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0 Discussion

Summary of Findings

Base on the result of the survey, the average age of the respondents that include in the study is
ranging 46 to 50 years old. Majority of the marine engineers are in operational level where almost of them
are third engineers. These engineers are well good, most of the engineer experience 24 to 26 years in their
career. The outcome of the conducted survey is successfully achieved the objective of the study. The
researcher is able to identify the effects of additional solar power system to the marine engineers and to
the operation on board. Base on the result, marine engineers have the knowledge and understand the solar
power utilize marine vessel. Solar power is environmentally friendly and the marine engineers hope that
in the future all the vessel will have solar power system on board base on the verbal response during the
survey. The solar power has many positive benefits and the negative also need to be consider. Marine
engineers reveal that it will affect the weight and space on board. Solar power itself have disadvantage,
during night time it charging like day time and base on the marine engineers the weather can be avoid.

The marine engineers are positively accept the additional job on solar power. It is good to the
company; it will make the company save money. Most of the engineers want to use the solar power on
daily operation and maintenance schedule. Solar power have panels and batteries, on the panels it needs a
good quality to stand big waves or in bad weather condition and on the batteries it will occupy a big space
on board and also it will make the vessel more heavier. This solar power will help the productivity of the
vessel due to the good and it is easy to access. Most of the engineer want to use solar power on lighting
and navigation equipment.

Over all, majority of the engineers agree in solar power utilize marine vessel. It will benefit the
operation of the vessel in the way that this solar power is not require more time to be use than the typical
fuel oil engine. In comparing the solar power energy to the fuel oil engine, all marine engineers are
complaining to the high temperature and noisy work place on the typical fuel oil engine. On the solar
power it is less noise and high productivity.

The maritime industry is having modernization from the solar power supplying industrial and
high areas now into the ocean. This study aims to know the effects of solar power on the marine engineers
and on the operation on board. As the result reveal, the researcher come up with the following conclusion
and recommendation:

In the analyzation of the result, Majority of the effect of the solar power on the marine engineers
and on the operation of the vessel is positive. From the operational level up to the management level and
to the most experience to the least experience it is not important on the seafarer to have knowledge and
understanding the solar power energy due to rare count of solar power vessel in the world. Only 1 marine
engineer that has experience solar power on board in the total of 50 respondents. Even though the marine
engineer has no experience working on the solar power vessel, they have the knowledge and they are
willing to learn.

Therefore, we conclude that the marine engineers have the knowledge and understand the job of
having solar power on board. This means marine engineers is competitive to do a job in this kind of
vessel. The experience of working on solar power vessel is rare in this country. The constructing of solar
power has so many things to be consider and it takes time to make sure the good and quality operation.
This solar power is profitable on Passenger vessel.

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