, sequencing library preparation,
The wheat genome’s larger size, almost 40 times and genome assembly technologies became
that of rice, and its complexity, which included available.
a high proportion of repetitive sequences and In the 2000s, wheat genome sequencing
homoeologous DNA copies from three sub- was boosted by Illumina sequencing technolo-
genomes, made it economically unfeasible gies, which were able to perform short read
to employ a standard sequencing method. To paired-end sequencing at high depth and low
tackle this challenge, the International Wheat cost. The sequencing was first done on the dip-
Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) was loid ancestors of common wheat due to their
established in 2005. The consortium divided smaller genome size and early challenges of
the immense task among 20 countries based applying short read data to large polyploidy
on chromosomes and chromosome arms. The genomes. The draft genome assembly for Ae.
approach employed genetic stocks that could tauschii, the D genome donor for bread wheat,
be differentiated by flow cytometry on an indi- was completed using short read sequencing
vidual chromosome basis (Consortium et al. methods to about 90 × coverage (Jia et al. 2013).
2014). Physical maps and minimum tiling paths Approximately, 83.4% of the genome was cov-
were produced by fingerprinting BAC librar- ered by the assembled scaffolds, and out of
ies, which were subsequently sequenced and these, 65.9% were identified as transposable ele-
assembled (Safár et al. 2010). Although the ments (TEs). Using RNA-seq data from differ-
chromosome-by-chromosome approach was ent tissues, a total of 43,150 protein-encoding
adopted, it took nearly ten years to implement genes were identified. A comparable approach
and was only partially accomplished for few was employed to construct the genome sequence
chromosomes, including chromosome 3B (Paux of the A genome contributor, T. urartu. The
et al. 2008). Due to the large size of the hexa- assembly that was obtained had a total length
ploid wheat genome, certain researchers have of 3.92 Gb, which corresponds to 79.35% of
opted to pursue a different approach by focus- the estimated size of the A genome (4.94 Gb).
ing on the genomes of related diploid species, However, due to subgenome interactions
such as Ae. tauschii. This species has a much and evolutionary processes spanning around
smaller genome size, approximately one-third 10,000 years, the genomes of the progenitors are
of that of hexaploid wheat (~ 4.792 Gb) and not able to fully depict their counterparts in the
does not have any interference from homoeolo- common wheat genome. Therefore, the sequenc-
gous DNA copies during physical mapping and ing of the common wheat genome was yet to be
eventual sequence assembly. Despite imple- achieved.
menting this method, the initial use of regular The first sequencing of the common
agarose gels made the task seem overwhelming. wheat genome for the landrace CHINESE
However, to anchor contigs, higher throughput SPRING was accomplished using Roche 454
14 Wheat Sequencing: The Pan-Genome and Opportunities … 277

pyrosequencing, specifically the GS FLX The IWGSC also accomplished a notewor-

Titanium and GS FLX1 platforms, which were thy feat when they generated a reference-level
used to sequence the wheat genome to about sequence of chromosome 3B (Choulet et al.
5 × coverage. Sequencing of related progeni- 2014). This high-quality sequence was cre-
tors was also performed using various platforms, ated using a minimum tiling path consisting of
such as Illumina methods for sequencing of T. 8452 BACs, spanning 774 Mb, and contain-
monococcum, the A genome donor of bread ing 5326 protein-coding genes as well as 85%
wheat. Likewise, Ae. tauschii was sequenced of TEs. Additionally, a molecular-genetic map
using the Roche 454 sequencing platform. While (CHINESE SPRING x RENAN) was used for
whole-genome data was not yet available, cDNA long-range orientation of DNA sequences. The
sequences were sequenced from Ae. speltoides, assembly of chromosome 3B demonstrated
which has a genome similar to the B genome. the success of the chromosome-based BAC
Using the SOLiD sequencing platform, addi- sequencing strategy, although the assembly
tional short reads of CHINESE SPRING were remained approximately 7% incomplete.
generated. These yielded 95,000 predicted gene
models, with most of them designated to either
the A, B, or D subgenome. Despite its high 14.4 The Completion of a
degree of fragmentation, the draft genome was Chromosome-Scale Assembly
still considered valuable, as it was the first wheat of Hexaploid Wheat
genome available for community use (Brenchley
et al. 2012). While evidence suggested the BAC sequenc-
As the IWGSC adopted the chromosome- ing approach could work for achieving a chro-
based BAC sequencing approach, progress was mosome-based wheat genome assembly, the
consistently made. As NGS became available, complexity of the genome, high repeat content,
it was possible to sequence the BACs using high transposon activity, large genome size,
more high-throughput methods. The approach and allopolyploidy were continuing to hamper
involved developing sequencing libraries from assembly efforts. Meanwhile, third-generation
the DNA of individual chromosomes or their sequencing technologies, which were created
arms and subsequently sequencing pair-end by Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) and Oxford
reads on the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. The Nanopore Technologies (ONT), surfaced and
assembly obtained, which resembled the 454 progressed quickly. These techniques produce
assembly, comprised approximately 500,000 reads with substantially longer lengths and have
contigs with N50 values ranging from 1.7 to been extensively employed, in combination with
8.9 kb. Its total size was 10.2 Gb. These con- established assembly algorithms, to construct
tigs, taken together, make up 61% of the esti- intricate and sizable plant genomes with unpar-
mated hexaploid wheat genome. Predictions alleled precision (Cheng et al. 2021; Koren et al.
were made for a total of 133,090 high confi- 2017; Niu et al. 2022). This led to a paradigm
dence genes, as well as 890,576 low confidence shift away from BAC sequencing and toward the
genes. Using a genetic map, just over half of the direct shotgun sequencing of the genome using
high confidence genes were assigned genetic more advanced sequencing technologies and
positions (Mascher et al. 2013), allowing them assembly algorithms.
to be considered within the context of the telo- A new assembly method called MaSuRCA
some-based assembly resources for each chro- was used to assemble wheat using a hybrid
mosome arm. This led to the completion of a approach that combined the strengths of both
draft genome assembly of wheat, known as the PacBio long reads, which have high error rates,
IWGSC chromosome survey sequence (CSS) and Illumina short reads, which are more accu-
assembly (Consortium et al. 2014). rate. This method was initially used to create a
278 A. N’Diaye et al.

genome assembly of Ae. tauschii (Zimin et al. the broader scientific community to utilize,
2017a). To obtain a comprehensive sequence bringing the prospect of a high-quality reference
coverage of the genome, a combination of genome into focus.
sequencing methods was employed, includ- Shortly thereafter, a breakthrough was made
ing over 19 million PacBio reads providing with the release of new short read assem-
approximately 38 × coverage of the D genome, blers. NRGene’s DeNovoMagic (NRGene,
177 × coverage from Illumina HiSeq 2500 reads Ness Ziona, Israel) algorithm and the TRITEX
consisting of 200-base paired-end reads, and pipeline (Monat et al. 2019) for short read
MiSeq reads consisting of 250-base paired-end assemblies demonstrated that a shotgun whole-
reads. The sequencing libraries with a range of genome sequencing approach could be achieved
insert sizes yielded a total coverage of 200 × of when combining different Illumina library sizes
the genome. The genome’s quality was validated and preparation methods. The AABB genome
through a comparison with optical maps and of wild emmer wheat (WEW), which represents
BAC assemblies that were produced indepen- the reference-level genome of polyploid wheat,
dently. Subsequently, the pipeline was utilized was produced through the utilization of the
to produce the initial near-complete hexaploid DeNovoMagic algorithm (Avni et al. 2017). By
wheat genome for CHINESE SPRING (Zimin sequencing on Illumina HiSeq 2500 machines, a
et al. 2017b). Triticum 1.0 was a genome assem- total of 2.1 Terabase-pairs were generated, com-
bly consisting of 829,839 contigs with a total prising 176 × genome coverage reads from five
size of 17.05 Gb, with a contig and scaffold N50 libraries. The insert sizes in the libraries ranged
of 76.3 kb and 101.2 kb, respectively. Another from 450 bp to 10 kb. The scaffolds were then
method involved assembling long reads directly consolidated using a high-density molecular-
with the FALCON assembler, which produced genetic linkage map and additional reads from
FALCON Trit1.0 with a size of 12.94 Gb. a three-dimensional (3D) conformation capture
Although this version was shorter than the Hi-C library. Ultimately, the final assembly was
MaSuRCA-assembled version, it had a longer 10.5 Gb, accounting for 87.5% of the predicted
contig N50 of 215.3 kb. Using the genome tetraploid wheat genome. The annotation of
alignment tool MUMmer (Kurtz et al. 2004), the 110,544 gene models provided strong evidence
combination of Triticum 1.0 and Trit1.0 resulted for the high quality of this genome assembly.
in a final assembly that spans almost the entire Among these models, 58.8% (65,012) were
wheat genome, with a size of 15.3 Gb and a con- identified as high confidence gene models, while
tig N50 of 232.6 kb. the remaining 41.2% were of low confidence.
At the same time, an alternative approach This assembly successfully captured 98.4% of
was also taken to create the CHINESE SPRING the total expected gene sets of WEW, as verified
genome assembly using short reads (Clavijo by BUSCO (Simão et al. 2015). Additionally, it
et al. 2017). The approach involved 1.1 billion was utilized for identifying the genes that played
250-bp paired-end reads (33 × genome cov- a role in the early domestication of wheat, as
erage) from CHINESE SPRING short insert reported by Avni et al. (2017). After the comple-
libraries, and 68 × coverage of long insert tion of the WEW genome, bread wheat genome
libraries, yielding the TGACv1 version of the sequencing efforts quickly pivoted toward the
wheat genome assembly. This version spanned same shotgun genomics approach. The suc-
13.43 Gb and accounted for over 78% of the cessful completion of the bread wheat genome
wheat genome. In addition to the improved IWGSC RefSeq v1.0 was achieved using a
assembly, strand-specific Illumina RNA-seq combination of similar techniques and soft-
and PacBio full-length cDNAs were combined ware. According to Consortium et al. (2018),
to achieve better annotation. Although chromo- DeNovoMAGIC2 utilized the complete genome
some-level assembly was not attained, this new as the primary framework and incorporated
wheat genome assembly was now available for various sources of data such as physical maps,
14 Wheat Sequencing: The Pan-Genome and Opportunities … 279

genotyping-by-sequencing data, and Hi-C data. genebank collections or representative sub-

The common wheat genome was assembled groups that cover all significant germplasm
into 21 pseudomolecules at the chromosome groups within the species. Recent reports have
scale, which were assigned to the subgenomes described several genebank genomics stud-
A, B, and D. This resulted in a genome assem- ies on rice (Wang et al. 2018), barley (Milner
bly with a super-scaffold N50 of 22.8 Mb, and et al. 2019), and wheat (Juliana et al. 2019).
total length of 14.5 Gb. Using a similar assem- Soleimani et al. (2020) have described differ-
bly approach, the genome sequencing of durum ent methods that can be used to choose core
wheat (DW) was completed shortly after sets for pan-genome analysis. One tool that
(Maccaferri et al. 2019). aims to maximize diversity, representative-
ness, and allelic richness of core sets is Core
Hunter (De Beukelaer et al. 2018). It achieves
14.5 Progress Toward a Wheat this by using various algorithms that operate
Pan-Genome on genetic distance matrices. To further cus-
tomize the selection process, clustering of the
In 2018, the IWGSC released the first reference- diversity space through principal component
quality genome sequence for the wheat landrace analysis (Patterson et al. 2006) or model-based
CHINESE SPRING, which marked a significant ancestry estimation (Alexander et al. 2009) can
change in the use of genomics as a research tool be used. Pan-genome panels offer the possibil-
for wheat. The publication enabled the wider ity of incorporating not only cultivated plant
research community to have easy access to this varieties but also wild progenitors or ancestors
tool (Consortium et al. 2018). The CHINESE of polyploid species. For example, teosinte as
SPRING genome assembly was a major mile- a wild progenitor of maize and wild emmer or
stone in wheat genomics research, and within Aegilops tauschii as progenitors of wheat. These
a few years, it has already laid the foundation wild relatives are valuable out-groups and rep-
for countless studies dissecting the genome to resent diversity available in the secondary and
understand wheat biology. However, CHINESE tertiary gene pools. These relatives could be
SPRING shares only a distant ancestral con- used to determine the ancestral states for SVs
nection with the majority of current wheat or because of their significance in introgression
varieties. Additionally, due to the considerable breeding (Harlan and de Wet 1971). Besides
diversity present within the species, a single emphasizing on incorporating diverse global
genome sequence is insufficient for fully rep- varieties in a crop, a pan-genome initiative
resenting its genetic makeup. Additional pan- might also choose specific genotypes that have
genome information is required to identify new a significant role in breeding and genetics. These
genetic diversity that can enhance traits and could comprise founder genotypes of breeding
understand the mechanism behind the traits pre- programs, experimental population parents (Yu
sent in elite wheat cultivars. Fortunately, with et al. 2008), or genotypes that can be genetically
new short-read assembly algorithms capable of modified (Jain et al. 2019; Schreiber et al. 2020)
shotgun sequencing, the path forward to addi- to optimize the advantages for both research and
tional genomes would no longer be a technical breeding communities. These chosen accessions
limitation. will serve as reference genotypes for future
Choosing crop genotypes for pan-genome functional and genetic studies in pan-genomic
analysis is a challenging task as the objective research.
is to encompass a wide range of genetic varia- The International 10 + Wheat Genomes
tions using a limited number of representative Project ( was
genotypes for the particular species. This selec- established in 2019 with the goal of creating
tion procedure necessitates the acquisition of reference-quality genome assemblies for at
genome-wide genotypic data from either entire least ten diverse bread wheat cultivars. Using
280 A. N’Diaye et al.

genomic diversity analysis of 3800 wheat sam- subsequent phase of the project will involve
ples, ten wheat lines were chosen and sequenced generating de novo gene predictions for all
utilizing Illumina short read sequencing tech- chromosome-scale assemblies using exten-
nologies, and then assembled using NRGene’s sive transcriptome data. These data will offer
DeNovoMagic algorithm (NRGene, Ness Ziona, a comprehensive understanding of the func-
Israel). Subsequently, all these assemblies were tional and regulatory arrangement of the wheat
organized into subgenome-aware pseudomol- pan-genome.
ecules with the aid of Hi-C technology (van While the 10 + Wheat Genomes Project
Berkum et al. 2010). Additionally, five other provided the first insights into the wheat pan-
wheat varieties were also sequenced and assem- genome, sequencing and assembly methods
bled to the scaffold level using separate short- continued to evolve. Throughput increased for
read assembly algorithms established at the both PacBio and ONT sequencing platforms,
Earlham Institute (Norwich, UK). leading to additional genome assemblies (Aury
A gene projection strategy was imple- et al. 2022). Further, PacBio released its HiFi
mented and applied to all assemblies to evalu- sequencing method based on circular consen-
ate and compare the gene content of the newly sus sequencing, which significantly improved
sequenced lines in a fair and consistent manner, sequencing and assembly accuracy. These long
given the lack of genome-specific transcrip- and accurate sequencing reads have led to the
tome data available at that time. This strategy highest-quality genome assemblies of wheat
involved using the CHINESE SPRING reference achieved thus far. With the upcoming release
gene models and transferring them to all assem- of new long read sequencing technologies with
blies. Differences in gene content among the high accuracy and output, such as the Revio
10 + wheat reference genomes were observed, platform from PacBio, it is expected that addi-
likely due to the complex breeding histories tional genomes for wheat will be released in the
of the selected lines. These variations in gene coming years. While no longer constrained by
content were found to be linked with adapta- technological limitations in genome sequencing
tion to different environments and with efforts and assembly, the next chapter begins for inte-
to enhance grain yield, quality, and resistance grating these data into a functional pan-genome
to abiotic and biotic stresses. Significant struc- that will drive future research and breeding.
tural rearrangements and introgressions from
wild relatives were observed upon comparing
the pseudomolecule structures of the reference 14.6 A Functional Pan-Genome
sequences. This underscores the importance of for Wheat Research
having multiple reference genomes of quality and Applied Breeding
(at pseudomolecule level) instead of relying on
resequencing approaches, as only chromosome- Pan-genome construction is the process of cre-
level assemblies can provide information on ating a comprehensive set of genetic informa-
large- and small-scale structural rearrangements tion from a collection of related genomes. It is
with a high degree of resolution and accuracy. a complex task, requiring the use of multiple
The study conducted by Walkowiak et al. (2020) approaches and techniques. It involves assem-
illustrates how the wheat pan-genomes can be bling and annotating all genomic information
utilized to study causal genes for traits, as the and variants, can be used to understand genome
genomes were used to uncover the gene Sm1, and gene evolution, discover new genes and
known for conferring resistance against midge. alleles, and investigate gene–gene interaction
With the availability of recently sequenced and networks.
compiled wheat reference genomes, there is an To construct a pan-genome, two primary
unprecedented opportunity to identify func- methods can be utilized, whole-genome assem-
tional genes and enhance wheat breeding. The bly and comparative genomics. Whole-genome
14 Wheat Sequencing: The Pan-Genome and Opportunities … 281

assembly involves assembling all of the reads assemblies can be costly, especially for large
from a collection of genomes into a single, plant genomes, and may not be practical when
contiguous genome. The steps for whole- dealing with hundreds of reference genomes
genome assembly are well-documented (Jung for a single species (Hurgobin and Edwards
et al. 2020). The approach is most appropriate 2017). Nevertheless, the 10 + Wheat Genomes
for genomes that are closely related and pos- Project was successful at the construction of
sess significant sequence similarity. It offers several chromosome-scale assemblies. Along
the benefit of an all-encompassing perspective with these genomes were tools to visualize hap-
on the species’ genetic variation, but it is often lotype blocks representing shared or unique
restricted by the number of genomes that can be regions between the assemblies (http://www.
sequenced. Comparative genomics (Pop et al. (Brinton et al. 2020).
2004), on the other hand, involves comparing Likewise, many of the wheat genomes had
and contrasting multiple genomes to identify major introgressions or large structural variants,
shared and unique components. This method is which could be visualized using synteny viewers
most suitable for more distantly related genomes (,
with lower sequence similarity.
The ability to assemble high-quality reference
genomes for numerous plants simultaneously has
been made possible by recent advancements in 14.6.2 Iterative Assembly
sequencing technologies and bioinformatic tools.
Despite this progress, it is still challenging to The iterative assembly approach differs from de
perform combined analysis of multiple genomes novo assembly in that it commences with the
or a subset of genomes and provide readily creation of a single-reference genome, which
accessible genetic information to end-users, such is then used as a framework for the sequential
as researchers and breeders (Li et al. 2020b). The alignment of reads from other samples. Any
comparison, analysis, and visualization of multi- unmapped reads are subsequently assembled
ple reference genomes and their diversity neces- and incorporated into the reference genome to
sitate powerful and specialized computational form a non-redundant pan-genome (Golicz et al.
strategies and tools. De novo assembly, iterative 2016). This technique is less expensive than de
assembly, and graph-based assembly methods novo assembly since low sequencing depths can
have been employed to construct pan-genomes be used for each sample, allowing for the pool-
(Li et al. 2014; Liu and Tian 2020). ing of numerous samples. Nevertheless, the
iterative assembly method may struggle to han-
dle genomes that contain many repeat regions
14.6.1 De Novo Assembly and is not capable of detecting large structural
variations that cannot be covered by individ-
Constructing a pan-genome can be achieved ual short reads (Jiao and Schneeberger 2017).
through the de novo assembly of genomes from Resequencing and iterative assembly methods
multiple individuals, followed by comparative have been applied to wheat (Montenegro et al.
analysis to identify variant types and classify 2017; Watson-Haigh et al. 2018). However,
them as core or flexible genome components. evidence suggests that wheat has a very plas-
This approach has been discussed by Mahmoud tic genome due to its allopolyploidy and has
et al. (2019). Technological advancements in abundant PAV, CNV, and SV that are important
sequencing and assembly methods have enabled for trait variation,
the generation of high-quality, chromosome- (Nilsen et al. 2020). Therefore, iterative assem-
level plant genomes, including telomere-to- bly approaches, particularly low-coverage ref-
telomere genome assemblies (Miga et al. erence-based analyses, are highly limiting when
2020). However, generating accurate genome exploring wheat pan-genomics.
282 A. N’Diaye et al.

14.6.3 Graph-Based Assembly gene families. This involves comparing the

genomes of different species to identify shared
Pan-genomes can also be constructed using and unique components. By comparing gene
graphs. The most commonly used graph for sequences between two species, it is possible to
this purpose is the compacted de Bruijn graph, identify regions of similarity that may indicate
which integrates genetic information from dif- similar functions. In wheat, comparative genom-
ferent accessions of a species (Chikhi et al. ics has been used for identifying resistance
2016; Li et al. 2020a). In contrast, the bi- genes (Marchal et al. 2020) and uncovering the
directed variation graphs capture genetic vari- molecular basis of nitrogen-use efficiency (Shi
ations throughout a population and identify et al. 2022). In addition to annotating the gene
their potential positions on a reference genome. space, there is increasing interest in expanding
Compared to traditional linear genomes, graph- the annotation of the pan-genome to include the
based pan-genomes have been shown to signifi- dynamics of gene expression (pan-transcriptom-
cantly mitigate reference bias (Garrison et al. ics), epigenomic modifications (epipan-genom-
2018). However, graph-based pan-genomes are ics), as well as interaction networks between
challenging to construct and apply due to sev- variants as well as genes, and associating these
eral factors, including the intricate nature of directly with biological traits. Such a com-
plant genomes with their high repeat content plete atlas of biological information will equip
and polyploidy. Additionally, there is a short- researchers and breeders with unprecedented
age of common downstream analysis tools and tools for wheat research and improvement.
visualization techniques for the graph, which
further adds to the limitations. Despite these
challenges, graph-based genomes have strengths 14.6.5 Applying the Pan-Genome
compared to other methods and may have more to Breeding
widespread applications for wheat research
and breeding in the future, particularly as tools After constructing and annotating the pan-
for graph-based assembly of more complex genome, the subsequent step involves utiliz-
genomes improve. ing it for crop enhancement. The effectiveness
of next-generation breeding technologies, such
as transgenics and CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing,
14.6.4 Pan-Genome Annotation has been proven for wheat (Nilsen et al. 2020).
and Other Pan-Omics However, regulatory challenges exist that may
limit the widespread adoption of these methods
Once the pan-genome has been assembled, there for delivering new wheat cultivars. As a result,
are several techniques that can be used to anno- wheat breeding will likely involve generating
tate it. One technique is to use gene prediction biparental populations and screening for prog-
software to identify genes in the pan-genome. eny for some time to come. Gene discovery
This can be done using homology-based or has certainly benefitted from the availability of
de novo gene prediction algorithms. There is pan-genomics resources for wheat, facilitating
a plethora of ab initio gene prediction soft- marker discovery that can be applied to MAS
ware (Scalzitti et al. 2020), including Augustus and making screening of parental lines and
(Stanke and Morgenstern 2005), Genscan progeny more efficient (www.10wheatgenomes.
(Burge and Karlin 1997), GeneID (Parra et al. com). With the availability of more genome
2000), GlimmerHMM (Majoros et al. 2004), assemblies that are representative of the genes
and Snap (Korf 2004). Another technique to and genomic variants that can be used in breed-
annotate the pan-genome is to use compara- ing, the need to generate additional high-quality
tive genomics to identify conserved or novel genomes will likely lessen as genomes can be
14 Wheat Sequencing: The Pan-Genome and Opportunities … 283

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Directions Gundlach H, Hale I, Mascher M, Spannagl M, Wiebe
K, Jordan KW, Golan G, Deek J, Ben-Zvi B, Ben-
Owing to its ability to identify novel genetic Zvi G, Himmelbach A, MacLachlan RP, Sharpe AG,
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A, Faris JD, Hernandez A, Mikel MA, Levy AA,
pan-genome serves as a valuable asset for crop Steffenson B, Maccaferri M, Tuberosa R, Cattivelli L,
breeding, specifically in wheat. Through consist- Faccioli P, Ceriotti A, Kashkush K, Pourkheirandish
ent pan-genome research in crops, more robust M, Komatsuda T, Eilam T, Sela H, Sharon A, Ohad
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Peleg Z, Pozniak CJ, Akhunov ED, Distelfeld A
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Genome-Wide Resources
for Genetic Locus Discovery 15
and Gene Functional Analysis
in Wheat

James Cockram

Abstract phenotyping, multi-trait ensemble pheno-

typic weighting and genomic selection, will
Future wheat production faces considerable help underpin future breeding for improved
challenges, such as how to ensure on-farm crop performance, quality and resilience.
yield gains across agricultural environments
that are increasingly challenged by factors
such as soil erosion, environmental change Keywords
and rapid changes in crop pest and disease
profiles. Within the context of crop improve- Multi-parent populations · Plant genetic
ment, the ability to identify, track and deploy diversity · Sustainable crop production ·
specific combinations of genes tailored for Nested association mapping (NAM) ·
improved crop performance in target environ- Multi-parent advanced generation intercross
ments will play an important role in ensuring (MAGIC) · Targeting Induced Local Lesions
future sustainable wheat production. In this in Genomes (TILLING)
chapter, a range of germplasm resources and
populations are reviewed can be exploited
for genetic locus discovery, characterisa- 15.1 Gene Discovery in the Context
tion and functional analysis in wheat. These of Wheat Improvement
include experimental populations constructed and Breeding
from two or more parents, association map-
ping panels and artificially mutated popula- If you compare two bread wheat (Triticum aes-
tions. Efficient integration of the knowledge tivum L.) cultivars, the chances are that you
gained from exploiting such resources with will find differences between them—and lots of
other emerging breeding approaches and them. Whether these differences are for agro-
technologies, such as high-throughput field nomic traits, such as resistance to disease, for
quality traits such as those important for bread
making, or for a range of morphological traits
such as those used to uniquely ‘describe’ a
variety during varietal registration (Jones et al.
2013), such variation is abundant. It is the herit-
able component of these observable differences
J. Cockram (*)
NIAB, 93 Lawrence Weaver Road, Cambridge, UK

© The Author(s) 2024 289

R. Appels et al. (eds.), The Wheat Genome, Compendium of Plant Genomes,
290 J. Cockram

that is exploited via breeding to deliver new sub-optimal, fluctuating or unpredictable growth
improved wheat varieties and deals with the environments—delivered within the context of
complexities of pleiotropic effects result- more sustainable food production systems. As
ing from the process. The question as to how the development of new wheat varieties is a rela-
best to do this is not a straightforward one. To tively lengthy process (typically taking around
give a simplified example, phenotypic selec- 10 years), all available tools must be exploited
tion for underlying combinations of genes and to meet these challenges. As underpinning tech-
alleles that result in increased grain number per nologies advance, the ability to identify specific
ear may result in fewer ears overall. Similarly, wheat genes or genetic loci, and understand how
increasing the grain protein is often associated they function and interact within the context
with a reduction in overall grain yield in wheat of crop performance, will play an increasingly
(Simmonds 1995; White et al. 2022) and other important role towards delivering future wheat.
crop species (e.g. Dudley 2007), and increas-
ing leaf size is thought to result in larger, but
less dense stomata (Zanella et al. 2022). As 15.2 Genetic Variation in Hexaploid
the principal breeding target, grain yield repre- Bread Wheat: Luck,
sents the sum of all interacting genetic/epige- Bottlenecks and Breeding
netic, environmental and management factors
that occur from sowing to harvest. Selection If the foundation of gene discovery is heritable
for grain yield works well, with breeders hav- variation, then before exploring the germplasm
ing consistently delivered ~ 1% genetic gains per and genomic resources currently in use to accel-
year in wheat yield potential over recent dec- erate gene discovery and functional analysis in
ades (e.g. Mackay et al. 2011). To some extent, wheat, it is first worth briefly considering the
wheat breeding practices focus on delivering history behind current wheat genetic varia-
performance under the assessment criteria and tion. Collectively, the natural genetic variation
carefully managed growth conditions used by present in modern day wheat represents the
national bodies to determine subsets of the ‘best’ culmination of the speciation, domestication
varieties marketed at a given time. In the United and breeding events and processes that have
Kingdom (UK), for example, the annual AHDB occurred in its past. Human selection and inter-
‘Recommended List’ provides performance ventions have affected the wheat genome and
data for such varietal subsets to help farmers the variation it contains, starting from its first
choose which varieties to grow (www.ahdb. origins in Neolithic farmers’ fields, up to the current day. However, variation at the DNA level
for-cereals-and-oilseeds-rl). However, on-farm is not so evenly distributed across the bread
wheat yields are increasingly falling behind the wheat genome. To some extent, this is due to
genetic potential of the varieties grown. Termed the order, age and nature of the polyploidisation
the ‘yield-gap’, and observed in wheat growing events that occurred during its speciation. The
areas across the world (Senapati et al. 2022), bread wheat genome is hexaploid (2n = 6x = 42),
this is likely to be due to the cost–benefit and which means it consists of three subgenomes
practical considerations and trade-offs that that have merged via inter-species hybridisation
take place under commercial farm conditions. events during its evolutionary history (reviewed
Future wheat production will face additional by Levy and Feldman 2022; Fig. 15.1). Notably,
challenges such as environmental change, soil the most recent event was a spontaneous hybrid-
degradation, increasing energy and input costs, isation around 9000 years ago between the tetra-
and the effects of political conflict or instability. ploid progenitor of pasta wheat (the AA and BB
Thus, wheat genetic improvement will increas- subgenome donor) and a diploid wild wheat
ingly need to focus on yield stability under relative that grew alongside it called ‘goat grass’
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 291

ϰ͘ϰϵDz Ϭ͘ϴϬDz

ůŝŶĞĂŐĞ d͘ƵƌĂƚƵ  Ƶ Ƶ

ϱ ϰ ϯ Ϯ ϭ Ϭ Dz


Fig. 15.1  Evolutionary history of hexaploid bread of the section Sitopsis, which includes diploid Ae. spel-
wheat (Triticum aestivum) from its diploid and tetraploid toides (diploid SS genome), Ae. bicornis (SbSb), Ae.
donors progenitors. The unknown or extinct wheat B longissima (SlSl), Ae. searsii (SsSs) and Ae. sharonensis
subgenome donor is a derivative of the S-genome species (SshSsh). MYA = millions of years ago

(Aegilops tauschii Coss., DD subgenome donor) associated with heterochromatin (tightly

to create hexaploid bread wheat (AABBDD). packed DNA), and lower genetic recombina-
Due to this event being rare, recent, and having tion (Gardner et al. 2016; Gardiner et al. 2019),
occurred in a restricted Ae. tauschii sub-popula- which together are thought to result in the
tion close to the Caspian Sea (Wang et al. 2013), restricted rates of genome evolution observed
little D subgenome variation was captured, and in these regions (Akhunov et al. 2003). Against
there has been comparatively little time for this genomic backdrop, in the ~ 9000 years since
genetic variation to subsequently accumulate via the speciation of bread wheat has been accumu-
spontaneous mutation. The effect of this is evi- lating natural mutations which have either been
dent in genetic analyses of bread wheat varieties retained or lost along the way due to a combina-
from across the world (e.g. Wang et al. 2014; tion of selection, drift and geneflow. Such shifts
Walkowiak et al. 2020; Mellers et al. 2020), in variation have underpinned the many genera-
where D subgenome variation within genes is tions of ‘on-farm’ selection that occurred from
typically one-third to one-tenth of that seen on Neolithic times up until the advent of industrial
the A and B subgenomes. Consistent through- breeding approaches at the end of the nineteenth
out the wheat subgenomes however is that gene century. Accordingly, wheat genetic variation
density and gene variation are lower across the was modulated across this time period by the
centromeric and adjacent pericentromeric chro- interplay between human selection, be it con-
mosomal regions than in the remaining more scious (such as selection for larger grains) or
distal chromosomal positions (IWGSC 2018). unconscious (such as selection for photoperiod
These centromeric and pericentromeric regions insensitive lines; Jones and Lister 2022), and
are associated with higher frequency of trans- environmental factors such as prevailing climate
posable elements (IWGSC 2018), higher levels and disease pressures. This ongoing domestica-
of epigenetic modifications to DNA and histones tion process resulted in the numerous locally
292 J. Cockram

adapted ‘landraces’ that were grown across the (186 cultivars) with pedigree-based diversity
world’s wheat growing regions up until the end measures of 1353 commercial USA varieties
of the 1800s. Early breeders exploited these grown across this period indicating this increase
sources of genetic diversity by systematically in cultivar diversity is likely linked to increased
selecting and evaluating such landraces, as genetic diversity (Chai et al. 2022). In the UK,
well as the crosses made between them. The combining measures of relatedness based on
outcomes of this history are still evident in shared parentage (kinship), weighted by the pro-
modern wheat varieties, as these first breed- portional yearly acreage of cultivars over the last
ing programmes commonly exploited the lan- 30 years, found an increasing trend in the result-
draces that were locally adapted to their regions ing landscape diversity index (Fradgley 2022).
at the time. Evidence of this history can be seen While the dominance of a very low number of
in modern day wheat. For example, genetic varieties across national cropping landscapes is
marker analysis of wheat from around the world not as common as it once was (such as the use
shows clustering of Chinese landraces and cul- of cv. CAPPELLE-DESPREZ across more than
tivars in genetic diversity space (Cavanagh 50% of the UK cropping area in the 1960s;
et al. 2013), while in an analysis of 180 UK Srinivasan et al. 2003), this is not necessarily
varieties released since the year 2000, almost the case throughout the wheat growing regions
90% include genetic contributions from the old of the world. For example, between 2005 and
Ukrainian landrace OSTKA-GALICYJSKA 2010 the cultivar WYALKATCHEM repre-
and the Mediterranean landrace from which the sented more than 30% of the Australian wheat
early UK variety SQUAREHEAD was devel- area sown, while more recently cv. MACE rep-
oped (Fradgley et al. 2019). Over the years, resented over 65% of the wheat cropping area in
there have been concerns that the industrial both 2015 and 2016 (Phan et al. 2020). Notably,
breeding era has resulted in genetic bottlenecks these recent examples of low Australian land-
in numerous crops, and that this has restricted scape scale cultivar diversity are set against a
genetic diversity in modern wheat. While there wider background of a reduction in Australian
are many approaches to measure genetic diver- wheat genetic diversity post Green Revolution
sity loss (reviewed by Khoury et al. 2021), for (Joukhadar et al. 2017) and highlight the poten-
wheat it is clear that more genetic diversity was tial vulnerability of such landscape scale cultivar
present in the landraces versus pure-line bred predominance to changes in pest and environ-
cultivars (e.g. Winfield et al. 2018). The assump- mental pressures.
tion of loss of diversity when within the modern
breeding period is not necessarily so apparent,
with changes in diversity depending on mul- 15.2.1 Systematic Broadening of the
tiple factors, including the time period and Wheat Genepool as Wild Wheats
region studied. One factor that has been noted Are Deployed
is a reduction in genetic diversity at and soon
after the introduction of the ‘Green Revolution’ A longstanding concern is that breeding results
semi-dwarfing genes across all international in loss of genetic diversity—however, as noted
breeding programmes from the 1960s onwards above this assumption is not a given. A good
(see Chap. 11). However, recent studies of on- example in cereals is the maize long-term selec-
farm wheat diversity indicate that at a national tion experiment, where continuous genetic
level, growers may now actually deploy a much gains within a closed population in response to
more diverse portfolio of cultivars than was used selection for seed protein and oil content were
100 years ago. For example, in the USA the observed across the 100-year programme, with
number of major commercially grown wheat no significant loss in genetic diversity (Dudley
cultivars has increased progressively, increas- 2007). Presumably, this was achieved via con-
ing fivefold from 1919 (33 cultivars) to 2019 tinued selection for genetic loci of small additive
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 293

effect, as well as the fixing of epistatic interac- genomic regions conferring agronomically
tions (i.e. instances where the allele of one gene important traits—particularly disease resistance
hides or masks the phenotype of another gene) (Aktar-Uz-Zaman et al. 2017). For example,
as additive effects. It is thus feasible to optimise resistance to the wheat fungal disease yellow
existing variation present in wheat cultivars into rust conferred by Yr34 originated from a region
new combinations, and to bring in additional of chromosome 5A introgressed over 200 years
genetic and functional diversity from system- ago from einkorn wheat (T. monococcum L. ssp.
atic introgression and analysis of chromosomal monococcum; Chen et al. 2021), and still con-
regions originating from landraces and species fers field resistance in the US (Chen et al. 2021)
related to wheat. When present in otherwise and UK (Bouvet et al. 2022b). The long breed-
elite wheat genetic backgrounds, the chromo- ing history of use and utility of introgression
somal segments present in such ‘wilder wheats’ from wheat relatives is exemplified by the exten-
can often provide agronomic performance gains, sive use since the late 1980s of synthetic hexa-
despite the possible negative impacts of such ploid wheats in the international wheat breeding
chromosomal tracts (due, for example, to link- programme run by the International Maize and
age drag or local effects on genetic recombina- Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) (Das
tion). Reminiscent of the activities at the start et al. 2016; see also Chap. 11). Synthetic hexa-
of the industrial breeding age, initiatives across ploid wheats address the lack of genetic diver-
the world are once again systematically screen- sity on the wheat D subgenome by recreating
ing variation captured in wheat landraces and the ancient hybridization event between tetra-
are now supported by modern genetics, genom- ploid wheat and Ae. tauschii. This is under-
ics, experimental population designs and analy- taken via inter-specific crosses followed either
sis approaches. For example, the Watkins bread by embryo rescue, chromosome doubling (Li
wheat landrace collection of 826 accessions et al. 2018a, b) or use of specific cytogenetic
from 32 countries has been genotyped using stocks (Othmeni et al. 2022). While more than
41 microsatellite markers (Wingen et al. 2014), 1200 synthetic wheats have been generated by
and selected accessions from across the genetic CIMMYT, historically these have sampled a
diversity space crossed to an elite spring culti- relatively narrow range of Ae. tauschii diversity
var to create a series of bi-parental genetic map- from the eastern Fertile Crescent. Systematic
ping populations (Wingen et al. 2017), termed a broadening of the diversity sampled in synthetic
nested association mapping (NAM) panel. The wheats is now being undertaken at pre-breeding
benefits afforded by ‘wilder wheats’ created via initiatives at NIAB in the UK, where D subge-
introgressions from wheat relatives are illus- nome Ae. tauschii genetic diversity from across
trated by the UK cultivar ROBIGUS. Released its natural eco-geographic range is being cap-
in the UK in 2020, ROBIGUS delivered high tured in new synthetics and backcrossed into
yields and contained particularly novel genet- elite cultivars (Gaurav et al. 2022). While this
ics derived from a wheat wild relative (Gardner and other initiatives (e.g. Zhou et al. 2021) are
et al. 2016) and has been frequently used in the providing new sources of D subgenome genetic
pedigrees of subsequent UK varieties (Fradgley variation for breeding, similar approaches are
et al. 2019)—without associated loss of wheat systematically bringing in additional diversity
cultivar genetic diversity at landscape scale from wheat A and B subgenome donors via the
(Fradgley 2022). Genomic analyses now show creation of inter-specific hybrids and subse-
that the presence of introgressions from wheat quent backcrossing. For example, the generation
relatives is relatively common (e.g. Cheng of backcross-derived progenies from crosses
et al. 2019; Keilwagen et al. 2022; Pont et al. between 59 diverse accessions of tetraploid T.
2019; Przewieslik-Allen et al. 2021; Scott et al. turgidum ssp. durum with elite spring wheat cv.
2020a). Indeed, introgressions often underlie PARAGON (see also Chap. 8). Introgressions
294 J. Cockram

into elite wheat varieties from more distantly high-density wheat genotyping array in 2013
related diploid and polyploid grass species are capable of assaying ~ 9000 SNPs (Cavanagh et al.
also being generated, including Ambylopyrum 2013), several additional arrays ranging from
muticum (TT genome, Coombes et al. 2022) and 3000 to 850,000 features are now available (Table
Thinopyrum species (Li and Wang 2009; Grewal 15.2). While SNP genotyping arrays are relatively
et al. 2018; Li et al. 2018a, b; Cseh et al. 2019; simple and cheap to use, one drawback is that
Baker et al. 2020). The utility of genetic loci only those variants that have been pre-selected
originating from the tertiary wheat genepool has to be present on the array can be assayed. Thus,
begun to lead in the identification of the under- if the SNP identification panel used to design
lying genes and genetic variants; for example, the array does not contain adequate sampling of
the wheat Fhb7 locus conferring resistance to the variants in the target genepool, useful infor-
the fungal disease Fusarium head blight, and mation on the variation present in a target set of
which originated from a Th. elongatum intro- germplasm cannot be adequately assessed. This
gression, has been shown to encode an amino is a common issue for example in synthetic hexa-
acid transferase that detoxifies toxins produced ploid wheat and its derived germplasm, where
by the infecting fungus (Wang et al. 2020). much of the novel D subgenome variation cap-
tured in this germplasm may not be assayed.
More recently, reductions in costs have meant
15.3 Current Genome-Wide that sequencing-based genotyping approaches
Genotyping Approaches have become increasingly used in wheat. These
for Wheat include complexity reduction approaches such as
genotyping by sequencing (GbyS) (Poland et al.
The history of speciation, domestication and 2012), Diversity Array Technology sequencing
breeding outlined above has shaped the heritable (DArTseq™; Sansaloni et al. 2011) and exome
variation present across the wheat genome. At and/or promotor capture followed by Illumina
the DNA level, this variation includes changes short-read (i.e. ~ 150 bp) sequencing (Table 15.2).
to singe nucleotides (single nucleotide polymor- More recently, whole genome low-coverage
phisms, SNPs), or via other rearrangements that sequencing is beginning to be used for genotyp-
typically involve DNA double strand break repair ing in wheat (Table 15.2) and is considered in
such as DNA insertions or deletions (InDels), more detail in Box 1. Natural variation in the
gene copy number variation (CNV) and larger form of InDels and CNV are also relatively abun-
chromosomal rearrangements such as transloca- dant in the wheat genome (e.g. Pont et al. 2019;
tion and/or inversion of larger tracts of DNA. In Walkowiak et al. 2020; Wang et al. 2022), and
the 2000s, advances in wheat research such as despite the relatively limited number of function-
the sequencing across multiple tissues, devel- ally characterised wheat genes to date (Chap. 9),
opmental stages and cultivars of complimentary such variation has been shown to be a relatively
DNA (cDNA) transcribed from messenger RNA common source of functional variation. For exam-
(mRNA), and subsequently the availability of ple, just within the flowering time pathway, dele-
genome assemblies for cv. CHINESE SPRING tions across putative cis-regulatory sites caused
(the wheat reference genome; IWGSC 2018) and by double-stranded DNA break repair via non-
15 additional wheat cvs. (Walkowiak et al. 2020; homologous recombination have been shown
Chap. 14) (Table 15.1) have led to detailed cata- to result in at least seven functional alleles of
logues of both genic and non-genic DNA varia- the VERNALIZATION1 (VRN-1) flowering time
tion. Due to their abundance and nature, wheat gene homoeologues in hexaploid and diploid
studies over the last 10 years have most com- wheat (Cockram et al. 2007), while CNV at the
monly assayed genic single nucleotide poly- PHOTOPERIOD-1 (PPD-1) homoeologues deter-
morphisms (SNPs) for use in genetic mapping mine flowering time in tetraploid and hexaploid
approaches. Since the publication of the first wheat (Díaz et al. 2012; Würschum et al. 2019;
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 295

Table 15.1  Bread wheat cultivars/lines with genome assemblies

Cultivar Seasonal growth Origin Release year Genome assembly
habit type
CHINESE SPRING Spring China NA‡ Reference genome1
ALCHEMY Winter UK 2006 PA3
ARINALRFOR Winter Switzerland NA RQA2
BROMPTON Winter UK 2005 PA3
CADENZA Spring UK 1992* Scaffold2
CDC LANDMARK Spring Canada 2015† RQA2
CDC STANLEY Spring Canada 2009* RQA2
CLAIRE Winter UK 1999 Scaffold2, PA3
HEREWARD Winter UK 1991 PA3
JAGGER Winter USA 1994* RQA2
JULIUS Winter Germany 2008 RQA2
LR LANCER$ Spring Australia 2013* RQA2
MACE Spring Australia 2008* RQA2
NORIN 61 Facultative Japan 1944* RQA2
PARAGON Spring UK 1988 Scaffold2
RIALTO Winter UK 1994 PA3
ROBIGUS Winter UK 2003 Scaffold2, PA3
SOISSONS Winter France 1995 PA3
SY MATTIS Winter France 2010 RQA2
WEEBILL 1 Spring Mexico 1999* Scaffold2
XI19 Facultative UK 2002 PA3
RQA reference quality assembly. PA pseudomolecule assembly. NA not applicable. * From GRIS database. 1IWGSC
(2018). 2 Pre-publication BLAST access at 3Walkowiak et al. (2020).
† Application for Plant Breeders’ Rights date. ‡ Landrace. $ LongReach Lacner. Additionally, a RQA is available for a

winter accession of spelt wheat (T. aestivum ssp. spelta) accession PI190962 from Central Europe2

see also Chap. 11).PPD-1) homoeologues deter- if there are 200 lines in a bi-parental
mine flowering time in tetraploid and hexaploid population, with each line sequenced to
wheat (Díaz et al. 2012; Würschum et al. 2019; 0.3 × coverage, we would expect on aver-
see also Chap. 11). age 60 × coverage of any single locus, and
therefore 30 × coverage of each allele at
any bi-allelic locus, i.e. (200 × 0.3)/2. Thus,
Box 1: Wheat genotyping via skim sequencing by cataloguing and the SNPs present at
As genotyping via genome skim sequenc- good coverage in the population as a whole,
ing is typically undertaken at significantly the presence of any of these SNPs identified
less than 1-times genome-wide sequence via a single sequencing read in any given
coverage per line assayed (termed 1 × ), line can be called with good confidence.
multiple reads at any given chromosomal Pre-determining the sequence variants pre-
location are not expected for any single sent in the population founders, for exam-
line. Therefore, this approach is suited for ple by exome capture or whole genome
experimental populations with defined assembly, may help the process of variant
founders, such that confidence in the DNA calling and the imputation of variants that
variants identified from skim sequence in are not directly sequenced in any given line.
any one line is achieved via reads obtained For example, Scott et al. (2020a) sequenced
from additional lines in the population the 16 founders of a wheat multifounder
that carry the same variant. For example, population via exome + promotor capture
296 J. Cockram

Table 15.2  Examples of recent high-density, high-throughput wheat genotyping approaches

Genome-wide genotyping approaches DNA variation origin
SNP array
9 k array (Cavanagh et al. 2013) Genes from cultivars
90 k array (Wang et al. 2014) Genes from cultivars
280 k array (Rimbert et al. 2018) Genes and intergenic variants identified in whole
genome sequence of 8 cultivars
660 k array (Cui et al. 2017) Unknown
820 k array (Winfield et al. 2016) Exomes of 23 bread wheat cvs./landraces, and 20 spp./
accessions of diploid, tetraploid and decaploid wheat
35 k array (Allen et al. 2017) Subset of SNPs from the 820 k array, above
(Sansaloni et al. 2011, e.g. as applied in wheat by DNA variants, including SNPs and SilicoDArT (pres-
Sansaloni et al. 2020) ence/absence variation) identified via genomic complex-
ity reduction (achieved via restriction enzyme digestion/
ligation), PCR amplification of followed by DNA
sequencing and bioinformatic analysis
Exome capture
DNA probes covering 107 Mb of non-redundant exonic Genes identified from the wheat reference genome
target space (Jordan et al. 2015), representing 33% of the RefSeq v1.0 annotation (IWGSC 2018). Genes and
RefSeq v1.0 high-confidence gene set DNA variants identified are dependent on the germ-
plasm assayed
Exome + promotor capture sequencing
DNA probes covering 509 Mb exonic and 277 Mb pro- Genes and promotors identified from the reference
motor space (Gardiner et al. 2019). > 20 samples can be genome annotations of wheat (RefSeq v1.0 annotation,
multiplexed in a single capture IWGSC 2018; TGACv1 annotation, Clavijo et al. 2017),
Emmer wheat (Avni et al. 2017) and Ae. tauschii (Luo
et al. 2017). Genes and DNA variants identified are
dependent on the germplasm assayed
Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GbyS)
Complexity reduction via restriction enzyme digestion, DNA variants determined bioinformatically from
adaptor ligation, PCR and sequencing (first applied to the ~ 100–150 bp sequence data generated from restric-
wheat by Poland et al. 2012) tion enzyme cleavage sites sampled from across the
Skim sequencing
Whole genome low-coverage DNA sequencing (e.g. as DNA variants originate from single sequencing reads
applied to a 16-founder MAGIC population, Scott et al. per genotype assayed. For experimental populations,
2020a) sequencing depth is achieved via reads from all lines in
the population that carry the same genomic region
PCR polymerase chain reaction

identifying 1.13 million SNPs across the dosage at each chromosomal location to be
110,790 genes targeted by the capture assigned for all RILs. Down-sampling the
probes. They then skim sequenced the 501 0.3 × read coverage showed RILs could be
derived recombinant inbred lines (RILs) accurately inferred from sequence cover-
at 0.3 × coverage, which directly identi- age as low as 0.076 × per RIL. Notably, at
fied ~ 28% of these SNPs (i.e. 1.13 million sequence coverage of 0.076 × and above,
SNPs × 0.3 = 339,000 SNPs). SNP imputa- imputation accuracy was not dependent on
tion in the RILs was then undertaken using whether or not founder haplotypes were
the software STICH (Davies et al. 2016), included as a reference panel. This means
resulting in 94% of the 1.13 million founder that accurate RIL haplotype mosaics in the
SNPs to be called and founder haplotype RILs could be achieved without the need to
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 297

genetic loci, the genetic architecture of most tar-

generate data on the 16 founders. In sum- get traits in wheat is highly quantitative in nature.
mary, imputation from low-coverage whole For example, the mean QTL effect size for grain
genome sequencing of experimental popu- size traits in wheat is less than 10%, compared
lations represents a relatively straightfor- to more than 20% in the diploid cereal rice, and
ward and cost-effective genotyping strategy is likely due to the buffering effect of homoeo-
for bi-parental and multifounder experi- logues of overlapping function in hexaploid
mental wheat populations and does not wheat (Brinton and Uauy 2019).
suffer from the inherent bias of SNP array
genotyping approaches that require the vari-
ants targeted to be pre-identified. 15.5 Population Types

The identification of functional gene variants via

genetic mapping relies on the capture of suffi-
15.4 Genetic Mapping Resolution: cient genetic diversity and genetic recombination.
Population Size, Genetic Fundamentally, two broad experimental population
Recombination and Effect Size types are employed by researchers interested in
identifying genetic loci controlling traits of inter-
Forward genetic mapping relies largely on the est. Both exploit genetic variation, and the reshuf-
recombination fraction between a QTL and the fling of this variation via genetic recombination,
genetic markers that have been genotyped in the in order to associate markers or groups of markers
population, and the heritability of the target trait. (haplotypes, see also Chap. 9) with target traits.
These considerations are reviewed in more detail
elsewhere (e.g. Cockram and Mackay 2018), but
in general greater genetic mapping resolution can 15.5.1 Experimental Populations
be attained by increasing population size and/or
undertaking additional rounds of crossing. Larger Experimental populations are derived from
populations also have the benefit of providing crossing two or more parents to produce prog-
greater QTL detection power. Important to con- eny in which genetic loci can be identified by
sider is the heritability of the target trait and the the strength of the associations between genetic
effect size of the QTL detected. The more her- markers and traits of interest. Examples of some
itable a trait is, and the larger its effect size, the commonly used experimental populations are
easier it is to detect and precisely locate. Indeed, listed below and are illustrated in Fig. 15.2.
most wheat QTL resolved to the underlying
gene level are for highly penetrant major genes, Bi-parental
such as gene-for-gene disease resistance loci Bi-parental populations are most commonly
(e.g. for a recent list of cloned wheat rust resist- used in wheat forward genetics research and
ance genes, see Bouvet et al. 2022b), awn pres- are constructed by first crossing two parents to
ence/absence (Huang et al. 2020), vernalization generate first filial (F1) derived progeny lines.
response (first undertaken in T. monococcum: Yan Inbred progeny are generated either by single
et al. 2003; Yan et al. 2004), plant height (Tian seed descent (whereby individual F2 lines are
et al. 2022) and grain quality (Uauy et al. 2006). selfed over three or more generations to achieve
If trait heritability is low, phenotypic replication acceptable levels of homozygosity genome-
can increase line mean heritability and has been wide) or via doubled haploid approaches (where
used to refine and update the genetic interval of a haploid F1-derived gametes undergo chromo-
locus on chromosome 5A controlling ~ 10% vari- some doubling, resulting in completely inbred
ation for wheat grain size (Brinton 2017; Brinton progeny in a single generation) (Fig. 15.2).
et al. 2017). Aside from such highly penetrant Despite DH lines typically taking less time to
298 J. Cockram




D'/;ϴͿ D;хϰϬϬͿ

Fig. 15.2  Illustration of experimental population and intercrossing illustrated, prior to the production of inbred
association mapping panel designs. Number of found- lines. NAM = nested association mapping. NCII = North
ers illustrated in each panel is indicated in brackets. Carolina II model. MAGIC = multifounder advanced
Dashed lines indicate inbreeding (via single seed descent generation intercross. AM = association mapping
or doubled haploid approaches) to produce multiple population
inbred lines. AIC = advanced intercross, two rounds of
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 299

create compared to RILs, DH populations cap- second ‘recipient’ parent (Fig. 15.2). NILs are
ture less genetic recombination. This is because generated via repeated rounds of backcrossing,
additional genetic recombination events can often with the use of genetic markers to select
occur between regions of heterozygosity from for donor at the target chromosomal region, and
the F2 generation (25% heterozygous) until for the recipient across the remainder of the
effective fixing at around the F6 stage (1.6% genome. NILs are commonly used to target spe-
heterozygous) or beyond, and which on average cific QTL of interest, allowing the effect of the
is equivalent to one additional round of cross- contrasting alleles captured in the NIL pair to be
ing. Bi-parental populations are now begin- evaluated using a single pair of lines, rather than
ning to be constructed from wheat cultivars a larger population in which additional genetic
with genome assemblies, such as the CHINESE loci affecting the target trait may be segregat-
SPRING × PARAGON population (Wingen ing. Following this approach, individual genetic
et al. 2017). loci controlling a target trait can be investi-
gated in detail, and the underlying physiology Advanced Intercross and pleiotropic effects on related traits can be
Even when bi-parental populations are created assessed. Further, a NIL pair can be crossed to
via single seed descent, the amount of genetic generate further genetic recombination and so
recombination captured can be relatively low. further refine the genetic interval. For example,
One way to increase the number of genetic contrasting alleles at a major effect genetic locus
recombinations is to continue random inter- for wheat grain weight identified in a bi-parental
crossing of the F2 for one or more generations population of 192 inbred lines was subsequently
before the production of inbred lines (Fig. 15.2). assessed via phenotypic evaluation of BC2- and
Such advanced intercross (AIC) populations BC4-derived NILs, finding the ~ 7% increase in
(Darvasi and Soller 1995) designs provide grain weight was (i) mediated predominantly by
greater precision compared to standard bi-paren- increased grain length, (ii) the maternal pericarp
tal populations of the same size. For example, cell length was longer in the NIL carrying the
Darvasi and Soller (1995) estimated that eight high grain weight allele, and that (ii) increased
rounds of random intermating would reduce grain length was detectable 12 days after ferti-
a QTL interval from 20 to 3.7 cM. While AIC lisation (Brinton et al. 2017). Additionally, the
have been used in species such as Arabidopsis NILs were used to further refine the genetic
(Fitz et al. 2014) and maize (Balint-Kurti et al. interval to 4.3 cM (Brinton et al. 2017), with
2008), they have yet to be implemented in further analysis indicating that two genetic loci
wheat—likely due to the time required to under- may be present at the locus (Brinton 2017).
take additional rounds of crossing. However, A series of NILs that capture chromosomal
the advent of ‘speed breeding’ approaches, segments from wild and domesticated wheat
that allow the generation time of both spring relatives is termed introgression lines. Recent
(Watson et al. 2018) and winter (Cha et al. 2022) work in the UK has generated such germplasm
wheat varieties to be reduced, means that for resources for a range of wheat relatives. These
primary QTL screens, AIC approaches in wheat include diploid Ae. caudata (CC genome.
should become a more attractive prospect. Grewal et al. 2020), Am. muticum (TT. Coombes
et al. 2022), Th. bessarabicum (JJ. Grewal et al. Near Isogenic Line Pairs, 2018), and T. uratu (AuAu. Grewal et al. 2021),
Introgression Lines tetraploid T. timopheevii (AtAtGG. Devi et al.
and Chromosome Segment 2019), hexaploid Th. intermedium (JJ JvsJvs
Substitution Lines StSt. Cseh et al. 2019) and decaploid Th. elon-
A near isogenic line (NIL) captures a relatively gatum (EbEb EbEb EbEb EStESt EStESt. Baker
small chromosomal region from one ‘donor’ et al. 2020), with all introgression lines gener-
parent within the wider genomic context of a ated using the recipient wheat cv. PARAGON.
300 J. Cockram

When a series of NILs is designed to collec- the number of founders at the expense of fam-
tively capture the entire donor background, the ily size should be preferable, as the decay of
resulting resource is termed a chromosome seg- parental linkage disequilibrium for a given
ment substitution line (CSSL) population. In allele would likely, on average, be shared
wheat, CSSLs populations that capture novel among more parents (Gage et al. 2020). NAM
A, B and D subgenome diversity from wheat populations have now been made in many crop
relatives have recently been developed using species and can be genetically analysed using
(i) a synthetic hexaploid wheat line (Horsnell association mapping approaches. At least part
et al. 2022) and (ii) a tetraploid T. turgidum ssp. of the attraction of NAM design is that their
dicoccoides accession (TTD-140). Not only do composition (a series of bi-parental populations
CSSL populations serve as useful sources of with a common parent) makes them more con-
novel variation, they can also be used directly ceptually familiar to researchers experienced
for genetic mapping, as recently illustrated in with bi-parental populations. Indeed, once a
wheat by Horsnell et al. (2022). genetic locus has been identified in a NAM, it
is straightforward to continue further analysis Multifounder Populations: NAM using one or more of the relevant constituent
While bi-parental populations and derived NILs bi-parental populations. To date, several NAM
had long been the mainstay of forward genetic populations have been created in wheat (Table
approaches, multifounder populations have 15.3; Fig. 15.3). The founders used include elite
recently become commonplace in plant research cultivars (e.g. Bajgain et al. 2016), genetically
(reviewed by Scott et al. 2020b). Multi-parent diverse landraces (Wingen et al. 2017), as well
mapping populations capture more variation as germplasm that captures backcrossed chro-
than bi-parental populations and increase preci- mosomal segments from wheat relatives via
sion via joint linkage and association analysis. synthetic hexaploid wheat and wheat vs tetra-
Nested association mapping (NAM) popula- ploid durum wheat (T. durum ssp. durum) intro-
tions represent a series of bi-parental popula- gression lines. Further, a recent durum NAM
tions (termed ‘families’), each of which has the has been constructed by crossing 50 durum lan-
same parent in common (Fig. 15.2). The first draces to an Ethiopian durum cultivar (Kidane
NAM population was made in maize (Zea mays et al. 2019). The largest wheat NAM currently
L.) by crossing 25 diverse inbred lines with available was constructed using 60 inbred
the inbred line B73 (termed here the ‘linking’ worldwide landraces from the Watkins wheat
founder)—one of the most widely used lines landrace collection, backcrossed to the spring
in the history of maize breeding, and the line UK cultivar PARAGON, generating a popula-
used for the maize reference genome (Yu et al tion of 1192 RILs and a mean of 105 RILs per
2008). Since then, the maize NAM parents have family (Wingen et al. 2017). Therefore, the rar-
become extensively characterised, including est allele captured in the Watkins NAM would
provision of their genome assemblies (Gage be expected to be present in 4% of the popu-
et al. 2020). The genetic resolution obtained lation—a frequency nominally sufficient for
from NAM populations largely depends on the detection via genetic analysis.
number of alleles present in the founders and
the amount of genetic recombination captured Multifounder Populations: North
in the progeny. The rarest alleles in any NAM Carolina II Model
population will be present in half of the prog- A notable limitation of NAM populations is
eny from the corresponding family. Therefore, that while multiple founders are employed, a
in a NAM with 25 families and 200 progeny single ‘linking’ parent is used with which to
per family, rare alleles are expected to be pre- cross to. The North Carolina II (NCII) design
sent in 100 of the total 5000 progeny lines, i.e. of Comstock and Robinson (1952) is concep-
a frequency of 2%. For NAM design, increasing tually an extension of NAM, whereby two or
Table 15.3  Examples of wheat multifounder populations and association mapping panels
Population type and name1 Genepool Population details Genotypic data Germplasm
Diversity panels
Watkins landraces T. aestivum landraces from around the 826 spring landrace accessions from 32 41 microsatellites; 32,443 SNPs for www.seedstor.
Wingen et al. (2014) world countries 804 accessions
Wingen et al. (2017)
Halder et al. (2019)
Chinese landraces T. aestivum landraces from China 717 landraces accessions 9740 DArTseq and 178,803 SNPs CAAS, China
Zhou et al. (2017)
WAGTAIL panel T. aestivum cvs., European 480 north-western European predomi- 90 k SNP array https://www.niab.
Downie et al. (2018) nantly winter cvs. released 1916–2007 com/research/
Fradgley et al. (2019) agricultural-
Sharma et al. (2022) crop-research/
White et al. (2022) resources
Seeds of Discovery Sansaloni T. aestivum 56,342 domesticated hexaploid wheats > 112,038 SNPs and SilicoDArT pres- CIMMYT
et al. (2020) (additionally, 18,946 domesticated ence/absence markers and ICARDA
tetraploid wheats and 3903 wheat wild genebanks
Vavilov wheat collection T. aestivum 295 accessions, including 136 lan- 34,311 DArTseq markers Australian Grains
Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery …

Riaz et al. (2017) draces, 32 cultivars, 10 breeding lines Genebank,

and 118 with unrecorded cultivation Australia
4-parent Australian MAGIC T. aestivum. Australian spring cvs. 4 founders crossed in 3 funnels to 826 DArT markers, 283 SNPs and 53 CSIRO, Australia
Huang et al. (2012) BAXTER, CHARA, WESTONIA, generate 1579 RILs microsatellites across founders and
8-parent Australian MAGIC T. aestivum. spring Australian 8 founders crossed in 313 funnels 27,687 genotyping array SNPs CSIRO, Australia
Shah et al. (2019) (BAXTER, WESTONIA, YITPI), followed by 0, 2 or 3 generations of
4 worldwide spring (AC BARRIE, intercrossing to produce 3412 RILs
Chinese winter (XIAOYAN54) cvs
Table 15.3  (continued)

Population type and name1 Genepool Population details Genotypic data Germplasm
NIAB Elite MAGIC Mackay T. aestivum. 7 winter UK cvs. 8 founders crossed in 180 funnels to 90 k SNP data for founders and 643 NIAB, UK.
et al. (2014) (ALCHEMY, BROMPTON, CLAIRE, produce > 1000 RILs RILs (Mackay et al. 2014); Genome https://www.niab.
Bouvet et al. (2022b) HEREWARD, RIALTO, ROBIGUS), assembly for founders (Walkowiak com/research/
Corsi et al. (2020) 1 alternative UK (XI19), and 1 French et al., 2020), skim-seq for progeny2 agricultural-
Downie et al. (2018) (SOISSONS) cv crop-research/
Lin et al. (2020a) resources
Riaz et al. (2020)
Wittern et al. (2022)
Zanella et al. (2022)
NIAB Diverse MAGIC Scott T. aestivum. European cvs*, includ- 16 winter-grown founders, 600 progeny NIAB, UK.
et al. (2020a) ing 2 in common with the NIAB Elite https://www.niab.
Fradgley et al. (2022b) MAGIC (ROGIBUS, SOISSONS) com/research/
BMWpop T. aestivum. 7 German (BAYP4535, 8 founders crossed in 2 funnels with 5436 SNP genotyping array SNPs Bavarian State
Stadlmeier et al. (2018) BUSSARD, EVENT, FRIL3565, one further round of intercrossing to across founders and 394 RILs Research
Corsi et al. (2021) FORMAT, JULIUS, POTENZIAL) and generate 516 RILs Centre for
Lin et al. (2020b) 1 Danish (AMBITION) winter cvs Agriculture (LfL),
Geyer et al. (2022) Germany
Stadlmeier et al. (2019)
WW-800 T. aestivum, 8 German cvs 8 founders crossed in 2 funnels to 7849 SNPs across the founders and University of
Sannemann et al. (2018) (BERNSTEIN, JB ASANO, JULIUS, generate 910 RILs 910 RILs Halle, Germany
Lisker et al. (2022) LINUS, MEISTER, PATRAS,
INRA MAGIC-like T. aestivum, 60 European/worldwide 1 male-sterile line (cv. PROBUS) 8632 SNPs across 56 founders and
Thépot et al. (2014) cvs crossed and backcrossed with 59 380 RILs
European/worldwide lines before 12
generations of random intermating to
generate 1000 RILs
J. Cockram
Table 15.3  (continued)

Population type and name1 Genepool Population details Genotypic data Germplasm
Watkins-60 T. aestivum landraces from around the 60 bi-parental populations, created by KASP markers and 31 microsatel- JIC Seedstor, UK
Wingen et al. (2017) world crossing 60 spring Watkins landraces lite markers (for seven bi-parental www.seedstor.
Khokhar et al. (2020) selected based on genetic diversity to populations)
the spring T. aestivum cv. PARAGON
to generate 1192 RILs. Mean number
RILs per population = 105
Bajgain-10 T. aestivum cvs., 10 spring stem rust 10 bi-parental populations, created by GbyS for 852 RILs
Bajgain et al. (2016) resistant varieties (9 Kenyan, 1 US) crossing the 10 founders to LMPG-6 to
versus Canadian stem rust resistant generate 852 RILs. Mean number RILs
spring line LMPG-6 per population = 85
Jordan-28 T. aestivum cvs. (3) and landraces (25), 28 bi-parental populations, created 164,668 GbyS SNPs and 57,687 90 k
Jordan et al. (2018) versus CIMMYT cv. Berkut by crossing the 29 founders to cv. array SNPs
BERKUT to generate 2100 RILs.
Mean number RILs per population = 71
Kidane-50 T. turgidum ssp. durum landraces, 50 50 bi-parental populations, created by 12,114 SNPs for 1280 RILs from 20
Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery …

Kidane et al. (2019) landraces versus Ethiopian durum cv. crossing the 50 founders to Asassa to families
ASASSA generate 6280 RILs. Mean number
RILs per population = 126
NIAB_SW_TetHex_NAM2 58 T. turgidum ssp. dicoccum, dicoc- 58 bi-parental populations, created by Axiom 35 k array datasets NIAB, UK.
coides and durum accessions versus crossing the 58 tetraploid accessions https://www.niab.
spring wheat cv. PARAGON to cv. Paragon to generate 1784 RILs. com/research/
Mean number RILs per population = 31 agricultural-
NIAB_WW_SHW_NAM 3 64 SHW accessions versus spring 64 bi-parental populations, cre- None
wheat cv. Paragon ated by crossing the 64 SHWs to cv.
PARAGON to generate 4200 RILs.
Mean number RILs per population = 66
NIAB_WW_SHW_NAM 3 54 SHW accessions versus winter 54 bi-parental populations, created by Axiom 35 k array datasets NIAB, UK.
wheat cv. ROBIGUS crossing the 54 SHWs to cv. ROBIGUS https://www.niab.
to generate 3241 RILs. Mean number com/research/
RILs per population = 60 agricultural-

Table 15.3  (continued)

Population type and name1 Genepool Population details Genotypic data Germplasm
Wheat/wheat relative introgression lines
NIAB_AB_CSSL T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (tetra- 48 BC4-derived inbred lines Axiom 35 k array datasets JIC Seedstor, UK
Horsnell et al. (2022) ploid, AABB) accession TTD-140 www.seedstor.
versus T. aestivum cv. PARAGON
NIAB_D_CSSL SHW (created via combining T. durum 51 BC4-derived inbred lines Axiom 35 k array datasets JIC Seedstor, UK
Horsnell et al. (2022) (tetraploid, AABB) accession Hoh-501 www.seedstor.
with Ae. tauschii (diploid, DD) acces-
sion Ent-336) versus T. aestivum (cv.
Ae. caudata introgression lines Introgression lines between Ae. cau- Ae. caudata versus wheat cv. 620 KASP assays JIC Seedstor, UK
Grewal et al. (2020) data (diploid, CC) accession 2,090,001 PARAGON ph1/ph1 mutant, F1s www.seedstor.
and wheat cv. PARAGON backcrossed to wild-type PARAGON
to generate BC2, BC3, BC4 and BC5
Am. muticum introgression lines Introgression lines between Am. Am. muticum versus wheat cv. PAVON Whole genome JIC Seedstor, UK
Coombes et al. (2022) muticum accessions 2,130,004 and or CHINESE SPRING, F1s back- sequencing, ~ 5 × coverage www.seedstor.
2,130,012 crossed to wheat crossed to cv. PARAGON to produce
different generation backcross lines
Th. bessarabicum introgression Introgression lines between Th. Th. bessarabicum versus (a) wheat Axiom 35 k array datasets JIC Seedstor, UK
lines bessarabicum (diploid, JJ) accession PI cv. PARAGON ph1/ph1 mutant, F1s www.seedstor.
Grewal et al. (2018) 531,712 and wheat cv. PARAGON backcrossed to wild-type PARAGON
to generate 12 BC-derived lines, (b)
T. turgidum cv. CRESCO ph1/ph1
mutant, F1s backcrossed to wild-type
PARAGON to generate 13 BC-derived
Th. elongatum introgression Introgression lines between Th. elonga- Th. elongatum versus wheat cv. Axiom 35 k array datasets JIC Seedstor, UK
lines tum (decaploid EbEb EbEb EbEb EStESt CHINESE SPRING ph1/ph1 www.seedstor.
Baker et al. (2020) EStESt) accession 401,007 and wheat mutant, F1s backcrossed to wild-
cv. PARAGON type PARAGON to generate 330
BC-derived lines
J. Cockram
Table 15.3  (continued)

Population type and name1 Genepool Population details Genotypic data Germplasm
Th. intermedium introgression Introgression lines between Th. inter- Th. intermedium versus wheat cv. Axiom 35 k array datasets JIC Seedstor, UK
lines medium (hexaploid, PARAGON ph1/ph1 mutant, F1s www.seedstor.
Cseh et al. (2019) JJ JvsJvs StSt) accessions 401,141 and backcrossed to wild-type PARAGON
440,016 and wheat cv. PARAGON to generate 197 BC2, BC3 and BC4-
derived lines
T. timopheevii introgression Introgression lines between T. T. timopheevii versus wheat cv. Axiom 35 k array datasets JIC Seedstor, UK
lines timopheevii (tetraploid, AtAtGG) PARAGON ph1/ph1 mutant, F1s back- www.seedstor.
Devi et al. (2019) accession P95-99.1–1 and wheat cv. crossed to wild-type PARAGON to
King et al. (2022) PARAGON generate BC2, BC3 and BC4 lines
Steed et al. (2022)
T. uratu introgression lines Introgression lines between T. uratu T. timopheevii accessions versus wheat Axiom 35 k array datasets and 151 JIC Seedstor, UK
Grewal et al. (2021) (diploid, AuAu) accessions 1,010,001, cv. PARAGON ph1/ph1 mutant, F1s KASP markers www.seedstor.
1,010,002 and 1,010,006 and wheat cv. backcrossed to wild-type PARAGON
PARAGON to generate BC3 lines

All wheat MAGIC populations are listed. For all other population types, notable examples of those available are listed. CSSL chromosome segment substitution line.
MAGIC multifounder advanced generation intercross. NAM nested association mapping. RIL recombinant inbred line. SNP single nucleotide polymorphism. * BANCO,
Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery …

STETSON) Introgressions were first undertaken by crossing T. timopheevii to wheat cv. PARAGON ph1/ph1 mutant (2n = 2x = 14), and the resulting F1 inter-specific hybrids
backcrossed to wild-type PARAGON. 1The first reference listed is the primary reference for the resource, subsequent references list examples of use of the resource. 2J
Cockram, personal communication. 3Data repository at BC backcross
306 J. Cockram

ϴϬ E/^,tƐƉƌŝŶŐ

ϳϬ E/dĞƚ,Ğdž tĂƚŬŝŶƐͲϲϬ
ϰϬ E/^,tǁŝŶƚĞƌ

Ϭ ϮϬ ϰϬ ϲϬ ϴϬ ϭϬϬ ϭϮϬ ϭϰϬ ϭϲϬ

Fig. 15.3  Features of existing wheat nested association with the number of NAM founders (y-axis) and the size
mapping (NAM) populations, comparing mean NAM of the resulting population (proportional to the size of the
progeny per component bi-parental population (x-axis) circle)

more ‘linking’ parents are used such that every (Fig. 15.2). Thus, MAGIC combines the ben-
progeny family has half-sib relationships both efits of increased genetic diversity afforded
through a common mother and through a com- by NAM and NCII, with increased amounts of
mon father (Fig. 15.2). Similarly, any combina- genetic recombination afforded by AIC, while
tion of populations with founder links between minimising population structure via controlled
them can be analysed together to undertake crossing. In contrast to bi-parental populations,
genetic analysis and to increase power and pre- which are typically constructed to target a sin-
cision by increasing sample size (Cockram and gle target trait and are relatively quick to gen-
Mackay 2018). However, such populations are erate, MAGIC populations aim to capture and
more commonly used to confer detection of recombined multiple alleles across the genome
QTL in different genetic backgrounds and on the and therefore take much longer to create.
analysis of epistasis. However, once complete, MAGIC, as well as
other multi-parent populations, are well suited Multifounder Populations: as community resources. In wheat, six MAGIC
MAGIC populations have been published, the first of
While NAM and NCII populations capture more which was the Australian spring wheat 4-parent
diversity than bi-parentals, they capture no addi- MAGIC (Huang et al. 2012). Since then, four
tional genetic recombination than bi-parental additional MAGIC populations have been cre-
populations of the same size. Since its pioneer- ated: 8-parent populations from Australia (Shah
ing use in mouse in 2002 (The Complex Trait et al. 2019), the UK (Mackay et al. 2014) and
Consortium 2002), the multi-parent advanced Germany (Sannemann et al. 2018; Stadlmeier
generation intercross (MAGIC) design has et al. 2018), as well as a 16-parent European
been applied to many crop species (Scott et al. wheat MAGIC (Scott et al. 2020a) (Fig. 15.4).
2020b). To aid crossing design, MAGIC popula- Additionally, a MAGIC-like wheat population
tions typically use 4, 8 or 16 founders. However, made between one male-sterile line crossed and
unlike NAM or NCII populations, all MAGIC backcrossed with 59 European/worldwide lines,
founders are intercrossed over multiple rounds followed by 12 generations of random intermat-
of crossing to produce progeny that capture ing, has been generated (Thépot et al. 2014).
equal proportions of each founder genome To date, the 8-founder NIAB Elite MAGIC
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 307






































































Fig. 15.4  Crossing diagram illustrating the founder track the pedigree of a single recombinant inbred line
selection and pedigree of the wheat 16-parent ‘NIAB (RIL) through the pedigree
Diverse MAGIC’ population. The red and blue lines each

population likely has the most publicly available disease (Bouvet et al. 2022a, c; Corsi et al.
resources available, including the population 2020; Lin et al. 2020a; Riaz et al. 2020) flow-
and associated 90 k array SNP data (Mackay ering time (Wittern et al. 2022), canopy archi-
et al. 2014) and genetic map (Gardner et al. tecture (Zanella et al. 2022), ear architecture
2016), genome assemblies for two of the found- (Dixon et al. 2018), end-use quality and mineral
ers (Walkowiak et al. 2020), and phenotypic content (Fradgley et al. 2022a). Additionally,
and genetic data for numerous traits including BLAST access to the genome assembles for the
308 J. Cockram

remaining six founders is currently available apply to the selection of linking founders in NCII
ahead of publication (https://www.cropdiver- population designs, although as two or more such and release of whole founders are used, more flexibility is afforded.
genome skim sequencing data for the RILs is If the aim of the population is to generate
imminent (J Cockram personal communication). data under field conditions, founders should
be suited for growth in the environments under
which they will be phenotyped. When con-
15.5.2 Founder Selection structing populations using elite varieties, this
should be relatively straightforward. For exam-
Founder choice in any structured population is ple, in the NIAB Diverse MAGIC population,
one of the first decisions addressed and depends the 16 founders were selected to sample maxi-
to some degree on population type. For a bi- mum genetic diversity across a wider collection
parental population, founders that contrast for a of 94 European winter wheat cultivars released
specific trait of interest are typically selected. In over a 70 year period, for assessment under UK
some cases, selection criteria will also include field conditions (Scott et al. 2020a). However,
selection for specific traits that may otherwise for populations that capture variation from lan-
confound the target phenotype. For example, drace or species related to wheat, especially if
founders with similar ear emergence date may these donors originate from geographic areas
be selected to avoid pleiotropic effects on dis- distant to the target environment, adaptability of
eases such as Fusarium head blight that affect the resulting populations to local field environ-
the wheat ear. However, the differential presence ments could be more problematic. In bi-parental
of alleles of contrasting effect between founders or NAM populations, one way to address this is
may mean that while the parents may have been to generate populations from backcross-1 (BC1)
selected for similar phenotype, segregation for generation (where each progeny line contains
the phenotype may still be observed in the prog- on average 25% of the non-recurrent founder
eny. For NAM and MAGIC populations, found- genome) or beyond, rather than from the F1
ers should generally be selected to maximise which is expected to contain 50% contribution
genetic diversity, particularly in those designs from each founder. This approach is logisti-
that include larger founder numbers. For NAM cally harder, as it involves an additional round
populations, the selection of the ‘linking’ founder of crossing and requires more progeny than
is notably important as each progeny line will an F1-derived population to effectively sam-
sample 50% of its genome, and its genome will ple non-recurrent founder genome. However,
be highly represented in the population. ‘Linking’ if the aim is to generate phenotypic data under
founders typically represent a line which has been field conditions, such approaches may be ben-
particularly well characterised, or is common in eficial. For MAGIC designs, as each progeny
the wheat pedigree within the target geographi- line represents a balanced genomic mosaic of
cal region. For example, the cultivar PARAGON all founders, the inclusion of one, or possi-
has been selected as the ‘linking’ founder in three bly more, ‘wilder’ founder genomes is slightly
wheat NAM populations: Watkins-60 (Wingen less problematic. For example, in an 8-founder
et al. 2017), NIAB SHW and NIAB TetHex MAGIC which includes one ‘wilder’ founder,
(data repository at each RIL would be expected to contain a 1/8th
dfw-wp3/). PARAGON is a spring UK variety genomic contribution from the ‘wilder’ founder.
released in 1988 which has a sequenced genome While no such MAGIC populations have been
(Walkowiak et al. 2020), RNA sequence (RNA- constructed to date in wheat, the most diverse
seq) data from multiple tissues and a gamma- is the INRA MAGIC-like population devel-
irradiated series of deletion lines (available via oped using one male-sterile line (cv. PROBUS) crossed and backcrossed with 59 European/
plasm-resource-unit/). Similar considerations worldwide lines before 12 generation of random
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 309

Fig. 15.5   ~ 540 Mb chromosome 2B introgression RefSeq v1.0, cv. CHINESE SPRING) SNP variants (top)
from T. timopheevi present in the NIAB Diverse MAGIC and as reduced sequence coverage (bottom) in MARIS
founder MARIS FUNDIN, as identified by analysis of FUNDIN, compared to the remaining 15 founders. Scott
exome-promotor capture sequence data of the 16 found- et al. (2020a) find the introgression to be substantially
ers. The introgression is visualised here by the increase over-represented in the MAGIC progeny
in non-reference (relative to chromosome 2B IWGSC

intermating to generate 1000 lines (Thépot to the chromosome 1B/1R wheat/rye introgres-
et al. 2014). Finally, for all population designs, sion in cvs. BROMPTON and RIALTO and the
it may be useful to consider the size and extent presence of an introgression on the long arm
of any genomic rearrangements (e.g. the chro- of chromosome 4A in cv. ROBIGUS (Gardner
mosome 5AL/7AL translocation Walkowiak et al. 2016).
et al. 2020) or chromosomal introgressions
from wheat relatives, as their presence is likely
to disrupt local genetic recombination rates. 15.5.3 Association Mapping Panels
While such regions may specifically be sought,
for example the Ae. tauschii (D) and T. durum The experimental populations described above
ssp. durum (AB) genomic contributions cap- take time to construct. However, it is possi-
tured in the NIAB SHW NAM, it is possible ble to exploit the genetic variation and histori-
that one or more founders are unintentionally cal genetic recombination captured in existing
selected that contain such features. For exam- collections of wheat varieties, landraces or
ple, in the 16-founder NIAB Diverse MAGIC accessions (Fig. 15.2). Such association map-
population, cv. MARIS FUNDIN carries a large ping approaches aim to locate QTL based on
introgression of 540 Mb from T. timopheevi on the strength of the association between genetic
chromosome 2B which is substantially over- markers and the target trait(s) and rely on the
represented in the MAGIC progeny (Fig. 15.5) decay of linkage disequilibrium between mark-
(Scott et al. 2020a). Segregation distortion ers and QTL over genetic distance (Cockram
due to introgressions was also identified in the and Mackay 2018). Genetic analysis of asso-
8-founder NIAB Elite MAGIC, for example due ciation mapping panels can be conducted using
310 J. Cockram

markers from candidate genes, or from across control the spring versus winter phenotype
the genome using a whole genome associa- (Bentley et al. 2013), the common practice that
tion scan (GWAS) approach. Most commonly, spring cultivars are typically bred from other
single markers are regressed against the target spring lines, while winters are bred from win-
trait. However, power can be increased by con- ters means that any genetic variants present at
structing haplotypes from the genotypic allele notably different frequencies between these
calls of two or more genetic variants that are two germplasm pools continue to show skews
closely physically or genetically linked within a in their frequency in progeny lines. Thus here,
defined region (haploblock). Use of haplotypes if a favourable allele controlling a trait of inter-
in GWAS can improve the estimation of allelic est happened to segregate predominantly in the
effects and increase statistical significance spring pool, then the population structure inher-
and is increasingly used in wheat. For exam- ent within spring varieties may lead to false-
ple, linkage disequilibrium approach to defin- positive genotype-trait associations (termed
ing haploblocks in a panel of 6333 wheat lines Type-I errors) that are not due to close linkage
genotyped with 14,027 GbyS genetic markers of markers with the underlying QTL. It is pos-
resulted in the identification of 537 genome- sible to control statistically for population struc-
wide haploblocks for downstream GWAS of ture (Q) by using genetic markers to determine
grain yield (Sehgal et al. 2020). Alleles present a Q-matrix of population membership estimates
at a frequency of less than 5% within the panel for each accession in the panel. Q-matrices
will typically not be detected, even if these can be determined using programmes such
alleles have relatively high effect sizes and/ as STRUCTURE (Pritchard et al. 2000) or
or the causative polymorphism is assayed. In via principal component analysis (Zhao et al.
human genetics, approaches that help identify 2007). Additional correction for more recent
rare alleles in GWAS are increasingly being similarities due to close kinship (K) can also be
used (reviewed by Lee et al. 2014), such as included and can be determined using genetic
aggregation tests that evaluate cumulative effects markers. Indeed, approaches such as the Q + K
of multiple genetic variants in a gene or region. mixed model (Yu et al. 2006) that account for
The ability to generate experimental populations multiple levels of relatedness between individu-
in plants means that such approaches are not as als have been shown to control well for false-
necessary to explore. positive as well as false-negative (Type-II error)
Unlike the case in most experimental popu- associations and often lead to higher power than
lations in which allele frequency is relatively correction via Q or K alone (Yu et al. 2006).
equally distributed among the progeny, asso- However, accounting for population structure/
ciation mapping panels are often characterised kinship sacrifices some level of experimental
by notable levels of population substructure or power to detect those genetic loci that are cor-
subdivision. This is due to the differences in related with the adjustments made. Nevertheless,
the shared ancestry of the lines over time, due power and precision to detect genetic loci in
to non-random mating. In cereal crops, popula- association mapping panels can be high, com-
tion structure commonly arises from (i) physi- pared to experimental populations of the same
cal separation, i.e. (geographic location), (ii) the size. While improved power can be achieved
contrasting germplasm preferences within dif- by increasing the number of individuals in the
ferent breeding companies, (iii) seasonal growth panel, the inclusion of additional accessions
habit (i.e. spring or winter-sown) and (iv) traits may increase population substructure and/or
underlying end-use quality (such as malting kinship. Similarly, linkage disequilibrium may
or feed in barley, or bread making versus in decay quite slowly in with genetic distance in
wheat) (Cockram et al. 2010; White et al. 2022) cultivars (due to close kinship among all lines),
and yield (Sharma et al. 2022). For example, which will reduce the precision to detect QTL
while relatively few major genetic determinants (Cockram and Mackay 2018) but will increase
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 311

power. Conversely, linkage disequilibrium in disease resistance. In such cases, a wheat line
panel’s landraces is typically higher, enabling for which resistance to the target disease is con-
greater genetic mapping precision. Genotyped trolled by a single major effect locus is mutated,
wheat landraces collections are now avail- and susceptible TILLING lines identified pheno-
able that sample diversity with single countries typically. Assuming the underlying gene can be
(e.g. China, Zhou et al. 2017) or from around sequenced, relatively low numbers of TLLING
the world—such as the Watkins (Wingen et al. lines with independent mutations at the target
2014) and Vavilov collections (Riaz et al. 2018). locus are generally sufficient to give a high sta-
These are beginning to be used for GWAS of tistical probability of identifying the causative
agronomic traits, such as disease resistance (tan gene. For example, Sánchez-Martín et al. (2016)
spot, Halder et al. 2019; leaf rust. Riaz et al. estimated that the probability that the 12 kb gene
2018, stripe rust, Jambuthenne et al. 2022) and containing contig of their target wheat gene
pre-harvest sprouting (Zhou et al. 2017). Given (Pm2 conferring resistance to powdery mildew)
the multiple variables affecting GWAS in asso- being mutated across all 12 identified powdery
ciation mapping panels, it is useful to determine mildew susceptible TILLING mutants was 1 in
the efficacy of experimental design by undertak- 300,000,000,000. Several approaches to apply-
ing power calculations, especially if population ing DNA sequencing to such gene identifica-
size is relatively small (e.g. White et al. 2022). tion approaches have been published: the first
uses exome capture of pre-determined can-
didate gene families (termed resistance-gene
15.6 Reverse Genetics Germplasm enrichment sequencing, RenSeq, when applied
Platforms to NRL disease resistance gene families; Jupe
et al. 2013). The second, termed MutChromSeq,
Functional validation of genes genetically involves flow sorting and direct sequencing of
mapped using experimental or association the target chromosome in each of the phenotypi-
mapping populations can be undertaken using cally identified TILLING lines (Sánchez-Martín
reverse genetics approaches. Transgenic meth- et al. 2016). In addition to such experiment-
ods aim to alter gene expression or function, specific TILLING resources, exome capture
typically via gene overexpression, gene silenc- followed by DNA sequencing of large numbers
ing or gene editing (reviewed in wheat by of TILLING lines generated from the spring
Adamski et al. 2020). Alternatively, non-trans- bread wheat cv. CADENZA (1200 lines) and
genic reverse transgenics approaches are avail- the tetraploid wheat cv. KRONOS (1535 lines)
able that exploit genetic variation induced by have been made publicly available (Krasileva
mutagenizing agents. In wheat, the most com- et al. 2016). The resulting TILLING muta-
monly used are Targeting Induced Local Lesions tions have been aligned against the bread wheat
in Genomes (TILLING) populations, created by reference genome of cv. CHINESE SPRING
using an inbred donor line (termed the M0 gen- (RefSeq v1.1; IWGSC 2018) and searchable via
eration) and applying the chemical agent ethyl the Ensembl plants (Cunningham et al. 2022)
methanesulphonate (EMS). The resulting EMS genome browser. The effects of mutations on
treated seed is termed the M1 generation, which protein sequence have been predicted in rela-
can be subsequently selfed over several gen- tion to CHINESE SPRING gene models, with
erations to generate a population of TILLING deleterious mutations determined to be present
lines in which the EMS-generated mutations in around 90% of the captured genes. The abil-
become progressively fixed in homozygous ity to identify and prioritise TILLING mutants
state. Bespoke experiment-specific TILLING in silico means these resources serve as use-
populations are frequently used to determine ful genome-wide resources for gene functional
genes underlying traits controlled by sin- validation in wheat. Considerations for the
gle major effect genes, such as gene-for-gene identification and validation of wheat TILLING
312 J. Cockram

mutants in the CADENZA and KRONOS pop- haplotypes in breeding. Analysis of crossover
ulations are listed in more detail by Adamski events in RIL populations has identified QTL
et al. (2020) and include the need to combine for genetic recombination frequency, such as
TILLING mutants in multiple homoeologues a locus on chromosome 6A in the CHINESE
to overcome possible functional redundancy as SPRING × PARAGON population control-
well as the need to undertake sufficient rounds ling around 6% of the variation (Gardiner et al.
of backcrossing to remove background muta- 2019). Further, recent work shows that recom-
tions. Examples of their use for gene functional bination events in wheat pericentric regions can
characterisation include (i) wheat candidate be increased in some chromosomes by increas-
genes orthologous to map-based cloned gene ing temperature during meiosis (Coulton et al.
from model species (e.g. TaGRAIN WIDTH2, 2020), although this does come with reduced
Simmonds et al. 2016), (ii) wheat genes identi- fertility (Draeger and Moore 2017). Transgenic
fied via forward phenotypic screening followed approaches for altering genetic recombination
by bulk segregant analysis of backcross derived rates and locations are also now being inves-
progeny between mutant line and wild-type (e.g. tigated. For example, transient virus induced
HOMEOBOX DOMAIN-2, Dixon et al. 2022) gene silencing (VIGS) of wheat candidate genes
and (iii) candidate genes underlying wheat homologous to genes in other species shown to
genetic loci previously refined by fine-mapping control genetic recombination shows it is pos-
(e.g. WHEAT ORTHOLOG OF APO1, Kuzay sible to alter the distribution of recombination
et al. 2022; EARLY FLOWERING 3, Wittern along chromosomes (Raz et al. 2021). VIGS
et al. 2022). While the ability to screen in silico silencing of the durum wheat homologue of the
the cv. CADENZA and KRONOS TILLING anti-cross over gene XRCC2 (a paralogue of
populations provide proven community RAD51) in F1 plants ahead of meiosis resulted
resources for gene functional characterisation, in increased genetic recombination across much
they can only be used for those genes present in of the pericentromeric region of chromosome
the two founding cultivars used. The availabil- 4B, as well the more distal pericentromeric
ity of annotated genome assemblies for multiple regions of chromosome 5B (Raz et al. 2021).
wheat varieties now provides the underpinning Such results indicate that it should be possible to
knowledge from which it may in future be pos- increase genetic recombination in at least some
sible to develop additional sequenced TILLING of the pericentromeric landscape of wheat. The
resources that target genes not captured in cv. maturation of gene editing methodologies may
CADENZA and KRONOS. soon enable the targeting of cross-overs and
genetic recombination to more specific genomic
15.7 The Future of Genetic
15.8 Conclusions
Genetic recombination in wheat is enriched in
the telomeric regions and becomes progres- In parallel to the efforts to provide wheat
sively less frequent towards the pericentromeric genomic and genotyping tools, the wheat com-
and centromeric regions, with 80% of recombi- munity has generated extensive resources to sup-
nation events occurring in less than a quarter of port genetic locus and gene characterisation via
the genome (e.g. Gardner et al. 2016; IWGSC forward and reverse genetics approaches. For
2018). As genetic mapping relies on the occur- highly penetrant wheat genetic loci originat-
rence of recombination, being able to increase ing from natural variants or via induced muta-
recombination at chromosomal regions of inter- tion, and where phenotype effectively acts as a
est would help both genetic mapping preci- genetic marker, various routes have been used
sion, and the ability to recombine different to identify the underlying genetic loci, including
15 Genome-Wide Resources for Genetic Locus Discovery … 313

fine-mapping in bi-parental derived germ- Acknowledgements I thank Mike Scott for the images
plasm, as well as reverse genetics approaches used in Figs. 15.4 and 15.5. My time was supported
by Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research
such as RenSeq and MutChromSeq where the Council (BBSRC) grants BB/P010741/1 and BB/
identification of multiple independent alleles R019231/1.
rather that genetic recombination is required.
For genetic loci of a more quantitative nature,
to date it is those which account for an unusu- Glossary
ally high proportion of genetic variation that
have been fine-mapped or map-based cloned, 2n = 6x = 42, AABBDD n is the gametic chro-
using bi-parental populations and also more mosome number, 2n is somatic chromosome
recently via multifounder populations. The number. x is the basic chromosome number,
vast majority of remaining heritable variation which for wheat is 7. Bread wheat is hexa-
in the wheat genepool is much more quantita- ploid with 6 chromosome sets in its genome
tive in nature, typically accounting for 3–5% of (6x), termed the AA, BB and DD subge-
the phenotypic variation. For such loci, includ- nomes. Thus, a somatic cell of the hexaploid
ing those located in genomic regions with very bread wheat genome has a total of 42 chro-
low genetic recombination, identification of the mosomes, summed across its AA BB and DD
underlying genes and variants via forward map- subgenomes.
ping approaches will continue to pose a chal- Advanced intercross (AIC) A bi-parental pop-
lenge. However, genetic mapping approaches ulations, where F2 progeny are intercrossed
will allow their alleles and linked haplotypes to over one or more generations before the gen-
be determined, and increasingly, for the epistatic eration of inbred lines.
non-additive interaction effects of these loci to Association mapping A method for genetic
be characterised. For wheat breeding, advances mapping of QTL that uses historic linkage
in our knowledge of genetic loci and gene func- disequilibrium to associated phenotype to
tion will best be exploited within a quantitative genetic markers. Also known as ‘linkage dis-
genetics framework (Mackay et al. 2021). Trait equilibrium mapping’.
improvement in the context of breeding over Copy number variation (CNV) Differences in
the next decade will likely focus on integra- the number of copies of a particular gene or
tion of multi-trait ensemble phenotypic weight- chromosomal region. Where there is a pres-
ing approaches (e.g. Fradgley et al. 2022b) ence or absence of a gene/region, it can also
combined with improved genomic selection be termed presence/absence variation (PAV).
methodologies and field-based phenotyping at Genetic recombination The rearrangement of
increasing throughput and precision. The next DNA sequences by the breakage and re-join-
decade will likely also see the maturation of ing of chromosome segments.
approaches to engineer increased genetic recom- Genome-wide association study (GWAS) A
bination, and to design via gene editing new method for genetic mapping, using a collec-
alleles with improved function. Finally, com- tion of varieties, landraces or lines from an
puter vision, artificial intelligence and machine experimental population with phenotypic and
learning and approaches are now maturing to the genome-wide genotypic datasets.
point at which they can more readily be applied Haplotype A set of DNA markers located suf-
to complex challenges such as crop phenotyping ficiently closely linked on the same chromo-
and plant breeding. Such approaches need to be some to be frequently inherited as a single unit.
efficiently combined to underpin future breed- Linkage disequilibrium (LD) Non-random
ing for improved crop performance, quality and association of genetic markers at separate
resilience. loci located that are typically located on the
same chromosome.
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