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This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, locales

or persons, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

Copyright © 2021 by Kenya Wright
All rights reserved.
This book or any portion thereof
may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher
except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America
First Printing, 2021
Kellan P.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge on
neurodivergence and what it means to be on the Spectrum.
I was nervous about writing a character with Asperger’s.
You gave me the confidence to release the novel.
Thank you for your time, assistance, and support!!
An Embarrassing Death


I ’ve always yearned for an honorable death. Let my chest be full of bullets.
Let my corpse’s arm be locked around my enemy’s neck, dragging him
with me to hell’s door.
And the only admirable death in bed would involve a hard cock and a
gorgeous woman. Extra points earned if there were more than one woman.
But let there be blood. Let there be explosions and cries of horror as I go.
Let my name ride the cold chill of nightmares. Let my last words forever be
written in gold and whispered among legends.
Due to this, I kept my two favorite guns close—Cain and Abel. This
ensured that I would be ready for any enemy and would look good as I killed
But never
did I want to be discovered,
cold and dead,
while wearing a gown and wig.
It would be the biggest joke amongst gangsters.
Who did this to Romeo?
In a circle, Marcelo, Lei, Chanel, and I gathered around our dead friend.
Lost to us forever, Romeo stood cold and stiff in the brothel suite. The
killer had propped him up like a mannequin with wooden stands, rope, and
nails. Usually, Romeo’s long black dreadlocks fell around his face and hit his
For some reason, the killer put a Marie Antoinette wig on him. The
powder-white hair piece was stacked in layers of curls that reached a foot in
the air.
Makeup covered Romeo’s brown face—pink cheeks, purple eye shadow,
and candy red lips. He wore a shimmering silk gown that was cinched at the
waist with a sheer golden sash. The gown’s bottom half flared out into an
extreme egg-shaped skirt.
One would have thought my old friend was off to a ball to meet Prince
Charming. Surely, he would have stolen the prince’s heart.
Romeo looked gorgeous. If one didn’t focus too much on the death and
suffering, many would agree. His cheeks never looked rosier. His eyes came
alive with beauty.
I’m thankful to the killer for cleaning up the blood.
Marcelo walked over to me. His green eyes watered, but I knew he would
never let a tear drop. I also noted that his eyes were less dilated and there was
no white powder on his nose.
He must have a fight coming up.
Long black curls fell over Marcelo’s forehead. The sides of his head were
cut into a fade. At 6’4, I usually towered over most, but he met my height.
“Dimitri.” Marcelo lowered his voice. “Thoughts?”
“Romeo doesn’t look bad as a woman.” I shrugged. “The purple eye
shadow really ties it all in with the golden sash.”
Marcelo glared at me. “Our friend is dead, and all you can think about is
how some psycho made him look pretty?”
“I was trying to find the silver lining on a very dark cloud.”
He studied me like most did—with disgust, yet fascination.
Sighing, I pulled out my mini book and pen, flipped it open, and jotted
down a new note.
Don’t compliment a dead friend’s dress. The people who are alive don’t
like it.
That was the problem with Asperger’s syndrome. I never knew if I was
providing the appropriate social response. Most of the time, I mimicked
others and tried to blend in.
All my life, my mother thought it was best to keep my Asperger’s a secret.
The only spectrum that people knew in my world, was Spectrum Casino in
the South.
When I slipped in behavior, most assumed I was a sociopath. My mother
loved it. For her, it would be better if other gangsters thought I was psychotic
verses handicaped.
Marcelo watched me. “What did you write down?”
I closed the little book and kept it near me. “Nothing.”
“Do you have anything else to say, Dimitri?” Marcelo folded his big arms
over his chest.
Many called Marcelo the Paradise Playboy. It was false. I fucked more
women than him.
Against my will, we shared a tailor. It made sense. We were both big men
with broad shoulders and muscular builds. Plus, my tailor, London was the
best in the city.
Today, Marcelo wore a leprechaun green suit to represent his crew’s
colors. Marcelo led the Row Street Mob and ruled the southern part of
Paradise City. His black shirt was unbuttoned at the top. The only jewelry he
wore was the Rolex wrapped around his wrist. Which was all diamonds and
white gold.
I shook my head at his suit. “Why would you force London to make that
for you?”
“My suit?” Marcelo sneered, “You’re lucky this is a tense moment. . .and
the Syndicate doesn’t need another dead leader.”
“I would put a bullet in your head for these stupid comments.”
“You’re lucky.” I smirked. “I would have my gun out and a bullet in your
head, before your small brain transmitted to your head the action of getting
your gun.”
Marcelo remained silent as he watched me with a murderous glare. While
he could be violent, he avoided conflict as much as possible and preferred to
keep his fighting in the boxing ring.
I could be nicer. We’re both upset about Romeo’s death.
I cleared my throat. “Sorry. The suit is not that bad.”
Marcelo leaned in closer. “I don’t give a fuck about the suit or your tailor.
What are we going to do about the Syndicate?”
I turned my attention back to our dead friend and partner. Romeo had been
the glue that held the Syndicate together. “You want me to state the
“Yes. Humor me.”
“Romeo is dead. Now we have a big problem on our hands.”
Officially, I commanded the North. Unofficially, I also ruled the Diamond
Syndicate, handling our problems and maintaining the peace.
“What are we going to do?” Marcelo asked.
“What we always do. Wait for me to fix it.”
Marcelo frowned. “But—”
“Let me think.” Stepping forward, I assessed Romeo and placed my hand
in my left pocket. My king chess piece lay within it. It had come from the
most expensive chess set in the world—the Jewel Royale. The king piece
alone possessed 146 diamonds and seventy-three rubies studded in 165.2
grams of eighteen carat gold.
Meanwhile, the chess set was worth 9.8 million USD, and lost to the world
forever. Mom refused to take it out of the attic, due to my father dying in the
process of stealing it.
Marcelo got back to my side. “You think you can fix this?”
“Maybe isn’t good enough, Dimitri.”
“I may look like a god, but I’m not one.” In my pocket, I twisted the chess
piece. “What do you think the killer was trying to say with putting him in a
“That Romeo was gay.”
I shook my head. “Too simple.”
Surely, these theatrics symbolized something more.
Romeo didn’t only resemble Queen Marie Antoinette, but he had the
posing of Lady Justice. While there wasn’t a blindfold, he gripped a sword in
his left hand that pointed to the ground.
Thick, dry blood caked the blade.
My stomach twisted. I moved my view to the Romeo’s other hand.
Lady Justice held a set of scales suspended from one hand. The same was
true for Romeo. However, a rainbow colored dildo, whip, and two bottles of
lube sat on top of his scales.
I sniffed the space in front of me. The stench of death permeated the air.
He’s been here for a few days.
Tension and dread weighed down my shoulders. I’d lost many men in this
bloody underworld of power and gunplay. But Romeo’s death would hurt. It
would break me more than the others.
Tapping the chess piece in my pocket, I turned away from Romeo and
looked at the others, assessing the expressions on their faces. I noted the
things their mouths didn’t say—their body language and even the clothes
they chose to wear today.
Did one of you do this?
Like me, Marcelo brought in millions due to the Diamond Syndicate’s
efforts, but Marcelo had an animalistic hunger that kept him in the boxing
Could Marcelo have done this?
He quirked his brows. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
When Marcelo wasn’t training for boxing, one could catch him partying
every night with the hint of white powder around his nostrils and two big,
bosomed women flanking him.
But now he must be training.
That meant no drugs, women, and alcohol. And the only thing Marcelo
would hit, would be a bag or sparring partner.
Romeo’s killer spent a lot of time thinking about this murder. There
must’ve been a lot of preparation in getting Romeo alone, bringing all the
stuff, and making sure he had the time to clean, dress, and pose the corpse.
Marcelo didn’t do this.
I left him and headed for Lei and Chanel who were on the other side of the
Besides me, who is the most detail-oriented person in the Syndicate?
I let go of the chess piece, took my hand out of my pocket, and put my
attention to Lei on my left. His long black hair was tied in a ponytail that fell
down his back. He wore his signature leather trench coat along with a white
buttoned-down shirt and dark blue pants. I knew several knives and guns
were strapped within the inside of the trench.
His number two, Chen had not come up to him. Instead, Chen remained by
the door, constantly checking it. I wasn’t sure if he was just uneasy with the
dead body or nervous.
Could it have been Lei or Chen? What about someone from the East trying
to create war with the West?
In the East of Paradise, Lei ran the Four Aces—the biggest Asian gang in
The story went that his father fell in love with the wife of a top Triad boss.
The lovers fled China and landed in America where Lei was eventually born.
His father set up Paradise’s first black market in weapons. Slowly, he
made his throne in the East with one illegal gun at a time.
Last year, Lei’s mother died. Distraught, his father turned his back on
crime and became a pastor of a church called Sinner’s Haven.
My spies reported that Lei didn’t talk to his father anymore. Even more
interesting, my spies followed Lei to Chanel’s house where she lived with her
husband. There, he would sit in the car all night like a peeping Tom.
Due to his secret obsession with Chanel, Lei would never do anything to
hurt her. Killing her brother would definitely do more than hurt her.
Lei didn’t do it.
I turned to Chanel.
My heart broke for her the most. Romeo was her oldest brother and led her
family’s gang—Killer Crows. Out of all the gangs, theirs had been in
Paradise the longest. They’d begun as diamond thieves. Now, they ruled the
West of Paradise and fenced most luxury items—sports cars, jewelry, art, etc.
While Chanel knows how to do make up, she would never kill Romeo and
dress him up. Right?
I eyed her.
Long black hair outlined her chocolate brown face. Always elegantly
dressed, a white fur donned Chanel’s shoulders, covering most of her candy
red blouse and pants as well as her two diamond encrusted guns. Her high
heels matched the stylish suit. Diamonds draped her neck, ears, and fingers.
Even though Chanel was slim and short, she could easily kill almost
anyone. And she never needed much of a reason to do it. Once I’d witnessed
her murder someone with a fork. She’d stabbed him so hard in the throat that
it had taken two people to yank it out.
Most of her victims had closed casket funerals.
No. It wasn’t Chanel either.
Her number two, Nefertiti stood behind her in a black suit. At 6’4, she was
the tallest woman I’d ever met. Small cornrows decorated her head in a
circular pattern. Red beads dangled from the braids’ tips.
Nefertiti wouldn’t have done it either.
Tears left Chanel’s eyes. “Who killed my brother?”
Lei’s face held sadness. “You know I could never hurt Romeo. I loved
him too much.”
Chanel gazed my way.
I chose my words carefully. “I’m trying to figure it out now.”
She looked at Marcelo.
He shook his head. “I haven’t talked to Romeo in days. I’ve been training
the whole time.”
“Somebody is lying.” Anger rose in Chanel’s eyes. “Romeo is here by
himself. That means someone must’ve called him here to meet without his
men. Who else would he do that for, but you three?”
We remained quiet.
“This is bullshit. One of you set him up.” Chanel reached for the guns
under her fur.
I had mine out my holster first and pointed at her face. “Relax. You’re in
the grips of mourning. Don’t do anything you’ll regret. Don’t forget that we
loved Romeo too.”
She kept her hand on her guns, but didn’t draw them. “Dima, stop pointing
that gun at my face.”
“Then, move your hand away from yours and remember that we’re
Lei grabbed my attention by tapping the point of his gun on my shoulder. I
hadn’t even realized he’d pulled it. That was how fast and silent he could be.
She’s the one that is being crazy right now, Lei! Not me.
On my right, Marcelo growled, “Put it away, Dimitri. You know better
than that.”
I lowered the gun. “Sorry, Chanel. But I know you well. If you take out a
gun, you will shoot.”
Chanel moved her hand from the gun. “I should shoot. One of you did it. I
know it.”
Lei took his gun off my shoulder.
Marcelo spoke, “We can’t start blaming each other. That’s exactly how
this city has gone to war before.”
I nodded. “Surprisingly, Marcelo is right.”
He glared at me.
I continued, “The Diamond Syndicate will remain united through this.
We’ll find the killer fast and give Romeo and the East justice.”
Chanel quirked her brows. “And if one of you did this?”
Lei stepped to her side. “Then, this is war.”
I sighed. “It’s not one of us.”
Marcelo put his glare on Lei. “Could you get out of Chanel’s corner for a
few seconds? We need everyone to think clearly, not with emotion.”
“Give me time to fix this.” I raised one finger. “Have I ever let you all
down before?”
Marcelo was about to speak. Lei glared at him. Marcelo went silent.
Chanel hugged herself. A tear left her eye.
Concern covered Lei’s face. “What do you think, Chanel? Do you agree
with Dima’s plan?”
She gazed at her dead brother. “I agree. If there’s one thing about you,
Dima, you’re always the most logical one. Even in the face of death.”
I gave her a sad smile. “Chanel, I personally will find the killer.”
She nodded. “I’m sorry, guys. . .I shouldn’t have reached for my guns—”
“Don’t apologize,” Lei said. “You’re upset.”
I shrugged. “Actually, she should apologize.”
Lei scowled at me.
“I’m just glad you didn’t take them out, Chanel.” Marcelo walked over
and gave her a hug. “We’ll fix this. We all loved Romeo. Let me know if you
need anything.”
Now what will happen to the Syndicate?
She cried in his hold. Meanwhile, Lei watched with envious longing. I
knew he wouldn’t touch her. None of us talked about his crush on her that
had started in high school. Everyone knew about it, except Chanel.
Marcelo let Chanel go and went back to where he was standing.
She cleared her throat. “I just don’t understand why Romeo would come
out here to mess with prostitutes. Why not go to one of Dima’s clubs in the
Marcelo smirked at me. “Because Romeo probably didn’t want to get
spied on by Dimitri’s people.”
I ignored him and scanned the room. “Still, there must’ve been a reason
Romeo traveled ten minutes outside of Paradise to come here. Who was he
“Let’s hope that answer holds the key.” Lei placed his hands in his
trench’s pockets.
“I’ll get the cops on this.” I gestured for Viktor—my number one.
He came over. “Yes, boss.”
“Who called us about the body?”
“The brothel owner—Nicolette.” Viktor pointed to the doorway.
There, several women peeked in. Sexy lingerie covered their curvy bodies
—red silk and white lace, pink ostrich feathers and purple velvet.
In the center, a woman gazed our way with a worried expression.
Viktor called her over.
Nicolette walked over to us.
I eyed her. “When did Romeo get here?”
“Yesterday afternoon, he always has lunch in the dining area and then he
goes upstairs for his afternoon special.”
“Which is?”
Nicolette looked away. “Two of his favorites—Candy and Simon. He
always enjoyed a man and a woman.”
Chanel parted her lips in shock. Marcelo and I exchanged glances. Lei
didn’t appear surprised at all.
“Alright.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “So, he’s been dead since
“I think so.” Nicolette couldn’t even look at the body. “The maids found
him this evening.”
More than twenty-four hours passed. How did she not know a dead man
was in the room?
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Bring Candy and Simon to me. I want
to question them.”
Nicolette widened her eyes. “They didn’t do this.”
I walked over. She inched back. I stopped in front of her. “Where. Are.
Nicolette’s bottom lip quivered. “I-I can’t find them.”
That’s a convenient coincidence.
When most lied, they faced their palms away from who they were lying to.
It was an unconscious sign that they were holding back information.
When a person lied they also used gestures with their hands after they
spoke as opposed to during or before a conversation. The brain did many
strange things. When the person lied, the brain wondered if the listener
believed them, causing a normal gesture to occur after a statement, instead of
I checked her hands. She had her palms facing away.
I watched her hands once more. “Do you have any idea where they could
“There’s been talk that they’ve left town.” She twisted her palms. “I wish I
knew something, but I can’t find them.”
The hands flickered again.
Many theories came to mind. The madam probably found Romeo last
night, got the prostitutes out of town, and waited for them to be far enough
before calling us. That was fine with me. A good madam protected her
But did the prostitutes kill and dress up Romeo? That didn’t seem to fit.
Chanel walked over. “What do you mean you can’t find them?”
Nicolette inched back some more. “Last I heard, they left in the middle of
the night.”
I glared. “Find them and fast. Until then, this brothel is closed. You may
be out of the North’s domain, but not away from my control.”
That statement triggered feminine chatter in the hallway. A closed brothel
meant no money for anybody. Surely, that would be motivation enough for
someone to come forward with information.
Nicolette bobbed her head. “I’ll find them.”
Minutes later, the police showed up. Many were officers on the
Syndicate’s payroll. Chanel’s husband, Pedro arrived later, smelling of
women and alcohol.
“Holy shit!” A dark laugh left Pedro. “Who knew Romeo liked to wear
women’s clothing?”
That started a hushed argument between Chanel and him as she tried to get
her husband out of there.
Next, Leo arrived, dressed in a modest, blue robe.
At least he’s still wearing the colors of the East.
When I was a kid, I would love to witness him enter. He hated guns,
choosing to only sell them. Instead, he kept a long double-edged sword.
Today, the gold cross around his neck served as his only weapon.
Leo walked over to us. And for that one moment, the sadness and darkness
around us disappeared. He brought the calm.
With a disapproving gaze, he looked at all of us. “Children, how long will
we do this? How long will we bury the people that we love?”
Lei closed his trench coat and left. His men in blue left with him.
Watching his son leave, Leo’s forehead wrinkled. “Perhaps, I should save
my preaching for the pulpit.”
“That’s okay, Leo.” Chanel sniffled. “I think prayer is just what we need.”
That sounds boring.
Leo held out his hands. Marcelo took the right one. Chanel took the left
and held out her hand for me.
“I’d rather not.” I headed off.
Leo called back, “We’ll pray for you, Dima.”
“Great.” I continued forward.
Viktor walked on my side.
My three personal guards had waited in the hallway. When I entered, they
got behind me and followed.
Romeo is dead. Now who will I talk to? Who will make me laugh on
dreary days?
I pushed that out of my head and looked at Viktor. “Have you found
Johnny Cupcakes yet? We’ll need to buy a shipment of guns from him. I’m
sure Lei won’t give us weapons until this shit is cleared up.”
“You think we need more guns?”
“Better safe than sorry. Romeo’s death could trigger a war within the
Diamond Syndicate.”
“We’re still searching for Johnny Cupcakes, boss.”
“What a way to start off a Wednesday.”
Viktor kept my pace. “Who do you think did it?”
“No idea. When Pedro arrived, I hoped it could be him. But it’s clear he’s
too drunk to even be a decent husband to Chanel. There’s no way he could
have pulled this off.”
“We’ll need to find out soon, Dima. The longer the murderer is unknown,
the more rage will rise among Chanel and the Killer Crows.”
My guards opened the brothel’s front door for us.
The night air cooled my skin.
I headed through the door. “Chanel and her younger sister Kashmere will
give me a week. Maybe two. Then, the West will take matters into their own
hands. They’ll kick open doors and yank people out of bed to get answers.”
“And, Lei will gather the Four Aces and support any move Chanel wants.”
“Pandemonium.” I stuffed my mini book into my pocket.
We approached my Rolls-Royce Phantom. My chauffer held the door
open for us.
I shook my head. “And Lei will be a fool for love, and not use any logic.”
“Such is the way of love.”
“That’s why I don’t subscribe to it. Women make things difficult.”
Frowning, I climbed inside.
Viktor followed.
My driver closed the door.
I tapped my leg. “Knowing how life is. . .a woman probably killed
“I doubt that. If anyone knew how to woo women, it was him.”
“That’s the problem. Romeo had too many women.”
And men too, apparently.
I gritted my teeth. “I told Romeo to keep lovers at a distance. Fuck them.
Enjoy them. That’s it.”
Viktor grinned. “Women make things difficult.”
“Speaking of women making things difficult.” Viktor gave me an uneasy
look. “Vanya said the reporter is back at Lush asking questions.”
Lush was one of my highest earning brothels in the North. The rich,
celebrities, and royal elite went there to escape the public eye and explore
their wicked sexual fantasies. The last thing we needed was a reporter
snooping around and catching someone with their pants down, literally.
I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. “Vanya still hasn’t handled
her? It’s just a stupid reporter. All she has to do is kick her out.”
“Apparently, the reporter is determined to unveil everything on the
Diamond Syndicate. Vanya wanted to know if she could kill her.”
“With Romeo’s death, the police and officials we don’t have in our pocket
will be studying us more closely. Plus, the woman is just being a stupid
reporter. There’s no need for her to die. . .yet.”
“Vanya won’t be pleased with that answer.”
“I don’t have time for Vanya or this reporter.”
“Do you want me to personally handle it? The reporter is good looking.”
I rubbed the ache starting at my forehead. “Viktor, most women are good-
“Correct. However, the reporter is black.”
I opened my eyes. “How’s her body?”
“I would say her hips and ass is just how you like it.”
A faint smile hit my face. “Have the driver take us to Lush. Perhaps, the
reporter will be a humorous distraction from a long day.”
It wouldn’t be a bad thing to end this evening with sex. My body definitely
needed the release.
Viktor pulled out his phone and gave the order to the driver.
The phantom sped off.
Needing to get Romeo’s death off my mind, I lowered the window and
took in my city.
I had a platinum panoramic view of Paradise. A dreamscape of brilliant
power—infinite and endless. Shimmering glass buildings towered and
reflected the neon rainbow lights of signs and nightclubs. Savory scents
mingled with the vibrant music spilling out of high-end restaurants. Luxury
cars honked and sped by the long line of vehicles waiting to get into the
Paradise Pirates football stadium.
Many times, I believed Paradise City breathed on its own. It was alive.
And it was a monster as well as an angel. Heaven and hell. Good and bad.
The Phantom headed to the North—where the city’s heart resided and beat to
my rhythm.
Where I ruled from my throne.
Who would dare kill one of the Syndicate? And why the dress and wig?
Hurt and fury blazed in my veins. The murderer would need to be found
soon, and a proper example would need to be made. No other enemies could
think we were weak.
On another note, my discovering the killer would show the rest how
valuable I was. Soon my play to solely rule the Diamond Syndicate would
come together. Surely, they would understand that I was the official boss and
that it was time to get my due.
Just another day in Paradise.
The word Paradise was synonymous with heaven.
And everyone had their own idea of paradise. A woman might say
paradise was sipping an expensive glass of champagne, while witnessing a
breathtaking sunset on the beach. A man may declare that paradise was five
nude women ready to fuck him all at once. A religious person would point to
God and the plentiful land where the righteous spent eternity.
A narcissist might point to himself.
And the gangster?
He would look to Paradise City. A land of luxury for the darkest alphas of
the world. The only gangster heaven on Earth.
The United States of Dima

he Phantom left Caviar Highway—named that due to the hundreds of
T caviar limes outlining the massive road.
I spoke into the phone. “Who’s going to be investigating Romeo’s
“The city’s top detective, Aaron Treadway,” Police Commissioner Kane
said on the other line.
“Do I own Detective Treadway?”
Kane sounded uncomfortable. “You do, Mr. Ivanov. I ordered Detective
Treadway to report all information to you first.”
My driver slowed us down at a red light.
“Excellent.” I shifted my attention to the little boy running up to the car
and holding cleaning supplies. I pressed the button. My window slipped
down. I handed the boy a hundred dollar bill.
The boy shrieked, “B-but I haven’t even wiped your windows yet, sir.”
I moved the phone from me and focused on the boy. “You’re too young
for the streets. Find somewhere safe to be. If you can’t, then look for me. My
name is Dimitri Ivanov.”
“Y-yes, sir.” The boy edged away with the bill.
The light went green.
The Phantom drove off.
I put the phone back to my ear and returned to the conversation.
Commissioner Kane spoke, “Is there anything else, I can help with,
“I want them to check for fingerprints. And not only for the brothel’s
room, but the whole building.”
“We can do that.”
“Deliver all security footage to my penthouse.”
“In regard to the footage, how far do you want us to go back?”
“At least a month. I don’t know how long the murderer was planning
“Detective Treadway thinks this might be a serial killer.”
My head throbbed. “Why?”
“Another case is similar. In that one, the killer dressed him up in a wig and
“Have Treadway come to my penthouse tomorrow morning. I want to hear
more about this other case.” I hung up the phone and looked at Viktor. “What
did you think about the gown and wig?”
“On Romeo?”
I frowned. “Have you seen another dead person wearing a gown and wig
Viktor shrugged. “I thought the gown was nice. I hate ruffles. This one
didn’t have it.”
“You’re correct about the ruffles, but that’s not what I mean. Why do you
think the killer put that on him?”
“To embarrass Romeo. Make him look like a clown even in death.”
“Exactly.” I dove my hand in my pocket and took out the king chess piece.
“Trying to embarrass Romeo means that the killer personally hated him. And
hate usually begins as what, Viktor?”
“No. Love.” I twisted the chess piece between my fingers. “I think the
killer loved Romeo.”
“I doubt that.” Viktor shook his head. “Hate could come from fear.”
“Okay.” Holding the chess piece, I studied the diamonds decorating the
king’s crown. “Fear could trigger hate. But if the killer was scared of Romeo
then that would deal with powerlessness.”
“Or maybe the hate came from something else.”
Viktor held up a finger. “Revenge.”
I put the chess piece back in my pocket. “Revenge.”
What could Romeo have done?
The Phantom entered the North. My kingdom. The land of Paradise’s Red
Light district. The whole area was an unthreatening atmosphere full of live
sex shows, erotica museums, hardcore porn shops, and brothels.
We turned into Lawrence Alley. Up above, lights bathed the street in a
crimson glow. Lower-end brothels resided here. The Phantom passed by
small buildings, featuring large windows with half-nude women dancing. I
spotted lines of men in front of the buildings.
Ten minutes later, the Phantom sped by Ascot Yard. These neighborhoods
were full of quaint two-level homes with madams that gathered in their
parlors to receive guests. Independent prostitutes with special kinks also
operated in this area. They gave us a percentage for the privilege. And with
that came our protection.
I observed cars parked at the homes. Even for a Wednesday evening, the
North appeared to be super busy.
At least one thing is going well today.
But then pussy always paid the bills. Even during an economic drought,
brothels thrived. Men always found ways to buy sex. They sacrificed. They
stole. Some even killed to get into a woman’s panties.
Long ago, past Paradise gangs forced women to sell their bodies. These
men did so in disgusting ways—kidnapping and trafficking young girls,
abusing and misusing older women.
When Mom arrived, all of that ended. She was the oldest of four kids. The
rest were boys. When they grew up, her younger brothers and male cousins
towered over her. However, she was the oldest and smartest. All followed
her. They grew up poor and stole to survive. When she met my father, they
did heists together. The chess piece represented their final score—the one he
died in. Selling some of the chess pieces earned the crew enough money to
buy first class tickets for the American Dream.
Mom landed in Paradise City first.
She attempted to connect with the dominating gang at the time—the
Coffin Cheaters. A big man named Mel ran it back then. Mom spoke to the
leader and explained that her crew could open up successful brothels in the
city. She hoped to unite and work with him. Laughing, Mel told her that all
she could do was suck his cock and then he nicknamed her the Queen of the
Flower Mafia.
Then, my uncles and cousins arrived—a hundred deep, strapped with not
only muscle, but knives and guns. Under Mom’s orders, they destroyed and
ran the Coffin Cheaters out of Paradise and got rid of any alley pimps and
sick human traffickers.
When anyone asked who they were, she would smile and say, “The
Flower Mafia.”
With Paradise City cleaner under her standards, Mom opened several
brothels and hired women to run them. She discovered she was pregnant a
month later.
I now had the reins to the family business. Any prostitute that worked in
the North had my full protection and respect.
And Mom spent her retirement days tending to her interior garden. Often,
I walked in on her singing to her bushes of red roses or weeding around the
pink daylilies near the waterfall.
This year was supposed to be easier. . .relaxing even.
Finally, we drove through the ivory gates of Blair Edge.
This area exuded high levels of elegance. If a man had to ask about the
pussy’s price, then he couldn’t afford it. Here, men drove up to private,
exclusive high rise buildings in foreign cars that cost more than most houses.
Gold and platinum cards stuffed their leather wallets. If he were super horny,
he could call in advance and a nude woman would be waiting in his
designated suite.
The Phantom stopped in front of Lush.
My club, Lush represented the new wave of brothels. It had an annual
membership fee of $24,000. That only allowed the man to get a black digital
card to open the door and walk inside.
From the outside, it resembled a large office building. There were no
lights or signs, labeling it.
On the inside, it was custom-designed furniture and gleaming floors,
chandeliers and gold statues of sexual positions. Higher up there were
restaurants, designer stores with nude cashiers, and private suites for sex. A
pool and hot tub were located near the moon garden on the roof. And
hundreds of naked women and men of all races and sizes strolled around the
whole property, ready to please for the right price.
The club's valet rushed over and opened the door. “Good evening, Mr.
Nodding, I left the Phantom.
Viktor did too and stepped to my side. “Vanya said that the reporter
always sits by the bar, sipping on one drink for hours.”
I raised my brows. “What drink?”
“I don’t know.”
I headed to the front. “Do we know which member’s card she is using?”
“Every time Vanya's people check the records, no member comes up.
Either way, the reporter gets access with it.”
We approached the door. It beeped and automatically opened.
Vanya stood on the other side. She was the only albino Russian I knew.
She had pale skin and long bleach-white hair. Her lashes seemed almost
transparent and her eyes were the lightest blue I'd ever seen.
Due to her extreme sensitivity to the sun, she wore sunglasses during the
day. Tonight, she wore a shiny black bodysuit and spiked heels.
Currently, she was the top-earning madam on my roster.
And she knew it.
Vanya blocked my entrance to the door and held her hand on her hips.
“Finally you're here. Can I kill her?”
“You can't.” I walked around her.
Pouting, she trailed me. “But she's annoying.”
“That's why I'm here.”
She snorted and got to my right. “All of a sudden you're here? I'd been
asking you to deal with her all last week."
“I’m here now.”
“I bet you're only here because she's black. That's why I made a point to
tell Vik.”
Viktor chuckled on my left.
Already, I felt my headache getting worse. “What is the drink that the
reporter always orders?”
I glared at her.
“Champagne and cotton candy.”
I considered the combination. “Is the glass actually full of cotton candy?”
“Yes. It’s stuffed with it, then the bartender pours champagne over it.”
“Interesting. Take me to her.”
“That would be my pleasure.” Vanya guided us forward.
Although chandeliers hung from the ceilings, a bordello red glow took
over the place. Sweat and sex drenched the air.
A nude blonde waved. “Good evening, Mr. Ivanov.”
I smiled.
“He’s not here to be serviced.” Vanya signaled for her to go.
The blonde hurried off in the other direction.
Viktor, Vanya, and I walked onto the dancefloor.
People danced around me in the dim light. The men wore suits, while
women were dressed in lace that encased their supple bodies like a second
skin. They moved to the beat, swaying and rocking into their clients.
Another packed night.
As we made it to the center of the dancefloor, I looked to my left.
Interesting. This is new.
There was a three foot stage. Two men stood on top of it. Tied up in rope,
a naked woman hung in front of them. The rope dangled from the ceiling. Oil
had been smeared over her luscious skin. The men continued beautifully
binding her in colorful rope. She looked like an erotic, helpless creature.
I stopped walking. “What’s this?”
Vanya checked where I was looking. “They’re my new performance
“Are they going to have sex with her?”
“They’re just tying her up.”
“They’re exploring the ancient Japanese knot-tying technique of Shibari.”
“Hmmm.” The idea excited me.
It was surreal. A haunting juxtaposition of beauty and trapping—bare
flesh against rough rope, strength and exposure, peace versus danger.
Heightened sensuality within the rope’s tightened boundary.
Viktor smirked. “We should go, Dima. It is a busy night.”
Frowning, I headed off. “Vanya, I want more information on this rope
She chuckled. “You get rid of this reporter and I’ll tie you up myself.”
I shook my head. “I’ll never make the mistake of fucking you again.”
Her usual confident expression cracked.
Viktor gave us space.
What? I shouldn’t have said that?
Vanya huffed and sped up her pace.
But it’s the truth. Why are people more comfortable with soft lies?
Viktor chuckled to himself.
We left the other side of the dance floor and headed toward the bar.
I spotted the reporter instantly. She had dark brown skin. Her long black
hair was slicked back in sexy waves. My fingers itched to run through it. My
hands yearned to fist the strands as I pounded my cock into her.
This will be a much better ending for the evening. She’ll be a lovely
Then, the reporter turned around and took my breath away. I slowed my
pace, drinking her in.
She was visual poetry. A goddess.
Obviously knowing who I was, she left her seat and stood. Her brown eyes
showed fear. And they were pretty ones at that.
I assessed her body and was pleased. She had on a tight dress that showed
off her cleavage—which appeared like two nice melons trapped in fabric. Her
small waist exaggerated the curve of her hips. Her legs ran for days. I
pictured her wrapping them around me as I fucked her raw.
She'll be fun. I may keep her around for a month.
I continued forward and took the lead.
She grabbed her purse as if she were about to leave.
Not so fast.
I stopped in front of her. Only two feet ran between us. Her scent filled the
Unable to help myself, I deeply inhaled. It was a decadent overdose of
exquisite fragrances all in one—rose and lavender, melted sugar over apple
The inhale must've caught her off guard.
She gazed my way, holding her credit card in mid-air.
I studied her, and an odd sensation rippled in my chest. Like something
hot and wicked was being roused from an eternal slumber. I inhaled the air
again, filling my body with her seductive scent. “What perfume are you
She blinked. “Excuse me?”
Even her voice is sexy.
“You smell delicious.” I sniffed. “Rose and jasmine. Yet, there's a base
note of ginger and cinnamon.”
“The perfume is called Wild Rose.”
“It is a wild rose indeed.”
She blinked again.
I curved my lips into a smile. I couldn't help imagining the things I would
do with her. Those full lips would wrap perfectly around my cock. I lowered
my gaze to her breasts, wondering what her nipples looked like—little points
or stiff and long.
Far away, I thought she was pretty. Now that I was closer, I found her
even more enchanting. Those eyes were big and bright. I could have been lost
in them for days.
The bartender arrived. “Hello, Mr. Ivanov.”
I nodded.
She looked at Viktor on my left and then Vanya on my right. “Is there
something wrong? I'm just leaving.”
I spoke, “Show me your Lush membership card.”
She held her purse closer to her body. “No.”
Not used to that response, I quirked my brows. “What did you say?”
It was soft, but defiant. “No.”
I closed the space between us.
She widened her eyes.
Drinking her scent in some more, I leaned her way. “I don't like the word
no. The sound actually hurts my ears.”
“No disrespect, but maybe you should get that checked.” Her voice was
confident, yet her hands shook. She placed the credit card on the bar. “I have
to go. My friends are waiting on me.”
Right when the bartender was about to grab the card, I waved him away.
“Put the drink on my account.”
She pushed the card toward the bartender. “That won't be necessary. I pay
for my own drinks.”
“Take your card.” I leaned in. “Now.”
Swallowing, she picked it up.
“In fact,” I moved back and gestured to my left. “Viktor will put your card
back in your purse.”
She shook her head. “I don't need any help—”
Viktor had her purse in seconds. He spent the next moments rummaging
through it.
“Excuse me!” Outraged she reached for the purse. He backed up, and I
was still in the way—barely a foot from her.
Viktor pulled out a small recording device and placed it on the bar out of
her reach. He continued to look through her bag. Next, he found her Lush
black membership card. Ours had a silver line going down the center that was
embedded with coding. Hers had two lines. It was clearly a fake. Soon we
would have to find the hacker who made it, and handle him too.
She scowled. “What is he doing?”
I tilted my head to the side. “Did you know that the word no goes all the
way back to Middle English?”
“I don’t care—”
“Long ago, people would say not now, not ever, or not for my entire life."
“I want my purse back.” Her bottom lip quivered.
“Eventually, people shortened the statement to a simple no.”
Viktor took out several memory cards that she must've used for the
recording device. After that, he handed the purse to her, gathered the
recorder, disks, and card, and then stepped back to my side.
Anger spread across that beautiful face.
I bet she had a hot temper. I could see it in her eyes. “What's your name?”
I frowned. “No is an interesting name.”
She pointed at me. “No. You don't get to take my stuff and then have
small talk with me.”
“I do.” I gestured to the bar and other parts of the lounge. “See. When you
come to the North of Paradise, you enter the United States of Dima. Let's call
it U.S.D. for short. Here, you jump when I say, speak when I require, and
walk wherever I point. And here the word no is never spoken to me.”
“I want my recorder and memory cards back.”
I smirked. “Your recorder?"
“So, you do know how to say yes?”
She scowled.
“That device and those cards are no longer yours. Let me tell you a
secret.” I leaned all the way in and whispered in her ear. “They're now the
property of the U.S.D.”
She edged back and crossed her arms in front of her, barely hiding that
huge cleavage. “I don't want to, but if my stuff isn't given back to me. . .” Her
bottom lip quivered. “I will call the police. However, I don’t want to get
anyone in trouble.”
I raised my hand and snapped my fingers.
She jumped a little.
Viktor reached into his pocket and handed her his phone.
She didn't grab it. “What is that for?”
“Call the police.” I gave her a wicked smile. “However, as you’ve read in
your membership agreement, Lush staff can confiscate recording devices at
any time.”
She screwed her eyes at me.
“Oh. Wait.” I shook my head. “You didn’t read that because you’re
trespassing on private property.”
She pressed her lips together.
To be nice, I stepped back. “Let me see the card, Viktor.”
He gave it to me.
I twisted the card around and appraised it. “This is good work. A high-end
Did Cavemen Ted do this? Or did she find a hacker outside of Paradise?
I gave the card back to Viktor and then put my attention on her. “Who
made it?”
She remained silent.
I dove my hands in my pockets. “A hacker on this level would cost large
amounts of money. Additionally, to even have a high end hacker’s contact
information suggests that you possess high-end connections.”
She was more than a typical reporter. I studied her. Real diamonds
decorated her ears. The dress was designer as well as the purse.
She comes from money.
Surely, I'd gone to enough boarding schools with her type. Daddy's girl
princesses with too much time on their hands. I’d enjoyed turning them into
dick-hungry sluts.
She spoke, “Maybe, you're correct.”
“Tell me more.” I leaned my head to the side. “I love when I'm told that
I'm correct.”
“I do have the money. And I have friends in high places.”
I gave her a wicked smile. “Does that mean that I should think carefully
about disciplining you for sneaking into my club with a fake card?”
“People would miss me. A lot of high-level people.”
“Now I see.”
She raised her eyebrows. “You do?”
“You think that you're protected from me.”
Some confidence filled her eyes. “I'm protected from you in some ways.”
“You're not. I don't care about your connections. And I don't care about
your money. However, I would love your number.”
She widened her eyes. “What?”
“The number to your phone.”
“I’m. . .dating somebody.”
“Does it matter?”
Not yet.
She quickly grabbed her purse.
I backed up some more.
She exhaled and walked around me.
I watched her leave. “You never told me your name.”
She hurried away, twisting those delicious hips. Her ass jiggled under the
dress's tight fabric.
The line in my jaw twitched. The image of her naked and under me
flashed in my head.
You like to say no. We’ll change that soon.
That one-word muttering had pushed her into dangerous territory with me.
It was the reason why I had a weakness for black women. Especially, the
strong, hot-blooded, and outspoken ones. Big personalities with no fear. And
I enjoyed getting on their bad sides. Relished in dominating and showing
them who was the true boss. Instantly, I yearned to make her submit.
Oh, if I had the time. . .
The tip of my cock throbbed, aching to trace along her demanding mouth
and witness the pre-cum spill onto her lips.
I bet she would lick it up and let me slip my cock into her with ease. How
did she sound when she moaned? What did her pussy taste and smell like?
How good would it be to cover her face with my cum and slide my balls over
those soft cheeks as I teased her nipples between my fingertips?
Viktor disrupted the erotic movie playing in my head. “I'll go through
these memory cards and give you a report.”
I nodded, still marveling at the reporter’s scent that still lingered in the air.
Wild Rose.
Vanya got in front of me and blocked my view. “Do you see how suicidal
she is? No respect. I've come close to shooting her in the head twice.”
“Don't.” I continued to watch the reporter disappear. “If she comes back,
call me.”
I would love to continue our conversation.
I looked at Viktor. “Find out her name, where she lives, and anything
He bobbed his head. “You think she will be a problem?”
“We’ll see. A wise man said that every problem is an opportunity in
Vanya frowned at me. “It sounds like your penis is hoping for an
“You focus on handling problems without my having to solve them.” I
walked off. “And I’ll worry about my penis.”
She followed. “I didn’t ask you to help. I simply wanted permission to kill
“Well, you don’t have it.” I headed away with the reporter’s scent and face
still lingering in my mind.
When we made it outside, I pulled out my mini book and pen. I jotted
down a quick note.
I’m going to fuck that reporter.
I closed the book and put it away.
Viktor opened the Phantom’s door. “Do you need a new notepad?”
“Yes. It’s been a long day.”
The Handsome Psycho

here is Xandi?
W While investigative journalism ran in my blood and stoked a fire of
passion within me, I hated being on television. For me, it was always a
frightening experience. In this moment, anxiety sliced through every inch of
my body.
The studio’s crew rushed around, fixing the bright lights and positioning
I stirred in my seat and focused on my breaths.
One. Two. Three. Four.
I’d stuck to a conservative look and wore a tailored coat, long skirt, and
my favorite pair of pearl earrings—the ones my grandmother passed down to
me. I put my hair in a nice bun and kept a natural look to my make-up.
Checking my watch, I searched for the show’s host, Xandi Wild. She was
also my best friend. I’d been to the set several times when I visited her in
Paradise. This was the first time I would be on the show.
Where are you, girl? It’s almost time to go on air.
Xandi’s chair remained empty. It was on the opposite end of the table.
My phone buzzed.
I pulled it out of my purse. Thankfully, the show’s producer hadn’t moved
it yet. I checked the phone.
Jonathan: I hope you have a great interview, Rosy.
I grinned at his horrible nickname and typed back.
Me: If you call me that again, then the date is off.
Jonathan: Dang it! Then, I shall never utter the nickname again.
Me: Thank you, and I hope you have fun on the campaign trail.
Jonathan: Speaking of Paradise’s election, have you registered as a voter
here now?
Me: Yes, and you have my vote. I’ll talk to you later.
I hung up the phone and put it in my purse.
I can’t believe I’m really going on a date with him. Why, girl? This is
going to be so weird.
Unfortunately, Jonathan was like a young version of my father—super
ambitious and all politics. Many holidays he came to the Walsh Manor to
celebrate with my family and make political connections. My father treated
Jonathan better than my brother, Xavier—who’d dropped out of college years
ago and was difficult to find or contact most months.
My mother had been pushing us to be together since Jonathan was first
elected as Paradise Mayor four years ago.
The producer’s assistant, Maggie, rushed over. “I’m sorry. I have to put
this in the guest dressing room, but it will be locked until after you’re done.”
“That’s fine.”
She hurried away with my purse.
Quietly, I sat there in the middle of the studio’s chaos. Unintentionally,
last night’s events entered my head.
My first meet with the North’s top gangster did not disappoint. Dimitri
Ivanov was everything I heard he was—an alpha male wrapped in a designer
suit and dripping with vicious authority.
He’d towered over me. And there was not one inch of fat on him. Muscles
made up his shoulders, arms, and everything else.
What I hadn't been told was how sexy Dimitri was. Everyone had left that
out. His face could’ve been sculpted by the Gods. He was a handsome psycho
—ocean-blue eyes that violently waved with threads of silver gray. Desire
trapped in ice. I didn’t know blue could be so hot, but his was a lusty blaze.
When he’d fixed that blueish-gray gaze on me, I felt like I was drowning
within sin.
Too bad he lay with the devils.
I shook his image out of my head.
When he’d approached me at the bar, the crowd of dancing bodies moved
to the side to let him through. I doubted he even noticed. In fact, he probably
expected it.
I can’t believe he took the memory cards away. I’ll never get them back
“We will begin soon.” The show’s main producer, Kelly walked over to
me, leaned forward, and finished clipping on my microphone. “How do you
feel, Rose?”
“Don’t worry. This isn’t New York City.”
“That’s true.” My heart ached for Manhattan—a place where I’d been
born and raised. This was my first time moving away.
Kelly grinned. “You’ll find that Paradise is full of fun-loving people.”
“I believe it. Everyone is always smiling and saying hello to me, when I
get my mail or arrive home.”
Kelly rose and assessed my microphone. “Have you settled into your new
I blushed in embarrassment. “A few boxes have been opened, but I’m not
fully moved in. I have so much to do.”
“It’s only been a few weeks since you’ve arrived. Don’t worry.”
“I just wanted to jump into the project.”
“About that.” Kelly gave me a sad smile. “We should have lunch next
week to discuss alternatives to your news segments.”
“Management doesn’t want you in the North anymore. They’re pulling the
“What?” I held out my hands. “I came here to expose the city’s human
trafficking problem.”
“Well, management believes there is no human trafficking in the North—”
“There’s too many prostitutes in the North to think otherwise.”
“Many say Mr. Ivanov and his people are respectful to the prostitutes, and
all the women that chose that life.”
I sighed. “Are you serious?”
“I know that statement sounds crazy, but we don’t know for sure if the
women don’t. . .enjoy their jobs. More important, management would like
you to back away from the whole subject.” Kelly gave me an awkward smile.
“We’ll meet next Wednesday to brainstorm other segments.”
Aggravation rose in me. I did my best to stop it. “Then, what will this
interview be about, if not to expose the Diamond Syndicate—?”
“Oh no.” Kelly wagged her finger. “Management doesn’t want any
mention of the Syndicate this morning. Don’t even say diamond, even if
you’re talking about that watch. Which is fabulous by the way.”
“What happened for management to change their minds?”
Kelly looked around and then came closer. “You can’t say anything to
Xandi about this.”
“There’s whispers that Dimitri Ivanov’s men showed up to the CEO’s
house this morning, bringing fresh donuts, hot coffee, and a message to keep
all reporters out of the North.”
I swallowed.
“No one knows what freaked the Diamond Syndicate out, but. . .” Kelly
checked over her shoulder and then turned back to me. “It could be because
the leader of the West is dead.”
I processed the startling information. “Romeo Jones was killed?”
“That’s the news that was also not to be reported per Dimitri Ivanov’s
I shook my head. “We can’t let these guys push us around.”
“Rose, I have two kids and a husband I love very much. I don’t know who
you have to protect, but you don’t want to bother anyone in the Syndicate.
And. . .I must be truthful. I never loved the idea of your segments.”
“Then, how will we ever get rid of the bad guys?”
“By being the good guys. The best people we can be.”
“And ignoring all the bad things happening around the city?”
Kelly shrugged. “Like I said, Rose, I have a family to consider. Honestly, I
never agreed with the station signing off on your segments. I’m glad that
we’re going in a new direction.”
I held in my opinion.
“So. . .” She sighed. “Please, figure out a good time for us to meet next
Wednesday. Have you eaten at the Secret Garden yet?”
“No, but I’m actually going this Friday night.”
“Oh.” Kelly grinned. “Date?”
“Good. Focus on having fun here and—”
“Ignore the gangsters causing mayhem.”
“There you go. Plus, you should try Paradise’s caviar limes.” Kelly patted
my shoulder and walked off.
This is bullshit.
I would have argued that point, but Kelly had a point of her own. There
were other people to consider.
Additionally, I had no children and no one would dare go against my
family. They were too high on the political food chain to be threatened or
I was from a prominent African American Dynasty, my last name Walsh
opened many doors among the elite.
Earlier Walshes were enslaved chefs of George Washington and Thomas
Jefferson. When America abolished slavery, my freed relatives catered and
eventually owned small restaurants. They rose in wealth and began building
connections within politics—uplifting Du Bois, funding Kennedy, sponsoring
Martin Luther King Jr, and eventually providing mega and impactful
donations to Obama.
Walsh represented old black money and political power.
That was why I always used my mother’s maiden name, Gillian. This kept
my life separate from my family’s glitz and glam. Also, it guaranteed that my
accomplishments rose from my hard work and not my parent’s connections.
Meanwhile, my mother hated that I’d moved to Paradise and chosen
journalism for a career. Instead, she wanted me to focus all my efforts on
marrying a rich husband with connections that could further elevate the
Walsh name.
Surprisingly, my father was super happy about the move to Paradise and
my wanting to investigate the Diamond Syndicate. For a first time nice
gesture, he’d bought my condo. He even offered to send more money down.
I’d declined, but was happy he finally cared about my journalism career.
Plus, he probably was hoping Jonathan and I would be together too.
Now what? Do I even stay in Paradise anymore? I moved here to save
people and Dimitri will try to stop me.
If I wanted to put my head in the dirt like an ostrich and ignore life, I
could have stayed at Walsh Manor in upstate New York, sipping dirty
martinis with my mother as she complained about a crack in her nail or told
me her latest suspicions of the staff stealing.
“I’m here!” Xandi hurried in, sipping coffee from a small paper cup. With
each step, her stylist, Fifi primped the top of Xandi’s curly brown hair. As
usual, she wore her favorite color plum, which brought out the rich tone of
her brown skin. Her father was Cuban. Her mother was African American.
“So sorry, Rose. I had a wild night.”
“What else is new? After all that we’d done in college, I would think
you’re ready to settle down.”
Laughing, she batted her eyes. “Not even close.”
“And what slowed you this morning?”
“I have a good excuse.” Xandi handed her coffee to Fifi and sat down in
the seat across from me. “I had the sexiest man in my bed. Tall, dark, and
handsome. Biggest dick you’ve ever seen.”
I grinned.
Xandi lowered her voice. “When he pulled his dick out, I almost put on
my clothes and raced out of there. Swear to the Holy Father and all.”
“But instead you remained?”
“You know I did. I love a good challenge.” Xandi waved Fifi away.
“Enough with my hair and makeup. I look amazing.”
Fifi stepped back.
I frowned. “Be nice to her, please.”
“Fifi is used to my being a diva.” Xandi looked at the teleprompter in front
of her and raised her brows. “Why are there a bunch of questions about finger
limes? What’s going on? Where’s the stuff on prostitution—”
“Corporate pulled the story on the Syndicate.”
“What happened?”
“Dimitri’s people went straight to Mr. Dahl’s house and brought him
“And a big threat too.”
“So. . .” Xandi studied me. “What did you do to cause that?”
You know me too well.
“I may have. . .lurked around Lush last night and was caught.”
Xandi shook her head. “Are you serious?”
Kelly clapped her hand as she stood behind the cameras. “Alright, ladies!
We’re going live in two minutes.”
Some of the crew fixed the wires on the floor near my feet. Another
checked the lighting behind us.
“You are now on Dimitri Ivanov’s radar?” Xandi kept her voice low.
“And, now we just talk about fruit on the show? That’s bullshit.”
“I agree, but—”
“But nothing. Guys like Ivanov don’t get to have their way all the time—”
“Xandi, they’re pulling the plug. We’ll figure something else out.”
She kept her lips closed.
“Xandi.” I eyed her. “I see that look on your face.”
On the other side of the room, the assistant producer clapped his hands.
“Quiet on Set! Roll sound.”
I pointed at Xandi. “Don’t even think about it.”
“My name is on the show.” Xandi rolled her eyes. “I didn’t convince them
to bring you down to Paradise to talk about fruit. That’s bullshit.”
Here we go.
Someone yelled, “Roll camera!”
My heart beats picked up.
Breathe. One. Two. Three.
“Good morning, Paradise City.” Xandi wore a loving smile. “Welcome to
the Xandi Wild Show where we chat about the things others are scared to.”
I forced a confident smile, hoping my face didn’t show the truth—pure
Xandi gestured to me. “And this morning we have Pulitzer Prize journalist
Rose Gillian who created political earthquakes with her investigative work
into New York City’s government corruption.”
Pressure filled my chest.
Xandi turned to me. “I bet several New York politicians are happy that
you’re down here now.”
An uncomfortable chuckle left my lips. It might have been too loud and
came out more like a witch’s cackle.
Oh goodness. What the hell was that?
I cleared my throat. “Well, I’m happy to be in Paradise.”
“And why are you here, Rose?”
I widened my eyes at her. I’d spotted the question on the teleprompter and
that was not it. “Well. . .Paradise is an interesting city.”
“It sure is.” Xandi gave me a wicked grin. “Have you tried Paradise’s
signature fruit?”
“The finger limes. No. Not yet.”
All I knew about them was that they were considered the caviar of limes.
They were finger-shaped with a green oily skin that was supposed to be super
“Finger limes are great on sushi,” Xandi said. “I could recommend a lot of
good spots in the East.”
“Sounds awesome.”
“But you didn’t come to Paradise to feast on fruit or the great food of this
city.” Xandi pointed at me. “You came here to research the city’s major
I swallowed. “Export?”
Don’t you do it.
“Yep. Paradise’s biggest export,” Xandi continued, “Gangs and everything
to do with gangs.”
Kelly waved her arms behind the cameras, trying to get our attention.
I kept my fake smile. “I have. . .been intrigued by the crime here.”
“Or lack of crime. According to the police commissioner Kane, this city
has no crime at all.” Xandi held her hands out. “Perhaps, Kane lives in
another city.”
“It is true. I did come down here to understand the violence and crime that
plagues Paradise.”
“While others turn away and ignore corruption and crime, you once again
are trying to deal with it,” Xandi added. “What’s your plan?”
All right. We’re really going to do this.
I let out a long breath. “If possible. . .I plan to investigate the extensive
gang network working underground here. Many know them as the Diamond
“Shut the cameras off!” Kelly gestured to the crew. “This interview is
The lights went out on stage.
Then, chaos ensued. Xandi left her seat. Kelly rushed forward. Staff
hustled to one side or the other. Some of the lights dimmed on the right.
Curse words shot out of Xandi’s mouth like a machine gun. Kelly met the
assault with words of her own.
And they argued for several minutes.
Stunned, I rose from my seat and headed over to them, needing to get in
the middle. Regardless of anything, I had my bestie’s back. That being said, I
knew Xandi’s fierce temper. If the arguing continued, I would need to help
Kelly escape.
Someone tapped my shoulder. Then, a man spoke behind me, “Ms.
I spun around, shocked that someone had used my real last name. “Excuse
“Ms. Walsh, this is for you.” A tall man held a big box that was elegantly
wrapped. It looked like an artist had personally painted gold roses onto
sparkling red paper. A huge black bow sat on top of it.
Kelly and Xandi paused from arguing.
I didn’t take the gift. “What’s this?”
“Mr. Ivanov would like to welcome you to Paradise City.” The man
placed the pretty box on a table near us. “Have a lovely day.”
The man walked off.
Dimitri knows my real last name is Walsh. How did he find that out?
I’d changed my name many years ago and kept that fact private. His
people had truly done some digging in less than twenty four hours.
While the rest of the crew shut things down, Xandi and Kelly headed over
to me.
Xandie gazed at the box. “What is this?”
I tapped my side. “Ivanov sent it.”
“See!” Kelly touched her chest. “This is why we have to be careful. You
foolishly saying their name brought this down on you.”
“No way.” Xandi shook her head. “He already planned to give her this.
The guy showed up before Ivanov would have heard her say it on TV. Plus,
he wouldn’t have had any idea that she was going to say it.”
I touched the bow and took it off the box. “Either way, this is crazy.”
“Wait!” Kelly waved her hands. “Don’t open it. It could be a bomb.”
“We would have already blown up, if that was true.” Xandi eyed me.
“What else happened last night? He’s sending you gifts.”
Kelly looked at me too. “Last night? What did you do, Rose?”
I pulled the top off the box. A new digital recorder lay inside with a
yellow bow. An iPhone was next to it.
“Why would he get me a new phone?” I picked it up.
The phone rang.
I jumped, almost dropping it.
The screen read Dima.
I looked at Xandi. “What the hell?”
It rang again.
Xandi backed up. “Shit.”
Kelly screeched, “You have to answer it. And then, let him know the
station and I had nothing to do with that interview. It was you two. I have
Another rang came.
Holy shit.
I put the phone to my ear. “Hello?”
Wild Rose

esterday was horrible. Today will be better.
Y On my large balcony, I waited at the table for my butler to bring
breakfast. I’d placed the king chess piece on the table next to my tea, letting it
get some air. Sunlight sparkled on the diamonds, and even the rubies glittered
within the gold.
Together, we enjoyed the best view on Platinum Row. I may have ruled
the North, but I rested my head in the wealthy West of Paradise.
“Yes, my friend.” I smiled at the chess piece. “Today will be a peaceful
and productive day.”
Powder white sand ran along my private beach. Ocean waves crashed
against each other. Seagulls soared among the clear blue sky, hunting the
colorful fish swimming within indigo waters.
It was a sight that I’d never gotten tired of since moving to this penthouse
two years ago. Always, I drowned in its beauty.
However, this morning another beautiful vision played in my mind.
My wild Rose. What are you up to for today?
Currently, this fascination with Rose was the only thing keeping me from
dealing with Romeo’s death. And I welcomed the distraction with open arms.
Rose Elizabeth Walsh.
I’d come close to having Viktor buy her perfume, just to smell that scent
again. But in the end, it wasn’t about the fragrance. It was about the woman
wearing it. In my head, I pictured her naked and lightly spraying the perfume
on her skin.
Disrupting my daydreaming, Viktor came onto the balcony. “Good
“Did Sergei deliver the gift to her?”
“He did.”
Two of my men carried out a television. Sweat dripped down their faces.
One looked to be out of breath. On the screen, two women were frozen in the
middle of conversation. I recognized Rose immediately.
I quirked my brows. “What’s this?”
The men stopped in front of me and continued to hold the television.
Behind them, another guy held the TV’s cord.
Viktor spoke, “I had Sergei remain in the background to make sure Rose
opened the gift.”
I turned back to him. “Why?”
Viktor held a remote control in his hand. “Something came up before the
“I’m not going to like this?”
“Not at all.”
Annoyance covered my face. I’d already been running around this
morning, lighting a fire under Paradise police’s asses to find Romeo’s killer.
Then, I had others threatening all of Paradise news stations. There could be
no mention of the Diamond Syndicate nor Romeo’s murder this week.
Things had to remain quiet.
I’d hoped to have this moment of peace on the balcony to eat a lovely
breakfast. “What is it?”
Viktor gestured to the TV. “Marcelo also called twice. He said you need to
see this.”
What would Marcelo know about what I ‘need’ to see?
“Fine.” I turned to the left.
The men turned on the TV. Rose’s face was frozen on the screen.
“Don’t start the recording yet.” I studied Rose. Last night, she wore a sexy
dress. Her hair was wild waves. Her cleavage was on full display.
This morning, she shifted to a sexy professor, wearing a stylish jacket,
complete with a simple white blouse. A long skirt that hugged her curvy
thighs and legs. Her hair was smoothed back into a bun.
I looked at Viktor. “Marcelo called about my reporter?”
“After watching this, he did. Marcelo thinks that neither she nor the station
will back down on the story.”
“Well,” I returned my view to the TV. “Mr. Dahl won’t be getting
anymore donuts from the Syndicate.”
“The way Marcelo is talking. Mr. Dahl and the reporter won’t be alive to
eat them.”
Marcelo should relax.
I picked up the chess piece. “Play it.”
Viktor pointed the small controller at the TV.
On the screen, Rose spoke, “I have been intrigued by the crime here.”
“Or lack of crime. According to the Police Commissioner Kane, this city
has no crime at all.” The host shrugged. “Perhaps, Kane lives in another
Letting out a long breath, I twisted the king between my fingers.
“It is true,” Rose said. “I did come down here to understand the violence
and crime that plagues this city.”
“While others turn away, what’s your plan?”
“If possible, I plan to investigate the extensive gang network working
underground here. Many know them as the Diamond Syndicate—”
The screen went black. The channel’s logo showed on the screen. A
sentence was written below, saying, Please Stand By.
“This happened seconds ago. We raced here to get it to you.” Viktor set
the remote down.
“Marcelo called while you were rushing up here?” I set the chess piece
down and made sure the king faced the ocean.
Viktor watched my movement. “Marcelo wants the reporter dead and the
station out of power.”
“Marcelo needs to calm down and focus on defeating his stupid
championship boxing belt.” I gestured for the other men to leave. “It’s time
for the adults to deal with adult things.”
They hurried and carried the TV away.
I watched a seagull swoop down to the waters, but he didn’t catch
anything. He rose back into the sky with only wet legs. I put my attention
back on Viktor. “More important, has Chanel or Lei called about this?”
“Not yet.”
“Hopefully, not at all.”
Viktor walked over to the end of the table. “What do you want me to do?”
“Sit.” I gestured to the chair. “Enjoy breakfast with me.”
“I already had some donuts.”
“Then, read the paper.”
Viktor quirked his brows.
“If Marcelo had any finesse, he would know that a gentlemen doesn’t have
to kill a stubborn woman.” I picked up the phone and dialed my naughty
Rose. “A proper man simply has to show her who is running things.”
The phone rang.
Sitting down, Viktor wore a skeptical expression.
The phone rang again.
Viktor pulled out his phone and turned on this week’s annoying game—
Space Pirates. Intergalactic music filled the air. He lowered it. Soft beeps
sounded with each press of his finger on the screen. A harp played suggesting
he was victorious.
The phone rang again.
Viktor looked up from the phone. “She may not answer.”
“She will.”
The phone rang one more time.
Rose’s seductive voice came on the phone. “Hello?”
“I like the pearl earrings.” I winked at Viktor. He shook his head and
returned to his game. I put my phone on speaker and lay it on the table. “You
were already beautiful, Rose. Now you’re stunning.”
Silence came.
She must’ve been taken aback.
My butler, Edwin stepped onto the balcony, carrying a silver tray. A plate
of food lay on top along with a glass of orange juice. Always classy and
stylish, he wore a freshly pressed gray waistcoat with his black pants, white
shirt, and gray bowtie. White gloves covered his hands.
Edwin told me once that a butler’s shoes should reflect his principal. I
checked them today. They were shiny, newly polished, and with clean, neat
Rose sounded nervous on the line. “Thank you for the. . .compliment on
my pearl earrings.”
I returned my attention to the phone call. “Did you know that pearls are
unique among gemstones?”
“I didn’t.”
Edwin placed the full silver tray in front of me and then waited by the
table for my approval.
“It’s because pearls don’t come from the depths of the earth but from the
sea.” I looked at the dish and frowned.
Sliced bananas topped two flaxseed waffles. An odd-looking cheese
melted over a small egg white omelet. My mother had been on a health kick
lately and wanted me to share her journey. Apparently, she’d bullied my chef
to join her quest.
I glared at Edwin.
He rushed away.
Rose grabbed my attention. “Is that why you called—to tell me about
“That was one of my reasons.” Shaking my head at the food, I picked up
my fork and knife. “The other reason is to warn you.”
“I doubt a warning is necessary. I know what I’m dealing with—”
“You don’t.”
She went silent.
I tried a piece of the waffle. It was crispy on the outside and soft on the
inside. I swallowed, appreciating the flavor, but not loving it. “Ms. Walsh, if
you continue on this path that you’re eager to walk down, you will find a
violent storm raging toward you—one that no umbrella or shelter can protect
you from.”
“Mr. Ivanov, I’ve been threatened before—”
“I’m not surprised by that. Surely, you’ve inspired me to threaten you
twice. That’s a record for me. Usually, the person gets the picture from the
“I have the picture. I just—”
“Don’t have the capability to challenge me.”
“I won’t back down—”
“You will and you will do so immediately.” Anger rose within me. “I
don’t have time for anything else.”
“My job is to report on corruption—”
“Do so in another city. In Paradise, you write articles about our beautiful
beaches and excellent cuisine.” I forked some of the omelet and studied it.
“Do we have an understanding, Rose?”
Annoyance gathered in my shoulders. I set the fork down and wiped my
hands on the cloth napkin. “This annoys me, Ms. Walsh.”
“Oh, you’re annoyed? I’m pissed.”
“Hmmm.” I leaned back in my chair. “I bet you fuck better when you’re
Viktor snorted.
No response came from her. That didn’t shock me. I bet she blushed. Part
of me wished we were having this conversation face to face.
To my surprise, she spoke, “If that’s all, then we can end this here.”
“Unfortunately, I understand why you think you’re protected.”
“Oh really?”
“Let me inform you that, the Walsh name means nothing here.”
She lowered her voice. “I don’t need that name for protection.”
“Yet, it protects you in many places, but again. . .not here.”
“I didn’t come down here with that last name.”
I raised my eyebrows. “But, why did you keep it a secret?”
“Because it’s no one’s business—including yours.”
“You don’t want people to make that connection?”
“That’s none of your business.”
“Perhaps, I let that secret out. Tell everyone your real last name.”
“You can’t blackmail me. If it came out, then fine.”
I rolled my eyes. “So, then it’s back to the basics.”
“The typical threats of death.”
“You don’t scare me, Dima.”
My cock jerked in my pants. I held in my groan and whispered, “I love my
nickname rolling off your tongue.”
She went silent again.
My lips spread into a wicked smile. “One day I hope to taste that tongue
“That. . .won’t happen.”
“It will.” I inhaled the air and only breathed in the aroma of waffles riding
the ocean breeze. Instantly, I needed her close, if only to feast on her scent.
“You’re wasting your time, Mr. Ivanov.”
“Mr. Ivanov?” I leaned my head to the side. “We’re back to formalities?”
“Don’t call me again—”
“I won’t. Next time we talk, I’ll be in front of you, teaching you how to
properly speak to me.”
She snorted. “Oh really?”
“Ms. Walsh, have you ever been fucked hard until you screamed?”
A soft gasp sounded on the line.
“Have you ever had your ass spread wide open and stuffed with cock?”
She cleared her throat. “I’m. . .ending this call.”
“Then, we’ll talk about this later.” I licked my lips. “Face-to-face.”
She hung up.
I grinned at the phone. “My wild Rose.”
Viktor slid his finger along the screen. Another harp melody came on.
“She’s definitely proving to be more of a challenge than other women.”
“I like the little challenge.” I put my phone away. “However, I hope she
doesn’t make me kill her.”
He shut off his game. “But, you don’t like to kill women.”
“Because, it’s a waste of pussy.” I shoveled some waffles into my mouth
and ate them, hating every damn bite. “I do have someone you can kill.”
“My mother’s new health guru. These waffles could be better.”
Viktor grinned. “Did you get the text message from Chanel this morning?”
“About Romeo’s memorial schedule? Yes. It looks like several events will
be happening this week. Romeo always loved celebrations. I’m not
“I’m excited about his memorial at Lucky’s strip club.” Viktor’s phone
rang. He put down the newspaper, picked it up, and answered. “Yes. Sure. Go
ahead. Send him up.”
I continued to eat the bland waffles.
Viktor put his phone away. “Detective Treadway is riding the elevator
“He better have a lead on Romeo’s killer. The clock is ticking. Without a
suspect, Chanel will wage war on Paradise and Lei will help. They’ll be no
talking to either of them.” I picked up another piece of waffle and scowled at
it. “Revenge is an animal. And when it overtakes you, it will rip out the eyes
and make you blind.”
“Speaking of revenge,” Viktor grinned. “Are you serious about my killing
your mother’s health guru?”
“Find out the man’s name, but don’t act yet.”
“And when I do?”
I set the forked waffle back on the plate and gave up on eating. “When you
do act, I want you to cut off his fingers and feed them to him.”
“Should we cook the fingers?”
“Lightly roast them.” I picked up my orange juice. “But don’t act yet. Just
get his information for now. This could be a passing phase for my mother.”
Viktor nodded. “And what do you want me to do in regard to Romeo’s
“Let’s see what the Detective says first.” I took my new mini book out
along with my pen and made a quick note.
I’m definitely going to fuck Rose Walsh.
The Virgin Queen

dwin returned to grab my plate.
E I scowled at him. “Edwin.”
He placed his hands behind him. “Yes, sir.”
“I am a person of rituals that must be respected. When they are not
followed, a hurricane of agitation engulfs me.”
“Yes, sir.”
“For breakfast, it is two eggs, half a bagel with jelly. Not butter.
Strawberries and bananas cut an inch thick. And no food touches. None of
“Yes, sir. Your mother just thought—”
I slammed my fist on the table.
“Your ritual will be remembered tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you, Edwin.”
He took the plate and left.
Viktor turned to me. “Next time, I would rather kill the chef, then you yell
at Edwin.”
“I agree. Edwin is growing on me.”
Viktor returned to his stupid game.
Detective Treadway stepped onto the balcony. He didn’t wear a police
uniform. He had on tan slacks and gray jacket.
I liked him the most because he seemed to be easier for me to assess. A
tiny coffee stain decorated the front of his white shirt, pointing to him
possibly being nervous about this meeting.
A gold band wrapped around his ring finger, symbolizing that he was
I spotted a pack of Winston cigarettes in his front pocket. He was a
smoker. Perhaps, he had an addictive personality, but it definitely pointed to
lots of daily stress. There was a bulge under his jacket on the left, indicating a
small firearm.
He’s nervous about talking to me.
“Good morning, Mr. Ivanov.” Detective Treadway held a thick folder in
his hand. “I’ve made copies of everything the department has so far.”
“Any fingerprints come up for Romeo’s murder?”
“Just the whores and madam that work in the brothel.”
“Were the man and woman found?” I thought of their names. “Candy and
“We caught them trying to board a bus out of town.”
“Excellent.” I leaned back in my chair. “What did they say about Romeo?”
“Candy explained that she went to the suite and knocked. Romeo opened
the door, but wouldn’t let her in. He appeared calm and simply told her that
he was canceling their session due to an important meeting. He wanted
Candy to tell Simon it was canceled too.”
“Hmmm.” I looked at the chess piece. “Then, someone was in the room
with Romeo.”
The detective nodded. “I believe so.”
Romeo knew the killer and didn’t think his presence in the suite was
The detective continued, “We’re holding Candy and Simon at the station
as suspects, but I don’t have them as the killers.”
“Me either. Let them go, but keep a car on them for a few days.”
“My thoughts exactly. My chief also thinks Romeo’s murder was gang-
related.” Detective Treadway placed the folder in front of me. “But, I have
another theory.”
“What is that?”
He opened the folder. “This happened last week.”
I looked at the picture. A dead man sat at a table with a frozen expression
of shock. I recognized him instantly.
Johnny Cupcakes.
Similar to Romeo, he wore a gown, wig, and makeup. This wig was
different. Bold red curls were stacked on the sides.
The white gown was less elegant than Romeo’s, yet royal. Diamonds
adorned the rich fabric around the bosom. Sapphires and rubies decorated the
sleeves. Elaborate white ruffles piled around his neck.
Very aristocratic. Elizabethan even.
Johnny Cupcakes held a fan in one hand. A wooden stand was in front of
him. A silver tray of cakes, cookies, and pies piled the table. They appeared
close to falling off.
I checked the bottom of the image. There were cookies and candy bars all
around his feet.
I picked up the next image up and studied it. “Paradise has a serial killer?”
“That’s my theory,” Detective Treadway said. “I told my command that
this guy would keep on killing. The problem is. . .no one cares because—”
“The victims are gangsters.” I tossed the picture to the other side of the
table. It slipped over to Viktor. “I just don’t understand why he keeps
dressing his victims up like famous queens.”
“Shit.” Viktor checked out the picture. “That’s Johnny Cupcakes. We’ve
been looking for him all week.”
“Well, we’ve found him.”
The detective quirked his brows at me. “Famous queens?”
“Romeo was dressed like Marie Antoinette.” I shoved my plate away from
me. “Johnny Cupcakes is done up like Queen Elizabeth I. The gown is very
Elizabethan—the ruffles and materials.”
Viktor handed the picture back to me. “Elizabethan?”
I assessed the image again. “And there’s the fan. Elizabeth would keep a
pomander to ward off foul smells. She was also sentimental about her
I touched the odd diamond ring on Johnny Cupcake’s finger. “If the killer
is true to the theme, then that ring will hold a miniature enameled portrait of
her mother, Anne Boleyn.”
Detective Treadway took out his notebook and wrote this down. “I’ll have
them check on this. And. . .so. . .this is a queen?”
I looked at them in shock. “Of course it is another queen. The red wig
gives it away. Come on, guys. She wasn’t just the Virgin Queen. She was a
red head.”
Viktor and the detective both looked at me as if I were crazy.
I held out my hands. “You both know who Queen Elizabeth I is. Right?”
Viktor nodded. “Sure, boss, but not the whole Virgin Queen stuff or the
fan and ring. . .I mean. I don’t remember any of this in the history books.
Especially, the part about her never having fucked.”
“I’m sure she had sex. However, she was unmarried so her court kept this
fantastical idea of her being pure and untouched like the Virgin Mary. The
state of Virginia was named in her honor.” I shrugged. “However, there’s
tons of gossip on all her lovers—Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, Earl of
Essex, and the Duke of Anjou. . .”
I stopped talking and glared at them. “Why are you both looking at me
like that?”
“I didn’t know all of that.” Viktor returned his attention to the game.
I went back to Treadway. “Where was Johnny found?”
“In his bakery, Piece of Cake. The East Paradise location.”
Johnny Cupcakes had been the Diamond Syndicate’s first washer. My
mother had convinced him to launder our money through his bakery. When
he did, they had him open up a new Piece of Cake bakery in each section of
the city.
Detective Treadway cleared his throat. “There are also other things
connecting both victims.”
“Go ahead.”
Detective Treadway pulled out two photos. Each image displayed a blood
stained piece of paper. “The killer put a torn out bible verse in Johnny
Cupcakes mouth. Right under his tongue. The same is true with Romeo.”
What is going on?
I squinted my eyes at each image. “They don’t look like they’re the same,
but it is hard to tell.”
“The saliva from their tongues made it hard to read. However, forensics
were able to make out the words.” Treadway pulled out his notebook.
“Johnny’s verse is from Ezekiel 16:49. ‘Behold, this was the iniquity of thy
sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her
and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and
I considered the verse, but wasn’t sure what the killer wanted us to know.
“And what about Romeo?”
Treadway flipped the page. “This is from Matthew 5:27-28. ‘Thou shalt
not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman
to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.’”
I touched my chin. “We have a murderer with a religious purpose,
shedding the earth of gangsters.”
Viktor folded up the paper and set it on the table. Worry creased his
forehead. “This could get out of hand.”
I looked at the detective. “Keep the bible verses quiet. I don’t want any
mention of them in the news.”
Nodding, Treadway pointed at the file. “The autopsy notes on Johnny
Cupcakes and Romeo are in the folder too.”
I went through it, found the pages tagged, and pulled them out. In one
image, Romeo’s naked body lay on a metal table. I spotted the Diamond
Syndicate brand—DS—on his right shoulder. Everyone at the top was
branded during their initiation ceremony. I checked the other image. Johnny
Cupcakes was naked and positioned in the same way. His shoulder showed
the similar brand.
Back and forth, I gazed at both of them. “Same exact positioning of the
knife wounds.”
“Both had seven stabs to the heart.” Detective pointed to the images under
the ones I was looking at.
I went to those. Romeo’s body was turned over. The other image showed
Johnny Cupcakes flipped over too. “Once again, there’s the same wound
The detective nodded. “Both had seven wounds to their backs.”
I scrunched my face in disgust. “Were the wounds inflicted before or after
their deaths?”
“Before. There are rope burns on both victims’ wrists. The perpetrator tied
them up and then stabbed.”
Viktor shook his head. “How the hell could someone tie up Romeo against
his will?”
Detective Treadway responded, “Flunitrazepam and Gamma-
hydroxybutyrate were found in both men’s system, along with Chamomile
“Date rape drugs.” My chest went heavy with pressure. “They inhibit a
person's ability to resist.”
“Alcohol and cocaine were also found in each man’s blood.”
“Suggesting that the killer came to them as a friend wanting to party.” I
picked up my chess piece and placed it in my pocket. “The killer slipped the
drug into whatever they drank.”
“That’s the likely conclusion,” the detective said. “We’re thinking it is the
tea since both had it.”
“Seven knife wounds to the heart. Seven knife wounds in the back.” I
touched my chin. “Seven is important to the killer.”
Viktor eyed the pictures. “And God.”
“Especially, God.” I turned to Treadway. “What type of knife did the
killer use?”
“We are thinking based on the stab wounds—long and narrow. Perhaps
around fifteen inches.”
Viktor asked, “Male or female?”
“Based on the depth of the stab wounds and the force needed to inflict that
type of damage we are leaning towards the subject being male.”
I filed away all the new information. “Anything else?”
“I’m guessing that the killer makes the gowns or has someone that does
“This could be a two-person job?”
He nodded.
I hated that. The more people involved, the more ability they had to cover
their tracks.
The detective continued, “We can’t find these similar sort of gowns
anywhere. Not even in costume stores dedicated to queens. Meanwhile, the
fabric and thread can be bought from any store. With the Festival of Laughs
coming at the end of the month, there’s been tons of people buying fabric to
get their costumes ready.”
“What about the makeup or sword?” I asked.
“Same thing. The sword can be found in tons of craft and toy stores. The
makeup comes from a starter kit identified by several police women as a
knockoff brand sold in any dollar store.” The detective raised one finger.
“However, the wigs give us a possible lead. There’s just a sticky situation
involving them. I thought you could help us with that.”
I leaned in closer. “Tell me more.”
“Each wig used was traced back to the same purchaser.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Who?”
“Marcelo Romano.”
Viktor and I exchanged glances.
I sighed. “Put more men on Marcelo and his people.”
“Okay, boss.” Viktor phone rang. He answered. “What? Are you sure?
Got it. We’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
I quirked my brows. “What?”
“There’s another body.”
Damn it.
I grabbed the king and stood. “You can ride with us, Detective.”
A nervous expression hit him. “Sounds good.”
“Fuck.” Viktor shut off his game and put the phone away. “This may be
fucked up, but I’m going to miss Johnny’s cupcakes.”
I headed off. “Not me. I used to have one weekly until I discovered
Johnny’s secret ingredient.”
Viktor raised one brow. “What is it?”
“His wife’s breast milk. He forced her to pump every day. He claimed
human breastmilk had more fat which made the icing creamier.”
Viktor stared at me in disgust. “Why wouldn’t you tell me that?”
“You really enjoyed them.”
99 Problems

olice swarmed the hotel room, gathering fingerprints and snapping
P pictures.
Marcelo and I stood six feet away from Chanel's husband. Frozen in death,
Pedro sat on the couch with his legs crossed.
I've been in here earlier, arrived, and assessed the place. My conclusions
led me to a darker path that I did not want to walk down. Instantly, I called
Marcelo. I would need his support before walking down this path.
I looked at him. “Thank you for coming.”
“When I told Viktor that we needed to talk, I didn’t ask to do it around
another dead body.” Marcelo turned away from Pedro’s corpse. “Did you see
that stupid reporter on the TV this morning? She’s a problem.”
“But, is she stupid?”
“What?” He sneered.
“If she’s actually stupid, then she presents no problem to you. If she’s
smart, then perhaps I should deal with it.”
“Then, she’s smart.”
“She is. And I’ve had a conversation with her.” I nodded. “As you agree,
she’s smart enough to leave alone.”
“I didn’t say that. I’m saying someone needs to shut her up. If you can’t,
then I—”
“No one touches the reporter but me.”
He held out his hands. “Excuse me?”
“Get off the reporter and focus on our present problem.” I gestured at
“I see enough dead bodies, Dimitri?” Marcelo frowned. “Why did you call
me over for this? You could have just texted me that Pedro was dead.”
I held up one finger. “What do you see?”
“I see a dead Pedro.”
“Look deeper.”
“How deep do I need to look? He’s got on a wig and a fucking dress.”
“But, do you think it’s the same killer?”
Marcelo returned his view to Pedro’s corpse and squinted. “Of course it is
the same killer. He murdered Pedro and put him in a dress.”
But it wasn’t the same guy. I didn’t understand how it could be.
I assessed Pedro again. A short black wig topped his head. It resembled
something out of a Halloween store for a 1920s flapper costume.
Meanwhile, purple and yellow flower print made up the dress. The killer
must’ve yanked the garment out of an old woman's closet. Pedro wore no
heels or stockings, no jewelry nor make up.
Additionally, Pedro had been beaten to death. Purplish-black bruises
covered both eyes. His nose was broken. Some of his teeth was missing.
There’d been a fight.
I glanced back at Marcelo. “But do you see the differences between
Romeo and Pedro?”
“What do you mean?”
“The wig. The lack of makeup. The posing is not even similar to Romeo.
Plus, there’s no staging or props.”
Marcelo shrugged. “Maybe, the killer didn’t have time.”
“Our killer always has the time to do it right.” I smiled. “Pedro isn't a
queen. He looks like a cheap whore strolling the streets, giving out two dollar
blow jobs.”
Disgust covered Marcelo’s face. “Two dollar blow jobs are a thing?”
“Turn your car down the wrong block and you’ll meet up with fifty cent
blow jobs.” I pointed back to Pedro. “Never mind that, do you see the
“Are you seriously judging Pedro’s wig and dress?”
“I am. The wig, makeup, and gown is all significant to Romeo’s killer.
Meanwhile, whoever murdered Pedro didn’t care about any of it.”
“There’s no style. There's no finesse.”
“I can’t believe I have to deal with you sober. I should be high for this.”
Marcelo ran his fingers through his hair. “Finesse and style? Whoever is
doing this is crazy there's no method to the madness.”
“That's where you're wrong.” I gestured for Viktor to bring over the files.
He did and handed them to Marcelo.
Frowning, Marcelo opened the first folder. “Why the hell am I looking at
another dead body?”
“That’s the first victim.”
“What the fuck, man? Is that Johnny Cupcakes?” Marcelo shut the folder.
“Why didn’t you tell me he was dead?”
“He’s dead.” I tapped the folder. “But do you see the style and finesse,
when it came to Johnny Cupcake’s death?”
“I knew you were psycho, but this takes it to another level. What the hell
is wrong with you, Dimitri?”
“A lot is wrong with me. But that's not our biggest problem right now.” I
took the folder from him and gave it to Viktor. “Follow me down this path.
Are there any differences from Johnny Cupcakes, Romeo, and Pedro?”
“You really want me to play this game with you?”
I placed both hands into a prayer. “Humor me.”
Marcelo let out an exasperated breath. “You have a point. Johnny and
Romeo look better than Pedro.”
I leaned in closer. “If all three were alive and dressed this way, which one
would you fuck?”
“I’m out of here.” Marcelo walked off. “I don't have time for this. I'm
I called after him, “Marcelo, I need you! Please.”
He stopped walking, turned around, and pointed at me. “You’re supposed
to fix this.”
“Romeo’s killer sure, but I’ll need help with Pedro’s killer.”
He sneered. “And that relates to which one I would fuck?”
“I’m just trying to further my point.”
“Your point is furthered. Pedro looks bad compared to Romeo and
“We have two killers. Whoever murdered Johnny and Romeo planned it
out. They took their time. They researched famous queens. It was a labor of
Marcelo crossed his arms over his chest. “It sounds like you like this
killer a lot.”
I ignored that statement. “However, Pedro’s murder was motivated by
something else. It was a different emotion. Not love but. . . hate. Maybe even
Something clicked on Marcelo’s face. He walked back to the body and
stood a foot in front of it. This time he focused on Pedro’s eyes.
There we go. Do you see it, Marcelo?
I placed my hands in my pocket. “You’re a man of the ring. An artist
when it comes to fighting. You can assess the damage done by a fist.”
Marcelo continued to study Pedro’s face.
“What do you see, Marcelo?”
“Strong swift jabs to the eyes. Lightning fast. The nose was broken first.”
I went over and stopped at his side. “How do you think the nose was
Marcelo raised his arm up in the air and then slashed it down fast. “The
killer slammed his backhand into his face. Almost as if. . . the killer was
walking away and then decided against it, and quickly turned around to
“Pedro possibly said something that he shouldn’t have and the killer
responded with an attack.”
“Correct.” Marcelo leaned over and peered at Pedro’s half-opened mouth.
“His teeth were kicked out, not punched.”
“After the attack with the backhand, Pedro must’ve fallen back. Then, the
killer gave a fast kick to his face.” Marcelo shook his head. “Pedro hit the
ground. The killer lowered to him and began punching the shit out of him.
Left eye. Right eye. Back and forth. Over and over.”
“Lots of hate.”
Marcelo’s face showed that he understood where I was going with this.
I smiled. “And so, your thoughts on who could have done that?”
Marcelo turned away from Pedro and glared at me. “You know exactly
who could have delivered that backhand and lighting fast kick. But you didn’t
have me come for this did you.”
“Say the name. Please. I have to know if what my thinking is correct.”
“Lei. But, he couldn’t have done this.”
I pulled my hands out of my pocket and held them out. “Why not?”
“Too obvious.”
“Lei is pretty obvious with his emotions.” I shook my head. “Everyone
knows he is in love with Chanel.”
“She doesn’t.”
“She does. She would have to be blind not to.”
“Then, Lei would know that everyone would blame him if Pedro were
discovered dead.”
I gestured to the door. “Somebody bust through the door and caught them
by surprise.”
“That’s very Lei.”
I pointed to Pedro. “I don't think he planned on killing Pedro. He clearly
walked in on something.” I pointed to the high heels in the corner. “Some
other woman was here.”
“I get what you’re saying. Lei argued with Pedro and walked away. Pedro
said something stupid. Lei spun around with the backhand.” Marcelo sighed.
“Romeo is gone. Like you, Lei was close to Romeo. He’s mourning too and
worried for Chanel. He fucked up.”
“And he probably believes Pedro should be taking care of Chanel, not
fucking with a whore.”
Lei would have never killed Pedro while Romeo was alive. Chanel’s
marriage to the Coffin Cheaters’ leader, Pedro, ended a 30-year beef between
families and solidified peace in the West. Meanwhile, Chanel kept her last
name as was the Killer Crow way.
While Pedro never hit her, he cheated a lot.
However, Killer Crows ruled by loyalty and tradition. Chanel’s marriage
would only end, when one of them was in a casket.
“Fucking Lei.” Marcelo whistled. “We can’t take this shit to Chanel. She’s
still burying Romeo.”
“That's why I brought you here. What should we do?”
“You mean you don't have the answers?”
“Enjoy this moment.”
“Naw. There’s nothing to enjoy.” He shook his head. “Now we're really
Silence filled the space.
Marcelo and I studied Pedro’s corpse.
Soft beeping sounded behind me. Then, a harp’s melody played.
“Have some respect for the dead, Viktor.” I frowned. “Put the game
“Sorry, boss. I’m close to level 8.”
I looked at Marcelo. “You need to keep your people on Lei and watch
him. We can’t have any more bodies. I’ll handle Chanel.”
“Fine with me. I’ll take Lei over Chanel any day. Less blood with my
choice. What are you going to tell her?”
“Between you and me, Lei did this. To everyone else, Pedro is another
victim of the serial killer.”
“So, we’re going to lie to Chanel?”
I would have to somehow keep pictures of Pedro’s corpse away from her.
She was smart. It would take her seconds to see the difference and come up
with my same conclusions.
“We must lie, Marcelo. What do you think Lei will do if we tell the truth?
Chanel would have to go after him. Lei wouldn’t hurt her, but he would come
for us. There would be war all over Paradise City.”
Marcelo shrugged. “If the North and South were united, we could
probably handle them.”
“I never go to war based on a probably.” I placed my hand on his
He frowned at my hand on him.
“Have your people hide the body until I’m ready to tell Chanel?”
“The Killer Crows will be watching me and making sure that I’m serious
about finding Romeo’s killer. If I do it, they’ll discover Pedro’s death before
we want them to.”
“This will cost you.”
“Lei will talk to you, seeing if you know. You give him no hint that he
completely botched this copycat serial killer job. And keep your people on
Lei without him knowing.” I walked off, placed my hand in my pocket, and
touched the king piece, twisting it between my fingers. “I’ll try to deal with
everything else.”
As if I need more things to work on with this serial killer hunting.
Marcelo began talking.
Uninterested, I tuned him out and scanned the spot, wondering what the
next move would be. I had no idea how Chanel would react. Due her being
his wife, she had to seek revenge and have her people look into Pedro’s
“Eh!” Marcelo yelled. “Am I boring you?
I blinked at him. “You did a little.”
Marcelo pointed at me. “You know why I never liked you?”
“I don’t care.”
“It’s because you could never look me in the eye in the beginning.”
“I can’t look anybody in the eye when I first meet them.”
“Why not?”
“It’s not in me to do so. It would take a truly extraordinary person to keep
my attention initially, and you’re not that person.” I walked off and jotted
down a quick note in my mini book.
Marcel may not be as much of an asshole as I think.
Marcelo called back, “Find this serial killer, Dimitri.”
I headed off. “I’m working on it.”
Viktor walked on my side. “Dimitri, we have another problem.”
When we made it to the door, he opened it.
Surprise hit me.
There stood my naughty Rose. Her mouth opened in shock. She held the
new digital recorder I bought her.
Two men flanked her. One was a big muscular guy on her right. I noticed
the bulge of a gun under his jacket. On the left, the skinny man had a big
camera in his hand.
Instead of letting her walk by, I blocked the doorway. “Where do you
think you're going?”
An Example

imitri towered over me. He was such an overwhelming man. Today his
D designer suit clung to the muscles on his shoulders and arms. Power
radiated off every inch.
The image was enough to wet any woman’s panties.
Therefore, I wasn’t completely annoyed that he was blocking my way. I
might have swooned for a few seconds, before clearing my throat.
When the station asked me to do this new assignment, I didn’t think it
would involve him again. My photographer, Sampson stirred on my right
side. Thankfully, my new bodyguard Roger was on my left. I would deal with
Dimitri as much as I could. If he pushed it, Roger would take care of him.
“Did you hear me?” Dimitri leaned his head to the side. “Where do you
think you're going?”
“Excuse me.”
“You’re not excused.” Dimitri stepped out into the hallway.
I tried to walk around him. His men got in my way. Another man shut the
“I asked you a question, Ms. Walsh.”
I glared at him. “Don’t call me that, and I’m here due to you.”
“I had one assignment this morning. And your donut shenanigans forced
me to take on a new assignment.”
“Which is?”
“The hotel called the police about a murder. I’m going to report—”
“You won’t. Unfortunately, you can’t do this one either. Perhaps, consider
reporting about the city’s caviar limes.”
“What is up with all of you and this fruit? It really isn’t that amazing.”
He crossed his arms over his chest and remained in my way. “Goodbye
now, Ms. Walsh.”
“Are you dismissing me?”
“You’re a fast learner.”
I quirked my eyebrows. “This murder has something to do with the
Diamond Syndicate?”
Anger covered his face. He stepped forward, forcing me to step
backwards. “Go. Home.”
“This is my assignment. You have no control over—”
I stood my ground. “No.”
My new bodyguard Roger chose that moment to get to my side. He flexed
his shoulder and then cracked his neck.
Dimitri shifted his attention to him. “Who’s this?”
I beamed. “This is my new bodyguard, Roger.”
Dimitri turned back to me. A worried expression actually covered his face.
“Rose, are you in danger?”
“I believe so.”
Dimitri sneered. “Who’s bothering you?”
“It’s a man from the North.”
Sighing, he pulled out a small notebook and pen from his coat pocket.
“What is his name?”
“His name is Dimitri Ivanov.”
One of Dimitri’s men chuckled and then covered the sound up with a
I placed my hands on my hips. “After Mr. Ivanov sent me a gift with a
threat, my father decided to send down protection for me.”
Dimitri put the notebook and pen back in his pocket. “There was no threat
with that gift. Daddy Walsh didn’t need to send a babysitter.”
Roger chose that moment to speak, “I don’t know much about you, Mr.
Ivanov, but Ms. Walsh would like to go in that room behind you. I hate to tell
you this, but she will.”
Exactly! You better tell him!
Dimitri studied the bodyguard. “You’re being put in a difficult situation,
Roger. I’m sorry for all that may occur to you in Paradise.”
“No need to apologize.” Roger cracked his neck again. “It’s just another
day for me.”
“Interesting. I would love to know more, but we part here.” Dimitri
pointed to his men on the right. “Take Rose home.”
I shook my head. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Roger fisted his hands at his sides. “You need to move out of the way, Mr.
Dimitri quirked his brows. “Or what?”
Roger raised his hands and grabbed Dimitri’s jacket. I was worried that
Dimitri’s men would rush for Roger. Instead, I was surprised.
Fast, Dimitri slammed Roger’s hands away.
“Ah!” Shocked, Roger stumbled back and gazed at his arms.
Dimitri seized that moment to get him again. He backhanded Roger. It was
a hard, unforgiving smash to his face. A crack sounded near his jaw.
Terrified, I held my hands in the air as if that could stop everything.
My guard fell back into the wall and groaned in pain. Over and over, he
shook his head and blinked his eyes as if he were trying to regain
One of Dimitri’s men leaned his way. “That might be a concussion.”
“I’m. . .o. . .kay.” Roger shook his head fast again and then tried to rise.
“No. No.” Dimitri wagged his finger. “Stay down, Roger. Like you said,
this is another day on the job.”
Dimitri’s men pulled out their guns and pointed them at Roger.
Terror seized my heart. I opened my mouth in shock.
Dimitri gestured at them. “Are you getting paid to die today, Roger?”
Poor Roger looked away from me and sat back down on the floor. “I’m
sorry, Ms. Walsh.”
Worry filled me. “That’s all right. You did a good job.”
“Roger really did.” Dimitri clapped his hands and nudged the man next to
him. “What do you think, Viktor?”
He nodded. “It was definitely a good effort. One man against all of us. He
has big balls.”
“And big balls are good to have in this world.” Dimitri walked back to me.
Another man came to his side and brushed off his shoulder, straightening the
few wrinkles Roger had caused.
The whole time, Dimitri watched me.
When the man finished, Dimitri stepped forward. “Who told you to come
I inched back. “The hotel called the police.”
“That doesn’t make any sense.” He moved forward again. “Ms. Walsh, I
like honesty.”
I inched away, stopping at the wall behind me. “Like I said, the hotel
called the police.”
“Lies. You have high connections in this city, the sort that have eyes
everywhere. Who? Governor? Mayor?”
“No disrespect, Dimitri, but my photographer and I have every right to go
into that room and report on what's going on in Paradise City.”
He raised his eyebrows. “What photographer?”
I checked my right. Sampson, the station’s photographer, must have
rushed away sometime when Dimitri man-handled my guard.
What the hell? You just ran off?
“Your partner is a smart man, Ms. Walsh. You on the other hand. . .”
His men helped Roger up and escorted him out of the hallway. The rest
gave us a wide berth of space.
I decided to move to the right. He blocked my way with his arm and
placed his hand on the wall. I tried to move left and he did the same thing.
Now he had me cornered against the wall. And it was hard to not notice the
heat radiating off of his body.
He watched me. “Do you like the new digital recorder?”
“Yes.” I gazed into his eyes. I shouldn't have. Those icy blue eyes held me
in a trance. I hadn’t noticed that in the glow of the nightclub last night. But
now I could see it more clearly.
“I’m glad you like it.”
“I would like to use my recorder.”
“You will. It just won’t happen much in Paradise.” He lowered his gaze to
my cleavage, not even trying to hide his ogling. “I have a question.”
“Did I look you in the eye, when we first met?”
“I believe so.”
“How does that relate to anything?”
“Did you drive or did your babysitter?”
“My photographer drove.”
“Then, he left you.”
“He could be downstairs.”
Dimitri smirked. “Or he could be rushing home to piss his pants.”
“You’re scary, but I doubt he pissed his pants.”
“I bet he pissed his pants when I stepped out into the hallway. He was
terrified of me. As he should be. What I can’t understand, is why you never
have the same reaction.”
“Is that what you're into, Mr. Ivanov? Women urinating on themselves?”
The smirk shifted to a devilish grin. “You have a good sense of humor.
You're going to keep me entertained for a long time.”
“I would like you to move out of the way.”
“And you’ll get your wish. I will move because I’m taking you home.” He
backed up and gave me room.
I remained against the wall. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
The door behind him opened.
Tall and stacked with muscle, Marcelo Romano left the room. I tried to get
a quick glance of what was going on inside. I spotted a couple police here
and there. But nothing more.
Two more men stepped out with Marcelo. Both were covered in tattoos.
All three men glared my way.
Since arriving, I'd been trying to research Marcelo too. Every time I
attempted to go into the South, people stared at me as if they knew I was up
to no good. I never felt comfortable being down there.
It wasn't like in the North. There, luxury elegance and sex ruled.
In the South there was only brutal ruggedness.
“Why is she here?” Marcelo went over to Dimitri and growled. “Are you
going to kill her or should I?”
My body went stiff. Fear sliced up my spine.
Dimitri frowned. “I'm not killing her. And I’m handling this.”
“Hurry up, before I deal with her myself.” Marcelo stomped away. His
men followed. And I released the gasp that I didn’t know I was holding.
Dimitri targeted me with that haunting blue gaze. “Now do you see what I
have to deal with? Marcelo is manageable. The rest aren’t. Stay low and mind
your business when it comes to the Syndicate.”
I kept quiet.
Before coming down to Paradise, I knew there would be danger. I
accepted that there would even be death threats.
But being on the actual ledge in the face of death terrified me.
I also had to make peace with the fact that Dimitri had confessed that he
was trying to protect me.
“Let’s go, Ms. Walsh.” He walked off.
Sighing, I left the wall. “Where are we going?”
“To your place. 1235 Gold Boulevard.”
Of course he would know where I lived.
“I heard that you have a pretty little white cat.” He continued forward. “I
plan to drop you off, but not before petting that cat.”
Dread rose within me. “What? You don’t need to touch my cat.”
“How could I not.” He winked at me. “I love pussy.”
I groaned in annoyance.
The Diamond Thief’s
Secret Baby

ose steamed on my side and kept silent the whole ride. It was clear that
R she wasn’t used to being told what to do.
You’ll get used to it the more you’re with me.
It didn’t matter if she had a bad attitude. I loved the fact that she was
inside of the Phantom, filling it up with her flowery scent.
I inhaled it in. A big smile spread across my face.
Heading to the West, the Phantom left Caviar Lime Highway and drove
onto Silver Street.
I wasn't shocked that Rose chose the wealthiest section to reside in. Here,
luxury condo prices soared. It was where she should have been. Plus, my
condo was near, right on Platinum Row.
Chanel had a lot to do with transforming the West from ghetto to now
having the most prestigious section of Paradise City. Chanel had united with
several property developers, top architects, and interior designers to woo
mega-wealthy buyers with lavish skyscrapers that had tons of turnkey
condos. After these new properties built up, spas, wellness centers, and
restaurants flocked to the West to attend to all the wealthy residents. The
West boasted the best places to pamper oneself.
How does Rose like to be pampered?
I looked her way and was about to ask when my phone buzzed.
Business. Business.
Sighing, I took the phone out and placed it on my ear. “Yes?”
Lei’s voice came on the line. “I was wondering how your investigation
was going.”
I rolled my eyes.
You were wondering more than that. Like if I figured out that you killed
I looked out the window. “I have my suspects but nothing to report at this
Tension rode Lei’s voice. “Make sure you keep me up to date with any
new details.”
“You make sure you do that too.”
Also, don’t kill anyone else!
“Alright.” Lei waited for a few seconds in silence. “Then. . .have a good
afternoon, Dima.”
“You too.” I hung up the phone.
Lei wouldn’t be completely satisfied with that conversation. Surely, he
knew that I’d been to see the body. I believed, Lei personally had the hotel
call Viktor. That news had fallen into my lap too easily.
Never a boring day with the Diamond Syndicate.
I put the phone away.
Right before hitting Platinum Row, my driver rounded the corner, sped
down Old Boulevard, slowed down at the end, and then parked us in front.
I gazed up at the newest trophy resident in the area—The Promenade.
Chanel’s new masterpiece. The slim 50-story glass tower featured a six-star
lifestyle. The interior spaces had tailored building scenting with fragrances
designed by olfactory consultants. A Balducci sculpture sat at the base of the
building. On the first floor was a 25-seat cinema and a lap pool. Four
different floors had wellness and spa facilities.
Viktor was already at the building’s entrance waiting with my other men.
I opened the door, left the Phantom, and held it for her. “Do you like it
Rose slipped out. “I do.”
She walked forward. “Attentive management and an excellent concierge
who’s given me great restaurant recommendations.”
“I also have excellent restaurant recommendations.” I kept her pace.
“When are you free for me to take you out for dinner?”
“I’m super busy.”
“Yet you had time to loiter in Lush last night.”
“That was work.”
“Your going undercover as a sexy vigilante in a high-end brothel was
“It was.”
“So, you think your Batman?”
“Never that.” She stopped at the entrance. “I'm Batwoman.”
“I would love to see you in tight leather.”
“You won’t.” She put those manicured hands on her hips. “Thank you for
bringing me home against my will, Mr. Ivanov.”
“No problem. I promise to always bring you home against your will in the
future too.”
Viktor opened the door.
“Goodbye.” She walked into her building.
I went in too.
Viktor and my men followed.
She headed to the elevator and checked over her shoulder. “Really?”
“I truly want to pet your cat.”
She grumbled.
“I love animals, especially cute ones.”
Viktor rushed forward to push the elevator’s button.
The doors slid open.
We got on.
I stood right next to her.
She looked up at me. “You’re not coming into my home.”
“I can't get a cup of tea?” I gazed down at her. “Didn't you grow up as a
proper lady?”
Viktor pushed the button for the twentieth floor.
She rolled her eyes. “I'm only a proper lady for proper gentlemen—the
sort that don’t spy on me and know I have a pet in the first place. How did
your men even find that out anyway?”
I turned my view back to the front. “If you have to ask, then you’re not
prepared for the answer.”
The doors closed.
The elevator rose.
“Although I was born and raised in America, I am Russian at heart. People
think Russians are all about vodka. Tea is our main drink. As soon as you
enter any Russian house you’ll always be offered tea, and when you finish
then your cup will be refilled immediately.”
“Dimitri, I am not Russian.”
“But I am and it would please me.”
“I’m not here to please you.”
“You actually are.” I pulled out one of her memory cards out of my pocket
and raised it in the air. “Do you remember this?”
She stared at it. “You’re going to give me one back, if I let you come into
my condo?”
“No. I’m already coming into the condo. This is for a steaming hot cup of
“You’re serious?”
“I really like tea.”
She looked at the memory card and then back at me. “What type of tea do
you like?”
The elevator stopped on twentieth floor.
The doors slid open.
I left.
She walked off with me. “You don’t seem like a chamomile type of guy.”
“Exactly. My cock is too big for that. Big dick men don’t sip chamomile.”
She let out a long sigh.
“I’m just giving you helpful clues.”
“Maybe, you're an Earl Grey guy, due to your huge ego.”
“Earl Grey is correct.” He winked at me. “I love my tea black.”
We approached the door.
She pulled out her keys from her bag, unlocked it, and then she stepped
aside to hold the door open for me. I entered with my men.
She did too and closed the door. “Should I make tea for your guards too or
“They’re not thirsty.”
She set her purse down. “You didn’t ask them.”
“It doesn’t matter. They know I wouldn’t like it.”
“Like what?”
“Your making tea for them.”
“Why not?”
“Because I get possessive when I’m dating a woman.”
She laughed. “We are not dating.”
I scanned her condo, assessing her personality from the furniture choices.
Our homes were consistent reflections of ourselves. They told our story. I
walked around, slowly flipping the pages of my naughty Rose.
No surprise, she had a metropolitan chic. Everything modern. Very
symbolic of a posh city girl with no budget. The living room showed off
gorgeous details with some mix of colors and patterns. Black and white
photos hung on the walls, displaying various locations around the world.
“You took these images?”
“Yes.” She pointed to my right. “The tea is in the kitchen.”
“I’m learning about you.” I walked over to a photo of a mother elephant
splashing water on to her baby elephant. “Thailand?”
She peered at it. “How did you know that?”
“The small bit of temple in the back.”
“Still, that shouldn’t have given you an automatic clue.”
I pointed to the black clay buddha statue on the table. “That too.”
“How. . .did you know that was from Thailand?”
“Buddha statues vary from country to country. Thailand typically uses
stone, wood, clay, or metal cast images of the Buddha.”
An odd expression hit her face. “Um. . .so, you’re Buddhist?”
“I don’t believe in religion, but I do put my faith in spirituality. However,
back to you.” I left that photo and looked at the others. “Why do you only
want one child?”
“What?” Shock covered her face. “Where did you get that from?”
I gestured to the other black and white photos. “The ones with animals are
of a mother and their one baby.”
“That doesn’t have to mean that I only want one kid.”
I glanced her way. “But, do you?”
She frowned. “Yes.”
“I think motherhood would be super difficult. Therefore, if I have one kid,
then I can focus all my time and attention on him or her and hopefully not
mess it up.”
“Because your parents messed it up.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“I want five kids.” I headed down the hallway towards her bedroom.
“Excuse me! Where are you going?” She followed.
“I’m wondering what color is on your bed.”
“Red would suggest a hot, vibrant sex life.” I spotted two doors and
stopped in between them. “Hmmm. Which one?”
She raised her eyebrows.
I went into the right one and opened. “Right on the first try. Awesome.
There we go. Rose’s bedroom.”
A blue comforter covered the bed. Files and folders lay on the side of her
bed for where someone else could have slept. Unconsciously, she’d blocked
that space off, telling the universe work came before love. Tons of moving
boxes filled the room. Her closet door was open and empty. She hadn’t put
anything on the nightstand or shelves.
“I see.” I left and headed back to the living room.
She hurried after me. “What do you see?”
“You’ve got a hot temper, but an ice cold bed.”
“My bed is just as hot.”
“It’s not.” I made it to the kitchen.
Viktor was already seated at the breakfast bar, playing his game. “Nice
place, Ms. Walsh.”
“Uh.” She raised her eyebrows at him. “Thank you.”
Viktor’s game blared a horn. “Fuck. This level is super hard.”
I sat down next to him and perused the kitchen. More boxes stacked the
counters. “Very interesting.”
She shook her head. “I don’t like your examining my life.”
“I’m sorry, but I’m not just anybody. I like to know who I’m taking to
She laughed and opened the cupboard. “You’re not taking me to bed.”
I drank in the great view of her ass. “I like honey instead of sugar. And a
little splash of milk.”
“Wow. Thanks for your order. I’ll have your menu with you shortly.” She
set cups on the counter and turned on the electric silver tea kettle near her.
“Do you always do this?”
“Delight a woman’s home with my presence?”
“Forget it.” She rummaged through the cabinets.
Viktor’s phone beeped. Then, the harp played a longer melody.
I eyed him. “Level 8?”
He beamed with pride.
“Good job.” I caught a shelf further away, stacked with books. “Oh my.
Books. How did I not see that?”
“See what?” She checked over her shoulder.
Leaving my seat, I walked over to the book case and checked the titles. I
expected to see a lot of nonfiction and leather bounds editions of award-
wining literary works. Something appropriate for a Pulitzer Prize winner.
Basically, lots of boring shit.
Instead, each shelf displayed tons of trashy romance. Many of the titles
represented things my mother would have read.
“Very, very interesting.” I glanced over my shoulder. “Can I borrow one
of your novels?”
“Now, I know that you’re playing.”
“I’m not.”
“You really want to borrow a book to read?”
“I do. Will you let me?”
“That depends on what you want to borrow.”
A little steam rose from the kettle, but not enough to make it whistle.
“Hmmm.” I picked up the one that grabbed my attention. “How about the
Diamond Thief’s Secret Baby?”
She laughed.
I frowned at her. “Is that a no, Ms. Walsh?”
“You’re not really going to read it.”
“Would you like to make a wager on that?”
Viktor chuckled to himself.
She pulled out an ornate box where I figured she kept her loose leaf tea.
“What do you want to bet?”
“I want a date.”
She held the top in mid-air. “I read the book. I would know if you’re
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not dating you, Dimitri.”
“Because I’m a bad guy?”
“That and your ego.”
“I have a lovable ego.” I carried the book over with me. “I’m borrowing
this, and when I finish, we’ll discuss our date.”
“Not happening.” She scooped up loose tea leaves.
A meow sounded off in the corner.
“There, we go.” I searched around for the cat. “Aww. How beautiful!”
She was a small puffball of white silky hair. Her button nose was pink.
Her steps were sly and commanding.
My heart warmed. “I’m absolutely in love. What’s her name?”
“None of your business. You know enough about me.”
I walked over to the kitty. The little thing skittered away. Disappointed, I
kept space between us as I followed her around. “She’ll need time to get used
to me. I may need to visit her more.”
Rose rolled her eyes.
The cat went to her empty bowl and meowed.
“Oh no. She’s hungry.” I shook my head. “Viktor.”
“I’m on it, boss.” He paused his game, hurried into the kitchen, and
searched through the cabinets.
“Excuse me, sir?” Rose glared at Viktor. “Can I help you?”
“Nope. And you don’t need to call him sir.”
“Trust me. That was sarcastic.”
I pulled out my book and wrote a note.
Rose uses sarcasm sometimes when she says ‘sir.’
I put the book up and realized that she was watching me.
She looked at my pocket. “What did you write down?”
Viktor pulled out a small bag of pet food and headed my way. “She only
has puppy chow, boss.”
I scowled at Rose. “This is a cat.”
“I know it’s a cat.”
“Are you sure?”
“I was busy when I bought my groceries. Mainly on the phone and so I
picked up the wrong bag and—”
I stared at her in horror. “The kitty has been subjected to this for how
“It’s still food.”
I looked at Viktor. “Throw it away. Have someone run to Pauly’s seafood.
It’s not even a block from here. Get Barbara a salmon meal with shrimp.”
“Yes, sir.”
I pointed at him. “No shells. And have them cut up the salmon and shrimp
into small pieces so she doesn’t have to work too hard.”
“Should they get Rose something too?”
“I’m right here—”
I sighed. “Rose has been naughty, but get her the fried lobster sandwich
with caviar lime. She’s new to Paradise and she doesn’t get why everyone is
raving about the limes.”
“I don’t want anything to eat.” Rose pulled out honey. “And who is
“The cat.” I placed the book on the table.
“That’s not her name.”
“Then, what is it?”
She sighed. “I haven’t thought of anything yet.”
“Who gave you the cat?”
“How did you know someone gave it to me?”
“You’re unprepared to take care of her.”
“Whatever.” She put the honey away. “My mother sent the cat down.
She’s trying to lure out my mothering side or something.”
“My vote is for the cat to be called Barbara Whiskers, since you like
Barbara Walters.” I pointed to the huge coffee table book of the journalist
near the couch. “What do you think, Viktor?”
He hung his phone, probably after giving the command to get Barbara
food. “What about Journey. Short for journalism.”
“I see what you did there, Viktor. I like that.”
“You both are insane.” Rose continued to set up.
Viktor went back to his game. “Deadline works too.”
Rose sighed. “You can’t come to a person’s place and rename their pets.”
Viktor’s game beeped. “Tabloid would be cute too.”
“Good, but Barbara Whiskers is too perfect.” I leaned back in the chair.
“Anyway, back to our date.”
“Which isn’t happening.”
I eyed her. “Because?”
Rose spooned honey into each cup. “You’ve bullied me into not doing
“Because I want to keep you alive.”
“Dimitri, we’re not on the same side.”
“There are no true sides to Paradise. It’s just a big circle that I help
“You know what I’m saying.”
“Then, when we discuss the Diamond Thief’s Secret Baby, it will be
during the evening and at a location of my choosing where we will enjoy an
exquisite meal, expensive wine, and intelligent conversation.”
“I doubt that would ever happen.”
“It will. You’re an adrenaline junkie.”
Watching me, she didn’t move. “I’m not an adrenaline junkie.”
“You’re bored and haven’t been fucked in a long time. You take risks.
You go traveling. You’re searching this planet trying to feel something.”
“You really think you know me, but you—”
“What would make you feel more alive than going on a date with a
“Is that how you see yourself?”
“It doesn’t matter.” I leaned forward. “That’s how you see me.”
“You don’t know me.”
“I understand you well enough to know that I would enjoy your company
one evening and well into the night and maybe even in the morning too.”
A blush hit her face.
The tea kettle whistled.
My phone chose that moment to ring.
Now what?
Frowning, I pulled out my phone and answered, “Yes?”
To my shock, Chanel’s voice came on. “Dima, can we talk?”
I never heard Chanel sound so nervous in my life. I hoped to God that she
didn't know about her husband's death or that Lei did it.
I put my back to Rose. “What’s wrong?”
“I can't tell you on the phone. Please come to my place. I was told by my
people that you were at the Promenade with the reporter. Marcelo called me
about her this morning. I’m glad you’re killing her.”
“I’m not. You all need to take it down a notch when it comes to how we
handle her.”
“So, then you’re going to fuck the reporter first?”
“I'll be there in ten minutes.”
“Thank you so much, Dima.”
I hung up and turned back to Rose.
She poured hot water into the cups. Steam rose in a long line and swirled
around her. The clear water twisted and turned as it slowly tinted to brown.
The whole scene was a peaceful sight to behold. I yearned to stay with her
longer and discuss our date more.
Regret filled my chest. I rose, grabbed the book, and walked into the
kitchen. “Sorry, Ms. Walsh, but I have to take care of something. I’m going
to take my tea to-go.”
She raised her eyebrows. “You’re taking my teacup?”
I walked over to her and picked up the cup. “How else would I be able to
drink your tea?”
“And when will I get my teacup back?”
“On our date. The one where we will discuss this secret baby.” In one
hand, I held my borrowed book. In the other hand, I dug into my pocket,
pulled out the memory card, and placed it on the counter. “A promise is a
She reached for it.
I moved it out of her way. “Remember. It would be dangerous to print
“Then, why did you give it back to me?”
“Two reasons. First, it is yours. Second, I trust that you've learned your
She remained quiet. A wicked expression covered her face. I didn’t think
she learned her lesson at all. I probably shouldn’t have given it back, but I
knew that I could stop the information from coming out anyway.
Plus, if she tried that, it would give me another reason to see her just like
with bringing the cup back to her.
“Interesting.” I found that I was really enjoying being in her presence. I
loved her scent, that beautiful face, and the silkiness of her voice.
I slipped over the card to her and took my cup of tea. I inhaled the tea.
“More roses.”
She watched me with interest.
I studied her full lips. “Next time I see you, Ms. Walsh. I’m going to kiss
She opened her mouth in shock.
“And we’ll also need to discuss how badly I want to fuck you.”
She blinked.
“Have a good afternoon and stay out of trouble.” I left her condo with my
new romance and a very hot cup of tea.
Dream Lake

hanel’s butler opened the door. “Good morning, Mr. Ivanov.”
C “It's good to see you again, Frederick.”
He closed the door and guided me forward. “And how is your mother
these days? I truly miss her visits. It's been so long.”
“Retirement has served her well. She gardens and paints. She has
afternoon cocktail parties with her friends and is even talking about starting
ballroom dancing. She’s like a kid. And I am the adult.”
Frederick chuckled. “Mrs. Ivanov, is a true delight and deserves to have
Nefertiti’s voice sounded on the right. “I’ve got this, Frederick.”
We stopped and turned to her.
Nefertiti loomed over me. Her cornrows were different today. Instead of a
circular pattern, tons of individual braids outlined her face. These didn’t have
red beads.
She wore a black suit with a red shirt under it. Her silver guns lay in both
Frederick nodded and went off in the opposite direction.
I faced Nefertiti.
“Do me a favor, Dimitri.” She scowled at me. “Don’t stress her out with
your usual insensitive bullshit.”
“Try to show some fucking compassion today.”
“I’ll do my best.”
We headed down the long hallway, outlined by large paintings hanging on
the walls. All displayed different prominent members of the Jones family. It
was the classic Syndicate way to decorate. Always there was an exposition of
luxury encased within memories of the past. Pictures of ancestors were
important. It helped us remember our sense of loyalty and duty.
I scanned some of the paintings. They were all elegantly dressed black
men and women of different shades. Their eyes held fierce determination.
The women always sat in a gold chair. The men always stood by their side,
gripping huge gold-plated guns with the letter J, encrusted in diamonds.
Every Jones got a family gun when they turned twelve. I remembered
when Romeo received his. I’d been insanely jealous when I returned on a
visit from boarding school and he presented it to me. I’d asked my mother for
one, and she’d refused, proclaiming I had enough guns already.
Nefertiti led me up the gold spiral staircase. It was one of my favorite
parts of the Jones Mansion.
Chanel’s great grandfather had commissioned the massive house to be
built. Early architects created spiral staircases to be space-efficient. The great
Ralph Jones wanted the staircase to be beautiful, stylish, and functional. The
railing was sparkling gold. Every marble step had a gold J dotted with
diamonds. Even more interesting, the staircase wound clockwise and tight so
that a large group of attacking enemies couldn’t rush up to the second level.
And in certain spots, the steps were intentionally uneven to trip them.
Nefertiti pointed at two steps ahead of us. “Watch out for those.”
I skipped over them. “It’s been a while, but I remember.”
We made it to the second level and continued to the end of the hallway.
I stopped Nefertiti before she opened the door. “How has she been with
Romeo’s death?”
She kept her hand on the knob. “Chanel has been strong since she started
walking. However, I believe that all of you visiting has helped.”
I quirked my brows. “Who else has visited?”
“Many from the West.”
“That’s to be expected.”
A twinge of jealousy hit the corner of her eyes. “Mr. Romano had dinner
here with her last night.”
Marcelo never mentioned that. Why not?
Her scowl deepened. “Mr. Hao stopped by earlier.”
“Lei was here too?”
“Naw, man.” She shook his head. “His father, Leo. He brought a large bag
of caviar limes and a beautiful bible. It was all red leather and gold. They sat
in the living room and prayed together.”
“But Lei didn’t show up?”
Nefertiti gave me a sad smile. “Lei came by, but not in the traditional
“He stood outside of her window?”
She nodded. “You need to take care of that, before I have to.”
“I will. And if anyone out of the ordinary stops by, please contact me
immediately. I believe we’re all in danger until Romeo’s killer is found.”
“Not Chanel though.” Nefertiti opened the door. “I wish a motherfucker
would come near her.”
I headed in.
Nefertiti didn’t come in. Instead, she closed the door.
Chanel had a very masculine office. It was thick with leather, tobacco,
sports, and liquor. The very essence of what typically impressed men. Ebony
walls bordered Chanel’s large office.
I spotted the bar near a dark red leather couch. Two bottles of expensive
Scotch were opened. A glass cigar box full of gold tipped Mayan Sicars sat
next to the liquor. Several framed Paradise Pirate football jerseys hung on the
wall, complete with signatures of top players.
I never knew if Chanel loved all of this stuff or was simply trying her best
to fit in with us.
Where are you?
I checked the right. The balcony door was open. Sheer red curtains lifted
up and then fell back with the wind. Smiling, I headed that way, knowing
Chanel would be outside gazing at Dream Lake.
You and your ghosts.
Most Paradise residents stayed away from Dream Lake due to its spooky
and menacing reputation. Meanwhile, the Killer Crows built elegant lakefront
mansions all around it.
I stepped onto the balcony.
Chanel wore a long red sun dress and held a glass full of scotch and ice.
Gold and ruby earrings dangled from her ears. Chanel had her long black hair
down. It fell around her face.
She looked as beautiful today as always. However her eyes were a little
red as if she been crying all morning. And there was a sad weariness around
the corner of her eyes. Not only had she not slept, but she also hadn’t
experienced much peace.
Maybe, it’s good that Pedro is dead.
Without turning around, she took a sip from her glass and swallowed.
“Thank you for coming, Dima.”
“You always know when I’m near you, even when I try to hide it.”
“Your big feet are loud as fuck.”
Smiling, I walked over to her and stared at the lake. “Seen any ghosts
“Not yet.” She took another sip of the scotch. “But that’s only because it’s
light outside. They like the moon and stars.”
Beneath Dream Lake lay a small village called Crownsville. Long ago, it
had been a thriving town of over 6,000 people and completely Black-owned.
Many of Chanel’s ancestors had helped build the town. They had their own
banks, schools, theater, restaurants, and municipal buildings. And all of the
residents of Crownsville stayed within their community, never venturing out
to deal with the racist folk surrounding them.
Unfortunately, the rest of Paradise city wasn’t as successful. A depression
poured over America and hit other parts of Paradise the most. Whites from
the North and South of Paradise began looking to Crownsville as the
problem. Rumors began that Black people were doing well because they were
stealing from the rest.
Even though there’d been no reports of burglaries or thefts, a group of
white men organized and began creeping into Crownsville at night and
tormenting the residents.
This went on for months.
Then, a South Paradise white woman made a dangerous claim. She’d been
attacked from behind, blindfolded, beaten, and raped. Never did she see the
men’s faces or hear their voices, but she was certain that they were black.
That night, many South Paradise men went to Crownsville. They burned
the village’s churches, schools, and businesses. They broke into homes, shot
the husbands, raped the wives, and hung the kids.
Killer Crows called this the Week of Blood.
The massacre went on for several days. Less than half of the Crownsville
residents were saved and that was due to many of Chanel’s ancestors,
wielding guns and fighting back.
In order to survive, they fled Paradise and hid.
A year later, the surviving Crownsville residents returned. They’d spent
that time getting weapons, money, and connections in the criminal world.
They came back to rebuild their homes and discovered man-made Dream
Lake in place of their village.
Paradise officials ordered the area to be flooded to cover up the horror of
the city’s past.
But the story didn’t end there.
Paradise deaths increased, and more than half were associated with the
Anytime Paradise whites swam or fished at Dream Lake, they died or
came close to tragic injury. Some of the best swimmers drowned. The few
survivors described the sensation of being pulled under by unseen hands. The
majority of boats’ engines always burned out and then sink into the lake,
never to be heard of again.
Anytime contractors tried to build houses around the lake, the construction
crew went ill with no reason for the sickness. Many of the developers died
from mysterious causes.
More frightening stories arose. A few times police were called to the lake
by unknown sources. When the cops arrived, they only heard shrieks and
screams within the darkness. Never did they find out who made the noises as
they raced away.
Everyone believed Dream Lake to be haunted.
After a while, the lake and surrounding area went wild and empty for a
long time. The property costs dropped to almost nothing.
That resulted in Chanel’s great grandfather and other Killer Crows buying
up incredibly cheap land around Dream Lake.
In the Jones Mansion, there’s a framed picture of an old news article.
The title proclaimed, “Crazy Negroes Buy Property Around Haunted
The reporter believed that they would die or be taken by ghosts soon.
But, nothing ever happened.
Granted, Mom heard all the stories and believed that there were no ghosts.
She guessed that the Killer Crows were the reason for the magic of the
haunting. Hiding in the water with diving gear, they probably spent their
weekends yanking white swimmers down to their deaths. She also thought
they stole the boats, killed the passengers, and hocked the vessels for parts.
But none of that explained the fact that many people still saw ghosts at
night when they camped around it. That didn’t account for the tombstones
that always rose to the surface and floated on the same week every year, the
Week of Blood.
And that never explained why Mom never allowed me to swim in the lake,
when I would come to the Jones’ to visit.
On the balcony, Chanel grabbed my attention. “Last night, I watched so
many restless souls roaming the surface.”
“Were they singing like when you saw them last month?”
“They’re always singing, but the sound was so low. It was hard to hear.”
She took another sip from her glass. “Do you want something to drink?”
“No. I’m too busy today. You enjoy it for me.”
“I’ll do my best.” She took another gulp. “Are you coming to Romeo’s
memorial tonight?”
“I will.”
“I know you hate driving down into the South, but Romeo loved
Marcelo’s club.”
“Even though mine are better.” I spotted several men below us, walking
up to the end of the lake. They were all dressed in red, which told me they
were Killer Crows. They had planks of wood scattered around. Others were
on the side, hammering wooden planks together.
“You’re quiet, Dima.”
I continued to watch the men hammer. “I’m always quiet.”
“Especially, when you’re hiding something.”
“I’ve never noticed that about me.” I spotted more men near the lake,
dragging out boxes of tools.
“Are you going to tell me what you’re hiding from me? Or should I just let
you do your thing? I already have a lot on my plate.”
“I vote for you to let me do my thing. Trust me as you always have.”
She eyed me. “And whatever you don’t want me to know, it doesn’t have
anything to do with Romeo’s killer?”
“It doesn’t.”
Not really.
She sipped her drink.
I turned her way, getting a better look at my friend. “Have I ever
disappointed you?”
“Not yet, Dima.”
“I’ll take that.” I gestured to the men by the lake. “What are they
An exasperated breath left her. “Romeo’s lawyer read the will this
morning. My dear brother had thirty pages breaking down his plans for his
I grinned. “I’m not surprised at all. He was a bigger control freak than
“And an extreme narcissist. I’m also to commission two artists to paint a
massive mural of him on the Mercedes Benz brick wall facing Luxury Road.
So, anytime people enter the West, they’ll see Romeo smiling at them. He
wants the word, legend, written in gold and above his head.”
“Just one word? That’s humble of him.” I pointed at the wooden planks.
“But what are they making.”
“Romeo also requested a Viking funeral.”
“What?” I quirked my brows.
“You heard me. I’ve got our people building a boat according to his
specifications. Then, we’re supposed to put his body on this boat, cover it in
white lace drenched with gasoline, push it out onto the lake, and shoot lit
arrows at.”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m very serious.”
“But didn’t the Vikings bodies go out to the ocean?”
“Dima, I don’t know what the hell the Vikings did. I just wish Romeo
wanted something simple like a casket and burial.” She shook her head and
drank some more. “If he was alive, I would kill him.”
“This will be an interesting funeral indeed.”
“Let’s not forget about the parade.”
I smiled. “Does the parade come before his body gets set on fire?”
“Thankfully. He also wants a grand ball a week after the Viking funeral.”
Good. Romeo is keeping Chanel and the Killer Crows busy so they won’t
go on a war rampage. He always thought several steps ahead of everyone.
I glanced back at the men building the boat. “I’m going to miss Romeo.
He was a mastermind.”
“Do you have any suspects?”
“Chanel, I need more time.”
“Fine, but when I’m done with my brother’s instructions, then I’m on the
case too.”
I stirred. Chanel on the case meant her running around Paradise with her
guns. Her sleuthing equated to bullets to the heads and blood covering the
streets. Most of the time, someone confessed just to stop all the horror in the
And with the passing of her big brother, no one would be able to hold
Chanel back anymore. Not even Lei.
I need to find this killer soon.
Besides the threat of death to the Syndicate, mayhem triggered low profit.
Who would want to be outside when everyone’s dying from stray bullets or
gangs at war?
I had to discover the murderer before Chanel joined the investigation.
She finished her scotch, left the balcony, and headed into her office. “I
called you for a few reasons.”
“Okay.” I followed her.
She went to her desk, picked up a large wooden box, and handed it to me.
“According to Romeo’s will, in any event of Romeo dying without having
any children, he wanted to give you his family guns.”
Shocked, I almost lost my voice. “Me?”
“He called you his brother.”
A shiver ran through me. I took the box and was about to open it.
“Please, don’t.” She swallowed. “The velvet in the case. . .the guns. . .it all
smells like him. I can’t take it.”
“I understand.”
“There’s another reason why I called.” She went to her bar. “I need your
help with something else.”
“You do?”
“I’m sorry to stress you out like this.”
“Chanel, I’m happy to help you.” I set the box back down on the desk.
“You’re not stressing me out. I’m here for you.”
She poured herself more scotch. “There are two things I need help with,
and I don’t want the rest of the Syndicate to know.”
“What two things?”
“First, my husband has been missing. I need your help with finding him.”
That’s easy. I know exactly where he is.
Chanel continued, “He left yesterday afternoon and hasn’t come back yet.
And I won’t lie to you, Dima. This is typical behavior from Pedro. But I
hoped that he would be different since. . .”
“I understand.”
“With Romeo’s death, people are wondering if I can even rule. Pedro
being gone makes me look bad. It shows I don’t even have control within my
marriage. Killer Crows are whispering a lot. I’m close to shooting someone
just because.”
“You said this is typical behavior.” I tilted my head to the side. “Pedro
usually disappears?”
“Not disappear, but sometimes he doesn’t come back home at night. He’ll
leave out the house in the evening and venture off to whatever bed he
chooses to lay in for that night. However, by morning he’s usually home
before the staff appears.”
I hadn’t realized things were so bad between them. While I knew it wasn’t
going to be a happy marriage, I figured Pedro would have tried to make it
“Do you love Pedro?”
“Does it matter?” She drank from her glass. “I would have loved a
different sort of life, but I wasn’t born into that type of family. You ask me
about love? There’s only two things that are in my heart.”
“And what’s that?”
“The first is family. Blood over everything. Second is money. Dollars
make sense. Emotions are bullshit.” She looked at the glass. “Can you find
Pedro for me?”
I nodded with confidence. “I’m Dima. Of course.”
But do I need to bring him back alive?
“I’m serious.” She shook her head. “And I need this to remain private.
Tension is always rising between the Coffin Cheaters and Killer Crows. The
Cheaters think Pedro should be in charge due to him being a man.”
“Don’t worry about that.”
“But, I should rule.”
“You will, Chanel. Trust me on that.”
“You sound so confident. I wish I felt the same way.” She set the bottle of
scotch down and went over to her computer, gesturing for me to come. “The
next matter is even more difficult. Honestly, I’m not sure if you can help me
with this.”
I went over to her.
She tapped a button on her keyboard. Her computer screen went from
black to white. Then, the screen showed a video that had been on pause. “I
have a problem with Lei.”
You sure do, but I don‘t need a video to see that.
She pressed a button.
The video played.
It was security footage. The angle looked like the camera was located on
the ceiling of her balcony. I glanced over my shoulder and spotted the camera
that the footage would have come from.
And then I returned my attention to the computer screen.
The footage showed the lake. A few times the screen blinked and out with
white lines. A woman’s shrill cries sounded and then left.
I leaned forward. “What the hell was that?”
“That’s just a ghost.” She fast forwarded. “That’s not the problem.”
“Excellent because I can’t help with that.”
The one time, I spent the night at the Jones’ Mansion as a kid, the Jones
Family and even staff constantly repeated one rule to me—never to leave my
room after 10pm. Young Chanel would sprinkle salt in the doorway of the
room I slept in. She would even put salt on the windowsill. Following her,
Romeo placed an open bible in my room too. Apparently, it was supposed to
let the ghosts know not to harm me.
When I was asked to spend the night the second time, I politely declined.
“Here it is.” Chanel stopped the video and let it play.
I peered at the footage. Within moonlit darkness, Lei stood near the lake
and he wasn’t facing the water. He gazed up at Chanel’s balcony.
She stopped the video. “That was last night at four in the morning.”
Dread gathered in my shoulders. This was a difficult situation that had to
be carefully approached. “What would you like me to do, Chanel?”
“Tell Lei to stop coming by. This isn’t the first time.”
“Hmmm.” I did my best to feign shock. “Oh really?”
“Don’t even try it.” She rolled her eyes. “I know you spy on all of us. And
you think no one on this estate doesn’t know Lei sneaks on our property all
the time.”
“Lei is skilled at staying within the shadows.”
“We have ghosts, Dima. The whole property remains alert. No human
could get past us. But the problem is that. . .”
“Yes?” I crossed my shoulders over my chest.
“Before, Lei hid his sneaking around to watch my balcony. Last night, Lei
stood right out in the open, with the light on him, and stared directly at the
camera, as if daring security to alert and wake everyone up.”
“Lei was close to Romeo. This death is going to hit him hard.”
“You were close to my brother too, Dima. You’re not outside my
“True, but I’m not in love with you either.”
With that, she turned away. “Please, help me with Lei.”
“You want me to tell him to stop coming over here and stalking you?” I
held out my hands to the sides. “I like danger like any cold-blooded gangster,
but that sounds suicidal. The Syndicate needs me to discover Romeo’s killer,
not die by Lei’s blades.”
“Listen. You don’t have to tell him to stop coming by. Lei won’t hurt me.
But, I need you to be there for him. It wouldn’t be proper for me to be the
shoulder for Lei to lean on.”
“You want me to be a better friend to him?”
“Yes, Dima.”
I shrugged. “I can do that.”
“Thank you, Dima.” She set the glass down on the desk and then hugged
At first, I tensed. Then, I relaxed myself, remembering how the Jones
family loved touching. I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her and pulled
her small body to me.
She leaned against my chest.
Please, don’t cry. I’m not sure how to fix that.
Thankfully, she only remained in my arms. More tension left me. I began
to enjoy the closeness to her. Perhaps, I needed it more than her.
When she left my arms, she gazed up at me. “Are you going to be okay,
“Why would you ask?”
“Who else did you talk to besides Romeo?”
“That’s not the same thing. He’s under you. You need someone on your
level that won’t take your orders and set you straight.”
“That may be a good point.”
“You also need a good woman, Dima.”
“I know. I know. You tell me that all the time.”
“A good black woman will straighten you up.”
I grinned. “Yes. Yes.”
She gave me a warm smile. “Now that Romeo is gone, you must make an
honest effort to have three real friends.”
“Lei, Marcelo, and me.”
I frowned at the mention of Marcelo’s name. “Anyway, don’t worry
yourself about Romeo’s funeral. Get my people to help. They’ll be too scared
to come by the lake, but they can help with anything else.”
“Thank you, Dima.”
“And I may not say this a lot, Chanel, but. . .I love you.”
“Oh, Dima. Don’t make me cry.” She returned, forcing me into another
embrace. This time, I was prepared.
Again, she leaned against my chest.
We stayed like this for a long time. The lake’s breeze disturbed the sheer
red curtains and blew by us. Men hammered outside.
And then Chanel cried against me.
And not knowing what else to do, I held her tighter.
Romeo’s Memorial

onight, I wore a black shirt and suit for Romeo’s memorial. Since the
T Diamond Syndicate was so territory-color-obsessed, I added a yellow tie
and made sure the rest of my crew followed.
The Phantom ventured into the South.
My phone rang.
I answered. “Yes?”
My mother’s voice came on the line. “That’s such a rude way to answer
the phone.”
I sighed.
“The chef told me that you threatened his life this morning and were mean
to Edwin.”
“I asked them both to return to my usual breakfast. You know I like my
“The one that will clog your coronary arteries and push you to certain
death before 40?”
“Yes, mother. That one.”
“Suit yourself.” Her voice shifted to concern. “How are you, baby?”
“Is that a hint to get off the phone?”
“No, mother. That’s me describing my mood.”
“Have you found the killer?”
“Why does everyone think I can do this within 24 hours?”
“Because I paid thousands and thousands of dollars so that big brain can
be filled with the best education possible.”
I rubbed my forehead. “I don’t remember serial killers on the curriculum.”
“You think it’s a serial killer and not some rival gang or—”
“Definitely, a serial killer, Mom. He killed Johnny Cupcakes too. And
he’s dressing everyone up.”
“Oh my. I had no idea about those details.”
“The police are keeping it from the public.”
“But I’m not the public. I’m your mother. Have the police files sent to my
place tonight. I want to go over—”
“Absolutely not.”
“I just want to—”
“I’m in control. You’re retired. We’ve discussed this, pretty much every
damn week since you’ve left the Syndicate.”
“Surely, my wisdom can be of some help.”
“I doubt it.” I knew she was pouting on the other side.
“Are you at least going to the South to pay respect at Romeo’s memorial?”
“Unfortunately, I am heading there now.”
“And you’re dressed in yellow?”
“As much as I can be without losing some sense of style.”
She released an annoyed breath. “Please, tell everyone I said hello. I know
I should be there, but the South is always full of loud young people, sweating
and being annoying with their smooth skin and nimble bodies. It’s
“I’ll make sure to pass your message.”
“I’m having a separate memorial for Romeo this evening.”
“Who’s invited?”
“The Old Heads as Chanel calls us. Romeo’s mother, Tina. You remember
how bad it was when she became a widow. Romeo’s death is worse. I
practically moved her in this weekend. Then, there’s Lei’s Aunts—Min and
Suzi. They’re a riot. Several more. Oh, Leo said he is on the way and
bringing caviar limes as if no one can just pick them off the tree on any
I tried to find a moment to interrupt and get off the phone.
“I’m so tired of this monk life of his. Enough already! Drink some vodka,
get your dick sucked, and gamble with me. And it doesn’t have to be in that
order. Ha! Maybe he can do it all at once.” She laughed. “Perhaps, I can set
up Tina with Leo. Sex is great for mourning.”
“Tina and Leo. That could work. Did you know the Killer Crows were the
ones that nicknamed him Leo in the first place?”
“They shortened Liang Hao and—”
“Anyway, setting up Tina and Leo would be nice for the East and West. A
romantic merge. Or maybe not. They would be too powerful. Never mind. I’ll
find another woman for Leo—”
“Mom, I have to go.”
She sighed. “Are you there?”
“Can you come by for breakfast in the morning? I would like more details
“I’ll be busy. However, I’ll be there in a few days for Sunday dinner.”
“And if I’m not here by then? What if I’m dead by then?”
I frowned. “You won’t be dead, Mom.”
“I’m not sure. You’ve been dragging your ass on this serial killer situation.
He may murder all of us.”
“I love you too, Mom.”
“I love you too, darling.”
“Goodnight.” I hung up.
The Phantom passed the South’s downtown.
This part of the Paradise had the most caviar limes in the whole city. The
trees were everywhere, along the downtown and scattered throughout the
Various shades of green covered the buildings and most store’s brick
walls. Most of the houses were green too. White covered the few homes that
Long ago, only Irish immigrants lived in the South. They worked the
factories down here, and hadn’t been accepted by the Americans living in the
city before them. So on their off days, a few stubborn Southies wore the
colors of the Irish flag—green, white, and orange—to show pride in their
Irish nationalism.
Throughout the years, the Irish began to take over and green became the
appropriate color.
It was close to nine in the evening, yet people of all ages and races packed
the streets and waited for the huge green buses rolling along. Almost every
Southie wore green, regardless or not of if they were part of Marcelo’s crew
—Rowe Street Mob.
Here, Marcelo was not just the Champ or Paradise Playboy. Here, he was
King of the South. During the week of Thanksgiving, he handed out huge
turkeys, hams, and grocery bags for sides in the South’s downtown. For
Christmas, every girl and boy received four wrapped presents with his name
on it. Fall brought Marcelo’s Rowe Street School drive where they delivered
school supplies to poor parents in the neighborhood. For winter, no southern
house paid electricity. His crew handled it. In the summer and fall, he hosted
huge carnivals that were only free to anyone from the South. Everyone else
had to pay.
If I did half of those things in the North, Lei and Romeo would complain.
Granted, Romeo would always have Marcelo’s back, explaining that the
South was full of the poor and underrepresented.
The Phantom pulled up to Shamrock—Marcelo’s top nightclub. It was
also where he kept his office.
Viktor put up his game. “I’m almost on level twelve.”
“What’s the highest?”
“Thirteen.” Viktor opened the car and held it for me. “Once I finish, I
unlock a mega gun that will be in the game’s sequel.”
“I still don’t get games.”
“It’s the little joys sometimes.”
I left the car and gazed up at the club’s shimmering neo green lights.
“Have you come here a lot?”
Viktor grinned. “Every Thursday, whether rain, snow, or sleet. It has the
hottest women in Paradise.”
I frowned at him.
He cleared his throat. “Our ladies in the North are sexy. But, these
southern women aren’t working. They’re the ones men chase. And when
these Southie chicks party, they really get dressed up.”
We headed forward.
I shook my head. “There’s better lounges in the West. Why do these
supposedly hot chicks come here?”
“Too many high prices in the West. And all of the male perverts are in the
North. It makes the South cheap and jerk-free.”
I rolled my eyes. “My customers are not creepy men. They just prefer to
pay for sexual entertainment.”
“Hey, Dima. I’m just telling you what I’ve heard from some of these
chicks.” Viktor placed the phone in his jacket. “Shamrock is the best spot to
party at on Thursday.”
“At midnight on Thursday, Marcelo has these large cages lower from the
ceiling. There’s always hot half-naked women in them, twerking and
showing off their flexibility. The cages hover above the dance floor. It’s
“I’ve got actual naked women in cages.”
“It’s just different.”
“Gunner also just hired this gorgeous singer. Young and pretty. Big rack.
Small hips. Big curly afro.”
“She’s black?”
“I’m pretty sure she’s a couple of things.”
We got to the door.
The bouncer spotted us and opened it.
We entered.
Usually, Shamrock represented a mind-bending explosion of green.
Tonight, red covered the space and bathed, showing love to the West.
We moved through the crowd of elegantly dressed people. Everyone in the
nightclub wore black. Some of Rowe Street Mob had green hats or ties. I
spotted several hints of blue from Lei’s people—the Four Aces.
We continued to VIP.
I’d arrived early for Chanel, but didn’t see any of her main guards.
Two servers strolled by in lace bodysuits that left nothing to the
imagination. They wore red bottom shoes.
Viktor whistled. “You see what I mean, Dima?”
“They’re alright.”
Viktor laughed.
I caught some of the large pictures on the walls throughout the club. Every
image showed Romeo. In some, he had no shirt on and posed with rubies. In
others, he wore a red suit and stood next to various members of his family.
Romeo, you crazy bastard. I'm going to miss you.
We made it to the elevator in the back of the club.
The doors slid open.
We got on with my men.
The elevators rose.
Viktor grinned. “I wonder if Marcelo will lower the cages tonight.”
“Oh, I’m so excited.” I waved my hands in the air and rolled my eyes.
“Then, we’ll get to see women in the cages. . .with clothes on.”
“You’ll see, Dima. It’s just different. Women with clothes on are more
alluring than the ones without them.”
The elevator stopped.
The doors opened.
We left and entered the VIP section on the second level.
Marcelo’s men gestured for us at his office’s entrance.
We continued forward and then entered.
At the far end, Marcelo stood at the large glass window and gazed at
something in front of him.
I stepped to his side and checked for what he was looking at.
Marcelo’s office window provided the best view in the club. Everything
could be seen—bar, dancefloor, entrance, exit, and there was a clear view of
the stage.
Currently, Marcelo watched a gorgeous woman standing on the stage. She
had a light brown complexion and a curly afro. She’d stuck a green rose in
the side of her afro. A dark green gown hugged her small frame. She looked
black with a possible addition of something else. But who ever knew these
days? No one was pure anything.
Viktor stood on my right and pointed at her. “That’s the singer I was
talking about.”
Marcelo snapped his gaze to him. “Say what?”
Viktor smiled. “I was telling Dima about your singer.”
“Don’t.” Marcelo glared at him.
Viktor opened his mouth, but said nothing.
Marcelo spat his next words out. “My singer is no concern to Dima or
anyone else in the North.”
I quirked my brows. “Viktor meant no disrespect.”
“Awesome. Stay away from her, and we’ll have no problems.” Marcelo
turned back and ogled her.
I pulled out my mini book and jotted a quick note.
Marcelo likes the singer.
A light shown on her. The chattering people below us quieted. A band
played low tempo music behind her.
She began to sing. The notes were beautiful enough. Watching her
perform, people swayed and twisted their bodies on the dance Floor.
Bored, I looked at Marcelo. “Did you hide the body?”
He appeared annoyed that I interrupted his listening. “I did.”
“Where is it?”
“In the South.”
“I assumed that.”
“Then, you were right.” Marcelo went back to watching her. “You owe
me, Dimitri.”
“I don’t. You did this to maintain harmony within the Syndicate.”
“You owe me.”
I held in my growl and turned back to the stage.
If that’s how it is, then I’ll fuck your little singer.
That brought joy to my heart. I curved my lips into a smile.
Sound came from behind me. I nodded at Lei as he entered with his men
—Chen and Duck. He had his black trench over a black shirt and pants. He
suspiciously studied me as if wondering if I would bring up his killing Pedro.
“How are you doing, Lei?”
He eyed me. “Fine.”
Lei frowned. “Have you found any suspects?”
Sighing, I turned back to the stage. “I really wish everyone would calm
down. There are other things that you all can ask me, like how I’m doing or if
I’m enjoying my day.”
Viktor scooted down to give Lei space.
“How are you doing, Dima?” Lei got to my left. “Are you enjoying your
“I am fine and today has been interesting.”
“Lots of murder and intrigue.”
“But any suspects?”
“Not any obvious suspects.” I scowled at him. “I wish the killer were lazy
and messy. You know like killing the guy and then throwing a wig on him.
Perhaps, leaving obvious clues or something in the room where he murdered
him. Then, I could solve it just like that.”
Lei frowned.
“Unfortunately, Romeo’s killer has been too smart.” I returned my view to
the stage. “Thankfully, no one else has died.”
Lei sighed.
Surely, he was ready for Pedro’s death to be announced. I didn’t know
what he expected. Perhaps, he thought Chanel would hear the news and run
to his arms.
Pedro’s death will give Chanel a war in the West, Lei. It will not give you
a marriage in the East.
Lei placed his hands in his pockets. “Where’s Chanel?”
“She was already supposed to be here.” Marcelo checked his watch. “I had
the cages being timed to lower after she said a speech. Chanel didn’t show, so
I had my singer do it.”
“Alright. The cages are coming.” Viktor clapped. “Dima, check these
chicks out!”
We all glared at him.
He cleared his throat.
I thought about how much she’d been drinking this afternoon. “Maybe,
Chanel is resting at home.”
“She’s not.” Lei shook his head. “She left a few hours ago.”
You would know that.
Marcelo raised his hand and pointed toward the entrance. “Is that the
reporter with Mayor Parks?”
Excuse me?
I checked and confirmed it. Rage rose inside of me.
“Who’s working on the reporter?” Lei asked. “I saw the Wild Show. She
mentioned our names. I’m bored, so I could kill her.”
“I’ve got the reporter.” I sneered. “Back off, Lei.”
Paradise’s slimy mayor, Jonathan Parks, smiled and waved at everyone.
Many shook his hand.
Wearing a sexy black strapless dress, Rose had her arm hooked around
his. Many people waved at her. She looked to be caught off guard as she
waved back. And it was hard for me to not watch her with that tight black
dress on.
“She cleans up well,” Marcelo admitted.
“Keep your eyes on your little singer. I’ll worry about how clean she is.”
Marcelo eyed me. “Interesting.”
“What is?”
Mayor Parks and she headed to the bar. Many men glanced Rose’s way,
taking in her curvy ass.
I stuck my hand in my pocket and gripped the king.
I’ll have to kill him, but first. . .I’ll make sure he doesn’t take her home
this evening.
“Don’t you think so, Dima?” Lei asked.
I continued to watch Rose. “What?”
“Did you hear anything I said?”
The mayor whispered something in her ear.
Rose laughed.
Annoyance filled me. “No. I didn’t hear you, Lei.”
“That answers my question. In fact, maybe that answers more questions.”
I watched the mayor hand Rose a glass of champagne. She took it and
gave him a sweet smile. If it wasn’t Romeo’s Memorial, I may have gone
down there and taken her away. That slimy bastard didn’t deserve to be in her
Lei spoke, “The reporter is the reason you’re dragging your ass with
dealing with her. You’re not thinking with your brain. You’re thinking with
your dick.”
“You should try that sometimes, Lei.” I tightened my grip on the chess
piece. “Pussy is an enjoyable experience.”
Lei frowned. “I don’t think you’re working on this.”
“Johnny Cupcakes and Romeo are both dead and killed in the same way.
One from the old generation. The other from the new. One living in the East.
The other living in the West. But, what do those two have in common?”
“The Diamond Syndicate”
I glared at him. “Which means that Syndicate members have targets on
our backs. Trust me when I say this. The reporter is not our biggest problem.”
Marcelo spoke, “Perhaps, I handle the reporter and you—”
“Stay the fuck away from her!” I reached for my gun. “Do you understand
Marcelo studied me. “I do.”
“Well done.” I moved my hand from my gun and returned my gaze to
Mayor Parks ordered another drink. Like a true reporter, Rose scanned
around. She was a perceptive feminine creature. Her gaze darted from here
and there. Then, it rose and fell on us as we all watched her.
Horror hit her face.
Yes. I see you. We’ll talk later.
She turned away, but every few seconds she glanced back at us.
Marcelo spoke with a surprisingly calm voice, “I see that this is a sensitive
matter for you, Dimitri. Handle it how you want. Just make sure she's not
whispering any information about us to the mayor.”
I turned my attention to the mayor. I’d already been choking him in my
head. “Parks knows more than her. He may have crawled out of the
Syndicate’s pockets this year, but he will still do what he's told.”
Lei cleared his throat. “Will you be able to handle the murderer and this
“I’m going to make special time for both.”
The singer finished. The band’s playing lowered. The darkening dance
floor illuminated.
Mayor Parks pointed to the stage. Rose didn’t look. Instead, she checked
over her shoulder and glanced at me.
You say no to me, but spend your free time with a shmuck.
She moved her view back to the stage. Pissed with her, I did too. A clown
rushed onto the stage. He wore an elaborate black and white costume with
green spots. He waved. “Hello. Hello. Hello.”
The audience yelled hello back.
“How are you crazy bitches doing?”
Many cheered. Others grumbled.
Lei looked at Marcelo. “Was Bubbles the Southie Clown really necessary
for tonight?”
“Romeo loved Bubbles and asked for him specifically in the will.”
Lei shook his head.
Many in the audience cheered.
“It’s a sad night, guys. But we still have to party for Romeo. Our dear
friend.” Bubbles gestured to the singer. “Let’s give a loud clap to the South’s
amazing new voice, Ebony. She will be singing Romeo’s top fifty favorite
Rhythm and Blues songs this evening while our cage dangers give a special
A woman yelled, “Alright now, girl! Don’t fuck it up.”
A man countered, “Ebony get it! You better sing Mariah and Mary like
you mean it now!”
Several laughed. The band played a slow song.
Ebony stepped up to the microphone. This time she gazed up at us.
Marcelo cleared his throat.
Ebony returned her view to the audience and began sing the lyrics to
D’Angelo’s song, How Does It Feel. Her voice performed each word in the
most beautiful way.
I found myself, being lost in the melody and drowning within her
seductive voice.
For a few seconds, I calmed from wanting to break the mayor’s bones and
considered how I would make love to Rose. Still, the anger never went away.
Ebony grabbed the microphone and took it off the stand. Her voice rose
with the notes as she strolled over to the stage.
Marcelo moved closer to the glass window as if wishing he could walk
through it and fly to her.
Like an excited kid, Viktor nudged me and pointed up. “Dima.”
Five huge cages slowly lowered from the ceiling. Four of the cages were
placed like the points of a square. The fifth cage was in the center.
From what I could slowly make out, there were bars on two sides—left
and right. For the front and back of the cage, it was all glass.
Not caring about nude dancers, I went back to looking at Rose. She was
glancing at me over her shoulder again.
I told you that I want to fuck you, Rose. That means, no other men, until
I’m done with you.
Rage moved through me, but lust filled my body too. If I had her alone, I
would’ve torn that dress off that sexy body in seconds. At the mere thought,
my cock hummed in need.
“Wait a fucking minute.” Marcelo caught my attention. “Where are all the
“Shit.” Viktor raised his hand and pointed. “What’s that in the center?”
I still couldn’t move my gaze from Rose. It took several women screaming
to stop me. And then the lights came on. The cages lowered to our level,
giving us the best view.
“Dear God!” Marcelo raised his hands in the air. “No. Please, no.”
The four corner cages were empty.
But not the center. There, Chanel’s dead body stood in a frozen pose.
My hands shook.
No! It. . .can’t be. I just. . .hugged her.
Horror spiraled in my chest. Next, came sorrow.
Stunned, Lei took out his guns and placed them by his side like someone
was there to shoot.
Below us, people shrieked. Others cried. A couple of people began to
fight. I spotted several Killer Crows in the mix—full of rage and vengeance
and completely unsure of what else to do.
Not Chanel. Not Chanel. . .she’s alive or. . .
“What the fuck?!” Marcelo still had his hands in the air. “That’s. . .not
real. . .Right?”
I had nothing to say. My eyes took Chanel in. With each record of detail, a
flash of the earlier moment with her came to me—my holding her as she
cried against me.
My heart broke. And it began shattering. Crumbling. Darkening. Barely
beating. And I was barely breathing. And the wicked need for revenge put my
soul into a chokehold.
This. . .this can’t be. . .happening.
Lei leaned his forehead against the glass window and closed his eyes. His
guns remained at his sides. He looked to be silently unraveling into cold
Needing some form of anchor, I checked Viktor. He had his widened his
eyes in shock.
More people fought below. Others raced out of there. I caught Mayor
Parks and his small security surrounding Rose and getting her out of there.
I turned my view back to Chanel.
I’m. . .going to miss you. . .so fucking much. . .
Lei opened his eyes, moved from the glass, and glared at her dead body.
Tension rose in the space.
Slowly breathing in and out, I tried to focus on some clues. It was all I
could think of. This crushing feeling in my heart had to go. I studied how the
killer had presented Chanel. From my view, she was dressed like a King. She
had a red robe on and gold leaf crown on her head.
Why does the killer always switch genders? What are you trying to say?
Are you trying to embarrass Chanel by dressing her up as a king?
She held a large red sword in her left hand. In her right hand, she had a
massive shield with Medusa painted on the front.
Medusa? What king loved her?
Lei’s top guy, Chen went to him and whispered, “Can I hold your guns for
Lei ignored him and looked my way. “Who the fuck is doing this?! Why
haven’t you fucking stopped him?! Do you see what happened?!”
“Okay.” Marcelo got between Lei and me. “First, we have to calm down
and get Chanel down from the cage. I’ve got cameras at every entrance and
exit. We’ve got this piece of shit.”
“That doesn’t matter anymore. She’s gone! Chanel!!” Lei walked around
Marcelo to get to me. “What do you have to say, Dima? Huh?”
And then I realized where I’d seen the medusa shield. “Alexander the
Everyone paused.
Lei leaned his head to the side. “What?”
“The killer dressed Chanel up as Alexander the Great.”
Lei charged for me, trying to attack. Marcelo and Chen caught him,
keeping his guns pointed to the ground.
I remained where I was and watched him.
“You let her die!” Lei shoved Chen to the ground, but at least Chen
somehow had both of his guns. Lei tried to take out his knife and come for
So sad, I didn’t even step away.
Lei screamed in pain, “You let her die!”
Guilt filled my heart.
“Calm down, Lei!” Marcelo had a decent grip. More of Lei’s men held
him back.
Meanwhile, Viktor and my people added a bigger wall between us and
took their guns out, but no one pointed.
And I had nothing to say. All I could do was stand there in a daze of
sorrow. The deepest despair poured all over me. Any hope that I’d had earlier
tonight left me.
Eight men now held Lei back. He screamed and shook in their arms.
And in my mind, I went back to the Jones Mansion and that moment
where I held Chanel against me.
Chanel. . .if I knew you would leave me. . .I would have said more.
The Bloody Message

ll the cages were lowered to the dance floor. The police taped off the
A crime scene. Every guest was fingerprinted before leaving the property.
My men took pictures and searched the area for any suspicious individuals.
I know many people surrounded the nightclub outside, including police
cars and ambulance. News crews had also arrived.
The coroner took Chanel’s body. Never trusting Paradise offices, several
Killer Crows rode behind them.
Why is this killer targeting the Diamond Syndicate? What did we do to
I considered his three victims—my friends.
Johnny Cupcakes laundered our money. So far, operations were getting
shaky due his men not understanding his system.
Romeo ruled the West. When he died, unrest started there.
Chanel took over the throne. With her death, the West would be up in
arms and attacking all the other sections by the end of the week.
The killer wants to end the Diamond Syndicate.
That was the only link I could think up. He didn’t just want to get rid of
the top guys, he wanted to destroy us.
But where does the king and queen stuff come from? Why the make-up and
The killer didn’t put food around Chanel like with Johnny Cupcakes. He
didn’t surround her with dildos and sex toys either. Tonight, he placed
jewelry on the floor of the cage—pearls, diamonds, rubies, and gold.
How could the killer have gotten it? Even the ghosts have to sneak around
the estate.
Lei spent the rest of the night, rushing through the club and checking
every point. He had his guns ready to shoot anyone. With his armed men, he
went up to the roof, found no one, and then rushed down to the club’s
Currently, Lei tore up the VIP section, flipping over chairs and checking
under them.
Marcelo stood at my side. “Should I stop him?”
“You really think I’m the expert on Lei? The only reason why he didn’t
shoot me tonight was because of you.”
“You’re welcome.” Sorrow decorated Marcelo’s face. “What do you
“It’s a serial killer determined to end the Syndicate. The theatrics of
putting them in royalty is to. . .mock them. Perhaps, even flaunt the idea that
the Syndicate doesn’t rule shit.”
“I’m just brainstorming. I’m actually lost.” I ran my fingers through my
hair. “Really lost.”
He got in front of me, blocking the view of the police tape and cops.
“Then, the Diamond Syndicate is lost.”
I dropped my hands to the side. “Why?”
“You’re the smartest man in the Syndicate.”
“I’d give you a kiss for the compliment, if I didn’t feel so dead inside.”
He tossed me a sad smile. “I’ll take a rain check on the kiss.”
I scanned the space. “And where is Nefertiti?”
“I put all my people out to search for her.”
“She was loyal to Chanel. If she’s not dead next to her, then she has
Could Nefertiti have been the killer the whole time? Or is she working
with the killer?
Detective Treadway walked up to us, holding his phone. “I may have
My spirits rose. “What?”
“The murderer killed Chanel Jones in an alley two blocks away. Some
bum flagged a cop car down.” Treadway showed us his phone. “The cops
stopped, took pictures, and sent them to me instantly.”
I peered at the image.
A puddle of blood was near a dumpster. Dots of blood scattered the
graffiti brick wall.
I leaned forward. “He stabbed Chanel there. How the hell did he even get
Chanel in an alley?”
“Her driver said that she received a message on her phone. Then, she told
the driver to stop near the opening and to drive off without her. She claimed
she had a ride to the club.”
Marcelo eyed me. “What the fuck? Chanel isn’t that stupid.”
Who would she trust to go into an alley with?
“This is the most intriguing part.” Treadway zoomed the picture in.
I squinted. “Are those numbers?”
“Yes. And you see the lines of blood over here?” He zoomed in more.
“The killer had Chanel over the dumpster and was bleeding her out. It looks
like she wrote a message with her blood.”
She wrote it to me. She knew I would be looking into her death.
I read the numbers. “037.”
What are you trying to say, Chanel?
The detective put up his phone. “She died after that. Surprisingly, the
killer must have not seen the message.”
“The club was filling up,” Marcelo said. “Lots of activity was on the road.
He had to be quick.”
Marcelo’s man, Gunner hurried to us. “Boss, I’ve got bad news.”
“What?” Marcelo glared.
“Cameras were out an hour before we opened.”
Marcelo growled. “And security didn’t notice?”
“It was the back camera. It only showed footage from nights ago.”
“So this killer hacked into my fucking cameras?”
“Yes.” Gunner backed up. “I’m going to look into this further.”
“Do that!” Marcelo glared as Gunner rushed off.
“He killed Chanel in the alley and brought her body over here.” I crossed
my arms over my chest. “He needed an hour to get her in the cage, dress her
up, and leave.”
“Or he stayed,” Treadway moved the phone. “He could have been here the
whole time. Most serial killers enjoy the reaction to their work.”
Dread stirred my core. “Send those images to me along with the coroner
Treadway left.
I spotted Lei and his men rushing across the dance floor and heading back
to the basement. The door shut behind them. I rubbed my tired eyes. “We’ll
need to call Lei’s father and aunts. After Chanel, they’re the only people that
can calm him.”
“What about Duck or Chen?”
“As long as I’ve known them, Duck and Chen have simply followed
orders. Even when we were kids.”
Shooting sounded from the basement.
“Hopefully, he doesn’t fuck up my whole club.” Marcelo watched Lei and
his men return and race toward the kitchen.
“My men will be here to help clean anything up.” I let out a long breath.
“Until then, the Syndicate goes into DEFCON mode.”
“All businesses shut down?”
“No drugs, pussy, or weapons are sold in Paradise until this killer is
“Paradise is already full of tension. You sure you want to pause people’s
stress relievers?”
“The agitation and sobriety will keep everyone focused and watching.” I
thought about the numbers that Chanel left. “Did anything come to you, when
you saw the numbers?”
“Chanel was telling us something.”
“No.” Marcelo shook his head. “She was telling you something.”
Guilt weighed my shoulders down.
What was it about the number seven. It kept coming up again and again..
The killer stabbed his victims seven times in the front and back. Chanel had
even drew the number seven on the ground with her blood.
I took out my mini book and pen. For a minute, I wrote the number over
and over.
“You need my help, Dimitri.” Marcelo’s wrinkled his forehead. “I may
have dropped out of school, but I have some brain power.”
“Call me, Dima.”
“Dima.” I put the pad and pen away. “You’re my friend. Chanel told me to
work on it with you. Plus, you blocked Lei from getting to me. I should at
least try.”
Marcelo gave me an odd look.
“As my new friend and partner, I need you to find out if something
happened seven years ago involving the Syndicate? Or were there seven
people that died due to the Syndicate in the past years?”
“Okay. I’ll be looking at Paradise history for anything dealing with
“Chanel’s grandmother would have been the perfect person to ask, but the
Killer Crows will go into protective mode now. You’re being from the South
won’t help. Keep your people out of the West for now.”
“Got it.”
“My mother is the next best for Syndicate history. Go to her first. She’ll
enjoy your company.”
“I love hanging with her too. She’s a wealth of knowledge.” Marcelo
smiled. “And I love her tea. Being with her can be comforting and—”
I eyed him with suspicion. “Just ask her about seven years ago and keep
your hands to yourself.”
Marcelo touched his chest. “That breaks my heart that you would think I
would hook up with your mother.”
“They don’t call you playboy for nothing.” I walked off.
Marcelo called after me, “I’m surprised you knew the nickname.”
“Unfortunately.” I headed away. “Stay safe, Marcelo.”
Viktor got to my side. “Anything I can do, boss?”
“Don’t die.”
“I swear to make an honest effort.”
“037.” I placed my hand in my pocket and touched the chess piece. “What
does that 037 mean to you?”
“I only know 007. James Bond.”
“Not helpful?”
“Not at all.”
What were you trying to tell me, Chanel?
It wasn’t an area code for anywhere in Paradise. That was 803. The zero in
front of the three digits prevented it from being an apartment too. It wouldn’t
have made sense for Chanel to waste her blood drawing a zero for no reason.
I’m missing something.
I bet it was simple, right there in front of me. Regardless, I couldn’t figure
it out. Nothing came to me. All I knew was that all this death stank of
revenge. However, I had no idea what the vengeance was for.
Viktor frowned. “What’s going to happen to the Killer Crows now?”
“Kashmere will take over. She’s too young. Early twenties. Super trigger
“Should I put some of our guys in the West?”
“Not unless you want them dead. Make sure everyone in the North knows
to stay far away from the West right now.”
“I understand.”
“Viktor, you went to high school with Romeo and Chanel. Can you think
of anything that happened that deals with the number seven?”
Viktor shook his head. “The only thing that comes to my mind is that
Romeo was part of the Lucky Seven.”
I stopped. “The what?”
“That’s what the Paradise Gazette called his senior basketball team. I went
to all the games. I was a huge fan.”
“Get me all the news clippings on the Lucky 7. I want Romeo’s high
school year book too. Chanel’s also. And even Johnny Cupcakes.”
“Okay. Johnny is from the North so that may be hard. That school burned
down from some freak fire.”
“Get clippings on the fire and get a yearbook for his year. Somebody
would have it.”
“Got it, Dima.”
Walking again, I ran my fingers over the chess piece, needing to push
tension away. “What the fuck is 037? That’s going to keep me up all night.”
Viktor opened the club’s front door for me. “We also may have a problem
with the news networks. Reporters have dug up information on the bodies.
They're going to be announcing that we have a serial killer in Paradise City
on the ten o’clock news.”
I’m sure the killer will enjoy that.
Promises. Promises.

chilly wind blew past me.
A I hugged myself, doing my best to stay warm in this tiny dress.
Once Chanel Jones dead body appeared, Jonathan and I rushed outside of
the nightclub. He was going to have a police officer drive me home, but I
wanted to stay. From my understanding, this was at least the third murder that
had happened on the Syndicate’s watch.
I wasn’t sure who was dead in the hotel this morning, when Dimitri forced
me to go home. This time I would discover what was going on.
Jonathan claimed he would pull his political strings as Paradise’s mayor to
get me on the investigation.
What is going on with the Diamond Syndicate?
Jonathan scowled at Police Commissioner Kane. “How long have these
murders been going on?”
Kane wiped the sweat off his forehead. “Mayor Parks, it has been four
victims so far.”
“Four victims!” Jonathan raised his hands in the air. “What the hell has
been going on in this city?”
I knew that gesture. He was about to explode. I hadn’t seen him lose his
temper since college. “And when did you think Paradise officials would be
notified? Did you plan on telling us around the twentieth or thirtieth victim?”
“No, sir.”
“Yet, here we are. Lucky for me, I was at Romeo Jones’s memorial to
have a front-row seat, while a dead body falls out the ceiling. Now the whole
city knows, before we could calm citizens!”
Commissioner Kane took out a cigarette and lit it. “This is why we wanted
to keep these murders quiet until we knew if there was a connection.”
Jonathan smacked the lit cigarette out of Kane’s hand. “How many people
need to die in order for you to understand that there’s a connection?”
Kane stared at the lit cigarette on the ground. “Sorry, sir.”
“And it’s an election year!”
I arched my eyebrows.
Also, these are dead human beings, Jonathan.
Commissioner Kane adjusted his hat as if needing something to do with
his hands. “We will do better next time.”
A crowd began to gather around us. I knew Jonathan would seek this
opportunity to make a show of it, due to it being election year. A few news
cameras snuck over to capture the moment.
Here comes the political theater.
“Let's cut the bullshit right now, Commissioner!” Jonathan aimed his
finger at Kane. “You kept it quiet because these victims were connected to
the Diamond Syndicate. And no doubt the Diamond Syndicate made you shut
your lips.”
Confused, Kane glanced at the people gathering around. “Sir, those are
serious allegations that I will not stand for—”
“Oh, you’ll stand for it.” Jonathan faced the cameras. “This is the state of
our city. This is why I need to be reelected for Mayor. Dimitri Ivanov’s hand
is so far up our commissioner’s ass, puppeting every move.”
Kane began sweating under the flashes of light. “That’s not fair, sir.”
“Quick! You two!” Jonathan yelled at the medics heading to their
ambulance van. “Come here! We have an emergency. We need someone to
get Ivanov’s hand out of the commissioner’s ass!”
A few people laughed.
Meanwhile, a deep voice sounded behind us. “My hand is actually in my
We all turned around.
Usually, Dimitri’s face wore a neutral expression. Tonight, everything was
different. Anger blazed in his eyes. Rage dotted every inch of his face. He
towered over us. Viktor and several of his men flanked his sides.
Holy shit.
A cold shiver ran through me.
Now I get it. . .now I’m close to pissing in my pants.
Several news cameras rushed over. Lights flashed. Probably not wanting
any of it recorded, the police and Dimitri’s men began pushing them back
and blocking the cameras.
I stepped back.
“It’s a new day, Ivanov.” Jonathan stalked Dimitri’s way. “You don’t hide
bodies in my city anymore.”
If Jonathan had said this to any other man, I would have been worried for
the other person. However, next to Dimitri, Jonathan look like a skinny
Too bad, Jonathan had not gotten the memo. He continued to point his
finger at Dimitri’s chest. “Tonight, I draw a line in the sand. Stay away from
my police!”
Dimitri looked down at his finger. “There are so many things wrong with
what you’re saying. Your city? Your police?” He raised his view to Jonathan.
“If we were not surrounded by witnesses, I would show you exactly how
much you’ve displeased me.”
“You’re no king, so you can stop acting like one.” Jonathan laughed. “You
may have scared other mayors in the past, but you won’t scare me. I will not
“You will and you will do so in the politest way.” Dimitri scanned
everyone as if looking for something. Then, his gaze stopped on me. I tensed
and didn’t relax until he returned his attention back to Johnathan. “Mayor
Parks, you had one term, and you’re not new to Paradise. And you know how
things go around here.”
“Oh, I know how things go. And they won’t go like that anymore.”
Dimitri bared his teeth. “They will.”
Jonathan widened his eyes and prepared to speak.
“Enough.” Dimitri placed one hand in front of Jonathan’s face. “I don’t
have the energy for you this evening. But I do want to make something
“Oh really?”
“Yes.” Dimitri put the hand down.
“What’s that?”
Dimitri leaned forward and sneered at Jonathan. “I do not share!”
Johnathan blinked. “What? We all live in this city, so you. . .”
Taking off his jacket, Dimitri walked around Jonathan and headed my
Don’t come to me. Don’t come to me.
Jonathan turned to the news crews. “The audacity of Mr. Ivanov. He
doesn’t want to share this city? Too bad. I’m here and I don’t share either.”
Ignoring Jonathan, Dimitri stopped in front of me.
I opened my mouth in shock.
Dimitri placed the jacket over my shoulders. “It’s cold.”
The jacket came close to swallowing me up. I should have given it back
but it was so warm and the material was very soft and smooth against my
skin. His designer cologne rose from the fabric, cocooning me within him.
Dimitri shook his head. “You should be inside your warm bed. Plus,
there’s a killer around here. My men will take you home.”
“I would rather stay and find out who the killer is and why he is killing?”
Dimitri frowned. “Let’s go.”
“I’ll go with you, if you answer my questions.”
“You’ll go with me regardless.”
Jonathan came over to us. “Ivanov, you’re not going anywhere. I’m not
done talking to you.”
Dimitri kept his gaze on me. “How could you give your time to someone
so short and annoying?”
I parted my lips, but didn’t answer.
“What?” Jonathan pointed at Dimitri. “Do not talk to her.”
“Good evening, mayor.” Dimitri took my hand. Stunned, I let him. And
then he led me away. I walked with him and glanced over my shoulder.
Dimitri’s men blocked Jonathan’s way. He began yelling at them.
Dimitri tenderly squeezed my hand. “Do you see how simple that was?”
I moved my hand from his, but remained walking on his side and warm in
his jacket. “There’s a real problem going on in the Diamond Syndicate. You
must be just as worried as Jonathan.”
“Is that a question or statement?”
“You didn’t answer my question about why you choose to date short,
annoying men.”
One of Dimitri’s people rushed forward. “Her car is this way, boss.”
What the hell?
Dimitri checked his watch. “You’re going to stay in your condo for the
rest of this week with my men guarding outside the door—”
“Excuse me?” I crossed my arms, letting his jacket cover me more. “Are
you talking to me?”
“I am.”
“Why do you think I would stay in my condo this week?”
“Because like I’ve said there is a killer in Paradise.”
I sighed. “Dimitri, I would like as much information on this as possible.”
“Here we go, boss.” The guy gestured to my black car.
We stopped right next to it.
Dimitri went to the driver’s side and held his hand out. “Keys.”
I frowned. “Why?”
“Because I want to open the door for you.”
“Thank you, but I can do it.” I took my keys out of my purse. “However
“You went on a date with a man that made you drive here?” He shook his
head. “Why, Rose?”
I gripped my keys. “I don’t let the guy drive me until the third date. I
always like a way to leave if I don’t like him.”
“How many dates have you given him so far?”
“Did you hear that I want information?”
“I did.” He gave me a wicked smile. “I love how you tried to word it
politely. Are you trying to stroke my ego to get what you want?”
“Is that possible?”
“It is. My ego is more than willing to be stroked by you.”
I frowned.
“My men will be watching you.”
“You think I’m in danger?”
“I think the city is in danger and I have a small amount of people here that
I don’t want to die. You’re on that list. . .at least for now.”
“Thank you. . .at least for now.”
“Why were you here with Parks?”
“I know him from college.”
“You dated him then too?”
“That’s none of your business.”
He stepped closer to me. “Do you like him?”
I inched away, leaning my back against the car. “That’s also none of your
He placed his hand on the other side of me, touching the roof of the car
with his fingertips. “Let me word this in a better way. Would you mind if
Parks were found dead one morning?”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Not you.”
“Unfortunately, I’m not good at threats. I’m better at promises.”
“There is no reason to harm him.”
He tapped his fingers against the roof. “I could think of a few reasons.”
“If you ever did something to him, I would investigate and make it public
to the world.”
“And I would throw you a party to celebrate your efforts.” He placed his
other hand on the car, trapping me between him. “Tell me more about your
college years with Johnathan.”
“We became friends during our freshman year.”
“What college?”
“Ivy League. I went to Windermere.”
I blinked. “Really?”
“Tell me this. How do you think Johnathan paid for such an expensive
“I believe it was a scholarship.”
He snorted. “I guess that’s one way to look at it.”
“What are you trying to say?”
Dimitri inhaled me, making no attempt to hide it. “You always smell so
good to me. Are you doing it on purpose?”
That caught me by surprise.
He gave me a sad smile. “I wish I had the energy to do these verbal spins
and pirouettes with you this evening. But, I don’t.”
For the first time, I really looked at Dimitri, studying the weariness around
the corners of his eyes. Pain moved in his gaze.
“Fuck. I’m sorry.” I sighed at my realization. “You grew up with Romeo
and Chanel Jones. This must be devasting for you.”
He remained silent.
“I’m so sorry. . .How are you?”
His weariness shifted to a curious expression.
“I’m serious, Dimitri.”
He moved in closer and then whispered in my ear, “I’m in pain. I need
I widened my eyes. “How can I help you?”
He leaned away. “Come home with me.”
“I’m in desperate need of release.” No humor covered his face. There was
only pain. He moved his gaze over my body. “There’s some anger and
tension that I want to take out on your pussy.”
I gulped as my body responded with heat. My nipples stiffened.
He targeted me with an intense gaze. “Can you help me with that?”
My voice went low. “No. I can’t.”
“Why not? Are you nervous about the danger around me? You’ll always
be protected.”
“Thank you, but I’m not. . .”
“I’m not having a sexual relationship with you.”
“You would love the sex.”
“I. . .might.”
“Hmmm.” A dark chuckle left him. “Do you remember what I promised
you before?”
“Unfortunately, you’ve already said a lot. I can’t remember it all.”
He kissed me. It was sudden. In one second, his mouth was inches away.
Next, those soft lips smoothed against mine. Relishing in the kiss’s seductive
trance, I parted my lips. He slipped his tongue in and tenderly twirled it along
mine. And then, he fucked me with his tongue—all wild and dominant,
letting me know who would be in full command during sex.
A soft moan escaped me.
Groaning, he pulled back and licked his lips. “I’m not surprised that
you’re an amazing kisser. You surely exercise your mouth enough.”
Frowning, I began to speak.
He countered by capturing my words with another kiss. The sensual attack
was perfect. Necessary. Addictive. I leaned against the car. He slid his hands
within his jacket that I was wearing. He had his arms around my waist next
and pulled me closer to him, molding my body against him.
Sirens blared off in the distance.
I moved away and caught my breath.
He let me go and touched his lips as if savoring the memory of our kiss.
Honestly, I yearned to do the same thing too.
“You’re not to be out and about with Parks or any other man again.”
I cleared my throat. “You don’t tell me what to do!”
“Fine.” He stepped back and nodded. “Now, I understand.”
“Understand what?”
“You don’t care about their safety. Therefore, I won’t care either.”
I shook my head. “Don’t threaten me—”
“I’m not.”
“And don’t try to bully me either—”
“I never will. I’m just explaining to you the rules of Paradise. If you want
to date other short, annoying men, then go back to New York.” He placed his
hands into his pockets. “However, I hope you don’t leave. The sight of you is
becoming the only joy and beauty of these past days. I love that Paradise and
I have had the pleasure of your presence.”
There was so much to unpack with those statements.
He continued, “My men will follow your car, go upstairs with you, check
out your place to make sure no maniac is in your condo, and confirm that
Barbara Whiskers has food and water. Then, when they believe Barbara and
you are safe, they’ll stand outside of your door. Are we clear?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“Good. We understand each other. Have a safe evening.”
“Hold on. I—”
“When I’ve finished finding this killer, I’m going to pick you up and
you’ll be wearing something even sexier than what you wore tonight.”
“We’ll fly out of Paradise to somewhere nice to eat. An island or city you
haven’t visited. Then, we’ll sample the best food that money can buy.”
“I’m not going on a—”
“Afterwards, we’ll fly somewhere else. I’ve decided I want to fuck you on
a yacht.”
I held my mouth open.
“I like the idea of the bed rocking from both my cock and the boat’s riding
of waves. I plan to make you moan very loud.” He tipped an imaginary hat.
“Good evening, Ms. Walsh.”
Viktor smirked at me and then left with him.
Two other men watched me.
One spoke, “Our car will be here in two minutes, Ms. Walsh. We’ll be
following you. Please, stay until that happens.”
“O-kay.” I opened the door, climbed in, and closed the door.
A Kiss to Remember

till outside of the Shamrock club, I remained in my car, sitting in a daze.
S Dimitri’s warm cologne-drenched jacket kept me comfortable.
Dimitri’s men continued to stand by my car and wait for theirs to arrive.
That was good because I surely needed a minute to figure out what had just
Dimitri had left me highly aroused and still spinning from the aftermath of
his kiss. Suddenly, my body felt starved for sexual pleasure.
I stared at the steering wheel. “Did I really kiss him?”
My core throbbed with hunger.
Why was that so good?
If Dimitri’s kisses were any indicator of his bed skills, then I was destined
to be riding his cock by the end of the week.
Damn it. Is that even fair for him to be so evil and irresistible at the same
time? God, why would you do that?
I put my hand into his jacket and pulled out a small note pad and pen. I
shouldn’t have, but I opened it. Lines of cursive notes decorated the pages.
None of them made any sense to me, although I spotted my name a few
I read a few and flipped the pages.
Don’t compliment a dead friend’s dress. The people who are alive don’t
like it.
I don’t like yelling at Edwin.
I’m definitely going to fuck Rose Walsh.
I quickly shut the book and placed it back in the pocket along with the
You will not be sleeping with me, Dimitri!
My phone rang.
I would have liked some more silence to understand what had just
The phone rang again.
I took my phone out of my purse and put it on speaker. “Hello?”
Jonathan’s voice filled the car. “Rose, I’m so sorry. I was so worked up
with everything and didn't realize that you were cold.”
I closed Dimitri’s big coat around me. “No problem.”
“Did you make it to your car? Ivanov’s men were blocking my view.”
“Yes. I’m fine. I’ll be driving off soon.”
“I’ll send a guard with you.”
“No. That won’t be necessary. Ivanov has two of his men with me.”
“I don’t like the sound of that. You must be careful with these people.
They give you a little something here and there, and then they think they own
I found that interesting. “Have you ever taken anything from the Diamond
“N-never.” He coughed. “Why? Did Ivanov say that?”
“I was just wondering.”
“Did you give him back that jacket?”
I glanced down at the large fabric covering me. “That’s not important. The
real discussion is that someone should be reporting on these murders.”
“I would love it. This would surely help my numbers. But every station is
too scared to try.”
“I could do it.”
“Rose, why would you put yourself in that dangerous position?”
“Because there are people who are unable to do so. But I can. I believe
Dimitri won’t hurt me if I report on this fairly.”
“I don’t know if the Walsh name can protect you from Ivanov.”
“It’ll protect me more than any other journalist.”
Johnathan was quiet for a while. A minute later, he spoke, “No. I won’t let
you get close to Ivanov.”
“I’ve already been. . .close enough.” I glanced in the rear view mirror
looking at my traitorous mouth. “In fact, if anyone should be more cautious,
it’s you.”
“You shouldn’t speak to Dimitri that way.”
“Dimitri. You are now both on a first-name basis?”
“Everybody calls him Dimitri.”
“They don’t. How many times have you two been talking?”
I ignored that question. “Earlier, you said you could pull some strings to
get me on the case. Are you still willing to do that?”
“I’m not. I’ve never seen Ivanov give a woman his jacket.”
“You’re not always around him. Dimitri may give a woman a jacket every
“And his statement on not sharing. I thought he was talking about the city
until he walked over to you.”
I didn’t even want to unravel any of Dimitri’s words, especially with
Jonathan. “I doubt that was about me. More important, can you pull the
strings or not?”
“I can, but understand that Dimitri has a reputation.”
“That he kills people?”
“That he sleeps with a lot of women. They say he’s one of those steal-
your-wife type of guys, seeing women as sport.”
“Well, I’m nobody’s wife or girlfriend. I’m a single woman. And part of
the reason why I’m single is because I’m an obsessive workaholic. Speaking
of my work, I want dibs on reporting this murder.”
“The station won’t allow me to get anywhere near this due to Dimitri.”
“Well, the governor isn’t in the Syndicate’s pocket. If I do this, you won’t
be officially reporting for the station. It will be under the governor’s and my
“As long as I can get some sort of press identification that will allow me to
step through doors and ask questions. I’m fine. Also, I get to sell the article to
anyone I choose.”
“I would want to see the article before press.”
“No. That suggests you’re going to try and guide my hand while I’m
writing it. I get full freedom to report what I want.”
“Then, what do the governor and I get out of it?”
“All details days before press.”
“I like that.”
“I think we should discuss this with your father too.”
I quirked my brows. “Why?”
“I. . .think it’s important for him to be well-informed of this.”
“I don’t see how this would have to do with him.”
“I will talk to him.”
“I would rather you not.”
“Rose, this will be dangerous on many levels. I was already scared about
you moving down here to investigate the Diamond Syndicate. Now, we have
a serial killer.”
“I always stay safe. Trust me.”
“You’re not the person that I don’t trust.”
Dimitri’s guards signaled that their car was in front of mine. I looked and
then nodded. They headed off to it and climbed inside.
“Jonathan, I have to go.” I started my car. “But if you can get the
Governor to do something, this would be awesome.”
“I can, but I’ll talk to your father first.”
“That’s ridiculous.”
“If he says yes, then I’ll pull the strings. Please, be careful, Rose.”
“This isn't my first rodeo with powerful men. When I was investigating
the Senators up in New York, all types of people were breaking into my
house, trying to scare and threaten me. Some were even linked to the CIA. I
stood strong in my faith in God. I do my best to not fear human beings.”
“You’re not dealing with human beings. This is the Diamond Syndicate—
monsters with money.”
The guards’ car got behind me and flashed their lights.
“Okay. I’ll talk to you later, Johnathan.”
“You will. I owe you another welcome-to-my-city dinner.”
“I would love that. Except this one should not include a dead body.”
“It’s Paradise. There are no guarantees.” He chuckled. “And you must try
the caviar limes.”
“Yes. Yes. I’ve been made aware of that. I actually have a sandwich with
some on it. I haven’t gotten to it yet.”
“Well, you will for our date. Don’t forget.”
I grinned. “I remember.”
“Good night, Rose.”
“Night.” I hung up and drove away.
While I could have turned on the heat in my car. I found Dimitri’s jacket
too warm and comfortable to take off.
Dimitri’s men followed.
Tonight was insane. I’d left my condo to meet Johnathan at a nightclub.
He knew I wanted to be at Romeo’s memorial to get a closer view of the
Syndicate. Then, more death came. It was the first time I saw a dead body in
front of me.
That was probably why I couldn’t just leave the club and head home
afterwards. I had to stay and find out who had killed the beautiful woman in
the cage that looked just like me.
Sure, Chanel Jones represented a dark criminal group. But when I looked
at her frozen in death inside that cage, I saw a beautiful black woman that had
been taken from this planet too early.
I didn’t know who was killing off the Syndicate’s people, but I would find
out. I was becoming obsessed with it. And I even started feeling somewhat
guilty for the dread and exhaustion on Dimitri’s face.
He looked out of it tonight. He might as well let me help him.
Dimitri and I both had an interest in finding the killer. I didn’t like people
who murdered, even if they murdered criminals.
Leaving the South of Paradise, I entered Caviar Lime Highway and got in
the lane heading to the West. Dimitri’s guards remained behind me. The
Luxury Road exit would appear in a few miles.
Why did Dimitri mention Jonathan’s college tuition? He was definitely
hinting at something.
So many questions filled my head.
Did Jonathan get money from the Syndicate to go to college? Why would
they do that?
I thought back to my college years.
I’d hung in with the It group—other sons and daughters of politicians.
Most of them were white and from old money. They’d actually called
themselves the It group, which explained how much ego lay within the
Somehow Johnathan joined us. He used to do many of the guys’ essays for
them. Eventually, they started bringing him for our pizza and beer nights at a
college café that we loved to frequent.
The guys treated Jonathan like some orphaned mascot, always making him
do things and keeping him as the butt of most jokes. I felt bad for Jonathan
many times and came to his defense.
By sophomore year, I left the It group, realizing the women were spoiled
prima donnas who loved to snort coke and pick at others who couldn’t afford
designer clothes. Meanwhile, the guys were no better. All of them had
deteriorated to frat boy douchebags.
I tried to convince Johnathan to leave the group with me. He would have
none of it. He remained dedicated to the group and continued to party with
them for the rest of the years.
For my sophomore summer break, I spent a few weeks with my family in
Sydney, Australia. By then, my brother had begun disappearing and not
showing up to any family holidays at all. I’d gone simply because I was
feeling bad for them. However, when I told my parents that I’d stopped
spending time with the It group, they were devasted. One would have thought
I’d confessed to a heroin addiction. They gave me the silent treatment the rest
of the dinner. I woke up the morning after to a note from my mother,
explaining that dad and she decided to spend the summer somewhere else.
The message was clear—do what I was told or be on my own.
I chose my own path.
Junior year, I switched my major to journalism and met Xandi. Due to the
major change, my parents closed my bank accounts and canceled my credit
card. Surprisingly, my grandmother secretly created a massive trust fund for
me to pay for college. My only requirement from her was that I couldn’t tell
my mother. I didn’t.
Meanwhile, Jonathan pledged with the rest of the It douchebags. They all
moved into the frat house and commenced to be involved in scandal after
scandal. Their parties were over the top, resulting in five nonfatal overdoses
and three DUI accidents. Additionally, some girls complained about possibly
being drugged and raped. Nothing ever came out of the sexual allegations. A
lot of the time, rich fathers paid off the girls’ families.
Throughout that time, if I saw any of my old It group members, I turned
and walked the other way. Their energy triggered dry heaving and disgust
within me.
By Senior year, I earned an academic scholarship and grabbed class
valedictorian. My grandmother was the only person who came to my
graduation. She cried during my speech. The It group booed when I accepted
my diploma and I flipped them off, causing a few deans to gasp in shock.
My brother sent a congratulations card and told me he lived in the middle
of the Amazon Jungle and had married some tribal girl. He asked for no one
to try and contact him anymore. Due to my brother’s complete exit from the
family, my parents decided to talk to me again. Perhaps, they thought I was
their last hope in expanding the Walsh name.
Xandi and I went to the same graduate school, both getting our PhDs in
Journalism and Media.
All of the It girls married the It guys—who became political giants.
Now heavily connected Jonathan began spending time with my family.
During most of the gatherings, I would give him the side eye. But he’d
slowly crept through my walls.
I was still trying to see if he would be a good fit in my life or not. If not as
a lover, then maybe a friend. So far, I couldn’t get a good assessment of him
yet. Tonight’s dinner was supposed to help me decide.
But then death interrupted the moment.
And then, Dimitri stepped in.
That kiss.
It had been a hot surprise for the evening. Such sexy, wet kisses. And his
tongue was amazing. And the need in his voice when he tried to get me in his
Lust blazed through me.
Stop thinking of his mouth and how much he wanted to fuck you.
But it was hard.
Flipping on the turn signal, I shifted into the right lane and took the exit to
Luxury Road. And the whole time, that kiss played in my head.
Unlikely Partners

wore Dimitri’s jacket the entire ride home. When I arrived, his men rode up
I with me, secured my condo, confirmed my kitten’s needs were met, and
then took their stations outside of my door.
I made them a cup of coffee and let them know that the door would be
open to use the bathroom. They’d explained that they were instructed to only
enter if there was danger, but had appreciated the big cups of caffeine.
I left them alone and had a glass of wine, still wearing Dimitri’s big jacket.
The whole time my kitten rubbed against my leg. I petted her ear. “Should I
call you Barbara Whiskers?”
She meowed as if answering yes. Then, she rolled onto her back, laying on
some of his jacket.
“I still haven’t figured out a name.” I rubbed the side of her furry tummy.
“I really suck as a pet owner.”
She purred under my fingers.
By this point, I should have taken Dimitri’s jacket off. Yet, I wore it like a
second skin. Plus, now Barbara was enjoying its softness. Perhaps, she
relished in his scent too. Additionally, the jacket was too comfortable to take
off. Too masculine smelling to resist not taking several more sniffs as I
finished my wine.
When my glass went empty, I escaped to my room and collapsed in bed.
Snoring, Barbara remained on the couch.
Once in my bedroom, I should have taken off his jacket and my dress. I
should have put on pajamas.
But when I turned off the light, I had other plans in my mind. Hot and
horny ones. Being cocooned in his scent did dirty things to my head.
I had to be naughty and touch myself.
And I didn’t feel bad for it one bit. How could I not find Dimitri sexy? He
was so dangerous and seductive. And his offering the jacket on this chilly,
gloomy night was such a gentlemanly thing to do for such a cold and cruel
It made me feel special.
I knew it was a silly thought. I knew it was immature and dangerous to
fantasize about a wicked man. I was romanticizing forbidden fruit.
Glamorizing a criminal. Why did the good girl sometimes yearn for the bad
I had no answers, yet twisted fantasies spun in my head.
In the darkness, I took off my clothes. I let my dress, bra, and panties fall
to the floor. But on the bed, I had Dimitri’s jacket cover me like a blanket.
Was it wrong to want to rub my pussy along the smooth fabric? Would it be
bad to cum all over the designer material?
Naked, I lay in bed, closed my eyes, and thought of Dimitri. How could I
not? His kiss shoved me out of my tight disciplined box. His lips enticed me
to be bad. Lured me even.
I slipped my hands between my thighs and caressed my clit. “Mmmm.”
When imagining sex with Dimitri, there were so many dirty roads to go
I wondered so many things. How did he moan? Were his groans deep and
dark like his voice? Would he pound my pussy into submission? Would he
growl loudly when he came? Or was he smooth and loving between the
sheets? Tender and passionate?
Licking my lips, I imagined that he was all of those things and more. A
moan escaped me. “Dimitri.”
I slid my hands along my breasts and toyed with my nipples.
Boiling hot longing curled my toes. Then, my erotic starving desire
climbed, expanding through my body in a fast upward motion of delight. My
pussy moistened.
I drew him naked in my mind. He had to have rippling muscles under that
designer suit. His cock had to be heavy and long in his pants. He walked and
talked like he had a big cock.
Oh my God. I wish he were here.
An ungodly amount of craving took me over. Instantly, I began to burn for
him. I drowned in this wet, hot need to have him deep inside me. I grew
hungry for him. His body. His cock. His mouth. I bet he could tongue-fuck
my pussy even better than he owned my mouth tonight.
The image shot to my mind—his tongue lapping between my hungry
folds. Instantly, I went soaking wet. My arousal dripped against my thighs.
Fuck. I really wish he were here.
My pussy grew slick. Wetness ran down my pussy and dripped along my
ass. Before I was done, his jacket would be soaked with me.
And I feared this wouldn’t be a small itch that I could get rid of from
touching myself. I remembered that kiss some more. I replayed those devilish
words about planning to fuck me on a yacht.
One hand squeezed a nipple. The other hand caressed my swelling clit and
then I pushed two fingers inside of my throbbing pussy—so warm and silky
I pretended my fingers were his cock. “Dimitri.”
My pulse quickened. My breath picked up.
In my mind, he pounded deep into me. He was wild and fierce with each
stroke. Constant with his dominating. He controlled every part of me.
“Oh.” I bit my lip and held back the rest of my moans. There was no way
Dimitri would let me live it down if his guards caught me moaning his name.
Dimitri, fuck me like you said you would!
With one hand, I stroked my clit, twisting my fingers and drawing swirls.
With the other hand, I taunted and teased my nipples.
Oh! Oh!
Shuddering, I gritted my teeth and rocked my pussy into my hand.
We fucked in my mind. I rode his cock and made him groan. He flipped
me over and took control again.
I arched up and rocked my pussy into my hand. Due to my fast rocking,
my breasts bounced. I squeezed one nipple harder.
My body erupted with heated pleasure. My orgasm climbed in my core.
My heart boomed in my ears.
Shaking, I climaxed against my soaking wet fingers.
And that orgasm took everything out of me. So much that I fell asleep,
naked and covered in his big jacket, his scent rocking me just like a sweetest
It was the best sleep I’d had in a long time.
The next morning, I woke up under the jacket and unable to pretend like I
hadn’t masturbated to Dmitri last night.
What was I thinking? It must have been the wine. . .and the kiss.
“That is the first and last time I will do that.” I rose from the bed.
Still. . .I picked up Dimitri’s jacket and sniffed it. Instantly, I caught our
scents mingling.
Stop it.
I froze in horror.
Girl, to romanticize about a bad boy is to play with fire.
I dropped the jacket on the bed. “Nope. Don’t touch it again.”
I decided to get it dry cleaned by the building’s cleaners. Then, I would
have the jacket delivered to him.
“And that will be the end of it.” Yawning, I went to my dresser and took
out a long t-shirt. While I doubted the guards would be in the condo, I still
needed to be covered. The plan was to make myself a big cup of coffee, drink
it, and then take a shower.
I can’t believe I masturbated to him.
Dimitri’s kiss flashed in my head.
“No and no.” I pushed the alluring thoughts of his lips away. “Forget
about him and focus on something else.”
I left my bedroom, walked down the hallway, and rounded the corner to
my living room.
Then, I froze in the doorway.
What. The. Fuck?!
In a new blue designer suit, Dimitri lounged on my couch. Barbara lay on
his left thigh purring as he scratched behind her ears. He didn’t even look up.
All of his attention centered on the open novel on his right lap. My novel, the
Diamond Thief’s Secret Baby.
So stunned, my words left me.
Noise sounded from the kitchen.
I looked that way.
Viktor had on my apron. Xandi had bought me it during our graduate
years. The frilly, red and black, polka dot smock looked absolutely ridiculous
on the big man.
What is he doing?!
Viktor placed a bottle of olive oil on the counter next to an opened carton
of eggs. Sliced bananas and strawberries lay in separate piles on a plate. My
whole wheat bagels rested next to an opened jar of strawberry jelly that I had
not bought.
Viktor spotted me. “Good morning, Ms. Walsh. How do you like your
Dimitri answered for me. “She likes them over-easy. I can tell that she’s a
soft-yolk-type of girl. Give her two eggs, even though she’ll say that she only
wants one.”
It was exactly how I liked my eggs. And it was true that I was trying to cut
back on cholesterol. However, I wouldn't let that cocky bastard know that he
was right.
Clearing my throat, I found my voice. “Actually, Viktor, I would like an
omelet today, since you’re going to cook in my kitchen.”
“Liar. You hate omelets.” Dimitri flipped the page in the book and then
returned to petting Barbara. “How did you sleep?”
“Fine.” I glared at him. “I will remind you that my condo does not reside
in the United States of Dima. Why are you here?”
He grinned at something he read on the page and then turned it. “Was my
jacket warm enough for you?”
I swallowed. “Don’t come into my condo again or go into my bedroom—”
“I didn’t go into your bedroom.” He didn’t look up. “I simply opened the
door and assessed the sexy situation that greeted me.”
“I’m going to call the police.”
“Will you need my phone?” He flipped the next page. “It’s on the table.”
Barbara loudly purred and turned to the side as Dimitri rubbed her back.
“What did you dream about, Ms. Walsh?”
I placed my hands on my hips and stepped inside the living room. “Before
we get to that, can you explain why you’re in my living room and your man is
cooking in my kitchen?”
Viktor waved the spatula. “What do you want with your two over-easy
eggs? I have a few options.”
“Oh really, Viktor? Go ahead and tell me what’s in my fridge.” I raised
my hand. “Or. . .and this may be a crazy alternative, but you two can get out
of my condo.”
“I could, but I’m enjoying this book.” Dimitri flipped to the next page.
“While I thought I would love the pirate, Jackson, I’m more excited to read
the sections in Mariam’s point-of-view. Her thieving journey is action packed
and violent. She’s an underdog. Strong, yet not in obvious ways. Smart, yet
doesn't brag about it—”
“Why are you here?”
Dimitri loudly sighed as if I was the rude person this morning. He pulled
out a thin leather bookmark from within his suit jacket, placed it on the open
romance, and then closed it.
He turned his view to me, and continued to massage Barbara. “I’ll answer
you since you won’t let me finish this chapter.”
“Well, I’m so sorry to interrupt your reading—”
“You’re forgiven.”
“I don’t care. You were not invited into my place to begin with.”
“I don’t need an invitation when I own the building.”
“Since when?”
“Since this morning.”
Barbara’s purring rose. She stretched her legs out and all, riding the waves
of soothing ecstasy. Dimitri smiled down at her. “I’m thinking that a better
name could be Scoop.”
“Against my will, I settled with Barbara Whiskers.”
He returned to massaging her neck. “Hmmm.”
About to lose it, I fisted my hands at my sides. “What the hell are you
doing here?”
Viktor put the pan on the stove. “Ms. Walsh, do you want a little cheesy
sautéed spinach with your eggs?”
Dimitri answered for me, “No cheese on the spinach. Make her some
potatoes too. Add onions and peppers. Not too much salt.”
It was exactly what I wanted. For some reason that enraged me even more.
However, I had to admit defeat. I sneered at him. “How do you know what I
“Your upbringing. The way you walk. The style of your dress. Your
stubborn personality, but most of all it was based on the contents of your
“And from that you can guess what type of breakfast I like?”
“From that I can guess a lot of things.” Dimitri gently picked up Barbara
and placed her on the couch next to the book. “Now let’s talk about why I’m
here and so thoroughly annoyed with you.”
“With me?” I touched my chest.
He rose and brushed off his pants. “Mayor Parks made some powerful
phone calls last night.”
Oh. . .
I tried to feign innocence. “What sort of phone calls?”
He hit me with a skeptical look. “You know exactly what sort of phone
calls. The mayor phoned Governor Wiley and Senator Ellis. The governor is
nobody, but Senator Ellis. . .Have you met him?”
“I’ve met him a few times when my father has had him over at parties. But
we’ve never had any personal conversations.”
“My mother is absolutely infatuated with Senator Ellis. She talks about his
smile, the sparkle in his green eyes, and his exquisite taste in clothing.”
Dimitri dramatically twirled his fingers in the air. “Currently, Senator Ellis is
my mother’s new hobby for the season. How long this will be? I don’t know.
But for now, he’s untouchable.”
While I was shocked by Dimitri giving me all of this information, I also
knew that there were meanings underneath these words. There were things
that he would not tell me, things that I didn’t need to know, but wanted to
Was his mother and the senator having sex? Or was it just a friendly
infatuation? Did the Diamond Syndicate have the senator in their pockets?
Dimitri continued, “Mayor Parks called Senator Ellis who then contacted
my mother. Now you’re on her radar. That is not a good thing.”
“Wait a minute. What was said?”
“Mayor Parks doesn’t believe that I have provided all information to him
on this serial killer murders. He wants someone next to me that he trusts.
That person is you.” Dimitri lowered his gaze to my legs as if he realized for
the first time that I didn’t have pants on.
I blushed.
He kept his gaze on my legs. “While I did want to spend more time with
you, Ms. Walsh. I imagined it would be moments sipping wine during a
candlelit dinner. Instead, we will be searching the city for a homicidal
Excitement filled me. “We are investigating the murders together?”
He snapped his gaze back to my eyes. “That statement suggests that we’ll
be partners. We’re not. I speak. You listen. We learn information, and you
don’t report it to the public. You’re only to tell Idiot Parks.”
Viktor snickered from the kitchen. His pan sizzled. Savory scents filled
the air.
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Those are your rules?”
“Remember them. The better you understand them, the more you increase
your chances of surviving.”
Viktor called over his shoulder, “Ms. Walsh, I see some bread in here.
Would you like toast or do you want to stick with the bagels?”
Dimitri glared at me. “She won’t do toast and potatoes together. She cares
too much about her carb intake. Just keep it with the potatoes and stop
interrupting us.”
I didn't like how much he was easily assessing me. “Well, Dimitri. Since
you know so much, how do I like my tea?”
He walked over to me.
I tensed.
He stopped two feet in front of me. “You don’t like tea. You’re addicted to
coffee. And judging from all the cocoa powder, cinnamon, and different
flavored sugars in your cabinet. You like to dump a lot of crap into your
coffee to create a lot of fufu flavors."
“Unnecessary. Lacking in common sense taste.” He took another step
forward. “Fufu.”
“Whatever.” I frowned at him. “Since, we’re working together, these are
my rules.”
“You don’t get to say any rules.”
I glared. “Do not just walk into my condo whenever you feel like it.”
“You’re smart. You know exactly why. It’s an invasion of my privacy.
You need to ask before you enter.”
“There are several things that you need to remember about me.” Dimitri
closed the distance between us. “I don’t ask. I take. I don’t need. I want. And
I get what I want, exactly when I want it, and in every way I want it to be.”
“Not when dealing with me.”
“Especially when dealing with you.”
I backed up.
Luckily, he didn’t move forward. Instead he placed both of his hands in
front of him and held them. “When I first met you, Ms. Walsh, you were a
minor annoyance. But a fuckable minor annoyance. Due to that, I allowed
you to take certain liberties with me.”
“And now?”
“And now you have graduated into a major annoyance. One that has
allowed a piece of shit asshole like Mayor Parks to pull strings and get
involved in Syndicate business.” Rage blazed in his eyes. “A major
annoyance that has incited my mother, of all people, to get involved. Along
with her boytoy senator.”
I widened my eyes.
“Where once I was excited about tearing away your panties, throwing
them to the ground, and inhaling the sweet scent of your pussy as I licked it.”
His jaw twitched. “Now. . .”
I swallowed. “Now?”
“Now I’m considering the ways I will kill you. That’s not a good position
to be in with me.”
“I didn’t know that Mayor Parks would involve the Senator or that it
“Your job today is to be useful.” He held one finger up. “That is your only
I closed my mouth.
He lowered his hand. “So, you should spend less time worrying about my
coming into your condo and put some pants on.”
We glared at each other.
“Breakfast will be ready in five minutes.” Viktor went to the cabinets and
pulled out plates. “Don’t forget to wash your hands.”
Cracking the Code

iktor did good with breakfast. We ate in silence, allowing me to finish the
V Diamond Thief’s Secret Baby. During the quiet, I wrote a quick note in
my new book. Somehow I’d misplaced the other one.
I shouldn’t show up to her condo in the morning. Showing up in the
evening may be better.
After that, I was pleased and finished my food.
Currently, I perused more of Rose’s books on her shelf. Already, I held
two possible novels in my hand, but I still wasn’t sure.
Reading the Diamond Thief’s Secret Baby eased my insomnia last night.
Instead of thinking about Chanel’s dead body in a cage, I escaped into a
trashy romance full of stimulating scenes. I was transported out of the horror
of life and into a safer space.
That was the beautiful power of books.
I need more.
I checked the top shelf, full of paranormal and historical romances.
Behind me, my men cleaned the dishes, swept the kitchen floor, and tidied
up wherever was necessary.
“Come on.” Viktor sat at one end of the table and played on his phone.
That stupid game beeped and blared.
And how is my assistant detective doing?
I glanced over my shoulder and checked Rose’s progress.
Sipping a huge mug of fufu coffee, my stubborn Rose sat at the table. She
had Detective Treadway’s folders open and scattered in front of her. Every
few seconds she scribbled notes onto a large pad.
Placing my two borrowed books on the shelf, I took out my mini book and
jotted a sentence down.
She likes to write notes too.
I put the mini book and pen up. Then, I grabbed the two books and
returned to finding number three.
“Wow.” Rose went to another folder. “This is insane.”
She’d been shocked that I was going to let her see all the information.
That told me that she didn’t understand how serious I was about possibly
killing her. Now that she was forced to be with me out of my kindness to my
mother, she had better be useful.
I didn’t like being pushed into a decision. And the only one that could do
that was my mother.
Additionally, I worked alone. That allowed me to not have to spend too
much time focusing on social responses and the right and wrong behavior
required in certain situations.
“Shit.” She rose from her seat, went over to her desk, and rummaged
through the first drawer. “Those bible verses are so small in the message.”
“Treadway had an officer write it down. It’s later in the file.”
“I saw them, but I want to check out the actual message.” She pulled out
emerald, green glasses and a magnifying glass. Fast, she was back at the table
with the glasses on and the magnifier right in front of the photo of the bible
I studied her with the glasses on.
I liked them on her. My cock appreciated them too. She went from
gorgeous to intellectually sexy. In my younger days, I loved to fuck airhead
chicks. As I grew into a man, I discovered that a smart woman could do more
things to my cock than any airhead could ever produce.
Rose stopped reading and turned her view to me. “What?”
“Why don’t you wear those glasses all of the time?”
“I’m not used to them and they’re really only for reading.”
“I like them.” I went back to the bookcase and checked the next shelf.
“When we fuck, make sure to put them on.”
“I thought you decided you would rather kill me than have sex with me?”
“After those glasses, I’m now on the fence.” I lifted a book and read out
the title, “The Sexy Librarian. You really liked this one.”
She grabbed a folder and opened it. “Are you asking me?”
“No. I’m telling you. The pages are disgustingly bent like you read this at
least once a year.”
“Disgustingly bent?”
Glancing over my shoulder, I frowned. “Have you not heard of a book
She rolled her eyes.
“There’s two types of paperback readers. The ones that use bookmarks
and the ones that should have their fingers cut-off.”
“Wow.” She stood again. This time she began place photos in a line.
I carried over my three new books, placed them on my side of the table,
and then went to study what she was organizing.
She glanced at the books I’d chosen. “You do know that this isn’t a
“Why are you organizing the bible verses?”
“I think they’re the killer’s focal point.” She pointed at the words. “When
the officer wrote them down, he forgot to note that drops of blood are on
particular words on each verse, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”
“There’s no such thing as coincidences.” I raised my brows and took in
each one.
“I agree.” She cleared her throat. “So, Mr. Cupcakes has—”
One of my men snorted from the kitchen. I looked at him. He straightened
his face and returned to sweeping.
She turned to me. “His last name isn’t Cupcakes?”
“That was his nickname. Johnny Cupcakes actual last name is Howard.”
She blinked. “Aww. So, the nickname is due to the bakeries?”
“They called him that since he was a kid. He always liked to bake cookies
and pies.”
She widened her eyes. “Were his bakeries good?”
“The best in the city.”
Looking up from his game, Viktor chimed in, “Johnny made a caviar lime
cake that was so good, it that made you want to jerk off on your mother’s
face, just to let her know how bad her baking was compared to him.”
Rose stared at him in horror.
I sighed. “Back to the verses, Ms. Walsh.”
“Oh.” She shook her head and pointed to Johnny’s image. “So, here we
have this verse about filling yourself up on food.”
I read it to myself
“Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread,
and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she
strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.’”
“The killer is saying that Johnny lived the sort of life where he filled up on
food and money. Plus, the whole time he did, he didn’t feed or give to
“Then, the blood is on the words fulness of bread. The rest of the paper is
clean. Which tells me that the drop was intentional.”
I checked out the other pictures. “How does that relate to these?”
“Romeo’s verse seems to talk about adultery.”
I read it out loud. “Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you,
that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery
with her already in his heart.”
I looked up. “Romeo was single and he messed with whores. I doubt that
connects to adultery.”
“Exactly and there’s no blood drops on adultery.” She tapped the image.
“The blood is on lust.”
I hadn’t gone over Chanel’s bible verses or information yet. For some
reason, her death had been the hardest to accept. I thought God knew that if
he was going to take Romeo, then he would have to leave Chanel with us for
several years.
I swallowed and read the verse that was left for her. “Luke 12:15. Then he
said to them, ‘Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life
does not consist in an abundance of possessions.’”
Rose touched the one blood drop on the verse. “Greed.”
My brain began to unfold with the other clues. Pieces of the puzzle began
to come together easier.
Rose continued, “He stabs seven times, so—”
“Seven is important to him. But it’s not just the number seven.” I rubbed
my face with both hands. “Damn it. He’s talking about the Seven Deadly
“Johnny Cupcakes represented, Gluttony. It makes sense with the cakes
and cookies all around him in a bakery.”
I nodded. “Now, we have Romeo dead in a brothel with sex toys. That
screams lust.”
“If it didn’t, the killer put a blood drop on the word to give you a hint.”
“And now we have Chanel dying in a green and gold club with jewelry all
around her.”
“And the blood drop is on greed.”
“Alright.” I rubbed my hands together. “Now we’re getting closer. He’s
going to kill four more people.”
“And they’ll all be from the Diamond Syndicate.” She went over to her
notebook. “So, I’m playing with some ideas here.”
She’d written down all of the seven sins—gluttony, lust, greed, wrath,
envy, sloth, and pride. She placed Johnny, Romeo, and Chanel’s name to
their sins. For the sins that didn’t have victims she’d left them empty, except
for one.
I frowned. “Why did you put my name by pride?”
“It’s my guess for what the killer would theme you for.”
I held out my hands. “I’m not pride. I’m lust due to my playboy
“When I moved here, I was actually told by everyone that Marcelo was the
Playboy of Paradise.”
“He is the only one that calls himself that.”
“But, everyone I’ve met here has mentioned that Marcelo—”
“That’s not important. I could be wrath also. Surely, no one wants my—”
“I don’t think so.” She shook her head. “I really feel like out of everyone
in the Diamond Syndicate, you’re pride.”
“You don’t know anyone else.”
Viktor looked up from his game. “Dima, I think she has a point.”
I scowled at him.
Viktor shrugged. “Since Chanel is dead, Lei would be for wrath. He’s
going to be caught up for the rest of his days, seeking revenge.”
“Interesting.” Rose wrote that down. “Lei loved Chanel. Did she know?”
Viktor shrugged. “She might have, but she was also focused on her
“Then, let’s see.” She wrote Lei’s name down by wrath. “We only have
sloth and envy left. Viktor, which one would Marcelo fall in?”
“Either of those could be him. Out of the top, Marcelo is the laziest. His
focus is boxing and partying. Sloth would work for him.”
She scribbled in her pad. I tried to see what she was writing. She backed
away and looked at Viktor. “The top?”
“Everyone on the throne—Romeo, Dima, Lei, and Marcelo. Of course
Chanel hit the top when her brother dies.”
Rose tapped her notepad. “Is there anyone higher?”
Viktor glanced at me.
I nodded. “Tell her. She’s helping.”
“The only people that are higher are Dima’s mother, Mrs. Ivanov and
Lei’s father, Leo. I wouldn’t count Romeo and Chanel’s mother. She was
never truly apart of the Syndicate. When Barry Jones died, the throne shifted
to their son. And she took a back seat.”
She scribbled. “Alright. So, I have seven people that you’ve mentioned as
truly apart of the Syndicate.”
“These are his next possible targets.” I looked at Viktor. “Get in touch
with Marcelo and tell him to have triple the people around him. Put more
people on my mother too.”
“Maybe, if you all are in one place together, then it would be more
difficult for him to come at you all.”
I rubbed my chin. “All those personalities under one roof. We may kill
each other before he does.”
“He’s going to kill the remaining four—wrath, envy, sloth, and pride.”
Rose began to pace. “If we have Dimitri for pride—”
“I’m not pride.” I held out my hand. “I could be wrath.”
She waved me away. “Lei looks good for wrath.”
“You don’t even know Lei—”
“The love of his life died. Lei is wrath.” She paused. “In fact, he may be
“No.” My heart ached. “Viktor, find out where Lei is right now. I want
him close.”
“Now we have sloth and envy. That leaves Marcelo, your mother, and
Lei’s father.”
“While I still think pride should be left open, I’ll follow this logic.” I went
over to one bloody picture in the alley, picked it up, and put the image on top
of the bible verses. “What do you think about the message Chanel left?”
“That’s the most mind-boggling of all. I have no idea how 037 would
relate. But, it is interesting that she wrote a seven also. I wonder why she
chose to write numbers instead of letters.” She stared at the picture. “It’s so
I looked away from the image.
She did too. “Who do you think falls for sloth or envy?”
“My mother or Marcelo could fall in sloth. I see Marcelo for it more.
When my mother was involved, she worked hard.”
“And for envy?”
“That could be Leo—Lei’s father. He lost his wife, left the Syndicate, and
walked the path of God. However, I’ve seen him glance at us with envy at
times. As if. . .he wishes he could start over, return to his youth.”
“Have you gone to him about these bible verses?”
“No, but that’s a good idea.” I headed off. “Let’s go.”
She touched her chest. “Me?”
“It appears you’re useful after all.” I gestured at Viktor. “Bring my

peeding down Caviar Lime Highway, Dimitri’s chauffer drove us toward
S the East.
A gloomy gray sky hovered above us. Lightning struck the sky.
Thunder crackled and boomed. People without umbrellas rushed away.
Those that had them hurried too. Even though the streets were beginning to
flood, taxis and trucks sped by, barely checking if anyone was in front of
“But what is pride truly?” Dimitri spoke on my side. “At the core of the
definition it is a smart and successful person.”
“The exact definition of pride is a person getting deep pleasure from their
own achievements.”
“How is this a bad thing?”
“The biblical sin of pride refers to an exalted attitude.”
“Again, this sounds like a compliment.”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s the opposite of the virtue of humility which is how
we’re supposed to be with God.”
“Well, God loves me more than most so I can afford to die from pride.”
I stared at him. “I would rather you not die from anything.”
A wicked smile spread across his face. “I’m growing on you.”
“You’re not.” I looked away and gazed out of the window. “I don’t like
“Especially, my death.”
Keeping my back to him, I frowned.
“Whoever this killer is, they’ve been around me a lot.”
I smirked. “They sure have, if they have you at pride.”
“People never take the time to truly learn about others. They judge us on
surface level and then tape labels on our faces.”
I looked at him with skepticism. “And you’re deeper than that?”
“I am.” He hit me with an intense gaze. “There’s things that most don’t
know about me. Things I keep close to my chest.”
I wondered what those things could be. Dimitri would be an interesting
puzzle to put together.
We left the highway and passed through massive gates with an arch of two
large blue dragons shooting out orange sculpted flames at each other.
Instantly, I felt like I’d been transported to another continent.
On each side of the street food stands sold exotic foods. I spotted live eels
and square watermelons and hairy rambutans, raw ducks hanging upside
down with their beaks still on and signs promoting $5 skewered
Further down the street, the food stands shifted to high-end restaurants.
Most represented Chinese and Hong Kong cuisine. However, other Asian
cultural eateries dotted the path—Indonesian and Malaysian, Thai and
Vietnamese. There were also fancy tea houses, art galleries, and a couple
stores boasted imported ancient goods.
We rounded the corner and drove down a block of karaoke bars.
When the light turned red, we stopped.
I stared at a building built with multicolored blue bricks. A large sign
topped it and read, “Hao Fortune Cookie Factory.” Several of the streetlights
had posters announcing the Miss East Pageant.
The light shifted to green.
We headed toward several apartment buildings.
I considered something that had been bothering me, since we left my
place. I turned to Dimitri. “Unfortunately, I think that the killer is in the
Syndicate. Someone that’s directly under the top people.”
Dimitri spoke, “Someone that’s so close, Chanel would meet the person in
the alley, Romeo would sit with them in a brothel, and Johnny would close
his bakery down to hang with him.”
I studied Viktor as he watched us. “Perhaps, the person would be a sort of
assistant to the different top members?”
“I’m considering that.” Dimitri nodded. “The suspect could be among all
the top’s right-hands. The people next to the victims.”
Viktor shook his head. “There’s no way that could be possible. Gunner is
damn near glued to Marcelo. Same for me with you.”
A grim expression covered his face. “We still haven’t found Nefertiti, but
I can’t believe that she could kill Chanel.”
Dimitri’s chauffer stopped us in front of a towering church built in blue
stone. A long line of people waited outside. It must have been over fifty
people. Viktor climbed out of the car and held the door open. Dimitri left and
stopped next to Viktor.
I didn’t move yet.
My stomach twisted. My heart boomed in my ears. It was a new day and it
appeared that this killer was not calming down with these murders. I’d
already seen a dead body for the first time yesterday. The only thing that had
helped me not have nightmares was Dimitri’s masculine scented jacket.
I hope Lei and his father are still alive. Please, God. I don’t want to see
anymore death.
Dimitri looked into the vehicle. “Ms. Walsh, you’ve aggravated the shit
out of me to get inside information on the Syndicate, and now you’re
I thought I was writing about gangsters, not a serial killer.
Sighing, I grabbed my big purse full of my notes and left the Phantom.
A chilly wind breezed by. Dimitri frowned at my bare arms, took off his
jacket, and then placed the designer fabric around my shoulders. I kept it on,
knowing that if I tried to give it back he would complain. Also, I felt special
having it on my shoulders.
How many times has Dimitri given his jacket to woman?
Three men rushed over to us with umbrellas. One held an umbrella for me.
Two men kept their umbrellas over Dima as if terrified that a drop of rain
would hit him.
And you don’t think you fit for pride? Really?
He eyed me. “What?”
Viktor took out his own umbrella.
We headed forward.
I watched the line of people. Some had taken off their jackets and covered
their heads from the rain. “Do you know why they’re here?”
“This is one of the ten Syndicate’s food kitchens and shelters.”
“You have them all over Paradise?”
“And some outside of the city. This is the third one in the East where Leo
used to be in control.”
Stunned, I found it hard to believe that a group of criminals would want to
help out the city that they were trying to destroy.
Dimitri picked up the pace. “When Leo left the syndicate, he took full
control of all our soup kitchens and shelters in the East.”
“Whose idea was it to have shelters in Paradise?”
“Our parents. They all had to stay in a shelter or stand in a free food line in
their past. My mother was an immigrant when she arrived here with my
uncles. So were Lei’s parents. And then Chanel’s family didn’t have much
help in Paradise with the discrimination and hate in this country.”
My stomach twisted a little. I could feel myself being conflicted with how
I was seeing the Syndicate. I wanted to be on the story to go after them, and
now I was helping them stay alive. And Dimitri was opening up. And I
wasn’t sure if it would be okay to betray his trust.
I cleared my throat. “And what about Marcelo?”
“Marcelo had it worse than all of us.”
“Our parents loved us. They worked hard to give us a good life.
Generational wealth was always their goal.”
“And Marcelo’s parents were different?”
“Chanel, Lei, and me inherited Paradise. Marcelo earned it on his own.”
We climbed the steps leading up to the church. People of all races and
ages stood around. Most of them were adult males. Dirt smudged their faces.
Rips and holes marred their clothes.
Four Asian men stood up by the door. They were dressed in bright blue
suits. It was a stark difference to the green suits of the South.
I glanced at Dima and took in his clothes. “Marcelo’s people wear green.
Here, it’s blue?”
Dima nodded.
“I saw Killer Crows wearing red at the Romeo’s memorial, but what color
does the North wear?”
“Whatever color we want. We own them all.”
I frowned and turned to Viktor.
He smiled. “We wear yellow.”
I checked Dima’s clothes. Of course he didn’t have one spot of yellow on
We approached the men in blue. One of them had been writing names onto
a clipboard. The other two were motioning for more men in the line to come
into the church.
The storm picked up.
The man spotted us. “Good afternoon, Dimitri. We didn’t know you would
be in the area today.”
“It’s going to be that sort of day, Cha-chi.”
His face didn’t show a warm welcome. “Why are you here?”
“I want to talk to the man of the house.”
Cha-chi leaned his head to the side. “Which one?”
“Leo and Lei are both here?”
Cha-chi nodded.
“Good. I’ll talk to both.”
Cha-chi gestured for the men to open the door. Dima headed forward. His
men and I followed. My mood picked up. It appeared Leo and Lei were alive.
Maybe, we can beat this killer before he strikes again.
I thought about the notes I made in my bag.
037. 037.
I said the number confirmation over and over in my head, trying to figure
out what Chanel Jones was trying to say before she died. I couldn’t get the
image of those bloody numbers out of my head.
I don’t know her, but I know that she didn’t deserve that.
Gloom mingled with my newly rising doubts on who the Diamond
Syndicate was and what they truly represented. Their deaths were
humanizing them to me.
Next time, I’ll be careful with what I wish for.
I wanted to go after the Diamond Syndicate. I wanted to bring them down
to save Paradise.
Johnathan used his mayor connections to put me right next to them. And I
wasn’t stupid enough to think he did it just because we were friends, or
because he wanted to have sex with me. He did it because he wanted to get
the Syndicate out of the city and be re-elected. And I hoped that the reason he
wanted to get them out was based in good intentions, and not just for votes.
Sometimes politicians were worse than criminals.
I just want to be on the right side.
Currently, the right side was finding out whoever this serial killer was.
Whether I agreed with what the Syndicate did or not, it wasn’t fair that they
were being murdered.
Dimitri disturbed my thoughts. “I’m bringing you deeper into my world.
With that comes a clear understanding of what you will and will not do.”
“I won’t be printing an article about anything I learn today.”
“I like how you worded that, but we’ll go deeper. Keep your mouth closed
to not only the public, but the mayor.” He stopped and targeted me with a
serious gaze. “Don’t make me kill you, Rose.”
I blinked. “I would prefer you not to continue to threaten me.”
“As long as we have that understanding.” Nodding, he walked off. “I’m
actually beginning to appreciate your help.”
“Your new eyes and smart brain is getting us further.”
“You would have figured out some of the stuff. I think your connection to
those that have died, have clouded your mind.”
He paused, but didn’t turn to me.
I remained quiet.
“Hmmm.” He walked off again. “I hadn’t realized that Romeo and
Chanel’s deaths would affect me, but they did.”
“Of course they would affect you.”
We continue down the hall.
Dimitri glanced my way. “You have a look of unease.”
“You so easily said you would kill me.”
“I won’t kill you, if you’re smart.”
“But still, you have to know that it’s going to freak me out.”
Still walking, he looked up at the ceiling, considered it, and then turned his
gaze back to me. “I apologize.”
I blinked. “You really apologize?”
“I do. If you let information out, I will kill you. However, I apologize for
telling you that.”
“What? I’m not sure if I accept that apology.”
“You do.” He stopped at a door. “Leo should be in here.”
He knocked.
No answer came.
Dimitri knocked again.
His men hurried forward and took their guns out.
I stepped out of their way.
Viktor went to Dimitri’s side. “What do want us to do?”
Silent, Dimitri closed his eyes. That reaction shocked me. It must not have
been typical behavior. Some of his men checked Viktor’s reaction as if
wondering what to do. Letting out a long breath, Dimitri opened his eyes.
“Stay behind us, Ms. Walsh.”
Viktor pointed at the guy in the front.
The man slowly opened the door.
Four guys went in with their guys pointing guns in front of them. They
stopped a few feet ahead, looking ready to shoot at any danger. The men
spotted something in front of them. I couldn’t see it. Next, they quietly put
away their guns. One of them turned to Viktor and shrugged.
With an odd expression, Viktor headed in, saw what they did, and
gestured for us to come in.
What’s going on?
Dimitri and I entered. My nerves flared. Instantly, I turned to see what the
men were looking at. Shock hit me. I spotted an old man sitting in the center
of the massive office.
Is this Leo?
His eyes were closed. The man resembled Lei. His tanned complexion was
smooth with no wrinkles. Gray strands highlighted his mane and told me that
he wasn’t as young as he looked. He had a slim frame, but it was all severely
cut with muscle. His legs were crossed under him in a proper yoga meditation
pose. His palms faced up and rested on his knees. His chest slowly rose and
The old man spoke without opening his eyes. “Let's see. Who could this
Dimitri place his hands in his pockets.
The old man raised his nose in the air and inhaled. Again he kept his eyes
closed. “If this was Marcelo, I would’ve smelled the stink of the gym. Sweat
and testosterone. This is designer cologne, but not the super expensive stuff
from the West. This is subtle. Floral.”
Still with his eyes closed, the man unfolded his legs, planted his feet on
the floor, and rose. “I smell roses too. Very similar to Madeline Ivanov, but
not her. Completely different type of perfume, but just as seductive.”
Dimitri gave him a sad smile.
I widened my eyes as the old man blindly moved forward with complete
He sniffed the air again as he walked right to where Dina stood and
stopped four inches in front of him. “Ah! I smell impatience, stubbornness,
and the constant need to be in control.”
Dimitri sighed.
The old man opened his eyes.
Dimitri nodded. “Correct as always.”
Leo patted his back and then glanced my way. “There’s the new rose
smell. So, you’ve found a woman that smells like your mother, but not
Any hint of humor left Dimitri’s face. “I wouldn’t say she smells like my
Leo looked me up and down. “There’s hints of your mother all around
I didn’t know if I should take that as a compliment or not. From my
research, his mother had control of at least a hundred Russian immigrants
with serious criminal backgrounds. She was not a soft flower at all.
“Dimitri, you’ve interrupted my meditation.”
Dimitri gave him a half bowed. “I’m sorry, sir. But I’m worried about
your son and your protection. I would like to put more people on you and—”
“Dima, God protects the saints, the meek, and the ones that do his work.
We don’t need more guns. We need prayer. We need a dedication to His
“And what about your son?”
“Unfortunately, that father-son relationship isn’t as holy.”
“I was told that he’s here”
“He is. As much as Lei searches for salvation through the barrel of his
gun, he knows when to seek the Father’s warmth.”
“Where is he?”
“Upstairs and sound asleep.”
“I’m shocked that he was able to go to sleep at all.”
“I had to give him some help.”
Dimitri raised his eyebrows. “Do you think you can continue to help
“You want me to babysit Lei?”
“Chanel is dead. I’m worried that he’ll be consumed with revenge.”
“In my life, I’ve learned big lessons. Real love gives memories that can’t
be stolen, while death gives a heart-wrenching injury that no one can ever
heal. You just have to walk with the wound and somehow learn how to live
without picking at the scabs.”
It was in that moment when I noticed the paintings hanging on the walls
around us. Each one displayed the same beautiful woman. She was of Asian
descent. Long silky black hair outlined her kind face. In every image, she
wore a welcoming smile as if utterly tickled that the artist was painting her.
Leo shifted his attention to me. “That’s my wife. She passed last year.”
Sadness poured over me. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
“It was a loss indeed.” Leo put his view back on Dimitri. “You know I’ll
watch Lei as much as he’ll allow it. Why are you truly here?”
“Lei and you are in danger.”
“We’ll always be in danger on Earth. This place is not meant for the
“Yes, but there’s an amped up level of the danger. A serial killer.”
Leo parted his lips in shock. “A serial killer?”
“One with a purpose of ending the Syndicate. Therefore, I’m humbly
requesting your continued help in taking care of your son while I put more
men around you.”
Leo studied Dimitri. “I’m wondering if the killer has a purpose of taking
over the Syndicate, not ending it.”
“Perhaps, an ambitions person is hoping to get rid of everyone so that he
can rule.”
Dimitri touched his chest. “Are you insinuating that I’m the killer?”
“I remember when you were in diapers, crawling around the play area and
dominating Chanel, Lei, and even Romeo, taking all the sippy cups and
pacifiers for yourself.”
“It’s true that you’ve known me before I knew myself.” Dimitri took his
hands out of his pockets and held them out to his sides. “But, do you honestly
believe that I could’ve killed Romeo or Chanel?”
Silence filled the space. Leo stared at Dimitri as if thoroughly considering
the possibilities and separating various facts from opinion. A minute later,
Leo’s suspicious expression left.
He gave Dimitri a warm smile. “If I discovered that it was you, it would
twist my already shattering mind.”
“Then, you’ll help me with Lei and also be open to more guards?”
“I will.”
“Due to Chanel’s murder, I believe Lei may try to hurt himself.”
Any brightness on Leo’s face disappeared. “I believe that to. However, Lei
won’t do so, until Chanel’s murderer is dead.”
“I agree.”
“Dima, do you remember what I told you, before you took over the
North’s throne?”
“One problem at time.”
“Exactly.” Leo took in the men around him. “What is this? You know my
rules about my sacred space.”
“I thought you were dead and posed in your office with a wig.” Dimitri
gestured to his men. Viktor and the rest of his guards hurried away. I wasn’t
sure what to do so I began to leave with them. Dimitri gently took my hand
and kept me there.
Leo watched the movement.
When Viktor left, he shut the door behind him. Now only Leo, Dimitri,
and I stood in the office.
Leo half bowed. “And now for tea.”
Dima spoke, “Unfortunately, sir, I can’t abide by all rules for today—”
“You will have tea with me.”
“I’m searching for a killer.”
“One that would never walk into the House of God.”
“We don’t know that.”
“I do.” Leo smiled at me. “I’ve been asking Dimitri for several weeks to
have tea with me and he has refused every time.”
“I wouldn’t say refused. I’ve taken a few rain checks due to there being
chaotic Syndicate storms—”
“Life always has storms. Stop standing outside and punching rain drops.
From now on when I call, grab an umbrella, come to the church, and visit
Dimitri frowned.
“It’s disrespectful to your elders.” Leo raised one finger. “And, your
mother taught you better.”
“I’m sorry, sir.”
Leo gestured to me. “And now you have a beautiful woman here that
smells like your mother. She must be so special to you.”
“She doesn’t smell like—”
“You look like a coffee person, but how do you like your tea?” Leo smiled
at me. “Honey or sugar?”
“Honey please.”
“And your name?” Leo extended his hand.
I shook it. “Rose.”
“Of course. What else would the Prince of the Flower Mafia desire?” Leo
lifted my hand and kissed it. “You’re going to love my tea so much that
you’ll never drink coffee again.”
Dimitri sighed. “Just a quick cup please.”
Leo let go of my hand and dismissed Dimitri. “In all my 65 years I’ve
never rushed tea. I won’t start now.”
Damn. He’s sixty-five! He must be a vampire.
Dimitri gritted his teeth. “Fine. Bottomless tea.”
Leo headed away and called over his shoulder. “Make yourselves
comfortable. Dima, show her some of the pictures and paintings and tell her
about all the good things that I’ve done. Sometimes an old man needs a
young one to boast about them. It makes life worth it.”
“Okay, sir.”
Leo left and shut the door. Three odd bumps knocked on the door. Dimitri
eyed it. No other sound came.
Dimitri turned to me. “Leo has two rules—no guns or guards in his sacred
space and if we come to see him, we must have tea.”
“Those are interesting rules to have. Was it always like that?”
“Even when he was deep into the Diamond Syndicate, tea was required.”
Dimitri walked over to the wall behind Leo’s small walnut desk. “Leo also
made sure there were clear boundaries between the Diamond Syndicate and
his family life.”
I followed him, intrigued by the large painting hanging on that wall. “Why
do you think he had those boundaries?”
“To maintain peace and balance in his life. There was no gun-talk on
Sundays. He forced everyone to uphold it. Large dinners were also important,
not just among the top, but also with his men.”
I stood in front of the massive painting. “He saw the Syndicate as a
Dimitri got to my side. “We all do.”
The storm raged outside of the office’s windows.
I took in the painting. “His wife was so beautiful.”
“Actually, it’s more that Leo is an excellent artist. Ju never looked this
beautiful. She had way more wrinkles.”
I turned to him. “Really, Dimitri?”
“I mean she wasn’t ugly, just not as amazing as she is depicted here.”
“I get it.”
He pointed to the daises in her hand. The flowers looked so real I almost
tried to touch them. “Her name was Ju. If I remember correctly, Lei told me
that it meant daisies. That’s why you’ll always see daisies in pictures of her.”
I scanned the other paintings and spotted them. “I love this.”
“Leo should have been a great world-renowned artist.”
“I’m shocked that he did these paintings. I would have never known that
he did them.” I eyed the letters written in red at the corner of the painting.
Instead of the typical artist signature, he’d simply wrote those three capital
letters. Something odd struck me about them. I leaned forward and studied
them closer.
My stomach twisted.
Why is that bothering me?
Dimitri spoke, “It took Leo many years to learn how to write English.”
Continuing to lean forward, I didn’t respond. Something kept bothering
me, but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why the signature incited a
haunting effect. I couldn’t look away.
“What's wrong?”
I stood and scanned the space. “The name on the painting freaks me out
for some reason.”
“The signature?”
“Yes.” I hugged myself and turned away. “It’s probably because I’m so
anxious after Romeo’s memorial.”
“Was that the first time you’ve seen a dead body?”
“Yes, when my grandfather passed, my mother didn’t let me go to the
funeral. She thought I was too young.” I move away. “Then, my grandmother
passed the year I won the Pulitzer. My family barred me from that funeral.”
“They didn’t appreciate me writing an award winning article on how some
of their corrupt besties stole from New York City residents.”
“So, you’ve always been a trouble maker?”
“One would say so.” I walked over to another painting and took in the
pretty features of Ju. In this image, she was lowered on bended knee and deep
in prayer. Several angels hovered over her with expanded wings, representing
different races.
“Hmmm.” Dimitri’s voice sounded off. “You’re right.”
I looked over my shoulder. “I’m right about what?”
He stared at the painting and looking at the signature. “The signature gives
me an odd feeling too.”
“Yes.” He went over to Leo’s desk, pulled out a drawer, and took out a
I went over to him. He grabbed a notepad on top of a leather bound bible.
Sadness coated Dimitri’s next words. “Please, God. Let me be wrong.”
Wrong about what?
Dima wrote 037. The large numbers took up the whole page. “I think we
assumed Chanel was facing in one direction, when she was in the other.”
“What do you mean?”
“Chanel wasn’t writing numbers.” Dima turned the notebook upside
I read the words.
My fingers shook.
Dimitri took his gun out of the holster and hurried over to the door. “I
have to get you to Victor. Then, I’ll deal with Leo.”
No fool, I rushed and stayed by his side. “H-how will you deal with Leo?”
Dimitri led me back to the door. “Leo takes a good thirty minutes to make
tea. It’s a whole. . .”
Dima paused with his gun in front of him. “Fuck.”
I trembled. “What?”
“The tea. That’s how he’s been getting everyone to pass out. Johnny
would have closed down the bakery to have tea with Leo. Romeo would have
paused his sex session, if Leo showed up to talk to him and have tea.”
“And they would have done so without their men due to Leo’s rule?”
Dimitri nodded. “Chanel had tea with him the day before. If he asked her
to meet a few blocks from Marcelo’s club, she would have did so with no
suspicions and would have had no problem going by herself. He was like a
father to us.”
I had my hands in fists and out in front of me like I was going to punch
With his free hand, Dima touched the doorknob but didn’t open it. “Leo’s
been trying to make me tea for the past month and a half. I was. . .”
Supposed to be the first person he killed.
He stared at the door, unable to move.
My voice was a weak whisper. “Dimitri?”
The Son of Man

gripped the knob hard.
I Leo is the killer.
My head shattered into pieces. I couldn’t compute. No logic existed in
this. My heart boomed in my ears.
He. . .killed Romeo. . .Chanel. . .Johnny. . .
After my uncles, Leo had been a second father to me.
But. . .we’re family.
I’d given Leo and the Diamond Syndicate my life due to the concept of us
being family. Never did Romeo, Chanel, Lei, or I question our parents’
legacy. We took over the reins and ruled with their lessons in mind.
And Leo killed us for it?
Rose captured my attention by placing her hand on my back. “Are you
Her touch gave me the opportunity to take a second breath. Her scent
transported me out of the haze of confusion.
I cleared my throat. “I’m back.”
She was smart enough to not ask what I meant.
I made sure Rose was behind me, not able to lose any more people.
I turned the knob and opened the door.
A bloody scene of horror greeted me.
God, help me. . .please. . .
Slashes of blood dripped down the walls. Puddles of blood covered the
Backing up, Rose screamed and then covered her mouth to silence herself.
Her reaction yanked me out of my terror. I’d been frozen in mind-numbing
shock. Rose’s fear triggered me to act, to move forward, and do whatever I
could to not only survive for myself but to protect her.
Keep Rose safe.
Still, my heart broke. I slumped a little, but kept my hand steady in front
of me.
“Don’t look anymore.” Swallowing, I tightened my grip on her hand and
guided her past the dead bodies in the hallway—my men’s dead bodies.
My brothers.
If Rose hadn’t been with me, I might’ve crumbled to my knees. I might’ve
lost it. Her presence anchored me, kept my mind focused.
With his gun in his holster and phone in hand, Viktor lay dead among
them. The front of his neck had been sliced—fast and with precision. So fast,
I bet he didn’t even know when it happened. His game flickered on the screen
with the start button blinking.
He’ll never finish that level.
My throat swelled as if my mouth felt like crying. I’d never experienced
such an all-consuming pain. And I felt so. . .lost and completely alone.
Pull back from your emotions. Numb yourself. Concentrate.
I breathed and gathered myself as much as I could.
“Do me a favor, Rose.” I looked along the dark shadowed hallway. “Cover
the front of your neck for me with your hand and don’t move your hand until
we’re out of the church.”
She did that without any question.
Leo’s favorite knife had a thin sharp blade similar to a razor. And when he
attacked, he did so in a spinning blur. The neck was his favorite target.
I noticed Viktor, Hayward, and West had fallen on top of each other, and
they all had sliced throats, telling me they’d been caught by surprise within
seconds of each other.
Earlier, there’d been bumping at the door after Leo closed it. Was that
Guiding us down the hallway and checking every shadow, I looked to the
right side of us. Four men were piled on top of each other—Michael, Evan,
Jay, and Claude.
Silent, Rose shivered against me.
Jay had a gun next to his broken arm that was bent in the wrong direction.
He was probably the only one who was able to pull his weapon out. It looked
like Leo gave his arm a swift-breaking and then sliced his neck.
First, we get Rose out of here. And then I find Leo.
We passed my men and all the blood, getting closer to the end of the
Rose squeezed my hand. That gesture comforted me. It was so small but I
needed her warmth in this moment and I needed the grip of her soft fingers to
push me out of gloom.
We hurried forward.
Whenever I saw an odd shadow, I paused and was ready to shoot.
Slim and short, Leo killed within the shadows, maintaining an advantage
against any bigger enemy.
We moved on.
Nothing jumped out at us.
We got to the front of the church. Tons of wet people crowded around the
altar and all of the pews. Many stood along the walls, unable to find a seat. A
lot of people munched on shelter sandwiches half-wrapped in blue paper.
More people were entering from the opened double doors. Clearly, the
church planned to shield as many as they could from the storm.
No one noticed Rose and I come from the back. There was too much
commotion. Several people sat in the first aisle, chattering. One toothless
man complained that he couldn’t smoke his cigarette inside. An older woman
held a crying baby. Exhausted, she patted the little one’s back.
Out of respect for the church, I lowered my gun and kept it to my side.
There were so many people in the space. It made me nervous. I was unsure if
Leo was ducking behind any of them and waiting to slice.
Thunder boomed, rocking the church. The electricity shut off. Hushed
whispers rose.
Pulling Rose closer to me in the darkness, I stopped us by the wall.
Leo’s assistant pastor, Fen, hurried to the alter. She’d been his wife’s best
friend and the person to convince them to have a stronger relationship with
God. The staff began to light candles.
Fen’s voice rose over the crowded space. “My friends, do not let your
hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
Rain hammered against the stained glass window, threatening to break
them into shards.
The candles’ glow illuminated the space more.
Checking every face, I kept the gun low and moved us forward. Rose
continued to have her hand over her neck, not taking any chances.
“Never forget God’s words.” Fen raised her hands to calm everyone. “Do
not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.”
Wind slammed and shook the church. Lighting flashed. Thunder boomed.
A man bumped into me as he mumbled to himself. I almost shot him. The
stank of alcohol radiated from him. He spotted the gun at my side and froze
in shock. “The devil did it.”
“He sure did.” I guided us past him.
The man stumbled away and took a swig from a bottle hidden behind his
“Remember!” Fen silenced people near the altar. “God will uphold you!”
In all the pews, people began lowering their hands into prayer.
That’s when I spotted Leo staring at me with a calm expression on his
face. He was six pews down from me and at the end. When I came close, he
would have an easy opportunity to get me. He had his hands together in a
prayer, but I could see the flash of metal between his fingers—his knife. His
gaze remained on me and then went to Rose.
I lowered my voice. “I see him.”
She stayed silent, but shivered.
“When I let go of your hand and race after him—”
“When I do, run to the Phantom and lock the doors. Even if my driver is
Another tremble came from her.
“Do you understand me?”
“Let us pray!” Fen’s voice lifted within the candlelight. “Father, we come
to you in the middle of a storm. And not just the storm outside, but the ones
within us. The ones around us. The ones inside the people we love.”
A woman cried next to us, “Yes, Jesus!”
Moving further ahead, we were now three pews away from Leo. I let go of
Rose’s hand, but kept my hand on the gun and my body in front of her.
“God, you look over us,” Fen continued. “You love us.”
Without his head bowed, Leo watched me.
Tightening my grip on the gun, I continued forward.
He remained still in his pew.
Another step forward.
Leo rose.
I stopped.
Rose did too.
We stared at him.
Fen’s voice lifted over the pews. “God, I have not forgotten your miracles!
God, I have not forgotten that your son walked on water!”
I raised my gun and pointed at him.
“Not here.” Leo frowned. “Not during prayer.”
A few people in his pew raised their heads to see what was going on. One
spotted my gun and screamed. Then others stopped praying and spotted it
too. Several jumped up and rushed off in the other direction.
Leo shook his head. “Don’t do it, Dima! Not here!”
“I wished you’d done the same for Viktor.” I pulled the trigger.
Before the bullet left my gun, Leo tossed his knife. I ducked and yanked
Rose down. The bullet shot up to the church’s ceiling. More people
screamed. People raced by. Rose’s body crashed into me.
Leo turned and jumped over the pew.
“No!” I shoved people out of the way and rushed for him, but couldn’t
make it forward. There was too much chaos and panic. “Move!”
Some ran out of the church. Others raced to the altar. More babies cried.
Women shrieked. Things fell.
“Fire!” Someone yelled. “Fire!”
I looked over my shoulder.
Some of the candles had been knocked over. Flames blazed up the walls.
People in blue tried to stamp them out with no help.
I made it a few feet forward, frantically searching for Leo.
Someone grabbed my arm. I almost shot them. It was Rose.
I moved the point of the gun away from her. “Did you see where he
She pointed to the front. “He rushed out the door.”
“Okay.” I had her hand again. It was a feat to get out of the church. It took
a lot of pushing and knocking people to the side.
I can’t lose him. I can’t.
When we made it to the doors, I bumped into Marcelo. I came close to
hugging him.
“Sorry I was late.” Marcelo held an umbrella. Ten of his men were behind
him. “What did you want to meet about?”
Searching around me, I stepped outside. Although the afternoon, the sky
was as black as night. Rain dripped down my face. “Did you see Leo?”
“No, why?”
“He’s the killer.”
“No.” Marcelo shook his head. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
I pointed at Marcelo’s main guy, Gunner. “Take Rose and guard her with
your life. If something happens to her, I will remove your dick from your
body and put it in your wife’s mouth.”
Gunnar widened his eyes. “But, I’m not married.”
“Then, your mother’s mouth.”
“Eh, man!” Marcelo roared. “Calm down. What do you mean Leo did it?”
Rose hurried to Gunner. Two more of Marcelo’s guys gathered around
her. Her eyes plead with me. “Please, be careful, Dimitri.”
“Take her back to her place now and don’t leave her side!” I raced away.
Where are you, Leo?
I ran off.
“Dima!” Marcelo and more of his people ran after me. He got to my side.
“You can’t just kill Leo. We have to make sure he really did it.”
“He did. And Leo also killed Viktor and the rest of my men. Sliced their
necks within seconds.”
“Shit!” Marcelo quickly pulled out his gun. Three of his men were with
us. “If you’re wrong, Lei will come for you.”
“If Lei isn’t dead.” I thought back to Leo saying that he’d helped his son
get some sleep. “The sick fuck.”
“We have to check then.” Marcelo gave a man his umbrella, blocked me
from running off, and grabbed my arm. “Eh! Are you listening?”
I blinked away the rain, looked to the right, and stared off at the flooding
streets. People had parked on the side, probably waiting for the storm to stop
before they got back on the road.
Where the fuck are you?
I turned to Marcelo.
His man held the umbrella over us.
Marcelo gripped my arm hard and shook me. “Can you hear me?”
“Yes. Why are you touching me?”
“We have to check on Lei.”
“I don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
My voice cracked. “He might be dead.”
Marcelo frowned. “I know, but we still have to do it.”
“I don’t want to.”
“We’ll do it together.”
“Marcelo, I can’t see another body, not. . .not of someone I love.”
“Then, I’ll look for the both of us.”
“No. I’ll run for Leo out here.” I shook my head and moved my arm from
him. “And Viktor can go with you. . .”
I remembered that Viktor was now dead. That hurt me down to my soul. I
closed my eyes.
Marcelo grabbed my arm and shook it again. “Eh! I’m not letting you go
I opened my eyes. “Why not?”
“Because. . .”
I glared at him. “What?”
“I don’t want to find your dead body either.”
Sighing, I checked to the right.
Gunner rushed Rose away. Another man held a green limo open for her.
She’s safe.
I turned back to the church. “Leo said that Lei was sleeping in the attic.”
Marcelo moved his hands from my arm. “Then, we’ll go there first.”
My fingers shook. “I used to play at some of the Four Aces churches when
I was a kid. Any painting that looks big enough to be a door, is one.”
“You want us to go through a door painting?”
“Maybe, it gives us an advantage.” I headed back in the direction of the
church, but went to the side instead of the front entrance. “It’s going to be
crowded and too chaotic by the altar.”
“Lucky for us, I came prepared.” Ten of Marcelo’s men rushed over to us.
“Alright. What next?”
“Be suspicious of all the paintings. You see eyes move, then someone is
looking behind it. Shoot the painting.”
“What if they’re on our side?”
“I don’t trust anyone anymore.”
“On another note. . .”
“What?” I looked at him.
“Why don’t any of the churches in the South have secret passageways?”
“We’ll fix that later.”
Heart Break

ire trucks blared. Police sirens snared. People fled the church, escaping the
F fire and running out to the cold rain.
With our guns out, Marcelo and I entered through the side. The door was
meant for the soup kitchen staff. Black smoke rose in the small area. Huge
pots topped the stove. The staff had rushed out fast and forgot to turn them
Unable to deal with it, I stopped by the stove and turned the knobs.
Marcelo watched me. “Would you like to get a quick sweep in too?
Maybe, make a pie?”
I made sure all the flames were off. “Focus on staying alive. Leo is fast
and deadly.”
“Don’t worry about that. I don’t take his age for granted. For him to live to
sixty-five in this world means that he’s a dangerous bastard.”
I stared at the pots and couldn’t move from the stove. I tapped the knob
and then circled it. Something beeped in my ear. It could have been my blood
pressure making my ear drums pop.
Images of blood filled my head.
“All Viktor wanted to do was make it to the top level. He could unlock
extra guns.” My fingers shivered. “I should have helped him. It was a simple
I snapped my view to Marcelo. “Yes?”
“I want you to keep talking to me.”
Worry creased the corner of his eyes. “It makes me feel comfortable.”
“And we should walk while you talk.”
“Okay.” I headed off. “I don’t know all the passageways, but I remember
there’s one in Leo’s office.”
“Where is it?”
“The painting of Ju behind his desk.” I turned right. When we entered the
bloodied hallway, panic gripped me. I pushed through it, not looking down at
the ground.
Don’t look. Keep your eyes straight.
The scent of blood flooded my nostrils. Blood stuck to our shoes causing
our steps to make squishy sounds.
“Fuck, man.” Marcelo took in all of my dead men on the floor. He called
back to one of his guys. “Call more people in here to have our backs and we
need another group to clean up.”
Gun in front of me, I went to Leo’s open door and stepped through, ready
to shoot his fucking head off. Unfortunately, the space was empty.
Marcelo got to my side. “Sorry man. I know how much you cared for
I rushed over to the painting, lowered the gun, and slipped my fingers
behind the right side of the painting. I found a button and pressed. It clicked.
The painting began to open.
“My mother told me to care for my men, but keep a wall around my
heart.” I looked back at Marcelo. “I never understood how to do block off my
feelings. Did you?”
“Never. I love everyone near me.” Marcelo watched the painting pop open
wider and reveal a secret passageway.
I had no response to give Marcelo. I understood what he was saying but it
was hard to deal with the pain rising in my chest. The heartbreak. I stepped
into the painting with my gun pointed. A thin hallway led to stairs. I headed
that way. Marcelo followed. His men loudly climbed in behind us.
For some reason, I stopped and turned to him. “What would you do if your
men die?”
“Celebrate their lives.” Marcelo gave me a sad smile. “Give to their
families as well as protect them. Move forward and live my life.”
“Interesting.” I headed off.
Marcelo placed his hand on my shoulder and stopped me.
I looked back at him. “What?”
“Let my people go forward.” Marcelo gestured for three men to push
ahead of us. They rushed forward. He patted my shoulder. “I’m not ready for
your funeral yet.”
“Why not?”
Marcelo winked. “London hasn’t finished my green and black suit. It will
be what I wear to your funeral.”
I gave him a sad smile. “After this, find a new tailor.”
“Why would I do that, when it annoys the shit out of you?”
“And you enjoy that?”
“I do.” He walked off.
His men led the way.
I called after them, “There will be stairs at the end, go up and you’ll see
another painting’s doorway that will put you in the attic.”
Walking with me, Marcelo touched one of the binoculars nailed to the
walls. “This is for the eyes of a painting?”
“That’s creepy.”
“Some of these are inside the confessionals.”
“No way, man. That’s a violation of people’s souls.”
“The earlier Syndicate didn’t think so. Secrets make money.”
“We’ll we have to change that. It’s a new generation. New boundaries.”
I nodded. “I’m fine with change. Currently, I’m starting to question
“Well, yeah. Leo is fucking killing everybody. One can’t help but wonder
if being in the Syndicate can cause someone to go crazy.”
“Not me.” I frowned. “Never.”
“Then, shit needs to change.”
“It does.”
We made it to the stairs.
Our people rushed up.
Marcelo shook his head. “And you sure it is Leo?”
“You think he could have killed his own son?”
“I don’t know anything anymore.”
When the final men went up, Marcelo followed. “How do you know about
this way to the attic?”
“When Ju died, Lei would disappear for a few days at a time. So I started
having some of my people follow him around. They reported that Lei had
two places that he liked to vanish to. The attic of this church is one of them.
There’s a lot of old memories and photos up there.”
“And the second place.”
“Chanel’s property. My spies would find him sneaking onto the property
and staring up at her bedroom window. I'm sure he couldn’t see anything
since it was on a higher level but still they said that he would stare for hours.”
“Who’s going to be the person that tells him that his father killed the love
of his life?”
“One problem at a time. First, let’s make sure that Lei is alive.”
Men snapped open the paintings back at the top of the stairs. Up ahead,
they climbed into it. The men were quiet which let me know there was no
Please, keep Lei safe. I don’t want to see him dead.
Marcelo and I got to the opening and went through.
In the attic, clouds of dust rose with the scent of mildew. Paintings were
sprawled here and there. Tons of boxes were stacked on top of each other.
Lei sat in the center of the room just like his father earlier in his office. His
legs were folded under him. His eyes were closed. His hands balanced on his
knees as his palms faced the ceiling.
Putting their guns down, my men surrounded him.
With his eyes closed, Lei spoke, “What do you want?”
Marcelo stepped closer. “We have to get you out of here.”
Lei snapped his eyes open. “Why? Any emergency with the Syndicate or
Paradise or even the Four Aces, is not my problem anymore. I’m done.”
I spoke, “Parts of the church is on fire.”
“The fire will be put out. If it were a true danger, you wouldn’t be in here,
Dimitri.” Lei closed his eyes.
My patience left me. “Get the fuck up!”
“Dima, calm down.” Marcelo lowered his gun. “Lei, we have fucked up
shit to tell you. We don’t need to tell you in a burning church.”
“Chanel is dead. That’s enough fucked up news for this week.” Lei closed
his eyes. “Leave.”
Marcelo ran his fingers through his hair.
“Lei.” I sighed. “I know who killed Chanel.”
He opened his eyes. Then, he rose fast within seconds. I never saw him
unfold his legs or jump up, but he did and in a blur. He was in front of me
even faster.
I gripped the gun, but didn’t raise it.
Searching my face, he stood too close in front of me. Barely an inch lay
between his nose and mine. Death coated his next word. “Who?”
“We leave here first.”
He roared at me with wild eyes. “Who?!”
“You won’t like it.”
“No shit, Dima.”
“This may. . .break you.”
“And I may break you, if you don’t quickly answer.”
Marcelo got to us. “No one else is dying today.”
“I didn’t say I would kill him.” Lei smiled, but it held no warmth or
humor. “I said I would break him. There’s a difference.”
I pressed the tip of my gun to his stomach. “Back up.”
A menacing expression covered his face. Lei moved in closer and touched
his nose to mine. “Who?”
Marcelo spoke from the side, “Your father.”
Lei rushed for him.
“No.” I tried to grab him.
Lei was too fast. He dodged me and had Marcelo’s neck in an arm lock in
seconds. For now he wasn’t chocking him. “What did you say?”
Marcelo’s men pointed their guns at Lei’s head.
Marcelo held himself low to the ground and yelled, “Put the guns down.
Lei is not going to kill me.”
I’m not sure about that.
I pointed my gun at Lei. “Let him go.”
Deranged, Lei kept his arm around Marcelo’s neck and dragged him back.
“What the fuck did you say?!”
Lei could snap his neck in seconds.
Marcelo held his hands out to the side. “Eh! Calm down.”
I took a step forward. “Marcelo is right. Let him go. It was your father.
That’s what Chanel was trying to tell us.”
At the mention of her name, Lei released Marcelo and shoved him to the
ground. Lei headed for me next with no fear in his eyes. “What fucking
proof? Are you trying to play games with my mind, Dima?”
I kept the gun trained on him. “Do you remember what she wrote in
“O37! 037!” Lei screamed as he got to me. “037! It’s been in my head
over and over and over—”
“She wasn’t writing numbers. They were letters. Flip them around.”
Confusion covered his face. “Flip them around?”
Marcelo rubbed his neck and rose from the ground. “Somebody get him a
fucking pen and paper.”
One guy pulled out a large rainbow sticker out of his pocket. Next, he took
a pink crayon from his pocket.
Marcelo eyed him. “Ricky, should I be concerned that you have stickers
and crayons?”
Ricky shrugged. “I had to take my kid to school this morning.”
“My father did it? That’s what you bring to me?” Lei watched us. “I’m
going to kill everyone in here.”
Not willing to lower my gun, I ordered, “Write down 037, Ricky, and then
turn it around for Lei.”
Ricky hurried and wrote with the pink crayon. Once he finished, he
handed it to Lei.
Staring at it, Lei’s hand shook. “No.”
“It’s Leo.”
“You’re trying to play me. You always wanted to take over.” Lei threw
the rainbow sticker at me. But when it fell to the ground, he still stared at it.
“My father loved Chanel.”
“He just killed all my men today. Go downstairs and look at it. Viktor is
dead because of him.”
Lei shook his head and paced in the center. “My father is dedicated to
God. What do you both really want?”
Lei still looked at the sticker.
I thought of Viktor’s dead body. “I’m going to kill your father.”
Marcelo raised his hands. “Now’s not the time, Dima.”
“You don’t have to believe me, Lei, but I thought you should know. I’m
going to kill Leo for what he did to Romeo, Chanel, and Viktor.”
Lei moved his view to me.
Tension rose in the air.
He spoke through clenched teeth, “What did you say?”
“Leo did it, and he’ll die by my hands.” I rubbed the tip of the trigger.
“That’s what the fuck I said.”
Lei charged for me.
I shot to his side, making sure not to hit him. That didn’t stop him.
Marcelo grabbed him. Lei twisted Marcelo to the floor like he didn’t weigh
over two hundred pounds. Marcelo yanked Lei down with him. Lei kicked.
Marcelo punched him in the gut. Lei staggered back.
I gestured for the men to lower their guns. Meanwhile, mine was still on
Lei. “Enough!”
Lei returned and delivered a shocking blow to Marcelo’s side.
“Fuck!” Marcelo took it like the professional boxer he was.
Lei spun around to kick him again.
I jumped in the middle, taking some of the attack. I grabbed Lei’s foot and
slung him back. Lei crashed to the ground, right next to the paper.
I pointed to the pink letters. “Look at it!”
Lei glared at the sticker.
“Who else would Romeo have met with to drink something? According to
the autopsy reports, Romeo had chamomile tea in his system but I never
connected that to Leo’s tea. He usually like green tea, but—”
“Romeo likes chamomile.” Lei touched the sticker and then moved his
hand away.
“Did you tell your father that Romeo passed that morning?”
Lei shook his head.
“Then, how did he know to show up that day? I didn’t tell him. Chanel
was too out of it.”
Marcelo shook his head. “I didn’t.”
I lowered my gun. “Who else would Chanel leave Nefertiti to talk to? My
mother or your father. That’s it.”
Lei rubbed his face with both hands. “There’s no way. Not my father.”
“He did it!”
“Not my father. He knew how much I loved her. He had to.”
“It all points to Leo—”
“Dima.” Marcelo put his hand in front of him. “Give him a minute to
come to it.”
Lei picked up the sticker. “He knew I loved her.”
More sirens blared outside.
“We need to get out of here.” I walked over to Lei and held my hand out
to him. “Come with us so we can make a plan on how to handle Leo.”
The scent of smoke rose in the air.
Lei rose, still holding the sticker. “He knew how much I loved Chanel.”
“Leo did this for bigger reasons.”
“What reason?” Hurt and sadness covered Lei’s face. “You have to be
wrong this time, Dima. My father could never do this.”
“The serial killer was killing people with the theme of the seven deadly
sins. Johnny cupcakes represented gluttony. Romeo symbolized lust. Chanel
was for greed.”
“Why?” Lei shook his head. “That doesn’t make sense.”
“They were sacrifices to God. I don’t truly get why.”
Marcelo went to the attic window and looked out. “They’re watering down
some of the church. Let’s go.”
“He blamed the Diamond Syndicate for my mother’s death.” Lei looked
devastated. “I thought he was going crazy but I figured. . .”
Putting my gun up, I went over to Lei. “We’ll get through this together.”
“We won’t.” Lei put the sticker in his pocket. “I kill him by myself. No
one else touches him but me.”
Marcelo left the window.
We exchanged looks.
I sighed. “I can’t let you do that. You suffered enough. Marcelo and I will
handle this.”
Lei shook his head. “We leave here and go somewhere else. Then, you’ll
show me step-by-step why you believe my father did this. I want to see all of
the evidence.”
I swallowed. “Okay.”
“And if I agree with this accusation, then I kill him.”
“You can’t do this by yourself, Lei. We don’t even know where he is.”
“I do.”
I tilted my head to the side. “How?”
Lei took out his phone, pressed the screen a few times, and then showed
me an electronic map that glowed black and white.
I squinted my eyes. Marcelo got to my side to see closer. The map glowed
in front of us. A blue dot moved on it.
“That’s him,” Lei said.
The dot moved fast as if the person was in a car. The dot entered onto
Caviar Lime Highway, heading Northeast.
Lei’s voice cracked. “He’s leaving Paradise.”
Marcelo raised his brows. “How long have you been tracking your
“Since my mother’s death. I gave him a silver cross. In the back is a
tracker. I worried that he might be suicidal afterwards and wanted to keep up
with him.”
“All of his moves are recorded?” I asked.
“For a year now.”
“Then, this will be your proof. We can check the approximate times of
death for Romeo and Chanel.”
Lei looked at me. “And if he was there each time, then I kill him all by
I gritted my teeth.
Rage covered his face. “Dima.”
“Okay.” I swallowed. “You’ll kill him by yourself. I won’t touch your
Marcelo frowned.
Lei walked off.
This is going to be fucked up.
We headed away, leaving the regular attic’s exit instead of taking the
secret passageway. While heading down the stairs, I pulled out my mini book
and pen.
What is the Diamond Syndicate anymore? Who am I?
The Secret Garden

hectic week passed.
A At my order, Marcelo’s men continued to protect Rose. I planned to
get her own detail once I put out Syndicate fires.
On the first day, Lei continued to demand that he would be the only
person killing Leo. He refused to allow Marcelo or me to go with him.
Fortunately, Lei gave my security access to the tracking information. My
people monitored Leo in Glory—a town two hours away. I had the area
surrounded. No one was to make a move unless I signaled or Lei was in
For now, I would let Lei handle his father.
However, if Lei lost sight of him or if I realized Leo was heading back to
Paradise, then he would be shot by my people.
The second day, we realized that Leo always went to his wife’s old friend,
Fen right before he killed. Marcelo and I talked to her. She told us that Leo
loved to visit her for tea. However, she did recently notice that when he came
some of her gowns and wigs would be missing. We followed Fen down to her
basement. The whole time she explained that she used to be an artistic
director for an old Paradise museum that focused on historic royal legends.
From there, I confirmed that the appropriate costumes and wigs were missing
from her basement.
Even more, Fen had nothing to do with it. She was just as horrified that
Leo used them to dress up dead bodies.
More bad news arrived by that evening. Lei’s older sister, Yan landed in
Paradise in her private plane. After Leo and Lei, Yan was a definite threat to
the city’s peace. For many years, she believed that the East brought in more
money monthly due to their weapon sales. It wasn’t true all the time. Usually,
the North’s pussy beat everyone. However, weapon money was so close that
she had a valid argument.
Three years ago, she attempted take control over the Diamond Syndicate.
Leo didn’t approve and sent her to Hong Kong under the guise of expanding
the Syndicate’s business on an international level.
Why is she here? Did Lei tell her what happened with her father? What’s
her plans now?
On the third day, the police discovered Nefertiti’s body in an abandoned
building in the South—right next to Marcelo’s club. She was shot in the head
and heart. A wooden cross was put around her neck.
I delivered her body to the Killer Crows. Kashmere now ruled the West.
She didn’t look pleased to meet with me. She demanded answers. I gave her
none. No one knew Leo was the killer. It was too sensitive to put out in an
already fragile situation.
Plus, I was terrified what would happen when everyone did discover the
The next three days, I replaced my men. This time, I made no effort to
know their names, not even asking my new number two what his was. When
I needed them, I pointed and gestured. I wasn’t sure how long this would
work. For now, I didn’t want my heart to break anymore from death.
During the week and when I had any free time, I went over Viktor’s home.
His mother lived with him. Viktor had hired two nurses to alternate day
and night, looking after Mrs. Semenov. All of his money and properties went
to her. She would be well taken care of financially.
But none of that mattered.
She took Viktor’s death as hard as me.
A few evenings, I ate dinner with her. During dessert, we played chess.
Then, I would prepare to leave, and she would hug me for a long time and
Now it was the seventh day.
Tonight, I hoped to talk to Rose. I hadn’t seen her the entire week. She’d
called to check on me. I didn’t answer. Too much gloom had filled me.
But we did need to have a conversation. There’d been an attraction
building between us, whether she agreed to it or not. That kiss had been
amazing. She’d moaned in my arms. And then later, I’d shown up to her
sleeping on her bed, naked, and wrapped in my coat.
I not only still wanted to fuck her, but I hoped she could heal my broken
Once this is over, I’m going to her place. Maybe, we can get the fuck out
of Paradise for a few days.
Currently, I entered the Secret Garden, shifting from downtown West
Paradise and entering an enchanted space.
The restaurant provided an immersive garden dining experience. Flowers
and plants covered almost every inch, showing off dazzling petals. The
intimate lush setting offered a charming and inviting atmosphere ideal for
romance. Roses and lilies scattered throughout the place. I was not in a
restaurant, but in a magical garden—a contemporary jungle of fairy light-lit
trees, hanging plants and living walls. One that overtook the ambience.
Birdcages dangled from the branches and trees that spread out all throughout
the place.
It was an enchanted escape, welcoming in its beauty and appealing.
My uncle’s wife owned the Secret Garden. Granted, my mother claimed to
have come up with the concept. According to her, Aunt Alice and her sipped
mimosas in her private garden talking about how they wished someone would
make a restaurant that provided a similar experience.
I went to the back where Aunt Alice placed all of her VIP customers.
Marcelo sat at my table.
He rose when he spotted me.
I quirked my brows.
He got to me and then gave me an odd handshake. “We’re friends now.
This is how we greet each other.”
I frowned.
He studied me. “What? You don’t like it?”
I stared at his hands. “Do it again?”
He gripped my hand and then placed the other over it. Once that
happened, he shook it. “It’s like a brotherly hand hug.”
I gave him an odd expression, took my hand back, and sat down. “We’re
friends now.”
“I feel bad for you with losing Viktor.” He gestured to Gunner who stood
behind him. “Besides, some people say I should be nicer to you.”
“Those people would be smart.” I nodded at Gunner.
“I thought she was being buried next week.”
Marcelo got straight to it. “Lei is still in Glory.”
“Chen and Duck left with him.”
“Have you called Lei to check on the situation?”
“He’s going to kill his father. You think I want to do a periodic status
check with him?”
“And what about Kashmere wanting the killer?”
“We may have a month to figure that out. Hopefully, Lei does what he
said he will. Then, we announce that it was Leo.”
“You shouldn’t let Lei kill his father. He’ll never get over that.” Marcelo
turned away as if guilty of something.
I studied him, wondering if the rumors about Marcelo killing his father
were true. “I don’t have any control of Lei.”
“Get it.”
“I don’t know if I want to.” I checked my watch again. “Where the hell are
“You’ve got plans?”
I thought of Rose and Barbara. “Maybe.”
The waiter walked up to us. “Welcome back, Mr. Ivanov. What would you
like to drink?”
“Get him a double bourbon on ice.”
The waiter looked at me.
I leaned back in my chair. “Make it a triple.”
“Waiter said welcome back.” Marcelo arched his eyebrows. “You come
here a lot?”
“Look around. This is a perfect place to take a beautiful woman. Good
food. Great atmosphere.”
Marcelo nodded. “Chicks love romance. I bet you bring a woman here and
she’s in your bed by the evening.”
“They would be in my bed by the evening, whether I brought them here or
to McDonald’s.”
Marcelo rolled his eyes.
Gunner cleared his throat.
Marcelo gave me a fake smile. “So. . .for the meeting, I would like you to
not do that self-absorption thing you do.”
“I don’t do that.”
“You do.”
“I may come off as self-absorbed. But it’s because I’m uninterested in
most of the thoughts of other people and sometimes certain topics make me
zone out.”
Marcelo frowned. “How is that different from what I’m saying?”
“I don’t know. However, I’ll do my best to appear concerned.”
“You do that.”
“Where are they?” I scanned the place. “I hate tardiness.”
“There they go.” Gunner gestured to the group of Four Aces headed
toward table. Blue covered them. When they approached, Marcelo and I rose.
Fengge and Bolin stepped in front and nodded.
Lei took all his strongest men to Glory to hunt his father. Before leaving,
Lei assigned Fengge and Bolin to rule the East during his absence.
I nodded at the replacements and lowered into my seat.
The waiter placed my bourbon in front of me and took the other’s orders.
I assessed the men. Fengge grew up with Lei and was his first cousin.
Bolin served as the East’s third best executioner.
“Let’s get the first thing clear.” Marcelo touched his chest and then
pointed at me. “The North and South are united. We’re strongly aligned. You
now have control of the East. Do you stand by the Diamond Syndicate?”
They nodded with no hesitation. “We stand with the syndicate.”
Everyone turned to me.
I looked at Fengge and then Bolin. “Do you both understand the
seriousness of this situation?”
Bolin nodded. “There’s a lot of whispering going on in the East.”
I leaned my head to the side. “What are they saying?”
Bolin frowned. “People think the Diamond Syndicate is over. Some have
said that they won't be giving their taxes to us at the end of the month. Others
believe that several of the top seats are up for grabs and whoever gets those
seats will rule Paradise.”
“Then, we’ll have to remind them of the Syndicate’s reach.” I took a sip of
my bourbon. “Do we understand each other?”
Fengge folded his hands on the table. “What do you have in mind,
“If no taxes are paid, then violence. Lots of it.” I took another sip. “If you
need the North’s help with that, let me know.”
Bolin shook his head. “We understand violence quite well.”
“Good.” I took another sip of the bourbon and caught the scent of roses.
And it wasn’t the natural fragrance of the flower. It was Rose’s perfume.
Am I losing my mind? Now, I’m smelling her everywhere.
Marcelo and Fengge went back and forth over the new delivery dates for
guns leaving Paradise.
I looked toward the roses near the bar.
I should have answered her calls. Maybe, she would have understood my
dark mood.
Something caught my attention from the side. I turned and squinted, not
believing what I saw.
Rose and Mayor Parks entered the Garden.
Tonight, she had on a sexy red dress. The soft fabric hugged every curve
of her body. A long split ran down her leg, exposing a thick sexy thigh.
Marcelo’s men followed three feet behind, still guarding her.
Jealousy corroded my chest, merging with the darkness already hollowing
my heart. Visions of murder played out in my mind. Instantly, I yearned to
have my hands around the mayor’s neck.
“Dima?” Marcelo eyed me. “Did you hear that?”
I glared at Mayor Parks guiding Rose to our section, but further away.
Parks had reserved the second best table, after mine. It was by the massive
aquarium wall. I considered shooting the glass, but Rose would get harmed
Marcelo glanced that way. “Isn’t that the reporter?”
I scowled at him. “Your men were supposed to watch her.”
“That’s what they’re doing. You didn’t tell them to cock block.”
Parks pulled out the chair for Rose.
I fisted my hand. “They should have kept her in the condo.”
All business, Fengge spoke, “What do we tell our people? The East knows
Lei and Leo are missing. Soon the West will put two and two together.”
I no longer cared about the Syndicate’s business. My attention remained
on Rose as she lowered into her chair, doing so in the most elegant way.
I desperately wished I were in the mayor’s place. That aggravated me the
“Do you agree to that, Dima?” Marcelo asked.
I nodded without hearing the plan. Nothing else mattered, but tearing the
mayor away from Rose.
The Panty Challenge

hy did I agree to this date?
W I’d been on edge all week.
My head was constantly spinning.
I barely slept.
The only thing that kept me calm was my guards consistently monitoring
During the day, I had a set of muscular twins following me around—Knox
and Simon. Brown hair and green eyes. They were sexy, but neither
compared to Dimitri. When they arrived in the morning, they always wore
dark sea green suits with lime green ties. When we were in the house, Simon
hung out and played with Barbara Whiskers. Knox read military thrillers and
hummed blues songs.
In the evening, a new pair of guards came—Sid and Banks. Both were
black and were raised a block outside the West’s boundaries. They explained
that due to growing up with so many Southies, they had a deeper connection
to Rowe Street Mob and had even gone to school with Marcelo. They kept
their clothes casual—black pants and dark green collar shirts. Sometimes Sid
wore green suspenders. Most of the time Sid remained quiet. Banks always
had a fun joke. They passed the time playing cards in my kitchen. A few
evenings, I joined them in a poker game and took their money.
Each day, I called Dimitri.
Each day, he didn’t answer.
He’d lost three close friends in such a short time. He had to be going
through a lot mentally. While I wasn’t sure if I was the proper person to help
him get through his mourning, I desperately wanted to.
It was insane, but I worried about him. Constantly, I checked with the
guys for any news on Dimitri. The only one that actually told me anything
was Banks. All he’d said was that Dimitri replaced his men. When I’d asked
Banks about Dimitri’s emotional state, he’d laughed at me like it was a
ridiculous question. Apparently, self-care and mental struggling wasn’t huge
topics for the Diamond Syndicate.
Meanwhile, Johnathan called every day. Part of it was to get information. I
stalled and avoided all questions on the serial killer. After all that had
happened with Dimitri, I wouldn’t betray his trust.
Tonight, Jonathan showed up with daisies, took in my Southie guards with
interest, and begged me to eat dinner with him.
Meanwhile, Banks exchanged glances with Sid not sure of what they
should do.
It took some coaxing from Jonathan, but I said yes.
I was single after all. Dimitri hadn’t spoken to me. Perhaps, he wasn’t
mourning at all. Maybe, he didn’t think I was important enough to talk to.
Surely, he had many more women in Paradise to comfort him.
What else do I have to do tonight?
I rushed off, showered, and dressed. We left less than an hour later. Sid
and Banks rode in Jonathan’s limo with me. The whole time he watched the
men with a tickled expression.
I had no idea what was on his mind.
When we arrived at the restaurant, Banks and Sid followed behind us.
“You two go over there.” Jonathan gestured at the table near us. “And I
won’t be paying your bills either.”
I frowned. “That’s fine. I’ll take care of it.”
“We don’t need anyone to pay for us.” Banks laughed and walked off with
Sid to the table.
“Good.” Jonathan pulled out my chair. “You look so sexy. I hope I’m
lucky this evening.”
“Relax.” I lowered into my seat.
“As long as we’ve known each other, I’ve never even gotten a kiss.”
Jonathan walked over to his side and lowered. “I believe I’ve earned at least
that, especially while you’re wearing this dress.”
“This is our first date. Slow and steady wins the race.”
“But, does it?” He held a skeptical expression. “I always found that the
Hare lost the race due to him being a dumbass.”
“Which is why you shouldn’t be one this evening.”
He nodded. “Touché. Perhaps, I’ll lighten up on begging for a kiss.”
“I think that’s good strategy.”
He smiled at me. “I must say that you should consider this.”
“Together, we would be a powerhouse.”
I sighed through my insecurities of my family name. It wasn’t Jonathan’s
fault. He probably wasn’t talking about my political connections at all. But I
couldn’t help but think that he was hinting at that.
If we married, his path to Congress was guaranteed. My father would do
everything and pull all types of strings simply because it would be his son-in-
law in the position.
Our waiter arrived.
I ordered a white wine.
Jonathan wanted a beer.
When the waiter left, Jonathan reached his hand across the table and
gently took my hand. “How have you been this week? I’ve heard there is a lot
going on with the Diamond Syndicate, but no certain information.”
“I’m doing fine.”
He squeezed my hand. “Still, you must have a lot of news for me. I have
“Why did Marcelo give you his men?” Jonathan glanced at Banks and
Sid’s table as they ordered. Smirking, Johnathan returned his view to me.
“They’re in green. That’s the South. However, Dimitri had his interests on
you. It should be his people around you, wearing yellow. Tell me this.”
I pursed my lips.
“Are they both battling over you?” He chuckled before I could answer.
“The boys and I would call it the Panty Challenge. Are they fighting to see
who can get your panties first?”
I shook my head. “Absolutely not.”
“Good. Little do Marcelo and Dimitri know is that neither will be able to
get you. You’re out of their league.”
I was actually a bit disappointed that he didn’t seem worried about my
safety or the serial killer in Paradise.
Jonathan quirked his brows. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
I moved my hand from him. “I don’t know Marcelo at all. And this isn’t a
contest between Dimitri and him. The guards are here for my protection.”
Jonathan placed a neutral expression on his face—his mayor mask.
“Protection from what?”
“The serial killer. Remember?”
“I was told by Madeline Ivanov by way of the Senator that the serial killer
was found and is being handled by the Diamond Syndicate. The police will
be reporting on his capture soon.”
“And what will they say?”
“Paradise is corrupt, although I’m doing my best to clean it up. That
means that we’ll be saying whatever the Diamond Syndicate wants us to say.
. .for now.”
“For now?”
“When I win this next election, I’ll confirm to the higher ups that I’m the
golden boy, ready for all the perks of political grooming, and set for a track to
the Senate. Maybe, even the Presidency. Then, I’ll be fully protected from the
Diamond Syndicate and untouchable.”
“You don’t think you’re untouchable now?”
“I’m less so then I was years ago. The more side deals I’ve made, the
more I’ve found others to shield me.”
I leaned in. “What side deals?”
“All ethical ones, Rose. None are important. But, let’s talk about what
you’ve learned. It’s been a week. I expected a report earlier.”
“A report?”
“A return phone call at least.”
“I don't have anything to say right now.”
The mayor mask cracked at the edges. “What do you mean you don’t have
anything to say?”
“Not at this time. I’m still figuring out if there is a story.”
“There is one and it deals with the evils that Ivanov and the rest have
brought to Paradise. I want them out of here and in jail.”
“Honestly, I don’t have anything to give you to help with that.”
He held out his hands. “This was the whole reason why you were
supposed to be down here.”
“You don’t know all my reasons.”
“Trust me. I know more about your reasons for coming down here, then
you do.”
I blinked. “What is that supposed to mean?”
Jonathan gazed at Banks. “Why did Marcelo give you his guards?”
“Dimitri asked him to. He thought I was in danger. Don’t forget there’s a
serial killer around.”
He rolled his eyes. “If I thought that there really was a threat of a true
serial killer in Paradise, I would’ve never had you that close to the Diamond
Syndicate. I have my theories.”
“Like what?”
“I have ears to the ground. Remember this, Rose. I grew up in Paradise.
You’re just a tourist here.”
“That may be true, but you’re the one asking me for information.”
“Dimitri sees no one but his mother as family. Don’t make the mistake of
protecting or trying to humanize him.”
“He is a human.”
“He’s not. He just does a good job of pretending.”
“That’s not what I saw.”
“Be careful, Rose. The more you’re around monsters, the more you will
become one.”
I let out a long breath.
I shouldn’t have come.
I glanced at my guards. Banks watched me. He pointed at the gun in his
holster as if asking me if I wanted him to shoot Jonathan.
What? Oh no. You can’t do that.
I shook my head at him.
“You sure?” Banks said loudly.
“I am sure.”
Jonathan eyed us.
Banks shrugged and went back to talking to Sid.
Shaking my head, I looked back at Jonathan. “Thank you for helping me
get close to the serial killer case. Now, I just need to collect myself and figure
out how I’m going to move forward with this article and even my time in
“Basically, you won’t tell me anything tonight?”
Scowling, Jonathan picked up his menu and looked through it. “I’m just
shocked that you’re defending him now, even protecting him. It’s odd.”
The waiter set my wine down and his beer. “I’ll give you two more time to
I nodded.
Too much had happened for me to care about Jonathan’s thoughts.
Now that I’d been around Dimitri and watched him mourn people he
loved, I saw the human side of them. I no longer considered him or the
Diamond Syndicate the scum of the earth.
I was now embarrassed in my past thoughts and assumptions. I had a lot of
ideas of what criminals represented. At no time had I questioned why the
Syndicate became what it was.
In this past week, I’d done my own research on the Syndicate and
Paradise. Another interesting story had appeared.
Jonathan disrupted my thoughts. “So, you’ll still be around the Diamond
Syndicate but you won’t tell me anything?”
“I have no reason to be around them anymore. I’ve found a new story that
I’m thinking about exploring in Paradise.”
“Did you know about all the atrocities that occurred in the West? Mainly,
Dream Lake and how a prosperous black town was flooded.”
Jonathan stirred uncomfortably. “That is a rough part of Paradise history
that is at the bottom of that same lake. We no longer discuss things like that
in this city.”
“But, it’s barely been discussed. In my research of Chanel’s family, I
found that they had to re-purchase land that they already owned. Other
families too—”
“Yes, but they have their land now.”
“Meanwhile, it looks like there is some new part of Caviar Lime highway
that the city wants to build and it goes straight through the West.”
“New lanes and exists are required. Plus, the direction allows for the best
scenic route.”
“Basically, it lets people see Dream Lake when they drive by.”
“That’s a big deal.”
“You’re about to disrupt the West again and push people out of their
“These people that you’re talking about are the Killer Crows an organized
crime unit—”
“I just find it interesting that in all of Paradise’s history, the West keeps
getting messed with. Why not extend the highway in the North? From my
research, that’s the highest trafficked area. Apparently, more cars drive up to
the North than in any direction in the entire city.”
“That’s the power of Dimitri’s brothels.” Jonathan pointed at me.
“Something that you should focus on.”
“My focus is on the West now.”
The line of his jaw twitched. “I recommend that you turn your interest to
anywhere but there.”
I peered at him. “Why?”
“There’s a lot of powerful people who hope to buy up land out there
during this. . .highway extension.”
Jonathan wagged his finger at me. “You’re not going to get any more
information from me, if I can’t get any from you.”
“Rich people buy up land when they have plans to put something big
Jonathan stared at me.
“Another stadium? Amusement Park? What is it? Why are you going to
take away land from the West?”
“This is very dangerous territory. I suggest you change your interests to
something else. Before you piss top people off.”
“Top people like who?”
Jonathan sipped his beer.
Powerful people. What’s really going on in the background of Paradise?
Learning about Chanel’s family and all that they’d done in the West made
me realize how easy my life had been.
Who was I to judge her family or others of the Diamond Syndicate?
My parents never struggled. While wealthy black families still dealt with
discrimination and racism, they had privileges others didn’t. And my family
members from older generations were several shades lighter to me, which
meant that special doors had been opened to them while closed to people of
darker shades similar to mine.
“What’s going on in the West is wrong.”
Jonathan took another sip of his beer. “Do not see the Killer Crows as
weak people. They’re criminals, more willing to steal and kill for money than
work for it.”
“Their ancestors did work for it many times and it was taken from them
based on false allegations and the city flooding—”
“That was the past.”
“Still, no one should judge them harshly.”
How could I judge them?
No one ever took my families’ land.
In fact, they were the ones who took land.
Plus, no wealthy family could say there wasn’t blood on their hands.
My head went on and on with all types of thoughts. I dissected myself, my
family, my life choices, and all the help that my family’s money had given
me. Even with using my mother’s maiden name, I had it easier than Chanel.
I’d even thought of the bodies scattered in the hallway of the church and
how many of those men and women who worked for Dimitri, did so to put
food on their families’ tables.
Jonathan cleared his throat. “Let’s just discuss something else.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Are you ready to order?”
I looked down at my menu. “Yes. I’ll have the Caviar Lime Salmon. I’ve
been hearing about these freaking limes since I moved down here. I might as
well try them now.”
“What about the sandwich you had?”
“I gave it to my kitten and threw the rest away.”
“Did she enjoy it?”
“She loved every bit.”
The waiter came to our table holding a golden bottle that sat in a large
gold bucket of ice. He held two glasses in his other hand. Smiling, he set both
down on the table.
Jonathan eyed him. “What’s all of this?”
“Armand De Brignac Brut Gold.” The waiter lifted it out of the bucket.
“Many consider it the Ace of Spades to—”
“I know what it is.” Jonathan held his hand in front of him. “What I’m
saying is that I did not order this.”
“Yes, sir.” The waiter gave him a sad smile. “Mr. Ivanov thought that the
lady would love a nice glass of—”
“From a $6,500 dollar bottle of champagne?” Jonathan glared. “I think
Dimitri is here.
I widened my eyes.
Jonathan pointed at the waiter. “Send it back, and tell Mr. Ivanov that I
don’t need any guidance on my date.”
The waiter’s bottom lip quivered. “Sir, I really don’t want to upset Mr.
Ivanov. Could you please take this?”
“Don’t worry. We’ll take it.” I looked around the restaurant, wondering
where Dimitri could be. My heart beat fast in my chest.
Jonathan spoke through clenched teeth, “We’ll keep it then.”
“Also. . .” Sweat beaded on the water’s forehead. “My manager makes me
say a special spiel when this bottle is ordered.”
Jonathan crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. “Get on with it.”
The waiter’s hands shook as he held the bottle. “The Ace of Spades is a
perfect blend of Pinot Meunier, Pinot Noir, and Chardonnay wine.”
I checked my right. Banks and Sid looked on with humorous expressions.
I did a slow glance over my shoulder and didn’t see Dimitri there.
The waiter continued, “Together, it creates a non-vintage, full-bodied
sparkling wine with a creamy texture and subtle accents.”
I felt uncomfortable knowing that Dimitri could see me, and I had no idea
where he was. I slightly turned to my left, half expecting Dimitri to be sitting
with some hot blonde at his stable.
He wasn’t there either.
The waiter poured us both a glass.
I took mine. “Thank you.”
Jonathan didn’t grab his.
The waiter pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Jonathan.
“Mr. Ivanov also wanted me to give you this message.”
“I’m so excited.” Jonathan snatched it from him.
The waiter hurried away.
Helpless, I looked at Banks.
He put his hand under his table and pointed behind him.
I already checked there.
Sighing, I turned my head further to the left and froze in shock.
Dimitri stared right at me. And there was no humor on his face. Even
several tables away, I could make out the fury in his eyes.
Really? What are you mad about? I’ve been calling you all week. Does
your phone work? You could have at least sent a text.
Marcelo sat on his right and had been talking to him. Dimitri didn’t appear
that he’d heard one word. Two other men sat across them. Marcelo waved at
him, gave up, and then put his attention on the men.
Meanwhile, Dimitri moved his body in the chair toward my direction as if
he were close to leaping out of the chair and coming for me.
Holy shit.
Swallowing, I turned away.
“Not bad.” Jonathan sipped his champagne and set the glass down. “And
there he is over there, flaunting his dirty wealth in my face.”
Nervous, I finished my white wine, but didn’t touch the champagne.
“Have you ever tried this?”
“It’s excellent.” Jonathan poured more into his half-filled glass.
I wanted to look back to Dimitri’s side, but I could feel him staring me
How the hell am I going to eat with Dmitri watching? Hopefully, he leaves
“At least Ivanov has taste.” Jonathan gulped down the liquid and then
poured more of it. “Did you see the message he gave me? I can’t wait to get
him out of Paradise and behind bars.”
“What did the message say?”
“See for yourself. You probably wouldn’t believe me.”
I picked up the message and turned it over. It read, “You can't afford
her. And you would never know how to pleasure her, even if I wrote
down the instructions.”
I frowned and turned his way, showing him that I wasn’t pleased with that
Dimitri gave a shrug as if daring me to say something to him.
I finished my wine.
Jonathan drank more of the champagne. “Little does Dimitri know, I can
afford you and many other women all at once if I wanted to. And on the topic
of pleasuring women—”
“Let’s not.” I moved my empty wine glass to the side.
Jonathan gestured to my glass of champagne. “Try it.”
“I don’t want to.”
Right before Jonathan could speak, the waiter returned. “Before I take
your order. Mr. Ivanov would—”
“What does he want now?” Jonathan growled.
The waiter stepped back.
I whispered to Jonathan, “Please, be nice. You must understand how
difficult of a position he is in.”
“Difficult position?”
“Currently, our waiter has to referee a Panty Challenge between two of the
most powerful men in Paradise.”
Jonathan scowled. “Dimitri is no challenge to me.”
“Just let him give us the message.”
The waiter stepped back forward and looked at Jonathan. “Mr. Ivanov
doesn’t want you to worry about paying the bill this evening. He will be
taking care of it all.”
“Oh really?” Jonathan crossed his arms back over his chest. “Let Mr.
Ivanov know that I’ll be having twenty-five lobsters at market price this
evening along with several of your most expensive caviar. And that’s just
what I want to-go. Prepare them for me to take home.”
Annoyed, I leaned back in my chair.
Jonathan laughed and looked at me. “What do you want to take home,
Rose? Once we get our to-go order in, we can see what we want for the
I frowned.
“What? You want me to be nice about this? He stepping on our date.”
“He just lost people that are close to him and—”
Jonathan kept his voice low. “I don’t give a damn what he lost.”
I looked at the waiter. “We still need time to order, but thank you for
delivering the message.”
“And don’t forget about my orders of lobster.” Jonathan poured more
champagne, spilling a little on the table. “I want them neatly packed too.”
“Yes, sir.” The waiter hurried away.
“Really, Jonathan?”
“What? Dimitri is being an asshole.”
“That doesn’t mean you need to be an asshole to the restaurant.”
“What do you mean? I’m sticking it to Ivanov.”
“Hiking up the check effects the people in the kitchen who will now be
rushing to make the Mayor of Paradise twenty-five lobsters. Why involve the
waiter and restaurant staff with this back-and-forth?”
“But you do see how this is Dimitri’s fault?”
“Of course I do, but there are better ways that this could have been
“I react my way. You react yours.” Jonathan tapped the menu. “In fact, I
may order everything on here to sample it this evening.”
“You will not.”
“I sure will.”
“You know what? This date is over.” I signaled at Banks and Sid and
stood. “Have a good evening.”
Jonathan widened his eyes as he stood. “You can’t be serious?”
“Good night.” I got ready to walk off.
He grabbed my arm. “What are you doing?”
Banks was at his side fast. “Let her go.”
Jonathan released my arm and cleared his throat. “Sit back down, Rose.
“I’m ready to go home.”
“People are looking at us. I have an election. Small things like this can
shift the city’s debate. This could cost me numbers.”
“I don’t care—”
“Sit down, order, eat some food like a normal person, and then we'll leave
together. This way it won’t make any headlines.
“If you really cared about what people would think of you, then maybe
don’t order twenty-five freaking lobsters and take-home a bunch of fucking
caviar that’s being paid for by a gangster.” I stomped off.
Banks clapped and took the bottle of expensive champagne off the table.
Sid followed us.
The Audacity

A Rattled, I headed over to where the bathroom was. I needed to splash
water on my face and calm down. I turned to Banks. “I’ll be right back.”
“Take your time, sweetheart.” Banks took a swig from the bottle and tried
to hand it to Sid who shook his head.
I entered the bathroom, shut the door, locked it, and leaned against it.
The both of them are assholes!
I closed my eyes.
Why would Dimitri not return my calls, yet make a huge fuss with
Jonathan and me?
I’d assumed he didn’t see me as important enough since he hadn’t returned
The audacity!
I remembered the expression on his face when I spotted him at his table.
So much anger covered his face. A shiver of fear ran through me.
Jonathan is lucky that Dimitri only antagonized him with money? Now
I hoped Dimitri or Jonathan left. Personally, I planned to get out of the
restaurant as fast as possible. My guards and I would just have to grab an
uber and order food when I got back to my condo.
Jonathan will call to discuss this? Would Dimitri call too or just show up
at my place?
It was sad, but the idea of him being in my space did something to my
body. Part of me enjoyed the rageful jealousy all over his face. The other part
knew not to be so foolishly silly.
Okay. Get grounded and then leave this place without any more drama.
Opening my eyes, I gazed around the bathroom.
My grandmother always said that one could tell a lot about a restaurant by
how clean or not the bathroom was. While the luxury garden theme dazzled
me in the dining area, the true showstopper was here.
The Secret Garden’s bathroom was stunning.
It was divided into three separate sections.
Where I stood, it must have been a powder room. Floor-to-ceiling pink
marble surrounded me. Plush carpet covered the floor. Two velvet lounge
chairs lined the back wall. On the other side stood three vanity tables. Rose-
tinted glass made up the vanity table’s mirrors. Hollywood lights glowed
above the long mirrors. Crystal chandeliers dangled from the pink pastel
I left the door and walked inside, wondering where the sinks were.
At the end of the massive room, two caramel-colored doors stood.
I opened the one on the left and peeked in. Bathroom stalls filled the
space. An artist had painted flowers on all of them. Banana leaf wallpaper
covered the walls.
I closed that door and went through the other one.
First, eye-catching gold faucets greeted me. They stood above pink
washbasins carved in the shape of oyster shells. More shocking pink coated
the room. Vases of pale silk roses adorned every surface.
I went to the first sink, turned on the water, washed my hands, and then
dabbed my face. My skin had been flushed from Dimitri’s menacing
attention. He looked pissed and ready to tear Jonathan’s head off.
Had I known that I would piss off a mayor and gangster in one night, I
might have stayed home and read a book.
I turned off the water, went over to the gold dryer, and held my hands
under it. Hot air blew against my fingers.
Please, God. I hope they are not arguing with each other. No more drama
this evening.
Sighing, I stepped away from the dryer and left the wash area.
Okay. Time to slip out of here.
I went to the door, unlocked the knob, and turned it.
Dimitri stood on the other side. Power and the threat of violence dotted
every inch of his face. Still, it was impossible to not drink him in. I couldn’t
help but slide my gaze all over his towering frame. He remained silent and
menacing as he watched me.
My pulse leaped.
I swallowed and pulled up all confidence existing withing me. “W-what
are you doing?”
He said nothing.
I peeked my head a little out of the doorway and didn’t see Banks or Sid.
Instead, five men in yellow blocked the hallway leading to the bathroom. I
looked back at Dimitri. “Where are my guards?”
He glared at me. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“What do you think you are doing?”
“I don’t share things with every woman that I meet.” Dimitri stepped
forward, forcing me to inch back into the bathroom.
Now, only two feet ran between us. And I was very aware of the space
closing up.
He continued, “I don’t take my time trying to learn about her, reading
books that she enjoys, investigating what makes her laugh, smile, and
I raised my eyebrows. “Orgasm?”
“I don’t try to protect any woman I meet, assigning guards to keep her
“But do you call her back when she calls?” I placed my hands on my hips.
“Because I called a lot, and I don’t call every man that I meet.”
He sneered and moved forward.
Now, only one foot lay between us.
I stepped back again.
He shut the door behind him and then locked it.
“No. No.” I pointed at the knob. “Open that back up.”
“Or what, Rose?”
I swallowed.
We stood in the bathroom’s elegant powder room. Just him and me. It
should have been anger or annoyance running between us. Instead, heat and
desire bridged between us.
My body’s reaction to him made me nervous.
I calmed myself. “This is the women’s bathroom. And I don't want to be in
here with you if you’re upset.”
“I’m not upset.” He closed the distance between us. “I’m furious.”
I looked up at this towering man. “Then be furious in the hallway.”
“Or I can be furious right here.”
“What did I do to make you so mad?”
“Oh. I’m sorry.” He held his hands up and backed away. “I have it all
wrong? You’re not on a date right now with an asshole mayor?”
“The audacity.”
He growled. “The audacity is right.”
“Are we in a relationship together? Are you now my boyfriend?” I walked
around him.
He caught my waist fast and pulled me to him, taking my breath away. His
mouth crashed against mine next, sealing and silencing me at the same time.
I parted my lips.
His tongue tangled with mine.
I pressed my body against his. We perfectly molded together. Arousal shot
up my body, telling me just how much I craved him. And he smelled so damn
good. That masculine scent blended with cologne.
He grabbed the back of my head and dove his tongue deeper into my
mouth as if trying to taste the very essence of me.
When he pulled back, he sneered against my lips. “You don't date anyone
I began to speak.
“You don’t make any plans with anyone else.”
“And you most definitely don’t wear this dress or anything similar for
anyone else.”
I drew in a shaky breath. No panic or fear filled me. Instead of being
terrified by his audacity and anger, I became wet and insanely aroused.
He licked his lips. That movement seduced me more than his kiss or alpha,
heat-laced words. My nipples stiffened.
“Do you understand?” He licked his lips again.
I tried to respond.
He had his mouth back on me. His tongue twirled and twisted. All my
resistance fragmented into nothing. Intense passion soared throughout me.
A soft moan escaped me.
Kissing him back, I raised my hands and clutched his head. He slid his
tongue along mine. So slow. Savoring my taste as I feasted on his.
Grunting, he used the other hand to pull me closer to him. I tugged at his
hair and sucked on that skillful tongue.
So wicked, he moved one of my hands and put it on his cock, showing me
how rock hard he was in his pants.
Shivering in delight, I tugged at his cock through the pants, needing to free
the thick length. I longed to see if it was as big as it felt.
When he pulled from my mouth this time I almost begged for him to
return. My brain went dizzy. My senses exploded from the heat of him. His
words were a growl of desire against my lips. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you
I leaned away and blinked.
“I felt horrible and sad. I was embarrassed to be that way in front of you.”
I ran my fingers through his hair. “But, I wanted to be there for you.”
He nipped at my lip. “Yeah?”
“You can still be there for me.” He yanked my dress to my hips.
There was no need to protest. I wanted his hands all over me.
Seconds later, I was in the air and his hands were holding my body to him
as he grabbed my ass. I wrapped my legs around his waist, not caring about
the consequences.
He lifted me up, carried me over to my vanity table, and sat me on it.
I tried to catch my breath. “I meant being a shoulder for you to cry on,
“I don’t cry.” He devoured my mouth and spread my legs out further.
I moaned.
He pushed the hard bulge of his cock against my moist panties.
I found myself pressed against the rose-tinted mirror.
He snatched the top of my dress down, exposing my breasts. They spilled
out—nipples hard and ready to be sucked.
But he didn’t lick them. Instead he studied those nipples, caressing my
bare skin and weighting the fullness of my breasts. His breathing shifted to
harsh and erratic. He moved his hand to one nipple and flicked the tip.
Pleasure fluttered at the sensitive point. A jolt of desire pushed through me.
He leaned in and sucked the nipple into his mouth.
“Oh.” I arched my back his way.
He slipped his hands down my curves and then slid them to the space
between my thighs. Seconds later, he found my panties, and yanked them to
the side. His fingers spread my folds next, slipping along my clit and pushing
deep into my opening.
My pussy throbbed.
“Oh!” I cried out when he began finger fucking me. My dress rose high up
my hips. I rocked into his hands, loving his talented fingers.
He leaned forward and whispered into my ears. “What did you think
would’ve happened, if I heard that you were in his bed tonight?”
I trembled in lust. “We weren’t going to have sex.”
Glaring at me, he slipped his fingers in and out of me. “I would’ve fucking
killed him.”
That stunned me.
“Stop.” I pushed at his chest to move him away. “No more.”
He didn’t move his body, but he did slowly slip his fingers out of me.
My body shivered.
He licked his fingers.
Heat unfurled within me. I lifted my leg, attempting to climb off the vanity
His big body blocked any attempt at escape. Instead of moving, he licked
his fingers again and then smelled them. “Do you spray a special perfume on
your pussy?”
“Don’t ever threaten me like that again.”
“I didn’t threaten you.”
“You said you would have killed Jonathan.”
“You don’t want me to kill him?”
“I don’t.”
“Then, stay away from Jonathan.”
“Move. I’m not doing this with you.”
“You will, and you’ll do it all fucking night.” He slipped his fingers along
my bare pussy.
I shivered.
“You don’t like the truth?” This time, he shoved two fingers inside of me
and then flicked my clit with his thumb. “You don’t like the reality that you
stumbled upon?”
“Not if it deals with killing people.”
“It’s too late for that.” He slipped his mouth down my neck, planting
kisses, lapping with his tongue, and giving me little nibbles. He leaned back
and moved his hands from my pussy.
I almost begged him to return them.
“You stepped into my club. You caught my attention and now you can the
deal with the consequences.” He tried to lean in to suck on my nipple.
I stopped him with both hands. “You don’t kill anybody over me.”
“Then, don’t go out on any dates.”
“Dimitri, that’s not how we’re doing this.”
“There’s no other option.”
“Then, we don’t do this.” I shoved him again.
He didn’t move.
I pulled the top of my dress up and covered my breasts. “You can’t meet
me a few weeks ago and then all of a sudden decide that I can’t date
“Ms. Walsh.”
I rolled my eyes.
“You need to understand the severe consequences of what just happened
and how you should be grateful that Mayor Parks is still alive.” He grabbed
the top of my dress and wrenched it back down.
I gasped.
Then, he caressed my nipples. “Now. . .where were we?”
I held back my moans. “W-we were. . .”
He dropped to his knees. My words lodged in my throat. My thighs
trembled in anticipation. A wicked grin covered his face. “What were you
Horny as fuck, I gazed down at him. “We. . .umm. . .”
He spread my legs wider. “Maybe, we can discuss this after I lick your
I stared at him. “Well. . .”
He lifted one of my legs over his shoulder and then did the same to the
other. He pulled me closer to him so that my pussy was barely an inch from
his mouth. My heels dropped to the floor. He blew against my bare pussy.
I stirred in need.
“Now, that I’m tasting you, no one else does.” He lapped at my clit.
“That’s just how it is.”
I trembled in pleasure. “Oh.”
“Do you understand?” He lapped my aching clit.
“Do you, Rose?”
He licked again. “Tell me you do.”
I moaned, “I do.”
Dimitri buried his face between my thighs, indulging on every inch my
moist softness.
“Oh!” My head fell back in a gasp. Moaning, I leaned back against the
mirror and inhaled sharply. The cold glass smoothed against my skin while
liquid heat shot through me.
Driving me crazy, he licked and lapped. Dipped and filled my pussy with
his tongue. Rubbing the wet tip over the greedy entrance. Taunting. Teasing.
Tongue twisting into my pussy. Those wet caresses addicted me.
I grabbed at his soft hair.
With both hands, he gripped my ass and wrenched my pussy closer to him.
There would be no escape from his tongue. No question of who it belonged
With no shame, I rocked into heaven. “Dimitri!”
Lusty heat pulsed through my body.
Wild. Primal. He sucked on my clit like a hedonistic beast and feasted
with untamed intensity. I was helpless. All his. So nasty, he could eat my
pussy forever, and I wouldn’t get enough.
I was lost in him.
His mouth.
That warm tongue.
The heat of his breath brushing against my clit.
The silky slip of his hair against my thighs.
The strength of his hands urging me forward.
My moans were no longer normal. They shifted to desperate sounds of a
woman that was barely holding on. My legs weakened. I could hold it
together no more. I shrieked in pleasure, so close and craving release. Surely,
the guards and anyone else who was in the restaurant heard.
He was a master, flicking that tongue to a delicious cadence.
“Oh!” I writhed in pleasure.
In no time, an orgasm exploded through me. A violent rush. It was a
scorching wave of pleasure. A bonfire of ecstasy. I burned with delight,
glowing in carnal gratification.
Sweat misted my skin.
The tremor of the orgasm had barely faded.
“Hmmm.” With my juices all over his mouth and chin, he looked up at
me. “Now say, ‘Thank you, Dima.’”
I shivered. “Thank you, D-dima.”
“I only let certain people call me that name.”
I caught my breath. “I’m. . .honored.”
“You taste so damn good.” Wiping his face with the back of his hand, he
stood and grabbed the hard bulge in his pants. “You’re coming home with me
“Wait.” My chest rose and fell. I tried to gather myself. “You can’t just
tell me—”
“I can.” He gently pulled the top of my dress back over my breasts. “I’m
going to stuff you with my cock all weekend.”
I blinked. “Now, I’m not only staying over for the night, but it will also be
the whole weekend?”
“Or the week. Maybe, even a month.” He hit me with an intense stare as if
daring me to disagree. When I said nothing, he helped me off the vanity table
and then tenderly lowered my dress over my hips. “You won’t need your
“I will.” I walked over to them.
He grabbed and picked me up. “Or you won’t.”
“What are you doing?”
“I should carry you out in front of Jonathan.”
I got out of his hold and lowered to the ground. “Or you can squirt cum all
over my face and then carry me out to parade it in front of him.”
He gripped his cock again. “Not a bad idea.”
“I see that joking with you is not a good idea.”
“Oh.” He frowned. “I’m horrible with sarcasm.”
“Apparently.” I picked up my shoes and put them on, making sure there
was a good distance between us.
He watched me and let go of his crotch. “Jonathan should understand—”
“I don’t like how you’re saying his name.”
“I don’t like that you say his name at all.”
I stepped into my shoes and then turned to the mirror to look at myself.
“Are you okay?”
“You’re worried about me?”
I brushed my dress down and fixed the top. “That’s why I called. I wanted
to know how you were doing.”
“I’m fine.”
“And Leo?”
“He fled Paradise but Lei has a tracker on him.”
“And what are you going to tell the police?”
“Whatever needs to be told.” He held out his hand. “Are you ready?”
I looked at his hand, but didn’t take it. “We need to make some things
He smirked. “Oh really?”
“Dima, if you want to date me, then ask. You can’t just declare that we’re
already dating and that you own me.”
He studied me with an odd expression. “Is this more sarcasm?”
“Okay.” He placed his hand in his pocket and considered what I said.
After a minute, he spoke, “I can’t agree to that.”
“Why not?”
“It’s not who I am.”
I frowned.
“Come home with me. Right now. I need you next to me and in my bed. I
won’t be okay if you’re not there.”
I studied him. Raw honesty covered his face.
Dima looked exhausted and sad, and all alone. This tower of a man. This
king of the North. He yearned for me, he needed me.
My heart twisted because I wanted to be there for him and I couldn’t
exactly understand why.
“Don’t say no.” He moved in close, but didn’t touch me. “I want to be
inside of you. I want to taste your pussy some more.”
Desire rose within me.
Unable to help myself, I took his hand. “Okay.”
He quirked his brows. “Not sarcasm?”
“We’ll. . .handle the particulars later.”
He licked his lips. “We will definitely do that.”
An Inside Look

m I really doing this?
A I’d entered a restaurant with one man for a date and now I would be
leaving with another man. Those actions did not represent a proper lady. A
bit of guilt filled me. Perhaps, I was too hard on Jonathan. We would
definitely need to talk tomorrow.
I just hope Jonathan has already left. He shouldn’t see me leave this way.
Dima placed his jacket over my shoulders. “It’s cold outside.”
“Thank you.”
“You need a jacket.”
“I didn’t realize Paradise Falls would be so chilly.”
We left the bathroom.
Dima’s ten men surrounded us.
I’d hoped to walk out of the Secret Garden without being noticed, but
every diner turned our way. I spotted Jonathan standing by his table and
ordering his men to grab some of the to-go boxes that stacked his table. When
he turned and spotted us, I cringed. Rage decorated his face.
Tightening his grip on my hand, Dimitri waved goodbye to him.
I nudged him. “That’s enough, Dimitri.”
Smirking, he faced forward. “Dima.”
“Sorry. I have to get used to it.”
“Then, do so immediately.”
I rolled my eyes.
He smoothed his thumb along my palm. “I like hearing you say it.”
My heart warmed. A silly giddiness came over me like I was a high
schooler with a crush.
One of his men opened the door for us to walk out.
Cool wind tickled the side of my neck.
I took in the new guys’ faces. “I heard that you made replacements.”
Dima arched his brows. “Who told you that?”
I beamed. “I have my secret sources in the Diamond Syndicate, and will
not reveal them.”
Chuckling, Dima lead me to the car.
When we came close, his chauffer opened the door.
Dima stopped us next to it. “So, Banks told you.”
I widened my eyes. “No.”
“You’re a shitty liar and Banks is incapable of keeping his mouth closed
around beautiful women.”
“I will never reveal my sources.” I climbed into his car.
He followed. “It doesn’t matter anyway. Banks isn’t guarding you
His chaffer shut the door.
I frowned. “Why isn’t Banks guarding me?”
“He’s from the South.”
“I’m aware of that.”
“You’re now from the North.”
“I’m not from Paradise at all.”
“When you’re in my bed, you represent the North.”
“And when I’m not in your bed?”
“There is no moment where you should be out of it.”
I grinned. “I’m being serious, Dima. Why won’t Sid and Banks be
guarding me? And what about the twins?”
Dima gazed at me in disgust. “Marcelo, had the twins around you?”
“Is that a problem?”
“I’m giving you a new set of guards.” He placed his arm over my shoulder
and tenderly pulled me against him. “I don’t believe the South can protect
you properly.”
I enjoyed the comfort of his hard body. “Why not?”
“They let you go out on a date.”
I shook my head. “I see we still have a lot to discuss when it comes to
healthy boundaries.”
The chauffer started the car and drove us away from the West’s downtown
section—a circle of designer retail stores, ultra-luxurious boutiques, and
Michelin stared restaurants.
The journey was relaxing. Besides writing some notes in his small pad,
Dima remained silent throughout the ride. I didn’t mind because he held me
the whole time.
This was a crazy few weeks.
I gazed out the window at a sparkling Paradise, lit up under the dark night
And this is a crazy city.
When we left Diamond Way, I thought we would be heading toward
Caviar Lime Highway. Instead, we sped down Luxury Road.
High end boutiques sped by us.
Shocked, I asked, “You live in the West?”
“I do. Less than five minutes away from you actually.”
“Why aren’t you in the North?”
“The West has the most luxury.”
I could understand that. From my research on Paradise, the West was soon
becoming one of the world’s most exclusive luxury destinations. Many of my
neighbors represented top CEOs of international companies.
“Plus, I enjoyed being near Romeo.” His expression went sad. He turned
and looked out of his window.
I hate that he had to lose his friends.
I returned to staring out of mine, but placed my hand over his letting him
know that I would be there for him as much as he needed me too.
We passed my street—Gold Boulevard.
Fascinated, I checked out this part of Luxury Road that I had not ventured
down yet.
We stopped at the red light for Platinum Row. A dark shoreline greeted us.
This was as far West as one could go in Paradise without driving right into
the ocean.
When the light turned green, we turned right.
I looked at Dima. “Where is Dream Lake?”
“You get there by turning left on Platinum Row.”
“So, the Killer Crows and you lived on the same road?”
“We did.” He gazed at me with intrigue. “Why do you know that the
Killer Crows live near Dream Lake?”
“I’ve been researching the West’s history and stumbled onto the horrific
details about the lake.”
“You’re thinking about reporting on it?”
I studied him.
“I’m only asking.”
“Yes. I think more people should know about Dream Lake and how a
whole prominent black town was flooded for no reason.”
“Good. The Killer Crows would like that. Even with the power of the
Diamond Syndicate, their history and voices have still been silenced.”
“You mean that?”
“I do. I can’t wait to read it.”
“Good. Jonathan thought I should leave the whole topic alone.”
“I bet he did. Those atrocities paint Paradise in a bad light. It reveals the
racist history.”
“Which is not the best thing for an election year.”
Dima smiled.
I looked out the window. The beach showed on my left. On my right,
mansions and luxury towers lined Platinum Row.
And then we stopped at the tallest condominium tower I’d seen in
Paradise. We entered a huge garage and drove up the winding road, rising
higher and higher within the building. Once we made it to the sixth floor, a
steel door stood before us.
The chauffer let down his window and slid a platinum digital card by a red
light. The steel door lifted.
We drove through and entered a big private garage.
I took in the cars. “Are these all yours or are you sharing the garage with
another tenant?”
He winked. “I don’t share.”
I laughed.
The car stopped near an elevator.
Dima kissed my cheek, moved his arm, and opened the door. “I can’t wait
to be inside of you.”
I licked my lips and stepped out.
I couldn’t help but study all of his cars, trying to assess him the way he did
me with my place. I crossed my arms over my chest and strolled toward the
cars. “Hmmm.”
The car drove off.
With a wicked grin, Dima watched me. “What do you think you’re
My heels clicked in on the garage’s black floor. “I’m analyzing you.”
“This should be interesting.” He followed me.
“Perhaps, I can tell you how many kids you want from the way you park
your cars.”
“I don’t waste my time parking a car. That’s what chauffeurs are for.”
“And I already told you how many kids I want.”
“Correct. Although after tasting your pussy, I wouldn’t mind going up to
“I’m not even going to address that.” I chuckled and spotted a shiny
1970’s Ford Thunderbird, painted in bright yellow. “You’re a man of
nostalgia. You like history.”
“I do.”
I noted that the other vehicles were in various shades of yellow. There was
a lemon Lamborghini, mustard Mustang, honey Hummer, and gold Bugatti.
“While you may not wear the North’s color of yellow on your body, you do
want other people to know, when you drive by.”
“It’s important.”
The garage steel door rose. Two yellow jeeps drove in with several of his
men. They stopped in front of the elevator and left the vehicles.
I walked over to the canary yellow Dodge Firearrow and whistled.
“What’s the year for this—1938?”
“You’re correct. I’m impressed.” He stepped to my side. “You know
“A little. My father was always campaigning for others or traveling on
business. When he came home, he spent his time in his massive garage,
staring at all of his cars. I would sneak down, hide behind a car, and watch
him.” I walked off to the next row of cars.
He stayed by the Firearrow. “Why did you hide?”
“My father was never a kid-friendly guy. He recognized that kids were
necessary to continue the Walsh family line, but he didn’t see us as
individuals that he wanted to connect with.”
Dima walked over to me. “So, you hid in his garage to find some sort of
connection with him?”
“Yeah. I did it about five times before he called me out to help him polish
his ‘Duesy.’”
Excitement covered Dima’s face. “He had a 1935 Duesenberg?”
I nodded.
“I like your father already.”
“You would. You both are bossy.” I walked off to where his men stood.
He got to my side. “You said you hid in the garage five times, before he
told you to come out.”
“He knew you were hiding in the garage the other four times?”
“I believe so.”
“Perhaps, it’s not that he didn’t want to build a connection with you.
Maybe, he just didn’t know how.” Dima took my hand. “Communicating
with others is not always so simple.”
“I’m surprised you would say that with your position.”
“Being a leader requires good social skills.”
“Which is why the Diamond Syndicate is a mess right now. Romeo
handled the social part.”
His men separated to let us walk through.
We stopped at the elevator.
“Dima, you can’t blame yourself for the current state of things. That’s
Leo’s fault.”
“Three people died on my watch. I must take some responsibility.”
“Don’t do that to yourself. It would be a rough path to walk down.”
He quirked his brows as if considering what I said.
The elevator doors opened.
We stepped onto it with his guards. One of the guards slipped a key into a
hole under the building’s other buttons. The doors closed. The elevator
beeped when he twisted the key.
We rose. When the elevator stopped, the doors opened directly into
Dima’s living room.
“This is lovely.” I stepped inside and wasn’t shocked by the luxury décor
and sleek style. I expected it all. He had thirteen foot ceilings and high arched
windows. And there was masterful space design and French Oak flooring.
However, what did shock me was his book shelf.
I raised my eyebrows, let go of his hand, and walked over to it. Most of
the six shelves highlighted leather bound books. Yet, on the third shelf
there’d been space made for three bright colored and very worn out
I grinned and picked them up. “Have you read these too?”
“I did. I’ll need more soon.”
“Well as your helpful librarian, let me jump on that.”
“Good, but first I would like you to jump on my cock.”
Smiling, he took my hand back and guided me away. “Those last three
books were interesting.”
I hit him with a skeptical look. “Oh really?”
“First we hand an obsessive billionaire that put his lover in a bird cage.”
“Oh. I remember that story. It was a weird one.”
“The next book was about a sweet nurse falling for a playboy doctor.”
“And the third one?”
“A gangster capturing an innocent book nerd’s heart.”
I chuckled. “Which one did you like the most? The gangster and the book
“The gangster was my least favorite. He didn’t impress me at all.” Dima
stalked forward. “My favorite was the billionaire and the bird cage.”
“I get the essence of his obsession.” He stopped and slipped his gaze down
my body. “I understand the addiction that comes after tasting something so
My body shivered from his words, remembering the twists and turns of his
tongue on my pussy. “Hmmm.”
“I plan on tasting you some more.”
Someone cleared their throat behind me.
Dima didn’t move his gaze from me. “I’m sorry, Rose. My butler, Edwin
has decided to interrupt this important moment.”
“Your dinner is ready to be served, sir.”
Dima looked his way. “I didn’t ask for dinner.”
“I understand, sir. But I have my orders.”
Dima sighed. “My mother is not your boss. I am. I thought we made that
clear already.”
“We did, sir. But she told me that I was to listen to her also, and that you
would never harm me. That all of your threats were baseless because you
liked me.”
“And she wanted you to tell me that part too?”
“Yes, sir.”
I turned around.
Edwin wore a freshly pressed gray waistcoat with his black pants, white
shirt, and gray bowtie. White gloves covered his hands as he held a silver
tray. Two glasses of champagne sat on top of it.
He walked over and handed me one. “Ms. Walsh, it’s nice to meet you.
The chef is wondering if you are a vegetarian or have any dietary
“She doesn’t.” Dima took his glass.
Edwin waited for my response.
“He’s correct.”
Edwin nodded. “Dinner will be served out on the balcony.”
“At my mother’s request also?”
“Yes, sir. She has demanded that we make sure you always eat by the
moonlight. The waves are supposed to soothe you.” Edwin gave a half bow
and walked away.
Dima frowned and drank some of his champagne.
I smiled. “Your mother is worried about you.”
“And she likes to control everything, including my staff.”
“Interesting. That must be where you get that from.”
Dima took another sip and then took my hand. “Are you hungry?”
“I am. Someone ruined my dinner earlier.”
He chuckled. “Such a pity.”
Caviar Moans

e led me through his massive living room and toward opened glass doors.
H I heard the roaring of waves as we walked onto his balcony. The space
was dimly lit as candles danced around us. A long table took up a large part
of the balcony.
“Dima, this is really breathtaking.” I set my glass down.
He did too.
I walked to the edge of the balcony. Far below, dark waves crashed
against the moonlit sand. A breeze lifted some of my hair. “You’re lucky to
have this view.”
He held me from behind. “I’m luckier to have you here. Your presence
makes me. . .”
I turned around in his arms and pressed my breasts against his chest.
He grunted. “You make feel comfortable.”
Noise sounded from the side.
Dressed in pale yellow suits, three servants carried plates, silverware, and
platters of food to the table. Savory scents rose in the air. I spotted lobster
claws among steamed oysters covered in herbs.
Edwin stepped onto the balcony, carrying a huge platter. It must have been
at least thirty inches long. Piles of various types of caviar covered the long
tray. Slices of tropical fruit outlined the piles.
Edwin gestured to the tray. “We were unsure of what type of caviar you
would prefer, Ms. Walsh. So, we included all in our supply.”
“Oh. Thank you so much.” I widened my eyes at the all the different piles.
“I would have been happy with any caviar.”
“That’s not good enough for you.” Dima let go of me.
I walked around him and went to the table.
Edwin cleared his throat and gestured to the right side of the huge tray.
“Here, we have Siberian Sturgeon Malossol, Osetra Malossol, and Kaluga
Imperial caviar.”
Dima watched me and licked his lips, triggering my pussy to wet more.
And even worse, I couldn’t take my gaze away from him.
“On this side we have Iranian Beluga caviar next to—”
“Edwin, we have it.” Dima kept his wicked gaze my way. “Thank you. Let
the staff know that they’re no longer needed until after we’re done eating.”
Edwin bowed. “Yes, sir.”
Any other time, my stomach would have grumbled with excitement.
Instead, my pussy still had full command of my mind. After Dima’s tongue, I
yearned for more.
“My staff keeps saving you.” He guided me over to my seat and pulled it
out. “However, once we eat, there will be no more interruptions.”
I lowered to my seat at the corner of the table. “Is that a promise?”
“It is.” He sat down and traced his finger along the top of his champagne
glass. “Your pussy tasted so damn good.”
I blushed.
More of his staff rushed out and placed more items down.
Dima leaned my way and lowered his voice. “Did you enjoy cuming in my
“Yes.” I bit my bottom lip.
The staff left.
Neither of us, looked at our plates.
I stared into those sexy blue eyes. “The food smells good.”
“Yet, you’re not eating.” He held a smug smile.
“I’m not hungry for food.”
“Hmmm. I definitely know that feeling.”
“You do?”
“Oh, yes. However, you should definitely eat something. I plan to have
you in my bed for several days. You’ll need the sustenance.”
With a wicked smile, I picked up a lobster claw and a silver cracker.
Dima watched.
Still gazing at him, I cracked the thickest portion of the claw, removed the
shell, and revealed the thick length of meat. I wiggled it in front of my
The line of his jaw twitched.
“This looks so yummy.”
“Then, you should put it in your mouth.”
Slowly, I stuck my tongue out and licked the tip of it.
Dima groaned.
Inch by inch, I sucked the meat into my mouth.
Those blue eyes went dark with lust.
When I finally ate and swallowed the lobster, I picked up an oyster and
shamelessly slurped the flesh into my mouth.
A low grunt left him.
When I swallowed the oyster, I lapped at the shell and set it down.
“I love the way you eat.” He dipped his finger in the center of a big souffle
on his plate. Inch by inch, the digit disappeared into the warm creaminess.
My pussy jerked.
I rubbed my thighs together.
“However. . .” He pulled the finger all the way out and licked the creamy
mixture away. “If you keep eating that way, I’m going to take my cock out
and put it in your mouth.”
My nipples stiffened. “You do know that you have silverware.”
“Is that right?” Dima watched me with a searing intensity. He gathered
more of the souffle with his finger and licked it off.
A shiver of desire ran through me.
I picked up another oyster. Instead of feeding myself, I leaned his way and
placed it on his lips. “You should get your nutrients too.”
Smirking, he slurped up the oyster. Before I could move away the shell, he
kissed my hand.
I set the shell down.
He moved our plates to the side.
I eyed him with curiosity.
He pulled over the large platter of caviar. “Close your eyes.”
Mesmerized with him, I did as he ordered.
Darkness served as my view. The cool ocean air tickled my skin.
His voice held a seductive tone. “Lean back in your chair.”
Excitement flowed through me.
Swallowing, I leaned back.
“Open your mouth and stick out your tongue.”
My heartbeats picked up as I obliged.
He placed tiny soft pearls along my tongue.
I closed my mouth and bit down on the soft pearls. A sour-tart juice
exploded in my mouth. I swallowed in pure delight. “Yes! What’s that? It
was so delicious.”
“That was caviar limes.”
“Now, I see what the craze is about.”
He pushed away the bottom of my skirt and landed kisses on my knee. His
breath warmed my skin. He kissed the curve of my neck.
I shuddered under his touch.
He slipped his hands up the sides of my body, so soft and slow.
Getting excited, I began to open my eyes.
Pouting, I closed them. “I like seeing you.”
“I like playing with you.”
“Oh really?” I spread my legs wide open, wishing I could see the
expression on his face.
He grunted. “You’re so fucking naughty.”
“You’re so bad.”
“I am.” He brushed his fingertips over my panties.
“Oh.” Heat pooled at my core and melted over my pussy.
A mischievous edge coated his next words. “Give me your tongue again.”
My pussy didn’t miss the seductive way he’d said it. I parted my lips and
stuck out my tongue.
This time, he smeared actual caviar on my tongue. Moaning, I caught his
finger with my mouth, not letting it go. Together, I swallowed down the
caviar and sucked on his finger.
He groaned.
Keeping my eyes closed, I tenderly let his finger go and then licked my
“Did you like the Kaluga caviar?”
“I did, but I loved your finger even more.”
Keeping my eyes closed, I put on a devilish grin. “I want your finger

“You’ll get more than that.” His finger returned to my mouth. This time he
smeared a buttery honey mixture onto my lips. Some of the warm liquid
dripped down my chin.
Instead of gathering it up with his fingers, he lapped it up with his tongue.
“Oh.” Lust drummed through me. I arched my back.
He kissed me, sucking the honey off my lips.
I opened my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up.
I thought we would head away. He had other plans in his mind.
He picked me up and set me directly on the table. My ass landed right onto
the caviar platter. Cold caviar smashed under my thighs, coated my bottom,
and dripped down my legs. It was so sudden, my brain stuttered for several
seconds, trying to keep up. My blood raced through my veins in anticipation.
“My naughty Rose.” Fast, he tore my dress. My bra and panties greeted
Our glasses spilled champagne all over the table. Some streamed by us
and fell over the edge, splattering drops onto the ground.
I opened my mouth in shock. The fabric still dangled off me.
“Seeing you half naked and on my table is the best sight I’ve had all year,
perhaps this whole decade.” He snatched off one side of my panties, making
it more a flap, instead of an undergarment. Ripping off his shirt, Dima
captured my mouth. “I’m done eating. How about you?”
“Definitely.” Quick, I helped him with the buttons, snatching them away.
My fingers itched to touch his hard muscular chest. He slung the shirt off.
Muscles and tanned skin. His body was a magnificent sight to behold and I
intended on licking every inch of it this evening.
“Dear God.” I had my hands on his belt next, unbuckling and yanking it
“Are you as excited as me?”
I giggled. “Yes.”
Once his pants were down, he freed his cock.
Taking in the sight, I bit my lip.
His cock shot out in front of him, hard and long. As thick as a sword. A
vein pulsed along those long inches, and I couldn’t wait to trail my wet
tongue along it.
“Damn,” I moaned in anticipation.
“I’m going to put this in your pussy.”
“Later, I’m going stuff your mouth with it too.”
“Then, your ass.”
Stunned, I blushed. “Well. . .I don’t know about that.”
“You haven’t been fucked in your ass before?”
He groaned.
“Dima, that doesn’t give you permission to do so.”
He pushed me down. My back lay in caviar, fruit, and champagne. He
grabbed the bottle of champagne, snatched off the top with his mouth, and
poured it all over my breasts.
“You’re crazy! I laughed as he licked my champagne-soaked nipples and
then sucked each one. When he rose, he slung the bottle to the side.
It crashed in the corner.
“Dima, we’re ruining your balcony.”
“You’re too sexy for me to care.”

With all the food on the table, I was a mess. It must have turned Dima on.
He lowered and ate my pussy.
Next, he rose, spread my legs open, and shoved his cock inside me.
I cried out in pleasure.
“Finally.” Dima slammed in and out of me, rocking my body to a perfect
rhythm. My breasts bobbed with the groove of him and me. Caviar moans
and champagne groans filled the cool night air. And the table shook. And the
water pitcher spilled.
While the whole time, candlelight flickered around us.
His gaze never left mine. He owned me. He shattered me with orgasms.
He thrust into me, groaning and pumping. And my body trembled. And my
pussy loved the delicious strokes. And my throat burned hot from my loud
And then,
he pulled out.
I almost begged him to return.
he flipped me over.
“Ah!” I gasped. My breasts sank in the piles of caviar and strawberries.
Champagne dripped down my ass. He smacked it, causing my cheeks to
jiggle and champagne drops to splatter.
“So naughty.” He stuffed my pussy with his cock.
“Oh!” I clenched my pussy around his cock, needing to feel him even
“So good.” Groaning, he grasped one of my breasts and slowed down his
pumping. “So fucking good.”
I planted my hands on the table to gain some balance.
But he had all the control. I was at his mercy.
His soft deep strokes caused my ass to bounce.
“Oh, Dima.” I relished in feel of his muscular body behind me.
Dominating me. Taking full control of my movement, my balance, my pussy,
my heart, my soul.
Erotic pleasure drummed through every cell.
He slipped his other hand around my hip and found my clit.
I was done by then. “Oh my God.”
He added sensual pressure to my clit while fucking me from behind.
I broke apart in his fingers. An orgasm sparked in my core. “Dima!”
“This is all I need.”
“Oh!” Plateauing toward ecstasy, I lost all balance. My chin smashed into
honey and melted butter. Some got into my mouth and coated my tongue
right as my pussy cells splintered into hot erotic bliss.
“Fuck yes!”
“Dima!” My senses went uneven and disjointed. My reality fragmented.
My legs trembled.
“No.” He groaned, his rhythm shifted to wild bucking. “Fuck. I can’t help
We climaxed together.
My pussy hugged as his cock jerked and shot into me, coating and
“Oh my God.” I lay the right side of my face in honey and butter, trying to
catch my breath. Pearls of caviar coated the front and back of me. Slices of
strawberry and mango stuck to my skin. Semen and champagne dripped
down my legs.
Dima’s cock remained deep inside of me. He leaned against my ass and
legs, but didn’t put all of his weight on me. “Oh, Rose. I believe I made you a
little dirty.”
“Just a little.”
Our laughter filled the balcony. His staff must’ve thought we were crazy.
Bubbles and Petals

inutes later, Dima carried me into a dark room. “Edwin! Please, bring
M champagne, strawberries, and cheese.”
We were both naked and dirty.
I chuckled. “More food?”
“We never ate.”
“At this point, we keep wasting it.”
“But, we can.”
He lowered me. My feet hit the marbled tile flooring.
Dima shut the door. “On!”
A warm glow slowly filled the massive room. Everything illuminated
around me.
“Voice command lightning. Cool.” I scanned the area.
Dima’s lavish bathroom had more floorspace than a Pilates studio. Yet, it
conveyed an understated luxury. Ivory and gold accented marble made up
three walls.
The right side of the big bathroom displayed a floating stone vanity with
double sinks. A doorless shower was next to it.
A huge free-standing tub stood in the center of the room. At least five
people could fit in it. And right next to the tub, an oversized floor-to-ceiling
window served as the fourth wall, displaying a dramatic and shimmering
view of Downtown Paradise.
I ignored everything else and went to the glass.
“You have the beach on the west side of your penthouse, and the sparkling
city on the other side.” I smirked at him. “Does your condo have one bad
“I could never live in such an uncivilized space.” He looked at the huge
tub. “Start a warm bath.”
I thought he was talking to me, until the center of the tub clicked. I
checked the inside of it to see where the noise came from. The tub’s plug had
lowered into the hole. Next, water spilled from the faucet.
“A voice command bathtub.” My smile widened. “Are you unable to turn
the knob yourself?”
“I need my hands for other things.” Pulling me in, he kissed me. I sighed
when his mouth left mine. He nipped at my lips. “You sound relaxed.”
“I am.”
The drumming of water filled the space.
He guided me to the doorless shower in the back of the bathroom. “Let’s
rinse this caviar off before we get into our bath.”
“Great idea.”
We left footsteps on the polished black marble floor.
When we arrived at the shower, I stepped on the stone platform.
Holding my waist, he got behind me and pressed his soft cock into my ass.
“Warm shower.”
Cool water rained down on us. I gasped and turned around, giggling.
Second by second, the temperature increased to warm. It streamed down our
face and bodies.
Through the warming water, I gazed up at Dima.
Water dripped down his face. He traced my wet lips with his thumb. “Did
you love my cock?”
I laughed.
He frowned. “That wasn’t the response I was expecting.”
“I wasn’t expecting that question.”
He leaned his head to the side. “Why not?”
I blinked and moved my head away from the spray. “Well. . .I figured you
knew exactly how much I loved the sex.”
A neutral expression covered his face. “Sometimes in the moment, I can
have difficulty gauging if a woman is feeling as much pleasure as I am.”
I smiled. “My moans weren’t a big enough sign?”
He nodded. “Good point. I’ll make a note of that. You moan when you
really love it.”
“That’s a fact. Put an exclamation by that note.”
The smile returned to his face. He rubbed his length against me. It was no
longer completely soft. It was slowly stiffening.
“Regardless, just in case you’re still not sure.” My core heated. “Yes. I
absolutely loved your cock.”
Noise sounded behind him.
Caught off guard, I leaned to the side and spotted his staff quickly filling
the bathroom with snacks. Another maid cleaned up our caviar footsteps on
the floor. Meanwhile, Edwin hurried around placing huge candelabras on the
marble floor. A maid followed him, lighting each candle.
I remained in front of Dima, shielding my body from their view.
Dima glanced over my shoulder and faced me. “They’re taking it up a
notch this evening.”
“And what do they do when you usually bring a woman home?”
He chuckled to himself.
“What’s so funny?”
“I don’t bring women home.”
“Then, why did you bring me?”
“Because I don’t plan on having you away from me for several days,
perhaps several weeks. Therefore, it makes more sense to temporarily move
you in with me.”
I studied him, waiting for the punchline.
Steam rose and twisted up our legs.
Right when I thought he would say the statement was a joke, He kissed me
again. His mouth was better than anything I’d ever tasted. Nothing could beat
it. Not wine or chocolate. And no other man had kissed me like him. Made
me burn just from his lips slipping against mine. His tongue twisted and
teased. His hands caressed and explored.
He began to pull away, I sucked on his bottom lip, forcing him to remain. I
couldn’t get enough.
He groaned.
Oh, Dima.
I pushed my tongue between his lips.
Another dark groan escaped him, deafening the sound of staff clicking
plates and water drumming into the tub.
I left his mouth.
He hit me with an intense stare. “You’re staying with me for a while.”
I chuckled.
“I’m serious.” With his free hand, he grabbed the liquid soap and poured it
on me. “You’re keeping the pain away. I like it.”
My heart ached. I thought of the people he’d lost. I considered something.
“Your mother has your butler making sure you get dinner. Have you not been
“I haven’t been hungry that much.” He splashed water on me, rinsing the
soap and food away.
I frowned. “You should eat tonight.”
He lowered his gaze to the center of my thighs. “I plan to eat a whole lot
this evening.”
“Food, Dima.” I took the bottle of liquid from his hand and washed his
skin. Caviar covered the space around his cock and some of his stomach.
“You have to make sure you at least attempt three meals a day.” I cleaned
away more of the food off of him. “Even if it’s just a few bites here and
“You’ve lost someone before?”
“My grandmother. I loved her so much.”
“Does it get easier to deal with the pain as the years go by?”
“Yes, but you’ll never stop missing them. And somehow you learn to live
with it, and it all ends up being okay.”
Water and soap slicked his muscular body. The view of his gleaming body
incited my pussy to clench. I loved him wet.
I looked at him. “Are you getting any sleep?”
“My new books have been too interesting to close my eyes.” He tried to
kiss me.
I moved my head out of his reach. “You have to get some sleep.”
He held my gaze. “I will because you’re spending the night with me.”
I slipped my leg along his. “At least you will sleep then.”
“After I fuck you a few times.” He captured my mouth.
The noise from the staff disappeared.
Only the sounds of the shower and water pouring into the tub filled the
I raised my hands to his head and ran my fingers through his hair, pulling
him closer to me. Water splashed around us. Slowly, he lifted me up with
those strong arms and pressed me against the wall. His tongue twisted around
I moaned.
He leaned away. “Shower off.”
The water ended.
Dima carried me out of the shower, across the room, and over to the tub in
the center of the space. Gently, he lowered me to the floor.
I stepped out of his hold and into the tub. I sank down, submerging myself
into silky water. Jet streams hit my body. Flowery fragrant steam rose from
the bubbly surface. My body warmed. Yellow rose petals floated on the
surface among bubbles.
“Very romantic.” Dima got in behind me, causing the water to ripple and
the petals to circle. He set his thick, muscular legs around me. “I should be
nicer to Edwin.”
“You really should.” I moved back and sat between his huge thighs.
He tenderly pulled me back so that I leaned against his hard chest. “I’ll
make a note of that too.”
I grinned. “Good.”
Sexy jazz notes rose around us. I had no idea where the speakers were, but
the whole room was immersed in a soothing saxophone melody.
I let out a comforting breath and looked around.
Edwin had placed large vases of yellow roses in the corners. Lit candles
were scattered all over the floor.
“Lights off.”
The warm glow left. Only the flames from all the candles remained as well
as the sparkling view of Paradise.
I turned my view to the massive window. It was the middle of the night,
but the West’s downtown still glittered far off. Car lights shimmered on
Caviar Lime highway.
Over the music, Dima’s dark, seducing voice brushed against my skin. “I
want this forever.”
“This moment?”
“This moment with you.” With both hands, he cupped my breasts and
rubbed my stiffening nipples. The water rippled around us. The saxophone
rose. He squeezed my nipples. “I should never let you leave. You’re healing
me. You’re helping me mourn.”
I arched as he squeezed both nipples again.
“Be my angel, Rose. Lead me to salvation.” Still playing with my nipples,
he landed kisses on the curve of my neck.
“God, Dima. . .I love this.”
“Excellent. You want more?”
“I want more too.”
“Good.” Instantly, I yearned to be everything he needed and more. It was
scary, but I knew with each sensual touch of his fingertips and brush of his
mouth, that I would do all that he liked. I would be all that he needed. I
would give him every bit of me. If he needed my heart to beat, I would give it
to him. If he needed my soul to eat, I would feed him.
Already, I drowned in him and didn’t want to be saved.
He lapped at the curve of my neck. “Will you save me?”
He flicked his thumbs along my nipples. “Yes?”
I moaned, “Yes.”
Groaning, he teased my nipples with his thumbs, tormenting those
sensitive points. I writhed against him. He moved his hands from my breasts.
“You’ll be my safe haven.”
“Yes.” Shivering, I twisted around. I needed to see how serious he was. I
gazed at this sexy, dangerous man.
Candle light danced along his sculpted face. His hair was slicked back. His
gaze held a dark storm within the lids. “Right now, you’re the only person on
this earth that’s bringing me peace.”
In the soapy water, I pressed my breasts against his chest and leaned
against him. “What do you need from me?”
“Everything.” His cock hardened under me. He slid his hands down my
back and grabbed my ass. “Turn to the side.”
“I want to play with your pussy.”
I gave him a wicked smile and obliged. “Back to your saying everything. I
need more clarification.”
He slid his hand down to my thighs. “Do you like it when I play with your
I swallowed. “Yes.”
“Good. I’ll do it every day.” He rubbed his finger along my folds and then
he caressed my clit. My body drummed in hunger. He slipped his finger
inside of me. “Will that be okay with you?”
Before I could respond, he found my g-spot. I jerked forward, rocking
toward the blissful sensations.
“Naughty Rose?” He rubbed the sensitive spot. “Answer me.”
“Yes.” I stirred, riding the pleasure from his talented hand. My thighs
He massaged my pussy over and over as if imprinting his signature on it.
“I want you in my bed every night until I get bored.”
“What?” My eyes went sleepy with lust. I tried to stop his hand.
He returned to toying with my clit.
I rocked into his hand. “Oh, Dima.”
“Your body. This soft, warm pussy. It’s all my property.”
“Wait.” I held his wrist and stopped his rhythm. “What?”
Frowning, he looked down at me, but didn’t move his hand or flick his
finger against my clit. “You have a problem with that, Ms. Walsh?”
“Of course I do.” I caught my breath. “I’m not an object that can be
“Yet, you’re mine.” He stroked my pussy.
A moan left me. I hadn’t meant to let that go. He rubbed some more.
I shivered in delight. Somehow I stopped his hand. “Wait.”
He groaned in annoyance.
I looked back at him through heavy lust-filled lids. “We should get things
“Oh really?”
“Yes.” I swallowed and moved away from him. He tried to pull me back. I
pushed his hand away and went to the other side of the tub. I needed space
between us.
“Come back here.”
“First, we talk.”
“First, we fuck.”
“We’ve already fucked in the Secret Garden and on your balcony.”
“It’s true.”
“I ate you in the restaurant. I fucked you on the balcony, but that was just
an appetizer. I’m ready for the entrée.”
I trembled in anticipation. I shook my head. “We still need to talk.”
That neutral expression slipped onto his face. He rested his arms on the
side of the tub. Fast, he shifted back into Dimitri Ivanov—King of the North
and Leader of the Diamond Syndicate. His voice came out low, dark, and
menacing. “I want your body back over here. Now.”
“I think we should talk first.”
“That’s not my concern.”
“And how would I make it your concern?”
“Bring your pussy back over here.”
I smiled.
He didn’t.
“Dima, I want to make some clarifications on what you’re saying.
Sometimes men and women murmur things in the heat of passion but don’t
mean it.”
“I don’t.”
I quirked my brows. “You don’t what?”
“I don’t murmur.”
“Everything I say, I mean.”
“Well. . .you said that you wanted me in your bed every night until you
became bored.”
He nodded.
I chuckled. “Dima that is a horrific thing to say.”
He looked at me as if I were crazy. “I should want you in my bed when
I’m bored with you?”
“No, but you shouldn’t say that, you could become bored with me, out
“I should pretend like I’m going to fuck you no matter what, even though
that isn’t true?”
I frowned. “I think you should at least walk into a situation attempting to
accept the person no matter what.”
“I disagree.”
“Rose, I’m going to be my best while with you. I expect the same from
you too.”
“Of course, but. . .”
He leaned his head to the side. “But what?”
“But.” I shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Then, let’s talk about the truth.”
“And what is that?”
“The bored statement scared you.”
I blinked.
“You like what I do to you and you’re nervous that it will stop.”
“A little.”
“Then, fine. Let’s talk about that emotion.”
“Honestly, I don’t think I will ever be bored with you. However, I’m a
believer in raw pessimistic reality, so I’m being honest.” Lust filled his gaze.
“Now, come back.”
“We’re not done clarifying.”
The neutral expression cracked into a frown. “Ask me anything. Tell me
what else scares you.”
I ran through all the new things hitting my head.
First of all, this whole moment was odd. Earlier this morning, I’d thought
about Dima, but didn’t allow myself to fantasize. He hadn’t called me back.
I’d assumed that we would never communicate again.
Now, we’d had several steamy moments and I craved more.
He slipped his hand along the side of the tub where yellow petals stuck to
the side. “Rose, tell me?”
I sighed. “I’m also nervous that you’ll be possessive.”
I quirked my brows. “What’s wrong?”
“I can’t help you with that.”
“Why not?”
“I will be possessive in every way.”
I held a finger up. “But there would need to be limits.”
“I won’t have any when it comes to you.”
“That wasn’t a suggestion or advice, Dima. I’m telling you that you can’t
be too possessive with me.”
He gave me a thoughtful nod as if responding to one of his men. “What’s
your next concern?”
“We didn’t agree on that point.”
“We won’t.”
“We’ll need to agree on that to move forward.”
He scowled. “We already have moved forward and there are no plans to
move backward.”
I glared.
He lowered his gaze to my breasts. “Next?”
“I’m not doing this, if my concerns aren’t met.”
“I’ve never understood why you always believe that you’re in control of
what happens between us.” He gave me wicked smile. “The first time I met
you. I knew I would fuck you and love every minute of it.”
A shiver of heat moved through me.
“But, you were surprised tonight. Weren’t you? Even when I was sucking
on your clit. Even when you were shaking and moaning.”
I pursed my lips.
“Clarification is good, Ms. Walsh. So, let’s clarify.” He rose a little,
climbed over to me, and wrapped his big arms around my waist.
“What are you doing?” Gasping, I held onto his wet muscular shoulders as
he lifted us both out of the water.
Bubbles and petals dripped down our bodies. He sat me on the edge of the
tub, while the lower half of his thighs remained in the water. His hard cock
pointed my way, so close to my pussy I almost begged for it. But I forced
myself to stay focused. His face was on my level. He moved in closer,
leaving no space between our mouths.
When he whispered, his warm champagned breath brushed my skin. “I
want to see the possibilities of us, so that’s what’s going to happen.”
“And my agreement on the situation?”
“It’s your mouth that won’t concur. Every other part of you is in full
agreement.” He moved the head of his cock to my opening, but didn’t push
inside. My body shuttered. My pussy was greedy to be filled with him. He
brushed his mouth against mine. “Isn’t that right?”
My heartbeats lifted. I didn’t want to respond because it was true.
“Hmmm. Now you’re quiet? Let’s see if we can get you to speak.” He
raised his hips and thrust his cock deep into me.
“Oh!” I cried out.
“So, you didn’t lose your voice.” He pumped into me, inciting waves
within the tub. In and out. In and out. Water splashed out the tub’s sides.
“Dima.” I closed my eyes unable to control myself. I rode him, and he met
me with hard thrusts.
“You see how good that feels?”
He slid his cock in and deliciously out. “Look at me.”
I opened my eyes. Watching him fuck me was insanely erotic. Everything
about him was intense and sexy. With each movement, his biceps flexed. A
wild passion covered his face as he gazed at me.
All conversation ended. The only noise was the cries of our pleasure.
My body vibrated in ecstasy. Water splashed around us. The city sparkled.
And I felt so wild and free.
Fucking me hard, he whispered in my ear, “I want to know when you’re
close to coming. I want to watch you tear apart.”
“Oh, Dima.”
“Are you close?”
He kissed me. His strokes never let up. My wet breasts bounced with his
“Already, I want to cum inside of you.”
“Oh.” My climax tore through me. I shattered. Orgasmed hard, almost
biting my tongue. My pussy throbbed with his thick, long cock. And I fell
into an unwinding pool of sensual shivers and orgasmic spasms.
“Dima!” I lost balance and almost fell off the side of the tub.
He had me in those huge arms, never letting me go and still fucking me
hard. “Yes, Rose.”
I came more. “Dima!”
He pulled his cock out. “Do we need more clarifications?”
I shivered with the aftershocks of my orgasm. “W-what?”
He took me off the edge and flipped me around. My knees sank into the
warm water. My ass and upper body remained above the water line.
“You’re right. We need more clarifications.” He bent me over and buried
his cock deep into me.
“Oh!” I held onto the edge of the tub. My breasts swung with the rhythm
of his pumping. My legs grew weak as I held on.
He gripped my hips and slammed into me again. “Are we clear yet?”
Water splashed against us. His cock jerked inside of me, and it was the
most erotic thing that had every happened. I felt like our bodies were molded
“Your pussy is so good.” He groaned loud, telling me that he was coming
hard. “Fuck, Rose.”
His grip on my hips tightened. His pumping shifted to hard thrusts and
thick bangs full of dark groans of pleasure.
“Rose.” He grunted and gave my pussy a hard, final thrust, groaning
against my back and spilling into my pussy. “Fuck.”
My heart boomed in my ears. I blinked through the dim darkness. Most of
the candles near the tub had been put out by the waves of water. Only the
candles further outside remained lit.
“Damn it.” His cock remained inside of me. He leaned against me, as if
he’d lost the ability to stay up. “I still wanted to clarify things.”
A laugh left me, causing my stomach to bounce and my pussy to hug his
“Fuck.” Grunting, he thrust one more time, but it was lackluster as his
length softened inside of me. “You’re not to laugh at me.”
My breathless words came out low. “I can’t help it.”
Refusing to leave my pussy, he landed kisses on the back of my shoulder.
“I’m enjoying this, Rose.”
“I am too.” I had to admit it. Regardless of our differences and opposing
points of view, I’d loved every second that we’d spent together this evening.
Still inside of me, he kissed my other shoulder. “Then, let’s keep this
going for as long as we can.”
And we remained in that odd, yet intimate position, molded to each other.
In the candle lit darkness and the glittering view of Paradise. Steam rose,
along with the fragrance of our sex.
And I was the happiest I’d ever been.
The Bedroom

fter our bath, Dima dried us both off.
A We put on robes and headed to his master suite.
Surprise grabbed me as soon as I entered the space.
I had to pause and take it all in.
While the rest of his condo resembled the typical high-tech penthouse of a
millionaire, his room held a dark childlike style. He had an insane collection
of these strange action figures. They took up three walls of his bedroom.
There was no room for a dresser or small desk. The only wall that didn’t have
action figures was the one bordering his king bed.
And even above the bed there were three shelves full of chess pieces. But
it wasn’t all of the pieces from a chess game. It was just the king piece over
and over. Kings represented different shapes, colors, and material that they’d
been made with. There were glass and metal. Plastic and wood.
All right. What is going on? Let’s dissect this one at a time.
I went back to the action figures.
They weren’t military soldiers or fantasy characters. These action figures
had the vintage 1940s gangster look. Many wore black and white pinstriped
suites and held old machine guns. Others smoked cigars. A few on the bottom
shelves lugged large jugs with X’s on them, looking like they were loading a
speakeasy. A few had long machetes raised above their heads with red
painted on the tip of the blades. Some were styled after an era of pinstripes
and spats prohibition and speakeasies.
No more than four inches tall, they stood in their own tiny, shelved glass
cabinets. They had their own individual glass door with gold knobs to open
them and built-in lighting that kept them in a pale yellow glow.
In a toy-filled daze, I walked over to the closest wall full of action figures.
Dima leaned against the doorway and watched me with a masked
I started counting one wall of figures and gave up at fifty.
Holy shit! How many does he have?
I went to the other wall.
Dima’s dark voice filled the room. “Too many?”
I gazed around and shrugged. “I’m not the type of person to tell someone
what they’re doing too much of, especially when it brings no harm to
I grinned. “It’s. . .a lot, but. . .”
“It’s you.” I walked over to the other wall. “And I like the idea of learning
more about you. I’m a nosy journalist after all.”
“You’re much more than that.”
I grinned and took in a few of them. “You like the 1940’s?”
“I like the style.”
“Why gangster action figures?”
“When I was a kid, I loved Care Bears, but my mother wouldn’t allow me
to collect them.”
I glanced over my shoulder. “Why not?”
“Too sweet. Not hard enough. She started giving me these guys.
Eventually I became stuck on them.” He pointed to a big-bellied boss
smoking a cigar. “This was the first one.”
“And now, how many do you have?”
“I stopped counting at two hundred.”
“I should stop, but I probably won’t. There’s a happiness that comes to me
when I add a new soldier to my collection. And there’s an excitement in
hunting for rare ones.”
“I understand.” I pointed to the shelf of chess king pieces. “And these?”
“I collect them too.”
“Because they’re kings.”
I chuckled. “Fair point.”
“Come here.” He extended his hand out. “I want you in bed and next to
I left the mini gangsters and returned to him. Dima had my robe off in
seconds. I lay down in his bed.
Dima’s bed was the highest level of comfort and elegance. A bedding
connoisseur would have been impressed. His sheets were Egyptian cotton
sheets. The finest white goose down must’ve filled every pillow. Each one
made me feel weightless and like was lying on fluffy clouds. White cashmere
blankets wrapped around our entwined bodies.
He dropped his robe and joined me.
I turned toward him as he wrapped his arms around me.
As he held me, I scanned the odd space.
I didn’t know how he could sleep in here. All the gangsters faced our way.
It felt like they were watching us.
A gangster toy collection. What an interesting twist to an interesting man.
I slid my breasts against his muscular chest and inhaled him. The floral
fragrance of our bath clung to his skin. It was a pleasure to be so close to him.
Dima held me tighter. “I haven’t felt this good in a long time.”
“Me too.”
“And it’s such a simple moment. Your warm body against me. Yet, I can’t
remember the last time I’ve felt so comfortable. So warm on the inside.”
My insides melted.
“Do you know what I realized after fucking you on the table?”
I grinned. “What?”
“Sometimes, I don’t mind when my food touches.”
I gave him an odd look. “Really? That was the biggest lesson.”
“I already knew I loved your body and that your pussy would be
“Hmmm. Well. . .I guess that’s a good lesson too.” I chuckled.
He ran his fingers through my hair. “I must tell you something about me.”
He didn’t look my way as he played with my hair. “I have Asperger’s.”
My head exploded. That was the last thing I thought he would say. I lay in
his arms, stunned and with my lips parted.
He squinted at me as if trying his best to assess what I could be thinking.
“It’s a neurological disability.”
“Yes. I know. My cousin Ashley is on the spectrum—Asperger’s and
sensory processing disorder.”
“She told me once that she felt assaulted by the world. The ticking of
clocks, honking cars, and strong perfumes agitated her. She also hates to be
touched. She calls herself an aspie.”
“The term Asperger’s has gotten heat. Austrian pediatrician Hans
Asperger was recognized as the pioneer in the study of autism. He was even
seen as a hero for saving children with the condition from the Nazi killing
program by emphasizing their intelligence.”
“Then, what happened?”
“It’s been argued that Asperger also collaborated in the murder of children
with disabilities under the Third Reich.”
Disgust filled me. “That’s horrific.”
“There’s medical records and referral letters showing that Asperger
protected the children he regarded as intelligent. But he also referred several
children to be euthanized if he deemed them to be genetically inferior.”
“I never knew any of this.” I touched his chest. “What term do you use?”
“I don’t tell many people. You’re one of the few people alive who know.”
I blinked.
“But, if I talked about it a lot. I would. . .take pride in the term Asperger’s
syndrome as part of my identity. Asperger’s past is a dirty historical
revelation. I definitely separate the man from the term.” He scanned my face.
“Are you close to your cousin Ashley?”
“Not as close as we used to be, but I try to check in with her twice a
month. My family made her a black sheep just because of her diagnosis.”
He nodded as if completely understanding.
“And I was made a black sheep because I’m stubborn and go against the
idea of what a Walsh is supposed to be.”
He smirked. “I can see that.”
“So, Ashley and I look out for each other.”
“This is good.”
“You may understand me more. . .in some ways. Granted, no two people
with autism are alike. That’s why it’s called a spectrum.”
I studied his face as if for the first time. “I have so many questions. Tell
me. What does Asperger’s mean for you?”
“I learn differently. In some ways, I think it’s a gift. Maybe even a
blessing. As you can probably tell from the sex this evening, I don’t have any
sensory sensitivities.” He kissed me. “I love being touched, especially by
“I’m glad. I love being touched by you too.” I smirked. “When did you
realize you had Asperger’s?”
“It took a while. When I was a kid, I played differently.”
“In the schoolyard, I always liked to place footballs and basket balls in a
nice line. Meanwhile, the kids wanted to play with the balls. It aggravated the
shit out of me. Therefore, I wasn’t having it.”
“You never let anyone play with the balls?”
“They looked better in their lines.”
I chuckled. “And the kids let you do that?”
He gave me a curious look. “How could they not?”
“You’re serious about that question?”
“I am. I’ve always been tall. Lei, Chanel, and Romeo were always by my
side, always protecting. The kids had no choice, but to watch me making my
lines with the balls.”
“And what did Lei, Chanel, and Romeo have to say about it?”
“Chanel and Lei did anything Romeo wanted, and he always wanted me to
be happy.” He sighed. “I miss him.”
“Romeo was a good friend?”
“He was. Which was lucky for me because I’ve always found it incredibly
difficult to make new friends.” He slipped his hand down to my cheek.
“People just assumed I was a rude kid.”
“What about your teachers?”
“I have a superior IQ.”
I rolled my eyes.
“I do.” He grinned. “I excelled at puzzles and math. However, I struggled
socially, even with the teachers. I battled with distinguishing humor and
sarcastic remarks.”
“Do you still?”
“With people that I don’t know well, it can be confusing. I have to assess
their body language and somehow make an educated guess.” He moved his
hand from my face. “At thirteen, one of my teachers convinced my uncle
Kirill to sign for me to get tested. Apparently, they’d asked my mother and
she’d always refused.”
“And that was when you were confirmed to be on the spectrum?”
He nodded. “My mother. . .she didn’t take it well. The first thing she told
me was to never tell anyone.”
Sadness hit me.
“She was depressed for the rest of the month. Lots of drinking. Lots of
looking at me odd. The next month she had me ditch school. We flew to
Europe and had this big vacation.”
“That sounds like fun.”
He shrugged. “We sampled cheeses in Paris. We saw Big Ben in London.
We tried on wooden clogs in Amsterdam. Then. . .”
“We made it to Switzerland and she walked me up to my new boarding
school and left me there. She handed me to the woman and left without a
I parted my lips. “Oh no.”
“And I stood there confused, watching her rush away.”
“Were you upset with your mother?”
“Even at thirteen, I knew I was a liability to her when it came to the
Diamond Syndicate. No one understood autism then. They told her that I
would have no empathy. That I would never truly love her. That I didn’t
understand the concept of love.”
Nervous, I gazed into his eyes. “But, you do understand love and have
“I do. It’s just. . .”
“It takes me longer.” He blinked. “It. . .”
“Tell me.”
“For example, I can always intellectually infer that someone is sad that
they lost another person. But in the moment, the realization isn’t there. Hours
later, it hits me and I feel it.” He took my hand and placed it on his chest. “I
feel it right here, exactly where I think everyone else must feel it too.”
“That’s correct.”
He sighed as if relieved to hear it.
Intrigued, I asked, “So, it’s more of a communication problem too?”
“Perhaps, I don’t express empathy in the proper, conventional way.”
“Did your mother realize that you loved her?”
“I believe so. I know that I love her with every bit of my heart.”
“And. . .”
“I’m sorry. I just have so many questions.”
“Ask them. It feels good to open up to you. It feels good to not always
have to close parts of me away.”
I slipped my fingers along his arm. “Who else knows about this?”
“Romeo. When we were kids, he would always say, ‘You’re a crazy white
boy. There’s something different in your face. You don’t have what others
have.’” Dima laughed to himself. “After the diagnosis, he was the only
person I told. And he said, ‘I told your ass that you’re different. Accept that
shit and move on.’”
“No one else in the Diamond Syndicate knows?”
“Besides my mother and uncles, no one else.”
I widened my eyes. “W-why are you telling me?”
“You’re good with keeping secrets.”
“You do know that I’m a journalist? Keeping secrets are the very opposite
of what we’re known to do.”
“But you won’t tell. You’ve been quiet with Parks on Leo and Lei. I’m
confident you’ll keep this to yourself.”
“I will.” I did the motion of locking my lips and throwing away the key.
“But, you plan to always keep this a secret?”
“I’m not sure. For now, people find me quirky.”
“I wouldn’t say quirky, Dima.”
“Hmmm. Well, some have whispered that I’m a sociopath.”
“No. I never got that vibe. I actually thought you were an asshole.”
“A quirky asshole?”
“Nope. Just a plain ole asshole.”
He chuckled. “And now?”
“I still think you can be an asshole.”
“Perhaps, it’s my Asperger’s.”
“I doubt it.”
He raised his eyebrows. “FYI, I’m mentally noting that statement as
“It’s not. I’m very serious.” Chuckling, I stared at him in awe. “I don’t
understand how you’ve been able to hide it.”
“I took theater in boarding school. My mother would have never
approved. Real men don’t prance around on stage. From theater I learned
how to pretend, to put a mask on—that was suitable for society. And that is
who you met that night.”
“The masked version of you?”
“And what about now?”
“I think the mask is off, but then sometimes I’m not sure if I’ve merged
with the mask. Perhaps, it will never come off. Maybe, we’re one.”
The more I thought I was figuring Dima out, the more I realized that I had
no clue. This man was a story that I would never get tired of, never stop
wanting to learn more about.
He pulled me in closer and closed his eyes.
He must’ve been exhausted. He’d lost real friends, and it was hard for him
to easily make new ones. He was also having to deal with so much pain, but
really didn’t have anyone to talk to about it. In the Diamond Syndicate, he
had to present a hard solid foundation of alpha leadership.
His voice smoothed over my skin. “I feel comfortable with you.”
“Me too.” I snuggled closer into his warm hold. “Thank you for trusting in
“Thank you for listening and understanding.”
“Always, Dima.”
He kissed my forehead and then leaned away. “Lights.”
They shut off.
A chuckle left me.
“Why do you find my voice commands so funny?”
“I just do.”
“Then, I’m fine with that. I would always rather make you laugh, then
make you sad.”
My heart warmed.
In the dim darkness, the mini-gangsters looked less creepy in their yellow
glow. They appeared more like a pattern on the walls.
Dima spoke within the darkness, “Tell me about your childhood.”
“It was a good one, just. . .”
I moved the blanket over my shoulders, getting more comfortable in his
hold. “I hate to complain. I lived in a home that had thirty rooms. I had a
nanny and personal maid. I never fixed a sandwich once. The chef was just a
phone call away. Plus, I was chauffeured to the best schools and given
anything that I ever wanted.”
I lowered my voice in shame. “I could never hug my mother or kiss her. I
feel stupid complaining about that.”
“Hugs are important.”
I sighed. “When I was a kid, she always kept me an arm’s length away.
She never wanted me to mess up her hair, clothes, or make up. When I
became older, it still didn’t occur. By then, we were in the habit of not
connecting in any way. Honestly, if my mom hugged me right now, I might
break out in hives because I’m so not used it.”
“And your father?”
“Quiet. Dismissive. Judgy. You must understand. My parents had kids
because that was expected of them. They never wanted them.”
“How do you know that for sure?”
“They told my brother and I that many times.”
“That’s fucked up.”
“Still, I didn’t have it that bad.”
“But, you still have a right to complain. Love and human connection is
more important than the comforts of money.”
“Only rich men say that.”
He chuckled.
Silence replaced our conversation. Closing my eyes, I shifted my attention
to the rhythmic beating of his heart.
Seconds later, soft snores left him.
Good. He hasn’t slept in days. It’s about time he got some rest.
Satisfied, I relished in the heat of him and fell asleep.
The Morning After

n my dream, I sat on a massive throne made of skulls within a ballroom of
I lit candles outlining blood red walls.
Nude, Rose crouched by my feet. A diamond studded collar wrapped
around her neck. A long platinum chain attached to the collar. I held the other
What is this?
Rage filled me. Confused, I gazed at the collar. “Why are you naked and
chained? What is going on?”
She looked at the floor. “Anything for you, King Dima.”
I blinked. “But. . .”
A high-pitched voice rose in the hall. “What shall we do now, King
“Who said that?” I scanned the space, searching for the voice.
People packed the place, dressed in shimmering clothes. No one made a
sound. They just stared at Rose.
“No! Don’t look at her!” I rose from my throne, took off my black velvet
cape, and tried to cover her. As soon as I placed the thick long fabric over
her, she disappeared. The cape fell flat to the floor.
Terrified, I searched around. “Rose?”
Everyone started laughing as if her vanishing was an intentional magic
trick to entertain them.
I roared, “Shut up!”
“Do it again, King Dima!”
“Shut up!”
“Make her disappear! Make her disappear!” They laughed even more.
Some clapped. Others jumped up and down chuckling.
“Rose, come back!”
A sudden movement woke me out of my dream.
Good. That wasn’t real.
Half in and out of consciousness, I didn’t open my eyes. Rose’s natural
fragrance surrounded me.
Thank God.
A dark groan escaped me.
The movement came again. I reached out and grabbed her curvy frame.
She chuckled. “Did I wake you?”
“I’m glad you did. It was a bad dream.” Still keeping my eyes shut, I
pulled her closer to me, turned her body around, and nuzzled my chin
between her soft breasts. I held her close, and my body awakened with desire.
“How long have you been up?”
“Ten minutes or so. Edwin checked on us.”
Frowning, I opened my eyes. “So, he woke you?”
A sweet smile spread across her beautiful face. “I would have gotten up
“You better not bother him.”
“What time is it anyway?” Yawning, I let go of her, rolled over, and
picked up my phone. “10:00a.m. How did that happen?”
“You were tired.”
“Still, I’m to get up at 8:00am every day. Be showered and dressed by
8:30, and eating my breakfast on the balcony at 9:00am.”
“I love my rituals. They keep me grounded.”
“Well, tomorrow you can do it. Today, I’m glad you got your rest.”
I returned my attention to holding her. “Are you ready for breakfast? Is
that why Edwin peeked in? He also knows I’m a stickler for my routine.”
“Breakfast at 9:00 am on the balcony?”
“And facing the ocean. Two eggs, half of a bagel with jelly. No butter.
Strawberries and bananas cut an inch thick and on the side. I don’t want my
fruit in a small bowl. Too much separation. The fruit should be on the plate,
just not touching the eggs or bagel.”
“Can the eggs touch the bagel?”
I frowned.
Her smile widened. “Nothing can touch?”
“Not one thing.”
“Oh.” She widened her eyes. “That’s what you meant last night, when you
were talking about you didn’t mind the caviar and fruit touching during sex.”
“Correct. I learned that when the food is smeared all over your naked body
and I’m fucking you from behind, I don’t mind the food touching at all. In
fact. . .” I gave her a wicked smile. “I may ask Edwin to add buckets of caviar
to my dinner from now on.”
“So, you can just dump it all over my naked body?”
“Correct.” I landed a soft kiss on her lips.
Minutes later, we left my bedroom in our robes and holding hands.
My maid, Cara giggled as she hurried by us. “Good morning, sir. . .and
I nodded.
“Good morning.” Rose glanced over her shoulder as Cara rushed into my
bedroom. “What’s so funny?”
“I don’t know. She’s been laughing a lot these past days. It started when
she spotted me reading romances.”
I led Rose through the living room and gestured to her blue suitcases.
“You can change after we eat. I made sure your clothes were packed and
brought here.”
“What?” Rose stopped and looked at the five cases. “Hold on. These are
actually my bags from my condo.”
I smiled. “Correct.”
Rose let go of my hand. “Why is my stuff here? Who packed? Wait. Who
went into my condo?”
“They’re newly assigned men. I’m still learning their names.”
“Dima, you have people go into my place and. . .” She stopped speaking
as Barbara Whiskers crept from behind one suitcase, trotted over to me, and
rubbed against the bottom of my robe. “Why is my cat here?”
“I assumed she would be lonely without you these days.”
“Days?” She raised her hands in the air. “Wait a minute.”
“We discussed this last night. You’re staying with me for a few weeks.
You’re giving me peace through a rough storm.”
“Dima, we never clarified the—”
“My cock clarified.”
She blinked. “Fine, but I didn’t tell you to have a bunch of people invade
my privacy and move my cat around.”
I wanted to pet Barbara Whiskers. She purred and rubbed against my leg.
However, I’d learned about moments like this when dealing with my mother.
It was always best to stand still and keep quiet when a woman sounded
So, I stood there and watched her.
She raised her eyebrows. “What?”
“Are you done?”
“Do I need to say more?”
I’m not sure.
I waited another minute and then risked it. “Perhaps, I acted too quickly.”
“You moved me in. You had people just get my stuff and cat from my
condo without asking me.”
I frowned. “I don’t know why, but I get irritated when you say she’s your
She held her hands out. “That’s my cat.”
“I’m really starting to like her.” I lowered and fell into my urge of petting
her. “And from now on, I will never have men come into your condo and
pack your things. That was my mistake.”
She looked like she wanted to say more, but couldn’t figure out the words.
I tried to read what she could be thinking and failed. Perhaps, it was the
fact that I desperately wanted everything to be okay between us. I needed her
happy and calm. I didn’t want Rose to run off. I couldn’t fuck up the cues.
She was too damn important.
When I finished petting Barbara, I stood and gazed at Rose. “I’m going to
make mistakes.”
She pursed her lips.
“And it’s not just because I have Asperger’s. It’s because I’m not used to
having a woman around me for this long and I’m excited. Perhaps. . .to
excited.” I dug my hand into my robe’s pocket and pulled out the extra note
pad and small pencil in there.
Next, I made a small note.
Rose gets mad when I have my men pack her things without her
I thought about the other things she said and jotted down something else.
She also thinks that Barbara Whiskers is only her cat.
I stared at the last sentence and then placed another note under it.
Why does she think that?
I closed the pad and returned my view to her.
She looked at the pad. “What did you write down?”
I handed it to her.
She appeared shocked as she grabbed and then opened it. My body tensed
while she read. I wasn’t sure what she would make of my note taking.
Surprisingly, a grin replaced her frown. “What?”
“When I write down things, I can remember them easier. It stays trapped
in my mind.”
“Okay, but. . .” She closed the pad and handed it back to me. “Barbara
Whiskers is my cat.”
“That doesn’t make you her owner.” I extended my hand.
Frowning, she took it.
I led her toward the front. “I feed Barbara and check on her well-being.”
She kept my pace. “I do too.”
“Who was going to feed her this morning?”
“Okay. That’s fair.”
We passed my bathroom. Upon seeing it, the memories of our time last
night made my cock jerk. I would never see my balcony or bathroom in the
same way again.
Moving forward, I looked at her. “And your thoughts on the other note?”
“I agree with the part about you not having people in my place without my
“You don’t like that.”
“I don’t.”
“Then, it won’t happen again.” I placed the pad in my robe pocket. I kept
my other thoughts secret—the ones that would need to be left unsaid. The
sort that would probably scare her.
After the sex in the bathroom, I’d wrote the order to Edwin have my men
pack her things. I had a set mission in my head in that moment and waking up
this morning, I still felt the same way. I wanted Rose to stay. And not just for
a few weeks. I needed her in my bed full time. I’d opened up to her fully, and
she accepted. She didn’t freak out about the Asperger’s like I thought she
For the life of me, I still didn’t understand why I’d confessed it to her. I
could have simply just fucked her and went to sleep. But this feeling of
confession poured over me. I needed her to see the inside of me—the man
behind the mask. And I yearned for her to see it all. . .and accept it.
“How long have you been writing down notes like that?”
“It started around my first week in boarding school. I would write down a
list of people I was thinking of killing.”
“You were bullied a lot in the beginning?”
“Yes. There some rich elite assholes that found me odd and easy to pick
on. They’d had their cliques already formed, and I had no one.”
“So, you starting make a list.”
“The naughty list. You must understand that with the way my mother left,
I felt alone and abandoned.”
She frowned.
“Therefore, I took out my aggression on the bullies. I slowly beat the shit
out of each person on the naughty list, taking my time, one by one. I would
catch one by surprise and alone—the shower, their bed, studying in the
library, and right on the toilet. It didn’t matter where they were or what they
were doing.”
“Holy shit. Did they learn their lessons?”
“Respect was given. And I made many friends just from them being
terrified that they would be next.”
Edwin met us at the balcony doors. “Good morning.”
I nodded.
“Mr. Romano arrived this morning to see you. I explained that you were
asleep. He said he would wait for you to wake up.” Edwin held a
disapproving expression. “We have placed him in your library and provided
several snacks.”
“He requested to have. . .” Edwin appeared closed to vomiting. “A hot dog
with everything on it and a bag of chips.”
What does Marcelo want?
Confused, I slipped my thumb along Rose’s palm. “Edwin, when you
asked Marcelo what did he want to drink, what did he say?”
Edwin spoke, “A whiskey on the rocks.”
He broke his boxing training. Whatever the news is, it won’t be good.
“Have him join us on the balcony.”
“Yes, sir.”
We stepped onto the balcony.
I guided Rose to the table and pulled out her chair.
“Thank you, Dima.” She lowered into it.
A cool breeze blew through her hair and brought her scent my way. Bright
blue painted the sunny sky. Far below, a couple walked hand-in-hand on the
white sand.
“This view is even better during the day.”
“I was going to say the same thing about you.” Smiling, I went to my seat
and studied my freshly wiped table. Instantly, I thought about how I had bent
her over it. Rose’s sexy moans played in my head.
“Mmmhmm.” I formed my lips into a wicked smile. “After last night, this
balcony will never be the same to me.”
“I hope that’s a good thing.”
“Very good thing.”
Dishes and glasses clattered near us, signaling the entrance of my staff.
They carted out our breakfast and set up the table. Savory steam rose from
the dishes.
They’d given her the same dish. “This actually looks delicious.”
“If you want anything else, just ask.”
“I’m quite aware of that.” She gestured to everything around her. “You
have an amazing staff that has kept me happy and comfortable.”
“I’m glad you like it here.”
Because I don’t plan on letting you go home.
This would be a sticky situation to navigate, but one that I would need to
do. She comforted me. Gave my mind peace. Warmed my heart. And my
cock loved her the most. Her body made it explode.
She also listened to my confession last night and didn’t seem awkward. At
least, I hoped I’d correctly read her response.
This could work.
The glass doors opened. Marcelo stepped onto the balcony and glanced at
Rose. “I see that she’s still alive.”
Rose scowled at him. “I’m really starting to take offense now.”
Holding several newspapers, he gazed at her robe and then mine. “Have
you both read the papers?”
I stabbed into my eggs and watched the gooey yellow liquid spill. “Are
you hungry, Marcelo?”
“I’m not. I just had a hotdog and some chips.” Marcelo placed the
newspapers on the table between both of our plates and then went over to the
chair across from us. The one that Viktor used to sit in.
I shook my head. “Don’t sit there.”
“Why not?”
“I’m not ready yet. Sit there.” I pointed to the one next to it.
“I don’t get. . .” He went to the other chair and sat down. “Whatever. I
don’t have time for this. We have several fires happening all over Paradise
“Ones that need to interrupt my breakfast?”
“Yes.” He gritted his teeth. “And ones that probably shouldn’t be
discussed in front of a reporter.”
Quickly, I dipped part of my bagel into the egg. “Rose is no longer
reporting on the Diamond Syndicate.”
She mumbled through her eggs. “What? I never said that.”
“We’re fucking now.” I took a bite of the yolk-stained bagel. “That means
the Diamond Syndicate is your family.”
She swallowed. “Wait a minute.”
“We’ll talk about this later.” I dipped more of my bagel into the yolk.
“Well the entire city has already heard about your new romance.” Marcelo
pointed to the newspapers. “They’re calling you Di-Rose. There’s hashtags
and everything.”
“No.” Rose froze in terror.
Marcelo winked at her. “Yes.”
Sighing, I put the bagel down, wiped my hands on the cloth napkin, and
picked up one of the papers. She did the same.
The first thing that greeted me was a black and white picture of Mayor
Parks and me squaring off. We’d had a nice conversation before I went into
the bathroom to straighten Rose out with my tongue.
Under that image was an old photo of Rose. In it, she stood at a podium
and spoke into a microphone. The headlines read, The Woman that Will
Destroy Paradise.
Rose opened her mouth in shock.
I placed the paper down and returned to my eggs. “This is nothing but
tabloid bullshit—”
“On the front page of Paradise News.” Marcelo gestured to the others.
“What about those? One is the New York times.”
Rose shrieked. “No. No. No.”
Quickly, she picked up the New York Times and read out the headline.
“Known Mafia Boss cock blocks the Paradise City’s Mayor.”
I smirked.
She put that one down and read the other. “All We Know About
Paradise’s Helen of Troy?”
I checked that one and spotted tons of photos of her. “You were a cute
“No. No. No.” She set the paper down and stood. “I have to check my
phone. I’m sure my family has been losing their mind. They probably have a
PR team heading down here. I don’t need more drama.”
“Do you need me to do anything?” I frowned.
“No. I’m sorry. I’ll be right back.” She rushed off.
Marcelo watched her leave.
I scowled. “Be careful with those eyes.”
“Calm down, buddy. I don’t want no parts of this Di-Rose situation.” He
shook his head. “We have other problems.”
“Due to your new budding romance, Mayor Parks has decided to assemble
a new task force. I don’t know the name yet, but their sole mission is to take
down the Diamond Syndicate.”
“Your people on the inside told you this?”
“They did. Parks called an emergency meeting last night. An hour after
you cock blocked him.”
“Don’t worry.” I returned to my eggs. “I’m going to get rid of him.”
“You can’t kill the mayor right now. Not while we’re busy cleaning up
Leo’s murders and burying Syndicate bodies. We still haven’t told everyone
that Pedro is dead.”
My head throbbed. “Fuck. I knew I was forgetting something last week.”
“Fuck is right. Coffin Cheaters have been creeping around all the districts
asking about Pedro.”
“Have your men dress Pedro up and place him in—”
“Oh, no, buddy. I’m not doing fucking hair and makeup on a corpse, and
my men aren’t doing it either.”
“Fine. I’ll deal with that and Parks.”
“Dima, killing Parks has to be off. If he shows up dead, the Syndicate will
be the first people everyone looks at.”
“You’re correct.”
“I am.”
“But, I don’t care.”
“You need the Syndicate to give a unanimous vote. You don’t have mine.
Lei is too busy to give you his, and you don’t even want to bother the West
right now.” Marcelo leaned back in his chair. “Which brings us to why I’m
“The West.”
“What about the West?”
“Chanel’s body is missing?”
I quirked my brows. “What do you mean?”
“Someone stole her body out of Serenity funeral home.”
“How did you find out?”
“Kashmere woke me up to guns in my face.”
The pain doubled in my head. “Did any of your men die?”
“She shot a few in their legs. All basic injuries. However. . .” Marcelo’s
jaw twitched. “If Kashmere comes back into my bedroom like that again, I
will kill her and anyone else in the Killer Crows.”
I no longer had an appetite. “We don’t need a fight between the South and
Marcelo pointed to me. “Then, make sure Kashmere learns some fucking
respect. I come to you as an alternative to what I planned on doing this
I could imagine the alternative—Marcelo and crew shooting up the West.
“I’m glad you kept your calm. That’s how we must react during these dark
“Besides, Chanel and Romeo, the rest of the Killer Crows have always
treated Rowe Street Mob coldly.” He hit the table. “I’m done with that shit.”
This city is boiling hot with anger. Everyone is feeling it.
I placed my hands on the table and knitted my fingers together. “You must
understand that the history between the South and West is a. . .dark and
devasting situation.”
“Rowe Street Mob didn’t fuck with them.”
“Yet, some of their relatives may have.”
Marcelo sighed.
“Just be sure to handle the West with great care. Due to the past, there’s
mistrust that you have nothing to do with.”
He looked to be considering that.
I had to walk him away from any thoughts of having Rowe Street Mob go
after the West.
Damn it, Kashmere. Next time come to me.
I shut away my aggravation. “Why did she come to you about Chanel’s
missing body in the first place?”
“The funeral home had a video tape of a bright green van parked up to the
back of the funeral home. Two men in dark green ski masks and bright green
clothes jumped out, broke in, and took the body.” Marcelo pulled out his
phone, pressed the screen, and then handed it to me. “Look at how the guy
jumps out from the passenger side.”
“I see it.” Pissed, I nodded. “He looks like he’s leaping from a high cliff.”
“And who usually does that?”
“Lei.” I gave him the phone back.
“I’m thinking of shooting up the East too.” Marcelo grabbed it.
“Marcelo, you’ve been clear-minded during our recent deaths. I need you
to find that calm again.”
Marcelo sneered. “Lei is supposed to be going after his father in Glory,
not stealing fucking bodies from the morgue!”
“I agree.”
“Not to mention that he’s pretending that it’s Rowe Street Mob doing it!”
“We’re not sure if that was his intentions—”
“Don’t bullshit me, Dima. You think it was a coincidence that Lei used
green on everything?”
Absolutely not.
Marcelo put his phone back in his pockets. “Lei wanted the Killer Crows
to bother Rowe Street Mob, while he did only God knows what to Chanel’s
I held up my hand, not wanting any hypotheticals on Lei with Chanel’s
corpse. “Listen. Lei isn’t that twisted.”
“Then, what does he need her body for?”
“Perhaps, he wants to say goodbye on his terms.”
“You don’t need the actual body for that. Get a fucking picture or
something! He’s causing us more problems.” Marcelo hit the table again.
My orange juice swayed in my glass.
Marcelo ran shaking fingers through his hair. “It’s bad enough that his
father has killed everybody.”
I studied the weariness around Marcelo’s eyes. Although he’d only known
Chanel and Romeo for five years, he was clearly having difficulty dealing
with the deaths and chaos too.
I took out my mini book and made a note.
I’ll need to look after Marcelo more.
“You need some rest.” I cleared my throat. “I’ll talk to Lei about getting
Chanel’s body back.”
“Good luck with that. He’s closed the East.”
I held my mini book in mid-air. “Excuse me?”
“Lei delivered a statement to all the news networks. Every store,
restaurant, theater, bar, everything in the East is shut down until after
Chanel’s funeral.” Marcelo sneered. “Apparently, a funeral without a body.”
I scratched my head. “So no business in the East?”
“No nothing. No one can even go in or out of the East of Paradise. It’s
fucking North Korea over there.”
I wagged my finger. “He’s Chinese.”
“I know he’s fucking Chinese, but he’s acting like a communist dictator.
The Dragon Gates are shut. I didn’t even know they could be closed. It’s a
barrier in other places.”
Jesus Christ, Lei. What are you doing?
Marcelo continued, “He’s trapped people over there while he mourns. My
spies say that everyone has to wear black, not blue.” Marcelo’s hands wildly
moved around as he spoke. “There are road blocks everywhere! Especially
for Caviar Lime Highway exits going into the East. Do you know how much
harder it is to get to the North from the South with the East locked?”
“You must go through the West.”
“And when I did, three red vans tailed me until I left.”
“The Killer Crows are on edge.”
“I get it, but I don’t have to like it.” Marcelo shook his head. “You have to
get Lei to open the East back up. That severely hurts business on all our
sides, especially with the West getting anxious.”
Can this get any worse?
“And the News reporters are outside of the Dragon Gates reporting. It’s all
gone viral on social media by the way.”
“Chaos after chaos. This will further help Park’s goal to take us down.”
I’d thought that I would be spending a relaxing day with Rose. It appeared
the world had other things in mind.
The Funeral

hree erratic days passed.
T During those days I raced to the East and then the West, trying to get
some sense of togetherness for the Diamond Syndicate. The East wouldn’t let
me inside. I almost had my people shoot down Lei’s men, but enough death
had come. Plus, I needed him to refocus back on his father.
Then, I returned to the West. All of Romeo and Chanel’s cars were parked
throughout Platinum Row. People had covered their vehicles in flowers,
pictures, lit candles, and even teddy bears.
Breathtaking murals of Chanel covered so many buildings I lost count.
One showed her with Paradise city on her shoulders.
Another had her hugging Romeo in heaven. Angels watched over. Jesus
sat on a throne, smiling at them both.
When I arrived at the Jones Estates, men outlined the property and held
machine guns. It was clear Killer Crows now had mistrust when it came to
the entire Diamond Syndicate.
While Frederick opened the door for me with a friendly smile, he
explained that I was not to enter. Kashmere refused a meeting until the
Syndicate had her sister’s body back in Serenity Funeral Home and her
siblings’ murderer was discovered.
This continued each day—Lei’s shut down and Kashmere’s refusal to talk.
A few times, I contemplated bombing both sections of Paradise. I pushed
those urges away, remembering that everyone was mourning.
With these unexpected deaths, I was learning the many reactions to
mourning—grief and anxiety, anger and guilt. What could Paradise expect
from the Diamond Syndicate? We were human just like everyone else. And
due to the West’s and East’s grief, the city remained in turmoil.
I wish there were a proper script on how to grieve that all of us could
understand and abide by.
For those days’ lunches, I checked on Viktor’s mother—Mrs. Semenov.
She’d read the newspaper about my exploits and liked discussing it during
our meals. I had a repair man assess the house and fix anything that needed it.
Before I would leave, I gave her a big hug and then checked on her progress
with her nurses.
I hoped to God Viktor was happy with what I was doing.
Each evening I dropped the Syndicate’s problems and went back to my
condo where Rose remained. News vehicles had camped outside of her
building, waiting for a scoop. She spent a lot of days on the phone
disagreeing with different Walsh family members. Many times she set them
straight and reconfirmed the fact that she could spend time with anyone she
They worried about my criminal activities. They hated that my violent
reputation could bring shame to the Walsh name. They all threatened to shut
her out if the affair didn’t stop.
On the third day, she told them all to kiss her ass.
However, I could tell that on some points her family had slipped their
logic into her mind.
Would she ever be able to accept my life?
On that third day, I brought her with me to Mrs. Semenov’s for lunch. It
was a hit. Both women were infatuated with the other. They laughed and
chatted the whole time, ignoring any comment or statement from me.
Before we left, Mrs. Semenov cried in Rose’s arms and told her she
missed her son.
On the fourth day, I gave up on all Syndicate business. Mrs. Semenov had
Viktor’s body cremated. Rose and I attended the private ceremony.
After that, I couldn’t go to the East or West.
All I could do was return to bed. And Rose didn’t question it. In fact, she
joined me.
What would I do without her?
Rose, Barbara, and I remained in my master suite the rest of the day,
nibbling food and reading romances.
That evening, I put Barbara in her own suite and fucked Rose for hours in
We spent the rest of the week doing the same—tasting and teasing,
fucking and sucking. When I wasn’t inside of her, I was next to her, gazing
into her eyes and inhaling her flowery scent.
She was healing me. I could feel her seeping into my darkness and adding
brightness to it. Her affection and attention was the thread. It stitched my
open wounds closed.
However, this week brought new challenges for my mind—ones that I
couldn’t hide from.
And then there was the funeral.
I’ll miss you, Romeo and Chanel. . .so much that. . .Paradise will never be
the same.
On the Monday of the next week, rain poured down all around us in the
cemetery. A cold breeze blew. Although early in the afternoon, shades of
gray painted the sky. Oak tree branches hung low, weighed down by the
storm and the grief radiating from us.
So many people came out to say goodbye.
I had my left arm wrapped around Rose’s waist. I held a large umbrella
with my right hand. She’d worn a beautiful black suit that showed off her
figure, but was very classy.
The West combined Romeo and Chanel’s funeral into one. I was sure all
of us were thankful. No one wanted to return to the cemetery twice to bury
people that had caused so much loss in our hearts. They’d held a closed
ceremony in Ebenezer African Methodist Church, not allowing anyone that
wasn’t family to enter, not even the Syndicate.
However, the cemetery burial was open.
It was important for all of the Syndicate to be there for the West. I called
Marcelo and left messages with Lei to push that fact. There needed to be
repair within our shattered family. The first step would be supporting the
Killer Crows in every way.
But as I scanned the area, I knew the Syndicate was more divided than
ever. While the Killer Crows sat across from us, united in all red, Marcelo
and I stood together on the other side of the graves. Our men were behind us
—a sea of yellow and green suits with red roses on their lapels.
The East’s blue made no appearance. Lei had either not gotten my
message or forbid his side to come.
Perhaps, that was a sign of respect, since it was his father who did this.
Diamonds draped every women in Chanel’s family—ears, neck, and
wrists. Somehow they sparkled in the rain pour.
Chanel, would have loved that.
Two opened graves resided between us—the very symbol of what had
separated everyone. Their closed caskets were next to them. Piles of rain-
drenched roses topped them. Romeo’s casket was full. Chanel’s was still
Dressed in a red suit, Kashmere scowled at Marcelo and me, showing her
disappointment for not returning Chanel’s body.
I’m so sorry. I tried. Trust me.
Guilt rose in my chest.
In addition, Kashmere had Chanel’s gold guns holstered on her sides as if
that morning she considered shooting us in our heads. Her uncle, Barry stood
next to her.
How am I going to fix this?
A bird cawed right above me.
Full of grief, I gazed up at the tree and tensed.
Two black crows perched on a wet, low hanging branch. Every few
minutes they shook the raindrops off their feathers and cawed. And for a
second I wondered if that was Romeo and Chanel telling me goodbye.
Give me a sign. Romeo? Chanel? Is that you?
One crowed.
No. Don’t be crazy. Don’t start trying to talk to birds.
I returned my view to the funeral attendees. Through the rain, I scanned
the rest of the space.
Pastor Martin held a small red umbrella and prayed over the opened
graves. “The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.”
Like all from the West, he wore blood red. It was no surprise of his loyalty
to the Killer Crows. He’d been one himself, before leaving the life and
serving God. “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside
still waters.”
Everyone else stood on the left and right. The left showed grieving
Paradise residents—from rich to poor, from saints to sinners. It made me
happy to see so much love given to Romeo and Chanel.
The right had politicians making a show of mourning in the hopes of
getting more votes in the election. Mayor Parks, Governor Wiley, and even
Senator Ellis stood together in black and wore fake masks of grief on their
faces. However, Parks couldn’t keep his mask on as long as the other men.
From time to time, he glanced my way and glared.
“He restores my soul.” Pastor Martin’s voice rose. “He leads me in paths
of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
“Lord, why?” Romeo’s and Chanel’s grandmother raised her fist in the air
and shook it. The movement caused her red fur to fall from her shoulders. A
man caught the heavy coat before it fell in the mud. Tears spilled down her
wrinkled brown face. “It’s not right!”
A few went and helped her up from her seat.
Crying, she walked off with them. “It’s not right to bury your
grandchildren! It’s not right!”
Pastor Martin dabbed at his eyes and continued, “Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. For you are with
me. Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
Tears spilled down Kashmere’s face as she stared at the caskets.
How will she handle all that power? She’s too young.
“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” Pastor
Martin moved the umbrella, let the rain drops hit his face, and gazed up at the
sky. “You anoint my head with oil.”
A few women cried in the back.
Pastor Martin got back under the umbrella. His voice cracked. “My cup
Several men murmured, “Yes, Lord.”
Marcelo leaned my way and whispered, “They won’t forgive us for not
getting Chanel’s body back?”
I couldn’t even look his way.
Marcelo sighed. “We’ll have to prepare for war.”
Wiping the tears off her cheeks, Kashmere turned her view back to me.
Rage filled those eyes.
“Dima.” Marcelo nudged me.
I stopped looking at Kashmere and frowned at him. “What?”
He kept his voice low. “Look behind you and to your left, but don’t make
it obvious.”
Pastor Martin walked to the center, right between both graves. “Surely
goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.”
I turned and spotted Lei standing under an oak tree that was far from us.
Rain poured down him. His dark blue trench coat and long hair was drenched
with water.
What the hell did you do with Chanel’s body?
Lei’s two main people flanked him—Duck and Chen. Always the most
logical, Chen held an umbrella and wore a thick rain jacket.
Duck was the craziest Four Ace. He took more pleasure in killing men
with a blade than with a gun. Today, his wet silver hair stuck to the sides of
his face. He held a long sword at his side as if expecting people to come for
I don’t know what to do with any of this.
Letting out a long breath, I turned back to the grave.
“And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” Pastor Martin’s voice
cracked again. “Amen.”
In unison, the Killer Crows rose from their chairs and drew invisible holy
crosses with their fingers.
Pastor Martin did the same and walked over to the caskets. “Thirty years
ago, I married Kenneth and Tina Jones—Romeo and Chanel’s parents. And
each time they had a child, I baptized them. Romeo was a fussy baby. He
cried the entire time.”
A few Killer Crows snickered.
Pastor Martin held out his arms and appeared to carry an invisible baby.
He gazed down at the emptiness. “Chanel was proper and dutiful. I spoke the
Lord’s words over her and she just stared up at me with nothing but love in
her eyes.”
What will happen when the Killer Crows find out Leo killed them? What
will the West do then?
“I buried their father many years later. That is the way of life. I
understood.” Pastor Martin lowered his hands. “But, never did I believe that I
would bury them too. I prayed to be dead by then.”
A woman cried out, “Jesus, help us!”
Still holding the umbrella, Pastor Martin put his hands together in prayer.
“I now beg God to give us peace and mercy, especially in the West.”
“Father, please!”
“Paradise cannot continue this way.” Pastor Martin’s eyes filled with
pleading. “The West will not survive anymore death.”
A few murmured, “Amen.”
“I asked God.” Pastor Martin gestured to the sky and then motioned to all
of us. “I now ask you—his children. Can we put the guns down? Can we let
go of this violence?”
Kashmere turned away and left. Killer Crows opened a clear path for her.
Several in red left with her.
Pastor Martin watched her walk away. “God, help us.”

lthough gray storm clouds hovered above, the rain had ended. The chill in
A the breeze lightened too. And those two crows flew away.
At the end of the funeral, the caskets were lowered into the ground.
Everyone began to leave. Yet, many remained and conversed.
Marcelo, Rose, and I stayed. Our men kept their stance behind us.
I hoped to get an opportunity to talk to any of the top Killer Crows under
Kashmere. I needed to find an in with them. However, they’d all left when
Kashmere did.
I checked the right. The Senator and Governor rushed off to their limos as
if fearing to get criminal dirt on their polished shoes. Meanwhile, Mayor
Parks faced my way and glared. His guards surrounded him.
Anytime. Any place. With or without your men too.
I gave him a beautiful smile.
Rose shifted against me. “Johnathan is probably pissed.”
“Does it matter?”
“It does. I stormed off on our date, left with another man, and haven’t
texted or dialed since. The ladylike thing to do would be to apologize.”
“I’ll need to have a conversation with Johnathan.”
I frowned at her. “That won’t be necessary.”
“I’ve known Johnathan since college, Dima. He’s always at my family’s
house for holiday functions. I should say something to him right now.” She
left my hold and looked at me. “Is that okay with you? Or do you want to
leave right now?”
I didn’t like Parks having the pleasure of her company, even if it was at a
cemetery in front of me.
But I was learning that Rose thought that she was independent. I needed to
maintain the mirage as much as possible.
“Of course. It’s fine.” I kissed her cheek, gave her the umbrella, and
gestured at my men to go with her. “I’ll be right here.”
“Alright. Then, I’ll be right back.” She headed over there.
Ten of my men followed.
Parks raised his brows and folded his arms across his shoulders.
You better be on your best behavior.
Marcelo watched her go. “This is going to be interesting.”
“Their conversation?”
“No.” He shifted his view to me. “Your jealousy.”
“If I were you, I would focus on the crumbling of Syndicate’s peace.” I
gazed back at the oak tree further away. Lei still stood there with Duck and
Chen. While his two men nervously scanned the area with their weapons out,
Lei’s attention focused on the gravediggers. There were two men for each
grave, gathering up soil with their shovels and pouring it into the holes.
Why look at the holes if you still have one of the bodies? What’s going on
with you, Lei?
I sighed. “Damn it.”
“We should talk to him.” I walked off.
The rest of my men went with me.
Marcelo hurried to my side. “I don’t even know why we’re wasting our
time with Lei. He’s clearly not in his right mind.”
“When has he ever been in his right mind?”
Marcelo must have been thinking about the answer because he never
Thunder grumbled above us. The already gray sky darkened more.
Walking forward wasn’t that easy either, small puddles littered the cemetery.
Mud gathered around my shoes.
When we approached Lei, I wasn’t shocked that his gaze remained locked
on the grave diggers.
I went to Lei’s left and watched the diggers too.
How will this begin? We’ll need a proper approach.
Marcelo got to Lei’s right and looked at him. “Why did you take her
I let out an exasperated breath. “Where’s the social foreplay, Marcelo?
You’re the one that’s good at these things.”
A skeptical expression covered Marcelo’s face. “Now you’re apparently
the king of social rules?”
Lei ignored us.
Marcelo wasn’t giving up. “Lei, why did you do it and then all in green?
That caused a beef between the Killer Crows and—”
“Do you have a problem with it?” Lei kept his gaze ahead.
“It’s been a long week, buddy.” Marcelo scowled. “Watch how you
respond to me. Be mindful that I’ll put a fucking bullet in your—”
“Everyone relax.” I stepped forward and watched both of them, ready to
get between the two men if necessary. “Lei, we need an explanation about
Chanel’s missing body?”
Lei turned to me. “Did the Diamond Syndicate pay for the funeral?”
“We did. It was difficult. Kashmere didn’t want to take our money.”
“I know.” Lei frowned. “She wouldn’t take mine.”
“I had to bypass the Killer Crows and send the money directly to the
funeral home, limo service, Pastor, and everyone else.” I pointed at Lei.
“Now, answer me. I need you to return Chanel’s body.”
Lei went back to watching the diggers shoveling dirt into the almost full
holes. “That’s my business.”
“It’s Diamond Syndicate business,” Marcelo corrected.
Lei had no reply.
Marcel shook his head. “And what about Leo?”
“I’m handling it.”
Marcelo stepped in front of him. “Then, Leo is still alive?”
Duck pointed his sword at Marcelo. “Get back.”
Lei glared at Marcelo. “While it may have been easy for you to kill your
piece of shit father. Mine is harder.”
Marcelo fisted his hands at his sides. “What did you say, corpse-fucker?”
Duck took an inch forward.
I stepped in front and blocked Duck. “When will Leo be taken care of?”
“I’m handling it.” Lei turned around and walked off.
Marcelo began to storm after him.
I put my hand in front and grabbed his shoulder. “Don’t. Lei needs time.”
Meanwhile, Duck put his sword down and blew a kiss to Marcelo.
“Maybe, next time.”
Marcelo put his hand out, caught the invisible kiss, and planted it on his
crotch. “Fuck you.”
“Goodbye, gentlemen.” Giving me a sad smile, Chen half-bowed and left.
Marcelo shook his head. “These next days are going to be a shit show.”
“And we’ll have to clean up as much shit as possible.”
“Do you think Lei can keep his father from killing all of us?”
“I do.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“Because I have my men at a distance watching Leo. The tracker is still on
him. Leo has no idea. Meanwhile, Lei’s men are surrounding him. This
situation is by far the only one somewhat in my control.”
We watched Lei walk over to one of the three motorcycles parked on the
edge of the cemetery. He jumped on the dark blue one, started it, and sped
away. Chen and Duck did the same and rushed after him.
Marcelo looked at me. “After all this shit, I may step away. I may give
Gunner the South.
“Gunner is a fine man, but I want to work with you.”
“I’m growing on you?”
“Like bacteria. Luckily some bacteria is good.” I turned around and
checked Chanel and Romeo’s gravesite. A hill of dirt packed both. Now, only
a few people gathered around.
“You always wanted control of Paradise, Dima. Maybe, you want the
South. What would you give me for it?”
“Weeks ago, I would have jumped at the opportunity for more of Paradise
to rule.”
“With Romeo’s and Chanel’s deaths and even. . .Viktor.” I swallowed and
gazed up at the branch where the two crows had sat. For some reason, my
heart broke at the emptiness. “I’m finding that I no longer want control. I’m
not even sure about the Diamond Syndicate.”
“You’re having the same thoughts as me.”
“I need something. . .new.”
I scanned the area for Parks and Rose. While I didn’t see Parks, I found
Rose with my men and. . .my mother. They both chatted and laughed.
My body tensed.
When did Mom arrive?
“I understand,” Marcelo said. “Romeo’s and Chanel’s deaths have made
me wonder what the true point of life is? Why are we fucking here? To be
sad? To be broken?”
I squinted my eyes at Mom and Rose as if that could help me better hear
their conversation.
Marcelo continued, “I have the money. The power. The bitches and cars.
The planes and bars. And don’t forget, tons of yachts. Of course I have a big
dick and tons of pussy to fill.”
What would Mom be telling Rose? What does. . .Mom think about her?
Marcelo continued, “Yet, some days I wake up and feel like I have
nothing at all.”
I looked at him. “I know that feeling.”
“You were actually paying attention this time?”
“A little.”
“Good. I guess.” He stared at me. “So with loneliness and shit. . .I’m not
the only one?”
“Not at all.”
“Then. . .if this depressing shit is normal then. . .” Marcelo shrugged. “I’ll
remain in the South until we figure out what’s up with the Diamond
Syndicate. We need to keep Paradise safe.”
“Which means that we remain in control until it is.”
“And when it is safe?”
“Then, we have this talk again. Perhaps. . .we’ll both retire.”
Marcelo laughed. “And what will you do with yourself, if you can’t
control the city.”
“Hmmm.” An odd flicker of light sparked in my head. “Actually, there are
other ways to control a city.”
I turned to him and grinned. “Who’s challenging Parks in Paradise’s
mayoral race?”
“Fuck. I don’t know. This shit just started. I think the other side is still
looking at two guys.”
“Find out for me.” I patted Marcelo and left.
He called back at me. “Why?”
“We need a new mayor.” I headed over to Mom and Rose, getting more
mud on my shoes.
This is going to be odd.
When I arrived, Mom frowned at the shoes as if I’d dirtied them on
Usually, she kept her grayish blonde hair curled around her shoulders.
Today, she had it brushed back into a bun. A black velvet hat topped her
head. Two black peacock feathers stuck out the side. Like Rose, she wore a
black suit. In fact, both outfits appeared very similar.
Sunglasses hid her eyes. That told me that she’d been crying all day. She
didn’t like to show weakness in public.
“Good afternoon, Mom.” I went to her, leaned down, and kissed her
cheek. “If I knew you were coming, I would have picked you up.”
“I wasn’t sure until the last minute. Chanel was the gun-wielding daughter
I never had. And Romeo wasn’t my son, but I loved him just like he was.”
She sniffled. “Why would Leo do that?”
I whispered, “Mom, you can’t say that too loud.”
“If the West doesn’t forgive the Syndicate, then they would be in their
right.” She dabbed behind her sunglasses. “I hope Leo rots in hell.”
I hugged her.
She whispered in my ear, “Is she the one, my love?”
I leaned away and let her go. A shy smile appeared on my face. I wiped it
away, remembering my men surrounded us. “I should walk you to your
Mom raised her eyebrows. “She calls you Dima.”
I took Rose’s hand, knowing she didn’t understand what my Mom meant.
Mom pouted. “Dima?”
I kept a stern expression. “Mom, we’ll talk about it later.”
“With my face, you can’t tell. But, I’m getting old, Dima.” She moved her
glasses and looked up into my eyes. “It’s time for grandkids.”
Shocked, I held up my free hand. “Mom—”
“No more funerals. I want to wear pretty dresses and go to weddings,
birthdays, and baptisms. This is sad!”
I leaned forward and kept a low voice. “Mom, we shouldn’t talk like this
now here.”
“Why not?”
“We’re at a funeral.”
“Isn’t this the best place to talk about life?”
“No. Actually the theme is death.”
Rose gave me a sad smile.
Mom waved my comment away. “I want to celebrate life today. And I
need a drink.”
I let out a long breath, knowing what was coming next.
“I want you both to come to dinner with me. I’m hungry and I’m sad and I
don’t want to be alone.” Mom pointed to Rose. “And her hips are wide and
strong and she has a beautiful face, Dima. Give me one baby to hold in my
Apparently, she’s had a few drinks too.
A tear spilled down her cheek.
I wiped it away. “Mom, that’s enough.”
Rose gave out a nervous laugh.
“See.” Mom pointed to her. “Rose is completely fine discussing
I placed my hand in my pocket and played with the king chess piece.
Mom eyed me. “Are you both coming to dinner or not?”
I frowned and looked at Rose.
Her smile brightened. “I think it would be nice.”
“I really am liking her.” Mom clapped and gently took Rose’s hand.
Both women walked off. Not sure what side to get on, I went to Rose’s
free hand and grabbed it.
A second later, I caught my mother smiling at me. “Edwin said you fired
the Chef last week. Why, darling?”
“Please, stay out of my kitchen.”
“I will, when you have a nice, young woman overseeing the duties of your
penthouse.” She smiled at Rose. “Until then, I have to struggle with the
burden of being the Lady of the Penthouse.”
“That’s not a thing, Mom.”
Herring Under a Fur Coat

ray clouds hovered over. While it had stopped raining, I was sure that
G more would come soon. The clouds hung heavy and dark.
Most of Caviar Lime Highway was flooded.
Mrs. Ivanov’s house must’ve been in the North, but outside of Paradise.
We rode her pale yellow limo away from the city. Minutes later, her
chauffer took us off the highway and down a two lane road outlined by
mountains and farm country.
I sat on Dima’s left. His mother sat across from us and watched me with a
tickled expression.
So far, I wasn’t sure what I thought of her. Clearly, she was a beautiful
woman. Her hair was a mixture of gray white and light blonde. Her face
appeared pampered like she’d had surgery on it and stayed connected with all
new spa and beauty inventions.
And her style represented the highest level of elegance and sophistication.
Her black double-breasted blazer was tailored to perfection. I guessed it was
Versace due to the side stitching and peak-lapel design. Black Jimmy Choo
heels completed the look.
There was no doubt she meant business about her beauty.
“We should chat.” Mrs. Ivanov crossed her long legs. “Dima’s rebel phase
was very odd.”
“Is story time necessary, Mom?”
“I’m sure Rose wants to learn more about you.”
I smirked. “I would love to hear about Dima’s rebel phase.”
She leaned forward and looked at me. “Once, Dima returned home for
summer vacation and declared that he would be a rapper.”
“No way.” I opened my mouth in shock.
“The security would hear him freestyling in the shower.” She shook her
head. “He was horrible with his rhyming scheme, yet there were very
intelligent messages.”
Dima frowned at her. “Because you know tons about hip hop?”
I laughed.
“I was just happy you didn’t pick country music.”
The limo left the road and turned into a massive estate. Large gates
appeared. At the top of the iron gate, white valiant unicorns guarded a huge
yellow rose. I gaped at the structure as the limo drove under it.
Mrs. Ivanov spoke, “Did you have a rebel phase, Rose?”
“According to my family, my rebel phase hasn’t ended.”
“Oh.” Mrs. Ivanov leaned in and winked at me. “You’re the black sheep?”
“I am.”
“I was too.” She shook her head. “My family expected me to marry. And
when I did, I was supposed to serve my husband—cook, clean, and have his
children. No one asked me what I wanted to do.”
“I understand that completely.” I crossed my legs. “So, you never wanted
the traditional idea of a woman’s life?”
“When I was twelve, my mother died on her knees, scrubbing our kitchen.
She’d forgotten to eat for days too busy taking care of us and not herself.”
I found the idea of that odd.
My mother was the complete opposite. Once she called me, complaining
that one of her maids had taken off due to sickness and that it had forced her
to figure out what the kitchen staff needed to prepare for dinner. One would
have thought she’d been abused from all the whining.
Dima spoke, “Mom, you barely talk about my grandfather.”
“Because my father had bold beliefs and strong hands—ones that no one
could escape, not even my brothers.” She fisted her fingers in her lap. “He
built a small empire with stolen goods and thought he was a king. But he
I quirked my brows. “What happened to him?”
“Someone killed him.”
“Did they find out who?”
She gazed out of the window. “I have no idea. My brothers and I fled the
country after it.”
Hmmm. Doesn’t sound like that is a tough mystery to solve.
I left that topic alone and stared out the window too.
Two people in yellow suits opened another set of iron gates.
The limo drove through and continued down the road and ended at a
luxury manor. The towering structure reminded me of Walsh Estates.
When the limo parked in front, three older gray men stood outside,
donning designer suits and polished shoes. They were tall with muscular
builds similar to Dima. Gray hair highlighted their hair.
One opened the door. “How was it?”
“Sad.” Mrs. Ivanov left the limo. “I need a drink.”
Dima climbed out and offered me his hand.
I used it to exit the limo.
Dima gestured to the man. “Rose, This is my Uncle Kirill.”
“Nice to meet you.” I shook his hand.
The other two men came to me.
Dima nodded at them. “And this is Uncle Artyom and Uncle Maxim.”
“You’re a very beautiful woman.” Maxim kissed my hand. “If I was
“You would get shot,” Dima finished.
Maxim loudly laughed, so much that he had to hold his stomach.
Smiling, Artyom stepped to me and moved his hand around in the air.
Oh. He’s speaking to me in sign language.
Dima sighed. “He said hello.”
Maxim grinned. “Artyom said more than that, Dima.”
“What did he say?” I smiled.
Maxim spoke, “Artyom said, ‘Now that he’s seen you, his soul has
awakened and filled with the most enchanting light.’”
“That is so beautiful. Thank you.” I held out my hand to shake his.
Artyom signed something else and shook my hand.
Maxim translated, “He will forever be in your service.”
Dima rolled his eyes.
Mrs. Ivanov chuckled as she continued forward. “Come, Rose. Let the
boys catch up. I want to show you around.”
The three uncles turned to Dima. Their faces no longer held humor. Their
expressions were stern and serious.
Dima crossed his arms over his chest. “My uncles and I will need to catch
up on things, Rose. I’ll see you at dinner.”
Nodding, I walked off with Mrs. Ivanov.
Why do they look upset with him?
Mrs. Ivanov spotted me watching Dima talk to his uncles and waved it
away. “Don’t worry for Dima. Those are his uncles, respectfully requesting
an update on what’s going on in Paradise. Sometimes it’s difficult for the
older generation to let go of things.”
She guided me up the stairs. “Death is always bad for business. No matter
what sort of business. Don’t you agree?”
I approached this topic carefully by remaining quiet and nodding.
A butler opened the door. “Would you like tea, Ms. Walsh?”
“No, thank you.”
A staff waited by with their heads bowed.
And the grand tour began.
The mansion was massive. There was no way she showed me everything.
In the back there was a tennis court and croquet lawn. On the main level,
there was a swimming pool, billiards room, bowling alley, and wine cellar.
Upstairs was even bigger.
There, we only went into one room at the end of a long carpeted hallway.
She gestured for me to enter.
I did.
“This is Dima’s old bedroom.”
“Oh.” For some reason, excitement bubbled through me.
I walked further inside, drinking in every detail.
A king size bed stood in the center of the room, unlike most beds that had
one side of the bed close to the wall. No other furniture existed in the room.
Meanwhile, large oil paintings of Dima covered every inch of the walls.
“When Dima stays, he never sleeps in here anymore.” She frowned. “I
have no idea why.”
I took in the various paintings of him on the wall. They were all at
different stages of his life. One showed him as a baby. Others displayed him
growing into a little boy, complete with his private school uniforms on. Then,
there were the paintings of him as a teen. In each one, he looked
uncomfortably withdrawn and thoroughly annoyed that he was modeling for
the painting at all.
“Look at this beautiful art.” Mrs. Ivanov pointed to a few of them.
“Always Dima complained about my wanting to have these commissioned.
But now I’m sure he understands. Look at the many faces of my darling
“Very. . .cool.”
To say that his mother loved him would be a drastic understatement. I
didn’t have any children, so I couldn’t judge the way a mother loved her
child. However, I did think that the oil paintings were a bit much.
I was definitely still trying to figure her out. I hadn’t decided if I liked her
or not. I’d become protective of Dima. I hated how she left him at the
boarding school. I wasn’t a mother, but I found it unforgiveable.
But. . .sometimes things aren’t always so black and white.
Ms. Ivanov gave me an odd expression. “This is a big deal that Dima
brought you here.”
“Honestly, he didn’t bring me here. You invited us.”
“Dima would’ve said no, which would have told me that the woman with
him wasn’t important enough to be in my presence. He’s done so before.”
“If he is dating a woman for more than three dates, then I happen to bump
into them. I’ll invite them over and he always shook his head with a defiant
no.” She walked around me. “It told me they weren’t worthy to sit at my
table. They were just for his pleasure.”
I followed her with my gaze.
She pointed at me. “But with you, he was shy and nervous. I could tell my
first impression of you mattered. And then I invited you both over and he
didn’t clearly proclaim no.”
“Or he was sad at a funeral and hoped to spend time with his family.”
“Hmmm.” She strolled over to the painting of a preteen Dima. It was the
most awkward one in the room. His eyes held fear while a smile covered his
face. It was also the first image where he had on a school uniform.
Is this when he started going to boarding school?
I walked over to the painting with her.
“My son is on a different wave length.” She frowned at the image. “He
needs someone that can vibrate with him.”
She continued, “There are. . .things you may not know about him. I. . .”
I looked at her.
“I want to tell you now, so that if there is a problem, then you leave now
and not break his heart.”
“He told me about his having Asperger’s.”
“He did?” She quirked her brows.
She turned to me and moved in, closing a foot of space between us. “And
your thoughts?”
“I’m fine with it. I think he’s a brilliant, romantic man.”
She leaned her head to the side. “But there are reservations?”
“There are.” I cleared my throat. “Ones that deal with his position, not his
“His position?”
“The Diamond Syndicate.”
“Oh, that?” She walked off. “You’ll adjust.”
I blinked.
“Sexual relationships with women has never been a problem with Dima,
but connection has always been difficult.” She stopped in the middle of the
big doorway and faced me. “I want my son to experience love. Have a strong
“I understand, Mrs. Ivanov, but what we have going on is very new—”
“I don’t want him to be alone when my brothers and I are dead.”
“I get it.”
“It’s a challenge for most couples to find a balance between their needs
and their partner’s needs. In a relationship where one individual is on the
spectrum, there is more misunderstanding. More frustration.”
Tension filled my chest.
“So.” She held out her hands. “If you’re not ready for something real, then
end it quickly so he can find someone to truly love him. Fully.”
I widened my eyes.
“My staff should have the garden ready.” She smiled and headed off.
“We’re eating there. You’ll love it.”
I followed her up a set of stairs.
It was hard to get the bits of anxiety out of my head.
Was she correct? Should I hurry to figure this out?
I’d been enjoying Dima in these past days, pretending that we could exist
within his penthouse. The newspapers reporting on us died down after a few
days. Granted, my family continued to complain, but I’d long deafened my
ears to their critics.
Could Dima and I work?
At the top of the stairs, Mrs. Ivanov led me to the other end. We
approached glass doors. She turned gold knobs and opened them.
I expected to see a balcony. Instead, it was an interior garden with a
massive glass roof. I looked up. The sky was still dark.
“This is. . .amazing.” I walked inside.
A small man-made waterfall was in the back of the breathtaking garden
that spread out at least fifty feet on all sides. Water spilled and trickled.
Potted lemon trees flanked the entrance. There were living walls on all sides.
Stepping in further, I spotted an herb garden on the right. White sticks
held labels with the plant’s names—basil, rosemary, lavender, thyme, etc.
“This is my new hobby.” She spread her hands out. “I’m enjoying the
beauty of nature.”
She hooked her arm around mine. “My grandkids will love this. They’ll
play hide and seek throughout here and there. And I’m going to laugh.”
“It sounds like a lot of beautiful moments to come.”
Together, we walked down the pebbled path that led to a small arched
“I have a little collection of succulents over here.” She pointed in that
direction. “My favorite thing about my indoor garden is that I can mix and
match different plants. That way, something is blooming or sprouting
throughout the year.”
I looked on the right. “These roses are amazing.”
“Those are some of my prized gems.”
We walked onto the wooden bridge. It arched over a small stream that the
waterfall had caused.
She led me over it. “I spend all of my hours in here.”
“I would too.”
“It got to the point where I simply moved my whole dining area into my
garden. You’ll see.”
We left the bridge and entered a small hidden path between more roses.
“You’ll love this.” She grinned. “I hope they did this right. I knew you
both were coming last night. My staff has been working on this all day.”
“But you didn’t know we were coming to dinner until a few hours ago.”
“Oh, I knew. Dima has never been photographed with a woman in his life
and there’s definitely no images of him fighting over one. Not to mention that
he brought you to the house and even the funeral, parading you in front of
everyone.” She beamed. “Letting everyone know that you were his and not to
be touched by anyone.”
Stunned, I gazed at her.
She giggled. “Welcome to Paradise, Rose.”
The pebbled path opened up to a dining area very similar to the Secret
Garden restaurant. However, there was a huge difference.
I studied all of the naked muscular men lounging throughout the garden.
They lay on the grassy ground with their eyes closed. Body paint covered
their skin. The artist had truly treated the men’s flesh as their canvas. I
spotted muscular men painted like zebras and snakes, cheetahs and cobras. It
was a mind-bending illusion of living structures.
Captivated by all of them, I actually bumped into the table. “Oh.”
“These are my boys.” Mrs. Ivanov chuckled. “They. . .serve me.”
“Cool.” I rubbed my thigh. “And all of this is really amazing. I wish I had
more words.”
“I’m glad you like it. That must mean that you will visit me again.”
“Yes. I will definitely return.”
“I’ll hold you to that promise.” She gestured to the head of the table.
“Since you’re my guest, please sit there.”
“Thank you.” I walked over, lowered into my seat, and scanned the place.
Here, glass still served as the ceiling. A black chandelier hung from the
center and hovered over a table adorned in crystal plates and gold cups.
Staff appeared from different paths in the garden with platters and dishes
of food.
Next, Dima and his three uncles entered.
Dima walked over. “Did my mother behave?”
“Of course I didn’t, darling.” She laughed. “Where’s the fun in that?”
The uncles chuckled.
Dima took in the painted muscular men lounging around us. “Did your
boys have to make an appearance for this dinner?”
“Rose, should know what she’s getting into.” She pointed to the seat next
to me. “Now sit. We’re celebrating.”
Uncle Krill lowered into his seat. “But, what are we celebrating?”
“Love.” She clapped.
Dima sat next to me and took my hand under the table. Leaning toward
me, he whispered, “How are you?”
“I’m fine. I got to see your bedroom.”
He shook his head. “Then, I apologize.”
I chuckled. “I loved the paintings.”
“Laugh all you want. I’m sure you would love to have at least one of those
painting hanging in your condo, right over your bed.”
“Actually, I would.”
“And what would you do, if it was there?”
I leaned in closer and whispered, “Touch myself to it.”
He raised his eyebrows. Slowly, he slipped his hand to my thighs. “Be
careful, Rose.”
“I’m being good.”
“Dima?” His mother called from across the table. “Our accountant told me
that you bought the Promenade. Another building? Why?”
I smirked at him.
Sighing, he moved his hand. “It’s an up and coming property.”
Uncle Artyom signed.
“That I didn’t know.” Mrs. Ivanov looked at me. “Now, I see why he
bought the building.”
Dima swiftly shifted the conversation to sports.
The next minutes were spent arguing about the Paradise Pirates. Maxim
and Dima believed that the Pirates would never make the playoffs this year.
Mrs. Ivanov wanted to bet on it. For some reason, everyone refused to wager
with her.
Kirill explained that he no longer was a fan of the Pirates. Instead, he
rooted for the Glory Patriots—a new upcoming team slowly making a name
in the NFL. Everyone laughed at Kirill’s rallying with them. Mrs. Ivanov
even called it absurd and idiotic.
And I laughed, not knowing anything about Paradise’s football team, yet
excited to learn. This was the type of banter I wished I had in my family.
When we were young, my brother and I ate with our nanny. If the nanny was
sick, then we ate with the head maid. Our parents only sat down with us for
holiday dinners. Those included all of the Walsh Family, and even with those
occasions, we sat at the children’s table.
He really has a nice family.
I remembered seeing moments like this on TV shows—people chatting
and laughing. No one talked politics or tried to boast about this business
move or that. No one namedropped.
Conversation ceased when the staff appeared and set our dishes in front of
I inhaled the savory scents and studied all of the amazing food on my
plate. I identified some of them instantly—the beet root soup called borscht,
the pastry meat-filled dumplings named pelmeni, and a small rice dish that I
knew was plov.
Oh great. We’re going to get actual Russian cuisine.
What was interesting was that Dima caught sight of the plate, looked at his
mother, and frowned.
What’s wrong?
She stared back as if daring him to say a word. A mischievous glint filled
her eyes, but I couldn’t figure out what. Meanwhile, the three uncles looked
at me.
I wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was excited to eat.
Ms. Ivanov tossed me a devilish smile. “Have you ever tried Russian food
“I have. In fact, I’ve eaten a lot of it.”
She eyed me with intrigue. “How did that happen?”
“I studied abroad in St. Petersburg for the spring of my junior year. I fell
in love with the city, so much that I returned during my graduate years. I
honestly picked a study abroad program that had nothing to do with the topic,
just to return to St. Petersburg.”
I didn’t pick up my fork to eat, remembering that most Russians used
standard European table manners. This meant that the guest was not to eat,
until the host began eating.
Mrs. Ivanov noticed that I didn’t start munching, nodded, and picked up
her fork. “You’re cultured and well educated. I’m quite impressed.”
I followed her actions and tried the same thing she did.
“Since you spent time in Russia, then you know what this is?” With her
fork, she gestured to a small ring of food, layered with different items, rising
up four inches, and covered in a light purple on the top.
I grinned. “It’s Herring Under a Fur Coat.”
Kirill clapped and spoke in Russian. It had been a long time since I’d
heard any, but I guessed he said good job.
I forked some of mine.
Herring Under a Fur Coat was an interesting dish. It was a layered salad
comprised of diced pickled herring. The other layers were grated boiled
vegetables—potatoes, carrots, beetroots, and chopped onions. These layers
went on and on—herring and vegetables, herring and vegetables. The final
layer consisted of grated beetroot covered with mayonnaise. This was why
the salad had the rich purple color.
A huge smile spread across Dima’s face. “Why haven’t you told me that
you’ve been to Russia?”
“We’ve been too busy.”
Kirill laughed.
I blushed. “Not. . .that type of busy.”
Maxim lifted his gold cup. “No wonder Paradise is in flames, my little
nephew is knee deep in—”
“Kirill.” Mrs. Ivanov scowled.
Artyom winked at Dima and drank from his cup.
“Unfortunately, Rose, we are not as civilized as you.” Mrs. Ivanov turned
back to me. “However, we will do better next time.”
“That is perfectly fine.” I took more of my herring, loving every bite. “The
chef is extremely talented.”
“Thank you.” She smirked. “The chef was recently fired by someone who
refused to eat healthy dishes. Being that I bullied him to do it, I felt guilty and
hired him to cook on the weekends for me.”
“Ah.” I chuckled. “How very interesting.”
“Now, back to you.” Mrs. Ivanov forked more of food. “Do you know the
story behind Herring Under a Fur Coat?”
“That I don’t know.”
“Legend proclaims that in 1918 a man named Anastas owned a popular
tavern in Moscow during a time of civil war and revolution in Russia.”
Kirill jumped in. “We, Russians, love our country. So, when tavern
visitors talked about the future of the country, they broke furniture, smashed
plates, and fought each other.”
Dima and Artyom laughed.
Mrs. Ivanov added, “So, the salad was made to stop drunks from fighting.”
Krill lifted some of the beets with his fork and showed me them.
“Everything is symbolic. The salted herring symbolized the proletariat. The
red color of beets represented the flag.”
Maxim placed his gold cup on the table. “The potatoes are the food of
workers and peasants.”
Shocked, I smiled. “And that stopped them from fighting?”
“Food can solve many battles.” Mrs. Ivanov nodded. “Plus, the salad was
so fatty, people couldn’t get drunk very fast.”
“And so the furniture was saved,” Dima concluded.
The meal continued with more fun conversation and food. While we’d just
finished with the appetizers, the staff brought out platters of Russian desserts
well before the entrée.
In my time in Russia, I remembered that restaurants and hosts served any
dish they chose. There was no specific order of dinner then dessert with them.
If the host preferred cake before steak, then that was what the guests
Going with the flow, I feasted on my blini—a wheat pancake rolled with
When the staff finally brought out the entrées, Mrs. Ivanov raised her gold
cup and tapped a fork against it, sending a ringing sound across the table. “To
new friends.”
We all lifted our glassed and repeated.
Before sipping her champagne, she winked at me. “And to beautiful, smart
grandchildren too.”
I almost choked on my champagne, while the uncles laughed. I checked
Dima who scowled at his mom.
The conversation moved on to brighter topics—ones that shocked me to
know that they would care about. We discussed the oncoming problems of
climate change. We laughed about some of our favorite movies that we all
happened to share—high-octane action with spies or assassins.
The discussion turned personal at times. His uncles talked about growing
up on the rough streets of Moscow. His mother spoke on the difficulties of
raising an American child while barely knowing English.
And the whole time I realized that what I thought about the Diamond
Syndicate was far from true. In fact, I’d slowly been learning a lot.
They were more than criminals. They were human beings with needs and
wants. Real human emotions. They loved and cried. They struggled and built.
They were loyal and they stood fierce by each other’s side.
And I was starting to feel bad to think that I’d ever considered them an
Due to the champagne and welcoming atmosphere, I shared details about
my family and childhood. Dima’s uncles asked about some of my most
prominent family members, calling them by name—aunts and uncles that had
served for were currently serving in Congress as well as other prominent
political positions.
Additionally, Mrs. Ivanov asked me tons of questions over past articles
that I’d written which signaled that she’d truly done her research on me in
these past days.
Toward the end, a storm came. Rain battered the glass ceiling. The black
chandelier trembled above us several times. Thunder boomed. Lightening
crackled. And the lights flashed on and off in the mansion.
When the winds whipped against the glass, Mrs. Ivanov looked at us.
“You can’t drive back into the city now.”
Dima sighed. “Mom—”
“I don’t want you to die in an accident. All of these deaths are giving me
“We’ll be fine, Mom.”
“Please, Dima. Just give my mind peace for this evening. You both must
spend the night. I have extra clothes and tons of vodka. I won’t accept any
other answer.”
Dima sighed and glanced at me. “How do you feel?”
Thunder rumbled loud.
I widened my eyes. “I’m fine with that. It sounds like a pretty bad storm
“Splendid.” She gave me a thumbs up. “I’ll have Sylvester prepare your
Dima frowned. “Rooms?”
“Yes.” Mrs. Ivanov crossed her arms over her chest. “Rooms, Dima.”
“Mom, we’ll only need one room.”
“You two are not married yet.”
“These are modern times.”
She held two fingers up. “Modern times or not, two bedrooms will be
“What’s the point of two bedrooms, if I’m going to just sneak into Rose’s
room late at night and have my way with her?”
Maxim chuckled.
Mrs. Ivanov’s face didn’t look pleased. “Sneak, if you must, Dima, just
don’t let me catch you.”
And then. . .

ater that evening, we disappeared to our separate bedrooms.
L The storm continued to batter the mansion.
As if guarding my virginity, Mrs. Ivanov escorted me to mine. I was
happy she didn’t put me in Dima’s childhood room. I wasn’t sure how
comfortable I would be with all those paintings of him watching.
“Goodnight, darling.” She gave me a hug.
“Thank you for having me stay.”
“My pleasure.” She left and shut the door behind her.
I took in the space.
The guest room was warm and welcoming. The décor boasted buttery
yellow and cream. Here and there, gold accents popped. There was a king
size bed, dresser, and lounge chair. On one side, sheer yellow curtains
showed glass doors to balcony. A private bathroom stood on the other side.
At the foot of the bed, the staff had laid out canary yellow silk pajamas,
honey colored slippers, and lemon towels.
My life just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Since Dima interrupted the date with Mayor Parks, I had not left his side.
I’d been staying with him in his penthouse. Now, I was hanging out at his
childhood home. My family would be freaking out if they knew, and I could
not care less.
It is what it is.
I picked everything up and entered the bathroom. It took no time to get in
the shower and clean up.
After the shower, I put on the pajamas and marveled at the Ivanov family
crest embroidered in the top right half of the top. A shield stood in the center
with a beautifully designed rose on it. A pair of unicorns flanked the shield.
Their horns looked sharp enough to pierce anything. Fangs poked out of their
“I wonder why they chose a rose in the center.” I ran my fingers around it.
The conversation with his mother returned to me. She was in no way
subtle about her desire for Dima and me to be a couple. Part of me loved that
she liked me. The other part hated that I might disappoint her and Dima.
I still wasn’t sure about where we were going and if our relationship could
How long will I have fun with him?
Eventually, we would need to end this. It’s not always going to be like
this. Other moments could come where I wouldn’t like the criminal activity.
Thunder rumbled outside.
I left the bathroom
Think about it tomorrow. No use worrying about it before bed.
I turned off my light and climbed into bed. “Dima. Dima.”
Thunder boomed more. Light flashed by the balcony doors as rain battered
against it.
It would have been nice to be in his big arms tonight.
Sighing, I sank under the covers and enjoyed the comfortable bed.
I can’t stop being with him too soon. We could do this. . .for a while.
We deserved more fun.
Then. . .after that, we can go our separate ways.
Bumping sounded by the balcony.
I opened my eyes.
What was that?
The bump came again. Then, the lightning flashed by the balcony. The
silhouette of a huge man appeared. Gasping, I sat up in bed. Darkness
returned. I couldn’t see what was on the balcony anymore.
Was that real?
My heart boomed in my ears.
The next sound wasn’t a bump. Instead, it was a click.
I froze in horror, trying to make myself scream, but no noise left my
The door opened, bring in moonlight and the noise of battering of rain.
Dima stepped inside. Water dripped all over his bare chest and soaked his
yellow pajama pants. He shut the door behind him.
I found my voice. “Are you serious?”
“I am.” He walked over to the table and picked up two towels that were
left for me.
“You just scared me.”
He dried off his hair. “I’m sorry.”
“You climbed the wall during a storm?”
“I did.”
“My mother has two guards outside your door. Apparently, they’re
protecting your virginal dignity.”
I glanced back at the closed door. “Really?”
“Really.” He peeled off the pajama pants. His cock swung by his thighs
with the movement. He dried the thick length and his legs.
I watched him. Lust fogged my head. “Dima, you still didn’t have to climb
onto the balcony.”
“I know you’re impressed, but before you think what I did was so gallant
“I don’t. That was dangerous.”
“I’ve climbed the walls to these balconies many times before. Back in the
day, I did it because I was bored. Tonight, I did it because I was horny and in
desperate need of you next to me.”
I grinned. “Your mother doesn’t want you here.”
“Correction. She doesn’t want to support my having premarital sex with
you under her roof, but she doesn’t mind if I sneak it.”
“I doubt that was the message.”
“That’s what I put in my notes.” He dried himself off some more.
“Regardless, I’m going nowhere.”
My smirk shifted to a wicked grin. “And if I scream for my guards?”
“Then, you’ll get them harmed.” He slung the towel to the side and
charged for the bed.
I shrieked. He landed on the bed. The mattress rocked with his weight.
Seconds later, he had me on my back as he hovered over me.
“My naughty Rose.” Taunting my senses, he lowered and slipped his
mouth against mine, never consuming my lips, never sucking on my tongue
like I yearned.
A soft moan left from me.
I rose and tried to kiss him.
He moved out of my reach. “Ms. Walsh, do you promise not to make too
much noise?”
I chuckled.
“Sounds like I’ll have to cover your mouth while I fuck you.” He gazed
around the bed. “Or maybe I should stuff it with something. Hmmm. What
should I put in your mouth?”
“Your cock.”
He nipped at my bottom lip. “I love the way you suck it.”
“Yeah.” He yanked hard at my pajama top. It stretched. Two buttons
popped. It opened. “You should have been naked when I entered.”
“I didn’t know you were coming.”
“I told everyone at the table I would.”
“Yes, but I was hoping you were joking.”
“I never joke about fucking you.”
He yanked more at my shirt until it was open and my bare breasts was
exposed to him. His hands were all over me next. Slipping away the top.
I moaned, “Dima.”
His fingers were cold and damp, yet I loved every touch. His cock pressed
hard against my stomach. He had my pants off in seconds. Those pajamas
were no match for his hands.
I thought Dima was going to flip me over and fuck me.
Instead, he grabbed my legs, raised them, and kept my ankles in the air.
“Are you wet for me?”
A shiver of desire ran through me. “Yes.”
“Are you sure, Ms. Walsh?”
“Please, fuck me.”
“Hmmm.” He took in the sight of me—my lying on my back with my legs
in the air and my pussy open wide to him. Still holding my ankles, he
grunted. “Put me in.”
I slipped my hands down and grabbed his cock. I trembled from my
fingertips touching the hard, stiff length.
He watched me shiver again as I placed his bulbous mushroom tip along
my wet opening. He grunted again and pushed an inch of his cock into me.

“Oh.” A moan left me.

Thrusting in another inch, he hit me with an intense gaze. “Play with your
Happy to oblige, I twisted my fingers along the throbbing bud.
He pushed all the way inside of me.
So overcome with pleasure, I almost stopped stroking my clit.
He slipped his cock slowly in and out of me. Giving me delicious
dominating thrusts.
“Your pussy feels like wet, warm silk hugging me.” He slipped in and out
of me in slow, seductive strokes.
I trembled.
He kept that delicious rhythm. “Keep rubbing your pussy.”
“I love watching it.” He let go of my ankles, spread my legs out more, and
lowered, placing his hands on my sides. “How could I not sneak in here,
when you feel so good?”
Groaning, he kissed me.
His strokes shifted. And within me erotic madness rose. We both were
desperate to swim in our pleasure. We bucked our hips in the same rhythm.
The bed rocked. The storm continued. Light flashed. Thunder boomed, and I
moaned under his kisses.
He fucked with passionately slow caresses of his cock. He owned and
dominated me. I rocked my center with him, rubbing my clit against him.
“Oh, Dima!” I moaned so loud, unable to quiet myself.
Surely, his mother’s guards heard.
Each time our bodies met, each second, I melted around him. I puddled
into liquid pleasure.
He picked up the rhythm, fucking me good. Fucking me until I lost all
control. I rocked and humped. I grabbed onto his shoulders, feeling his
muscles flex under me.
He shifted to pounding into me.
I cried out in pleasure.
And he stuffed me more, never ceasing with the delicious rhythm, never
resting. He fucked me so hard, I swore I was losing my voice to all the
“Dima!” The orgasm hit me fast. My vision blurred. My body shivered
and then ripped apart into mind-numbing pleasure.
“There we go.” He groaned and then slammed into me hard. “Fuck.”
As I came more, he shuddered too, telling me that he was riding his own
“Rose.” He buried his face into the pillow near the curve of my neck and
pounded into me. “Rose.”
And then he froze deep inside of me—his cock rammed up my pussy. A
dark groan left him. His cock jerked within me and spilled out, wetting me
more. “Fuck.”
For several seconds, we remained like that, locked together.
I could feel his heart pounding against my breasts.
“You always feel so good. I never want to leave.” He kissed me.
I shivered under those demanding lips, loving the way they dominated me.
His tongue slipped along mine as if he hoped to fuck my mouth since he was
done with my pussy.
He leaned away from my face and pulled his cock out. Remaining over
me, he studied my face. “Thank you.”
“I prefer a payment for my sex.”
Laughing, he rolled over to the space next to me and lay on his back. “Is
that right?”
“Yes.” I caught my breath. My breasts rose and fell fast.
“Then, I’ll give you a blank check. You pick the amount.”
“What if your bank account can’t cover the price?”
“It’ll definitely cover it.” He turned to his side and stared at me. “Test me,
if you want.”
I chuckled.
He moved his hand to my face and ran his fingers down my cheek. “You
were alone with my mother for a while today. How did that go?”
“Are you sure that’s the discussion you want to have while my pussy drips
from you?”
“I’m making sure she didn’t scare or run you off.”
“She was nice. There was a push for us to be together, but that was it.”
“Just interesting?”
He ran his fingers through my hair. “What did you tell her?”
“That this was fast.”
“It was.”
He slipped his hand to my chin and lifted my view to him. “But. . .I
wonder too.”
“Wonder what?”
“Where do you see this going, Ms. Walsh?
I widened my eyes. “We just met and had sex, although very good sex,
we’re still getting to know each other.”
“Yet, I have the feeling that things should be made clear.”
“Dima, you better not start making any threats about who I can date or
“That won’t be necessary.”
“Because we already know that no other man can date you.”
I moved his hand from my hair. “That is not our understanding. We’re still
getting to know each other. And I still unfortunately have reservations, so I’m
not off the market.”
He glared. “You’re off the market.”
“I’m not. I still have reservations.”
“What reservations?”
“The Diamond Syndicate.”
“You must accept my life. There’s no other way around it.”
“But. . .What if I can’t? What if your connection with the Syndicate scares
me? What if I think your life is morally wrong?”
Sighing, he sat up. “Then, we couldn’t be together. Because I love my life
with the Syndicate. And I want you in my life without changing that part of
who I am.”
I rose to sitting position too and raised the sheet over my breasts. “If I
accept your life, then I’ll be changing my beliefs.”
“Then do so and very quickly.” He scowled.
“You can’t just say that.”
“I want more with you. I like you in my arms when we lay in bed. I like
fucking you every night. And I like how you make my mother laugh and my
uncles smile.” His scowl deepened. “And my heart is. . .I don’t fucking
know. Warm, fearful, and excited all at the same time.”
“Dima. . .”
“But most of all,” he touched his chest, “Every time you’re with me, my
heart feels good.”
I parted my lips, stunned from all that he was saying.
“I’m a logical man, but I don’t want to be rational with you.”
I swallowed.
“Honestly. . .” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Honestly, I think I’m
falling in love with you.”
My heart ached.
All words left me.
Dima leaned over, placed his forehead against mine, and whispered. “Talk
to me, Rose. Tell me, you’ll give us a try.”
Fear filled my heart.
I moved away.
He deepened his frown. “Talk to me.”
“It. . .”
“It makes me nervous to even think about taking this seriously, but. . .”
“But you want to?”
“I do.”
“Then, do it.”
I shook my head and looked away. “It’s not that easy, Dima.”
“I don’t know what you think of me or my life with the Syndicate, but it
isn’t all murder and blood, bullets and brothels. Many days simply involve
my trying to bring balance to the city.”
I desperately wanted to believe him.
“I’m not an evil man, Rose. Every day, I wake up hoping that there’s more
peace than war, more love than death. Most days. I get my wish. There’s no
bloodshed. No fighting.”
I faced him. “And other times?”
“You have an idea how those times may go. You’re with me during a bad
time. I’ve had to bury Romeo, Chanel, Viktor, and more.”
“Leo killed them, but what about you?” Desperate, I leaned forward.
“Would you have to. . .kill people?”
He shrugged. “Do you think that all of the men that you’ve been with,
haven’t killed at least one person?”
“Or course not.”
“The chances of your dating a murderer in your life is high.”
“Still what?” He glared. “Your family is deep within politics and you
know just how illegal and bloodied that can get. You don’t think your family
has buried bodies?”
I hugged myself. “I’m sorry, Dima, but I can’t.”
“You can. You could try.”
I gulped in sadness mixed with fear. “But, I won’t.”
“You can’t walk away from me.” He rubbed his face with both hands and
then shook his head. “It’s not an option. I don’t have it in me to let you go,
Rose. Not when it feels so good to have you near me.”
“Maybe, we can do this for a few days or—”
“I want more than that. And that’s it.”
“Dima, you can’t force me to stay.”
“I can. . .” He let out an exasperated breath and left the bed. “But I won’t. .
.not tonight. . .I’ll give you some time to think this through.”
I watched him walk off. “What do you mean?”
“We’ll talk in a week.” He grabbed another towel and wrapped it around
his muscular waist. “Maybe, you need time to breathe. Perhaps, we started
too fast.”
“In the morning, my men will send you home, but understand this.” Anger
covered his face. “There will be rules.”
I held out my hands. “What rules?”
“You don’t leave Paradise anytime soon.” He tilted his head to the side.
“Do you understand that?”
“I planned on staying anyway, but that doesn’t mean you can tell me what
to do or—”
“If you continue this hesitancy after a week, then maybe I’ll let you go.”
“It’s my choice.”
“Regardless, no other men until I’m over you.”
I blinked, not liking the idea of him never wanting me anymore. I looked
“Do you understand that part, Rose?” Rage coated his words. “If you truly
don’t want death, then don’t meddle with that rule. I won’t be able to see
another man next to you.”
I gazed at the dim darkness on my side. “I understand.”
“When I’m over you, do whatever the fuck you like.”
I swallowed. “And how will I know when you’re over me?”
“You’ll know.” He stormed off. And he didn’t leave out the balcony. He
stomped to the door, opened it, and growled at the guards, “Move.”
They jumped out of his way.
The door slammed close.
My heart beat fast in my chest.
I hated that I told him that. I wanted him to be happy. However, every
statement had been true. Every damn word. I didn’t want to date a killer or
have the love of my life a part of a criminal network. And it wasn’t due to my
family’s concerns, it was my own fear.
While I had warmed to him, his mother, and uncles, I still feared them.
Damn it.
Yet, all of that didn’t explain the dull continuous aching in my heart. I
rubbed my chest as if it would go away. My emotions consumed me. My
eyes watered.
I’m sorry, Dima.
The Break

he next morning, I got up and dressed. My whole body was a wreck of
T nerves. I had no idea what I would expect outside of my guest room.
Is Dima still pissed with me? Does his mother know?
All dressed, I left my room.
Two new guards stood outside. One had a mole on his cheek. The other
wore black sunglasses.
The one with the mole spoke, “Ms. Walsh, we’ll be riding back to
Paradise with you.”
Mr. Mole led the way.
I followed.
Mr. Sunglasses walked behind me.
We headed downstairs.
I glanced over my shoulder. “What are your names?”
Sunglasses remained quiet.
I turned back to Mr. Mole.
He shook his head. “We’re not to exchange names or have too much small
talk with you. However, we can answer questions and will follow any
reasonable orders from you.”
“As per Dima’s wishes?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Instead of leading the way, Mr. Mole got to my side.
I looked at him. “Does Dima still think that I’m in danger?”
“He wants to keep people on you until certain matters are handled.”
I wondered how long it would be until Leo was killed.
Also, surprisingly, I was shocked that I didn’t mind the idea of Lei taking
his father’s life. It meant the Syndicate would solve the situation themselves
without getting help from the police. And after witnessing the horror that had
been done by Leo, I didn’t care if the Syndicate got rid of him.
Why am I okay with that death? I shouldn’t have spent time with him.
Already, I’m changing my beliefs.
But in my mind, it seemed absolutely logical for the Syndicate to make
Leo disappear. If the police took Leo into custody, they would give him a
trial. I imagined Leo had some access to funds. With the right lawyer and
enough money, one could get away with several murders.
I blinked, thinking about Dima’s comment on my family. He’d suggested
that people and my family may have killed to get to power too.
I hadn’t responded because I knew what he said was true. I wasn’t so
gullible to think that there were no skeletons and dead bodies in my
ancestors’ closets. Perhaps, even my father had blood on his hands from dirty
Am I being contradictory?
We hit the bottom of the stairs and headed to the front.
Mr. Mole opened the door.
A gold limo waited outside.
The driver already had the door opened.
An odd sensation brushed over my skin as if someone were watching me.
Before climbing into the limo, I glanced over my shoulder and paused.
Dima gazed at me from a large window.
Instantly, I wished he were down here. I wanted to talk to him, even
though there would be nothing new for us to say. Regardless, I already
missed him. I already hated him being so far away.
I should have gone into the limo, but I remained there frozen and gazing at
him with pleading eyes.
And then he shut the curtains and disappeared.
Sad, I climbed inside.
The driver shut the door.
A minute later the limo sped off. Due to the early time and perfect
weather, we zipped down Caviar Lime Highway with no problem. There
were no other cars on the road.
Thirty minutes later, we arrived at my building. Mr. Mole and Sunglasses
rode up the elevator with me. I opened my door for them. They went inside,
looked over the place, and then left.
I called after them, “You won’t be inside?”
“No, ma’am. We’re to remain outside.”
Purring sounded near the kitchen. Barbara Whiskers appeared and prowled
over to me. She rubbed against my leg and then continued beyond me.
Mr. Mole closed the door after them.
Barbara went up to the shut door and rubbed against it. A shrill meow left
“Dima isn’t here.” I went over to her, lowered, and petted her soft fur.
“I’m glad he had his people bring you here.”
She left my fingers, meowing and switching her tail from side to side as if
she were thoroughly pissed.
I held out my hands. “Excuse me?”
Meowing some more, she headed off to my bedroom.
“You do know that I am your actual owner, not him?”
No response came.
“Now what?” I gazed around my apartment. I hadn’t been in my condo in
several days. The last time I came, Dima was with me. We’d made a trashy
romance book run and ended up grabbing ten paperbacks and my coffee.
Now that seemed so long ago.
I scanned my space, trying to find my bearings again. “I’ll go back to
work and. . .”
What would I do an article on?
I couldn’t report on the Diamond Syndicate. As soon as I said the words,
Dima’s face flashed in my head. Plus, with all my time with Dima, my views
had slowly shifted. So much that I wasn’t sure what my thoughts on anything
were anymore. I’d been a black-and-white sort of girl. Those delicious
moments with Dima began to blur those lines and move my mind to lots of
His face showed up in my head. He curved those sexy lips into a smile.
Erotic sensations shivered through me.
I hugged myself.
Stop thinking about him.
I made myself breakfast and forced myself to eat it. Then, I did my best to
fall into some form of work.
Off the Diamond Syndicate, I returned to looking into Paradise history.
That had me back on Dream Lake and the flooded black town.
By lunch time, I made a quick sandwich and filled Barbara’s bowl with
She must’ve truly been annoyed with me. She never appeared.
After I ate, I returned to researching Dream Lake and all the atrocities that
had occurred to the black folk in the West—many who ended up creating the
Killer Crows.
In fact, Chanel and Romeo’s parents formed the gang to protect and serve
their community, since the police and Paradise officials weren’t doing that.
It was self-defense. Not criminal.
I made notes.
When dinner time arrived, I ordered Chinese for Mr. Mole, Sunglasses,
and me. They ate at my table in silence. When they finished, they hurried
back to their posts.
I instantly missed Sid and Banks, and even the Twins.
Forget about all of that.
The evening arrived, I drowned in my research.
It appeared that even in these recent years Paradise continued to bother,
oppress, and discriminate against the West. The Killer Crows paid triple the
amount for land that was already owned. Last year, the Killer Crows’
property taxes were doubled and was higher than any other section of the
Even more horrible, the city was currently planning to expand and
building a new exit for Caviar Lime Highway—one that would put a large
road through the West, wiping out tons of Killer Crow land.
Jonathan lied. This is more than about a scenic route. They’re not only
targeting the Killer Crows, but. . .something else is going on.
Somewhere in the pile of articles, I discovered that Jonathan fired his
deputy mayor due to her not delivering several eminent domain letters to fifty
Killer Crow property owners. The article was put in a small local paper put
out by a black-owned press in the West.
Damn it. Not many people know about this.
Further discussion of eminent domain explained that it was the power of
the government to take private property and convert it into public use. The
Fifth Amendment provided that the government could only exercise the
power if they provided just compensation to the property owners.
The deputy mayor, Melissa Gorga, argued that Paradise was not giving the
Killer Crows a proper price and they were cruelly being targeted. I checked
her picture and realized that she was a black woman. I looked Melissa up and
found out that she was from the West.
She’s right. This is wrong. And why put the road and highway there?
One idea came to me. I shifted my search to the public records showing
any recent sales.
Several corporations had begun buying up land in the West, especially in
the area where the road was supposed to be built. My heart stopped when I
spotted one of the companies’ names.
Walsh Inc. Dad’s buying up stuff too?
Further browsing revealed my best friend’s name too—Xandi Wild
There was some back deals going on and definitely more than a highway
was going to be built. While my father wouldn’t tell me what was going on, I
hoped that Xandi would. As far as I’d known, all these years she’d been
trustworthy and a good person. If her name was on this, then she truly didn’t
know the mischief that was going on.
No wonder my family has been stressing over my involvement with Dima.
They’re also going to have financial investment in Paradise.
I thought back to how excited my father was with me going after the
Diamond Syndicate. He’d given me more support on this move, then
anything else.
If the Syndicate learned about the highway’s plans, then they would get in
the way of the city bothering the Killer Crows. But now with the Syndicate’s
division, Jonathan and my father’s plans were flying under the radar.
I have to take a break. This is going to be a mountain of corruption.
There’s no need racing to the top.
I stopped researching and decided to get some rest.
What am I going to do? Just. . .forget about it.
I hadn’t seen Barbara the rest of the night. I assumed she fell asleep
somewhere in my bedroom. I looked around for her, but still didn’t see her.
“Just wow, Barbara.” Giving up, I changed the litter box, put water in her
bowl, and went to my bookshelf, searching for a novel to get lost in.
None intrigued me, besides the two mafia romances that I’d never got
around to reading.
Dima’s face hit me.
My heart ached. I picked one of them—the Gangster’s Secret Baby—and
brought the novel to bed.
I spent the rest of the night reading it. I never fell asleep. The book thrilled
me so much.
The hero, Carmine, was a well-dressed killer. He had a loyalty and respect
for his family and friends that was undying. He shed blood over it. And he
was a vicious and ambitious leader who dominated and controlled it all. The
only thing he couldn’t control was the heroine, Eva. But boy when he tried to
control her, it wet my panties and made me root for her to give in.
In the middle of the book, they stopped dating and she’d discovered that
she was pregnant. I couldn’t wait for Carmine to find out. When he did, I was
confident that he would move mountains to take care of her and his child.
After a few hours, I closed the book, lay down, and stared at the ceiling.
By then it was the middle of the morning.
What if I was pregnant by Dima?
Foolishly, we never used condoms each time. Granted, I knew I wasn’t
pregnant. Every three months, I went to my doctor's office for a birth control
injection. I’d even made sure my new doctor in Paradise had me scheduled
for the next shot.
But for some reason, I closed my eyes and imagined what would have
happened if I were pregnant by him. I didn’t think I could keep something
like that a secret in Paradise, especially from Dima.
He wants five kids.
His mother and uncles seemed to be the sort that would expect him to
expand their name and power with children.
I imagined telling Dima that I was pregnant. I saw the joy on his face. I
imagined how he would embrace me and the warmth that would spread all
over my body. I fell asleep to the images of our making love.
And then hours later, I woke up to a cold bed and an echo of silence.
My chest felt hollow. My soul felt dark. And for the first time in a long
time, there was a deep sadness that moved through me that I couldn’t
And the morning went on as mornings did before Dima entered my life—
coffee, half a bagel, fruit, and the news. Barbara appeared right as I sat down
with my food. She crept by me without a purr or meow, ate the food in the
bowl, took a dump in the litter, covered it up, and left.
“Alright, Barbara.” I picked up my remote control. “I see your energy this
She disappeared into my room, swishing her tail.
I turned up the volume and set the remote down, happy to see my bestie’s
face, even though it was only on a television screen.
We have to catch up. There’s so much freaking shit I have to tell her.
“Good morning, Paradise City.” Xandi smiled. “Welcome to the Xandi
Wild Show where we chat about the things others are scared to.”
Xandi, what is going on with those business deals in the West?
I took a bite of my bagel.
Xandi gestured to the screen. “We have official breaking news this
morning. The police have captured the serial killer labeled Death Angel by
the media.”
I swallowed the bagel and opened my mouth in shock. “What?”
“The killer’s identity is still unknown, but the police did explain that this
person was not a resident of Paradise and had recently arrived months ago to
target residents.”
“Okay.” Xandi pressed her finger at her ear. “I’m being told that we have
live footage of Mayor Park’s press conference happening now.”
The screen switched to Johnathan waving his hands with a grin. “I want to
thank all Paradise citizens who put their trust in the city and me to keep them
“Can you tell us more about the killer or his motive?” a reporter yelled.
Being a true politician, Jonathan’s smiling mask slipped onto his face.
“All information will be provided soon.”
“You mean when the Diamond Syndicate notifies you?” a woman said.
The camera shifted its view to a female reporter holding a device up in her
hand. “Isn’t it true that all victims were related to the Diamond Syndicate in
some way, which would mean that the Diamond Syndicate would be taking
care of this?”
“The Syndicate is not in charge of this city.” Jonathan’s smile remained.
“In fact, this is a good time to announce the city’s new task force. Paradise
United Special Support Investigations.”
“P.U.S.S.I?” A reporter chuckled
“Oh, God.” Another reporter shrieked. “It is P.U.S.S.I!”
The rest of the news crews laughed.
“P.U. . .” Jonathan’s politician mask cracked a little. It took him several
seconds to recover. He cleared his throat. “This force will take full control of
“So, you do admit that the Diamond Syndicate is in control?”
Jonathan ignored the reporter and pointed to the camera. “Citizens, I beg
you more than ever to put your vote in this election year. If I am re-elected I
will dedicate my—”
“About that.” One man held up his hand. “What is your response to
Dimitri Ivanov filing his Notice of Candidacy for the Mayoral Election this
I held my bagel in mid-air.
Jonathan froze too.
The reporter continued, “Mr. Ivanov also completed, signed, and filed the
Declaration for Candidates covered by Ordinance 90-204. He is now in the
running for mayor.”
Recovering, Jonathan cleared his throat. “Thank you all for coming. We
will make the identity of the killer public soon. For now, please sleep easy
tonight, knowing that Paradise City is here to protect and serve you.”
Several reporters yelled off questions.
Jonathan turned and glared at Seymore Soule—a high-end campaign
manager that my family always used.
How can he afford Seymore? Wait a minute. My father is definitely
backing him.
The screen returned to Xandi.
She shook her head. “Very interesting. I almost want to explore the deeper
meanings of all of this, but unfortunately we have so much to cover today.
We’ll be right back, after—”
I muted the screen and picked up my phone. First, I texted Xandi and told
her that I wanted to meet for drinks with her tomorrow night. Second, I called
my father.
He picked up on the second ring. “I heard that you have come to your
“What do you mean?”
“My team in Paradise believes that you have ended this nonsense with
Dimitri Ivanov.”
“Why did you buy up lots of property in the West of Paradise?”
Silence hit the line.
“You’re looking into the wrong places, little one. And I caution you to
stop and turn around, venture off into another direction.”
“What is being built there?”
“Something that will bring our family fortune and—”
“We have enough fortune.”
“And that has always been your problem. If you’re not on this Earth to
prosper, then why did we have you?”
I sighed. “This isn’t about me.”
“Why are you asking me questions? You want to write about your family
now? Have you not embarrassed us enough these past weeks?”
“What is being built? If I don’t get answers from you, then I’ll go looking
and I will start to pull away the threads of whatever plan is going on—one
string at a time. And I will do this publicly.”
“We’re building a prison.”
My stomach twisted. “You’re taking away property in the West through
eminent domain under the guise of highway expansion, but you’re actually
going to build a prison.”
“A mega one. The sort that will result in millions of dollars going to the
Walsh Foundation every year. Additionally, all that lose their homes will be
“Bullshit, Dad. The government never pays top dollar.”
“Do not curse at me. It must be all the criminals you’re hanging around.”
My head throbbed. “Why. . .”
Annoyance coated the next words. “Why what, Rose?”
“Xandi’s name is on there too. How is she a part of this?”
“Oh. You really have done some deep digging.” His voice went calm. “I
met with Xandi for dinner, during one of my visits to Paradise. I explained
that I was worried about you and hoped that she would talk to you about
moving here.”
I blinked.
“Xandi is a proper lady. She does care about you. She offered to talk to
her production company about having you down. Your being an award
winning journalist didn’t force me to have to pull special strings. The
company wanted you and Xandi loved the idea of you being close to her.
Additionally, I told her to keep this quiet for me out of respect.”
“And the investments?”
“I told Xandi I appreciated her help with easing a poor father’s anxiety. I
offered her stock in the project. Her name is on it, but she still has not signed
“Why not?”
“She said she didn’t want money or property for being your friend.”
“You weren’t worried about me.” I stared at my cup in annoyance. “You
wanted me down here to report on the Diamond Syndicate.”
“I am a worried father, Rose.”
I rolled my eyes.
“However, I knew that once you stepped into Paradise and sniffed all the
corruption, you would be on the hunt for the story. I had security down there
to monitor your moves.”
“And spy?”
“I care about—”
“You wanted me to help get rid of the Syndicate.”
“Rose, I am coming down to Paradise soon and would like to meet with
you for dinner. We can further discuss this—”
“Jonathan Parks is working with Seymore.”
“I’m aware of this.”
“Are you paying for that?”
“I don’t believe that matters.”
“You want Jonathan to be Mayor so you can control him.”
“Close, Rose. I want him to be President. Jonathan is a well-educated and
upstanding man. And honestly, Rose, your mother and I believe he is the
perfect candidate not only for Paradise, but for your heart.”
“I just vomited.”
“Have your maid clean it up and then come to your senses.”
“I bet you would love that.”
“You’ve had your years of freedom, Rose. You’ve turned thirty. It’s time
to serve your family as we’ve served you.”
I hung up.
What the fuck is going on?
Shutting off the TV, I stood and paced by the table.
How the hell did I walk right into some crap that my father was planning?
My phone buzzed.
What now?
I stopped, grabbed my phone, and read the text.
Xandi: Hell yes! We must meet up tomorrow tonight. Let’s do drinks and
food at the Secret Garden.
I picked up the phone and typed back.
Me: Awesome! Let’s meet at 7pm.
Xandi: I’ll be free.
Me: By the way, do you happen to know the Deputy Mayor?
Damn it. What was her name again?
I hurried over to my laptop to find the name I’d read in the article. Before
I could, my phone buzzed.
Xandi: Melissa Gorga. Yes, girl. I was actually going to check on her,
after work. Jonathan fucked up by firing her. I’m going to blow his election
out the water!
Me too.
I stared at the phone and then typed.
Me: Can you invite her?
Xandi: Hell yes! Ladies night!
The Twist

he next evening, I sat at the Secret Garden’s bar. It stood on the other side
T of the VIP area. I hadn’t seen this section when I was here last time.
Last time. . .
I swallowed and pushed back the memory of Dima and how he’d licked
my pussy in the powder room.
I should have met Xandi and Melissa at another place. Why did I say yes
to here?
I knew the real reason. The true excuse sizzled in my mind. It was the
same reason for why I’d put on my special red cocktail dress—the one that
made a hot statement to those watching me walk by. Giving a one-shoulder
silhouette, it was classy and timeless elegance, falling below the knee. Every
inch of fabric hugged my curves.
I’d put my favorite heels on too—shoes that I’d only worn twice in my
life. They’d been designed in the 1940s by Red Velvet. The retro pump
boasted gold leather with a line of real diamonds lining the center.
My great-great grandmother wore them for Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
inaugural ball. According to my grandmother, they’d been the only black
people there, besides the staff. When they entered, they’d did so through the
back entrance. When photos were taken, they were nicely asked to move out
of the way. Additionally, none of the other guests spoke to them. But they’d
been proud to be invited, knowing that more blacks would be taken seriously
after them.
All that was told to me by my grandmother who constantly spoke to me
about my responsibility to uplift not just the Walsh family, but black people.
Somehow our family has lost the way.
I glanced over my bare shoulder, checking to see who entered.
Part of me searched for Melissa and Xandi. The other part hoped to see
And that’s the reason why I’m here. . .why I’m wearing the dress and
It was childish and ridiculous on my part. I’d broken it off. I claimed to be
not interested in more due to his life. And then I got dressed up, hoping to
bump into him.
Shaking my head, I turned back to the bar.
You have to get over him. Stop being ridiculous.
The bartender appeared. “Good evening, Ms. Walsh. My name is Drake.”
“Nice to meet you, but how do you know my name?”
“Mrs. Ivanov phoned a few minutes ago and explained that you should not
pay for anything and we are supposed to make sure you have an amazing
“O-kay. While I love the offer, I have guests so I do not want to give Mrs.
Ivanov a huge bill.”
“She actually told me that whoever you were meeting would also be
covered.” He handed me a menu. His friendly expression shifted to a nervous
one. He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Are you waiting for
Sounds like Mrs. Ivanov asked you to find out that information too.
“Yes. I’m waiting on my two female friends.”
Relief covered his face. “Great. Would you like to wait to order?”
“I would.”
“Then, I’ll wait for your whole party.” Walking off, Drake pulled out his
phone, dialed a number, and then placed it on his ear. He spoke as he rounded
the corner.
Well, now I know where Dima gets his creepy monitoring from. His
For a minute, I wondered what Mrs. Ivanov would have done if I was
waiting for a guy. Would she have cock blocked it like Dima did? Or would
she have done nothing and simply reported it back to him?
Only God and Mrs. Ivanov knows.
I scanned the bar, wondering where her other spies could be. I didn’t see
any people that looked out of ordinary. However, at least I got a chance to
take in the restaurant’s amazing surroundings.
The Secret Garden was truly a flower-packed dream. I looked up at the
glass ceiling over the bar. While it resembled Mrs. Ivanov’s glass ceiling
from her indoor garden, this one displayed a whimsical pattern of hearts and
flower-shaped tiles.
This may end up being one of my favorite eating spots. . .and I haven’t
even eaten here yet.
A feminine giggle sounded from my side. “Rose. Rose. Rose.”
I spun around.
Snapping her fingers, Xandi stepped up, wearing a tight black dress that
caused half the men in the space to gaze her way. On her left, Melissa
chuckled with her. A silver dress covered her voluptuous frame. Meanwhile,
both stumbled and swayed a little with each step.
Uh. Are they tipsy?
Xandi came to me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. A hint of alcohol
covered her breath. “Girl, we had a few shots at Melissa’s house, so I’m
going to apologize now.”
I widened my eyes. “That’s fine. We can order more drinks. They’re on
“I like the sound of that. I’m forced to budget until I get a new job.”
Melissa shook my hand. “Xandi didn’t introduce me. I’m Melissa—the
reason why she’s a bit drunk.”
Xandi held up her finger and sat at the seat on my left. “I’m not drunk yet,
but I will be.”
To my surprise, Melissa got on my right, putting me in the middle of
them. “I’m just happy to be outside. Everyone has blacklisted me—”
“Not I.” Xandi shook her head. “You’re soror. I got your back to the end.”
“Aww.” Melissa extended her hand and grabbed Xandi’s. Both arms were
in front of me. I had to lean back a little. Then, they went into some song that
I assumed dealt with their sorority.
I widened my eyes.
Still on the phone, Drake peeked around the corner. I gestured for him to
come over. He spoke into it and then hung up.
Drake appeared right as they let go of their hands and laughed.
O-kay. They’re both drunk for sure.
“Girl!” Xandi clapped. “I am really feeling this right now. Maybe I am a
little drunk.”
“Me too!” Melissa laughed.
I smiled, not wasting my time looking around. I knew people were
watching. I could feel eyes on me.
This restaurant will probably forbid me to come here again. I’m always
causing some disturbance here.
Drake grinned at them. “Good evening, ladies.”
“Hey, sweetie.” Xandi clawed at the air in front of her. “You’re a sweet
young thang. Have you ever been with a cougar?”
I cleared my throat. “We would like three cotton candy champagnes to
start off.”
“Yummy!” Melissa snapped her fingers. “I’ve never tried that.”
“You’ll love it.” I smiled.
Xandi kissed the air and winked at the bartender. “And you’ll love me,
sweet young thang.”
“Xandi, let Drake do his job.” I shook my head.
“Girl, mind your business. Drake and I are getting to know each other.”
Chuckling, he headed off to make our drinks.
Xandi’s phone rang.
“No. It’s Ladies Night. No phone calls.” She pulled it out, cursed, and got
up. “Well, I have to get this. It’s Mr. Twelve Inches.”
I chuckled. “Yeah. You should get that.”
Xandi stumbled off. “I’m getting that fat twelve inches tonight.”
Melissa grinned and sipped some of her water. A little dropped on the
front of her silver dress. “I’m so sorry. We probably should have stopped at
the fifth shot.”
“Five shots?” I opened my mouth in shock. “I’m surprised Xandi is still
walking. She’s a lightweight when it comes to liquor.”
“I see.” Melissa picked up her menu. “I was just down and wanted a little
pick me up.”
I seized this opportunity to be nosy. She had a lot of information that I
needed. And I wasn’t sure how Xandi would feel with me interrogating her
friend. Plus, I wasn’t sure if Xandi truly didn’t know what my father had
given her for investments. However, my heart told me that Xandi had no idea
what was going on in the background and thought she was being a good
friend by inviting me down here.
I cleared my throat. “So. . .Melissa, I saw an article where you were
saying you were unfairly fired by the Mayor’s office.”
Nodding, she perused more of the menu. “I’m looking for a good lawyer
now. I don’t know what I’m going to pay him with, but I do know that God
will find a way.”
“He sure will. In fact, I happen to know a few foundations that will help
you pay for your case.”
She paused from the menu and looked at me. “You do. What’s the name?
I’ve been losing my mind trying to find someone. No lawyer in Paradise will
go up against Mayor Parks.”
“Well. . .it’s the Rose Foundation, and we could get a lawyer outside of
She gave me a skeptical look. “The Rose Foundation.”
“Yes. And I am Rose. . .and. . .the Foundation. Basically, I am willing to
fund your legal team for an inside look into what is going on with Mayor
She placed the menu down. “Why?”
“Because I’m interested in what Mayor Parks is doing to the West.
They’re kicking people out of their homes under the guise of a highway, but
there’s more going on than that.”
She frowned. “Where are you getting your information?”
“Am I right?”
“You are, but. . .”
“You don’t know if you can trust me.”
“I’ve read articles about you too.” She shrugged. “Currently, the whole
city is wondering who you’re in bed with.”
I cringed.
“I hate to say it that way, Rose, but. . .I know Xandi. However, I don’t
know you.”
“Then, let’s get to know me.” I held out my hand. “My name is Rose
Walsh. I try to fight on the side of good as much as I can. Currently, I am in
bed with no one. I am not dating Dimitri Ivanov and I plan to have no further
contact with Mayor Parks.”
“And you want to help me battle Paradise city because you care about
blacks in the West. Why?”
“I hate when the bad guys win.”
Drake appeared. He placed three glasses on the bar, engraved with lines of
flowers. Next, he poured Rosé champagne halfway into each glass. The
golden liquid bubbled. Then he topped each one with puffy pink cotton candy
and poured more over it. The cotton candy dissolved, transforming the liquid
to a pinkish gold.
“Thank you.” I picked up mine.
“No problem, Ms. Walsh. Please, let me know when you’re ready to
“We will.”
Never picking up her glass, Melissa watched me.
I took a sip of mine and loved the sweetness. “This is delicious. You
should try it.”
“You really want to help me?”
“I do.”
Suspicion filled her eyes. She took the glass and then tried it. “You’re
right. This is good.”
“And our teaming up would be good too.”
“So, you’re going to pay for my whole legal team?”
“I will.” I took another sip and tried not to get too excited. I could feel her
leaning my way for help.
She placed the glass down and tapped her fingers on the bar. “It could go
on for years. That’s a lot of money.”
“I happen to have a decent amount. My only question is do you really have
a case?”
“I do.”
“Prove it.”
“I have a lot of evidence.” She lowered her voice. “That’s probably the
only reason why I’m alive.”
I raised my eyebrows.
“They know I made copies of certain things and have them with different
people. I told Jonathan Parks that if something happens to me, those people
have been instructed to give the evidence to the media.”
“Oh my.” I took another sip.
“So, I’m alive due to that.” Her bottom lip quivered. “However, Jonathan
doesn’t plan on having me legally fight him during this election, so he’s
forbid every lawyer in a 50 mile radius of Paradise to not take my calls or
meet with me.”
“I know some lawyers out of New York that would come down and help
you. They could gather a proper legal team from this state. But the case
would need to be juicy enough.”
“It is.”
“Can you give me a small taste?”
She frowned. “Are you sure you’re not involved with the Diamond
“What? No.” I considered the question. “Wait. What does the Diamond
Syndicate have to do with anything?”
“Well. . .” She looked over her shoulder. “I started recording the meetings
that Jonathan was having in the courtyard behind the mayor’s office. It’s a
public area and so recording is legal and able to be submitted in court.”
“How were you able to get close enough to record?”
She pursed her lips.
I placed my hand on hers. “I can protect you.”
I gestured to my guards on the other side of the bar. “I’m going to give
you one of my guards to keep you safe.”
She parted her lips.
“And I can get more guards in a few days. I would just need time to work
it out.”
“You really will protect me from the Diamond Syndicate and Mayor
While the Syndicate’s mention made me nervous, I nodded anyway. “Yes.
And because Xandi is your girl, she will make sure I do it.”
She nodded.
“How were you able to get close enough to record these courtyard
She sighed. “I was part of the meetings. Sometimes I was the middle man
for Jonathan. He didn’t like speaking with Police Commissioner Kane
“Alright.” Super intrigued, I moved my hand from hers and took another
sip to calm myself. “What are some of the things you recorded?”
“Jonathan ordered Commissioner Kane to have the police bug all of the
Diamond Syndicate’s churches.”
“Legal monitoring?”
“Not at all. The police bypassed warrants and judge approvals. The
recordings weren’t intended to be used in court.”
I shook my head. “What were they going to be used for?”
“To get rid of the Diamond Syndicate.” Melissa picked up her glass. It
trembled from her shaking fingers. She took a sip and then placed it down.
“And. . .what Commissioner Kane learned about in the recordings was that. .
“I promise you that you can trust me.”
She checked behind her again, faced me, and then whispered, “He knew
that the Four Aces old leader, Leo Hao was planning to kill off the top
Diamond Syndicate members.”
That news bent my mind. Then, shock rocked me. I set the glass down.
“Can you. . .explain that a little more to me.”
“There was lots of footage of Mr. Hao talking to his dead wife’s portrait
about his plans. He went over and over it for weeks. I had to transcribe all the
gory details for Jonathan. He didn’t want his secretary or other staff knowing
about this. It had to be top secret.”
Speechless, my head began to ache. I couldn’t even move my glass to take
another sip. I was still trying to process this all.
Melissa continued, looking as relieved as a sinner in a confessional.
“Jonathan was excited about Mr. Hao’s plans. From then on, Jonathan put
distance between the meetings and forced me to go to each one in his place.”
Her fingers shook again. “I think that if any of this came out, then. .
.Jonathan would point to my being over this.”
“If it came out, you were supposed to be the scapegoat to the Diamond
Syndicate and the city.”
“And he would say that he had no idea. Plus, Commissioner Kane would
have denied Jonathan’s involvement too. Kane will do anything for
“Jonathan is blackmailing Kane.”
“I don’t know what he has over the commissioner, but it is something.”
“Okay.” I finished my drink and set it on the bar. “So. . .let me understand
this more. When Jonathan heard about Leo Hao’s plans, what did he do?”
“Jonathan told Commissioner Kane to have several police cars put on
“And they did?”
“They did.” Melissa put her hands in her lap and twisted her fingers. “The
last report I was a part of. . .Commissioner Kane reported that the two cop
cars followed Leo to a bakery in Paradise and that he’d killed a man named
Johnny Cupcakes.”
My stomach twisted.
The police and Jonathan fucking knew from the very beginning who was
killing who and why.
Melissa’s eyes watered. “My heart stopped when Kane reported that to
me. He thought it was hilarious. And. . .”
She closed her eyes.
I tenderly touched her arm. “It’s okay. Take your time.”
“I’m sorry.” She opened her eyes. “In some ways, this has been
traumatizing to me. I’ve been anxious for months.”
“It’s okay. I’m here now. You have help and protection. I swear to you,
Melissa.” I rubbed her arm. “I promise.”
Melissa let out a long breath. “T-thank you.”
I moved my hand.
She gathered herself. “So. . .Jonathan told Kane to keep following Leo,
but not to arrest him or intervene. As far as Jonathan believed, Leo was doing
a great service for the city. That’s. . .what he said.”
I leaned back in disbelief, still unable to process it all. “Jonathan knew that
Leo was killing off Diamond Syndicate members the whole damn time?”
She nodded.
“He could. . .” I held out my hands. “He could have saved Romeo. Chanel.
Viktor. . .”
I began to drown in sadness, hating myself for even knowing Jonathan and
almost dating him.
I’m going to ruin you, Jonathan. Every dream you’ve ever had will be
crushed and shattered.
Melissa picked up her glass and finished her cotton candy champagne.
She put the empty glass on the bar. “I don’t think Jonathan thinks I’m
going to let that out in court. I actually didn’t even plan on it. My focus
would be the attack on the West and my unfair firing due to my disapproval
of those actions.”
“I think the recordings and all of this must be your focal point in the case.”
“It’s too scary to confess. . .”
“Who knows how the Diamond Syndicate will take this. I mean. . .I could
be in danger with them too. They may want to retaliate or—”
“No.” I stopped her. “I’ll make sure you’re protected from them too.”
I hoped I could back up that promise. While I thought I could convince
Dima, there were the Killer Crows and Marcelo to deal with.
She raised her eyebrows. “How could you protect me from them?”
“First, we’ll start with guards.” I signaled for Mr. Mole to come over.
Eyeing me with suspicion, Mr. Mole rose and came over.
I looked at him. “Tonight, I need you to guard Melissa for me, until I get
her own security team this week.”
Always business, he simply said, “I would have to make a phone call for
A phone call to Dima.
I swallowed down my unease. “Please, do that. And let him know that this
arrangement will be temporary until I’ve provided her own security.”
Pulling out his phone, he nodded and walked off.
Melissa took him in. “Why do you have guards?”
“It’s a long story—one I’ll share with you. We’re in this together.”
“Are we?”
“I want to help you take down Parks and the rest of the corrupt officials in
the city.”
“I would love that.”
“Then, you’re not alone. We’re in this together.” I gave her a warm smile.
“Do you need another drink?”
A sad chuckle left her. “Yes. I do.”
Xandi giggled as she hurried over. “Alright, ladies. I have big dick locked
in for the evening.”
“Good.” I slipped the menu over to her. “Then, you’ll need some food to
keep up.”
“And drinks.” Xandi snapped her fingers.
“I don’t know about all that.”
Mr. Mole returned. A worried expression covered his face.
I looked up at him. “Is it fine?”
“I explained. He listened. I’m now to wait for his return call.”
I nodded. “Thank you.”
Mr. Mole went back to his spot.
Dima, why can’t you just let me give my guard to her? Is there more of a
threat with Leo? What’s going on?
Drake came over. “Are you all ready to order?”
“No, sweetie, but I am in need of one thing.” Xandi batted her lashes.
“And what will that be, ma’am?”
“I need your number.”
“Girl.” I hit my head. “You already have something lined up tonight. Let
him do his job.”
“Stop blocking, Rose.”
Drake winked at her. “I’ll bring my number over with the appetizer.”
I chuckled. “Well, alright then.”
Melissa laughed and it sounded like she really needed it.
From then on, conversation shifted to Xandi’s stories of hot sex in
Paradise City. I didn’t think Melissa wanted to go back into the deadly topic
that had been causing her anxiety for so long.
Since I would be dating here eventually, I asked her tons of questions
about the scene.
Xandi broke down the Paradise dating scene.
She claimed that guys from the South were cheap. They expected both
people to pay on the first date.
Apparently, the guys from the North were perverts. And if they paid for
anything, they expected sex by the evening.
She found the men of the East to be loyal and traditional. However, East
guys didn’t date outside of their race too much.
It appeared that the West was the safest place to find a rich man. Most of
the people who lived there were business execs and artists ready to find the
right woman and settle down.
Along with his number, Drake brought us a platter of house-made focaccia
bread. On some, whipped goat cheese and black truffle topped it. Another
boasted salmon rillette. Pomegranate and Swiss coated another.
“Yes, girl.” Xandi licked goat cheese off her fingers. “You see why I love
this place?”
I swallowed. “Yes, I do.”
“Okay. Okay.” Xandi wiped her hands on her cloth napkin. “Now that the
bread is sopping up the liquor. Tequila shots!”
“Yes, ma’am.” Drake hurried off.
“Absolutely not.” I waved for him to come back, but he didn’t see me.
“Girl, we do not need tequila.”
“Yes. We do.” Xandi laughed. “I have some questions for you about your
recent news articles, Ms. Helen of Paradise.”
I sighed. “Okay. Maybe we can do a tequila shot.”
Drake returned with a bottle of tequila and three shot glasses. Xandi
continued to flirt with him. Melissa sat back and laughed.
Mr. Mole caught my attention as he walked over to me with his phone and
held out in front of him. “Ms. Walsh, this is for you.”
I took the phone and placed it on my ear. “Hello?”
Dima’s dark, sexy voice filled the line. “The guards are there to protect
you, not anyone else.”
“I know, but—”
“That’s that.”
I sighed. “I would like one of them to watch my friend until—”
“This would be a temporary arrangement until—”
“Why?” Dima’s voice held an edge. “And when I say the word why, Ms.
Walsh, it means that I expect an answer. Immediately.”
I rolled my eyes. “And when I start a sentence, I expect you to let me
“You shouldn’t.”
“Excuse me.”
“You’re lucky I’m giving you a chance to explain in the first place.”
Xandi nudged me. “Shot. Shot. Shot.”
“Hold on, please.” Covering the phone, I grabbed a shot, swallowed it fast,
and coughed. The liquid burned my throat. I put the phone back to my ear.
“I’m back.”
“Oh. Joy.”
I frowned.
Xandi gestured at the bartender. “One more for us!”
I waved my hands at Drake, begging him not to do it.
He ignored me and poured another set of shots.
Dima continued, “Your guards remain with you until I don’t care about
your safety anymore—”
“It would just be for a day or two.”
“Currently, I can’t explain.”
“You don’t want others to hear?”
“Exactly. So, please just let me—”
“Then, tell me face to face.”
I raised my eyebrows.
“Come outside.”
My bottom lip shivered. “You’re. . .here?”
“Back entrance. Someone will escort you.” He hung up.
My heart boomed in my chest. I handed the phone back to Mr. Mole,
grabbed the shot, swallowed, and coughed again.
When I was able to regain my composure, I rose from my seat. “I’ll be
right back.
“Looks like someone else is trying to line up big dick for the evening.”
Xandi snapped her fingers.
I wouldn’t say that.
I headed off.
Xandi called back, “And don’t you forget that we have a lot to talk about,
Miss Thang!”
A tall man stood in a black suit. He had a bright yellow tie. He watched
me. When I came close, he signaled at me and led the way.
Shit. I’m going to see him.
I brushed the sides of my dress down.
Back and Forth

followed the man through the Secret Garden. We passed the main dining
I section, continued beyond the bathrooms, and bypassed the VIP section.
Shock came as he opened the door to the kitchen for me. “After you, Ms.
Alrighty. We’re just going to walk through the kitchen.
I entered, stepping into a hectic sea of chefs and waiters all dressed in
white and super busy. The head chef moved here and there, checking each
person’s pan as they fried or seared. Doing my best to stay out of the way, I
continued forward with my guide, passing people dicing vegetables and
spooning dollops of cream onto sizzling slabs of steak.
The whole time, I made sure not to get distracted with the surroundings
and tried to think about what I would tell Dima.
I must be careful and protect Melissa.
If I reported what Melissa told me, I had no doubt that Dima would kill
Jonathan, Kane, and. . .maybe even Melissa. Granted, it made sense being
that they could have stopped his friends from being killed.
However, I had to confirm the evidence was true and report this on a
national level. That way Jonathan and other city officials would be
investigated and other officials throughout America would be on notice to
never try bullshit like this again.
If the Diamond Syndicate handles it, people will be dead and no one will
ever know about these atrocities. At least my way, the world knows.
We arrived at the back door.
The man opened it for me. “After you, Ms. Walsh.”
Be clear. Be stern. Don’t let Dima bulldoze you out of the information.
Breathing in confidence, I walked through and entered the moonlit alley.
Cool air hit me. A huge dumpster was further down, but gave off no stank.
A few puddles dotted the dark ground. On the left side of the alley, it was a
dead end—another restaurant’s back wall.
On the other side of the alley, Dima leaned against the Phantom’s hood
and typed into his phone. His chauffer had nose-dived the car into the alley’s
exit and blocked it. From where I was, I couldn’t tell if the driver was in the
car or not.
Not able to move from the doorway, I took in Dima. All my confidence
Dima wore a champagne colored tuxedo jacket. On any other man, it
might’ve been flashy. On him, it was stylishly smooth. The silky jacket had a
pattern of ornate rose blooms. The shoulders were structured to show off his
muscle. The side and lapels gave him a sculpted profile at the waist. His
black shirt was opened at the top. His black pants formed around his
muscular thighs.
He looked sexier than ever.
He’s super dressed up. Where is he coming from?
Jealousy filled me immediately.
I left the door and walked into the alley.
Whatever. I don’t care what he’s doing. We’re not together.
Walking forward, I glanced over my shoulder. The man didn’t follow me
out. He stepped back into the kitchen and shut the door. I almost wished he
had come with me. I wasn’t excited about being alone in the alley with Dima.
I turned back around and let out a long breath.
It’ll be fine. This is going to be a simple conversation.
I continued forward.
Be stern. Be clear.
My heels clicked on the concrete ground.
Slowly, Dima looked up from his phone and targeted me with his gaze.
My heart boomed in my ears.
His gaze went to my face and then lowered inch by inch. Heat spread
across my skin. I almost stumbled, nervous from his attention. He watched
me like he was some dark creature, preparing to jump out of the shadows and
eat me.
Never moving his view from me, he slipped the phone in his jacket and
remained leaning on the hood.
Remember. Stern and clear.
I stopped two feet in front of him.
His gaze went to my legs. “Why does your friend need one of your
“She has evidence that could bring down Jonathan and probably other
officials in Paradise.”
He snapped his view to my face. “What evidence?”
“At this time, I would like to keep that private so that I can further access
the. . .accuracy of all evidence.”
He knitted his hands together and placed them on his lap. “That sounds
like an elaborate way to say no to me.”
“That’s not a no. It’s more. . .I will tell you later.”
He moved his gaze to my hips. “Come here.”
I swallowed. “I’m already close enough.”
“I disagree.” He rose from the car, closed the distance, and towered over
me. “See. This is close.”
Power and heat radiated from him. My breathing picked up. My heart
boomed in my ears.
He raised his hand and slowly slipped his fingers up my arm, delivering
pleasureful sensations through my body. “What evidence?”
To regain my composure, I inched away.
He caught my arm and brought me to him. My breasts pressed against his
hard chest. His grip tightened. “It’s been a long night, Ms. Walsh. Don’t push
Staring at his chest, I kept my voice low. “Let me go.”
Pain laced his words. “I’ve already let you go enough.”
I looked at him. “Dima, I’m afraid that if I tell you about this evidence,
you or someone else in the Syndicate will kill Jonathan and others involved.”
“Then, it deals with the Syndicate.”
“I’m not saying it does.”
“I’m not asking.” He sneered. “It’s clear that you’re protecting him from
me. Otherwise you would have said something.”
“I’m not protecting him. I’m protecting you.” I tried to move from his arm.
His grip went steel tight. “Protecting me from what?”
“The police.”
He rolled his eyes. “They’re nothing to me.”
“Well then, the FBI or whoever would come if you killed an elected
“I don’t fear any of them.”
“I do.”
“Why would you want to protect me?” He moved his face to the side of
mine, brushed his lips against my ear, and then whispered, “I’m a criminal,
Ms. Walsh. Don’t I deserve to be taken by the good guys?”
I frowned. “Never mind. Forget I said anything at all.”
He quirked his brows and let me go.
I edged away. “I’ll have her stay with me for these next days. That way I
know she’s safe.”
“Interesting.” He backed up and returned to leaning against the hood. Now
two feet of space ran between us. This close, I confirmed that the driver
wasn’t inside the phantom.
Dima crossed his arms over his chest and opened his legs, giving me a
good view of the bulge in his pants. “If you have your friends stay with you,
then the threat comes your way.”
“I have two guards who can help with that. Besides, I plan to get more
people to protect her.”
The line of his jaw twitched. “Fine.”
“Fine.” I turned around and began to walk away.
I stopped.
“You think that this new option will get you out of not telling me what’s
going on?”
I didn’t turn around. “Of course.”
He chuckled.
I faced him.
No humor hit his face.
“I’m not telling you, Dima.”
He frowned.
I decided to change the subject. “So, you’re running for mayor?”
He gestured to the champagne jacket. “You missed my coming out party.”
“I doubt I was invited.”
“You weren’t.”
I glared.
“How’s my cat?”
I rolled my eyes. “She’s fine.”
“I heard she’s not talking to you.”
I scowled. “Then, you shouldn’t have asked.”
He smirked. “Come here.”
I didn’t know why, but I did. Maybe, because he was taunting and teasing
me by just looking so damn irresistible. Perhaps, I desperately yearned to be
closer to him, if only for a few seconds.
This conversation would soon end. Only God knew when I would see him
again and in what context it would be.
I stepped directly in front of him—less than a half a foot. Right in his
reach. It would be nothing for him to have me down on the hood, legs open,
and my pussy available to him.
He touched the curve of my hip and slid his fingers down the side of my
thigh. “You wore this dress for me.”
“I didn’t.”
“That wasn’t a question.” He placed his hand at the hem and then slowly
slipped his hand under my dress.
Gasping, I tried to step back.
“Don’t.” He stopped me with his free hand, grabbing my other leg and
keeping me in place. “You wore the dress for me. Didn’t you?”
I did my best to put on a neutral expression.
“What about the panties? Did you want me to see them too?”
I bit my bottom lip.
“I think that’s a yes.” Slowly, he slipped his hand up my dress, lifting the
material to my hips. Cool air brushed against my bare thighs. Lust blossomed
at my core. He stopped his fingers an inch from my panties and studied them
in the moonlight. “Very nice.”
My nipples stiffened.
He licked his lips. “Have you touched yourself to me yet?”
“You know that it’s inevitable.” He yanked the dress up higher over my
hips, exposing more of my panties. I shivered. He leaned forward, putting his
face close to me, and pressed his nose to the front of my panties. Then, he
deeply inhaled.
I went wet.
A groan left him. “I haven’t enjoyed your not being in my bed.”
Unable to help myself, I rubbed my pussy against his face.
Grunting, he raised his hands and grabbed my ass, pulling me to him more
and burying his face in my pussy. Then, he sucked on my clit through the thin
fabric of my panties.
“Oh!” I grasped the back of his head and rocked into him. “Dima.”
Fast, he whipped me around, causing me to lose my balance. My heels
clicked as he lifted me and gently lay me on the hood.
My back pressed against the cool metal.
I gasped. “What are you doing?”
Hovering over me, he yanked the top of my dress down and glared at my
bra. “What evidence?”
I caught my breath. “What?”
“The evidence, Ms. Walsh.”
“Oh.” I blinked and tried to get up. “I forgot about that.”
“I didn’t.”
“Well. . .you have me half-naked and. . .” I tried to fix my dress by pulling
it back up over my bra.
“Put your hands down.” Tilting forward, he placed his hands on the hood,
trapping me there. He moved in closer until the tip of his nose almost touched
mine. “What evidence?”
Fear filled me. My chest rose and fell fast.
“Now, Ms. Walsh.”
I screwed my eyes at him. “Or what?”
“Or I’ll fuck the shit out of you.”
“You would love that wouldn’t you?” He nipped at my lips.
“Dima, I can’t tell you.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t want to cause a war.”
“Paradise is already caught up in war.” Rage covered his face. “Stop
playing around and pick a side.”
“I’m trying to pick one.”
“You’re not. You’re teetering in between searching for a hero. Let me give
you some inside information about Paradise. There are no heroes.” He
sneered. “Pick a side!”
I trembled. “I want to be on the right one.”
“There is no right one. Both sides hold criminals. Just pick your favorite
ones.” And then he crashed his mouth onto my lips, ending all conversation.
Days ago, his kisses had been sweet and tender.
Tonight, our lips were at war, tasting and bruising. Desperate and angry all
at the same time. Tonight, he growled between our kisses. Tonight, he held
me hard, gripping me. Tonight, I could taste his fury on his tongue.
Groaning, he ripped his mouth off mine and glared.
I shuddered under his attention, slipping between regret and hope, fear and
Silence filled the few inches of space between us. His gaze said more than
his mouth ever could. Love mingled with sadness in those icy blue eyes.
Meanwhile, guilt shivered in my heart. I turned away from him, unable to
deal with the sorrow in his gaze.
“Look at me.” Leaning down to me, he brushed his lips against my cheek.
His whispers slipped along my skin. “Pick a side, Rose. Please.”
I shivered with need. “If I tell you, then you must make a promise.”
“To not kill anyone?”
I looked at him. “Exactly.”
He smiled. “Jonathan was that bad?”
I nodded.
“Then, I can’t make a promise that I won’t kill him.” He tried to kiss me.
“No. I’ll battle Jonathan and everyone else on my own.” I pressed both of
my hands on his chest and stopped him. “Move. We’re done talking.”
“We’re not.”
“We are.” I scooted to the side of the hood and tried to move his arm from
blocking me.
He didn’t move.
“I’ll let you know when we’re finished.” He raised his hand and wrapped
it around my neck.
“Dima.” Freaking out, I froze in horror. My chest rose and fell.
His fingers hugged my throat. “Sometimes it’s okay to kill a person.”
Trembling, I whispered, “I disagree.”
“Because you haven’t had to do it.”
“And I won’t.”
“If you go up against Parks and his political goons, you will need
protection.” He released my neck and slipped his hands down to the mounds
of my breasts. “You think your last name will protect you?”
“Maybe.” I frowned. “My father is involved in small ways.”
He moved his hands from my breasts and studied me. “How?”
“Dima, I already told you what I need in order to tell you—”
“A fucking pinky promise?” He tilted his head to the side. “This isn’t
kindergarten, Rose. If Parks disrespected or harmed the Syndicate in any
way, his blood will flood the fucking streets!”
I gulped in fear.
“Enough.” He moved away and stood. “You should have already told me.”
“You don’t need to kill him.” I sat up on the hood and lifted the top of my
dress up. “You could win this without shooting a bullet.”
He stared at me like I was crazy.
“You could win the mayoral election.”
He laughed. “I only did it to piss you and him off.”
I quirked my brows. “Me?”
“You think he’s a perfect angel—”
“I don’t.”
“The election is a joke to fuck with him. Keep them busy until I’ve figured
“But, I could help you win.”
Tickled, Dima held out his hands. “Why would I want to win?”
“You would have control of the city.”
He sneered. “I already do.”
“Not all the way. And this would be legal.”
“Legal.” He chuckled. “It must be nice to live in your world of right and
wrong. Good and bad. Legal and illegal.”
“Yes. Yes. All politicians are criminals. I get that, but they’re legal
criminals that don’t usually go to jail. Instead, they make more money and
gain more influence and protection.”
It was his turn to blink.
“I’ll admit it. You are right about their being gray areas to the world. I’m
seeing that more.” I got up from the car and pulled down my dress.
“However, that doesn’t mean that I want you to do something stupid.”
“And stupid would be killing Parks?”
“My father and his people are backing Jonathan. They’re grooming him
for presidency. That’s a lot of old money. A whole lot.”
“I don’t give a fuck about them.”
“You don’t beat old money with bullets, Dima. You do it by disrupting
their bank accounts and staining their reputations. In fact, most would rather
you secretly kill them with no one knowing why, then bring shame to their
family’s legacy.”
He crossed his arms over his chest. “Tell me more.”
“There’s an under the table deal. Lots of investments that are going to
happen in the West. They plan on getting rid of Killer Crow land and putting
a highway and prison there.”
“I haven’t heard about this.”
“Because Jonathan will probably announce this after he’s elected. The
investors will need the mayor to sign off on it. Which means my father and
others will need him to get re-elected.”
“But if I win.”
“Then, they’ll have to come to you with this deal. And it will be a multi-
million dollar one. And they’ll have to be at your command. They’ll dance
for you if you ask.”
He gazed off as if considering this. “Yes, but. . . the money doesn’t matter
to the Syndicate. All I care about is that the West remains with the Killer
Crows, and their land is not further disrupted. In the end, Killer Crows decide
what is built in the West.”
I warmed. “I hoped you would say that.”
He frowned. “It’s the right thing to do.”
I extended my hand. “Then, let’s beat Parks and make you mayor. Now
you’ll have an official title—”
“I already did.”
“Fine, Dima.” I showed him my hand. “Can we shake on the possibility
that death does not need to be the answer and that we can work together to
make you mayor?”
He stared at me. “And how will you help?”
“I have Walsh Family political resources. People who will pick me over
my father. Plus, just my standing next to you will give you political power. I
believe that’s the main reason why Jonathan wanted me next to him.”
“And that’s all you’re offering—just to stand by me?”
My nerves frazzled. “What else do you want?”
“Rose. Rose.” He closed the distance between us. “I want all of you.”
“Dima. . .I’m talking about. . .the city. . .and. . .”
“I want you. I love Paradise. I love the Diamond Syndicate, but what does
it matter, if you’re not truly by my side?”
“Perhaps. . .we can make some sort of compromise—”
“When it comes to you, I want everything.”

y cock rested heavy and hard in my pants.
M Damn women.
Rose was gorgeous tonight.
But, then she was gorgeous every day.
You’re very lucky, Rose.
She had no idea how much I’d had to restrain myself from tearing up
Paradise. Each time, I stared at the empty space on my bed or her vacant
chair at my table on the balcony, I began going through hypotheticals on
killing Parks.
There was a point where I wished the guards did see her with a man, so I
could cut his head off in front of her.
Very smart, Rose gave no other man any attention. She remained focused
on her work. And I was left with no one to take my anger out on.
During these past days of separation, I had her guards send me pictures of
her and constantly give me updates. Those images had barely kept me at bay.
When they reported that she was going to the Secret Garden, rage over
took me. Thankfully, I kept calm and realized that she was simply meeting
with friends. However, the photo of her in that dress didn’t help the rest of
my evening.
It was all I thought about during my mayoral candidate announcement
party. My mother and Marcelo loved my wicked idea about running for
mayor. Both thought it should be more than my trolling Parks. Therefore,
they quickly put together a grand affair at Marcelo’s Shamrock, inviting all
news stations to the event.
Everything went well.
And then Rose’s guard called. And I no longer wanted to be there. Mom
was pissed that I rushed away. Marcelo wasn’t pleased either.
No regrets.
I studied my naughty, gorgeous Rose.
Her fragrance surrounded me. That tight red dress taunted the darker parts
of my soul. Had I been an eviler man I would have ripped her clothes off and
fucked her against the wall in the alley.
Even now, I wasn’t sure if I would let her leave without giving her my
Those brown eyes glowed in the moonlight. “Everything?”
My restraint unraveled. “Every. Fucking. Thing.”
“Okay, but. . .”
I had to calm myself. “What?”
“Dima, I need time. I’m. . .I’m just now starting to think that my beliefs
may be flawed or at least should be flexible. I’m. . .” She gazed at her hands
as if searching for more words. “I’m finally starting to realize that I. . .”
I gritted my teeth. “What?”
“That I may want to be with you.”
The muscle on my jaw twitched. “May is not enough for me.”
She looked at me. “I think I could try us out.”
“Try won’t do it either.”
“Dima, you can’t be so straight to the point about love. You have to let it
“I don’t.”
“Let me finish!” She pointed at me. The tip of her finger touched my
chest. “I. . .I missed you.”
I growled. “You should have.”
She hit me with a sad gaze—one that withered my rage away. “Can you
stop being angry with me for a few minutes?”
“I haven’t let my staff change the sheets on my bed because your scent is
still on the silk. I can’t sleep without inhaling that sweet fragrance. I can’t
fucking shut my eyes!” I grabbed her hips and pulled her to me. “So, if you
want my sympathy, you won’t get it.”
“That’s not fair. This is new to me.”
“This is new to me too, but I’m not the one walking away.” I leaned down
and kissed her. My cock stiffened more.
When I pulled away, she whispered, “I. . .admit that I may have made a
“You did.”
“Dima, relax. I can’t be perfect.”
“But you could always give me a chance to do right by you.”
“I’m nervous about us.”
“I don’t care.”
She opened her mouth in shock.
“You don’t get to leave anymore.”
“I don’t know why I let you go days ago. Perhaps, my mother’s house
softened me, but. . .never again.” I lifted her up and placed her curvy body
back on the Phantom’s hood. “You come home with me tonight.”
“Your guards can watch your friend. I’ll be with you now.”
She placed her hands on my chest. “We should at least have some
discussion on things before we decide to start again—”
“Decide? You think you get a decision in this.” I yanked her dress back up
and spread her legs open.
“I get to—”
“Take my cock all night long.”
“I know you’re scared. Give me a few rules. Things that you cannot live
with, and I’ll make sure to not cross them.”
“You know my biggest one.”
“I know your feelings on murder and the illegal activities in my life. We’ll
figure it out.”
“Can it be that easy?”
“There’s no other option.” I gripped her hips hard. “Due to that, I have
better promises for you.”
“What promises?”
“I promise to give you my heart. I promise to master the art of making
love to you. I promise to support and protect you.” I captured her mouth and
pushed her down onto the hood until she was laying down. My erection
pressed against the front of my pants, ready to burst the seams open. My gaze
lingered down to the swell of her breasts. “But, first I promise to fuck you
right here.”
She widened her eyes, but didn’t protest. Her bottom lip quivered, but I
didn’t see fear. Instead, I witnessed burning desire.
I slipped my hands between her thighs and touched her wet panties. It took
no time to slide my fingers under the soft, damp fabric. Her arousal flooded
her pussy.
A groan escaped me. “Do you know how many times I came close to
storming down to your condo?”
“Too fucking many.” I finger fucked her pussy.
Moaning, she trembled against me.
“What would you have done, if I tore the door down, stalked into your
bedroom, and fucked you until you lost your voice from moaning so loud?”
She bit her lip.
“Tell me.”
“I would have let you fuck me.”
“You damn right you would have.” I hiked up the dress higher and pushed
a second
finger insider her.
Moaning, her hands rose and fell back on the hood as if she had no control
of her body.
I slipped my two fingers in and out of her, then added a third finger.
Trembling, she stared down at them, watching those digits play hide and go
seek within her pussy.
“Dima,” she moaned.
“You don’t get to walk away again.” I yanked her panties to the side. With
one hand, I finger fucked her. With the other hand, I undid my belt, opened
my pants, and took out my cock.
I was inside of her in seconds, grabbing her by the hips and gently raising
her pussy so I could slam into it better. My body exploded from the overload
of her. The Phantom rocked back and forth as I slammed into her.
Wind whipped around us. Traffic sounded further out in the street—
honking and blaring, sirens and the music from cars speeding by.
I punished her with my cock.
Moans left her full lips.
I pumped into her hard, thrusting and feeding my soul. Caressing her
breasts and flicking my thumbs along her nipples.
She came hard within minutes, crumbling with pleasure before me.
I loved every second. And when it looked like she was riding the effects of
the orgasm’s aftershocks, I pulled out my cock and flipped her over.
The hood creaked.
A gasp left her.
I slapped her ass.
She shrieked.
And then I stuffed her again, giving her no break. Pounding in that pussy
“Oh!” Her voice rose in the alley.
Ecstasy drummed through me, shattering my bones. I almost lost my
balance. I planted one hand on the hood and gripped her hips, pumping more.
Rocking the car fast.
“Fuck!” I roared. “How did I ever let you leave?”
“Damn it!” My cock jerked and detonated in her pussy, coating that warm,
tight wetness. Dousing her, in my cum. Imprinting my essence, onto her.
And I had no idea how long we remained connected on that hood. I surely
didn’t want to leave her pussy or let her warm curvy body go.
When I finally did leave that pussy, she thought she would return back
into the Secret Garden. That only told me that my cock needed to punish her
She still has no idea of how serious I am.
I kept her in the alley next to me. Next, I made several calls and texts.
Minutes later, we rode to my penthouse.
“I should have at least said goodbye to Xandi and Melissa.” She leaned
against me.
“The text was fine. My men will take care of their bills and make sure
both get back safely.” I ran my fingers through her hair.
“Still, Dima, you’re being impossible this evening.”
“Your dress is now wrinkled, ripped, and spotted with my semen. I didn’t
want you making another Secret Garden headline.”
And I didn’t want you walk away from me, even if it would be only for a
few minutes.
“Why?” She smirked. “Are you now worried about my news headlines
affecting your political career?”
Chuckling, I held her closer to me and gazed out the window, taking in my
city as it shimmered with lights.
Paradise Pirates hosted a home game this evening. I knew my uncles
would be in their VIP box arguing about the players and referee calls. And
they’d be doing so in the tuxedos they wore from my announcement party.
What an interesting twist these days. . .
I stared past the stadium and perused the other parts of Paradise—the
green glow of Marcelo’s South, Lei’s closed-off East, and the luxury of the
Killer Crow’s West. Finally, my view stopped on the North. “You really
think I could be mayor?”
“You could be president.”
I chuckled and returned my view to her.
She looked up at me, completely serious. “It’s true. It only takes money
and the right handshakes.”
“And knowing how to bury bodies.”
“Unfortunately, that’s true too.”
“Maybe, I’ve been training this whole time with the Diamond Syndicate.”
She frowned. “Dima, you can’t kill Parks.”
“I’m intrigued with what he’s done. Apparently, you think I won’t be able
to control myself if I hear it.”
She trembled against me. “You won’t.”
“I will.”
She went quiet.
“What is it?”
“Just trust me, Dima, and let me—”
“What is it?”
“I already told you that I need a promise that you won’t kill him or anyone
else over this.”
Could I abide by that promise?
I assessed the moment—Rose in my arms.
When I woke up this morning, I didn’t think I would see her again. I’d
made peace with the fact that I would have to forget about her. Meanwhile, I
couldn’t even push her face or scent out of my head.
She didn’t want death, and I didn’t want her to walk away from me again.
There must be a loophole in this somehow.
“Please, Dima. Either promise or leave the whole matter alone.”
“Alright.” I sighed. “I won’t kill him. I promise.”
“Okay.” She swallowed. “Then. . .”
“What did he do?”
“He. . .”
I tensed.
“Jonathan has been bugging Syndicate churches illegally. They were
listening to gather secret information to take you down.”
I considered that information. “He heard something?”
“The police heard Leo talking to the portrait of his dead wife. Leo told her
all his plans about killing everyone.” She shivered against me. “The police
followed Leo around, watching him kill. . .your. . .family.”
Rage coursed through my veins.
My head exploded, ripping and tearing. Thank God I was holding her. She
kept me anchored in the new dark reality that came to me.
Parks knew. . .this whole fucking time. He knew. . .and did nothing.
Fear laced her words. “The police and Jonathan could have stopped all the
killings from the very beginning.”
Had she not been with me, I would have had the driver take me straight to
Parks. This one was hard. Every cell in me screamed to slice his fucking
throat. Make him pay. Torture him to no end. Only two words sounded in my
brain over and over and over.
Kill him!
“If you shoot Jonathan. . .or whatever,” she whispered. “It would be
“Yes. It would.”
She swallowed. “And not at all as satisfying as slowly ruining his election
year. . .day by day.”
In my mind, I wrapped my hands around his neck and slowly crushed his
throat between my fingers.
Rose whispered, “Nothing would be more entertaining than you crushing
Jonathan’s dreams. Slowly taking all of his hope away. Giving him
aneurysms as he witnessed his numbers go down and the race. Nothing would
be more enjoyable than to see his fall. His demise.”
And then after that, I’ll kill him.
It couldn’t be fast. I’d made a promise to Rose. I would need to be careful.
His death wouldn’t be by my hands or my bullet, but I would force his death,
nonetheless. I’d make sure his breath left his lungs and his blood fled his
veins and the last vision before him, right as he slipped away, would be my
face, smiling down at him.
“Thank you for telling me.” I kissed her.
She sighed in relief. “Then, you agree about my plan for revenge?”
“And I promise.”
“You do.”
“I do.” I kissed her again.
When I moved away, she snapped her view to the window. “Wait a
I ran my fingers through her hair.
“Dima, why are we at the airport?”
“Ms. Walsh, I also made other promises.”
“What promises?”
The Phantom stopped in front of my jet.
I smiled at her. “You don’t remember?”
“Clearly, not.”
“You need a notebook.”
She rolled her eyes. “Where are we going?”
“I promised you dinner in another country, sex on a yacht, and my cock
rocking your bed as the waves rock us.”
“Dima, we have so much to do in these next days. We should—”
“Fuck until our voices are sore.”
“But. . .”
“I’ve been running Paradise long enough to remember one thing.”
“What’s that?”
“There will always be a fucking problem in this city.”
And someone will always need to die.
My chauffer left the Phantom, headed to my side, and opened the door.
I left and gave her my hand.
She took it and stepped out. The whole time she took in the area. “But, I
will need my passport to—”
“It’s been handled. I had my men get it from your condo.”
“Wait. You sent people back into my place again?”
“Yes, but they didn’t pack your luggage.” I tapped my mini book in my
pocket. “I remembered.”
“Clearly, you did not.”
I raised my eyebrows. “You get mad when I have my men pack your
clothes without your permission.”
“Yes and the invasion of privacy which still happens when you have them
go into my place and get my passport.”
Frowning, I took out my mini book and pen.
“And. . .”
I paused and looked at her. “Yes.”
She pointed to the man near my plane and holding a large pet carrier.
Barbara Whiskers furry white tail twisted around the bars. “You took my cat
“Our cat.” I made a note.
Don’t have my men go in her condo without her permission.
I stared at it and then jotted another line.
It is an invasion of her privacy.
She watched me.
I showed her the page.
She arched her brows.
I shut the mini book and put it back in my pocket. “I’ll figure this out
eventually. Just allow me a few mistakes here and there.”
“And what about a note on my cat?”
“Our cat,” I corrected. “And Barbara deserves a vacation too.”
“Does she?”
“She’s been giving me the silent treatment these past days.”
“As she should have.” I took her hand and guided her to the plane.
Future Plans

hat night, we dined in St. Lucia, feasting on green figs, saltfish, and the
T islands signature rum punch. We danced to a live band. We walked
barefoot on moonlit sand.
Later, we fucked in an infinity pool that offered a jaw-dropping view.
The next day, I had her on my yacht, fucking her in my king sized bed.
And we rode the ocean’s waves. And we rocked into orgasms over and over,
not sleeping, not resting, and barely talking.
Just fucking.
I gorged on her pussy, slept within it when I could, loving the gushy warm
wetness. The treasure. The core of my happiness.
Needing it more than food.
And I loved learning how to please Rose. I assessed the depths of her wet
pussy—the limits and abilities. I stretched and expanded. I pumped and
I assessed the sensitivity of her nipples. One squeeze could make her
moan. One long suck could wet that pussy better than my fingers ever could.
And I loved to breathe Rose in, preferring her scent in my lungs to
oxygen. Needing her essence to survive.
I thrived on thoughts of eternity with her. The possibilities of forever. The
ring. The proposal. The large house. The kids. The never-ending days with
just the company of our souls. The loving memories that we could make.
Was this love?
When I was near her, desire stirred my blood. Obsession roared in my
ears. My vision drowned in her. I could look at no one else. Think of nothing
It was only Rose and the way she made me feel.
Made me want.
This must be love.
Meanwhile, Barbara had a rough time on the yacht, not appreciating the
waves at all.
Due to this, we returned earlier than I intended solely for the love of my
furry friend.
Yet, I continued to feast on Rose within the confines of the penthouse. I
had her in every room I could, from my master suite to other guest rooms. I
ate her pussy in my library and in the kitchen in the middle of the night while
the staff and chef slept in their beds.
She sucked my cock on the balcony as I poured champagne into her
mouth. She lapped the liquid off my balls and I rubbed them all over her lips,
right before spilling cum onto her cheeks and nose.
And I made her keep my cum on her face. I wouldn’t let her wash it away.
And the rest of the night, I watched it dry on her skin as she slept in my arms.
Unfortunately a week later, we were forced to return to business.
During a Sunday dinner at Mom’s house, Rose sold the idea of my
becoming mayor to my mother and uncles. They were overjoyed, and had
faith in her vision.
She hired a top campaign manager the next day, and several plans were
made for us to proceed further.
I can’t wait to beat Parks in this race.
While I wasn’t sure if I could win, I was pussy whipped enough to try for
her. She wanted to beat Parks the right way, and I hoped to keep her next to
me forever, knowing I would secretly kill him one day.
The rest of the week, Rose went over the recordings and transcripts from
the ex-deputy mayor. She’d already got the backing of several New York
new stations to take the story of Paradise’s deep corruption. The news would
be released by the end of the month, revealing that Leo was the serial killer
and that the city knew all about it and did nothing.
Now it’s time to work things out on my end.
With my men, I entered the Secret Garden and headed to the VIP section.
Are they all here?
I spotted Kashmere first. Dressed in a red fur, she sat at one end of the
long table. A small army of red was behind her, and they all held guns at their
Marcelo was on the other side, donning dark green. His gun lay on the
table near his hand. Gunner stood by his side with his big arms crossed over
his chest.
Marcelo and Kashmere glared at each other.
To my surprise, Lei sat at the chair in the middle. He appeared different
today. He wore black sunglasses over his eyes. Usually, he had long hair.
Somewhere between the funeral and now, he’d cut it off. A dark shadow cast
over his face, looking like it would never leave.
A few nights ago, my security reported that Leo’s tracker stopped
blinking. Hours later, my people caught Lei returning to Paradise on his
motorcycle. They said a woman was on the back of his bike and riding with
him. She wore a helmet so they couldn’t see her face.
Apparently a hearse followed them along with Duck and Chen on their
own motorcycles.
Did he kill Leo, and who was the woman with him?
This morning, Kashmere called and told me that she was willing to talk,
since Chanel’s body was returned to Serenity funeral home. She’d added that
there’d been no harm to her body. However, Channel had been embalmed,
dressed in red, and donning a new set of diamonds in the casket that she’d
been delivered in. Red roses also filled her casket along with a new pair of
While Kashmere must’ve still been pissed about it all, she at least came.
I was grateful.
Let’s hope no one kills each other.
I walked over to the only empty chair and lowered myself. My people
positioned themselves behind me. I placed my hands on the table. “Thank
you for coming.”
No one spoke.
“We have many things to make clear today.” I knitted my fingers together.
“I’m going to address the easiest matter first.”
One of my men placed several fliers on the table. They all displayed my
smiling face.
“I’m running for mayor.”
Kashmere spoke first, “Why?”
“Because if not for the Diamond Syndicate, the police would have never
investigated Romeo or Chanel’s murders. It’s time that we seize real power
and move toward more legitimacy under the law.”
She frowned. “And on Romeo and Chanel’s murders, do you have any
suspects yet?”
“We do, but I’ll explain later.” Lei looked at her.
I pursed my lips together.
Kashmere eyed Lei with suspicion. “When?”
“After this meeting,” he said. “We’ll talk. Just you and me.”
Marcelo and I exchanged glances.
Kashmere slowly nodded. “Okay.”
“Since you’re in a talkative mood, Lei.” I raised my eyebrows. “When are
you opening the East?”
“Give me a week.”
“What’s the delay?”
“There’s a funeral to prepare for. We’ll want our privacy.”
I processed that information and hoped for the best.
Marcelo spoke, “Where do we all stand?”
“With what?” I asked.
“There’s been division for the past weeks.” Marcelo gazed around at
everyone. “Are we still the Diamond Syndicate or not?”
I looked at Kashmere.
“I don’t trust any of you. My sister and brother did. Now they’re dead.”
Kashmere frowned. “As far as I’m concerned, the West is with the Diamond
Syndicate on a probationary basis. We’ll see what happens in these next
I nodded. “I’ll take that. Enough atrocities have come your way. Whatever
we can do to heal the West let me know.”
Kashmere gave me a hint of a grin. “Don’t worry, Dimitri. I’ll send you a
list soon.”
Conversation shifted to the imports and exports of business—guns and
stolen luxury goods, brothels and drugs. Lei kept quiet most of the time.
Marcelo and Kashmere held tense negotiations between the South and West.
After the meeting, I believed we were more divided than ever. Yet, hope
still sparked within the dark corners of my mind.
I headed to the Phantom and pulled out my mini book and pen. Then, I
jotted down a note.
I can unite us.
I placed the book and pen back in my pocket and left the Secret Garden.
My chauffer held open the door. “Where should we go next, sir?”
Smiling, I thought of Rose cuddled up with my kitten and a good book.
“Take me home.”
I gave a sad smile to the empty seat across from me. The one where Viktor
used to sit. The one I would never fill again.
I took my pen and mini book out again.
I miss him, but I’ll be okay. Rose and Barbara are with me.
We left the West’s downtown area.
Putting my book and pen up, I gazed out my window and took in the view
of Paradise. My city of brilliant wealth and power. A place that could be
heaven and hell. A city that stalked and consumed like a dangerous beast, yet
saved more souls than any angel. A land of luxury for the darkest alphas.
Caviar Lime Highway looked packed. Billboards on each corner showed
Parks smiling in boring gray suits, looking as fake as ever. And right across
the street, were double the amount of billboards displaying me. They were
larger too. And in them, I smiled with Rose by my side, and we sparkled
above the city.
I wish I could see his face when he sees them.
The Phantom rounded onto Platinum Row.
Just another day in Paradise.

Many, many years later. . .

I closed the photo album and looked down at little Marcelo. “The end.”
Those small eyes gazed at me in disbelief. “No.”
I looked to the side. Cara had passed out right when I began describing the
moment I met Rose. She’d never gotten to the other murders. Lightly snoring,
she held her yellow teddy bear tight to her chest. My mother had given it to
her this Christmas morning, and I believed it to be Cara’s favorite toy.
Marcelo moved the cover from his legs and tried to get out of the bed.
“You can’t finish there.”
“It is bedtime. You should already be asleep.”
“There’s so much more story to tell.”
“I gave you the gist of it all. And as you already know, everyone. . .well
most everyone lived happily ever after.”
He pouted. “But, what about the Killer Crows? And the Four Bases?!”
“Four Aces.”
“Did Lei kill his dad? Did Kashmere every forgive you? What happened
with the mayor race?”
I grinned. “You like my stories?”
He used his little fist to punch the air. “They’re the best!”
“Shh.” I held a finger in front of my lips. “We can’t wake Cara.”
“Grandpa, I want more stories.”
“Not tonight.” I helped him lay down and rose from my chair. “However, I
will tell you some more tomorrow.”
“I want to know more about Marcelo too.”
“Of course you do.” I grinned. “You’re named after him.”
Smiling up at me from his pillow, he asked, “Why did Mommy name me
after him?”
“Because I made him your mother’s god father, and he took it much too
Marcelo grinned.
“He protected her like she was his daughter. He was the one to give your
Mom her first gun.”
Little Marcelo opened his mouth in shock.
I bent over and kissed his forehead. “Now close your eyes and go to sleep
and dream of unicorns stabbing sheep.”
Marcelo giggled.
“Dima.” Rose stepped into the bedroom with a disapproving expression.
“Evelyn asked you to not say that to him.”
I sighed. “Evelyn must understand that I am the father and she is the
“Yes, but Marcelo is her son and she wants to make his childhood less
violent.” Rose strolled in and placed a kiss on his cheek. “How’s my little
grandbaby doing?”
“Super good. Grandpa told me about a serial killer who wanted to murder
seven people. And you helped him find out who it was! And you were dating
a really, really short man that grandpa beat up several times.”
Rose kissed him again and shook her head. “I see your grandfather took
several liberties with that report, not to mention the fact that it is not an
appropriate bedtime story.”
I raised my eyebrows. “How is it not appropriate? It’s about love and
courage and it has one of the most epic heroes in it.”
“Get out, Dima.” She chuckled. “Before Evelyn doesn’t bring my
grandbabies back over again.”
Little Marcelo countered, “But, I love when Grandpa tells me stories about
the Diamond Syndicate.”
“That’s fine.” Rose smiled. “However, tomorrow grandpa will tell you
about the three little pigs.”
Marcelo returned to pouting. “I would rather hear about the Four Aces.”
I winked at him. “Don’t worry, my little buddy. I’ve got you.”
Rose shook her head again.
I took her hand.
We left the room.
Rose frowned. “You’re going to get in trouble with Evelyn.”
“That’s fine. In the end, Evelyn is a proper daddy’s girl. I don’t have to
truly follow the rules.” I led her to the balcony.
“I hope you’re right. I really love having the grandkids here.”
“Did Evelyn give us an update on Little Dimitri?”
“She called and told me that his fever is down. And that he’s doing
“Good.” I nodded. “He’ll be okay. He’s an Ivanov.”
Rose rolled her eyes. “He’s actually a Jones, Dima.”
“But there’s Ivanov blood running through those veins.” Out on the
balcony, I shut the door behind us and pulled her toward me. “After Evelyn
picks up the kids, we should head down to Paradise.”
She chuckled. “O-kay. Tell me more.”
“The Secret Garden is doing better than ever. We should sneak down and
fuck in the bathroom.”
More laughter came. “I like that idea.”
“You do.”
“However, Dima, I don’t know if you can get on your knees like you did
that night.”
“Oh, really?” I spun her around.
She shrieked.
I had her up against the wall. My cock began to harden. While it didn’t
spring to life as fast as it did long ago, Rose could still make it stiff as a
board. She forced me to stay in shape for our older years, and made sure our
food was nutritious and our minds held peace.
Marrying her had been the best decision of my life.
Slowly, she turned around, gazed at me, and placed her arms on my
shoulders. “I love you, Dima.”
“I love you too. It’s amazing that I’m still not bored with you yet.”
She smirked. “You’re shocked by that?”
“Well, there are statistics.”
“I’m going to ignore that comment because I’m horny and would like you
to make right on our weekly fuck on the balcony. I know it was a busy week
with our grands but—”
“In all these years, you think I would have forgotten?”
She widened her eyes.
“Our staff is bringing the caviar now.”
A soft moan left her.
“That’s right.” I nipped at her lips. “You just have to keep it down and
make sure you don’t wake the grands.”
She arched her brows. “You’re the one that always wakes up kids when
we’re fucking.”
“I’m quiet.”
“You’re loud and I love it. You can’t get enough of this cock, and I love it
even more.”
Lust filled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll do my best to keep it down.”
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For steamy AMBW Romance, check out

Dirty Kisses (Kazimir & Emily 1)

Dirty Love ( Kazimir & Emily 2)
Dirty Hearts (Kazimir & Emily 3)
Dirty Minds (Kazimir & Emily 4)
Dirty Passions (Kazimir & Emily 5)
Dirty Cravings (Kazimir & Emily 6)

Dirty Desires (Misha & Ava 1)

Dirty Obsessions (Misha & Ava 2)
Rhapsody (Jean-Pierre & Eden 1)
Sonata (Jean-Pierre & Eden 2)

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